Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 236, 18 June 1866 — Page 3

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I ? ? ? jlirlnnond gisptfh, voxpav jus b 18, me. Il,<. Orl?ln of I he NrmoHitl Aw?fli>? IIoijn of llrfinli. y >w i!iAt the different associations In , SJ i to foi preserving the graves of the ( . yd crate dead arc fairly organised, it v \ v< me a matter of interest and honor wholirst gave public expression k'tow . . ;< O5o feeling* of love and respect for * fallen soldiers which had so long sicd every individual breast. . becoming In a public journalist, ri.s, to sound his own praise, or to cou.,,%n himself that reward of thanks v . most appropriately unsought unhidden from the readers of his !. hut it has become so much the ^ ? ? > he careless in making state, x f importance and general interest, .is a matter of professional pride, we ? t ourselves the honor of initiating . iity the grand movement which, ?; ! v the high-minded ladies of Win. r, h i>s consummated in the forma. ? the Memorial Associations of Oak- ! an<l 1 loll v w? m xl, and others through. the State of Virginia. On March Uth last, the Disjutkh urged people of Virginia to take measures protecting their fallen soldiery, saying. ' r a> wv arc, in iirrslHI rich enough to ? f' rf't, <!xi,l ; ami if ite have not full iv fairs >troh<j und itiUiioj ha ink.*' ::if article described the neglected . ; n of Oakwotnl Cemetery ; and on '.]> ^ iiiu'day pr< posals were advertised \ the City Kngineer for enclosing <Metery with a substantial fence. : tices of the Confederate dead, . the necessity of caring for their s. wt r< the first that appeared in any ; ?;! li>hed in this city. Again, the :u< t?l* reiuounding and repairing ,\. -s, which was found to work so Scully al Hollywood, had its origin i> It filch; which, as far back as . h 27th, advised that a meeting be . i < i the young men of Richmond to means tor restoring the graves of southern dead interred at Hollywood ! Onkwood, " not by money or hired ?, but with their own strong hands." The l'r< ss of Hichmond have shown a ?le and patriotic zeal in circulating the ? of' the Memorial Associations and in ,-tiig in their formation; but while we tli. jn nil honor and thanks for their ; ration, we do still assert that the j-i!> h was, Lie lirst Hichmond news. ? t'> call ittent i? ?u to the neglected ;;:ion of the graves of our soldiers, ! advocate the in;j ortanee of at once ,i in-* the work of their renovation i \ I . , -1 t|N ; .nr.

!r. Mueolu'ft Tt loymm lti Begard to tlir \ l.<'fci>?liilupe. ? ? : ?, K r. S. Military Tklkoraph, ) j War Dkpartmknt, > I V. A-?t!N( ton, I). C., April 12, ) I .', , ?>>'1 H'tifref, Rhhtnoml, 1 .. ju>t seen Judge Campbell's letter j 7' , ; the Tih. lie assumes, us appears i. it 1 have called the insurgent j ? ?ii Virginia together, as t lie | i., -Mature of the State, to settle ' I'ii'i OliCt*S with the United States. 1 ; no Mich thing. 1 spoke ot tin m , I ."Mature, but as the 44 gentle- 1 j.ave 'ui-'l as tli? Legislature ol ; lu support of the rebellion." I purpose to exclude t he assunip- ' ? t I was recognizing them as a j ' I <ly. f dealt with them as men I wr i'' /'"to to do a specific j t \i, it : '' To withdraw the Virginia , ? 1 1 ?{ j ; t ? r support from resistance to j "t..-:.cial ( iovcrnment," for which, in ? I handed by Judge Campbell,! ! .specific equivalent, to wit : A i -it t ? > the people of the State, ex- ! certain cases, the confiscation ol : ... rty. 1 meant this, and no more. :rh, however, as Judge Campbell - -trues this, and is still pressing for .Mice contrary to the explicit statc..f the paper I gave him, and parkas General Grant has since cap- ; ti.f Virginia troops, so that giving a :ati??n for their withdrawal is no applicable, let my letter to you and ? ? ? t tu Judge Campbell both be u ith- . . ?? countermanded, and he be noti- j i.i j- . Do not allow them to assemble ; . ? . tiy have come, allow them safe , a u> their home.-'. A. Lincoln. Intelligence from Memphis. '?! i-nis, June lo. ? A posse ot men to- j is ipt? d to bring into the city two . . tl S. A. lioyett and Frank Win.i: rested lor the murder of a man . Payne on Tuesday night. It seems itv parties were informed of by L. ^ . i> an accomplice, who hunted them ; ? t!.i> city this morning. 