Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 207, 15 May 1866 — Page 5

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Mi Jirmmmu _ dpatch. TUESDAY MAY 15, 1866. LETTER FROM WASHINGTON Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch THE FIGHT BETWEEN THE PRESIDENT AND RADICALS GOING ON- SENATOR DOOLITTLE'S POSITION- THE FREEDMEN'S BUREAU COME TO GRIEF- GENERAL SICKLES- POST-OFFICE APPOINTMENTS, ETC. Washington, May 13. The Radicals have had a new vigor infused into them by the solid adoption of their pet plan of reconstruction and by the persistent determination of their leaders in Congress to hamper the President in every possible way. There is now no talk about reconciliation. Even those who held firmly to such future consummation have given up the idea, and the game now is by combined legislation to make the Executive yield, which some predict he will do. That they reckon without sense is very plain to be seen, as no act of the President has given evidence of the slightest intention that way. The position of Senator Doolittle, which does not waver one iota in defence of principles of the Administration, is a source of groat annoyance to the enemies of the President. Doolittle is regarded as the most able debater in the Senate, and there is no fear of a want of his influence in combatting the dangerous principles now daily enunciated until four years have passed by, unless a predicted early vacancy in the office of Secretary of the Interior should be tendered him. Of this, however, there are doubts, as it is necessary, under the present circumstances, that all tinfriends of the President in Congress should hold fast to their positions until after the fall elections. The Freodmcn's Bureau will not gain any laurels from the report of Geuerals Steed man and Fullerton with regard to its atliiirs in Virginia and North Carolina. The last-named officer has always been regarded as of the radical school of politics; and his view of the management of the institution with which he has been connected ns one of the agents, in opposition to the extravagant stories of anonymous letter-writers in the South, are not relished by the busybodies who are so persistently engaged in slandering the people und State officials in the South. There is considerable doubt as to whether General Sickles will accept the position of Minister to the Hague, the ap]?ointmcnt of which lias been confirmed. The Committee on Foreign Affairs had laid the matter on the table at one time, and not until the statement had gone forth that it would be declined, was the confirmation had. There has been nothing official of an important character which has transpired within the past few days, but there aire indications of interesting Executive proceeding* during the coming week. There are several thousand postmasters ? probably between fifteen and twenty thousand ? with salaries ranging from eight hundred to two thousand dollars, whose appointments do not require confirmation by the Senate. The great majority of those now in office are thought to be inimical to the President's policy, and I learn from an authentic source that all holding these radical views will be removed, and conservative men appointed in their stead. Timon.

The Great Defeat op tiik Rebels is ; Ciiina. ? The following is ii fuller account of the defeat of the rebels in China, l?rit*4ly reported a few days ago: "The* successes of the Imperialists in ? _lUtJ northeast of Kwang Tung, which were recorded recently, have taken the shape of a more complete victory even than we anticipated. The entire body of rebels, under the lead of the Kang Wang, numbering some litty thousand, and forming the last residuum of the Taipings, have been either slaughtered or taken prisoners. About twenty thousand perished in a conflict lasting two entire days ? the *th and 1Mb ultimo ? and the remainder have surrendered themselves to the Imperial commanders. The latter have already commenced the work of disbanding their troops, while the civil authorities are busy with arrangements for dispersing t he prisoners with whom, to the number of upwards of thirty thousand, they find themselves burdened. The victorious general. ! P'ao Ch'ao, has already left for llarkow, where he is to take the field against the j Nien Fei. This success ? wiping out the last trace of the Taiping rebellion ? will no doubt be peculiarly gratifying to the Pekin Government." Interesting to Gas Considers ? A New Invention* Tested. ? In the experiments | which we ww, two five-foot pipes were j used, with burners of equal size ? the gas ! for one pipe passing through the "carbonizer," and that for the other being burned as it came from the metre. The I difference was very striking indeed. The j flame produced by the former was quad, j ruple the volume and brilliancy of that produced by the latter, while the quantity | of gas consumed was less than half, as in- ! dicated by a test metre which marked the : fractions of a foot. In two minutes the burners attached to the " carbon izcr " consumed six feet, while the consumption by the others in the same time was twelve and a half feet. It is claimed by the inventors that the use of this new earbonizer and economizer will obviate the difficulties heretofore resulting from the use of a poor or impure article of ga?, as well as effect a very material saving.? Buffalo (X. T.) Advertiser. A Neubo Witness. ? The Indianapolis lhrald says a case under the Civil Rights bill has recently been tried in Gibson county. The testimony of a negro was admitted in evidence. We give an extract from the testimony of the colored witness, and submit that it is a rare exhibition of intelligence for a witness. By the Court. ? "Were you born in the United States ?" Witness. ? " No, sail." By the Court. ? "Were you born in Ameriea V ' Witness. ? "No, sab." Bv the Court. ? "Where were you born ?" ? " *n Anderson, Kentucky, ; l*.00 examination the prosecutor withdrew the objections to the competency ot the witness, and the darkey Was exaiuiucd on the part of the defence. Accident to a Virginia Lady.? On Friday, a young lady named Kovston, from Petersburg, Va., a pupil iu Notre Dame Convent, on Central avenue, met with a serious accident by falling from a swing, breaking her left thigh. The accident occurred on the grounds of the Orphan Asylum, on North Central avenne. Dr. Doyle was called in, who set the broken limb. ? Baltimore Sun , 14M. Mr. George Peabodt and t he Income Tax. ? It is stated that Mr. George Peabody, who is now stopping with his friends in Essex county, Massachusetts, has been j notified to make a return of his Hifome tax since September, 1862, for the purpose of taxation under the revenue laws of the United States. A resident of Memphis ha* sued the Avahuickn for libel in saying that he had been a rebel. The damages are laid at fifty thousand dollars. Dr. Charles Pendleton Tutt, an eminent physician of Philadelphia, ana formerly of Virginia, died last weak.

