Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 205, 12 May 1866 — Page 2

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Richmond Dispatch. Saturday, May 12, 1866 Letter From Washington Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. A NEW PRINCIPLE IN THE RADICAL CREEDTHE NEXT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION- SENATOR STOCKTON- THE BANKS- FREE LECTURE. Washington, May 10. The constitutional amendment, having passed the House by a two-thirds vote, is now ready for the Senate, where there is no doubt of its being adopted. The Radicals hope that the president will give way under this test of power. His friends assert that he will not, but that he will stand firm in his resistance to sectional encroachments. The friends of the Reconstruction Committee are jubilant tonight. A new principle of the Radical platform has been indicated. It is that, in accordance with Steven's assertion, nineteen States only are required to adopt any constitutional amendment tending to reconstructing the Union. To this the President has repeatedly urged his objections, declaring that on so important a measure as changing the organic law all the States should have an opportunity of expressing their views. H vear from the coining autumn will be par. ticipated in by the people of all the States , of the Union, Congressional enactments to the contrary notwithstanding. The suffrages of the people will be cast lor the nominees of the several parties, irrespective ol section, and should the vote of the late seceded States and that of the conservative States north be united upon anv one candidate who may receive a majority ot all the votes represented in the electorml college, it will he hard to conceive how the people of the country can avoid acquiescing in the inauguration of such majority-elected candidate. . . . Senator Stockton, recently ejected trom the United States Senate by partisan dictatorship, is spending much of his time here. !Iis friends are sanguine that he will next winter be re-elected to the position I rum which he was illegally ousted. The outrageous failure of the Merchants National Hank still continues a theme ot excited comment, and has awakened m Congress an apprehension ot iinnu ns< national losses by any further complication wish bitch institutions. Senator Grimes yestcrdav offered a resolution, which "as adopted, authorising inquiry as to the expediency of a return to the well-tried and safe sub-treasury scheme, and preventing Government deposits from being conlided to such institutions in lutiire. _ The Senate Chamber is given up tonight to a Mrs. Walling, from Texas, who ventilates her views upon the all-absorbing topic of reconstruction. The lecture is free, and consequently patronised by a different class of individuals trom those who a week ago repaired to the same place to listen to a series of patriotic recitations from Murdoch, the actor and elocutionist. T,m,)X* Dixik, May s, 18M. To the E'lUorx '?/ tin IHchm?wl l>i*pat<h : Your present correspondent formed one of a social circle, a few evenings since, where the Dispatch was being read aloud for the benefit of the assembly ; and anions other items the editorial notice ol a new claim for southern patronage? the t ortj o/io, published in Hichuiond. One ot t h?company thought your critique upon an oversight committed therein rather stringent, and, in fact, unnecessary. rl his deponent thinketh contrariwise. It is the business, and should be considered the patriotic dntv, of editors to wield lustily the sword of criticism, flashing right and clt, sparing not, until our literary journalists become more pains-taking. Lack ot * quality is one undoubted cause ot <?ur hitherto ill success in this field, and like doing will bring like results to the end ol the chapter. Of course even our enemies would not seriously atiirm that we had not sufficient talent among us to sustain any reasonable number of monthlies and weeklies ; but these aspirants for patronage m"*>t not present themselves with the air ot being hastilv and carelessly put together, oi they will * fail to meet a hearty greeting. Our northern neighbors attend well to the mechanical department of their ventures in this line, and our eyes are pleased at the outset. ... . . For the Southern Portfolio, we wish it well, and would be glad to see it and its compeers at home supersede all the lankee trash which is bought here; and we happen to know that the paper mentioned has enlisted in its corps of contributors some of the finest talent in the country ; so that it deserves to succeed. the typographical errors ! AN hew ! I hat s no the way t*do it. We think with you, that a first-class weekly would be liberally patronized in the South. ^ endis*.

Sidney, May 10, 18(H?. To the Editor* of the Richmond Disjxitch : I take this method of returning my grateful acknowledgment t<? you tor the kindness which you manifested in publishing a communication from me on the 2d instant, addressed to the ladies of Richmond. 1 also have the honor to return my heartfelt thanks to the noble and patriotic ladies of this city for the sympathy and patriotism which a member .of the Memorial Association of Church Hill exhibited in response to my appeal. Such a mark of patriotism from true Southern ladies tills me with raptures words are incapable of expressing. Their patriotism and their many charitable acts must ever live upon the brightest page of the historian, which will be perused with the fondest and deepest interest by succeeding generations of the true Southerner. While we are aware that our former state of affluence and plenty is gone, and many of us are objects of compassion who once knew not the want of anything, we will not give way to despondency. Let us look to the future with cheerfulness, and use every exertion to build up our desolated section, and it will become much greater than it was ante bell urn. In conclusion, I am willing to wait for an artificial leg until ourpeoplc are in circumstances to supply mc, although few can conceive how awkward and disagreeable it is for a poor fellow to hobble about on his stump. While the societies were already organized for the purpose of decorating the graves of our gallant heroes, I deemed it expedient to present to the societies a few of the ex-Confederates who were minus their limbs, believing it to be a suitable time, not that 1 imagined for a moment that the Southern ladies were unmindful of us. Yours truly, One-Leoged Ex-Coxfedfuate. The C o u n t Joannes and General P*yok.? In a long letter in the New York JVitoy, discussing political questions in the style of the inuuortal " J. N.," le Count Joannes makes the following allusion to Roger A. Pryor, which we give, as we find it, without explanation : "General Pryor here enters the arena of the forum and pleads the cause of u lady of the North with all his Southern chivalry of character, wins her cause, defends her honor, gains the full verdict demanded, though opposed day by day by one of the modern giants of the bar." A little girl, showing her cousin about (bar years old a star, said : " That star you ?M up there is bigger than this world." "No K ain't," said she. "Yes, it is." M Wky, then, don't it keep the rain utf7"

The Peace of Europe Milt Threatened. ; The Austro.Italian. Prussian question, as Ticwed by our London correspondent, if pregnant with war. The profuse note- > writing between the Governments of Austria and Prussia, while apparently tending to clear away the cobwebs from the controversy between them, has been tallowed by no result that indicates a settlement of the dispute. After much talk and recrimination, and after ? seeming understanding between the two that a simultaneous disarmament shall take place, in comes Italy to muddle the whole question over again. Garibaldi, w ith his volunteers, is rcadv for action. King ^ ictor Emanuel, too, headstrong- and intent upon the pos. j session of Venetia. is threatening the general |H?ace with warlike preparations. The Italian patriotic fire is aroused, and the cry is once more " the I nity of Italy ! " With Prussia and Italy hatul-in-glove ? 11 1 m mi the subject of hostilities, and with the doubt that follows the French Emperor's ?|uicscence, Austria's troubles are no more near their ending to-day than they were a month ago. In the general nich e, Schlcswig-Ilolstein, for a wonder, is l'? ?r- 1 gotten, and the ditliculty now turns upon a point of military etiquette. Austria, it appears, is prompt to make concessions which a pro|?er maintenance of dignity should withhold her from making; but Prussia, whose purpose is war, isas prompt to pick new Haws. A neat little diplomatic game, having for its issue the punishment of Prussia's arrogance, but whereby Austria must suffer the loss of Venetia, is worthy of mention. This plan, said to be hatched by the subtle Napoleon, involves a war in which Italy and Prussia shall appear on the one side and Austria on the other. With the conquest of Venetia by Italy ? the which is expected to follow the outbreak of hostilities ? that Power will retire from the contest against her enemy, and, with France, will join the fortunes of her late adversary against her late ally. To this combination will be added the minor States of the Happy German Family; and thus badgered on all sides, Prussia, having appealed to the sword, will be tried by the sword, and will be found wanting, and Herr Hisinarck may suck his thumbs over the loss of both Schleswig and llolstein. This is a neat arrangement, truly, and, among the other incongruities and possibilities ltegot of the incomprehensible and unending Sehleswig-llolstcin question, deserves notice. In the mean time, and until further advices shall declare positively upon the chances, the sword, we take it, must cut the Gordian knot wherewith the German dispute is tied. Whether the sword be drawn by Austria, or Italy, or Prussia, makes little matter. Whenever it shall be unsheathed, it will >ct Europe in a roar. ? JVetc Vurk Aur.v, loth. Havana? Arrival of' French Troops en route lor Mexlfo-Rccoptlini of I lie Chilian Xcws? Fx plosion. Havana. May ? The French steamer La France arrived to-day with troops hound to Vera Cruz. One of the boilers of the floating dock in our harbor exploded, killing two persons and scalding seven others, of which three have since died. The news of the bombardment of Valparaiso by the Spanish licet, which left immediately to pertbnu a like valorous act at Callao, is causing considerable commotion among our people here. The Adams Fx press KoWm i v. IbciixsKroitT, Cow., May !?. ? Allen, Wells, McGlane, and Grady, the brakemen concerned in the great robbery of the Adams Express Company, have been brought here upon the requisition of the Governor of this State, made for them last winter, and lodged in prison to await trial at the next term of the court. C o 1,0 it a n o ? A Ciiaxck to Win tiii: Gamk. ? The Kadical leaders are in a dreadful state of anxiety about the Senators from Colorado. The latter, it seems, in order to induce the President to sign the bill for the admission of that State, have ottered to support his policy, or are reported as having done su. The Kadical leaders now sa\ that they will not vote for the admission of Colorado if the President vetoes tin' bill on that account. ? C'O/vc.vinjwlvn cc A < a York AY"\v. Andy holds trumps. Texas advices represent that the cotton crop promises to be large.

