Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 215, 24 May 1866 — Page 3

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\;iilunoiul m siHV MA V 21. 1*66. , ...liHionl to Ihc Dlnjuilrh. * '?.??rninpr t!io Dispatch pub. t< e ot lis eoteiilpol'arics. the !i? v^ lVih r.il Tax bill *hieh : < at staple prod net of Vii - , . pies ,?1 the were, ; .liteiiess of our estimable Y . W h i mm Su? itarh, laid : . t : !k Tobaeco Kxehange irlcli'llt C. TIlC tlocUtllOMl , ; : i irr.j riant bearing upon i . aid its prompt pnblica- , tviated b\ t lie tobacco :i . vii. s wore opened, the 1 ? i . ?!. J he \ cneralde M r. ? \i ?! that .1 \oteof thanks tin editors of the Dispnfch } in pro, uring. and their diing. this Tax bill to the :< '.i was adopted without > v? r\ agreeable to have i : i?< appreciated, and ? **j ?*?- ha\e the app;eeiation of a Mell.geiit and liberal gentle. ? i n** i: u; i in U' ? ud ?>! the A * I* *?' / \? hange. I ?. 4 r< n^li?H< ol lluuoter 4 oiuil* . : aged and proiuiiH'nt fitiwii hat) '.Jr. ( returning ::.i t ! ret '\ eek ?> ago, was - \ ere illness while on the I. lb- vp? lit the night in ] \ well enough to g?> on the ! >ii,e oi" his so ii, J. 1{. , !. les troin town, hoping ?me in llar.over. Aftei tiotis in his disease, lie died ! last. ? trong nat ural sen^e and , \ .? ti\e i:i the duties ol' a - < t y. particularly in tiie ?? ? 1 neat ion, and prominent a* a s. , [ V ,,j J* , ionds. I le j'ineuiberid by the poor, ? hi assisted ; and some of the ,:i wliieh he made cvtraordi,:y v.ieritiees tor his religious . I II'. I s... .<! l?. forgotten b\ his i :? How citizens. Under the if 1 u*. 'ie? of the preeepts whieh lie .1 - eh araeti r gradually softened, \ i; reaped, and his eheei fulness ? < ltd devotion to wot Us of he ? t iii oj* * in mite : I ill lir passed ?y. . ii " old man and lull <?} ! :.ad lived t:\e years beyond :t e -core and ten," and !i two wars. In the liM of o ' Hi red before he joined the i ielids. he was a volunteer in < ! his eountry. being a promi- ? i lie Hanover ea\alr\ in tin* I *' !: I?l < ls|< A<; AINST A TksT ' ? ; ? ? ? t 1 1 si svjoii ol the Ciir Hampshire eoimty, West Ii \ k ! i! ? whom many of 1 re? i N't t as a messenger ;s ot his State to the Ma. I."dgt "I Virginia at its h:*t uii? -d his decision upon the . - t - to take t he t< si oat h . i Ii t and t mphatic laiiin \ iolatioii of the Federal ?t it ut ion s, violates the > s i .in t ioVerniiH nt . and is _.il a- d ii i obligation."

:i ; { :uoi k<?. I ' . i: i. i:?.. May 215, ISM. : C< ?*! rt . ?) nd;-'' * "nambei s prei . .. . I sprint-' term ill this v iii'iir. Ek v CU tl'ttl' hills . , ,, ; io:,\ v ? . ? !? ? 1 1 !?< i by the ,,j , j H" ? i i > w i-rv cn- .? <) A illg to the number "i expected trials, almost . ; i it liin tli*' limits "i 1 1 ? ? ? ha> U??Mi summoned on on* : ? . . .< I >? 1 ?"i:-?'<Jll"lit I V . j.l.t i ??i p"'i ^"as were in ati . , , j s \. . !'*? 1 1 i? <1, one of a ? iict of a ? olored man, who , , ,i - the penitentiary i<?r one \ , i - 1 1 -)k ctively. It is Ik - ? II v. ill I ;> ]'IOtf.'Ct< <l |t ? hi ii i v\ i i'fu w father conies ? v . ut torn i-ts. attracted by ? \i-i? the lines and fortifh-u 1 |\ tersburg. Last year the . i,.,; t . . ! . ( Oiuputed. 1 here - - mat \ tin present season. :>> come 1 1 ? memorable v. ?'ii enacted in thi> vicinity 1 ;-? ? cult ; : m?- to draw visitors ii;i r ."4 > i as a \<-*ti^u re- . ,iii, i ' 1 1 i ? t ork, or redan. i? , n .t * ? i te< t in. iriia i? ?r lain* , ; ; , ; s plate for the ! i t liiOlltll I ; ..<??? now in pi ogress at Lii. .i t .<? I . j. - lit oi i lie Orphan ,i ? !!;?:-?? ?pal c-.'w ? he^ eclipses -??rs. I lie rtK >iu it sell is m! t.? t !.?? pmpo-e, being i . i-. w ith a lofty pitch, and l?\ > i 1 < ? 1 1' - h .v 1 1 1 "_r a hand* ? ?ui?At ; . ,1 t it i - illuminated by ? I i le Iters. 1 he ladies ?? I i! in the most elaborate \ i e wrgrcetis, wreaths and i . .i > . I, a magnificent floral ii t e j.i.i! i. riu. beneath every - .n ? mi i .? ! ? l l<> w ic iunumc- * ?' 1 1 .? it * <-i distinguished south. ? .? i:. i ?t< ?tu?Mi ? those ol Lee ?:i mostly uliuniKliiig. Thai of I *i ; set iff at F' 'it less Monti 'i*f a\ ei > i?l t'i> | euple daih I'tii | i < ? u< * . > among i '? number. ?> ? ? ? ? r i t I to jmi y a graceful ' 'iMu and exalted worth, atnl - for 1 1 . ' ? "Lost Cause" are t s? ? ?? \ suitable occasion. "i tiie-c institutions in raisiti'lctl, course, on t he ? 5 1 ' ? ? ? ? ? t la i ;/<? assemblages of l ' l" tli st'Xi'n, who mingle ..mil. : ?? ti "UM-.an'l arc there. '? spired with a spirit ? >i generosity. It . i !.i> i'u . tp Mil.jeet them to v!" 'l'"1- n.-s.y persons entertain . i je? t i",.i !m l!? j;?, Ml tju,y ,ju ueing and theatrical viitcrtaiutuents. all atrie?l\ witblii the cutngorv u semen ts, and as such ? though lia- . 1 1 .it a I ?use ? n ill tnaiiituin their poiMitil old heads shall l?? fuund to >ouug shoulders, >nowi?kn. H: ;HT8 ? Hefobk Imti-.ii St.mks i Cot HT, \Vm. F. Giles, Dis. Ji in,;. . ? Ah rou Bradley, colored, t> )h- a member of the legal pro. ''.milled to the Suffolk bar of >l?eare(l as a citizen of the I'nitcd t:mler the civil lights hill before t, with a petition ior an injunction .. u t li?- Ciiv Passenger Kailway ? from passing through Lexington '?? :h<- Do.ijr lass Institute, for failing ? ; iv u ith the terms of their charter, ?I'idge (iiles, after listening very pa- ? to all the petitioner had to say, that the Tinted States Court had no ? tin ii in the premises, and lhat the I ' ' t tiihiinul in eases of assault was the ' " . il Court of Baltimore, Upou which t *lif nitled colored Bobton Uwyer re- # '-ltd. ? Ha tui.Qrc Hun,

