Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 222, 1 June 1866 — Page 2

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FRIDAY JUNE 1, 1 m. The President and His Policy. In another column will be found an extract from an article in the National Republican, which we understand to pledge the President to oppose the new bantling of the Radicals in Congress. We have heretofore pointed out the unmistakable difference between the President's plan and all those submitted bv the Stevens faction. While the President contends that the southern States are not out of the Union, for the simple reason that they could not either legally or forcibly get out, the Radicals assume in all their schemes that these States are out of the Union, and must comply with certain conditions precedent before they can be received back into the national fold. This assumption, according to the outgivings of the official organ, is what the President will never consent to acquiesce in. However plausible the new scheme may be, and however free from objection on other grounds, yet in assuming that the Union has been dissolved it must fail to secure the approval of the President. By every official act and speech which he has done and made since his accession to power, he has bound himself to stand by the doctrine that the Union remains now, and was throughout the war, in its original integrity. The Radical trap has been well baited to catch him ; for we believe there is no one feature of the amendment to which he is opj>o.sed, or to which he would object as ;i proposi. tion to the States as States still ill the I nion ; but when there is also incorporated into it the doctrine that the amendment is to be submitted to Territories, or only tjuasi States, which are not within the national confederation, he cannot but oppose the whole plot. Of course the people of every southern State will, upon principle, support him in this matter: for to do otherwise would be to betray a true friend. The object of the Radicals will, however, have been attained if they ean by this or any other measure prevent the votes of the States lately in insurrection from being counted against their candidate for the next presidency. Unconstitutionality of the Civil Rights Bill. We remarked yesterday that the present Civil Rights bill is clearly unconstitutional, and that the proposed amendments to the Constitution would make a similar bill constitutional. The National Intelligencer of yesterday has an editorial on the same points. It says: " If the Civil Rights bill is constitutional, " then this amendment to the Constitution is " unnecessary and superfluous. If, as these "Radical Senators now declare it is necessary to make this amendment to the Fede- " ral Constitution in order to confer citizen"ship upon the freedmen in the southern " States, then the Civil Rights bill must have "been unconstitutional, and the Senators "who voted for it, by voting for this constitutional amendment, have placed them"selves upon the record as declaring that " their votes upon the Civil Rights bill were "given for an unconstitutional measure"Thus by their own solemn declaration " they have vindicated the President and " convicted themselves." The Colorado Bill. The dispatch sent to the Richmond press Tuesday night stating that the hill for the admission of Colorado had been passed over the President's veto was not true. Our exchanges make no mention of any such action in Congress. We cannot imagine how the agent of the associated press could have made such a mistake.

Cheering Signs.?Every day brings us additional proofs that tlie friends of the President and his policy will stand shoulder to shoulder in the fall elections. No matter what party they have acted with here, tofore, a common enemy ami a common cause will induce every true patriot to make any sacrifice to restore the Union and save the country from another war. The iron heel of fanaticism, in its mad career, is now attempting to crush out State rights, and if successful it will soon seek to extinguish State lines. If there ever was a time that eternal vigilance was the price of liberty, it is at the present moment. We believe that the soldiers of tincountry will rally against any attempt at centralization.?Xatiowit Intrllujencrr. What the President Thinks of the New Proposed Amendment.?The Senatorial programme is a play lor the Kadical game under a new lead. The Radicals have resorted to strategy; they have surrendered some of their most objectionable principles, but it has been done to retain power. Parleying with them is simply mameuvriug; if they send out a tlag of truce it is not with any intention to capitulate, but a ruse to gain time ami obtain some advantage while the tiring ceases. We know that enemy too well to be deceived by any such tactics.?Xutional Re. publican (official). Some Ground to Hope for Peace in Europe.?The .Paris correspondent (May 18) of the National InitWgt-txcer says : It iM now beyond a doubt that the three neutral Powers in the question now agitating Europe?France, Russia, and England?are combined in a serious effort to induce Austria, Prussia, and Italy to keep the peace. The Baron de liudlnrg, Lord Cowly, and M. Drouyn de Lhuys have met more than once at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and, as far as they are concerned, have been able to agree upon what they consider a reasonable basis for an arrangement. Bonds Comino Home.?Private letters from the best informed bankers in Germany apprehend the return of immense amounts ot our Government l?onds upon our home market. About eight millions arrived bv one of the last steamers .?Sat fowl lutein gmcer. Gkveral Scott's Last Words.?A cor-1 respondent of the Herald sa>s that General Scott, about twenty-live minutes before his death, addressed his hostler, Allen,saving, "James, how is the horse f" "He is well, General." " Take care of him, James" ; and that these were the last intelligible words be uttered. Chakok op Front.?Tho Chicago Repubtican now thiuks that the regulation of the fifkt of suffrage may be safely left with tho people of each State, and that each gir*M should determine for itself the fitness j of own people for holding State offices, All vwtlfig therefor. CaftAIN V. F. Maubt.?The London Jlmt* of the 19th of May says: " On the 6ib of June there will be a grand dinner at Willis's Rooms, to present Captain Maury wkfc ft testimonial, which will take the ?Metatjr torn of three thousand guinea*, jSf Q0orjf? PAkliiftoa will prwide."