LIST OF LETTERa T 1ST OF LETTERS HEM A I NINO -V.H ?K P?W?T-OFFICl AT RICHMOND, STATE OF VIRGINIA. MAV It. lMi. Person* calling for letters advertised In the following H*t will please **y they are advertised, Rive iho date of tne list, and p?Y on? trnt for advertising If Mot called for within one month, they will be went to the Dead Letter Office. Letter* to strangers or transient vlaltora In a lown or city where their address ma* be unknown, ?honlJ be marked, on the left-haml corner, "transient." Persons calling for advertised letter* are required to furnish (he change. LADIES' LIST. Adam*, Mr?. M A. Lang*. MUaI.eni* Lfcnil>ert, M tas E. B. Lemon, Ml** H 0 M. Lench, Miss Mary Leonard. Mr*. M. Lilly, Fanny (coi'd) Ludlam, M lie L. P. Lumpkin, Ml** Ellen T. I.ylnn, Miss Mattle A. Lynch, Mm. M. A. Mabin, Mr#. C. Marshall, Mr*. lame* Marinette, Mrs. Julia A. Marenburg, Bettie Mann, M i-s Julia J. Mar*h, Ml** Julia A. Martin, Ml** Mary Maaene, llannora , Mathews, Mi*s Maria M. Bell. Kli/a Ann Maurv, Mi** Jane Blackburn, Mi** Lucy E. Morn's, Mr*. Delia Blunt, Mr*. Nancy Metcalf, Mr*. A. E. Blankenshlp. Miss Susan Meeds, Mr*. Mary Blakelev, Mrs. Elisabeth Meller, Ml** Jane Blackburn, Mr*. Ellen Mho<>n. Mi** HetMo Blemis. Mr* Marv A. Miller, Mis* Mary A. Boeseaux. Mr* Eimlra Mlddleton, Mi** Matilda Howie*, Ml-* Fannie K. M 1 1 l*?r , Mi** Mollle Bowman, Mr*. Harriet (I) Miller, Wr*. D. M. Bozioatra, Mr*. LucvM. Mo**, Mr*. Elizabeth A. Butler, Mr* Rebncca F Mosby, Mr*. _ Martha I Mill*. A 1 1 v , MlssJannett Ailen, Mi** Florence Allen, Mary Jane Angel, Miss Mary K. AruaK, Mi** Mary E. Arnold, Mi** Gallic \u*tin. Serena Marker, Louisa Haner, Mr* A. I' H.?i>tM, Mr* Fannie A Mate*. Mi** Lory Barker. Mra.Nannlj lUuere. Mr*. Sarah A. Barley. Mi*. 0 lUker, Mara. Susan A. Mat ha, Mr*. Margaret linker, Mra. Jane C. Beat, Mr* Isabella Burnett, Mi** Ann Burn*, Sir*. Fllen Barn*. Mix* Si**ie F Burt, Mr* Sarah Ann Burton, Mr*. L. A. Brown, Mr* Mary B. Brunt, Mi** Mary Brown, Mm. Mary Ann Brltton, Mra. Mary Brickie, Mr*. Robert 0. BrOMlie, Mr*. William Bragg, Mi** Betti" Braxton, Miss Lizzie C. Branch, Mrs. Elizabeth Bran*ley. Mr*. Mary i) i. ?%!? Moore, Khoda (coi'd) Moaely, Mra Maggie Moselv, Mr*. Maiicnret D. Mnrpllv. Mr*. Kate V. M ver*. Mrs Mattie Montague, Fannie McCln*kv, Mr*. Firginla McCarthy. Mra. Mary McCarthy, Mr*. Mary E. 8. MH'artliv. Ml** Ellen McDonald. Mr*. Ann McGriflln, Mis* Ann McWhirt, Mr*. Susan B. Mlddleton, Mr* Mary K ranch," Mrs. Kiltie" Napier, Mw. Evelyn Bransford, Mrs. Charlotte Nenstlehl.MnrEHzabeUi Bretna, Mra. Josephine Newton, Miss M. ('art?*r.M laa Carol ine(col. )Nic;hols, Miss Eliza Ann t'arter, Mr*. Nancy Nolte, MIm Meri ElizaCampcell.Mrs. Ma'rvfcol.) b-th Camp, M rs John \C. Carv, Mis* Marv (t) <*ar"neal, Miaa Mary F Ca*kie. Mra. James A. Cerito, Rosa christian, Mi*a Lon Chrialian, Mr*. Catherine Palmer, Miss B? Itie rhinn. Mr* Ann W. Palmer, Mr*. N"? Chamberlayne.Miss MaryParker, Mis* Norton. Mlaa Nannie O'Keefe, Mra Ellen O'Toule, Mr*. Eliza Owinit*, Mi*s Carrie h. Olphine, Mrs. Emma Theale Claiborne, Mr*. K. S. Clark, Miaa ID'iirieUa Clarke, M i-* Sallie B. cocholacer. Mra. S. E. Coleman, Mia? Bettie Caldwell, Miaa Anna L Parker, Mr*. Florence T. Pannela, Miaa Mary Parriah, Miaa Jinnie Pettigrew. Mr*. Lizzie T . Peinont, Mr*. Adalad?* l'earce, Mr*. Martha S. ? HHIWI'II, .Minn aimn ... . . . _ Coleman, Miaa Emma Lee Pearce. Misa Willie Ann Cook, Ml** Maria E. Phv*ick. Mra. Ilardria Cox, Mr*. Judith Phillip*, Mis* l*abelj. t'oopi-r, Mr*. Mary Jane Phillip*, Mi** Bell J. Cook, Mi** Annie Pilf^inton, Mr*. Emily Crittenden, Mi** Julia A. Pleaaant*. Mra. Carrie Craig, Mr*. Marv Powell, Mr*. Ann H. ''ullingworth, Mr*. Marv llurter, M s* I*abelia .... ? ?ti?? Cunlitf?*, Mi*a Agnoa (?urteya, Mr*. E. Da via, Mra. Isabella DavSa, Mr* Maria Dabnev , Mi** Eli /.a M. I>avi*, Mi** Li/zi*' Dean, Mi** Mary Jane Dixon. Mr* Mary J . Dickena, M rs. A . Dolling, Mr*. Antfelina Downing, Mis* Clara Doe*. Mi*. Kliae Dreachef, Mi*s Mary Donnavant , Mrs Lucy A Diviuey, Mrs. Ellen Kdding. Mra. Ege, Mr*. Caroline Ehrenberg. Mary Kiriht^in. Slis> Bertha Ellla. Mrs. F. C. Ellr*un, Mr- Laura Kllia, Mr- Eli/a Englebright, Mra. Jose pnine En^li-h, Mr*. Marv A. Evereti, Mr*. Caroline M Cassainlria Power*. Mi*s Ctira Points, Mis* Ad^le Prendergrest, Miss Anna Price, Mrs. Sarah M. l'urcell, Mis* Sallie Q'linn, Sliss Mis- Mary Kandolph. Mrs. Frederica Kayburn, Mrs. Mary J. Ready, Mrs. M. A. Kivers, Anna Robson, Mrs. Margaret Rialgers, Mr*. Maria Hoane, M i-- Lettie S. Roherls, Mi*s Susan Ruff, Elizabeth Sanmlers, Mr*. John S. Scruggs, Mra. Sue Scott, Syntlia Scarhor'o. Miss Maria Phelton, M is* Cora Shepherd, ^i*s Eulle V. Shejiliard, Mr- Kate E. Six 'ton, Misjs Victoria Shocktiii'lge, Mis* Li/zie Sha< kelford, Mrs. Fannie E. Sheppardj Miss Belle J. Faner, Mr^. . ... Fit/william, Mrs. Maria Sherry. Mrs. K D. Skipper, Mrs, Bettie Fitzgerald, Miss Louisa Smith, Mrs. Annie Flint, Mr*. Annifl E. Smith. Mrs. George Foley, Kocksaline Smith, Mr*. Minute B. Franklin, Misa Nellie Smith, Mrs. Su-an Francisco, Mrs. Caroline Smith, Mr*. Su-an E. Gunstend, Miss Bertha Smith, Mis- Mildred L.(2) (ientry. Miss Annie (iihins, Mi-s Ellen Gilbert, Mrs. A. (Jitler, Mrs. Elizabeth Gill, Miss Sallie R. Gibson, Mrs. K. H. Gregory, Mrs. Ann L. Graham, Mi-* Hartley Smith, Mi-iJ Annie Smith, Miss Ellen Smith, Mr*, Eliza Smith, Mrs. Jane K. Spranglev, Mrs. Ellen Spencer, Mrs. A. E. Stannard, Mrs. Susan Statham, Mrs. Caroline A. Graham, .mi-* narnev nimu ???? (irensted. Miss Elizabeth S'ratton, Mrs. Mar* E. Gregory. Mrs. C. M. (iray, Mrs. Thomas E. Grant, Mrs. Sarah Gritlin, Mrs. E. (?lames, Mrs. Saran llobson. Mis* Maria A. Harris. Mrs. F. M. Hableston, Mrs. < . > . Hall. Mrs. Wilson Hamilton, Mrs. Polly Hampton, Mrs. Emma Hamlin, Mrs Johanna llarri-. Elizabeth llassett, Mr*. Ann O. |4t lit '| lt .'lin. Sublett, Mrs. Stephen Sullivan, Mrs. Mollle E. Swann, Mrs. Lucy F. Svnco, Mr*. Elizabeth Smith, Miss Sue Taylor, Miss Frante?(col<>red) Tavlor, Mary C. Tavlor, Mrs. Agnes Tavlor, Mrs. Catharine Talor, Reberaa (coi'd) Thoma*, Mis* Julia Thompkins, Mrs. Emily (colored l 1 J a w kins"4 Mrs" Eli za bet li Thropp, Mi-- Kate R. Heiiderson, Miss Bertha Thomas, Mo lie A . A Tompkins, Miss Sail , , ... , ie Tooing, Mrs. Eliza Tottv, Mr-. Elizabeth Tow'nsend, Mary Triieman. Mrs. 'Muria Trlplett, Mrs. William Turner, Mrs. Fannie C. Turpin, Mrs. Sarah E. Tucker, Mr*. Mollle Tvl? r, M iss Liddia r, i\ ate Thomason, Sarah A nou^don, Mis* Jennie P. Van Doran, Mrs. Abram Houston, Miss Francis E. Walker, Mr*. L. A. Hopkins, Mrs. William P. Walker, Miss Mary L. Hooper, Mrs. Susan ('. Walker, Mr*. John StewHooker, Mrs. Ann R. art Hudson, Mrs. Mary A. Wade, Mr*. Sarah Walker. Miss Mary S. Wade, Mrs. Mary' Magdalene Walls, Miss Emma J. Watiock. Miss Maria A. Watkins, Mrs. Julia Hicks Mra. Mary E Hill, Miss Maria Hill. Miss Nancy llillyard. Mi-s Eddie Hodinond. Mi*s Patsv lloenneger, Mrs. F. W Hodgdon, Mrs. I.ucy A Hobgood, Mrs. Mary Hodges, Mrs Margaret Hoger, Mis- Kate Houg( liunt, Mrs. T Hurt, Miss IMtie M. Hunter. Miss Douglasa A Jacob, Mr* Fannie Jennings, Anna Jacksin, Nlis* Adlene jaCKsin, i'i i?- nuu iir , ? ?r ... P /??\ Jenkins. Mrs. Fannie M. ^Jrs- } ?. Johnson, Adella A Johnson, Mis* Carrie Johnson, Mrs. Sarah C. Jones, Miss Virginia Jones, Miss Lucie J. Jones, Miss A. Barbara Jones, Miss Augustea Weston. Mrs. Anna Whit, Miss Anna Williams, Hattie A. Witltson, Miss M. B. Winston. Lettie (coi'd) Willis, Mrs. Mary A Winston, Mrs. Frances .lOIlPh. M AUKUnu n - - . Jones Miss EdinonlaJ. Whlttlngham, Mrs. EliJones, Miss J. E. Jones, Mrs. Petty S Jones, Caroline (col di Jones, Mrs. William M Jones, Sirs. Bettie C. Jones, M iss Carrie S. zabeth E. _ ... _ Wmfree, Miss Sallie B Wilson, Mrs. Woodward, Mrs. Josephine _ woodond, Miss Emma )iniu?7* r. . wx %? i f Judah, Miss Lizzie (c?Pd)Woods, Miss Maggle J. Judah, Miss LyUia B. (2) Woolcoek, Misa Sallie Kennedy, Mrs. Rebecca Wood, Miss Lina M. Kenne, Mrs. Polly Kaiser. Mrs. B.. King, Miss Khoda King, Mrs. Mary Lacy. Miss Sallie Lambert, Mrs. Susan Woods, Mrs. Lucy Ann Woodland. Miss Jessie Wright, Miss Lucy Wright, Mrs. Kate Wren, M rs. Sallie Wyatt, Mrs. W. A. INITIALS. M. S. D., Mrs.

