Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 235, 16 June 1866 — Page 3

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pispatch. ^vkpav JU-VS *?? 1W- , of r?l?imlloii In 1 , Trnrlior*' A*?orli??l??' , pS of learned and intelligent ?ho conduct the colleges and , ; institutions ol Virginia have , i; eyes totlie changes in the , .ligation which have been ? . nt in the course of the past ? . in their desire to secure , sv^teni for the advancement of tl. is State and the south, they , the winter of 1863, a society, f, : ii< object the dissemination t v ami circumstances which , v , -.taut bearing upon the in1 education of teachers and It was the intention of the p . .i annually, but their plans, , , others, were frustrated by ? ? i the war, and no general n been held since the Assocta- . : gani/.ed at Petersburg. No- ?? < r. i> now given that the As>omeet in Charlottesville on the \ ; : ami a large attendance of inbers is expected# Addresses will livcred by Professor M.vktin, ot uen Sidney College; by Principal ,,f the Botetourt Female College, ri?>fV>sor Minok. ol 'he I niver- ? \ irginim \ little attention has hitherto been . f],e training of professors and It has not been understood that ty ot imparting knowledge does v in ( \ ery man, however learned : t he may be, and it has been t at every .system, and every adapted t<? the education of ;>tion of pupil. This theory v .11 be modified. The cause ol one ot' the most important . us, for " tin yoHii'j nwn of ..se who an- now crowding our 1 colh'gt -> ? V<* fviure oj y,.:nd v. Ith them it rests whether ? :n States shall continue to be . >,.l respected, or whether they nm, like the States of the North, \ i< ious, and depraved. A great responsibility will rest Tipon the . ?: - of our voting men, and this they appre< iate. Thev are determined t? the gn at eaUsC all that in them lies ?vii ^ their zeal, their learning, ami t< 1 1 : e, we expect great good to the meeting of their Association :? IN . \\ hit li w e now nnnouuee. I he \en Concrete. i\e several times called atten. i; -w concrete stone invented t ly Mr. KanSomk. That it is ? . ; ,ake concrete of great du- ? i.^ht to be conceded by all, tire has disclosed the compo. ,e natural stones and in a great tin- maimer ol their combination :ion. It is only necessary to ma I i ? t a t ^ together and blend proper propot t ions, and in the ? r, to imitate nature successin , i i ? : i tr h>, to mould (he t-touf ; ttrjK 't s to which it is to be of course much experimenting ?lealot experience are requisite . Mr. Ransoje, alter experimed that he had succeeded, I ileal and scientific men of - ? ins, ;?r of the same opinion. ;iie riu'ht we have indeed an ini : itioii. We have the means iit'rig a durable and beanti- ... ng material in just such ?us and styles as our wants ami 1 tte, without the ttse of hammer hi.it would be one of the great- ? i- nts oi the age; and Mr. Kax- , his that he has done that very . e >tated that specimens of tlib stone were on exhibition at the Messrs. French \ Crenshaw. It 1, on the part ol the agent of the to establish a company here to \trt ere this stone. Several of our 1 citizens are much interested in i-ct, and think that a very thrifty :r':\c business may be done in the i <>f this st >ne. Gentlemen who li-, and who desire to help along .iaetttring enterprise of this city, ill and see for themselves. V. .'Ckan-ion, the well-known proprie- . ti:< New York hotel, is about to . iiiien e hotel, high up in the city X v York, of this material. I tie I'eter^bnrK' Lx|tmN. ? >11 attention to the advertisement ]?? i -r iet' is of this paper. It will be ' a they promise an immediate re:i of the Kspress. They are :.g and worthy members of the "? "i journalists, and the calamity fallen upon them has excited the sympathy of their many friends, however, that men of such theirs would soon repair damages ? '?ii as smoothly and successfully Their patrons may well atford to brief indulgence they ask, and ? warrant, be delighted to see the "lice more.

V a ! l.iv Kaii.road. ? A corps of iiH't's troiu the Baltimore find . "<t?l Company, under Richard Lv|., arrived in this county last ? ? tal>ii>hed their headquarters in ?it v ?)( Mount Crawford. The party ?"it :i, including the* chief, and i utclv commence the examinai' ? country Air the purpose of se- ? :i'?st eligible route t? ?r the pro1 from Harrisonburg to Sail. hundolph's instructions are to iro'tyhli/, not being confined '.Jar numlier of expertineiital That route will be taken which pre. 1 >rrc;itcst natural advantages ? funnily of surface, facilities for - streams, productiveness, &c. Of ?in form no correct idea of the will be adopted. ? Ro rkimjluvn ' /'^RBisTtD.? -James Egan, Esq., an '^t*n oi Lexington district, in South 1 who was recently discharged ? ' -t - lv by Judge Nelson, of the Su- ' r,>urt of the United States, has " ' put under arrest by the milita- ? in that State, and is now in conM in Columbia. Mr. Egan knows t of a free couutry this is. T 1 1 i ;is(. which has appeared among ,A"l Brooklyn is pronounced by the "*ik Tribune to be simply pleuro'taouia, ami not the rinderpest. "ili Carolina pajn-rs notice the preva- ' ;uaof?J? the cattle of a malignant 4it? ** ^uch like the riuOorjAMft.