The Confederate Dead. HONOR TO THEIR MEMORY. GRAND COMMEMORATION AT HOLLYWOOD CEMETERY. Twenty Thousand Persons Decorating the Graves of the Confederate Dead - All Business Suspended In the City - Every Grave Ornamented with Flowers - The Tombs of Stuart and Joseph Davis -The First Confederate Soldier Killed in Action - All the Old Military Organisations Present - Appearance of the Cemetery and Incidents of the Day. To those who, at Manassas and Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and Wilderncss, Sharpsburg or the battles of Richmond, fought salt- by side with the Southern soldiers who, now that the agony and pain of life are over, sleep in peace at Hollywood Cemetery, it will not be necessary to address one word of entreaty or prayer to cause them to hold sacred in their hearts the memory of their fallen comrades Thev will remember the clasp of the hand that* cheered them with hope when the battle had been lost ; they will remember the bright eve that flashed with chivalrous flre when the ranks of grev-coated men surged tumultnously forward in victory ; thev will remember the merry voice, the jest*and joke which relieved the tedium ot the march ; and they will not forget that faithful hand, that loving eye, and that truthful voice now that they are still and tranquil in death. They will remember the men who stood shoulder to shoulder with them in tho tight,and then fell with tlic careless courage and simple faithof the true soldier ; and they will feel honored that thev have been permitted with the r own hands to pay the last tribute of respect to those heroic men, the remembrance ot whose deeds must live forever. The long ranks of graves at Hollywood Cemetery, the long tiles of the dead, will constantly recall toour minds those soldiers who were stricken down by the rude hand of war; while the long lines of earthworks, the bastion aud the trench, the ahattis and the vhevaux *le u ,'l long remain a monument to the memory of the living. But sooner or later the time will com? when, despite all our care, the graves in our cemeteries will have fallen partially to decay; and the day will yet arrive when the thistle and dock shall climb upon the embrasure where the cannon frowned, and when the plough and the harrow shall pass over the spot. once consecrated by the step of armed men and furrowed by the warlike missiles of charging battalions. All the material marks of the last four years must be ultimately effaced Iroin the bosom of Virginia's soil; and it remains loins to ask whether it is not in our power to erect a monument to our departed soldiers such as shall be lasting as the world and eternal as the Universe itself. The name of one man or a thousand of men may be lost and forgotten, but we can separate the individual from the principles which he represented, and so give to him a permanent and lasting existence. Our soldiers who fell in the war were the incarnations of unselfishness, purity, and devotion. They did not stop to reason or argue, but did their duty honestly and fearlessly. The scanty ration, the tattered uniform, the shoeless feet, and the imperfect equipment, did not daunt their hearts ; they were as modest when fortune smiled upon their labors as when the future was dark with doubt and uncertainty. In remembering, then, our fallen soldiers, we can by our own actions and our own conduct show that we appreciated their sufferings and their endurance; and we can prove by the manner of our living that the sacrifice of their lives has not been in vain. Who can remember the fallen Confederate soldier and willing to trifle away his time in follies or indiscretions ; who will be willing to be a reproach to that south for which so many thousands died? Will not the pale, still face of the dead rise to rebuke us in the time of discouragement, teaching us patience and fortitude, honor and truth ; will not the mounds under which they sleep rise before our sight whenever we are tempted to do aught that is unbecoming to them or to ourselves? The truest monument that can be raised to our dead will be to stamp indelibly their virtues and their constancy upon the souls of the southern people! There is already enough of chivalrous feeling and instinctive honor in the south, but our young men especially need those qualities which the southern soldier so eminently possessed, and which are now, if possible, more venerable aud more near than ever before to every southern heart. Let us guide ourselves by the quiet trust, the conscientious attention to duty, the undoubting sense of right, and the unswerving belief in the eternal principles of truth and justice, which were the salient points in the character of the southern soldier, and the mindst.f our people will become so fortitied and strengthened that they will awaitl calmly what troubles may yet be before them, and assuredly in the end win their way back to an era of happiness, peace, and general good-will. And when the southern States shall be admired and honored for the virtue and patriotism of their people ; when they shall stand out unsullied and undegenerate among the corruptions of the age; when they shall be steadfast while all else of good and true is tottering to its base, men will ask "whence this constancy, this truth, this devotion ? Then will be the moment of triumph for our fallen soldiers ; then will an imperishable monument have been erected to their memory, as the reply is shouted forth with exultation, mingled with sadness: The merit is not ours; we have but emulated and striven to make our own the virtues of those brave and noble men who, long, long ago, fell in battle for the cause of their native , south. MORS'ISO IN' THE CITY. The morning of yesterday, the .{1st of May,?the day set apart by the ladies ol the Memorial Association for a general commemoration of the Confederate dead interred at Hollywood Cemetery?was bright and unclouded as were once the fondest hopes of those who now sleep beneath the sod. In the atmosphere there was a feeling of calm and stillness; the face of Mature itself seemed silent and sad ; and as the hours drew on when the city is usually murmuring with the din and bustle of trade, and all still remained noiseless and serene, even the most indifferent would have acknowledged that a moment ol gene- < ral and deep-seated sorrow was near at hand. All the stores were closed, and before many of them hung portraits ol Confederate generals draped iu crape. There were 110 clerks hurrying to their J stores; no merchants hastening to their j counting-rooms; the keeu look of the eager trader had disappeared, and the countenance of the most acute speculator seemed sombre aud subdued. For one day all was changed?for one day the living were forgotten and the heroic dead reigned supreme. At the street-corners were clusters of i young men, most of them wearing the w ell-1 known grey, and mauy of them bearing still that uniform aud which, although buttonless and without ornament, is dearer still to their hearts than all the gauds and pomp of tinsel ami embroidery wlueh had paw-, ud with them through many a battle nd was a mute witness of that sad day at A|>;;