BOOKS. STATIONERY, &c. DICKENS'S NEW BOOK. JOSEPH GRIMALDI. By Charles Dickens. 75c. GOLD BRICK. Rv Jlrn Ann S. Stephen*, i-. ST. MARI1N E VK. Hv Mrs. Wood. ALLWORTH ABBEY. ' By Mrs. Southworth. FoRTUNE-SEEKERS. By Mrs. Souih worth. OUR MUTUAL FRIEND. Bv Dickens. *1. MILETUS. Bv Bulwer. ?!. '1'oiLERS OF THE sEA. By Victor Hugo. 75c. RECOMMENDED To MERCY. KENNEl'T. Bv Bayard Taylor. *2.25. under the Hand. *175. SON OF THE SOIL. *>1 T5. Ll'TTRELL OF AKRAN. By Lever. *1. WIVES AND DAUGHTERS. By Mrs. (iaskeli. *1.30. For sale bv A. H. CHRISTIAN & CO., my 10 No. 814 Main street, opposite Spots wood. WOODHOUSE A PARHAM, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, have iust received, Dk.'sMITH'S SMALLER CLASSICAL DICTIONARY. f.i THE PRINCIPLES OF BIOLOGY. By Herbekt Spbkpbk. ?'-.50. HISTORY OF SLAVERY IN MASSACHUSETTS. By Gkokhk H. Mooke, Librarian New York Historical Society. *3. ARCHBISHOP MANNING'S NEW PASTORAL. The Reunion of Christendom. A Pastoral Letter to the Clergy, etc. 5oc. HALL'S GUIDE To THE (iREAT WEST. New edition, with a map. f>"c. New edition of the WORKS OF SHAKSPEARE, edited with a scrupulous revision ot the text. By Ciiaki.es and Maky Cowoe* Ci.akkk, authors of " A Complete Conversance to Shakcpeare." #18. inv t* HOTELS AND BOARDING-HOUSES. o RANGE HOUSE, AT ORANGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD DEPOT. LYNCHBURU, VA. HOUSTON KUCKER, I'kopriktok. This celebrated Hotel having been KEFUR NISHK1) and REFITTED IN SUPERB STYLE offers SUPERIOR accommodations to the travelling public. Traveller* going north and south will Una < meals ready upon the arrival of trains, and sutti cient time allowed. The proprietor pledges him sell that its well-known tir>t-clans reputation shall not be surpassed in the Union. !e 19? ts Boarding.? Mrs. duvall, Main. j between Sixth and Seventh streets, has some very comfortable unoccupied room* for hoarders and' can take a few more DAY BOARDERS. fe 13 ? ts Boarding.? Miss bidgood. south side Main street, second door aboTe Seventh, can take a few more BOARDERS, with or without lodging. de 3U? t* COAL AND WOOD. i pAH(}0 OF COAL FOR SALE.? Two V; hundred and twelve tons very superior RED ASH ANTHRACITE COAL, to arrive, for sale low | if immediate application is made. R. J WHITE, ?outh Hide the dock, opposite Libby prison, mh S3 ? ts 13EMBERT0N A CREW, dealers in A COAL AND WOOD, ?ttice Seventeenth street, between ("arv and Dock. Best RED and WHITE ASH ANTHRACITE COAL, for grates stoves, and foundry use; CLOVER HILL LUMP and AVERAOB COAL ; OAK and PINE WOOD, tnh ll-ts VTEW JOAL AND WOOD YARD, ' 11 COhJIER OF SEVENTH AND CANAL STREETS?ANTHRACITE and M 1 D L 0 T H I A N COAL and WOOD for sale by BLOOD k PENDLETON. N. B.? Orders promptlv fllled. d? li?ts ON1: HUNDRED BARRELS VIFHJViA SUPERFINE FLOUR, l.ooo pounds FEATHERS, 30 kegs BUTTER, for salt/ to close consignments. rf*23l SPOTTS h GIBSON ( IIOR SALE, one cargo Rockland Lime, perschoouer "Nautilus," to arrive. I'ALMLR, HARTsooK k Co., my 3 Llbhv Buildings. F~ INK SHIRTS AND COLLARS.? We take pleasure in directing attention to our slock of tine Shirts ami Collars as being of the best ; quality, and warranted to (it toid wear well. aplf WJBKTENBAKEK * WILLI AM8^_ HATS AT COST.-Tho balance of our stock of SOFT FELT IIATS we will cloee out i at prime coat. s j>M WJSET&M0AKE& 4 WILLIAMS. 1

^USlflESS CARDS. I ?w^X BARNES S BROTHER. Ninlh li hJSr^n Main and Clft, M^NUFACJJ./u/JrW IKON GRATINGS, VAULT DOORS. v?5a1idXh? nSAlLIMOi. A&NING FRAMES, NBIK?1I ktmi" Of IKON liouSE WORK. Work r.roinptly executed ?t (lie tery lowest rate* OMj.ru JollclUd. _ "y 7-lm* TOIIn'ii. CARY. GENERAL Mi ENT i| VIRGINIA PEN ITENTlA RY, CoM*B*riAJ. K, THIRTEENTH ANtl ('ART STREET*. lttrHmokd, Virginia, offer* for sale WAGONS, CARTS, Wll Kr.LB A K R? >\VS, SHOES, AXK.S &c.. miuiu- i factored st the Penitentiary of the very hk^t ma lerlal*. order* respectfully solicited and promptly attended to. my 1?1 in ( 10ACH REPOSITORY. ON, vy SEVENTH, BETWEEN CARV A.VnL PAlfAL STREETS ?We have <>n hand, <>i our own manufacture, a large stock of Carrini:eH, Coaehe*. Rrelts, Barouche*. Doctors' Phs'tons, Rockaways, Top and No-Top Hnggieii, Jersey and Express \\ agons, Single and Double Harness, Coach and Buggy Whip*, Coach Material. Ar., and am prepared to execute in a workmanlike manner repairs on Carriage*, Buggies, .Vc., and to build them to order. Our Carriages being of our own manufacture, we are enabled to sell at the lowest prices and give the fullest guarantee of quality and durability. A call from our Iriends and the 'public ri'H|w( ifully solicited. fmy 1] JOHN ?' OSBORN & CO HARDWARE.? \V. S. DONNAN A co , Governor street, Richmond, Virginia, take pleasure in calling tho attention of merchants, planter*, and mechanlca generally to their large and v?ried Mock of ENGLISH, GHh'MAN, and AMERICAN HARDWARE. CUTLERY. TooLs. MACHINE BELT I NO, Ac.. Ac.,- embracing the largest and iih>sI complete stock to be found in any southern city, which they Offer for sale on a* favorable term* an any hou-e in the trade, north or south. JOHN AHIER. ap 10? 1m W! I. LI AM 8. D0NNAN. ( \FFCTT A McA N E RN E V. HARDWARE RAILROAD SUPPLIES. Also, agents for tho Bale of all kind* of MACHINERY, BELTING, BOLTS. NUTS. PAINTS, oils, 4c. No. 39 BEFKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. H. St. GRorOP. OPKt*TT, JoHN Mr AHEUNXT, .Tk., late of Richmond, Va. late o| Montgomery, Ala. ap 12 ? 3m J OHN DOOLEY, HAT MANUFACTUREK AND DEALER, UNDERTHKSPOTSwood hotel, Richmond, va , i? now in receipt of a full stock ami assortment of HATS of all grades of quality, and all the shapes and style* now in u?e. The attention of hi* old customers and the public i* earnestly called to this stock of goods. Merchants ami dealer* are assured innohouse in the Northern market* can they find good* at lower prices, nor a better selection. He in confident that an examination is all that i* necessary to insure sale*. mil '.'7 EORG E A. A INS I J E, MANUFACTURER and DEALER IN CARRIAGES, Tk.NTH STREET, BBTWEE.f M.US ANI> C.VKT, has now on hand a choice selection of RIDING VEHICLES of the most a pj roved styles, consisting, in part, of CALECHES, COACHES, BAROUCHES, SIX-SEAT ROCKAWAYS, PH.KTONS. COUPES, and LIGHT ROCKAWAYS and BUGGIES of all kinds to which the attention of those in want of Mich articles is invited. mh 11? ts 0 ALDER it HALL, MACHINISTS x - AND BLACKSMITHS, Sllop i?N CAR V AND FOURTH STREETS.? The undersigned return thank* to their friend* who, since the evacuation of Richmond, have enabled them to carry on business, and iiif"rm tiie public that thev I'uriii-h all k i nds ol WRoUGHT-IRoN WORK F??R BUILD 1NGS, such a* AREA GRATINGS, WINDOW and DOOR liRATIN'OS and BAR>, RAlLI.NGs, SAFE and CELLAR IHiORS, AWNING FRAMES, and CLOTH if required. WALL ANCHORS. DOGS, \? . Thev also make to order or repair RULING M ACHINES, GEOMETRICAL LATHES. TRANSFER PRESSES, PLATE and LITHOGRAPH PRESSES, COTTON and Wool, Looms, and ENGINES, oi any sort of MILL WORK. Hoping to receive a share of public favor, we guarantee a good job ,tf reasonable price. II. CALDER, fe 27? d&sw3m _ J.R.HALL. jojin w. cakdwei.l. samckf, ekeeih.ev. pARDWELL A' FREEH LEV, ^ Manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND machinery, are prepared to manufacture all articles in their line in the best manner. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED To ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS Hf the AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKS, mh 3? t* corner Ninth and Carv streets. 1 LIN N E M A N, I) V E R AND XV. SCOURER, south side of Marshall street, between Fifth and Sixth, is prepared to do all kinds of DYEING, CLEAN 1NG and SCOURING, in all its branches, at short notice. Give me a call and examine for vourself. Thankful for past favors, I respectfully ask a continuance of the same. jar-'-?iu L. LINN EM AN. OM. MARSHALL, ? WITH HALL k HUTCHISON, Importers and Jobbers of NOTIONS A N D W II 1 T E G O O D S . No. 7 Fourteenth street, 1a 3 ? ts tie 1 1 .w Main, Richmond, Va. nEALTHFl L ATTRACTIONS uF THE WASHINGTON SPRINGS, VA. ONE RARE ITEM OF TIIE PROGRESS oF THE PRESENT CENTURY. Dk. E. J. GOODWIN'S EUTROpHIC, KoJt SCROFULA. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM AND SYPHILIS.

The most unmanageable diseases which afflict the human n?c?* made l<> y if i<l satisfactorily and permanently to the met hod and m< ans, an \ j , u < ?i i of which Nwy lif had hy reading a com stateliu'iit id tacts, iti pamphlet 1 < >11 1 1 . which 1 have thought for some tunc worthy to be noted by the public generally. The uth? of this short treatise is " The Special Treatment of Syphilis, Chronic Rheumatism, and Scrofula, hy Dr. E. J. Uoodwin, of the Washing ton Springs." 1 hereby most respectfully an. I honestly solicit a careful notice of this pamphlet hy tin- class of ?ulfering humanity to which it particularly refers, ami an Attentive reading of its ??Supplement," and the authenticity ? >1 it* intelligent and professional endorsement. The "Vegetable Eutropliic," which figures as the most prominent feature in the pamphlet, constitutes, in the judgment of discriminating physicians and others distinguished f"r intelligence ami a high appreciation of truth and merit, "an important addition" to the remedies now known as the most efficient in the treatment of these diseases. My success in managing these diseases, now conceded toexcel any attending the general plans of treatment, is due to mv adaptation o| the Entrophic upon the theory which I devised upon early pathological views taken of these maladies. The potency of its etlicacy makes it eminently deriving aplace among the" most reputed standard remedies of medical record ; and 1 would most conscientiously claim at the hands of honorable and intelligent" physicians a lair and impartial trial of its therapeutical value as applied by me in the control of these diseases. i can, on short notice, furnish physicians located in towns and cities from fifty to one hundred bottle* of the Eutropliic at a cost of three dollars per bottle, containing thirty ounces. The long-established mineral resources of the Washington Springs, formerly known as Leech's, affording the best qualities* of Sulphur, Alum, Chalybeate, and Magnesia, the most remarkable and valuable collection of medicinal waters known to the mountains of Virginia, cannot be otherwise than attractive toirvalids of both sexes suffering from debilities, diseases of the urinary organs, uterine disorders, skin diseases, diseases oi the liver and digestive functions, and all affections benefited by a relaxation from domestic habits and pursuits, accompanied by a few weeks' sojourn at such a healthful retreat as that of the Washington Springs. Persons visiting the Springs for their mineral advantages will be charged two dollars per day and twelve dollars per werk board. Persons visiting the Springs for medical advice and treatment will be charged live dollars per week, at specie rates, lor board. Passengers reach the Springs by the Virginia and Tennessee Kailroad, stopping at Ulade Spring depot, Washington county. Su charge for medical' services unless satisfaction is given. The afflicted may visit lis with the assurance that their sojourn shall be succeeded hy a happy return. ? T" livr, ict hi ice no uetil ami too a I I not Uumhuij th* eujftriiiy. E. J. (JOODWIN. The VEGETABLE EUTROPHin and the PAMPHLET can be obtained of .1. B. WuoD, Druggi?t, northeast corner of Marshall and Fifth Streets, Richmond, agent for this city, aud from druggists generally hi all parts of Virginia, nih y? cl&s W-'iawOm T>LANET, V I HtTlN I A "8 UN R 1 V A LX LED HACK HwKSfc: ?This renowned <\ RACER and STALLION will make his season of lssjj at Dultield, the farm ot Ma ior.Cj-Z- i - Thomas Doswell, in the county of Hanover, twen-ty-four miles above Richmond! commencing March 1st and ending July 10th. at fifty dollars the season, aud two dollars to the groom. In consideration of the scarcity of money, and with the view of increasing the raising of blooded stock, the season is reduced to this sum. Special attention will be given to the care and management of mares sent to him, but in 110 < vent will be responsible for accidents. They shall be fed with grain at fifty cents per diein. All charges must oe paid before the mares are taken away. THOMAS dc THOMAS W D08WELL. ap V? Tu&F4w? VTOTICE. ? A General Meeting of the j.1 Stockholders of the CLOVER HILL RAIL ROAD COMPANY will be held at their office, in this city, on MONDAY, 11th June, lsM. By order of the Board of Directors. D. S. WOOLDRIDOE, my 8? ttawtd Treasurer. ! N OTICE.? Application will bemadeat the nropi r lime for the renewal of ON E SHARE j OF STOCK in the Richmond and Liverpool Packet Company, destroyed by the lire of April 3, 1*S5, in the name of THOMAS," HUG'lIES & CALDWELL. ?p 2S? law'.' in Notice is hereby given that we hare made application for the renewal of two CERTIFICATES OF STOCK of the Old Dominion Iron Works Company, for six and one-third shares each, said scrip having been lost in the fire of 3d April, 1*66. ap U-iawtfw J. PAKKHURST, Jr., & CO.

