Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 230, 11 June 1866 — Page 3

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i'} itiimnri gispafrh. ! jK()JfPA V? ? ? JUNE 11, lfl6(i.l ll?i?MH?rn Wrtnr.T < ollrirc. , xcroisos of commencement take j , T 1 ursday ?*????! Friday of this week, j x v .... -resting and attractive tot ho in- i people of Prince Kdw?rd ami the counties, a well as t > friend* of .,vi i i. n and the student* elsewhere, j i ,1 .?? an unusually large concourse | . \ u-.e.?n of the long suspension of ,? scenes and festivals during 1 r.o distinguished reputation tarn who are to deliver ad- ; sion. Mr. Tauaxdio. i ? in too well known to the peo. \ ?? i ib n wi>e, brave and conj .hfi? ian, an able orator and a .? . . iitlfuian, to need a word of in<:i. The name of Mr. Si i.i.ivan v : itiiiliar, but the selection and . ? i the Facility is a sufficient : it lu hrl'Migs to the same elas* J ' > , ! J , ill ge it av he reached hy way of J , . . >n t 1 >?? Nuithside road, from . distant vi\ miles. I u ',j the order ot exercises : ? .tv r?arv celebration of the Phij , . ? . i 1 ii Soeiet ;es ot llamp-,-s i . \ College will take place re- * i \ ? ! v . :i June 1 .'it! i and 11th at >; , k. P. M. Philanthropic StK'ivtv : K. j ; North Paroliiia. Subject: In ; ? j . !uist<?rt line lies the proof of ! . T. K. Fdinunds, Hriinswick, Va. I. v. the imace ot the heart. -?J the 1'nion Society: (I. H.I 1' itice Kdward, Va. Subject: .-??j is h'vs than littleness. 11. C. j !. Jr., Haltimoie. Subject: Our - (Linger ; or, our duty as Ameri- 1 ! ! c-iiitnenci inent exercises w ill ' ? i the lou noon ot the above I >t< ??> i i : . ? c* t Tuesday, at .'I P. M.. , .1 ??, and we are requested to say \ ' meeting is 'important and do. j Address, Wednesday, June 13th, . I.. Vallandighatn, of Ohio. Ad- . Thui sd iy, .1 into 14th, l?y lion. A. S. i ?a. <t New York, and commence- j ; * \Ct , iM ?. .'ai:ka;i < lloTKi.. ? After the labors of . > . u rambling about and taking notes e ceh l'!at in Petersburg on Satur?:indr\ hungry and thirsty reporters ? ,vt hospitably conducted to Jar"tel, whi le they /ouml themselves red to lull life and more than or. imation. The guests were well ! with the entertainment, and i: :.o>; '' did imt think it well eaten " ? I : ??ui:, he certainly did not ??b- ' \ as going on. Some half-do/.cn | ? ? w cut to Petersburg very liungry ; i' iv !o Kichniotid "lieling their and with the opinion that the '? - Ki n. i v, of the Jit'l ? r, are amongst _ ti r of editors, and tli.it .Messrs. . .. Simmon-, oj' J.iri.att's, are princes . . _r 1 iliillolds.

|i,!< r? sf iiij; % i<-\t ol Hie t'micruuod ( (iin i irom ^Ir.Kcniiril'M Or)(tiu. Ki? "iiK'iiJ coi it >|>oiidc!it <"'1 the \ ?rk write > a wry sensible . ; il U-tti r to th.it paper ni ri t?-r- ? I !.'.U i uixi.l and his proceedings ; i t v < t lx. \\*c <i|t :? ?tc : Si- i;w . im \P \riTY. i' ;? 1 fortunate for the Govcrn- ? it (iln rax i- of Mr. Davis] has ? 1 1 * s< - :i and with no more blun- ! . Lara ter./.cd tlii- proceed- : r. When the court meets again .1 ; Chase will Ik- upon the id we Lull Lave no more exliibi,i i ? it exalted place Of gross iirno- ? ; l.?w. HI !;KUMOM? I.AWYKiiS. - L- tli> i ar were gathered many i > ot th< Virginia bar, incliuling the Gilmer, Lynns, and Myers, rei by Ayhtt, Daniel, Johnson, Mac1, and lit.n.v others, so that the courtaltf. . ilier, presented a far more !< >i .tj.p. .name than ii diil yesterday. ? minent counsel i? ?r the prisoner' ? I t" relish this attendance of their >nd ! ?: ethrcn, and, mixing freely with i : u talkative and jovial ? an easy ? >r Ji: ady,asNew York well kuows, ?t f<?r hi-- rather morose aud sonic- ? I colleague, Kecd. t mu:i:w?mii?'s uliniieks in law. s ? i\ ing that the President would nh Cnderwoud for announcing from I 1 1 ? i i that Mr. Davis's case would Im disposed of before October, . . ' indent adds : blunder in law is a graver matter, i . ; . " ?il announced tli.it the court i adjourn until the lir>-t Monday in ? : . ihn> doing a thing lie has no legal hatcver to do. The law, as it was enacted by Congress, is plain, ind familiar apparently to every, except the Judge, especially in- ? -1 in its requirements. It fixes the the Circuit Court of the United ? - ! "t May and November, and th re<ji< i hi"> ol" the court can bo begun on no other day than the Mondays ? months designated in the law. But : .ii question, w it h the express intent, ??? Lawrence, of Ohio, said at the c. it passage, ol affording an early 1 t<i Jcilei>on Davis, gives the Chief r power to call a special term of the ; at any time ho thinks proper, and ?\s the court in such special term with ? hi* (towers it would have in regular in. It follows naturally that I'nder- ; has no pow er w hatever to adjourn the t Court to the tirst Tuesday inOcto- : that the only way it can then meet ? ? > iii special t?'rin, under the call of { ? : Justice. This may be, it i> tiuc, ??' ? '? < mil ality ; but the presumption ' it Congress puts provisions into a 1 ' i tlii- piir|xise ol having them obv> i, it certainly does not tend to iuv' the j. fpular respect for law in a tree i:.n? 1. 1 when a court proceeds in disregard of the plain letter of a made especially for its guidance. I'mlcrwood is sitting to.day in this ' ; virtue of an illegal adjournment ? Nm folk, and one of the papers of this Used the tact to belittle him, and lulu the Government he serves. - hav.- spoken plainly of these matter*, they are injuring the Government t.'iding tin* growth of loyalty far than would at tirst blush appear. The must first be brought to respect the eminent before it can be expected to ' it . and the very first step in gaining this i"'Ct is to have the laws of the I ' niou !? i tiallv, flruily, ably, and, withal, gene, ly ailministcred. The people of Virt reiuember the days before the war ii llalyburton wore the Federal ermine <ng them, aud il is diflicult to blame in if, when they compare the old judi- ' ial jxrsoitnrl with the new, it should be as anion to a satyr; and this, too, cousiing the matter outside of all |H?litical ' "iisidcratiouH, und viewing the two men ? 'iip!v as jurists. The plain truth is that the Government cannot afibrd, in these lati. tudes, to be served by any but officers thoroughly competent to discharge their duty. Let Alexander Rives, or some other > irgiuia Juriat of bigb character tod

