Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 212, 21 May 1866 — Page 2

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Jttfhriumd Dispatch. MONDAY MAT 21, 1866. The New World of Farming. The great revolution which has taken place in our system of labor forces upon the agricultural community an entire new system of farming. To them there must be a new heaven and a new earth. All old customs must be abolished, and new regulations and rules must take their place. Tho annihilation of the property in slaves is only inconvenient with reference to the credit that property gave its owner, or to its convertibility into money. But considered as mere labor, the change of its character is no loss whatever. As slave, it was, indeed, more expensive than as free. The owner had the charge of all the helpless and unproductive part of the community - i.e. the women, children, and aged. This more than counterbalanced any gain of the system compared with free labor (from the able-bodied and productive part of the slaves. If we bring ourselves to look upon the subject in this light- which is the true one- we may proceed to adapt ourselves to the revolution in labor with more cheerfulness and energy. In the agriculture of free labor there must be close economy ? an economy marked by accountability and accurate settlements. I?abor must l?c promptly paid and results regularly ascertained, so that a man will know well what he is doing, what he has made, or what he has lost. This will force him into the adoption of such a system as will insure the greatest vigilance and the smallest degree of waste and extravagance. The leading measures for this purpose may l>e thus stated: Beginning at the dwelling, that must be so arranged, and the system of house-keep, ing so retrenched, as to diminish the number of attendants to as few as possible and to promote the convenience and dispatch of the household economy. For, under the new system, men will be altogether unable to keep as many servants sis heretofore lounging idly about, some of them doing little more than to black a pair of shoes in aday. It is true this unavoidable economy may diminish the unrestrained and hearty hospitality w? characteristic of Virginia homes heretofore ; but since it is inevitable, we should have the resolution and self-denial to acquiesce and to acquit ourselves in a creditable manner with energy and constancy. Every man should provide apartments ? sufficiently near 'his own residence for his supervision, and sufficiently far oil' to preserve a proper respect ? for the habitation of laborers. Those apartments should be so arranged as to be comfortable and to enable the laborers who ought to be separate to be so ; and in that way to encourage something like order and self-respect among them. They will be all the better

of it. The garners, the stables, the sheds for agikultnral implements, w'agons and gear should l>e near the dwell in?, and should Inkept in order. The way to theiu should be short and good, so that the waster or his sons may go at all seasons without discomfort, to look after things and to saddle and harness their own horses ; for this will become a matter of economy, if not of necessity, as the hired labor should be more profitably employed. With these departments thus compacted, and under proper economy, things should goon beautifully and without v.aste or extravagance. The labor would be at call ; the grain, provender, and all supplies, under the eye; the gear and the implements sheltered and kept iu order; the stables cleanly, and their occupants cared for. Next, as to animals. Not one more than needed should be kept. There should be a few horses, well-kept, strong, aud always in good order. There should be no more cattle than necessary for supplying milk and butter, and an occasional beef for the family, unless the farm be a grazing farm ; i aud then everybody knows what would be I needed for that. But any other farm should have no more of horses, ct>ws, sheep, and hogs, than can be kept well and hi j good order without impoverishing the Holds j by too close grazing. It is better to graze but little and feed under shelter a great deal. The wretched sight of miserably poor cattle, dragging their feeble frames over blasted and impoverished fields, Is enough to drive a man out of the land. There is no picture so like Famine. Lastly, reduce the surface cultivated to a boundary fully within the power of the labor employed to cultivate it well, and cultivate it upon a plan of vigorous improvement. The fields should have that improvement, either through rest or proper manuring, to bring them soon to that degree of fertility which will alone repay the owner for cultivation with hired labor, lie cannot now find the means of making up his annual deficit? his yearly back- j sliding in the matter of receipts and ex- j peuses ? in the iucrease of his slaves. He cannot uow make up the lee-way occasioned by the feeding of many mouths from an exliausted farm by the occasional sale of a negro. He must make his expenses out of the ground, and that only. He will not be ablo or willing to pay taxes on gullied and galled fields, that, like a spavined and wmd-broken jade, can yield uo service, aud is only a nuisance, llis land must be good for some immediate use. If he can't B^ke it so, he must sell it, and let some one else try it. These are only leading points, iu which us re or mat ion must take place, if we hope tor any profitable agriculture in Virgin a. If buch a change is made, there be more economy and lew. waste and extravagance than at any former time, and therefore more clear profit to farmers than ! they have at any previous day derived from their noble occupation. It i? true there are many views of the olden time that sadden the memory when we think of them and know that such will never come to us again; but if we are true men we will not diminish our zeal or our industry to make the most out of our present situation, and to do all we can collectively aud individually for the promotion of the order, comfort, and prosperity of our beloved country. IfortaJity Among Black Soldiers. Out of the Pederal army of 2,688,523 wen arrayed against the south during the *te war, 9,408,103 left the army alive. died op the field or io hospitals. J*? person# art imported to have died of aiNisefor every ope who fell In tettle. In I

tho Crimean war, ievrn.clghths of *>| mortality of tho British t roof s during the entire campaign were due to disease ; and only one-eighth from wound* received in action. The comparison between the mortality among while ftoldicrs and that amongst the blacks in quite remarkable. Number of whites enlisted, almost exactly 2,000,000. Number of deaths, 251,122, or one in ten. The number of colored troops, 180,000, of whom died, or al*>ut one in sir. The mortality among the blacks was nearly 1 double that among the whites, but the con- j trast as to those who died of disease is still more striking : Out of every eight deaths among the whites, three died on the : battle-field, and five from disease. Out of every nine deaths among the blacks, one died on the field of battle, and eujht from distant. The negrophilists at the north attribute this disparity to the fact that the i black man had been enfeebled by slavery. ! There could be nothing more false. No : man who has any respect for his veracity, and who is not a madman, will have the . hardihood to deny that the African, under I the beneficent influence of southern slavery, had attained to a degree of physical ! strength and energy, and hail acquired n resolution and manhood never attained by J him in his native land. The late southern slave can drive before him, at will, three or five to one, the aborigines of his latherland. Thk Kkholi'Tions Adopteo bt tiik Al.KX- i i an nKi a Convention. ? Our telegram of Saturday morning merely stated that the | resolutions of the committee were revised | and adopted. The revision made thoj roughly changed the preamble and the first ! resolution, which we therefore publish | below : 44 Whereas, while we rejoice that the executive and legislative branches of the Government both profess to desire the establishment of the great principle that those only who arc loyal should be consulted in the reorganization of the State ; governments for those States lately in rebellion, and both at different times have expressed their approbation of a provision of law extending the right of suffrage to the colored race; therefore 44 Jteaolwd, That no reorganized State government of Virginia should be recognized by the Government of the United States which does not exclude from suf- ! frage and holding office, at least for a term ! of years, all persons who have voluntarily given moral or material support to rebcl- | lion against the United States, and which : does not, with such disfranchisement, pro- ! vide tor the immediate enfranchisement of all Union men, without distinction of color So that negro suffrage is one of the | planks in the platform of the 44 Union" party of Virginia. 44 Whom the g<?ds would i destroy they first make mad."