XATtCSf WEWS BY MAIL^ h of Nr. ll*rrt?. or N?nrlua, ETih* Report or me Heeowtwietl.* ?^lbm??itd that up to this period of ! the session he had been a silent member I fr*>ni choice, but be deemed it Ins duty now to declare bis views upon some of the political questions which are presented for the consideration of this House and this country. Although his sentiments were well understood by his fellow.citi7.ens who cast their votes for him at the last election, there has been since such a whirl in the political maelstrom that they might either , tear that bis own position had been changed, or possibly they themselves niigh have been unable to withstand the might) efforts made to draw them into tht w hi 1 I iV either event, it is proper and 1,oll??ble that he, as their representative, ?h 1 nuke open and frank avowals in ; .icj o the political movements which ,, take place in his State and d,^!i,f nct to should consider it a most ignoble act win the support <fr endorsement f an> , man bv the least concealment or diet ... Z, ">? ?""w ?? ,iof * T" i ? us, l>y liyi?K-rlsj- and fraud, to i lwat him of his sentiments, , Mr Harris then continued as follows . then, sir, declare that in principle now , .stand as f st<*?d before the war ; as I stood after war was declared*, as 1 stood m the last Congress, when 1 received its crown of censure ; as I stood in prison and beiori , that infernal instrument of tyranny, a eonrt .martial. Awl as I atand in i-rimu |,lc so will 1 stand in practice whenom occasion may require. When 1 indicate that there has been no change in my principles, this House and! this countrv, possiidy ? tor the avowal o them has been attended by an unexpected notoriety ? may infer what my jiosition now is. I am an old line Democrat, ami believe in the doctrine of secession. I believe that the several States of this I nion have a right to separate from it, each act - , inn for itself. 1 believe that abuses and usurpations had been practiced and threatened to so great an extent by their asso- ? c'utesand partners in this governmental compact that the southern States were .|iistilicd in going ofit ; and, sir, 1 further believe, by their ordinance of secession, that ' thev did go out, and thcn*?y became to . ! this Union foreign States. These convic- , tions I cannot change, and I do not expect , will ever be removed ; 1 will most assured- 1 |\ proclaim them and stand by them as j long as a single citizen of the Confederate States is in chains or subject to penalty lor asserting them. There is no political or personal consideration which would prompt i me to such a desertion. As the tjglit ol secession is the only thing that secures them from the charge of treason, mv voice ' shall ever accord with my convictions, and never join in that verdict against them. 1 should consider myself as assuming a most , infamous position if 1 did. AN hat, wr, 1 that helieve them right; I, that would have joined them if the sovereign State of Man land had said so, to desert them now in their utmost need, when 1 can legitimately give them such protection as it is in my power honestly to give ? Ne\ei . In the course of his remarks the speaker said he was adverse to the President's specific policv of reconstructing this Union. Ill his view the southern seceded States have no right to Representatives on this t|.H?r or in the Senate, and by his vote he had heretofore invariably rejected every application which has been made by any person claiming such a right ; and not onl\ j did he believe that they have no right in their present position to send Senators and Representatives here, but he did not think they have the right to furnish us with a President or Vice-President, although there are many, here and elsewhere, who, while agreeing with him that these States areout of tJic Union and not entitled t<? representation any where, have been so fraternal in their feelings, and so magnanimous in their conduct, as to go before the line in order I to obtain *t lie services of the gentleman , who at present tills the Executive chair of j the United States. Being a citizen of se- ] ceded and unreconstructed Tennessee, lie is, as also upon their theory, only President tie f ado, forced uptii the country by their votes, attended by that very e fleet in e implement, their bayonets. The speaker argued that the southern States could only be admitted by act ot Congress and with the assent ol the people, and he never would vote to admit them so long as tho odious test oath remained on the statute book. , Referring to the secession ol the southern States, the speaker said : It was not the Constitution they fell out with, but the perversion of it by their Northern associates, and their persistent designs to violate and destroy important rights winch , were secured by that iiwtruinent. Ihose rights have been destroyed, and call ne\ci be a source of discord between the north and the south. Slavery has been abolished, and the seceded States have acquiesced in it ; and the negro is placed in the position which you desired him to have when vou provoked the war. It agonized ) ou to think that he should be subjected to compulsory and uncompensated labor, and your agon v has been removed, Ihe idea of the free white northerner working by the side of or in view of a negro slave m the Territories of the Union, which seemed to horrify you, can now* have no place i in your minds, and your people and the free negro can mingle together, both socially and politically, in a manner to suit vour tastes. This is the full extent o your expressed desire; and why, when you have all you desired when the war "broke out, do you now* throw obstacles in the way of reunion ( Vou even professed to go to war for the Union, and now, when free negroism is obtained and reunion is offered, you refuse it, and decide it to be highly important to use the negro in vanous other phases for the purpose ol enabling you still further and still longer to oppress your brethren of the south. j You wish to use him as a lever, in order to increase and preserve your overgrown political power and diminish that of the south, without, in the least, affecting au\ improvement in the condition of your pretended pet. You know your proposed amendment to the Constitution cannot be adopted if the southern States vote against it, and 1 think you must believe ^ that it will never receive their assent. You win never hope for such a result, and thev would be slaves should they aid in bunging it about. They will reject, with scorn, the terms of your proposed amnesty, and will await awhile the caliu and considerate aetiou of the people of this country to aid them again in honorably becoming members of this Union. You must answer to your people why it is. What is to be gained, under the circumstances, l>y keeping those out whom you afe unwilling shall Stay out, and who are willing to come in? You will certainly not try to humbug your constituents by pretending o any fear of tho physical strength ot the south. The Confederacy has not uudcr its control a single cannon, a single musket, or a single round of ammunition. Referring to the majority in the House, the speaker said they were bent on schemes whicn seem to contain nothing but the elements of mischief and revenge, leading to a continued and indefinite separation ot the Union, and aimiug at tlfte degradation of the white people of the south. 1 his last you will not, and I say it in the name of the American people, you shall not accomplish. But there is something iu the spirit of tho southern people which will thwart your designs. If they have lowered tho standard of their Confederacy, they have not lowered the standard of their pride--a becoming pride in the estimation of an honorable enemy. The southerner has around him, without ?pooklug of the merits of the

