Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 199, 5 May 1866 — Page 3

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iUrhmond Sispatth. vTIKPAV. MAY :>, 1^6. ?,.v. HeriweMhcr WlH??on. ws to announce the death < Ho ,Hc,l a. hi, | ;?? llanover, vestcrday morning, !,;^mnth>ear oilman. Mr.; N a native of Richmond, pur- , u.rarv studies at Richmond Col- j !l lu> tlK'Ol.fci^l studies at Madison '^;fv New Vork. lie was plained n o( ,1,0 ministry in the Second n. 4 < ..r( h of this city in IMS, of ; ,.J been from his early youth a j jj4n w.i* successively pastor ot vt Church nt Charlottesville, 01i\ e ! ( imrt h in tlte city of New York, 1 Und-strcct Church, Norfolk; 1 \\. ]?t i"t Church, Savannah : ami m< nccinent of the war was the ? Sansoin-strcet t hureli, 1 hi 1- i Like most Southern men, on , of his State he resigned his j Philadelphia and east his lot } ;> own people in their great :,.r their constitutional rights. v and faithfully prosecuting j , .is s niinistt r of the Gosjh-1 in , ,nnt v ? !' llanover, when some of pvn's r.iiders in the spring of 1 m, ? vi an. iv from home, carried him . _ ?; t o rain and sleet for three or four . u ? insufficient clothingand t*? , - M'-uroe, where he was incareerailiree months. I'pon a constitution j feeble, his exposure and iiu:m r.t produced the disease which! terminated in death. Mr. \\ txwas a faithful pastor and eloquent licr, and greatly beloved by the pcoimongst whom he lab(?red. At the ins death he was pastor of the >ulle and Mount Olivet Baptist - ot" Hanover. ??????? I iio from Mexico Mint Central America. , V< :k. May ? The City of Mexico I < 'inl'Miee of t he 1 1 1 li says the siege V t, ?,..!! continued. The Liberal eomwas found by the French sick in ! : shot. \ \ Cut/, April 15, via Nkw OrMav 2. ? Generals Almonte, Heron, uiincourt, together with four hundred ? troops, have sailed for Europe, il (ialvez lias been arrested and 1 it Puchla. i, ial Garcia has arrived at the capital k> :i r.?' portfolio as Secretary of - 1, 1'iunza has been appointed Presi- ? the Ministry. .lo.t -liiu N'oriza has l>een named Secretary of State. . iv no doubt that Maximilian in- ? S ! > make a general draft. i i .1 Lrz.irde defeated and put to ?? . !. .'.oral who were grouping at (.oii. The latter lost forty killed ? >i prisoners, besides some arms ii'iuittoii. , , ; .,:i .,:.stiii iie encounter, Corona's rces were defeated at 1'rias del . lining three hundred and fifty . i a ! number wounded. ? , ti.ii remained in good condition,1 , . ; l tv. ? !%-<? hundred troops, and i ijnj u uas si n m to he formed to ? \? ili (ii neral La/.ada on Pazario. I:.j.;i."l Government lias lixed a ? rci :pti?ry term i<?r the presentII i r x-dits against revenues. .-I |?ti).in arrived on the 21st ultimo ?. with "lie hundred and fifty men, : -? rest of his forces at ditl'erent . .ii?. inline to inarch against the Juaing C'iudad, Victoria, and Kio ??-i \> . i Luis P? t<>si continued t<> be occuli e guerillas of Barragon. ?' < !n> t'<>u? small engagements are report - ? in the Imperialists are invariably ?i i" i>. llav ma correspondence says a cargo , _ us hive just been landed and dis- ' ! "ii the south side of the island. ? :e is a larpe stock of sugar on hand, ? i ghts are brisk. in s from Kio Janeiro to the 3d of : -tale that two Peruvian iron-elads ! from England, and the captain of "?t.mish si hooner Perotfea was using \ ii rican tlag. A Peruvian iron-clad , i\ i \|K*eted from the United States, of an attack on Pare da Patria, ? rossjng imu Paraguay, is hourly w> ' t? I.

Involutions of IIm1 Kpntiifky l>emo? emtio (onvciiHon. ;-vij.i,k, May 'I. ? TIio resolutions I *' i ! v tin- " Democratic" State Cuii- \ ? " i ale ;i* follows : ? we declare our warmest attach- ? 1 .?? l'liinn of tin- States under the ? -1, till!. .11. ! !h* Federal Government is one of ' i ..it 1 restricted powers. ' ? exercise of' any power by the 1 i.i'< (iovenuueiit not delegated to it ? ('??n.*titutioii is a usurpation to detV people of their liberties. ? ('..unless has no right to deprive >;.t* <>t representation in Congress. 'lie Federal Government has not 1 . it t-? abridge the freedom of speech i ? press, and that their suppression ? d? -trii<-ti"ii of every principle of i'ioiial liberty. ' tin- Federal Government has no try civilians by military eommis- - ? 1 drum-head courts. martial. i ' the question of suffrage belongs I ? ? i y t'? tiie States. \vc recognize the abolition of ?<*. .ui aeconiplished fact, but earni that Kentucky has the right to it-' political status of the negroes * 'i li'-r territory. i ill' writ of h'ibefis corpus should ? it dulv restored as soon as the war v. m-lni. ?' we earnestly request the GoVeriit" practice the most rigid economy, " -> eutr those who have been guilty "'.'I, corruption, and embezzlement, t large standiug armies are not to be '? i iu times of peace. i taxation should be made equal and i n, and that the Government securi- ? .ii!d not be exempt from taxation, t the thanks of the country arc due * dent Johnson for his vetoes of the tu- n's Bureau and Civil Rights bills. ; our Senators and a majority of our j entatives in Congress have acted e torily to the people, and merit our ?' ' , bistrnMiouM from IIh* President. Oklkavs, May 3.? President John. ? led General Canby not to in. 1 ? tth the United State.- Court. '* '?? i.d Canby han released the cotton military, and turned it over to ' '' '1 States Mar.shal. v'Ka1 f'AtsKH TUK C/OOL Sl'KlKO. ? A writes from Iceland concerning the *? *hich he savjj was unusually seai'd ixilU : ' 'taie of tilings will no doubt oc1 a ?ii<*t tremendous northern Ice h ' < a'iiM'?|ueue^ of which you will "? b'ijfUiid and other northern couti- ' *? Ihe enormous Ice blocks will be , " the Atlantic, and melting ! be the cause of much rain, ""d ?uow, with a considerable lower. ' ? > 4^ur lucau h um me r temperature." :tt <iuclor proved to bo right #o for, .

