Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 231, 12 June 1866 — Page 3

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ITK1W. vl(V,,.. mhkmk to* nrrnKssiv? tmk WITH. ,.TV into effect tlu? constitutional ' !t :i? it i?>?e?l ,,u> Senate, it is M .1 to frame a concurrent reso- ; , c each House not to admit . tVoni any one of the >? tics until the State shall for- ? .. t tic term*. of the proposed T> . l>iii ro|?ovtcd from the , , Veil for this pur|H?se would I; ,s nr. vssary, therefore, t?? ;? c !>!?' I' rni !>y which the Ke- ,, ;s resold ion was passed at {?:,? session, and thus evade \ Senator or Kcpresentative . ,1 state. even it prepared to - . ?.??! oath, can therefore he t Nf.it . even after the consti- . ?un i t shall have received ?a o! twenty-seven States, * vate *>h;i 11 have aecepted the . , .I : t i? ?T. preeedent toitsreprec: in whole or in part. Sena- - i, in i:is aide speech against the vitiierit. declared that IIO v it i would ratify it. ? Corns. i il k tax on cotton. s ?. ite f;nanr? committee will, no ? ,v t! r pr<"jM?vcd ia\ on cotton, kc it out altogether. v.Kc.'Ma J*.kT-i?k> U K AFFAIRS. /<? t lie Mt<- oi Hi^n's Mill, Franklin . Virginia, to Wade's Store House, si r??nfc, and api*oiut Thomas J. ; .^.master, \ice Mrs. K. ('. Iiuick- . ;e I.<>vell's Creek, in Carroll ' c i!ow ingoftices: I.caksville, Virginia.? Miss Sallio E. ? - ' |?"v' mist res<?. 1. tin. -nburg county, Ya. ? Miss ? : pi -s! mistress. > n, Lee county. ? Miss Ly. 1 1 \ p?'<t mistress. .in*!-.:rg, Montgomery county. ? - II. Dunk Ice removed. S". 4072, Fisiiersville to Shc- (' ??itract with William K. Logan, isville, Va., tor services on this ne hundred and thirty-live dolr annum. HfYCK RK.\ RKKSTKP. ?rd IIu\ck was again arrested on } i ? / otlieer Coomes, of the Fourth a wm rant issued by Justice GihThe warrant was issued on the ? ?I Joseph Thornton, who charges with obtaining by false pretences a e\t ha: drawn by him [Thornton], tie* 17th of April, |>?;tj, r twenty. i: 1 { ?? > i; ; i ? 1 ^ .sterling, on Ifcnjaiuin ? . <?! London. L'ngland. payaide at . \ - . 1 1 1 1 r sight. The accused was ? r?- J n?t iee (tihersoii, arid held to ?'i jive thousand dollars for 'ice next Monday to answer the . M . 11. Thomas became his bi'iidsHliMivre S'Tt nlfvlrriiuis l.en\il>|f I lie Northern < Imreli. K. v. Dr. l>ull??ek, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, has an- . ? liis congregation his intention ; is connection w ith the (< >. . North, i n account of the re- : the tienctal Assembly of !. He l i- appointed a meeting, ? i t ? \ iles ! j% w hole congregation, t at church on Tuesday next, ? U. I'. M., at w hich time he has his intention to review the pro- ? the (Jeiicral Assemblies du- ? liv" V'-ars, and proposes to ?! "w tests of communion and ?i.bej-sh'p t ? be erroneous, uti- . it t it 1 in open violation of the i ot that church. A congrega:g w ill also be held nji Wedt, h t .i-ii .i \<''i will be taken as the church will submit to tin' i < it-neral Assembly or go with ? It is understood a similar i. now being ma<le in some . i in churches. I ?r . Hnllock on J. is pulpit that he could not to a body that asked what ? politics rather than what was ? .s taith. ? Halt iiif >re Sun, IWt, !:?.l)Si r> jit Patersoii. >'?'? .lerse.v. "i June l?. ? The Passaic County B.iui; a? Paterson was robl>ed on ,'ht by bmglers who ell'ected an through a millinery store adjoinink w itli false keys. ? \ c < then pried open a door lead- ? batik with a jimmy. Ten thoui ! i iii">i> v taken, and !?!">,- ? ti.i'ole paper, besides ^'J.OOll be. . the orphans' fund. 1 rout t hejsiiut li. . \ . \ June U. ? Accounts from ? oj orgia and South Carolina ? that the heavy rains are playing ' ? with the crops.

< ' ?? AN Al.LKOKD MlRPKKER.? ue, colored, has been arrested Nd tu jail at Kockville, Md., . ; w:vi having murdered his lather ^ ? u?ty, Va., last summer. The ? ' vi\ n ; . was lately disclosed by n boy, 1- -n of the murdered man, who wl.rn the act was committed, tr! red i'r??m giving information the murderer. The tieml - : in.*i "> head and buried it and its separate places, whirli were : u 1a tin- boy, who also identified > by the ace ui ate description of i '.:e negro was arrested on the Mr. A. Naih ?r, about midway bei. kville and Georgetown, where ii living quietly and peaceably * me. lie will await the requisi- ' ? (iovernor of Virginia. !. i \ Smvih Cointy. ? A white * . Campbell, on Friday night last, ? along the streets, when lie -lied bv a negro, and picking let drive at him. The negro iui? ile, and closing with his Kii'.i kcd him down, and, after ? ? > ? rel\ , attempted to escape. ?' however, pursued him, and I in < apt tiring and placing him iu 1 ? agent ?.f the Freedmen's Bureau '? '! ;-'r the release of his "brother 1 in was given to understand * a matter lor the civil authori<i' , and that his intervention ' b?r t<>Urated. Thus matters i i-t accounts, hut some apprehen- ? i'? It oj further trouble. ? Lyuckv?VK'i. ink Gap Kin.KOAP.-Thu tl<< enterprise known as the i '?>'!? railroad contemplate, we '? ? ? ti early renewal of effort to ' 1 eompletion of this road lead. J'MMol, on the Virginia and Ten?"J. to Cumberland Gap, at the I > tw? en V irginia and Kentucky. " t d? signed is to secure a commuJ in the Virginia and Tennessee ? ' ? city of Louisville, as well as ?' t thoroughfares which peneinterior of Kentucky. Should be completed they will furnish . r' --t and most direct comiiinnica- ^ en the great Mississippi Valley i* v.iitcr. ? Lyruhbury JVVtw, 1 1 tU. ' '' Aikinsov, of North Carolina, 1 ?from Baltimore for Liverpool on ^?tu>hip Worcester, last Saturday i

>* "TBI EftTt-frPHTfl -NBW8. | morning dispatches. Morr Knnion Coaimriilni Mr. Davbk I Washington, June 10.? 1 1 P. M.? There f art* many rumors respecting the efforts making to effect tho release of Jefferson Davis; l?ut little is known as a ccr- ! taint y. Mes*r-?. Horace Greeley, Audits, tin Sehell, Horace F. Clark (ex-Con-gressman of New York), aiuI other prominent persons, are here with this object in view, ami one of the party has been in search of Judge Underwood to ask that the prisoner be admitted to bail. Should he refuse, an appeal will be made to Chief Justice Chase. Five gentlemen offer to become bondsmen of Davis in fifty thou, sand dollars each for his appearance at the October term in Richmond. Davis is held as a prisoner of war, and not State, as hitherto supposed. A writ of habeas er>r-< /??<.<, if granted, would bring him under the control of the court? in other words, re. I lease him from military custody. In this the (Jo* eminent would not interfere, as it would then be purely a judicial matter, leaving the court to determine whether or not it would release the prisoner on bail, I w ithout any interruption by, or consulta- j tion with, the President. It maybe re- 1 ? |?eated that the President has nothing to1 do whatever with the present question of bail, it being confined to those who arc now here seeking to obtain that end. The Radicals are fearful it will be accomplished. roiiiiiiisstoii to Try the \orth Carolina Korean Officer*? Enlistment* in I lie Army. Washington, .Tune 11. ? A special order convening a military commission at Raleigh, June ISth, for the trial of officers of the Frceclmeii's Bureau arrested at the instance of Generals Stceduian and Fullerton, has been issued by the War Department. Among the delinquents are General Whittlesey, Majors Wickersham, Mann, and Seelev, and Captains Rosekrans and Glavis. General Turner is the presiding oflieer. Knlistmcnts in the regular army are stated to be at the rate of three thousand per month. Tlie French Troop* About to he Withdrawn from Mexico. Washington, June 11. ? Information has been received here from an official source that the French Kmperor is about to withdraw General Ha/aine from Mexico. Cor. rolmration of this intelligence has been received by the Mexicau Minister, who is informed that General Ba/aine assembled all the French officers and informed them the Kmperor would withdraw the French troops from Mexico, hut if any of the officers desired to remain with Maximilian the privilege was given. Not an oflieer signified his acceptance. The Ion-Ikii Mail for llie South? Xew Yorli .Market Moinlny Morning;. N kw" Yohk, June 11. ? The foreign mails by all the arrivals here left Sunday evening for the South. Cotton J ??2e. higher, with : good demand at H'X" lie. Gold, l.'iS'j.. Sterling exchange, y-4 : s'ght, 1 1.

