Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 219, 29 May 1866 — Page 3

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Vurlintoiui jOispaklt, sp\V MAY 29, I86r?. HEAVY TAXATION Of our Merhcants and other Business men- A Ruined People paying more Taxes than Before the War. Little more than twelve months ago more than three millions of dollars of real estate and seven millions of dollars of personal property belonging to our citizens were destroyed by fire, to say nothing of the hundreds of thousands of dollars of bank, insurance, and other stocks rendered worthless by the events of the war. Our worthiest capitalists were brought to the very verge of bankruptcy, our most enterprising men of large means were ruined, and all, down to the poorest man in the community, felt the stunning blow. Before this impoverished people have had time to recover from the whirl and which swept their all away- nay, even before they have had time to realize the depth of poverty into which they have plunged by fire, and sword, and robbery and while they are struggling to rise above their great misfortunes, and to make a fresh start in life- they are pressed down a burthen of taxation greater than was ever imposed on them in the most prosperous period in the history of our nation. ('??iiiiotl have heen foremost ?x o! piling up this great, erush- ?! weight of taxation upon us. .i s-w weeks our business men i ti ' State ?7>.t;;:7.sn, and the . v' * ,i) ' iii >|<i,noo fi>p the privi'"JsineN here the eoming '"i lieeiise tn labor for a ? :i t -\ will ha\e to pay in a ' ' !;;Je<l States income tax. tJic t. ix on silts; and will : t:i?* State the land and per- ? * ? 1 1 y i.tx t??r 1 "??!!? . Tlie.se can. -> : .u. ^!.?".00o for the year, and it nt w.il greatly exceed that s' w.sO ini}H>sed hy Congress i -_ M.itur? . I'rom Congress we

? -vy, without representation, i until the radical faction r** !. of our Legislature we had a expect better things, ami but a t \ i ;i | ??]>?? rl > was levied, and yet t < v c.i'ih' i ? ? impose the tax on 0111 interests they demanded ?i even the radicals required. . w. thought, such great injustice : I it > parallel anyw here. Hut we ' .K- :i. The City Council have i.<\ marly double the Cnited at ! State taxes combined ! o- i <1 . \ wriii into the oilit ? ? of Mr. M. Mil.t.Ht, the faithlnl ami ctmr<snr, n ii. 1 f< 'Uii'l that he had i his a?s? --ni' iits for the year ' .< w tax hill of liie Council, and : i? I ? : Ion books over to the r>. Amongst many interesting i apj ? ar "it his books we note ?w*i>i4 : c.d i <ne hundred and tweiitx ? ?vt r twenty-one years of age *.?? :? hundred and forty-eight are listed for taxation. The ? i 'la- ta\ < *t i the real estate ol , as follows : l'i n> "f ? Am" nit <<f fiix. W.tr I t y ;i.s;7 112 W llt.70? W .u : 4, |.i;..4ti'.' 63, 41 t!'-', $236,4W? 31 <-i i i : > ? personal property and t: :? "ti is as follows : I i , , f prrtn,tl>ll T".l ?</< !>? rsmull j.ri'/it rty. y., ..y.. rly. w tri t +11,2111 i*> W..I | l.-U'.VlS 03,747 72 VV.ii I 4*i V-.'-'oS st t.'.'i'.'l, 159 $127, 3u7 tfci rate of taxation on real estate is i ?.n personal property so cents ! nndi' d dollars of value thereof. tal employed by our merchants, ? irers, nieehanies, and others ro. ? i . i \ a class or license tax, is cs. ' >?,?on,ooii. Jefferson Ward is "iO.'i, Madison Ward with ... 1 >1 inroe Ward with ?9,fiU, ih'ss t i\es ? total, $?1,953. i all the foregoing, and you have of taxation imposed hy the ' i ! for 1 >?!G, viz : ; . .?*??? t2.18,490 31 I ? ? ?. i -rsoaal e?Ut? 117,507 ?<> 'Ml,;...;.. M,ffSS 00 "M4st752 '.'4 ? nil! be seen that the people of i. amidst t he desolation surroundn ith business almost entirely without money or the means of - ' ar< required to pay this year '^1 of Cllited States, State and In the spring of 1 $6 1, when ! ?? fnil tide of prosperity, the ! \< s ot al! kinds ainoniited to Tl. It was less ill I860, we be. i v. <? know that the class or licen e - ' was only *,"tl.r>75, when we had - anions our merchants and < ?. and our capital was ten N".v it is $><1,95.), or $30,- > ? ? ? n ' ? ii , to he wrung from the . i t ty.sti icken merchants, me- ? manufacturers of Richmond. ? :i of the city finances, no de- ' tin- treasury of the city, s of interest due on city 1 ' uing interest falling due on imaginable state of circum- ? I1: tifv the imposition of?-Hv> ' -\< *? u t ..i-, people at the present ? ? Miiion to ?2<>Sj6s7 of other Nearly tlu? e-ijilarters of a mil"i dollars of tuxes on the ? ??! Kichinoud in one year! ? and : ear the witueHs of more butiering, r< >1 penury, and greater depression 'ness t'; in iti all the years <?!' its past ry. It's monstrous ! We cannot conv hat has influenced the City Council !]? tratc this grievous wrong upon our , . Will it be said that the interest bonds niUot be paid? Let tl?u l>ond. wait till we are able to pay. They have every cent due them. The Mcrs of the State and of our rail, 'is are content to wait. Cannot our hi-ilders give us a short breathing ' They must do it. Our city funded is ulH.ut 9 1,900,000, and the annual ?tell 1,000. There arc some arrears iciest also due. Both must be ]?ost?1 and the amount dcductcd from the h vied. Hut this will not reduce " low enough, and the Council must to ?t tliat other charges upon the city ? i- my are brought within our ability to >? They uatut retrench aud eeonomite. We have another objection to these j-'or years, the pres?, and the buai