Washington News RESTORATION DEBATE IN THE SENATE The semi-official publication of the endorsement of the President's policy of reconstruction by all of the members of his Cabinet save Harlan caused great consternation at the Capitol to-day among the Radicals. The speech of Senator Dixon and this Cabinet pronunciamento have completely annihilated tho bantling of the , Reconstruction Committee. -Correspondence World. MA JOR Tt'RNKIt NOT MISTKRKO OCT. Tho recent order mustering out, among othor general officers, Brovot Major-Gene-ral John W. Tumor, ha* l?con revoked, and he will until further orders remain in command of the military district ot llotirieo, Va. ? (heelnj. OVTRAOES OX TIIK KREEBMEX. Under the above head, the Now York Tribune has tho following special dispatch from Washington: "Tho President has prohibited (rcncral Howard from giving any information relative to outrages committed l?v Southern wlutcs on the freed men." stantox'm rosiTiox. Tlu* Radical* are exceedingly flurried alnnit Mr. Stanton's position. The fact is ' his remarks in Cabinet on the subject <>i reconstruction were rattier extended and; very emphatic. A Cabinet officer stated j yesterday that not one of his associates , Would deny the verity of the report that j has been published of the late Cabinet; mooting relative to restoration. It will bo rouiemlH'rcd, also, that some time since it was Mated by a secretary that Mr. Stanton supported the President's policy of restoration. The Radicals desire to interrogate him, but are afraid. OKA XT AXD BLAIR. ficncral Grant is not pleased with the ( Radicals. lie docs not appreciate their poli- 1 cv in rejecting tho nomination of Colonel F. 1*. Blair, but declares that to Blair more than to any other man is owing the fact that ! Missouri ?1 i?i not secede. No VKTO FOK TIIK COLOR A 00 BILL. Some of the parties who opposed it. have started a rumor that tho President will veto the bill, but many of its friends have j no such apprehension, as the President, early in the session, in a special message, I submitted tho question of admission to Congress, for the reason that the irregularity as t ? ? the tiiue and mode of adopting i tin- Constitution prevented him from issuing a proclamation immediately declaring 1 Col 01 ado a State in the Union, as contemplated by the terms of tho enabling act. Mows. Evans and Chaffee, the Senators elect, are in Washington. ? Correspondence j Sun. ^ ___ Tho l ira I a *?e ol Cholera tn Xew York? The <'?u*o. OkFICK OP SaXITARV StTERIXTEXBEXT } METROPOLITAN* BoaRBOP HEALTH, n No. 301 Mott street, New York, May 1. ) ' To the rresi'h ut of the tropolitin Hoard of Health: Si ? 1 have the honor to report that the j y?o.s/ martini examination of the body of Mr>. Jenkins, who < 1 it*< t yesterday at house corner Third avenue and Ninety-third street, veritied the evidence of Dr. \Y hite, r her iittending physician, that th< cu*e ic(ts on* <?/ true ehohra. The house, which is, very old mid lilthy, has a cellar partially filled with stagnant water, and is, in its present condition, unsafe for occupants. They have therefore vacated it, and have been provided with temporary quarters at the Battery Barracks until sai<l house can bo put in proper condition for .use as a tenement. I Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, El?. B. 1) ALTON*, Sanitary Superintendent. ! THE SECOXB CASE. !>;?. Llisha Harris stated that he had just left the bed-side of a woman who was dying of cholera in a tenement house, No. ll.*> Mulberry street, room No. 17. A physician of 1 1 1 < ' New \ ork Dispensary had hoard of the ease, and visited tho woman, whom he unfortunately found to lie in a state of collapse and beyond his help. He, Dr. Harris, instanced this unhappy case to illustrate the necessity of the aid ol the dispensaries and their officers.' ? Tiniis, nr. Davis Permitted to Write? A Letter from Him. Wo spread before our readers, says the Favettcville (N. C.) Xeus, the following letter from ox-President Davis, in response to one from the ladies of Favettcville enclosing a check for Mrs. Davis : "Fortress Moxroe, Va., 22d April, 1866. " J frs. ?/. A". Kyle, Fay< ttvville , -V. C.: " My Dear Madam, ? I have the honor to acknowledge yours of the 1 1th instant, enclosing a check to be forwarded to Mrs. Davis as a present from the ladies of Fayctteville.

'?Sa<lly remembering how your homes wore desolated during the war, I could not have expected you, in the midst of the ruin, to have been mindful of the wants of those at a distance. Nothing could add to my admiration for the heroic, self-denying, Christian virtues of my countrywomen, for the mea.sure was full to overflowing. Nor could anything increase the gratitude with which ] will ever recur to their contidence and sympathy. It only remains to assure you, and the ladies whom you represent, that I am most gratefully and respectfully your friend and obedient servant. 44 Jefferson Davis." Thr American Medical Association! tpon the Ciiolera. ? We had supposed that if medical science could he relied upon to enlighten the public in regard to cholera, we might with confidence look to the results of the deliberations of this assemblage of the wisdom of the profession. But behold the fact. Head what the doctors say : 44 Dr. Marsden, of Canada, stated that an experience of live visits of cholera during the past thirty-four years had enabled him to form a plan which he thought would serve as a check to that disease. The basis of the plan is isolation ? absolute non-intercourse with persons HUspeeted of I being infected, with a thorough disinfec- 1 tion of personal e fleets ? and is founded on ! the principle that cholera is portable, con- ! t rollable, and communicable." Dr. Sayre, of New York, agreed in this j view, ile said that isolation was the proper course. He was shocked at the j dissemination theory advocated by some gentlemen. No case of cholera was ever generated in this country ; it is imported, and we are criminal in allowing it to be imported. So much for one side. On the other, Dr. Linton entered his solemn protest against the doctrine advanced by Dr. Marsden and the urguments of Dr. Sayre. The disease is not c^itagious, and ninetenths of the profession are of that belief. He hud no fears of the cholera being imported. If wo have it, it will arise in our n?id:>t, and we will not Ik; any safer with forty cordon* or <|uarantines. Dr. Bell, of Brooklyn, argued against Dr. Marsdcn's theories. So did Dr. Atler, of Pennsylvania. Dr. King agreed with Marsden. Dr. Lee supported Dr. Marsden's theories, stating that nearly all the medical authorities and magazines admitted the portability of cholera. Vioi.ext Tornado. ? A dreadful tornado , j?sscd through Polk, Paulding, and Barton counties, Ga., last week. In Barton county, a woman ami two children were killed by j the blowing down of the houw. Several other dwellings were prostrated. Stables were swept away and horses killed by the fury of the tornado.