| Mk. and Negro Suffrage. ? It 1 appears from the report in the Alexandria i Guzdle of the last day's proceedings of the Lipscomb Convention that Mr. Botts lias no objection to negro suffrage, lie voted against the proposition to allow negroes to vote, hnt j said that if he conld be assured the people : from whom the party had to obtain its support would .sanction the resolution, he would vote for it too. The Personnel of tiie Alexandria Convention. ? There were about sixty persons who voted in this Convention, and though seventeen counties were asserted to be represented, many of those seventeen had only one representative, and many of the representatives stated that they had come, as they expressed it, "on their own hook,"' and without being delegated to come by any vote or voters in their re- ! spective counties. Of the entire number present not more than a dozen were born in Virginia, and a more ordinary-looking i body of men we never beheld. Of the intellectual and educational attainments | of the convention, all who attended its sessions have, to say the least, by no means an exalted opinion. ? Alexandria Gazette, LirscOMn's Last Speech. ? Mr. Lipscomb, of Richmond, said that he was born with a silver spoon iu his mouth; his father was rich in slaves, and yet he was compelled through necessity to go to a trade within his father's county. lie remained in Richmond during the rebellion, and did not vote for secession, and would have died first. There were only two sides to the question ? for and against negro suffrage, j lie was for it. ? Alexandria Gazette, , ' Mr. Davis Exonerated hy His Bitterest Enemies. ? The New York Times makes j the following announcement, which will not surprise any man who knows Mr. Davis, so far as the fact is concerned, though it may surprise them to learn that Radicals in the House of Representatives have even so much gracc left : 44 It is reported upon good authority that the Judiciary Committee have come to the conclusion that the evidence produced before them does not warrant the charge that Jeff. Davis is guilty of complicity in the assassination of Mr. Lincoln." The Fortress Monroe correspondent of the Herald says : 44 Mr. Davis expressed great surprise at the brevity and comparative simplicity of the indictment. lie evidently expected to find it a much more elaborate paper, and embodying a great multiplicity of charges against him, including not only the grave one of inciting and directing the rebellion, but the grave accusations of instigating the assassination of President Lincoln, conducting the Canada raids, setting on foot the wholesale incendiary schemes against northern cities, authorizing and controlling the piratical expeditions on the high seas that played such havoc with our maritime commerce, counselling and abetting the inhumanities practiced upon our prisoners ? in short, as being the head and front and impersonation of the rebellion, and all the battles and loss of lives and waste of money, and sufferings and miseries growing out of it. Seeing but the single count that is brought against him, I am assured, gives him more abiding hope of a favorable result to himself in his coming trial. Each day only increases his anxiety for the speedy approach of the time of his trial." Making Treason Odious.? During the discussion at the Alexandria Convention , to-day it was authoritatively stated that j Mr. Godwin, the recently-appointed naval officer for the port of Norfolk, held aclerkshipin Washington before the war, which he resigned to go to Richmond, and served twelve months in the rebel army. The incident was cited to illustrate that, while Congress is striving to make treason a crime, the President, contrary to all his antecedents, in parading the act of rebellion as a very respectable but injudicious undertakiug. ? y*w York Tribune. Poisoning Flour. ? It is said that about half the mill-owners in Orange county, New York, have beeu in the habit of filling up cavities in their burr-stoncs with lead instead of cement. As a consequence, flour ground by several of them is poisonous. The sum of fifteen thousand dollars has been subscribed in England as ? testimonial of ex-Lieutenant M. F, Maury, late of the *' Confederacy."

fi T| ,? ??? V ? . . PALL. of Mlchmond, (formerly of Caroline .) and MImBRTTII TILLEB, Of Ob rolln? tonntTi Vi. Washington, D. C., and Charleston, 8. C., paper* plea*e ropy. On th? ?li of April last, at lhe Union Station Church, by the Her. J. A. Proctor, WILLIAM L. SMITH and MIm LUCY T. BRADLEY, both of llenrico county. Va. Washington, D. C., and ChRrl?w?W>n, 8. C., paper* pi***** copy. AMUSEMENTS. J^EYV RICH MON D THEATRE. 8. B. DUFFIKLD Mahaohr. SIXTH SIGHT OF Mk. and Mr?. OOMERSAL. FIRST NIGHT OF THE 6PHYNX. MONDAY EVENING. Mat 51, 1*??, will be performed the beautiful play of the DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT. ?Tohkpiiike (with 'songs) Mr*. W. GOMERSAL. OriLLOT Mr. W. GOMERSAL. PAS DE PAGINATION. PaiiccirAL Characters, (with songs, duets. and dance**) THE GOMERSAJ.S. THE SPHYNX, the greatest wonder of the nineteenth century. In rehearsal, "COBBLEKAND FAIRY^'JESSY VEKE^1 roySl-lt C, REAT ANNIVERSARY EESTI- * YAL OF THE RICHMOND TURNER SOCIETY, ON MONDAY, MAY 21, 1???. PROGRAMME. At 10 o'clock, A M., procession of the Turner Society, it ml the Richmond Harmonic Society, and the visiting Turner*, through the city, from the Turner Headquarters, Monhcello Hotel, on Broad street, (Mr. C. Sauer, proprietor,) to the ELBA PARK, went end of Marshall street (Mr. C. Schafer, proprietor,) where the celebration will coiuo otf in the following order : ALTERNATELY, OYMNASTICAL PRODUCTIONS, SINGING. PERFORMANCES AND DANCING ENTERTAINMENTS ; SPEECH, delivered by Mr. F. HOLLE, President of (he Richmond Turner Association ; GRAND DINNER AT 2 O'CLOCK ; CLOSE OF THB FESTIVITIES at half-past 7 o'clock, I'. M., and return of the Societies and their guests to the city. At ? o'clock, BALL, given by Mr. C. Sr hakeh. A FULL BAND, composed of the beM musicians of the city, will he in attendance during the whole of the Festival. ON TUESDAY NIGHT, Mav 22d. GRAND COMI'LIM EMTARY BALL AT THE MONTICELLO HALL, Broad, between Sixth a.