IBO* AND BRASS FOUNDRIER r|<o MObDKBS ANl> CONTKAJV llUI*.* C^XTIKO? ' ??w-ww'vm*MW.FBraM. F0K0?Srf0T."??rw0EK. SnRTHF.Il" PRICE" Call ?.|'1 ??? 'iV'; "'l! K K C.v"'i".M.v5 I ^ . Vole 'r"n w"r,t"; Hp Ma corner ??f Byrd and Sixth iitree _? WAKRANS'V-iVv'S'AT,, FACTION. CAKY rtTKKKT | BELOW M* Tfc ?? u-hPTM f rally that my fiKAfc* ,rM.i ? <? till all ord*r* in my Hon. and that 1 am timn*. The Foundry IXra'rV &?1' .ni F.rteeritb atreeU. \y p. JINKIWP. |a 22? tM - ? - ? ? ?*"' V n rr()\VN'K would rpspcotfully j 1). I ? I V' ' * ? , . ? .uunm?'(l biwinG** "" ?| ? announce that he ha" ^ .,r,..,ared to make Hank str? ?-t, near ,??',?< i vv \ \ DAHS, (SUA* ;?,'l r?,:,lr m. .N ? t 1 fc'KS. ti'B Filf M ?KS, II IN <J gS, TIN'li. VAULT ami CtW'AK. ?' V>RINTINU Ac. fie will 'VVrn'r MACHINERY of nil kindi PRESSES and LIOHT M A' h ri?r facilitle;. and In addition thereto, having ^I|T|,,S WOKtf Will execute aU .'^IPTIOV a nd REPAIR IRON twas? ?o,idtedja a-ts ? \f AK1NK IKON aN1)bkaSS foundry. The nubocribers have a**oclated themselves to'ft P'Ess"1 FOUX imTuusi s F.SS in r:?-ATh... ?<>"??'?? I-"""** th'ir friends and tho|PJ|!1 ' i o^" w \Kl?from original We Iihvh [.r.Kiared iimJ.OWWAKMr^r prlncipattems, and ^^- " orfltmrpil to receive order*, SVJ2^ deffsHPA!D FOR OLD IR?. BRASS and COPTJiW. __ ri RE AT DISTRI Rl'TION I JT FT TIIR ErKEKA (J I FT ASSOCIATION, ESTABLISHED 1846, 180 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. "(MS ' m^SETS?' *S!ON HOLDERS, c SLEKV E DDTTON S, SETS ? ?F STU DS, VEST AND NECK CHAINS, GOLD RINHS, i VALUED AT one million dollars. DISTRIBUTION 1? made in the following manm r ? ckrtikic ATES ???"'??? "esvem'Ves1! "1,1)1 "? aw I ??! H v K CKNTS. rereipt of I NN h. V IC \TE, the purchaser '?!' ' ' 1 ?? h -it rt i cl e it iTr A W S .and it- v"ilno, and w,ll"r 1..I ONF DOLLAR and reciv.- the rr!!ci?"nn?.r,e'i%r .S.. rl.'i?.. ANY OTHER one art ic If* on our m'pFN VHLOPF.S mar. in IMmh.tHiT* o| our s LA I. hi t-woM ONE il.is manner. obtain ?n art He ^ OLIII fKUM TO FINE UUNDKED lX'LLARS FOR ONE DOLLAR. TAUS.'iSIiKtlSS. teedlnTHEttElT*REKA OIFT ASSOCIATION wool l call Htt-ntinn to Um fa. t of ^ jjinaland tai?''*st OJp i a. . ? ^ FINER ii.i. ?.ii..j vrv lar-'i- ninnb??r ot r.iluann pri/ L.-.-iv,. !!;;r !u is worth W than One Dollar, retail, and '' UvZu? deal'in^with us may d-,, end on having SsteK'S-M" U' Andrew Wilson, Custotn-Houso, Philaa.^lphia, i. i hi Pa i mi n - \-;< !????. r I"" '? .'ames H,i r^r<tv ? , ?MBrlXav New York. Oil Painti.-U. value. Barren, Marsh, II ro,;,.tv Kan- ; ts. Melodeon, value, ?2?i? j 1 * f' rUviily^vh: Ki'r: a, ??i?'.|'sv J?s V?rV. v,ii"e, T - . ? ? N v rk- oil J'aiiitinu. value, i'iir Vri 'i <? < id? s. Orand Raj.ids, M.chi.-an ;il v.-'r ? -astor, value, ? W j^Dr. .1. R. S.C.IS; 'Hon. Luther Det mold, Washington, D. <: Letlir^Vrom1 ^rHnoliMlat'ie'; throughout the conn,rv' ick..nw?dKi..g tl'e re,- of very valuable ^l'fts may be been on tile at <?ur otlice. TO BE SOLD FOR ON E DOLLAR EACH.