TELEORArnib NEWS. ronermlonnl Proreedlnf*. Wash i xuton , May 4. ? Senate. ? 1 The open Reunion to-day occupied About two hours. The proceedings wore not of go. ( neral importance. In executive session, the Senate eontlrmcd, among others, the appointment of Lewis I). Campbell, minis. . ter to the Republic of Mexico, and Robert j L. Northeott, postmaster at Clarksburg, Western Virginia. House. ? The House passed the bill establishing the grade of general in the army, to which Lieutenant-Genoral Grant will be undoubtedly appointed. From Mexico-More Li Ite ml Victories, j Sw Francisco, May 3. ? Late *>fllcial j advices, dated El Paso, March 30, [not very j late. Dispatch,] announce that the Liberals i tool; Chihuahua on the 20th Manli after two days' hard lighting, and capturing, among other prisoners, the Imperial Mayor [that is, the mayor is of Maximilian's politicsj. Two days afterwards, the Liberals captured the city of Hidalgo by assault. These victories [the telegram says] will restore the State of Chihuahua to the Liberal Government, which has gained other signal victories. i:?Mt Tennessee Stale Convention. Cincinnati, May 4. ? The Convention called to consider the propriety of organizing a separate State Government for East Tennessee met at Knoxvillc yesterday. The President of the Convention was authorized to appoint a committee to bring the resolution before the Legislature. !\'eu York Market*. New York, May 4. ? Cotton tlrm at o\H 3.">c. ? advanced 10^ 20c. Wheat advanced l@2c. Corn dull at Beef steady. Fork firm at 28;,.1*i20c. Whisky dull. Cofl'ee steady. Naval stores firm. Sugar quiet. Gold, 1275a. Halt i more Market*. Baltimore, May 4. ? Flour quiet ; stock j light. Southern wheat firm ; receipts small, j Corn scarce and firmer ; white, S.r?e.; yellow, 84c. Oats firm at 56c.Ci-."?7c. Provisions steady. Western lard, 20 lJc. Coffee dull and heavy. Sugar steady ? refining grades, lOc.fglO'jj'c. Whisky, $2.2.r?^6?2.2G. Clement C. Clay, Jr., on the eve of his release from Fortress Monroe, addressed the following note to two officers of the steamboat line : Fortress Monkok, April 20, 1 SCO. . Captains lilakeinan and Land is : Gentlemen, ? On the eve of departure, and as a last act, I tender you all I have to offer ? my thanks and grateful acknowledgment of your repeated kind offices and courtesies to one dearer to me than myself, when in deep allliction, my boloved wife. I may forget it, for I am but a man. The good God never will. May He reward you. j Verv truly vour friend, C.'C. Clay, Jr. [ Tiik Mktiiodist Church in Frkdfricksiit'iii!, ? Mr. Stanton referred the decision of the question of title to the Methodist meeting-house in Fredericksburg to General Terry, and he referred it to Judge Hamhright. It will soon be doeided. One of the claimants represents the people who paid for the church, the other represents au abolition organization ? the Northern Methodist Church. It may be decided, as we suppose it will be, in favor fit the Radicals, but the people of course "will refuse to hear any preacher from that Conference. A preacher must be a fool or a hypocrite to j try to force himself upon an unwilling people, and take by technical advantages ; property which he knows rightfully be- ; longs to the parties ho is attempting to j despoil. A Whale in the Chesapeake.? The ! schooner Clara Coward, Captain George White, of Tyaskin, Somerset county, en- J countered a whale off Barren Island, in the ; Chesapeake Bay, on Monday, April 23d. 1 The captain was at the wheel about sunrise, when the whale was first discovered, I and was puzzled for a time to make out the i character of the long black mass that rose i from the water about one hundred and fifty ' yards from the schooner. He was soon convinced that it was a whale, and called all hands to endeavor to get out of his reach as soon as possible, lie made in for - shore, hnt the whale still followed until ; the captain, finding he meditated no harm, put out into the deep water again, when the whale left and ran up the bay, having followed the schooner over an hour. ? 'Somerset llerubl.

Hon. John* Lktciikr arrived in Harrison, burg on last Saturday night, and remained until Tuesday, stopping at Hill's Hotel. We had the pleasure of his company in our sanctum for an hour. He is looking remarkably well, and seems in line spirits, notwithstanding, we arc sorry to state, he has not been pardoned by the President. He was met with a hearty welcome by his numerous friends here, who feel a deep ' solicitude in his speedy release from his parole l?y a full pardon. ? 'Rockingham 11'tjisttr. W ii Kit k to Report.? Delegates attend-1 ing the Annual Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Virginia, which meets in Alexandria on the 16th instant, will report themselves at the book store of Messrs. J. & W. J. Entwisle, No. 110 King street, where a committee will be in attendance to have them pro. perly eared for. ? Gazette , 3(/. Sharp Practice. ? Wo were shown a few days since, a roll of butter, nice and yellow, which, when cut in two, contained about half a dozen Minie balls. The but- J ter was taken in at the store of one of our most substantial and careful mercantile houses, and sold to a citizen of the place. Such tricks are always discovered, and in- ! variably operate to the injury of those who perpetrate them. We trust the guilty; party will be found out and exposed. ? ! Rockingham Register. Foote Rkojvivus. ? Yesterday we had the pleasure of receiving a visit from the ' distinguished Ex-Governor Henry S. Footc. He said to us yesterday that he contem- 1 plated locating in Kentucky, perhaps in this city, at an early day. ? Louiwille Journaiy In/. There is a United States Senator to be elected in Kentucky next winter, we believe, and Footc is perhaps looking to be a candidate. _ Sixteen bodies of the victims of the late tire in Detroit have been recovered from the river, and all but one have been identified. The work of dragging the river continues. Five white men were whipped, May 3d, at Wilmington, N. C., for larceny, by order <if the court. The Freedmen's Bureau did not interfere. A I'PLKS, APPLE8, A PPL EH.? ; A ItKP Al'PLES ?tnd KU6SET8 Ju?t tram N.w ^Vwrt.'WlRUX, ap 24? U No. 80 Mull! Hti?et. North carouna no. f cut HKBJUKOB for?*l?br - JOHN V. 00BD0N A SON, my 4 Fourt?ontu street, near Exchange Hotel. I