EVENING DISPATCHES. sp. rial telegram tothc Richmond Dispatch. The >i n t'reedmeir? lltireau Bill. Washington, .Tune 11. ? The Freedincn's Bureau bill reported in the Senate to-day Is1 less objectionable tluin the one which passed the House of Representatives last week. The section incorporated into that Mil on motion of Thud. Stevens is ii?>t in this hill, namely : that confirming the title <?t' the freedinen to the Sea Island farms till set aside hy the courts. Timox. JUDGE UNDERWOOD REFUSES TO ISSUE A WRITE OF HABEAS CORPUS IN THE CASE OF MR. DAVIS- HIS WRITTEN OPINION SENT TO THE PRESIDENT- INTERESTING DETAILS. Washington, June 11. - Mr. Shea, of the counsel for Jeff. Davis, made a motion to-day before Judge Underwood, in chambers, in order to test the jurisdiction of the courts in Virginia, involving the power to hold the prisoner to bail, it being a judicial question with which the President has nothing to do. Judge Underwood expressed the opinion which has always been insisted on by Chief Justice Chase, that so long as martial law or military surveillance was enforced in Virginia, the courts were adjunct, and to he used in aid of the military powers. Judge Underwood declined issuing a write of habeas corpus to bring the prisoner before his court until he received from the President a relinquishment of the accused to the civil authorities, Davis being now a prisoner of war. Judge Underwood rendered his opinion in writing, which was delivered to the President by Mr. O'Connor. All action in the premises is suspended until further orders from the Government. It is stated on the authority of one of the counsel that no application for bail was made to Chief Justice Chase. Attorney-General Speed, Chief Justice Chase, [Mr. O'Connor, and ex-Governor Pratt were among those present in Judge Underwood's chambers to-day. Within the last few days Davis's friends, personal and otherwise, have had free ad. mission to him. The passage of the resolution by the House declaring in its opinion that Davis should he kept in custody until tried by law, was superinduced by the apprehension that he would be bailed. The rules were suspended for the purpose of passing the resolution. _ |?rote*t Afraiiiftt a Tax on i'otton. Washington, June 11.? Biigadier- General A. L. Guruey, now at Seluia, Ala., has sent a remonstrance, signed by the Union officers and soldiers now planting cotton in that State, against the cotton tax. The General urges that cotton cannot be raised at a profit with a tax, and this will drive out the fifty thousand northern emigrants now there, and prevent northern emigration, without which the General thinksthe southern States cannot be purged of disloyalty. One Oeinoeratie Ijeglwlatnre. San Fkancisco, June 10. ? A Portland (Oregon) dispatch states that the Union majority in Oregon is eight hundred and uine, with f??ur counties to hear from. The State Senate stands, Union, 14; Democrats, 18. Both parties claim a majority in the lower liouse. Tho total vote was twenty.two thousand two hundred and twenty,

1B? ~ BMU*-AMerie#ut Territory Nrw York, June 11.? The Fenian Inva. sion terminated in a fight about eight roiled from St. Armand. A brigade of British regular* charged upon a small portion of S|>ears's army tliat had remained behind, and raptured sixteen prisoners. Some of the Fenians were killed, but how many is not known. This fight took place almost on the boundary line, across which the Fenian* were compelled to retreat. The English, however, had no idea of stopping on account of boundary lanes, and they charged forward across the lino, firing upon the retreating band of Fenians. They also made noniu cap t urea on American soil. Thisaffair has been reported to Gene, ral Meade, who is at present investigating it. AtfriitlonnlgForelgo \ph<?. New York, June 11. ? General Beauregard visited the Liverpool Exchange. Upon his presence becoming known great interest was excited, and the news-room rapidly filled, lie was applauded on leaving, and considerable numbers of people followed him through the streets. The cholera has entirely disappeared from Liverpool. The London Herald says that the Chilian Minister to London had demanded his pass. , ports. The British Government is said to have offended both belligerents. Spain is incensed at Mr. Layard's language, and Chili is indignant a{ being left in the lurch at the eleventh hour. Persona II lien in (he limine of K?|>re> , Mentntlvew. Washington, June 11.? In the House today personalities of t lie grossest character' were indulged in by Messrs. Grinnell and Iiosseau. The latter denounced (Jrinnoll ' in very severe terms. Now York Hank Statement. Nkw York, June 11. ? Tho bank state-' incut shows a decrease in loans of 8142,000; in specie, 95,036,000; in circulation,' $786,1)00. Increase in deposits, $1,376,000 ; I legal tender, 95,449,000. riRAND CLOSING-OUT SALE. HIGHLY IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE TO THB MERCHANTS AND TRADERS OF THE SOUTH. In the unprecedented success of our enterprise in the introduction into thin city of an extensive IMPORTING HOUSE, we assure our customers we take great pleasure | and pride: and, finding our business requirements demanding uiore space, we announce that previous | to our enlargement of our precise*, contemplated j st an early period, we shall (?tTer to the WHOLESALE TRADE of the South the entire balance of our new and ELEGANT SEASONABLE GOODS at greatly reduced prices, and at such figures as will present to purchasers an opportunity SELDOM, IF EVER, MET WITH, to obtain full lines of all classes and grades of goods at great bargains. It will be remembered we present only the most j desirable goods in original packages, and in 110 j case the reluse of an illy-assorted and limited Job- ! ber'" stuck; and now we present uncommon and GREAT INDUCEMENTS, since we must build a large addition to our premises in due time for the WHOLESALE TRADE OF THE SEASON approaching, which promises to l?o large, and for the prosecution of which our orders are already with the GREAT HOUSES