y jmv&zs* *p A3i ' new mm tit tiw nrrj htwi wit irpmfm?> tiv?>? in I ho legislature, have Justly com. plained of the unequal burthens imposed upon our commercial Interest* by the State in framing it# tax bilU. The present class or business tax of the city Is open to nil the objections urged to the State legislation on this subject, and nearly to the same extent. The merchants, manufacturers, ami mechanics are required to pav $8o,i).r>f> to carry on their business at all, and have besides to pay the larger jxtrtion of the other $30.1.797 of taxes on real and ]M>rsonal estate. Then, too, no regular sxstcm seems to have been observed lu fixing the amount^ o( the class lax to be paid by individuals. It is said t<> be based on the amount of capital employed in a particular business, or on capital and the amount of business done. We have looked in vain fur an v signs of uniformity in the assessment on this ha sis, or on an\ other. The rates imposed in the same avocation var\ from three-quarters of one per cent, to !.*? per ecnt. We notice that one merchant is charged 1 per cent., and another merchant in the same branch of trade is charged S per cent, on the same amount of capital, and 1 ?? >t h are doing about the same annum ?>t business. And this is hut one instance ? .1 many. Hut if all these errors were corrected, and i uniform principle of assrsMiiont adopted, the chief objection still remains? four per centum tax on the amount of capital employed is more than an> commercial people can stand for the privilege of simply doing business; and this i? about the tax imposed by the City Council on our business men. It is not too late to have these taxes reduced. We cannot do anything to lessen the lrnited States and State taxes. These we are compelled to pay or have our property ? sold. Hut we can protest to tho Council our inability to bear tin- burthen they ha\o prepared t"< >r us, and it is yet within their power to lighten it. We believe they will do it, and we call upon the Council and the people at once to see that it i> d"iic. Kill \r|? Itelorc llic llccoiislnicf ion

Committee. The demand f '? ?r tiiis excellent I?*l I **r li:i\ iiiir exhausted our large early on Saturday, \\ ?? republish it in tin* sctuiwceklv ismic of to-day tor the purpose of supplying those who were disappointed in jr4-ii iiip it on Saturday. It can he had of I'ot.t: \ Tt u\kk, news dealers, Whig building, aiitl al the counting-mom. The frcwllllfirs Iltirenu. Au;i'<ta, May 27. ? Generals Sfeedman and Fullerton arrived here this afternoon from Florida, and will remain a week. for the purpose of preparing a report in refe. reiicc to the conduct ot* the Frcedmeirs Bureau and the condition of the freed men I in South Carolina, Florida, and the Sea i Mauds. The Old llnri-UbiirK Hrhltfe Humeri. JI.vtiuisiMim, I * \ May 'Jfi. ? The eastern end of the old llarrisburg bridge was destroyed hy lire this morning. '1 lie llanies were discovered about midnight, and hefore 1 o'clock the entire portion of the structure reaching from llarrisburg to i Foster island was burned, and fell in charred ruins. The llanies threatened the Cumberland Valley Railroad bridge, a few hundred yards below, which was only saved after much exertion. The cost of the portion of the bridge ju-t burned was j t?.'M,000. Hut as this was nearly twenty i years ago, it is a lair presumption, considering the high price of labor and materials, to suppose the same could not be re. I built for less than ?70, 0(H). Hefrir lie five l ire at IMltOmrj;. ; PiTTsunw, May 2G.? A lire occurred this morning, involving the destruction of ten buildings on Liberty street. The entire loss cannot be estimated, but it is heavy. Tin* principal losers are James Day S Son, liven stable; J. W. Fanley, Hour and feed ; Kicr, Graver & Co., fire-brick manufactory ; T. J. Blflckman Co., dining saloon *. j and A. l abel' & Co., confectioners. The , total amount ?*t the insurance is about fourteen thousand dollars. Destructive Fire at SI. l.oui?. S r. IiOi'ts, May 26. ? The large wholesale drug-house of Peter K. Blow, on Main street, a ml the extensive job printing and stationery establishment of K. 1'. Studley & Co., adjoining, were destroyed by tire this evening. The !<?>s is estimated at one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. A Steamer Humeri. Sw annaii, May 25. ? The steamer Standish was destroyed by tire at Four-Mile l'oint, in the Savannah river, last night, with two hundred and lilt y bales of cotton. The boat was insured for four thousand t dollars, and the cotton fully insured. Fire at St. Paul. .Hiiiu. Sr. Pai i., May 25.? The tire to-day destroyed the Cosmopolitan Hotel, Allen & Champlhrs drug store, and eight smaller buildings on Third street. Loss, seventylive thousand dollars-? partially insured. ? " ] Soi mi i:\ K: i.ikk. ? The ladies having iii charge the floral festival and promenade concert at the New Assembly Rooms brought it to a close on Friday evening last, with the intention of reopening it j after the contemplated excursion and the West River fair. During the two daysofthe festival, the ladies received large (piantiticsof beautiful tiowers from the ladies of Richmond, of Frederick, Md., and ot Baltimore county, as well as from the ladies of the Convent of the Visitation ot Frederick. The alfair yielded quite handsomely for the speeial purposes for which it was inaugurated. ? Baltimore Sun, 2*th. From Mknmo. ? Information has been received at the Department of State that on the 9th instant the French transport steamer Rhoni left Vera Cruz for France, | having on board about one thousand sol- ' diet s w hose terms of service had expired. : On the 10th instant the French steam packet La France arrived there from N a /.aire, bringing three hundred and sixty men of the file of the foreign legion, and fifteen officers of the same corps, and of the engineer corps. Dkath ojf Rev. 1>r. Pise. ? The Rev. Dr. Charles Constantine Pise, of Brooklyn, died in that city on Saturday. He was one of the most learned and eloquent divines of the Catholic Church in America. >le was born in Annapolis, Md., ill 1802, and was therefore sixty-four year# of age at the time of his death. i Mr. Davik's Food. ? The Norfolk Virgi' nia/t having for some time served up Mr. Davis &k a dish for its readers at least three times a week, now furnishes us with his bill of fare. We are apprehensive that i ; Forney will quack over it ; nevertheless, j we give the bill for one day : j Saturday.-* Mutton chops, boiled eggs, bread and butter, coffee, sugar, milk, beef- 1 steak, * tewed oysters, potatoes, onions. Mt BDKR.?Erastus Pratt, superintendent of the Adams Express lino from Montgomery to Mobile, w as murdered in his bed, ftt Montgomery, AU., ou the 15th instant.