riJVAJVC'IAL AMD COMMERCIAL. In New York, ye?t?rday, the gold mar. j ket won quite ?tcady, undergoing very little variation. It opened lit 127% ftnd cloned at 127^. 1 In this city, quotations were without al- , tc rat ion from Thursday. ! The New York Stock Market, on Wed- 1 nes.lny, Government securities were active, ami when it was made known that Mr. Sbertnan had introduced tlie Funding bill into the United States Senate, prices of j all classes of national stocks improved a fraction, the buovaney bring most appa- I rent it. the gold-bearing live -twenty 0 V cent# and ten-forty 5 V cents, both of which were quite scarce for immediate i delivery in the afternoon. The feasibility of marketing at not less than par ;> V cent. | non-taxable bonds of the United States,, having thirty years to run, to an amount > sufficient to provide for the redemption or j consolidation of all the outstanding obligations of the Treasury, was not called in question, and of the salutary effect on the public credit and currency of such a judicious conversion of the present multiform national obligations, at variable rates of interest, into an uniform 5 V cent, stock, interest and principal payable in coin, as provided for in the bill of Senator Sherman, no doubt was expressed. The Persia took out, on Wednesday, $120,000 in coin. The rate of sterling exchange by the Persia was 109 '4. The Evening 1'osl gives place to the following calculation, in view ol Senator Sherman's funding measure : The saving of interest by the conversion of a G V cent, debt into one bearing only 5 ^ cent, is simply 1 V cent.? annum. An easy calculation shows that the amount of this on $2,000,000,000 would be as follows : * 20.000,000 In one year..... 400,000,000 n twenty yam 800 000 000 In forty yearn ? ? If, however, the amount should be semiannually set apart as a sinking fund, bearing compound interest at 5 V cent. V an num, the following would be the result . In twenty year* the coinponnd interest ^ p5fl I iTtwonty ^ears the* principal would be W.ooo'.ooo ToUl f?M,79l,956 In forty years the compound interest j I iiforty ycartVhe principaVwoulii be. . W.ooo>.o Total ...v. Va? *2,612,MJ'133 In thirty-six and a half years, coin- ^ pound interest and principal 2,050,55*,.? From this statement it appears that the annual saving of interest which would be effected by the change from G ? cent, to 5 ? per cent, would give us a sinking fund which would pay off the whole of our national debt in thirty-six and a half years. Money in New York was unchanged in price. The supply was far in excess of the wants of the street, and no disposition to make permanent investments outside the Government interest. The decrease in legal-tender notes from April 1st to May 1st was: in greenbacks, $7 584,931; in 5 per cents, due and paid, ?2,500,000 ; in compound legal-tenders, ?5,000,000. Total, ?'15,0S4,934. The following is a statement of the public debt of the United States on the 1st of May, IStiG : debt BBARIS?? COIN interest. Fiv<> percent, bonds ? ????,??? *o |g jr.j SI: ?? Total debt bearing coin interest . *t,H0, ''"2, S4I sit T)FBT llEARIS" crRBEXl \ I JITERE8T. . i iu *4,831,000 oo Six per cent, bonds... m,4fl7>5J 62 Temporary Imhik.. as. ($211,000 o<? (!ert?t cates of indebtedness ? . ? ??. ? > s Three year ?e vefi-tliir-j noun > ? TotM d*bt bearing currency in-^ w ? 62 National debt not presented for pay- R-- 729 ,,, ' DEUT BKAKIX'I SO INTEREST. United States notes * ? Total debt bearing no interest * SvS'aU 60 Total debt ? ' ? AXOO'T IX TKEASl'RY. _ . * 7?,6T6,4o7 02 61.310.631 HO Currency J ] Total in Treasury JS?,!!! X Total debt ' ' ' Amount of debt, l?w 78 The forecoiiiK i? a correct statement of the public d. bf, a? appenm from the b<7k". *u,i Secretary of the Treasury. Virginia G's, coupons, sold in New York on Wednesday at $158.

RICH. MOM) MAKIvtTS. The following are the wholesale prices : Alcohol.? t3<g*5. 25 %l gallon. Bacon.? Sides, l?i<7i 17c. ; hams, new, 22@23c. ; old, 20@2lc. ; shoulders, old, 14|@15c. ; new, 17c. ; Virginia hog round, 17@l*c. Btttkk.? Fair to prime, 45&53c. fl ft. In market, pound rolls, retail, 75c. Bbaxdt.? French, ^10^113 ; apple, t3.50 ; Phila- I delphia, t2.40@t2.75. Beeswax In fair demand at 3"c. ft. CORN. ? *'5c.&*l. Very little in the market. Corn Meal.? Bolted, at $1 ; unbolted conntrygromid meal 05c. Cheese.? Ni -them and Western, 23@24c. ; English dairy, 25y;3uc. Coffee. ? Kio, 24g2Sc. ; Laguayra, 34c. ; Java, 40(ri 42c. %( ft. Candles.? Adamantine, light weight, 23c.; fall weight, 25^$27c. ; tallow, ltf^Hc.; paraflne, 37c. Cider.? Apple, 35@40c. f< gallon. Cherries.? Seeded, 25@30c. f1 ft. Concentrated Lye.? *3 ft case of 4 dozen. COCHIXIAL.? *1.4O0#1.5O ft ft. Cotton.? There is but little cotton Bold in Richmond. It may . now be quoted nominally at 23@ 25c. Virginia loose lots, KgKt, Cotton Cards.? *t2@*15 ft dozen. Cotton Yarns.? From No. 8 to No. 15, $3.25; from No. 14 to No. 18, *3.75. Drtos and Dye Sttffs.? Alum, #Jc.; copperas, 4c.; madder, 16c.; indigo, fl.So ; extract logwood, M.; sup. carb. soda, loc.; blue stone, l*c. Dry Goons.? There has been but little change in dry goods within the last two or three weeks. Prints, ll}lgl0c.; satinets, 35c.&*1.10 ; silks, *1.75^*3 25. Sheetings, unbleached, U'J @20c.; bleached, 12J@45c. ; bleached, New fork mills, 50c. Ginghams, 25(T4'J)c.; cambrics, 16{$20e.; cotton flannels, brown and bleached, 40^45c. ; | flannels, all wool, 4"^42Jc.; hoop skirts, ft dozen, 15 springs, *f> ; 20 springs, *10 ; 3o springs, *11.50 ; | balmorals, ft dozen, *244i*45, Eous.? 22c. ft dozen. Feed.? Oats, 55@#Oc. ft bushel? rery scarce.? Shlpstuff, from the mill, 75c. ft bushel. Brownstuif, from the uiill,50c. fl bushel. Fi rs.? Rabbit skins, 2) cents apiece ; red fox l skins, 62$&75c. apiece; grey fox, 50@?0e.; muskmt, 20c.; raccoon, 25c.; opossum, ?c.; mink, dark brown, *2(?$2.50 ; mink, light brown, $1 ; wild cat, 25c.; house cat, loc. ; otter, latter price for the best ; beaver, 60c. ft ft. Fertilizers.? Peruvian Guano, |10<i ft ton; tendency downward; Pacific Guano, $70 ft ton; Patapseo Guano, *t!S ft ton : Bone Dust, *45 ft ton. Fish.? Herrings, Halifax, *1.50?