knowledged learning and capacity, wield the judicial powers of the Government, and it will be found that the unwavering fealty of the man to the Union will not diminish a jot the respect the people will manifest for the judge ; and in saying this I wish to be distinctly understood a* assorting that the hitter feeling undoubtedly existing Against I'nderwood springs not so much from hatred of his V monism as contempt for his capacity. In this view of the case I'ndenvotHl is expensive ? the Government cannot afford him. Ceasing to lament over a disaster that cannot be remedied, for I'nderwood is <?f that class who never resigns, I go on to say a word concerning A KKT.tr OK Ot.DF.N TIMK in the person of Kllett, the crier ot the I'nited States Courts in Virginia. Kllett is not apparently an ol?t man, but for a long series of vears he has tilled the oftiee he now holds. Kven the rushing of the waves of war and revolution over the land did not | drown his monotonous "Oyez," "Oyez," for when the turmoil came, and the insi^nia of the I'nited States had departed, i he was swallowed in the new rfijimr, and merely substituting "Confederate*' for ?? I'nited," lie had the formula again complete, and he mumbled it during all the existence of the l>avis rule. When the I'nited States came back upiin, Kllett was once more in his old place, and now he cries "Oyez," "Oyez," for Judge Underwood as trippingly as he did for his predecessors, both Federal and Confederate. If must be said, for the credit of the man, that he is thoroughly loyal, and that he hailed the return of the old Hag as joyously as any one. Til K KICIIMoNP 1'IIKSS, tliis morning, were much milder in their references to Underwood's charge yesterday than had been anticipated. The Wlti'j was bitter, but the others more contemptuous than anything else. The Judge is of opinion that his threatened indictments have had a restraining influence upon them, in which he may perhaps be right, but is more likely to be wrong. It may be that they have determined to exercise discretion until after the departure of the Judge and the grand jury, but it is the more likely that they have slid all they have to say.

THE NEW CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Washington, June 9 The following is the proposed amendment as it passed the Senate yesterday : Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of both Houses concurring), That the following article be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which when ratified by three-fourths of said Legislatures shall be valid as part of the Constitution, namely : ArticleSection 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the States wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Section 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number ol persons, excluding Indians not taxed. Rut whenever the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President, Representatives in Congress, executive and judicial officers, or members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State being twenty-one years of ago, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twentyone years of age in such State. Suction 3. That no person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States or under any State, who, having taken an oath as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State Legislature, or as a judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave, but all such debts, obligations, and claims shall be held illegal and void. Section 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of tnis section. Tin* Memphis Itiot Investigation. Mk.miiiis, June 7. ? The Congressional Committee closed their labors to-day, and started lor Washington after a session of fifteen working days, in which they have examined one hundred atid seventy witnesses, and taken two thousand pages ? ?: testimony covering the details of the riot, its causes, and its results. Mr. Washburne has gone to St. Louis, taking the stenographer with him for the purpose of analyzing the testimony on the route. The others went direct by the Chattanooga route. It is understood that the full testimony shows the riot to have been greater in its proportions than any statement yet published would indicate. WAMIIXUTOX ITEMS. FRANCE A NT > MEXICO. It is said that advices have been received here from Paris that the Kmperor Napoleon repudiates having in any way been cognizant of the propositions of Austria to send troops to .Maximilian, and he repeats his determination to withdraw the French troops from Mexico. ? I ui>>r). SECRETARY MAI. LORY. Hon. S. K. Mallory, for a long time United States Senator from Florida, but more recently Secretary of the Navy ol the Confederate States, is in this city. RELEASE OF MB. IH'YCK. Yesterday, Leonard Huyck, President of the Merchants National Hank oi this city, who was arrested on the charge of embezzling public funds, and committed to jail in default of security, succeeded in obtaining the required bail of lifty thousand dollars, and was released. JKKFERSON DAVIS TO J?K RELEASED. A Washington dispatch to the Philadelphia Lt thjcr says : An order will be issued in a short time for the release of Jctlerson Davis, but whether on parole or on bail 1 am at present unable to say. The presumption, however, is, that the release will he on the same terms as were accorded to Messrs. Stephens and Clay. EDUCATIONAL BUREAU BILL DEFEATED. The House to-day, after lull and deliberate discussion, defeated the Kducatioual Bureau bill by the close vote of lllty-nine to aixty-one. Itww defeated by the votes of the New England men, who 'believe in

permitting the States and communities to perform the educational functions of tlio nation. Many arc also opposed to the general tendency to create especial and expensive bureaus for every brand) of physical and moral development. THE VALIDITY OF THE CIVIL RIonTS HILL AOAIN CALLED IN Qt; KMT I ON. The validity of the Civil Rights bill has been again called in question by one Justire Watkim, of Sandy Hook, Md., in Uncase of a charge of rape made by a colored woman in behalf of her daughter against a white man. The justice derided that the evidence of a white witness was necessary before be could take cognizance of the affair. The case was tirst reported to the War Department, and by it referred to the proper authority for investigation. AN OFFICER OF M AXIVM.UN'r STAFF IN WANHI NO TON. Count Resugurier, who hails from Austria, but who, it has been ascertained, is an officer on the staff' of Maximilian, anil here in the interest of the Maximilian government in Mexico, has been stopping at Wil. lard's for the past few days, lie is reported to have had since his arrival frequent interviews with the Assistant Socretan^of State and many of the Committee onTorI eign A Hairs. DAVIS'S PAROLE. The Attorney-General last night notified the counsel of Jcff'cYson Davis that they would be prepared to-day to give them a positive answer to their application for parole in bis case, but at the present writing nothing has been done. It i* said that a majority of the Cabinet are in favor of his being paroled, and it was so far arranged that the amount was fixed as to the required security, which was #250,000. ? Corres]n>mlt nce Xn r York World. 1 COMMODORE VANDERBILT (JOES PAIL FoR JEFFERSON* DAVIS. It has been stated to me, upon excellent authority, and I credit the fact, that Commodore Vanderbilt lias offered to go bail for Jefferson Davis. Probably neither the capacity of the Commodore's exchequer nor his patriotism will be questioned in any quarter. General Johnston Remains in the National Express Company. ? The Washington >7'/;-, upon what authority we know n<>t, says that General Joe Johnston has declined the presidency of the Alabama and Tennessee railroad, and will remain ill charge of the National Kxpress Company, ; residing in Baltimore. Ikon Ore in Albemarle. ? Mr. George W.Coleman ha* left with us a heavy specimen of iron ore, which he found on his place, about a mile and a half from Seottsville. From the indications on the surface, there must be a quantity of it underneath. ? Su'ttsvill, l!"jls{ir. Richmond Fovrth of Jcly Oratimx ' Arrested. ? Dr. Mary E. Walker, well i known during the war as Major" Walker, ?as arrested in New York on Wednesday, as she was walking in ('anal street near Broadway dressed in black coat and black 1 pantaloons.

