Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 223, 2 June 1866 — Page 4

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Jtfrtonond gjspateh. : SATURDAY JUNE 2, 1866. i ? ? - . . I lbttkb from rrrr.iiftiirito. C<MTMpon.l?>nc? of the Richmond IM*patrh. TRIAL OF YOl'N'O GORDON ? BIS COWKTTOS ? CONFEDERATE DEAD ? rRiKKKOlNOS OF THK I.AI>1K? ? DI8TTRRANCR AND 8K121RK OF arms ry xeorok* in* nixwinniK. - JpKTKRsncRo, May 31, 1*66. The esse of young Klliott Gordon; the Massachusetts yon$h charged w\th horseMealing, was brought .up for the second time yesterday before the Circ*iit Court, and argued by R. G. Pcgram, Esq., Conn monwealth's Attorney, and Messrs. F. X. Watkins, Stringfellow, and Wallace for the defence. There was some difficulty in getting a jury. so that the trial was not concluded till a late hour at night. After an absence of fifteen or twenty minutes, the jury returned with a report that the\ were unable to agree. This morning on the opening of the court thev made the same report, but subsequently rendered a verdict of guilty, condemning the prisoner j to five yean*' imprisonment in the peni- 1 tentiary, and unanimously recommending him to the mercy of the Executive. This is probably the best thing they could have done, for there is no doubt the Governor would have pardoned him without any intervention. Gordon is a comely, bright - looking youth, and his case, conjoined with the great respectability of his connections, made a strong appeal to public sympathy. While he cannot be adjudged innocent of all criminal intention, yet his offence was not without some mitigating . circumstances. <9' f At a meeting of the Ladies' Hemorial Association yesterday it was <twrmined to dedicate the 9th of June to the grateful office of decking with flowers the graves of Confederate soldiers who perished near this city during the war. Meantime, active measures are to be taken to retnound and turf them, and renew the head-boards. The 9th of June, 1H64, it may be remembered, was the day when the first assault was made on our lines by tho Federal forccs. General Kant/, with two thousand cavalry, advanced on the Jerusalem plankroad, and was confronted at the Rives House by less than one hundred and fifty citi'/en-soldiers, and repulsed, but not without some severe fighting, during which we lost twelve or fifteen men killed and wounded, and thirty or forty taken prisoners. Not being aide to effect an entrance at that point, he withdrew his forces, and made another effort by the W ileox road. As he was descending the hill with his cavalry on the other side of' Lieutenant run, he was opportunely met by Graham's battery, that had but that moment taken position near the reservoir of the City Water Works, which gave him such a warm reception that he was driven back the second time. It was, however, a mournful day for Petersburg in the loss of so mauv of her best men ; ami therefore none more appropriate could be designated for paying fitting honors to our departed heroes. There was some disturbance yesterday in Dinwiddie, within a few miles of the city, which was very near resulting in serious consequences. A party of negroes presented themselves at the house of a gentleman, and in his absence demanded of the overseer the possession of some arms which had been stored there for safe keeping. Having no means of resisting the demand, he was compelled to surrender them. Information being conveyed to the police of the county, one of the negroes was arrested, and while in the act of being taken before a magistrate, another party of negroes, to the number of twenty or thirtyall armed with muskets- confronted the officers and demanded the release of the prisoner. One of the gentlemen, however, after reasoning with them, and representing the consequences of such a proceeding, succeeded in dissuading them from their purpose. The offender was committed, together with two or three others of the original gang, who were subsequently arrested. This is believed to be the first instance of serious violence which has taken place in this vicinity. As a general thing, there is no part of the State or of the south where the colored population has been more orderly.

LETTER FROM FRKDERH KNUCRU. Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. marye's heights taken ? < iianoe in military COMM ANT?KK> ? Sl'RVEY OK THE tt AT. TLE-FIEI.IH ? T1IE HAKHOIt ? EXAMINATION OF A Mt'RDERER OBSTRl'lTEO ? NATIONAL EXPRESS COMPANY, ETC. FnKHERH Ksm KG, June 1, 1S6G. Although Burnside is now a governor, he failed. with even the aid of Meagher's lighting brigade, to take Marye's heights. This has been accomplished, however, by Major Johnson, wider orders from Secretary Stanton, without the loss of a man ; aud scores of freedmen may now be seen levelling the breastworks on the portion of the ridge known as Willis llill, preparatory to laying out another National Cemetery for the interment of the dead of Burnside and Hooker's armies that are buried here and there in every nook and corner of this memorably historic region. Willis llill was named after its former owner, Byrd Willis ? the father of Mrs. Murat ? and subsequently passed into the hands of the Wellford family, who have a burial-ground iq?on it. It is now the property (so called) of Douglas Gordon, Esq., who had been approached by the Ladies' Memorial Assoeiation of this place for it> purchase as a cemetery for the Confederates who fell in defence of Fredericksburg and 44 the Heights." Lieutenant. Colonel llaml right, of the Elevcnth United States regulars, who has been for some time past in command of this |x?st, has been superseded by Major Nicotic ui us, of the Twelfth. Messrs. Fitzhugh, Marye, and Smith, engineers, are making a survey of the battlefields around Fredericksburg for the Kielu tnond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Kailroad Company. When completed it will be published in map form, with interesting explanatory notes. This will supply a de- | side rat um now much needed by travellers visiting this sect ion, and will tend to render even more popular this already most popular and excellent thoroughfare. Captain U. 1). Minor, of Merrimac fame, has made an estimate of the amount nu- , cessary to relieve this harbor of the obstructions which now seriously threaten ' the navigation of the Rappahannock. Of the four thousand dollar* required, accord- ! ing to his calculation, parties in Baltimore interested m the Fredericksburg trade will contribute two thousand dollars. By the way, why wa? Kichm'oud forced to look northward for parties to clean out the James, when the services of Colonel Jtives, Captain Minor, and others familiar with the location and tonnage of every vessel aud steamer sunk in its channel, could have been obtained f It may have liecn best, but it looks a I'ttle queer from our standpoint. The examination of Wesley Bowling for the murder of James M. Harrow, in Spotsylvania, in 1804, has been |>ostponcd ? it i.s alleged, If not on account of direct threats, because of ominous Intimations thrown out by the military. Bowling was a deserter from Captain John Anderson's company, j Thirtieth Virginia regiment, and hi* v?c- 1 tin had been active in gathering up de- ' *erterf and conscripts. Tbe business of the National Express , Company here is increasing. Ail tbe stock taken in tlie town and vicinity has been ' pM In except eifhiy-flre dollars, and j | now bf puwhwi #t <|Uott?d '

?atca. One gentleman ftlono has two hunIred shares. The Episcopal church pave an excursion yesterday down the Rappahannock, and realized a handsome amount for their Simday school. Kelley, Tackett & Pord'i immense woolen factory will commence manufacturing in al>out ten days or two weeks. They arc prepared to turn out cassinieres of tinmost superior grade. Sihh koe. FROM MOXT?OKERY t'Ol VTV. CorroifonUvnco of the Richmond Dl*p?tch. Chrintianhbi'bo, May 30, 1866. As I have lately returned from a trip to Newcastle, the "county-scat of Craig. I if ave thought that maybe a word or so on the crops, country, &c., might be acccptalili' to your readers. Going down to Salem on the train was very pleasant, as we passed through the magnificent valley of the Roanoke. The lands along thin river are noted for their beauty and fertility. Hemmed in on three sides by mountains, they are protected from the rude blasts ot our mountain winters ; and being well watered, they are now green with the famous blue grass ; and all the crops art* promising. The ne\t morning, starting off with eongenial society, I jolted along on a haltbroken eolt. with nothing of special interest to attract our notice until we came to the famous Hanging Hock, where "Old .lube" ought to have eaptnred the notorious Hunter, and would have done so had our cavalry been properly managed. 1 never saw a position better adapted for ambuscade, or where a small force might hold in check live times its number. This wa* the plan : merely to hold Hunter in ! eheck until the main army could come up i and attack him in the rear; and McCaus. ! i land's gallant and successful dash shows I that the plan was well devised. " But ' ! there is no use in crying over spilt milk " ; j or saying "it might have been." Passing through this narrow defile, we soon began I ! to ascend the mountain by a tortuous but ; ! well-graded road, and on reaching the i summit we had a most beautiful view ot j the surrounding scenery. We then ah- I ! ruptlv descended to the Catawba Valley, j j near to the u Boanokc Ked Sulphur Springs,'" and accepted the kind hospitali- j j tics ot a friend, where we did ample justice j to "bacon and greens," roast chicken, and ' ! gooseberry tarts. All through this country we found that the wheat crop was almost a complete failure ; and while the rye is more promising, still there will not be an average yield. The oats are looking well, and the j corn has a fine stand. The negroes were never owned to any very great extent in ' that section, but the most of them have I lelt, and tln ir places are more than sup. j by white laborers. From various sources we learned that probably a larger breadth of laud than usual would be cultivated. The people are not much encouraged to make improvements though, because of the diiliculty of getting to market over mountain roads. Should the "Winchester and Salem railroad be constructed, the whole of that beautiful and fertile section would be open to the world, and the value of the lands he enhanced beyond present computation. We were told of a fine coal bank that had lately been opened near to the Springs, of a similar kind to that of the famous Brush Mountain coal of Montgomery, and is no doubt the same vein. In the evening we rode on amid beautiful mountain scenery until we reached Craig's creek. 'I his is indeed a pretty good-si/cd river, and i^ so proverbially clear and limpid that men over there, in a discussion, will say : " Why, sir, the thing is as clear as Craig's creek;" and there's attend to all controversy. This was the stream that troubled General Ayrill so much in his raid to Salem, and where Fit/ Lee would have captured his force had he not been misinformed asto his ptccise whereabouts. And now we ride into the ancient and venerable town ot Newcastle. It is about as miserable, dilapidated, old- fashioned, out-ot-t he-way, aud comically-constructed place as 1 ever saw. It is near the continence of Craig's creek and Thorn's creek, and the inhabitants are exceedingly kind and hospitable, but feel that they are shut out from the world. By the way, I am told that about six miles of pretty rough work would enable the James River and Kanawha canal to passover this mountain to Sit. king creek, down this to New river, which is admirably adapted to canal purposes, and that the route is considered the most practicable by many of our most scientific engineers. The country around is fertile and very productive, and some of the people there are the best in Virginia. The people .showed us every attention, and notwithstanding our very unpleasant church business, our stay was delightful. Our return was marked by the same hard trot of the eolt and a drenching rain ? rather more of the water than is generally acceptable to us who believe in sprinkling, but not in immersion. H.