1 aring the city they were met by a . lh r on, a relative of Payne, who ? .1 three, killing Bank and mortally j . Boyett. The leader of the posse t Henderson to desist, and on it..- hitter was shot and killed, who killed Henderson was Hen- 1 :??>!: - n uncle. < \ rram fr?-m Little flock lust night :'.at Dr. Webb, a wealthy citizen of, '? e, ai d his son were murdered in a : <U l?y an unknown assassin. v ;\,.v HoITKH AND OFFICES.? Route N : Vtnelia Courthouse to Mannboro'; t with Joseph P. Scott, of Mann- . i . convey mails twice a week, at one ? . . nd ninetv dollars per annum, h- ? No. 4653, Tazewell Courthouse ' " . ; contract with Charles New. ,\h I'.kctoii, Ky., at six hundred and J ity.iivi dollars per annum. K'-ijpeii the following offices: Watvi Lick, Warren county; William ' ' i> |to%t master, vice W. S. lianimack. M-y., l-'ouc, Patrick county; Moses M. ' r j c^n.i ister, vice G. W. Penn. ;"i?- !:rg, Henry county; J. II. Wade i' "inuNtcr, vice G. A. Kalis. . ! ; Stone, Tazewell county; George u }()"]?!* postmaster, vice Z. S. Wilton. ' nd, Tazewell county; J. Ken's M'., postmaster, vice W. B. Ken- , ,j'u;.(ly, Buchanan county ; Mrs. Martha " , it postmistress, vice T. A. Gillespie. | , ^ i \ .Store, Pittsylvania county; Heed ] Vt-r po>tiua>ter, vice K. Parker. i. pi;V?*ay, Henry county; John A.' , postmaster, vice J. C. Jones, ^r UblUh Wolf Summit, Harrison , l>? West Virginia, and appoint John Jfilers postmaster. ??il'jihtnunts. ? James H. Grigg, postf Jarratt's, Sussex county, vice J. 1 Jarratt, who has tailed to bond. 11 ' H'ijkat Crop in the Vallict.? So -* e have beenable to learn, the wheat 1 county doe# not look as well as we ' Vv;kii. On some of the farms an ' '*#? crop will be raised, but in most there will not be half a yield. In om,ty the wheat looks very badly, t is not supposed that one-third the ; ' amount will bo gathered, Persous ,, '"1 represent that there will be ? tt?ttal y if Id, and that it is an exception ibZ, "e14 01

DRATR OF fK W. WIATOK. At 10 o'clock Uilt forenoon our well, taown and universally beloved fallow, euuen William Winston Seaton died at his residence, In this city, in the eighty, second year of his age. Ills disease was cancer upon the ffcee, from which he was an intense sufteror in the bast year. He came to Washington and became the partner of his hrotTicr.in.law, the late Jo. soph Gales, Emi., in the proprietorship of the Xaiional lmellujfi\crr, in October, 1812, since which period, until increasing age and infirmities rendered him incapable of active business labors ? a year or two since ?he was more tl?o roughly identified with the progresK of the Federal metropolis than perhaps any other of Its leading citi. lens. As will be well remembered by thousands around us, his administration of Washington's municipal affairs while the j city's Mayor resulted in great and many j lasting benefits to the city's interest*. NotI withstanding his prominent position for ' nearly half a century in connection with national and municipal public affairs, he i lived as he died, literally without a single j enemy. No man ever spoke ill of him, for ; he never earned the ill-will of any man. No other citizen of Washington was so l?ul>lic-spirited throughout a career of such ureat length. None were kinder or more charitable to all, without regard to party, sect, or color ; and 110 one has died in this city more universally regretted than William Winston Seaton. ? Star, 1 6th. THE NKW TAX BILL. The Finance Committee have about finished the tax bill, and will probably report it on Monday. In a general way, it may l>e said that their views are not widely difli-rent from those held by the Ways and Means Committee. Consequently they have ftestorud the three per cent, duty on reapers, mowers, and threshing machines, and have struck woodenware, sorghum, machinery, and iron bridges from the free list. Printing paper is the only kind of paper left on the free list, a very slight duty being laid on other kinds. Sulphur and saltpetre have been added to the free list. General Schenck's cigar and cigarette clause lias been killed, and it is understood that but one or two classes will be made, with rates about midway between the views of the Ways and Means report and the Schcuck amendment. The income section has not been finally acted on, but there is a disposition to leave the law as it now stands. The cotton tax