Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 202, 9 May 1866 — Page 4

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Bfetd gisptritj MAY ft, 1 m. jf ucrm PB?*WA?HtNtiTON. y (Cotwifoadow of th? Richmond DUpttch . ] Til* INTENT Of THE PRAOK PEOCI.AM ATIOX? THK *XF*OTU> YICTO OP TltK COLORADO BALL? THE DKK.TWIOM Op THK RtCONtTBCCTlOX REPORT ? ME. lMlKRSOLl/s TIKiftl It wu Intimated in a letter to the Dispatch shortly after the conflict of opinion with reference to the proclamation of peace originated, that another proclamation would be issued which would settle beyond a doubt the fact that the firstnamed manifesto restored civil law in the South. The statement was made by your correspondent upon authority known to be reliable, and although there' has as yet been no Executive emanation stating in so many words that such was the intent of the peace proclamation, yet the evidences have not been wanting that such was its meaning. In addition to these, however, it is expected that the forthcoming declaratory document will not be long delayed. Although the expectant Senators from Colorado express the belief that the President will sign the bill which has passed Congress for the admission of that territory, yet the general impression is gaining ground that the measure will certainly Invetoed. It is stated that had the President designed signing the bill he- would have done so ere this. It has, however, only been in his possession since Saturday. Insufficiency of population will he the main ground for the Executive objection. The House will discuss the reconstruetion report to-morrow during the day, and the tarifT lull at night. Great interest is manifested to know what Stevens ? who declares himself lil>cral of late ? will have to say on the subject. He is still regarded as the leading spirit of the House, and rules the Radicals with the same degree of imperiousness a* in the beginning of the session. Mr. Ingersoll, of Illinois, who abused the President so heartily iu the Saturday's debate, is very indignant at the various reflections which have been made regarding his speech. The gentleman evidently considers it entitled to a high place in the roll of merit, which is decidedly more than the generality of its readers or hearers are - * ? ? - m Washington, May 7, ISM. willing to accord it. Timok.

LETTER FROM PETERftBl RU. Correspondence of th* Richmond Dispatch. THE ELECTIONS ? COTTON ? LEfTURES OF I?K. SAMSON AND COLONEL FARRAR? 111 C II R. PLEASANTS. Petersburg, May s, IsGfi. If it had not been so late last night before the ballots were counted, and that the tele, graph office was closed, I should have communicated the result of yesterday's election. After an active canvass, reminding one of similar scenes anterior to the war, the Hon. Charles F. Collier was chosen Mayor, by a majority of 124, over Mr. lK>dson. The whole number of votes cast tor the three candidates was 1,425. The struggle for the other offices excited less interest, not more than from eleven to twelve hundred votes being given in. Most of the old officers were re-elected. For the House of Delegates, to supply the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Judge Joy nes, there was no opposition to A. M. Keiley, Esq. Mr. Keiley has been in the Legislature before, and was also in the Confederate army. lie is one of the most promising young men in Virginia, and would be a credit to any constituency in the State. I have said nothing recently in relation to business matters. Everything continues dull in the extreme. The highest price jmid for cotton at the close of lust week was from thirty and a half to thirty-one cents for strictly prime. On Saturday and Monday nights we had two lectures from Dr. Samson ? tin* one on the Land of Goshen, and the other on the Desert of Sinai ? which were given lor the benefit of the First Baptist Church. They were well attended, and gave great satisfaction to the audiences on each occasion. To-night, Colonel Farrar, of Amelia, delivers his lecture on "Johnnie Keb, or the Confederate." Those who have heard it elsewhere speak of it as abounding in humor. From hence Colonel Farrar goes to Richmond, where he will repeat it on Friday evening, and thence to Baltimore. I had the pleasure of seeing Mr. Hugh Pleasants to-day, who has come for the j purpose of making arrangements for the | repetition of his lecture lately delivered in Richmond. He will modify it so as to give it a more general interest by including in his sketches several of the men of the Southsidc who rose to eminence at the time of which it treats. The title will be clmuged to " Virginia Fortv-odd Years Ago." He has it in contemplation to prepare a series of lectures illustrating the same period, one of which will be on the Virginia Convention of ls29-'30 ? the most illustrious body of men that ever sat in deliberation in America. Sxowhen. COrRT DAY in 411 A R LOTTESY ILLE. From a Correspondent. THE STATE OF THE CROPS ? GOOD ORDER ON COURT DAY ? THE NEW jl'DOK OF THE SUPREME COURT ? THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE HUNTING AND FENCE LAWS TO RE TESTED. My ride to Charlottesville and back to Richmond was taken altogether in the right time. I left the city of Richmond between 7 and 8 o'clock in the evening, and arrived at Charlottesville at 2 o'clock, A.M., on Sunday last. The weather was }?leasant, and, as it was court day, I met a urge number of my old friends. As has always been the custom in Virginia, there was a large turn-out, and it is evident that Albemarle is still a great county, with a fine )K>pulation. To witness one of these gatherings was a great treat to me. From six hundred to one thousand persons were present on the court green, saluting each other and discussing their farming operations and the state of the WKjk country generally. No unpleasant eontroversy occurred during Jhe day, nor did ?V I see a single drunken man. Between 3 End 4 o'clock, P.M., the whole assemblage left for their respective homes. I learned from the farmers that the wheat crop pro- 1 mined to be very light ; also, that an \m. I mense crop of corn had been planted? perhaps the largest ever planted in that county ; also, that a large breadth of oats bEd been sown, but that they promised badly. A large amount of property, such as horses, cattle, wagons, and buggies, was ?old Et auction. The cattle sold low, and tile horses did not bring very high prices. The fitness of the newly appointed Judge Of the Supreme Court of Appeals was freely discussed by his countymen, and i there seemed to be a wide difference of | opinion. All agreed, however, that Mr. Rives was a conscientious and honorable gentleman. The County Court was in session about Aft hours, Enid seemed to be rapidly disposing or the ordinary business of the monthly courts. * The Hon. Shelton F. Leake five notice to the Court in s few appropriate remarks tfcEi he should resist any action to be tEken ftp (feat Court upon thoae " so-called " Ammo End hunting law?, which provide tMt they Ere to Ewe bo force or effect aatiJ approved End ratified by the County Court, ob the principle that the LefWature to no power to delegEte the Iew. JNttg Comty QcnrU, U$

stated strong and forcible reasons why the Legislature had no such power, and reasons why the counties ought not to have this delegated power. Alter spending the day very agreeably, and enjoying the hospitality of friends, I led Charlottesville at 10 o'clock, and arrived at Richmond at about sunrise on Tuesday morning, the 8th instant. LETTER FROM HALIFAX COUNTY. Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch Halifax County, VA., May 7, 1866 The Circuit Court, Judge Hunter Marshall presiding, which opened at our courthouse on Tuesday, the 1st May, adjourned over on Saturday on account of the illness of a son of the Judge. A special session was appointed, however, to convene on the 10th of July next, to finish the accumulation of business before the court. I presume that the amount of litigation going on at present is unprecedented by all time. The clerk of the court told me there were eight hundred and ninety-five suits pending in this county at present, including those disposed of at the late session just transpired, of course. The jury, composed of many of the most prominent citizens in the county, was highly complimented by the Judge before its discharge, for it had dispatched many and very important cases. The wheat crop in many portions of the county looks exceedingly promising, especially in the neighborhood bordering Birch creek, considering the fact that so much was destroyed by the freeze and rains referred to in my last, of March 1st. I am afraid that in that letter I even under-esti-mated the damage to the crop. The plantbeds look promising, and a large crop of tobacco will be planted if the freedmen continue to labor as well as they have done so far; and we are encouraged to think they will do so. The fence law was brought before the County Court last March (the third Monday) ; and after speeches in its favor by Colonel Thomas S. Flournoy and Mr. David Chalmers, the Court, upon motion of Colonel Lyttleton Edmunds, decided to defer its further consideration until November court, when it will probably be adopted by the whole county. Labor is not so plentiful as we would wish; good field hands command eight and ten dollars per month in any portion of the I county. Yours, &c., P. N.

