Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 213, 22 May 1866 — Page 3

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iVirlimottd gisptrh. M ANIII!S(iTO\ ITKJIN. PKCKASKD. ttV chronicle with regret the death of yrs. l.m y K. N. Florence, consort of lion. ?j \.,:n.?s H. Florence, o( this city. ? ChroitlVR. mY? l.l.OCll SI'KAKS OCT. Tkk^i bt Pkpaktmkxt, May 17, 1SG6. | IVar Sir, ? Your favor of the 14th int. inviting me to be present at a mass , , t;rg to be held by the National Union i ,s..!i Club a; Philadelphia on Sat nr. tX evening next is weeived, i;, 1 ?*\ inji that the measure* adopted by Pn si.it nt for bringing hack the re- ,\ n llions States into the harmoni- , j , ? l.t i ions with the Federal (iovcrii. a- <1 with the other States of the ?ne constitutional, wise, humane, 1 j t.M-tieal, I have given to them ? ami unwavering support. I apv. , therefore, the obj?vt of the pro. : m .1 meeting, hut regret t hat the pre.iof oflit ial duties w ill prevent me from <liiig it. l'i? present my thanks to the nun"i f for their courtes\, ami believe me v very truly your <?)??*?! lent servant, II. >l< Cl l.l.'H II. ><?? retarx Harlan al^owrotea letter to : e same meeting, but <lid not mention ? reconstruction." ! OHIO >TU( < "KM KA I. RKPriH.Ii A X COMVim K IMI TIIK I'OI.I' Y Of' 1 IlK APMIVIS7 K \TION. S :nc uneasy Radicals ha e denied the i ? trim ut that flu Ohio State Central liej -: !" ui Committee had a recent meeting . ? . the policy of the Administrat I ha\c high authority for saying that :nial meeting was held in Columbus, r w i lvt* members were present in per- , 1 five others responded by letter, .? t of t he v hole committee of t went \ - i.h mbei-N there are but two members I < :. ior>e Congress against the J'resi. j Ncarl) HK.OOO.OOO for Europe. \i w Vokk, May 1 ??. ? The steamers City ' l\i;i> and Napoleon III. sailed early | Morning, taking out nearly ?t?, 000,000 j ;?< i' . The steamships (Icrmania, New \ : and Pennsylvania also sailed to-day ! ? KurojK*. The iot.il shipments of specie : 'lay amounted to ?5,s73,Ono. 'I lie (;rou ii?u Cotton Crop. At ?a sta, May 20. ? Newspaper accounts from Texas, Alabama, (Jcorgia, Florida, South and North Carolina, represent the growing crop of cotton as seriously in. ji:red by the recent cold weather and h? aw rains and overflow of the cotton lands, ami bad and defective seed, which in great measure tailed in many cases to terminate. '! he cotton now up i> looking yellow and >i? ' i\. Planters are, in consequence, dc>;>?>mliiiir. Not more than a third of a . ! u ill be realized, as planters through. :t the country are plowing up bad fields 1 i planting corn. It is estimated that t f .?? entire crop cannot exceed half a ! in .i ii ?n bales. The Irlsli 1 1 cart -Cent re. Nkw York, May P>. ? Head. Centre Stei :is was visited tliis afternoon by the rei ; i ciitatives of a large number of circles r. t. e M iiihattan district. The officers of ? ?I these organizations ? the Kcd Hand ( ? !? ? presented iiim with a set of reso. . ? ?? t ndo: >ing hisaction in this city, and i ) '.fl-'itig him their undivided support. > . 1 1 i l.ir action has been taken by other cir- j ) !<??. All efforts so far have failed t<? j in ti t lie O'Mahony and Roberts w ings of tin l>rothcrhood. 'I lie lli'iHirlcil lfiiswu'rc. Wasimx?.To\, May 2". ? l.ieutenant-Ge- : , ? i .i 1 tiiant has received a dispatch from M ,? ?!-< ienera 1 II. W . Halleck, in ('alitor- ! iti which he says that there is not a wonl > ?! truth in the report that Fort (ioodi has been captured l?y the Apaches and : e garrison massacred. He denounces the ! ? port as altogether sensational.

Sent to I In* l?eiiitei?liary. ( i n < i \ V a t i , May 1 ?i. ? Twenty-six sol- ? ? i? of tin* regular army have been coin- : tted to the penitentiary for desertion <1 insubordination. Their orders of coniin iil varv from eleven months to fifteen years. loroilllo ill ,<f||NMlNMi|>|>i. (*in? inn \ri. May ID. ? The ( To setters Mcm- - 1 1 iiTesj?oiidenee ot the ISth says that ? terrible tornado and hail-storm visited i county, Mississippi, last week, up- ? oting tires', demolishing dwelling-houses j ;uid harns, and entirely destroying the ; , Tlie Soil for ?tun?|<% r>,yrroN, May ID. ? ' The suit of John M. Wa\, in the Supreme Court, for $20, 000 .!, images. resulted iu a verdict giving him spin. The ground for the *uit was that he I t I been compelled to raise a Hag and ike a speech to suit them, hy some of Ms neighbors, who alleged him to be disloyal. " I' ire ami l.o*?* ol Lire. 1 kanki. in. I'a., May 10. ? The (jiraut House, in tliis city, was burned this niornA lady jumped from a window of the i ? i r t h stoiy, and iias died of her injuries, "fxx ? ????rvant girls are missing, and it is ?? a red that they perished in the (lames, j T .<? ;ir?- is supposed to have been the work j ? ! .in incendiary, for the purpose of plundering the house. The loss amounted to *:xty thousand dollars, on which there is . 'i insurance of thirtv-one thousand dollars. * Baptist Home Missionary Society Boston, May 1'J. ? The American Baptist II -me .Missionary Society, in convention last night, adopted resolutions instructing ti.e exueutive hoard of the society to continue their work among the freedmen with every facility in their power, and to give such religious instruction to colored preachers as ini^ht he deemed consistent with discretion. Auuix m. op M u . Mason. ? Among the pasM^y,.^ t|l0 steaiiksliip Moravian, xx inch arrived in port yesterday morning, was the Hf?n. Mr. Mason, of Virginia, vxlio-c name obtained such a worldwide celebrity in the autumn of lKUl, iu connection with that of the lion. Mr. Slidell, on the occasion 0j t)ie aiTest uf these tw<> gent lemen by the American Commodore likes, on board the British mail ? steamer. ? i/uebrc M<ly jq. More Relief for 1hk South. ?The ladies of Baltimore appear to never wearv in well-doiug, particularly us regards the ' relief of the Buffering people of the south. A number of them are now engaged iii ! getting up a supper, Strawberry festival, and promenade concert, to t?ke place during the present week at the new Asseiu. ! Idy Rooms, as a means of securing relief tor many cases of southern distress which i lie funds of the late fair fail to reach. ? ?S/<, 2l6f. (General Santa Anna is still at Elizabethport, N.J. The common council of Elizabeth port have tendered him the freedom of the city. | During the present month the number of j immigrants arrived at New York amounted to 24^84. The railroad between Topeka and Letveuxeorth, Kanna*, is completed, and a train passed over it on the Htn,

Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun. The Trial of Jefferson Davis- Mr. Fessenden on Reconstruction, &e. Washington, May 20. The trial of Jefferson Davis before the United States Circuit Court in Virginia is considered as settled, but Chief Justice Chase has not yet signified his intention to hold the court for this or any other purpose. The judiciary committee of the House are now directing their attention to the grounds presented to them upon which the charge of treason, not of conspiracy and for Assassination, is founded, and the . Chief Justice may await their final report. The President will no doubtl remove the , chief obstacles which the Chief Justice indicated as preventing him from trying a criminal case in Virginia. He must certainly withdraw martial law from the State, before . Justice Chase will consent to hold the court for Mr. Davis's trial. This has not yet been done, but it is thought that it will be. * The law just passed to facilitate the trial ?it Richmond authorises a special term t<> j lie held, as well as the regular terms in M.,v and October. If the Chief Justice I determines to hold the court and ti\ JetIV r. son Davis for treason, it will not be so early as June, as some have supposed ; other engagements will prevent it. A dis. , agreement, and possibly a new trial, with ; like result, is all that will come of it. Therefore the Radicals are opposed to a trial for treason by a civil court in N irginia. Senator Sumner is not alone in de- j daring it to be a farce. The public look with interest for Mr. Fesseiiden's expected explanation of the i new reconstruction scheme to-morrow. We shall see whether Mr. Stevens' correct- ; lv represented the joint committee in the j statement that the proposed amendment requires only the ratification of nineteen States. ' Iota. The denernl A*f*en?blie* in Sowloii at St. IiOiiIm. On Thursday nothing was done in the t Old School General Assembly at St. Louis of any importance. Kentucky Presbyteries are represented in it, and the following resolution, striking at them, is a lair in- ; dication of the justice which southern | Presbyterians might expect at the hands of! the body : Rev. Dr. McLain offered the following resolution: Whereas it is understood that the Presbytery of Louisville has opposed the General Assembly, and refuses to conform : to its orders, in a pamphlet adopted by it, of which the following is a specimen, to i ! wit t | " We will not sustain or execute, or in any manner assist in the execution, of the orders passed by the last assemblies on the subject of slavery and loyalty, and with ' reference to the conducting of missions in the southern States, and with regard to the ministers, members, and churches in i the seceded and border States." And whereas said Presbytery has commissioned and sent to this Assembly at least one commissioner, who, if the order of the last Assembly had been faithfully j executed by said Presbytery, there is the strongest ground for believing would have j been suspended from the functions of the gospel ministry; therefore li' snlvnl. That until the Assembly shall have examined and decided on the con- 1 duet ol said Presbytery, the commissioners therefrom shall not be entitled to seats in this body. A long debate ensued, principally on , points of order, and no action was taken j on the resolution. The Moderator (Rev. Dr. Stanton), upon being elected and con- , ducted to the chair, said, among other ; tilings : "That rebellions defiance of lawful authority which has racked this nation to its j foundations during four years of war still rages within the precincts where it was j born, the Church of God ! It is the oft- : spring of heresy, corruption, and all un- j righteousness. To meet it promptly, eouragcously in the fear of God, and with the aid of Hi* grace, is your manifest duty, as ; well as directly to deal with those who openly deride your most solemn injunctions.'" This .'gentleman evidently takes Thad. Stevens for his exemplar, and no doubt did all he could to exclude the Kentucky representatives. The resolution in regard to the Louis- j ville Presbytery was passed on Friday by a ! vote of 201 ayes to 50 noes. The excluded commissioners front Kentucky are Stuart Robinson, Dr. Wilson, and Elders Wickliftcand Harden. The same day a committee of seven was appointed to report upon the case of the Louisville Presbytery; also upon the cases of Drs. Brooks and Anderson, of St. bonis, Van Dyke, of Brooklyn, and other com- ; missioneis who either signed the declaration or testimony, or approved of its principles, and who desired to stand or fall with its merits. In the New School General Assembly (Rev. S. M. Hopkins, D.D., Moderator,) no business of importance was commenced on Thursday. At night, at an anniversary , meeting, the " occasion was one of thanks- i giving for the national triumph, and the | sentiments uttered were of grateful patri- , otism. Dr. Nelson presided. Some of the speakers dwelt impressively upon the duty of the country to establish justice as the' sole hope of national safety, and deplored the prevalence of a disposition to fail in ; the exaction of this righteous security." ! From which it may be inferred that the j New School is not behind tin' Old School bod v in " loyalty."