LATEST NEWS BY MAIL. A Negro Sures a Railroad Company in Two Courts Under the Civil Rights Act- He is Non-suited. Aaron Bradly, colored lawyer, representing himself as a member of the Suffolk bar, Boston, instituted a suit before Justice Hayward, claiming damages from the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company for refusing to comply with the terms of a contract by which he paid $1.50 to be transported from Washington to Baltimore.The plaintiff alleges that he was ejected from a car, in contempt of a law of the United States, on account of his color, race, &e., and brings a civil action to recover the amount of his fare, and damages laid at one hundred dollars. J.H.B. Latrohe appeared for the defendant. He stated that under the laws of the State the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company derived authority to make rules and regulations for the government of travel. They had absolute authority to refuse white men the privilege of entering ears occupied by ladies. He had never heard that white men ever questioned the propriety of their rules which were adopted for the sole purpose of contributing to the general pleasure of travellers on that great highway to the west. Justice Hayward, after listening to the argument in the ease, entered a judgment of non pros., which is supposed to mean that there was no cause of action. Baltimore Sun, 23rd. - ? Mr. Hcwiirtl at AiiHlirn ? II in Speech on !S nt iotutl llliiirs - Hit' l.lleolllie >nI ion llniiffs on *? Reconciliation in Pence." Anuu\, May 22. ? Secretary Seward delivered a lengthy speech ou national affairs .it Coming Hall, this evening, before a crowded audience. Mr. Seward, referring to his (h toher visit t-* Auhurn, said that then we were on the verge of a series o| elections throughout tin Mates. The leaders who pertinaciously claim t<> he democratic organized with their customary machinery and ovations. They had wisely cea>ed to denounce as a failure the war t >r the Union, which at last became a glo. riotis success. I hey thought to undermine the distinctive pattv of the I'nion hv atfccting a new-horn admiration for its chief, Andrew Johnson. 1 hey seemed anxious to prove their devotion superior to ? ill is by committing themselves t?> support him a s a candidate lor the Presidency in |sr,sf They inscribed our administration motto* s of rccoiistrtiet ion upon their new-ly-wrought banners, an I reorganizing their straggling lines as well as they could so hastily , they vehemently charged onward lor partiz.au, not a patriotic, victory. What led the Democratic leaders to make this change was the striking, 1 may call the marvelous, phenomenon which was just then exhibited in the seenc of t he recent rebellion. The whole disloyal community int!';it blighted and desolated region accepting the conditions of partial amnesty and the invitations to returning allegiance whieh were proclaimed by the administration. all at once renounced the principles, practices, and policy of secession and dis. union, tendered us a new covenant o| h?yaltv, and sealed it with their oaths, and brought forward with alacrity the remains of their loiig-cherislicd institution of slavery, and cheerfully threw it to be burned upon the constitutional altar which they had so newly restored. These unexpected changes in the attitude of political adversaries, and so ohsti. nate, naturally enough excited suspicions, jealousies, ate! appri hensions among loyal and tried Union men. It was the old ease of William of Orange, who having in civil war put down the toi ics, afterwards found it necessary to cede to repenting Jacobites and Papists the rights of citizenship. It is the ease which has ever occurred and which must forever more occur at the end of a successful resistance to rebellion. Uow could Pemoerats and rebels be converted to the support of a triumphant I'nion administration.' The work of reconciliation has outrun expectation. Indeed. it has never had a parallel in human allairs. Willi internal commotions and disturbances less serious than those which .sometimes attend popular elections in a free country in a time "t profound pence, the heretofore disloyal people of Virginia. Ten U' ssi'c, North ( arolina, South Carolina, ' ieorgia, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana. Florida, and Texas, successfully. ii;?v. almost coiistit tlions in conlorniity with the Constitution of the United Stat < They upturned the rebellion with all its far-spreading roots, and all its poisonous fruits, and they accepted and ratilicd the then pending c? ngivssional amendmeiit to the Constitution of the I'nitcd States which abolishes slavery thenceforth, forever. The people oi these States have at the same time chosen lor themselves, byfree and uncontrolled sulfrage, governors, legi." latui'es. judiciaries and muni* ipal authorities. Between the Federal (iovcrnn. 'tit and these restored and reorganized State governments there exists now a more complete and practical harmony than has ever before been presented between the I'nion and so many of its members since it was til's t established. Within this period the executive departim lit of the L' nit d States has as-mined its functions among the people of these former disloyal States, I he State department speaks for them, with their tree consent, to principalities and powers. The treasury collected the national imposts and taxes there, the war department distributes forces \ believer and wherever it seems necessary and expedient to guarantee peace between the inveterate but last expiring factions. The navy of the I'nitcd States rides freely in all their captured ports and harbors. The post.otlice circulates through every vein and artery there the knowledge which is the revivifying blood of a united republic. The people of the lately disloyal States, desiring to pass the last stage of restoration as speedily as possible, have chosen Senators to represent tlietn in the Senate, and members to answer for them in the House ot Bepresentatives, and those Bepresciitatives are daily meeting at the citpitol. Throughout the loyal States industry is more vigorous and effective than ever before. In the lately disloyal States, capital and labor, combining and cooperating under a Iree contract system ? which, to them, is altogether new ? are beginning with success to obliterate the traces of ruin and devastation. The feature ot* allairs which disturbs the public mind is a supposed divergence between the President and tin1 representatives in Congress ot the National i'nion party, from which he and they have delived their respective but coordinate powers. 1 agree that ii is altogether easier ami altogether moie desirable that the work of reconstruction, so happily begun, and so successfully prosecuted heretofore, shall he continued and ended under the auspices of the National I'nion party, and of the President and Congress, as the representatives of that party. I agree, therefore, that it would be a sad misfortune if divergence between the President and Congress should work a decline and downfall of the National Union party. It is dear to me, for J am identified with its rapid rise, its majestic progress, and its glorious work. Both the President and Congress might well expect to be equally involved in the calamity which should dismiss the Union party from the national councils, and see w ith mortification the great responsibilities to which the party had, in that ease, proved itself unequal, assumed and discharged by some new, yet undeveloped, political organization. But President, Congress, statesmen, and parties are of no real account, in my estimation. when weighed against the national life. Th? national life kttJy bung on (he ) i

