Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 225, 5 June 1866 — Page 2

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JliHtiMnfl gfepatrl. TUESDAY JUNK 5, 1864. Foreign News-Financial and Political. The foreign new* received by the two last steamers, but especially the Nova Scoti?, has somewhat disturbed the money matters of the great settling point of this continent? New York. The details of that news are not of course received, as what we publish is only by telegraph? that brought by tho Nova Scotia from "Farther Point." But there are more failures ; cot. ton has declined a half to one ]H?nnr, and Five-twenties have fallen from G6 to 64 ?4. Gold rose from 141 to 143 \ in New York upon the reception of tliis news. We remarked^some days since that the monetary revulsion in England might not J be continued with the violence indicated by the first panic in London, which *as without precedent for its frantic character ; but that it wo* not probable a pressure introduced in that manner would lieimmedi. < ately subsided. So it is. We have some ; failures, some signs of stringenc y and loss of confidence by every steamer. Gold ( has continued to flow out from this country, and it* intrinsic value over greenbacks lias steadily advanced, until it is near 'twenty per cent, higher than when the alarm was first given. We imagine there cau be no improvement until the question of war or peace is settled on the Continent. If peace pre- j vails, we suppose there will bo a rapid restoration to order and ease in the money . world; but it is probable that war itself j wouW be less hurtful to commerce ami j credit than the apprehension of it. Should j the anticipated war occur, it is manifest i that the larger i?art of the most highly | ^ civilized portion of the globe will be in- , volved. What will the capitalists of that j immense part of the civilized nations involved In war do with their movable j assets f Is it not likely that many will j transfer them to the nations not involved in the strife? This country, it may be | reasonably supjwsed, will be selected by mauy as a place of safety ; and if so the ( effect would be highly advantageous in restoring confidence and strengthening the resources of the country in managing its . foreign commercial intercourse. The latest accounts give some hope of a Congress ; but it does not appear that the j belligerents are very much incliued to- j wards it. If such a Congress will give 1 France, and Prussia, and Italy all they j want, there will be i>cace. If it meets and does not do this, we think the war will go j on. Is it likely that anything of this sort j will be done? The belligerents do not think so, it may !>e supposed ; for they continue their preparations and warlike movements. Nor are they likely to wait long j upon the Congrt ss. The question will soon be settled. The Tri^l oi Mr. Davis. NutSftngMeflnite has yet been learned concerning the time when the United States Circuit Court will meet, or whether the trial of Mr. Davis will be expected to take place at or before the regular fall session of the court. It appears that the Grand Jury of the United States Court lately in session at Norfolk were not discharged, but were adjourned to reassemble in this city on to-day. This, however, would seem to be informal, as at the time that the jury were so adjourned, the act of Congress had not been passed which authorises the holding of a special session in Richmond. It is argued, therefore, that an order must be made for a special session, and a new jury empannelled, before any business can be transacted by the court. Judge Underwood has not yet reached the city, although he was expected to arrive on yesterday afternoon. Messrs. O'Connor and Shka, counsel for Mr. Davis, have not arrived, but the other counsel for the distinguished prisoner are still at the Exchange Hotel. No information can be obtained as to the course that the Government iuteud to pursue ; and in the trial of Mr. Davis? the most important trial that this continent has ever seen? every one is left completely in the dark. It is hoped that something positive will soon be published ; and from present indications it is probable that uo session of the United States Court will bo held in this city at this time.

JUDGE NELSON'S DECISION We have published this decision, and now add the following excellent comments upon it. They are from the Baltimore Sun: The high judicial exposition of a great political question by one of the most venerable, learned, and upright judges of the Supreme Court, who comes fresh from conference with his brethren, among whom all those great issues were considered, and before whom they were debated at the recent term of the Supreme Court, is an authority equivalent, uuder the circumstances, to a decision by the whole Supreme Court. The people will accept the light of Judge Nelson's opinion as the mariner upon the trackless ocean places his faith in the compass, which points invariably the true course in sunshine and in darkness. With this decision the opinions of Stevens, of Sumner, and others, that the southern States have forfeited their rights as States of the Union, and are no longer entitled to the privileges of the Constitution, fall completely to tho ground. With this decision before him, every reasonable and candid man is compelled to admit that every condition, every restriction which is attempted to be put upon any State before admitting her to representation in Congress, is a plain infraction of the Constitution, for the support of which the war was carried on. This decision is a solemn condemnation ot the Committee of Reconstruction, and of each and every modification of their plan now or lately pending before Congress, or which, under the pressure of their necessities, may be hereafter proposed. The language is pare and simple that, under their present constitutions, and the Governors and Legislatures elected under ttem, every State " is entitled to the full employment of all her constitutional rights and privileges." These words of Judge Nelson ought to be embodied in the resolutions of every SUcal meeting and inscribed upon every which floats as the emblem of a free united people. These words place the wboje moral power of the judiciary of the United States alongside tho Executive, and exhibit to the gase of the world the majorities in Congress and their supporters as tin only real enemies to the peace and . perpetaHy of the Union to be found be*) twnen the Atlantic and Faettc oceans.

?I I !? ?! I II II 1 1 i !? I^pifteat li<Irtil ?/ ; ?*4*e ThmM In to (Vr tela Military Ordm. From the Alexandria Gai?tt?, Jin* J. During the present tottto of the Circuit Court of this county, the case of Lawson I us. Davis, for Dm recovery of certain pro. 1 perty w>lil ?t the United States direct tax sale in this place, wa* called np, but con- j tinned lor the reasons sot forth in the fid- j lowing order, which was read in conrt to- ! dAy by Judge Henry W. Thomas, and! directed to be recorded on the minutes, aud a copy forwarded to the President of the United StAtes. I Anthony Latcson, plaintiff, vs. Henry F. Davit, defendant, in chancery : Be it remembered that ujion the cAlling of this canse for hearing upon the 29th day of May, IW6, the clerk submitted to I the court for its consideration papers transmitted to the said clerk during the past vacation of the court by certain officers in the military serv'ee of the United States, in the words And figures following, to wit : Hkapqcartrim ) DEfARTMKXTOp WASHINGTON*, > March 5, 186f?. ) General Orders X o. 0. ? To allay uneasiness and prevent litigation concerning titles to lands and other property confiscated and sold by authority of the United I States Government during the recent , rebellion, it is directed that no person within the limits of this department who has duly acquired title to proi |?erty by snch sales shall be disturbed in j the possession or control of the same by ! the action of any State or municipal court. I The action of the Federal courts in relation to such property will alone be regarded. Command ing officers and the Provost Judge at Alexandria will report to these headquarters immediately any attempted violation of this order. Bv command of Major-General Auger. Official. [Signed] J. H. Taylor, Assistant Adjutant-General. Paul H. llnmbrick, Captain and Provost Judge, Alexandria. IlKAIHit ARTERS PROVOST Jl'DOK, > Alexandria, Va., March It), 18f?(>. j J. Tacey , Clerk Circuit Court, Alexandria : Sir, ? I am directed by the major-gene-ral commanding this department to notify the Circuit Court of Alexandria county, State of Virginia, that the suit entered before said court by oue Anthony Lawson, Uecemlier 15th, 18Go, against llenry F. Davis, for the recovery of property sold for taxes by the United States tax commissioners for this district, will not be permitted, and that the said complaint must be disposed of by a Federal court. The proceedings in this and similar cases will be cancelled by you, and the parties to such suits notified regarding these instructions. Enclosed you will find a copy of General Orders No. 9, correct lines Headquarters Department of Washington, and you will be guided by these instructions so long as the said order is in existence. 1 am, sir, most respectfully, Your obedient servant, Pall K. Hambrick, Captain and Provost Judge, j