A Real Minister of Peace. ? Rev. J. 1 W. Cornelius, who was sent by the Haiti, more [Abolition] Conference to the East Hoekiiighain Circuit, after a sojourn of some weeks in tin* county, came to the ' conclusion that his presence could do no i good to the church, that the people did not j desire a minister from the Baltimore Confcrence, and that, as a minister of that I Christ who preached "peace and good- 1 will " to all men, it was his duty to return j to the Conference and report the state of the ease. Thk Civil Rights Case. ? The case of, Adam Smyser, special officer at the Phila- j delphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad dejK)t in this city, charged with i having ejected from the ladies' receptionroom two colored women, Mary J. C.Anderson and Ellen G. Jackson, was expcctcd to j come up before the Criminal Court on Saturday, and had the ett'ect of drawing to the court-room quite a number of the ; friends of the measures recently adopted | by Congress. Mr. Smyser elected to have his trial by a jury of his peers, and the case consequently went over. ? Baltimore Sun , 21.sf. Firk at the Virginia Oil Wells.? We learn that the new Jones well at Burning 1 Springs (lowed over the derrick and poured down upon the engine, and the oil took fire j yesterday, and at our latest dispatches the i j oil was still burning, creating a great destruction of oil and property, with no proa- j pect of subduing the flames. It is the ! largest well ever struck in the State. ? Par - ktravurij Times, I On Saturday the citizens of Alexandria subscribed nine thousand Ave hundred dollars to the stock of the Manassas Gap rail- j road, and two thousand three hundred dollars towards purchasing a steamboat to ply between that city aud the Maryland shore. Elder Jacob Knapp,the famous revivalist, U preaching in Bochester, N. y ,

wmmmmmmmm TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. 8p??t*l t?lMramU> Dispatch. Arrival #f tb? Hiemn ler r.phvnn*. NoRroLic, May 21.? Wo have Just re. celved * telegram from Boston announcing the arrival at that port of the British steamship Kphesns, Captain William Colllnjpf.with an assorted eargo of merchandise for tho merchant* of Virginia and North Carolina, consigned to Colonel William Lamb, of this citv. She is the first of n line of steamers to be run between Norfolk and England. Cato. Congressional Proceedings. Washington, May 21.- Senate.-The Senate, in deference to the physical inability of Mr. Fessenden to enter upon the reconstruction resolutions to-day as per agreement, postponed their consideration till Wednesday. The consideration of the Colorado bill and veto message was also postponed. The remainder of the session was devoted principally to business reluting to the District of Columbia House.- The House to-day considered preamble and resolution of Mr. McClung, of Missouri, declaring - That the continued contumacy of the seceding States renders it necessary to exercise congressional legislation in order to give the loyal citizens of those States protection in their natural and personal rights enumerated in the Constitution, and, in addition thereto, makes it necessary to keep on foot a large standing army to maintain the authority of the Government. And whereas the country is already overburdened by the war debt, incurred to defend the nationality against an infamous rebellion, and it is neither just nor politic to inflict this vast additional expense on the peaceful industry of the nation ; therefore Resolved, That it be referred to the Committee on Reconstruction to inquire into the expediency of levying contributions on the seceding States to defray the extraordinary expenses that would otherwise be imposed on the General Government ; and that said committee be instructed to report by bill or otherwise. The resolution was adopted ? yeas, 7,'?; nays, 35. The House also passed the following resolutions, introduced by Mr. Henderson, of Missouri : 1st. That it is the sense of this House that all just and righteous governments are intended not to confer rights and privileges upon the subjects thereof, but to ? secure to each and every individual the ' full, free, and untraiuelled exercise an<l , enjoyment of all those rights which God ! has bestowed on him. 2d. That the safety, happiness, and pros- ' perity of the people require that just and j adequate penalties be annexed to the violation of law, and that these penalties be inflicted upon transgressors, not for the purpose of retaliation and revenge, l>nt to insure subordination and obedience, j 3d. That we will stand by and sustain the President in executing the laws of the United States upon a sufficient number of ! leading rebels in each of the States lately ' in insurrection against the National Government to vindicate the majesty of the law, to sustain the confidence of the loyal people, and to warn the refractory for all time to come. The Tax bill was further considered.

I'unloiieil by the Pmldont. Wash i ngtox , May 2 1 . ? Comnn xlore Lc< ?n Smith, late of the Confederate navy, was pardoned to-day by the President, upon the recommendation of several prominent Republican Senators and others. Henry Bragg, late an officer of the Confederate army, was also pardoned. An Order from .Unjor-CJciiernl Howard. Washington, May 21. ? Major-General Howard, Commissioner of the Freedmcn's Bureau, has issued an order which, among other particulars, calls attention of all officers to the reports in circulation concerning acts of cruelty and severity towards the freedmen on their own part, and to the reported dereliction in rendering accounts, etc., and says that every officer so accused shall have an opportunity of vindication before a court-martial. The order also forbids investments by officers in planting interests, as the Commissioner says such a course will almost inevitably lead to corruption, as it already has to bitter accusations. Rombnrtfmeut of 4'nllno? The Spanish ltopuNHl. New York, May 21. ? Aspinwall dates to the IMth instant have been received. The Spanish fleet bombarded Callao on the 2d. They were repulsed, however, doing little damage. Admiral Nunez was badly wounded. The Peruvian Secretary of War was killed by the explosion of a battery. The fight lasted four hours, and terminated by the withdrawal of the Spanish fleet. The Spanish loss is supposed to be heavy. Valparaiso advices to the 11th of April report the blockade raised. The Government is now enforcing import and export duties. loiter from Europe by (he Cuba. Halifax, May 21. ? The steamship Cuba has arrived with dates to the 13th. Cotton has declined Id.; sales of the week, 4f?, 000 bales. There is a financial panic. The bank rate is ten per cent. Five-twenties, 64? 