Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 204, 11 May 1866 — Page 4

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Richmond Dispatch. ! FRIDAY MAY 11, 1S66. WAHHIXOTOX 1TP.MM. THK A I. Alt AM A TUSTlTlTr. On Wednesday, the 2d instant, the Sectary of \\ ar, with the approval oft lie V? - ??t, npon being informed of the des- . it nte'eonn,.?"" "-"'T1 ordered an ?dd?<v. ismied thrnnftli (lie B"rr?" sufficient to meet the wants ot ?esti. tute in Alabama. PROSPECTS OF THE AMENDMENT. It really looks as though the third section would be stricken out, and the others agreed upon by a two-thirds vote. This, with the adoption of Mr. Bingham's amendment to the bill, so as to permit each State to be represented as fast as they ratify the amendments, which will undoubtedly prevail, will insure the unanimous support of the Republican majority in the House with the exception of possibly two or three members from the border States. -Corres-. pondence New York Times. y K< K KT \ 15 v - KW A K t> . Mr. Seward has gone to New York on a v isit. the tm i. kkpkai.ixu thk city charter. Mr. Morrill, from the Senate District Committee, reported luick to-day, with amendments, the " bill in addition to the m vera I acts for establishing:, the temporary and permanent seat of the (.kiVernmcnt ot the I'nited States, and to resume the legislative powers delegated to the cities of Washington and Georgetown, and t h?- Levy Court in the District of Columbia." The bill provides for taking away the charter of Washington and Georgetown and for appointing the following executive officers forthe District : Three commissioners, private secretary of the president for the 1 )i<_ triet. solicitor, assessor, collector, treasurer, comptroller, clerk of the commission, crs, engineer, board ot health, superintend- ? :.t of weights and measures, boanl of l*'lice, superintendent of streets, supervisors of street*, tire department, water department. Salaries of commissioners', two thousand five hundred dollars ; collector of taxes, half of one per cent.; comptroller of treasury of the District, one thousand eight hundred dollars; engineer, one thousand eight hundred dollars. Ta\< >: poll tax, one dollar, and one dollar upon the hundred ot taxable property. The amendments provide that the District shall have a delegate in Congress, to !>?? elected on the lirst Monday of September, ISflO, and thereafter every succeeding two years. ? .S tar, A HOPEFUL LOOK. The official reports of the Assistant Commissioners of the Freedman's Bureau to the Commissioner, now being received for the month of April, show a continued improvement in the relations between the white and black races in the States recently in rebellion. The freedmen seem to be gaining a more correct notion of their responsibilities, as well as privileges, in their new character of freedmen; and where they conduct themselves inoffensively, the whites are becoming more disposed to treat them civilly and deal justly with them.- Star.

pKEalPKNT JollNM'N AND ClIlKF Jl'STIt K CijasE. ? A Washington letter of the 7t!i instant to the Boston A'.lcrrti*cr says : It was stated in this correspondence some days ago that Chief Justice Chase had expressly said that lie could n?>t hold court in Virginia while the State was under martial law. It may now he added that In- had an interview with the President on Saturday evening last, during which he urged upon the Executive the propriety of removing the suspension of the privilege ot the writ of h'tbeas an'jms and of withdrawing martial law, at least in Virginia, so far as relates to eases in \\ 1 1 i ? 1 1 the courts of the linitcd States have jurisdiction. 1 1 is oh. ject in making this recommendation is of course to leave the court in such a condition that it can, consistently with its own dignity and independence, proceed with trials for treason and other crimes. The recent proceedings at New Orleans make the Chief Justice particularly unwilling to enter upon trials for treason where the action of his court might he interrupted hy the military authorities. The orders issued in that case, as well as other recent orders, clearly enough demonstrate that the peace proclamation does not remove martial law; and the Chief .hist ice desires the assurance of a Presidential order or proclamation to the effect that the court will not he interfered with l?y the military in case proceedings in treason cases are begun. "What the President will do in the matter is not yet known; but there are hints that he will soon issue a declaration to the purport that martial law is abrogated in all matters whereof the civil courts have jurisdiction. The special term of the Virginia Circuit Court opened at Norfolk to-day, Judge lender wood presiding, and it is expected that the grand jury will bring in a true bill for treason against Jcll'crson Davis. Prior to the rebellion this court was held at Kicliniond, as being a more central and convenient [joint, and the House passed a hill today allowing it to be returned to that city. Whether Judge Underwuod will take any steps in the Davis business is not kuowu. Mr. Chase will probably visit Norfolk and attend the court next week. Captain A p. Catesby Jones. ? This officer, formerly lieutenant in the I'uited States navy, and during the late war captain in the Confederate naval service, has been appointed by the Peruvian Government chief of ordnance in the navy of that country. During the late war he was first lieutenant of the famed iron clad Virginia, and participated in the memorable engagements between that vessel and the United States fleet in Hampton Roads in 1*02. Goon Crops in Tennessee. ? The Bolivar (Tenn.) liuUdin thinks that in that region there will be put in cultivation this year at least double the quantity of land that was tilled in 1*03. .Many of the large fields that have only served as pastures for the past three or four years arc now being put in condition suitable for planting purposes. Sudden Death. ? Hon. Alexander G. Penu, of Louisiana, whom we have often met of late, died suddenly in Washington on 1 uesday. lie was a member of Congress from that State, ami was much known to politicians as one of the National Democratic Executive Committee during thepo. litical campaign of lHj'2. ? Xutional InUUi. 'jencer. tfKENCU ?V CRENSHAW, ?t their J; EXTENSIVE furniture warerooms, (roK.nck Main am> Nj.mm htmkktm,) are now receiving a large and choice election of rich ami fln?(J<M>DS, to whirh ihoy Invito ibu attention of purchasers. Included iu the Mock uwy b* f<und PAKLOB SUITS of antique and modern defeigiu, ROSEWOOD. WALNUT, and MAHOGANY, n, PLUSH, iiKOCATELLE, KEI'S, and HAIRCLOTH. chamber shits ? rosewood, maiiooani, and WALNUT; noun* rerjr eUbnra?<> In dwign, eaperior in workmanship, and flt-gaii! in flnl&h. COTTAOB SUITS iu *?enr variotv and LIBRARY and OFFICE FURNITURE invest variety. BEDSTEADS, WARDROBES. CABINETS, WASHSTA SDH, TAULES, HALL SJiTs, LTLUKLz, Ac. A Urge and varied a**ortm?nt of CHAIKS. MATTRESSES, SPRINU BHDS, Ac., Ac. Ju addition to the above, can alwava he found a iarvr and well-aeleeted aaaortmentofCARPETINO, OIL CLOTHS. AIATTJNO. WINDOW SHADES, PAPCK HANGINGS, PRINTS for furniture uorvr*, and FDKMSHiNG GOODS generally. ap 14 ? 8m JOSEPH J. PLKAKAi?, CIVIL ENGINEER AND LAND SUBVBYOR. Order* left at tbe olBce of the City Engineer or at thl* outlet will he promptly attended to. my ? _ MA LT.-Two hundred Im^feFKmE i UARUX MALT, on ccualgmaent. for Dale by i mri WMIAMT.