foreign ItemH-Amerlcan Topic*. BRITISH AID FOR TTIK FREEDMEN. A public meeting was held in London on the 24th to inaugurate the National I rccd- , tien's Aid Union of Great Britain, and the J Duke of Argyle presided. Among l.asc present were Mr. Bright, Sir T. K H'vxt(J' Mr. Hughes, M. I'., &e. Speeches were inade and resolutions adopted in fa\or _o extended efforts in Great Britain to aid the freedtnen ??t" America. THE TALLAHASSEE DELIVERED VP TO THE UNITED STATES. In the Court of Admiralty on the 24th | it was decreed that the steamer Camdeon, the late rehel cruiser Tallahassee, 110* lving at Liverpool, be delivered up to the 1 United States Government. The alleged owner did not oppose, and was condemned in costs. THE GEORGIA DEBT. \t a meeting in London of the bond- 1 holders of the State of Georgia, it was , . unanimously resolved that the offer ot tin (State to fund the arrears oi coupons and over-due bonds into anew debt carrying seven per cent, interest be accepted. AMERICAS SECURITIES. Satterthwaite's circular, dated the evening of the 25th April, says American seen- 1 rities during the week have been mainf) influenced by conflicting rumors touching the political affairs ot the Continent. The course of business has been considerable . There have been sales on German account, which have been met by orders tor purchasers for shipment to New \ oik. At tin close there seems a renewed demand toi all descriptions, Five-twenties 70 1 70 1 .? ; Illinois Central, M?'.0,4, Erie, on large-faced sales, were sold do*n to 51 3 j, but reached, closing Arm at ?>- o. The New Sunday Law in New \ork. On Sunday, for the tirst time, the iquor saloons of New York and Brooklyn ?tri I closed in accordance with the provision of the new excise law. There was, as tar as could be ascertained, the fullest compli j ?nce with the law. As a consequence, thousands of citizens adjourned to Ford- ! ham, Tremont, Morrisania, and Jersej , or , uuy place where there was a possible | ! chance of imbibing. Many also procured i a supply of liquor on Saturday, and passed the Sabbath in putting it outot sight. But I there were no drunken men upon the | i streets, and the city was as quiet as could i he desired by the most ultra Sabbatarian. Sew York Herald. I The best Joke yet told on the Br- ! RKAt\ ? A correspondent of a New lork journal, writing from North Car^ina. sa.N s that some of the agents of the Bureau m the old North State are " running plantations" on their own hook; and .in tnmg cases against the frecdmen 44 a very neat , st vie of punishment is to impose a fine and ' allow the freedmen to work it ott on the plantation." Very nice arrangement indeed ! m "Monumental Association op Greenbrier County ."-This society was formed for the purpose of perpetuating the memorv of the Confederate dead. Mr. James I Vv it brow and Captain M. B. White, citizens of our place, each with generous liberality offered to present to the association suitable lots upon the hills west ot, and overlooking the town. The committee upon examining the grounds decided in lav or ol the one offered by Mr. Withrow on account j of its accessibility. ? Leirisbury Times. 1 Release of Captain Frank Gurley.? Captain Frank Gurley, of Georgia, who ! was condemned some time since to be ' hunt; bv a military commission for the killing of General McCook during the late war, has been released from prison by order of the President, upon the recornniendation of Lieutenant-General Grant, and placed upon the same footing as othei Confederates who are exchanged. Presbyterian Board of Foreign MisgI0V<l ?The anniversary exercises oi the Presbyterian Board o' Foreign Missions I were held in New York on Sunday evening The Rev. Dr. Dickson, of Baltimore, I delivered an impressive sermon on the occasion. Keeping them to their Drugs.? The retailing of liquors is no longer to be mixed up with the sale ot groceries or ot j drugs. If a man chooses to sell groceries or drugs he is at perfect liberty to do so ; but if he does lie cannot on the same Prcniiscs keep a grog-shop. This is one ot | the objects whic^i a New York paper savs the new excise law is going to effect in that city. Removal of the Dead.? The remains of Major Thomas H. Clay, of Kentucky, who died in Atlanta in 1864, were disinterred on Friday last and forwarded to Kentucky. Major Clay was a Confederate officer, a sou of Colonel Clay of Mexican fame, and a grandson of Henrv Clay. His remains arc to be interred beside his father, in the State Cemetery at Frankfort. r At a meeting of the Cemetery Association of Lynchburg yesterday afternoon the ladies resolved themselves into a permanent organlaation and adoptedthe const>M, -?