O K ^EUROPEAN M AM' F A CT UR MRS, ! Hint our agents are making selections abroad, so that may be in advance of all others In the re* I ceipt ami the ability to supply our friends and cin?I tomors. J. STEENBOCK & CO., (late of San Antonio, Texan,) ny and 141 Main street, Richmond, Virginia, je 12? 3t New Nos. 1213 and 1215, Eagle Square. ; H E T I M E HAS CO M E j WHEN, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE D E M A N I) S | ; of onr increasing trade, it has be< <?tne necessary to greatly ENLARGE OUR ELEGANT STORE; and to meet (he wants of the people we ehall EXTEND OCR RETAIL DEPARTMENT, | adding a spaco of nearly an hundred feet In depth I to our present quarters, which, despite their commodiousness, havo become TOTALLY INADEQUATE ' for the proper prosecution of our trade. Tbougfl we n>>w olf'Tour | IMMENSE STOCK OF I ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS' WORTH OF FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS A. ID N O T 1 O N S , at unprecedented bargains, and really at ORIGINAL COST, and in some instances at much LESS THAN IMPORTERS' PRICES. To the ladies of Richmond wo feel we need not enter into an enumeration of our goods. They are familiar with the fact that we have very much THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE C1TV, embracing every variety of DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, ANM> A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS. And with the mere announcement that we MUST CLOSE OUT, REGARDLESS OF COST, to make way for the enlargement of our store and extensive additions to our premises. J. STEENBOCK 4t CO , N?>8. 139 and lit Main street, j* 12? 3t New Nos. 1213 and 1215 Eavle Square. M v|OURXIX<J GOODS.? We have iii lT.1 storn Crape, Marets, li.rtiani, Jaconets, Lawi's, Oinghamn, Plaid, and Striped Bareges. LEVY BROTHERS, Je 12 15 Main street. T I N EX SHEETING, Tabl??~ Cloths, MJ Napkins, Towels, Table Covers, Window Shades, and Housekeeping Goods in general at LEVY BROTHERS, je 12 16 Main street. H OOP AND "BALMORAL SKIRTS^! large variety, at LE\ 1" BROTHERS, je 12 15 Mainstreot. 1MFTY BARKEIjS >\ uisLiis1 BRATED FAMILY FLOUR, for sain by jelJ FRENCH A CRENSHAW^ rfiWO HUXDRED BARRELS EXTRA 1 WUM 1'WKNTY CASKS GUINNESS A "OOTOMAC FAMILY ROE HER1 RINGS, in kits and ^barrels, lost ecehed and for sale by STUN ENti 4 r EGRAM. Je 4 _ CUOAR.? One hundred and fifty bnr- ? rets ReJned, A, B, C, and Extra C, Crushed and Cj? W ?!%?, to, 4 C8M,HAW,

FUiltCUL AMM OXNKHi UI, Richmond, June 11, I86fi. The feeling In this pity Is one of anxiety relative to the financial matters of tho world, not with reference so much to any positive effect to he exerted upon the present limited business here, as on account of the internal improvement enterprises that must be held in abeyance by financial disturbances. The restoration of quiet 1 and peace in Europe would lead to the immediate commencement of the Covington and Ohio railroad, and other schemes in which this city has a deep interest. The Paris Congress will soon decide the question, though there is little ground to hope for a favorable result. The quotations in gold here are 1360131). The highest quotation from New York was received after the Bank hour. The State has begun to issue the bonds for the funded interest. They are neatly and practically prepared, with power of at- 1 torney at the bottom, which saves the . trouble and annoyance of transfers on the j i books of the Auditor's office. The brokers here give quotation of Registered : 41 1,'; sales of $10,000 Virginia sixes, i coupons, iu New York on Saturday at Richmond City bonds, 67;i ; ^ irginia and Tennessee, Central and Danxillo Railroad, all, 860 ; North Carolina bonds, *#0. S'F.W YORK. The gold market to-day is stiller than on Saturday, when the highest price was I397g. This morning the quotation begun , at 137 an,l gradually rose to lt0lft^ j 140'^, at which the market closed. We ! arc to infer that the foreign news was not ; deemed altogether satisfactory, though i according to newspaper reports there was j a more quiet condition of money matters, j ! United States Five -twenties were im- . proved two per cent ; and cotton advanced j l@l*.2d. ? ! The gold shipped front New York last j Saturday only amounted to 82, 125, .100. i j Shipments for the week 6.">, *25,300, a de- J cided falling off from the previous week, when it exceeded $9,000,000. Money on call at 566 p?'r cent. NATIONAL hanks. No new National banks were organized | last week. The total amount of circula- j tion issued by the Treasury to these insti- , ! tut ions up to date is *208,975,675, of which $526,015 was issued last week. The securi- j 1 ties held by the Government lor the urcu- ' lation ol National banks is $362, 266, {wO, ol ; ! which sum $36,519,500 is held for tinted ; States deposits. INTERNAL UKVKM K ItECKlPTH. The receipts from this source on Satur- J day were $760,006.33, and for the week ending on that day, $5,62<?,07l .31 . THE XKW HVK-< KM COINS. Tin- coinage of the new live-cent piece will commence this week, after w huh it can be procured in sums ol fifty dollars ami upward by addressing the director ol the United States mint at Pbilade'pbia. Ml rcouests lor tin- new com will be filled in the order of their receipt, and lor-, warded without expense to the persons or- 1 dering. XKW YOKK MARKETS. New York, June 11.? Cotton active and I l<S2c. higher ; sales, 4.000 bales at 39<S42c. i Flour dull and 10@ 20c. lower ; sales, 6,000 | barrels of Ohio at $S.S0fc$13.75, and west- , em at $6.S0^$9.40 ; southern lower? sales t of 350 barrels at 810.40?*17. Wheat dull, and common 2^ 3c. lower; sales of 12,000 bushels of good new No. 1 Milwuukie at $2.23; common No. 2, $1.8;?. Corn acti\ej and l('?2e. higher, and closing firmer ; sales, 173,000 bushels at 80@8lc. Beel stcadj.j l'ork heavy; mess, $31.25. Lard heavy.. Whisky dull. Sugar firm. Coffee dull. Molasses quiet. Naval stores quiet. Turpentine, 92'.<2@91e. Petroleum is dull, j Freights? grain, V' lc. lower ; corn, Mac. j Gold, *1.39& RICHMOND MARKETS. Tli<> following are tln? wholesale quotations : | BUlttkr.? Fair to prime, 2og?23c. V It. Curs Meal.? Bolted, *1.1<>; unbolted country- . ground meal, 1. 