Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 235, 16 June 1866 — Page 2

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SATURDAY JUWS II, 1 m. The Great Mistake. The world, which is by no means infallible either in whole or in part, has, in the present day, made one of the greatest mistakes it ever blundered into. This is the egregious error of supposing that the recent civil war in this country liberated the negro; whereas it really liberated the white man. Years ago John Randolph asserted that the masters were slaves to the negroes ; and this was the truth. To provide for the blacks; to take care of them; to repair the damages from their neglect; husband resources their improvidence and recklessness were ever impairing ; to bear up under the general tendency to waste, exhaustion, and decay from their heedlessness and forgetfulness, their indolence and slovenliness- imposed upon all masters cares and labors that made them really slaves to the negroes. Aware that the master had to support them, they felt no concern as to how they were to live. Knowing that they had no right ot property in anything used to cultivate the place, and that if it were lost or destroyed they would not have to replace it, they bestowed no care upon it. The master had to care for all and provide for all. He had to look after the negroes, the horses, the cows, the sheep, the hogs, the wagons, the harness, the ploughs, the agricultural implements of all sorts, the stables, the barns, nay everything. Without the care and vigilance of the master and his white superintendent, there would have been little left after a few years. The very houses would have been burned down over their heads.Therefore the responsibility and care concerning these people, their coming and going, their working and support, were heavy and incessant. The master carried these cares with him to bed, he dreamed of them in his sleep, and the morning called him early to the renewal of the wearisome and and vexatious vigilance of his relation as master. He held an office of uncommon responsibility and one imposing the most arduous duties, with a compensation altogether inadequte to the duties and the responsibility it devolved upon him. The burthens thus borne by the master for the well-fed negro, who had no cares nor anxieties for the present or the future, were quite enough to show that this master was the slave, and not the negro who was called his property. But there is another phase of the relationship which adds strongly to this view of the subject. Slavery compelled the children of the planters and farmers to emigrate. The institution did not encourage commerce, nor trade, nor manufactures. There was little occupation outside of agriculture, and the negro was the laborer in that branch of industry; and, as it had been found impossible to work white and black together, the white man had to seek new fields afar off for employment and for success in life. The wealthy put their sons to the professions of law and physic, which were always overrun ; and which, while numbering in their ranks men who were ornaments of their country, contained others who were only fit for the lower order of occupations such as ditchers, cow drivers, farm hands, wagoners, &e.- in which they might have earned livelihoods and led exemplary lives. But being briefless and patientless, they fell into vices which are always convenient for the idle, and ended unprofitable lives by untimely deaths. Such fate, with its warning, seemed to be lost ; and the multitude journeying through life in this fashion was never diminished. This was the picture of too many who remained at home. And though it was a relief to turn from these to the cases of those good parents whose sons were driven by the institution to other States where they were successful, yet can we fail to sympathize with those dear old people who, in the evening of their days, were left alone in their charming old mansions, daily to pine over the absence of their children ? Every object in the house reminded them of those loved ones. The rooms they had occupied were tenantless and gloomy. Though not dead, they might never meet again ! Here was the master bereaved- bereaved for the negroes who dwelt on the same farm for generations, living socially and joyously in their quarters, which presented an appearance of contentment and ease running into frequent festivity, the like of which the world never saw, and will never see again ! Which was the slave- the white man or the black man ? We shall soon see.

There v> ere strong arguments lor slavery, and there are strong arguments to console us for its abolition. It was an institution forced upon us by Great Britain,: the mug. nitude of which was swollen by the horrible, nlave trade on the high seas conducted by the New England States ? a trade now denounced justly as piracy. It became our riglit, morally and constitutionally. It was our interest to make it humane aud profitable ; and this we also regarded a duty. We have faithfully discharged it. But the institution is dead ? everybody knows how ? chiefly, however, by the agency of the descendants of those who at one time carried on that traffic now made piracy,? and it is now our duty, as well as our interest, to look at the advantages of the revolution in labor and to make the most of them. e have been how the master was ill. deed the slave, and the black man the H petted and supported individual. It is W 22 ^ *22? ,beMflu to the white man from lib liberation: how much more econ. I omy and thrift he will be able to attain? how much more he will enjoy the remit* of his own labors? and bow cares and responsibilities are diminished. Hi* capj. tal, that was once secreted in the bodies of bis sJares, "so-called," be will now invest profitably in visible improvements, or in profitable tftocks, advancing his own wealth and happiness, and helping bis venerable Commonwealth towards power and grandeur. His sons, who were forced to leare their native State to find employment sad fortune elsewhj?k will remain with Mm, or near hn^ the areuues to occupation and indepen- j dence to all being newly unlocked. Here trill be a new social happiness for Virginians: a new power for their noble State. Her cbil4ren will rtand by her and help to build her up and make her great. She j tat 4m fin* ?M?b Aw 1

hcta IhLA q^f^noti^r h?!n> the " Mother of Sutea." I/et her aow be the mother of her own sons, and keep them at home; at least until she herselt may spare them without detriment. She has been long enough a mourner at the departure of her Itest blood ? at the expatriation of the flower of her household, who, with their energies and talents, an<l their means, were transported to populate and enrich other States, and to illustrate the pages of their history. The world has made a great mistake, j The irhiteinan was liberated, and he would not to-morrow put on the yoke again. Light Litkratckk.? On the first page of this morning's Dispatch is some reading re. lative to two prominent characters of these times, which may be entertaining. These two dignitaries are Judge Underwood and Mrs. Doctor Walker! The Doctor is decidedly the better of the two; she has only made the mistake of putting on man'* clothes instead of woman's, while the Judge has gotten on the bench instead of in the dock * We had always supposed that Richard Hknhy Lee was the author of the phrase applied to Washing ton ? 41 First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen"; but our recollection as tr> the matter was not clear ; and accordingly when, a few days ago, we saw it stated in the Columbus (Georgia) Sun that Chief Justice Marshall was its author, and the statement fortified by a relation of the circumstances under which "the credit had been given to Mr. Lkk, we gave currency, if not Hill credence, to the statement. A reference, however, to the history of the phrase contained in 44 Marshall's Life of Washington'' will satisfy anybody that our first impression was correct. Mr. LEKwas himself the author of the resolutions presented to the House of Representatives by Mr. Marshall, in which the phrase oc- | curred. A Fenian View. ? A Mr. McBride thus makes a ship at the Government for prosej cuting him as a Fenian : 1 44 1 embraced the earliest possible mo. ; ment when my strength would enable me ; to leave my bed, and voluntarily went into j court and gave bail for my appearance t<> answer to the grave criminal charge ? prepared by u United States ofliccr ? of loving the land* I was born in !" And that is the very offence for which thousands of Mr. McBride's countrymen | have done their utmost to punish southern men. What a difference it makes when 44 your bull gores my ox !"