66; Consols, 86^@86^. Overend, Gurney & Co. have failed. The continental news is warlike, but there are still hopes of peace. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. J. CRUMP. Builder, Governor street, opposite Whig Building, ih invpared to undertake contractu for all kinds of BUILDING, : and to execute work in hia line in all it* branches. JOBBING promptly attended to. PACKING BOXES for merchants and others manufactured At the shortest notice. The best materials used in all work, and the i lowest prices charged. my Id? 3m WILLIAM- FORBES, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, corner of Fourth and Cary streets. The subscriber having resumed the BUILDING BUSINESS in all lu branches, offers hia services to his friends and the public generally, assuring tbem that all work done by him shall be of the best material and workmanship. Having carried on the businesb in this citv for twenty years successfully, he flatters himself that satisfaction will be given to all who may bestow upon him their patronage. WILLIAM FORBES. ap 10 ? dJm ALTER S. WEST, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, is prepared to furnish DEMONS, PLANS, and SPECIFICATIONS for buildings of every description, and to superintend or contract to build the same, in any part of the State, If desired. Office, No. 1*9 Muln at.eet, (up stairs,) Richmond. Va. wh ?-?m Rocketts brick works.? CHEW k WATTS, PROPRIETORS.- We are ' prepared to deliver one hundred And seventytnou*and_of the best hand-made ROCK BTTS now five inODRAHU UI mwmw sww-'- ? 4TT'v^ BUILDING BRICKS it) QMDliilM w?Dt?d by promptly tiled. f ? myW-la

riNAKCIAJj AMD COMMKETIAK Richmond, May 21, 1866. The money market here is unchanged. Gold is quoted to-day at 129Q131, buying and selling rates; silver, 1206125. Wo quote State registorod six per cents at 142.50; coupons, $68; Richmond City bonds, $7.1<3975 ; Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, $60; Virginia Central, $60 ; Richmond and Danville, $60. NKW YORK. To-day is an exciting day in New Tork. The last foreign news per steamer Cuba, with dates to the 13th May, caused quite a stir in financial circles. The decline in United States stocks and in cotton in England produced some alarm, and gold, which opened at 130JR', advanced before closing to 1323b ? tho most considerable rise that has taken plaee for some time. The following telegraphic dispatch is all that we have, but shows to some extent the feverishness which this news has occasioned : s Nkw York, May 21. ? Cotton buoyant; sales, 3,000 bales at 38<^40c. Flour dull and 10c. lower; Southern, #10.60@$16.75. Wheat quiet, but, under western accounts, advanced 8@f>c. Corn active and advanced lc. Pork dull at $30.25. Whisky dull at $2.26^82.27. Sugar steady. Naval stores quiet. Tuqientine, 05e.@$l. Rosin, $3.50 @$15. Gold closed at $1.32, owing to the news by the Cuba. The previous quotation was$1.3014. Saturday last, the money market of Wall street was firm, but the supply of capital was in excess at 5 per cent, on call for mixed collaterals, ami on Governments. The slight hardening of money rates then perceptible was attributable to the absorption of currency by Government in payment for the gold sold on its account during the week, amounting to near eight millions of dollars. The regular discount line was easy, and first-class commercial paper stood at ."><? 6 per ccnt. The New York Times-, in an article quoted by us in the last Dispatch , discouraged the idea of any embarrassment in this country from a drain of gold, as we could well spare enough to supply the drain without injury to ourselves, and with the advantage of giving ease to the English market and restoring quiet that would react beneficially upon our own finances. The Herald , per contra , censures the Government for supplying so readily this drain by throwing its own gold into the market to keep down prices at 130. The Ileratd says that in this way ? "Its supply would soon be so far exhausted that it would lose control of the market, and .speculators would be ready to take all the Government had to seli. They would at the same time be aided by that distrust of a higher premium which would seize upon importers and others having occasion to buy gold ; and hence the premium would ri.se all the higher in consequence of the Government having exhausted its supply. By keeping the price so low, in the face of tho large demand for shipment, the treasury puts a premium upon its export ; for the foreign bankers are not slow to buy and ship it with a view to drawing against it at higher figures. Unless, therefore, the foreign news should take a more favorable turn as affecting our exchanges, the Government is likely to find that it made a mistake in commencing thus early to assume control of the market. Had the treasury not done so, the export of specie this week would probably have been 1 much smaller." The news to-day rather encourages the ' H> raid's view. The price of 132 '.i for gold would argue that the Government had re- j tired from the field. Three thousand Virginia 6's sold in New York Saturday at The Herald gives the following brief general view of the New York market on Saturday : " Business was very moderate yesterday, but the markets were quite generally buoy- 1 ant and firm, particularly so for Saturday. Imported merchandise was held firm under the buoyancy in the gold market, and in some cases an advance was asked. Domestic produce was irregular. Cotton was j firm and in good demand. Groceries were : quiet, but steady. Dry goods were quiet and heavy." BALTIMORE. Bat.timohk, May 21. ? Flour dull. Wheat firm. Corn active and 1 @2e. higher. Provisions and oats firm. Lard, 21622c. ! Whisky firm ; stock light. Richmond, May 21, 1866. We give below the general quotations of this city at wholesale : ALCOHOL.? fS@f5.25 y gallon. Bacon Sides, l?J@li>e. ; ham*, new, 22@23c. ; old, 2o@2lc. ; shoulders, old, ; new, 15|c. ; Virginia ho# round, 17@ l#c. Bctter.? Fair to prim**, 3o@40c. ft. Brandt.? French, flo&f 13 ; apple, <<3.50 ; Philadelphia, ?2.40@*2.75. Beeswax.? In fair demand at 3f!c. ft. Cork i?5c.@fl. Very little in th? market. Corn Mbai ? Bolted, at ft ; unbolted country- j ground meal, 03c. Chresb.? Northern and Western, 23@24c. ; Eng- : lish dairy, 25@3uc. Coffee.? Rio, 2i@2flc. ; Lagaayra, 2-<(g.i2c. ; , Java, 40@42c. ^1 ft. Candi.RS.? Adamantine, light weight, 22c.; full weight, 2l@25c. ; tallow, para fine, 37c. ClDKtt Apple, 35@40c. gallon. Cherries.? Seeded, 25@30c. ^ ft. Concentrated Lye.?1 >3 case of 4 dozen. Cochineal.? f i.4o@fi.so $1 ?