SHIPPING. i;o K 15 A LTIMOKE, SAVANNAH, r A.Mi BOSTON* -POWHATAN STEAMBOAT company _semiWEEKLY I. INK ? Leaves li i<* li iu? ?mi * every WEDNESDAY and Sl'N DA V Leaves H.i !ti inert} even' WEDN ES 1>A V and ! SATURDAY. T I i ?? steamer PETERSRCRO, rnjitain R.-bfrt Tiuvkks, will 1 eave lore at * o'clock, A. M., j weda esda v. ih.' i3'iiiii-tdiit. Freight received MONDAY and lip to ?? o'clock, 1'. M.t TUESDAY. Tins itMiDerhiw splendid saloons, state-rooms, [ aiui pa??enger accommodations. Passage. meals included, ??!. For Jreight or passage apply to DaYID k NVM CTRRIE, ofllee at Charles T Wortham .v Co.'*, Jf> 11 ? 3| Fifteenth street. C o A RT mail steamshif C< >MPA N Y .? The it. w .iti-l fi' x'.u t ?. i f . ? - w 1 1 ? ? ? ? I steamship IIATTERAS,> C.ip'ain PvBii'Sn, w 11 leave herf* wharf at Rocketts on MoNDA Y, the 11th June, at 1 o'clock, l'. M. I'a>sciigers are requested to be punctual to the hour. For freight or passage? having accommodations unsurpassed? apply t v> S AMI' Eli AYERS K CO., Je 11? It Cary and Virginia street*. l/t m NEW YORK.? OLD I" >MINI< )N i STEAMSHIP LIN E.? The A 1 steamship Y1XKX, C:?ptain ? , ii now ready to receive freight a!' II iskins \ Rrid^ford's wharf, an il will .-ail as a hove on FR1 DAY, June 15. For freight or passage apply to BKIDOFORD & MYERS, Agent*: j* U? 3t or, IV H. BUTLER, on the wharf. 1 NEW YOHK. ? Tho now ninl .J. liu^nif.i ' tit side- wheel steamship XI A(> A R A, Captain Cot"< II, will receive freight 1<> DAY d.iv ' and up to the hour of 1" o'clock?2B5 Tl F.VMAY MORN'INO. Mo- will |.-.,v.- h-r berth at 3 o'clock, 1* M., TUESDAY, the 12th instant. Phss? tigers ti r?* requested to he punctual to the hour of departure. Je 11? "it (I ARRET F WATSON, Rocketts. CONFECTIONERS. L^STABLISJIED 1845. LOUIS J IfoSSIEf'X, Manufacturer of DOUBLE REFINED STEAM CANDIES, and Dealer in CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, PICKLES, CIGAR , Ac., &c., begs to inform bis old friends and customers thnt he has resumed business at his old stand. No. s.. MAIN STREET. RICHMOND. He desires to return thanks for their past liberal patronage, and invites them to a renewal of their business connections, promising equitable dealing. His motto is quick sales and small profits. je 6? l"t nSODJNI A CO., ? Manufacturers and Dealers In FRENCH AND AMLKICAN CONFECTIONS, FRUITS, N UTS, Ac., No. S03 Mais sTKi.i:r, Srorswoon Hotki, Bi.ock, R|i llMoXL. Families and others sujqdied with the best quality I' K CREAM. ORANGE and LLMoX ICE, by the quart or gallon. ICE-CoLD SOl' A WATER, in the purest and best fountain*. PARTIES, HILLS, and I'K'-NICS supplied w ith everything in their line at the lowest rates. FKKSII FRUITS in season always on baud, my 21? 1 m / u< OANUTS! COCOA NUTS! ! V/ 5, two fresh CART HA (J F.N A CoO>aNUT6, 3,? 00 fresh RARACOA COCOaNTTS, 3, mm tresh SAN BLAS C'OC'OAXUTS, JuM received, for tale bv " LOUIS J. BOSSIEPX, my >?> No. no Main street. OK A NO KS AND LEMONS. ? Ono hundred boxes fresh M ESSlNA ORANGES and LEMoNb (late importation), just received, for sale by LOUIS J. BOSSIRUX, my 3i? Xo. KO.Main street. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 1 )HILL1 PS iV WKIOHT, " COMMISSION AND GRAIN MERCHANTS, l?.V C.IKY, BKl WKKN Ei.rvkxtu asi? Tvvki kth STKKKTS. The subscribers have associa'ed nini^r th' firm of PHI I. LI I'S \ WKIOHT to conduct th- FEED I AND COMMISSION BUSINESS the store recently occupied by Messrs o II. Chnlklev A" Co., on ( ary street, between Eleventh and Twelfth, Ricliiiiond, Ya. I n soliciting a share of the patronage of th<> community, they promise all that strict application to, and experience in, business can to obtain the huhest market prices anil to make prompt returns. JAMES F. PHILLIPS, formerly of Redwood Ac Phillips; JOHN T. WKIOHT, lately with Messrs. George I. Herring & Co. Rku kk.m hs Drs. John Dov. and Albert Suead, Judges John A. Meredith and ,K>seph Christian, j Messrs. 1'. II. Starke, R. Cauthorn, George I Herring & Co., P. llortoii Keach, R. Uathright, st C. Redwood, R. L. Williams, A. A Hutcheson, Paine | Si <;?>.; William II Redwood, of Baltii..<>re ; R. B Smithey, of Amelia , Dr. Allen Christian, of Mid- 1 dlesex , Moses & Graves, Starke & Ryland, je 5? ts j D' t. WILLIAMS," " , COMMISSION MERCHANT and OENERAL AOENT ; for the sale of MANUFACTURED AND LEAF TOBACCO, AMi COUNTRY PRODUCE GENERALLY, (Office for the present near Shockoe Warehouse,) Richmond, Ya. All business promptly done on commission, ap 26? ts Havana cigars.? a lur^o lot of the finest HAYANA CIGARS, such as CABANAS, PARTAGAS, UPMANN8, and other*, on hand and constantly arriving direct from Hamu f>u for K('i I m |)V *'? '-KAa wi ' No. 2 Exchange Block, Fourteenth street, je 8? Jit _ 4J YKUPS FOR SODA WATER. ? The ^ trade supplied by F. J. HATTORF, Virginia Hull Ordeni thankfully received and promptly attended to. J** /\nKHUNDRED BARRELS PEACH taW 'MSIU.tR.V CABY * CO,

TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. ----- f<pocial to the l>l?pfttch. Rtiitinreil RoIpiwo ofJIr. OnvUon Hail. Washington, June 10. ? It is rumored i here that President Johnson has determined to release Mr. Davis on bail, hut the statement is not authenticated. Horace Greeley and Commodore Vanderhilt are ??:? ifl to be among the sureties offered by! Mr. O'Conor. Capitol, j S?<con<l ip^elal to tlir PlKpatrh. The Rumor* About Ruillnj; flr. Dnvl*. W asuinoTon, June lO.?There are various rumors about bailing Mr. Da\is. He lias not l**en released on parole, and it is not probable that he will he. If released at all it will be on bail. Horace Gree- j ley is hore with other eminent New York- [ ?-rs fur the purpose of urging Judge Underwood to admit him to boil. Vander- j bilt, of New York, among others, it is said is willing to go on his bond for any amount. Timon. Third nppcial to th? Dl*paich. Tlic Itiunorw of Hail. Washington, June 10. ? Reports prevalent yesterday about the release of Mr. j Davis originated in fact that Greeley, Augustus Schell, and Horace F. Clarke, of New York, arrived here yesterday to offer bail for Mr. Davis. They are now seeking an interview with Judge Underwood. It ! is understood that the Government con- i siders Mr. Davis a prisoner of war; but that he can he taken into civil custody on a writ of h fit) mis corpus , and that Judge Underwood can then hail him if he chooses. The proceedings regarding bail will he strictly judicial, Lot executive. This is authentic. Capitoi.. Foreign Xe?s. Nkw York, June 10. ? The steamers Allcmania, Malta, Denmark, and Kdiuburg have arrived, with European dates of the 30th ultimo. The Government was beaten in the Bri- 1 tish Parliament on Bouri veres's motion for! the prevention of bribery and corruption j at elections. The Government lost ten J votes. The Consolidated Bank of London had j ! stopped payments. The Powers all accept the invitation for the Conference, which was to meet in | Paris at an early day. The belligerents are still preparing for the conflict ; nevertheless the Italian volunteers are mo- | hilixing rapidly. The Austrian army is now 000,000 strong, with parks of artillery and siege guns ready. The Prussians are concentrating .it Cil.it/. and I.andsliut. Prussia and Italy agree to postpone hostilities until it is j known whether the conference (ails. The second Austrian conscription at Vienna | caused great discontent. The army com- 1 uienced marching towards Venetia on the 21th. Italy engages n?>t to attack during the sitting of the conference, but is rebuilding the forts to resist the new and improved artillery. t Turkey will not occupy the Danubian principalities, as was threatened.

Still I.Hler Foreign .>hvn. Farthkr Point, June 10.? The steam. | ship Hibernian lias arrived with intelligence to 1st instant. There is no change in Continental affairs. The time of meeting ' of the Conference had not been designated, j La Hhssc says that Napoleon will preside, j The sales of cotton f<>r the week were : sr.,nuft hales with a buoyant market. I Prices had advanced 1?1 Vjd. for Ameri- j can, and V,61d. for other descriptions. The sales to speculators were 12,500 bales; | to exporters 9,500 bales. The quotations | were: fair Orleans, lfi'.yl.; fair Mobile, 1 5 3 - (l . ; fair Uplands, lfi'^d.; middling J Orleans, lid.; middling Mobile, 13*^1.; middling Uplands, 13}.jd. The sales on day of sailing were 10,<H>0 bales; market firm and unchanged. Sales to speculators and exporters 2i>,0<><> bales. The stock of cotton in the port was 97f>,000 bales, of which 100,000 were American. Breadstulfs steady. Provisions dull. The bullion in the Bank of England is increased ?21,000. Consols closed at tivet went ies, ?!?'. 5y <t f? 7*v t:n?l of I lie Fenian Invasion. Xkw York, June in.? St. Albans' special announces the jiunle of the Fenian invasion. The right wing of the army retreated to that place from Pigeon Hill, and the men were preparing to go home. The whole force is completely demoralized. Ollicers and men alike refuse to do duty; desertions took place by wholesale, and after a council of war General Spear reluctantly ordered the force to abandon j the soil of Canada. No arms or reinforce- j ments reached there. General Spear said j he would rather be shot than leave in such a way. General Meade made a speech to the United States soldiers, and said the settlement of this trouble would prow satisfactory to our own and other Governments as tending to show that the United States, notwithstanding the past, would | " do to others as they would be done by." General Spear ami staff have surrendered. An Ogdensburg special says that an American schooner was hailed by a British armed vessel under threats to lire on her. ] The American ran tip his colors and sug- 1 gested the danger of tiring on an unarmed J vessel w ith that Hag. The vessel was allowed j to proceed. Miolern In X<*h