IHnlcMf of * Jlnnlprfr In IHp Cm*. From the Rochwtw Pemocfil, Mny I. Our readers are familiar with the general statement of facts relating to tlic case of George Feet, the hotel proprietor at the foot of Owasco Lake, Cayuga county, who was arrested ?omc months since for the murder of his wife hv poison, but broke jail and escaped to Canada, where ho was rearrested not long afterwards. After the usual delay, he was delivered up by tin* Canadian authorities on the requisition of (rovernor Fcnton, and on Thursday evening reached this city in custody of two officers named Sydney Mead and 6. K. Van Ktten. A woman who has been Feet's puramour arrived on the same train. The party took rooms at the Waverly House. In the office Feet recognized and conversed with a gentleman named King, who is said to be his brother-in-law, but who did not seem to be particularly flattered by the prisoner's notice. Pect remarked that his was a hard case, and attributed his trouble to his family connections. The officers, with their charge, took the 5:30 train for Auburn yesterday morning. The woman above referred to accompanied them, and, as we are informed, was permitted to bold quite a long conversation with the prisoner, in the course of which lie handed her his watch and over fifty dollars in money. After the train had passed Canandaigua, Feet asked permission to go into the water closet, which was granted ? his custodians neglecting the precaution of going with him. lie did not return, and at length his long seclusion excited attention, and one of the officers went to see what had become of him. When the door was opened a horrible sight presented itself. | The floor was covered with blood, and Feet was discovered with his throat cut from ear to ear. lie was already at the point of I death, and lived but a few minutes longer. I The instrument with which he committed self-destruction was a razor, which is sup- 1 posed to have been furnished him bj his female friend. The body was taken to l Auburn. It is surprising that the officers allowed Feet to he out of their sight a moment. | Nothing is more common among rogues in transit by railroad than to attempt to escape by going into the water closet of the i car in which they happen to be travelling and crawling through a window; and no officer of ordinary prudence would permit a prisoner to be alone in such a place, after all the examples that have occurred show, ing the danger of allowing it. In this in- j stance no escape was effected, it is true, but the result was certainly not one to he desired, under the circumstances. The only ground of congratulation is that Feet's death is not to be deplored as much as his escape would have been. Tiikx axd Now. ? A rather amusing j account is told of an examination of two negroes in a county below Columbus. For some otlence they were required to give a ? bond or go to jail. Court would not meet ' in several months. Negroes couldn't give bond, and said they would rather take a j whipping than go to jail. Justices, after much persuasion on their part, consented that the darkies could take the hiding, pro. vided they would find somebody to do it. A man was found. Darkies prepared themselves for the lashing. Man wouldn't whip unless he was paid. Darkies asked charges. Three dollars and a quarter. Wouldn't strike a lick without the funds. Money forked over, and the warming, delivered in good style, cheerfully taken. When turned loose, freedmcn remarked, "Do 'Uuro' haint done we uns no good." Before the Bureau started up, they said when they stole anything they got a hiding, and ail was over. Now they had to pay or be sent to jail, and if they asked for a whipping in the place of such punishment, they had to pay somebody to do it. Darkies didn't exactly understand such "doins." ? Columbus Sun.

A Portable Hkad-rkst for Railway Travellers. ? It is s<> arranged that it can be lifted to the hack of any seat in an or- . dinary car, and can he adjusted t ? ? any desired height. Those compelled to travel much by rail will find it a convenience, luxury, and almost a necessity. " Why does a razor cut better for being dipped in hot water ?" The edges ofall tools, instead of being perfectly smooth, are re- ! ally toothed like a saw, and when the razor is dipped in hot water it causes these little j teeth to expand, thus rendering the dis. . ! tauce between them smaller, and eonse- : quently giving the razor a smoother edge. { Exchange, Bosh! As if the expansion would not i he equal in every direction, and the teeth 'become larger and longer. Jt was onee said of a judge that he rendered excellent decisions' hut gave extremely bad reasons for them. So of the above ; the razor cuts better for being dipped in hot water, but not for the reason stated. A Smooth Pathway in* Life. ? A man j named Fleming died at Lock port, Will county, 111., recently, aged one hundred | and two years, having been born in 1764. I lie was never siek in his life, not even to | the extent of a headache or toothache, and ; was never a sufferer from anything in the j way of accident. These articles will he very interesting to our readers, as they will contain numerous incidents attending the "Grand March" from this county towards Richmond in the spring of 1861, when Mac., and Drinkard, 1 and Neeson, and the Ilaymonds, made a pilgrimage in search of "Our Rights." ? Fairmont Vedette. But will they have any truth in them ? Lord Bacon, probably the most learned and wisest man in his own or any other ag?', well nigh came to the gallows for his complicity in the devilish plot for the invention of gunpowder. ? Learned Editorial in Harrisonburg I 'n ion . And Roger Bacon, we suppose, was convicted of corruption in his judicial office. If, as was said, all the brains of that little village (Fairmont) went into the rebellion, she must have had a good deal of brass left. ? Richmond Dispatch. It is not true that all the brains of Fair- 1 mont went into the rebellion ; but it is true that all its jackasses did. ? Fairmont