DRUGS. MEDICINES. Aco. m SV!iVJ^TrF()U TKTTKIt.-0?.r "SI'E C1FH will speedily and positively cure the *??r?t case* of Tetter and Ring worm. Read th* following certificate fr<>tn the popular and wellknown former ln*|>ec t? ?r of Tobacco at Public ? are house : Rien*oj?p, Va., April 11, !**<? Mo**r?. Mor*d<? & Baker : flentlemen,? I take plfMnrc In adding mr testimony to your "Hp*rifle' for King Worn' and Tetter. I had been afflicted for at lea*t seven rear* with a very aggravated and disfguring tel'fer on both of hit band", and had tried, In rain, many remedies. One Tlal o| your "f<periflc" ha* entirely and effect natl* cured uie, and uiy hands are now a* smooth and fair a* any one*. It. J. VAUuHAlf, late Inspertor at Public Warehouse. Price, fifty cent* a vial. Prepared only by M KA l)K A HA K hk, Practical Pharmaceutists, up IX corner Ninth and Franklin at met*. / iLEAKSi: THK With mr1 t rni'i, disordered, or vitiated Blood yon are hick ail over It mav burnt out In pimples, or sore*, or in *ome active disease, or It may merely keei> toii 1Mb ??-, depressed, and good for nothing. But von cannot hav.- good health while yonr blood i-. Impure. AVER'S SARSAPARILLA purge* out these impurities and stimulates the organs of life into vigorous action, restoring the health and expclliiit; disease. Hence it rapidly cures a variety of complaint* which are can nod by impurity of the tiltKui, such a* Scrofula or Kind's Evil, Tumors, I'lcers, Sore*, Eruptions, Pimple*. Biotche*, Hoils, St. Anthony'* Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter or Salt Rheum. Scald (load, Ring* V\ oroi. Cancer or Cancerous Tumor*, Sore F.yo*, Female Dinetui, anch a* Ketentlon, Irregularity, Suppression White*, Sterility, al*o Syphilis, or Venerial Diseases. Liver Complaints, and Heart Diseases. Try AVER'S SARSAPARILLA, and see for your?elf the surprising activity with which it cleanses the blood and Ctlfe* tho*e disorder*. During late year* the public have been tni*led by lari;?i bottle*, pretending to give a<piart of Extract of Sar*aparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been fraud* up mi the *lck, for they not only contain little, if any, Sar*Hparilla, but often no curative properties whatever. Hence, bilter disappointment ha* followed the u*e of the various extract* of Sar*apartlla which flood the market, until the name it*elf ha* become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound " Sarsapariila," and intend to supply such a remedy a* *hall re*cue the name from the load of obloquy which reals upon it. Wt think we have ground* for believing if ha* virtue* which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it i* intended to cure. We can only assure the sick that we offer then the beet alterative which we know h<>w to Produce, and wo have reason to tie- I lieve it i* by rar the most effectual purifier of the j blood Vet discovered !>y anybody. AVER'S CHERRY PE( Ti>KAi. is so universally known to surpass everv other remedy for the cure of Coughs, ( olds, Intfuen/a, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumption, and for the r?-li?f of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease, that it is nseleaa here to recount the evidence of its virtues. The world know* them. Prepared by J. C. AY KK & CO., Lowell, Massachusetts, and sold by PURCELL, LADD & Co., Druggists, Richmond, Va. nib io-im TOlIN W. KISON, 9 ' APOTHECARY AND DRUGGIST, CORNER OF MAIN AND THIRD STREETS, has in store, and offers low for cash, DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, FANCY ARTICLES, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, Sic.

Rock rr i i >< ; e al u m w a t k k. i Tbe proprietors have the satisfaction to announce that they are at last prepared to put again on the market thin highly valued mineral water. The well-known house of PUHCELL, LA DD & CO., Druggists, Richmond. Va., will bathe PRINCIPAL DEPOSITOR! for it# sale North and South. We also place it with A. B. RUCKER, Lynchburg, to supply that market and th?* Southwest : A No with oOLEMAN Si K<?GKRS, Ualtimore HEOEMAN & JiVw York. <>r?-nt care in taken in packing the bottles, and t li ?? v are safclv shipped to all j>art* of llie Cnite.l States. "ONE BOX WILL LAST SEVEN WEEKS, AT ON K PINT DAILY? AND THAT QUANTITY MAS. IX A MULTITUDE <?F CASES, >I'FH('K|| To CHECK, AX 1>, IX X<?T A FEW. To ERADICATE DISEASE. Price, delivered into any depot, or oil hoard anv steamer, i r at any other point in Richmond or Lynchburg, Twelve Dollars and Fifty GVnts?lhe money, in every instance, to accompaiiv the order, as no* accounts will le kept. THE A LI'M MASS, <>K POWDERS. These ate the salts of the water obtained by evaporation, and tlieir value and etlicacy a? a medicine nave been abundantly established.* The demand for these Suits was very great throughout the war. but it was not in our power to meet it. They will be sold in market, or at the Springs, at Twenty l>ollars per pound, or One Dollar and Fifty Cents per ounce, and call be forwarded by Express? cash to accompany the order. Pamphlets sent by mail, on application, also *n flie boxes of water. FRAZ1ER & RANDOLPH, Proprietors. ! nih K ? "?? FURNITURE, ETC. HARLISTON it BROTH KR, FURN1TURR DEALERS, would respectfully inform tlieir friends and loriuer patrons tl.at they'have resumed bn?ini>- at their N'EW t>Ti>KE, on Cary street, bet w? en*X Inth and Tenth, win-re tliey will be happv to see them, and will furnish anything in their line at reasonable 1 prices. IIADLISTON vV: BROTHER, Cary streets, iny s between Ninth and Tenth, CABINET l'UK.MTUlii;. j ^PgJS^FixE home-made FURNITURE, I wish to inform my old custom- r ? -77 ? ers ami the public generally that I ~~r have on hand a good assortment of FINE FURNITURE, <?F MY oWX MAKE. . which 1 will sell as low a> can be hoii^'M elseI where, or ROSEWOOD, MAHoUAN Y, and WALNUT? the workmanship and polish of which cannot be surpassed by any. 1 aiu prepared to execute all orders promptly. REPAIRING and BOXING neatly and carefully done. Inmv UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT in ay he found all kinds of COFFIN'S, both Wool) and METAL, with the finest ha u dies and trimmings. Also, AIR-TIGHT CASES, for transporting the , dead. I will give my personal attention to this branch of business at all hours. II. A ATKINSON, (of the old firm of lb-lvin \ Atkinson.) ijovi rnor street, above Franklin, Richmond, Va. ? P L. W. ^ W. A. BILLUPS, CABINET MAKERS AND UNDERTAKE KS7 Broad btreet, second door from Twentieth, fa 17? d&sw3in RirHMoxn, Va. iyM. KNABK & CO., ?' MAHTFACTrKEKS OP FIRST PREMIUM, GOLD MEDAL, GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. These Instruments having been before the pub- : lie for the past thirty years, have, upon their excellence alone, attained an rxriKCHASKD pkkkminkxce that pronounces them unequalled. Their TONE combines great power, richness, sweetness, and tine singing quality, as well as great purity ol intonation aHd harmoniousneua throughout the 1 entire ocale. Their TOUCH is pliant and elastic, and is entirely free from the stillness found in ho many pianos, which causes I the performer to so easily tire. In WORKMANSHIP tliey cannot be excelled. Their action is constructed with a care and attention to every part therein that characterises the finest mechanism. None but the best seasoned material is used in their manufacture, and they will accept the hard usages of the concert-room with that of the parlor upon an equality? unaffected In their melody; in fact, they are constructed " NOT FOR A Y EAR-BUT FOR EVER." ? All our Square Pianos have our new improved Grand Scale and the Agraffe Treble. Every Piano fully warranted for FIVE YEARS. WAREROOMS: 3i0 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, ap 17? 