York. Xkw York, June 8.? A well authenti-l cated case of cholera has occurred in j Broome street. Edward A. Frazier was, taken one day, and died in twenty-four j hours. Nkw York, June 9. ? Mrs. Heed, who ; washed the clothes of E. A. Frazier, whose J death from cholera has been reported, was , seized with the same disease on Wednesday, and died that night. A German girl living in the same house was also attacked, but was saved by prompt treatment. Ye*Nel? lor Europe? A Untile between ' tin* Fenian* mill the Itritinli. New York, June 9.? Six steamers sailed j to-day for Europe. The City of Loudon , and Teutonia take upwards of $2,000,000 I in gold. A St. Albans' dispatch reports an engagement between Colonel Scanlon's regimeut and British cavalry near Pigeon Hill. The British cavalry were dispersed, and fled in confusion. The Fenians captured one hundred horses and three flags. Four ( Feuians were wounded and one of the British killed and three wounded. Scanlon subsequently ordered his regiment to withdraw from Canadian wil, but General Spear iUU remain*,

v. Jeffinmoa] Davis. ^Washington, Juno 10.? Horacc Greeley and others from N?'w York are in town, their bn.sin en being to see Judge Underwood fin order to urge upon ltim the jus- j tice and propriety of admitting Jefferson Davis to bail. Some Congressmen speak confidently that Davis will be admitted to ( bail, while others are equally firm in the opposite opinion. From Forire** Monrof. Fortress Monroe, June 10.? Arrived, schooner Bell Ford, New York, for Richmond, with cargo of hay. The aehooner Buena Vista is still in the harbor. The I New York steamer has arrived. The wind to-night ha^ changed around from east to west. The RlmlcrpeHt. Albany, June 10. ? Hon. J. Stanton Gold, President, and Colonel P. R. Johnson, Secretary of the New York State Agricultural Society, have prepared an important circular, saying: "We do hereby make known the existence of the rinderpest or pleuropneumonia among the cows in the stables of New York and Brooklyn." From .South Amerim. Nkw Tokk, June 9. ? The steamer New York has arrived from Aspinwall with $350,000 in gold. A grand national banquet took place at Lima, in honor of the discomfiture of the Spaniards. The new Peruvian iron-clads have not been heard of since they left Brazil, COMMERCIAL. TOBACCO EXCIIAN'OE. There were fortv-seven hogsheads opened to-day, thirty-three were otlered, and live taken in. The remainder ? twenty-eight ? sold as follows: 1 at $30, 1 at ?10, 1 at 87.75, 1 at $5.20, 1 at $3.50, 2 at *10.75, 1 at $10.50, 1 at $8, 1 at $11.25, 4 at 84.90, 1 at *5.00, 2 at 81.50, 1 at *5.65, 2 at *1.60, 1 at 84.70, 1 at 84.10, I at *2.90, 1 at *5, 2 at 84.20. NKW VORK MARKETS. New Yoke, June 9 ? A. M. ? Cotton quiet and unchanged. Gold, 139?#. Exchange dull at 9jg. MOBILE MARKETS. M ? ?r.TLt:, June 8.? Cotton? sales to-day, 250 bak'.s middling at 34i?34c ; sales of the week, 1,770 bales; receipts of the week 1,900, against 2,100 last week. The exports of thf week were 4,674 bales. The stock is 39,188 bales. Gold, 13*<$139. NEW ORLEANS MARKETS. N ew < )kleans, J une 8. ? Cotton is stiller ; sales 2,2<>0 bales low middling at 35@36c. Sterling, 161. Gold, 1 JO.

COAL AND WOOD. /1RKAT REDUCTION' IN THE \ I PRICH OF COAL. We hare reduced the j>ric?> of our celebrated PIKKNIX RED-AMI Coal two dollars per ton from this date. Coal k'pt und*rcovtr. R. J WHITE. Yard south fid* of the Dock. I shall be pleased to sui>plv my friends and the public from lliis yard with Coal apon which they ran r?-Iy. [my2l? 1.?] P. H. Hoy. T)EMHERTON it CREW, dealers iti I COAL AND WOOD, office Seventeenth street, between f'arv and Dock. B?st KED and WHITE AMI ANTHRACITE COAL, for grates, stores, and foundry use ; CLoVER HII.L LUMP and AVERAGE COAL : (UK and PINK WOOD, nib I4-ts XT E\V COAL AND WOOD YARD, II COKSEK OF SEVENTH AND CANAl. STREETS. -ANTHRACITE and M I DLOTH 1 A N COAL and WOOD for cab- hv . BLOod it PENDLETON. ' N. B.? Orders promptly fl lied d? 11? ts 'IMIE FOURTH NATIONAL PRIZE 1 CONCERT will bo held in Richmond, Va., ON FRIDAY, THE ITru JULY, I*M. TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-EIGHT VALUABLE PRIZES, AMOUNT! N't TO NINETY THOUSAND DOLLARS, will be presented to the ticket-holders'. WE WILL DONATE FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS TO LADIES' MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND TICKETS AT ONE DOLLAR EACH. ... LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Gift 7-30 Bonds $5,000 1 (>ift 1-'*" Bonds a,5uo 1 Gill 7-3o Bonds I.ovO 5 Grand Piano*, *7?o each 3, sow G Grand Piano#, *5"0 .-ach a,500 25 American Hunting-case Gold Watcher, jje.'oo 8,000 60 American Hunting-ease Ladles' (iold Watches, floo 5,ooo 6<> Sewing Machine*, fio? 5,?KW 5o Sew ink,' .Machines, 4,000 Go American Hunting-case Silver Watches $*?U 4,000 5o American Hunting-case Silver Watches |J(C0 3,000 ] loo American Hunting-case Silver Watches $50 4,000 100 Silver Watches, ?A" 4,0 oo loc Silver Watchea, *3u S.uoo aim Silver Watches, ?'