Without Hi (jm'il tn Vnhn. (tmi if' to ht I'm I fur I'utit yi"i Kiuiw whtU yuu will RtCtivt. EACH. SO Elegant Rns"Wood Pianos, worth froiu $>250 00 to 500 no 50 Melodeons, Rosewood Cases. 125 00 to '.';5 Oo 100 Fine Oil Paintings 25 ou to o<? Mo Gold Hunting -case Watches* 75 oo to 150 oo 150 Diamond King- 5<? 00 to 200 on , 250 La lies' Hold Watches '>o oo to 85 00 45o Silver WttchSK 23 00 to 50 00 20o Fine Steel Engravings, fram'd 12 00 to 25 00 loo Music 1 >? >xe- 12 00 to 45 oO loo Silver Revolving Patent Castors 15 oo to 40 no 100 Silver Fruit and Cuke Baskets 15 oo to 35 oo ; 5oo Sets Silver Tea and Table Spoons 15 00 to 30 00 2,500 Vest and Neck Chains 5 oo to 25 o<? j 2,5oo Ladies' Silver Portemonaies. 8 oo to 16 o<> 3,0"0 Silver Butter Knives 3 oo to 7 00 2,ooo pairs Earrings (new styles) . , 1 5o to ?i oo 3,i'oo <i? >ld Pencils and Tooth -picks 3 oo to h <><j 3,000 Onyx and Amethyst Brooches 4 oo to 10 00 3,000 LaVa and Florentine Brooches 4 0o to t) oO i \ l,ooo Masonic Pins 4 oo to 8 5o : 2,ooo Fine Gold Watch Keys 3 5o to 8 5o I 5,ooo Children's Armlets 2 50 to 0 00 2,500 let) of B<>soiii Studs 1 ?0 tO 5 00 12,5oo Enamelled sleeve Buttons... * '.j lo oo o,noo Plain (iold and Chased Rings 1 00 to 0 i<0 ' 5,ooo Stone Set and Sc-1 Rings 2 5o to lo oo 5,ooo Lockets, all size* 2 oo to 7 Oo lO.i'OO sets of Ladles' Jewelry 8 00 to 20 oo I 4.000 Watch Charms leach") 3 00 to 5 50 5,ooo Gold Pens, silver ex. chs''s... 4 oo to 8 oo 5,(Hhi (Jent's Breast atid Scarf Pins. ) oo to 20 00 2 ooo Ladies' New Style Bolt Buckles 4 00 to 8 50 ' 2.000 Chatelaine and Guard Chains 6 oo to 20 00 I.ooo Gold Thimbles 7 oo to 14 oo 2,ooo s^t* Ladies' Jet and Gold 10 uo to 20 00 lii, ooo Uoid ( Tnniifln l 5o to o oo | 8,ooo oval Band Bracelets 8 oo to 20 00 4,000 Chased Bracelets 5 00 In 18 00 2,000 Ball Eardrops, all colors 3 00 to 5 00 5,o00 Fine Gold Pens 2 00 to 3 50 II,000 New Style Jet and Gold Eardrops 3 00 to 7 00 2,500 New Style Long Crystal Eardrops 4 00 to 8 00 I 2,000 Gold Pens 3 00 to 6 00 [ A CHANCE TO OBTAIN ANT OF THE ABOVE ARTICLES FOR ONE DOLLAR BY PURCHASING A SEALED ENVELOPE FOB TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Five Sealed Envelopes will be s?nt for $1.00 ; Eleven for %2. 00 ; Thirty for $5.0o ; jM>:ty-flve for *10.00; One Hundred" fur fl5.00. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. Our patrons are desired to send United State* money when convenient. Long letters arc unnecessarv . Orders 'for SEALED ENVELOPES must in every case he accompanied by the Cash, with the names of the person sending, and town, county, and State plainly written. Letters should be addressed to the Managers, as follows : GOODWIN. HUNT 4 CO., Box 5,70? Post-office, New York, fe 22? d4sw3m* ? f UMBER.? 1, 1} iind u-inch KILN1j DRIED CLEAR YELLOW PINE; 2 by 3 and 2 by 4 GARDEN RAILS? heart and men hantable j WEATHER-BOARDING? heart and merchant- , able ; DRESSED FLOORING, 1 and lj-inch? heart and merchantable ; 3 by 4 SCANTING? 10, 12, II, 16, 18, 20, 22, Jl and 28 feet long ; JOlftTS, 24 by 10, by 12, and 3 by 12-18, 18, 20 and 22 feet long ; ?-inch CYPRESS SHINGLES, No. 1; Heart and sap hard pine 8U1NGLES ; 2 by ?, "i by 8, 4 bv 6. ? by I PINE. AliSO, OAK and CEDAR POSTS. 4c., 4c. I'm e# low, and term- accommodating MERCER 4 WooDWARD, Yard on Ninth street, south side basin, ap 27? F?\S3w ! T70R SALE, r 3oo bales PRIME TIMOTHY IIAY, *W task- ROCKLAND LIME. 5u barrels EXTRA BAKERS' FLOUR. 8. P. LATHROP, Agent, my s ? ts Eighteenth street, south side or Dock. Billiard temple.? a RESTAURANT C'oUNTKR will bs kept at the BILLIARD TEMPLE, commencing THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON. JONES 4 GKISWOLD. mh 31? ts WHISKY.? Just received, n further nutnilv of iht* cibbraUd ZKIGLEK WHISKY. Wy8-n? 1'ALMhtt, UARTSOOK 4 CO.

INSURANCE COMPANIES. ,i 'xrimisii^ST at e'insurance ? COM PANT. CAPITAL, $200,000. JOFJ.X L. BACON, President. THOMAS W. Mt CANCE, Vice Pre*1d*nt. WILLIAM H. CHRISTIAN, Secretary. DIRECTOR*. Thomas R. r*jrt, James AltRfu Jokes, W KM.I5KT05 GoDPtH, THOMAS W. M< CAHrM, J till 5 L. BACOJf, ROBERT A. LANCASTER buildings, merchandise, furniturb, a rid PERSONAL PROPERTY OF ALL KINDS, in t h?* city or country, Insured against lo*g or damago by tiro on the most liberal terms. Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid. OfHce, 1??"< Main street, over Mitchell A Tyler't, Richmond, Va. ap2l? ts FINDER A LIBERAL CHARTER ^ Irom the General Assembly of Virginia, passed February I"*, l*?M, THE INSURANCE AND SAVINtiS COMPANY <>F VIRGINIA in organized with an AUTHORIZED CAPITAL OF *1, MO, 000. Principal ollice at Richmond. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY : Damei, J. Hartsook, President. David J. 13 r h a , Secretary. B. C. Whkrrt, Jr., Assistant Secretary. DIRECTORS : A. Y. Stokes, David Ci*r r i k, Georok S. Pai.MER, Daxikt. J. HABT800K, .Toil v Endek*, W. B. ISAAiS, W. o. Paise, Joseph K. Ci aoftt, Sami ei. C. Tabdt, W G. Tati.<?r, John c. Wll.MAMS, J. B. Davis. Thin Company is now prepared to make INSIT- J RANCEand issue POLICIES upon FIRE and MARINE RISKS on the most ADVANTAGEOUS j | TERMS, anil olf r* all th<- inducements connected | with a H?>ME INSTITUTION OF UNDOUBTED j j ABILITY AND SAFETY. The business capacity j I of the Directors in well known throughout the j ?State, the condition of the Company can at all , time* be ascertained, and any accumulation of ! profits will constitute a fund forthe benefit of the , community which pays the premiums. j Office on Main street, between Twelfth and ThirI teenth, over the United States Telegraph office. | ap 14? lm I M' ONTAGUE A- WHITALL (Late of the Merchants' Insurance Company of Kichinond.) INSDKE PROPERTY OF ALL KINDS IN THE MOST RELIABLE COMPANIES. Thev also effect MARINE INSURANCE AND LIFE INSURANCE. Office, No. 231 Main street, Just below the Spotswood Hotel. de 11 ? ts OILS. KE ROS E NB OIF,! KEROSENE OIL ' ?PURE KEROSENE OIL at SEVENTY- ' FIVE CENTS per gallon, for sale l>y JOHN W. RISON, Apothecary and Druggist, mh 1 Main and Third streets. KEROSENE <>I L, only eighty-live cents per gallon, for sale hv' WILLIAM A MOUNTCASTLE, mh 13? 2m No. l"? Broail street. / 1J I E \ P LIGHT! CHEAP LIGHT!! I > KEROSENE OIL, AND KEROSENE <?IL LA M PS ? Having mad" large additions to our stock of LAMPS? and a full supply of OIL always ou i hand? I would invite my old friends and the public generally to call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. For the present wo will sell our oil at EIGHTY CENTS p<>r gallon. E. G. REX, Agent, 1 1 ? 3m at the old stand on Governor street.