WHAT OLD TRAD. HATt) OM PATHWAY. Hr. Stevens moved to amend tho ?ixtvflllh section bv striking out tho word*, u The Secretary of the Treasury is here, hv authorised to appoint an officer in his department who shall bo styled s|?erial commissioner, &c?, and inserting in lieu of them "Congress, by a concurrent art ion, shall eleet a special commissioner." He said : I am done with giving patronage to the Secretary of the Treasury where it can i?e avoided. He has already said that he will appoint nobody to office who doos not sustain the President's policy. He haw this morning distinctly so informed a mcmi>er of the House who called upon him for an appointment. He asked hint whether the applicant's " antecedents were in favor of the President's policy," and when he declined to answer him, he said : " I can appoint, and will appoint, no man who does not support tho President's police." He referred them to an apostate Senator from that region, and said : " 1 will 'consult him when 1 make the appointment, and 1 will apt?ohit nobody not recommended by him." It is time for this House to let the people of the country know whether officers are to he sacrificed to this determination of the subordinates of the President. If we do not stand by them, they will not stand by ns, and they ought not. It is time that we build up a wall. This is a malfeasance in office. I have already ascertained that four of the subordinates of the President have made tho same declaration. It I were a little younger ? and 1 shall be in a week, I think,? I would let those ; officers know that this is a grand inquest of the nation, before which men who are I guilty of malpractice in office shall be brought, and their cases presented to another tribunal which is to try them. [Kx- ' citement.J A voice. ? " Good ! " Sir, we are recreant to our own interests ; we are recreant to our own dignity; we are recreant to the interests of the country, if we do not stand by those who stand bv u<. We must take care that no more ' patronage shall be put into the hands <>f any man to be abused ? avowedly abused. It is time that we speak aloud and let our friends abroad know that they are in no danger *, that they shall not be sacrified because they stand by Congress; because they are not* the tools of a recreant President. [Excitement. 1 I have authentic information that this very day that course has been taken by the Secretary of the Treasury, and that he has declared distinctly that in that State he will consult nobody but a recreant apostate Senator who has betrayed his party and his country. (Mr. Stevens was understood as referring t<> Senator Cowan, of Pennsylvania.) Mr. Spalding, ot Ohio, inquired whether the gentleman from Pennsylvania was going to urge bis amendment seriously. I Mr. Stevens declared that he was. Mr. Spaitlding replied that he would seI rioiisly oppose it. Several other members stated their oh. ' jeetions. Finally Mr. Stevens ascertaining that there was no quorum present, and 'that there was a majority against hint, withdrew his amendment. RofTK AOhXT APPOINTED. On tho line from Washington to Lynch- ' burg, Va., John F. Langley is appointed ' route agent, vice F. II. Bruce, resigned; salary, eight hundred dollars per annum. THK TAX Ull. I.. Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, from the Committee on Ways and Means, reported, on Saturday, a new paragraph for that amending section 1":j of the existing law, and which luid been reserved some days since. It imposes a tax of two and a halt per cent, mi gross receipts from passengers and mails on railroad, canal, steamboat, and stage companies; all vessels carrying passengers between the United States and foreign ports being exempted from this tax. A tax of three per cent, is levied on tho gross receipts of all ferries, bridges, | and toll-roads, excepting in cases where | the gross annual receipts do not exceed one thousand dollars, or where the receipts [ arc not more than sufficient to keep the i road in repair, T11K OA I < ITS IlKCONSTKl'CTIOX St IIKMK. The new scheme will base representation on voters, oiuit the third section, which deprives citizens of the right of voting for four years, and provides that ex-rebels shall ' not be eligible to State or Federal office. It will defeat the committee's plan.

FURNITURE. ETC. HA HUSTON it II HOT! IKK, FURNITURE DEALERS, wmild respectfully Inform their friends ami former natrons tliat they have resume. J business at their N EW* STOKE, mii t'arv street, between Nil. tli and Tenth, where they wfll he happv to see them, an.t will furnish anything in their line at reasonable prices. IIAHLISTON A I5R0TIIER. Cary streets, my * between Ninth and Tenth. CABINET FURNITURE. FINE HOME MADE FURNITl'RE. I wish to inform my ohl custom- r- ? 7; ers and the public generally that I frmy ? ? ? - ~rr have on hand a good assortment of FINE FURNITURE, OF MY (iW.N MAKE, whicii 1 will sell as low as can be bought elsewhere, of ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY, and WALNUT? the workmanship and polish of which cannot be inrpKWKcd by a ny. 1 am prepared to execute all orders promptly. REPAIRING and BOXING neatly and carefully done. In my UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT maybe found all kinds of COFFINS, both Wool) and METAL, with the finest handles and trimming*. Also, AlOTIGHT CASES, for transporting the dead . I will give my personal attention to this branch of business at all hours. H A ATKINSON, (of the old flnn of Belvln & Atkinson.) Governor street, above Franklin, Richmond, Va. ap ?.,5_-t* DENTISTRY. T O il N M AHO N V , DENTIST, for IP many vears associated with Pr. JoH.V C. Wavt. respectfully informs his olti patrons and all others who may need his services that he has removed his OFFICE* trom Fourth street, and can now be found at his RESIDENCE, 025 Main street, between Sixth and Seventh. Will practice bis profession in all its branches. ARTIFICIAL TEETH inserted on Vulcanite, Gold, and Silver. office open at ALL HOURS. The highest price paid for OLD GOLD PLATE, ap 21 _ DAVISON, i ? SURGEON DENTIST.' _ Ottice and residence 011 Main street, between Eleventh and Twelfth, just below the National Exchange Hank, where he is better prepared than ever t>. give bis patron* the full benefit of his profession. He will EXCHANGE NEW TEETH on the improved base fur OLD SETS OF GOLD. All work warranted for at least live years. Those requiring bis services need not neglect their teeth, as lie will accommodate himself to their circumstances and the times. Patients from the country can board with him at bis residence without charge while having work done. mh28 ? Cm D K. GEO ROE B. STEEL, _ DENTAL SURGEON. Office on Main, between Seventh and Eighth street*, Richmond, Va. ARTIFICIAL TEETH inserted upon GOLD, SILVER. PLaTJNA, and VULCANITE Natural ones EXTRACTED, FILLED, and REGULATED. Fracture* of the Maxillary Bones, Cleft Palate, and ail diseases of the mouth, attended to promptly and in the most careful and thorough manner. d? is ? 6m T^ENTAL notice. I J JOHN 0 WAYT, DENTIST, having recovered his health, has resumed the practice of Dentistry in Richmond, and respectfully offers bis ?ervicea to hi? old friends ana patient?, and all others who may need them. Office and residence No. t?la Franklin street, two doors west of Ninth street. Ja 8 ? Am* K COO EEP COOL AND BUY ONE OF a*. THOSE CELEBRATED CHARCOAL WATERvOoLERS manufactured in this city by DAVID PARR k SONS, and for .ale at KELLOGG k GIBSON'S China Store and GREGORY BROTHERS Furnishing Store, Main street ; M. EVANS'S China Store, J'.'fl Broad street, uear Fourth street, and at the Factory. No. 1 Fifteenth street. We warrant them to be the beat Water-Coolers to be bad in this or any other city. DAVID PARR k SONS, my 4? liu No. 1 Fifteenth street. Removal. ? e. p. townsen d, Bookseller, Stationer, Ac., has removed from No. lotto No. MAIN STRKET, one door below Fourteenth, and next door to William B. Isaacs k Co E. P. TOWNSEN D, M> Main street my IS ? (New No. 1,4x2.) TTAT8 AT OOST.?Tbe balance of our XL stock of SOFT FELT HATS we will cloae out At prime 00% t ap ? WKST&NBAKIR k WILLIAMS.