issue of victory won in war. It now hangs on tho issue of reconciliation in pcace. The nation must live forever, whether it receive the needed care in any emergency at the hand of one President, Congress or party, or at the hands of another. 1 reasoned in this way about the triumph of the war. I reason in the same way now in regard to reconciliation and peace. I expect that in a year hence I shall be found to he right now, an I nm now admitted to have heen right one year, two years, three years ago. 1 don't think, how. ever, that there in any necessity for separation between the President, the Congress, and the party of the Union. I admit that the jealousies and suspicions of the last summer were only temporarily allayed? not extinguished? by the elections of November. They have been sedulously cherished and increased until they have revealed themselves in inflammatory debates in the press and popular assemblies. I admit that the National I'nion party in Congress has yet been unable either to accept or reject the counsels of tiie President. A wide and enduring separation cannot, however, be made between Congress and the President without having tor its groove a serious difference upon some cardinal political question*. At this point it will be well to settle for yourselves what it i> that we are desiring to see etlectcd by the President and Con- ! gress. We all agree that we desire and i seek just what this nation needs at the present juncture. We cannot accept less than this, because it would leave us still, if not desolate, at least, a disturbed and distracted country. We cannot require more, 'because even it more were desirable, yet that more is debateable, and must be the study and the work, not of ourselves at this particular period, but of ourselves and our successors hereafter. What, then, does the country actually need ? Most persons say reconstruction. I think it needs no such thing. The country is reconstructed already. It was constructed in 1 7> 1 . As then, constructed it was a I'nion of thirteen States, since multiplied to thirty-six free, ei|Ual, separate, self-acting, and, in repaid to internal aflairs, self-governing States. W e do not reconstruct that which has not been destroyed. There has, indeed, been an attempt at destruction, but it has failed. The political system of 17>7, constructed bv our forefathers, stands now linn, compact, complete and perfect, just as it came from the builders' hands. It was constructed not for eighty years only, nor yet tbr a period of civil war only, but for all alternating conditions of peace and war. and for ail ages and all time. Others say, what the country needs is the restoration of the anatomy of the nation. I think it needs no such thing. We have passed that point. The southern States, during four years, were deranged and disorganized equally in their constitutional relations to the I'nion. They have, however, since that time reorganized, Their organic powers and functions have been rcuc wed, and they have resumed their constitutional relation of allegiance to the I'nion. What, then, does the nation need f It needs just what I have dwelt upon so much and so earnestly in these re. marks. It needs reconciliation, and just now needs nothing more. It needs, more, over, a very little of this. It needs a reconciliation between the Senators of the Cnited States who are now acting and those Senators who, being loyal and qualiiied for membership of the Senate, had been already, or may hereafter be, elected by the people of the several States which were lately involved in the rebellion. It needs :? reconciliationof the same kind between the members of the House of He. presentat ives who arc now acting and loyal members already elected, or to be elected, by the people in the sumc*bcforcmciit ioned States. It needs just this congrcssional reconciliation, and nothing more. '" course, 1 recognize the fact that the ' separation which exists between the acting Senators and acting Representatives and those loyal Senators and Representatives who are already, or may hereafter he, elected in the southern States is understood to indicate a corresponding alienation between the constituents of these parties respectively : hut this does not all'ect the view I have taken of the ease. It only shows what i- wanted is rccouciliati* ,i between the alienated constituents, as well as between separate representatives. Let the reconciliation b<* made first, either in < 'ongress or in any of the constituencies, and it will follow in the other place immediately. The country cxhihitsat this moment this extraordinary and interesting phenomenon ? .t nation of States not only kindred, but allied, yet hostile to each other. For such a condition mutual reconciliation is the only practical remedy. We are prepared now to ask what hinders the application of the remedy in the legislative councils.' 1 he President *> posit ion is absolutely taken, well defined, and universally understood, It is this, namely : That so far and so fast as the unrepresented States present themselves in a loyal attitude by Kcpresetita. tives unquestionably loyal, they are en. titled to representation in Congress, equal, ly with all other States, and just as well a* if there had been no rebellion. The Representat ives of the National I'nion party in Congress do not agree with the Presi. dent, but 1 think they differ only in regard to non-essentials.