4 CAP KM Y OF Till) SISTERS OF j\ THE VISITATION, AT MOUNT DL CIIANTAL, NEAR WHEELING. TKRMS : Board, with bedding, washing, mending, an<l doctor's fees, per annum . ????????* Tuition, per uunu m, in the regular and oralnitrv course, from....... *?to 40 00 French, German. Italian, Spanish, aii't Latin, form extra charges per quart er ,s ,!0 Music on I'iano, (Jnitar, cost* per quarter.... ?? Music ..II Harp. costt perquarter ? " Music, Vocal, in class, costs per quarter ?? - Music. Vocal, private lessons, per q??arter . -?> F.mbroiiiery, Drawing, Painting In Water and Oil, and Fancy Work, ais<? form 6Xtnt cuhixos. For the character of the School, the Sisters refer to Ki?'ht Rev. Bishop Whulan's notice in the t rttman of the Mth Januarv. Address DIRECTRESS OK THE ACADEMY OF MOUNT DE CHANTAL. near Wheeling, [Extract of a letter from Hi-hop Whelan.] Wheki. t so, January 5, The verv remarkable" and highly cultivated talent which presided over the Musical Department ,,-f t},? Sisters in Wheeling, unrivalled, probably, in any Institution for female education in the country led me, as a duty to the public, to encourage the erection "f buildings ?{ such extent, and no located, as to present to parents every possible lnducement to ?vaM themselves of the benefits of the school The Sieter* now occupy their new bul Id - ings h t Mount de C'hantal, and will, in April, be prepared lor the accommodation of two hundred pupils. The same sen-* of duty which led to the improvement n<>W suugesta the strong and decided recommendation which 1 hereby address to the public through the Fr>nn-ut'K Journal. I trust it will be extensively circulated by the friends or education and the lovers of music, especially in West ii ud South . I have alluded onlv to the muMctl department as beyond competition. In other respects. I regard tho school as inferior to none. Iv. V ? ?' 11 hli A ^ f fa M Jjn Bishop of Wheeling. \\T M. KNABE & C O . , ^ , w MAXcpACtraaas or PtWytBS FIRST PREMIUM, GOLD MEDAL,? * * J J GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. These Instruments having been before the public for the past thirty years, hitve, upon their excellence alone, attained an I'MTRCHAskd pkeemi.nk.nck that pronounces them unequalled. Their TONE combines great power, richness, sweetness, and fine singing quality, as well as great purity ol Intonation and harmoniousnesa throughout the entire scale. Their TOUCH is pliant and elastic, and is entirely free from the stiffness found In so many pianos, which causes the performer to so easily tire. In WORKMANSHIP tney cannot be excelled. Their action is constructed with a care and attention to every part therein that characterizes the finest mechanism. None but the best seasoned material is used in their manufacture, and they will accept the hard usages of the concert-room with that of the parlor upon an equality? unaffected in their melody ; in fact, they are constructed "NOT FOR A YEAR? BUT FOR EVER." All our Square IManos have our new improved Grand Scale and the Agraffe Treble. Every Piano fully warranted for FIVE YEARS. WAREROOMS: 350 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, ap 17? 3 m BALTIMORE. ?PRENCH A CKKNSJIAW, at their X EXTENSIVE FURNITURE WAREROOMS, icuUU Main a .to Ninth stkkkis.i are now receiving a large and choice selection of rich and fine GOODS, to which they invite the attention oj purchasers. Included in the stock may he found PARLOR SUITS Of antique and modern designs, ROSEWOOD, WALNUT, and MAHOGANY, in PLUSH, BROCATELI.E, REPS, and HAIR CLOTH. CH AM !i KK SUITS ? ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY, and WALNUT : some very elaborate in design, superior in workmanship, and elegant in fimih. COTTAHli SUITS in every variety and style. LIBRARY ami OFFICE FURNITURE in^reat variety. BEDSTEADS, WA RD ROBES, CABINETS, WASHSTANDS, TABLES, HALL SETS, ETEGRES, Ac. A lsrge and varied assortment of ('HAIRS, MATTRESSES, SPRING BEDS. Ac., Ac. In addition to the above, can always be found a large and well -selected assortment ofl'AKPETI \'G, UlL-< LOTUS, MATTING, WINDOW SHADES, PAl'ER HANGINGS. PRINTS for furniture covers, and FURNISHING GOODS generally, ap li? 3m THE GREAT SALE OF JEWELRY 1 is nnw closed in Richmond, but ARRANDALE Si CO. take this opportunity ot informing the pub. lie that the business continues to be carried on as usual at 248 Bowery, New York, and all parties holding certificate- can forward thein bv mail or express with the motusv, and the nrticlss will be sent by return mail. Orders may also be scut for certificates in the -ame way. Parties in Virginia disponed to act as agents should make immediate application, as the t -nus are libetal and a good income may be secured. Address ARRANDALE 4c CO., 248 Bowery, New York, iny H? lw Box ?,2s3 post -office. Mr. J. C. DJCKINBO.%, 78 Main street, will act at agent for Richmond, and all communications ad-dre-sed to him will have prompt attention. Address as above, or box *75 post-office. T> AGLANI) A CO., JLV LUMBER DEALERS, Fiheksth stbebt, offer for sale 100,000 fee 1 1^ if, 1J, and 3 inch PINE, part of it sea-50,0-hj feeu, i|. and 2 inch N. 8. WHITE PINE ; 6o, wo No. 1 HEART CYPRESS SHINGLES, 100, (W0 No. 3CYPRE88 SHINGLES, OAK LUMBER, assorted siies ; HEART GARDEN RAILS, CEDAR POSTS. WHITE 1'INK FLOORING, dressed ; JOISTS and SCANTLING, 1! to ? feet long : HUBS, HOUNDS, SPOKES, and FEIJ.OES, for wagons, Ac. ALSO. 1 NEW COAL or WOOD CART. BILL TIMBER cut at short notice ou favorable terms, tnh Ifl-iiu RAG LAND & CO. Malt.? Two hundred buthefts prim k BARLEY MALT, on consignment, for sale by uiy 7 WILLIAM T. KINU 4 CO.

DRY OOODBt SHOES, too. THE URtAT BARGAIN STORK OF L LEVY BROTHERS.? Brorade NoUnpn at 20 rent* perjr?rd : Shepherd Plaid* ?t 10 <??nw . Gingham* at 15 e?nt* ; All-wool Flannel at 40 eenl*; Bleached and Unbleached CVrtton at IS, W. and *5 cent* ; Linen Cruh at 1? cent* ; Whit# Cotton Htmm at 25 cent* ; Linen Handkerchief* at 12 p?r dozen, worth ; Linen fM? Collar* and Cnff* at +118. a jcr* at bargain ; Bugle B#ttoru ; Black Silk Luce fur trimming mantle*. A Inn at reduced irlcM,a large lot r f beautiful Htlk wrapping* ; Ma*lc and other Rafting* : the celebrated Orentry Ruffling j Ddpltx Elliptic! Hhirfe, and nnmnrottl other article* all at the I lowest ca*h price*. LEVY BROT IIER.S, 15 Mai'i atrnet. I my 1? Bucre**or? to Jacob a. f.Krr. rpo LADIES. ? I luivo just received I addition* to my stock of LA DIBS' SHOES which render* my assortment wry complete, and which will enable me to unit all who may favor liie with a call. My stock now embrace hII style* and <| u;iliti?-H, ' and ladies will do well to give ni?- a call. JOHN C. PAOB, J*.. j 217 Main street, three door* belotr Ninth. my 7-3t ?yKW GOODS! NEW GOODS! AT TUB CHEAP STORE OF RICHMOND, CORNER OF SIXTH AND BROAD STREETS. Jn*t receiving by Express another stock of DRY GOODS, k>:., bought at LOWER PRICES than any previously purchased by me thU season. Therefore we are I MARKING DOWN our other goods to suit present price*. BLEACHED COTTONS, 1-J, 2?