-'5 5,uo0 Goo Gittsin Greenbacks, +le s.uoo 5oo Gifts in Greenback*, *5 2,5oo 2,ooo Gifts in Greenbacks, 4'J.Stf 5,ooo 2o,yoo Gifts in Greenbacks, tl 'Jo,00<? Total 23, Prizes, worth *?0,000 MODE OF DISTRIBUTION. Numbers from 1 to l'?o,ooo will be placed in a wheel by a committee appointed by the ticketholders, and a person, also selected l>y the ticketholders present, will do the drawing "The person holding th?> ticket corresponding with tbe tirst number drawn will be entitled to the First Prize of five thousand dollars; and ?o on uiitil the whole number are disposed < f. Each agent will l>e furnished with a full list of the drawing as i?oou as it can be published. We will send to one address FIVE tickers for ?4 Cu ; TEN ticket* :. r ; TWENTY for $17.60: THIRTY for $2?.20 ; FORTY for *15, and FIFTY for$?.5o. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED in everv city and town in the United Stat' *, to whom GREAT IN- J DUCEMENTS ARE OFFERED Tickets for sale in this city by Bohn k Sardo, L. L. Smith, and Cole A Turner. I Address WALTERS it McLANE, j?. 5 ? t in Lock Box >4, Richmond, \ a. By Regnault & Co., Main street, between Eighth and Ninth. (JTOCK OF WINES, j LIQUORS, CIGARS, FIXTURES, COUNTERS, GOOD WILL, Ac., OF TUE SALOON CORNER MAIN AND EIGHTH STREETS FOR SALE. At the request of the owner, we will offer f>?r sale privately until the 14i u oF JUNE the go?*l will and fixtures, including COUNTERS, OYSTERBo\, MIRRORS, Jtc., together with the entire stock of the choicest brands of WINES, LIQUoRS, and CIGARS, of the saloon situated at the corner of Main'and Eighth streets. This is one of the best locations in the city for conducting a lucrative business, it being immo- J diately opposite tbe Spotswood Hotel. It is seldom such an opportunity is offered. If not sold privately by the time above specified, it will be sold at public auction the foliowlug%ay, the 13th instant. [Je *-6t] REGNAULT k CO. ON CONSIGNMENT, 10<> barrels BALTIMORE EXTRAF LOUR, Go barrel* POTATOES, 50 boxes ORANGES, 2.1 boxes LEMONS, 15 boxes CHEESE, 10 k.-gs FRESH GOSHEN BUTTER, LARD, SMITH FIELD HAMS, 4ic , Ac., for sale by WILLIAM T. KING 4 CO. je *? ts 17IFTE EN DOLL A R .SUITS. ? We received last evening bv *xpr?'?a *n?toef large lot of those dark grey v *i2?i i#i lit k srtCKio.it, pants, and v#?, atJflFTEt^ DoLLAKd. | Call early at Ut Main street. BJas_at WILLIAM IRA SMITH k CO. j HPYPE FOUNDRY.? The DISPATCH JL Is printed on TYPE MADE AT THE RICH- i MOND TYPE FOUADKY. Every article requisite for a Printing Ofllca at Northern prices. r or a rnnun* H L PELOUZE * CO., up 17 -3m Richmond, va Dress, silk, and cash I MERE HATS, the latest styles.! ust received. POWHATAN WEISIOER, No. lit Main street, Je 1 flwt door below Spot* wood Hotel, A damantine a n d tallow A CAHDLS* foriaUkjr ? 4 FRWCB * CBOriBAW,

I pRY<^DStJ^^.aca _ VERY CHEAP OOOwT^wTlmve now In fctnffl P?llowca*e Cotton, fill fort*. lir* Inches wide.at 4'>c. ; Bleached Cottons at ft, 70 15, andaoc. ; K?*nl French -wor? Cornet* at fl.so. whlt? Cotton Hoaeat 25e ; Infant Frock W;ti*iaat f2, worth tt.So ; |,1ii#?n f'raa h Towelling at ISc. ; Wlilt? Flannel? all wool, at 4i*c. : Krai English Biregp at 25c. ; Mozamut }ii?* at 25c.; ExcrlUnt WM& Brilliant at 35, worth toe. ; Hmdaoin^ Grenadine 8ha? I* at "M 3", worth *? ; flood Biack silk* at ?!>?.?! 75, and *3 ; Hoop (tklrta from ft f? $1 ; Parabola at gr??nt bargain*, and Iota of other aoods at v ery low urlcea. K v LEVY BROTHERS, j? a 15 iHilniitpwt. Boots and shoes.? jn?t ffg, received at the Off IS- PRIOR fAHJilflf NToRB. 72 Main street, (new number. US',; f *1 another lot of Wen'* Calf Sewed ROOTS *nd CONGRESS GAITERS; alto, Ladles'. Mlsse? , snd Children'* BALMORAL* aDd POLISH SOOTS, ail of which will be ?oid at the rerv lowest prlc?* ' iDetltton l? defied In quality and pric*. All I o? a call by thow who wish to bnjr. ( ? H. K. OASTOff. j EW GOODS! NEW GOODS! Com aak J?9 N Jost received, a beualiful stock of DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, *o., cbsapre thajc itie, AT THE CHEAP STORE OF RICHMOND, corner of Broad and Sixth streets. HANDSOME BAREGE SHAWLS only #2 25. HER. VAN A SHAWLS only *3, worth *5. ENGLISH BAREGES only t5c. BLEACHED COTTON, 1Z|, 20, and 28c. GOOD BROWN COTTON, only 15c. GOOD CALICOES, ?|c. CALL SOON AND SECCRE BARGAINS. W. R. POLK, my 12 new No. 529 Broad street, corner of Sixth. JfRESII ARRIVAL DRY GOODS, ho., . A T MAY. HELLER Si BROTHERS', NOKTUWIdT CoU.VER SIXTH AXD BroAI) BTKKKTfl. A fine assortment of goods, embracing all the late style* of DRESS GOODS, FANCY NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, SILKS, MANTILLAS, and DOMESTIC GOODS, have Just been received. We invite our friends to call, as we are certain to please all who favor ns with their custom. my 6? t* MAY, HELLER ft BROTHERS.

OOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS, at LOW PRICES. Rt MAY, HELLEIi & BROTHERS', my 3? te Broad and Sixth street*. (JPliING TRADE, 1*00. HALL A HUT CHISO.N, Importer# mid Jobber* of NOTIONS, FANCY 0001)S, ami WHITE GOODS, (at the old stand of Thomas, Hughes 4 Caldwell,) No. 7 Pkaki. or Fothtkevth htrebt, between Main and Cary Klcliniond, Va. We are prepared with a In rife and elegant stock of GOODS for the spring trade, and respectfully invite an examination by ourfriends and the trade generally. mh 5 INSURANCE ICIIMOND SAVINGS BANK AN I) insurance com pan y. CHARTERED FEBRUARY 21, l<??. OFFICE, CORNER OF TWELFTH AND MAIN STREETS, RICHMOND, Va. Fills AND MARINE INSURANCE AND SAVINGS BANK. It ENCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. JOHN B. DAVIS. President. JOHN F. C. POTTS, Secretary. DIRECTORS. JOHN B. DAVIS, K. D. MITCHELL, R. O. HASH INS, JAMES M. TAYLOR, P. H. STARKE, DAVID M LEA, C. W. PURCELL, H. B. WOODWARD, S. S. CoTTRELL, WILLIAM IRA SMITH, L. H. FRAYSER. R. H. BoSHER. JOHN A. BELVIN, THOMA8 W. DOS WELL, JOHN F. C. POTTS. I Tli in Company is now prepared to make FIRE and . MARINE INSI'RANCEOF ALL KINDS, to receive MONEY ON DEPOSIT IN THE SAVINUK DEPARTMENT, and ALLOW INTEREST THEREON I It also proposes to DISCOUNT PAPER, MAKE ? COLLECTIONS. RECEIVE DEPOSITS, and do a| OEXKKaI. HANKINH BCSINESS. 1 w "CIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE THE INSURANCE AND SAVINGS COMPANY OF VIRGINIA, CHARTERED FKBRrART, MM; AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, *l,000,iw0 ; INVESTED CAPITAL, #200,000 ; j i*arKa FIRE AND MARINE POLICIES. I All the beneflt* which result to property and trade from a deposit of premium* with a ; HOME INSTITUTION OF UNDOUBTED SAFETY AND ABILITY will be real lied by Insuring with this company. OPPICHUK OK THB C0MPANT. i D. J. HARTSOOK, President. DAVID J. BURR, Secretary. B. C. WHERRY, Jr., Assistant Secretary. DIRECTORS OP THB C0HPAHT. D. J. HARTSOOK, A. Y. STOKES, ! JOHN ENDERS, JOHN C. WILLIAMS, | W. B. ISAACS, DAVID CURRIE, JOSEPH F POWELL, W. O. PAINE, D. VON GRONING, W. G. TAYLOR, GEORGE S. PALMER, SAMUEL C. TARDY. 0KFKH I" RICHMOND, ON MAIN STREET, NEAR THIRTEENTH, orer United States Telegraph Offlca. my Im Y IROINIA STAT E INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL, *200,000. JOHN L. BACON, President. THOMAS W. McCANCB. Vice-President. WILLIAM H. CHRISTIAN, Secretary. DIRBCTOR* Thomas R. Paid, Ai.fmo Johm, Wbi,mj???to!? Gonnur, Tmomaa W. Mc( akck, John L. Bacor, Rohkrt A. Lax as i t a BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, FURNITURE, and PERSONAL PROPERTY OF ALL KINDS, til the oty or country, insured Rtfaliwt lo?a or darnago by Are on the most liberal terms. Lowes equitably adjusted and promptly paid, offlce, Main street, over Mitchell 4 Tyler'*, Richmond, Va. ap 11? ta Montague a whitall (Lata of the Merchants' his a ranee Company of Richmond.) INSURE PROPERTY OF ALL KINDto IN TUB MOST RELIABLE COMPANIES. They also effect MARINE INSURANCE AND L1PB INSURANCE. Oflca, No. S31 Main atraat, J oat below tha Spou?ood Hotal. da H-U rp. HE MEMBERS OF COMPANY B, X FOURTH VIRGINIA CAVALRY, ara wMemorial a?octatlon. )a l?ltt CM ITH FIELD II AMS.? Oue thousand O pounds of thU ??ptrlor artlela |*at raetivW,

ho^J^aEL52SS2SSHB25?BOAR DING.? The Buhacrftxjr would Inform h?r Cri?nds e*}. L*ff *?bt* ?III will open the MKTllOPOWTIW H<>W. N?r. I ' H. Hi, and <18, Franklin tnt MKHktjJL*? I And TRANSIENT BOARDERS, on SATLRi>*Y7tk? Mh IrmU'it. The rooms Are faml?h*d In ?n?t??U#? ! yn'Miwv w,ra,?c5SfilAif'?i?JSF , are also at'arh* d to the hoa??. , . , Madame J.HAKOV*KA,rrorr)HMm j* 8-lff' ' Mas. WILLIAM l>. KTI'ArV, lafo of '{tchmond, h?j |ps??d tb? *i aciotra man- - 'ii in K'Niiritort formerly i>ec-ip,. .j r, r Jam** ! f/ nit?, mid lii-n-iwrei to r?? .*?. v* i i.u.ir. i nuuth> r of Bo.vLDhRS Tfio house i? pl"a<Antljf suuau.i on an town- nt?> In fh? eastern |?-?rl oftha^tn, arid commands a title view. irnjuri orino town, ami commands a I? r.** been thdroufhiy repaired and nesfljr furnished, an I Mm. BTUAIJT wni spare (??> palm t" (>rr*Unrfi i htf comfort ci li?i t,u?>U ? Term* modera*. SfArxros, Mrv tl, l*W. rnyW-lni 0 RANGE HOUSE. AT ORAN0R AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD DEPOT. LYNOHBURU, VA. HOnSTON RCCRER, Pk'>pkirtor. This celebrated Hotel having been REFT7R Nr8HF.li and REFITTED IN SUPERB STYLE ot'er* SUPERIOR accommodations to the travelling public. Travellers jrolng north and south will 0na meals ready upon the arrival of trains, and anfB cl*?rit time allowed. The proprietor pledgee him naif that Ha well-known flrat-clAM reputation shall not be surpassed In the Onion. fe It? ta BOARDrNG ? Mrs, DUVALL,Main. between Sixth And SeTtnth striets, baa some Terr comfortAble unoccupied roome for bOArdere and can rako a few more DAY BOARDBRS. fe 13 ? ta Boa RHINO. ?Miss BIDGOOD, south *ld?* Main street, second door Abort Seventh, can take a f.,w more UoaKDERS, with or without (?slgliig . deM - DENTISTRY. T ? ) 1 1 N MAHONY, DENTIST, for fj many years associated with Dr. Jons C. Wavr, respectiuily informs hU old patron* and all other* who mar need his services that h? has removed his OFFICE from Fourth street, and can now be found at hi* RESIDENCE. 92j Main street, between Sixth and Seventh Will practice his proration In all ita branches. ARTIFICIAL TEETH Inserted on Vulcanite. Gold, and Silver. Office open at ALL HOURS. The highest price paid for OLD OOLD PLATE. ap 21 ___ r davison. gam r ? SURGEON DENTI8T.^Hf!> Oltlcfl and residence on Main atreet, between F.ierenth and Twelfth, Juat below the National F.xchaiiK" Hnnk. where he 1a better prepared than ev?