IIoiiie<bre?l l*roverbs. Good proverbs are excellent things. I They are to sensible conversation what ! good sauce i.-i to line well-cooked meat. I One of the authors of misspelt and quaint * letters ? Josh Billings ? has put forth a few that will pass for very good. We quote them : 44 It is highly important, when a man makes up his iuiii<lc* tew hekum a raskall, that he should examine hisself clusly, and see jX he aint better konMructed t V?r a phool/' 44 Heal happiness dont consis so mutch in what a man dont hav, as it duz in what he dont want." 44 We are ap tu hate them who wont take our advice, ami despise them who do." 44 Thare are a grate multitude ov individuals who are like blind mules, anxious enough to kick, but kant tell whare." 44 There is two things iu this life for which we are never fully prepared, and that iz, 1 twins." 44 Marrin for love ma be a little risky, but it is very honest." "It iz dredful eazy tew be a phool ? a ; man kau be one and not know it." 44 Gravity is very often mistakin for wisdom, but thare is as much difference as there is between a gide board and the man j who maid it." 4i What a man spends in this life, he saves; what lie dont git want ment for him, , and what lie saves, he looses." 11 Kize arly, work hard and late, live on wliat yu kant sell, give nothing awn, and if yu dont die riteh, and go tu the devil, yu ! ma sue me for damages." 41 A man running for olliss puts me in mimic ov a dog that's lost ? he smells ov everybody he meets and wags hisself all over." i A l'u knomknox. ? On the morning of the *. :id instant, from half-past 11 to a quarterpast 12, Birmingham, England, was enveloped in almost total darkness, and again' at half-past 4 P. M. it was as dark as in the ? middle of a winter's night. At both pc- ' j nods there was a moderate fall of rain, ' with a little wind. Millinery at reduced 1'KICKS.? Miss L. DEVLIN kovi* couotuntly on hand of On- ImvcMt and best selected stock* of MILLINKKV GOOD8 in tb is city, which will be told it t greatly reduced prices. L. DEVLIN, No. IU Broad street, between Third aud Fourth stiweiM "?? 9? lin* "iehmond, Va. f OSKPH J. PLEASANTS, tl CIVIL KJfUlNBKH AND LAND StTRVBYOB. Order* left at the oUce of the Clly Engineer or at this olBce will U promptly attended to.^ roy 1 BU1TER AND CHEESE ootntEuiUy t CO,

len from my "fable, on the night of th* JMh Instant. TWO HORSES : One, h lar. bay, with a little whit* upon one hi ml le?. MS mna A Old Dominion In*. Co.100 Giles l'icoi Richard Whitfield. .1*' K O 2? oltinff ??> C. W. Parcel 1, Tru?* te* ? E. Miller fJ. C. Pace, Jr 5" LOST. STRAYED AND FOUND. "COUNT), on TWatnr street, in \Jnn* V ch?ter. on Tue.dny last, a GENTS' BREASTPIN. Th * owner can #*t it hy railing on H A MA HONK at the Baptist Church, proving property and paying forthli ?d??rti?ement. j* l-3t J/IFTY DOLL A US REWAKD.? 8 tout i l?ai . J n*t bIkivo hoof, hardly' perceptible ; very star in the for*h*ad , newlv shod, witn swell heel* ; pare* rapidly, but wug)i. Th* other, a lar#*sorrel, with a bia/n* in the Uce. white hind lex*, ha* a rut hoof near the edge of the hair, par** well, and when ridden fa^t prove* to l?e winbroken. JOSEPH W. ('AM PBELL, my a?_ (s Keswick. Alhemarle county, \ ?. T ObT CERTIFICATES.? Notice is I J herehv given that Certificates of Stock In tlir capital of the VIRGINIA I IKK AND MARINE INSURANCE COM PAN V, issued in th* name* of th* following parties, respectively. have b**n lost, and that application will be mauetoth* Board or Director* of ??aid Company for new certificate*, in ll*u of the ?ani*, vir : Share*, i Shares K A. Trltdett 23 Thomas II. Wynne... 5u ; Andrew Antoni 1 ?" A. Converse 44 Ro. S. Pollard 1" Asa Snyder Jan* F." Little # K. B. Cringan A* George W Doe well.. eo A Morris 55 William Boll 5| Edward Mayo, Ex'r..l"i> .1 P. Wlnsfon. Trnstee 36 Lancaster & Co 5 Kent, Pain* & Co *0 Alexander Hill.... . . ?*" I. Davenport, Jr , All Stockholders in the above Company who have failed to rdurntheir certificates issued prior to M January la*t ar? r*<|ii''St*d to return tlien? to this office a? "early as possible, or, in case th*y be lost, to report the fact. WILLIAM WILLIS, Jr., my 2.1? la w2uiW Secretary. NrOTH E. ? Application will lio ninth' ' for the renewal of CERTIFICATE for one Share of Stock in th* "Richmond and Liverpool Packet Company." issued in my name, destroyed in the tireot April 3d, H?t5 ; date aud number unknown. my 24? 2jii lawTii A. MORRIS. N'OTICE. ? Application will bonm<h?ut th* proper time for the renewal of ON E SHARE op STOCK in the Richmond and Liverpool Packet Company, destroyed by th* fir> of Apiil .1. l*'"5, in the name of THOMAS, HlHtllES & CALDWELL. ?p 2*? law^m VTOTICE IS 1IEIIEI5Y <iIVK\ that ii we have mad* application for tli* renewal of two CERTIFICATES OF STOCK of the old Domi nion Iron Works Company, for six and one-third shares each, ?nid scrip having been lost in th* fire <d" 3d April, IsiiS. apl3? law'.'m J. PARKHURST, Jr., & Co. VTOTICE IS HEUEItY GIVEN that il application will be made t.. the Auditor < t State of Virginia for renewal of ( KRT1FICATK ? >P DEBT No. in for three hundred doll i r-. st m i injf in name of William F. Watson, guardian of .Mildred A. Watson, and Issued under act of 23d March, 1860 said certificate having been lost, my 5? law3m I. Davenport. 71 AlfreTT. Harris.. 40 F. H. Deane, Trustee o. H Chnlkley 1'" J. A Walker.. 1 Fan n v T Hilt 5" II. L. Kent 1" Richard Adam