*i> Seventh ptreetm, ' given by tho Proprietor. Mr. C. SAUER, in honor of the Richmond Harmonic and Turner Associations and their quests. On Monday, 21st of Mav, hv direction of Mr. S. Ri th, Superintendent of the Richmond and Fredericksburg railroad, cars will start every half hour from the depot of the Richmond and Fredericks-] burg railroad to the Elba l'ark, and vice t it-run. I Fare, Fiftrkv Cents. The Omnibus Line running between the lower ] and upper part of the city will on the same day bo | prepared to bring passengers from Kocketts as far as the western terminus of Dioad street to the Grounds. All those who should like to ?pend a few hour- In ! a most pleasant and sociable way are respectfully ! United to participate in our celebration. HIE COMMITTEE. II. SCHOTT. E. KEMPE, J. SPILLING, F. MATTERN, F. W. LINN EM ANN, F. HOLLE, H. KOPPLE. THE HONORARY COMMITTEE. n. REITH, L. GIMMI, .IITI. FISCHER, J. KKI'LEK, H. OSTNVALD, 11. WEN/EL. my 10? 2 1 CARL SEIBERT, Leader. rjONCERT AND READING. Mr. L. P. WHEAT, lato from the Conservatories oA?*lptiic and Paris, and

Mr. T. C. DeLEoN, will give a CONCERT AND READING AT VIRGINIA HALL, ON NINTII STREET, ox WEDNESDAY EVENING, Mav :'3, at 8 o'clock. TICKETS ONE DOLLAR, to ho liH'l at the principal hotels and book and music stores and at the door. ray If? it 'PHK LECTURE ON "JOIINNY 1 REB" will he repeated hy Colonel FARRAR I at the Third Presbyterian Church, corner of Tweii- j ty- fifth and Broad Streets, Church Hill, on TUESDAY EVENING, 22d instant, at * o'clock ; the proceeds to go for the benefit of the " Ladies' Memorial Association for the Confederate Dead ?#f <>,ikwood." Tickets, fifty cents each ; to be had at the door, in y 21? 2t ?jyjILL FEED. THREE THOUSAND BUSHELS BROWN STUFF FOR SAI.E UT CHARLES HOWARD, corner Cary and Fifteenth streets (up Mails), fmy 21? 2t#] Dsodini a CO.. ? Manufacturers and Dealers in FRENCH AND AMERICAN CONFECTIONS, FRUITS, NUTS, Ac., No. $03 M.ux street, Spotkwooo Hotel Bi.ock, Richmond. Families and others supplied with the be.?t quality ICECREAM, ORANGE and LEMON ICE, hy the quart or gallon. ICE-COLD SODA WATER, in the purest and best fountains. PARTIES, BALLS, and PIC-NICS supplied with everything in their line at the lowest rates. FRESH FRUITS in season always on hand. my 21 ? l in ICE, ICE, ICE. ? There is no use in spending our money for northern ice when we have a No. 1 crop of our own *, and our.-, is pure Virginia Bpring water, made on our own jponds, such water as we are used to drinking. Our ice cannot be excelled this year anywhere. Our farmers want every dollar that they can make, tinravages of war the cause. The others don't thank us for our money. I will stil in any quantity to suit the public, from one cent upwatd.'and WARRANT MY ICE PURE VIRGINIA SPRING WATER. Ice-house open at all hours. ROBERT RE1D, Ice-house and Stables my 81? aw Sixth street, near Clay. QLIVES, SWEET OIL, Ac. Superior SPANISH OLIVES, inqnartjars, also in two-gallon ke^s : CAPER'S CAPUCINE8, CANTON PRESERVED GINGER. FRESH SARDINES, in whole and half boxes J VIRGIN OIL, in pint bottles? the very best and purest article in market? for sale bv LOUIS J. BOSSIEUX, my 21 No. 80 Main street. GRI-LVTK E 1) UCT I ON IN THE PRICE OF COAL. W? have reduced the price of our celebrated PIHENIX RED-ASH COAL twodollurs per ton from this date. Ibal kej>( uiultr cover. II. J. WHITE. Yard south side of the Dock. I shall be pleased to supply my friends and the public from this yard with l-oal upon which they can rely. (my 21? ts] P- H. HOY. 'fnfRTLE SOUP TO-DAY. ? Epicures X and all others fond of nice things are Invited to partake of a FREE. LUNCH to-day, at MAC'S NEW RES-' TAURAN'T (Gricme's Building), on Twelfth street, near Main, in rear of the American Telegraph oflice. The GREEN TURTLE will be served up between 11 and 1 o'clock, with other appetizing viands. my 21? it i T)ERUVIAN GUANO. ONE HUNDRED TONS NO. 1 PERUVIAN j GUANO, ; now ready for delivery, for sale bv 1 ELLETT k ROYSTER, Commission Merchants, my 21 ? St corner Seventh and Cary streets. C~ L A s?i FICATION OF M ERCHANTS, Ac.? The Committee of Finance will . meet on MONDAY, the 21st May. 1???, intbeOoun- ' ^ cil Chamber, at 11 o'clock, A. M., to hearsngges- | tlons from all parties deeming themselves ag- , I grieved by their class! Heat ion. my 21? it E C. HOWARD, Clerk. Laths for sal e.-sawed j ' LATHS, In any quantity, delivered in Richmond on short notice and at a reasonable price. Address Glen Allen Mills, Henrico county, \a. my 21? to Hock and moselle wines.-a large lot of my own importation just landing and for sale by OSCAR CRANZ, No. 2 Exchange Block, my 21? St Fourteenth street. Keep "cool- and buy one of THOSE CELBBRATED CHARCOAL WATER. COOLERS manufactured in this city by DAVID PARR k SONS, and for sale at KELLOGG A GIBHOWS China Store and GREG0R7 BROTHERS Furnishing Store, Main street : M. EVANS'S China Store, 326 Broad street, near Fourth street, and at the Factory. No. 1 Fifteenth street. We warrant them to be the best Water-Coolers to be bad in this or any other city. DAVID pARR k SONS, my 4?1 in __ No^ 1 Fifteeuth street. iyriss GIBBS WILL GIVE VOCAL JJX AND INSTRUMENTAL LE8SON8 by the month or quarter. Six Dollars prr Month. ApPly at the Arlington Hoq??. mh SO is ftRITISH HALF HOSE. ? In store I) a good supply of beat ENGLISH COTTON HALF H08?, to wfalch we Invite attention. ?N With TEN BAKER k WILLIAMS.