*r to xive hla patron* the tnll benefit of hla pro. feaalon. H- will EXCHANGE NEW TEETH on the improved bane lor OLD bETS OF GOLD. All work warranted for at leant fire year?. Thoae requiring hi* ?ervirea need not neglect their teeth, aa he will Hccommodate hitinelf to their t ircumittancea and rlic time*. Patlenta from the country can board with him at hi* renldeuce without charge while hnvinfc' work done. inhM? am I VK. G EORGE B. STEEIi, I J DE.NTAL SURGEON. Office on Alain, between Seventh and Eighth nfreeta, Richmond, Ya. ARTIFICIAL TEETH inserted noon GOLD. SIL. VER, PLATiNA. and VDLCANlTn Natural onea EXTRACTED, FILLED, and REGULATED. Fractures of the Maxillary Bonea, Cleft Palate, and all dUeaaoa of the mouth. Attended to promptly And iu the moat carcful And thorough manner. de H? flm nENTAL NOTICE. I 9 JOHN O. WATT, DENTIST, having recovered hta health, hae reaumed the practice of Dentiatry In Richmond, and reapect* fully offer* hi* nervicea to bla old friend* and pa-tit-ntM, and all other* who may need them. OtBce and ro*id?nce No. 815 Franklin aireet, two doors west of Ninthftreet Ja?? am* DISSOLUTIONS. _ 10-PARTN ERSHiBp.? The" OROCE\J i:Y Kl'SINESS conducted by JOHN BLAIR, lute of William M. Harrison U Co J and the COAL ( DUSI NESS conducted by ALBERT BI.AIR ar<* UiU 'Civ united, and will b*' carried on under the fiiui of JOHN U ALBERT III. AIR. We have tjV?n the new store >*o. 1,11# Main *tr?>of. between Eleventh ami Twelfth ntreettt, a few doors below the National Exchange J).tuk, and will be pleased to furnish our Irlrnd* and the publid with choice ami well -.selected articles of FAMILY OR?'CERIES. Think f it I lo our friend* for former kindnefcsea, we hone to merit and receive a full portion of public favor. JolIN BLAIR, my W-lm ALBERT BLAIR. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore I existin ' between HROaDDUS it TALIAFERRO is thi* day dissolved by mutual consent. The business carried on by the above firm will hn continued by mo. STAIRS, HAND-RAILINGS, if., fabricated at short notice. Ail orders left at my shop, on Franklin street, opposite Metropolitan ll iii will meet with prompt attention. AP?-.U M. W. BROADI)(TS. BOOKS. STATIONERY, dec. A OTS OF ASSEMBLY, 1^, l*Ui.? J\ ACTS OF ASSEMBLY ?>F STATE OF VIRGINIA passed in H?5 and Price, ALSO, A number of volumes of the Acts of prevlou* sessloi * ; an<l a complete set of the Art* passed by the Le^ isl tturen assembled at Wheeling and Alexandria 'from 1*61 to 1"'5, Inclusive, together with the Constitution of the State of Virginia, Adopted in Convention at Alexandria in February, l-?l, now iti force. I'nce. *i per ?>et. For ?ale bv Woobllol'SE a, I'ARHAM. Book -eller* and Stationer*, Governor street. Je7 DICKENS'S NEW BOOK. JOSEPH GR1MALDI. By Charle* Dickens. GOLD BRICK. By Mr*. Ann S. Stephens. *2. SI1. MARTIN EVE. Bv Mr*. Wood. *t. ALLWoRTII ABBEY. Bv Mrs. South worth. ?'J. FORTCME-SEEKERS. By Mr*. Southworth. *i. OCR MUTUAL FRIEND. By Dickens. *1. MILETUS By Bulwer. ?l. T<> f.ERS of Ymf. SEA. By Victor Hugo. 75c. KKt.oM MENDED To MERCY. *2 KKNNK'rr By Bayard Taylor. *2.25. UNDER THE BAND. *l 75. S<>N oF THE 8??IL. *1.75. I.UTTRELL OF ARRAN. By Lever, fl. WIVES AND DAUGHTERS By Mrs. Oaskell. Tl.So. For sale by A. H. CHRLSTIAN \ CO., my 10 No. HU Main street, opposite Spot* wood.

IANOS! PIAN08 rnrn JOHN W. DAVIES & SONS, RICHMOND MUSICAL EXCHANGE, No. IW Maim stbxbt, ?ole agent* for STIEFF'8 PREMIUM PlANO-FORTES. The** instrument* haT* been before tbe public For THE LAST THIRTY YEARS, In competition w.rh the best makers of the country, and are now pronounced by ALL THE LEADINd PROFESSORS AND AMATEURS the BEST PIANOS MANUFACTURED! Theeo inntruiuent* hare ALL THE LATEST IX* PROVEMENTS, and are WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS, with tha privilege of exchange within twelve month* if not entirely satisfactory to the parchaaer. W* rofer to the following person*, who hare ST1 EFF'S PIANOS now in u*e : General R. E. Lei, Washington College, Leilngton ; D. B. Path* k Bko., Lynchburg ; Rer. R. E. Phillip*, Virginia Female Institute; MIm? Mart Baldwin, Female School, and J. C. Cavil, Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institute, Staunton; Professor E. A. AMBOLP, Richmond. A call from all In want of SUPERIOR PIANOS i* solicited. Term* liberal. la t? t* WM. KNABE dT ?AxryAcrrkKK'* or FIRST PREMIUM, GOLD USD AV, _ (JRAND, SQUABS and upright p I A N O 8 . r? The?e Instrument* baring been before tbe poblie for thepaat thirty year*, bare, npou their ex. ? cellcncti alone, atulned an CUPCBCMAJft) ruthat pronounce* them unequalled. Their TONE combine* grtat power, riebneae, *w??tn*M, and sirring quality, a* well aa great parity of Intonation aad harmoniooaneee throughout the entire *cale. Their TOUCH u pliant and ?laeilc, aad to entirely free from tbe ?tllfne** found iu *o many jilaaoe, which caaaee tbe performer to eo easily tire. In WOKKMAV0HIP tney cannot h? ixcalUd. Their action 1* con?tnictud with a care and attention to every part therein that character!*** the flneet UMchaiilsj*. Nune but tb?- l>**t *eaaoned material t? u??xl in their fiiaiiufattare, and thejr will accej-t the hard um^m of tb* concert-room with tnat of the parlor upon an *qn*luy_analfe?t*d in LbvU melody; la fact, they are constructed '?NOT FOR A YAAR? BUT fOR IYER.'1 J All our Square Plauoe have oar new liuprured Graud Scale and t&a Agra 9m Treble. Erery Piano fully warraatad for FIVE YEARS. 1 WAREBOOMS : IW WEST BALTIMORE STREET, ap H-J? BALTIMOREOff If ? o v rm RitiiaoKo ?>i>) Li v hkfooi. Pa< avr Compaj t . > Rit'BMoav, May II, t*44. ? fTlilS COMPANY Imlng In proem* ?,& my l?? ln> ? /llXXPillNO AND J5jjS{S&0rP(& I V> NIfiHISG flO"M AT AffORMaiMU LOW , sa 9S? ?f? ><- ? III Broad s?i*et, fensenv 11T. | or next door tu Puiinla. . T7INRHT TKA8, WUffci, AJNl> LII is, r*v*]