VIRGINIA SPRINGS. poYNRirs WIIITK, BLACK ANI> I I I BLt'K sULI'linRSl'KlNGS.? Thi? well km urn WATERING PLACE, ? it nat?'?l iti Hotetourl county. Va.. on the line and in full view of tun Virginia uml Tennessee railroad, will t??? op.n for tin* r< - ception of visitors on the FIRST "K .H'XK. 1 *? r - sons leaving Baltimore, W.t-li i n.^; t??n, Richmond, and Petewnm*, bjr morning (rain, upending tin night in Lynchburg, will arrive the following j morning, the trains stopping immediately opposite i t b ?? Springs. The undersigned (former!)' ? >f Richmond) takes pleasure in informing his friends and the p n i? I it i that lie has removed t . ? mis plac ? with the m'.-n (ion of making it hi< permanent residence, ami will spare neither trouble nor expense to render it agreeable and pleasant to his guests There are FIVE sI'Ll'llCK >PKIX<:?. the medicinal qualities <?t whii h are ?o generally j* in! favor- 1 ahlv known thai it is d< eineU unnecessary to speak of their value. Those d? ->iron? of using the Alleghany or Alum Waters can be supplied. A FINE l?AN*l> will be in attendance during the season. Colonel WARD. so favorably known as Manager of the Fauquier White Milphur Springs, has 1m en engaged, and will be plea-ed to see h - friends Those desiring comfortable quarters would do Weil to make early application. The pric? of board will be three dollars per day; children and servants in proportion. A deduction often percent, will be made on all bills for one week, twenty j?? r cent for one month, and twenty* live per cent. tor two months or lom.'er. 1MRCELL, LA 1*1) Ac < ? ?. , Richmond, Va.. will keep a constant -apply of the water, put up in iiiiart bottles, tweiitv-Voiir in a case, ready for shipping. " WILLIAM II. FRV, my 15? eodSw Proprietor. HEALTHFUL ATTH ACT IONS OF THE WASHINGTON SPRINGS, VA. ONE KAKE ITEM <>F THE l'R? ? ? RE>? OF THE PRESENT < 'KNTi' R V Dn. E. .1. GOODWIN'S ?b'TKopilJCf For SCROFI'LA. L'HUON 1C RHEl.'M ATJsM AND SYPHILIS. The most unmanageable dis< ases which afflict the human race made to yield satisfactorily ami permanently to the method and means, an exposition ot which maybe had by reading a com i>.- statement of facts, in pamphlet form, which I have thought for some time worthy to l?e noted by the public generally The title ol this short treatise is " The Special ( Treatment of Syphilis, Chronic Khetitaatism, and Scrofula, by Dr. L. J. Goodwin, of the Washington Springs.** 1 hereby most respectfully an l honestly solicit a careful notice of this pamphlet by the da-s? I suffering Inimanity to which it particularly refers and an attentive reading of its '? Supplement," and the authenticity of its inte] I nt and professional endorsement. The "Vegetable Eutrophiiy ' which figures as the most prominent feature in the pamphlet, constitutes, in thejudgment of discriminating physicians aud other* distinguished for inteliigence and a high appreciation of truth and merit, "an important addition" to the remedies now known as the most cllicieiit in the treatment of these diseases. My success In managing these diseases, now conceded ,o excel any attending the general plan- of treatment, is due to mv adaptation ot the Kutrophic upon the theory which 1 devised ution early nathological views "taken of these maladies. Trie potency of its eiilcacy makes it eminently deseiring a place among the* most reputed standard remedies of medical record: ami 1 would most conscientiously claim at the hands of honorable and intelligent physicians a fair and impartial trial of iis therapeutical value us applied by me in the control of these diseases. 1 can, on short notice, furnish physicians located in towns and cities from tifty to one hundred bottles of the Eutrophic at a cost of three dollars per bottle, containing thirty ounces. The long-established mineral resources of the Washington Springs, formerly known as Leech's, affording the best qualities of Sulphur, Alum, Chalybeate, ami Magnesia, the most remarkable and valuable collection of medicinal waters know n to the mountains of Virginia, cannot be otherwise than attractive toirvalids ot LotU sexessutlermg from debilities, diseases of the urinary organ-, uterine disorders, skin diseases, diseasYs of the liver and digestive functions, and all affections benefited by a relaxation from domestic habits and pursuits, accompanied by a few weeks' sojourn at such a healthful retreat as that of the Washington Springs. Persons visiting the Springs for their mineral advantages will lie charged two dollars per day and twelve dollars perwi ek board. Persons visiting the Springs for medical advice ami treatment will be charged live dollars per week, at specie rates, for board. Passengers reach the Springs by the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, stopping "at Glade .spring depot, Washington county N o charge for medical services unless satisfaction is given. The ajllicted tnav visit us with the assurance that their sojourn shall be succeeded by a happy return. T? /ice, ic> /uict it't in til (iii'f icon 1 1 not 'ittmhitg the tmfferlny. E. J. GOODWIN. The VEGETABLE EITTRMlMlIC indth- PAMPHLET can be obtained ot J. 1>. Wool), Druggist, northeast corner of Marshall and Fifth streets, Richmond, agent for this city, and from druggists generally in all parts of Virginia, mh 0? a&sw2taw?m

/ 10A LFI K L I ) A N I > Tib K- W A T K K V7 RAILROAD.? Book* ol subscription to the ST< K'K <>K THE COALFIELD A N I> T1 DE-WaTEK RAILROAD COMPANY will he opened on th?*5th day of June at the office of the M i<i 1< >t li i m.ii Coal Mining Company, in tin- city of Richmond, under the auperintendenee of the undersigned. CHARLES S. MILLS, R. L. WALKER, SETH M. BARTON, W. (i. CLARKE, JOHN B. ST.VNAKD, my H_lawtd Ji?HNC >ta.\ai:i> IX) SHOEMAKERS AND LEATHER A DEALERS. We will receive to-dav HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER, FRENCH, GERMAN, and AMERICAN CALF SKINS, which we will sell in any quantity at low price*. O. H CHALKLBT k CO., HIDE AND LEATHER DEALERS, rHIKTEESTM STREET, tiETWKEN M.il.V ANU CAKV. uiy 7 niLI iOTT'S ST E EL P E N S. The mil,v I r* hav?? )u?l rt-V'-i v.*il a mipply of c, i,u ne JOSEl'H (ilLLOTT S STEEI. PENs-th* *Hr?ral popular number* : alto, PKKKY'N KLA PENS, No. 27 ? extra tine tin<>, and medium i>? WOiiDrtoUsE & PA RH A M, Bookseller* and Stationer*, ap 23 Governor street. Wedding" reception, and VISITING CARDS engraved or j>rint. d to >rder. A I no, INITIALS STAMPED <?N NOTE PA;'ER, LETTER PAPEK. and ENVELOPES. WOODHolSK A l'ARII AM, Bookseller* and Stationers, I ap 20 Governor street. nOAL OIL.? Forty-live barrels COAL L> OIL, for hurtling, Juat r? cejv> d by PUKCELL. LADD & CO., DrnggUm, up 10 corner Main and Thirteenth Ntivet*. VUK VIRGINIA NATURAL P KI TROLEUM LUBRICATING OIL.-Forlv -live ?arret* of tUW cheap and superior LUBRICATING )IL Ju*t r.tceiv. d by PUR('KLL,"LADI) & CO., Pole Agent*, I *P ** earner Main and Thirteenth at re e in. IT I RfilN I A B At X ST.?1 Ten thounand pounda bfrt VIRGINIA HACoN, on consign"S&S wE StSvbn'h IttiSfci'J! IK,