05. j CaRBSB.? Northern and Western, 2u<j2.c. ; English dairy, 22@2*c. Fbrtiuzeks.? Peruvian (5 uano, I Pacific Guano, *7o V 5 l'atapsco Guano, *?- sa tun ; Done l?ust, *55%* 'on. Fi ax SEED.? *2.45{/*2.55 bushel. Flora.? Market bri*k and tendency upward ? Virginia family, (nominal,) W j irinla extra, *13&*14 ; superfine, *U.75@*12 , jlorth.m fniuily . ; """? | ? 12 .25ji*13.25 ; Northern *uporflne, *ll.?*U.5<J . PoTAToK*. -Irish, *5&*-,>. 3 ' ft barrel. . j Tobacco. -The tobacco lu.irkK was rather brisker yesterday, and prices were well main- i tained. The sales were made in the new T??batco j Exchange, built by Me??n. Ilarveys * William*, j Ju?t in rear of their store. There w^re eighty-eight | hogsheads off-red, three taken in, _and eight} -ti e ( sold as follows : 4 at *17. 5c, a I at ?7 75 2ati30, - at $15 50, 1 at *?1, 1 at ft", e ar *7. A 1 at *l< 5 , 3 at *11.75! 1 at *H,1 at *14,1 at tl3.Su, 1 at *20.5" a , *9.76, 2 at *12, 2 at 50, 1 at *1.20, 3 at *4.4 , 1 at ( *6.75 1 at *6.25, 1 at *3.90, 1 at *4, 1 at *3.50, 1 at *4.3 ,j 2 at *3 7fl ? at *5.20, 1 at *Vl a' *-t-2S. 2 lt( *3-50' 1 at ! ?4.-0. 1 at *5.30, 4 at *5, 2 at *M, 2 at *9 .50, 3 at *15, I at *12, 1 at *25, 1 at *26. 1 at *4.60, 1 at *10.50, 1 at *4 1 at *10.25, 1 at *11. '45, 1 at *13.75, 1 at *13.25. 1 at *17, 1 at *42, 1 at *71, l at *<5, 1 at *12. 1 at *21-5?. at *? 75, 1 at *5.40. 1 at *4.70, 1 at *->.lo, 1 at *4.90, 1 at *3.80, 1 at *41, 1 at *12. 75. and on* at ** M'tnu- | /act ured Tobacco Ther* is nothing doing in the market for manufactured tobacco, and wc could onlv quote nominally. , Wool. -Unwashed, 2-<c.; washed, 40<g.,0c. lu good demand. CATTLE MAKKET. We quote Beef at *<&*:. gross. Other prices re- : main the same. I

k RC11ITECTUKK AND BUILDINU. THE MODEL ARCHITECT. A seriea of original designs for Cottages, Villas, .Suburban Residences, Ac. Bv Samuel Sloan. 2 vols.? folio. $15. THE ARCHITECT. A series nf designs for Domestic and Ornamental Cottages, combined wi:h T Landscape Gardening. By Wiu. JI, Ranlett. 2 Vols.? folio. +10. THE MODERN ARCHITECT; or, Erery Carpenter I bin own Master. Embracing plans, elevations, specifications, framing. Ac., for Private Houses, Dwellings, Churches ?c., to which is added a new system of Stair-building. By Ecter Shaw. ?S Engraving*. $r>. ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES of carpentry. A treatise on the procure and equilibrium of Timber- Framing, the construction of Floors, Roofs, Bridges, Ac Also, numerous Tables. 22 Engravings. By Thomas Trodgold, Civil Engineer. *5. BENJAMIN'S PRACTICE OF ARCHITECTURE. *3. LAFEYERS MODERN BUILDER'S GUIDE. 90 Engravings. $5. LA FEVER K BEAUTIES OF ARCHITECTURE. 4* I Plates. t5. DOWNING'S ARCHITECTURE OK COUNTRY HoUSfcS. 32u Illustrations. *?U<> VAUX'8 VILLAS AND COTTAGES. 370 Illustrations. *??. . THE MODERN GEOMETRICAL STAIR BUILDER'S OOIDK. Being a plain, practical system of Hand-Railing, illustrated by 22 Engravingi. By Simon de Graff. ?3.5<>. For Rale bv WOODIIOUSE 4 PARHAM. Bookseller*, Je 12 Governor street. CJYRUPS FOR SODA WATER.? Tho ^ trade supplied by F. J. HATTORF, Virginia Hall Order* thankfully received and promptly attended to. __ Je ?? >t* IIME, LIME.? Four hundred burrelH ' J of superior MOUNTAIN LIME just received on consignment and for sale low by BELL. SHEPHERD A CO., je 1 1 ? tst corner ot Eleventh ami Canal streets CTKAW HATS, FOR men. boys! CI and CHILDREN, just received. The late>t ' styles of feTlUW HATS. Powhatan weisioer, No <15 Main street, je2 first door below Spotswood Hotel. nnilE MEMBERS OF COM FAN Y 1 1, I KOOKTH VIRGINIA CAVALRY, are re- ' quested to meet at the store of the Midlothian Com* pany, Chesterfield, at lu o'clock, A. M., WEDNESDAY, 13th June, for the purpose of foiming an < association auxiliary to toe ladies' Chestartield H# mortal Association, J* ?-?!?

4 N ENGLISH WOMAN DESIRES A iV SITUATION to take oharKf of je?** f,bi - dren. Sh? can teach Music and Bngllih miff l? branch**. Adlr??? Mn LAING, at .Mm. Little* ptge'a, 7tl Grace street, Hichtnond. j., u-JtTn rhAs* WANTED, ORDKR8 FOR IMPORTING EMIGRANTS from Baltimore or New Tork. They will ho furnished at reasonable price*. Situation wanted for a well- recommended WHITE GIRL a* NURSE or HOUSE GJRL. F?r further particular* apply at Ch?* 8??ITTfIEKN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, Franklin atraet, nnder Metropolitan Hall. Post-office box 19, Rlchoiond, Va. D'ANDAHAZY At LINK, J.. 12? It Agent*. VfOTT & FRAYSER , i> WANT i FIFTY MEN, BINDERS AID SHOCKERS. TTT FOR HARVESTING, v O N E L 1 M E-B n R N K R. Lih.-r.il wages paid. >uTT k FKAYSF.R, v Franklin street, between Eighth and Ninth. j? l'i? I* _____ _ * .fr TTANTKF), TO PURCHASE FROM Tf three to five hundred CEDAR POSTS, seven and a half fret long a n<! flv?> to six Inches at small j end, delivered at the City Alms-house. j Jel2 t* A. 1?. TURNER, j Hoarders wa nted. -wanted, day or weekly HOARDERS, at l?? Third street, I I corner of Byrd? one of the most pleasant locations j [in the city. Term*, moderate. Je 11? It j TXT A NTED, a situation as HOUSE-] IT KEEPER or NURSE. Bent reference* given. | Apply to I). M. ROBERTSON, ?er??nth street, between Main and Franklin, j Je 11?31 WANTED, DA N VILLI! RAILROAD 1 bonds. Apply to Je 8 ? 4t DAVENPORT 4 CO^ j WANTED, WOOL, in largo or miiiuII , lots, by Je 6? lm HAHVEY8 k WILLIAMS. WANTED, A OOOD COLORED FETT MALE COOK, without incumbrance. JOHN N. GORDON 4 SON, . Je 4 Fourteenth street, near Exchange Hotel. WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED If NURSERYMAN to take charge of, or an interest in with the owner of, a farm in North Carolina well adapted to and located for a nursery and garden farm. Apply to PALMER, HARTSOOK A CO., my 30 Libby buildings. WANTED, Mr. WILLIAM DAN-j NIALS or Mr J. II SHARP tocall at the of- j flee of the Virginia Employment Agency, on Broad street, lour doors above N f n 1 1 1 , or address JAMES T. HENDERSON, my 19? ts Box 13#, Richmond, V a. f 1ASII PAID FOR BONES.? Wanted. Vy FIVE HUNDRED TONS BONES. Cash paid on delivery. my H-i* _ S. P. LATHROP, Agent._ TT IDES AND TALLOW WANTED. IX DRY HIDES, GREEN HIDES, and SA I.TED HIDES. Also, TALLOW ; for which the hightest cash price will be paid. O. H. CHALKLEY & CO., Hide and Leather Dealers. Thirteenth street, between Main and Cary. apVJ-ts \\T A N T E I) , SITUATION AS j I ? TEACHER.? The writer, who is an expe- | rienced TEACHER and a graduate o! most ot tli* , schools of the A. M. course of the University of | Virginia, desires to correspond wrh some gentleman possessing similar '(iialiflcation.