Which papers being inspected and con. sidercd by the court, and it appearing that there are other causes upon its docket ot this term to which it may bo supposed saul orders also apply, it is deemed proper by ' the court to express its opinion iu the premises. The court doth therefore hereby declare that it regards this act ot the military authority interfering with, suspending, and prohibiting the exercise of its judicial authority, and commanding that the record of causes in this court be cancelled by the clerk, as an unwarrantable and dangerous exercise of power, subversive of judicial independence, and derogatory to its integrity. The Judge presiding in this court, as the depository of its authority and the guardian ; of its integrity, unwilling to give constructive sanction thereto by its silence, ! doth hereby firmly enter its protest against the same, and doth further declare that whilst the court will in all cases that may come up before it respect all the rights that i parties may be entitled to under the Con- j stitution of the United Statesand the laws | of the land, yet it cannot agree to dispense j with the jurisdiction with which it is vested except in the mode and under the sanction of prescribed authority. In this spirit the court hath, during this term, dismissed actions for damages against 1 General John P. Slough, late military go- [ vernor of Alexandria, upon the ground i that causes of action, if any, arose against him whilst in the exercise of his duties during a period of war, that he was the judge of the necessity requiring the exercise of the power complained of, and consequently not amenable. With like feelings the court lias declined to hear these causes at this term, but has continued them. Notwithstanding, by the strict and literal terms of the said general order, confining its operation to such 44 titles to lands and other property confiscated and sold by authority of the United States Government during the recent rebellion," the court might have proceeded to the trial of several of said causes, yet, deprecating any conflict with the military authority, and being desirous to have this whole subject considered by the Executive of the United States, who is also the military head of the Government, the court doth order that this paper be spread ni>on the records of the court, and a copy thereof be forwarded | to the President of the United States for ; his consideration and action.

A Soi'VKNIR OK (jKNKK.VL SCOTT. ? Since the death of Lieutenant-General Scott public attention has been more closely drawn to a souvenir of him which we have I in the Capitol building. It is the famous life-size equestrian jwrtrait of the veteran I hero, which Mas ordered by the Common- | wealth of Virgiuia in 1857, and which they refused to accept when the General refused to join them. The painting was executed by Edward Troy6, a native of Switzerland, but a resident of Kentucky at the time, who was an artist of considerable note. The General sat for the picture at West Point, selecting Chapultepec for the scene, and suggesting all the accessories of position. _ A Ci'kiosity. ? On Thursday morning the wife of Mr. John Barnhardt, who reaides in Uniontown, over the Eastern Branch bridge, gave birth to a child which is a great curiosity, having two |>erfect heads, four arms, two spinal columns, and* two breast bones, but only two legs. Physicians who have examined it express the opinion that there are two hearts and a portion of the^digestive organs double. One of tire bodies was alive when born, but died iu a few iniuutes afterwards. ? Washington Republican . The British Minister and the Fenian. Sir Frederick Bruce, the British Minister at Washington, Is said to be in constant receipt of dispatches tVora various points along the Canadian frontier. It is added that he Is convinced that there is a considerable Fenian force concentrating at important points, but says the Canadian troops will take care of all that come within their reach. Wheat Crop.? Accounts reach us every day of the discouraging prospect* as to the wheat crop in most of the adjacent comities. Prouably a better yield is expected in Loudoun than In most other counties. The corn is coining up finely .?Alexandria Gazette. Artemus Ward, and Colonel Duma* of the New York &>a*vea, "ailed for Europe ootiatuWtyf MffWvrnitm

c,: Poo? Ptua.tba ,Ni?th completed his neventy-tfth WrtWbv m the 18th ultftto. tie has been twenty-two year! Pope. The toipension bridge across the Cum. bcrland at NaahflUe was opened on the 30th ultimo. The venerable Amos Kendall loaves this country for a pleasure tour iu Europe on the 27th of June. AMUSEMENTS. GRAND SELECT BALL WILL BR QIVIX AT THE MONTICELLO HALL UT THE RICHMOND SOCIAL CLUB OS THURSDAY EVENING, Jr.vB 7, 1?M MANAHERH ; W. H. LOVINO, C. C. MINOR, J. H. PARRATOR. R E. RODCfflfcS. COMMITTER OK tSVITATIOS : 0. W SAMUELS, E. W. DREW, A. WALL. TICKETS. admitting gentleman and 0NE DOLLAR. Jo S? 3t* IEt^TURE. ? Mr. OLIVER P. BALDJ WIN will dallver h LECTURE for the benefit of the Hollywood M"?*!*! Association on IRI. DA V.Jane 1, 8at o'clock, P. M., at the Mrglnia "subject : Conrtship and Manisgn. A subiect of hocIi general Interest is not often presented to an audience, therefore the ladies expect a general turn-out, the juvenile from c uriosity, the seniors to renew the spirit of their youth. Ticket.) FIFTY CBNT8. ^ ?> Corresponding Secretary H. M. Association. PosTfOREMKJIT OP BAt.nMri5 s LECTtRK.-ThU Lecture is unavoidably postponed until till JUHh 5tm, HP. M. A.M.BOLTON, Corresponding Secretary H. M. Association. J- 1? 4t 1EMETEKY EN< LOSURES. We are prepared to erect CEMETERY FENCES OF ANY DESIRED PATTERN Those wishing to enclose their lots will please call and examine our designs. ARCHER & GOODWIN, je s Vulcan Iron Works. T RIBLINO SPRINGS, NEAR STAUNTON, VA. This place will be open for visitor* on the I IRST OF JULY. The well known quality of the w ater* j makes it unnecessary to go into particular* ; they me Alum, Sulphur, Chalybeate, and Freestone? all at hand. The alum water is second to none known ; i the sulphur is second only to the Greenbrier j White, and has been resorted to for more than hall a century. The place In comfortably furnished ; : and the fare shall be plain, though good and sub- , stantial, without any attempt at display, believing at the present time it will meet the demand of the j public better to live plainer and charge less. Terms: *2.50 per day, *14 per week, and *5oper i month (of twenty-eight days) by the season. Trotter A Co. 's stages leave Staunton alter the arrival of the cars from Richmond for the Springs j d?Uy. CIIESLEY KINNEY, 1e 5?eodlm Proprietor, j mHE FOURTH NATIONAL PRIZE 1 CONCERT will be held in Richmond, Va., ON FRIDAY, THE 27th JULY, H<1?. TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-hlGHT VALUABLE PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO NINETY THOUSAND DOLLARS, will be presented to the ticket-holders. WE WILL DONATE FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ! TO LADIES' MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. j ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND TICKETS AT ONE DOLLAR EACH. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Gift 7-10 Bonds *5,ooo j 1 Gift 7-30 Bonds 2.500 1 Uitt 7-30 Bonds l.ooo , f> Grand Pianos, *7?i? euch 3.5'?0 5 Grand Pianos. *3oo each 2,500 25 American Hunting-case Gold Watches, *:'00 f. 5,000 60 American Hunting-case Ladies' Gold Watches, *lt>o 5,ooo 50 Sewing Machines, *too 5,00u 50 Sewing Machines, **??..... 4,0tn> 5o American Hunting-case Silver Watches *so 4,000 50 American Hunting-case Silver Watches ijctlo 3,000 loo American Hunting-case Silver Watches >jt50 4,000 100 Silver Watches, *40 4, wo loo Silver Watches, *30 3,ooo 2oo Silver Watches, #25 5, two 5t?o Uitis in Greenback*, *lo 5,ooo 5??o Gifts in Greenbacks, *5 2,500 2,ooo Gifts in Greenbacks, $2.50 5, 0>K> 2o,oihi Gifts in Greenbacks, *1 2o,oo<> Total 23,788 Prizes, worth *i?o,ooo MODE OF DISTRIBUTION. Numbers from 1 to lco.ooo will be placed in a wheel by a committee appointed by the ticketholders, and a person, also selected by the ticketholders present, will do the drawing. The person holding the ticket corresponding with the first number drawn will be entitled to the First Prize of five thousand dollars ; and so on until the whole number are disposed of. Each agent will be furnished with a full li.-t of the drawing as soon as it can be published. We will send to one addrefis FIVE tickets for *1.50: TEN tickets for *u ; TWENTY for *17. 5o: THIRTY for *26.25 ; FORTY for *35, and FIFTY for *43,50. s

RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED in every city and town in the United States, to whom GREAT INDUCEMENTS ARB OFFERED. Tickets for sale in this city by Bohn k Sardo, L. L. Smith, and Cole & Turner. Address Walters & McLanr. je 5? lm Lock- Box 54, Richmond, Ya. PHILLIPS & WHIGI I T, i- COMMISSION AND GRAIN MERCHANTS, Ox Caky, between Elevehth and Twelfth 8TEEBT0. The subscribers have associated tinder the Arm of PHILLIPS k W RIGHT to conduct the FEED AND COMMISSION BUSINESS at the store recently occupied by Messrs. O. H. Chalklev & Co., on Cary street, between Eleventh and Twelfth, Richmond, Va. In soliciting a share of the patronage of the community, they promise all that strict application to, .ind experience in, business can to oblaiu the highest market prices and to make prompt returns. JAMES F. PHILLIPS, formerly of Redwood & Phillips ; JOHN T. WRIGHT, lately with Messrs. George I. Herring k Co. Rkkkkb.ncbs : Drs. John Dove and Albert Snead, Judges John A. Meredith and Joseph Christian, Messrs. P. H. Starke, R. Cauthora, George 1. Herring A Co., P. Horton Reach, R. Gathright, J. C. Redwood, R. L. Williams, A. A. Hutcheson, Paine k Co.; William H. Redwood, of Baltimore; R. B. Mnithe.v, of Amelia ; Dr. Alien Christian, of Middlesex : Moses A Graves, Starke A Ryland, je 6? ts A ID V E RT I S I N (}.? RELIGIOUS J\ HERALD?THE ONLY BAPTIST PAPER PUBLJ8HKD IN THIS STATE, WITH A LARGE AND RAPIDLY INCREASING CIRCULATION IN THB SOUTH AND WEST.? We expect to publith FIVE THOUSAN L) copies of our next week's issue, containing proceedings of the aniiual meeting of the Baptist General Association of Virginia. Hundreds of copies wiU be sent by the delegates of the Convention into neigh borhoods in which there Is no mail communication. Those who desire to make use of our advertising columns will do well to aend iu their advertisements, so that they may go into the next issue. 3 JETER & DICKINSON, Proprietors of Religious Herald, je 5? 4t No, 615 Mailt street. Tn A DJOURN ED M EETING~ OF J\ the FIREMEN AND STOCKHOLDERS of the RICHMOND FIRE ASSOCIATION will be held at ill* office of Charles T. Wortham h Co. on THUK>DAY, the 7th ..instant, at 12 o'clock. M, A full meeting la very important, and stockholders who cannot attend will phase call at the office of K. U. Maury k Co. and sign a power of attorney. By order. R. T. BROOKE, je 5 ? St Acting Secretary. nLOTHINO AND OENTO F0KVJ NIBBING GOODS AT ASTONISHING LOW PRICE*.? The undersigned, wishing to reduce his stock, is selling goods lower than any other house in the city. Give him a call, and be convinced. ISAAC GRKENTRhK, ill Broad street, formerly 117. je 5? lm or next door to Pinini *. "COLOUR. J- too barrels EXTRA FLOUR, 100 barrels SUPERFINE FLOUR, for sale low by CHARLES HOWARD, corner Cary and Fifteenth streets (up stairs). Jt - F)H SALE. ? Seven thousand BALTIMORE FRONT BRICKS can be had on reasonable terms by application to the subscriber, corner of Fourth and Cary street*. Js ?-?!? WILLIAM FOBBRS. Gift SACK OOAT. PANTS, ANI) VAST? made up in good style? for sale at ?lu? t?n dollar*. This is the last chance. . . ^ WM. IRA SMITH & CO., J? &? * 111 Mala street. ^ OTICE. ? The public are cautioned JAM E. TUCKER on my Jia* W no bit! which she contracts. *15=*! TOEgT. TUCKER. ])fiMKUB?R that we are nailing XV iJiMk Mlk Basques. Wacjuos, and Ciwulart at ? UB SB |