SPECIAL NOTICES. SPECIAL MOTILE. MAY 21. I'M. FIFTEEN- DOLLAR SUITS-DARK COLORS. We have Just received by Express a An* lot ol ALL-WOOL BTJ1T8, dark color*, that we ran sell for $15, embracing SACK COAT, PA NTS, and VEST. Those -who want a really genteel unit can Audi bom at WILLIAM IRA SMITH k Ort.'B, my SI ? St 112 Main street. CT REM OVAL. -O. H. CHALKLEY A CO., Leather Dealers, hare rem erred to their NEW BUILDING, on THIRTEENTH STREET, between Main and ('arr. my 15? U *? DK.\TAL NOTICE.? JOHN 0. WaVT, Dentist, lias removed his otilce and residence to HIS FRANKLIN STREET, two door* west of Ninth street. my 15? ts tS~ REGIfAULT A CO., AUCTIONEERS, Ac. Nos. MJllfn 834 MAI* STREET, iETWEB.1 Et'JHTH AND Nisth. PAY PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO SALES AT PRIVATE RESIDENCES, THE CLOSING OUT OF STOCKS, CARGOES, Ac. Tkbm* : Moderate. JOHN F. REGNAULT, mr 7-lm WILLIAM L. MAULE. SO OA APPARATUS.? The celebrated "ARCTIC" SODA APPARATUS, with GENERATORS, FOUNTAINS, Ac., complete. Ah ajrent for the manufacturer, the subscriber is prepared to furnish the most convenient and elegant apparatus known. Call and examine sample. WILLIAM 11. SCOTT, Druggist, ap 20? 1? corner Franklin and Seventeenth street* IKP' PHOTOGRAPHS ! PHOTOGRAPHS ! - E. 8. LUMPKIN A CO., PHOTOGRAPHERS, No. 737 Main street, are supplied with every facility for making SUPERIOR PICTURES, and promise to give entire satisfaction. "CARTES DE VISITS," *3 per dozen-tinted, if J desired, without additional cost. my eodtw I?- ( OLE A TURNER, NEWS DEALERS, WHIG BUILDING, Furnish the daily papers of NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, and WASHINGTON, at the laces of business and residences of citizens, immediately after Hie arrival of train*. Orders left at their counter will insure the prompt delivery of any paper daily. a pi*? ts ?r "1HDGOOD A RILEY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 121 M A 1 5 STREET, keep constantly on hand a complete stock of SCHOOL AND COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS, CAP, LETTER, AND NOTE PAPERS, ENVELOPES, BLANK BOOKS, SLATES, PENS AND INK, and other SCHOOL AND OFFICE STATIONERY ; all of which are offered at the LOWEST MARKET RATES. Country Merchants Invited to examine our 6tock before purchasing. Orders promptly attended to. mh 21 B. h R. ??"CO-PARTNERSHIP. The nndresitfned having formed a co-partner ship. f'?r the purpose of conducting A WHOLESALE GROCERY, PROVISION, AND GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the name of STONE, WILSON & FOSTER, and having taken the commodious warehouse on Cary street, second door below Pearl, are now receiving a general supply of GOODS IN THEIR LINE, which will be made complete in a few days, and to which they respectfully call the attention of tht trade. HAMILTON J. STONE,

JOHN D. WILSON, of Petersburg ; mh 13? ts R. T. FOSTER. ft?~FOR <;\KI)! \KI{S nil farmers. FRESH AND KKLIABL' ' AKDEN SEED, just received an- ale by WILLIAM )' SUOTT, Druggist, corner of Franklin and Serenteenth streets, fe 3? ts CO- PARTNER SI 1 1 P. The undersigned, of the tlrm of Kent, Paine & Jo., have formed a co-partnership for the purpose )f conducting a general AUCTION AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the firm of PAINE k CO., md h ire taken the store No. 106 Main street, next >elow Mitchell & Tyler, and will be pleased to re:eire consignments from their friends and the >ubiic. W. 0. PAINE. Jh 19? ts R. A. PAINE. WANTS. flTANTED, the public t<> know that IT this is the only Agency which imports emigrants, and also furnishes domestic and colored ielp of any kind to order at short notice. To iverybody who deal* with thin Agency, sutisfacion is guaranteed. For further particulars, apply >t the SOUTHERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, Franklin street, near Ninth. Post-otUce box 18, Richmond, Ya. A. ?. D ANDAHAXY, Agent. my it ? It WANTED, Mr. WILLIAM DANIT NIALS or Mr J. H. SHARP to call at the ofIce of the Yirginia Employment Agency, on Broad treet, lour doors above Ninth, or address JAMES T. HENDERSON, my lt> ? ts Box 139, Richmond, 'V a. Tan TED, a FEMALE COOK, \\ without encumbrance. JOHN N. GORDON fi SON, my M Fourteenth street, near Exchange Hotel. MASH PAID FOR BONES.? Wanted, U FIVE HUNDRED TONS BoNES. Cash paid >n delivery. my *? ts R. J\ LATHROP, Agent. % IDES AND TALLOW WANTED. DRY HIDES. GREEN HIDES, and SALTED HIDES, ilso, TALLOW ; for which the hightest cn>h price rill be paid. O. H. CHALKLBY & CO., lide and Leather Dealers, Thirteenth street, beween Main and Cary. ap2&-ts 11 SHIPPING. 71 OR NEW YORK. -A TLANTI 0 T COAST MAIL ST E A M S II I P ~ - I O M 1* A N Y .?The new and eleant side-wheel steamship HAT'KRAS, Captain Parrish, will leave xZkHBGBHBI ier wharf at Rockntts on TUESDAY, the Z'?'d in tant, at 10 o'clock, A. M. l\u,8engers will please be punctual. For freight or passage? having unsurpassed aconunodatlons? apply to SAMUEL AYRES & CO., jny 21? St Cary and Virginia streets. FOR RENT. ROOMS FOR RENT, suitable for a gentleman and wife or single gentleman, " " nth or without board. Apj>ly at No. ?li?, Slghth street, beyond Leigh. ' ray l"? M Ji^ Ij^OR RENT, one furnished an<l <<ne unfurnished ROOM, 3<?9 Main ttr-.ct, be- " ~ ween Third and Fourth street-. my 7? ts JOHN N. GORDON & S0N._ OR RENT, a DWELLING-HOUSE, ? on Fifth, between Clay and Leigh streets, U cith ten rooms, kitchen, and all the modern p7? mprovements ; at present occupied Mr. W. J^UL . L. Wright. Possession given at once. Apply to | CHARLES C. tLLETT. Leigh street. i ap H ? ts between Third and Fourth. FOR RENT, One PLEASANT ROOM, suitable for a Gentleman's Lodging- jmA oom, or a Gentleman and Wife. Apply to fr!V Mrs. H. B HOVAN, P'il eventeenth street, between Yenableand Poplar, fe 26? u F FHE NATIONAL EXPRESS AND 1 TRANSPORTATION COMPANY it> now prepared to carry MONEY AND VALUABLE PACKAGES r> and from New York, St. Louis, and intermediate iolnts, and a* far south an Atlanta, Ga. In order o afford the most ample security to shippers, it has ffected lN INSURANCE OF FIYE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS m the money ehesta of the company by each train, rith several leading insurance companies, such as 'HE SUN, SECURITY, MANHATTAN, METROPOLITAN, AND P1KEN1X, whose aggregate capital and assets amount to FIFTEEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Shippers are thus insured against common carier* risk, and a security is afforded never before iffered by any express company, For this NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE IS MADE. rHE NATIONAL EXPRESS AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY is now prepared to do business as CHEAPLY, EFFICIENTLY, AND SECURELY as can be done by any other company. J. E. JOHNSTON, President. B F. Float*, Genual Superintendent. my lUeodta