box, ttolo/and p*eki*fce, wefe filled with flower* and evettprcenS ! The hotel omnibuses, Instead,or galloping to the railroad depot!, were garlanded with flowers and moving up the street! The children, hand in hand, with a mingled expression of awe and nstonishinent upon their childish faces, wore walking along the streets, and the men and women of Richmond,?old and vonnr, rieh and |w>or,?were all moving towards the cemetery at Hollywood. In , every hand was a bouquet, a garland, or a wreath, and by the middle of the day, when all had gone to glanco once more at the last home of the Confederate dead, the very houses of Richmond seemed asleep, and the whole beautiful city appeared to be as deserted as the fantastic creation i a dream. MORMNO AT OKAi-K CUl'RCH. Grace Church, on Main street, was the place to which all contributions of everi greens and flowers inteuded for the com- ! memoration were ordered to be sent, and during the whole of Wednesday tin* ladies , of the city were busily engaged in weaving them Into crosses, garlands, and wreaths. To describe the different combinations 1 would ho impossible for tljgjtouls of the ladies were in the work, uimv under their fair hands the scattered flowers and evergreens grew rapidly into forms ot rare and wondrous beauty. The omnibusesand express wagons placed at the disposal ol the ladies of the Memorial Association were rapidly carrying to the Cemetery the larger floral ornaments and such of the ladies a* werc unable to walk to the grounds. Soon after o'clock some of tin1 organizations arrived at the church, where all those persons who were not already provided with flowers were furnished with them. : The scene was a busy one, and yet no I shout, no noisy laugh, no mocking jm j echoed in the morning air. At about 10 o'clock the Virginia Life Guards and the Artillery battalions, commanded by Major brainier and Colonel ( askie. were formed in line and inarched towards the Cemetery ; land in a little while that portion of the 1 church which an hour before had been 1 tilled with clustering masses of flowers and plants, that street which had heen crowded with those who were awaiting the moment to proceed together to the spot where lie so many of the Confederate dead, was once more tranquil and at peace. MORN* I NO AT IIOI.LTWOOO CKMKTKKY. As the procession nearcd the Cemetery, and reached the large open field in it^ > front, some faint idea could be formed of the number of persons who might be expected to be present. I lie whole ground was dotted with groups of men, women, and children, all mo\ ing towards the Cemetery gates: while here and there, in the distance, was the dark mass ol one ol the city companies marching in the same direction. When the Cemetery was reached, the procession entered the gate*, and marched in silence to the soldiers burv-ing-ground. Kvery head was then bared, and the whole body of ex-Confederate 'soldiers marched in'slow time along the principal walks. After passing through ! the graves, the different organizations marched to pay the la*t honors to their I own particular friend* and comrades. Tho e who saw Hollywood Cemetery a ; week since, and deplored the neglected : condition of the graves of our soldiers, i while they thought with pain of the giganI tie character of the task of placing them in i order, saw on yesterday how much had been accomplished in a short time by the determined labor "I the men of Richmond. Those port ions of the ground which a week , ago were overrun with weeds and bu*hc* have been cleared and garnished; the sunken graves have been reniounded and reformed; the broken head-boards have been temporarily replaced : and the walk* have been carefully gravelled. Much Mill remains to be done, but our young men have shown that the old spirit i* still alive, and that their love and alfcctioii fbr their friends and comrades i* a* warm and a* earnest it* ever. Hv the middle of the day ffcbh/ tlniiisOiel fx /'son# had assembled in Holly wood < Vmetery, and all were engaged in pi n ing Mow - ers and wreaths upon the thousand* of Confederate graves. I'triiif;/ t/toHSUHll jirwiis were gathered together, and yet there w.i* no tumult and no coufusion. Then* was a tremor on every lip and a softue** in every eve ; each head was bowed in honor of the dead, and every voice sank to a low and reverent whisper. \\ hat anguish mu*t there have been in many a heart at Hollywood on yesterday ? There were hundreds 1 of gentle women clad in deepest mourning, their orphaned children tottering at their side; there wa* the mother who had lost her cherished son ; t he wife \\ ho had lo*' the husband she loved perhaps too well; the child who, in one day, had lo*t an atfectionatc father and devoted brother; and the father who had h?*t in the war that boy who had been the pride of hi* life and the stay of his declining year*. < >! how many prayers were offered to Almighty God as the sweet-scented flowers were tenderly placed upon the graves, that the lives of our soldiers may not have been sacrificed in vain; how many prayers were offered that the God of Mercy and Love would comfort and console those in affliction and distress ; those who had mourned since the fatal day which snatched from them all that they held dearest on earth. The soldier who came from his tar southern home to fight on the soil of the Old Dominion, and now sleeps in our midst, was not forgotten. Those graves which had not even a name to mark them were cared for, and that generous spirit which ever guides instinctively our Virginia women prompted them in many instance* to place the most elaborate floral ornaments upon the simplest and least distinguished graves. Surely the wouieu of the south will feel now that their expectations have not been disappointed. They will feel that Virginia will preserve the remains ol every Confederate soldier who sleeps within her broad domain, whether he be her own child, or only adopted when the rude hand of war sent him to repose forever uuder her battle-scarred bosom. The Carolina* and Alabama, Georgia and Texas, Mississppi and "Florida, all have their reprentatives in this State, and the States of the south have been cemented together by blood shed in a common cause until there i* no rivalry left except as to which shall show the most honor and gratitude to the other. Kvery battle-field and every soldier who fell iu the southern cause is a link to bind us together; and this tie no time can weaken or force of circumstances dissolve. The air at Hollywood was balmy and odorous with the mingled perfumes of tens of thousands of flowers, and it is a consolation to our hearts to know that not even one grave was seen which did not bear upon it some memento ot love and regard. When the long hillsides, where the Confederate dead lie side by side, had all been ornamented, thousands of persons wandered through the Cemetery, visiting the graves of tiiose who were to them more particularly dear. This was the most grievous moment of all! As they reached the grave of the lost one the reserve and self-control which they had at so much cost maintained, would give way entirely, and the choking sob, the heaving breast, and the hysterical burst of tears told too well the tale of the widowed, broken heart. The little child knelt upon his father's grave and wondered at his mother's grief, smiling iu her lace as her eyes were dim- i mcd and blurred by the fast-falling tear; the wounded ex-Confederate, stick in hand, walked painfully from place to place, leaving a flower here and a garland there ; and then solemnly floating over the trees came the low notes of the dirge played by the band which marched with the Blues to the Cemetery. Every thought ana aspiration wa? lifted towards Heaven ; there was hope and promise in the solemn strains ? the saddest soul was cheered and the hardest mind wu loiWsd.