late contPRt, tokens of the endurance, con- 1 rage, and prowess of hi* people. Sad spec. Ucle though it be, it tfill not diminish his toue that he can on his own noil walk over the graves of nearly three hundred thou, wind of his courageous enemies : and ?? Rtiindh g on fh* Tank#?'? Kr**".,, lie will not ile?in hitn*?if a ?u*vo. The schemes l?y which you will bring about some of the results I have alluded to arc now before Congress and the country. You twist and turn, and go through all the contortions of a seri>ent, in order to make the negroes the fellow-citizen# and equals of the white man, and yet you are nut .satisfied that yon can do it. In the Civil Right* bill you boldly declared them to be citizens of the United States. I admired the boldness of the declaration, because it was known to come in direet j conflict with the highest judicial authority in this country, nnd which rendered such a congressional declaration perfectly null and void. The amendment of the Constitution now submitted to the country, and doubtfully reiterating the fact of negro citizenship, and otherwise in an equivocal manner struggling to bring about an equality of the races, will be spurned IVom their presence by the southern States ? and, thank Heaven, there are southern States enough to make southern contempt for it effectual. It will hardly prove an annoyance. The States will still retain control, and govern in their own way, that portion of their population without leave asked of the United States. Mr. Harris continued at some length, and concluded by arguing that the leaders of the rebellion were not guilty of treason, for the reason that secession, he asserted, was a right reserved to the States under the Constit ut ion . Mr. Le Blond, of Ohio, .said that as he understood the gentleman from Maryland, lie intended to be understood as maintaining tiie right of the southern States to go out of the Union. He would ask him if he recognized them as out of the Union, and that they had the constitutional riglht to go out. Mr. Harris. ? Yes, I mean that they had the right to go out of the Union. Tlio I'eiiiaoH? Trial of the Prisoner* in Canada Postponed. Toiionto, June 13. ? Strenuous efforts are being made to procure the release of Lums. den, the Episcopal clergyman who was taken prisoner at Fort Erie. The authorities assert they have strong evidence im- ! plicating him with Fenianism, and peremptorily refuse to entertain the idea of letting him go. , The prisoners will not be brought up for trial until the excitement shall have com1 pletely subsided. Montreal, June 13. ? Instructions as to the disposal of the Fenians are expected from Ottawa witliiu a very few days. The returning troops are to be received with a grand and costly civic ovation. Tohonto, C. \V., June If. ? It is not decided whether the Fenian prisoners will be tried by the civil or military court. Some of the Ministry favor leniency whilst others think that an example should be made. General A. McCook, of Ohio, while visiting the Canada side at Niagara Falls yesterday was arrested by some Canadian volunteers guarding the suspension bridge. On proving his identity he was released with many apologies by the commanding ollicer. WASHINGTON ITEMS. THE PRESIDENT ORDERS THE RELEASE OF JEFFERSON DAVIS. I believe I am safe in saying that the President has written the order for the release of Jefferson Davison parole, and that it will be immediately sent to General Miles. The President announced his intention to do this to the Cabinet on the 8th instant. But he was aware at the time that there was an effort being made, not by the counsel of Mr. Davis, but by Horace Greeley and several other influential members of the Republican party, to get the prisoner admitted to bail. He knew that this application would be referred by "Judge" Underwood to Chief Justice Chase, if, indeed, it would not be made directly to the latter. He desired to wait, therefore, to see what action the Chief Justice would take in the matter. But now that the application to admit the prisoner to bail has been refused; and now that the trial has been postponed nominally till October, really till December, the President is not willing to take the responsibility of keeping Jefferson Davis in prison any longer. It is no secret to those who are behind the scenes, that there never has been any purpose on the part of the Radicals who control matters here, or on the part of the Chief Justice, or on the part of the Attorney-General, to have Mr. Davis tried in the civil courts. They know too well that the result of such a trial would be a full and honorable acquittal. Hence the various obstacles which have been thrown in the way of a trial for many months past. Hence the recent postponement of the trial, under the most flimsy pretexts, till October.- Washington Correspondence New York News. We give the above for what it is worth. We have little faith in the truth of the statement that Mr. Davis is to be released at once. BAIL FOft MR. DAVIS. A wealthy Baltimorcan, writing to a friend here, says that bail to the amount of two million dollars can be procured for Jeff. Davis in that city on five hours' notice ; already twenty-five thousand dollars haye been quietly subscribed there towards defraying the expenses of his trial, and that a hundred thousand more can be raised if necessary. T11K CASE OF 8EMMES. No further progress has been made in the case of Semmcs, and he feels like giving up. The difficulty with him was that he was too great an oU'ender. Spkc tlatioxs upon Cholera. ? Dr. Swan, of Providence, has published a communication in the Boston Medical Journal, in which he expresses the opinion .that the cholera, in its present development in Europe, is in many respects unlike the epidemic of former years. Though severe in some places, it has not been so wide-spread and generally prevalent ; it did not continue to show itself through the winter in England and France as in the winters of 1848 and 1853 ; as the spring opens it has not appeared in England, and has not appeared so generally in emigrant vessels as in those years. If it does obtain a foothold at all in this couu. try, he believes it will be to a limited extent only, and will not be severe except where the local causes arc unusually bad. The Crops. ? In New England the crops are generally reported good ; hay will be abundant, and the fruit yield millions of dollars in advance of last year. In the south the general report is that the crops will turn out well, although in some quarters excessive rains are complained of. The wheat throughout Georgia has been harvested, and although the crop is by no means excellent, it turns out better than was anticipated some time ago. Along the lower Mississippi frequent crevasses have caused great destruction. In southern Illi. nois the wheat crop is said to be a failure, but corn is promising well. In Ohio and Indiana the wheat promises very badly ; but in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, it is excellent. In Maryland and Pennsylvania it is only moderate. Ax Impossibility.? One of the Brooklyn newspapers is being sued for libelling the *?ew York Legislature. That is an impostn bib offence JVfftr York Ueroid.

TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. 1 MORNING DISPATCHES. The I nltwl Ntatew and Austria. Washington, Juno 14. ? It has lieen Ntntcd (hat our Minister tc? Austria, under the instructions front this Government, in, funned the Sovereign of that country that sending Austrian troops to Mexico would be looked u|K?n us an unfriendly act, and ana violation of the Monroe doctrine, to t|jf support of which we are pledged. The 1 Austrian Government, we learn officially, has given the assurance that no such troops tthall he sent to the aid of Maximilian. Fear* for n Missing V?wfl-Thc < ho. lorn la Xew York. ' New York, June 15. ? rears are enter, taincd for the safety of the clipper ship Monarch of the Sens, now forty days over | due from Liverpool. She sailed from that | port March 20th with seven hundred pasi sengers. j^iot her death from cholera in Cherry) street is reported, and two more cases not resulting fatally. There arc several new cases at quarantine. It is denied that .the I Rinderpest afreets the cattle here. The ' special milk inspector says it is the com- j j mon swill disease. ; The Insurrection in Honduras? Alia Irs in I,ouislaiia. New Orleans, June 11. ? The insurrec- ; tion in Honduras was progressing at last ! i accounts. The government troops had been defeated in an engagement with the insurgents. The Liverpool Steamship Coml pany is in trouble. The Florida has been j seized. Planting has been resumed in the distri?Mf< recentiv flooded. * The Tn\ on Cotton? Nominal Ion or Nonntor. Washington, June 15.? The Senate Finance Committee will fix the tax on cotton j at two cents per pound. It is probable j that the two houses will compromise on three cents. The general principles of the lluii. so bill will not be altered. The Republicans of New Hampshire have I nominated James W. Patterson, the pre- ; sent Congressman, for the United States ! Senate. EVEN I N G DISPATCHES. Special Telegram to the Richmond Dispatch. Tlie I'rrNidcnt nnd Mr. Davis-The Xew Tax. Hill. Ac. , Washington, June 15. ? Messrs. O'Conor and Pratt have gone north. They report 1 that their last interview with the President ! was satisfactory. There will be no change | j in the condition of Mr. Davis for the present. The Senate Finance Committee has eoneluded the consideration of the new Tax bill lately passed by the House. They will report it on Monday, with the follow, ing important amendments : The cotton tax is reduced from five to two cents. They strike out all the House i amendments to the income tax, leaving it ! as regulated under the present law. They | reduce the tax on smoking tobacco from twenty to fifteen cents per pound. The \ tax on clothing is increased front one to ! two per cent. A tax of five per cent, is (imposed on all kinds of paper except printing paper. They suspend the tax of ten per cent, on the issues of State banks for one year from July 1st. The Attorney-General to-day argued before the House Committee on Foreign | Affairs against the expediency of the pro. posed repeal of the neutrality laws in 'consequence of the Fenian movement. It is expected that the House will expel Rousseau, of Kentucky, next week, for j canning Grinnell, of Iowa. ( apiiol. Special telegram to the Richmond Dfopatch. |>eati> of a Richmond Merchant. Farmvillk, June 15, P. M. ? Mr. Jefl'erI son J. Rice, of the firm of Armistead, Rice, Carv & Co., of your city, died at his residence, in this place, this afternoon at i o'clock, after a very brief illness, lie was highly esteemed in our community, and his death is deeply lamented. <'oii|?rc*Mioiinl. Washington, June 15. ? Senate. The 1 President returned the bill incorporating | Hie New York and Montana Iron Milling j Company, with his objections. Tlie Prcsi- ! dent thinks the bill gives a monopoly to a i corporation of unknown corporators, to the detriment of settlers, who have the rieht to claim lands under the homestead . b ? law. -| House.? A committee was appointed to investigate the facts of Mr. Rousseau's assault on Mr. Grinnell ; to report the same, with resolutions looking to the vindication of the dignity of the House and the protection of members. Mr. Bingham submitted a concurrent resolution, requesting the President to inform forthwith the governors of the States of the passage by 1 Congress of the proposed constitutional , amendment, so that the Legislatures may act on it at onco. The resolution was objected to by Mr. j Le Blond. Some remarks followed, which led to a decision by the Speaker that the joint resolution did not have to be submitI ted to the President for his signature. After some debate on the special order, ; viz: tlie bill restoring the southern States to political privileges, the House adjourned. [Mr. Rousseau will possibly have to walk the plank. It would be a good way to get rid of troublesome Congressmen : provoke them to attack, and vote them out.J Two lieiitlemen Purchase a Steamer Ostensibly for Santa Anna, who Re? pud in tew the Purchase, and thej are Imprisoned. New York, Juue 15.? L. Morton Montgomery and A. ll.Canedo, late of the Confederate army, and representing themselves to be agents of Sauta Anna, in April last purchased the steamer Agnes, for one hundred thousand dollars in gold, from W. J. Taylor & Co., Philadelphia, to be paid on the delivery of the vessel at St. Thomas. The purchase being repudiated by the General, the owners of the vessel returned to this country and gave the purchasers one month to fulfill the terms of the contract. They failed, however, and were yesterday arrested and committed to jail in default of bail in the sum of twenty thousand dollars. ( lutoni'lIooMe Receipt*. Washington, June 15.? The custom receipts at the four principal l>orts for the week ending 9th instant were three and a quarter millions of dollars. Upwards ol two millions of this was received at Now York. .