>. Cotton.? There is but little cotton Hold in Rich- 1 moml. It may now be quoted nominally at 30c.; Virginia loose lots, 2o@22c. Cotton Cards.? f!2@f 15 ft dozen. Cotton Yarns.? From No. 8 to No. 12, f 2 50 ; from No. 14 to No. 18, *3. DKf'is and Dye Stuffs.? Alum, cjc.; coppt-ras, ! 4c.; madder, Kk..; indigo, fl.So ; extract logwood, H.; sup. car b. soda. 10c.; blue stone, 18c. Dry Goods.? Prices for dry goods remain tin- ? changed, l'rints, l<?@19c.: satinets, 35e.@fl.10 ; | silks, fl.25@t3.25. Sheetings, unbleached, 12J | @29c.; bleached, i2J@45c. ; bleached, New York mills, 50c. Ginghams, 25@42}c. ; stripes, 23@35c. ; ' cambrics, 16@20c. ; cotton flannels, brown and bleached, 35@40c. ; flannels, all wool, 40@42Jc. Hoop skirts, $1 dozen, 15 springs, f 9 ; 20 springs, f 10 ; 30 springs, til. 5o. Balmorals, 1) dozen, $24 @f45. Eons.? 22c. 'p dozen. Feed.? Oats, #o@?3c. ip bushel? rery scarce.? Shipstutf, from the mill, ?0c. bushel. Brownstutf, from the mill, 50c. ^ bushel. Wheat bran, 40c. Corn bran, 30c. Fcrb.? ' The season is so far advanced that there is but little demand for furs. Rabbit skins, 2Jc. apiece ; red fox skins, 62j@75c. apiece ; grey fox, 50@60c.; muskrat, 30c.; raccoon, 25c.; opossum, flc.; mink, dark brown, f2@$2.50; mink, light brown, fl ; wild cat, 25c.; house cat, 10c. ; otter, $J@f5? latter price for the best ; bearer, 50c. ft. - Fbrtilizbrs ? Peruvian Guano, ffc)@f loo qp ton; Pacific Guano, f70 ton ; Patapsco Guano, fes %)ton; Bone Dust, f 55 ^ ton. Fish.? Herrings, Halifax, f5@f5.50 y barrel ; North Carolina, f* V barrel for No. 1 ; f 7 f barrel for No. 2, and ?? half-barrel for No. 1 roe her- I rings. Mackerel, No. 1, f l?.5o@f is ; in kiU, f 2.50; No. 2, fl5.5o@fl6; No. 3, f 11 ; mess shad, in kits, f3. Flax 8EBD.-f2.lo@f2.2o ^ bushel. Flocr.? Market Retire, and prices hare adranced. Virginia family, (nominal,) fl4@f 15 ; Virginia extra, fl2@$l3; superflne, f U.T?@f It ; \ Northern family, fl3.5o@fU; Northern extra, fl2; Northern superflne, flo@flo.5o. The Richmond Inspection stands higher than the Northern. OlNSBKU.? S0c.@3t>c. Hats ? Wool, fO to f!8 dozen, according to quality; fur, f II to f42 fl dozen ; moleskin silk hat*, f "2 y dozen ; dress cassimero hats, foo ^ ?io? sen. iJiDia ? Dry, 10@15?. ; salted, ?^l?c. Hat.? fi.ic^f l.is, from More. Howjuio Our, 9*0#4. I

I?o*.? Inglinh refined Iron, He. f ft. ; covatvjr hammered, 7#. ; Swede*, *?. V ft. J *?ylor'? steel, tsftV*. f %. KiaoMiirt Ou, ?die. f gallon ; retail, 7*9. Lard,? Prime, ttgtlc. In kega, and UQtOv. in tierce* ; family, In kega, Ll??.? #1 ft barrel. Lrnnts.? Yellow pln? board*, #12.5fl#|T5 ; Jolat, long length* ; shingles, thousand ; lath*, $4 yt thousand. Lownow Portrr._?2.75 y doxen for pi nil ; quarts, *4.25@*l.30. Leather ? Sole leather, oak, *><$4oc.; aole leather, hemlock, 1 7($3S?. ; upper, t0@40c.; kip, H doien, $S9@$*o; barneM, ?^35c.; cair skins, ; French, *4o@*d5 ; domestic. *3o^*4o ; morocco, $366*42 ; rough skirting, 2Jftaoc. Molame*.? Common syrup, which Is not so : good as it* name would Imply, 45@35c. ; genuine I golden syrnp, tl.lo@fl.2u ^ gallon ; Cuba and Mas- ? corado molasses, Mc. Nails.? Old Dominion, 7c. Ojuokr.? 92 f barrel. Oil*.? Linseed, $1.7* ; machine, *1?*2.25; sperm, f #2.00^x^3 ; tanners', *l.J5@$l.?e; sweet, t'.SoQ ?9.50 y dozen ; castor, *3.40tf7 $t.6o ft gallon ; Vlr- i glnia lubricating, *5c.f|<$l. Potatoes.? Irish, $3^?* 4 V barrel. Pepper.? *7|Jj}40c. Powder.?**. 5of&*9.5o Tp keg of 25 Its.; blasting powder, In like quantity, WW. 60. Ra?s.? t@tjc. for cotton and linen. No demand for woolen. Rope.? Manilla, best, 22Q 25c. Riri._ lo^lljc. RTB.? ?5c.{j*l ^ bushel. Rack (Iixoer.? 23@30c. RrM.? *3.5ofr?*o %t gallon. SroAR.? Brown, liaise. ; extra "C" and " B", ! I5|^lrtc. ; crushed and pulverized, 17c. ; cut lottf, j He : maple, 12Jc. Salt.? Liverpool, +3.23 sack ; for fine ground alum, *2.25^*2.30. Soap.? Common, 8@9c.; best washing soap, 15c.; toilet, 25c., and fancy prices. Soda.? B1 Carb., l?c.; Sal., 5f?5Jc. Spirits TYrphxtise.? tl.05@#l.l0. Shot.? ?'.'.73 ^(1 bag of 23 fts. Seeds.? Clover. *s ; dull. Timothy, $4. Tar.? 1*3.50 ^ barrel. Teas.? Black, 75c. (5?$1. 25? the last a prime article ; imperial, $1. 75@*2 ; gunpowder, ft@fi.2f. I Tobacco.? The tobacco market continues dull, i and price* for common do not rule high. The market has been stocked with little else but common leaf for some time. Within the last few days, however, the quality of tobacco sold has been better than usual, and good manufactured ha* , brought full prices. Mnnnfacturnl T?h>irr.n : i The unaltered condition of the manufactured j tobacco market for some time past is rather unusual, and we still report the market dull. Though the stock Is full, there Is but little demand for it. We quote fancy brands, old (tax paid), very best and fine, at from 9"c. to *1.23 ft.; new (in bond) very fine fancy, 50c.@*l ^ ft. ; medium old pounds (tax paid), 25@40c. ; sweet old half pounds (tax paid), 4o@a?c. ; sweet old tens (tax paid), ! 25($4ffc.; low grade, unsound, 10@20c. ft. Old tax free are gradually becoming scarco and are in good demand, though prices are low. We can give no better criterion for the prices of ! tobacco than the actual sales, which we give as they took place at the Exchange yesterday, i There were 33 hogsheads opened, is otf<?red, ' and 2 taken in; 3 tiercen were sold at +71, <<21, ; and *'.'3; 2 tubs at $51 each, and 5 boxes at ? l(w>, ifxt, +7", if"0, and *12.23. The hogsheads sold as follows: 1 at *3.50, 1 at *lo.5?>, 1 at *12. 5", 1 at j ?12, 1 at *27, 1 at *11.25, 1 at *?. 1 at *l?, I at [ *20.50, I at *17.50, 2 at *3.10, 1 at *1?.50, l ?t *25, 1 at ! *2", 1 at *7.50, 1 at *3.6". Viw roar.? Cider, 43c.; manufactured, 40c. Wheat.? From *2(g*2.2). Very little coming In J th ? market. Wool.? Unwashed, 25j$30c.; washed, 35c. Very little demand. Wis b.? Port, common, *2.50{?*3. Whiskt.? Common, *2.lo@*2.25; pure Rye,' *3.50@*l.50. Fine brands higher. CATTLE MARKET. The receipts of Virginia cattle are very light, most of the winter grain-fed having been sold, and the grass cattle will not be ready for market for some weeks. Our butchers are buying Haltimore cattle freely. Beef.? Common to fine, <Jc.@7tc. ft, gross ; good to very good, *c .<fi 'Je.: prime, 9c. Sh hep. ?Clipped, 5c.@Cfc. 'ft ft, gross. Lamhs.? From *3 f/" *l ^1 head. Veals.? From **iSr?*13 each, according to sizo and condition. Hons. ? From llc.&13c. ft, net.