Vedette. Then Fairmont is a fruitful place ; for it has certainly raised a great one since. A Strange Sheep. ? Mr. Samuel Swart z, of Rockingham, has a lamb not yet a year old which yields seven pounds of wool, 1 the average length oT which is one foot. The lamb weighs sixty pounds. We have some of the wool in our office. What is even more remarkable than the length and weight of its fleece, is the fact that it was for some time very black, and is now white. Staunton Spectator. John Ilerrington, a Virginian we believe, was stopped in the street in Macon, Ga., on Monday night of last week by a man named McCormick, and his money | demanded. This he refused to give, and McCormick attempted to tako it by force, J when Ilerrington shot him, killing him iustantly. He surrendered himself at once, aud was examined before a justice's court and discharged. There are eleven very pretty girls in Charlottesville ? adopting a high standard. There are eighteen very sweet girls. There are nine very good girls. We mention them in the order of their value. ? Chronicle. The next General Conference of the Episcopal Methodist Church is to be held it Memphis on the first Wednesday in May, WTO, , i X *

- Oh ! 7f?, We l*?wr T?lk la Freich. Oh 1 no, we never talk in French, in sound no more In heard ; Our lip* are now forbid to speak The smallest foreign v ord. I cannot nay?" mon eheraml," " Comment vons porte* votis r" Nor the rwply? " Tres hlen, mon *nff?," Oh ! no, lt'wonld not do. 1 dare not algh? " Pens** a mol,1'? Or,? " aoyei rous fldele" Jfor rr.n ho say? Toujour* a tol"? Or? "Au rovoir, uiu belle"? And If?" Ne m' onhllc* pas"? slips out, (An 'twill, er?? I'm awnn>| "Tnpyare talking Krpneh" la screamed about Er?> 1 can add?" mon cher." And " m' almei rous"? I never hear, Nor does he ever aav " Jowjn' a la mort"? no much we foar To?" parlez en Krancaia." All ears are open where he aita Bealde me after tea. Lest he should say?" accented mol ? " And I should answer?" Oul." [The reader must excuse the phrase " To parlez." " Parleu" .would not do, for want of length ; nor would " To speak," fur the same reason. "Acceptez moi ?" is also objectionable. The rest is not bad.] Remedy fob Cholera. ? The following extract from the letter of a clergyman to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland presents a very simple and, lit* says, effectual preventive of cholera, as well as a remedy of great power. Wc do not often publish newspaper remedies, but this one seems harmless : " The preventive is simple ? a teaspoonful of powdered charcoal taken three or four times a week, in a cup of coffee or other liquid, in the morning. When attacked with cholera, a mixture of an ounce of charcoal, an ounce of laudanum, and an ounce of brandy or other spirits, may be given as follows, after being well shaken : A teaspoonful every live minutes. In half an hour I have known this effectually to relieve and stay the disease. As the patient becomes better, the mixture may be given at longer intcivals. I ha vo known a patient in the blue stage, and collapsed, perfectly recovered in a few hours. " The charcoal was tried as a preventive on a large plantation in the Mauritius, and but a single individual out of eight hundred was lost." Fernelius calls disease an affection of' the body, contrary to nature; a purt ubation of its habit ; a derangement of its courses. What disease is, sometimes eludes human intelligence ; but some diseases are known ? their origin, action, and even their antidotes. Whoever has discovered an actual remedy lor one disease, lias done something for his race. Doctor Aver lias done more, for his medicines afford us the means to control and cure several dangerous disorders. We rarely speak on medical subjects, preferring to leave them to physicians, who understand them better. But such effects as arc seen in our midst ? on affections of the I tings bv Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, on scrofulous complaints by his Sarsaparilla, amPOn tl.e several complaints that they cure by Ayer's Pills,? should not he ignored. ? Keokuk (luica) Journal. "Ah, Sam, so you've been in trouble, have yon?" "Yes, Jim, yes." "Well, well, cheer up, man; adversity tries us and shows up our better qualities." "Ah, but adversity didn't try me; it was an old vagabond of a judge, and lie showed up my worst qualities." Thomas McQuilkin died at the residence his son, William T. McQuilkin, near this place, on the 2Mb ultimo, aged eightyeight years and ten months, leaving five ehihlren, thirty-nine grandchildren, and t h i r t y-si \ grea t gra nd cl i i 1 1 Ire n . ? Shtph erds - toirn (Virginia) Register. A convention of the unconditional Union men of Maryland is called to take place in Baltimore on the fith of June.

ELECTIONS. r p J I K COMMONWEALTH OK VIRI GINIA.? To the Sheriff ok the Cotjitt or IlBXKtco, OREETI5U ; WbtlMI a vacanc y fall occurred in the representation of yonr county in the General Assembly of thin Commonwealth", occasioned by the resignation of Franklin Steam*, one of the Delegated: These ar>* therefore, in the name of the rummnnwealth, to require v??tt to cause an ??lection to be held in vour said county of Henrico on the Knl'RTH TliriiSDA V (beingthe 21th day) OF MAY NEXT for a Delegate to till the vacancy aforesaid. Jn testimony whereof, these, our letters, are Healed with the Less Seal of the Commonwealth, and made patent. Witness, [Seai.1 Fkam is H. Pbi Ri'o i nt , our Governor, this 12th day of April, A. P., H66, and in the ninetieth vear of the Commonwealth. F. II. PEIRPOINT. By the Governor : J. M. HBBsnox, Secretary of the Commonwealth. In accordance wiili the above Proclamation, the poll* will be opened at all of the precincts in the county on Thursday, the 24th dav of May, l??w, for j the efection of a l>ef>gate to the House of Delegates ot Virginia, to till the vacancy occasioned bv the resignation of Franklin Stearns, Evj. "TheCominissionerH appointed to superintend, and the officers appointed to conduct the preceding general elections, shall also superintend and conduct all elections to till vacances."