*4. 75 ft barrel. A cargo of North Carolina herrings has been received of late, and are being sold from wharf, to the trade, at ?? f barrel for No. 1, gross; fie 50 fJ barrel for No. 1 cut, and ft half-barrel for No. 1 roe herrings. Mackerel, No. I, *1S.*>?*19 ; in kit*, *2.60; No. 2, *15(Q*IS; No. ), |15 ; mess shad, in klU, *3. Flax Seed? *2.10^*2. 20 ft bushel. Flock.? Market active, and prices for Virginia continue Arm. Virginia family, (nominal,) *U<? $15; Virginia extra, f U.5o*?tlt ; supertine, *10; Northern family, *U.M49*U ; Northern extra, $0 ; Northern superilne, *"%*.25. The Richmond inspection stands higher than the Northern. Ginskxu.? xoc.ti&oc. Hats.? Wool, *9 to $11 ft doion, aorordittg to quality ; fur, *13 to *42 ft dozen ; moleskin silk lists, *<2 f> dozen ; dress casslwere htu, *w fl do??n. Hides.? Dry, lOfciSc. ; salts I, 'iftlflo, Hat ? *1.15, from store. Holland Oiw. *?fl>*4. Iaux Caituoi.. Farming and. kitchen ttttwaiU,

V * ; manufacturing casting*, 10. ft Jb ; light ornamental castings, loe. |) A. KbboiBRB On.. ? intfiilic. V *??'"? ! Laid.? Prlm^, tn keg*, tnd In tierce*; leaf, lower; family, in keg*. l$Ql9c. V barrel. Lr?BBB. -Yellow pine board*, fulfil ; jol*tf $l*@f2a_f JS long length* ; shingle*, f*@f 14 thousand ; lath*, fl H thousand. Lobijo* Poster. -f3.75 f) doaen. Leather ? Hole leather, oak, 3o@4*c.; *ol? leather, hemlock, 17@3?c. ; Upper, 30@4*c.; k|pt y dozen, ?'.??/, $?o ; harness, lO^iSc.; calf akin*, French, f4o@f65 ; domestic, fa?@fio ; morocco', f3<)@fn; rough skirting, 2l@Wc. M<*r axhrm. ? Common *yrup, wbieh la not ao ! good aa Km name would Imply, 5o@65c. ; genuine | golden syrup, fl.lo@f 1.20 ^gallon ; Cuba and Muscovado molasses, 65c. NitlU.-Old Dominion, f7.25 from store. O.xiosh.? WV barrel. Om,b Linseed, fl.46@f 1.50 ; machine, f l@fi.25 ; "perin, f2.9?@f3 ; tanner*', fl.35@fl.50; sweet, f?.5o@f?.M^doten ; cantor, f3.4o@fa.wy gallon ; Virginia lubricating, d5c.@fl. roTiTOBs Irish, f3@*4 V barrel. Pbppkb ? 37|@40c. Powder.? f*.5o@f 9.50 keg of 23 fc*.; blasting powder, In like quantity, f?i&f?.50. Rao*.? 5@6c. for cotton and linen. No demand for woolpn. Ropb.? Manilla, best, 30@35c. Rick? 12c. Rte.-W@05c. ?bn?hel. RACB GlBflER.? 25@30c. Ren. ? KHllon. ScflAR.? Brown, ll@l3c. ; extra "C" and " B", l?@l?Jc. ; crushed and pulverized, ls@19c. ; maple, 12jc. Salt.? Liverpool, f3. 25 ^ Hack; for fine ground alum, f 2.50@f2.75. Soap.? Common, #@9c.; best washing soap, l5c.j toilet, 25c., and fancy prices. Soda.? Hi Carb., 12Jc.; Sal., 5@5Jc. Spirits Tcbpebtikb.? $ l.05@fi.10. 8hot.? f 3 TP bag of 25 fts. Seeds Clover, f ? ; dull. Timothy, f4. Tar ? f 3.50 barrel. Tba*.? Black, 75c. @$1.25? the last a prime article ; imperial, fl.75@f2 ; gunpowder, f2@f 2.25. ( Tobacco.? Prices In the tobacco market have not changed for several weokH. As will be seen j from the sales made at the Exchange for several day* past, there is very little fine tobacco offered. The market at present is dull, and prices for common notso firm. We quote common lugs, f4}@5} ; good lugs, gt>od weights, f7@f 9 ; sound sweet lugs, good weight*, flo@f 12 ; bright lugs, in demand at good prices ; common leaf, flo@fl4; good leaf, f 15@f20 ; fine shipping, f20@fi>5 ; fine manufacturing, f 25@f30. Manufactured Tiifntcco : Market dull, but prices the same. Good, in considerable demand, and sometimes prices are obtained somewhat beyond the highest quoted. We quote fancy brands, old (tax paid), very best and fine, at from Wc. to f 1.25 y ft,.; new (in- bond) very line fancy, 50c. @fi V &?? J medium old pounds (tax paid), 25@40c. ; sweet old half pound* (tax paid), 40@<60c. ; sweet old tens (tax paid), 25@40c.; low grade, unsound, I0@20c. ft). There were forty-nine hogsheads offered at the Tobacco Exchange yesterday, one taken in, and forty-eijjht sold as follows : 3 at fio, 1 at f4.lo, ? at fl.W, 1 at f 1 .50, 2 at fll.7ft, 1 at *4.50, 1 at fl4, 2 at *17.50, 3 at f 15, 3 at f 15.50, 1 at f3.70, 1 at f 12.25, 1 at ?9.75, 2 at *14.50, 1 at fl2.50, 1 at fl?, latf#, 1 at ?5. 30, 1 at $5, 2 at f 7.75, 1 at f 10.25, 2 at f 10.50, 1 at f tf.50, 1 at f 9, 1 at f 7.75, 1 at fitf, 1 at fa. 50, 1 at f 10.75, 1 at f 7. 1 at $3 10, 1 at t5.50, 2 at f 13.25. Vixehar.? Cider, 45c.; manufactured, 40c. WHEAT.? There has been so little wheat sold since the 1st of January that we could only qnote nominally. W001,.? Unwashed, 25@30c.; washed, 35c. Very little demand. Wixb.? Port, common, f2.5o@fj. Whisht.? Common, f2.M@f2.25 ; pure Rye, f3.5o@f4.50. Fine brands higher. CATTLE. Prices in the cattle market remain unchanged. Good beef is in demand at from 7c.@10c., gross. Sheep are also in demand, averaging 6@6Jc. gross for shed sheep. There are no wool sheep in the market. Beef retails at 15@25c. Di. Mutton retails at 15@-.'0c. V ft>. PIANOS. PIANO-FORTES? NEW AND SE1 COND- HAND. ?The subscribers can accommodate all who are in search of PIANOS. In addition to new instruments, they have some which are second-hand. Tliey will be sold low. Call at their new hook and stationery store, on Governor street, near Main. WOODHOUSB k PARI! AM, ap2S (late James Wood ho use & Co.) PIANOS! , 1 PIANOS?! ? TmFT5 JOHN W. DA VIES & SONS, RICHMOND MUSICAL EXCHANQE, No. 18? Main street, sole agents for STIFFF'S PREMIUM PI ANO-FORTES. These instruments have been before the public FOR THE LAST THIRTY YEARS, In competition ' with the best makers of the country, and are now pronounced bv ALL THE LEADING PROFESSOR8 AND AMATEURS the BEST PIANOS MANUFACTURED I These instrument* have ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, and are WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEAR8, with the privilege of exchange within twelve month* if not entirely satisfactory to the purchaser. We refer to the following persona, who have | STIEFF'S PIANOS now In use : General R. E. Lkb, Washington College, Lexing- -I ton ; D. B. Patne & Bro., Lynchburg ; Rev. R. E. Ph 1 1.1.1 ph, Virginia Female Institute; Miss Mart Bai.dwib, Female School, and J. C. Cavki., Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institute, Staunton ; Professor E. A. Am bold, Richmond. A call from all In want of SUPERIOR PIANOS iasollclted. Terms liberal. ta 2? 1?