HOTELS AND BOARDING-HOUSES. MRS. WILLIAM d/ STUART, lafe* of Richmond, ha* leased the spacious mansion In Staunton formerly occupied by Mr. Jam?*? f Bo!i KOFKlf^'"1'* rec6've * number The house in pleasantly situated on an eminence In the ?>a?t*>rri part ofthe town, and command* a lino view. It nan been thoroughly rem I red and neatly furnished, and Mr*. STI ART will spare no pain* to promote the comfort of her guests.? Term* moderate. Ktafwto!!, May 11, H?S. my 20? lirn_ I EXINOTON HOTEL. IJ MAIN STREET, LEXISOTON, VIRGINIA. Thi? well- known and established house htslust I REPAINTED, REFURNISHED, and REMODELLED. In the hest ?tyle, throughout, and is now open for the reception of visitor* and boarder*. Its location ami close pronimitv to the BATH W.UM. Rof'KBRI DG E ALUM. ' R'iCKBRIDGE HATH5', NATURAL BRIDGE. and ofh-r wateringplace*. renders it onp of the most pleasant, healthy, and delightful summer resorts in the South. The TaBLK will at all tim'-s be abundantly supplied with every delicacy of the season. niifj?f i???. Hark*, Omnlnusw, and Saddle-horses constantly on hand for hire. Guest* will be conveyed to any point at the shortest notice on reasonable terms. The proprietor will "pare no pains or expense to render this house a comfortable and agreeable home to *uch as may give him a call. my 1*? 3aw4w g. A. WHITE, Proprietor. Hoarding in the country. A few SELECT BOARDERS will be taken for the summer ia the family of the undersigned, residing in Amelia county near the Danville railroad Satisfactory references required. Further information may !>e obt lined through Mr. Charles tl. Winston, corner of .Ninth and Marshall streets, Richmond. Address Mks. S. J. STEGERj my 2s_i w* ( hula Depot, A melia county, ^ a. ORANGE HOUSE, AT ORANGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD DEPOT. LYNCH BrRG, VA. HOUSTON RUCKER. Propkibtoh. This celebrated Hotel having been KEFUR NISI1EI) and REFITTED IN SUPERB STYLE >tf*rs SUPERIOR accommodations to the travelling j public. Travellers iroliig north and sorith will (Inn | meals ready up. n the arrival of trains, and sutti i i"nt time ii,ii,w 1. Th i i ruprietor ]il dgcshim self that it-. well- known tir.st-clasa reputation shall | not |>u MirpuMied ill the Union. ie 10 ? 1*? | HOARDING"? Mrs. DUVALL, Main, bel iV.-eii fiixtli and Seventh fttieat.-*, li.iS some very comfortable unoccupied rooms for boarders j tud tan take a i? w more 1?A V BoAKuLRS. fe 13?1* IJOA RDINO.? Misa RIIHJOOD, south! I) side Ma!. i street, second d-?.<r above Seventh, cautakoafuw mole boARDLRfc, with or without iodyiiiif. de i0 ? to DRY GOODS, SHOES. &c. I A DIES, KEEP POSTED IN THE I J PRICE OF DRY OOOD.S ? LEVY BROTH Kits are selling high-lustre Black Silks at *1.25, tl *??, t i?d *1.73; handsome Mozainbiques and English i Bareges at 2* cent" ; rich silk-worked Bareges at j 75 rents : very rich Silk Plaid Mozambique* at ft' | cents ; handsome Hemani Bareges at 4?? cents. A magnificent a-M.rtment of Lawn* at r> dnced prices. A rent reduction in the prices of Black Silk Circulars, Battue*, and Saciiucs. LEVY BROTHERS. my 31 15 Main street. r E IF A V E I N ST( WE A PULL A Si s? >RT.M ENTofC.uiibric, Swi-s, Jaconet, Nain -?ok, and Mull Mo"Iins ; Embroidered Edges and Insertings, Paper Collar* and Cutl> for ladies and ircntleinen : Infant*' Fivick Waists, Infant*' Embroidered Robes. Hoop Skiit.'? and Fancy Dress Trimmings. LEVY BROTHERS, mv 31 15 Main street. B' ftL OOTS AND SHOES.? II. M. _ J GASTON, 72 Main str-et, having jiir-t returned from the North with a good stipplv of BOOTS and SIloRS, he i- prepared to'sell the same lower than can be bought In any other house in the cifv. He bas Men"- <'ALF sEWED Boots from $6 to *1-1 : Women's KID and MOROCCO SEWED BALMOKALS from Tl to t*>. my 'ji> ? .tin ||. M. GASTON, 72 Mainstrset. ( i Ot' R T X E V iV SO N. HROA d \ > street, four door* below Ninth, have ju?t received, and otfer for sale at the LOWEST MARKET RATES, the following (iood?, ami do hereby solicit an examination of the same by all buyers, whether in small or large quantities : 85J dozen LAIMKS" FRENCH, ENGLISH, and (itKM \ N tloSK, dozen MISSES' and INFANTS' HOgK, 1'oti (> KNTS', BoY's. and INFANTS' HALFID'SK, UNDER SHIRTS for GENTS. LADIES, OIRLS, and I>OYS, GENTS' LINEN ? BOSoM -HIRTS, and JEANS mtd < ther DRA W bRS, 100 dozen LINEN II A N DK ERCH I RF3 for LA? DIES, (iENTS. and CIIILDRKN, GENTS i.nd BoYs' SILK and COTTON HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES ol.o\ES, in LISLE THREAD, SILK, h lei KID. GENTS' (i LOVES, in LISLE THREAD, SILK, and KID. PLAIN and EM UK" 'ID' RED CORSETS, in tJER.M AN ind FRENCH. PRIDE OF THE WORLD. EMPRESS, and PALIS TRAIL SKIRTS. WHITE c vM BRtC, JacoXET, and CHECKED MUSLINS, SWISS MUSLINS, NAlNSOoK, BISHOp LAWNS, BLACK and WHITE, PLAIN and DOTTED LACES, CAMBRIC .md SWISS EDMNG.S and INSERTINGS, THREAD E DOINGS. MAGIC and COVENTRY RI FFLING, iVc., ,yc. We would al-o call sp cial attention to our KIi> (?LoVEs at ONE DoLL.lR per pair? ie, illy a good article. fmy 2 ? tw] COURTNEY i Soy. *I/i:i:slI AMHIVAL.? NEW (ioons r JUST RECEIVED AT JULIUS MEYER'S, new No. 527 BRoaD STREET, i pposite New Market : Pretty Engli>h Ha ret e* at 25 cents, Black l.are Shawl.-, very cheap; Black and Colored ""ilk.-, Mozambique and Grenadine Shawls, Cluny Late Collars, ("or-et- and Duplex Elliptic Skirts, Silk Wrapping made to order, Hosiery and Gloves, Foulard Silk, French Ginghams an 1 Cambrics, Trimmings and Fancy Ribbons, and other Fancy Goods too numerou- to mention, at in v 1 w * JULIUS MEYER'S.