^, with a view to establishing a classical school in some eligible locality: or h? would accept a situation in a school"ttIr?ady established. Parties interested please address ALUMNUS. care of Dr John R. Woods, je 7? lmeod Ivy Depot, Albemarle, Va. A' OF NTS WANTED for OITR NEW WORK, THE LIFE AND CAMPAIGNS OF GENERAL (STONEWALL) JACKSON. By Professor R. L. Daksby, I). D., of Virginia. The Standard Biography of the immortal hero. The only edition authorized by his widow. The anthora personal Iriend and < 'hitfof Staff of|th? Christian Soldier. *?? a truthful biography of one of America's noblest sons, it stands peerles- and i alone among all it* competitor*. Disabled officers and soldier-, energetic young men. anil all in want of profitable employment, will And ?his a rare ; chance to make money. Send tor circular* and see I our terms. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, No. '.'It Seventh street, Richmond, Va. ( my*15 ? swim* i LOST. STRAYED AND FOUND. \ rrEN DOLLARS REWA RD.? LOST, j I either in front of Sch walmeyer's store, on Broad street, or on Seventh, a Ladies' small ?,'reeiirolored PoRTE-MoNNI As, with steel chain broken off, clasped with springs, and has smal) bras* rivets on the i^des, containing betw-eti thirty-live aiel forty dollars in United States cur- i renrv and national liank notes. The tinder will j receive the above reward bv leaving it at ANDREW PIZZINl ACO.'S, j je 12? tt ?>?" Broad street. N'OTICE. ? I lit'ivhy jrivo notico that application will l>e made forthe renewal of a t'ERTI KM 'ATE I'oK TWO SHARES OF STOCK standing in our name ill the Richmond and l.iverI I I'acketfoinpany. ELLETT & DREWRY. tie 12? lawSm* STRAYED FROM MY HOUSE, <>.\ k ' Nineteenth street, one KED CoW,^j one e.ir slit and the other cropped ; both horns showing si?;ii? of having beenoiui; ?awed otf at the ends; in fine,, ;? condition. Liberal reward k'iven for her return to mv residence. JAMES H. PoIN DEXTER, je 12? lw

T^Ol'NI) IN MY ENCLOSURE ON i kct FRIDAY MORNING a STRAY <\ MUI.E ; the owneroi which is requested to comu forward, prave hi.-* property, p'<y ' \ s V cost of advertisement and stable Till, and taku it away. JOHN \V L.PSCoMB. Broad Hock, Chesterfield county, June it, 1*04. je 12 ? It* r P \V E N TY- FIVE Do77l~\RS KEI WA RD.? I will pay the above reward for the arrest of the miscreant who stole the ROSE BUSHES, HELIOTROPES. aud other flowers from aroaml the grave of my little boy in the Shockoe If ill Cemetery on Wednesday lift : and will also pay a liberal reward for the detection of any otp- who may hereafter be guilty ot a similar desecration of the graves in my section. WILLIAM L. MAl'LE. Main street, . jn 3f between Eighth anlJNinth. NOTICE. ? Application will be made at the proper tunc for the renewal of ONE SHAKE i?F SToCK in the Richmond and Liverpool i'acket ''ompanv, destroyed by the fre ot April 3, ls<*5 in the name of THOMAS, HUGHES U CALDWELL, ap 2S? law2m VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 11 we have made application for the renewal of two CERTIFICATES oF STOCK of the Old Dominion Iron Worka Company. for six and one-third shares each, said scrip having been lost in the fire of 3d April, 1*65. ap 13? Uw2m J. PARK HURST, Jk., St CO._ N'OTICE.? Application will bemado at the proper time for the renewal of one share of stock in the RICHMOND AND LIVERPOOL PACKET COMPANY, destroyed by the tire of April 3, lStf5, in the nauiu of SAM u EL S. COTTRELL. ap P? law3m VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1.1 application will be made to the Auditor of State of Virginia for renewal of CERTIFICATE OF DEBT No. -JH, for three hundred dollars, standing in name of William F. Watson, guardian of Mildred A. Watson, and issued under act of '.'3d March, l^flo, said certificate having been lout, in v 5? luw3ni VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT li application will be made for the renewal of a lost CERTIFICATE for TWO SHARES OF *TOCK, landing in our name, in the Richmond and Liverpool Packet Company. je?_law2m J. A. St. T. A. PATTESON. J)R. HUGHES'S CELEBRATED HOMOJOPATHIC REMEDIES! SURE RELIEF AND RELIABLE CURE! His unrivalled CHOLERA SPECIFIC was most triumphantly successful in the cholera in ImW and 1*64, and is unexcelled in the relief and cure of Cholera Morbus, Diarrhica, Dysentery and Bilious Cramp Colic. Price per bottle, $1.50. Sent by mail, postage paid. H I H CELEBRATED DIPHTHERIA. CROUP. QUINSY, PUTRID AND COMMON SORE THROAT REMEDY is recommended for all sorts of Colds, Coughs and Bronchial Affections, Sore Mouth and Thrush of Infants, Gathered Breasts, and Constipation and Liver Complaints generally. Price per bottle, ?!.??. ftent by mail, postage paid For sale by the city druggists. niy l " ? d&eeodlin ON CONSIGNMENT. to.) barrels BALTIMORE EXTRAF LOUB, 50 barrels POTATOES, 5o boxes OR A NOES, 25 boxes LEMON'S, 15 boxes CHEESE, 1? kegs FRESH GOSHEN BUTTER, LARD, SM1THFI ELD HAMS, Ac., ic., for sale by WILLIAM T. KING A CO. je m ? ts _ TYPE FOUNDRY.? The DISPATCH 1 Is printed on TYPE MADE AT THE RICHMOND TYPE FOUNDRY. Everr article lequialM for a Printing Office at Northern prices. H. L. PELOUZK A CO., ap 17? im Richmond, va^ Dress, s i lkT an d oassimere HATS, the latest styles, just received. POWHATAN WblSiOKK. No. *15 Main street, Je 1 lira! door below Spotawood i'otel. f 1RBAT REDUCTION IN THE \I PRICE OF CARD PIloToOR A PH8. -LUMPKIN A CO. are making Cartes de Visite for TWO DOLLARS PER DOZEN. Call and examine specimens at No. 737 Main street, two doors above Spotswood Hotel. ray 'it? eodia CJMITHFIELD HAMS.? One thousand O pounds of thia superior article Juat received, for sale wholssaia ana retail by ?JTIiVi3ll * PEORAM, )9 T <11 Broad wrHt.