Correspondence of Baltimore Sun. Passage of the Bankrupt Bill- Its Character- Mr. Sherman on the Funding Bill- The Indictment against Mr. Davis- Attorney General's Opinion of it &e. The bankrupt bill has passed the House, and will undoubtedly pass the Senate. The creditor no less than the debtor interest favors the measure. It is intended as a permanent system, taking the place of State bankrupt and insolvent laws. It is to regulate, by a uniform code, the relations between debtor and creditor in the United States. This act does away entirely with all that remains in any of the States of imprisonment for debt. The criminal code of each State covers all cases of fraud, and this bill is so well guarded as to discourage instead of inviting fraud. as the insolvent laws often do. Mr. Sherman has made an elaborate speech to-day in the Senate in explanation 1 and support of the funding bill, lit* maintained with ability and earnestness the' right and privilege, under the Constitution, of the I nited States Government to an entire exemption of its securities from Stat* ?>r other taxation, even without any positive stipulation in the law creating such j obligation. Since the return of Mr. Speed, the At-torney-General, to the city, he has had interviews with the President on the subject of the proposed trial of Jefferson Davis. The law-ollicer of the Government does not, it is said, think the Norfolk indictment of Davis as sufficient. This indictment is under the law of 1791, which punishes treason with death. There is another law, passed in 1861, for the punishment of sedition or insurrection, the penalty of which is fine and imprisonment for one year, with or without hard labor. Iota. .Major General Bailer? Baptist Missionary Society. Boston', May 22. ? The State Senate elected to-day General B. F. Butler, of Lowell, to be Major General of Massachusetts, under the new militia organization. The American Baptists Missionary Union commenced their anniversary session today. lion. Ira Harris, president, indicated his purpose of retiring l'rpm office. The treasurer's report shows the receipts of the year to have been $170,000. The missionary labor* of the society in foreign eountries ippwr toprour?## Ittvonblyi Washington-, May 22, lM'ifi.

Another Eflbrt n? Rr*torntfon. It will be seen from the following order, that the President, in appointing the Visitors to West Point Academy, named one from each of the States of Virginia, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Arkansas, not one of which States, according to the Radical theory, is in the Union. Mr. Barbour is the Congressman elect from the Richmond district? a fact which attaches a double significance to his selection. No better appointment could have been made. VISITORS TO WEST POINT. War Department, j Adjutant-General's Office, > JVashi.voTON, May 22, I860. ) The resident has appointed the follow, ing-named persons to be visitors at the approaching examination at the United States Military Academy at West Point, commencing on the first Monday in June : For the State of Vermont, Rev. John Newman ; Rhode Island, Thomas G. Tur- j ner, of Providence ; New Jersey, General L. Pcrine, of Trenton ; Pennsylvania, Wil- 1 liam F.Johnson, of Pittsburg; Delaware, William S. Macaullev, Jr., of Wilmington ; Virginia, Hon. U.J. Barbour; Florida, Hon. William Marion; Mississippi, ; Arkaus;iV*4|,?n. Josiah Snow; Texas, Major Anson L. Mills, of Washington; Missouri, General J. G. Stevenson; Tennessee, Judge S. J. W. Lnckey ; Kentucky, Judge Embrec : Indiana, John L. Campbell ; Illinois, Dr. Joseph M. Ralston, ofQuiney; Wisconsin, John G. McMynn ; Kansas, j Colonel John P. Martin, of Atchison ; Oregon, Hon. J. W . Ncsniith. The persons appointed will report themselves to Brevet Ma jor-Gencral Culluin, on j their arrival at West Point. By order of the President of the United States. E. D. Townsend, Assistant Adjutant-( Jcneral. Fenian Exploit. Eastport, Me., May 22. ? Two boats, loaded with supposed Fenians, ellected a t landing on Indian island last night, and several rounds of shot were exchanged. The British war steamer Niger returned ' from Campo Bcllo for the scene of action, ! when the Fenians retreated. tlore Shipment* of Specie Eiperted. New Vork, May 22. ? Private advices per steamer Cuba, from Europe, indicate that a large amount of United States jivetwenties were received by her, and the ; shipment hence of specie by to-morrow's steamer is expected to equal that of last i Wednesday. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sail, t'liurcli ISiirnt. IIauerstown, Md., May 22. ? The Episcopal Church in this plaet ? the only church of that denomination here ? Rev. Mr. Ed- ; wards, rector, was entirely consumed by tire yesterday. The church organ and some other church furniture were saved in a damaged condition. New Yokk Cholera Report ? Hospital 1 Sine, May 20. ? N<? admissions or deaths j since the last report. All the passengers on the Virginia, Illinois, Portsmouth, and Saratoga are in good health. The steamship Virginia came up to the city last evening from the lower quarantine. ? Thins.

WASHINGTON IIKM.N. PARDOXED. The President yesterday granted a pardon to .1. H. Palmer, of Murfreesboro', Tenn., formerly a brigadier-general in the rebel army, upon the strongest recommendations. ? Sl<tr. Til K Ul'ADH of CKNKUAI,. T!ie Military Committee of the Senate have at length resolved to report favorably upon the House bill creating the grade of j general in the army, with increased compensation, &c. M I X I ST K It CAMPBELL will not receive his instructions until the return of Secretary Seward, if then. In- ! deed, it' rumor speaks truly, there is a cauldron boiling which mav make it necessary to postpone all action with reference to ; Mexico for the present, and perhaps until ' answers to late dispatches forwarded to J France have been received. A war in ; Continental Europe will be apt to settle , the fate of the Mexican Kmpire without another dash of Mr. Seward's pen, or any further explanations from the Foreign Oflice of the French capital. coxxectutt t'xrri:i> states senator. ! f The breach is reported to be healed, and , General Ferry, it is understood, will be j chosen Senator at the next balloting. SANTA ANNA'S MISSION*. The Mexican legation here profess to ' have positive proof that Santa Anna's mission to this country is undertaken in the I interest of Maximilian, and that its object is the betrayal of the Liberal cause. Santa , Anna is expected here this week. FIXAXf I II. AM) < OMHFIU'IAL. [ Tobacco Exchange, May 23, 18GG. There were 115 hogsheads opened i to-day, .