GENTLEMEN'S LIST. 4 w i Grew N. O'Connor, Chafe. Adkiso'n. Frank Grimes, J. A. Oliphant, B. F. i&Qjj ug?^U L n;:b:J,rwJ' Allen! iUmuiet flreeii. C. {?ai'JyLSi'al>t Alsou R B Given, Mr. l Hk'e, t>. I api. ft&U Tml Slfc. Si. Aliberger, A. Out-rant, M. L 1 atttmore, vr. Amnions, W. C. ljaines, J. p* liner R & Andrews, W.H. Hammond, K b. Paluur, ii. s Anderson, W. Hancock. John Anderson, T. B. Harvey, E. Anderson. R. Haiae, E. Anderson, J. B. Hainon, Die* Anderson, B. Harris, C. A?cy, Benj. Harris, A. | Armis'ead, John Hawxtiunst ut Arniistead, G. A. Wateon Armstrong, E.J. H amble ton, Si. Atkinson, J G. E. Atkinson, H. J. Aunteus, E. B. Baker, Alex. Bankin, J. Bates, Lewis Baron, D. K. Bauke, D. J. Bail, C. B. Parkell, S. Pendleton, S. Perkinaon. L. C. Tearsall, A. S. Perhigon, F. Pedin, G. W. Peasiy. W. Peck. Joseph & Phtnks, Emmet Harrison. W.H. Pcuiberton. C. Harrison, Thoa. Pitman. K. A. b. Harner, T, J. Pilts, T. J. Harner, P. Pleasants, 0. D. Hebernehi, G. P easanta, H. B. Herring, A ^ Pleasa uts, J . W. Hensley, S. 0. Price, W. F. Hexter, M. Pnt|c?. ^ J pBatterby. Wm. Hicks. E. H. I ri?lU v, ? ? iliu'-w" giH'-tho. sii&M BUhop, J am ea Hill. k. Keynolda, A. E. Beard, J-^eph Helden, S. ???_% Beck, J. Hooper, Joaeph Re**, C. B. Herry, E. B. Hoosley. J. C. 5e},d.' Ctrank Butler, E. Holsteaci, J- D- ^flly R Hodgson, Jot>. Howe, J. Hagan, J. Harris, J. Haakuan, 7. Hod, D. A Hobaon, C. Beach, Wiu. J BentieV, W. 0. Beat, Tana. Bird, Henry Buford, 0. W. Bird, P. (J) Blackburn, F. Black, B. J. noMon, v. Blanchard, A. Holman, C. H. Holmer, B. Blythe, M. A. Holman, Wiu. Boxell, Joseph Homer. T. 1>. noes, *ron Booker, H. H. Howard. 8. Rowe, Milton Boyd, C. <*. (2) Hough, K. A Co. Releerson. C. Booker, Wiu. Ifalbh-ib, R. Roth. Fr?d. II ou k, P. Roach, Pleasant Holmes, L. R. Roida, R. C. Humphreys, J. Roioublmlu 8. V. Roberson, T. B. Hu-tings, C'haa. Robinson, Geo. Hubbard, B. Robinson, Wm. llks.J. K. Richter, F. A. Kice, feamuel Riuerl. 8. Ruyseicht, O. Right, H. C. Richardson, H. H. Riley, Wm. Roony, A. Robertson, P. Rom, Aron Bourton, M. Booth, L. Brook"! A. Breuen. J. Brow, J. Burros, W. Bradsher, J. Bradley, O. W. Irrine, L. Brent, (I. L. Ulna, J. Brannan, F. Bran, C, H. Brill. H. Broaeket, P. Brooks, M Broun, J. W. Brown, 0. H. Bro wn, W. James, Rev. Jaeoba, T . A. James Mr. Jaekaon, A. Rogers, J. 8. Robols, W. kussel & Me* Court Ryan. Edward Satterwhitfl, W. Sampson, J. K. Jaekaon! C. C. Bandera, J. K J Handera, Re?. J. Jarratt, J. Beburoaker, F. Jenelng*. K. Schuaenftakar,

Bmwn, M Brown, M. Brown, L. >in, ChM. Jefferson. B. a. Schafer, 8. Jent-nw'.., ... Sfc,. _ ? ? f ? ? flociK*lapo Hurl <>n, A. Hnrhle, A. Hush, Johanli Cannon, K- ? ? Carroll, M, Carter. .!. M Calllgan.J. P Jones, T.J. Jones, Chas. Jones, PtUUI", I*?U Scott, J. E. Sellts.C. 8ed*wlck, II. D. 8?tb|lng, A. Jones, J. II. Beldon ? Miller Johnson, Poke 8h life I It, T. Johnson, R. M. Sharp, A. Johnston, _J. Bbubert, Capt. Callitfan.J. I*- Johnston, J. , Campbell, G. F. Johrson, R. (?) 8benolt, Gray Cairlngton, 0. Johnson, W II . Shon. B M. Johnson, B. C. Carter, D. K. (2) C. Carben, C. Johnson, F. Caldeu \ Hull (2) Cane. Wm. W. Charletan, T. Christian, K. Chick, C. Claiborne, T. L. Keller? O. Claud, T. Kempe, B. Clark, 8. P. Kellv, James , Clark, J.N. Killpatrlck, S. Smith, C. A. Clifton, 0. Kine, W. 8. Stnoot, C. M. Claiborne. P.J. Kinsman, Col. Smith, G. E. Clayton, B. F. J. W. Smith, V. A. Cloptpn ft Lyne Kirubrough, J. Smith, Lewij shlpman. F. Shackelford. J. M. Johnson, G H. Shappard, J. W. Johnson, Jh*. Sim*, C. Siganol, G. B. Slaky, T. Sinnott. H. T. Sintoti, Dr. J. F. Sloan, R. M. Slaughter, 0. Slater, L. P. jonnson. ?< a*. Jordan, R. E. Joboon, T. Jordnn, T. Keeling, K. II. Cioptonk Lyne Kimbrough Cox, Wm. B'. & W. Co. Kinsman, J. w Comfort, Wm. Kirk, Jauie# , Lewis Smith Si M.iOorern .?i. n, - Smith, B. Krneger, A. A. Smith. J. P. Lawson, A. M. Smith, Wm. Latham. K W. Smith, Rev J. P. I. ill Flit in, rk . w1 Lange. Win. Lacy. Chas. Smith, J. H. Smith, W. il. Latonche, j. (2) SnetHng*, Dr. Lea, Wm. W. < wgjfc Lent-bough, W. Saper, A","" Coebv, Wm. Cocke, S. 1'. Cot-lies, K. Cottrell, H. II. Conway, M. F. (2) Cole, J.W.(J) Coshen, J. F. Lenebough, W. Sat Cooper, J. 0. (2) Lea, W. G. Spitier, A_ Carter, J. Leigh, C. ? Sparrow, T. Cosby, J. J. Lewis, John II. bjiottswood, W. Cocke, J. N. Lilly, E. A F? __ T Lindsay. W. T. Spiller, T. Li//on, W. D. Stenorf. 0. M. Lind-! v & Hiltz-Strotber, K. heimer Stllick, r. Luggan Ji New- Staples, T. A. (-) ,.lf Stanton & Allison Lii'iierman, W. Strobti, B Cooper, I Cole, II. Cox, H. Corweli, G. (2) Coghill, (?. E. Colston. <1 ?? i? . Crow, T W. Crump, R. Crouch, R. T Crenshaw, J. B. Ligon, J. T. Crowley, J. Lowe, P. C. Creer, E. Crone, C. Crooks Si Shack- Lynch, 1' W. Strauslieid, E. Liimcomb. T. H. Strange, J. " Stone, J. >\ . . . w. Stone, J A. Lombard, J. L. Street, J. II. Lovelace, R. H. Stanley Joseph Co. elford Currv. Wm. ? C'ullingsworth, Loher, < . ? T. Culdon, M . J. (umbra, J. K ninnipy % Swain, M. W . Lourman, L. A: Swann, James Barter, Nelson (colored) Lot tv, T . Taber, Al. Lumpkin, G. A. Taylor, I . W ? Lucas, Dr B. Taylor, 0. M. I UinorH,.'. rw. I.U' I'l. ??. CulliiiK*worth, Lorv?*nbergh, J.Tabb. W ?. Terrv. I>r. Terrill. M. Terrlll, II. Throk,'m,>r",n> Thomas, 1>. W. Thomas, Rev. I). W. Lupton, R. R. j Dabnev, R. A. LuKen*. 8. M. E. Lyons, nr. P. I Davis, R. P. Lyne, W H. i Davis, o. Mamey, Jaines Dabney, J. W. Mascene, J<?<. Davis, H. L. Manning, Wm. Thomas, K. w. DandridKe, 0, Mav, William Thomas, 8. W. W. Mayby. J. II. Thompson, 0. I Davison, E. Manson, W. Thomas, R. Davis, E. E. Mack, S. Thornton, J. Davis, B. T. Mason, C. R. Thwpsou, J. H. ; Davison, A. M alone, C. M . Darricott, liar- Mason, C. R. 1 irney, J. ri* k Co. Mai Ion, B. Toohey, D. J. Davis, Roper & Mannen, A. Toler, S. r . Co. Manders, E. Townsfltiil, 8. r. Dell, Charles Bfarshall, W. M. Tolker, 0. Dickinson, A.D. Marsten, J. W. Townsend. II. Dicken, T. N. Mebanks. J ? L. Todd.W. H. Meriam, 8. P. Tolby.J. B. Minor. F. B. Turner, J. (4) Mecklenborgh, Turpin, J. B. A Tuft, J. B. Milier, S. B. Tucker, J. R. Trabue, A. P. Mil burn. G. Troehart.M. 11. McMullen, E. I. Trueman, fc. Mitchell, Tho*. Trayleur, H. /j* Tyrol, J. Van Dvke, Rev. H. D. D. Miller, J. A. Vaughn, 0. H. Miller, J. P. Valentu e, E. S. Milton, W. Van (Jant, .Mr. Mitchell,.!. Vaughn, P. Doherty, P. Donahoe, 1). Donaboe, Mr. Drew, (J. Dunning, Win. Dunn, Pluminer Mills, R. o Ai Co. Duval, P. P., Duncan. C. V . Duval, A. Efiwards, J. W. Mlchard, Jos. Eddy, A. Miller, W. R. Elgin, 0. Elliott, W. E. Elliott, W. P. Ellison, S. A . Ellison,.!- M. Elmore, J. H. Ellison, Ca-ear Kllis. C. (?. Epps, T. H. (2) Epps, B. H. Effey, Joseph Everett, A. B. Fanteroy, II. Farnswoilh, J P. 1 Faulkner, Mr Muir, D Miib lv. C. W. McVeigh. 11 Faulkner, J. I>. Moss, John (2) , Fanning, r . F?