is reduced to two cents : the clothing duty is increased to two per cent.; the whisky tax is unchanged; the j salary of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue is fixed at six thousand dollars ; gas companies are to be allowed to add the i tax on gas to their customers' bills. ? Corrrspo)ule)>ce Philadelphia Ledyer. INTERESTING TO BONDHOLDERS. A case of interest to bondholders was decided to-day by First Comptroller K. W. Taylor, of the Treasury Department, upon the following established facts : Mr. Weage bought ten $1,000 United States bonds, with consecutive numbers. Having no lire-proof safe, he cut off the coupons, as he asserts, for additional security against tire, burglary, etc. Four of the bonds were subsequently stolen from him, and all efforts to recover them have proved fruitless. He asked for a reissue of the I bonds. Mr. Taylor decided that for the ! bonds and coupons returned entire, though ! separated, new ones can be issued ; for I those stolen but not recovered, new bonds j cannot be issued. The law does not authorize the issue of new for lost or stolen I ones. The holder can collect the interest coupons as they mature, but nothing more

can oe aone. THE COUNTRY WILL SOON BE STARTLED by the avowal on the part of the leading Radicals in Congress that it will only require the votes of three-fourths of the States now represented in Congress- that is to say, the votes of nineteen States- to ratify the constitutional amendment. The Radicals have determined to insist upon this, and to declare the amendment ratified as soon as nineteen States have so voted. MR. HARRIS, OK MARYLAND, receives many felicitations to-day upon his speech of yesterday. Tho Radicals are greatly incensed at it, and would instantly 1 expel Mr. Harris if they did not know that he would be immediately re-elected by his devoted constituents, whom he so faithj fully represents. ? lb. | tiii: ROl'SHE a l'-U r i x n ell difficulty. In order.that your readers may not form ? erroneous ideas in relation to the whipping administered bv General Rousseau, of Kentuckv, to Mr. Grinnell, I will state that ! the provocation is regarded as being such i as no gentleman could overlook. Not only was General Rousseau insulted and slaudered in the grossest and most vituperative manner, and with the foulest language on the floor of the House by Grinnell, but the Speaker would not interfere to check Grinnell, but permitted him to go on uurebuked, and then gave as an excuse that lie could not check a member unless some one made a point against him. The punishment was laid on with a stout rattan, which was used must effectively till it broke. No one interfered or separated the parties outside of the Radicals who took Grinnell's part. Public opinion justifies General Rousseau. A resort to violence as a general thing is, of course, condemned ; but this was an exceptionable case, and the general vcrdict is that Grinnell deserved ail he got, but did not get all that he deserved. ? lb. NEW HAMPSHIRE SENATOR. Conservative politicians arc not sorrv for the defeat of Mr.Clarke as a candidate for reelection to the United States Senate from New Hampshire. Mr. Clarke has claimed political preferment on the ground of his extreme radicalism, as evidenced in his zeal for negro suffrage, and for the ejection of Mr. Stockton from his seat. That the claim was not recognized is a matter of surprise as well as of congratulation. Emory and Henry College.? At the recent commencement exercises of this institution there were ten contestants for the Robertson prize medal. It was awarded to Mr. Selden Langlev. The valedictory address by Mr. Vawter, and the address before the societies by Rev. Mr. Lacy, are highly spoken of. The Abingdon VirgL nian says : " Under all the circumstances, Emory and Henry is in a more prosperous condi. tion than its friends had lioped for it for a time. ^It had one hundred matriculates and a very full faculty. The next session will commence on the third Thursday in August." J Martha Washington Female College. The commencement exercises on Tuesday last are said to have been very inte. i restiug. Most remarkable proficiency (says the Abingdon Virginia ?) was exhibited, showing the ability and fidelity of the teachers as well &s application of the pupils indeed, we heard one gentleman ja> ?himself a scholar and a judge of pro- 1 !?he had attended many col-' w h? u a both ma,e and female, I , 1(1 ne*cr ??*? this equalled in both fairness aud thoroughness. Wheat Crop in Maryland.-^ growing wheat all over Washington county since the recent rains has improved won. derfullv. A prominent miller told us the other day that ft om pretent appearances there will be more wneat harvested tM* year in this county tbyt there was last