3m BALTIMORE. rpHE GREAT SALE OF JEWELRY 1 is now closed in Richmond, but ARRANDALE \ CO, take this opportunity of informing the public that the business continues to be carried on as usual at 24s Bowery, New York, and all parties holding certificates can forward them bv mail or express with the money, and the articles will be sent by return mail. Orders may also be scut lor certificated in the same way. Parties in Virginia disposed to act as agents should make immediate application, as the terms ! are liberal and a j,'ood income may be secured. Address AKRANDALE & CO., Vis Bowery. New York, my S? lw Box o,'-"<5 post -office. Mr. J. C. DICKINSON, 7* Main street, will act as a^'ctit for Richmond, and all communications adI dressed to him will have prompt attention. Address as above, or box 775 post-office. T> AO LAND tfc CO., IV LI MBER DEALERS, ?? ?? 4.1 aiocrv Fifteenth stkf.et, offer for sale suv.ooofeell.it, l|, andiiiucli PINE, part of it seasoned : M.ooo feet 1, 1), and 1 inch X. S. WHITE PINE ; 5o,oeo No. 1 HEART CYPRESS SHINGLES, loo, 000 No. 8 C\ PRESS SHINGLES, OAK LUMBER, assorted siies ; HKART GARDEN RAILS CEDAR POSTS, WHITE PINE FLOORING, dressed , JOISTS and SCANTLING, 1! to so feet long : HUBS, HOUNDS. SPOKES, and FELLOES, for wagon*, Jtc. ALSO. 1 NEW COAL or WOOD CART. BILL TIMBER cut at short notice on favorable terms, mh )&? 2w BAULAKJ) k CO. TYPE FOUNDRY.? The DISPATCH 1 is printed on TYPE MADE AT THE RICHI MOND TYPE FOUNDRY. Every article requisite for a Printing Office at Northern prices. U. L. PELOUZE k CO., *p17-4m Richmond. Va. RYE.? One hundred bushels RYE, on consignment, for sale by _my7_ WILLIAM T. KINO & CO. | COUNTRY-CURED HAMS AND LARD for tale by JOHN N. GORDON & SON, my > Fowtmib limit aw '

IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRIES. K) BUILDERS AND C TORS ?We prepared to furi IKON GRATINGS, VAULT POORS, % VERANDAHS, FENCING, and every variety of FORGING FOR HOU8E WORK, NOKTHKRN TRIPES. Call and neo n? before contracting. ARCHER h GOODWIN, Vulcan lr<>n Works, up I? 5m corner ?>f Kyrd ind Sixth streets. 1x>bacoo Factory machine ry. SCREWS AND PRESSES, FLATTEN I NO MILLS, &c., Ac., made and repaired In the moat thorough and workmanlike manner, and WARRANTED To 01 VE SATISFACTION, at th? Work* of THE UNION MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Cary htkrkt, bki.ow Fiptkrntii 01 KKI.T, where Mr. JOHN HANCOCK who lias been enKHged expressly tor this work, will b? happy to mm* hi* old friend* and customer*, among (lie oldest and best TOBACCO MAN I'KaCTURERS OF RICHMOND. _ mh i ta BH ASS FOUNDRY. ? I would In for i>l inr old customer* and the public generally that my BRASS FOUNDRY in again.in operation, and that I am prepared to ti 1 1 all order* ni my line promptly and on favorable tertna. The Foundry is Hn Cary street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets. Ja g-ta W. F. JINKIN8.__ Til, HltoWNK would rospoct fully ? announce that he has resumed l>u*ine*? on Hank street, near Ninth, and i* prepared to make and repair IRON RAILINGS, VERANDAHS, ORATING. VAULT and CELLAR DOORS. HINGES. Ac. fie will REPAIR and ITT UP PRINTING PRESSES and LIGHT MACHINERY' of all kinds and in addition thereto, having "tiperior facilities, will execute all orders for GUNSMITH'S WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, and REPAIR IKON SAFES and LOCKS. Orders respectfully solicited. J a s ? La AKINE IRON AND ^ BRASS FOUNDRY. The subscribers have associated themselves together for the purpose of conducting the IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY BUSINESS In all ite branches. They solicit the patronage of their friends and the iiubfic generally. We have procured II < >LLOWWARl' from original patterns, and as we intend to make that our principal business, we are prepared to receive orders, an<l till them promptly, at Baltimore prices. Location on Dock ntreet, below the York River d "(VaSH PAID FOR OLD IRON, BRASS and COPPER. ALFREDS. LEE, do 1* ? ta WILLIAM L. COX, OILS. KJ-: ROSENE OIL ! K E 1 >S E N E OIL ! ?PURE KEROSENE OIL at SEVENTYFIVE CENTS per gallon, for sale bv JOHN Wv. RISON, Apothecary and Druggist, mh 1 Main and Third streets. KEROSENE OIL, only eighty-five cents per gallon, for sale hv" WILLIAM A. Mo'UNTCASTLE, mh 13? 2m No. l*fl Broad street. riHEAP LIGHT! CHEAP LIGHT!! V/ KEROSENE oil,, AND KEROSBNE OIL LAMPS. ? Having made large addition* looiir stock of LAMPS? and a full supply of ?>JL always on hand? I would Invite my old friends and the public generally to call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. For the present we will seU our oil at El< HTY CENTS per gallon. K. G. RKX, Agent, fe 14 3tn at the old *tand on Governor street. HH) BIJILDKRS AND CONTRAOA TOUS.? We are prepared to furnish yoo with IRON GRATINGS, M I) IS PATCH JOB PRINTING HOl'SE. This establishment ha? been furnished with an ENTIRELY NEW OUTFIT OF STEAM PRESSES and IMPROVED MACHINERY, and with everything in the TYPE DEPARTMENT that the best Founders could supply, and is now prepared to execute orders for every description of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING For Merchants, Manufacturers, Mechanics, Auctioneers, Banks, Railroads, Steamboats, Express Companies, Insurance Companies, Hotels, Restaurants, Boarding-Houses, Theatres, Concert Halls, Clerks of Courts, Sheriffs, Constables, Lawyers, Doctors, Dentists, Colleges, Schools, and for all other persons, corporations, and institutions. We print Business Cards, Check*, Visiting Cards, Notes, "At Home" Cards, Drafts, Wedding Cards, Prices Current, Ball Cards, Title Deeds, Show Cards, Trust Deeds, Admission Cards, Leases, Election Card', Receipts, Time Tables, Tax Bills Way- Bills, Licenses Circulars, Bond*, Bill- Heads. Insurance Policies, Shippers' Receipts, Calendars, Steamers' Bill>, Notices, Druggists' Labels, Bills of Lading, Tobacco Labels, Manifests, Clothing Labels, Bills ofJFare, Dray Tickets, Concert Bills, Coal Tickets, Programmes, Wood Tickets, Theatre Bills, Bread Tickets, Show Bill*, Milk Tickets, Posters, all sizes; Reward Tickets. Passenger Ticket*, Election Tickets. Certificates of Stock, Renewal Certificates, Manufacturers' Label- .