j Tiik Confederate Dead at Gkttysj Bi'RU. ? ' The Gettysburg (Pa.) Compiler, of June 1 1 , publishes a revised list of the Confederate dead that lie buried on the Gettysburg battle-field. The Compiler savs : " Tin- list has been gotten up for the purpose of enabling relatives to recover tlu ir dead with certainty, thus saving them the trouble and expense of a fruitless search alter those not marked. I>r. O'Neal has no direct or Indirect interest in this matter, i and is moved only by a common feeling of j humanity." The Third Section* According to Gkeelkv. ? The third section was substituted by the Senate for that whereby the House originally proposed a sweeping disfranchisement of all who, having once sworn fealty to the United States, gave thereafter voluntary aid to the rebellion. This 1 is now wholly given up; and the exclusion from ottice prescribed instead may at any I moment be annulled by a two-thirds vote of Congress. That vote is morally certain to be not long withheld, provided the ' country south shall return to loyalty and tranquillity. Every change as yet made in j the original proposition has been toward t greater magnanimity. If the south will now accord equal rights to her freedmen, \ we cannot doubt that the terms of restoration and readmission will be made as favo- 1 rable as she can ask or desire. ? Xeic York Tribune , 13 th. What Mr. Toombs Says. ? A lady, formerly a resident of New Orleans but now i en route to Europe, has recently written an j interesting letter to a female friend in this I city detailing an account of an interview i she had at llavaua with Robert Toombs, I ex-United States Senator from Georgia. Mr. Toombs still avows his intention of yet calling the roll of his former slaves at the j foot of Bunker Hill, and defiantly asserts that the invincible giant of secession is not dead, but only taking a quiet snooze in order to invigorate himself for another and, as Mr. Toombs hopes, a more successful attempt to overthrow the Government of the United States.? Washington Republican. j A Rebel Hustled Out. ? Last evening an incident occurred at the sword stand which is worthy of notice. A rebel walked up to the book and manifested a desire I to vote. Mrs. Barret requested him to ! write the name of his favorite candidate ' on a page in the book which was partly 1 filled with names. He declined, but turned i over a leaf and wrote at the top of the page the name of General Eweli, late of the rebel army. Mrs. Barret immediately tore out .the leaf, and he was instantly! seized by the bystanders and ejected from : the building. Another desired to vote for General R. E.Lee, but Mrs. Barret hastily ' closed the book and advised him to leave. ' declaring that Union orphans should not ' be insulted. ? Forney's paper.

IIow a Southern Lady Fares in Indiana. ? We hud the privilege of perusing a letter from a lady, and a real genuine southern sympathizer, from Lafayette, Ind. In recounting the mauy indignities she has had to endure, she says for the simple ac t j of wearing a butternut pin she was assailed from the pulpit and threatened that if she | was again seen with that pin, the preacher would appoint a committee of young la. i dies to tear it otf of her. Like a true southerner, as she is, she was not to be terrilicd by a bullying preacher, but did apj>ear I as usual at her church with that odious pin upon her bosom, whereuj>on this preacher of ineckuess and minister in holy things, did appoint said committee, but for some reason the pin was not displaced. I However, she immediately received a note , from the superintendent of her Sabbath school, requesting her to retire as teacher IVom said school, for the reason of wearing an emblem obnoxious to loyal citizens. Comments are unnecessary. ? Shenandoaft 1 I herald.

Me. Benjamin in London. ? Mr. Benja. miii has receutly been called to tlie English bar, and already baa considerable business. 1 He i? consulted extensively on questions relating to American commerce, and espe. I cially on knotty points growing out of blockade venture#. The well-known clown Dan Rice is an- : nounced lor a performance as a Congres. , sional candidate in the nineteenth district j of Pennsylvania. Kice ha* already been I defeated for the State Legislature, but, acI cording to the Erie Dispatch , is ambitious to run or tumble for Congress, and willing to spend a great deal of money. Samuel Hanson committed suicide In Washington on Tburday. Aptjch 10 CAHiBA.? De?lj?Wly with tte Sfoc&ito* Ommvht Butetln.

? ... . , III - I - CoiWiMnAtiox or IVi.iwiiure fW*Kins.? We learn tl>?t ? consolidation oT the three prat telegraph companies, the 44 American," the "United States," ami the 44 Western Union," has just beeli effected, ?ith ft joint capital of *.'>0,000,000. This gigontio concern trill now control every wire in the Union, with the exception of the single route between Washington and New York. It has some throe thousand ollicos, and the monopoly of the J right of way over every railroad line In the United States. The length of wire of I the comolidated companies is ninety thou- j sand mile*, uud the amount of business j done by the companies last year was i $4,420,260.88. It would seem that this consolidation ends all hopes of any sueeesst'ul rivalry against such a colossal monopoly, and we hear already that a raise of telegraphic tolls is threatened. This is bad news for the newspaper folks and the public generally, thongh it may be true, as stated, that tin* three lines could not be run in competition without heavy loss. ? Washington Star , \lilh. Girdling tiik Earth. ? General E. S. Sanford, president of the American Telegraph Company, sailed to-day for Europe, to make arrangements for making telegraphic connection with the Atlantic tel/i, graph when it shall reach our shores ; unit* also to push forward the work of laying a submarine telegraph from Florida to Cuba. It is proposed to continue the line from Cuba to the coast of South America, and have the whole work completed this fall. The telegraphic wire already stretches from London to the Amoor river, and from the Atlantic to the British Possessions on the north Pacific. The missing links in the circuit of the earth will, in a few months, doubtless be supplied. ? ]\*a.shhv/ton Star, 13th. MARRIED. In Baltimore, on tin* Uth infant, by the Rev. l?r. Fuller, WILLIAM M l)AV!S, formerly of Richmond, to GEoRGEANNA A. BUCKINGHAM, both of Baltimore city. DIED, On yesterday morning, .Mr OROVEK M. YOUNG. Hi* funeral 'will be preached THIS AFTERNonN at 5 o'clock from the residence of bis son. Mortimer M Young, on the east side of Seventh, between Marshall Mini ('lav streets. His friends and those of the fatnllle* of'Mortiuier M Voting and Wellington Goddin are respectfully invited to attend without further notice. At liia residence, corner of Second and Charity streets, at half-past 1 o'clock, on the 15th instant. MICHAEL MAUR1N, in the thirty-fourth year of his age. His funeral iriil take place frorn St. Peter's Cathedral TO-DAY at half jast to clock, 1'. M. The friends and ac<i"taint?nces of the family are invited to attend without f urther notice. PERSONAL. PERSONAL.? OLIVER II. "P. ANI DERSON, of company A, (Captain Col!>e|, Forty-eighth Mississippi regiment, Heath's division. Hill's corps. Army Northern Virginia, was missing after the battle ofSpotsyl vania Courthouse, III ISM Ilk; ;||[IT no- i>nmv "i . . , '12th or Way.) Any Information furnished as to his whereftnonts wfll be thankfully received by his distressed mother and relatives. REBECCA ANDERSON, at the Verandah House, je 16 ? m * Broad street, near Seventh. Typographical union, N0.90.? I The adjourned meeting of the RICHMOND TV PO<; K A I'll ICA L UNION, No. l?J, will be held THIS EVENING, at * o'clock, at the Council Room I of the I. o. R. M . New Market Hall, corner Sivh i and Marshall streets. The iii'rodtiction <d' a I>. ni etlciary Feature will be considered: also, other ! important business. By order. WILLIAM R. CARTER, Jf? 1C ? l*t Recording Secretary. I^IHEAP! CHEAPER! CHEAPEST! JUST RECEIVED liY EXPRESS, AT THE CHEAP STORE OF RICHMOND, so mi: of the CHEAPEST GOODS SEEN THIS SEASON. BEAUTIFUL EMBROIDERED IIEKNANIS at 35 cents, worth C5 cents. BEAUTIFUL ORGANDIE LAWNS at 35 cents, worth 59 cents. LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS at 25 cents, worth 35 cents. AN It MAN V OTHER NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED. CAM. BOOS AND SECURE THE GREAT BARGAINS. W. R. POLK, New No. 52!) Broad sruiET, ? or5ek of Sixth. [Je 18? S] an; "1 KEEN TURTLE SOUP JT AT .1 O H N M ACP1IE R SON'S Grime's building, FR<?M U TO 3 O'CLOCK TO-DAY. (Je |lfl? It] NNOUNCEMENT TO THE PATRONS OF TIIK PETERSBURG EXPRKSS _ The proprietors of the PETERSBURG EXPRESS ; regret to announce that their entire establishment was destroyed bv tire at an early lioaron the morn- \ ing of Wednesday, the 13th. ISy this calamitous visitation we have been compelled to suspend temporarily the publication ol a journal which has 1 f reeled its many readers continuously from the 1 1th of A]>ril, 1*52, to the present, save three weeks i succeeding the evacution of the city by the Con* j federate forces. In tho course of a week or ten , days we hone to have so far repaired our losses f that we shall be nirain enabled to Kreet the public, ! and pledge our every effort to render the paper as J acceptable In the future as it has been in ttie past. ; In the meantime, we beg the indulgence of our \ readers. A. F. CRUTC1IFIELD & CO. PlTIMBCtO, June 14, 1869. je 10? ts VTOTICE. ? TO THE CITIZENS OF, i.1 RICHMOND.? It in earnestly requested by the , ladies and children of Baltimore, who intend holding a FAIR in their city, in SEPTEMBER NEXT, for the purpose of building an Asylum for j the Orphans of the Soldiers and Sailors of the Confederate army and navy, that some citizen or citizens of Richmond will donate a LOT OF GROUND I for the foundation of the Asylum. By so doing, i you will receive many thanks from the children of 1 Baltimore, who so kindly volunteered to help their little sisters and brothers of the south ; and also ; the prayers of the dear little orphans, who have j been thrown upon the cold charities of the world 1 by the misfortunes of war. Any person wishing further information in regard to this notice, can address Mrs. E. A. F. MEARS. Treasurer, je lti? 4t No. 83 N. Charles street, Baltimore. OTICE. ? Delinquent consumers of _ Gas in Madison Ward are hereby notified that if they fail to pay their gas bills before the hour of 3 o'clock P. M. To.DAY, they will be dealt with according to the requirements* of the following extract from the ordinance concerning tho (Jus Works : " If a bill remain unpaid for ten days uext after that on which it is presented, the Auditor shall no- j tify the Superintendent, who shall cause the gas to j be stopped from the premises in respect to which ! the default exists, and not allow it to be used on those premises again until such bail is paid." T. B. HARRISON, ; jy 16_2t Auditor CUT of Rich mi D i BO A R D I N G. ? Families wanting BOARD, with one or more rooms on a I oor, nicely furnished and pleasantly situated, can be accommodated ou moderate terms by applying on Sixth street, between Clav and Leigh, at No. 5eu. Jy i?-?t ; TN HENRICO COUNTY COURT, J. JUNE ?, istw ? Ordered, that a notice be published in the Timet and Vitpatch newspapers of , the city of Richmond, requesting all citizens of this county who know of any nuisances existing upon the "premises of any ??en?ou, to report the same immediately to some Justice of said county. A copy? Teste, Je 16? lw r WILLIAM FOLKES, C. If C. N