*rti li/i tia, J. P Fevh & Moritz Fisher, E. Flohr, 8. FiemmiiiL', C. Fowley, R. Fox,,!. H. Foye, <i. 11. Fox, B. Morton, A. (co- Voloskl, S. lored) Vernon, A. Morgan, A. Wat kins it Montague, S. II. Fierce M oft at, 8. Waterhonse, Mr. Moore, Slu d. V aldrop, J. ? . Mortly, 0. Walker, R. L. Morton, 0. H. NN rtlt*?rs J. Moss. Jaines Ware, R. Moder, William A\ alien, J. Molair, J. L. WatkiM, E. J. M<?rri?s, Jordan Womble, J . Webster, C. M. Werner, John Whitmond, T. Mauruder, F. B. Whit, Gcor?e Mintrv, L. Whittnier, J. Mulin, Wm. White, W. (?:oM urrx v, P. II. lored) McCtttibiit. Sam'lWood, K. B. (2) & Co. Wool ford, F. Mct'arty, Jas. Wooldridge, ^ ? McCabe.'J. E. B. F-'iiik? k Shoe- McCorkle, J. P. Wool bouse, <? maker McCann, N.F. Wood, C. S. Frank. Wm. MeCardle. G. Worth, .!. W. Franklin, W.H. McComber, Dr. wood, w . l> t? if \v tin ill t ri . Freeman, R Francisco, M. F'rost, B. C. Frederick, A. Ferguson, .1 II. McDonald. R Weymouth, J. E. Walker, .1 & D. McDonnell, Cap-Waterhouse, J tain J. McDonnell, Ed W. 1 Gardner, W. J. MeKvoy, Mr (jauioiiig. K. J. Mc<?ill, Dr. R. Washington, II. West, R M. Weber. Paul West, J R. West, G. W. fiaines, 1'aik McGovern, P. (?arnett, J. (21 ? , (ianltier, J. M. Melllvain A: Co. Williams, W. T. Garlick, J. W. McKenley, J. & Co. (3) Gallagher, H.L. Nams, L..*P. Wilkirts, R. Nelson, Reuben Witter, R. D. Newman, Reu. Wilt/. 1*. E. Nestor, Thos. Wendholz, L. Nichois, R. 15. White, Dr. Nichols. W. P Ga?;er. G. W Garnett, A. ( Gibson, P. 11 tllover, T. Glebeher. J Gordon, W. II. Noker. J. J. Godsey, R. II. Nowell & Wa Williams, J. K. Wren, J. Wren, J . C. Wright, J. J. Wvinan, Prof. Wills, .I.C. W.ibster, D. (colored) Vancey, Wm. Goodwin, S. goner Gordy, 11. North, J. A. Gordon, E. C. Outes, W. D. Goodman, A. O'Neil, Dan'l Groul, S. F. ??liver, llirahn (?rilli, Robt. Otey, J. W. Gray, R. Owen, J.P.N. Young, T Graves, R. A. O'Gormon, M. Young, J. If. Gruber, t>. O1 Deary, i). MISCEMANEOt'S. First Daptist African Church ; Pastor Metho?list Church ; Editor Southern Journal of Education : Pastor African Methodist Church ; Commissioner ot the Revenue; Librarian Historical Society; \ i rfinia Woolen Company ; Richmond Lodge No. i'l?, ndependent Order of l)dd Fellows; Colored Baptist Church ; National Coal Mining Company ; Secretary of the Board of School Commissioned : Her Brittannlc Majesty's Consul. MAKI.VE I, I ST. Captain J. W. Frisbie, schooner Golden Gate : I. E Lawton. schooner Ben Brown : W. II. M'-Carty, schooner Fiauk Maria; F'. P. Adams, schooner Henrietta; E. M. Manning, schooner Marietta; Captain 11. Anderson, schooner United ; J. Hunter, brix star-light; Captain Coleman, schooner Ira Schatl'ner; C. Compton, schooner R. B Shannon; Captain William Wooling, picketboat Jefferson. ALEXANDER SHARP. P. M.

I 1ST OF LETTERS REMAINING J IN THE MANCHESTER, VA., POST-OFFICE, May 14, l*?6. LADIES' LIST. Atkinson, Mrs. S. Jordan, Mrs. Harriet Blankenship, Miss M. A. Jordan, Mrs. M M. Bryant, Miss Patsey Kidd, Mrs. Lucy A. Bailey, Mr*. China Lee, Mrs. Emma Branch, Miss Eliza J. Lee, Mrs. Virginia F. Cursley, Mrs. Mary F. McFarland, Mi*- Jan? A. Caskio, Mrs. Lucv A. McKae, Miss Josie Coalson, Mrs. J. F. Mo- by, Sarah Calder, Mrs. L. Murpuy, Mrs. Kate V. Harden, Miss Maggie Maxwell, Mrs. John Dunavant. Mrs. M.C. Patterson, Miss Martha Farley, Miss Sue A. Page, Miss Marv Franklin, Miss Virginia Richardson, Mrs. I). A. French, Mr*. Helen Bandell, Mrs. K. Ferguson, Miss Emma C. Sulivan, Mrs. Mary E. (2) Farmer, Mrs. Laura A. Springer, Mrs. Elizabeth Gordon, Mrs. Jane Turner, Mrs. L. L (Jates, Mrs. Blanche C. Tucker, Mrs. llairiet Hillbert, Mrs. George Watkins, Miss Emma E Harper, Mrs. Eliza Wright, Miss Vain Hancock, Mrs E. L. Wyatt, Miss Gatha Howlett, Miss Mary Yoang, Miss A. GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Atkinson, Mr. Marker, John D. Ames, Charles Marks, Solomon Brown, A. L. Marks. Samuel Belcher, L. McFarland, John Coalson, J . F. Smith, Normant Clarke, Kobert, A. Smith, William Gentry, James A. Shelton, Peter Cosby, J. A. Sampson, S. J. Hobson, Moses Sutton, Andrew Hackman, William Tarl, James Johnson, Lewis Trany, William Leonard, Joseph Thalden, Mathew T. Lee, George H. Vandoran, A. Logan, General T. M. Walker, J. L. Maxwell, Captain John Wire, Joseph Moore, Samuel Westcot, Dudley Moore, John P. Weisiger, Captain W. W. Mederson, James F, Young, James L. Moor?, A. H. D. JAMES M. MOODY, P. M. rTHE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore X existing between BKOADDCS \ TALIAFERRO is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business carried ?n by the above firm will be continued by me. STAIRS, HAND- BAILINGS, &c., fabrieated'at short notice. All orders lrft at mv shop, on Franklin street, opposite Metropolitan Hall, will meet with prompt attention. up 23 ? ts M. W. BBOADDl'S. VTOTICE.? Books will l>e opened for i.1 subscription to the capital stock of " THE RICHMOND, FREDKKICKSBHRG AND POT?MAC RAILROAD AND RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG RAILROAD CONNECTION COMPANY," at the office of the Richmond and Petersburg Railroad Company in Richmond, and at the office of the Petersburg Railroad Company in Petersburg, on the 1st of June, ises, under the direction of the undersigned, Commissioner* named in the charter of the company. K. B. HAXALL, P V. DANIEL, Jk., CHARLES ELLIS, G A MV ERS, my 2? mt t. n. wyn.nI ONE HUNDRED BARRELS VIR G1NIA 8UPERFINE FLOUR, l.ooo pound# FEATHER& 3? kegs BUTTER, for sale to close consignments f f? ?1 8Pf>TT8 k GIBSON COTTON SEED. ? One hundred and fifty bushels ? which are warranted to come up. Price, fcl.25 per bushel. in y 14? Iw HARVEYH k WILLIAMS. T have THIS DAY APPOINTED 1- E MORRIS, J r , mr AGENT for the transaction of business for me in the city of Blchmond. jnyji-lw R. LICRTKNBURG. C a LA I) OIL.? SALAD OIL, oT best k/ quality, iu bottles and flasks, for sale bv ... PUKCRLL, ladda'co., 11 corner Thirteenth and Main streets.^ T08EPH J. PLEASANTS, W. CIVIL EflOINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR. Orders left at the office of the City Engineer or at this officii will b? promptly attended to. my 2

H FURNITURE, ETC. A ULISTOX A BROTHER, FURNITURR DEALER*, would respectfully Inform their friend* and former patron* that they hare resumed butlnes* at their NEW STORE, on Cary street, between Ninth and Tenth, whore they will be happy tc> nee them, and will furnish anything in their lino at reasonable price*. HABLI8TOIJ A BROTHER, Cary street*, my# between Ninth and Tenth. CABINET FURNITURE. FINE HOME MADE FURNITURE. I wish to inform my old cu*tom- r ? -77 ? , er* and tin* public generally that I | 3f have on hand n g< M>d aaaortment of FINE FURNITURE, OF MY OWN MAKE, which I will *ell as low a* ran be bought el*ewhere, of ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY, and WALNUT? the workmanship and polish of which cannot be surpassned by any. I am prepared to ezecnte all orders promptly. RKI'AiRiNG and UOXlNO neatly and .'.arefally done. Irimv UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT may be found all kinds of (COFFINS, both WOOD and METAL, with the finest handle* and trimming*. Also, AIR-TIGHT CASES, for transporting the dead. I will give my Personal attention to this branch of business at ail hour*. H. A. ATKIN80N, (of the old firm of Belvin A Atkinson.) Governor street, above Franklin, Richmond, \ a. ap V5_ t* BUSINESS CARDS. T V. BARNES & BROTHER. Ninth I J? street, between Main anil Carv, MANUFACTURER8 of IKON GRATINGS, VAULT DOORS, VERANDAHS, RAILINGS, AWNING FRAMES, and all kinds of IKON HOUSE WORK. Work promptly executed at the very lowest rates. Orders solicited. my 7? lm* TOHN B. < JA RY,(i EN E R A L AGENT ?I VIRGINIA PENITENTIARY, Commer< iai. Bi.octc, Thiktkknth avi? *'aky streets, RichM 1 1 s n, Virginia. offers lor sale WAGONS, CARTS, W HEELB A RRo WS, SHOES, AXES, Ac,, nlanitfactured at the Penitentiary of the vkrv bbst materials. Orders respectfully solicited and promptly attended to. my 1? lm " i^OACH REPOSITORY, ON I / SEVENTH. BETWEEN CARY A N 1) vrP=^.