| VIRGINIA SPRINGS. ^HE^TO8PRlS&, BATH COUNTY, VIRGIWU, - TKMPfRATCRF, WMOM BIXTTTO OJT* BP.*DK8I? i*E MX DBrttlES, FAHRR5HBIT. TARDY. WILLIAMS A CO., VHOMIKTO**. Will be open for the reception of vlfitore JUKI 1st, im. All the buildings having been repaired, painted, and fitted (rat with NEW FURNITURE, LINEN, BEDS, and TABLEWARE, these 6PRING8 offei unsurpassed attraction* to both the Invalid and pleasnre-soeker. No expense or effort has been spared by the proprietor* to make it a* comfortable and pleasant a* possible to all visitors. The HOT WATERS hero hare beon well known for more than half a century to possess, in a wonderful degree, tonic, alterative, detergent, and stimulating properties, and have become Justly celebrated for the cure of Rheumatism, Gout, Diseases of the Liver, Skin, Bladder, and Womb ; Paralysis, the result of injury or serious effusion ; Contraction of Musclcs and Joints, Diarrhica, and Dyspepsia, accompanied with 6oro mouth and tongue. New BATH-HOUSES have been erected, a BAND OF MUSIC engaged, and BILLIARD and BOWLING SALOONS fitted up. The SPLENDID BALL-ROOM has been thoroughly refitted. Rout# from the north, tin Orange and Alexandria railroad to Gordonsvllle ; thence rid Virginia Central railroad to Millboro' Depot ; thence to Hot Springs direct, over turnpike, (distance, twenty miles,) by Trotter & Co.'s stage line. Route from the south, via Lynchburg or Richmond, and Virginia Central railroad to Millboro' Depot. Tekms : *3 per day ; *29 per week. A BAND OF MUSIC is engaged for the season, my 17? lm HEALING SPRINGS, BATH COUNTY. -This celebrated WATERING PLACE will be opened to visitors on the FIRST OF JUNE next. It Rives the undersigned great pleasure to inform the public that, with liberal expenditures by the proprietors, the attractions for the ensuing season will be such as to gratify both the invalid and those in search of pleasure. The principal buildings are extensive and substantial, and, with beautiful cottages, will furnish comfortable accommodations tor three hundred visitors. They have all been painted^ and put in thorough repair, and the Bedding and Furniture in ever)* department is new. The medicinal virtues of the waters are so generally and favorably known that it would be superfluous to enter into an elaborate statement on that subject; their efficacy is attested by numbers who have found relief at* this fountain of health from some of the most distressing maladies to which the human family is subject. For a detailed and particular account of the properties of the waters and their effects, reference is made to a pamphlet to be had on application In person or by letter to Messrs. PURCELL, LAD.D & CO., Richmond, who will always have a supply of the water for sale. Complete arrangements have been made for Hot and Cold, Spout and Shower Baths, und Plunge Baths ; and in addition to the mineral waters, an abundant supply of the purest freestone water has been brought from a spring in the mountains, a mile distant, and at an elevation of a thousand feet. Every advantage has been taken of the flow of water to arrange for the comfort of visitors. These Springs are delightfully situated in Bath county, surrounded by the most "beautiful and picturesque scenery, and present altogether attractions at least equal to any place in tlie mountains of Virginia, occupying a central position in the group of mineral springs for which this portion of Virginia is so iustlv celebrated. Tnree miles from the Hot Springs, eight from the Warm, thirteen from the Hath Alum, and twentyeight from the Rockbridge Alum, they are of easy access by the Central railroad aud its connections ty Millboro' depot, and thence by stages over a tine turnpike road twenty-three miles to the Springs, passing on the route l>y the Bath Alum, the Warm, and the Hot Springs, and crossing the Warm Spring mountain. Every part of this route is connected with historical incidents of great interest, and the scenery is of unsurpassed beauty and grandeur. A phvsician, experienced in the use and effects or the waters, will reside at the Springs.' Bv the 1st of June there will be a daily mail and a daily lino of stages from Millboro' "to the Springs. The price of board will be three dollars per day ; children and servants in proportion. A deduction of ten per cent, made on all bills for thirty days or over. The Agent will spare no pains to render the place a comfortable and agreeable home, and flatters himself, from his long experience and the advanta?es of the place, that he will be able to give satisfaction. S. A. PORTER, Agent. my 13 ? -w _

"OOCK BRIDGE ALUM SPRINGS, VIRGINIA. These MINERAL WATERS have an established reputation for very high cnrativo virtue In all the following classes of disease, and as being an ABSOLUTE SPECIFIC in several of them, viz : SCROFULA, and all the| forms of Glandular Swellings and Cutaneous Eruptive Disease, Erysipelas, Tetter, kc.\ CHRONIC DIARUIICEA and DYSENTERY, DYSPEPSIA, BRONCHITIS, CHRONIC THRUSH, affection of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER, and PILES. In all antcmic conditions of the system and broken-down state* of the constitution, loss of appetite, and general nervous prostration, their powers and virtue as a restorative may be safely pronounced to be WITHOUT A KNOWN RIVAL amongst the mineral waters of the WORLD. They are especially indicated in the whole class of ailments peculiar to the Female Constitution. This WATERING PLAC'B is in the same county with the celebrated "NATURAL BRIDGE of Virginia, and Is one of that remarkable group of Mineral and Thermal Waters which havo given celebrity to this mountainous region. It will be open to the public on JUNE 1st. The proprietors will spare no reasonable effort to have the place comfortably kept. The BALL-ROOM will be supplied with mu*ic ; and the BILLIARD and BOWLING SAL0ON8 restored to complete order. Access from the seaboard is by the Virginia Central railway (from the North, via Washington city and Orange and Alexandria railroad to Gordonsville ; and from the South, tin Richmond or Lynchburg,) to Goshen Depot, thence by stage coaches, over a smooth road, eight miles up the Valley to the Springs. KATK? OF BOARD By the day By the month The SPRINGS PAMPHLET, with analysis and full description, sent by mail ou application to PrRriai., Lapp k Co., Richmond, or to the undersigned. FRAZIER k RANDOLPH, Proprietors. The water is bottled, sec urcly packed, and on sale at *12.50 per case of one doien half-gallon bottles by PracELL, Ladd k Co., Richmond ; A. B. Rvcker, Lynchburg ; Coi.kma.x k Rodukrj, Baltimore ; Hbohuk 4 Co., New York, and other leading druggists. A single box has often saved the necessity of a visit to the Springs. A liberal discount made to the Trade by PURCELL, LADD k CO., my 15 ts General Agents. Billiard temple.-a restauK ANT COUNTER will be kept at the BILLIARD TEMPLE. commenciiyr THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON JON& k GKIaWOLD. mh 31? U UMBRELLAS. -SILK, GINGHAM, and COTTON UMBRELLAS in great variety, purchased irom the manufacturer! for cash, and ? ?p 20 * Che*r WSRTEN BAKER k WILLIAMS. HPHOMAS J. EVANS, ATTORNEY 1 AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER IN CHANCERY, practices in the Courts of the City of Richmond and the County of Henrico. OMc* ou Frank* Ufl, second door from Sixth street. Ja H ? U fcJMITHFIELD BACON.? A lot of for ^?l?Uby iny 13 <U Broad ?Ue?t, *3 w. . 3.oft per day.