BOOKS, STATIONERY. &c. VIRGINIA AND NORTH "t'AROT LINA MERCHANTS. A. H. CHRISTIAN & CO., WHOLESALE BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, No. ?14 Main street, opposite Spotswood, would invite the attention of merchant* to their stock of BOOKS and STATIONERY. Just received, and offer at Northern prices, 20,(mh? volumes M< GOFFY'S READERS, 5.tmo volume* RAY'S MATHEMATICAL SERIES, 3, mm volume* PINNEO'S GRAMMARS, 100,000 ENVELOPES, 300 reams NOTE, LETTER, and CAP PAPER, together with a full a**ortment of BOOKS, STATIONERY, and FANCY ARTICLES. All we a.-k i? an examination. Country orders will receive prompt attention, ap Id F A NC Y STATIONERY. 20 ream* FRENCH NOTE PAPER, 15 ream* ENGLISH NOTE PAPER, 1,000 ENVELOPES to match. For sale by ROBINSON & FAIRBANKS, ap 9 Paper Warehouse. BLANK BOOKS.? Ledgers, Journals, Ca*h Books. Bank Books? plain, imitation, and fair bound Ruiuia. ? of all t?ize* and qualities, for sale by ROBINSON 4 FAIRBANKS, ap 8 Paper Warehouse. ENVELOPES. ? Square, long, billet, note, and fancy. ROBINSON 4 FAIRBANKS, ap 9 Paper Warehouse. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING.^ JOHN J. FRENCH, PRACTICAL HOUSE ANI) SIGN PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, 4c., under Bradford's Hotri., Frark* LIN STREET. Any work executed by hiiu he will enga gt to give satisfaction. READY-MIXED PAINTS, Ac., of all shades, alwavs on hand. Orders for work will meet with prompt attention. ap 1ft? lm "yyiLLIAM J. BEVILL, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINT WALLS AND CB1LINGS WHITENED OK COLORED. GLAZ1N0, 4c., done at short notice. In the be*t manner, and on the most reasonable terms, ap 9?lm NINTH STREET, NKAK MAIN. House and sign paintng.The nndersignod are prepared to contract for and execute all orders for PAINTING entrusted to their care, with neatness and dUpaUb, guaranteeing the best material and workomnshlp. SIGNS neatly, promptly, and eheaoly executed. ISAAC oCHUvBH 4 CO . Shop tM Main street, betweenbeventh and Eighth street*. mh l?-Jm OUSE AND SIGN" PAINTING. REMOVAL. L. L MONTAGUE * SON hare removed to their newbolldlnx, on TENTH STREET, between Main and Cary, where the/ will be pleased to receive orders from their friends and the public generally for HOUSE, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTING In every ?tyle. Good work guaranteed. Ternu moderate. JaM-U L. L. MONTAGUE & SOW. Flattening mill&, TOBACCO CUTTERS, TOBACCO PRESSES, and all ktnda of FACTORY FIXTURES, made and repaired by CAB DWELL * FRBKDLIY, Sjcceuon to Joux W. Cardwhll k Co., / <jrtcaHor?l Implement Workl, Jahl-Jaa Kauht&dCujritmti, H

"7 " nrtnOftA^'dOMPAWtta ?\TTRGINIA 8 T ? TB INSURANCE V COMPANY. CAPITAL, !**,??. ? JOHN L. BACON, Pwtldent. THOMAS W. McCaNCE. Vice-President. WILLIAM IL CHBIBTIAJ, fceretory . DIBRCTORS. Thomas R. Price, Jaber Alpbbd Jobm, Wemibatob OyDDiir, Thobar W. McCabcb, Job* L, Bacok, Robibt A. Labcartb ft BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, FURNITURE, and PERSONAL PROPERTY OF ALL KINDS, la the city or country, Injured agaln?t Iom or damage by fire on the most liberal term*. LoMtS equitably AtlJnntAd And promptly p?ld. Office, 109 Main street, over Mitchell & Tyler's, Richmond, V*. aptl? U TTNDER A LIBERAL CHARTER ^ from the General Assembly of Virginia, 1 passed February J8, 1*W, TUB INSURANCE A5D 8A VINOS COMPANY OF VIRGINIA Is organised with an AUTHORIZED CAPITAL OF ll.OOe.flOR. Principal office at Richmond. OPFICER8 OP THB COMPANY : Dariil J. Hartsook, President. David J. Bubb, Secretary. B. C. Whrbrt, Je., Assistant Secretary. DIRECTORS : DARIRL J. Habtsoob, A. Y. Stores, Job* E.idfrh, David Ccrrib, W B. Isaacs, Oeoror 8. Pambb, W. 0. PAI5B, w. G. Tatlob, Joseph E. Claoett, JohrC. Williams, Sabtri. C. Tardt, J. B. Davis. This Company is now prepared to make INSURANCE and inane POLICIES upon FIRE and MARINE RISKS on the moet ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS, and offers all the inducements connected with a HOME INSTITUTION OF UNDOUBTED ABILITY AND SAFETY. The business capacity of the Dtroctor* is well known throughout the State, the condition of the Company can st all times be ascertained, and any accumulation of profits will constitute a fund for the benefit of the community which pays the premiums. Office on Main street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth, over the United States Telegraph office, ap 14? lm Montague a whitall (Late of the Merchant*' Insurance Company of Richmond,) INSURE PROPERTY OF ALL KINDS IN THI M08T RELIABLB COMPANIES. They alro effect MARINE INSURANCE AND LIFE IN8URANCI. Office, No. 231 Main street, Joat below the Spotswood Hotel. dt 11? ta PROFESSIONAL CARDS. D~R. R. T. COLEMAN