After marching through the Cemetery, Smith'* band passed down into the ravine by the Soldier's Bury ing-Gfound,ind there again a brantifnl dirge wan played : nnd ii|H?n the crowning portion of the hill, where the main body ol our soldiers arc* buried, was plaeed a large cro*s, upon which was beautifully worked in evergreens the inscription : fiend, l>nt not Forgotten. No horses or carriages of any description were allowed to enter the cemetery, so that even the children were aide to move about with perfect safety, and, in deference to a wish generally expressed, no addresses or speeches were delivered. The following selection is taken from a beautiful poem entitled Chtr Dead, written by Colonel A. M. Hobby, formerly of the Confederate army, a gallant soldier, who gained for himself a high reputation under circumstances which make that fame the i equivalent of more even than it generally implies: ' Their precious blood, though vainly shed, L?>nu as thy shore old Ocean laves. We'll now w ith reverence o'er our dead. Ami bless the turf that wrap* their graves. From Mexico to Maryland j Those graves are strewn like antumn leaves? What though no mother s tender hand Upon their tomb a chaplet weaves, Nor wives, nor sisters bend above The Honored Soldier's unmarked mound? | They are objects of eternal love In consecrated southern ground. j 1( recks not where their bodies lieBy bloody hillside, Plain or river? Their names are bright on Faroe's proud sky, Their deeds of valor live forever ; Tin- #onj birds of the ?>.ittli shall sing From o est< grand, ami flowery stem />; dg''u!b'?it waters murmuring, luiu t<* bymi. their requiem. An I i'ilig Will deck their l.llloWC J Lied Will ty'? ?> i f resurrection' - any ; A i id il b .it t ?? i .11 he ^ 1-, 1: t ! aih s . i 1 TLc Moriiii.g'i beam will lii- j away. *#?#?*** Our Spartan women bo<v in du-t. Aifund f 1:. .r eoiiniry's brokoii shrine : Tine? as tlieir s.hiIh are noble?j ist, 1'a.\i?as tl.c.r deeds l.uVi; biKii divi! e '1 lu'ir A.i>;el !, ui ?the woundu I clibeied? Did .1 i ill it woni <ji ever dan? When wealth and homes had disappeared : They gave iu t- hm, and smiles, ami prayers, t ; Tln-v proudly gave their jewels upFoV .ill they |..v? I as worthless toys ; Drank to ihe dregs Want's bitter ciij< To I'jed oui aitk and starving bi >s, Tlodr glorious Hag on high no more I* borne bv that uiicoiniuered band : 'Ti* furled upon the ?' silent shore "? It- heroes still around it stand. So more beneath it* folds shall meet The armies of immortal LKF.; The rolling of their drums' last beat In echoing in eternity. KVFNIXU IN THK CITY. In the evening when the citizens had' returned from Hollywood, the stores still remained closed, and the streets were as silent as upon a Sunday afternoon. Our merchants and bu.sine.s.s men have acted in the generous manner that wchadcxpcctcd of them, and they may rest assured that they will never be the lo.*?rs by having given tip one day to the memory of the Confederate dead. It will be remembered that upon the occasion of the commeino. rntion at Oak wood on the 10 May, the proprietor of one of the largest business j houses on Hroad street refused to close his store, saying that "/o- hud no respect for rthtk, lir'unjar di'id, yet even this man? lie who would insult the fallen soldier whose only crime was to prefer honor t<> interest?closed his store entirely on yesterdav. THK tilt.WK OF UKXKRAL sTl Vltl". The grave <?f the Virginia cavalier, Major-General Stuart, was visited on yes. terdny by every organisation represented at Hollywood, and by the great majority of' the ladies who were present. As already stated, a niche had been erected at the foot of the grave, composed of evergreens. and flower*, upon the top of which stands a life-like bust of the fallen soldier, the work of Mr. Edward Valentine, of this city. I'pon the pedestal which supports the bust is thi?. inscription :

STI'aRT. ' DI AD, VET ALIVE! MORTAL, TFT IMMORTAL* Every ono seemed to vie with the other in decorating the grave ?>f our cavalry chieftain,?lie who, with all the Wythe valor of ih?* thoughtless hoy, possessed the clear head and evenly-poised judgment of the man of mature years ; he who went into action with a smile upon his lace and a song upon hi> lips, and bore fatigues untold without a murmur or complaint; he who, in line, is so loved in the south Itecause he was the type of the true soldier, Christian, and gentleman; and the whole of tlic section in which he lies was proluseh ornamented with beautiful garlands anl floral emblems. in the same enclosure with the grave ol General Stuart is that of his infant daughter, and that of Minnie Brewer, the daughter <?f Mr. Charles Brewer ; 1 ?<?t 1? of these graves wore also tastefully decorated. After the greater part of the vast concourse had left, a sword, entwined with flowers, was placed by a lady upon Stuart's grave. The hand of Stuart is cold in death, and can never again grasp the sabre, but his name and memory still live to inspire the resolves of those who appreciate so well his reputation and lame. During the day a photograph of 'S alcntine's bust of Stuart was taken by Messrs. Lumpkin \ Co. and Mr. Anderson, photographists of this city ; and we understand that they intend t<> p'resent two hundred and fifty copies t<? the Hollywood Memorial Association. THR FIRST CONFEDERATE SOLDIER KILLED IN REIIULAR ACTIOS IX THE WAR. In the course of the morning the Virginia Life Guards visited the grave of a young soldier named Henry Wyatt, who was the lir>t Confederate soldier killed in regular action in the late war. Wyatt was Virginian by birth, but lived in North Carolina, and at the earliest possible moment joined the first regiment raised in that State. At the battle of Bethel he, with two other men, volunteered to charge a house which was occupied by the