1' OFKH K of fHK RlCHMOXD A.10) Li v k Kroo i. Packet Company, > Richmond, May V6, 1SW. j rPIIIS COMPANY being in process 1 of liquidation, all persona having claims against it or the ship VIRGINIA DARE are required to present the ?ame for payment at the otlice of the Company to JOHN PURCELL, uiy if? l in Treasurer. I It E B HI C K, FIRE I? K ICK The New York and Staten Island Fire Brick and Clay Retort Works have constituted SNYDER, BOWERS 4 CO., (of the Richmond Stove and Architectural Iron Works, Richmond, Ya.,) AGENTS, where tliexe celebrated BRICK can at all times be obtained at MANUFACTURER'S PRICE8. They are also agents for 4 McKENZIE S PATENT CUPOLA AND FAN. ap 3<>_iiii () LIVES, SWEET OIL, Ac. Superior SPANISH OLIVES, in quart jars, also in two-gallon kegs ; CAPER S CAPUCIN ES, canton preserved ginger, FRESH SARDINES, in whole and half boxes: VlROIN OIL, in pint bottles? the very best and purest article in market? for sale bv LOUIS J.'BOSSIEUX. my 21 No. 80 Main street. Keep oool and buy one op THOSE CELEBRATED CHARCOAL WaTKRCOOLERS manufactured in this city l?y DAVID PARR & SONS, and for sale at KELLOGO 4 <?IBSONS China Store and UREOORY BROTH ERS Furnishing Store, Main street ; M. EVANS'S China Store, 3 2# Broad street, near Fourth street, and at the Factory, No. 1 Fifteenth street. We warrant them to be'the best Water-Coolers to be had in tbis or any other city. DAVID PARR & SONS, my 1? Im No. 1 Fifteenth street. PERUVIAN GUANO. ONE HUNDRED TONS NO. 1 PERUVIAN GUANo, now ready for delivery, for fate bv ELLETT & ROYSTER, Commission Merchants, my 21? 3t corner Seventh and Ca ry streets. 1 i V V* BEST COMMON AND PA1 ?/' *" /' ' V1NG BRICKS will be sold on rea- i sonable terms from the yard of TURNER 4 PLEASANTS, Twenty-fourth, between Main and Cary streets, j my HOC ] K A ND MOSELLE WIN] l?:s.?A large lot of my own importation just landing and for sale bv oSC'aK CRANZ, No. 2 Exchange Block, my 21? 3t Fourteenth street. STOVES, TINWARE, AND HOL'SElO FURNISHING OOOD8, for sale, wholesale and retail, at reduced prices, by WILLI * AM A. MOUNTCASTLE, mh 20? Sm No. 186 Broad street. VOCAL CLASS.? Classes for young ladies in the RUDIMENTS A Nil SCIENCE OF MUSIC will be given the 1st of April. Tkbjm:TWO DOLLARS PER MONTH IN CLAsS. Apply at the Arlington House, No. 8. inh 30 ? ts I BURNISHING GOODS.? Gentlemen's Undershirts, Drawers, Socks, Suaj>en<ler>?, Ties, Gloves, 4c., in great variety of styles and prices, at wErTENBAKER 4 WILLIAMS', ap 11 105 Main street. Billiard temple.? a restaurant COUNTER will be kept at the BILLIARD TEMPLE, commencing TAlS (Saturday) AFTERNOON. JONES 4 GRISWuLD. mh 31? t* PAINTS. PAINTS.? WHITE LEAD. Linseed Oil, Brushes, Painters' Colors, dry and In oil, for sale by PURCELL, LADD 4 CO my 11 corner Main and Thirteenth streets. NE HUNDRED BARREU3 YIB _ GINIA SUPERFINE FLOUR, 1,000 pounda FEATHERS, N kegs BUTTER, for sale to cloee consignments (rsttj RPOTTS 4 GIBSON. J SALAD OIL. ? SALAD~OTL, pf best | quality, in bottles and flasks, for sale bv PURCELL, LA DI> 4 UO., j my 11 corner Thirteenth and Maiiatree t*. 0 FRESH FRUITS.? Oranges, Lemons. mCoc?u?u, D..?, * ibt1? No. so Main street. JOSEPH J. PLEASANTS, if CIVIL ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR. Orders left at the otBce of the City Engineer or at thla offlce will be promptly attended to. my ? MACARONI AND VERMICELLI.? ITALIAN and AMERICAN MACARONI and VERMICELLI Just f,4||0X, my ?-ta _ M A*ID HRITISH HALF HOSE.? In *U> r?, r> ? good supply Of best ENGLISH COTTON , HALF HOSE, to which we invite a < tent I on. apM WE RTEN BAKER k WILLIAMS j Baltimore alum lime.iu hogsLeads constantly oa hand, for ?ale by my ll u LM 4 PETTYJOHN. riHEESE,? Fifteen boxes GOSHEN tr ??

DfctJCW. IfEDIOlNML fioT ~ pIIENOL 80DIQUE, rm ciifium FRE1TCH HvKJfOSTATIC ANTISEPTIC AID DISINFECTANT. This preparation li recommended aa being INFALLIBLE 15 STOPPING HBMORRHAO*. A prompt remedy for WOUNDS, CUTS, BURN8, CHILLBLAIN8, AND VARIC08E VBIN8. It .excels nil other known external agents nwd fur ? topping hemorrhage, In which It acta almoet instantaneously, without the inconreniance eipa* rieuced from the use of Perchloride of Iron (which pan *e* Inflammation) ; tha cicatrization of the wound take* place rapidly without inflammation or suppuration. It coagulates tha blood and reunite* the severed tissue. For this Invaluable discovery, the Inventor, X. BOBCEUF, was awarded the MOJTTYON PRIZE by the Imperial Institute of France in l*?i. For Kale by C. GENNKT, ?15 Main street, my #? eod2w adjoining Spots wood Hotel. J)R. HUGHES'S CELEBRATED HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIE8! SURE RELIEF AND RELIABLE CURE! Hit unrivalled CHOLERA SPECIFIC wax most triumphantly successful in the cholera in l*4t? and 14M, and is unexcelled in the relief and enre of Cholera Morbus, Di?irrh<ca, Dysentery and Bilious Cramp Colic. Price per bottle, fl.W. Sent by mail, postage paid. HIS CELEBRATED DIPHTHERIA. CROUP. QUINSY, PUTRID AND COMMON SORE THROAT REMEDY is recommended for all sort* of Colds, Cough* and Bronchial A flections, Core Month and Thrush of Infants, Gathered Breasts, and Constipation and Liver Complaint* generally. Price per bottle, ?I.5??. Sent by mall, postage paid. For sale by Ihe city druggists. my 17 ? d&ceodlm SPECIFIC FOR TETTER.? Our "SPECIKIC" will speedily and positively curt the worst cases of Tetter and Ring Worm. Read the following certificate from the popular and wellknown former Inspector of Tobacco at Public Warehouse : Richmond, Va., Apm 12, 18?? Messrs. Meade & Baker : Gentlemen,? I take pleasure in adding my testimony to your "Specitic" for Ring Worm and Tetter. I had been afflicted for at least seven years with a very aggravated and disfiguring totter on both of mv hands, and had tried, in vain, many remedies. One rial of your "Specific" has entirely and effectually cured me, and my hands are now as smooth and fair as any ones. B. J. VAlJGHAN, late Inspector at Public Warehouse. Price, fifty cents a vial. Prepared only by MEADE k BAKER, Practical Pharmaceutists, ap 13 corner Ninth and Franklin streets J OHN W. RISON, APOTHECARY AND DRUGGIST, CORNER OF MAIN AND THIRD STREETS, has in store, and offers low for cash, DRUG8, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, FANCY ARTICLES, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, Ac. mh 10? ts pLEANSE THE BLOOD.? With corV7 runt, disordered, or vitiated Blood you are sick