All work order* <1 will bo done in the ini-t artistic manner, and at VERY WW fkicks. COLORED PRINTING OF ALL KINDS, my 2 Academy of the sisters of THE VISITATION, AT MOUNT Dii CHANTAL, NEAR WHEELING. TF.KM3 : Board, with bedding, washing, mending, and doctor's fees, per annum t200 00 Tuition, per annum, in the regular and ordinary course, ranges from ?-0 to 40 00 French, German, Italian, Spanish, anil Latin, form extra charge*, per quarter 8 00 Music on Piano, Guitar, co*ts per quarter.... 15 oo Music on llarp. cost* per quarter 25 <??? Music, Vocal, in claws, costs per quarter lo On Music. Vocal, private lessons, per quarter. . . 25 O'i Embroidery," Drawing, Painting in Water and Oil, and Fancy Work, also form extra charges. For the character of the School, the Sisters refer to Right Rev. Bishop Whelan's notice in the Frttman of the 2oth January. Address DIRECTRESS OF THE ACADEMY OF MOUNT DE CllANTAL. near Wheeling, Va. [Extract of a letter from Bishop Whelan.] Wheei.ino, January 5. Isfl6. The very remarkable and highly cultivated talent which presided over the Musical Department oY the Sisters in Wheeling', unrivalled, probably, in any institution tor female education iri the country, led me, as a duty to the public, to encourage the erection of buildings of such extent, and so located, m to present to parents every possible inducement to avail themselves <?f the benefits of the school. The Sifter- now occupy their new buildings at Mount de Cliantal, and will, in April, be prepared for the accommodation of two bun lr-.t pupil". The same hense of duty which led t<>the improvement now suggests the -tronK an<l decided recommendation which I hereby sibirean to the public through the Fri-nutm'* Jxturnxl. 1 trunt it will be extensively circulated by the friend- of education and the lovers of music, especially in rh? West and South. 1 have alluded only to the musical department a* beyond competition. In otb :t respects, I repaid the school a- inferior t>> none. K. V. WHELAN, fe 23 ? 3m Bishop of Wheeling. I'm R E R K H'K, FIRE BRICK The New York and Staten Island Fire Brick an I Clay Retort Works have constituted SNYDER, BOWERS & CO., (of the Richmond. Stove and Architectural Iron Works, Richmond, Va.,) AGENTS, where these celebrated BRICK ran at all times be obtained at MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. They are also agents for MCKENZIE'S PATENT CUPOLA AND FAN. ap 30? lm FLATTEN! NG M ILLS, TOBACCO CUTTERS, TOBACCO PRESSES, and all kinds of FACTORY FIXTURES, made and repaired by _ CARD WELL k FREEDLEY. Successors to John W. Cakpwkm. A Co., Agricultural Implement Works, mh 5? 3m Ninth and Cary streets. n P H E UI(?H EST I'RI c E,~ I N ~C ASlI, X paid for OLD NEWSPAPERS. OLD PAMPHLETS, OLD BOOKS, OLD PAPER. ROBINSON ,* FAIRBANKS, >P P PaperWarehooM. AS SO R T EI) PICK Li:s.-('llo\V-CHOW, in pint, quart, half-gallon, and gal- i Ion jars. CUCUMBER PICKLES. In two, three, four, and five-gallon ke^s ; also in half-barre Is? All priuie. For sale by LOUIS J. BOSSIBUX, my ? ? ts No Main street, NE HUNDRED R AUREUS No. 1 HKRRINGS, now landing ex-British brig W. I 1). Nash, for sale low to clow consignment, n* 23 tWt'U at I 0

ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. WILLIAM FOR MRS, ARCHITECT AM) BUILDER, corner of Fourth and Gary direct*. Th*1 subscriber having reaumed tlm BCILDINO BUSINESS in nil It* branched, offers hi* norvIca* to hi* friend* and the public genera 1 1 jr. **- miring theui that till work done by him *liall be of ihe bent material and workmanablp. Hiivlns; carried on the bnalnpss in thl* city for twenty year* successfully, be flatten himself that satisfaction will be given to all who may bestow upon hlrn their patronage. WILLIAM FOKBK8. ap J<> ? d3tn \\ r ALTER S. WEST, ARCHITECT I AND 111' I LDKR, I* prepared to furnish DESIGNS. PLANS and SPECIFICATIONS for building* of every description, and to superintend or contract to build th? same, in any part of the State, If de*lred. Office, No. llB Main st.cet, (np stair*,) Richmond, Va. inh 37? 0m STOVES. TINWARE. &c. STOVES, TINWARE, ANDHOUSEFURNISHING GOODS, for sale, wholesale and retail, at reduced price*, bv WILLIAM A. MOnXTCASTLK, mh 20? 2m No. H6 Broad afreet. Jo H V W. M'KiKI.. 0E0R<?Bi?. WILBo.V McKIEL <fc WILSON, MANUFACTURERS OF TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, AND DEALERS IN STOVES, &<?., No. 22 MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. Prompt attention paid to ROOFING, GUTTERING!, Sio. fe " ? 3m HOUSE AND SIGN. PAINTING. T<>IIN J. FRENCH, PRACTICAL ?J HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, &c., under Bradford's Hotel, Frank1.15 STRF.KT. Any work executed by him he will engage to give satisfaction. READY-MIXED PAINTS, Sic., of all shade*, always on liand. Ortfers fur work will meet with prompt attention, ap lti? Irn House and sign- paintno.? The undersigned are prepared to contract for and execute all orders for PAINTING entrusted to their care, with neatness and dispatch, guaranteeing the best material and workmanship. SIGNS neatly, promptly, and cheaply executed. ISAAC SCHR1VER A CO. Shop 256 Main street, between Seventh and Eighth streets. mh If ? 3m II OUSE A N D SIGN PAINTING. B E M O V A L . l. l. Montague a son have removed to their new building, on TENTH STREET, between Main and Cary, where they will he pleased to receive orders from their friends and the public generally for HOUSE, SIGN andORNAM KNTA L PA INTI 5fG in every style. Good work guaranteed. Terms moderate. J a 24? ts L. L. MONTAGUE St SON. COAL AND WOOD. pAROO OF COAL FOR SALE.? Two \ J hundn-d and twelve tons very superior RED ASH ANTHRACITE COAL, to arrive, for hale low if immediate application is made. R. J. WHITE, south side the dock, opposite Libby prison, mh 23? ts "IJEMBERTON A CREW, dealers in 1 COAL AND WOOD, office Seventeenth street, between fury and Dock. Best RK1) and WHITE ASH ANTHRACITE CoaL, for grate*, stoves, ami foundry u?- ; CI.oVER HILL LUMP and AVERAGE COAL ; OAK and PINE WOOD, tub ll-ts VEW .'OA L AND WOOD YARD, 1> corner of seventh and canal STREETS -ANTHRACITE and M I DLOTH I A N COAL and WOOD for salebv BLOOD Si PENDLETON. N. B ? Orders promptly tilled. de It? fa

HOTELS AND BOARDING-HOUSES. 0 RANOE HOUSE, AT ORANGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD DEPOT. LYNCIIBURO, VA. HOUSTON RUCKER. Proprietor. This celebrated Hotel having been REFTR Nf.SU ED a lift REFITTED JN SUPERB STYLE offer> SUPERIOR accommodations t? ? t h ?? travelling public. Travellers going north ami south will fina meals ready upon the arrival of trains, and stilli cl'-nt time allowed. The proprietor pledges* him self that its well-known Hrst-class reputation shall not be surpassed in the Union. fe 19? ts HOARDING.? Mrs. Dll VA LL, Main. between Sixth and Seventh streets, has some rery comfortable unoccupied rooms f<>r hoarders and' can take a few more DAY BOARDERS. fe l.'l? ts Ho.\ RDING.? Miss !il 1 ?<;<>< )I >, south side Main street, second door above Seventh, ! ran take a lew more BOARDERS, with or without j lodging. de 3f> ? ts ' I) M AKE YOU 11 OWN SOAP BY SAYING AND USING YOCR WASTE GREASE. BOOKS. STATIONERY, &c. K KKNS S NEW BOOK. JOSEPH GRIM ALDI. By Charles Dickens. ??"C. (?OLD BRICK. Rv Mr*. Ann S. Stephens. *2. >T MARTIN EVE. Bv Mrs. Wood. >'-V ALLWORTII ABBEY. ' Bv Mrs. Southwortli. I'i'UTI'.N E sLI.K i: lis. li'vMi- S.u'liworth, <??.'. 1 oi:r MUTUAL FRIEND. Bv Dickens. *1. MILETUS Hvltulw.r. ft. Toilers of The >ka. bv Victor Hn^o. 7.*c. KE< oM MENDED TO MERCY. r:. K EN N E IT Bv Bavard Taylor. >-.'.23. under the Band. *1 SON OF THE SOIL. *1.7.*.. UTTRELL <?F A KUAN. By Lever. *1. WIVES AND DAUGHTERS. By Mrs. Gaskell. *1.50. For ?ali' bv 'A. H. CHRISTIAN fi CO., my 10 No. *11 Main street, opposite Spotswood. WOODimUSE A- PAR IIAM, > > BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, ha ve just received, Dk .s.MI 111 S SMALLER CLASSICAL DICTION - A R V . *3. THE PRINCIPLES OF BloLoiiY. By Herberi Sl'K.M Hit. *2. .Ill, HISTORY < ?F SLAVERY IN MASSACHUSETTS. By (? KoK't r. H. Mookk. Librarian New York Histo'rical Socm tv. s>n. ARCHBISHOP MANNING'S NEW PASTORAL. ; Ttie Reunion of Christendom. A Pastoral Letter to the Clergy, etc. 5"c. HALL'MiVIDE TO THE OREAT WEST. New edition with a map. 5"c. New edition of tne WORKS OF SHAKSl'EARE, edited with a scrupulous revision of the text. By { C11 a k 1. km and Mary Cowdex Clarke. authors of, " A Complete Conversance to Shak-peare."' *1". my 8 TMNCY STATIONERY. I1 2'? reams FRENCH NOTE PAPER. 