ylRGINIA WARM SPRINGS TMSB CELEBBATBDfWATBHS, LOCATED AT BATH COUBTHOtTSE, VIBOIIIIA IN ONE OF THE LOVELIEST VALLEYS 1* ALL THE BLUE RIDOE AND ALLEGHANY RANGES, ARE OPEN POR TUB RECEPTION OF VISITORS. ' They urn fifteen mile* from Miliboro' on tin- Virginia Central railroad, and northeast flv* mile* from the lint, and eight from tl??? Healing ! Spring*. Wry lift In need be said in calling pnbiic atten- ' Hon to a watering-place so celebrated. It ha* been known and visited by the white* for more than a hundred year*, and was before that known to tho Indian* a* " The spring of strength," from tho invigorating influence of bathing in its water. The temperature of the bath* are M and Fahrenheit. The water* are famed for thoir efficacy in cases of Chronic Oont, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Torpid Liver, with Its attendant consequences, *ucii a* Indigestion, Constipation, Dropsical Effu*ion, 4c. ; aluo, Paralysis in it* various form*. Enlargement of the Spleen, Chronic Swelling* of the Joint*, Chronic Diarrhea, Dy*pep*la, Gravel, and a variety of Female Diseases, especially those of a chronic character, attended with general debility. The accommodation* at these Spring* are ample. For amusement of the guests area fine ball-room, billiard saloon, and bowling alley. Route to the Warm Springs : From the north, via Orange and Alexandria railway to GordonsvlUe, thence via Central railroad to Miliboro' depot. From the south, via Lynchburg or Richmond on Virginia Central railroad to Miliboro' depot. From the depot, tlrst-cla** stage coaches over a turnpike, fifteen mile* to the Springs. IIoako : Le*? than one week, W per day ; children and servants in proportion. One week an I over, $3 per day, le*i ten per cent. my 31? Tu&Flrn GEORGE MA-YSE npilE HOT SPRINGS, BATH COUNTY, VIRGINIA. TEMPERATCRE, FROM SIXTY TO 05B ilTXPRKb A5P ?41 X PE'IREE*, FAHBK.N'HKIT. TARDY, WILLIAMS k CO., Proprietor*. Will be open for the reception of visitors J I" >' E 1st, 1*<J?. All the building* having been repaired, painted, and fitted out with NEW FURNITURE. LINEN, BEDS, and TABLEWARE, these SPRINGS oflir uii?urpa?*ed attractions to both the invalid and pleasure-seeker. No expense or effort has been ! spared by the proprietor* to make it a* comfortable ' and pleasant as possible to ail visitor*. The II<>T WATERS here have been well known j for more than half a century to posse**, in a won- j derfnl degree, tonic, Alterative, detergent, and | stimulating properties, and have become justly j celebrated for the cure of Rheumatism, Gout, | Diseases of the Liver, Skin, Bladder, and Womb ; [ Paralysis, the result of injnry or serions effusion ; Contraction of Musclcs and Joint*, Diarrhtea, and Dyspepsia, accompanied with *ore mouth and tongue. New BATH-HOUSES have been erected, a BAND OF MUSIC engaged, and BILLIARD and BOWLING SALOONS fitted up. The SPLENDID BALL-ROOM has been thoroughly refitted. Route from the north, via Orange and Alexan- I dria railroad to GordonsvlUe ; thence tin Virgi- ( nia Central railroad to Miliboro' Depot ; thence to J Hot Springs direct, over turnpike, (distance, t twenty miles,) by Trotter & Co. '* stage line. Route from the south, via Lynchburg or Rich- | mond, and Virginia Central railroad to Miliboro' j Depot. Tehmb : +3 per day ; +20 per week. A BAND OF MUSIC is engaged for the season, j my 17? 1 m BATIf ALUM SPRINGS.?' This highly improved and beautiful Watering-Place will be opened for the reception of visitor* on the l.'tli instant. It i* idtuaU'd in Bath county, Va., at tin- eastern base of the Warm Sprin? Mountain, on the main road lea Jinx from Miliboro' depot, on the Virginia Central railroad, to the Warm, Hot, and Healing Spring*. It i? ten mile* from Miliboro' depot, five from the Warm, ten from the Hot, and thirteen from the Healing Springs. Everv effort will be made bv the proprietor to promote the HEALTH AND 'COMFORT of hi* guest*. A daily LINE OF STAGE COACHES ir now on the road from the depot to Hie wateringplaces above-mentioned. RATES OK HOARD : By the day 4 J 0<> Bv tho we.-k ]*>("< ?j J| IS K I'll BAXTER. Proptle ,.t Rockbridge alum springs. VIRGINIA. These MINERAL WATERS have an establish. -d reputation for very high curative virtue in nil the following classes <>f disease, and as bein^' an AH- | SOLUTE SPECIFIC in several of them, vij : SCROFULA, and all the forms or Glandular Swellings ami Cutaneous Eruptive Disease, Ery*ipelu* 'Fitter, Jkc.; CHRONIC DIAKRIIcLa and DYSENTERY. DYSPEPSIA, BRONCHITIS, CHRONIC THRUSH, affection of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER, ami PILES. In all anicmic conditionsof the svstem and broken-down states of tho con-1 stitution, lo;.* of appetite, and general nervous ( prostration, their powers and virtue as a restorative may bo safely pronounced to bo WITHOUT A KNOWN RIVAL amongst the mineral waters of the WORLD. They are especially indicated in the whole class of aliments peculiar to the Female Constitution. This WATERING PLACE is in th" same county with the celebrated "NATURAL BRIDGE" of Virginia, and is one of that remarkable group of Mineral and Thermal Water* which have given celebrity to this mountainous region. . It will he open to the public on JUNE 1*T. The proprietors will spare no reasonable effort to hare j thejdace comfortably kept. The BALL- ROOM'will be supplied with music, I and the BILLIARD and BOWLING SALOONS re-' stored to complete order. Access from tho seaboard is by the Virginia Cen- ! tral railway (from the North, ri't Washington ctty and Orange and Alexandria railroad to Gordons - vllle ; and from the South, via Richmond or Lynchburg,) to Goshen Depot, thence by stage coaclie*, over a smooth road, eight mile* up the Valley to the Springs. RATE* OP BOARD : By the day ?3.."*). By the mouth J.oo per dav. The SPRINGS PAMPHLET, with analysis and full description, sent by mail on application to PcarBLt., Lapp ii Co., Richmond, or to the undersigned. FRAZ1ER it RANDOLPH. Proprietors. The water i* bottled, securely packed, and on sale at tl'.'.50 per case of one dozen half-gallon bottles by PrRCBIL, Lapp ii Co., Richmond ; A. B. RrrKKR. Lynchbnrg ; Colkma.n Jt Ropoxks, Haiti- < more ; Hkwkman & Co., New York, and other lead- ! lng druggists. A single box has often saved the) necessity of a visit to the Spring*. A liberal discount made to the Trade by i PURCELL, LADD Ji CO., my IS? ts General Agents.