mmmmmmmmmmmrnmrnrnrn AatdMv Ensbyiwi? Mftetotfr <kM<?? ftw m? Vw^Mn AmmwMjt. \ Fnm Saturiay's BaUlaow 0?k?tt?. | A meeting of the Fourth PresbyteriAn Chnrch, at Franklin Square, took pl#"e last night at tho request of the pasto.% Rev. Dr. J. A. Lefevre. The congregate was Urge, and Dr. Lefevre spoke of tht action of the General Assembly of the Church fVom 1846 up to the late session. | In 1845, he said, the Assembly passed resolutions declnring that those who taught abolitionism taught a doctrine opposed to the Bible, and up to 1861 that sentiment prevailed. At the laid named date the body took up political subjects. A protest was then made by about one-fourth of the Assembly, and among the signers of that protest were Kev. Drs. John C. Backus and Cyrus Dickson, of this city. lie read the protest to the congregation. In 18f>2 and 18(13 that action was aftirmed, and slavery was made a test of member, ship. But the crowning net was that of the late session, which requires every pastor to examine persons from the seceded States applying for membership, and if such shall not declare their love for the Government of the United States, they must be excluded from the communion of the Church. That action was unconstj^ tutional and opposed to the spirit of the Old School Presbyterian Church, and he would rather obey G<h1 than man. For ten years he had endeavored to teach his people the doctrine of the Bible, and now lie could teach no other. He had been tempted to leave them by the offer of a pleasant and profitable charge, but if they accorded with him, he would love to remain with them. lie should, however, shortly dissolve his connection with the General Assembly, and hoped on Wednesday night next to hear the decision of the congre. gat ion. There seemed to be but one feeling among those present, and that was in accord with those of the pastor. On Wednesday night next there will be another meeting, when the Church will decide whether to hold to the General Assembly or go with Dr. Lefevre. Heavy Receipt* of drain. Buffalo, June 14. ? The Express figures up the receipts of grain at Buffalo for yesterday and to-day at 2,609,252 bushels, the largest amount ever received in the same time at any port of the world. Fatal Accident. Louisville, June 14. ? Professor E. M. Gunter, organist at St. Paul's Church, was thrown from a rockaway yesterday, breaking his neck, and dying instantly. His family, who were in the same vehicle, were I uninjured. Steamer Burned In St. I, on In. St. Louis, June 14. ? Tho steamer Magnolia was burned at the upper levee this morning. She was valued at about one hundred thousand dollars ; insured for onehall' that sum. Canal Ilreak. New York, June 15. ? A break occurred j on the Erie canal this morning five miles i west of Schenectady. It will require six or eight days to repair the damage. Cholera In Albany. Nkw York, June 15. ? A case of cholera is reported in Albany to-day ? that of a well-to-do citizen living on Elizabeth street. Clerical Visit to Ex -President Buchanan. ? About a dozen of the clergymen in attendance upou the Lutheran Syi nod in session at Lancaster paid their I respects to ex-President Buchanan at Wheatland on Thursday, and were most cordially received by that gentleman. A ! neat speech of introduction was made by ' Rev. C. F. Schaeffer, D. I)., of Philadelphia, who in the course of his remarks ? said that though many of the present ? generation were denouncing the ex-Presi-dent in unmeasured terms, he had no doubt that posterity would do ample jus. . tiee to his lame and the patriotic motives . which governed his administration. The ' ex-President replied in a brief but feeling and eloquent manner to Dr. Schaeffer's remarks, and the remainder of the visit was devoted to social conversation. The reverend gentlemen left highly pleased with the courteous manners and dignified bearing of the venerable ex- President. ? Jjancaater Intelligencer.