15 reams ENHLISH NOTE PAPER, l,ou0 EN YEL< 'PES to match . For sale by ROBINSON Si FAIRBANKS, ap 9 Paper Warehouse. HLANK BOOKS. 1,< ilirors, J<nini;tls, Cash Books, Bank Books? plain, imitation, and lair bound Russia? of all si/en and qualities, for sale by ROBINSON & FAIRBANKS, ap K Paper Warehouse. ENVELOPES. ?Square, long, billot, JU note, and fancy. ROBINSON i FAIRBANKS, ap 9 Paper Warehouse. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. OR. R. T. COLEMAN has removed HIS OFFICE AND RESIDENCE TO LINDEN ROW, FRANKLIN STREET, third door above Second. ja 22? 3m | THOMAS J. EVANS. ATTORNEY 1 AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER IN CHANCERY, practices in the Courts of the City of Richmond and the County of Henrico. Office on Franklin, second door from Sixth street. ja 12? ts BOY ONE BOX OF THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY'S SAPONIFIER, OR CONCENTRATED LYE. IT WILL MAKE TEN POUNDS OF EXCELLENT HARD SOAP. OR TWENTY-FIVE GALLONS OF THE VERY BEST SOFT SOAP, FOR ONLY ABOUT THIRTY-FIVE CENTS. Directions on each box. For sale at all Drug and Grocery stores, and In lots at wholesale by WILLIAM M. ELLICOTT k SONS, No. 1 Spear'? Whark, nih 2? dJm BALTIMORE, MD. 'PO SHOEMAKERS AND LEATHER * DEALERS. We will receive to-day HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER. FRENCH, GERMAN, and AMERICAN CALF SKINS, which we will sell in any quantity at low price*. 0. H. CHALKLEY A CO., HIDE AND LEATHER DEALERS, Cauy street, uktwhix Elevexth and Twilptb. my 7 * F BURNISHING GOODS.? Gentlemen's 1 Undershirts, Drawer*, Socks, Suspenders, Ties, Gloves, Ac., in great varietv of styles and prices, at WERTEN BAKER i WILLIAMS'. Ap U 102 Main stra?t. VOCAL CLASS.? Classes ?or yonng ladies In the RUDIMENTS ANh SCIENCE OF MUSIC will be given the 1st of April. Texus ; TWo DOLLARS PER MONTIl IN CLASS. Apply at the Arllngtou No. 9. mh W?U '

INSURANCE COMPANIES. \f I Rf JINIA 8 T A T E INSURANCE | * COMPANY. CAPITAL, *500,000. JOHN L. BACON, President. THOMAS W McCANCE, Vice-President. WILLIAM H. CHRISTIAN, Secretary. DIRECTOR*. TltoJIAR R. PxtCI, JaME* Al.FKF.D JoNK*, Wei.likhtoh Goonur, Thomas W. McCajh.b, J oh J L. Bacox, Robert A. Lax aster BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, FURNITURE, and PERSONAL PROPERTY OF ALL KINDS, in the city i>r country, insured against loss or damage by flro on the most liberal terra*. Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid. Office, 10" Main street, over Mitchell k Tyler'*, Richmond, Va. apSl? t* ! TfNDER A LIBERAL CHARTER ^ from the General Assembly of Virginia, j parsed February 2S, idtw, THE INSURANCE AX D SAVINGS COMPANY OF VIRGINIA is organized with an AUTHORIZED CAPITAL OF *1,000,nfW>. Principal office at Richmond. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY : Da.mri. J. Hart hook, President. David J. Btrr, Secretary. B. C. Whekrt, Jr., Assistant Secretary. DIRECTORS : A. Y. Stoker, David Ci rrik, O Ho ROB S. PAI.MKR, I>AXIEI. J. IlARTROOK, .lull v EXDRRRt W. B. Isaacs, W. (I. PAINE, Joseph E. Ci.auett, Samtkl C. Tarut, W. G. Tatlor, Jo II S C. W I M.I A MR, J. B. Davir. This Company is now prepared to make INSURANCE and issue POLICIES upon FIRE and MARINE RISKS on the most ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS, and offers ail the inducements connected with a HOME INSTITUTION OF UNDOUBTED ABILITY AND SAFETY. The business capacity of the Directors is well known throughout the State, the condition of the Company can at all times be ascertained, and any accumulation of profits will constitute a fund for the benefit of the community which pays the premiums. Otflce on Main street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth, over tho United State* Telegraph office, ap 14? ltn YCONTAGUE <fc WHITALL (Late of the Merchants' Insurance Company of Richmond.) INSURE PROPERTY OF ALL KINDS IN THE MOST RELIABLE COMPANIES. They also effect MARINE INSURANCE AND LIFE INSURANCE. Office, No. 231 Main street, jiibt below the Spotswood Hotel. de 11? te DENTISTRY. and Seventh .Will practice his 'profession in all its branches. ARTIFICIAL TEETH inserted on Vulcanite, Gold, and Silver. office open at ALL HOt'RS. The highest price paid for OLD GOLD PLATE, ap 21 1? DAVISON, Bj\\ f1 . SURGEON DENTIST office and residence on Main street, between fcjeventh and Twelfth, just below the National Exchange Bank, where he is better prepared than ever to give his patrons the tull benefit of his profession. He will EXCHANGE NEW TEETH on the improved base for OLD SETS OF GOLD. All work warranted for at least live years. Those requiring his services need not neglect their teeth, as lie will accommodate himself to their circumstances and the times. Patients from the country can board with li i m at his residence without charge while having work done. nib 2K? Bin nli. GEORGE B. STEEL. DENTAL SURGEON. f Office on Main, between Seventh 1 and Eighth streets, Richmond, Va. ARTIFICIAL TEETH inserted upon GoLD, SILVER. PLATI NA, and VULCANITE. Natural ones EXTRACTED. FILLED, and REGULATED. Fractures ol the .Maxillary Bones, Cleft Palate, and all diseases of the mouth, attended to promptly and in the most careful and thorough manner. de 1"? 6m TE ET II EXTRACTED WITHOUT 1 PAIN.? G. W. JONES, Dextai. Scrmko.x, announces to all having teeth to be extracted that, after much difficulty and expense, he ha.* secured the neres.-ary APPARATUS FOR MAKING THE "NITROUS oXYDE GAS," now so universally and successfully used at the North, where, in many thousand cases, in extracting teeth and other surgical operations, there was POSITIVELY NO PAIN to the patient; and as it i* ENTIRELY HAi:MLES< there is, therefore, NO POSSIBLE DA NO Eli IN ITS USE. To the medic I profession of this city he offers his services when, in surgical cases, an anesthetic may be needed. All other operations appertaining to his profession gently and thoroughly performed. Office on Main struct, corner erf Sixth, opposite Arlington House. fo 23? 3m I \ENTAL NOTICE* 1/ JOHN G. WAYT, DENTIST, having recovered his health, has resumed the practice of Dentistry in Kichmond, and respectfully offers his services to his old friends and patients, and all others who may need them. office and residence SoUTH SIDE OF GRACE STREET, BETWEEN SEVENTH / SI) EIGHTH, ja 6? 6m*

p A P 15 H W A It 1: IIOUS E , RICHMOND, Ya., MAIN STREET, NORTH SIDE, BETWEEN NINTH AND TENTH STREETS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ROBINSON & FAIRBANKS have on band, and are daily receiving, PAPERS: Wrapping, Mailing, New*, Book, Writing, Record, Legal, Sermon, Engrossing, Copying, Tracing, Drawing, Oiled, Tissue, Gold. Silver, Colored, Bristol Boards, Fancy, Card. &i c., &c. BLANK BOOKS: Ledgers, Journal*, Day Books, Cai-h Books, Receipt Books, Bank Books, Drafts, Checks, Copy Books, Ac., &c. TWINES : Jute, Hemp, Cotton, Seine, &C., Ac. INKS: Printing, Writing, Copying, Red, Bine, &c., Sic. Writing Books, Slates, Wafers, Sealing Wax, Mucilage, Crayons, Inkstands, Copying Presses, Letter Books, Portfolios, Brashes, Pens, Pencils, Erasers, Rules, Memorandum Books, Time Books, Wallets, and everything in the Stationery line. Chess Boards, Chess Men, Backgammon Boards, Cards, Envelopes, Rubber Goods, and a variety of small wares. Bankers, Merchants, Lawyers, Clergymen, Publishers, Teachers, Printers, Public officer*, and others, will find everything wanted in quantity, quality, and price. Paper of any size, kind, quality, and quantity we can furnish to order or have made at short notice. PAPER BAGS? a large stock. . Being Ag<-nts of Paper Mills, Envelope, Paper Bag, Ink, and Blank Book Makers, and buying from first hands, we can compete with the Jobbers north or south. CASH PAID FOR COTTON AND LINEN RAGS, HEMP AND MANILLA STOCK, OLD NEWSPAPERS, PAMPHLETS, BOOKS, and all kinds of PAPER STOCK. Mb. S. M. DRINKER, so welt known in conncttlon with the Stationery basinets in the city of Richmond, is with us, and will be pleased to see his friends. E. T. ROBINSON, 8. FAIRBANKS, of Richmond. of Florida. f ap 9 ? ts] ry HUNKS, VALISES, Ac.? Wo nre 1 constantly receiving, direct from th? manufacturers, a great variety of styles and qualities of TRUNKS, VALISES, and HAND BAGS, whuh we offer at a smal 1 advance on cost. WKKTKNBAKKK ii WILLIAMS, ap JO 1'".' Main street. QEINE TWINE, in story ami to nr0 rive, for sale. ROBINSON ft FAIRBANKS, ap 9 Piper WawUvtue.