? Code 1^60. chapter 7, section 14. Hy order of the Governor. P. H. HUFFMAN, S. H.C. ap 16? lawtl7M&dt24 CONDENSED STAT EM ENT < )F T HE V > CONDITION OF THE FARMERS' HANK OF VIRGINIA AND BRANCHES, 1st APRIL, 1*06. AVAILABLE ASSETS. Coition hand $50,114 71 Coin at branches 1,118 67 Coin loaned by the branches shortly before and after the close of the war, to be returned in kind, as the best mode of protecting it ; amount due.*3A,v53 "1 Estimated to be collected, j 25,1>R9 08 if 17,202 00 Sterling 13,ooo oo National currency * 20,292 14 Bills receivable for real estate. 31,162 oi Heal < state, estimated certainly to bring 60,00o 00 One hundred and sixty-eight shares Clover Hill stock ic,soo 00 Five shares Central Kailroad Company 15'1 "0 Virginia Coupon Bond 720 00 $120,124 22 Value in coin, *129,124 22 99,320 32 *191,528 98 LIABILITIES. Circulating notes, bank and branches *394,672 00 Notes of oilier bankson hand, *76,838 '.'3 ; estimated to redeem of our circulation 40,000 oo ?554,?72 00 To be paid in coin at 3? cents per dollar. . 166,401 6o Surplus out of which expenses of agencies at bank and branches in liquidation are to be paid 25,127 34 *1*1,528 9* Note.? The bank holds of public securities, Confederate States bonds 6,67^,325 46 Confederate Treasury notes 177,107 72 \ irninia Treasury notes. 2u,M4 23 City of Richmon'd for loan in Confederate notes 5o,ooo oo Virginia Coupon Bonds for loan of bank notes in March. 1*04 50,000 00 Fifty shares White Sulphur Springs Company, Fauquier County bonds 87,560 00 Bills and notes discounted 2,136,457 39 *9,400,754 62 Deposits, of which the loss of books iu the fire presents an accurate reportsay *5,889,787 76 State of Virwisia? City ok Richvobd, to wit : This dav personally appeared before me, Edward J. W'arren, a Notary Public for the city aforesaid, John M. Goddin, Cashier, who made oath that the preceding statement of the condition of the Farmers Bank or Virginia is correct to the best of bis knowledge and belief. As witness my hand this 1st day of May. 1*66, EDWARD J. WARREN. my 3? lw Notary Public. /Coalfield and tide- water v7 RAILROAD.? Books of subscription to the STOCK OF THE COALFIELD AND TIDE- WATER KAILROAD COM PAN V will be opened on the 5th day of June at the office of the Midlothian Coal Mining Company, in the eity of Richmond, under the superintendence of the undersigned. CHARLISS. MILLS, R.L. WALKER, SETH M. BARTON, W. G. CLARKE, JOHN B. STAN ARD, my8? lawtd JOHN C. STANARD. Handsom e bareges, mozamBIQUES, l'ercals, Lawns. Ginghams, Chambrays, French, American, and English Calicoes, at my 4 LEVY BROTHERS , 15 Main street. Black silks, bugles, gimps, Buttous, Fringes, and Fancy Cords, at my 4 LEVY BROTHERS , 16 Main street. T7ANS, FANS.? A large assortment at X Lin BBOTHEHS', Bfi U M&ltt street,

pw.nirt?flIOWAL CARDS. TYR. H. T. COLEMAN UIS OFFICE AND^RRsfDENCB TO LIUDBH ROW, FUAMMttf BTE11T. third door ?bov? 8?cona. J* n ? Sin THOMAS J. EVANS, ATTORNEY I AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER IN CHANCERY, practiced In the Conrt* of tbe City of Richmond and tbe County of Henrico. Office on Franklin, second door from 81xth street. Ja 12? ?* J )IS PATCH JOB PRINTING IIOU8E. Thin establishment has been furnished with an ENTIRELY NEW OUTFIT OF STEAM PRESSES and IMPROVED MACHINERY, and with everything In the TYPE DEPARTMENT that the bent Founders could supply, and Is now prepared to execute orders for every description of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING For Merchants, Manufacturers, Mechanics, Auctioneers, Banks, Railroads, Steamboats, Express Companies, Insurance Companies, Hotels, Restaurants, Boarding-Houses, Theatres, Concert Halls, Clerks of Courts, Sheriff*, Constables, Lawyers, Doctors, Denti.sU, Colleges, 8chools, and for all other persons, corporations, and institutions. We print Business Cards, Checks, Visiting Cards, Notes, "At IIoi.ie'* Cards, Drafts, Wedding Cui Js, Prices Current, IJ..11 Cards, Title Deeds, Show Cards, Tru.-:t Dee Js, Admission Cuids, Leases, Election Card-, Receipts, Time Th Li on, Tax Dills, Way-Bill^, Licenses, Circular, . Bonds, Bill- Heads. Insurance Policies, Shippers' Receipts, Calendars, Steamers' Bills, Notices, Druggists' Labels, Bills of Lading, Tobacco Labels, Manifests, Clothing Labels, Bills ofgFaro, Dray Tickets, Concert Bills, Coal Tickets, Programmes, Wood Tickets, Theatre Bills, Bread Tickets, Show Bills, Milk Tickets, Posters, all sizes; Reward Tickets. Passenger Tickets, Election Tickets. C'ertllicates of Stock, Renewal Certificates, Manufacturers' Labels. All woik ordered will be done in the most artistic manner, and at vkky low pricks. COLORED PRINTING OF ALL KINDS, my 2 p A P E R W AREHOU S E , RICHMOND, Va., MAIN STREET, NORTH SIDE, BETWEEN NINTH AND TENTH STREETS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. | ROBINSON A FAIRBANKS have on hand, and are daily receiving, PAPERS : Wrapping, Mailing, News, Book, Writing, Record, Legal, Sermon, Engrossing, Copying, Tra- i cing, Drawing, Oiled, Tissue, Gold, Silver, Color- j ed, Bristol Boards, Fancy, Card, Ac., Ac. BLANK BOOKS: Ledger?, Journals, Day Books, Cash Books, Receipt Books, Bank Books, Drafts, Checks, Copy Books, Ac., Ac. TWINES : Jute, Hemp, Cotton, Seine, Ac., Ac. INKS: Printing, Writing, Copying, Red, Blue, Ac., Ac. Writing Books, Slates, Wafers, Sealing Wax, Mucilage, Crayons, Inkstands, Copying Presses, ; Letter Books, Portfolios, Brushes, Pens, Pencils, Erasers, Rules, Memorandum Books, Time Books, Wallets, and everything in the Stationery line. Chess Boards, Chess Men, Backgammon Boards, Cards, Envelopes, Rubber Goods, and a variety of small wares. Bankers, Merchants, Lawyers, Clergymen, Publishers, Teachers, Printers, Public Officers, and others, will And everyihing wanted in quantity, quality, and price. Paper of any size, kind, quality, and quantity we can furnish to order or have made at short notice. PAPER BAGS? a large stock.