P" IICENIX GUANO, FROM Mc- j KEAN'S ISLAND.? TbU valuable fertiliieris I confidently recommended to agriculturitt*, from j the experience of the Ufct live yean with it in other I Tr'?, ?? p.mpb ? l?_tw Eighteenth street, aoath ?lde of Dock.'* ! tiaMIIjY FLOUR. ? ONE HUNDRED K'*kuels sul'EK10tt fttler 5W. Thirteenth Ktreet, between Main and Cary. je 16? it* _ _ ONE HUNDRED KITS No. 12 MAC'KEttEL In utore, ou couuignraeut, for sale by JeJ? * WILLIAM T K1W? & C<>- | / \NE HUNDRED BAHREIN JACK-; | \J SON WI11TK POTATOE8, for ?eedlng parpone*, for *al? by 1? WILLIAM T. KIWfl A CO. CMITHFIELD BACON, hog round, ?ror*l?by ^ Jtll WILLIAM T. KUCO 4 CO. 1

: ? = ? , : ? M",'"" ? SPECIAL NOTICES. Mr FIR*T.(X \S* PHOTOGRAPHS irt ?till bein# mad. by LUMPKIN & CO., No. 717 Main ?Iroct, aecon<l door abore Spotairood HoUl. Price, per down, TWO DOLLARS. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. Jy II? eodt* ?f~ ICE-CREAM FOB PARTIES, FAIRS, PICNICS, Jt<'. A N DKIW A N T O N 1 respectfully annnnncos that he is prepared to furnUh, at short notice, on very moderate terms, SUPERIOR ICE-CREAM of every desirable (lavor, fur ball*, parties, fair*, excursion*, or pic-nics. A call (m mpittfaUj aolieited. Jo i"?? lm *i7 I MO\ B YMi OP RICHMOND, (SAVINGS INSTITUTION), OFFICE AT THE NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, t.-OO.OOO. THIS INSTITUTION ALLOWS SIX PER CENT. ON DEPOSITS. I. DAVENPORT, Jr., President. JAMES MILLER, Caahier. | ntRBrTORS. R. A. Paine, L. D. Crenshaw, W. R. Quarlea, Win. H. Lyons, Jr., R. E. BlankenLA. Bodekcr, B B. Welaljjer, ship, W. A. Spott, Motie* Ellyson, J. B. Winston, A. L. Ellett, Jm. W. Archer, A. A. HutchinR. T. Taylor, J. Rosenhaum, son, W. E. Blnford, J. W. Hall, W. A. Jenkins, J. A. Belvln, W. F. Gray, W. E. Tanner, T. U. Dudley, Alfred Mohcs, J- 31 Nowlin. The security offered to depositors is undoubted, and tho institution should commend itself to all classes. The attention of all in city and country is called to this institution. Here they will find security, convenience, and profit. Sums as small as five dollars may be deposited, and six per cent, interest received on same. Ottice hours from P A. M. to 3 P. M.; on Saturday i from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M., and from 4 to ti P. M. j je 13? d&swlm W A HOME K Ell ED V.? The great repuj tation achieved by BENNETT'S DIARRIKEA KILLER during the epidemic of H4.> In this city, (should commend it to all who suffer from DIARj RIHEA, CHOLERA MORBUS, and all diseases of the Bowels. A trial will convince the most skeptical. Price, FIFTY CENTS a bottle. I ie 14 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. HILL ARP ! BILL ARP! ! BILL ARP! ! : This inimitable book is now ready, and every i person should have a copy. To be had of 1 COLE it TURNER, le 7? ts Whig Building.