enemy's skirmishers, whose fire was annoying and galling our line. The duty was ono of most imminent peril; but there was no faltering or hesitation on the part of our soldiers, and they steadily, cheerfully, advanced. At the first tire young Wyatt was mortally wounded; but he had still the satisfaction of knowing that the position had been won, and the work to which he gave his life accomplished. Wyatt's grave was covered with flowers, and there was evidently a special desire to do honor to the memory of ho who was fhe first to fall in battle for the cause of the south. It is not perhaps known who was the last man to fall in the Army of Northern Virginia! We know not the name of that noble fellow who, after years of carnage and war, died at the moment when the surrender of his command would have restored him to what was once his home, and to that family and those relatives who are dearer in sorrow and sadness than in triumph and victory. The name of this gallant soldier may remain unrecorded; but how gratifying it would be to us now if the last soldier who died for the south before the surrender could repose for ever by the side of he who was first to ilie in battle when the fir^t notes of war were yet stirring every heart throughout the southern land. It may be mentioned that in all probability the last Confederate soldier wounded in the Army of Northern Virginia was Lieutenant Charles Minuigerode, son of the rector of St. Paul's Church in this city, who was whot through the body while acting with conspicuous gallantry at Appomattox Courthouse only a few minutes before the flag of truce, waving along the lines, announced that the day had come when the band of heroic men who formed General Lee's army was to be dissolved, perhaps for ever; and when the only link to unite them should be the remembrance of the dangers they had endured and the victories they had won together*

over tlx* grave of Joseph Davis, the son of President Davis, accidentally killed during the war by falling from the porch of his father's residence. The monument is chaste and elegant in design, and was elaborately decked on yesterday with rare and beautiful flowers and evergreens. It bears following inscription : Joseph, Son of our Beloved President, Jefferson Davis. Erected by the Little Boys and Girls of the SOUTHERN CAPITAL. Tin* feeling that prompted this tribute of affectionate regard will be appreciated by every generous mind, lie who would with tender care have guarded zealously the spot i where lie the remains of his darling child is a prisoner, suffering the penalty of the actions of his people. To every magnanimous man, the solitary prisoner, with weary steps the narrow casemate in Fortress Monroe, or feebly walking atr the enclosure of his prison, will be a greater object of sympathy and reverence than when three millions of men were guided and directed by his lofty will. To him, in his dreary incarceration, it willbe a lation beyond all price to know that he is loved and remembered bj those still represents, and it will bring a thrill of ; !L,1 lns .ichi.ii! heart, an.l to hat of tl c noble partner of his sorrows ami .io> ?, !,! feel tl.St the people of Virginia haw: taken wider their own protection the la_t resting-place of that son whose voice is n0w pleading before the throne ot God for that me rev to his earthly father which vindictive fanatical men are not willing to bestow. V TRIRt'TE To MARYLAND. . The grave of General Archer, of Maryland, \.as dressed on yesterday with the most rare ami beautiful flowers, and was visited by a large number of ladies. This was done not only as a mark of appreciation of the gallantry and merit of the fallen General, but as an expression of thanks to the noble women of Maryland, who, from the first day of the war until their late work of aiding the southern poor, have ever been untiring in their liberality,. devotion, and zeal in supplying the needs of the captive southern soldier, and relieving the necessities of the impoverished southern people. FLORAL OFFERINGS. Among the floral offerings sent to the ladies of the Memorial Association was a large quantity of flowers contributed by the ladies of Fredericksburg, and kindly brought on by Captain K. I). Minor, of the National hxpress Company. A large selection of flowers was also sent over from PetersburgMrs. Judge Joynes contributing several large boxes tilled with rare plants, and Mrs. \\\ A. (jiiliiian contributing a large and' beautiful bouquet arranged so as to keep for several days without lading. All the gardens in the city were denuded ot their" choicest flowers, and every one showed the greatest anxiety that there should be an abundance for the sacred purposes of the day. INCIDENTS of THE COMMEMORATION. On one of the graves was a beautiful ,-ross of evergreens tied with white silk ribbons, upon one of which was printed Ijevtnuntt <1. If> Smith, vowpany H, K"jhtnnth Virginia regiment, and upon another, Marv !?in memory of her cousin.' Vi> M"sovir fjjt.?The graves of the soldiers buried in the Masonic lot, about twenty in number, were prettily decorated with flowers, and adorned with Masonic emblems worked in flowers and evergreens. (Iron of Hinn'dl Arwisteail.?The grave of the gallant General Arinistead who, with hat in hand, and long grey hair floatin" on the breeze, led the charge ot his n<)hle brigade at Gettysburg, and was mortally wounded when actually within the Federal works, was visited by a large number of persons, and covered with exquisite flowers. ?\ J/misimm Soldier.?The grave of one of the Louisiana troops was ornamented with a handsome wreath bearing the inscription : " Louisiana mourns her lo>t S<>!