- iKlrf " J "Wahhinoton, Juno 15. ? The trial of Paymaster Paulding was concluded today. It wax shown tliat he had disbursed 8140,000,000 in the department of Washington, and large iram* in the ?outh. No-i thing was ever Hileged against his official acts uutii his deposits of large sums with the Merchants' National Bank, just before the failure, for which he was arraigned for violation of orders. Nono of the evidence showed corrupt motives. The findings of j tho court-martial were wnt to the President. Two Moro Pnrdonm. Washington*, June 15. ? It. T. Buckncr, of Louisiana, and William Oldham, of Texas, were pardoned to-day by the President. A Hon* lliul Deceive*! .\olxwly. Washington, June !?">. ? A rumor that Judge Underwood had been assassinated was current here to-day. It proved to be a ci.nard. [" Dead duck. "J MIE MYSTERIES OF NEW YORK. T [COMMrSIOATKD.] Wars, nations! resources, political contests, religious conventions, amusement*, the Central Park, its swans, gondolas, 4c., have been discussed? 1 this letter is of the " Mysteries of New York." In the car, steamboat, saloon, parlor, at dinner, in the ! street, everywhere do I hear some story with relation to, or an inquiry an to ihe meaning of, those I mythical words, jiosted, printed, and advertised I wherever I go : 8. T.? 1S80.?X. ' accompanied with a crescent and a shepherd's ; hook. A secession sympathizer said it was : ''8a- j tan Triumphed in l*tm in granting the Xpectation of abolitionists'' ; while a Republican said it was : "Stamp-Tali Democrats of ISM gone to Texas"; another, ''To tho State Taxes of H6C add ten (X) dollars" ; another, that they were the watchwords of some secret society, like, "Sons of Tecumchia are 1880 Strong," or "Seward Tricksters of Used Up," &?., Ac. Well, your correspondent wa? j ill? had been ill for a long time? in fact, his late I suppers had given him a horrid dyspepsia. He i read the advertisements, and of course bought a | bottle of Plantation Bitters; Ihe Bitters cured hiin, . and on the bottle appeared those same cabalistic j letters : 8. T.-l*eo._X. I travelled straight for2o2 , Broadway, introduced myself to the celebrated Pr. i Drake, and was shown the elephant? tusks, 8. T. an. I all? and a great institution It is. A six-story ] building in l)ey street, from cellar to garret, is oc- | I cupied as a laboratory for producing this single j medicine. Some forty persons are employed ; several vats, holding six thousand gallons each, are j ' filled with roots, herbs, anil material, and then j soaked in water, and the expression preserved in j 1 pure St. Croix Kind. 1 here saw tho bags, boxes, i and bales of Calisaya Bark, Wintergreen, and i [other material? and the original St. Croix Rum ! puncheons, bearing the custom-house brand, it seemed that medicine could here be turned out to 1 supply a world of invalids-yet these gentlemen | are unable to till their order* for Plantation Bitters alone. I was shown many certificates of extra- : ordinary cures effected by these Bitters. Tho statistics ot' the medicine business as presented to the | i last Congress in the report of Mr. 1>. S. Barnes are j I enormous and startling, amounting to some six million dollars annually. The proprietors of these I Bitters will pay Uncle Sam m ar fifty thousand dollars t< ?! stamp* this year* With such individual resources, Government loans ought to *tand at par. and Jefferson Davis might as well pack up and 1 start for Jerusalem. * * * * .. We are happy to reproduce the above letter, ana add that any ordinary ca^e of Dyspepsia, Liver ; Complaint, Nervous Affection, Sour Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Nervous Headache, Diarrhiea, Sinking Weakness, Mental Despondency, Ac., can be cured by the Plantation Bitters. Tli at all persons may judge of its etlicacy, we ] i publish a list of some of the articles used in its j preparation : . CalISATa Bark? Celebrated for over two hundred years in the treatment of Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Weakness, &c. It was introduced Into Europe by the CountesV, wife of the Viceroy of Peru, in lWi>, and was afterward* sold by the Jesuits fot' the < pri< t of itx Qicii icti'jht in nil ft r, under the name of JeanW* Fouxlrrg. and final I v made public by Louis XV !.? King of !? ranee. Humboldt makes especial reference to its febrifuge qualities during his South American travels. ' CAseARiu.A Bark? For diarrhtca, colic, and diseases of the.stomach and bowels. DanDKI.IOX? -For inflammation of the loins and 1 dropsical atfections. Chamomile Flowers? For enfeebled digestion. Lavender Flowers? Aromatic, stimulant, and ' touic? highly invigorating in nervous debility. ! WlxrERORBBS? For scrofula, rheumatism, &c. i As isk? An aromatic carminative, creating flesh, ! muscle, and milk ; much used by mothers nursing. Also, clove buds, orange, carraway, coriander, ! snakeroot, &c., all preserved in