?iT REMOVAL. STAKKE & RVL A N D , STATIONERS, Laving moved into their new store, No. 013 MAIN STREhT, call the attention of purchasers to their stock of PAPERS, comprising Note, Letter, Cap, Bill Cap, Hat Cap, Demy, Medium, Folio Poet, Tracing, Tissue, Blotting, Drawing, Sermon, Legal, Wrapping, Ac. BLANK BOOKS, mich as Day Books, Jeurnals, Ledgers, Memorandum and Pass Book-, Record*, Time Books, Bank Books, Receipt Books, Scrap Books. ENVELOPES in great variety. Also, SLATES, COPY BOOKS, TWINES, INKS, INKSTANDS, 8EALING WAX, CRAYONS; such (fames as CHESS, BACKGAMMON, DOMINOES, CROQUET, iic. The ladies will find oar FANCY DEPARTMENT full and attractive. je t>? ts \NBKE\V AVrONI. W II O L E S A L E AND RETAIL DEALER IN CONFECTIONERY AND FRUITS, respectfully informs the citizens of Richmoml that lift has resumed business in his NEW IRON-FRONT BUILDING on Main street, opposite to the site of his old stand, adjoining the Exchange Bank. Tlio store and saloons have been fitted up and furnished in a style which he is confident will meet with the approval of the public. Ills facilities for manufacturing FANCY AND PLAIN CANDIES of the best quality enable him to oiler inducements to the trade which cannot be surpassed. A call from his former customers is respectlully solicited. A large atid choice assortment of FRENCH BONBONS, J 31 PORTED FRUITS, NL'TS, CORDIALS, PRESERVES, PICKLES, SAUCES, k i ., will be always kept on hand. 1CL CREAM of the most approved ilavors served in the Saloan. Parties supplied with ICE CREAM and ORNAM EN T A L C< >N FECT ION E It Y . The undersigned returns his thanks to the citizens of Richmond for the liberal patronage accorded to hiiu for the last fifteen years, and will endeavor to merit a continuance of the same. je 6 ? 1 in ANDREW ANTONI. *3" SYRI PS FOIl SODA WATER. CHOICE FRUIT AND CREAM SYRUPS furnished the trade at low rates by W. II . SCOTT, Druggist, je J corner Franklin and Seventeenth ftreets. SI'Kt I AL ."NOTICE.?1 The undersigned, as executor of the late P. K. White, takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and the public that he has just returned from the North with a very select stock of BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, AND TRAVELLING BAGS, which he offers at the lowest cash prices at his new store, No. ?19 Main street, two doors below the Spotswood Hotel. He begs leave to state for the benefit of the ladies that unusual care has been taken in the selection of all goods suitable for their use in his line. He has obtained the services of JOHN POE, Jr., well known in the business community, who will be pleased to see his friends at No. 819 Main street. W. F. WHITE, niy 2t! ? ltn Executor of P. K. White. ??-HI?r.OOD k RILEY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 121 Main bthebt, keep constantly on hand a complete stock of SCHOOL AND COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS, CAP, LETTER, AND NOTE PAPERS, ENVELOPES, BLANK BOOKS, SLATES, PENS AND INK, and other SCHOOL AND OFFICE STATIONERY ; all of which areotfered at the LOWEST MARKET RATES. Country Merchants invited to examine our stock before purchasing. Orders promptly attended to. mh 24 B. k R. ??-FOR GARDENERS AND FARMERS. FRESH AND RELIABLE GARDEN SEED, just received and for sale by WILLIAM H. SCOTT, Druggist, corner of Franklin and Seventeenth streets, fe 3? ts A N ADJOURNED MEETING OF I\ the FIREMEN AND STOCKHOLDERS of the RICHMOND PI HE ASSOCIATION will b.> hel-l at the olflce of Charles T. Worlham & Co., on Til URSDaY, the 21st instant, at 12 o'clock. M. A full meeting is very important, and stockholders who cannot attend will please call at the <'lBce of R. H. Maury & Co. and sign a power of attorney. " By order. R. T. BROOKE, Jo 15 ? td Acting Secretary. FOR SALE, n largo and very desira-blv-located LOT in Hollywood Cemetery. Address box 694, Richmond |K>M-otllee. jell? lw HAR I >< 1 ROVES I ND ISP ENS A BEE CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO, ENGLlf>H PORTER and ALE, SCOTCH ALE. JOHN & ALBERT BLAIR, je 11? lw No. lllu Main street. T IME, LIME.? Four hundred barrels Xj of superior MOUNTAIN I.IME just received on consignment and for sale low by BELL, SHEPHERD k CO., je 11? ts corner ot Eleventh and Canal streets. ~ M ITIIFI ELD HAMS.? One thousand ^ pounds of this superior article just received, for sale wholesale and retail by STEVENS 4 PBORAM, je 7 6ll Broad ssreet. North Carolina cut and WOOD'S ROE HERRINGS, VIRGINIA LARD and BACON HAMS, for kale. JOHN A ALBERT BLAIR, je 11? lw No. 1110 Main street SECTIONS IN HOLLYWOOD.? SevO eral SECTIONS located on Second or Chapel Hill, eligibly situated, adjoining each other and forming a square, will be sold together or singly cheap, for cash. Apply to GEORGF. A. PEARCE, No. iw Main street, jo 14 ? St over Blunt k Mosely's drtig store. Great reduction in t he PRICE OF CARD PHoTOOKAPHS. -LUMPKIN k CO. are making Carte* de Vislte for TWO DOLLARS PER DOZEN. Call and examine sperlmens at No. 717 Main street, two doors above Spotsirood Hotel. _ my 23 ? eodts pAKGO OF ROCKLAND LIME just KJ arrived lo dock, for sale by palmer, ua&tsook * co? je l? Libby Buljdk?i.

'*OR Rttff.' IjM)R KENT, ft fhree-Htory imiPK 1 DWELLING, situated on Bro?4f ho- jr-tw?-en Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fllth f? Church Hill, containing ten rooms, .Li with Brick Kitchen on the premlse? Pwm can be ImiI at once. C'LOPTUN k MILLER, Real K?taM Agent* and Auctioneers, Twelfth, between Main and Franklin street", je Irt_U ___ "LM>K KKNT.? I ftm authorized to r<*nt J7 one of those desirable and well -located Jpl private four-storv BUICK DWELLINGS Ln ffj? Linden Row, on Fr?nklln stroet, contalnlngXUfl. ten rooms, with modern improvements ; gas sna city water on the premises, with the necessary bark buildings, all in good repair. To a good tenant the rent will be accommodating. Possession can be had at oncc. CLOPTOIf k MILLER, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, Twelfth, between .Main and Fran kiln streets. _Je 10? It T_ rOR KKNT, FOUR STORES with X DWELLINGS attached, on Broad street. CLoPTojf k MILLER, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers,^^ Twelfth, between Main and Franklin streets Je lfl_lt ^ FhY It RKNT. A DESIRABLE BRICK DWKLLlNO-HODSE, contain- j?A Ing ten rooms, with gas and water, on south jTrvw Side of Main street, second door below Jef-Jy^a feraon. Apply at the corner of Main and Jellerson streets to je 16? -lw R. B WOODWARD. ?>R RENT, "CLIFTON HOUSE." " This desirable house, containing twentyeight rooms, has been put in good repair ; "is situated on Fourteenth street, adjoining thej^jj_ Ballard House. Possession given Immediately. Apply to W. H. ALLISON. No. 11 Fifteenth street, between Main and Gary, je 1<J_ eodCw* l/oii rent, brick iioi.'sE in a Linden How, north side of Franklin, bet ween First and Second streets, containing ten rooms. .?_ BRICK HOUSE on north side of Main, between Second and Tnird streets, containing ten rooms. BRICK HOIJSB on north side of Franklin, between Twenty-sixth and Twenty -seventh streets, containing eleven rooms. BKICK HOUSE (Kdgemont House), south side of Main, between Sixth and Seventh streets, containing twelve rooms, BKICK HOUSE on Eighth street, between Grace and Franklin streets, with eight rooms. BRICK HOUSE on Leigh t- 1 r.*< t. between Second and Third streets, containing seven rooms, besides bath-room. BKICK H?USE on Grace street, between Fifth and Sixth streets, containing ten rooms, now occupied by Mrs. Peachy. Possession of this house given on the 1st of July. BRICK llol'SE on First street, between Main and Cary, containing eight rooms. * ALSO, STORE on Franklin street, recently occupied by Cosby k I'ugh. LARGE FLOOR over William B. Isaacs JtCo., admirably adapted for a billiard saloon or shooting gallery. The STORE or OFFICE on Frankltn street, near Governor street, recently occupied by the lit liyi'mi //< ra h I THKBE STORES, and ROOMS above them, nearly opposite the Spotswood Hotel. GRUBBS & WILLIAMS, Real Estate Agents, jy l.'.?it under National Bank of \ irgiula. T70R RENT, the balance of the year, I1 HALF OF THE NEAT BBICK TEN EJL II .X Hi. v> * . ?... - . .... > _ MENTon the corner of Foushee and Canal street, furnished or unfurnished, to a good_ tenant. Gentleman and wife preferred. Kent mo derate, je 13 ? 3t