jlflHMjSjS nbwbT I <onKrf?NlonRl ProffHIiiffa. Wahiiinoton, May 2S. ? Nothing done In the Senate. The House adopted ft resolution direct- f ing the Secretary of the Treasury to re. | port the amount of gold sold since the j 1st instant, at what rates, and the agents I 1 employed therefor. Mr. Williams submitted a preamble and resolutions requesting information from I the President whether any employees of the Government in the southern States , have offered public honors to dead or living Confederates. I Mr. Nicholson objected, and the rcsolu. tion was laid over. Thad. Stevens Introduced ft bill declaring that the States lately in rebellion ! have forfeited their rights under the Con- 1 stitution, and can be reinstated in the same only through the action of Congress. It > . provides that they may form valid governments, the present ones being continued ? for municipal purposes until they shall be altered and their Executives and Legislatures recognized. Constitutions are 1 to be formed by conventions, and submitted to the people, a majority of whom is ' necessary for ratitication. All male persons above the age of twenty-one years to i vote. No constitution is to be presented ' for congressional sanction which denies | civil rights to any jversons. The bill was j committed to the Committee of the Whole i on the State of the Union. 1 Mr. Whaley offered a resolution direct- j ing the Committee on Printing to report a 1 bill limiting the hours of labor of the employees in the Government printing office i ' to eight hours per day. Rejected. ! Mr. Lynch, from the Committee of Bank- : ing and Currency, reported adversely on I the proposition to exempt the currency of I State banks outstanding on the 1st of July i ; from the tax of ten per cent, imposed by 1 law. The report was laid on the table. The Senatorial Keeon*t ruction Caucn* Washington, May 28.? The Senatorial ' caucus on the reconstruction report is in ' session to-day, but proceedings are kept secret. They will, however, not consent to the disfranchising section, and this fact : is believed to be the occasion of Thad. i Stevens introducing another reconstruc- i tion bill in the House to.dav. I S2S An "ApoHlnle S?'inil?r." j Wash inc ton", May 28.? During the debate on Saturday, Thad. Stevens referred I to a recreant and apostate Senator, lie was understood to mean Mr. Doolittle, of Wisconsin. [Thad. can never be an 11 apostate.*' j Apostle has him. He is "liought and | sold."] Trial of ?2r. llavN? If itol Ti-mmI how liis It* Iciist' on Itiiil i)ciiiiiii<U>(l. Washington, May 1*. ? It is stated that the counsel for Jefferson Davis will demand bis immediate trial, or if the Government ask- a postponement, they will demand his release on bail. He is ready to give bail to tin* amount of ten million dollars. Mr. DuvIn'm Counsel l.eave for Xrn York? Health of >lr. ?Ve. Fortress Monroe, May 28. ? Charles O'Connor and George Shea, counsel for Jefferson Davis, left for New York this ! afternoon. They were in consultation with Jefferson Davis most of yesterday. They .say that they touml him in better health than they anticipated, and that although worn from long confinement, he is in possession ot the keenest faculties, and alive to the important issues involved in the trial. They said they had only obtained permission to visit him utter many futile attempts during the past y? ar.

Court-Hurt ial to Try Lieutenant-Colo-iirl Paulding. "Washington, May2S. ? A general conrtmartial, General Augur president, convened to-day to try Lieutenant-Colonel Paulding 1'nr depositing Government funds in the Merchants National Hunk. \c?s from Mc.iiro, j San Francisco, May 2s. ? The Mexican Consul has received an official dispatch, dated Kith instant, from Ma/atlan, announcing that the Liberals attacked the garrison at llerm?>nvillo <>n the -1th, and after a bloody struggle, captured and pillaged the town. Imperial reinforcements subsequently arrived, killed two hundred Liberals, drove away the balance, and recaptured all the booty. Mr. Arnsa, an American citizen, and Don Gonzales (who refused to give the Liberals $10,000), together with thirteen Americans, were cruelly murdered. The Imperialists defeated Covona and Singaiva, killing one hundred and eighty. Several wealthy families have arrived here, Hying from Liberal rule. The published accounts declare that in the attack on Heriuonvillo the Liberals murdered thirty-five foreigners and five hundred citizens, who assisted to defend the town. Letters corroborate t he statement of forced contributions by the Liberals. The town was pillaged and women violated. The population of Sonora was rising to avenge the wrongs perpetrated by the Liberals. Terrible Tornado. Philadelphia, May 28. ? A terrific tornado at Honesdale, Pa., swept over the borough last evening. The great bridge spanning the Lackawanna at Sixth street was lifted bodily from its foundations, and fell into the river amass of ruins. A number of barns, out -houses, etc., were demolished. Trees and sticks of timber tilled the air, Hying like shingles. The course of the tornado was wot to east, thence south, and fiually towards the northeast. No lives were lost. \ew York Bank Statement? A lew Additional Foreign Items. New York, May 28. ? The bank statement shows a decrease in deposits of $8,500,000. The interest of Spofford, Tilleston & Co. in the Havana steamships, the Brazil steamers, and the Savannah Empire line, has passed under the control of Messrs. Garrison & Allen, of this city. The Derby was won by Lord Lyons, brother of St. Albans. Twenty-four horses started. Wale of PrintN In Providence. Providence, It. I., May 28. ? Advices state that the sale of printed cloths during the week amounted to 315,000 pieces, at an advance of 263c. per yard. Rumor* Affecting " Erie Ntock." Nkw Yoke, May 28.? A sharp decline in Erie stocks is reported, based upou the ap

pruhended call for * special meeting of the Directors to-morrow. The stock was at f>2l? at tho roc on <1 board. Rumors of trouble* and over-issues ar? darkly hinted. There was increased ac tivity in petroleum and mining stocks to-day, with a general advance in prices. FIWAKC7AI. AWD rOMXKBrYAL. Richmond, May 28, I860. We quote gold to-day at $1.36G8l.37i; and * 1 .38 ? tho first named the buying rate of the brokers. We quote stocks as follows : Virginia Registered six per cents, 812: Richmond and Danville Railroad, *62.50 ; Virginia Central Railroad, *62.50 ; Southside Railroad, gua. ranteed by city of Petersburg, *63; Richmond, Fredericksburg nnd Potomac Railroad dividend 667 per cent, bonds, held at *7067.>; Orange and Alexandria Railroad, ; North Carolina State bonds, *83. There is not much to lie said about the money market of Richmond in these times. Money is very scarce, and interest varies from 6 to 8<810 per cent. ? the rates above fi per cent, being worked ' j such evasive expedients as make the lender secure. There are such rates as from 3 to 5 per rent, a month by a sale of notes for a round sum by a second to a third party. But these often ore, in the long run, reduced to the legal rate by a failure of the drawer of the note to pay it at maturity, and it goes on by renewal at sir per end. NEW YORK. The gold market opened this morning in New York at a decline to 137 '4, and, with some fractional changes, closed at 137 %. The news by the Saxonia and America had a reassuring inlluence, and there seemed to be almost a complete restoration of confidence among commercial men. The Stock Kxehange was buoyant, and prices jumped up, and were very firm. Money was abundant even beyond the demand ; but not much was discounted under 7 cent. Six ^ cent, was the exceptional rate, in the process of paving tho Government for the gold bought from it, t h*- temporary loan was reduced about .six millions and a quarter. In the same time the Government redeemed about one million of compound interest notes at par and interest. It was reported in New York that a small amount of five-twenties brought over for sale there were returned, the rise in gold defeating the object of the foreign shippers. The New York financiers were calculating largely upon the influence of the 620, 000, not) of gold shipped from American ports for England in the last two weeks. They believe its arrival in England will ati'ord great relief, and elevate the value of. United States securities. Virginia coupon bond* sold in New York on Saturday at ?67' ^ ? an improvement. On the 12th <?!' May, I'nited States fivet went ies were quoted at 61^66 in London. On the 16th, they were (m:'.1^66. The City of Roston, arrived in New York on Sunday, brings dates from Liverpool to the 17th instant, the purport of which was published in the D!sj>ahh of yesterday. It is reported that the chances of the European Congress were improving. hi the event of war, the New York financiers still indulge the speculative idea that our finances will not be much affected, save beneficially, by increased disposition to invest in our securities. Nkw York, May 28. ? Cotton steady. Gold, 137 1 .. Sterling dull ; bankers' bills, sixty days, J '.j. Nkw York, May 28? P. M? Flour dull ; State, *7.30ggS.ftO; Ohio, $9,406*14: Southern, *Io.m)&*16.75. Wheat dull. Mixed corn declined l?2e. Beef steady, pork buoyant at *30.75. Whisky dull.