perfectly pure ST. CROIX RUM. Thr powerful, Invigorating, and tonic properties i of St. Croix Rum have been long acknowledged by 1 the physicians of the world. For consumption it is the oniy stimulant that should be used. S. T-l*"1?? X. Another wonderful ingredient, of Spanish origin, ' imparting beauty to the complexion and brilliancy I to tho niind, is yet unknown tothe commerce of the world, and we withhold Its name for the present. Pr. W. A. Childs, surgeon of the Tenth Vermont I regiment, writes : " I wish every soldier had a bot- j I tie of Plantation Bitters. They are the most efi fectlve, perfect, and harmless tonic ever used " The following is from the famous hotel proprietors at Washington : Wabhinutos, P. C., November 4, 1*82. Messrs. P. H. Brake Si Co.? Please send us ; twelve dozen Plantation Bitters. They are much ! liked bv the guests of our house. Resnectfullv yours, " 1 8\VKE8, CIIAPWICK Si CO., Proprietors Willard's Hotel. Rochkstkr, December 2#, 1861. Me3srs. P. H. Dkakk Si Co. -Gentlemen, -I have been a great sufferer from dyspepsia for three or four years. I have tried many if not all the remedies recommended for its cure. Instead of relief. 1 became worse, had to abandon my profession, and suffered greatly from everything I ate Mv mind was much affected, depressed, and gloom v. About three months ago 1 tried the Plantation Bitters and, to my great joy, I am nearly a well man. I have recommended litem in ' several cases, and as lar as 1 know, always with signal benefit. .,mveryre.K??fall/yjonrt.ATnOKIi Saeh is the language reaching us daily. No article ever had an equal sale. Under no cireumntuncet will the pure ttandardqf themateri ? hIh u**d t>* lUjxir ted from. These Bitters are sold by all principal druggists, grocers, hotels, and restaurants. Be sure each bottle bears the facsimile of the proprietor's signature, on a nt eel -plot e label. P. H. DRAKE k CO., ap ie_ ly 242 Broadway, New York. WHITE DR ESS SHIRTS.? Your especial attention is called to our large and well-assorted stock of WHITE SHIRTS, for dress purposes. This stock is gotten np especially for our ri tail custom, an-l persons desiring c;in rely upon getting an article as well made and as fa?hlonably cut as if they were made to their especial order, and at less price. Our facilities in tt?i? branch are not excelled by any house south of the Potomac. Where preferred, we will take the ! measure and have them made op to the customer's j especial direction. Also, can always be found on hand the NEGLIGE or TRAVELLING SHIRTS- woolen. Also, BOYS' WHITE SHIRTS, to fit boys from fourteen to eighteen years old. ' Flattering ourselves that you can be pleased, and will find it to your economy, wo ask your inspection before maVii.gyonr purchnses, to this especial department of our large and varied assortment of GK.NTLEME.VS AND BOYS' READY-MADE CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. WILLIAM IRA SMITH & CO., je 14 ? 3t No. 112 Main street. rVlT>TH I NG AN D "GENT'S FURV NISH1NG GOODS AT ASTONISHING LOW PRICE-S.? The undersigned, wubing to reduce hif stock, is selling goods lower than any other house In the city. Give him a call, and be convinced. ISAAC GKEENTRBE, 811 Broad street, formerly 117. je 5?1 in or next door to Pi Mini a. H AKDWARE. CUTLERY AND MECHANICS' T00L8 ? The subscriber begs to anruiuuce to his former patron* and friends and the public generally that he has resumsd business | at his old stand, No. 71 (now No. 1 US Main street), where he is prepared to supply them with a uew stock of AMERICAN, ENGLISH, and GERMAN HARDWARE GOUD8 of every variety, which will . bo offered at the lowest market rates. HOE A CO. 'S CIRCULAR 8AW8, I GUM BELTING. PACKING, and HOSE, and j OAK-TANNED LEATHER BELTING, for sale at manufacturers' prices. Thankful to his many friends for their fhrors in the past, he hopes to merit and seenre the same in the future. CHAKLE8 J. 81NTOM, slgu o 1 the Circular Saw, Je4~?mdAsw No. 1434 Main street. Dress, silk, and cassimere HATS, the latest stvlesjust received. P0WHATA5 WE1SIGRB, J? l flrrt door below

Richmond, June 15. THK TOBACCO MA RUT. Tobacco Exchanob, June 1ft, 1866. There were ninety-eight hogsheads, (bur boxes, and five tierces opened to-day. Seventy -eight hogsheads were offered, and seventeen taken In. Four tierces sold: One at $ 106, one at *124, one at |105, and one at 8102. Three boxes sold r One at $115, one at $80, and one aj $36. Sixty hogsheads sold as follows: One at $4.50, one at 85.30, one at $6.75, two at $10; one ?t $4.90, two at $4, one at 85.40, one at $12, one at 813.25, <>nc at 814.75, one at $10, two at $13.50, two at $13.50, two at $12, three at 86.50, one at $13.75, one at $13, one at 810.75, two at 87.25, one at $8.6 2??, two at $12.50, one at $13.25, one at $8.75, one at 86.50, one at $6.25, two at $4.10, one at $21.50,0^0 at $19, three at $18, one at 815, one at $17, two at $8.50, one