?>% ? ~jy - -Ml f %i r WV?L% XOVELft. Br all author*. A complete stock. INo, 8CHOOL AND BLANK BOOKS, STATIONKBY, Mo. Wo receive subscription* to all publication* at publisher* rates. COLB A TUBNER, News Dealer*, Je S? lm Richmond, Va. HT SYftl'PH FOR SODA WATER. CHOICE FBtTrT AND CREAM RYBUPS fnrnl8hed the trade at low rates by W. II. SCOTT, Druggist, Je 4 corner Pranklin and Seventeenth *freef*. M'Kt lAL MOTILE.? The undersigned, as execntor of the late P. K. White, takes pleasure In announcing to his friend* and the public that he hu Jnst returned froia the Nortt with aver y select stock of BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, AND TRAVELLING BAGS, which he offers at the lowest cash prices at his new store, No. 819 Main street, two doors below the Spot* wood Hotel. He bog* leave to state for the benefit of the ladies that unusual care ha* been taken in the selection of alt good* suitable for their use In his line. He has obtained the services i of JOHN POE, Jr., well known in the business community, who will be pleased to nee his friends ? at No. 819 Main street. W. F. WniTE, my 28? lm Executor of P. K. White. VB~ REMOVAL-O. H. CIIALKLEY A CO., Leather Dealers, have removed to their NEW i BUILDING, on THIRTEENTH STREET, between Main and Carp. my 15? ts REGSALLT A CO., AUCTIONEERS, Ac. Nob. *32 a.vd 83 1 Maih street, betweek Eiohth AMI NtSTH. j PAY PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO ; SALES AT PRIVATE RESIDENCES, THE CLOSING OUT OF STOCKS, i CARGOES, Ac. ' Terms : Moderate. JOHN F. REGNAULT, iny7? lm WILLIAM L. MAULE. ?Htr HI iX;OOI> A RILEY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 121 MAIX STREET, keep constantly on hand a complete stock of j SCHOOL AND COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS, CAP, LETTER, AND NOTE PAPERS, ENVELOPES, BLANK BOOKS, SLATE8, PENS AND INK, and other SCHOOL AND OFFICE STATIONERY ; all of which are offered at the LOWEST MARKET RATES. Country Merchant* invited to examine our stock before purchasing. Order* promptly attended to. nth 21 B. A R. *?~FOR GARDENERS AXD FARMERS. FRESH AND RELIABLE GARDEN SEED, Just received and for sale by WILLIAM H. SCOTT, Druggist, corner of Franklin and Seventeenth streets, fe S_ t* CO- PARTNERSHIP. The undersigned, of the firm of Kent, Paine & Co., hare formed a co-partnership for the purpose of conducting a general AUCTION AND COMMISSION BUS1NES8, under the firm of PAINE A CO., and hire taken the store No. 108 Main street, next below Mitchell A Tyler, and will be pleased to receive consignments from their friends and the public. W. G. PAINE, ja 19? ta R. A. PAINE. LOST, STRAYED AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS REWARD.? Lost, 1 hit POCKET BOOK, in the First Market, at Mr. Sttitz's fish stall, on Saturday evening|last, containing between thlrtv-oight and forty dollar* and a lumber receipt. The above reward will be paid and no questions asked if delivered at this oflice. je 5 ? at L. W. BlLLUPS. rOST, at Hollywood Oemetory, on the J aist of May, a pair of EYB-GLASSE8, set in gold. The finder will lie liberally rewarded by leaving them at this otHco. je 5? 2t? T OST CERTIFICATES. ? Notice is MJ herebv given that Certificates of Stock in the capital of the VIRGINIA KIRK AND MARINE INsl RANCE COMPANY, loaned In the names of the following parties, respectively, have been lust, d that application will be made to the Board of rectors of said Company for new certificate*, in and | Dlrei I lieu of the same, viz Share* E. A. Trirdett 23 | ! Thomas II. Wynne... 6" I | Andrew Antoui l*x? i A. Converse 44 j Ro. S. Pollard 1<? I Asa Snyder 20 Jane F. Little 9 j R. B. Cringan 9* George W. Doawell.. 60 j A. Morris 55 ! William Bell 5 Edward Mayo, Ex'r..l00| J. P. Winston, Trustee 38 Lancaster A Co 5 Kent, Pains A Co so Alexander Hill 50 I. Davenport, .Tr 50 I All Stockholders in the above Company who have failed to return their certificates issued prior to 3d January last are requested to return them to | this ottice as early as possible, or, in case they be ! loot, to report the fact. I WILLIAM WILLIS, Jr., niy 23? lawJmW Secretary. ! VrOTK'E. ? Application will l?e made ! 1.1 for the renewal of CERTIFICATE for one j Share of Stock in the "Richmond and Liverpool ; Packet Company." issued in my name, destroyed in the fireot April 3d, 1*65 ; date aud number unknown. mv 24? 2m lawTli A MORRIS. Share?. Old Dominion Ins. Co.100 Oile* Picot 4" Richard Whitfield... 12<? E. <>. Nolting 23 C. W. Purcell, Trustee 12 E. Miller ?2 J. C. Page, Jr 5o 1. AG. B. Davenport. 71 Alfred T. Harris 4" F. H. Deane, Trustee 2" 0. 11. Chalklcy l?o J. A. Walk or Fanny T. Hill 5" H. L. Kent 1? Richard Adam 40

Fifty dollars reward.? stolen from my Dtalile.nn the night of the <1 _ j 2*th instant, TWO HORSES : One, a large hay, with a little white upon one hind le>r < 1 s i_ Just above hoof, hardly perceptible ; very small I star in the forehead ; newlv shod, with swell heel* : pares rapidly, but rough. The other, a large sorrel, with a blaze in the face, white hind legs, ! has a cut hoof near the edge of the hair, paces well, and when ridden fa*t proves to be winbroken. JOSEPH W. CAMPBELL, hi v .io?ts Keswick, Albemarle county, \a. V"OTICE. ? Application will bo made at XI the proper time for the renewal of ONE SHARE OF STOCK in the Richmond and Liverpool Packet I Company, destroyed by the lire of April 3, 1*<65, in i the name ?T THOMAS, HUOUES & CALDWELL, ap 34 ? law'.'m i VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that , I.N we have made application for the renewal of 1 two CERTIFICATES OP STOCK of the old Dominion Iron Works Company, for six and one-third shares eacli, said scrip having been lost in the Are of 3d April, 1865. I apU-law2m J. PARKHPRST, Jr., & CO. j VTOTICE.? Application will be made at il the proper time for the renewal of one share I of stock in the RICHMOND AND LIVERPOOL | PACKET COMPANY, destroyed by the fire of April S J, 1S?3, in the name oi SAMUEL S.COTTRKLL. ap ?_ lawSm NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application will be made to the Auditor of State or Virginia for renewal of CERTIFICATE OF DEBT No. 444, for three hundred dollars, standing in name of William F. Watson, guardian of Mildred A. Watson, and issued under act of 23d March, 1860, said certificate having been lost. , my o ? lawSm FOR RENT. I^Olt RENT.? Having removed the office of the Rtliyioivt Ift-rti/H to M5 Main street, w?> offer the R<KJM lately occupied by us. 13u3 Franklin street, for rent. * . Je 6_4t JKTER k DICKINSO? I" X) R RENT, t he BR ICK DWE L L-INO-HOUSB on Nineteenth street, be- " " tween Grace tnd Franklin, now occupied by Mr. H. D. Whitcoiub. It is a two-story. house, with basement and garret. The rooms are large and pleaHant, aitd the house and out-build-ingsall in good repair. Possession given Ivth uf June. For terias, apply to my Jo-la CHARLE8 TALBOTT. F 'OR RENT, a DWELLING-HOUSE. _ with TEN ROOMS, on Main, between Third and Fourth streets, at prevent occupied by Mr. Oeorge L. Bidgood. The lot is large,, with the necessary out- booses. Poesessloo v| given on the 6th of June. Apply to PURCELL, LA DP & CO., my 13? ts corner Thirteenth and Main streets. | ROOMS FOR RENT, suitable for a gentleman and wife orslngte gentlemen, M with or withoat hoard. Apply at No. <19, p!? Eighth street, beyond Leigh. my la? ts FOR RENT, one furnished and ope I lnfornished ROOM, KM Main street, be* JmA tween Third and Fourth street*, my 7? U JOHN N. GORDON k 80If._ '"!? T?0R RENT, One PLEASANT ROOM, Ml suitable for a Gentleman's Lodging- ' room, or a Gentleman and Wife. Apply to j Mr*. H. B. HOVAN, J Seventeenth itreet, between Venable and Pop! feM-te EOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.? The undersigned offer* for sale his tbo- ?n _ rooghbrad home GEN1RAL PA'fBICK, i.urchttM d of Colonel MeBntee. He is sound, and ride* and works well. Or be woaM , exchange him for a horse soluble for use In the piastico uf ?oBthild?ofOraM, tyop&how ibof# abore Foarth street, Jfo. til,