*r* CANAL STREETS.? We have on hand, ot our >?w n manufacture, a large stock of Carriages, Coaches. Brett*, Barourhes. Doctors' Plnctons, Kockaways, Top ami No-Top Huj,'gi<-s, Jersey and Express Wagons, 8ingl?aml Double Harness, Coach and Bukgy Whips, Coach Material, Ac., and are prepared to execute in a workmanlike manner repairs on Carriages, Buggies, Ac., and to build .them to order. Our Carriages being of our own manufacture, we :tre enabled to sell at the lowest prices and give the fullest guarantee of quality and durability. A call from our friend* and the public respectfully solicited. ftny 1] JOHN J. OSBQRN & CO HA RDWA RE.? W. S. DONNAJTa . CO., Governor street, Richmond, Virginia, take pleasure in calling the attention of merchants, planter*, and mechanics generally to their lar^e and v tried stxk of ENGLISH, GKKMAN, anil amekican hardware, cutlery, tools, MACHINE BELTING, Ac., Ac., embracing the largest and most complete stock to be found in any southern city, which they offer for sale on as favorable terms as any house in the trade, north or south. JOHN ANHER. at'19-lm WILLIAM 8. DONNAN.

o FFUTT <fe McANERNEY. HARDWARE RAILROAD SUPPLIES. Also, agents for the sale of all kinds of MACHINERY. BELTING, BOLTS, NUTS, PAINTS, OILS, 4c. 1 No. 39 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW Y?>KK. Tl. Sr. Georor ilrrTT, John M< Anersf.t, Jr., late of Richmond, Va. lateof Montgomery, Ala. Hp 12 ? .'till JOHN DOOLEY^ HAT MANUFAC ? I TI'RKR AND DEALER, UNDER THE SPOTSWO( ?l> HOTEL, RICHMON D, VA, is now in receipt of a full stock and assortment of II ATS of ;ill trades "f quality, and all t he shapes and style* now in use. The attention of his old customers and the public to earnestly called t<> thin stock of goods. Merchants and dealers are assured in notions* in the Northern markets can they find goods at lower prices. nor a better selection. Hois confident that an examination is all that is necessary to insure sale*. mh -7 QEORGE A. AINSLIE, MANUFACTURER A-vr? DEALER IN CARRIAGES, Tenth street, between Main .and Cart, has now on band a choice selection of RIDING VEHICLES of the most approved styles, consisting, in part, of CA LECIIES, COACHES. BAROUCHES, SIX-SEAT ROCKAWATS, PHOTONS, COUPES, and LKJIIT ROCKAWATS and BUGGIES of all kinds, t<^ which the attention of those in want of such articles is invited. mh 13? ts JOHN W. CAROWELL. PAMfEL FREEDI.ET. /1ARDYV ELL tfc FREEDLEY, ^ Manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY, are prepared to manufacture all articles in their line in the best manner. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED To ON THE M'?ST REASONABLE TERMS at tho AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKS, mh 3? ts corner Ninth and Carv streets. I L I N X E M A N, J) Y K R AND 1 J? SCOURER, south side of Marshal! street, between Fifth and Sixth. is prepared to do all kinds of DYEING, CLEANING and SCOURING, in all its branches, at short notice, Give me a call and examine for vourself. Thankful for past favors, I respectfully ask a continuance of the same. Ja 12? Cm L. LINNKMAN. M. MARSHALL, WITH HALL 4 HUTCHISON, Importers and Jobbers of NOTIONS AND WHITE OOOpS. No. 7 Fourteenth street, Ja3? ts below Main, Richmond, \a. 0 1) ICKENS'S NEW HOOK. JOSEPH GR1MALDI. By Charles Dickens. GOLD BRICK. By Mrs. Ann S.Stephens, *2. ,-T. MARTIN EVK. By Mrs. Wood. *2. ALLWORTH ABBEY. " Bv Mrs Southworth. *2. FORTUNE-SEEKERS. By Mrs. South worth. *2. OUR MUTUAL FRIEND. Bv Dickens. HI. MILETUS BvBulwer. *1. TOILERS OF The SEA. Bv Victor Hugo. 75c. RECOMMENDED TO MERCY. *'-'. KENNETT. Bv Bavard Taylor. *2.35. UNDER THE BAND. *1.75. SON OF THE SOIL. *1.75. LI'TTRELL OF ARKAN. Bv Lever. *1. WIVES AND DAUGHTERS'. By Mrs. Gaskell. *1.50. For sale by A. H. CHRISTIAN & CO.. my 10 No. 814 Main street, opposite Spots wood. PIANOS! PIANOS!! JOHN W. DAVIES 4 SONS. RICHMOND MUSICAL EXCHANGE, No. 1*8 Main street, sole agents for STIEFF'S PREMIUM PIANO-FORTES. These Instruments have been before the public FOR THE LAST THIRTY YEARS, in competition with the best makers of the country, and are now pronounced bv ALL THE LEADING PROFESSORS AND AMATEURS the BEST PIANOS MANUFACTURED! These instruments have ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, and are WARRANTED FOB FIVE YEARS, ' with the privilege of exchange within twelve months if not entirely satisfactory to tke purchaser. - We refer to the following persons, who have STIEFF'S PIANOS now in use : General R. E. Leb, Washington College, Lexington ; D. B. Patnk & Bro., Lynchburg ; Rev. R. E. Phillips, Virginia Female Institute ; Miss Mart Baldwin, Female School, and J. C. Cavel, Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institute, Staunton ; Professor E. A. Ambold, Richmond. A call from all in want of SUPERIOR PIANOS is solicited. Terms liberal. la J? ts rpO SHOEMAKERS AND LEATHER 1 DEALERS. We will receive to-day HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER, FRENCH, GERMAN, and AMERICAN CALF SKINS, which we will sell in any quantity at low prices. O. H. CHALKLEY & CO., HIDE AND LEATHER DEALERS, Thirteenth street, between Main and Cart. my 7 Fire brick, FIRE BRICK. The New York and Staten Island Fire Brick 2nd Clay Retort Worke have constituted SNYDER, BOWERS 4 CO., (of the Richmond Stove and Architectnral Iron Works, Richmond, Va.,) AGENTS, where these celebrated BRICK ran at all times be obtained at MANUFACTURER S PRICES. They are also agents for M< KENZIE S PATENT CUPOLA AND FAN. ap >0 ? ltn IrEEP COOL AND BUY ONE OF L THOSE CELEBRATED CHARCOAL WaTKRCooLEKH manufactured in this city by DAVID PARR 4 SONS, and for sale at KELLOGG 4 GIBSON'S China Store and GREGORY BROTHERS Furnishing Htore, Main street ; M EVANS'S China More. 32d Broad street, near Fourth street, and at the Factory, No. 1 Fifteenth street. We warrant them to be the best Water-Cooler* to be had In this or any olher city. DAVID PARK 4 SONS, my 4 ? lm No. 1 Fifteenth street. ATS AT COST.? The balance of our stock of SOFT FELT HATS we will close out , at prime coat. 1 ap 20 WEBTENBAKEK * WILLIAMS. H