Being Agents of Paper Mill*, Envelop*, Paper Bag, Ink, ami Blank Bonk Makers, an.l buying J from first hands, we can compete with the Jobbers north or south. CASH PAID FOR COTTON AND LINEN RAGS, HEMP AND MANILLA STOCK, OLD NEWSPAPERS, PAMPHLETS, BOOKS, and all kind* of PAPER STOCK. Mr. S. M. DRINKEK, so well known in connection with the Stationery 1 basinets in the city of Richmond, in with um, and will be pleased to see his friends. E. T. ROBINSON, S. FAIRBANKS, of Richmond. of Florida, [ap #-U] M AKE YOUR OWN SOAP BY SAVING AND USING YOUR WASTE GREASE. BUY ONE BOX OF THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY'8 SAPONIFIER, OR CONCENTRATED LYE. IT WILL MAKE TEN POUNDS OF EXCELLENT HARD 80AP, OR TWENTY-FIVE GALLONS OF THE VERY BEST 80FT SOAP, FOR ONLY ABOUT THIRTY-FIVE CENTS. Direction! on each box. For sale at all Drag and Grocery store*, and in lota at wholesale by WILLIAM M. ELLICOTT ft 80N8, No. I Spiae'i Wharf, jnhJ-dlra BALTIMORE, MD. TfLATTENING MILLS, TOBACCO CUTTER8, TOBACCO PRESSES, and all ktnda of FACTORY FIXTURE8, made and repaired by CARDWELL k FREEDLEY, Successor* to Jon* W. Cardwill k Co., Agricultural Implement Worka, mh f?Sra Ninth and Cary streets. "I7URNISHINO GOOD8. ? Gentlemen's JT Undershirt*, Drawer*, Socks, Suspenders, Ties. ? Gloves, ke ., in great variety of styles and prices, at WERTEN BAKER A" WILLIAMS', ap 11 _ 101 Main street. Apples, apples, ap p les.Handsome RED APPLKSand RU88ET8 just received from New York, for sale by ioUlH J. B088IKUX, ap U? ta No. IQ Main streeL TEAS.? Fine Gunpowder and Oolong TEAS for aula bv . . JOHN N. GORDO* ft 80 JT, lay I Yowtttntti Mntt, uu uikMft Xottl,

INSURANCE COMPANIES. Virginia 8t a t b insurance ? COMPANY. CAPITAL, JOHN L. BACON, President. THOMAS W. McCANCB, Vice-President. WILLIAM II. CHRISTIAN, Secretary. DIRECTOR*. Thomas B. Price, James Alfred Joke*, WELLIRaTO* GODDIR, TnoMA* W. McCarce, Jour L. Baco.*, Robert A. Larcaster BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, FURNITURE, and PERSONAL PP'lPERTY OP ALL KINDS, In the city or conntry, Insured against loss or damage by Are on the inoet liberal terms. Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid. Office, 10* Main street, over Mitchell A Tyler's, Richmond, Va. ap21? ts TTNDER A LIBERAL CHARTER ^ from the General Assembly of Virginia, passed February 2*. l^M, THE INSURANCE AXD SAVINGS COMPANY OF VIRGINIA is organized with an AUTHORIZED CAPITAL OF *1,000,0 00. Principal office at Richmond. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY : Pakul J. Hartsook, President. David J. Bprr, Secretary. B. C. Wherry, Jr., A*sistant Secretary. DIRECTORS : A. Y. Stokes, David Cr k k i k, Okoro* 8. Pai.mkr, Da*iei. J. Hartsook, John Erders, W. B. I*AArs, W. o. Pairk. JoSEI'H E. Cl AOETT, Sariei. C. Tari?t, W. <?. Tayi.ok. J i ihs C. Williams, J. B. Davis. Thi* Company 1* now prepared to make INSURANCE and issue POLiCI SS upon FIRE and MARINE RISKS on the nuwt ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS, and offers all the inducements connected with a HOME INSTITUTION OF UNDOUBTED ABILITY AND SAFETY. The business capacity of the Director* is well known throughout the Stato, the condition of the Company can at all time* be a*certained, and any accumulation of profit* will constitute a fund for the benefit of the community which pay* the premiums. Office on Main street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth, over the United States Telegraph office, ap 14? tin Montague a wiiitall (Late of the Merchant*' Insurance Company of Richmond,) INSURE PROPERTY OF ALL KINDS IN THE MOST RELIABLE COMPANIES. They also effect MARINE INSURANCE AND LIFE INSURANCE. Office, No. 231 Main streot, just below the Spot*wood Hotel. de 11? ts DRY GOODS. SHOES. &c. Bargains at levy brothers. Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at 5>c., worth 75c ; White Cotton Ho*eat25c.; Superior FnglNh Hose at 5oc : Ladies' Sun Umbrellas at *1.75, *2. and *2.50 ; Calicoes at 12|, It J, and 2"c ; Bleached Cottons at 15, 20, 25, and 30c.: Pillow-cane Cotton, full 15 inche* wide, at 40c.; Unbleached Cotton. 3? i lichen wide, at 25c.: al*o, at low price*, all kind* <?f Embroidered Collar*, Cuffs, Infant*' Robe*. Worked Bands, Edging*. In*ertings, Good* for Boys' and Men'* wear. Ladle*' lire** Good* of every description, a large assortment of Silk Basques, Sacqite*. and Circular* : Grenadine, Mozambique, and Shetland Shaw*, at my ?? LEVY BROTHERS, ISMain *treot rrO LADIES. ? I have just received 1 additions to my stock of LADIES' SHOES which renders my assortment very complete, and which will enable me to sail all who may favor me with a call. Sly stock now embraces all styles and qualities, and'ladies will do well to give me a call. JOHN C. PAGE, Jr.. 217 Main street, three doors below Ninth, my 7? 3t Duplex jellipticsk i rts Just received, direct from the manufacturer*, Empre** Trail. Pride of the World, and Pari* Trait, at reduced prices, at LEVY BROTHERS, my x 15 Main street. VEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! AT THE CHEAP STORE OF RICHMOND, CORNER OF SIXTH AND BROAD STREETS. Ju*t receiving by Express another stock of DRY GOODS, bought at LOWER PRICES than any previously purchased by me this *ea*on. Therefore we are MARKING DOWN our other goods to suit present prices. BLEACHED COTTONS, 12), 20, and 25 cents. DUCALS only 25 cents. BAREGES, 12} and 25 cents. CALL SOON AND SECURE BARGAINS. W. R. POLK, NEW No. 52tf BROAD STREET, corxkr of Sixth. my 1 JfRESH ARRIVAL DRY GOODS, &c., A T MAY, HELLER & BROTHERS', Northwest Coknrk Sixth axd Bkoai> strket^. A fine assortment of goods, embracing all the late styles of DRESS GOODS, FANCY NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, SILKS, MANTILLAS, and DOMESTIC GOODS, have just been received. We invite our friends to call, as we are certain to please all who l'avor us with their custom. my 5? ts MAY, HELLER k BROTHERS.