Auviiv.i ?/..liMrfj Til IB OAT. By Christsto, L?? *Co., AuctiaM?ip-?7 ihi Mute street. | WE WILL OFFER FOR SALE AT ? T auction on TtfESlM Y. Jun* 5th; com me ?? A T $ KACTI VE* A M ENT^A IwHtAiot! LIQUORS, FJNH, Ac., to which the attention of the trade la parfienlarlr invited. We enumerate the following GOODS, jj? : ^ s hogshead* prfiae BACON SIDES, W "arks RIO C?>FFEB, 10 -c"AViW?0"EE' *? ??? * jctc SO mat* JA** wrr??. 22 barrel* choice MOLArbb?. s oj?? ??? 19 i-earw nua tiuiirc? "'?r:T: - 5 hogshead* PORTO RICO 800 AR, 10 barrel* CRUSHED 8UGAR, IS barrets BROWN SUGAR, 6" Crew'*, Murphy's, and Grant a CANDLES, 15 boxes VeLI.OW and BROWN SOAP, 20 barrel* WHISK V, 10 | ra*ka BRAllDY, 100 cases superior CLARET WINE, loo cases assorted LIQl'ORS, 30 doirn BROOM8, 25 dozen BUCKETS, 20 nests MARKET and CLOTHES BASKETS, 15o barrels and half-barrel* HERRINGS, with a good assortment of WRAPPING PAPBR, PEPPER, SAL. SODA, _ TWINE, SPITES. INDIGO. CHRISTIAN, LEA A CO., Je t 1424 ( late ?*) Main street. By Harrison, Ooddln A Apperson, Bankers, Brokers, and Real Estate Agents. VALUABLE LOT AM) SMALL WOODEN TENEMENT, ON THE CANAL, BETWEEN B Y R D AND CAN AL STREETS, FOR SALE AT AUCTION.? Will ho sold at auction, on the premise*, on TUESDAY, 5th June, is#s, at half-past 4 P. M., the SMALL LOT AND FRAMED TENEMENT located an above, now In the occupancy of Mr. John A. Francis. It front* forty-three and a" half feet on the tow-path of the canal, and it* ail excellent location for a store. Tkrhs: one-third cash, balance at four and eight months for negotiable notes, with interest added, secured by a trust deed. The taxes for this year to be paid by the purchaser. HARRISON, QODDIN & APPERSON, Je 2 Auctioneers. By Grubbs A William*, Auctioneers, corner of Eleventh and Main streets. Most valuTble granitefront STORE, ON NORTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET. BETWEEN THIRTEENTH AND FOURTEENTH, FOR SALE AT AUCTION,? On TUESDAY, the 5th of June, at 12 o'clock M., we will hell upon the promise* the 'i KAN IT E- FRONT STORK located as above, and occupied by 31e?*r?. Pain* & Co. It has three stories and an attic above the cellar ; front* twenty-four feet on Main street, and runs back to Tobacco alley, which is thirty feet wide, and i* level with the *econd story, thus affording facilities for receiving and discharging good* in the rear. Having also a side entrance on Main street, the upper stories can be used for commercial or manufacturing purposes separate from the main floor. The building i* very substantial, and in good repair, and there i* no* better location for business in the city. Altogether, this is the most valuable business property now on the market, being convenient to the principal hotel*, railroad depot*, and to shipping. Terms will be announced at the time of sale. Purchaser to pav taxes for 1*W. GRUBBS A WILLIAMS, jo 1 Auctioneers. SHIPPING. SPECIAL NOTICE.? FOR N KW York.? In consequence of high water, the steamship KAPIDAN will not leave her wharr at Rockett* tin-' til ? o'clock WEDNESDAY MORN- 1 1N0. Freight received up to 8 o'clock TUESDAY E\ EN1NG. For freight or passage, apply to S AMU EL A YRES & CO. , j? 5 ? It Cary and Virginia streets. T?OR BREMEN. ? The line Bremen JF ship ADMIRAL, Captain J. 8. Hakh- +"J> i.oop. is*hortlv expected at City Point to load for the above-named port, hor freight, Mfil apply to j'' sCHaER. KoHLER&lo. T7 OR BALTIMORE, SAVANNAH. r AND BOSTON -POWHATAN . ST KA M BOAT C< >.M PA N Y . -S EM I - WEEKLY LINE.? Leaves Richmond every WEDNESDAY Mt"' sit\ h* V * S" SS< Leaves Baltimore every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. The steamer PETERSBURG, Captain Robert Tu.wEas, will leave here at & o'clock, A. M., WEDNESDAY, the Hth Distant. Fn-ight received MONDAY and up to 0 o'clock, P. M., TUESDAY. This steamer has splendid saloons, state-rooms, and passenger accommodations. Passage, meals included, ff. For freight or passage apply to DAVID A WM. CURRIB. office at Charles T. Wortham A Co. s, je 4 ? 3t Fifteenth street. T70R "NEW YOR K .-A TLANTI C r COAST MAIL STEAMSHI P COMPANY ?The new and *-l?- -~|W* gant side-wheel steamship KA-S^^^J^jr' PIDAN, f'apt. PARRIsu, will leav- SCHSfifflHBl her wharf at Rocketts on TUESDAY, tbe 5tb Juue, at S o'clock, P. 31. Passenger* are requested to be punctual. For freight or passage? accommodations unsurpassed?apply to Samuel ay res a co.. je 4 ? 2t Cary and Virginia streets. IM)R N E W YO R K'.? A T L A NTIC COAST MAIL STEAMSHIP ~ ? COMPAN Y.? 1 The new and elegant -iile- wheel steamship RAPIDaN,1 rapt a in Pakkish, will leave wharf at Rocketts on TUESDAY, the 5th June, at * o'clock, A M. Passengers are requested to be punctual to tbe hoar. For freight or passage? having accommodations unsurpassed? apply to SAMUEL AYERS k CO., je 4? 4t Cary and Virginia streets.