\ and 2*. cent*. DUCALS only 25 cents. BAREGES, 12) and 25 cent*. ? ' CALL SOON AND SECURE BARGAINS. W. R. POLK, NEW No. 52J BROAD STREET, corjthk ok Sixth. my 7 T^RESII ARRIVAL OK DRY GOODS, ? A T MAY, HELLER Si BROTHERS', Nobthwi*t Cobxrr Sixth and Bkoad streets. A fine assortment of g >ods, embracing all the late stvlc# of DRESS GOODS, FANCY NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, SILKS, MANTILLAS, and DOMESTIC GOODS, hare ju*t been received. We invite onr trieuds to call, as we are certain to please all trh<> favor us with their custom. my5_t* MAY, HELLER Ac BROTHERS. OOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS, at LOW PRICES, at MAY, HELLER k BROTHERS' , my ts Broad and Sixth street*. B' S SPRING TRADE, IN JO. II A L L & HUTCHISON, Importers and Jobbers of NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, and WHITE GnnDS, (at the old stand of Thomas, Hughes Si Caldwell,) No. 7 I'kaki. ok Focrtbrnth PTRKBT, between Main and Cary Richmond, V*. We are prepared with a large and elegant stock of GOODS for the spring trade, and re-pec fully invite an examination by oar friends and the trade generally. iiih 5

M AKE YOUR OWN SOAP BY SAVING AM) USING YOUR WASTE GREASE. BUY ONE 130 X OF THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY'S SAPOMFIEK, OH CONCENTRATED LYE. IT WILL MAKE TEN POUNDS OF EXCELLENT HARD SOAP, OR TWENTY-FIVE GALLONS OF THE VERY BEST SOFT SOAP, FOR ONLY ABOUT THIRTY-FIVE CENTS. Direction* on each box. For sale at all Drug and Grocery storos, and in lots at wholesale by WILLIAM M. ELLICOTT & SONS, No. 3 Shkah's Wha*?, mil 2 ? <13 in BALTIMORE. MD. D ISPATCII JOB PRINTING HOI SE. TIiIk establishment ban been fnrnished with an ENTIRELY NEW OUTFIT OF STEAM PRESSES and IMPROVED MACHINERY, and with ?veryfhmg in the TYPE DEPARTMENT that tli* bnt Founders could supply, and 1* now prepared to execute orders for every description of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING For Merchants, Manufacturers, Mechanics, Auctioneers, Bank*, Railrc ad?, Steam boats, Express Companies, Insurance Companies, , Hotels, Restaurants, Boarding- House*, Theatres, Concert Halls, Clerks of Courts, Sheriffs, Constables, Lawyers, Doctors, Dentist*, Colleges, School*, and for all other persons, corporations, and Invito* tions. We print | Business Cards, Checks, Visiting Cards, Notes, "At Home" Cards, Drafts, Wedding Cards, Prices Current, Kali Cards, Title Deeds, Show Cards, Trust Deeds, Admission Cards, Leases, Election Cards, Receipts. Tune Tables, Tax Bills, Way-Bills, Licenses, Circulars, Bonds, Bill- Heads Insurance Policies, Shippers' Receipt*, Calendars, Steamers' Bills, Notices, Druggists' Labels, Bills of Lading, Tobacco Labels, Manifests, Clothing Ltbels, Bills off Pare, Dray Tlck?>t*, Concert Bills, Coal Tickets, Programmes, Wood Tickets, Theatre Bills, Bread Tickets, Show BlUs, Milk Tickets, P<?*ten?, all size*; Reward Tickets. Passenger Ticket*, Election Tickets. Certificates of Stock, Renewal Certificates, Manufactuters' Label* All aroik ordered will be done In the most artistic maimer, and at rar Low Hants. COLORED PRINTING OF ALL KINDS, my 2 FLATTENING MILLS, -T TOBACCO CUTTERS, TOBACCO PRESSES, and all kinds of FACTORY FIXTURES, made and repaired by CAKDWELL & FREEDLEY, Successors to John W. Cakowki.i. & Co., Agricultural Implement Works, nih Jm N Inth and Cary streets. A SSOHTKD PICKLES.-CHOW-l\ CHOW, In pint, quart, half-gallon, and gallon Jars. j CUCUMBER PICKLES, in two, three. twr, m?d live-gallon kegs; a loo in barrels-all jjriiae. For sale by LOO IS J. BQS811UX, I my ?-ts Mo. W Main

AflV/Hl l EA/l V AM U " ' V-r ... ? ILfJAM POKHKM. A|{( iir? ANI> HUIf?PFK, corner ?.f "Tfef ?tr??t?. The anbarrlber having ' 4'1r 150 HUSlftJUtf in all lu bri* TX' ' ^ vie#* to hi* frl*nd? anrt th?* int., . ' ' "'J ring them th*t nil work <|?ne ?.r i. r u tb? beat material arid workman . ' ? , rl#?d on th?? binOn.-** in thin r ?? f, r, *' '/ ?nre?Mfnllf, h* llaifar* ?i ' will be #lven to all who may bo--, * ?'<?? ,, ap to?dim ' '*84( WATTKU s- WKST, Al{r?m J ? ANl> BITILDKK, l? preparH n, 1 '*-'7 8F05S. PLASH. ?n.| Kil'M lt H at -.v! ;' In/H of ov#ry de>wriptlon, aid n, .. f conlrictto build th? jn ?i,r , If de-dr^d. 1 OlHce, .No. 1M Main et.^t, fur .? mond, V*. DRUGS. MEDICINES. QPRCIfTc FORTETTKR. o, r kj CIFIC" will aperdily ?n<| p . . v, fwiirnl rwurf Tflftr and Kin^ \V r '* ? following r*rttflcate liom the j* . ,r known former Inspector of Toba Warehouse : Kichmoxd, V.*.. A| ri, :? ..v Memir*. M?ad? At Baker: fl?ut . ? ' plt?ssar? in ad'lirtf my t*?tiniony ? , ' rifle" f<>r Kin# Wormand T -f.-r I dieted for ?t lea?t *own y? in? u ?>, , 'f vaM nid ilntfiuuriuK tvl'ler on i i. and had tried, in vain, many r- .nof your "Spiel Ac" Im* hi citr-d m*. and niy hand* ar n v ?. fair a* any one*. li J V \ f < , h 4 ? late In?pector at |'uM( \\ t , ' Price, Aft/cent* a vial. Pr?p*re-t MP.AllK V B.ifcr Practical Ph nr.. , ap II corner Ninth an.l Fr?rii? . , / iLKAXNK THE l',l,o?>h. v. -. V I runt, dianrd'-red, or vitiated I: . 1 akk all over. It may hur?t out aore*, or In aoine active dl#ca*e, 11 it i. . keep you lihti?>?, depre*M'd, an. I ? 1 Hut you cannot liav? good health v i* impure. A VKK'S >AK>APaKJU.a ?. th?i? inipurlli?** and *tftonlat? ? I ? into Tif,'ori>in> action, r?,?'"riii>f lb" !>? pt'lltng dlB?*aa?* l|i?nc<? It rapldlv ??'ii- ? of complaintH whlrh ar? r.io??*d by 1 blood, auch a.? Scrofula or I . lTlc?r*, tiori'H, Krnptionn, St. Anthony'a Kn<-, '^w.i or Ilrj Salt Hhenin, Srald lfA?d, K i n yj ' ('anccro^ Tuin?'r?, dor* Kv--*, F?*n , nitch a.-. Kft.oition, Irreaular:: v, - W'liit**a, Sterility, aUo ^yptnii-. ,r \ . . I)is. a>?*f. Liv?*r tV?inpUint?, and '' Try A VKK'S SAKHA?'aKILL\. ari l . H^if th?? aurpriaing activity w li ? I. ? , ? th" blood and dirt-* tli-n' ?! i-- >r )? r? During lat? ye<?ra th<r public h.nv by larK>* bottl"*'. t'l^t'-nilin^ '??. ; tract of Sarnapatilla for on" <l'.i:ai - have b?*<>n frauda lip >11 Ib?- v.< k, contain llttlo, if 'tnv, Sara ? pa 1 l?. curativo prop.-r; i>'? wliat-'v- r. I. appointment ban fo||owe<l th" 11 ? extract- ot Sar?*p.irilla wbi' :i f. ; ? until t?i?? name it??-If h?< !>??< with inijioaition and cheat M. . ? ? pound " Sarsap irilla, ' ai l in:* n I ? a remedy an aiiall raariie <h ? n un< 1 obloquy" wh irh reata upon It We 1 grottmf (? r b?-i|erini< :i ha? ?? - ? ?iatible by th? ordinary run < t t!. ?? J Intended t" cure We < in only 1that we offer ihern the !.<?.-* ait-r -.t u , . , know how tonrodiice, and ? Itai. ? li?ve it i* by far the mo; 1 i?fte?-t.ial | i blood vet diacovcred bv any l>< I* A V KK'S CIIEKKV I'K' T <MJA (. - known to aurpa?? ?verv oth- r I'enn of Ciiiisfh.". <'olil?, Intf'i-n/ 1, |l? .11 Bronchi Ua, Incipient CouaunptUMi, auj t r?*lief of ?'oii*nmpt! Vf I'.irj. t,'? of thedi?e?a??, that it H u?elt^s ' -1 ? r . evidencv of it.t Vittuen. The w. li I k Prepared by .1 AVl.KA' > ^ I.oweil. Mi-a. ? . and aold bv PURCEI.L, I.AM) Jt ( ?? Kichni'Uid, Va. J Ol IS W. K I.SOX, APOTHECAKV AXD !>!:'*<.?; - COIJ.VEK ??K MAl.V A N l? Til 1 1; !? >1 h;ia it) ?tore, and offers low for c*?h, DRUGS. MKDK'I.N KS, (MFMM'ALS, FAN'' V ARTin.E\, SOAPS, PBKFUMKRV, Ac. lull 10 ? 1?