UNDERWOOD'S FEARS OF ASSASSINATION We can imagine nothing more ludicrous than Underwood's fears of assassination, and the consequent rumors growing out of his weakness in this respect. His fears, or those of his friends, have even designated the assassin, namely, Dr. Maddux, of this city. " The thief sees an officcr in every hush," and the guilty Underwood sees an avenger of wrongs in every Confederate. We might undertake to quiet his apprehensions, for we are sure that he is safe from harm. He is looked upon with contempt, not with hatred. No one values his opinions or wishes, or even so much as holds him responsible for his silly twaddle upon the bench. He reminds us of a demented man we saw in Washington years ago who constantly labored under the idea that Louis Napoleon and the Emperor of Russia were anxiously searching the world over to find him. When these potentates catch and hang the Washington lunatic, the Alexandria booby may begin to tremble. The Cumberland Gap Railroad Company. ? Francis B. Deane, Esq., of Lynchburg, in a letter to B. R. Floyd, Esq., sets forth the importance of constructing the Cumberland Gap railroad, showing that is the shortest route to the Atlantic from l the west, and preferable for various reai sons. -v THE MOBILE SCHOOLMARM WHO MARRIED A NEGRO.- A great excitement was created among the adherents of the negro bureau in Mobile a few days ago by the marriage in that city of a former slave of General Beauregard's to a white woman by the name of Jones, and a teacher of the freedmen. The couple have left for the home of the woman's parents in the north, where there will doubtless be a great jubilee over this manifestation of civil rights when the pair arrive. As the unfortuuate female's parents were doubtless abolitionists, and are now in the Radical faith, they cannot but be rejoiced at the progress that has been made by their docile offspring. But, seriously, this case presents the light of a public affront, and comes under the laws of Alabama that declare miscegenation a penitentiary offence. -New York News. 16th The Prairies Becoming Forests.? 1 Western papers assert that what were vast 1 treeless prairies in Illinois twelve years ago are now covered with a dense growth j of thrifty young forest trees, comprising I various, species of oaks, hickory, cotton- j wood, ash, &c. Another Veto.? The bill entitled " an act to enable the New York and Montauo Iron Mining and Manufacturing Company to purcliase a certain amount of the public ! lands not now in the market" has been ! vetoed by the President. A curious invention is to be tried in Paris. An Iron tube is to be run up the side of the trees in the public gardens which require constant watering in summon Up this tube water Is to be forced, ?o#s to produce #n artificial shower when DMuCu#' * > ^ v i/'

fl lfllBt 1 - 11 TELEGRAPHIO NEWS. MORNING DISPATCHES. HI|Wy InfMtMt ftM Ewrtyc -Crt? ?If ?t Iliad-P?M* Conferfaec ?b<ui-donfd-H?K?ii?tl?iM Broken OfT-All < hnncv for r+*t+ Military Pirp?niHon?-<Wrenfth of the OppminK lorrwi-WftP Imminently The Reform Bill In Enfflnnd-Fftll-nm-TlH* Market*. ; Nkw York, Juik* Ifi. ? The City of Paris, j fn m Liverpool ou the 6th via Queens, i t < ? v. !i on the Gth, hai arrived. It is fully confirmed that the proposed conference has boon abandoned, owing to the demands of Austria, which were regarded by England, France, and Russia as tantai ?ount to a refusal. All negotiations have been broken off hy the neutrals, and it remains for the armed Powers to negotiate among themselves or commence a war. LATEST . The London Tunes says : daily, almost hourly, the yhanccs of peace fade away. I It believes the first events will occur in i the Elbe Duchies but that the great move of Austria will bo an attempt to possess herself of Silesia. The Dally Xeirs savs the appearances in. dicate that a declaration of war, or manii festo equivalent to it, will proceed from | Erussia. The Prussian Government had issued a ' 1 circular note to the neutral Powers, | charging Austria with a flagrant breach of i the treaties by referring the Holstein to I the Diet. Prussia also sent a protest to J Austria, declaring that the measures announced by Austria in the Diet violate the treaty of Gastien, cause a suspension of the Duchies, and restore the Powers to positions accorded by the treaty of Vienna. An Austrian circular declares that Austria will observe the Gastien Convention i until a definite settlement of the question 1 of the Duchies is effected. Her only object in referring the matter to the Diet was to effect such settlements. Military preparations are reported from all quarters. After another long debate on the reform bill, Hoyter's amendment in favor of postponement was withdrawn, and the bill was ultimately referred to the committee with- ! out a division. The impression was abroad that the measure would be withdrawn ; but the Government gives no indication of such a step. Spain increases her army to eighty-five thousand men. LATEST VIA Qt'EEXSTOWX. The crisis on the Continent continues, and war is apparently inevitable. JAverjtool , June 5. ? Sales of cotton for three days, 3,500 bales. The market j opened buoyant with '.,d. advance, but j closed heavy with improvement more than j lost. Breadstuff's firmer, except corn, which is ' quiet ; mixed, 2Us. 3d. Beef dull. Pork I inactive but steady. Bacon firmer. SuI gar quiet and steady. Coffee inactive. Rice without sales. Rosin dull. Spirits j turpentine flat. Petroleum quiet and ! nominal. Agra & Mastermann's Bank lias suspended payment. The liabilities are heavy and widespread. The directors do not doubt that all will be paid in full, and only an inconsiderable portion of the paid up capital lost. The event caused considerable dei , pression, although not unexpected. Zfar/tn, June 6. ? Prince Frederick Charles leaves for the headquarters of the Prussian army in Silesia to-morrow. His staff leaves 1 for the same point to-day. lloreiice, June G. ? Great agitation prevails in Venice owing to a forecd loan and i the refusal of the municipality to co- ? i operate in collecting it. Large numbers