WANTS. WA NTED I M M EDI ATE LY, A WHITE NURSE, a MALE COOif, CHAMBERMAIDS, FEMALE COOKS. and FARM HANDS. This agency furnishes every kind of labor. Apply at the SOUTH EKN employment agency. Franklin street, under the Metropolitan Hall. Post-ottice box 10, Richmond, Vh. A. ft. D'Axpahazy k P. T. Li.nk, Agents. je 5? it WANTED, a WHITE GIRL to assist IT in house work in a private family. A k<vh1 home and fair wages olfered. Apply at 413 M.tdi?on street. je 5? It* T,\M P LOY M ENT NOTICE.? WA NTLj ED, at the Richmond Employment Agency, One GOOD FAMILY COOK, One CHAMBERMAID, One SEA.MSTKKSS, Fivo LABORERS, at the office on Franklin, between Eighth and Ninth streets, three doors above Meade 4 Baker's drugstore. NOTT k FRAYSKR, je 4? 2t Agents. WA N TET ), A ( i()OD~C( ) LOR E D FEMALE COOK, without incumbrance. JOHN N. GORDON k SON, je 4 Fourteenth street, near Exchange Hotel. WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED NURSERYMAN to take charge of, or an interest in wllli the owner of, a farm in North Carolina well adapted to and .located for a nursery and garden farm. Apply to PALMER, HARTSOOK k CO., my 30 Libby bnildings. AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR NEW WORK, THE LIFE AND CAMPAIGNS OF GENERAL (STONEWALL) JACKSON. By Professor R. L. Daii.vet, l>. D.,of Virginia. The Standard Biography of the immortal hero. The only edition authorized by his widow. The authora personal friend and (fhltf ofSUff ofjthe Christian Soldier. As a truthful biography of one of America's noblest sons, it stands peerless and alone among all its competitors. Disabled officer** and soldiers, energetic young men, and all in want i>r profitable employment, will flnd this a rare chance to make money. Send lor circulars and see our terms. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, No. 214 Seventh street, Richmond, \ a. 15? swim* ANTED, Mr. WILLIAM DAN- ?? NlALSorMr J. H. SHARP to call at the office of tbe Virginia Employment Agency, on Broad street, tour doors above Ninth, or address JAMES T. HENDERSON. my 19? ts Box 139, Richmond, \ a. riASH PAID FOR BONES.? Wanted. FIVE HUNDRED TONS BONES. Cash paid on delivery. iny ?? ts 8. P. LATHROP, Agent. Hides and tallow wanted. DRY 111 DBS, GREEN HIDES, and SALTED HIDES. Also. TALLOW : for which the higbtcat cash price will le paid. O. H. CHALKLEY * CO.. Hide and Leather Dealers, Thirteenth street, between Main and Cary. ap2l-U THE CELEBRATED my W MOTHERS' BREAST CLOTHS are again offered to the public, and are for sale by all druggists. Wholesale depot, BLUNT k MOSELEY, Druggists, . 1324 Main street, Richmond, Va.( je 4? lm Agents for the Manufacturers. Bricks, bricks? turner * PLEASANTS have for sale at their yard, on Twenty-fourth street, between Main and Cary streets, STOCK, PAVING, and COMMON BRICKS, In lots to suit purchasers. )? 4? lm THREE hundred barrels of J. R08BNDALK < KM INT. 1,000 barrels ROCKLAND L1MI, la store and U> arrive. . l.OM sacks GfeoUIf D AI.UM SALT, for sale by PALMER, HARTSOOK A CO.. d je 4 Llbby Bnlld i nf. VEW STY LB OF CLARENDON JN j? 9 Irtt door bjow Ipo

__ L NU9, fffk ti A Lr Jft A Jiwaivn.? auctlor, on the premlees, on THUB3DA Y. the 7th of iai?. lnH, at half- past ? o'clock. P. M,, wtLAIOK LOT located as above, having a front of one hundred and forty-flight feet, a* 4 a depth of afrfttt two hundred and ninety-nix fat. TKaM4 : One-third cash : balance at six and twelve month* for negotiable note* wttti latere* added, k ??cured by a trust deed. The taxee for 1MQ to be paid by the purchaser. HAKKI801T, UODDiN * APPERSON, jo 5? td Aaetlonw. By Orubbs A William, Auctioneers, North west cornerof Main and Eleventh street*. /^OMMISSIcTtTeR'H HALE OF I; SEVENTY AC RES OF V ALU A B LB LA 5 D, ON THE, MBCHAN'CbVILLB TimNPIKB.TWO MILES FROM TUB CITY, AT AUCTION. -In executlon of a decree of the Circuit Conrt of the county of H. nrico entered May ?, 1*??, in the case of schermerborn, etc., r#. Austin and ale., the undersigned, a commissioner appointed for the P?rPf*?? will sell at auction, upon the premise*, on TlluRSDA V, July s, at 5 o'clock, P. M., if fair, if not, on the next fair day thereafter, at the eame hour, the TRACT OP LAND of which the late Egmont Schermerhorn died seized. lying on the ea?t eide of Mechanlcsvlile tnrnpike a short distance beyond th>* toll-gate, and adjoining the land of Leon id hh Rosser and others. There are SEVENTY ACRES, of which there I* a sufficient portion in wood* ; arid there are several building*, one of which can be converted Into a dwelling. It will be sold a* a whole, or divided, ax may be deemed bent at the time of Hale. Tli in in a beautiful TRACT OF LAND, and it should attract thts attention of penionii seeking such pro|?erty, Tkkm* : One-third ca*h ; balance at Mix and twelve month* for negotiable note*:, with interest added, the title to be retained by the court until the note# are paid. BATON NANCE, Commissioner. (Iri'BBW & Wii.i.iami?, Auctioneer)*. je 5? tda By Grubba A Williams, Auctioneers, Main street, five doors above Spotswoo^Hotel. Five hundre~dacres of very VAL17ABLB COAL LAND, ON JAMES RIVER, IN CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, FOURTEEN MILES ABOVE RICHMOND, FOR SALE AT AUCTION. -On MONDAY, the 11th of June, at 12 o'clock. M., we will sell at auction at ourofflce, under the National Bank of Virginia, corner Main and Eleventh street*, live hundred acres of very valuable COAL LAND. located as above described, being a part of the " KESWICK " tract, and adjoining the lands of General Edward Johnson and others. Its location between the eastern and western cropping* of coal in tho direct line extending from the Coal Mi new on the uorth side of James river, by the Midlothian and otberplts on to the Clover lliiiplts, makes it almost certain that it contain* an extensive body of coal. It has also a large quantity of WOOD and TIMBER, only a small portion of the land being cleared. This sale presents a line opportunity for investment in coal land, with an {almost certainty of a large profit. Tkrms : At sale. GRl'BBS A WILLIAMS, ? jo 5 ? td Auctioneers. CE RG HANTS SA LE.? I wilT wll oi) FRIDAY, the *th instant, at 5 o'clock, P. M., on the premises. corner of Twentieth and Main streets. 1 WOODEN FRAMED HOUSE and CONTENTS. 1 BAKER S OVEN, 1 BLACKSMITH'S SHOP, Ac., Ac., to satisfy an execution In my hands in favor of Stephen Mason r?t. Henry Greenwald. THOMAS U. DUDLEY, je 5 ? 4t _ Sergeant City Richmond. By Paine A Co., Auctioneers, I iixJ Main xtreet. i