T HE NATIONAL EXPRESS AND TRANSPORTATION company now prepared to carry MONEY AND VALUABLE PACKAGE# to and from Now York, St. Lout*, and intermediate point*, and a* far south a* Atlanta, lia. In order t<> afford theino?t ample security to shippera, it hu? effected AN INSURANCE OF FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR* on th?? money chesta of the company by each train, with several loading insurance companies utich n* THE SUN, SECURITY, MANHATTAN, METROPOLITAN, AN D IMUKNIX, whose Atmro^aif capital and a**et* amonnt to FIFTEEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Shipper* are thus injured against common carrier*' risk, and a m-curity ia afforded never beftwe offered by any express company. For thla NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE IS MADE. THE NATIONAL KYPRBSH AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY 1* now prepared to do business a* CHEAPLY. EFF1CI KNTLY, AND SECf'RELY as can be done bv unv oth??r company. J. E JOHNSTON. President. B. F. FtcKlur, General Superintendent. my tl? eodta ___ A H I) W A K J : , CUTLER Y AN I) MECHANICS' TOOLS. -The ?ubstriber begs -? . .Ir.lllK Mint rriclllll) aiht I stock or AJibHn AP. HAKDWAKE GOODS ?>f erery variety, which will Iih offered at the lowest market rates, if OK & C- ? '8 CIRCULAR SAWS, <jl'M BELTING, PACKING, and HOgE, and ' <IAK TANNED LEATHER flELTlNU, | 1 for sale at manufacturer*' i>ric*s. Thankful to hi* many friend* for their favor* in the want, be hopes to m* rlt and necarc the aauie io J rhe fu;ur?>. CHARLES J SINTON, | aigu of the f'irrular Saw, je 4? JmdA?w _ No. uas Main street. OKrieK OK THB RlCHMOMO ASVt Livtat'ooL Packet CoaPAsr, > KioiUiiM), May 16, 1<M. ) !fFIIIS COMPANY being in proceNa] I of liquidation, all pem< n? having claim* H^ain-t it or the ship VlKUlNIA DAKK are re- | ? | u! r?-?i to prmtont lh? same for payment at the utile* 1 of tho Company to J??UN PURCELL, my Itfc? 1 m Treasurer. | 0' N K I IITNDKF D B ARRE lifPEACH BLOW POTATOES for aale br Je ?-3f AHM1ST KADf RICK, CART ? CO. . J jl?INK8T TEAS, WINES, AND LI

^ T K I B L INOf P<K I NO fl# wiu* ?TAO*fO|f, TAli - *.'?*/ a Ih,? .pl.rc' w,u b? "P'?n for ?Ullow on Um w U ' T,m* W',,, kn<#*" quality of lb* 1 rank.* It onnef"*,?ry toKo Into yartic ulai* ; the/ h. n " "r' rhM^". ?nd Preestoi^-nft* at hand. Th* alum wafer r la second to nor* Mmrmnil 7 Vh . i" "v"""1 ??"? ib?? '?i' a century. Th<; place |* comfortably furnlahed; and tbe fare shall bo plain, though good and sab* stantial, wilhont any attempt at display, believln at the proeent time it will meet the demand of tba pnbllc better to live plainer and charga leas Thr w* *2 W per day, *14 p?r week, and *M p?r rii"ri t h (of twenty-eight days) by the seaaon. Trotter St Co/* Mage* leave Stmnton after the arrival of fhecar* from RUhmond for the ftprlngs daily. CHESLBV KINNEY, fe 5? eollfn Proprietor. flOYNERS WHITE. RLACK AND I J BLUE SULPHUR SPRINGS.? This well known WaTKRINM PLACg, sltnatwd In Botetourt connty, Va on tiie imoand In full view of the Virginia and Tenn.?*sen nllroad, will b? open for the racaption of ri?!t('rt on the PltWT OF JUNE. Pernot,* l?avlng Baltimore, Washington, Rich mood, and Petersburg. by mcrntng train, spending the night in Lynchburg, will arrive the following morning, tb- trains popping immediately oppoalto The' undersigned (formerly of Richmond) taftea pleasure in Informing bis friends and the public that he has removed tolhi* place with the Intention of making it his permanent residence, and will -pan neither tront>?i? nor expertee to render it agreeable and r!na?ant to h!a gueata. Th r? aw FIVK ftULPHUK BPKIBTOi. tba riunl qualities of which ar? so generally and favorably known that it is deemed unnecessary to speak of their value. Tho?e desiron* of using the Alleghany or Alam Water* ran bo supplied. ] A FINE BAM* will be in attendance daring the ! season. Colonel WARD, ao favorably known aa Manager of Hi* Fauquier White Hniphur Springs. has bean engaged, and will be pleased to see his friends. Those doalrlng comfortable quartern would do | well to make eany application. The price of hoard will be three dollar* per day; children and servants in proportion. A deduction | of ten percent. will be mads on all bills for<ona week. twt nty per cent for one month, and twenty* five per cent. for tw.> months or longer. PrRCELL, LA1>1> x CO., Kicbmond, Va.. will k-fp a constant supply of the water, put np in quart bottles, twenty-four in a case, ready for shipping. WILLIAM H. FRY, my 15? ?od5w Proprietor. Healthful attractions op THE WASHINGTON 8PRINGR, VA. <?' K KAKti ITKM op THE PK*K?RLM OP THK PliESFXT CENTURY. Dk. E. J. GO0DWI.V8 BOTHOPniC, roa SCROFULA. CHRONIC lUi EVMATI9M ASD SYPHILIS. The moht unmatiageitblM diaeaaes which afflict the human race made to yield satisfactorily and permanently to the method and means, an exposition of which inav be had by failing a concise statement of fact#, In pamphiet forru, which I hava thonj(ht for nemo time worthy to be noted by tba public generally. _ . . Tho UUo of tbi* fhort treatise la " The Special Treatment of <y,.hilN, Chronic Rbeuraatism, and Scrofula, l>y Dr. E. J. Goodwin, of the Washing* ton Springs. '' 1 hereby most ?eNpectfully and honestly solicit 4 careful notice <?f th ? - pamphlet by the clasa of tnfferinjf humanity to x.hich it particularly referi. and an attentive reading of its " hupplenient," and the authenticity of its intelligenr and professional endorsement. The "Vegetable Entropulo," wbicb tignres as Urn m-*>t prominent feature in tbepam* pulet.conKtitatei. in I'm jiidwuieiit of discriminating Ithynivianx and others dUtinguiahed for lutelll* L'eiicc and u UIkIi appreciation of truth and merit, ''an Important addition" to the remedies now known a* the nu -t eUicient in the treatment of tbosa di<?tfa*e?. MysocCess in managing tbr" d!?<eaa??H, now conceded to excel any attending ihe general plans of treatment, in du? to niv adaptation ol the EulrophiS upon the ihe?.ry which I devised upon earlv pat ho* logical views taken of th?*e maladies. The potency of itn eiiic icy maken it eminently desetrtng a rlaco among the uiort reputed standard reiuediea or medical r-ci id : and I would most conacientl* i>u:-ly claim the hands of honorable and intelllgent phydcians a lair anl impartial trial of ita therapeutical v:tlue aa applied bvtne in Uie control of thone dlseu.1"'!