DENTISTRY. TO 1IN MAJIOX Y, DENTIS'I ?I many veir* a>-M>iiated with I r tfiiilv i rm? hi1* old |?;?n ? if who may hia ??'! vice* ili.it 1. it .? ? OFFICE fr?in Fourth ?c , and < at hii UE.S1DEN* K, U25 Main ? i ? I ami Nfwnlh. Will pr.ictn e hi-> |J it* branclo-?. ARTIFICIAL TEETH lm<ert<i ? :t V Gold, ami Silver office open ;it ALL HOURS The hi?bc?t price ] .ti<l for "l.l> 'i' '.!? ' . Hp SI ? D A V I S 0 N , ?>5 ^ wit pi: I/it V ht \ | ^ ^ v SURti'EoN |>EN I ouic.- and realdence on M tin l '? Vellth Mini Twelfth, jllft b.-loW III.- A change Hank, wher* h?> i- better pi HflT l<> ^ i VO ll ir- pallollM III.' Illii t> fe*Mon. He will EX' II A S'S E N .W 1 ! .1 improved ba*e for OLD sETS < >1 i. ? i . 1 ? warranted l"< ?r at !>-a-t live y. ? n- I hi* MTricfn in-'-il not n?-gl.-?M the r * accommodate liim-.-lf t?? their < . ? the time*. Patient* from th<- <? wall him at tile ie?idence wiu.i .1 < having work done. DIl. GEOKGE U.MT.EL, ^ ;v UK NT A I. SPROKoN. Office on Main, be'Wei nSeientti ufjyV r"W and Eighth afreet*. Kichni"i I, U. * ARTIFICIAL TEETH i ? i r i ? ?( 'ii oil <?' 'I . ? * I VKK. PLATINA. mid VUI.CaNIT N EXTRA* TED, KILLED, and RK'itI M l- I fur i'mi| ili- Maxillary Bones, ? !> ;> I* di?ea?eH of the mouth", attended to pi >n.p the uinr>t careful an I thorough Lj.nu.. r. |n ? tj i| | rr k et fi extracted \\rrn<?i 1 PAIN 0. W. JON ES, I'mui " announce* to all having teeth to to ? \ after mueh difficulty and ?*|ieii?e, h" ha? - ti aPPARATI'a F"U Ma*v * "NITRol'S OXYDE OAS," now "" u-:' and succeMfnlly ueed at th? North, ?> many lhouMand?*a*e?, in extract i '? *urglcal opt ratnu.it, there w.t- !??>?>. I PAIN t'? the patient; and ??? it ? i HARMLESS there i", tlu r for* . N" I ? DAN'iER IN ITS USE. To the m< Ik*. ; ? id this city he offer* hi* pervlcea w h- n . caim, u anntbi'llc may lie needed. * operation* appertaining in bi? pi ami thoroughly performed. oiltce on Main street, turner of hix'. Arlington tlonfce. SNTAL NOTICE. JOHN G. WAYT I ? ?. N r'*T having recovered hi* health, baa rem practice of Dentistry In Richmond. .? .1 r ???'?? ? tutly offer* himorvice# to hlatdd t . . - ? ? - ? i ? tientu, and all oth?*ri? a im ma v i ?? t ? ? Office and res?id?'nce S'llrll hi I ' h 1 8THEET, BETWEEN SEVENTH / v l> } ? > ? ja tt ? Huj* FURNITURE, ETC. HAULISTON M JJKOTHI'H. FPUNITI'UB I?EAI.I > would re*|?ectfiilly inform their n I- ' palronn that I U? > have r. ??iiiii? t i - > NEW STOUB, "H Cary ?!reet, I w > *N Tenth, where tbev will be ha|ip\ - will fnrnUh any tiling in then iin- at prlcca. HAHLISTON i BROTHER, ? rv - my S bftween Ninth a! 1 ' CABINET FL'KMTl Kl w FINE HOME MADE I rtr I wi*h to inform my o! I custom ?>r^ and t he public generally that I ? ? have on hand a goo. I rtiu< nt < t F I N B FI'RNlTt'RK, <*Y MY OWN M \K' which 1 will f-il a* l<>iv .<? f in 1 wnere, of ROSEWOOD. MAiHWuW NUT ? the workiuaiuihip and i ? i^'i > ' v - n<>t be tarpw?*i'd by any. i am prepared !?? ex?*fut?? .ill ord'-r>> pi REPAlRiNii aud bOXl.NCi ii'-at . v done. In my UNDERTAKING UKPARTM K'? I found ail kin lit of COFFINS. l?oth NV * ? l? TAL, wilb the tin< ?t handle* ?nd A I NO, AlK*TiOllT CA>LS, lor tia- tl dead I will give my n. rsonal attrition t< t!. - til buMiii'ft? a' all li<iur> II A ATKIN*?N. (of the old Arm of l(.-lvin \ A ?:.!?? Governor ?treet, above Fraukiiu, Richiuoud. \ up 25? 1? L. W. it W. A. niLLl'I S CA HI a ET MAKERS AND UNDERTAKERS. Broad street, second door from Tw ?' fe lT_d&*wJm Ri? Ha??xr?. V*. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTIN'O TOHN J. FRENCH. IMiAl'TH'A )* ? P HOUSE AND MiiN P A I NT t IC . i;*?' HANOEK, 4c., under BtaoroKU** tl-?r* I ? III i t a kk r Any work ?JXvcute<l bv hii.i h- w ? *? ?' ?atl?f4rt!on. KKADY MINED PAINTS, Ac , of sil - alwaw on h wid. Order* for work will meet with pr- >?i a'.'. : ylt> lui H OUSE AND SIUN I*A1NTN?:. . Thu undeniigned ?re pre; i i ? ? ? for and execute ail order* f< r I'AiN ltN ? triihtod to their care, wilb neatiie?? gnaranteetng the bent material ai d w -kii ? - S1UNS neatly, promptlv, ami cheain? e? ISAAC SCIIKlN Ki: A < " Shop 2M Main street, betw?cti Seventh m 1 K - ?*r<ct? oih i*- Ji? H have STKhft l , ueiween nam ana i ar?, ? urn* lie uleaaed to receive orUara from t' r I' ? '??i>"-? ? r... iiiii sV ? 1 1 : v . OUSE AND ShiN' 1'AINTIV K K M ?? VAL. L U. MONTAUl'K A S??N have removed to their newbuildi k', on TK> I KTRKKT, between Main and Cary, here ?l? ?-* a be pleaaed to receive orOer* fr- ui D ? r It 1 - ? tlie public genorallv for HOUSE. SIUN ai.4 OKN i MENTAL FAlNTlNU In every atyle. Good wofk guaranteed. Term* ui"dei?m ja 24? ta L. I. MoNT \-il'h. A N rrYl?K FOUNDRY. T!u? IHsl'A lvll I la printed on TYPE MADK AT Til K til' I. MOjlP TYPE FOUNDRY Avery articiu ie 4u../<? for ?Prluiiug Office at Northern prirHa. U. L. PELOUAl A CO., ftp U-lm Yft