TKUSTEE'S sale op a large 1 and valuable stock of goods.? a 1 trustee in a deed of trust executed by Read & Montgomery, and in conformity of the term* 01 .-aid leed, made by them to secure their creditor*, I will sell on the SEVENTH DAY OF JUNE. 1?<I6. one of the most valuable stock* of OOODS which ha* lately been exposed to public sale. They consist of a general assortment of a BOOT SHOE, and Fl'RNlSHlNQ STORE; particularly of BOOTS, SIH>ES. LADIES' GAITERS, SLIPPERS, and CHILDREN'S SHOES; also, HATS, CARPET BAGS, HOOP SKIRTS, Ace., and such a variety ais rardy offered in these times for sale in this market. In thi- stock will be found Men's HEAVY BROGANS and MONROE SHOES, Men's OXFORD TIES and KID BUCKLE 0A1T h? K S Men'- BUTTON. LASTING, and CALF CONGRESS OAITEKS ; Men's EXTRA FRENCH CALF SHOES and PATENT LEATHER GAITERS. Men'* HEAVY KIP and FRENCH CALF BOOTS, Women's GOAT, MOROCCO, and KID BOOTS ; Women's EXTRA-POLISH BOOTS and BALMORALS, W otfien'n EXTRA LASTING CONGRESS GAITERS, Women's KID and MOROCCO BALMORALS and SLIPPERS, Men's, Women's, and Misses' RUBBER SHOES ; Bovs SEWED and PEGGED CALF SHOES, Boys' SEWED and PEGGED CALF BOOTS, Boys' OXFORD TlfcS and BUCKLE GAITERS, Boy*' CON OR ESS GAITERS and BALMORALS, Misses' MOROCCO, KID. and CALF BOOTS, Misses' KID and MOROCCO SLIPPERS and TIES. Misses' POLISH BOOTS and BALMORALS, Misses' EXTRA LASTING CONGRESS GAITERS, Children's SHOES in great variety, OIL-CLOTH SATCHELS, TRAVELLING BAGS, SOLE-LEATHER TRUNKS, VALISES, CALF SKINS, MOROCCO and LINING SKINS, SOLE LEATHER, BouT WEBBING, Ladies' and Misses' FUR CAPES and MUFFS, Men's and Boys" CLOTH and VELVET CAPS, B Ladies' FRENCH, SILK, and FUR HATS. Ladies' and Misses' VELVET and PLUSH HATS, Men's DERBY and RESORTE HATS, in variety; Men's EXTRA DRAB and BLACK FELT HATS, Men s EXTRA SILK, FUR, and CLOTH IIATS, Men's STRAW and PANAMA HATS, Boys' IIATS of every style, Ladles' and Misses' BALMORAL SKIRTS, HoSE and HALF- HOSE, a large assortment: Gentlemen's and Ladles' SILK and L1NEN-CaM> BR1C HANDKERCHIEFS, VELVET RIBBONS, FRENCH CORSETS, SILK, GAUZE, and MERINO SHIRTS and DRAWERS, LINEN SHIRTS, GLOVES. SUSPENDERS, WITH A I.ARflE *TOfK OF PARIS TRAIL and DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRTS, SHOW-CASE, STORE FIXTURES, Ac. Thkms : For all sums under cash ; over 1*500, sixty days' credit for approved endorsed notes. D. B. BRIDGFOKD, Trusted. Paixk & Co. .Auctioneers. jt- 4 By Grubbs A Williams, Auctioneers, Northwest corner of Main and Eleventh streets.

T WO VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS, I ON MAIN STREET, FOR SAI.E AT AUCTION . Un WEDNESDAY, Jrine<J, ?t 5 o'clock, P.M.. we will 1 1 . upon the premises, a beautiful LOT on the south of Main street, between First and Second streets, adjoining the residence of Mr 8. A. Myers, fronting thirty-two and three-uuarfer* feet, and running back one hundred and alxtythree and one-third feet. After which will be sold a LOT on the sontb tide of Main street, between Adams and JefTeVson streets, fronting thirty- three feet and running hack one hundred and fifty feet to an alley. The*e Lota are well located for private resilience*. Tp.kmh : Made known at the time of sale, je 'i UKI'HKM & WILLIAMS, Auctioneer*. By W. B. Robliui, Auctioneer. i s trusteTF: in a deed of J\ trnst from D. P. Farqnhar, dated Augus; >1, l*?3, at the request of the beneficiary therein named, I shall proceed to sell at public anetlon, on the premises, to the hlgheat bidder, on WBD.NEbD.W . June 13, tsM, at # o'clock, P. M., If fair, and If not, on the next fair day thereafter, that certain l. "'I OF LAND numbered three, in square No. M, fronting thirty-one feet on the west line of Twt-nly* ?eventh, between M and N street*, on Church Hill, und running back one hundred and thirty ftct to an lilley, in common, fourteen wide. There is a email but comfortable dwelling on the lot. Tkkm4 : Cash aa to ao rnrtch as will defray the pxuenses of executing the trust and to dl.scharKe a debt of two hundred and fifty dollars, with interest thereon from the l?th of May, li??4 ; th.? remainder at four and eight months, with interest added, secured by a deed of trnst, or title retained. Je '1 W. B. ROBINS. Auctioneer. By James M. Taylor, Auctioneer. Main street, opposite Spots wood Hotel. Auction salfTof household AND K1TCHKN FURNITURE? Will bo aold on WEDNESDAY next, the 6th of June, .at 1" o'clock, A. M., at the house on Rosa street two JfNirs from the Richmond House a variety of HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, embracing tb^foUowlu, : CHAIRS, CaRPBTS. a wardrobes, 4 BUREAUS. 1 SIDEBOARD. U BEDSTEADS and MATTRESSES, t large set* CROCKBRTWARB, 1 CooKING STOVB, and other KITCHEN FURNITURE. Ac. Tubus : Cash. JAMES W TAILOR, my II Auotioneer. ftENUINE ENGLISH HOSE, Hal#U Hose, and Under. Shirts for anmmer wear, at je* LEVY B RoTHBRh', MMeia at ret. RiciMon R>oamfmsvTi Mo. S, ) RiciMova, June S, UN. f HHDERH NO. ? . Sir KnlghU,? _A_ V/ Assemble at th? store of J. T. Re* nault Xjf A Co., on Main street. near Math, on DAY NEXT, the Mh 1 tt O elqeh, K., fw the transaction of important basinets. By order ?t M. E. E.H.GitL,O.C. w. L. MACLE,Captal?.Oeiisr?l J. 1. Riddi<"?, Reeorder. )e i-j> VTOTICE.? An adjourned meeting of il the members of the late First Vlndnlt In/ka try will he held on WEDN1$PAY KVBnUo, t|. of irteentli tO OTK?aizs an association far the paryaae of erecting a monument to the memory of those of ite member* who died during the late war, it ta hoped thai every member rusidiug int heeUy wUl he^wyent. Je 4? M

yiiflik ITTOW (fiiNol THJUQIIUIUKD WATEM, LOCATED AT EATH COURTHOUSE, TIROIEU I* Off* OF TIE LOVELIEST VALLEY! I* ALL THI BLOC IIDOS AID ALLEGHAJY SAVQtf , ASK OPElf rot TBI ? , beciptiow OF VISITORS. Thi ?y an fifteen mllee weat from llllboro' d?po< on tho Virginia Centra! railroad, and north #44 1 fir# mllee from the Hot, and eight from the H?aiin/ Spring*. Very ltttlo need be Mid in calling public at tea. tt on 10 a watering-- place ao celebrated. It ha* beeQ known and tlsited by the white* for more than a nandred year*, and wat before that known to the Indiana aa "The spring of atrength," from the Wirlnor*llng lufln^nc of bathing In It* water. Th? temperature of the batha are H and * P*h. renheit. The water* are famed for their -fflr*. y ra*e>. of Chronic Oout, Rheumatism. Xenralyia Torpid Liver, with It* attendant coiuequenre*, :i n* Indigestion, Constipation, Dropsical F.fTu?l?m, Ac. ; also, Paralysla in ite various form*. K:,! larg<*m?nt of the Spleen, Chronic Swelling* of the JclntM, Chronic Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Gravel, an<i 4 variety of Female Disease*, especially those of 4 chronic character, attended with general debility, Tho accommodation* at the** Spring* are amp)*-. For amusement of the gueitta are a line ball-room, Millard saloon, and bowling alloy. Route to the Warm Spring* : From the north, r la Orange anil Alexandria railway to Ciordoosrille, thence via Ceitttal railroad to Mlllboro* depot. From the *onth. tUi Lynch bnrg or Richmond or Virginia Central railroad to Millboro' dep,* Fr?m tb?> depot, 11 rat-class *tag? coache* over a turnpike, fifteen mile* totha Springs. Board : L<*h* than one week, $3 per day ; chtldren and servant* 1n proportion. One w^'k ?r,d over, *3 p?T day, le?? ton per cent. my 31? TuAFltn _ OEOROI MAYSE rpHE HOT SPRINGS, BATH COUNTY, VIRGINIA, TF.xrKRATrae, raon bixttto o*k hcihhko ajh> SIX OR'taEK*, FAHBE3HEIT. TARDY, WILLIAMS k CO., PaomtBToM.