has removed HIS OFFICE AND RESIDENCE TO LINDEN ROW Pbarkmr street, third door sbove Second. Ja 22? ?m THOMAS J. EVANS, ATTORNEY i AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER IN CHANCERY, practices in the Courts of the City of Richmond and the County of Henrico. Office on Franklin, second door from Sixth street. Ja 11? ta pAPER WAREHOUSE, RICHMOND Va., MAIN STREET, NORTH 8IDB, BETWEEN NINTH AND TENTH STRBETS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ROBINSON A FAIRBANKS have on hand, and are daily receiving, PAPERS : Wrapping, Mailing, Newu, Book, Writing, Record, Legal, Sermon, Engrossing, Copying, Tracing, Drawing, Oiled, Tissue, Gold, Silver, Colored, Bristol Boards, Fancy, Card, Ac., Ac. BLANK B00K8: Ledger*, Journals, Day Books, Cash Books, Receipt Books, Bank Books, Drafts, Checks, Copy Books, Ac., &c. TWINES: Jute, Hemp, Cotton, Seine, Ac., Ac. INKS: Printing, Writing, Copying, Red, Blue, Ac., Ac. Writing Books, Slates, Wafers, Scaling Wax, Mucilage, Crayons, Inkstands, Copying Presses, Letter Books, Portfolios, Brut-hes, Pens, Pencils, Erasers, Rules, Memorandum Books, Time Books, Wallets, and everything In the Stationery line. Chess Boards, Chess Men, Backgammon Boards, Cards, Envelopes, Rnbber Goods, and a variety of small wares. Bankers, Merchant*,, Lawyers, Clergymen, Publishers, Teachers, Printers, Public Officers, and others, will find everything wanted In quantity, quality, and price. Paper of any siie, kind, quality, and quantity we can furnish to order or have made at short notice.

PAPER BAGS? a Urge stock. Being Agents of Paper Mills, Enrelop?, Paper Bag, Ink, and Blank Book Makers, and baying from first hands, we can compete with the Jobbers north or south. CASH PAID FOR COTTON AND LINEN RAGS, HEMP AND MANILLA STOCK, OLD NEWSPAPERS, PAMPHLETS, BOOKS, and all kinds of PAPER STOCK. Ma. 8. M. DRINKER, so well known in connection with the Stationery business in the city of Richmond, U with us, and will be pleased to see hit friends. E. T. ROBINSON, S. FAIRBANKS, of Richmond. of Florida. [ap ?-ts] . lyjAKE YOUR OWN SOAP BT SAVING AMI) DSING YOUB WASTE GREASE. BUT ONE BOX OF THB PENNSYLVANIA SALT MABUFACTUBIBO COMPANY'S 6AP0NIFIBB, OB CONCENTRATED LYE. IT WILL MAKE TEN POUNDS OF EXCELLENT HARD 80AP, OR TWENTY-FIVE GALLONS OF THB VIBY BEET SOFT BOAF, FOB ONLY ABOUT THIBTY-FIVB CEHTi. Directions on each box. For at ali Drug and Groeary atom, and la ; lots at wholasala by WILLIAM V. ELLICOTT ft ?ON?, Bo. * Sraai'a Wiaju , mb t~d?m BALTIMOBB, MB. /CHOICE WINES AND UQU0R8. \J ISO rasas CLABET8, 40 baskets MOET ft CHAHDOITS CHAMPAGNE, 10 quarter casss SHERBY WINE. # quarter and half pipes FHENOfo BRANDY, old ; ? cases old TOM GIN. _ . \U cases OTARD, DfePBY ft <X> % and JULES, ROBIN ft CO.'i BRANDY, now ENGLISH and SCOTCH ALI and LONDON ap ?7 ' FBBBct ft CRENSHAW. TRUNKS, ? VALIUM, Ao.? We are 1 ?w<>aiy|wiiyUi?jiiyy ftw| i at a wall ?? MWilMMi

M or?a 0??e: mm.: MU fBSfi for at least HT? M* Tiud and dlsflgurtrw tofwr ft arid had triad/In rift, of yoa* "Spaei?e,'kL ?irM me. and my hand* fair aa any onaa. lite Price, fl fly cent* ft ?lft> . ME1 Trntlml ap II tbnter ZHiitiiaoi rtLEANtSE THE BLOOi.-Wlth cor\j rapt, diiordered, or vitiated Mo?i fa a aar ? sick all <>r it. It nay bant oat in pivptee, ec torm. or in wm active 41 hm?, or h aay awilr I >d, nek aa deroraia or nxng e avwu bw. Sorea, Eruptions, Pimple*. Blatai HHK> Tmrnritlee and stlmulatee the organ* of Ufa Into vlgcrone action, reetoring tka kadfe and ?*- palling d mm. Heaea U r.pidl v cjrniwMf of complaints which are earned blood, eoch aa Serofala or Klng'a^^^^^^H I Cancerous Tumor*, Sore */?*> T ^ v* 1 k^ApMULLAj U4 IM fc yousi^v^?a^M*RsiJS,"kU "**" Puiinii Iiu im u,, public ton torn &!tS%!Sih!SS&jSr V8M& hare been fraade upon the sick, for tkef contain little, If any. Baraaparitla, hot often no caratlre proaertlee whatever. Henee, hitter dkf appointment hait followed ike aae of tke nriooa extract* of 8ar*ap*rllla which flood the market, antll the name itself haa become wnoafOM with Imuoeittoa aad cheat. Mill we call this ooa^ pound " Sarsaparilla," and Intend to iiwIt each a r?.