! have deserted the city in consequence of the new conscription. The authorities have I made arrangements to carry away the ? funds and valuables of Biinilica of St. ; Mark's. Paris , June 6. ? L*' Ma nit cur i hi suirs ays that the reservation of Austria to her ac- ! ceptance of the conference prevented any I thorough examination of the Austro-Italian difference, and adds that England and Russia considered that, under these circum- ' stances, the deliberations of the conference | j would have no real utility. The Government of the Emperor could not hut show this opinion, and relinquish for the present the hope it entertained from the immediate assembling of plenipotentiaries. The Prussian army consists of four hundred and fifty-two battalions of infantry, three hundred and twenty squadrons of cavalry, and one thousand and eighty-six field pieces. The Austrian array is now nine hundred thousand strong ; three hundred and fifty thousand against Prussia, and two hundred and fifty thousand against Italy, besides the reserves. If Prussia seizes llolstein, it is expected that the An stria us will cross the frontier. The Emperor is expected at Prague if war breaks out. The King of Prussia will proceed to headquarters, accompanied by Bismarck. LATEST. Liverpool, Juue 6. ? Cotton declined *Jd. Breadstuff* and provisions have a downward tendency. Middling uplands, 13)?. London , June 6. ? Consols for money, 83Jg?86. United States five-twenties, 64? 64/l?* ? The Cholera in New York? Four C'atteH Yesterday. New York, June 16. ? The Tribune has a detailed account of thirteen cases of cholera in New York since May last. Five i cases proved fatal. Four cases were reported yesterday ? one proving fatal, and other three a partial collapse, with but little hopes of recovery. Death of Senator Manner's Mother. Boston, June 16.? The mother of Senator Sumner died yesterday. Aged eighty, one years. ^ The New Pottage Law? General BonaMan. Washington, June 15.? According to the new postage law just approved by the President, prepaid and free letters are to be forwarded at the request of the party ' addressed from one post-office to another, ! without additional postage. Charged and returned dead letters are to be returned to I the writers thereof free of postage. The Roiuueau-Grinnell affair is a sensational topic, and the public are on the qui j l ire, already conjecturing the final result. There will be no more fighting certainly, ; but there Is a feeling of bitterness against Rousseau on the part of the radical Republicans, Whether It will take the form of

/lor merely* formal censure, ii n? . / ^ymioed. The northern pepers reflt^ ^ J|ply on Roussean. Pending the investlgation^he has leave of absence for* week. \ From California. Saw Francmco, June 15.? The Chamber of Commerce recommends to Congress the passage of an act t > relieve the steam line to China and Japan from stopping atHono. lulu, as five days Would be lost in each passage, and ten da}, l in a round voyage. It also suggest a the pi fwoge of u bill to sub. sidize a line of small steamers between the Sandwich islands and San Francisco. Nearly all the Russian telegraph fleet have gone north. Remits fVom officers in the field arc highly encouraging. Fir* at Cincinnati? Murder Trial? Ex* real Ion. Cincinnati, June 16. ? The Masonic Temple, at the corner of Third and Walnut streets, was damaged yesterday to the amount of 815,000. It was insured. Walter B. Watson, the murderer of Captain Menter, was tried at Newport, Kentucky, yesterday, and found guilty. Mortimer Gibbony, one of the murderers of Abraham Deems, was hung at Parkersburg, West Virginia, yesterday. Two Million Hollar* In Gold Clone ?nt. New York, June 10. ? Four steamers sailed to-day for Europe, taking two millions and eighty-seven thousand dollars in gold. .. EVENING DISPATCHES. C'oiiBrreMNlonnl? Thnd. Stevens on the Rampage? Maximilian most be Voted Out or the Monroe Doctrine i Abandoned? Our Government being Flush, mailt* to Lend the Liberal* a ' Good Deal. Washington, June 16.? The Senate was | not in session to-day. In the House, Mr. I Stevens gave notice of his intention to offer the following resolution : Resolved , That the Committee on Foreign | Affairs he instructed to inquire into the j propriety of loaning to the Republic of! Mexico, on proper security, twenty millions of dollars, to enable said Republic to j prevent the overthrow of its government and the establishment of a monarchical government on the continent of North America. He addressed the House in favor of the ' proposition. Mr. Stevens said : The time has arrived when we should determine whether the Monroe doctrine was a practical idea or a mere bravado, i Three years ago the measure now proposed might have been cause for war with France. Then to have loaned money to either belligerent would have been a breach of neutrality. So, now to loan money to the Republic may be justly considered a cause for war by Maximilian, for though he he a usurper, he is a belligerent. But France can have no cause of complaint, according to the strictest rule of international law. Without being i aggressive, it is the duty of this nation to make its moral power felt by other nations. Diplomatic essays, smoothly written, which yield everything and command nothing, add nothing to the force of a nation, but rather invito insult and scorn. Why do we allow our avowed principles to be disregarded by any power ? It needs only the flat of this great republic to decide the fate of Maximilian. What a blunder. What a crime to be content with a promise to withdraw the invading for ?es in eighteen months. Before that time m aided Mexico will be ground to atoms, and republicanism in that beautiful country be among the tilings that were. If it is not intended to "ndicate the Monroe doctrine with energy, ' it be abandoned with dignity. In my 'ginent, it was wise to declare that no :< >cign nation should establish a throne on this continent against the consent of the people. Without foreigu aid it is clear that republicanism will bo crushed out in Mexico. Money is required to sustain Juarez's army, and twenty million dollars could be advanced by the United States with a mortgage on Lower California, , Sonora, and other States, which would : make it safe. If Maximilian wants war, it wont alarm us, but give us an opportunity to vindicate our honor, which has become dim under the Micawber policy of our Foreign Secretary. I hope some decided steps will be taken.