F X)U SALE <>K RENT. ? The owner deftlrts to s??ll or rent one or both of the Jmi I newlv-i rooted BUILDINGS on Grace street, fnrft between llcnrv and Smith. The house* con-.j^UUB. i t.iin six large rooms and two small ones each, with kitchen in the yard and water on the premises ; entirely new and never occnpied. Possession given immediately, and term* accommodating, which will be made known on application un the premi-es between * and lo o'clock. A. M. je 14? 3t* poll KENT.? A huge WAREHOUSE on Cary and Dock streets, between our Warehouse and the York River Depot. j<* 7-ts palmer, hartsqok & CO. T<H)R KENT, severn I large and pl<-;v-A sant ROOMS, sttltabfe tor lawyer* or doctors offices, over our store. Ti rms very modulate. WOODROOF H ROT 1 1 (IKS, je 6? ts corner Fourth and Franklin street*. i ROOMS FOR R ENT, suitable for a ? gentleman and wife orsingle gentlemen, * " with or without board. Apply at No. till), Eighth street, Ih-jmihI Leigh. my In? ts Jy TT'OR RENT, one furnished and one .1? unfurnished ROOM, 3ou Main street, between Third an I Fourth streets. my 7? ts JOHN .\. GORDON & SON. l?OR RENT, One PLEASANT ROOM, 1? suitable for a Gentleman's Lodging- >bm room, or a Gentleman and Wife. Apply to fTTTCl Mrs. o. b. novAX, Jim Seventeenth street, between Venableand Poplar. fe '.'t> ? ts ! Y 1 11 s T (* 11 A N D P I C-N I C or Tim ! MUSICAL MUTUAL PROTECTIVE UNION, AT C. SHAKER'S "ELBA PARK,' AT THE ' HEAD OF BROAD AND MARSHALL STREETS, ON MONDAY, 1?TH OF JUNE, W*, Co.M.MKNCl.N<> AT l? O'CLOCK A. M. We beg leave to state that the SOCIETY has j taken great pains to make this one td the most GRAND AND PLEASING ENTERTAINMENTS OF THIS SEASON. There will be two GRAND ORCHESTRAS, which ! will number twenty-five men each, playing alterj nately throughout the whole day, some of the most choice airs and gems from the operas ; and every- : thing will be done to insure our friends snd the public generally a pleasant day's entertainment. I The whole to be under the direction of PROFESSOR J. A. ROSENBERGER, Musical Director at the Richmond Theatre. ' Prop. L. C. Ahmiirk< ht, Leader of Brass Band. PaoF. E. Loebmax, Leader of String Orchestra. , An efficient police force has been engaged to prcI serve order throughout the day. City omnibuses and streetcars will convey par- ' ties to and from the " PARK " during the day. Admission for one gentleman and ladies, fifty cents. PROF. F. LoBHMAN, PHILIP ROSENBERGER, JACOB BEIR. je 11? It Commitlee of Arrangements. THE FOURTH NATIONAL PRIZE 1 CONCERT will be held in Richmond, Va., ON FRIDAY, THE 27th JULY, 1M1 TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY- EIGHT VALUABLE PRIZES. A MOUNTING To NINETY THOUSAND DOLLARS, will be presented to the ticket-holders. WE WILL DONATE FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ! TO LADIES' MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND TICKETS AT ONE DOLLAR EACH. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Gift 7-80 Bonds *5,o?o i 1 Gift 7 - 3o Bonds i!,3u0 | 1 Gilt 7-30 Bonds 1,000 5 Grand Pianos, *7 0 each 3,.'??0 5 Grand Pianos, *500 each 2,5oo 23 American Hunting-case Gold Watches, *20? 5,000 1 50 American Hunting-case Ladies' Gold Watches, *loo 5,000 j 60 Sewing Machines, *109 5,ooo 5o Sewing Machines, *s? 4,ooo j 6o American Hunting-case Silver Watches *so 4,ovo 60 American Hunting-ease Silver Watches ?<ii) 3,000 100 American Hunting-case Silver Watches $50 4, 00^? 100 Silver Watches, *4? 4,000 j 10o Silver Watches, *3o 3,u?w | '.'oo Silver Watches, *25 5,o?o 1 j 500 Gitts In Greenbacks, *to 5,soo 5oo (iifts in Greenback*, *"? 2,5<?e 2,<wo <?ifts in Oreenbacks, *2.5o 5,oo? 20,000 Gifts in Greenbacks, $1 2o,ooo Total 23,78? Prizes, worth *w,ooo MODE OF DISTRIBUTION. Numbers from I to loo,oo? will be placed in a wheel by a committee appointed by the ticketholders, and a person, also selected by the ticket- ! holder# present, will do the drawing. 'The person' holding the ticket corresponding with the tirst number drawn will be entitled to the First Prize of ti ve thousand dollars; and so on until the whole number are disposed < f. Each agent will be furnished with a full list of the drawing as soon as it can be published. We will send to one address FIVE tickets for *4.5o ; TEN tickets for *? : TWENTY for *17.60 ; THIRTY for #J?.25 ; FORTY for *45, and FIFT^ for *43.5o. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED in every citr and < town in the United States, to whom GREAT IN- i DUCEMESTS ARB OFFEkfiD. Ticket* for sale in this city by Bobn it Sardo, L. L. Smith, aud Cole k Turner. Addrese WALTERS k McLANE, _Je 5? On Lock Box 54, Richmond. Va. IX? THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES, j 1 General THOMAS 6. HAYMOND, so well known as for many years an efficient member of the HOUSE OF DELEGATES, has been recommended as a suitable person to serve this city in the room of Mr. Gkattaji. it Is undrstood that "he will j accept the position if elected. Let the voters, then, consider him as a candidate, aud lake care that they secure his invaluable service* next winter. Je 12? tde CITIZEJf. j f UST RECEIVED, A LARGE IN- j tl voice of Lace Curtains, Window Shades. Paper Hangings, Canton Mattings, Oil Cloth*, *c^ at FRENCH k CKENSHAW'8, eorocr Nin'hand Main street* (wp stairs). __ my m K~ OCKLAND LIME.? Eleven hundred

SALES-tU'dAV. By Regnult & Co., Auctioneers, Main street, between Eighth and Ninth. REGULAR SALE AT 8TOB1 SATURDAY MORNIilO, 19TH INSTANT, at lo o'eit>?k. An excellent awnortuient Of i FURNITURE and other HOUSEKEEPING GOODS will be offered without reserve. Je 15_et REQNAULT k CO., Auctioneer*. WANTS. WANTED, a GOOD DITCHER, a MAN and WIFE to work on a farm : a MALE C<)OK, two FEMAI.K COOKS, one IHMJ8E GIRL. And Farm HANDS. Parti<* who wish totupply i themselves wlih CLERKS, TEACHERS, etc, can do so WITHOUT CHARGE bv applying at the SOUTHERN EMPLOYMENT A'iEN' Y, Franklin strepf, under Metropolitan Hail. r<M<t-otllce box 11, Richmond, Va. P'A?fn.UMZY Si Li.vk, Agents. Je 18? It I wanted, a SITUATION as a t T HOUSEKEEPER, by an English wornaji, either In the city or country. Address this ollice. j _j? i*-a* XJOTT A FRAYSER i 11 want TWENTY BINDERS AND SHOCKERS. FOU HARVESTING ; FARM HANDS. COOKS, WASHER?. AND 1RONER8. City and country orders solicited and promptly ! executed. Franklin street, between Eighth and Ninth. Je 15? ts ! \ITANTKD? \V( K > I ,, W O O L . ? The ; T f highest market price will be paidforONE n UN DKEt? THOUSAND POUNDS WOOL. CHARLES HOWARD, je 15? it* corner Fifteenth and Cary street. WANTED, to purchase from }\ three to five hundred CEDAR POSTS, seven and a half feet long and Ave to nix inches at email end, delivered at the City Almshouse. je 12 ts A. I). TURNER. T ANTED, WOOL, in large or siiimII , / lofj?, by Je ?? lin HARVEYS & WILLIAJIS. WANTED, A GOOD COLORED FEf f MALE COOK, without Incumbrance. JOHN N. UOKDON H SON, je i Fourteenth street, near Exchange Hotel. WANTED, an experienced Tt NURSERYMAN to tAke charge of, or an interest in with the owner of, a farm in North Carolina well adapted to and located for a nursery and garden farm. Apply to PALMER, IIAKTSOOK & CO., my 30 Libby building!). WANTED. Mr. WILLIAM DAN- : yy NIALS or Mr J. II. SHARP to call at the of- I ; flee of the Virginia Employment Agency, on Broad | I street, lour doors above Ninth, or address JAMES T. HENDERSON. mv 19? ts Box 139, Richmond, \ a. AY