Cotton has a declining tendency ; sales, 2,000 bales at 40642c. (jold, ?l.:i7 MOBILE COTTON MARKET. Mobii.k, May 2s. ? Tlivrc were n<? sales of cotton to-day. Prices nominal. There is no disposition ou tin? part of buyers to operate. RICHMOND MARKETS. The following are the wholesale quotations : Alcohol. ? -$5?i $3.25 "jt gallon. Bacon.? Sides, HJiglOc. ; hams, new, 2?(f?23c. ; j ?>! <i, 20fj 21c. ; shoulders, old, l.W?15Jc. ; new, 15 Q: ! lr.Jc. ; Virginia hog round, 17& He. i Bitter.? Fair to prime, 3o^35c. fc. Brandt.? French, $U%N$13 ; spple, $3 .50 ; Phila- } delphia, +2. |0'<i f.\75. ! Beeswax.? In fair demand at 3 fx. ff>. Corn.? ?5c.@$l. Very little In tin* market. [ Corn Meat..? Bolted, ar *1 ; unbolted countryground meal, t>3c. Cheese.? Northern and Western, 2Jg2tc. ; English dairy, 23^3uc. Copkbb.? Rio, r.@27c. ; Lagnayra, 2:?{?33c. ; Java, 41c. Candle*.? Adamantine, light weight, 22c.; full weight, 24(g 25c. ; tallow, 18(fi!?c.; paraline, 37c. j ClDER Apple, 35@4"c. V gallon. I Concentrated Lte.? $3 case of 4 dozen. ; Cochineal.? $l.40@$l.5o V fl.. I Cotton.? There is !>ut little cotton sold in Rlch- ' loond. It may now be quoted nominally at 30c.; I Virginia loose lots, 2n?&22c. Cotton Cards.? $12@$15 dozen. Cotton Yarns.? From No. i lo No. 12, $2.50; from No. 14 to No. 19, $3. Brio* and Dve Stcffs ? Alum, fjc.; copperas, 4c.; madder, l<c.; indigo, .$1. So ; extract logwood, is.; sup. carb. soda, loc.; blue stone, He. Dry UoojiB.? Prices for dry goods remain unchanged. Prints, l?fel0c.; *atinets, 35c.{?$l.lo; silks, $1.25^i$3 23. Sheetings, unbleached, m I (g2?c.; bleached, 12}{t45c. ; bleached, New Vorlc mills, 50c. Ginghams, 25(g4-Jjc. ; stripes, 25^jaic. ; j cambrics, I0@2<>c. ; cotton flannels, brown and | bleached, 35<?4oc. ; flannels, all wool, 4??6?42Jc. Hoop skirts, dozen, 15 springs, $s ; 20 springs, ? *10, 30 springs, $ll.S<?. Balmorals, V dozen, $24 j Emos 22c. 1p dozen. Fekd.? Oats, 60^i63e. ^ bushel? very scarce ShipMutf, from the mill, #0c bushel. Brownstuf, from th? mill, G-)c $1 bushel. Wheat bran, 40c. Corn bran. 3?c. Fxrtii.izeks.? Peruvian Guano, $*></ $100 y ton; . Pacitic Guano, $70 ton; Patapeco Guano, $(55 y ton ; Boue Dust, $55 ton. Fish ? Herrings, Halifax, $R@$S.So y barrel ; I North Carolina. $h $1 barrel for No. 1 ; $7 barrel for No. 2, and $t>$ y half-barrel for No. 1 roe her- ' rings. Mackerel, No. I, $l*.5ft@$l?; in kits, $2.50; : No. 2, $l5.5o@$i9 ; No. 3, $15 ; mess shad, In kits, | $3. Flax Seed.? $M0(h,$2.20 y bushel. Flocr.? Market active, and prices have ad. I vanced. Virginia family, (nominal,) $14^$15;? j Virginia extra, $12@$13; superfine, $U.75g$lJ; , Northern family, $13.50@$11: Northern extra, $12; Northern superfine, $10^10.50. The Rich- ' mond inspection stands higher than the Northern, j Gi**?no.? itoc.&foc. Hats ? Wool, $? to $13 V dozen, according . to quality ; far, *1J to $42 dozen ; moleskin silk hats, $71 $ dozen ; dress casslmere h&U, $?? V doI ten. j Hides? Dry, lo@15c. ; salted, *HSl0e. Hat.? $l.lo@$l.l5. from store. Holland Gin. $3&$a. Iron .?English refined iron, ?le. V ft i eountry ? hammered, 7e. ; Swedes, ?c. V *>? ? N?y,0,,, eMt steel, tttfittc. ^ lb. Kerosene Oil.? ?*c. ^ gallon ; retail. Tic. t Lard. -Prime, K@Ue. In kegs, and HfclOc. In tierces; family, In kegs, ilj?23c. Lime. ? $2 H barrel. 1 Lr*BKR. -Yellow pine boards, $12 6,?@$15 ; JoUt, $14?$W? 4->? long lengths ; shiuglws, ^ I thouaaud ; laths, $4 V thousand. London Porter.? $J.7S $ doien for pints; quarts, $ 25?$4.50. Lkathkk ? Sole leather, oak, 34<$4Se.; sol* leather, keulook, I7@36c. ; upper, 3u@4*c.; kip, fl 1 dozen, $MQ$M; harness, call skins,

^morocco, Mo I. A ?iiMr? -CoiDtao a ijrwf, wbtek I* not an (food u fu name would Jmpljr, ; genuine gold *n Hg*lloB ; Cab* ftnd Mmeova do mo 1* W?. ; Naim. -Old Dominion, 7c. | OjriirivM -fa* barrel. . ...... OriJii? LlnMvd, f l.W ; machine, fl?f? *; ?p?rmf ?2 Nflfl; tanners', f l ?*?f ??"; ?????. ?? ? d8"n5 be*t salad, * is ; cMtor, ?s.ioflfi.w* gallon ; Virglnia lubricating, Ik fill. Potatois. ?Irish, *3?f4 V barrel. PgrpBB.? w Raos.? 4?4Jc. for cotton and linen. Mo demand for woolen. Rnp?. -Manilla, best, 23($25c. RtcE.-l<W$Uic. Htk -#r,r .@*1 ^ bsshel. Ka' b Gixmbb.? SSQtOe. Rcm 4H.s??4^#? ^ gallon. Si'oar.? Brown. 12#13c. ; extra " C" and " B", 1S1Q1?o. ; crushed aud pulverized, 17c. ; cat loaf, He ; maple, 12JC. Salt.? Liverpool, fj.js pack; for ine ground alnm, ft.3S@fS.80. Soap ?Common, bout washing soap, 15?.; j toilet, Mc., and fancy prion. Soda ? HI Carb., loc.; Hal., RfRs^, Spirits Teiir*WTiiiB ? *i.M?fl.ls. Shot? *2. 75 y bag of 25 ft*. Skbds.? Clover, *? ; dull. Timothy, *4. Tab.? #3.50 V barrel. Tkas.? Black, 7Sc .(5? f 1.25? the Itot a prim* article ; Imperial, *1.73'> : gunpowder, *I?f2.?5 I Tobacco.? The tobareo market has improved within the last Mr days and prkes are nomcwbat better. Fancy leaf brings very full pricea, and good manufacturing rules high. At the Tobacco Exchange in thin city, there were seventy- four hogsheads opened to-day. Fifty-two sold a* follows : 4 at $1, 5 at *5.70, 2 at **.50, I at *7, 1 at f7 50, 1 at *".25. 1 at **.5o, I at *9, 1 at *9.50. 