Will be open for the reception of visitor* JUNE 1st, Mfit. All the buildings having been repaired, pa Int. >d, and fitted out with NEW FURNITURE, LINEN, BEDS, and TABLEWARE, these SPRINGS otf-jr unsurpassed attraction* to both the Invalid and pbaxure-aefker. Wo expense or effort has been spared bv the proprietors to make It a* comfortable and pleasant a* possible to all visitor*. The HOT WATERS here have been well known for more than half a century to possess, In a wonderful degree, tonic, alterative, detergent, and stimulating properties, and have become justly celebrated for the ?nre of Rheumatism, Knot, Diseases of the Liver, Skin, Bladder, atid Womb; Paralysis, the result of injury or serious effusion ; Contraction of Muscle* and Joints, Diarrhea, an 1 Dyspepsia, accompanied with sore mouth and tongue. New. A ATH- HOUSES have been erected, a BaXD OF MUSIC engaged, and BILLIARD and BOWL. INU 8ALOON8 fitted up. The SPLENDID BALL-ROOM has been thoroughly refitted. Route i nun the north, via Orange and Alexindria railroad to Gordnnavllle ; thence trio Virginia Central railroad to Millboro* Depot ; th.nce to Hot iBpringa direct, over turnpike, (distance, twenty miles,) by Trotter ft Co.'s sU?k? line. Route from the south, via Lynchburg or Richmond, and Virginia Central railroad to Millboro' Depot. Tbkm* : "M P?* day '? *w Per ??**? A BAND OF MU8IC Is engaged for the ieason. my 17? lm > Rockbbidor alum springs, VIRGINIA. These MINERAL WATERS have an established reputation for very high enratlve virtue in all the following classes of disease, and an being an ABSOLUT!. SPECIFIC In several of them, rl? : SCROFULA. and all the forms of Glandular Swellings and Cutaneons Eruptive IMsesse Kry?ii.elss, Tetter, Ac.; CHRONIC DlARRIKK* and DYSliNTfcKV'. DY8PEP81A, BK?>NCHlT18.fllK<?NIC THKU8H, affection of the KID.Nt^fc a.>d IlLAUDBK, and PILES. In ajl anrmlc conditions .f the s vat em and broken-down states of the constitution, lf*s of appetite, and <en.T?l nervous prostration, their powrs and virtue *s?r^?t.>r?tive niav be safely pronounced to be W IT not t a KNOWN RIVAL amongst the mineral water* of the WORLD. . , . _ . , , They are especially Indicated In the whole class of ailments pecnliar to the Female Constitution. This WAf BRING PLACE Ii iln eountv with the celebrated ?? NATURAL BRIDOE "f Virginia, and is one of that remarkable group or Mineral and Thermal Waters which have given celebrity to this mountainous region. It will be open to the public on JUNE 1st. T ne proprietors will spare no reasonable effort to hats the place comfortably kept. .... i . The BALL-ROOM will be supplied with mn?ie , and the BILLIARD and BOWLING SALOONS restored to complete order. . ? Access from the aeaboard la by the V Irginla < entral railway (from the North, c 7? Washington city and Orange and Alexandria railroad to Gordon*Ville : and from the Sooth, vi'i Richmond or Lynchburg.) 10 Goshen Depot, thence by stage coaches, over a smooth road, eight tulle# nptbe Valley to the Springe. BATKA or BOARD : By the day fJ.4?. By the month P?* dav. The 6PRINGS PAMPHLET, with analysis and fnll description, sent by mail on application to Prirgi,i., Ladb ft Co.. Richmond, or to tlie undersigned. FkAZiER ft Randolph. Proprietors. The water is bottled, securely packed, and on sale at H1X W per caae of one doren half-gsllou bottles by PrtCBM., Laud ft Co., Richmond ; A B. RrcKKR. Lynchburg ; Colbmab ft Roi>.i?k^, Baltimore ; Hbobmax ft Co., New York, and other leading druggists. A single box haa often saved tha necessity of a visit to the Springs. A liberal discount made to the Trade by PUHCELL, LAUD A CO., my IS? ta Agents. /SoYNEK'S WHITE. BLACK AND BLUE 8ULPHUR SPRINGS. ?Th is well knowu WATERING PLACE, situated in BoteU>urt county, V'a., on the line and In full view of tue Virginia and Tennessee railroad, will be ?Bf? .??lL'*|e recepiionof visitors on the FIRST OF JUNE. Persons leaving Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, and Petersburg, by morniug train, spending the night In Lynchburg, will arrive the following morning, the trains stopping immediately opposite lhThe ui'Seralgned (formerly of Richmond) talc s pleasure in informing hie friends end the public that he haa removed to this place with the lut*B; tion of making it his permanent residence, and wilt spare neither trouble nor expense to render it agreeable and pleasant to his guest*. There aro FIVR 8ULPIIUK SPR1N0K, the medtcinal iinallties of which are so generally and favorably known that it Is deemed unnecessary to speak of their value. . , Those, desirous of using the Alleghany or Alum Water* can be supplied. . .. A FINE BAND will be In attendance durir.* the season. ColoiM'l WARD, ao favorably known as Manager of the Panqnler White Sulphur Springs, ha* been engaged, and will he pleased to s?j?> his friends. Thine desiring comfortable quarters would do well to make early application. The price of board will be three dollars per dsy, children and servants in proportion. A deduction often pur cent, will be made on all bills for on* sreek, twenty p*f cent, for one month, and twentydve_per ce*t. for Uro months or longer. PUJtCSLL, LA1>1> ft CO., Ktohmond, V* . will keep a constant supply of the water, put up m my l?-*od?w Proprietor. ITIKGINIA military instiV TUTK.-The BOARD OF VISITORS will wecj 1 at the Vlrgioin Military Institute on the rth ? June to make appointments of Cadets. Applications for Statb and Pat Cadet appointment# ?'? be made to the undersigned, accompanied with ??? I usual testimonial* of good moral character. Candidates for appointment must be eseaap* fw?? bodily disease, at ages b*tw*?n*lxuen s<iJ ty-five year*, and In the ease of Star* l sd??. "j pilcaiits most aatlafy the Hoard of th *;r iusbility io meet the enewee of the Institution . Candidate* for ad mission mm* ho ?ble.,1.'. ''suls'cade** (one for eneh fienawrUi will he ? applied with hoard and tuition withu*i WmSmm <lJ?r?U farther haforautio^ appUcatlon *1U ka made U> the SapeflntendenU |g ? gMlTH. L ia? oodatftwWJuly Hup. n^u ade^. h? ?THAH. Wl.Nta. ANII U; Wis