/ 1ASII PAID FOK BON ES. ? Wanted, \J FIVE HUNDRED TONS BONES. Cash |?aid ou delivery. my *-ts S^P. LATHROP, Agent. TIT A NT E D , SI T U AT I O N AS TT TEACHER Thi* writrr, who i? an experienced TKAI 11 Kit and ft griidut< ol uiwt of iht [schools of the A. M. course of the University of Virginia, desires to correspond with some man possessing similar qualifications, with a view to establishing a classical school in some eligible 1 locality: or he would accept a situation in a school'a (ready established. Parlies interested pl?. ate* address I ALUMNUS. care of Dr. John K. Woods, j je 7? lineod Ivy Depot, Albemarle, \a. HI desTvx I) TALLOW wanted. DRV HIDES, GREEN HIDES, and SALTED HIDES. AMo, TALLOW ; for which the hlghtest casti price will be paid. O. H. CHALKLEV & CO., Hide and Leather Dealers, Thirteenth street, between Main and Cary. ap'.w.-ts S LOST. STRAYED AND FOUND. JTKAYED <)R STOLEN.? A libcnil ? reward will be paid for the recove-sje ^ ry of n DARK BR1NDLK, MEDlUM-^e-W^ ?J] SIZED COW. The only mark remembered is that a small "pi??co has beei chipped oil the end of one horn. Any iutoruiaiioii of her will be thankfully received. Ma.-. MARY JAN E HUSH, Seventeenth, bet. Venable and Poplar streets. Je 15 ? 3i* SHIPPING. VKW YORK AND RICU-^??f>fL M 0 N D 8 T E A M SHIP LINE^yjUofe THROUGH TO BOSTON.? Steamer* W.tsill.OtTON, Captain Ciil< hkhikk, and VALLEV CITY", Captain Snvokr, comprising this Lino, will leave New York every. SATURDAY, and liicuuiuiid every FRI DAY, aliernately. 1 hey have formed'a through connection with the Metropolitan .Steamship Line for Boston, and are prepared to sign Hills of Lading through at moderate rates. Freight received daily. Pa-sage to New Yol k." including meals and stateroom, *1". W. P. PORTER, Agent, jy IS? 3m otlice No. '-',125, on the Dock. SPECIAL NOTICE. * ? .f.iTZBiKZl On and alter MONDAY, June l?tn, the steamer GEoRUEANNA, Captain, L). J. Hut., will leave Roeketts, from Lndlam & Watson's wharf, for NORFOLK and BALTIMORE . every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY MORNINGS at 0 o'clock, touching at all the inter, mediate points on James river going and return* ing. JOHN H. FREEMAN, Agent. L. B. Tattm, Freight Agent. Je 1<J? ts OK NEW YORK.? TO SALE _ < O'CLOCK TUESDAY MORN - IN(J, Jl'N E 1?tii . ? The new and magnificent siile-wheel steamship1 NlAOAKA, ??. W. Con II, eomniMtl.l der, will receive freight all day MONDAY, ttie l*th instant, and will leave her berth at Rocketta punctually as above. Passengers requested to be punctual to the hour of depar nre. Freight taken at greatly reduced rates. GARRET F. WATSON, je l?_2t Rocketts. 1/M >11 N EW YORK.? A TLANTIC r coast mail steamship COMPAN Y.? ' The new and elegant side-wh?"el steamship HATTERAS.' Captain P.ihuhii, will leave herl wharf at Rocketts on MONDAY, the lMh June, at 9 o* cloc l?, A. 31 . Passengers can go aboard the evening previous. For freight or passage? having accommodations unsurpassed? apply to SAMUEL AYERS & CO , je lft? 2 1 Cary and Virginia streets. 17 OR BALTIMORE, SAVANNAH, 1 AND BOSTON.? POWHATAN J STEAMBOAT COMPANY. -SEMIWEEKLY LINE ?Leaves Richmond1 every WEDNESDAY and SUNDAY. I Leaves Baltimore eveur W E D N E S D A Y' and SATURDAY. The steamer STATE OF MARYLAND, Captain TlOXil TIAVIU, will leave here at <1 o'clock, A. M , SUN DAY', the 17th instant. Freight received FRIDAY and up to <J o'clock, P. M., SATURDAY. This steamer has splendid saloons, state-rooms, and pa-v*enK? r accommodation*. Passage, meals included, t'i. For freight or passage apply to DAVID Si WM. CURR1E. olUce at Charles T. Wortham \ Co. s, je 15? 2t Fifteenth street. Jj^OR NORFOLK AND BALTIMORE INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON JAMES RIVER. b The elegant and comodious steammer GEORHEANNA, Captain D J. Him., leaves I.udlam & Watson's wharf Roeketts, e very.MOagDA Y', WED- ! NEsDAY', and SATURDAY', at 8 o'clock, A. M., connecting at Norfolk with the Bay Line steamers Thomas Kelso and Adelaide for Baltimore. Fare to Norfolk $ 1.00 Fare to Baltimore 4.<w Fare to Philadelphia 7.75 Fare to Washington 5.eo Pare to New York 11.00 Parties Ity the Oeorgeanna have the privilege of I sleeping aboard the over night, where they will tind splendid atate-fOOin accommodation free of charge. Baggage checked through. Passenger* and baggage transferred to railroad depots free of charge. Passengers by this line arrive at Norfolk aud Baltimore mach sooner than by the other. For freight i r passage, apply at the company's otlice, at SlllPLKY, ROANE A CO.'S, cor.ier of Fourteenth and Franklin streets, opposite the Exchange Hotel, or at Ludiani Si Waisou's wharf at Rocketta. JOHN H. FREEMAN, Agent. L. B. Tatum, Freight Agent. Je IS ? S,T uAThts JC HORSE, Ave years old ; works well in <fl_? double and single harness, and goes wall liH under the saddle. ...... .. 1 ..1 A, I (? is ts JOHN N. GORDON & SON. I '?OR LYNCHBURG.? The carnal bout ROSE AND ELLA, if Moss U Co.'s Line, will leave for Lynchburg SATURDAY NOON. For freight, apply to G. W. YAGER, Agent, Dock, between Fifteenth and Seventeenth streets. je 15 ? 3t i JpOK SALE, A STYLISH YOUNG ou od Je IS? ts Bennetts diarrhcea killer. For D.ARRHCEA, CHOLERA -MORBUS, CHO-LERA-INFANTUM. aud all diseases of the bowels, constantly ou hand by C. JOHNSTON, je 15 ? 2t* _ Druggist, Main street. N'OTICK. ? The Tobacco Commission Merchants are respectfully Informed that the RENTING OF HOXEsln the ne\r Exchange will take place on SATURDAY, at o'clock A.M. A full atlondance is reqnested. je H ? at HARVEY8 k WILLIAMS. Harness leather, harness, LKATUBBt H?? >, Hide and LoMher Idlers, Thirteenth j0 *4