3 at *u.75, 2 at *10, 2 at *11. 1 at *11 26, 1 at *11.75. 2 at *12, I at *12.50, 1 at *12.75, t at *13.25, 1 at *14.73, 1 at *15.30, 2 at *1?. 1 at *17, l at *1*, 1 at *1!>, 1 at *19.50, 2 at *2n, 1 at *21, 1 at *23.. 'hi, l at' *35, 2 at *29. 1 at *34, 1 at *44, 1 at *5#, 1 at *<U, and 1 at **2. M'lnnfodnrtd T?barco.?\Vt> hare to reportno change in the mark, t for manufactured tobacco. It continues dull, with a ftill stock. and but little demand. We quote fancy brands, old (tax paid), very bent and fine, at from 90c. to *1.25 ^ ft.; new (in bond) very tine fancy, 5oc.@*l ft. ; medium old pounds (tax paid), 25@40c. ; sweet old half pound* (tax paid), 40??0c. ; sweet old tena (tax paid), 25640c.; low grade, unsound, lo@2flc. # ft- Old tax free are gradually becoming scarce and are in good demand, though price* are low. Viuboab? Cider, 45c.; manufactured, 40c. Wool,.? Unwashed, 25@30c.; washed, 35c. Very little demand. W i mb. ? Port, common, *2.50^*1. Whisky. -Common, *2.10^*2.25; pure Ryo, *3.5^*4.50. Fine brands higher. TATTLE MARKET. The r. reipts of Virginia cattle are very light, most of the winter grain-fed having been sold, and the gran* cattle will not be ready for market for some weeks. Our butchers are buying Baltimore cattle freely. Bek P.? Common to fine, ?i\{/7fo. ft, i^ro** ; good to very good, ac.fij^Jc.; prim*, #c.@l"c. Shebp.? Clipped, 5c.@<tc. V ft, gross. Lambs.? From *3@*4 jd head. Vbat.8.? From *<@*13 each, according to size and condition. HiNig. ? From llc.l?I3c. H ft, net. COMMISSION MERCHANTS IjHlLLIPS A WKJ G II T, 1 COMMISSION AND FEED BUSINESS, os Cab v, bbtwkkx Elkvbbth ami Twbi.pth 8TBKKTV. The eiil>*<riber-< have associated under the ttrm ot Fill I LIPS A WRIGHT for the purpose of conducting the COMMISSION AND FEED BUSINESS at the ^ore recently occupied l?y Mefcsr*. O. II. ('halkley A Co., on C'ary, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets. ... , in. In ottering Iheir services, they refer specially to Dr*. John hove and Albert Snead, Mcwr*. P. II. -i rk.> R. Caul bom, A. A. Hutcheaon, P. Morton Reach, J. C. Redwood, K. L. Williams Gary A Cl.mmitt, and R. Ciarthrigbl, or Richmond ; Judges John A. Meredith and Joseph Christian, and Mr. William II. Redwood, ?.r Baltimore. In claiming a share of tin- patronage of 'he community, thev promise all that strict application to. ami experience in, husiues* can to obtain good price, and make prompt m?h. p pH,LLIp8 my 2>i? 3m JOHN T. WRIGHT. _ D T. WILLIAMS, . COMMISSION MERCHANT and GENERAL AGENT for the ?ale of MANUFACTURED A.N b LEAF TOBACCO, COUNTRY PRODUCE GENERALLY, (Office for the present near Shockoe Warehouse,) Richmond, Va. All business promptly done on commission, ap 20 ? ts

M \KE YOUK OWN SOAP BY SAVING AND USINO TOUR WASTE GREASE. BUT ONE BOX OF THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY'S SAPONIFIER, OR CONCENTRATED LYE. IT WILL MAKE TEN POUNDS OF EXCELLENT IIAIID SOAP, OR TWENTY-FIVE GALLONS OF THE VERY BEST SOFT SOAP, FOR ONLY ABOUT THIRTY-FIVE CENTS. Directions on each box. For Kale at all Lrag an i Grocery More*, and In lota at wholesale by WILLIAM M. ELLICOTT & SONS, No. 3 Spkak':< Wharf, mh 2? d3m BALTIMORE, MD. WM. KNARR A m A.*rK actc RRRf or FIRST PREMIUM, GOLD MEDAL, \7 U j fy U GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. These Instruments baring been before the public for the past thirty years, hare, opon their excellence alone, attained an rxpracHAsKD pkhrmi.sk.vce that pronounces them unequalled. Their TONE combines great power, richness, sweetness, and line singing quality, as well as great purity ot intonation and harmoniousness throughout the entire scale. Their TOUCH is pliant and elastic, and is entirely free from the stiffness found in so many pianos, which cause* the performer to so easily tire. In WORKMANSHIP tney cannot be excelled. Their action is constructed with a care and attention to every part therein that characterise the finest meckanlom. None but the best seasoned material la used in their manufacture, and they will accept the hard usages of the concert- room with that of the parlor upon an equality? unaffected In their melody; in f*?t, they are constructed ??NOT FOR A Y EAR? BUT FOR EVER." All our Square Pianos hare our new iiuproTtd Grand Scale and the Agraffe Treble. Every PUno fully warranted for FIVE YEARS. WAREROOMS : J60 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, ap 17 ? 3m BALTIMORE. F MKE BRICK, u HRE BRICK The New York and Suten Island Fire Brick and City Retort Works have constituted SNYDER, BOWERS 4 CO., ,(of the Richmond Store and Architectural Iron Works, Richmoud, Va.,) AGENTS, where these celebrated BRICK can at all times be obtained at MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. ' They are also agenu for McKENZIE'S PATENT CUPOLA AND FA*. apa>? lm T~RUNKS, VAI.ISE8, Ac.? We ua constantly reed ring, diivct from the ntno- ! off??r at a small advance on coet * | WKHTJLN BAKKK 4 WILLIAMS, I W Main street. TWENTY-FIVE BUSHflLS No. I 1 PEACH-BLOW POTATOES juat received, and for aale by STEVENS k PBUPaM, tnyii JU Broad street. r UTTEK ANd7?HEEHK ooimtantiy B js 0,1 '^"iLLuSy'KiVi*?. DABLKY MALT, in store, on consigu. u ,muis i. siifiH? cb*