*med r aa ahall reacue the name from (he load or oblqquy which reeta apon It. We think we kftwa trruand (or believing it ba* vlrtuee which are Irre* nintible by the ordinary ran of the dtaaaaea It la Intended to care. We can only aeeore the alak that we offer them the heat alterative which we know how toprodace, and we have reaeontobaliere it te by far the moat effectual porller of tka i '"Vv'av'/h^ j eo universally known to sarpaaa every other remedy for the eura or Cough*, Coida. Influeuia, Hoarseneee, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumption, and for tka relief of Consumptive Patlenta in advanced itacia of the dl-eara, that it ie uaeleea bare to racoant&M evidence of iUt virtue*. The world know* them. Prepared by J. C. ATM * CO.. LoweU. Mn-iarhwi-m. and aold by PURCELL, LADD ? CO., Druggists, Klch mnn d, Va. mh iCfii Rockbridge alum water The pmprletora have the aatiefactlon to announce that they are at laat prepared to pat again on the market thia highly valued mineral water. The well-known houaeof PURCELL, LADD * CO., Dniggiat*, Richmond, Va., will ba tba PRINCIPAL DEPOSITOR* for lte ante North and 8otttb. We a I ?o place it with A. B. RUCKBB, Lynchburg, to Hupply that market and the Sooth weet ; Alao with COLBMAN k ROOER8, Baltimore HEGEMAN * CO., New York. Great care la taken In packlnf tba bottlefc and they are aafely 'hipped to all part* of the United State*. ONE ?<1X WILL LAST 8 EVEN h WEEKS, AT ONE PINT DAILY? AND THAT QIJASTfT? HAS. IN A MULTITUDE OF CA8E8, SUFFICED TO CHECK, AND, IN NOT A FEW, TO ERADICATE DISEA8B. Price, delivered into any depot, or on board any ateamer, or at any other point in Richmond or Lynchburg, Twelve Doliara and Fifty Cent*? the money, in every Inatanea, to accompany the order, aa no acconnta will ba kept. TtfB ALUM MA88, OR POWDERS. Thear are the aalta of the water obtained by art* E oration, and their value aud efficacy aa a medicine are been abundantly established. The demand for there bait* waa very great throughout the war. but it a aa not In our power to meet it. They will be Hold In market, or at the Springe, at Twenty Dollar* p"r pound, or One Dollar and Fifty Cent* Cr ounce, and can be forwarded by Bitprose enh accompany the order. Pamphlets aent by mall, on application, al*o in the boxeaof water. PRAZIEK * RANDOLPH, Proprietor*, rah 16? 7?* COAL AND WOOD. /SaRGO OF COAL FOR 8 ALE.? Two \ ) hundred and twelve tone very superior BED AMI A.vniKACITE COAL, to arrive, for aide low if iiniif diate application la made. _ __ . R. J. WHITE, ?outh Hide the dock, oppoalte Lib by priaon. mh *?? te PEMBERTON A CREW, dealers in COAL AND WOOD, office 8eventeentbaireeU between Carv and Dock. Best RED and WHIT1 A81I ANTHRACITE COAL, for gratee, atovea, and: foundry uae ; CLOVER rflLL i?DMr and AVE* KAGB COAL; OA K ?nd PI NK WOOD. mh l4-ta NEW COAL AND WOOD YARD, CORNER OF SEVENTH AND CANAL 8TREET8 ANTHRACITE and MIDLOTHIAN COAL aud WOOD for aale by ? _ ____ BLOOD * PENDLETON. N . B ? Order* promptly filled. da li-ft HOTELS AND BOARDINGhHOUBEB. rkRA^GEHOUSET U AT ORANGE AND ALEZANDRU RAILROAD DEPOT. LYNCHBURG, VA. HOr8TON RUCKER. PaoratiToa. Thia celebrated Hotel having been REFUB NI8HFD and REFITTED IN ftTPBKB 8TYLB offer* f UPEKIOR aeeommodatlona to the travelling public. Travellers going north and aouth will find meal* ready upon the arrival of train*, and raff cient time allowed. The proprietor pledgaa him aelf thit it* well-known firat'Clasa reputation ahall not be surpaaaed In the Union. fa " * BOARDING.-Mrs. DUVALL, Main, between Hixth and Seventh street*, haa soma very comfortable unoccupied rooms for boardatft and can uke a few mora DAY BOARDERS. fe 11? ts lodjf 1 nV. delMa ^ARCHITECTS AND^UIIJJERa^ WI LLIAM FORBBS, ARCHIT^TT AND BDILDER, corner of Fourth and Carp street**. The aubecriber having reeuned the BUILD* 1NG LU8INE8S in all it* branches, offers biaaarvices to hia frlerida and the public generally, aa> BurinK them that all work dona by him shall baaff the b< at material and workinansbiB. Having ear* ried on the husineMS In thia city Ibr twenty yeftia *uccee?fally. he flatten htmeelf that satiefaetioa ap ?--dtni ai.ter s._ west, archttect SIGNS, rbAHB, au orM/Uiwa iiono ? ? inga ft ?>very deacrl^lon, and to auMrioUad or contract to build the same, In any part of tba State, ' Office. No. 1*9 Main at.aat, (up stain,) Bleb* mond. Va. . , ft-*m AND BUILDEB, Is prepared to furplah DBS, PLANS, and 8PBCIFICAT10NS for baild*

iffiuXTBI*. FILLiD.A* tar?? oi th? Maxillary Itti dUeM?M of tfcs MO?tb. Mill Ikt n>*?t Mnfidtad tkorotti 4? li-4? ? * 1 1 TKKTH bxtra< 1 P4IIT.-0 W. JOHI kUOUMlaiUteTtUlM iftw iaask dlflesUr uiu and lausMfiPy in4 at ?any thoasaad cum, la is Arlt??l? Hoo? . rvKNTAL ?i ON PSD W? JOHN DENTierrEY. r MAHONY, DKNTWT.for rsa rs? soclaiad with Dr. Job* C, wait, ly inform* bis old patrons and all oU?n wno iti?t ne?4 hU aorvfcss that hs tomow< Ms OPPUJB from Foavtb ftntt, and eaa mow W (band at hU BESIDES CI. ?tt Main strut, b?tw?*? llxU and s?veotb. Will practice bU profusion la all iUbr.inchM. . __ AKT1P1CI1L TUtH Uwartad oa Valeaalta, Gold, and Silver. < 'file ? opsn at ALL HO0B8, _ Tbf hlf host pries paid for OLD GOD PLATS. >p?l DAVISON. 8URGXOIC DWTIff, F.| lupr<>T?d bass fcfOU>IIT?^^H v?rr?nt*d for U l?ast trs ysaw^B work