|s. _ l)r. >7. i{<or<i* Pi achif's hrare.? I lie ???rave of' Dr. Peachy, formerly Vice-Presi-dent ot the Kxamining Board of Surgeons, was covered with chaste and elegant tributes of affection, arranged by his friends and former classmates. tiehfMl 'John II. Morgan? The entrance of Mr. \\\ W. Dunnavant's vault, in which lie the remains of General Morgan, was decorated with a beautiful wreath, sent on for that purpose by Mi^s Jackson, ot Lexington, Kv. . M'ljor Wlii at.?The grave ot Major \\ heat bore the following inscription : " Louisiana has not forgotten her lost brothers," and also the last words uttered before he died: " Hurv me on the battle-field, boj>. Hriij't'H<r-<rr>< fro I Starke. I he graves of General Starke, who was killed at Sharpsburg while commanding the heeoud Louisiana brigade, and that of his son hdward, adjutant of the Seventh V irginia rriziiucnt, who dic?l but u short tunc bcton his father was killed, in consequence of wounds received in the battle of Seven Pines, were visited by a large number ot persons, and handsomely decorated with flowers and evergreens. > # Xegrofs Jjeivrating the (iraves oj their Former Masters.?As an instance of the affection of many of the former slaves tor their old masters, it may be noticed that several negro wyincn who, upon the oci upation ot this city by the federal ami), left their homes and went oil with the troops, were at Hollywood on yesterday. They did not admire the treatment they received at the hands of their northern friends, and returning to their old homes, went out to the cemetery to decorate with wreaths the graves of those masters who had protected and cared foi them until emancipation threw them upon their own resources. ORGANIZATIONS AT HOLLYWOOD ON VESTERDAY. The following organizations took part on yesterday in the work of decorating the graves of the Confederate dead '? Richmond Light Infantry Blues, the Greys, Companv F, Virginia Life Guards, Otey Battery, Cadets, Pegrant's Artillery battalion,'Fayette Artillery, Howitzer battalion, llaiiipden Artillery, Company G. Third Virginia regiment. Voting Guard, and the First Virginia regiment. THE it. L. I. 44 ULCUS.'' This time-honored organization mustered in full force on yesterday, each one of the members wearing a beaut iful rosette of red and white ribbon with streamers. These rosettes were in perfect taste, and were the work of Miss L. Devlin, milliner of 311 Broad street, who generously presented lilty of them to the company. One, which was larger, and if possible, more handsome than the rest, was presented to Captain C. P. Bigger, . . , , At Hollywood the "Blues" visited the grave of the lamented 0. Jennings AN isc, cantaiu of the company i?t the commencement of the war, killed At Roanoke island. His grave was covered with wreathes and bouquets. At the head was a cross, with the letters, "Our Captaiu"; and on a beautiful wreath, sent by Mrs. Dr. George, was the inscription: ?? But he, hit couuuy'n ?w<'rJ auiWUUM, still in the battle-front revealed, ? Win-re dauger fl?rce*t ewoptthe Held The grave of Captain Carter, of the 14Bines," was also profusely decorated. There was a handsome cross at the head with the inscription: " Our Captain." THE VlRiilMA LIFE Ul'ARDB. The (surviving members of this company met promptly at the place of rendezvous, where each received a handsome black and white rosette, kiudly prepared bv the ladies of the Centenary Church, All

mcmtmfK preietrf Wc *?'>' llowcrs, and iwmeof them h#<l wreattii ? of .?v.rgrefv, l*Hn* In the contjctlw InitialsV. U ft; In The?eompanv man'liea '? from Grace Church, on ??'< when tho procession had pS^^Tnrotigti tho soldiers' burying-gronrul, proceeded|o the graves of their comrade! who had <lay| i during the war. The first grave visited by them was of Daniel Robinson, who was killed at Drewry's bluff on May 6, l864. Every head was bared as the company formed around his grave, which was tenderly and affectionately dressed with flowers. Major W. W. Parker said that he knew Dime Robinson well; he was an admirable soldier,and always bright and cheerful under every circumstance of his career. He (Major Parker) would not forget him though he lived one thousand years. Captain Allan Lyons, commanding the company, said that those who knew Robinson would not need to hear one word of eulogy or praise. He was a thorough soldier, an earnest patriot, and a conscientious and honorable man. The company then visited the grave of Henry Crewes, who died in hospital. His grave was decorated, and Major Parker, in speaking of his many virtues, said that his Christian meekness was one of the most beautiful traits in his character. The grave of Lieutenant McCloy, of the Fifteenth regiment, was next visited and ornamented with garlands and bouquets. Captain Lyons spoke of his rare qualifications as a soldier, and ol the regret induced by his loss, referring to the fact that tin wife and child of the fallen soldier werc now resting at his side. Major Parker said that his surviving children should never be forgotten. The grave of Major John Stuart Walker,, the first captain of the Life Guards, was then visited. When the grave had been literally covered with fragrant flowers, Major Parker said that there was a common belief that a cause which had been lost, must, because it was lost, have been unjust, and thus have tailed to obtain the protection and approbation of Heaven., He said that there was no greater fallacy than this, for however for a time wrong might prevail, iu the end the cause of right - the just cause - would infallibly triumph. He himself had lived and fought in that belief, and in that firm belief would he die! He lamented the death of the noble officer around whose grave they were then standing, and prayed that his death might be sanctified to our benefit, while he invoked the blessing of the Almighty upon the surviving members of his family. After visiting the grave of young Hyatt, the company marched to the Poor-House Uurving-Ground, where