*>7 oll'ered, 11 taken in, and It! sold ! as follows: 1 at ?5.20, 1 at $4.40, 1 at $4.1)0, 1 at ?4.20, 1 at ?33, 1 at ?g.75, 1 at ?7.50, 1 at ?12, I at ?8, I at ?7.75, 2 at ?15, 1 at ?20, 1 at ?21.50, 1 at ?11, 1 at j ?4.00, 1 at ?11.50, 1 at ?0, 1 at ?5.1)0, 1 at 1 ?l?l, 1 at ?15.50, I at ?l).50, 1 at ?10, 1 at j ?10.50, 1 at ?10, 1 at ?21.50, 2 at ?18.50, 1 : at ?3.70, I at ?17.50, 2 at ?17, 1 at $#.75, 1 at ?.'j.f?0, 1 at ?l?.?, I at ?7.25, 1 at ?8.75, 1 i at ?5, 1 at ?3.40, 1 at ?0, 1 at ?'J, 1 at ?15, 1 at ?10, 1 at ?0.25, 1 at ?17, 1 at ?14.25. NEW YOKK. In New York, on Monday, the Government sold, it is said, $15,000,000 in gold at j 1 .'to 1 H "1 1 :?0 1 ,. The Cuba's news was known in the gold-room at 4:30, I\ M., after which the Government sold ?2.000,000 to meet ; the demand at 130,1 H' ft 130 '4. Afterwards, sales were made at 131 133, not bv the Government, however. The reader knows already that on Tuesday 1337j{ was the maximum, and it may be presumed the Government had withdrawn from the marjket. I To-day the market opeu^l at 137. Ntw York, May 23. ? Cotton firm and , advanced 1c. ; sales, 4,000 bales at 39@41c. Flour firm and 10*' 15c. higher ; Southern, ?10.70?$10.75. Wheat quiet and advanced 2/'3e. Corn advanced lc. I'ork steady; mess, ?30.50. Sugar advanced J.j,e. Coffee buoyant and higher. Naval stores quiet. Turpentine, 92 '^@1)50. Gold, ?1.37. 1 The business of the Xew York banks last week was very steady. There was a decrease in specie, according to their statement, of ?374,1)37, while legal tenders in. i creased ?f?C.9,4 48. The loans decreased ?1,930,854, and net deposites ?123,124. Money was not quite much in excess as i it had been ; but was pretty freely loaned j at from 4 to 5, and 6 f ccnt. Stocks left I otf'tirm Monday, notwithstanding there was a disposition to sell after the arrival of the Cuba's news reporting that Government i five-twenty bonds were, in London, on the ? 11th, down to 640G5 ; but afterwards im- ' proved to G56GG. REDEMPTION OF CERTIFICATES. Washington, May 22.? Official notice is given to the holders of certificates of indebtedness, issued under the act of ConI gress, approved March 1st and 17th, 1802, I that t be Secretary of tUe Treasury, in ac.

cordance with said arts and the tenor of said certificates, is prepared to redeem, before maturity, all certificates of indebtedness falling due in June, July or August, with accrued interest thereon, if presented b?r redemption on or before May 31, find that thereafter such certificates will j cease to bear interest, and will be paid on ! presentation at this department with ini terest only from said 31st instant. The panic in London, etc. Upon the announcement of the heavy failures in London, an immense excitement was produced, which exceeded anything of the kind since 1825. On Friday, the 11th, the Bank of England extended its loans until they exceeded four millions of pounds. Its reserves were reduced three millions, and the government suspended its charter to enable it to advance the rate of interest. Mr. Gladstone announced the action of ! the Government in Parliament at midnight on Friday. The bankers had represented j to him that that panic in the city was withJ out parallel in the financial history of the country. Mr. G. stated that the Govern- ! ment had informed the Bank that if it was found necessary in the effort to relieve the i commercial community to issue notes be- : vend the amount allowed by the charter, j it should not hesitate, and that GovernI ment would appeal to Parliament for an j act of indemnity. There was a better state of feeling on the 12th, and cotton, which had declined a I week previous, recovered the decline and ; was firm. In the Liverpool cotton market there was an increased panic at the commencement | on Friday (May 11), but less unsteadiness I at the close. At Manchester there was a complete ' pause. ? At Glasgow the iron brokers resolved to ' suspend business till Monday. In the produce markets at London prices i were almost wholly nominal. Taking into account the depreciation ; that has simultaneously occurred in English funds, railway and foreign securities, &c., the diminution in the market value of this ; property since the beginning of the year may be considered to reach one hundred and thirty millions sterling, to say nothing of the losses on cotton, cotton goods, iron I and other articles.

AMUSEMENTS. |tf"E\V RICHMOND THEATRE. S. B. DUFF1ELD Ma.vaheb. FAREWELL BENEFIT AND I.AST NIGHT OF Mr. AND Mr*. GOMERSAL. THURSDAY EVENING, May 21, 1"18. THE DANCING BARBER. Narcissi** Mb. W. GOMERSAL. FOl'K SISTERS. Cakhmne Mtrtox, (with songs) Mrs. W. GOMERSAL. DA.vcK Miss K ATE PA KTINGTON' . MR. AND MRS. PETER WHITE. TO-MORROW (FRIDAY) Hist night of Mis*. CHEsTNEY. my 21 ? It OAK WOOD MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. TABLEAUX AT VIRGINIA HALL, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, May 24 and 2.*, H63. r&lxiRAMMK FOR THTRSDAY. Scene 1 ? Night and Morning Scene 2? I.or I Ru^ssll taking leave of his Family the night before his execution. Scene 3? F.tiih. 1 1 ? ?j??* and Charity? statuary. Scene 4 ? The Rustic Luvor. Scene 5 ? Joan ot Arc. Scene 6 ? Fairy's Grotto. See no 7? Milton ami his Daughter* ? Statuary. Scene #? Paddy's Wooing? Charade. Scene ?? Artist's Studio. Scene 1" ? Justice and MercyScene 11? Resting after a Run? Statuary. Scone 12 ? Gin-y Camp. Scene 13? Release of the Corsair. Scene 11? Crowning of Sappho? Statuary. Scene 13 ? The Capti ves? ( An Indian Scene). Scene M? Paul Pry. PRU'iRAMMK For FRIDAY XI'iHT. Scene 1? The Soldier's Dream. Scene 2 ? Bower of Rosea. Scene 3? Ba-ht'ul Beggars? Statuary. Scene 4? The Polish Exiles. Scene 3? France, or the " Reign of Terror." Scene " ? Tin* Faithless Malay. Scene T ? Justice, Mercy and Peace? Statuary. Scene # ? Charade. Scene t?? The Habvlonish Captives. Scene 10? The Novice takim; the Veil. Scene 11? Highland Mary? Statuary. Scene 12? Mazeppa. Scene 13 ? Hiawatha's Wooing. Sc-ne 14? Burial of .Mr. Rat. Scene 15? The Maiden's Prayer? Statuary. Scene lrf? Gipsy Scene. SMITH'S BRASS BAND WILL IIE IN ATTENDANCE. TICKETS OF ADMISSION FIFTY CENTS. my 24 DOST l'ONE M ENT. THE CONCERT AND READING BY Me. l. p. wheat, late from the Conservatories of Leipsic and Paris, and Mb. T. C. DkLEON, AT VIRGINIA HALL, NINTH STREET, is POSTPONED until SATURDAY EVENING, May 26, when the proceeds will he divided with THE memorial ASSOCIATION. Programme in a future advertisement. my 23 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. DOVE HILL. WITH CROPS, STOCK, AND PLANTATION UTENSILS. F<>R SALE PRIVATELY .?We offer for sale privately the little farm called Dove Hill, containing FORTY-FIVE ACHES, ten of which is in wood, the balance cleared ; fifteen acres in oats, fifteen in corn, and live in vegetable*. Improvements, dwelling with five rooms, and all necessary out-buildings. The place is four and a half miles from Richmond, on the Newmarket road. near Dr Pirrtr'a. For terms and better description, applv to GRl'BBS &l WILLIAMS, Auctioneers, my J23_3t VALUABLE COAL LAND. INCHES- > TERFI ELD? FIVE HCNDRED ACRES-PART OF THE ?? KESWICK " TIU( T-oN THE JAMES RIVER, FOURTEEN MILES FROM RICHMOND, FOR SALE PRIVATELY. -We otter for sale the TRACT OF COAL L.