wie day. Bjr Mobirt B. LfiM, Aa?tlon?er. on- v A a bw.^betw e ex jlKKsr* W.?OT ' room*. The lot front* on Verbis ?f7-.iV* 3t<> elKht feet, and run* bwk on* htirirf.iV1"** thirl* -tiro feet. .Tb* hou** b*.* . *"'1 I pointful, pap?Md, and whltetraj?UM h?. , mulberry tr.<-s in front ?i d t,ir \r 4r*? llghlfo* ?1iade. T10 garden In w*|) " . ui?l?H. Potscmiou had ioirnedu u. * ' *'<"? ' TruJM : Very llb-tral. and k, , of sale. ROBERT u | -y, 'n?r Ilea! E*r ?t? Agent ani A-ir< 'r, .. ? >fflc?. Kiru>?. I./... J..M r. r 1 1 ?- r W,. |, By Ubell h Davis, An- ( !uouhneat~i frame tkvp r MEN n, on THE EAST SIDE OF T ' i p v , OINlA CEN hl.VL K.MLKmaT oi f iivr. , STREET. F??R nALE aT AtMTinv JV n , kD at auction, on W El X E>DA V, the lufb ,;4V ( H'J#, nponth ' premise*, to S o'cl.rv r ;* V"r"j NEAT FRAME Th>'KMh>T>, Mtiu'r. I ,;;, ? short distance abov?j the office of th* \ r?' tral Railroad C'oin|Mny Thl* ?*!.? prpwrii. i op|M.rliinliy to person* of ?.ri,a!l m. at,, residences, or m ik** a profitable inv?'m ? " I Tkrjis: One-ibird *??h; halam;. ,u i|tr. ? rt ; *ix months for n^Kotublu notes, *-i<h int. r .t , secured by a tru?td(*d ltiBEI.L & I?a VI- ? i*l*"l? _ 1 ? CJTOCK OF GROCERIES ANDCov O FECTfON KRY AXl) FIXTURES 'y.* AT AM TIO.V. AND FH AM K llor&K, OX . :i j T KENT U STREET, BETWEEN BRt>vi> .v (UtAfE STREET*. To HE REMOVED i:v | BEFORE THE FIRST OF Jl'LY NEXT.-l the above property f*>r **Ie oti th- |r*-n,:- . 1 MOXDA Y, ti!* l?th June, commencing *? |u Jt - The IIOCHK will l;t? soid at li o'cluc k M . Tkkms : At Hale. j,. i?; ? 2t* JOSEPH LOJf. .JXOTTj By Harrison, Goddlu A A{;;>?fri*. n, Bankers, Br* kern, and Rtal E*tat? Ak-t/h. / lUMMLSSIOXER^SALKOF YKRY ? V / VALUABLE REAL EkTATB IX I IIE( 1 1 V of i RICIlilf'iNL). OS MA1X. TLSTH. CMa ,( \.S\i AXI> Fol'>HEE STREETS.? By a ,j t .j 1 of the Circuit Court of the < ity of R < hin<?u<l. j,r ... nounctid on lb? Mh Jnit"*, I*' in tli?* < it . ? ] aaaiiHt BarK^niln, .vc., th<? niiu>,r,i<s'<?<L wh<. ?* ? thereby appointed ''oinioiHi>ioi?<-i?, wilj j.i ,j ,g (<?*11 at i>ii!)!1< auction, on t Um | r> ?.i>' on I lll'h'BAY, tue Mth June, l?>?. at one o'clock P. M .the follow i ii>{ valuable real lieli'i)>;iiiif to tin e*tato of the late Anthony BarKirnin. *;/ Th? valu.ibl^ 1,'T the ?oii'h >:,|i* ?,i M^in, ln-tw. Ninth at?d T? nfh ??f r ?? i?. tn?nf:ni: ibo i; f ? ? * . rannlogiback About forty *iivt f?< t io a;i all**, .? |. . joining tliH jew?>ll *ry uton* of M. -?.(? Nowl tn ^ i Co. ; aMo( the LOT on tb?- wt*?t ?iilt; of Tenth, b-twe?-n Jltmantl t'ary ?tr>,?-tf, ft' iuiiu' twenty-, i^'jt feet, riinniiiK back about eighty-four A- r which, On tLe *aiU'> day, on the prem: ?? ?, *' r v? I o'clock I' 3I , the l.iree and very d ^l t ? ! ?- l-.IJ/ K , BWhLLIXU. at the ?outbwes* comer of ? ?n ,r;i ' Foi^hee s*r< et*, which wan formerly oroupi." ! tv I the dec?'d >nt an a r<*idenee. 'i'he L??T ha* i ' t > ? . t of Olie ti 11 lid I afld thr^ e f,-f f, Mild a dejitli > : . ? hundred and H fly- H ve f< ct, t*> an alley to !><? L?-r-a'ter oi?'*n-d. AlM#,the HALF ACRE LOT in i. ?r of i?ie a|>ore, frontlntr on the north *ide ot < ' tf. ?| ctreet one hundred and tLir:y-thr?'e feet, rm . back on*) hundred and flftv-nvo leet to -a i Thi> Lot v. ill be t,ub-div.ded ?o an to hUit th-. w< \\* of bitldeb*. . . The t..reu< itiK r-' ?l e?tat>", f*?r th? i -? ? juntlv P'^arJed as iiMongat the m??-t valual - m r oti tlie market, and "hould attract th* attinti* u ..f capitalist* and others. tikmr One-fourth chad, balance at ? x.tu. 'rn and eighteen month n, f??r ne((otiah|e not?, in", r ?: a.ldi-d. an 1 title reUine.l till all the pur. h ?-. i. y in paid, and a conr^yaneo ordered i>yib^ . r - The taxes and iiittnrance lor this y*-.?r to i i bv the purchaser. l^O. R. Ilo\YlS0*i.> J. S. i 'ASK l F, > Cumiiib". -tEAToX NANCE, ) S.ile to h?J conducted by HAltRI&ON, (i 01)1)1 N Ji Al'PKR^'W*. jrt l.*_CHWtd* Auc!i? ie ? By P F. Booth, A? t'o., A uct ii'iie* r>. "<?7 Maln*tr*'et, l>etw*^en Seventh and Ei hti