New* from WiMhlugton. Washington, Jmio 16. ? There in no doubt among Republicans that Tennessee will be admitted conditionally before the 4th of July. That coudition, however, is the ratitication of the constitutional amendment, which will be done. Brownlow's Legislature has been convened for the purpose. Senator Patterson, the son-in-law of the President, cannot, however, take the test oath, he having been a judge in Tennessee under the Confederacy. Messrs. Maynard, Stokes, and Fowler can take anything imposed by the Radicals, and are ready to do it. Dineharfe of Roberta, the Fenian? The Cholera? The Revolution In lama lea. New York, June 16.? Roberts, the Fenian President, was discharged from custody yesterday, United States District At-, tomey Courtney having for the present withdrawn the prosecution. New York, June 16. ? The Tribune prints detailed accounts of thirteen cases of cholera in this city since May 1, five proving fatal. Four cases reported yesterday?one fatal, the others in a collapsed state and without hope of recovery. Three; fatal cases in Schenectady are reported. SECOND DISPATCH. New York, June 16, P. M. ? There are ugly rumors about the cholera t6-night, and apprehensions that it may become epidemic. There were two more deaths to-day. An arrival from Jamaica reports that the cholera has extended to that island, and that It still prevails in Guadaloupe. The revolution in St. Domingo against President Baez waa increasing io strength and dimensions. A small victory had been gained by the Government troops in the province of Cibao, but on the other hand the capital waa in a state of clone siege by the insurgents. In all probability the present revolution will succeed in the final overthrow of Baea'a government. Arrival of the If? and Pitayi*. Nrw York, June 17.? The steamers Hanaa, from Southampton 6th, and PaL. myra, from Liverpool 6th, have arrived. The news baa been generally anticipated.

Nrw York, Jane IT.? Thfe Importa 'afj the put week exefced seren mflUoti* #1 dollars, of which there were four mflllotis of dollars of sugar, ten, and coffbe. The excitement in the gold room baa been interna for several days past. Four or Ave of the heaviest stock speculators have 1 lost fbrtuncs in that time by (browing their money And influence against the rise. A London letter to a banking firm here says the specie arrivals are an immenee thing for American credit. The amount sent from America is everywhere admitted to have saved general bankruptcy in England. The letters to other bankinghouses in this city are very mnch to the same effect. Important Salt. Harkihbi ro, Pa., June 17.?The Pelro* leum Bank at Titnsville, and the Venango Bank at Franklin, have instituted an action against ex- Auditor-General Isaac Henker, and through him against the State of Penn. sylvania, for the recovery of $1,125,000 United States securities deposited by the Auditor-General as security for (he circn. lating medium of those banks. The facts as stated are these : The Arm of Culver, Penn & Co. were in the habit of j taking the notes of the Venango and Petroleum banks for cancellation at the Au-ditor-General's office, where they received a like amount of bonds for that which they presented in notes. It is alleged that the parties thus receiving these bonds were neither agents nor officers of the banks, and that the bonds, instead of being sent to the officers of said banks, were taken to New York and hypothecated by Culver, Penn & Co. It is further alleged that this was done without the authority of the banks, and that it was embezzlement, for which the Auditor-General is responsible. Warrants have been issued, and officers are now in Venango to arrest the parties implicated in the traitaction. The condition of these banks is now in course of official investigation. Dntrnftlvc Fire. New York, June 