\ND located as above described, adjoining the lands of General Edward Johnson and others. Its location in in the midst of the coal region, and the indications on the surface, and partial exploration* made, render it almost certain that it contains large quantities of c?>al. It has also a lar^e quantity of wood and timber. A small portion of the land only is cleared. The improvements are a small frame house with four rooms, and the usual out-houses. For terms, apply to GRUBBS k WILLIAMS, Real Estate Brokers, comer of Eleventh and Main streets, my 13? 6t under National Bank of Virginia. N' O T IC E . ? The headquarters of the State Board of immigration will be for the present at the Adjutant-General's office, in the Capitol, where the undersigned may be lound daily. Persons who wish to obtain a select class of emigrants through the Board should forward applications, specifying their wants, that they may be registered as received. Prompt and respectful attention will be given to all. By order of the Board. WILLIAM II. RICHARDSON, my 23 Commissioner Immigration. T NAL EXPRESS AND JL ORTaTIO.N COMPANY is now prepared to carry MONEY AND VAU'ABLE PACKAGES to and from New York, St. Louis, and intermediate poiuis, and as far south as Atlanta, Ga. In order to atford the most ample security to shippers, it has eifected AN INSURANCE OF FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS on the money chests of the company by each train, with several leading insurance companies, such a? THE SUN, SECURITY, MANHATTAN, METROPOLITAN, AND PHCKNIX, whose aggregate capital and assets amount to FIFTEEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Shippers are thus insured against common carriers' risk, and a security is afforded never before offered by any express company. For this NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE IS MADE. THE NATIONAL EXPRESS AN D TRANSPORTATION COMPANY is now prepared to do business us CHEAPLY, EFFICIENTLY, AND SECURELY a? can bo done by any other company. J. E. JOHNSTON, President. B. F. Ficki ik, General Superintendent, my 31? eodt* "iiriHSKY,? Jiint received, a further W supply of the celebrated ZKIULSR WHISKY p| ?AWUM, ttAltTSOQ* * CO.

TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. ! Later from Enrol"? ?'??? Kiifflnml Will 5fotT?keP?Pl^'?l?oIron III. JIake* a Itemarknblc I>erlnrallon- Attempt to AmMln?t? Dlnninrck. New York, May 23? European papers per City of New York repre?ent that war is inevitable. There is no confirmation oi the European Congress. Earl Clarendon said, in the House of Sords, that the hnglish Government would not engage in tin' war, directly or indirectly. Napoleon, in his speech at Angere, said, "I detest those treaties ot 1815, which it is now sought to make the sole basis of our , foreign policy." This declaration was considered the sig- , rial for war, and the Bourse was panicstricken thereon. The London Tinw, in j commenting on this speech, says: "Only Napoleon can prevent war; but, unfortunately, the arbiter of the continent speuk^ j only to spread dismay in every exchange , by some doubtful utterance." { An attempt was made to assassinate i Count Bismarck, at Berlin, by a Kepubli- j can refugee, named Carl Blind. He fired five ineffectual shots, when Bismarck seized him and gave him into custody. Report on the Condition or Jlr. I>a- , vl?? The Constitutional Amendment, j Washington, May 23? Incompliance with the President's instructions, Dr. Cooper, United States Army, reports on the condition of Jefferson Davis, lie is considerably emaciated, the fatty tissues having almost disappeared, leaving the skin shrivelled. llis muscles are small, placid, and very soft, and he has but little muscular strength. He is quite weak and debilitated, consequently his gait is uneven and irregular. His digestive organs at present show a comparatively good condition, but become quickly deranged under anything but the most carefully prepared food.? With diet disagreeing with him, dyspeptic symptoms promptly make their appearance, followed by vertigo. Severe facial and chronical neuralgia, erysipalis, and inflammation of posterior scalp and right J side of nose, which quickly affects the j right eye, the only sound one he has now, and extends through the nassal organs direct into the interior nose. His nervous system greatly deranged, being much prostrated and excessively irritable. Slight noises, which are scarcely perceptible to robust health, cause him much pain, the description of the sensation being as of one played, and having every sentient ner\e | exposed to the waves of sound. ant of i sleep has been the great and almost princi- ' pal cause of his nervous excitability. This ! has been produced by the tramps of the I creaking boots of sentinels on post around the prison-room, and the relief of guard ! at the expiration of every two hours, which I almost invariably weakens him. Davis states that he has scarcely enjoyed over ? two hours' sleep unbroken at one time since his confinement. Means have been I taken by placing matting on the floors for the sentinels to walk on to alleviate this source of disturbance, but with only partial success, llis vital condition is low, and he has but little recuperative force should he be attacked by any of the severe forms of disease to which the Tide-water region of Virginia is subject. I>r. Cooper, with reasons, fears for the result. ? Debate is progressing in the Senate on ! the constitutional amendment to the House | bill proposing to extend the duration of ! the Freed men's Bureau three years.