JJJEW WOODS! NEW GOODS! Ju>t received, ;i beuatiful stock of DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, kc., CHEAPER THAN RVER, AT THE CHEAP STORE OF RICHMOND, corner of Broad and Sixth street*. HANDSOME BAREGE SHAWLS only *2.35. HERN AN A SHAWLS only *3, worth *3. ENGLISH BAREGES only 23c. BLEACHED COTTON, 12|, 20, and 2Cc. GOOD BROWN COTTON, only 15c. GOOD CALICOES, 12|c. CALL SOON AND SECURE BARGAINS. W. K. POLK, my 12 new No. 528 Broad street, corner of Sixth. THRESH ARRIVAL A OF DRY GOODS, &C., A T MAY, HELLERS BROTHERS', IfoRTH WEriT C?>KNEU SIXTH A.VI) Bk.?aI> fiTRKETfl. A fine assortment of good*. embracing all the late stylea of DRESS GOODS, FANCY NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, SILKS, MANTILLAS, and DOMESTIC GOODS, hare JiiM been received. We invite our friends to call, u* we are certain to please ail who favor us with their custom. my 5-ta MAY, HELLER \ BROTHERS. T>OOTS ANI) SHOES 15 OF ALL KINDS, at LOW PRICES, at MAY, HELLER k BROTHERS', tny 5? 1? Broad and Sixth *treet*. SPRING TRADE, lstiG. HALL k HUTCH ISOJf, Importer* and Jobber* of NOTIONS, FANCY UOODS, and WHITE GOODS, (at the old stand of Thomas. Hughes & Caldwell,) No. 7 Peiri. or Foprtkexth btrkkt, between Main and Cary Richmond, Ya. We are prepared with a large and elegant atock of GOODS for the *pring trudw, and respectfully invite an examination by our friend* and the trade generally. nih 5 K EEV COOL AND BUY ONE OF THOSE CELEBRATED CHARCOAL WaTKRCOOLERS manufactured in this city by DAVID PARR A SONS, and for hale alKELLOGO k GIBSON'S China Store and URECORY BROTHERS Furnishing Mor*. Main street ; M. EVANS'S China Stor*, 326 Broad atreut, near Fourth street, and at the Factory, No. 1 Fifteenth street. We warrant them to be the i>??*t Wat?r-C<*der* to be had in thla or any other city. DAVID PARR k SONS, my 4? im Mo. I Fifteenth etreet. >rOTI( E. ? A (htiierul M?M?linjr of tho I Stockholder* of the CLOVER HILL RAILROAD COMPANY will be held at their offlce, in thla city, on MONDAY, lltb June, 1*'*. By order of the Board of Director*. D. S. WOOLDRIDUE, wy ?? IUwt4 Treaauxer,

ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. II* J. CHUMP, Builder, Governor J* street, opposite Whig Building, is prepared to undertake contract* for all kind* of BUILDING, and to execute work in his line in all it? branches. JOBBING promptly attended to. PACKING B< fx KS for merchant* and othera matt ufactu rod at th? shortcut notice. The best materials u?ed In all work, and the lowest prices charged. my 18 ? 3m WILLIAM F< ) B B EsTa 1U ' FI ITECT AN D BUILDER, corner of Fourth and Cary streets. The subscriber baring r.-sumed the BUILDING BUSINESS In all Its branches, offers bin *ervir es to his friends and the public generally, assuring them that all work done by him shall be of the best material and workmanship. Having carried on the business in this cltv for twenty years successfully, h? flatter* himself that satisfaction will be given to all who may bestow upon him their patronage. WILLIAM FORBES. ap 2u_dJm WALTER S. WEST, ARCHITECT AND BTILDFR. is j>rep?red to furnish DESIGNS. PLANS, and SPECIFICATION'S for buildings or every description, and to superintend or contract to build the same, in any part of the State, if desired. office. No. 119 Main st.eet. (up stairs.) Richmond, Va. ml) *7? "m COMMISSION MERCHANTS I >IIILLII\S it WHIGIIT, * COMMISSION AND FEED BUSINESS, Ox Caky, bet we ex Ef.FrEyTH axd Twbi.fth STREET*. The subscribers have associated under the Drrn of PHILLIPS \ WRIGHT for the purpose of conducting the COMMISSION AND FEED BUSINESS it the store recently occupied by Me.?*rs. o. H. Chalkley S''o., on Cary, between Eleventh and Twelfth'st reels. In offering their services, they refer specially to I l?rs. John Dove and Albert Sneail, Messrs. P. H. Starke, R. Cauthorn, A. A Hutcheson, P. Horton ' Reach, J. C. Redwood, R. L. Williams, Gary & Ciemmitt, and R. Garthright, of Richmond ; j .1 n (ge? John A. Meredith and Joseph Christian,, and Mr William H. Redwood, of Baltimore. In claiming a share of the patronage ()f the com- 1 munity, they promise all that strict application to. ! and ex | .lence in, business can to obtain good prices and atake prompt returns. JAMES F. PHILLIPS,* jdt2!'_3iij JOHN T. WRIGHT. Dt. wtlijams, a COMMISSION MERCHANT and OENERAL AGENT for the sale of ma:;l'..xitred and leaftobacco, COUNTRY PRODUCE GENERALLY, (Office tv. ;Lu present near Shockoe Warehouse,) Richmond, Va. All bu ino-ri promptly done (<11 commission. ap 20 ? ts BOOKS, STATIONERY. &c. / 1IIECK HOOKS \_y on the several banks of the citv ; NEGOTIABLE NOTES, FOREIGN BILLS OF EXCHANGE, DRAFTS, BILLS OF LADING. LAWYERS' BLANKS, BANK BOOKS, LEDGER*!. JOURNAL*, DAY BOOKS, CASH BOOKS, HIM. IN VOD'E BOOKS, RECORD B ?<?KS. copying books, COPYING PREs?ES, for sale by WOOPHOUSE k PARHA M, Booksellers ami Stationers, my 3*( Governor street, near Main. nK'K ENS'S NEW BOOK. JOSEPH ORIMALDI. By Charles Dickens. 75c (SOLD BRICK. By Mr- Ann S. Stephens. *2. ST MARTIN EVE. Bv Mrs. I. *2. AI.LWORTII ABBEY. ' Bv Mrs. .south worth. FojfcTUN E-SEEKERS. By Mrs. Southworth. *2. OUR MI TI AI. EUIEND. By Dickens. *1. MILETUS Bv Bnlw. r. *!." ToiLERS oF TllK SKA. Bv Victor Hugo. 73c. RKCmMMKNDED To MERCY. *2. KKNNETT Bv Bayard Taylor. *2.23. UNDER THE HAND. t1.75T SON OF THE SOIL. *1.73. I.CTTRELI. oF ARRAN By I.ever. *1. WIVES AND DAUGHTERS. By Mrs. Gaskell. tl.5u. For sale by A H. CHRISTIAN & CO., my 10 No. ->11 Main street, opposite Spotsw. od. M AKE YOU II OWN SOAP BY SAVING AND USING YOUR WASTE GREASE. BUY ONE BOX OF THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY'S SAPOMFIER, OR CONCENTRATED LYE. IT WILL MAKE TEN POUNDS oF EXCELLENT HARD SOAP, OR TWENTY -FIVE GALLONS OF THE VERY BEST SOFT SOAP, FOR ONLY ABOUT THIRTY -FIVE CENTS. Directions 011 each box. For sale at ail Drug and Grocery stores, and in lots at wholesale by WILLIAM M. ELLICOTT k SONS, No. 3 Spfiak's Whakf, rnh 2? d3m BALTIMORE, MP. N'OTICE.-- Books \s i 1 1 l?o opotiod f<?r sui'-rnption to the capital stock of "THE RICHMoM). FREDRRICKSBI'Rti AND POTO. MAC RAILROAD AND RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG RAILROAD CONNECTION COMPANY," at th" oflire ot the Richmond and Petersburg Railroad Company in Richmond, and at the otf c?5 of the Petersburg Railroad Company in Petersburg, on the l?t day of June, under the directi< of the undersigned, Commissioners named in the charter of the company. R. B. II AX ALL, P. V. DANIEL, Jr., CHARLES ELLIS, G. A. MTF.RS, mv 2? 30t r. H. WYNNE.

'TO the PUIiLIf.? As Cuinniission1 er? appointed l?y the Legislature of Virginia to open hooks of subsc ription to t capital stork .1 tli.< '? RICHMOND, FKEDERICKSBtTIDi AND I'OTdMAC KAILR"AD AND RICHMOND AND PETERMH'lDi It A I I.KOA I' CONNK< T1??N COMPANY, ' we invite tin* attention of tlje public to this unusually secure and profitable in vestment. The connection itself has become one ?>t the necessities <>f the day, and is essential to the welfare of the two line* which it unites. Had not those lines been compel le<i hy the recent prostration and by the destruction of their works to borrow capital under pledge* which render it impracticable that they should undertake this new improvement, they woiild undoubtedly have been its side proprietors. Such beiiij; the case, however, they have done what is more to the purpose so tar as our community generally t- Interested. They have guaranteed a minimum annual dividend to the subscriber of eight per centum per annum, free from taxation. The connection will cost about ?! 