INSURANCE COMPANIES. VIRGINIA STATE INSURANCE C0MPA5V. CAPITAL, *200,000. JOHN L. BACON, President. THOMAS W. KcCANCE, Vice-President. WILLIAM H. CHRISTIAN, Secretary. DIBBCToRS. Thomas R. Pricb, Jamks At.frkd JO!*M, Wklmwotoj* Goddik, Thomas W. McCawcb, Jons L. B aco5, Robert A. Lakcastkb BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, FUBNITUBB, and PERSONAL PROPERTY OF ALL KINDS, In the city or conn try, Insured against loss or damage by Are on the most liberal terms. Lomc* equitably adjusted and promptly paid. Office, 108 Main street, orer Mitchell A Tyler's, Richmond, Va. ap 21? tg TTNDER A LIBERAL CHARTER ^ Irom the General Assembly of Virginia, passed February 2?, IMS, 'THE INSURANCE AND SAVINGS COMPANY OF VIRGINIA is organized with an AUTHORIZED CAPITAL OF *1,000,000. Principal office at Richmond. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY" : Da.viei. J. Hartsook, President. David J. Btrr, Secretary. B. C. Wherkt, Jr., Asnl.itant Secretary. DIRECTORS : A. Y. Stokes, David CrawiR, Gkorok s. Pai.mkr, PANIEf. J. HABTSOOK, JoHN ESDRRS, W. B. ISAACS, W. M. PAINE, Joseph B. Ci.aoett, Samiei. C. Takdt, W. O. TAvr.oR, John C. Williams, J. 1). Davis. ThisCompany Is now prepared to make INSURANCE and issue POLICIES upon FIRE and MARINE RISKS on the most ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS, and offers all the inducements connected with a HOME INSTITUTION OF UNDOUBTED ABILITY" AND SAFETY. The buxiness capacity of the Directors is well known throughout the State, the condition of the Company can at all times be ascertained, and any accumulation of profits will constitute a fund for the benefit of the community which pays the premiums. Office on Main street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth, over the United States Telegraph office, ap 11? lm VCONTAGUE A WHIT ALL (Late of the Merchants' Insurance Company ' of Richmond,) INSURE PROPERTY* OF ALL KINDS IN THE! MOST RELIABLE COMPANIES. They also effect MARINE INSURANCE AND LIKE INSURANCE. Office, No. 231 Main street, Just below the Spots- j wood Hotel. de 11 ? ts j OILS. KEROSE N E OIL! KERC >S E X E OIL ! -PURE KEROSENE OIL at SEVENTY' - F1VE CENT."s per gallon, for wale by JOHN W. RISON, Apothecary and Druggist, mh 1 Main and Third streets. ipHEAP LIGHT! CHEAP LIGHT!*! \J KRKOSENB <?ll? AND KEROSENE <?IL LAMPS. -Having made large additions toour stock of LAMPS? and a full supply of OIL alwavs on hand? I would invite my old friends and the public generally to call "and see me before purchasing elsewhere. K.ir the present we will sell our oil at EIGHTY' CENTS per gallon. E. G. REX, Agent, fe 14 ? 3iu at the old stand on Governor street.

w ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. riLLIAM FORBES, ARCHITECT ? ? AM) lil'l I,Di;i:. corner of Fourth ami ("my .?troeN Tito subscriber having resumed the BUILDING BUSINESS in ail Us branches, ofl'ers his tierviews t<> h ifi friends ami the public generally, assuring them that all work done Itv linn shall be of the be?t material ami workmanship. Having carried ?'ii the business in this citv tor twenty years ! successfully, he flatters himself' that satisfaction j will be given to all who may be*tow upon him their patronage, WILLIAM FORBES, j ap dim i WT a i7r k iT s. w i:st, aIici i i tect : ? f AND BUILDER, is pro p? red to furnish DESIGNS, PLANS, and SPECIFICATIONS f,,r buildings of e verv description, and to superintend or contract to build the same, in any part of the State, if desired. Office, No. 130 Main st.cct, (up stairs,) Rich- > tnond, Va. mh 27? 8m LI' HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. ^ TOiSTj. 'FRENCH, P R A CT I C A L ?l HOUSE AND SIGN 1' A INTER, PA PER HAN'JEK, A c., under Bradford's Hotbi., 1-ka.nk- ' ' Any Bwork executed by him lie will engage to give satisfaction. . . . READY-MIXED PAINTS, &c., of all shades, ilviyi on hand. . ,, Orders for work will meet with prompt attention. ap 16?lm HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTNG. ? The undersigned are prepared to contract for and execute all order* for PAINTING entrusted to their care, with neatness and dispatch, guaranteeing the b. -t material and workmanship. siuxs Shop 256 Main street, between Seventh and Eighth streets. _ _mh OUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. R E M OVAL. L. L. MONTAGUE A SON have removed to their new building, on TENTH STREET, between Main and C trv. where thev will be pleased to receive orders from their friends and the public generally for HOUSE, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTING in every style. Good work guaranteed. Terns moderate. 1a S4_ts L. L. MONTAGUE & SON. \U M . KNABE ik CO., ? ? MANTFACTrRERS OH FIRST PREMIUM, GOLD MEDAL, GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. These Instruments having been before the public for the past thirty years, have, upon their ex- j cellence alone, attained an rxprRCHASEn pkbbx ikexcs that pronounces them unequalled. The it TONE combines great power, richness, sweetness, and fine singing quality, as well as great purity of intonation and haruiontousnes* throughout the entire scale. Their T0UCH is pliant and elastic, and is entirely free from the stiffness found in so many pianos, which causes the performer to so easily tire. In WORKMANSHIP they cannot be excelled. Their action is constructed with a care and attention to every part therein that characterizes the finest mechanism. None but the best seasoned material is used In their manufacture, and they will accept the hard usages of the concert-room with that of the parlor upon an equality ? unaffected In their melody In fact, they are constructed "NOT FOR A YEAR-BUT FOR EVER." All our Square Pianos have our new improved Grand Scale and the Agraffe Treble. Every Piano fully warranted for FIVE YEAR8. WAREROOM6 : 3M WEST BALTIMORE STREET, ap 17 ? 3m BALTIMORE. , T7RENCH & CRENSHAW, at their X1 EXTENSIVE FURNITURE WAREROOMS, (corkbr Mai.v a>p Ninth streets, I are now receiving a large and choice selection of rich arid fine GOODS, to which they invite the attention of purchasers. Included in the stock may be found , , PARI. oR SUITS of antiqne and modern designs, ROSEWOOD, WALNUT, and MAHOGANY, in PLUSH, BROCATELLE, REPS, and HAIRCLOTH. CHAMBER SPITS -ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY,' ami WALNUT ; some very elaborate in design, superior in workmanship, and elegant in finish, i COTTAHE SUITS in every variety and style. LIBRARY and OFFICE FURNITURE in great variety. BEDSTEADS, WARDROBES, CABINETS, WASHSTANDS, TABLES, HALL SETS, ETEGRLS, Ac. A large and varied assortment of CHAIRS, MAT- | TRESSES, SPRING BEDS, 4c., Ac. In addition to the above, can always be found a large and well-selected assortment of CARPETING, OIL-CLOTHS, MATTING. WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS. PRINTS for furniture covers, and FPRNISHI.VO GOODS generally, ap 14? 3m T) AGLAND A CO., XV LUMBER DEALERS, Fifteenth street, offer for sale 300,000 feet 1, l|, 1J, and 2 inch PINE, part of It seasoned ; 50,000 feet 1, 1J, and 2 Inch N S. WHITE PINE ; 50, we No. 1 HEART CYPRESS SHINGLES, 100,000 No. 2 CYPRESS SHINGLES, OAK LUMBER, assorted sizes ; heart garden kails, CEDAR POSTS, WHITE PINE FLOORING, dressed ; JOISTS and SCANTLING.il to *0 feet long ; HUBS, HOUNDS, SPOKEft, and FELLOES, for vupi> Ac. I NEW COAL or woob CART. BILL TIMBER eut at short notice on favorable terms, mh I a- -iin RAGLANDACO. HP HE INSURANCE AND SAVINGS 1 COMPANY OF VIRGINIA will receive money on DEPOSIT and GRANT CERTIFICATES there for, entitling the holder to INTEREST, ?? specifieu on the face of the certificate. Office on Main street, near Thirteenth. D J. HARTSOOK, President. DAVID J. BURR, Secretary. ? B C. WIIKRRY, Jr., As.Utant Secretary, my 5? 2w I TRUNKS, VALISES, Ac.? We are 1 constantly receiving, direct from the tnanui faetnrer*, a groat variety of styles and .qualities of TRUNKS. VALISES, and HAND BAGS, which we j ?I,r will, mi, I ap M 1W Main street.