From Havana. Xkw York, May 23. ? Havana curres- } pondence alleges that there are formidable preparations lor revolution l?v expected aid with American republics. j The government monopoly on tohacco 1 in Cuba is abolished; another revolution i> progressing in Hayti. Senator Wright, ot' New Jersey, is dead. It is reported that the Governor will ap- J point A. J. Cottell. J From Vork Tut-?<lny. Xkw York, May 22. ? The Cuba's foreign j mails leave for the south at midnight. The China, which sailed from Boston to- ' day, took nearly ?2,000,000 in specie. Cot- , ton is lirni and advancing, with a fair de n land at 33640c. Texas wool, 23@28e Bankers' sixty days sterling, 9?g. [Why was this dispatch sent to-day?] Xoh Orleans Markets. Xkw Orleans, May 22. ? Cotton stifler; ' sales 1,100 bales, at ot<(i3Gc. Gold, 133 1 y, ; Sterling, 15S. The parishes are overflowed, and half of | the people are without food. Relief is : going from the city. Mobth' Cotton Market. Momi.e, May 22. ? Sales to-day, TOO i i bales ; middling, 33631c. The market closed dull. Receipts to-day, 144 bales. I The steamer's news caused a decline in i some instances of one cent. 'POSHOEMAK EKS AM) LEATHER A DEALERS. We will receive to-day IIEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER. FRENCH, GERMAN, and AMERICAN CALF SKINS, wlilcb wo will bell in any quantity at low prices. O. H. CHALKLEY 6i CO., HIDE AND LEATHER DEALERS, Thirteenth ptkket, between Main and Cast. my 7 A N so il T E I) PI( ! K L ES. ? CHO Wion *- "OW, ia plut, quart, half-gallon, and KalCUCUMBER PICKLES, hi two, thre?, four, and flve-^aJlon kegs; also in balf-barrels-ali prime, ror xiile by LOl'lS . I. BOSSIEUX jny s>? 1? No so Main street. I?OH SALE. * 300 bales PRIME TIMOTHY HAY 200 casks ROCKLAND LIMB, 6u barrels EXTRA BAKERS' FLOUR, ^ . S. P. LATH HOP, Agent, my 1? t* Eighteenth street, sonth s?da of Dock VOCAL CLASH. ? ('lasses ?or young ladies in the RUDIMENTS ANft SCIENCE ?ln MUSICwIll be given the 1st of April. rEuj(a:T\VO DOLLARS PER MONTH IN CLASS. Apply at the Arlington House, No. mil ao_ t* | ICE, ICE, ICE.? There is no use in spending our money for northern Ice wheu we j have a No. 1 crop of our own ; and our-. 1? pure > ir- j Kinia> spring water, made on our owu noiius, such water as we are used to drinking. Our Ice caniict be excelled tbis year, anywhere. Out farmers want every dollar that they caniuake, the ravages of war the cause. The others don't thank us for f/urmonev. 1 will sell 1 any quantity to suit the public, from one cent ui>waid, aud WARRANT MY ICE PUKE VIKOINlA SPRING WATER. Ice-house open at all hour*. ROBERT RE1D, Ice house and Stables my 21? 2w Sixth street, near Clay. OrriCK OK THE Ri< H MOM) AM") Livkai'ooi. Packet Company, > Ri<'Umoni>, May 15, lsw. ) rPHIS COMPANY Iwing in prot^es* X of liquidation, all persons having claims against It or the ship VIRGINIA DARE are required to present the satue for payment at the office of the Company to JOHN Pl'RCELL, my 1*? lin Treasurer. 2RUVTAN GUANO. ONE HUNDRED TONS NO. 1 PERUVIAN QUANO, now ready for dolivety, for aale py_ ELLETT k ROYHTER, Commission Merchant*, my *1? It comer Seventh and Cary street*. TWO-HORSE AMBULANCE for fltlflC 1 Apply R. B. WOODWAKD, Seventh <*TJ stteo'.s. pi

OOALAITOWO?* r< Ki; \T BKDCCTiqf |.ki<5 or COAI. I T < r our S#l#WS4w i?S *'*>"' *'p' """it. J k * C rhrVand Dor*. Be* BED and WHIT* SukI- OaL's ?AK ??' .*?* -W,"ID- - n;-,n?l AND wood yard, NEW jOAL ' ggvESTH AMD CANAL - RBT8 -A NTH KACIT K and MIDLOTHIAN &AL and WOOD '<* -alebj^ ? P?SDL*TON. 5, B Order. prompH*<ni.d ARCHITECTS ANDBUILDERa^ '7"V ~ phi ' M P Builder, Governor K. ?2e?te?s fora# ? * ???? - * ... w^. f-ii-,a?wwH ..FnrfiirrT' ..Let*. The fcubscrib* r I?at i?b ^ ntfcr* hl.?er- "?? BPS I NESS u. all ?w bran ? D(.r?uy M. to hi* frieno. and tne P him ttball be of 5rS* them that all Having carhe material ''n i . thin city to' twenty y?ara ? ?? on the l.iiKM.eHi In thl? < 7 . ( ?ati.factlon ie,i wfu ly. he nait-w bliD^':oi upon hlio their A"b^f?'vL to all who FOKBBti. >atrona*?; ; aRC?|TEct swsflEfWS ss? 'S>? ?? m"" ",p nond, Va. ? ? *"" A " B A ('?"pS6aB prm'm oS? mmai. 71 ? OB FIRST PREMIIM, SQUARE GR and upright PIANOS. nt< havin* h??n before the pubThese Instrument* bavin* . thirty year*, have, opon their eXlc for t e p lntjJ an cpcrchabid p*?Th*" ? -- iiitire scale. Their T0UCfl i ?imtlc ?nd U ? ntlrely free frem the MS wLlcb ? .ney c.n?o, 'Z <tructed with a c. tl fl eht m4chanUin. b ?. Swd JSU.i >- ?? ?"?" 'hcy *"oTwk A tear-bbt fok kver." . .. nttr Square Piano, have our new Improved 0 e ' "l S' YEAR8' VvSooTs! WEST BALTIMORE STREET. api:_,m BALTIMORE^ r 1 i 1a N<: J I ^' (E WgM fT*K e\v a"k EKiJoM S. h <??