o argains at levy brothe kh. jD Hemstitched Handkerchief* at Sec., worth "5c ; White C'ott?n Hose atZSc.; Sup trior Ki/trl l^h Hose at Mr.; Ladies' Snn Umbrellas at tl.?5, ft, and 92.50 - Calicoes at 12f, 1*J, and Joe.; Blescbed Cotton* at 15, 2o, 25, and JOc : Pillow-case Cotton, full 45 inrhes *14*, at 40c. ; Unbleached Cotton, ti inch am wide, at 25c.; also, at low prices, all kind* of Embroidered Collars, Caffs, Infants' Robes. Worked Hands, Edgings, In<ertings, Goods f.,r Hoys' and Men'# wear, Ladie?' Dress floods ??f every description, a large assortment of 811 li Basques, Sarqn*-*, and Circulars; Grenadine, M<?. zamnlqne, and Shetland Rhaws, at my k LEVY BROTHERS, IS Main street. f|V) LADIl'iS. ? I Iihvo iiiKt mvivptl 1 additions to my stock of LA 1)1 EH" SHOES which renders my a*sortm-rit vry complete and which will enable me to salt all who may fnvr me with a call. My stock now embraces all styles and qualities, and ladles will do well toe ire me a call. JOHN C. PAGE, Jk . 217 Main atreet, three doors below Njntb. my 7 ? 3t T \l I'LEX 'ELLIPTIC SKIRTS.? Jwk l' received, direct from the manufacturer*. Empress Trail, Pride of the World, and Paris Trail, at reduced prices, at LEVY BROTHER*, my s 15 Main *tr< ?t. i^KW GOODS! NEW GOODS! AT THK CHEAP STOKE OF RICHMOND, CORNER OF SIXTH AND BROAD STREETS. Ju-t receiving by Express another stock "f DRY GOODS, 4c., bought at LOWER PRICES than any preTiuHy purchased by me this season. Therefore w- are MARKING DOWN our other goods to suit present prices. BLEACHED COTTONS, 12$, 20, 1W|J 2 3 Ce?'s. j Dl'CALS only 25 c^nfa. bareges, i?j and 23 cents. CALL SOON AND SECURE BARGAINS. W. R. POLK, NEW No. 529 BROAD STREET, cornkr op Sixth. iny7 THRESH ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS, Ac., A T MAY, HELLER k BROTHERS', NORTIIWBST CV'KNKK StXTIf AND BROAD STRKETS A line assortment of goods, embracing all th? late styles of DRESS GOODS, FANCY NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, SILKS, MANTILLAS, and DOMESTIC GOODS, have just been received. We invite our friend* to call, as we are certain to please all who favor us with their custom. my 5? ts MAY, HELLER & BROTHERS. DOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KIND.". at LOW PRICES, at MAY, HELLER & BROTHERS', my 3_ts Broad and Sixth Mr? -fs. S^PRIXG TRADE, 18M.

HALL & HUTCHISON. Importer* :in?I Jobber* of NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, and WHITE GOODS, (at the old stand of Thoina*, Hughes it Caldwell,) No. 7 PkARL OH For KVKKNTH STREET, between Main and Cftry Richmond, \ i. We are prepared with a lar^o and elegant stock of GOODS f"r the spring trad**, and respect fully invite an examination by our friends and the trad-j generally. mh 5 BUSINESS CARDS. I V. KARXK8 A HltOTUEIl, Ninth 1 J? street, between Mala and Cary, MANUFACTURERS of IRON GRATINGS, VAULT I RS, VERANDAHS. RAILINGS. AWNING FKA M Es, and ;ill kinds of IRON HOUSE WORK. Work promptly executed at the very lowest rate- ordeis solicited. my 7? lni# TOHN a CARY, GENERAL AGENT ?l VIRGINIA PENITENTIARY, Commhoi.u. lil'M'K, ThUUKEXTH ASlt CARV SIKKIiTS, R|r?|M<? s !>, V i K'i i \ i a . offers fur sale WAGONS, CARTS, WHEELBARROWS, SHOES. AXES, Ac., iianufaetured at (lie Penitentiary ??f the vkkt ?iK.-r iimterial*. Orders respectfully solicited and pi. inptly attended l<>. my l?tin * ( lOACH KKI'OSITOUY, ON rJT*,#. V J SEVENTH. BETWEEN CARY A.N I **/" CANAL STREETS.?' We have on hand, "1 our own manufacture, a lar^e stock of Carriages, ' oache*. Bretts, Barouche*. Doctors' Plwrtons, RiH'kiiwaj>, Top and No -Top Buggies, Jersey and Expr. ** Wagon*. Single and Boiible Harness, Coat h a n<! Bn_'ti\ Whips. Couch Material. Ac., and art* pr> par d t" execute hi a workmanlike manner repairs on Carriage*, liuiryi **, Ac .. and to build th?'iu to order. i >ur Carriages Ix-ing of our own manuf.utuie, we ;? r? ? enabled to i*t? 1 1 at tin* lowest price* nr I give the fullest guarantee tif <|uality and durability. A call from our friends and the public re*pe? ifully solicited. fmy I] JOHN J. OMtORJf \ i n Hardware.? w. s. donna n a CO., Governor street, Richmond, Vii,inii, take pleasure in ralliiiK the attention of m^relianis, planters, and mechanics generally to their iari e and varied Mock of ENGLISH. GfcKMAN. aid AMERICAN IIARJWARE, CUTLERY, TOOLS, MACHINE BELTING, Ac., Ac., embracing the larx' -t and most complete stock to be found ii ai y southern eity, which they offer for "?l? on is ftvorable terms an any house in the trade, north or south. JOHN AMI ER, ap 19? lm WILLIAMS. DONN AN. ( )FFU IT A McANEUNEY. hardware RAILROAD SUPPLIES. Also, agents for the sale Of all kinds of MACHINERY. BELTING, BOLTS. NUTS. PAINTS, olf.S, Ac. No. 39 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YoKK. H. St. Gkokor oiu'tt, John M< Askrxky, Jit., late of Richmond, Va. late of Moatgouier\ , Ala. ap 12? 3m TO I IN DOOLEY, HAT MANUFAtV ?I TURKU ANl) DEALER, UNDER THE Sl'oTSwood hotel, Richmond, VA.isnow un.-re, pt of a full stock and assortment of HATS of ail khmId* of (|uality, and all the nhapcs and styles now in use. The attention of lit* old customer* and the public Is earnestly called to this stock of l'imkIk .Mi rchanta and dealers are assured in nonouse In the Northern markets can they find good* ?t lower prices, nor a belter He lection. He is confident that an examination Is all that is necessary to insure sales. lull tl n EOROE A. AINSLIE, MANUFACTURER asp DEALER IN CARRI \GKS, TeXTH HTRKET, BKTtVEEX MaIX AXD CARV, has now on hand a choice selection of RIDING VEHICLES of the most approved sty!