B (X)TS AND SHOES op all KINDS, at LOW PRICES, at MAY, HELLER A BROTHERS', my 5 ? to Broad and Sixth street*. t^PRING TRADE, 1806. HALL ii HUTCHISOir, Importer* and Jobbers of NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, and WHITE GOODS, (at the old tttand of Thomas, A Caldwell,) No. 7 Pkakl oa ForaTKKxm stbkkt, between Main and Cary Richmond, Va. We are prepared with a large and elegant stock of GOODS for the spring trade, and respectful if invite an examination by our friends and the trad* generally. mh 5 Raglan d & co., LUMBER DEALERS, Fiptiixth btkkkt, offer for sale >00,000 feet 1. U, 1), and 3 inch P1NB, part of It seasoned ; 50,000 feet 1, 14, and J inch N. S. WHITE PINE ; 60,000 No. 1 HEART CYPRESS SHINGLES, loo.tHW No. J CYPRESS SHINGLES, OAK LUMBER, assorted sites ; HfcAKT GARDEN RAILS, CKDAK POSTS, WHITE PINE FLOORING, dressed ; JOISTS and SCANTLING, ll to 10 feet long ; HUBS, HOUNDS, 8POKE8, aud FELLOES, for wagons, Ac. ALSO, 1 NEW COAL or WOOD CABT. BILL TIMBER cat at short notice on favorable terma. mhl?? Jm RAGLAN D Mf.O. F OR SALE, ?oo bales PRIMS TIMOTHY IlAY, too casks ROCKLAND LIMB. 50 barrels EXTRA DAKEKS FLOUR. 8. P. LATHROP, Agent, " iJinbi my ?<? to Eighteenth street, south side of Dock. HATS AT COST.? The balain-e of our stock of SOFT FELT HATS we will close oat at prime coat. ap*? WERT EN BAKIR k WILLIAMS. WRAPPING PAPER ? , One thousand reams, assorted aliee and weight*, foi aale. ROBINSON * FAIRBANKS _M ? Paper War?hou>e. l'X)FFEE.--Prime Rio, Java. and LaV guayra COFFBB for sale br John n u or don a son. my ? Fourteenth street, near fatehange Hot^tTHRESH TOMATOEfiL PEACHES, J< PUB APPLE#, M UJf apM 11 Broad sfcrr?t. YE.? One bundled biwhela RYK, <m nSla ?. mi * so.

RAILROAD?. ? ? ?mi i , KrcavovD ajtd Danvillji Ki?it*o*f> Richmond, May I, i*x VrOTTCE TO TRAVELTjERH.? Th* 11 public are hereby Informed that tho d<!r.r?n. railroad* on the Hoe from Richmond ?oth. vitt Danrllie, V?.; Greenaboro', Salisbury, < bar' lotte, Ac., K. C.; Cheater, Wlnnaboro', Colombia Charleston, Greenville, U c.,8. C.; Align*;*, ?A; vannah, Macon, Colombo*. Athens, Atlanta G?.; Montgomery, He I ma, Mobile, 4c., Alt ; Orleans, La., Ac.. are n/?w completed, tho* to the traveller the shortest ana mostdlrert row!, to the various points South. The route utA^.. through a salubrious ar>d healthy rotjntrr. MAIL AND PASSKNOhK TRAIN l?ar,. Rtfh won't dally, Sunday* executed, ai 1.40 A. X Af rivea at Danville at 4. JO P. M. Arrive* at Ort^n% boro' ftt t.MF. M. ** Leave* Greensboro' dally, Saturdays excer>'>] ,, 10. M I'. M. Leaves Danville daily at 5 46 a w Arrive* at Richmond at >.15 P. M. Train* connect at Burkerllle with trslu# r,r. ?,* Bouthside railroad for FARM VILLE, LWrii BURG, BRISTOL. KNOX VILLE, DALTot CHATTANOOGA, MEMPHIS, Ac. J' THOMAS DODAMEAD my 2? to Superintendent. X ,"'ni richmonl, . RAILROAD, CARRYING THE PJflTED STATES MAIL TWICE DAILY. -The only railroad r-?t? laauln* THROUOH TICK KTS and THROUGH BAGGAGE CHECKS from Kichmond to the clti?? North, Ea*t and Went. Train* on this road are now run aa follow* : The DAY THROUOH MAIL TRAIN leave* Richmond daily (San day a excepted) at * A. M , arriving in The NKJHT THROUOH MAIL TRAIN leare Richmond daily at ? P. M., arrivinx in Um at 5 A . M.j connecting with t h ?* EtRLl M??RSINO TRAlNf? for the NoltTH. EAST, an I Wr>T. Tho EXPRESS and FREIGHT TRAIN i>-av*? Richmond TRI- WEEKLY, on MONDAY1*, WKI>. NKSDAYS. and FKlDAl S, at * o'clock, A. M , arriving in Washington at?.*> P. M., connection with the 7 10 P. M . train on the Baltimore ai.d Ohio railroad for New York, Philadelphia, Baltl. more, Harrlabui*. and the We*. . |fT n Fare i>Y this tr?lr> to Wanbliurton only SIX r." I.. LARS for linit-cla**, and H\ h DOLLARS for second-class passenger*. The ACCOMMODATION TRAIN between Rich, morid and Mittord leave* Richmond at J.Ju P. M arrivir.K at Mllford at *, P. M. THROUGH TICKhTSand THROUGH RAOGj|0| CHECK'S to Alexandria. Washington, Baltim?r>, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and all the principal citien in the Went. For further information and throngh tlrketa applr at the otflce of the company, corner Br"?j and Eighth streets, Shockoe Hill. J. B. GENTRY, General Ticket Agent. Samtkl Rcth, Superintendent. f- u VIRGINIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. ? The following regular train* will be run ou thin read on and after MONDAY, February 12 : A MAIL TRAIN DAILY (except on Nuudayn), between Richmond and Staunton, leaving Rubuni.J at 7.45 A. M. and Staunton at * A. M. A NIGHT MAIL TRAIN between Richmond an I GordoriKville, *even tinea a week, le*viiijf Ki<h. inond at 7.15 P. M. and Gordonwvllle at 12 w a. M. Thia train tnakea cl??ae connectlona with ti*ln?..n the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, and av>>ld? the delaya at GoRfaHHTllll on the form r night arhedule. By thia train pa^en^ere for the Southwent will not b? delayed in Ly lulilnirKA TUI- WEEKLY MAIL TRAIN, leaving s ?Mn. ton at 7 A. M. for the West, on Tueadayn, Tlmr?. dayf and Saturday*. THE MAIL TR'AIN leaving Richmond connect with traiiiH un the ORANGE AND ALEXANl?H!\ RAILROAD. The DAY MAIL TRAIN c< niiMu with STAGE COACHES at buunton, Lextn^uyi, 1 Winchester, 4c. The train went of Staunton connect* with STAGS COACHES for Rockbridge Baths, Rockbridge Alum, Warm, Hot and Healing Spring*, and the WhiU Sulphur and l.ewisburg. A FREIOHT TRAIN between Richmond arii Staunton connect* with Freight Train* on Oraii#* and Alexandria railroad or Lynchburg aud Alex* andria. FREIGHT will be nont to any point en the Oranu* and Alexandria railroad without change of rai*. Good* purchased ill Northern cities can be *.-nt dire? t to atiy station on thi* road where the com. panv ha* ah agent by con*ikiiing them to STEPHEN HUNTER, General Freight Agent, Rich, inond. The charge for the transit through Rlrbmond, Including wharfage, dravage, *tor.?K'e ar.d commf**ion*, will not exceed ten centa p-r on? hun. Ired pounds, and on heitvy article* will much le**. Freight* will be collected at destination. Through ticket* can be purchased at this office to Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxville, Chattanooga ai d Dalton. Fare to Lynchhurg reduced to ??. Ticket* to Lexington, Va., at Hit. Freight office at Richmond cloeed ?? 3 P. M. H. 1). WHITCO.MB, ds 11? to General Superintendent.