UVfl 0AMMB ? m \j ? vw mrmm. m,m Bj Grnbflft A William*, Anclloneera, .T eorfier of l^erenth and Main *treet?. SOM4f iaslONERi7 SA LE OF V ALU. ABLE REAL ESTATE, IN THI CITY OF ,'HMOHD, AT THE RonTHEAST CORNER Of ANKMN AND THIRD 8THBET8.? In execution of a decree of the Clrc alt Court of Richmond entered on 17th Mnr, 1M?, In the caae of Wall and wife nr. Nott ?n<l other*, the nndenigned eon mlssloner*, appointed f<*lhc parpo**. will *ell at anction, noon the premise*, on THURSDAY, the 3lst <lar or Mar, commencing at 5 o'clock, P. M., if fair, if not. (hen on the next fair day thereafter, at the same hour. the following wvll known ami rerr desirable property, to wit; Tuc REVERB HOUHF., situated at the *onthna*t corner of Franklin and Third street*, containing eighteen large room*, with ample accommodation* for servant*, stable, carriage- honse, Arc. Also, the KR1CK TENEMENT adjoining the ahoreon the east, and itow ??crtipied by Willian P. Prire. It has ten rooms, with usuaj ont-house* attached; b<?th hare ga* and water. Th? property has hern recently repaired, and is now In good order. Tito location V? about the Iwm in the ritv f>>r private residences or a firsl cla-s boarding lionse. p(w?et?i|on nf the Rev?<re Honse can be had ?i once, and of the other about 1st of October. Tkkms : One-fifth cash, balance at four, eight, twelve, and sixteen months, for negotiable notes, with interest added, the title beiug retained l?y tincourt until the not >'s are paid. Purchaser* to pay taxes for iw. ANDREW JOHNSTON, > rommlsalonM* JOHN Howard, J Commissi* ners. Sale conducted by (inrBB* A Williams, Auctioneers. niyJl

By Harrison, uoauin ? Appen?on, Bankers, Broker*, and Real Estate Agents. VKRY valuabtTk LOT. AT tick V SOUTHWEST CORNER OF MAIN AM) TWENTY -THIRD STREETS, FOR SALE AT AUCTION. ?Will bo Hold Mt Miiction, on the premises, on WEDNESDAY, the 23.1 Mar, l*?, at hi If- pant I o'clock. 1*. M.. that very VALUABLE LOT, locate.) ax above, having a front of sixty-fonr feet on th?< ?south side of Main street, and a 'depth of one hun dred an<l ten feet to an alley fifteen feet wide, which will be divided, if desired, into three small lot*. The location in a tine one for retail stores. TllHl : One-third cash ; balance at four and eight month*, for negotiable note*, interest added, nee 11 red by a trust deed. The taxes for ISM to be paid h v the purchaser. " HARRISON, GODD1N & APPBRSON, my 21? at Auctioneer*. By Christian, Lea \ Co., Auctioneer*, <n* Main street. WE WILL OFFER FOR SALE AT AUCTION on TUESDAY, 23d instant, commencing at 1" o'clock, A. M.. the following CHOICE SELECTED OROCE RIBS, LBJU0R8, FISH, ke., to which we invite the special attention of the trade : 25 barrel* WHISKY, assorted grade* ; 4 eighth cask* BRANDY, 2 j basket* CHAMPAGNE, 5? cases SUPERIOR CLARET WINE, loo hoxe* CANDLES. 25 mat* JAVA COFFEE, so bags R|o ami LAGUAYRA COFFEE, loo half barrel* HERRINOS, 2o barrel* N?. 1 MACKEREL, l'K) barrels IIERUINGS, 50 barrel* MOLASSES, 50 Hack? LIVERPOOL FINE SALT, 5? boxes YELLOW and BROWN SOAP, 20 barrel* CRUSHED SUGAR, 20 barrel* B SUGAR, 5 barrel* A SUGAR, 10 barrels EXTRA C SUGAR, 5 hogshead* BACON SIDES, 50 bdg* PEA ft UTS, 10 barrel* PICKLES, 2o barn-Is ALE, 2u half barrels ALE. CHRISTIAN, LEA k CO., my 10? 3t #* Main street. By Grubb* & William*, Auctioneer*, Northwest corner of Main and Eleventh *treet*. WE PROPOSE, ~AT AN EARL Y 1 ? A Y, to *e)l at auction a wel 1 -selected LAW LIBRARY of about SEVEN HUNDRED VOLUME*. Contribution* to the sale are invited, and if *ent in in a few days they will be embraced in the Catalogue, which is now being prepared. GRI BBS H WILLIAMS, my 19? 3t Auctioneer*. COMMISSIONERS' SALEOF VALI'V / ABLE REAL ESTATE, ON JAMES RIVER, IN ROCKBRIDGE COUNT! , VA.? Pursuant to :t decree pronounced by the Judge of the Circuit Court for Rockbridge "county, on tbe 12th day of April last, in a cause pending in said court, in whic h John M. Yuille and'wite are plaintiffs, at>d Thomas G.Burks and others are defendant*, the undersigned commissioner*, named in said decree, will proceed to sell at public auction, on the premises, on SATURDAY, the 2Jd day of June next, the tract of land in t bill and proceedings mentioned, containing EIGHT HUNORED AND TWENTY ACRES, lying in Rockbiidne count*, onJaoe s river, opposite Greenlee'* fetry, within two mile* of the mouth of North river, and three mil.'* of the Natural Bridge. ABOUT EIGHTY ACRES ARE FIRST-RATE BOTTOM LAND, and the residue the finest mulatto soil. A large portion of |he farm is in TIMBER. The tract lie* well, being a southern exposure, and is in a good ucigltboihood. The James River and Kanawha canal passes by the plantation, the navigation being lor the most |>art slack water, and protected on tin river side bv a substantial rip-ran wall. THIS IS THE BEST FARM For SALE IN THE COUNTY OF ROCKBRIDGE. The BUILDINGS consist of h larife and well- finished two-*tory brick arid frame dwelling, and all necessary out-nouse*, built only a few years ago, and in gt?o?l condition. If desired, the tract can be divided into two farms. TkkmiS : Cash in hand sutliclent to pay the expense* of sale and cost of suit, and the balauce in four equal instalments, in one, two, three, and four vears, with interest thereon from the day of sale, the purchaser executing bond* with approved personal security, and the title retained until th*whole of the purchase money is paid. Person* desiring to purchase are invited to examine the land, and those desiring information will address the undersigned at Lexington, Va. JOHN ' 'LETCH ER, ! Commissioner*, my H? law4w By Grubb* & Williams, Auctioneers, Northwest corner of Main and Eleventh street*. TRUSTEE'S SaTe OF A BRICK' I HOUSE AND LOT, ON DUVAL STREET. NEAR BROOK A VENUE. -In execution of a deed of trust from William Hill and Matilda Harrison to the subscriber, as trustee, dated Id November, 1**5, and recorded in Richmond Hustings Court office, being thereto requested by the creditor, secured by said deed. 1 will sell at auction, upon the premises, on MONDAY, 2sth May, at 5 o'clock, P. M., if fair, if not, then on the next fair day thereafter, the property conveyed by said deed, bem>r LOT No 24 in Marshall, Mann, &< ., Plan, situated on Duval street near Brook avenue, fronting twen-ty-eight feet, and upon which stands a BKU K DWELLING. Tp.hm* : One hundred and ninety-two dollars and expenses of sale in cash ; balance at four and eight months, for negotiable note*, with interest added : credit payments to be secured by a deed of trust on the property. A. H. SANDS, Trustee. Oki bhs k W im. f am*. Auctioneers, my 17? co'lt25my&dtds By Paine & Co., Auctioneers, No. 106 Main street. j ar(;e sale of FRESH DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES. AND HATS, I AT AUCTION. On WEDNESDAY*, the 23.1 instant, commencing at 10 o'clock, we will sell at our auction-rooms a great variety of fresh and seasonable DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, STRAW GOODS, Ito., comprising many choice and deslrabltf goods suit- ' < d to the spring trade. "*y ^ 1'AINE CO., Auctioneers. | By Paine &i Co., Auctioneers. No. 1?HJ Main street. J ARGE AND ATTRACTIVE SALE OF DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, AND PHAR- ! MACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, AT AUCTION. WITHOUT RESERVE. On TUESDAY, the 22 d of May, commencing at 10 o'clock, at the newly-erected fonr-stery warehouse corner of Fourteenth and C'ary street*, next door to Messrs. W. B. Jones 4 Co., we will otfer for 1 sale at auction, without ro*erve, a large and gene- J j ral assortment of j , DRUGS, MEDICINES, '< CHEMICALS, AND PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, ' < together with a variety of other article* pertaining , J to the trade too numerous to mention, to whi< h we < Invite special attention. , j my 14? tds PAINE k CO., Auctioneers. rpYLER A SON, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ( BiVK BEMOVID TO , THIRTEENTH STRBBT. my 19? tt? between Main and Cary Orrtrs ok the Rkhmoxp ami) Livmroor. Packbt Coxpak v. > Rl< May 16, l?o* ) I^HIS COMPANY being iu process 1 1 of liquidation, all perun* having claim* against It or the snip VIRGINIA DARK are r*. 1 quired to present the same for payment at the offlc* i of the Company to JOHN PURCKl.li, 1 n'T lm Treasurer. " TOHNNY REB/'-F. R. FARKAR. | f) Esq., will repeat hie lector* on M03DAY , EVKNINO. 31st Instant, at * o'clock, at Virginia. Hall, oo Ninth street, by invitation of tbe ladies and geiitlemeu present at its first delivery. Onehalt of the proceeds will be given to the L*d?e? Memoilal Association. Tho use of the H;tll **? tendered by the proprietor. my 1*? m,w.< ?mn , \f AC A RON I AND VERMICKyJ.-* j IH ITALIAN and AMERICAN MAOARO-X 1 and | VERMICELLI Just received for aale by v i / LOU 18 J. WWWU X, | ny I? u ^o. ii Maln lOeet^ j pHEFSE. --Fifteen boxea GOSUKN , S; a""". ? * w. ??