r)R. KUOHKS'8 celebrated HOMdOPATSIO Bsaunass i SURE RELIEF AWP KMLUBLM COME I HI* *nrivall*d CHOLERA 8PSC1F1C ! wi? most triumphantly nettMifil la ff9 tlobfl tn 1M* and 1?H | and Is unexcelled m the relief end ear# of CbolM Morbua, Diarrb<ea, DysenUry and BllUm Cramp Colic. Price p*r bottle, fi.s*. lent by Mil, postag * p*id. HIS CELEBRATED DIPHTHERIA, CBOL'P, QUI N?T. PUTRID AND CO^iiON Sofcl * THROAT REMEDY In for all sort* of Cold*, Coughs u>4 Bronchial Affections, 8<re Month and Thrush of Infant*, <iath?r*d Breast*, and Constipation and Liver Complaint* (hoc rally. price per bottle, *i ?. Sent by mall, postage |>*ld. F<*r ?ai? by the city druKgisis. my 17 ? dftceodlin MlsmCATED MI NEK A r> WATERS FR"M THE VIRGINIA SPRINGS. RocKBRIdGE alum WaTEK, HEALING SPRINGS WATER. COYNBR al SULPHUR WATBR. W4-00 ALLEGHANY SPRINGS WATBR. A fre*h supply of the above Jost received, and hereafter we will have constantly on hand sapplie* of tliM?e valuable water*. , infc . PfTRCELL, LAPD t CO., my 24 Agency De|>ot Virginia Mineral Water* ? UPECI FTC FOR TETTER.? Our "8PECJriFiC will speedily and positively cur* th* T?ittr ind Ring Worm. Read th# following ctrtilicate from tho popular and well* known fi>rrii?*r Inspector of Tobacco nt Pabll# Warehouse : R1<11M<<XO, Va., April li, WW Mesar*. Mfady k Bak. r : Gentlemen,? I Uk* . "'Ming my testimony to yonr "8p?cl&c for KIhk ^ orm ?n.| Totter. I had been *fO'C'ed for at least *ev.>n ye*,* with a v?ry aggravated and d.sflpring tetter on both of myhande, and had tried. in ram. many remedies. One rial of your "ispeciflc" haa entirely and effectoallf cured tno. and my hands ar? now a* *m-oth and fair as anyone*. B. J. VaITGHaN, late inspector at Public Warehouse. Price, fifty cents a vial. Prepared only by MEADE ?t BAKER. Practical Pharmaceutists, ap 13 corner Ninth and Franklin *tre?t*. Ci LEANS K THE BLOO 1). ?W i th corJ runt, disordered, or vitiated Blood you ar* sick all over. It may burst out In pimples, or sores, or In ?ome active disease, or it may merely keep you listh:**, depressed, and good for nothing. But you cannot have good health while your blood is impure. A YKR'S 8A ItSAPARILLA purges oat these impurities and stimulates the organs of life into vigorous action, restoring the health and expelling disease. Hence it rapidly cure# a variety of complaint* which are caused by impurity of th* blood, such as Scrofula or King's Evil, Tumon, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples Blotches, Bolls, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter or Salt Itheum, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Cancer or Cancerous Tumors, Sore Eyes, Female Disease#, * *? ? * ' ? mml 4 ?? Ik m nmiiisiiiAn I' I ?*"??, I ? I ? 'I VUIIIIM?IHM*| ??u Try aYER'S SA KhAI'AKILLA. and ?ee for yourseif the snrpj ising activity wiiii which It cleanae# "... "???? the blof?i and cures thes? disorders. During l.ite years the public have been misled by large bottle*, pretending to give aquartof Extract of Sarsaps i Ilia for one dollar. Most of the*# bave been fraud* up. m the sick, for they not only contain little, if any. Karssparilia, but often no curative properties whatever. Hence, bitter disappointment ha- followed the use of the varlott* extract* of Sara* pari I la which Ihxxl the market, until the name itself has become s*nonymou? with imposition and cheat, bt ill we call this compound '? SarKipariila," and Intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which re->ts up?<n it. We think we have gronnd for b? hevmg it lias virtue* which are irr?aistible bv the ordinary run of the diseases it Is intended 'to enre. We can only assure the sick thatwu oflei them the best alterative which w? know how to produce, und we have reason to believe It is bv far the most etTectusl purifler of th* blood yet discovered bv anybody. AVER'S CHERRY PRCTORAL Is so universally known to surpass tvery other remedy for the cur* of Coughs, (.olds. Influenza, Hoarseness, Crone Bronchiti*, ln< Ipi^nt ConsumptloD, and for relief of Consumptive Patients in advance^ of the disease, that it is useless here to ^connt th* evidence of its virtues. The world '<nowt them Prepared by J. C, AVER k CO., L?Vel|. Massachusetts, and sold by I'URCBLL, LADD 4 CO., DrnggisU. Richmond, va. mh 2m Healthful attractions of Til K WASI1IVGTO.V SPKINOS, VA. <?.\L RAUL ITEM ok THE PROtJKESS of th* PRESENT CENTURY. Dr. B. J. GOODWIN'S EUTROPHIC, FOR SCROFULA. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM AND SYPHILIS. The roost tminansgeable diseases which aflllct th* human race made to yield satisfactorily artd permanently t?, tbo method and means, an exposition of whic'.t may he had by reading a concise statement oi fni is, in pamphlet form, which 1 hav* thought f?>i s- rno tim-j worthy to be noted by th* piibJle generally. The title of this short treatise Is " The Special Treatment of Syphilis, Chronic Rheumatism, and Scrofula, by Dr. E. J. Goodwin, of the Washington Springs." 