all over. It may burst out In pim*ples, or sores, or in some actiro disease, or it may merely keep you listless, depressed, and good for'nothing. But you cannot 1ihvi> good health while yourbli?od is impure. AYEll'S SABSAPAR1LLA purges out these impurities and stimulates the organs of life irto vigorous action, restoring the health and expelling disease. Hence it rapidly cures a variety of complaints which are caused ny impurity of the Mood, such as Scrofula or King's Evil, Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Bolls. St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter or Salt Rheum. Scald Head, Ring" Worm, Cancer or Cancerous Tumors, Siore Eyes, Female Diseases, such as Retention, Irregularity, Suppression, Whites, SMrilitv, also Syphilis, or V'enerlal Diseases, Liver Complaints, and Heart Diseases. Try aYER'S SARSArARILLA. and see for yourself the surprising activity witn which it cleanses the blood and cures these disorders. During late years the public have been misled by lar?e bottles, nretending to gi ve a quart of Extract of Sar?aparitla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds up >n the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatever. Hence, bitter disappointment has followed the une of the various extracts of Sarsapartlla which flood the market, until the name itself has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound " Sarsaparilla," and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load ot obloquy* which rests upon it. We think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are Irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intended to cure. We can only a.-sure the nick that we offer them the best alterative which we know how to produce, and we have reason to believe it is by far the most effectual purifier of tha blood yet discovered by anybody. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL Is so universally known to surpass every other remedy for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Intfueiiza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumption, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stagee of the disease, that it is useless here to recount the evidence of its virtues. The world knows them. Prepared by J. C. AYKR A CO.. Lowell. Massachusetts and sold by PURCELL, LADD A CO., Drugglsta, Richmond, Va. mh 3i?? 2m

Healthful attractions of THE WASHINGTON SPRING8. VA. ONE KAKK ITKM OK THE Pit OGRESS OF THE PRESBNT CENTURY. Dr. E. J. GOODWIN'S EUTKOPHIC, FOB SCROFULA. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM AND SYPHILIS. The inost unmanageable df*ea?e* which afflict the human race uia<iv to yield satisfactorily and permanently to the method and means, an exposition of which maybe had by reading a concise statement of fact*, in pamphlet form, which I have thought for some time worthy to bo noted by the public generally. The title of this short treatise is " The Special Treatment of Syphilid, Chronic Rlieniuatfstn, and Scrofula, by Dr. E. J. Goodwin, of the Washington Springs." 1 hereby most respectfully and honestly solicit a careful notice of this pamphlet by tb*cla?sof suffering humanity to which it particularly refers, and an attentive reading of its " Supplement," ana the authenticity of its intelligent and professional endorsement. The "Vegetable Eutrophic, " which figures as the most prominent leaturein the pamplilet, constitutes, in the judgment ?>f discriminating physicians and others distinguished for intelligence and a high appreciation of truth and merit, "an important addition" to the remedies now known as the most efficient in the treatment of these diseases. 31 y success in managing these diseases, now conceded to excel any attending the geueral plans of treatment, Is due to my adaptation of the Eutrophic i upon th?* theory which I devised upon early pathological views taken of these maladies. The potency of its efficacy makes it eminently desemng I a rlace among the most reputed standard remedies oi medical record : and I would most conscientiously cLaiui at the fiand* of honorable and iutelli* gent physicians a fair and impartial trial of iu therapeutical value as applied by me iu the control of these diseases. 1 can, on short notice, furnish phvsician* located in towns and cities from dfty to one hundred bottles of the Eutrophic at a cost of three dollars per bottle^ containing thirty ounce*. The long-established mineral resources of the Washington Springs, formerly known as Leech's, affording the best qualities of Sulphur, Aluiu, Chalybeate, and Magnesia, the most remarkable and valuable collection of medicinal waters known to the mountains of Virginia, cannot be otherwise than attractive to ir valuta or both saxes suffering from debilities, diseases of the urinary organs, uterine disordere, skin diseases, diseases of the liver and digestive functions, and *11 affections benefited by a relaxation from domestic habits and pursuits, accompanied by a few weeks' solourn at such a healthful retreat as that of the Washington Springs. Persons visiting the Springe for their mineral advantages will he charged two dollafs per day and twelve dollars per week board. Persons visiting the Springs for medical advice ; and treatment will be charged flv* dollars per week, at specie rates, for board. . Passengers reach the Spring* by the Virginia ! and Tennessee Railroad, stopping at Glade Spring depot, Washington county. No charge for medical service* unless satisfac* i tionil given. . , ... j The altiicted may viait us with the their sojourn shall be succeeded by To live, tat haw no ?e?ci a mltcvvld m A Untiring. B. J. GOODWIN. The VEdlTABLE EUTKOPHIC. ndihe PAMPHLET can be obtained of J. B. WOOD. Drugg 1st, northeast corner of Marshall and Fihh etreeu, Richmond. agent for fro? druggist* rpRUSSES, TRUSSES, of every va- ' H ft BODY BRACB, ABDOMINAL Sl'rPoRTBKS, ELASTIC STOCKING^ DRUGS, MEDIClNEs/sc:, Ac. We have on hand tha largest stock o t TRUSSES i? .h. my ?-4* corner Fourth and Franklin str? 1?. T) RANDY.? Five hair pipes HEND NE8MT BRANDY, vintage Of !*?, from (be London Docks, iust landing In New York, and for sale iu bond or otherwise by 0. CKA> Z, No. t Exchange Bf?c k, my lft? It Fourteenth ?Up<tt. I FR 8 ALE, Mu bales PHI MB TIMOTHT MAT, \ US barwl^BXTR A^BA k'f.RB* FLOUR. \ 8. P. LATMROP, Agent. my t? t* Ilghteenth street, south side of Do. V TjUNE SHIRTS AND COLLA.RSJ? We take pleaiww l? dUwottoi atUmUonto our avgasr