L AW LIRHAHY AT AU< TH>X.u* Will be ??< !?! our ??*- r< .<m ?n M'NI > ? June b. at 5 o'clock. I*. M.. u \ a I.' \ lil.K I.aW ' I. I I! K A K Y, roiuprMng tin- V'uina i; ; i% (.?ranch's 1'iiit" ! > f -tt ??? Re p? ?*?!?<. 1 1 ? ?? Elicit* 1! ? port*, arid standard Lfooks usually found in a v !i- , leciod L brary, Conri^nin*-nls solicit'- 1. and r-ceiv* J fi!l i.in ? ? f I "ale. Catalogues now ii'Utlv hi our *?.??!? room ' l>. F. BOOTH, A Co., j|? l.~_t?lrt A ll?*l !? By Grabh* A William-*, Aacttoo ? r-. Northwest corncr of Main artd Eleventh street*. ^PRXrSTKE'M SALE OF THK M Kl < II ANK'SVILI.E TURNPIKE AT Al ' 11".V. I5y virtue of a deed of trt:st from the M> ? hanii ?? : villi* Turnp'Ve Coninaty t<> the suh?rnli' r. . > 1 Trurtee, ilar i d lit i June, I""', and record* 1 in Henrico Coi*.tv Court ollc?, lieii'K thereto i | -(? ;? I hyihi' rri-il'tnri sernrt'il, I will filial i at I'lu toll- ., tie "f .-aid 4 ornpany, on M".>i'.\V, I ..'Ui June, Is a, at 6 o'clock, P* M ( ()f fair ) 12 not, ! the n?>\t fair ?t:?y ther**a fter :?r the name h<":r . ' " ?t . 1 I tlio Estate, I't < -petty, Works, K ik Ml"' Eruichise* of tbe said Company, con?i>iiii.; ?: it? Righti, I>UV. . ii'l Privilege* In and to n.- I pik** Road, t .'*?? Lan I. Bnildintfi. and Impr.*- ??> s ronn- ift d or < iijojed therewith. ai d a.i i.i? -. l'oiv.-i>, Mcileg W. rk?, ;i I'd Franchises m i y maniK-r appurtenant t li r<*to." Ti hms Snllicient in ? a?h lo defray the ? x j>? i - attending tli*; execution if lite Iritoi d??*d, ami :?? pay th?? d"bt * secured thereby (amountin., to .<?>? it lour li ii nil red dollars), and tin* residue in ? it ? ? ?? | ii h I in-Uliui'iil*, at one, two, and three v?-.i: ?. I r bundi, with tvprmed * -canty, intfMrt ad< I. at d secured bv a ueed ?d" tr >t upon the proprity t ,.>.*> , to be sold. 1*. w. (IKUIIBiji fni'i' " Oki BHD ft Wii liams, Auctioneer*. Je 14? td? By bbtll ? ? Dm le, Kcal Ei-tato Agun'.?aud Auctioneers, coiner Eighth and Main aired*. THAT H I : a utTft I.LY-LOCAT I : J ) 1 and dksiraht.e si'bcrrax farm, wi>t OF AN II NEAR TO MIL iJ.Ml.r M K <?K .NA Til AX 1 EI, K. HOWE. K-v . \M? FHt?.\Tl.\0 "N' THE X?>KT!l >ll?h OF LKIOM sTKEfcT As I Xi TKNLiEl). KOR NAl.K AT Al'CTI?'.\ -W v ,| si'll at aurti 'iK n 'I I'EsI'A V, tb?? I'-'ih day of .Ju :>?, 1 INN. od tht linBiM, It ( o'cloeki i*. M (thatlwa#* tifully ? located and d<??lral?lv St'KI'RJlA.N K\KM abor?!-naui< d, coniamiiif; TWEJITV AM' A llAl.K ACRES. Ti t* InqnoniMnti cou'it of a pi y coitaifP f?*?i leuc?'. containing nine room-, -ituaN d in a Tn-autiful oak vn vo, now barn, ? ir-ria^e-hoiiHe, cow ??lied*, ao exi*?ll?nt ice b with a r.ioi [ on i convenient thereto, and all ? ie r neceoary < m-boi. ?><?!?. The land 1h highly liaproved, Mii'nianti.illr emio?ed with ??dar t- -t i and whit-* oak jd.iiiK. and admirably ad.ti>tt<l '?< the ciiltiir>) of I li e UfU.il crop* hikI veV?tabl' - all | of wbieh have beeu se. ded, and are now |jro?virii{ finely. '1 hi- pUce, with a littla care and attention, may be made ouu of Ibe mo?-t denirabii U dences In the vicinity < f Rtciiuionl Imiu- dlati iy att- r the above hale, will be Mold .two very An.' Ml I.E*. two file toWS, a No I KL'GUV lUMtSK, < ARTS, BOtiOY. and l(AKXE?, and all FA KM IX' i l.dl'LEMEXTS on the nai i farm. ThttMs rou thk ? On?-third cash, balmic* six, twelve, and eighteen months, m^otiable notes, interval added, and secured by a deed of tru-t For the per-onal property, sixty d?ys credit tor ao|iroved negotiablo not?^, intereat adiOd Jo 13 ISBELL ft BAVlH, Aa< oneew I>y Orubb' s William*, Auctioneer*, Xortliwebt corner of Main and Eleventh atreet*. C10M MISSKiX E It'S SALK ??!-' > t RVKNTY ACRIS OP VAM'ABI.K !.OI?, OX Til!-: M K('H AN 'OY1EI.E "1 1'RXPIKK. TWO MILES FROM THE CITY. AT AC TH?X ? In < \ ? cution of a decree -1 the Circuit Court of the com. - ty < f Ilenrico entered .May 1 i*o?, in tb?? ca- ? t Jicherinerhorn, etc., vh Au'?tinaod al* . Ibc und rsigned a conimissioner ap|N>inted for the pu rj-.. , will sell at aurtlon. npon tnfl t remises, on THt'l.DA V, July 5, at 5 o'clock. 1'. M.. if fair, if not. on the next Fair day thereafter, at the same h- sr. tin* TRACT OF LAXli ol which the iat? K^uiont Scheriii' rhorn died st i/ed. lying on the ea-t ' Je of Mechanicsville turnpike a short dUtatu's beyend the toll-Kate, ami adjoiun,^ tbe land of I.eonidas Rosaerund others. There are hEVEXTY At'RES, of which there i? i aafticlent portion in w >??Js ; and there *r- ? v. r.il buildinfra, o:i? of which can be c nvert- d Into a dwelling. It will be miM ms a whole, < t illvid' d, as may be d<>cuied best at tlie time of ?al< T iii? i* a beautiful TRACT ? ?F LAND, and It should attrict the attcniion of persons ? ?ekitii aueh property. Tkrhm : one- third raah: balance at ?ix ai I twelve inoi>tha for nejjotialile notes, a*.ih Inii-tcf' added, the title to be retained by ilio court tbe notes are p-tld. EaTOX XAXCE, Commissi, nor Oktbhs A Wii.i.iam.4, Auctioneers. Je5-td? WM. KNAiJE dc CO., " M 4!Vt'rACTPKK|ia OF FIRST PREMIUM, GOLD MEDAL, grand, square AND CPRinur PIANOS. These Inairumet.U bavinK been before tha public for the p ut thirty years, have, upon thetrexcellence alone, attained iu cxpi'scaaaKO r**KXtXii>'C( thai pfuiiottucw them unequalled. Tbe.f TONE combine* >{reat power, richneen, ?weetne??, and fine alnifln# quality, aa well aa k'' *' purity of inU nation aud h.im< nlouauesa ibrouguuut the entire scale Their TOUCH ia pliant and elastic, aud U entirely free tr^ra ti* atltftieea found in no many pianos, whicli cattaea the performer to a<< easily tire. In WORKMANSHIP taey cannot be excelled. Their a<*i<?n la conatructed wlift a care and attention to ?*erjr part therein that cLaructeruea tbe fln<*t itechanum. None but tho hc?t iwaaoued material ta uaed In their uianufaetar**, aud they will accept the hard aoarfce of the couccrt-rooia wiih that of the parior upon an equality. -tuwtf iclcd In ttoeir melody ; In (act, they are cooatrncU d - "NOT FOR A YE.IR-BDT FOR IVER " All our Square Plaitoe ha*e our new Uuproted Grand Scale aud the Agrafe Treble. Kvery Piano fatly waiTanted for PlVK YKARS. WAHKROOM8 : W) WKAT BALTlJiORE b tH&XT, aj n.-am BAL Tim ?R ?? njnVKNTY rAMKH GlIlNNKiW A 1 jUKCl.H-8 rpEN CA8KB JKFFKKY8 & BAfcte'8 je w LK' u*"k' h7v**M<Mjk Cjnmmuw. a . . li ??&< ^ irfl bL*?m JHLatf -