the graces o Lieutenant J. M. Willis, Kddie Hutler, and Jo- , siah New were ornamented with flowers. It maybe mentioned to the honor of the ; Virginia Life Guards - which was originally organized at Major W. W. Parker's office, and was one of the lirst companies formed in the city - that the seventy-five members of which it was composed were nearly all professors of religion, and that every commissioned and non-commissioned officer of the company was a consistent and zealous member of the church. On yesterday the company turned out about thirty men, and was commanded by Captain Allan Lyons. Major Parker, the old major of the Fifteenth Virginia, accompanied the company in visiting the graves of their fallen fellow-soldiers. The Virginia Life Guards was also the first infantry company to fire a musket in action in the late war. COMPANY F. The members of this organization, about thirty in number, under command of Captain George Peterkin, visited and decorated the graves of all their comrades interred at Hollywood and Shockoe Hill Cemeteries. THE RICHMOND GREYS. The surviving members of this old and veteran company met at ? o'cloeU at tin* City Hall. About thirty of the old members were present, and were commanded by Major J. W. Pcgram. The company marched to Shockoe Hill Cemetery, and there visited and decorated the grave of Captain Edward Branch. of the Richmond Greys, and that of Captain David Wright, of tlie Norfolk Greys - this latter company having been in tho same regiment with the Richmond Greys. They then visited the Israelitish Burying-Ground, and adorned the graves of Privates Max Myers and H. Hirsch, of the Richmond Greys, and that of C. Kane, of the Sixteenth Mississippi regiment. They then proceeded to Hollywood Cemetery, and visited the graves of Lieutenant-Colonel Taylor, of the twelfth Virginia regiment,ot Privates t ?illiti>, Connor, and George Spcnce, ot the N? rtolk Juniors, and those of Privates L. C. Nimmo, J. B. Symington, and George Grattan. of their own company. As the company reached each grave, the front and rear ranks tiled to either side of it and faced inwards. The men then uncovered their heads, and Major Pegram, from the records or from memory, stated briefly tin- manner in which the soldier who occupied the grave had died, recalled his brave deeds, and described the most prominent traits of his character. At the conclusion of Major Pegram's remarks each grave was orna-, mented with flowers. After d**corut:ng j ihe graves of their own comrades, tin* Grevs proceeded, by request, to visit the , graves of Colonel W. J. Pegram and MajorGeneral J. Pegram, and afterwards aided iu adorning most of tin' other graves in the Cemetery. PEGRAM'S BATTALION. All tin* old members in this city of the Pureell, Crenshaw, and Letcher Latteries, of Pegram's artillery battalion, ahortt fifty iu number, met on yesterday morning, and marched to Hollywood Cemetery under the command of Major T. A. Brander. They there visited the grave of Colonel W. ?!. Pegram, that spotless syn ol \ irgtnia wlio.se honor was as untarnished as the gleaming blade which so often waved over his head when the gallant men of his battalion, cheering vociferously, poured a hail of iron into the opposing ranks who was killed at the battle of Five Forks, April 1, 1865. Colonel Pegram's grave was beautifully adorned with garlands and bouquets, and his name will be remembered as long as the fame of the artillery corps of the army of Northern Virginia is honored and unforgotten. The command then visited and decorated the grave of Lieutenant Ellett, of the Crenshaw battery, and those of Corporal Peter poster and Private Newman, of the Purcell battery. Finding that the graves of three South Carolina soldiers had accidentally been overlooked, the command remounded them carefully, and strewed them with flowers. THE HOWITZER BATTALION. The surviving members of the first company Richmond Howitzers, Lieutenant Thomas Mayo commanding; the Second company, Lieutenant Wallace McRae commanding, and the Third company, Lieutenant WilliamM. Read commanding, formed in line at the City Hall, and at U A. M. marched to Grace Church. Ile.e a line ot inarch was formed, consisting of the first Virginia regiment, the Howitzers, Cadets Virginia Military Institute, and Company "F" Association, comprising about five hundred men. These marched to tho cemetery, arriving there ut about half-past 10 o'clock, and proceeded directly to the " Soldiers' Burying-Ground,'' where lie the Confederate dead. Here they were temporarily disbanded, dispersing into various portions of the grounds. In group* sometimes large, sometimes small, they sought the last resting-places of their buried com-rades-in-arms with chapleUwhich, as they might not wreath around the brow of thoie brave heroea, it waa a mournful pleasure to atrew upon their graves. Among those visited were the graves of Thomas Pollard,

of tlirf Second company, (?on of p?.rii. Pollard, E*q.,)*nd of Arfhnr b, ,,r of the First company, (??> of VPynne, Esq). The grave of f?,,}, Standard was reinounded ami de, ? and tho grave of Major K ( ; Price, and tTiaf of Private Smith ki t , 7 SpotejrlvmU Courthouse, May V ' mvrr ornamented v,it!* flow. V' half-paflt 12 o'clock the n ^Kirmcd, and St)6ckoe Hill p . ^Knind visited, the battalion arrivirr ' a bout an hour'* time. ; Mr* visited the grave of tho 1.. ;,n, ? " ' mander of the First company, < ; S. McCarthy, who was killed "at (VJa'i'J 'boron the Ith of June, ]?r4. n- . diameter made him very <|* .)r!" ! hearts in his life: his ?