dry goods, SHOES, am. rpHE GREAT BARGAIN STORE OF 1 LEVY BROTHER*. -Broad" Melanges lit W o-nt* per yard : Hhepherd Plaids at M cent* ; Gingham* at it cent* ; All-wool Flannel at 40 e?nU : Bleached and Unbleached Cotton at IS, J?, and >5 cent j ; Linen Crash at I* centa; White Cotton Hose at 25 cento , Linen Handkerchief* at 91 per doxen, worth ; Linen Seta Collars and CnlT* at ? 1.35. a *reitt bargain ; Bngle Bottom ; Black 811k Lace ror trimming mantle*. Al*<>, at reduced price*, a large lot nf beautiful. Silk Wrapping* ; Magic and othar Ruffling* ; the 1 celebrated t,'n*entry Unfiling ; Duplex Elliptic Shirt*, and natnerou* other article*, all at the lowest ca*h prices. LEVY BROTHER8, 15 Main street, my 1" Snccessora to Jacob A. Lbvt. nIHIHHHH EW FOODS'! NKW GOODS ! ! Just received, a bentiful stock of DRESS 0 0 O D S , NOTIONS, 4c., rHKAPKH THA5 EVKR, AT THE CHEAP STOKE OF RICHMOND, corner of Broad and Sixtji street#. HANDSOME BAREGE SHAWLS only $2.25. HERNANA SHAWLS only *3, worth *3. ENGLISH BAREGES only 25c. BLEACHED COTTON, 12J, 20, a?d 25c. GOOD BROWN COTTON, only 13c. GOOD CALICOES, T.'Jc. CALL SOON AND SECURE BARGAINS. I W R. POLK, my 12 new No. 52s? Broad street, corner of Sixth. J thresh arrival . OF DRY GOODS, &c., A T MAY, HELLER k BROTHERS', Northweut Corner Sixth and Broad street* A fine assortment of good*, embracing all the ( late style* of DRESS GOODS, FANCY NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, SILKS, MANTILLAS, and DOMESTIC GOODS, have Just been received. We invite onr friend* to call, us we are certain to please all who favor ns with their custom. my 5? to MAY, HELLER k BROTHERS, j

I > (JOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS, at LOW PRICES, at MAY, HELLER At BROTHERS', my 3 ? tn Broad and Sixth street*. SPRING TRADE, 1866. HALL & H IT T C H I S 0 N , Importers and Jobbers of NOTIONS, FANCY* GO0D8, and WHITE GOODS, i (at the old stand of Thomas, Hughes & Caldwell,) j Xo. 7 Pkari. or Fotrtebxth strkkt, between Main and Cary Richmond, Va. We are prepared with a large and elegant stock of GOODS for the spring trade, and respectfully invite an examination by our friends and the trade generally. mlt 5 ! M AKE YOUR OWN SOAP BY RAVING AND USING YODR WASTE GREASE. BUT ONE BOX OF THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY'S SAPONIFIER, OR CONCENTRATED LYE. IT WILL MAKE TEN POUNDS OF EXCELLENT HARD SOAP, OR TWENTY-FIVE GALLONS OF THE VERY BEST SOFT SOAP, FOR ONLY ABOUT THIRTY-FIVE CENTS. Directions on each box. ? For hale at all Drag and Grocery store#, and in lots at wholesale by WILLIAM M. ELLICOTT & SONS, No. 3 Spear's Wharf, mh 2? d3m BALTIMORE, MD. IV SPATCII JOB PRINTING HOUSE. This establishment has been furnished with an ENTIRELY NEW OUTFIT OF STEAM PRESSES and IMPROVED MACHINERY, and with everything in the TYPE DEPARTMENT that the best Founders could supply, and is now prepared toexecute orders for everv description of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING For Merchants, Manufacturers, Mechanics, Auctioneers, Banks, Railroads, Steamboats, Express Companies, Insurance Companies, Hotels, Restaurants, Boarding -Houses, Theatres, Concert Halls, \ Clerks of Courts, Sheriffs, Constables, Lawvers, Doctors, Dentists, Colleges, Schools, and for all other persons, corporation*, ami institutions. We print Business Cards, Checks, Visiting Cards, Note#, "At Home" Cards, Drafts, Wedding Cards, Prices Current, Ball Cards, Title Deeds, Show Cards, Trust Deeds, Admission Cards, Leases, Election Cards, Receipt*, Time Tables, Tax Bills, Way- Bills, Licenses, Circulars, Bonds, Bill- Heads. Insurance Policies, Shippers' Receipts, | Calendars," Steamers' Bills, Notices, Druggists' Labels, Bills of Lading, Tobacco Labels, Manifest*, Clothing Labels, Bills of|Pare, Dray Tickets, Concert Bills, Coal Tickets, Programmes, Wood Tickets, Theatre Bills, Bread Tickets, Show Bills, Milk Tickets, Posters, all sites ; Reward Tickets. Passenger Tickets, Electiou Tickets. Certificates of Stock, Renewal Certificates, Manufacturers' Labels. All work or !ered will b? done in the most artistic manner, and at vert low prices. COLORED PRINTING OF ALL KINDS, my 5 Flattening mills, TOBACCO CUTTERS, TOBACCO PRESSES, *nd all kinds of FACTORY FIXTURES, made and re paired by CARDWELL 4 FRF.EDLEY, Successors to Joh-s W. Caedwrll k Co., Agricultural Implement Works, mh l~Jm Ninth and Cary streets 4 S SORT B D PICK LEA? CHOW2\ CHOW, iu pint, quart, half-gallon, and gallon Jars. CUCUMBER PICKLES, In two, three, four, end ftv?-K*Uoii kegs; also in half-barrels? all nriiiiM. For sals by LOUIS J. BOtMIBUx. my ts No. #o Main street. IIMK.? A cargo of LIME, now lading J discharged at our warehouse, will he sold ou favorable terms to dealers, who are requested to call to-day and to-morrow, before storing PALMER, HARTSOOK ft CO., my ?-?? Ltfcbv build. ng. TYPE FOUNDRY. -The DISPATC H L Uprintsdon TYPE MADE AT THE RICH*

COAL AtfDjWOOD. SAftflO OP COAL FOR HA LK.-Two hundred and tw?l*e ton* wary aniwrior uvu f! ANTHRACITE COAL, lo?rr1r?, r if tinmodiate application Is nude. ' ,w R J WlfiTF, ?onlh Md? the dotk, opponit* Libby prtaon mh JJ? t* PEMBKRTON <t CREW, ?7nTh, COAL AND WOOD, 0?C? S*T?nt*?nth b?tw??>n Carv *nd Dock. B??*t RED ?n.| Whit# ASH ANTHRACITE COAL, for <rr.t? LI! foundry ?u? ; CLOVER HILL I.UM<? ?r,4 av* RAGE COAL? OAK tnd PINE Wo.,f> rnh New joal and wood yahi? cols N BR OP SEVENTH A.VD f, vV i STREETS.? ANTHRACITE and M I DLOTHl i ? 1 COAL and WOOD for ?al? b r ' A * BLOOD & PE.VDf.ETot N. B.?Ord?w promptly flllwd. <u 11.*^ RAILROADS. RICHMOND AXl* Da*VIM.K RICHMOND, May 2, "VTOTICK TO TRAVELLERS. -Th. jLI public :ir?? hrrclr Informed that t>i<- ?! r ... railroad* oh t!i*> line rroin Richmond toth- ?. ;:vj v in L>#tivill?, Va.; Green>b?>ro', t?4l5?biir?r, ? jur! loll**, 4c., >' . C.; th?**t<?r, Winniboro', I , CbarWton, <ir???n v 1 1 1?, Ac., s. ?' ; Ahku?m vannab, Macon, Coliiinbu*. Ath<n?, At i^iit.i, ?. Oa ; Montgomery, Selma, Mobil**, Ac , Ms . s * Orl<-aiu*, L< .Ac., ar*- n<>w comtd*- ??*<!, Mi'i? (jn ,? .* to tl?? traveller th? i?liort??!?t ;uil moat dir*-* t r i>. to tli>4 vari<>u* jxiiii'h >nuth. 1 h** rontf thriuiifh a ??alubriotii. ind ln-al'liv < .'innv MAIL AM) PAfthfcNOKK TRAIN i^r.? Kchmond daily, Sunday* ?xc?jM*J, at 7.t<? a. M Arrir?*at l>a rivill** *t 4.50 P. M. ArriT* tt at boio' hi *.2?> P. M . L-ave* Gr?eri*boro' daily, Saturday* pxc<?^t?|, *> 10.30 1'. M. Leaves Daimli** daily at 5 ti A M. Arrirmi at Kicbniorid at i.lJ l'. M. I rani* connect at Burkerill** with train* r, Sotith^iJ'* railroad for PARMVII.I.E, I.V.V'li. BURG, BRISTOL, KNOX V1LLK, l>ALT? >.V. CHATTAX??O0A, MLMPHI*. A< . THOMAS DODAMF.AD, j)iy V? 14 Sip^rintfnlcRt.