*. I citu, on snort notice, furnish physicians located In towns and cities from fifty to one liundred bottlea of the Eutrophic at a c???*t of three dollars per bottle. containing tinrtv ounces. 1 ne lon^-eHtublishe-l mineral resources of th* Wellington Sj?rlng?, formerlj known us Leech's, affording the l)c?t qualities of Sulphur, Alum, Ch tl% bea'f . und M.igne la. th*. m<>ht remarkabU and v; luabl" collettit-n of medicinal waters known to the moun'ain i <?( VlrvinfH. cannot be otherwise 'h.tn < tt r.tct : ve toirvalidn ol both sexes -uttering troni d? f'iiltlos, di^e.ise" of the urinarj* organs, uterine <?l?order*, ?kin diseaa?#, diBea??-a of Iba hv.-r and di?;e^ ,ve lunctions, und all atfectlona benefited bv u relaxation from domestic habits and pursuits iccotpnantad ny a few weeks' solonrn at such a heah'iful r?-. re.it a*? that < f the Wasliingtou Springs. p..r?>>!i? v'in|tlni{ the Sprini<s for tlivlr nlneral f.dvanta?es will i>e chtrged two dollars per day and twelve doll irs p??r w< ek board. Persons visiting the Springs tor medlcai ndvlca and treatment will l<e charged live dollars per week, at specie rates, for board. Passengers r ach the Spring* by the Virginia an l Teioies .e? rtail road, stopping at (Jlade Sj>ring depot, W ashitigton county. So charge foi uiodical services unless ?atl-f:tc* Hon U iriven. The ai'licted way v i - i t us with the assurance til at their sojourn siiai! be succeeded by a happy tept^p. To liii . irt h tve ?i<? ntrd tin<i ? r'oul'l ?>>t hui/wua (ht MujfiiiiKj. e. j. Goodwin. The VEOKTABI.F. EPTUOiMIIC ai d the PaMPH* l.ET can be obtained of J. B. WOOD, Druggist, uortheast corner of March nil and Fifth streets, Ricnmotid. Reent for fbr.- citv. and from druggists generally in all parts ol Virginia, mh 9? <ii.sw-'taw?m HOTELS AND BOARDINGhHOUSE JV)AKDINO. ? Tho stiI>sorilK?r would 1# inform her friends and the public at laige that sh t ??. ill oj.mi. r'ie .METKOPOLlfAN HOUKE. Noa. Clf. Ml. and ?M. Franklin street, f? .r PBKMANENT and ntANSI E.N'T HOARBEHS, on SATPRDAY, tbe 9th instunt. Tl e rooms are furnished in first-class styb-, and all io-w!v papetel and painted. A RBFREsllMBNT ?OoM and ICE-cAkaM SALOO/f are ttiso aUuclic I 'o the h<>us?. Mah.?mj J. SAKoVSKA, Proprieties*. je i>? iw* MHS. WILLIAM D. STUART, Into ol ilfchmond, has |ea??d the spacious mansion in fctauntoii lormerty occupied t>y Mr. James Point and is tuepared to receive a limited number of boarders. The house ie ;dea*antly situated on an emlntnca in th*< eastern part of the town, and commands a tine vi- w. |r V. as been thoroughly repaired and ne.it iv furnished, and Mm. STl'ART will spare no pains" to promote the comfort of her guesta.? Terms moderate. St.u siox. M ly 51, 1*^ n.y ?-lr? ORANGE HOUSE, AT ORANGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD DEPOT. LYNCHBURG, VA. HOUSTON KUCKBB. Paoraiaron. This celebrsted Hotel having' been RBPUB NISHED aud REFITTED IN SUPERB STYLE offers Si'PEiiloR act ominodations to the travelling public. Travellers yfoliif north and south will And meals ready upon the arrival of trains, and cuA clent iiine allowed. The proprietor pledges him th^? <?a w?fl- known first-class reputation shall I CI t? n I tuur ftiivw ou, * no pio|f.,v.v. r.v.. _ self that ita well-known first-class reputation shall not he snrpaiacd in tbe "nion. fe 19? U E X I N (i'JON HOTElT J MAIN STREET, LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA. This well-known and established house baa jest been REPAINTED, REFURNISHED, and REM?>DELLKi), in the best style, throughout, and is now open for tbe reception of visitors and boarders. Its location Mid cbsie proximity to the BATH A LPM, ROCKKR1UCB ALl'M, R-'CKBKIIXJL BATHS, NATURAL BRIDGE, and other watering* plares, render, it one of the most pleasant, healthy, and delightful summer resorts In the South. The TABLE will at all times be abundantly tupplied with every delicacy of the ?f aeon. Buggies, Harks, Omnibuses, and baddla-bor?e? constantly on hand for hire. Ouests'will be conveyed to any point at tbe shortest notice on reasonable terms. The proprietor will f pare no paius or expense to render this house a coniiortaule and agreeable h' tne to such ss may give him a ell. lay H? Saw4w G. A WHITE, Proprietor. ^ BOARDINU.^Mr^. DL'VALL, between tilth aud S. venlb atreets, has aoma very comfortable unoccupied rooms for boarderi and can take a few more DAY BOARDERS. ft) 13? ts Boarding.? Mb? HiDtJCK>D, south side Main street, set. ind door above Seventh, can take a few more BOARDERS, with or wltboni lodging. da*-*

VIRGINIA M ILITARY INSTIy TITE? I'll* BOARD OF VlftlTORS will meet at the Virgin!* Military I tint it ?it?? on the tTUi of June >> make appointment* of Cadet*. Application* (>>r fcTATu and Pay Cadet MppolatiM'uU will be fua (?* (<> tit* under?ign?d, accompanied with the umiat tenttnioi.ial* of n<*A inorttl cbar.vcbr. Candidate tor ?i polnUiieut in uk 1 1>?> exempt from bodily dlee.u*. of age# between fixf< tn and twenty. f:*o y?*rn, and III U|? MM of SYATK C*<l?(, ?|?- piltKiitH iua?t ?ati?fy ili#? board of their Inability to 10*1 t the cXDvnaw of the Institution. Candidal*-* i?i r admitoton uiuat be able to read and write well, and to perform with facilUv and icfuracjr the vari-ntA operations of the four ground rulf.s or a ritL luetic, of reduction , of ?iaiple and compound proportion, and of vulgar and dwiiaul fraction*. State Cadet* (one for each Senatorial District) will be supplied with board and tuition without char?. All State Cadet* who held appointment* on the M of April, l*?5. an I who desire to enter the luMttu* tion a* >uch, will signify the tim?. with the tuoal evidence of r recent pecuniary coudltion, by letMf to thn Superintendent. Lver/ ariai-gemum h<* beenmaie by the lojUw of Visitor* to maintain the high eciWTiric character of the Institute, and to put In full operation it* w?lMri*d and dtaUnctiie ?j?uw of JiacijutBO and iu?trocUou. .... ... .1^- ?tn The .trad tiailng exercise* of the InallUUion will take pin:# at the Institute on (he 4th ijf. July. J*" examination* will eomnieuoe on thOlHlM* and be continued daily until completedlie aw re?j?e<:{ fully litvit*d%U> all ot theee eOT* ^Vor all further Information, application will ?? made u.thef uper?nu?mt. a? CI(| ? uiy I c-e< >4 1 * *t 4J ul y ? ? ? xmiTlUil *N'l> GRNrS FUji