at $8, one at $7.50, two at 80, one ut 812.75, one at $11.25, at $14.25, one at $3.90, one at $8, one at $25, one at $31, one at $25, and one at $16. No change in money matters in this city. Gold bears its usual relation to the quotations in New York. NEW YORK. The gold quotation took another jump this morning, commencing at 148%, soon reaching 149^ ; but although so near 150, it rose no higher, and soon declined to 148 and 147 J?, closing at 147^@147%. Our latest newspaper accounts, Wednesday, show no change in money matters in New York. Money was abundant, and no change in quotations for loans. Government stocks were tirm. The gold market indicates restless apprehension, which will lie relieved in a few days, or it will probabTy carry the gold quotations still higher. NEW TORK MARKETS, FRIDAY MORNING. New York, June 15. ? Cotton steady at 39@42c. Gold, 149 Sterling, dull at 9 34 ; sight, 11. Texas wool, 20 @ 28c. JS'kw York, June 15, P. M. ? Cotton is j steady and unchanged ; sales, 2,000 bales. Good flour firm; common, 5@10c. lower; sales, 9,000 barrels of State at $6.50G$9.50 ; Ohio, $S.50@$13.85 ; western, $6.50<?$9.3/> ; southern heavy ? sales of 500 barrels at $ 10.30681 7. Wheat active and advanced 3@5c. ; sales, 68,000 bushels good Chicago spring at $2.10^82.12; prime No. 1 Milwaukie at $2.27^82.35. Corn has advanced Ic.; sales of 50,000 bushels at 88689 cents. Pork heavy; mess, $31. Lard buoyant at $19)?6$22,1^. Whisky dull. Rice steady. Sugar steady; Muscovado, 10jg@llc. Coffee steady. Turpentine dull at 88@90c. Rosin, 88689. Petroleum dull at 25L^626c. Freights dull and lower. Gold, $1.48^. NEW ORLEANS MARKETS, THURSDAY. New Orleans, June 14. ? Cotton ? sales 300 bales low middlings at 39c. Gold, 145 1-4. Sterling, 160. READY-MADE CLOTHING. &c. ||1C11M0NI> CLOTHING BAZAAR. IRK UNIVERSAL VERDICT I or THE CITIZENS OF RICHMOND 1m* been most emphatically pronounced in our faror, and we aimonnce that we shall commence, | ON THURSDAY. JCSE 1ITH, U6?,% A CLOSING OUT SALE of our PRESENT STOCK 1 of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, and FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, I at prices very greatly reduced and much lower than the same classes of goods can be bought ou THIS SIDB OF THE ATLANTIC. We are advised of large shipments of goods from the European markets, and must make room at our large and elegant store for their reception and display, hence we are belling REGARDLESS OF COST, assured that the homely adage is true, and that the NIMBLE SIXPENCE 18 BBTTKR THAN THE 8LOW SHILLING. ONE THOUSAND of" THOSE FAMOUS ALL-WOOL SUITS at ELEVEN DOLLARS must be sold in the next ten days ; and we are determined that the name of LOEB BROTHERS I > * * ? bhall be remembered in thin commuuuy m that of public benefactor! and truly friends of the ECONOMICAL AND POOR. We deal not in IDLE WORDS, but a?k your attention to THE SBBIOCE FACTS, that great bargains in CLOTHING say be relied upon by all who patronU* the RICHMOND CLOTHING BAZAAR, j? it? at No. Its MaI* stseet. Bargains in clothing.? we are now offering our entire stock of SUPERIOR QUALITY CLOTHING, embracing a great variety of the moet desirable goods anu fas hionable styles of tho seaaon. Also, *"aPGr5NTLBMRN'& FURNISHING OOOj*. embraciug Silk. Woolen, and Cotton Under fine Linen Shirts, Collars. TlM7B?aAk?rabtefk, aum., , We Invite thoee in want to eaU and examine oaf totheptatttol ? . * , -M - ? ws* a?*.-* wopm

BATS COO*T*, TIMIlrti. tmnim.. run ..?tt t. .?? "? ?ix BMiint, rAnwnrtTARDY.WlLLlAMB ACO?Plor?*tt?* ' Will be ?P*n tor th? reception of vleHota J if MB let, M?. All the buildings harlnjbeen repaired, painted, imi fitted out with NEW FURNITURE, L150, BEDS, and TABLKWABB, these SPRINGS offer unairp?iwed attraction* to both Ibe Invalid and plrtwure -seeker. No e*i*nse of effort baa been ?pared by the proprietors to make It a* comfortable and pleaaaut u possible to all vlalt?rs. The HOT WATERS here hare been weU knowu for more than half a century to poaeee?. In a wona.rf.1 d.?r?. ?ml?. .UmuUtln* proprtW, .nd *?? b??? ~l,b?Ud for lb. ?f? of 1 ????. of >i? "'?? Bkln' tMd": P,r.lT?l?, th* rwoltof Injury or Contrition of Kiwi" ??d DI*"'T-^ Dj.p.p.1., .ccon>p.nW *W> "OTUl tongue. |n Mew BATHHOUSES hate been erected, a BAND OF MUSIC engaged, and BILLIARD and ING SALOONS fitted up. The SPLENDID BALL-ROOM baa been thoroughly refitted. Route from the north, tin Orange and Alexin* drla railroad to Oordonsvtlle ; thence via Vlrgi* nia Central railroad to Mlllboro' Depot; thence to Hof Springs direct, over turnpike, (dtstanee, twenty miles,) by Tr?tter A Co.'