10, ooo ; and it is estimated from the actual business of the roads, isolated as they now are, that me present travel and trallic would, at the taritl fixed by the charter of the new Company, pay more than the above stated percentage upon tfiat sum. But were this not the rase, it is ev ident that the lines connected coil Id afford to pay such annual rental as It were, rather than forego the advantages to lie derived. , There are no corporations in our State better es- ' tablished, or which iu?ro fully enjoy the public confidence than these, and none which have more unvaryingly met their obligations. We ? an therefore, with unusual earneqtueas, urge the attractiveness of the Investment, which is safe, simple, in no degree speculative, and to which we sincerely hope that our own community will bo the oiibscri lo-rs. We would call special attention to the fact that the calculations of profits uro based upon actual experience, and thai while ihe subscriber is secure of a minimum clear profit of eight per centum, he M ill, in common with flie other corporalions mentioned, enjoy the fruits of the increase of business which the future is sure to bring. Those desirous of further information can obtain it on application to either .Mr Daniel, President Rlchluon 1, Fredericksburg and Potomac Kailroad Company, or Mr. Ellis, President Richmond and l'e-ter-ourg Railroad Company, at their otlices in Richmond. where copies ot the charter ot the proposed "Connection Company" can be seen, and to Mr. Sand ford, President of the Petersburg Kailroad Company. at his oftice in Petersburg. R. B. H AX ALL, \ P. V. DANIEL. Jr., J ? CHARLES ELLIS, (Commissioners. 0. A. 5IYERS. I T. H. WYNNE. J my 30? ts I rno THE WOMEN" OF THE SOUTH. 1 The end we prnpoee is the cause of the south. It has neither party, nor section, nor division. The , obligations of the'eurvivors to the memory of the martyrs of the war address the south as one family, wherein, though there be degrees of affliction aiiil bereavement, none are without sorrow and grief. Ii is not, however, to hearts cm-died by personal sorrows so much as to the gratitude cherished for noble deeds by noble men, we appeal. With this ' the southern heart throbs with one impulse, and is ready to testify its inextinguishable sympathy. It shall b? our endeavor to rescue from the oblivion to which they are passing the graves of the great host which perished in the war and sleep tin- , distinguished in our cemetery. Their memory history will transmit from age to age, propounding without number illustrious examples from which the noblest of every age may catch new inspiration. We propose the humble r tribute, yet ttie more touching to relatives ami friends, and even to the general heart,? that of identifying with durable monuments the ground where sleep the honored d?ad? tempting thither by its becoming habitude (he countless ilirong, who would do ho- ' mage to such dead. Our designation is " Hollywood Memorial Association of Richmond "?pledged to apply the means which may he provided to the permanent protection and adornment of the graves of the Confederate d-ad interred In Hollywood Cemetery. Those contributing to the Association will be enrolled as members; and contribution* may be remitted to the Treasurer, Mrs. Dr. BARNET, and letters addressed to the Corresi??nding Secretary, Mrs. Dr. BoLloN. Information will he furnished at all times by the President and by any member of the Memorial Committee. Mas. WILLIAM H. MACKARLAND, ... ? President ; Mrs. JaMES K. cahkik, Mas. Dr. BARNEY, Mrs. C. MArtRPDER, Mrs. james lyons, Mrs. BlDtiOOD, Mrs. DABXEY, Mrs. BAKKSDAI.E, Mr*. Dr. CPLLRN, Mrs. COWAKDIN. Mrs. Dr HAXALL, Southern paper* will plea? copy. my to? lw T>AINTS. PAINTS.? WHITE LEAD. A Liuaaed Oil, BruahofjJ^aJntara' Calory, drj and k OUj fa wy il m. i ??? v)U, BruaboijPalntW Union, dnr at

VIRGINIA SPRINGS. rjMIE IIOT SPRINGS, BATH COUNTY, VIRGINIA. TF.MPKRATfRK, FHOlf HIXTT TO 0*8 ?C*D??r? AXD MIX DKflKKXft, fAHRBXHEIT. I TARDY, WILLIAMS k CO., PRoraiRToiii. Will be open for the reception of visitor* JUNE lHt, 1HW. All the building* havlrg be#?n repaired, psinted, and fitted out with NEW FCRNITURF, LIFTBN, BEDS, and TABLEWARE, then* SPRINGS offer nnmrpajwed attraction* to both the Invalid and pleasure-seeker. No expense or ofTorf has been spared by the proprietor* to make Jt as com:'"ral>Ie and pleasant a* possible to all visitor*. The HOT WATERS here have been well known for more than half a century to possess, in a wonderful degree, tonic, alterative, detergent, and stimulating propertied, and have become justly celebrated for the cure of Rheumatism, '?ont, Diseases of the Liver, Skin, Bladder, and Womb; Paralysis, the result cf injury or serious effusion; ' Contraction of Muscle* and. Joints, Diarrhoea, and Dyspepsia, accompanied with sore mouth and tongue. .Yew BATH-HOUSES have been erected, t BAND OF MUSIC engaged, and BILLIARD and BOWL- > 1X0 SALOONS fitted np. The SPLENDID BALL-ROOM has been thoroughly refitted. Root? from the north, r(<i ('rang.' and Alexandria railroad to Uordonsville ; thence n'./ Virginia Central railroad to Millboro* Dej.ni ; thence to Hot Springs direct, over turnpike, (distance, i twenty miles,) by Trotter it Co.'* stage line. Route from the south, vin Lynchburg <-r Rich- ' mond, and Virginia Central railroad to Miilboro Depot. Tkk.ms : *3 per day ; *20 per week. A BAND <>F MUSIC is engaged for the season, my 17? lm Rockbridge alum springs. VIRGINIA. These MINERAL WATERS have an established reputation for very high curafiv.* virtue in ail the following class, >s of disease, and being an ABSOLUTE SPECIFIC in several of them, vu : SCROFULA, and all the forms or Glandular Swellings and Cutaneous Eruptive Disease, Erysipelas. Tetfer, tic.: i HKONIC DIARRIKKa anl DYSENTERY. DYSPEPSIA, BR0N< HITls. CHRONIC THRUSH. atieetion of the KIDNEYS and Bl.ADDEK. and PILES. In all an.-rmlc conditions of th?* sy*t?'m and broken-down states of the constitution, lo-s of appetite, and general nervoua prostration, their powers an I virtue a* a restorative may ?' ? -nfely pronounced to lie WITHOUT A KNOWN Kl VAL* amongst the mineral waters of the WoitLD. They are especially indicated in th? whole class of ailments peculiar to the Female ?'?institution. This WaTEUIN'O PLACE is in the same county . with fhi' celebrated "NATURAL BRIDGE*' of Virginia, and is one of that remarkable group of Mile ral and Thermal W iters which have given 1 celehritv to this mountainous region If wifl be open to the public on JUNE Nt. The proprietors will spare no reasonable eUoil to liaie th'-jilace comfortably kept. The BA LL-ROoM will !??? supplied with nmsli : and the BILL! A RD and BOWLING SALOONS restored to complete order. A t-f ?i from tli.. s. -aboard is by the Vin inia Central railway (from the North, (??</ Washington city and Orange and Alexandria railroad to 'iordon*vi lie ; and from the South, ''/"?/ Richmond . r Lynchburg,/ to (?o-hen Dcjioi, thence by stage coaches, over a smooth road, eight mi lea tip the Valley to . the Springs. raTt* ok board : By the day 5'*. By the month 3. no perdav. The SPKINQS PAMPHLET, with ant ys - at I, full description, s. lit bv mail on application to' Pc u< i 1. 1., L.inn a Co., llirliiiioud. or to the undersigned. FRaZIEK & RANDOLPH. Proprietor*. i The water is bottled, securely packed, unl on sale at *1'.' .50 pi-r case of one do/en half-gallon buttles by PrrtrKU , Lami ?V Co.. Kichnioiid ; A. It. Rivki k. "Lynchburg ; C'oi.kma.v 3t HoimikkiJ, li.tliimore ; Hkokjun & Co., N* w York, and other leading druggists. A siiigl? box has often saved the necessity <4 a visit to the Sj i i ng*. A 1 1 ii<- ral discount made to the Trade li\* PURCELL, LADD V C'V, niv ir>? ts General Agents. yi R < ; 1 N I A \V A R M S I? R I X V, S; THE^E CELEBRATED WATERS, LOCATED AT BATII COURTHOUSE, VIRGINIA, IN ONE oF THE LOVELIEST VALLEYS IN ALL THE BLUE RIDliE AND ALLEGHANY RANGES, ARE OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION OF VISITORS.