CHA8HIHR0 OF BAlfM AND 1 ?hi b'Hnw tBHiwiBf |b*? tt* ; CsuiS Tft? "15 ^illrilMlHHHk WwfWi, /on rttiiii Manufactory In as food M similar e?ta?ilefcM??lMM^^^^^^^^^| ?7 w UoveMor KtrHPjl^^^^l rxICKEXS^ NBW BOOk. U JOSEPH GRIMaLDI. By CfcadM 7'x ?&w"*lZ*' ?5 ttsrsT? glsristssfl OUR MUTUAL 7B1BND. By Ditksns. $1. MI LET I'M BvBulw-r. II. ? ? TOlI.BRI OF Vhb ska. jfrVfetorH?r>.^^B RECOMMBXDBD To MBRCY. ??. KENNKrT. Br Bayard T?l?. ??.*. I UNDER THE HAND. flj*. I SON OFTHB WJIL. ?? *. _ ., I S!;TB^V?SB?bK irki'e^u. ?..?. ?or?i.?rA B CBWOTI my 10 No. 811 Main ?tr*et, opposite Spots wood. I Me. COAL AND WOOD. qkkat reduction nyjg, PH?ir1ixrufS,-ASH coa {twodollwfirumS^ this date. (**1 **pi md*r eovr. ^ WHIT1 Yard lontb iid? of Ifc* ??f?! I "hall h? plo?ed to supply "7 frU**f?tS*.ES public from th?s yard with Coal npoo V'SAJ?#7 fan rely. fmy tl? <?} *? "? PEMB KT?TON A CREW. dealer* In CO At. AND WOOD, oMee Saventeentfc stl?eC between < *rv and Dock. Beat RBD and WHIT* "u -.wstisnri WOOD. Mb U-tt vnwunn ' ??/ ?ll? VIICK. IWIl ASH ANTHRACITE COAL, for foundry u?e ; CLoVEK HILL RAGE COAL : OAK and PIN" E NcT, JOAL AND WOOD YARD, _ COhSRR 07 SEVENTH AND CANAL 8TREETN? ANTHRACITB and MIDLOTHIAN COAL an l WOOD for tale by BLOOD * PBNDLBTO*. 5. R Orders promptly Iliad. 4* 11? As HOUSE AND 8ION PAOTINO. House and sign paintko.? The undersigned Are prepared to eontrael for an>l -x?cuie all orders for PAINTINQ entrusted to th?*lr care, wllb neatness and dispatch, guaranteeing the beat material and workmanship. SIGN'S neatly, prom[>d^,^and^hw^l^e?ee?y?. Shop Jfrf Main streat, between Seventh and Eighth street*. ahia-Jn H' OUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. REMOVAL. L. L. MONTAGUS * BON have removed to their new building , on TBMTH STREET, between Main and Cary, where they will be pleased to receive order* from their friends and the pnblle generally for HOUSE, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTING in every style. Goo ! work guaranteed. Term* moderate. Ja 24 ? tx L. L. MONTAQPBA BON. FURN ITURE.ETC. HABLI8TON A BROTHER, FURNITURE DBALSRS, would r??*f?ectfully inform their friends and fbmer natrons thut they have resumed business at their NEW STORE, on Canr street, between Ninth and Tenth, vh'.Te they will bs happy to see them, and will fuinUh anything in their line at reasonable PriC M'HABLI8TON * BROTHBR, Cary streets, my ? _ between H tilth and Tenth. CABINET FURNITURE. FINE HOME MADE FURNITURE. I wish to inform my old customera ?n 1 the publlo generally that I have <>n hand a g?o<I assortment of FI VE FURNITURE, OF MY OWN MAKE, which 1 will 8?ll as low as can be bought elsewhere. of ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY, and WaLNUT? the workmanship and polish of which eannot be surpasssed by any. I an prepared to execute all orders promptly. REPAIRING and BOXING neatly and carefully done. . Inmv UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT maybe found all kinds of COFFINS, both WOOD and MBTAL. with the fln?>*t handles and trimmings. Also, Al K-TJG IIT CASKS, for transporting the deail. 1 will five my personal attention to this branch of husiuess at all hours. H. A. ATKINSON, (of the old firm of Belrin 4 Atkinson.) Governor street, above Franklin, Rlchmoud, Va. ap - ts ?

IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRIES. 1^0 AND CONTRACire.i to furnish you with ATINGS, BUILDERS ToRS._We are YAOLT DO? VBU?DABS.FISCn(0 and every variety of FORGING FOK HOUSE WORK, at NORTHER* PRICBS. Call Hiid nee us before contracting. ARCHER A GOODWIN, Vulcan Iron Work*, ap 3 3m corner of Byrd and Sixth streets rPOBACCO FACTORY MACHINERY. 1 SCREWS AND PKKS8ES, FLATTENING MILLS. Ac., Ac., tuad>) and repaired in the moat thorough and work* manlike manner, and WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION, at the Work* of THE UNION MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Cart stkkbt, bblow Fiftkbktb stbbbt, where Ms. JOHN HANCOCK. wh<> ha* been engaged expressly for this work, will l?o hapnv to s.-e his old friends and customers, rnnniiv the ohlt tt and best TOBACCO MANUrACTOKER?_OF RICHMOND. ah l~t* Brass foundry.? i would Inform my old customer* and the pabllc gene* rally that my BRASS FOUNDRY is again In operation, and that I am prepared to fill all order* in m j line promptly and on favorable terms. The Foandnr i? ?n Gary street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth ? trusts. Jh 23? ts W. F. JINKINS. T D. BROWNE would rtmpectfullj 99 , announce that be has resumed boatneM on Bank street, near Ninth. * ' "* * an.i repair IRON RAI* " TING. VAULT and hr. will REPAIR PRESSES and LIGHT MACHINERY of all naoa ami in addition thereto, having superior facflDtee. will execute all orders for GUNSMITH'S WOR^ OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, and RBPA1R IRON SAFES and LOCKS. Orders respectfully solicited. J*8_t* ARINE iron and BRASS FOUNDRY. The subscribers have associated themselves together for the purpose of eondDcllogthe IRON AND BHaSS F0UNDRYNUSIVB8S in all its br*n*hee. The* solicit the patronage of th'lr friends and the public federally. We have procured HOLLOW WARE from original patterns, and as we intend to make that oar principal business, we are prepared to reeelve order*, and fill theia promptly, at Baltimore price*. Location on Dock street, below the York River d#<%HPAlD FOR OLD IR0N.BRAS8 and COP* PER. ALFRED I. LEE. de ll-ta WILLIAM L. COX. M DENTISTRY. TOHNMAHONY, DENTIST, for *1 nany yntraamoelated with Dr. Job* 0. Watt, respectfully inform* hi* old patron* and all otbera w homay nt ed hUMirice* lIwhehasre?oved hie F1CK froia Fourth street, and can now ha found in all OF r IV/n innq rouim m ^ ^ at his RESIOSNCS, ??Mala street, between and Seventh. Will practice hi* profsaaioo its br.ineh#?>. ARTIFICIAL TEETH inserted on YaleanlU, Gold, and Silver. Offlce open at ALL HOURS. . The highest price paid for OLD GOLD PlATI. - ap31 IP DAVISON, 1 . SUROfeor DENTIST Otfee and residence on Main afreet, ??nth ai:rf Twelfth, Jest below the ? - t. -ss Db8DRG1 7^h?^ PatieuU Tv^ the eo with hna at his residence wiUoat^M In i inn ami iliim ?OBes on tare* of thaJPHffHPMBMHMIHB||i diseases of the woatf. aUealM to PfOftljr the moai careful and thorough manner. ?PB 9Bk Maxillary Bonea. Clef! Palate, and. at) OBea oa mala Arlington Hoaaa. T RENTAL NCmCM having r**oTered hfaBM uraeUee faliy tiente, aHVOT^9"S a afwSffisB? #r\wi t