. stage line. Route from the south, eto Lynehburg or Richmond, and Virginia Central railroad U> Mlllboro* Depot. Terms: *3 per day ; *? per week. A BAND OF MUSIC la engaged for the season. niy 17 ? lm n t K I 11 LINO SPRINGS, ^ NEAR STAUNTON, VA. This place will be open for visitors on the FIRST OF JULY. The well known quality of the waten makes It ui.nec. saary to?o Into particulars 5 they are Alum, Sulphur, Chalybeate, ?nd Freestone? all ! at hand. The alum water l^aeeond to none known; ' ,i,e Hiilphur l? second only to the Oreenbrler White, and ha# bee*^ resorted to for more than half & century. Th?t place la comfortably furnished ; *nd the fare *hall be plain, though good and sub- | Ktnntlal, without any attempt at display, believln 1 at the present time It will meet the demand of the j public better to lire plainer and charge lee?. ' Tksmx* ?i.Gi) per day, 114 perweek, and $50 par i month (of twenty-eight daya) by the season. Trotter A Co.'naUge* leave Staunton afterthe arI rival of the cars from Richmond for the Springa id-ilv CHESLEY KIMNBY, ieLoodim Proprietor^ Bath alum sprigs.? ?n h,lFh" ly Improved and beautiful will be onened for tho reception of visitors on the S l?C III. ?Ua>.glloB?h?o.?7. V..,,y the eastern base of tha W?rm Sprtng Mointaln, <..) the main road leading ^ MHlboro depot, on the Virginia Central railroad, to the warm, wot, ""en'mltS^rom Mlllboro' depot, lire from the Warm, ton from tbe Hot, and thirteen from the HFverv e^ort'wlll he made by the proprietor to now on the load from the depot to the wateringplaces above-iueiitioned. kate* or boa?? : By the day.. V.V.V.V.V.V.15 <w ' ' JOSEPH 'BAXTEK, Proprietor^ Rockbhidgk alum springs, VIRGINIA. .... . These MINERAL WATERS hare an established remit ition for very tigh curative virtue la all tha tXwiS X " Of disease, an-l as beinK an ABSOLUTE SPECIFIC in several of them, vis . SCROFULA, and all the forma of Glnodnlar Swellings and Cutaneous Krupjiva , P kK*"^ of the -ivst^ui and broken-down states of the constitution, lo^i of appetlte and general nervoj. nrostratlon, their powers and virtue a* a rw*ora Tre iimv bo -ufely I ronounced U? be WIT ituu i a KNOW& RIVAL amongst tho mineral waters of 1,11 ThevlVo especially Indicated in the whole elaas of ailments peculiar to the female Constitution. ?f Th" WA+ KU1NO PLACBIh in U?' blf /VTo K "S with the celebrated NATURAL BKlUun Virginia, atxl is i uh of that Miiieral and Thermal Waters which hare glren celebrity to this mountainons region and tlie BILLIARD and BOWLING SALOONS re stored to complete order , . Viralnla CenAccesa from the leaboardis brtl^ Virginia bure I n. Go^hen Dvpot, thence by stage coaches, over'a -mootb road, eight miles op the \ alley to the Springa. B ATM or B MID . By the d ay. *,#r <t av. By the month , 0? ?,er "T* tv.? KPHlVOS PAMPHLET, with analysis and full description, s? nt bv mall on sppllcajtlon W The water is bottled, securely P"kf''lf*?lloo sale at il.'-So per case of one doien half-gall bonk- 1>* Pt KcKr.1 . La',u, ing JniK's'ihts. A Single box has often sared tha necessity ??f a visit to tbe Springs. A liberal dUcoant I'cO. ray lS-ts 0?er^ A*#n4>UK NATIONAL EXPRESS AND j X TRANSPORTATION company Is now prepared to carry MONEY AND VALUABLE PACKAGES to and from New York, St. Louis, and intermediate j points, and as far south as Atlanta, Oa. In order U> atford the most ample security to shippers, It haa , effected AN INSURANCE OF FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLL ABB j on the money chests of the company by each train, with several leading insurance companies, such M THE SUN. SECURITY, MANHATTAN, METROPOLITAN. AND PHtKNlX, i whose a ggregste capital and assets amount to Fli'TEKN<MILL10N8 OP DOLLARS. Shippers are thus insured against common carriers' risk, and a security ia afforded never before offered by any express company* For this NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE IS MADE. TUE NATIONAL EXPRE8S AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY ia now prepared to do bu?inees as CHEAPLY, EFFICIENTLY, AND SECURELY as ran he lone by any other company. J. E. JOHNSTON, President. B. F. PiCKMff, General Superintendent. my 11 ? "<>dts r a. j. clopt<?3I. d. >. mtLia. E? A. J. CLOPTON AND D. M. MILU LF.K have tills day entered into a copartner1 ?hip under the stvle and firm of CLOPTOI Js ; MILLER, for the joirpose of doln* a REAL EE- ; TATB AND UENKRAL AGENCY AND AOCTIONEERS' BUSINESS. They will s?.U MEAL ESTATE of everv description in the city and adjoining < ountles". From the extnnsive aeqaatnt- | ance or raeh of us with the bnsluass eomannUy, 1 and the long expert, nee of our senior in the bnst* neas in this citv, we eonldentiy solicit the patron- - ? ? In Ika aAMmanllw ! ihul which I, fniiMMiufc, LJ AfnfMmir h l? tokn for the u.?V_ "?*1JNfnBi# nrih. This company*0*!!' *x * a||a I tuft ir,qUld^loa. all peSolS**1"! Ah "I ??*? ittip Tinvair ?? atimm my lA-Um Treasarec. VJOTICIS. - RICHMOND A^D JPBopeued at the oflee of Mewra. LTOffi ft AUG TOT, on N lntk street, on the.utb ^ajr <* J?M ?M?. my ?-Ad &? B'. f ANT CTRAW HATS, FOR MBN^BOVB, Ij aku cmtBiiurjM nmM- tW w* ?tylt. of 8TBAW WBWOint 1,1 ?M<oo,k?kw_?roW^?*'-L ri'UKEE jSWDRED BAfUUBUI OV H