Offh-b Viruimia O.strai t "< ( N >? Raii.road CoMPAKY, Richmond, March SI, !?<?. > TTXTIL FURTHER NOTICE, o\I, Li THREE FREIGHT TRAINS r-rv*..>k will run nri the VIRGINIA OENTKaL RAlLRoAl'. leaving Rhiixo.nd oii Sunday, Tsndiy, *? d Tti u r> lay evenings, and arriving 'n Riclut.- n.l it Sunday. Wedneauav. and Thurnluy in<>rriliii>. H. D. WHITL'o&H. ap 9 Gent-rat Superintendent. STEAMERS. F ,X> R N E WYORK.-A T LAN-^r pf*s jJ TIC MAIL ST K A MS II I J' (DM I'A ? ^Lk NY.? The tpUndid new aide-wheel ?i-am-M| i HATTERAS, Lkwih Parkish eomimtnd. r, AI.KKI MAltl.E. A. Bol'k.vk commander, 1? are Kich nil , every TUESDAY arid SATURDAY. l-ave N- w ; York every WEl)XtWAY and SiTl'KluV, The?e SHIPS are entirely new, and were built ! expressly for the route. They nave splendid SALOONS and STATE- ' ROOMS.and the FARE, ACCOMMODATIONS and | ATTENTION are unaarpaaaad. FH.Ht.aife. meal*, and state-room* Include!, FIF? 1 TEEN DOLLARS. Gooda shipped by this Line ire landed regular!? ; at New York, on the Cotnp&ny'a covered pitr, within forty-eight hours. j Shippers are invited to notice that the gr^tt I damage and lose by bundling, and exp<>i"ir* rr m frequent re-shipping, aa on other line*, Is av iJed by this route. Freicht* for pofnta beyond New York wiabefrr. warded with dispatch, and no charge made eicfl actual expenses incurred. Theae ships discharge cargo in New York it f Ur No. J<J North river, and the Company'* ?N-<i> 1 for Wilmington, North Carolina ; Cliarl. - .>n, ??? vannah, Mobile and New Orleans. leave lr<>iu th? ; name pier. Gooda for theae points can be tr* Inferred without expense or exposure. 1 Inaurance ia very low by theae ships, and tl ? economy in time. Inaarance, and condition in which good* are delivered, make* this th* ch'-tp-?at route from Virginia. Inaarance effected at lowest rate*, when ordered. AGENTS: LIVINGSTON. FOX 4 CO., MI Rroadwav, New Tork. SAMUEL AYKKfl k CO. Richmond, Virginia. CALDWELL 4 DUNN, City Point and P?ter?bur<. T. H. WEBB. Norfolk, Virginia. For freight or passage, apply to SAMUEL AYkES k CO., Agents. Ofllee corner of Cary and Virginia sire. t>. ?>pp?v aite the Tobacco Exchange. d-i 21? 1? HMCK NATIONAL EXPRESS AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, (Orriri on Maim itrkbt, jjktwkim Thiktkkts AMU Foi'RTRRXTH atRRITK, Rl? HMOVD, VA.,) are now prepared to forward CURRENCY, C0I5, VALUABLBS, AND FREIGHT. TO P0INT8 NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, AND WEST The tariff of charge* !? baaed upon fair bu?tn?*? print Iplea, without being oppressive to th* public. GOODS SHIPPED FROM THE NORTH by steaiuehlpe, and marked to the care of ths 5stlonal Express and Transportation Company. ?;J be protaptly forwarded to destination FREE OF CHARGE FOB COMMISSION OS drayage. Oood* called fox without oh&rgi, and proup^J forwarded. All deelrad Information In ragard to th* of the llnea operated by tkla company farulsbsa *? any of the agenda* on appllaaMon. J. E. JOHNSTON, Preeldeol. B. F. Ftcu.IV, General Superintendent. i^|UI? French a ckknshaw, hi th.-ir EXTENSIVE FURNITURE WAKbKiH>E\ (roaxta Man axd Ninth naiuts.l are now receiving a large and choice selection of rieh and fine GOODS, to which Ibey Invite ih? attention of porchaaera. Included in the ?u*k u*f be f->und PARLOR 8UIT8 of antlqae and modem 'I"*' ROSEWOOD, WALNUT, and MAHoUAlf k. >? PLUSH, BROCATELLE, REPS, and HAlK CHAMBER 8U1T8 -ROSEWOOD, MAllOUANT, and WALNUT; aome very elaborate in superior la workmanship, and elegant in #nt?a LI1BRARY a ltd OFFICB^F^ RNIT C R*E 'in'g real " A larga and varied aaaortment of CHAIRS. MATTRESSES, SPRING BEDS, Ac.. ?e. In addition to the above, cau always be f?a" larga and well-aeleeted aaaortment of I A hi b } ? ? ? OlL-CLt?THS, MATTING, WINDOW SHAD bS. PAPER HANGINGS. PRINTS for farnUureco?'f?. ami FURNISHIMG U0QD8 generally. - viMOKINO TOBACCO. ? Lyiu-bl'iirg O SMOKING TOBACCO, in ooe-p^uud 5I.HH *. 0O.1H.J. ? my 4 Fowt? Ik airaat, aaar kxchan<{< H^et^ A \NK HUNDKKD BARRKLH KXT1U