&? *K!K? '3 "o^rretectlon ure now receivinK a wi,lch they Invite the 'i!'?;:.! i.Ad .J be f'-und . ,Jfl)innfl and modern <le*lKn?, t'LOTM. fM>pc ROSEWOOD, MAHOOANT, CHAMBfcR 1 , . ^ v" ry olAborate in det>i^n, UI?i WAL^J H\\,r//I,\!vui.. and eleK?m i" . '^c/ tl(i varied a??ortir>eut of t'HMR8, MAT\^E>?sfcS, ^ ''K,' "i V) < >'v ' c a u al'w ;i y* he found A 1? addition ? ^ ?? ^.^tolUKPfcTliin. lar/<?andwe\l- leti WINDOW SHAPES, VWsmM lIN,*WCHM?feS 1 .I VrJ viViNlTV -Ha. iitg had freauent appliA>1) I T>> * ! , , 'f , i, ? - |- iu. ?f hr p?n?oiw In *na cations for ^ wh?'? wi-U in kuuih ca?e? t" ad.mt, out ol Hm* SM *te. wn eJ|icat0 tju.m, i d.:?tre and in olin'^t' 11 ?|8n i)t.twepn the anes of lix and thJlt ail mu i rh wiii call on 'rriMv \,??KeS iy I". A. M. Mother, uc.d not chII w?'ll,,,utthelwMil,W. PARKER, M. D., v 15? tx corner ]5r.?id and Tenth .tieef. r\H. IILOIIKS'S CELEBRATED HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES' SURE RELIEF AND RELIABLE CURE ! HU unrivalled r II O L E R A SPECIFIC i t r i miinha nt 1 v Hiicce?*ful in the cholera was moht triui.ipnam^ ^ ^ , .i i,,,! in the relief and cure of Cholera a'"1 Murhi, Diarrbjea, Uvsentery and BIaIoua J Cramp Colic. Price per bottle, tt.SQ. feynt by mail, po.ta??pa.i. iirrii HIPUTHEKI A, CROUP. QCISSY, CELEBRATh c?'MM"N S<"RE THROAT REMEDY , t i fnr all forta of CohN, CoUKh" and I- recommend. I i f r ' 0 Moutll Hlui Thriuh Bfonch . I Affec??m , n and Con?'n.n,KS?lod li'i'tCun.l.lAl'.t. generally. Price per bottle, Sent by mail, ponUne paid. For cale by the city dniKK?t8in v 17? dic^ojlm ? ? ? ? ?

1 existing between BROADDUS & TALIAFERRO i? thin day dUsolved by mutual consent. The busim-* carried on by the above firm will be continued by me. ST A IKS, HAN D-RA1 LINUS, &c? f<tbrlciit<'<i at ohort notice. All order* left at my shop, on Franklin street, opposite Metropiliun Hall, will meet with prompt attention. apM-.ta M. W. BROA DDI'S. I? 1 U E IJ KICK, ' FIRE BRICK. The New York and Staten Island Fire Brtck and Clay Retort Work* hav ; constituted sx y her, bowers \ co., (of the Richmond Stove and Architectural Iron Works, Richmond, Va.,) AGENTS, where these celebrated BRICK can at all tlme? be obtained at MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. They are also agents f?r McKENZI L'S PATENT CUPOLA AM) FAX. ap 3?? ? 1 in j VTOT1CE. ? A onlled meeting of th? ' ii Fir? men and Stockholder* of the RICHMOND ' FIRE ASSOCIATION will be held at the o&ce of Charles T. Wortham U Co., tu the city of Kich* , mond, on THURSDAY, the 24th day of May, i#^, i at I'i o'c lock, M . By order of the Board of Directors. my *? H OaVI D CUKHIH, President. I K? MOX U M EXTA L CI I U KCII. Th ? Indies connected with the Monumental I Church >?iii n<.id a FaIK. commencing on MO NI DAV, lUh instant, In ibe lar** ?nd ?Ukmi buitdI in* immediately oppo lie the i?? - ??? c?* . Let it be remember- i that tV.-oj.-ct of tb la fair letorale* means to r.^alr and pi,??erve a building ?nd u uouI ment which con lain* the sacred du-t of some of Kicbm* tid - moot honored ?o?a and diutfhtera. There w ll be a mwhal soiree ea. h evening, m whu h the best musical talent of thecity haa vulun. I tee red. U '/lOW AND YOl'XO CALF FOR ! \ ) SaLE? The cow t-Hd to be a very tin# milker. Apply to RAGLAN D 4 C"., my i; -.31 * Lutnb. r Dealers. Fifteenth street. M' ~ 111 fxE~RY AT REDUCED PRICES.? .MJss L. DEVLIN keep# constantly on h tnd one of tht latest and beat selected stocks of MILLINERY GOODS In tbla city, which will be sold at greatly reduced price*. L. DEVLIN, No. Ill Broad street, between Third and Fourth streets, my 9? inj* Rlchiaoud, \ a. N'OTICE.? Having finished my <lwtrict, 1 would respectfully call the attention of | tax-pu*eis to the law requiring them to return tb? , list properly filled out. I oao be found daily at ! the otM* e of the Richmond Savings Bank and Insu- ' ranee Company, under the American Telegraph Company, corner M vln and Twelfth atreeta, between the hours of ? and I o'clock. ? T. B. STABXK. AaaisUut Commissioner Kevmue, | my W? Is Third District. O TON E, WILSON A FOSTER, O AOENTS FOR WILDER'S PATENT FUSPROOF AND BURGLAR- PROOF IRON S*FEe?|iiei In ?(uillty to anv In the world, and TWa?*?* rivK kin c?jir. APKa tbanthoseof any oiner reliable manufacturer. Call and see sawpl^ iwT n-* Jose I'll jTTlkasants, CIVIL BNUINKER AND LAND 8PR\ BYO*. Order* left at th> o??e of Uie City kugti??r ot at this office will he wnipilr attended to. Wji I [ "DEMOVAL. ? E. P. TOWNHEXD, ; II Bo<>kaeller, St ??iouer *e , has removed from I No. lei to No. ?* M .il? Mm. cam b,lUl? agriMa (l?vl?.Ma.)