(<>atl, ! strengthened the chains of that lov.. ( I covered and in silence, with he,in ? ?? ; grief. they deposited the r?;em-.r their affection and reuicuihrar ?? slowly, sadly turned away. | It was the desire of the Hov,it/,.r j; , jtalion to visit the graves o| all tl,,', " ? comrades in arms, whether Mm: their corpH at the time of their fall". ! and with thispurpo.se thcvpr.?ceede,j ? fravo of Lieutenant Chandler, ot p. ! Battery, a former member of ?; .? j Howitzer*, who was killed at the . ( sioti of the mine near Petcr^tnir- . i , I'pon the arrival of the battalion ;,;'. site of the grave they found tii.it r 1 of affection had iwen before tin m. ...; . / I the remains had been removed t.?. section in Hollywood Ccnnterv. | his grave, among many <?t) <-r t affection, was a beautiful bou ? . , the sad inscription: " Your ai - :,t . and only survivor.'' Leaving the cemetery grounds .? i, M., they proceeded to the City l!.i.; each organization was dislu ;, commander, and dispersed j,, t sjiei tive homes. Lieutenant llenry C.Carter,' : ? 1 company, commanded the H v ;^, talion on this oecasiou. TIIK OTKV lUTTKKV. The surviving members ? <ltT .. met :it tin: coiner of Fifth and IV.,i' streets, forty btrong, and w? re . .mm.. by Lieutenant J.I^inghorne. Tie y n.irin procession t?? the cemeti ry. and ?1> rated with flowers the graves of (;,,, Md'atice, Charles (Jr. ,n, |>avid 1'. (ieorge Waddy. and Charh s Wharton, ? comrades who had died in the war. v isiting the graves of all the num! ei -, buttery who arc interred at 11? ? 11\ command dispersed over the ground ? in ornamenting and honoring the their friends and of every (alien < rate soldier. At half.past \i ? '.! , , ? company joined in the processing i, ? Shockoe Hill Hurying.firound, at tercd flowers upon the graves <>: their comrades who are there 1 (Jeorge Leftwicli, William i Smith, and Prad Starke ; alter wli. command returned to their holie r. The members of the Otev li.it t? . . to return their heartfelt thanks ? ladies who so gencroti.-Iy furni>l.? I a profusion of handsome wreath* am hors, and bouquets, to be used i ? ; rating the graves of the ('onfcd< ? ?t? diers, and pledge themselves r.< forget the young Virginian women zealously remember our honor. 1 i 1 loved dead. FAvrrn: aki ij.i.kky. The iiienibers of this battery ?'-> yesterday morning proceeded t" 1! w<"?I, where tliev visited the in i\.? Lieutenant Peyton Johnson and Newman. They found that the .n the latter, being in a rath* r ?>!>??? had been neglected, and, sett in .r in in . diatcly to work, it was in a few i placed in admirable order. I ?? was then decorated with wn ttln .? and bunches of tiowers. II \ MI'IJKX AIi ril.I.MlV. Ti?e surviving membei > of ti is t ?,? with those *?t" Parker's Hitt?M\. \ >ii> the graves of their comrade ?. and <i ? ihem appropriately. * company v:n?:ivi *. This company, thirty -eight -tr- ? .. ? ? nianded by Captain K. S. (Jay, ?? part o| un escort to the ladh ?<. "I"}., ? >., ? ed the grave ot Kdward l.e\.e|h n, company, aud#decorated it with I of tiowers. run vol ?;l aki*. This company, twenty-five -1:?-r? _r. ?< manded bv Captain (i. A. Charter-, ? ed ami decorated the graves <>t ,.,i ?' couirades who are interred at II <li> 1 he graves of Captain J. A?M. I' i v.ite A. Dabney, killed while ^ i. ? volunteer with the Blues at l'< t. : were handsomely ornamented. HKST VIROIMA KMifMI-M. This regiment, numbering about ? ? I red and fifty men, under command ? 1 < lonel Langley, visited Hullyu i Shoekoe Cemeteries, and d? , <.iaf i f graves of the old members of tl. i ? regiment there interred. Kach man a rosette of red. white, and r?'d, u[breast, and instead of the batth -i!ag wf they had borne with honor for f. nr ! ?: years, the ensign carried a beautiful ?" of evergreens. TIIK CAUirrs. The ex-Cadets of the Viminia Milita: Institute met in front of U oo.tr?..?i \ <ii ; store,on the corner of Fourth and Fiai. liu streets, and were comuiainUd b\ ( ij lain Samutd S. Shriver. AI out I?-rt> - of the old Cadets were present, and : 1 o'clock they marched to Sho*!;>'e II... Uurying-(iround, where they vi-it* i ?;< ? adorned the graves of Cadet U\ II. * .?' ? 1!. killed in the battle of Newinark< t. in ' V alley of \'irgini.i; Lieutenant 1 ? Mead, formerly a law student under J - Ur?>ekenhronpii, who died in (ieorgi ? t: i voiinds and disease, and Lieutenant 1 Kandolph,aid-dc-eamptoCienerai !'? billed in the battle of itethesda i The Cadets then march to II".Iw a*here they decorated the graves >>i l.n . lendant l'eyton Johnson, oi i!?*? 1 ?>' Artillery, formerly a Cadet, (Jardm ; M Cance, and Leslie Dove. They then .? sisted in adorning the grave ot (iei.? Stuart, and dispersed throughout t. grounds to recall vanished hopes blighted fortunes in regarding silent!\ t: simple mounds under which lie the of thokc men who in life were son I. * valiant, and so true. ItKKKKstl M KM s, Mr. Partington kindly furnished r : * menU to the ladies at the Cemetery, i f which they beg to return him their i The Howitzer battalion and Cadets ?<?' aUo invited to participate in the r. meiits supplied by the generosity wi Partington. THK TttAJ?S|?oUTATIoN. The holies of the Mvmoiial .\>so? iai. ? desire to return their thanks to the V Southern,and National ExpressCoiiij an:- ? for the wagons which they kindly p?ae* ' at the di.s|>osal of the Assoetuiion . j ' also to the hotel ami hack proprietors ' the use of their vehicle#. Nearly all ' oluuibiUK'.H were decorated with garland*, as wer? also notui' ot' the exprrvs wa^ ? * and carriages. The Spotswianl ll 'tel en. nibus wm very prettily ornamented.

MARRIED, On the 31st, by Rev. A. E. Dickinson, Joseph Broome, of Augusta, Ga., to Miss E. C. Frayser, of this city DIED. On the 31st of May, HELEN EVERETT, daughter of John F. and Abbie E. Anthony. The friends and acquaintances of the family are requested to attend her funeral, which will take place from the residence of her father, at the corner of Grace and Eighteenth streets, This EveniUKO (lb* Ut ol Junto a(4 u cl?><.k T>ICKLE8,-*-0ue huudrvd cam s ehuwv Jk FJCiUJCtf, in balJ-g?Mon, uu n. ?n4 piui # '?*?