.u : GiREAT SHOUT ROUTE T<? TIIK * .NORTH. EAST. AM) W6>T. I'M ; ,K RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBURG ANDP??r\ \| u: RAILROAD, CARRYING THE UN IT ED Mu:.i MAIL, TWICE DAILY. -The only rallr. , I i?Miing THR'HOH TICKETS and TH fi? ?' .ff BAGGAGE CHECKS from Richmond to ;li?ci , North, Eai-t and Wept. Train* on thia road are now run ax follow. T>,. DAY THROUGH MAIL TRAIN |; j dally (Sundaya excepted) .it 11 A M , ari.i.'. Washington at l.}l T. M . connecting ? EARLY AFTERNOON EXPRESS Tli A IN > : r ? N "RTII, EAST, and WE>T The NIGHT THROUGH MAIL TRAIN I.m^? Rii hinor.d liaily at * 1*. M., arriving in ton at 5 A . >1., > onnectinK with r h ?? EARLY \f> ING TRAINS fur the NORTH. K\>T. mi I Wi>|' The EXPRE.-S and FREIGHT I K A 1 N i. , ? Richmond TRI- WEEKLY, on MONDaV>. Wj- i NESDAYS, and FRIDAYS, at *> o'i ock, A M arriving in Wnablngton at 6.3<? P. M , r?,nri.?i . with tin' 7 SO IV M. train on the It tit, rn. i- - ] Ohio railroad f? ?r New York, IMiiUd. ij h:a. in ni<re. Ilarrixburg, and the We?t. F'arc by this train to Washington only v; X In>f.. LARs ff>r tlrst-clHM, and FIVE DOLLAR.* r ne< ond-cla-x uaaaenger*. Tint ACCOMMODATION TRAIN between ni?'n?l and Milford leave* Richmond at J i' M , arriving a' Milford at *. IV M THROUGH TICKETS and THROUGH li v F. CHECKS to Alexandria. Washington, i. Philadelphia, New York, Boxtun, and .ill the j>r. ctj-al citie-t in the West. For further information and through t'< k-'? applv nt the office of the company, coruer Ilr< i and Eighth *treetx, Slun k"*' Hill. J II. GENTRY, General Tick, t A. Sami'BI, RrTH, Superintendent. fell VIRGINIA CENTRAL RAILROAD, t The following regular train* will be r-in i thi" i id "ii and after MONDAY, February 1- : A MAIL TRAIN DAILY (except on .>undi v? tween Richmond and Staunton, leavit r Richti ? l at 7,45 A. M. and Stailiiton at HA. M. A NIGHT M AIL TRAIN between Richmoi - , l Gordonxville, xeven times a week, leavin. 1. ' uioud at 7 |j P. M. and Gordonxville ?t r.' '<? \ V 'I liia train make* close connection* with ft . the Orangn and Alexandria Railroad, and the delays at Gordons Till# on the former utirht m hedule. By thin train p?a*?*ng*-r* l'or the > . W -xt will not lie delayed in Ly lit hbiiri{. A TKI-U EEKLY MAIL TRAIN, leavinj - ?on it 7 A. M. for the Went, on Tuesday*. I'L ur ? - dava and Saturdays. TliEMAlij TRAIN leaving Richmond r ? - n with traitiM on the ORANGE AND Al.hXA* 1m. 1a RAILROAD. The DAY MAIL TRM.N with STAGE COACHES a: Staunton, Lexiiut. ;i. Winchester, Ac. The t r.i ii wext of Staunton connect* w 'h * f \ ; '] C' 'ACIIF.s for Rockbridge Bath*, Rocl:i>r. c ? \ Warm, li d and Healing SpriiiK^. and tue W Sulphnr mid Lewixburg. A FREIOHT TRAIN between Richm. ' t i K'aunton connecta with Freight Train? on umi.^ and Alexmdria railroad for Lynchburj; ,u; I ,\.> \- andvia. F I; El 'JUT will be ?ent to any p >lnt the < ?> ( and Alex indria railroad without chance f . rGooda | urcha<o*?l m Nortiieni ? .ti. ? un b? t direct to any atarion on thi^- r"a<l wh r- t li >? puny ha" an agent by conaigtiitit; tlo in i v. .? I'll EN HUNTER, <i. i-i.ti freight t.? moiid. The charge for the tr.ui.-it !lir .iu,,i mond. Inelading wharfage, d ravage, *toi iim, will ni>t exceed ten centa per < hundi'-d poutidx, and on heavy artlcl - ? much lea- Freight# will be collected at J ition. Throagh tickets can be ptirrnaa* I ?if Lynchburg, Brixtol, Kiioxville, Chaitan< < ia4 Dalton. Fare to Lynchbnri; reduced to Ticket to Lex Hilton, Va., at til. Freight ullice at Richmond cl"*e I it 1 P M II. D. WHIT' < MK, de 11? In General Superlntcn.! Qrvic K 4 < KNTH II f Rail. koap Compact. Richmond, ilar? h at. I- ) fTNTIL ri RTIIER NoTK'i:, oNI. V. THI.EE FREIGHT TRAI.ns i , W. . k ? run on the VIRGINIA c EXTRA L .RAILR1 > leaving Richmond oii Sunday, '1' n ? i??? ? rhurMay eventnn, and arriving in Ricb? Sundav, Wednesday, una Tliur- 'I ijr in< r H. D WHHt ">IH aj> # G? neral Superinten I-. t STEAMERS. FiOR NEW YORK.? ATL A N ?fif% TIC MAIL STEAMMill' COMi'A NY. ? The xplendid tleW xlde-wrloel ? ? . - , HATTEUAS, Lkwih I'akkixh eoiiin mi r a i MARLE. A. B"('KXK CoJjUll.tlider, |i:.a % ?? ? ! 1 every T I ' ES D A Y and SATURDAY; I. w. ?\.-w York ev.-rv WEDNESDAY and SATl'HDA \ Thexeillll'S are t-ntireiy new, and v?.-re t ?? .it ?xj>re*>?ly for the route. . _ . hTArK. ni 'fhey have aplendid SALOONS and ^TA ROOMS and the FARE, A? L't >iiM"i>A'i i .*< > ATTEN rn?N are nn?ur[';o-.-ed. Ptxxage nieala, and etate-rooma incic l 1, KFTEEN D' uJ.AK^. Gijod* -.hipped by thla Line are 1 md? 1 r?' -r, : -'ly at Now York, on the Company '? torer?d p.*t, within f -rty-eight hours. Shippero are invited to notice that the ^reit datiagaand loaa by handling, and e\|< - ire f> ia fre<i,ieii: re-xhippiiig, .?? on other an ?. i? av..,; d by thia r<>ute. "FreiKli'a lor polnta beyond Ni w York will bef r warded with dispatch, and no charge made ?xc< jt act lal exnenxex incurred. Thexe -tiiim diarbar^e cargo In N vr York .it [ ; *r No aa North river, and the Company'* ? * for Wilmington, North Cardlna ; i n.?r: ?' vannah. Mobile and New Orleana, 1? v 1r- m t* - aame pier, liooan for thexe pointa tan be '.in interred w.thout expen.-e or exposure, Inaurnnce la very low by them ship*. *'? I " * economy In time, insurance, and which Kooda ar>^ delivered, inak? x th> li ? > 't e?t route from Vlrgiuia. luaurance t Jf?ci> . at lowest ratea. when ordered. AGENTS: LIVINGSTON, FOX A CO., 141 Broadway, New York. SAMUEL AY REs A Co.. Richmond, Virginia. CALDWELL A DUNN, City Polut and Peter* bar*. T. H. WEBII. Norfolk, Virginia. For freight or paxxage, apply to SAM PEL A YliES U CO., Agent*, otflce corner of Cury und Virginia x*.r< ? t?. < ;j ? ? ite the Tobacco Exchange. d * 51- > rpHE NATIONAL EXPRESS AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, (0C KICK OX Mats STK8KT, UK! WERM TlliatrK^TB a."?i? ForarKRXTH araat:ra, Ritumosd, V.i . are now prepared to furward Cl'RRENCY, COIN, VALUABLES, AND fkf.ijht, TO POINTS NORTH, 80CTH, EAST. AM Wi>T The tarilf of charges Is baaed upon fair b ult'???* prtnciplea, without being oppreoaivo to th" pobllc GOODS SHIPPED FRmm THE N' KTII by xteataxhlpx, and markeit to tho car?< of Iba National Expreaa and TrAnap4?rtatioii Ceiur*'*/. *? ? b-) promptly forwarded to destination FREE OF CHARGE FOR COMMISSION OR DRAYAGK. Good* called for toUAoiU c/Mrg*. aud prcE-p;'y forwarded. ill desired inforinMion in regard to the extant of the lines operated by this company furnWhod ?' any ef the agencies >n application. J. E. JOHNSTON, Preaidcut # B. F. Ficklix, General Superlntnident. nib w_t? i \TENV (iOODS.-Just twiwil, ? !?? il a ippljf of beiiutlfnl WAITERS an I T. ? TRA^ .^.of ?lirea*t Importation, ui ?ei? ?r?m ). * very low prices. J. O. SN? LS1?N. A ? >??. corner opposite Batlard and my l 1 Exchange HoteK. Rlctuuon i. ^ i Macaroni and \ i rmicki.i.! -~ ITALIAN and AMERICAN MAC.iR >W 1 i VERMICELLI Juat received for aale by > LOUIS J. B.WsIKt'V. my JfO. w M iin ?tr< ?*! ' r RNISHINU UCX)LkS. i<? iitU>in i " ? IP Underahlrta. Drawers, H?Kka, Suapend< r-. I | I OIOVM, Ac., I? great variety of Ptvlea and pr ce?, *1 1 WWlTKNBAKERi Wll.l !aMS\ ? ' I *|U lttMaiu street.