BMkcn, Broken, and BmI fauu framf 1 ! r !l ':?< . ?*!d at ? set too, on the wibIim. on mo* r? > ? ?ut tifnl F-??- #"? umum Mr ?UtTIUS,-Wi!| "1 at anetlon, on eh* nr*Bt?Mk on Mon da y ,.'! Mar. mf, itfo eloek, p. M., that tn?l Lof located M above, opposite ih? r*ii^, I of Captain Chart** T. Morris*. fronting thirv ?* ' feet, running btck one hundred god nin-y V . f-iotto an alley, on which there ?tand< two I f ramed tern-menu. F Tr.aaa : One-third ci*h : balance at f.>nr ?. eight months, for negotiable not**, int?r?.r secured by * trust deed. The taxes for thu be paid by tb? purchaser. 11 ARRISON, OODDIN k APPERKOJ myjl Anet!nn**r> By Jarnea M. Taylor, Auctioneer, Main street, opposite Spoi-w^Mi Hotel. VALUABLE SUBURBAN Rks? I V DS9CB.WlTHPOURTEI5ACRE8opi.lv i NEAR CAMP Wf.NPKR, ONB-HAl.F MU.K 'A j.. ()P TUB CITY, KOK SALE AT AUCTION -W ?<>ld on MONDAY. JUtJUj. 1?W, on the pr r . . at S o'cloe*, P. Mj that valuable an?l d-? ,r< COUNTRY RESIDENCE an above d*?cribe.| ... inerly own??d and occupied by the l?i? ' *{,1, H. Dance, deceased. The dwelling 1* tw., r' m l?ove the baMenant, with about artm r<?t, and a portico all around the buildinjr, with < ; i??o?il out- out Id lure ; situ.Ued In a b?aiit)f'i .,4, ?ro???, In fnll view of the cit jr. and in tw?-. . iiiinnt?w' walk of the capitol. Tbir? i* a pi to-, i very flue water In the yard, ami on r|j>> pi*. - [ many choioe fruit tr.'es, Ac. It contain* hI- . , t? en acre* <>f land, the noil of the very best?^u .... ina high *tat? of cultivation. and well eu<-.'? Any person in want of one or the inoxt de*:rv." tiiburban residences would do well to exa;. this plare before the day of *aie. It will b? *old all together, or divided, a* mar deal red on the day of sale. Tj km* : One-fourth cash, balance at ?lx. t* ?>. and eighteen months, for negotiable notcv ui'? r.-tt added, and secured by a deed of trust. T,x f ,.f 1<M to t"* paid by the purchaser. JAMES M TAYLOR, Auction*^ The aboTje can. be bought privately .? ilay of sal'*, my It ?

AUCTION SALES-FUTURE DAY. By Grubbs & William*, Auctions or*. Corner of Eleventh and Main street* rpWO 1 fANDSOME LOTS. ON CIIKF, 1 SKA AND MADDOX HILLS, FOB SAI.h a' AUCTION. -Wo will sell at auction. ?n th- tr iuIihmj on TUESDAY , Mav J2d. at 5 o'cloi k, I' \( two LOTS? one on Maddox Hill, of two . within th ?? present *nclo*ure of Mr. Heben-r other, a beautilul lot, of one acre, In the Till . Chelsea. Tkkmm: One-fourth cash, balance at four. e^v and twelve months, with interest, The tax -*j < I'flfi to be I'itid by the purchaser. my H ORUBBS k WILLIAMS, Ii^tione*r?. By Fimntny MHm & Co , 411 tioneens Commission Merchants, and Real Estate A*-nv. No. 3 Wall street. Richmond, Va. Fon sale at~~au< tion.? At th. request of B. J. Johnson, Esq , w? r ( ? ?-hI<- privately th)' piece of LAND, conur.t. KlKTl Al'KM, lyini on liroad Rork c 1 1 Chesterfield county, through which th-- Kiv< V , branch run*. It iW i?:tn in wood* and part ctw-' about eight acre* cleared. A portion of tli** ir*. > . < -xc-dlfiit low ground. If not fold prni?t?*iv Uf. rwill lie cold at public auction, to the hiche.t t. ? der. without reserve, on SATURDA Y, the -'th Mav, l??!6, at 3 o'clock, P. M. Tkkms: Liberal, and made known on day of m*. PILK1NT0N, PULLIAM *'< ?? . Div 3? eodtoluM&dtds Auctlon??r? By JameM M. Taylor, Auctioneer, Office opposite the Spotswood Hotel. OA EE OF L O tT~ BETWEEN FIF TEENTH AND SIXTEENTH STREETS -Pir ?uant to u decree entered by the Richmond ||',? nigs Court on the l?t of May, l"Jl, in the ? G'oddin against Taylor's executor and . -t - I *tiall, on WEDNESDAY, the 2jJ day of M*v l"??i, at 5 o'clock, P. M.. sell upon th.'- prem-s ihe real es'ate in the bill and proceeding- m*r j tinned (Constating of a lot of ground betw ? Fifteenth and Sixteenth, and Marshall *? Clay streets, in the city of Richmond 1, at r. lie Miction, to the highest bidder. upon the foil ? ing terms, to wit : One-third ca-li , one-third ? t credit of four months, and the other thir l on ( ( <. dit of eight month*, with internal on th- credit | < un-nts troui the day of sale. Negotiable note. ??' be required for the credit payments, ami th- tit!- ? the property will ho withheld till the wind* jm chase money be paid and a conveyance <1 1 r?by the court. TH<"5fAS J. EV.Ov Special Cotuml*"!'-!!' r Sale to he conducted by Jauih 31. Tjrt"? Auctioneer. my i*-*t ISy Harrison, (Joddin & Apperson, Bankers, Brokers, and Real Estate Agents. TWO BEAUTIFUL BRICK TKN'K 1 MENTS AND TIIREK VACANT LOTS |> SIDNEY, AT THE SOUTHWEST roRNKK ?? UROVE AND CULVERT STREETS, FoR >Al.K t AUCTION Will be sold at auction, on t)i p mites, on MONDAY, the 21st Slay, I"*, at halt , I o'clock. P. M,t those two beautiful thr? ? BRICK TENEMENTS located a.- ,.l ov. , wiiich ia vacant, and the other is occupied by M James Evana. each of which contain* live ? 