Tli*?y are fifteen mil"- wc?! from Millb no' iepot, ,,n flu* Virginia Central railroad, and northeast live miles lroiu Ihe Hot, and eight from tin* H*;al:tiP Springs. Wry little need be said in calling puhlir :tf r ??n - (ion to ;i watering-place ?<> celebrated. It hi" hwn known and visit^J by the white* for more than tt hundred Tf;ir?, and was that known to th? Indian* h* " The spring of strength," fioni the invigorating intltienc ? of bathing in it* w iter. The temperature of the baths are M and s?* Fahrenheit. The waters are famed for their efficacy in cases of Chronic Gout, Rheumatism, Neural?!*, Torpid Li ver, with itaattendantcoii*e?|U?nc. s, such as Indigestion, Constipation, Dropslc: I Efiusion, fir. : also, Paralysis in Its various forms, Enlargement of the Spleen, Chronic Swellings of the Joints, (Chronic Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Oravel, anJ a variety of b'<* inu 1 ?* Di#ea.ses, especially those of a chrmiic character, attended with genoial debility. The accommodations at those Springs are ample. For amusement of the guests are* fine hali-room, billiard saloon, and howling alley. Koiite to the Warm Springs : From the noith. fin orange and Alexandria railway to (iordoi svllle, thence i i" Central railroad to Millt oro' d* pot. From (h>* soutl??-*H? Lynchburg or Richmond on Virginia Central railroad to Millhoro' depot. From the depot, first-class stage coaches over a turnpike, fifteen miles to the Springs. Ho.\ko: Loss than one week, $3 per day ; children and servant* in proportion. One week and over, +3 per day, less ten percent. my 31? Tu&Flin UFORUE MAYSE VIRGINIA M I L IT A it V 1NSTIY TI'TE.? The HOARD OF VISITORS will meet at the Virginia Military IiMtltato on the :';t!i of June to make appointments of Cadets. Application* for Sta I K and l'AY t'adet appointments will lie made to the undersigned, accoinpanl- I with the usual testimonials of good moral character. Candidates tor appointment must he exempt from bodily di?eM.?e, of ages between sixteen Hint twen-ty-fire years, and in the case ot Sr.tTi. ('adet, applicants mu-t satisfy the Hoard of their inability to meet the expenses of the Institution. Candidates tor admission must be tide to read and write well, and to perform with tacility and accuracy I ti ?? vari"U? op? rations of the tour ground rules or arithmetic, of reduction, of -oinple and t oinpoun't proportion, and of vulvar mat .lot . mat fractions. State < 'adet* (one for each Rrrianiri.il District) will be plied with board and tuition without charge. All St ute Cadets who held appointment* on the 3d of April, I s?5, and who desire to enter the 1ns itution as such, will signify the same, w.tii (be usual ' evidence of present pecuniary coudition, ly ljtter to the Superinten lent Kverv arrangement lias been made by the Hoard ? t Visitors to maintain the high ncito riffo , h iracter of the Institute, and to put in full operation its well-tried and distinctive system ot discipline and instruction. The graduating exorcises of the institution will take pikes at the Institute on the 4th ot Jul v. The examinations will commence on llittitb o| June, and be continued dally until completed. The unite are respectfully invited to all of the** exercises. For all further information, application will be made to the Superintendent. FRANCIS II. SMITH, my l^-eodltivttJiiljr su|n>i tiu*nd?ht. r|X> JONAS < AliY, RICHARD <\\KY, 1 andntll others concerned Ann Wallace hating tiled with me a petition alleging that Martlet! Cary died tn November, !*!??'. leaving a wi|J , which wa? admitted to probate and recorded shortly after his death in t lie Circuit Court of Henrico cou-ntv ; j that bv said will the real estate of -%atii Hartli-tt Cary in the city of Richmond was devised to her: ! that the original of said will and the book In which it was recorded were burnt and destroyed by fire on the 3d April, ; that she desires to" prove the ? nature and contents of said will; von are hire by notified that I have appolutrd the "Hh day of June, A. D. IstW. as the tim*, and my olflce, on Fiaiiklin, ! between Fifth and Sixth streets, in the ci'y or ? Richmond. the place, for proceeding on tin ?aid , petition and for taking tue proof desired by her, : when and where you may attend if y< u pl> ase. THOMAS J KVAN8. Special Commissioner of Henrico Circuit Court, my 7? lawJw I FLATTENING MII.I.s, TOBACCO Cl'TTKKS, TOBACCO PRESSES, and all kinds of FACTORY FIXTURES, made and repaired by CARDWELL & FREEDLEY, Successors to Joiix W . C.tat?w ki t A Co., Agricultural Implement Works, inh S? Sin Ninth and Cary streets. npRl'SSlvS, TIU'NSKS, of ivory vaX riety. sue and patent ; BANXIJfU'S celebrated BODY BRACE, ABDOMINAL 8lt I* PORTERS, ELASTIC hT?K'KlNUS. DRUGS, MEDICINES, Ac. , kc. We have on hand the largest stock of TRtSHBS in tha city, and invite all in want to give us a call. WOODROOF BBOTHBR4. my 4? 1? corner Fourth and Franklin streets^ J" UST RECEIVED, A U I??E INvotc? of l^ca CurialtM, Window ahaiias. i'apar

DRWS J^ICINEP . *<;. B" LANCAKD* pTlLmV-TI,,. Wr,., , i mported BLAJfCAKbH PJLI> 'V* Iron, co wl'I'ly known and r.t^n,. i ,,, t ' m< nt of female d?*ea*> *. tor *a;.- ? / c. MEADE A BA K EH, Pharrnar*;. ,, my II cornor oi JinUi ?? i Kr*, . . TLM >U(J ERA'S Ci:LKIiI; \| |,|, ,, . . X OEM andSYRt'P or A' IltoN. approved by the Fronih ar?d< J erne and many eminent |?li> - . the treatment of Chlorosis, pthi^it v , Ac , Pot up In *1*1* and . v " ration*, and f'?r *al? at M V..\ DB 4 !;%K KR - ? drug Mom, corner of Ninth and krar,* .,* / rn y 31 EDI CAT ED MINERAL \\ \ t i FROM THE VIRGINIA SPP.IV,. M RooKBRlDUK ALUM WaIm;, HRiU.VU SPRIN',- WatC0YNER8 81TLPHUK WATKR. ALLEGHANY ^ iTi J NT;-; \v . rro A fresh supply of the above J .?? r, . "j '? hereafter we will have constantly ?, j, . ; of these valuable wafrPt'RCEI.L. La L/ J \ < r, fny2? Agency Depot Virginia Mm-i;,! vV 1, M R ENNOLDSS CELEBRATED VIRGIN I \ HEPATIC AND PI ROATIVJ, PIJ.I. THH PILL ITAH sT'>o|, THE TEST <1 ?v ? KXl'KKIfcSm. AND WaKkvM bi " (JIVE ENTIRE SATISK.At rioN A few word* to tluwH m ini nr- ikop(i<ii i- . jtidiced towards rn^dic i of thi- < i.i>ThH Pill If "i"' the InventW r. . . ? , poator, but originated with Dr T I. SUonton, vi.i vbo wu .i r . r . - practitioner ??f medic i ne, sad ?u* of hi* i>rofe*!*inn. He devoted some year* of patient m ? >, , the pharmaceutical combination ,r ; > , action of thin pill: but I on if bet .p. . . i whieh occurred about two y ?rtliar. n .tli/> d 'he mi*t ? himself and th <">-?; among whom h- ; i It if not the object <>f the pr- >|?r: ? t< "om>? of wliom are regular gr.iduv. ?, , heeii practicing medicine for some y upon the people a remedy in which : .. y > ^r confidence; nut, on 'he contrary :h sincerity an. I the ntnio?t ton lid n? ? >.. . them? their confidence being ba?ed year*' experience and trial, In tak I m: ?? ninitllifin, a# well an tbe testimony ? i i. . most reliable ciri/.-n*, whom- . w "iir ( appreciation of tbetu c*i? be n?en at the j paii.pl! let. faCTH kor THg j?E),pf p Till* pill i" a ci-rtain, ?aft, and .-Hi : . . ? r. . adapted to all rOn-titnfion*. an i f . 