**, c< nsistng, in part, of CALECHES, COACHES, BAROUCHES, SIX-SEAT ROCKAWAYS, PILETONS, COUPES, and LIGHT ROCKAWAYS and BUCOIES of all kinds, to which the attention of those in want of such articles is invited. mh ? ta JOHX W, CAKDWILL. SAMt'Kt. FKIKDL1Y. pAUDWELL A FREEDLEY, ' Manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY, are prepared to manufacture all articles in th fir line in the best manner. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO ??N THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS at the AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKS, mh 3? ts corner Ninth and Cary streets. f LIN N E M A N, dYeiT aM) 1 J? 8C0U RER. south side of Marshall street, between Fifth and Sixth. Is prepared u> do all kinds of DYEING, CLEANING and SCOURING in all iu branches, at abort notice. Give me a call and ? xaminefor voarself. Thankful for past favors. 1 respectfully ask a ?<<q. tinuance of th? same. ja 12? ?u? L. LIN NEMAN. Q.v. MA1WHALL." ? WtTI HALL 4 HUTCHISON, Importers and Jobbers of NOTIONS AND WHITE GOODS. No. 7 Fourteenth ?tr. >f, JaS? ta below Main, Richmond. Yh. WRAPPING PAPER. ? One ?* sand reams, aborted ?i*t .t and wciKhts. for ROBINSON & FAIRBANKS. *P > _ Paper Warehouse. pOFFBB.-rPrime Hio, Jtvu. and V > guayra COFFEE for sale bv JOHN N. GORDON Jt St>N, my t Fourteenth street, near Bxchang* " oteL IiKITI.su HALF JI08E.? lu ?u ro -Da good supply of b?.t ENGLISH CoriGN Vtewiill'iViuUw.

RAILROADS. BrcHHOjrD A!*r> i)A*vtu r 17777^7^** M<y ? |.^ fo XTOTI^K TO TKAVKbLPJts TV 11 public are hereby iuforawd thai th- i ? "* railroad* on the line from Richmond to?| ri>t Danville, Va.: Greenahoro', K?n.t, r_ /. loif. Ac., X (j.i Ch"*ter, Wlnn-boro , i , , " Charleaton, Greenville, Ac., H. C.; vanuah, Macon, Columbus, Ath-tM. AtUr... ?** Oh.: Montgomery, HHma, M<>i>ii?, \r . ^ 4 . Orleans, U., Ac.. are now < i,mt ;< i. i, o . i' * In the traveller tb? ahorte?t and mr??t <! >r> t 1 '/ to the variou* point* South. Tie* rtbrongh a aahlbriotia and healthy cvinrry ' " ? MAIL AMI' PASSENGER TKAf.\ niond daily, Kundays excepted, at 7 1 1 \ w ' rlr.aat Danville at 4.30 I' II. Arrive a; ,, b?T'?' a' S.M P. M. L? arw Oreenaboro* daily, ?afurd>ty.. ?.*<?,, . . lo.jo J?. M. Leav>*a Danville ?1m i Jy a* j/, J' Arrivea at Richmond at 1.15 IV M Traina connect at if urkerilie w'th tr.*in? r.n ,i Soutb?lde railroad for FARMVILLE LWf * BURG, BRISTOL, KNOXYILLE, D*|. CHATTANOOGA, MEMPHIS. A. . *' V thomam r?? ?r? a mka r? my?? ta _ Snp^rlnt^, tiHKAT NIIOKT KOI TK To mm. I NORTH. EAST, AND WR>T 17 ? RICHMOND, KRKDERICKMiDKO ANlipni, ?' ' RAILROAD, CARRYING TIIK I'MTKIi sTv MAIL, TWKK 1>AII,Y -Th- or.lv r.,; iMHiiinK THROUGH TH'K ETS in-l Till. BAGGAGE CHECKS from Richmond t<i tv- , North, East arid W?*t. Trains on thl* road are now run a? full, r D.\Y THROUGH MAIL TRAIN l-?Ve? H'f 1, - ' i daily (Handnyi* *>xeapted) at * A M , *>? ? Washington ;*t MO V. M., r?.r n. < r n. w i EARLY AFTERNOON EXFREv> IRAI.X> .. ' N"UTII, EAST, and WEST. I The NIGHT THROUGH MAIL TRAIN ; Richmond daily at 1 P. M., arriving W . ' t?>u at 5 A . .M , connecting with Oip r. WJI.VM" ING TRAIN'S for the NORTH. KA>T. an t V. , The EXPRESS aril FREIGHT T!'..\ .V ! Richmond TRI-WEKKLY. on MoXDAV* \v . NESDAYS, and FRIDAYS, at d o'tioi ; \ ^ arriving in Washington -tt ?s.30 P M., ? w flj th?< 7.3o p. M. tniin on th* !!.?'? Ohio railroad f.?r Sv*r York, Pliilad??l| li . mor?, Ilarrij*6itr^, and :h? \V???t. Fare l?y this train to MTa^hln^ton nplr MY \ LAK>? fv.r flrM-cla*i?, and FIVE DoLL.U:? ?, 1 Hfcond-c la>" piwenafni. The ACCOMMODATION TRAIN bftw- ? \ mond and Milford leav?'? Ruhmond at 3 ? I' y I ^rrivinK at Milford at #, P. M THROUGH TM KETKand TIIROf GM H\ \ i CHECKS to Alexandria, Wa?hlHKtoii, I , , ? Philadelphia. X?*w York, Boaton, and all _ ci i>;? I citi'-t iu the ^^r^?^t. For fnrther Information and thrrvikh ? ' apply at the ortlcw of the company, com. r i,r arid kiLiiil, *tr?M-ta, Shockoe lliil. J. B. GENTRY, General Tick- r ? Iaivii Rpth, g?pertaUind?nt, i p* ffflptnaar-T it "rj* L ^Tv yi 4 {?? r ^ fr ri ? ^ \f I HH I N I A CKNTKAL It A I I.KOaY.. I V The following regular tiain- will * r .. tbU road on and aft?r MONDAY, F ?* ? ? r ? : * r A MAIL TRAIN DAILY fexr^pt < i, ? i ' ! t?"?'en Richmond and Staunton, !?--** nn [, I at 7.4S A M. and Staunton at ? A M. i A NIGHT MAIL TRAIN b*twv. n R; . ' Gordonaville. Hi'ven timea a wei-k. I? i I mond at 7. IS P. M. And OordonaTllle at I? \ y | Thin train makes ch??e cotin?T'ii?n* w , the OraiiXMitnd Alexandria R*ilr<>al. ?i ! i. 1 tlie dt*laya at Gordoiii-vlll?* on the f- r ? . I HThedule. By thia train pa?i"?n*?-r? f<>r th- ?. w,'?t will not "he delay. I in LviivhUur^. A TRI -WEEKLY 1IAIL TRAIN. ? ton at 7 A M. for tb? Weat, on 'fuei- lay-, T; dav? and 8aJur>lavi?. fllE MAIL TRAIN learlnx Richmond , with train* on the ORA NGB AND A'.K\.\N: , RAILROAD. The DAY MAIL TRAIN ? with STAGE COACHES at Staunton, L- x . Winchester, Ac. Th* train w.'?t of Stanntnn connect- tri'h kT .? ('<> M'HKS f<-r Rockbridge l>' <'h?, RockhritU Warm, Hot and IL'.tliii< Sprin^a, and (L-; s Sulphur and L-wi*t>ur?. A FREIGHT TRAIN between Rlchnu' l , ? ; Staunton connects with Fr?*lj;ht Tram* and Alexandria railroad for Lynchburg ai i \ antlria. FREIGHT will be aent to any jwdnt on than?t Alexandria rai'.road without chunK- ? f ? G(>oda purchased in Nortli-rn cit : ? in > direct to any aUitlon on thia road wh i- t pai v ha* an aa^nt l?v eonal?;ninj{ th-m I'll EN HUNTER, Geio-ral , mo id. The charge f< r the tranalt t]ir> >ut. . mond, Including wbarfa^e, drayaj ! Cl?^lHli^aiona, will not ? xc*"d t-n r-tii? ; r hundred pounds, and on heavy art . much less. Freights will be collect- d .^t ! -? tlon. Thr"ii,'h tlck-t? can h* purrn.i-- 1 . t t I - Lynchburg, RrUtol, Knoxv ile, Chat:.. .. . . Dilton. Kar?- to Lynchburg reduced to ft. Tick**!* to LexllU'tun, \ a , a' I'll. Freight odco at Richmond cl<~?*<t at 7 I* M II. D Wililt !?>!?, de 11? t* General Sup?-r ?