1beeides excellent brick kitchen, 4c., an I an | neat and attractive. They*re near.y oj.j.. . re^iden?:es of Captain Charles Y. Morn-* an ! I C. Shaf. r. I->|. Also, the THREE ItSAl I'M VACAJMT L<?Ts lying to the w. ^r. each frm thirty-one feet ?n the south ?ido of Grove ?.tr..rtinning back one hundred and ninety-nine !??? II wide iilley. Tkrxs : one-th!rd enuli ; balance at f??u r * eight month* for negotiable note*, interest a<M? ; secured by a tru*t deed The taxes and in?itr.u. tor thtH year to be paid bv the purchaser. HARRISON, UODDIN 4 APPERSON. my 11 a act 1 >n< ? . - By Robert B. Lyne, Auctioneer. I COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF MosT \ f VALUABLE FARMS. THREE MILES HKI.' W RICHMOND, ON YORK RIVER RAlLK"Ai> a.M N EWBRIDttE R< ?AD.? In pursuance of a dei 1 ? 1 the Circuit Court of Henrio ccoumy, enter.- 1 . n 'I >' '."th day of April, 1?#?, in the ? ;?*.< of Walker, A rn Jenniiig'a heirs, 4c., I will proceed to -?i< . public auction, on the pretuistis, on TUESOAV. iftfd day of May, l-os, commencing at 12 o'clock. ? the REAL F>TATE In tho bill and procerdn ?? mentioned, being all the real e?tate of whi< h W liam D. Jennings died sei/. .l not her-tofore m,> and also a piece of LAND, uF Nl.N KTY-i'.Nfc, ACKES, adjoiniut; these lands, held by I avid Wit free, trustee, 4c. This property con*,#!* of separate tracts, a* follow* : (?ne. of ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY SKVKN AND EKJHT-TENTHS ACRES, lies on Hi- Newbridge road, about two and one-half miles f 1 ? tu Richmond, opposite the Rural Shade*, and adj' '1 i ?>*< the farm of Colonel Dickinson, and is w wooded and well enclosed, but ha? no house* - ' itiv con-f<|iieiice. The other is the old homestead of William P Jennlnrs, deceased, at present occupied by .Mr James 1). Vaughn, iyint; along t ln?- ot ili? Richmond and York River railroad, and exti-n ti' . back to the Newbridge road, and touching at t? points opposite Colonel bberwlo McKea's f.* ? three and a half miles below the ? ity. and opp - ' I ' r . John R. Oarnett's, about six miles b? !o? ntr an t eontainn alt<iK*tber al?oiit H\'K II I ' > IMlED AND ELEVEN A< RES. This tra. t I. ?u:eptihle of being sub-divided into three or m< r? l<ood-si/.ed farms, with front on the railroad < r i: Xewbri lge road, as mav be pref.-rred. A PLAT of these la lids, with the *ub-divisiot ? proposed, may be seen at the otflce of the mlioiieer, and Mr. VauKhan will take j,|.m..ui?howing the premises to purchasers. This -ale presents an opportunity rarely met wit for securing a most desirable market t ?n! '? suburban farm in a short distance ? ( tho <.;'y. ?? . L*n a good road. Tkhma : Uue.fourth of the putlHH n ' v w lie re<i ui red in cash, and the Miu;n i'-i > I'uual Instalments, on a credit of six, twelv -. ^1. ? I'ightecu months for the deferred payments. 'I * (?urchiiM'r will be required to give hi*ne?'otia notes, with interest added, and th? title ' lands to be retained ti II the whole purchase n< is pai<l and a deed ordered by the court. All tax-** iue on Ihe proix-rty t?? be paid bv the purchase r? The ?ale will comiuciice at the mansion '(?'"*< 1 - ihe homestead tract. A. R. COUKTNK\ . . Special Commissi* nsr Sale condacted by Rourur B Li>>, R' ?l K- ? Auctioneer. my >?? W4S Mt A VALUABLE Tit AIT OF LAND /\ FOR SALE ? Hy virtue of au order ma I ' ? Ihe t'ircult Court for Montgomery curs:*. April lerin. ISW, in Ihe case of K. T. F'-ster ?V ' i r.?. Henry E. Decie, I shall pr< ceed to ?ei: ly 1 ' lie outcry, on the 31*t DaY <'F MAY, l?**, ' preuilsMs, that valuable Farm k/.-'Wn a? tu ? I't1 - r K RM The Farru contains about SEVEN HrSPRI" rWKNTY-TtlKKE ACKKS OF LAN D, has t , and beautiful DWELLING HOUSE on . - 4 a 1th all the neceaaary out-houssa used by faIt ia situated near the Bi* Tunnel on t)< ? V r? ind Tenneaaee railroad, in the county of M uery, an i about one all* from th? eelcbra!"' Montgomery Wbite Sulphur Spring. Tksms of Sai.E : A credit of two and thrf *? l" irill be Kiven th? purchaser by his payir.,. i ?" :aah so much of the purchase money uer-'-ai r>ay the cost and charge* of sale. The deferred yy. iienu are to bear interval from the 4*b day < l l'tembcr, I'M, at which time poa?es?lon *nl aken by the purchaser. Security for (he unpa lurchaae money and a lien by deed of tru?t for U lame will be required of the purch4?er. , , The sale will take place promptly a: ) o'clock, r M.,of thatday. JOHN R. FRaNi l?. ap td Sheriff of Montgomery county , > a Richmojih Ej?<-4MP>i8>t, No Kuhoid. May i?b, KM. ? f \RDERS NO.? .Sir Khlghto,? a L/ Assemble at the store of /\r lanlt k Co., on Main street, between BlKhtb / ? ?nd Ninth, on MONDAY NEXT, the ?Ut, at b . l>a?t 2 o'cioek, P. M , in full uniform, with ? *rms, to act as an escort to Metropolitan L<?ike. .> 11, on the occasion of lsylng the corner-?t--r the public building about to be erected bv th* of Kl' hmoud on broA<i itrtd, Kiulb *-? Tooth. ^ _ By ordW of M B K. H. 6IU, 0. C mmauder WILLIAM L. MAULB, CapUin Oeners James I. Bioimc*. Recorder n?y ?*- THE MEMBERS OF METRO- & r POLITAN LODGE, 5o. 11, are iu?. Yl Siatb aod Seventh streets, on MONDAY A > I >. NOON at half-past ? o'clock, for the perpilayinf the eomer-stone of the boilding u? be ? ei by the city ou Broad street. Iteuibera of oursjsfc-r Lodges, Koa. I*, 14, I It, u, sud U?, and all transient breihrvu, are [or naily Invited to unite with as. By order of the wTM. ^ S. ?. JACOBS, B.cret Rit hmond, May U, A. L. MM, A. D. ls??. my 1? ? ?>. NK HtJNUKKl) TONS I?o, FpicKtJj&m**. Myyfa, A ,,, M ALT.?Twohondred bushels PRIM k