1. , requiring any ?uecial avoidance < I ? \| . .r r , htinenca ruor* tnan common s. n-,. w , , i , except In derangemema of ih- nvr , ? 1,'reany food, for tiie obvious r?-.i -? r. t h ?' tiori ibil") i* neceaaary to .t k r?-.. t <ii>^t r, pr?>pcr dige?tion of latty xub?- mii ? ? , no Ingredient that i? in any way itij ?: i ; any circuumtancea, and i?i? eilic icy i? in'i bv'lonn kei'pimi. DKKAXiEMENTsj <>F THE LIVER It I* earnestly r<*coiaiuen<b'd t r t h t -* ?; rangeiufnta of the liver, Much ;aund:i< cient tecretlon of bile, torpor <>i ii.. especially in pernor* < f :? t-i, p i and all condition* ordinarily ? ? i > ? I lit'. DIWEM I v K ? ?i:?i A N >. ItlHalxo admirably ad ?pt?- 1 (?> .l-raiK.-n ? 'lie digestive organ*, toicli a* dv-j ? p- i . macb, f-pitting up fond, Iom of ;t di^'fetion, aick headache, Ac. I; ;? -hiii. fact, that derangement of the du>-.m ?? <?:_ , . Hlitute th" ! ?rg?-xt claxx of miUd !? ? ?- th" bnmau race, and tli.it m iik*, \ cholera, which now threater,* t?tnvt.|. . populate our ciuntry, ?eern? t. r- 1 atiI i. . t?.us?*ly to attack th- dig- ?tiv<- >,r^ ,m - . are found in an tinb ?aithy condition, !i< .? more fatal mu>t the epidctnic pro;. !'?, fe ii d efletenl in removing i n?l ix either the c<tu?e or con?.*<ju? no "f .? d ; and therefore ii^ relief in ' i ? con*idera( ion, wiihout which no oilt< r ti , ? permanent or ?ati -factory. Another elaoH of dlaeaceK to wblelt it ? nil 1 1' J u> Cvn?(ipitti</n, aiiiiitf! from iff/, |ih,h (if tone in th?* bowW., Impaii 1 energy, by*terleai condition*, tentaiy . Ac. ft in "confidently pr bribed f"r iliHtUKtx, which a re ' in variably ? ith?r ? i or themnel vea occ t>i< II, Constipation In all ca>e* of Hemorrhoid* <| . ? , w blind or bleeding, in lUmla* a>id pr> up boweN, it Can be u*ed with til" xr- n : t an J * access . In ttiO-e apparent art'ertioiiH of tfi ? i tended with pain ill lb* hack and loom, m ll ./i ll ? Coll ? r? ? ? I II Tl lie, depo?l n 1 1| the 1.1 "!? pain in the bladder, rectum, Ac , ii i* ? i;ii . m ith lmii?ediat?' relii I III Ith* intl'lf i tin , (font, and all i nlt'i n ? eii*ea, *uch K-yufi ' Uiti ??/? A< . , > F> rrr, Sic., which are ;? I in ? >- 1 iin hi ? ?-r, Willi Constipation, this Pill js Ui'jUl'/ '/? ? ducing local con?cstioio>, equalizing . tion, correctirig the *err> ti<uis, jcc. la ytwraigitt it i* luvalaablo. lie ;h t vi-us diiM'a.-e. yetlt l?alrno*T :ilw*ys pr.-c 1 1 accompanied with, di-raiigeiueut '< ft >t I D Ke*ttve organs, and ciiunH be *uc< ? - ? ; u ? manently cured without the r-?t .ri i' ; healthy function* of tbene oik,M ? In ?. M?verejgn ronH'dv fnrthe rejitontior .( o.. fuActlona of nearly all the >? < i etorj m l K> lory organs of the "l.ody, whether tii? .r ?!? Oie'nt e\1st? :i? the caiife nr . tt- ? : t l. r The dose for an adult i? on* IMII, ami . venient, just before retiring nt r ... it. ,u ! ? tin* following night, or op n r if i , a child live year* old, on. -tour h .1 years old, one- half. In \ o|?-nt 1 1 eu* t'olic, obstinate Ctuift. p. 1 .* n, a b ; taken by an adult. WM. IILNNOLPS \ . s|To be ha 1 of all druggiMs a ..1 <!? al. r? r. l ? .ne evcrv were. i'URCEI.I., I,Al>l>A C" l?r i ? (Jen-'tai Atfeiit* f->. th I'm, 1 corner Main and Tlnrt ????tn ~n my l1) Richtno ?(. \ COAL AND WOOD. i 1 HEAT ItKDUrnoX IN \ JT PRICE "I ' ? 'M. We hare reduced the prii ? ??i our 1. I ' 1 1 ? I ; X I X KEH-AMI Ct?AI. twod.'ii fsp.i Lli? tl.Ue. Otdl k< lit tt litter rinu V. * R J. WlilTB Yard xouth ?ide f ?? I ' I ahall be ple.u>ed to Miiqiiy my frien ? 1 uhl.i from thia yard wit'i t'oal upon 1 can rely. [my SI ? U-J P. II li"\ pEMBEKTON x CHEW, ?1oj? lor* in I COAL AM> \Vr<>? ?l>, otllce Se'-elit.-.-r 1 - ' iietween Carv and Dock. Best life. I > .??. i WiilTt. Asll AXTIIKAt:iTE COAL, f. r >.ru'' \ - i foundry uae : CLOVER HILL Ll'JIi' an I .\ *tRA(.E Ct>AL : OAK and PIN L \\'oo|? , ? ; New coal and wood vahu, C'OKNKR OF SEVENTH AND < A.\A, ST R E ET.s . - A NTH RACI T E and M 1 l> L ' ? I U 1 A > COAL and W i tOl) for ?al? by BL?h?i> A PLNDLET- N. N. B.? Orders promptlv tilled. d>?li-t? HOURE AND SIGN PAINTIN'Cr. House and sign paixtno. The undersigned are prepared t <? . i - t for and execute ail orderv f-.r PAINTI.N'" ? trusted to their care, with in'afm -s ?i. i r. guaranteeing the beat material and workuiai - , tei ?i > & neatly, proiaptly, ISAAC t?C||RlvKR A (."?? Shop Main atroet, betw? enfteventh and I ! !i atreet*. tub li?Jiu House and siiix painting. R B M o V A L . L. L Mo.VTAUPE .V Si?N* nave removed to th*tr new hulIdinK, on TEN TH STREET, between Main and ? aiy, wn^r- 'h? v ? be p leaned to recei ve order* from t he ? r f n?*f ! ? 1 the public generally for HOUSE, ^I'iN a. .4 AMENTAL P A I .N T 1 N < i In every style (iood work guaranteed. Term?' tii< ?( . r ?t?* la'-'*? t* L. L. M<?NTAtil'^ V A1TM. KNABK A C?Q. , ' ' Mi.trrACTCaKKa o? FIRST PKKMIUM, tioLU Aft DAL. J J V J J 'iiiAN D, bQUAKH AND TPRIOHT P I A N l) S . The?? In?tr<imenta having been before the | lie for the paat thirty year*, hare, upon tt ? -r ? ' ? cellence alone, attained a>i r>riK. mon ' KMIJIKJIOB that prOQOUIlcea theUl Ulluqualloi. TL ' TON E combine* groat power, richness, iireetr ??. i tine singing quality, a* well a* great purity Intonation and barmoiiioa*ne?a throUj,'.i"Ui entire scale. Tbeir TOUCH is pliant and elaattc, and is entirely free ft' to t?* ati&neM found lu so many pianos, which easts* the performer to so easily tire. In WORKMANSHIP tuey cannot be excell??l. Their sclion t? ?. ? ftructed with a care and attention to #vk i '? therein that cbaracterites the finest ?w<h?' - None but the be*t seasoned uiaterial I* Uaed m " * manufacture, and they will accept the hard - ? ' of the concert-room with that of the p.u. r . an equality? unaffected In their melody ; ? they are conntructed ?'NOT FOR A YEAR? BPT F?'R EVER " AH our Stjuare Pian??s h.ive our twelmi" '"' Grand Scale and the Agraffe Treble Every Piano fully warranted for FIVE T warerihisw; i&e wfoT baltim"RE ?rEitr, apu-Jm Baltimore r)OCK KTTH BRICK WtU?KS. I CREW A WATTS, PROPKI ET< <KS ^ now prepared to dehv? r mm hundred , five tlioii?and of the best hand u. ? i ? " V , v UtJILUINU BRICKS tn quauttti** w ??<? ) builder* and jobber* Ord r* le't at tb- >' u ' C. CREW A SON, soap manufacturer*, v. . ? ? 1 1...1 ' * nr i'? 'iu promptly Riled. 1 I ME, CEMENT, AND ri<;\STKK._ 1 J Weare attents forth" celebril- I ? ' ' ROSEN DA LKCfc.M K.N T and c.\Lt 1 LAJ1 ? ER LI.MK wbeh >st market i-rio s I '? ?*" BR1D??1 oRD A Ml f "s. K-fc. butwren ^ I ? ?>?h a n".-.r .ii' iLrti,r..?r,., , ?>,.? also the Blit KllnLDER LIME, wbch ? ? ? " the trade at the lowest market nnci s Pi. ?> u* a call. BKlDul Dock, botween myll?lm ieventeet?tb ?tr* LTEKP CtH)L.? JttHl r?vvi\o,l, .? iK-.tti IV tlful assortment of SIL\ ER- PL ATKt? !? K PITCHERS, at very low pric<-a Ai- ?, PAKE > CUAKCOAL WATbJi-COoLEK.x. at Am ry p-.via. J. U. SNELSON, A,-"t, comer opposite Ballard and JUchange IM' .?? my M J 1ST RECEIVED, Cl'T LOAF, tHPSHED. and REFINED Sl'UARS AN". ? lot of beaullful BROWN EUUAR ; whuh ?v oficr a( lowest market rales. .. ,, ETEVENn A PEG K A.M. my M sti BiwaU *treet JALTIMOKE ALUM LIMK^n hug?BHALTIMOKE ALUM LIMK.IU u >k ? MMIU ? ^ Vftel JWU ?