- Otrn k v > % KAH.ROAIt CoMPAVY. Rii'HMhMi, March ?' I, I- > T TXTIL Ft'KTIIKK XuT!? i:. <>> I. I THREE FREIGHT TRAIN* p-r v. ? . run on til- VIRGINIA CENTRAL K\l IcitvtiiK Kh'IIMokd on ftmiday, Tto i*-, 1 huraday fVi'iiiniji", and arrivi, >; in K;- ? Sunday, WoJm^dav, an I Thur- ! <y i. H. I>. WI?IT< "MM. ?p 9 General Super STEAMERS. L^OR NEW VOHK.- ATI a ?; - r Tir MAIL STKAMHHI 1' CoMpA lara. NY.? The f i<i new ?ide-w<ieel ? HaTTERAS, LKWIS i'AKKirll ?Mlil.i .i ? MaKLK, A H'U k.hk c??iniii I'l'l-'r, I. erory TUESDAY ami SAl'l Ut>A\ York f v.-rv WEDNESDAY and SAT I* I i 1 1 V TbeaeSHiI'8 art) entirely iicv, *vt wvi* ' :: t oxpreaaly for tho route. They have *plen<!id SALOON'* iTfl *T\T:. K<>oMS, and Hie FAKE, A< ?'oMM? DA ATTENTION xr? anaarpa* *ed. Carnage, meal*, and ?lal?'-roi"?iff mcl'ilTEKN DOLLARS. Good* aliipped by this Uiik ar> !an !? i r. at New York, on tho Company i? coi r? . j w.lMti forty* eight hours. Shipper* are invited to notion th.it 'I .r damage and i<*H t>y handling. ;<i I ? x|? *? ? freoucnt re-chipping, a? on other Iin*?, by thin mure. 'Freight* h?r pointo beyond New V?<rk w warded Willi dispatch, and no charge j. ..i-. ? , <t? i iix 1 *xi>en*??? incurred. Ttaij>d hIiIm dinciiarK* cur^o In ,V?tr Y'Tk ?' *r No. 2 f North river, and th>- t'omj n.y - for Wilmington, North Carolina ; t "liarl* - fantiah, Mobile and New ??rle.tn?, 1 ,u. ? * ?uujm pier. for tb point* > l u ferr>>d without expense or exposure Insurance is very low l?v the** hhip- I '? economy in time. Insurance, and . . whk-h good* are delivered, mak., thn? 1 eM route from Virginia, Innuiaiuo ? c '? I lowoft rate*, when ordered. A0KNT8 : LIVINGSTON. FOX A Co., I a i Kro.i|\Ta>, N't w \ KAMI' EL AYKEs A <Jo Richmond, Virginia. CALDWELL A DUNN. City Point and P?<ter*b8r. T. H. WEBB, Norfolk, Virginia. For freight or pa*aage, apply to SAMUEL AVRftS A CO., A. t." Office corner of <'*ry and Virginia *'r- ?(? *ite the Tobacco Exchange. 1. .. f I M 1 K NATIONAL EXl'KliSS AM' TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, (Ofptcs on Maim tTHKET, Bhrwi KN Tim to ? a.vo Focktkssth sritKKT*, Rt< hm.?> , Va are now prepared to forw ?rd CURRENCY, COIN, VALUABLES, AND fkei*:mt. T<> POINTS NORTU, SOUTH, EA?T. \M?W : The tariff of charge* u ba*ed up t ' ? " principle*, without belii? opprewire to tti?* i : ;t GOODS SHIPPED FROM Tlitl N'-KTU by ?team?hip?, and marked to the care of the National Expreit* and Tran?portatlon fempai ? be promptly forwarded to deatt nation FKEE OF CHARGE FOR COMMISSION ?'R DUAYAOE. UooJs called for icithftU charge, ?nd pr> -u . * forwarded. All deaired information in regard to the of the lines operated by thta company furnish . ?'? any ?f the a^enciea on application. J. E JOHNSTON, l'r ? ! rt B. F. FlCXLIH, (ieneral Superintendent, mil ta 1 >A1*ER. 1 109 reama HOOK, 6# re a ma LAWYER* LE';AL<'ll. s<? reaiua FOOLSt'AP, 14o ream- LE 1 I EU, ~S re a ma NoTE, 50 ream* HI LLKT . For tale by ROBINSON .v FAIKB*NK\ , ap# PaperJW'areh ? l^OK SA LE. i; JOw bale? PRIME TIMOTHY HAY. ??hi ? a?k> R(N'KLAM> MM! ??w barrel* EXTRA l? a ** - K> ^ L(>1 h 6. IV LAlHRi'P \f. my t? ta Eighteenth attrft, >"?uth aide ? f . ?? ROCKBRIDGL ALUM WATlHi. direct from the Spriu^ V l.vh ? ; ). ?* received by the A-ient*. PUKCU.L. LAIU) A r?? . ?t?. ap JO corner Main au<! TU'rt ?'t' |>APKK HA<iS. IVn Lhou>;iiitl >L\ 1 N1I.LA BAGS i for miUwi*', ar.H.?r?\ * 1 <! rucxiaCa' o?o : better than hemp an I . f p?lJT,y Robinson \ k.\:?:isank? Papor \Vureb.'u?t. H ILUAKD TEMPIiK.? A REST At" - KANT COCNTKR will U> k . . l.tARD TEMPLE, commencii ' V aFTEKNOOK. JONES OUlfc^oU* uih 31? to rPWINK.? Fivo huiKlml j>oiii?aH Jut*'. I tbre* humtred v*??uiid? Hemp, t*o handle IKmndl Cotton, laaor&d aue?*fl?r v..w ROBINSON A FAIRBANKS, ipl |'a|Hir W*rehi>u?e O HA N G E5?\? Hrtv Uaoi CHUU'tj ORANOES. expected l>y ateamer. Inr M;1'"1 j Mllfflf * WILLIAM T. *LN0 A CO.