1 hereby most respf ctfully and honestly solicit * careful notice of this pamphlet by the class of suffering humanity to which it particularly refers, and an attentive reading of its " Supplement," and the authenticity <>t it? intelligent and professional endorsement. The "Vegetable Kutrophlc," which figures as the most prominent feature In the pamphlet constitutes, in the judgment of discriminating physicians and others distinguished for intelllgenee and a high appreciation of truth and merit, ?'an important addition" to the remedies now known as the most efficient In the treatment of thes* diseases. My success iti managing these diseases, now conceded to excel any attending th* general plans of treatment, is due to my adaptation of the Eutrophic upon the theory whii ft I devised upon early pathological views taken of these maladies. The potency i f it> .-flKiicy makes it eminently deseivniE a tdace among the most reputed standard re media* of medical record: and I would most conscientiously claim at the hand- of honorable and intelligent physicians a fair and impartial trial of ite therapeutical value as applied by me In the control of the** diseases. 1 can, on short notice, furnish physicians located in towns ami cities fi ?m fifty to one hundred bottls* of tint Eutrophic at a cost of three dollars per bottle. containing thirty ounces. The ;oiinr-e?tabhshed mineral resources of th* Washington Spiings formerly known its Leech's, affording the best qualities of 8ulphur, Alum, Chalybeate, and Magnesia, the m<u?t remarkable and valuablecoliection of medicinal waters known to the mountains of Virginia, cannot be otherwls* than atnio tive tolrvaltdn <?f both sexes suffering from debilities, diseases of the urinary organs, uterine disorders, skin diseases, diseases or th* liver tml digestive functions, and all affection* benefited by a relaxation from domestic habits and pursuits, accompanied by a few week*1 soiourn at such a healthful retteatas that of the Washington Springs. Persons visiting the Spring* for their mineral a ivantages will he charged two dollars per day and twelve dollars per week board. Persons visiting rhe S|>ritigs for medical advlc* and treatment will be charged dve dollar* per week, at specie ratei, for board. Paxxen^ers reach the Springs by the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, stopping at Glade Spring depot, Washington county. No charge for medical services unless satisfaction ii given. The atiiicted may visit us with the assurance that their sojourn shall be succeeded by a happy return. T>> livt. wv hate n<j nerA awl wml l not humbug Uie ru/triug. E. J. GOODWIN. The VEGETABLE EUTROPHIC and th? PAMPHLET can be < htaiucd ol J. U. WunD, Druggis', northeast corner < f Marshall and Fifth streets, Richmond, agent for this city, and from druggist* generally 1 1 ill parts of Virginia. iah v? <*lAsw'.'tawm

\X>lI<:h.--I!ookn will be owned lor 1' ?ub?criptloi? to the capital stock of " THB RlCIIMO.Nl). PRKDIKICKSBIIKO AND POTo. MAC RAILROAD A N 1) RICHMOND A.N1> PETERSBURG RAILROAD CONNECTION CUMPAN Y," At the otflc?> of the Richmond and Petert-btii-K RnMrottd Company in Richmond, and at (b? ottlr.- of tb? Peter- bur# Railroad Company In Peter?l?urg, on the l?t Jay of June, Iw, under the direction of ?he tial?r?i?ned, C??uiuilsalonel* iuni?d in the charter of the company. ^^B. B. HAXALL, p. V. danikl, Jm., CIIABLW ELLIS, h. mv ?? Jot rl HI THK CHILDREN OF DhCEASED . CON FEDERATE SOLDIERS IN RICHMOND AND ITS VICINIT* -Havln* bad frequent appltc it <i>n.o for children of tht* cla?a by persona in and out ,.f the Stale, Wii? wi*b In some cum to adopt, ami in oih'*!" t? raiae and educate them, I win ih.ii all mic h children. bet wean the axes of tlx and twnlre yeare, wb?? wi?h food homea. will cell on m<iany day between ? and 10, A. M. Mother* need not call ffiilinui Hiolr children. WM. W. PARKER, M. D.r mv 15 -f? corner Broad and Tenth afreet*. it K, WIS, K'E. ? -There ia no uae in 1 ojH'iidinx our money for northern Ice when w# have a >'??. I cmp of our own ; and our. N pare Virginia Kprinjc water, ma<l? on oar own ponde, iui It ? liter a? we are naed to drtuklnjf. Oar tea cannot be excelled thin Tear anywhere. Our farmer* want every dollar thai they can make, tha rat dgen of war the cam*. The <>ther? don't thank u? for our money. I wilt a*rll \r any oaautltv to iait the puhlic. trotuone cent upward, and WARRANT M V ICE PURE VIRGINIA hpKlXG Wltft. lev hoitae open at all hour*. ROBERT KE1D, Ice-houat and Stable* my 11? aw blxih treat, near Clay. OTICK .?The headquarter* of tha State board of laiBlgrattan wlU be tot ^he f neraP* Oflc N ?ent at the Adjuuut- General** 0?ce. lathe \ where the utxler?i?ned may be fejand daUy. *ona who wiah to obuia at>?leet (Im of through ike Beard ?houi4 foeward i aT* received ' Prompfaad t,. ,i??u,n. my U Coromieaioner 1?lgmilMl- _ orrin or rn Bic?*o?p Lirtifooi. Pac*ft OonfA***^ I Bicmkohi>. May 1?, M*. ' rp HIS COMPANY being in 1 of liquidation. ft"?'" . h.?: ttf a r# VTa^aln*t ft or the anil* ViRlil- >a? oMco quired to | re*ent tbeaame J^rr&TKLL, of tb? Company to JbflK uiy ?*-lm ? ? T ? in u q v o It S A t K.-SAWED T A r II S r VI* | -urared la K^h> Lt LATHS. *?? "X'M S'? P?i AdiSlrOuS aKu ^Tmy tl? 1?