16. ? A large portion of the village of Carysville, Genessee county, was burned last night. Loss, two hundred thousand dollars. FYXAN<'IAfj AND COXSEKl'IAL. Richmond, June 16, 1?66. RICHMOND TOBACCO EXCHANGE. There were thirteen hogsheads opened on Saturday. Sixteen hogsheads and two boxes were offered. The boxes sold : 1 at 896, and 1 at $51. Ten hogsheads were taken in. Six were sold as follows : 1 at $16, 1 at $16.50, 2 at $5.10, and 2 at $5.Gt>. This market enjoyed its usual quiet today ; but business men sought the bulletins of the newspapers and the telegraph offices frequently, the foreign news and the evidence of financial agitation in New York exciting a good deal of interest. Gold here was regulated by the rapid advance in New York. NEW YORK. The news by the City of Paris, with dates to the 5th, from London, liad a great effect on the New York market Saturday. Gobi rose at once more than eleven per cent.: from 147 J8' on Friday to 149, tg. Thi news tliat war is inevitable was the chiel cause of ihe advance, as there seems to be no great agitation of a financial character in London, and only one failure, which, it was announced, would result in no loss to creditors. It is probable that American securities | came back a little freely; but we conjecture that the apprehended effects of war had a good deal to do with the excitement on Saturday in Wall street. We see no reason to hope for peace; but we antici. pate that as soon as war ii begun, jteople i will settle down to it ; and so far from injury flowiug from it to this nation, it will f probably be benefited, and receive a new ! stimulant to prosperity. This will cer- 1 tainly be the case if the Uuited States, bonds have the credit in Europe which we have been led to believe they have. In that case people will seek them as an investment preferable to the bonds of the belligerent governments.

NEW YOU MAHKJGTW, baiumuai .vnuimui New York, June 16. ? Cotton dull and drooping at 39641c. Gold, 155?4. Exchange nominal. Sixty days' bills unquotable ; sight, ll1^. The steamer's mails go south this evening. Four steamers to-day | for Europe take $2,087,000 iu gold. New York, June 16, P. M.? Cotton coivtiuues dull; sales, 1,000 bales. Flour active and 10<jl3c. higher ; sales, 13,000 bar. re Is :* State at] $G.50?$9.75; Ohio, $8,666 813.95 ; Southern firmer, with sales of 600 j barrels at $10.30@$17. Wheat, 304c. higher \ closiug with an advancing tendency ; sale*, 370,000 bushels. Corn active, aud advtnced 364c.*, sales at 89?V3lsc. Pork closed buoyant *, mess, $33. Lard .firm. VThiskey dull at $2.26@$229. Sugar and coffee quiet. Molasses* dull. Tur. ! pentine firm at 89692c. Gold, had j been up to 1C0,]?. NEW ORLEANS MARKETS* New Orleans, June 16.?^ Cotton? sales, 325 bales new middling at 36>g$37. Gold, j 152 >?. Bank sterling, 1650170. New York - exchange, par to ^c. premium. QEMETERY ENCLOSURES. W? ir? yrtpurad to HM( CKVBT1HT riHCBS OV AMY DK&1BXD PATTSB1. Th0M wishing to tocloM their IoUvlli call and ?ZMoin* oar dMif m. ?BCHXB * OOODWjUl, j# ? r j Tai?an I*oa Wprtw. ; J^EATHER, itArnU, oi* A5P BIMlOCK ? FRfWCH, OWMAJf, an4 AMB11CAY CALF : mmm MM. . J" ? CPFEft. HABVm aad BKtDLB 1.14THI1, O. H. CHaLKLBT t&EBBL liaktMaih slrtat, b*tw??a Ualfl $td C*ry '

fltornin*, the trains WSniliMd lion of me k I ng It his ?pan wWiif r,7,'?s^^5siBEEto ?feaSUiij-*- umm,m am mm Colonel WAlRfJ of the F?nqalw Wfcw ?B/pig?d,?nd ?Ififce Tli o?t detirlag am ?'KSiroll to maka f The priea of lUWrtBlixlM often pereoal. reek, twenty pel ,WStKi.7 keep a constant (in art hottlse, " shipping. _n?jr I?? vcviJr rpiIK HOT SPRUffOSy BATH COUNTl, VIBOUTIA, fKMMiBATOeB, MOM flZTTTO Oil aix BttiBua, tMMummt. TARDY, WILLIAMS 4 CO., Piornmii. Will be open for ike reeepttoa of Thtton Jill ? let, 1W. All the balldtnga having been repairs*, pointed, snd Acted oat with VIW FURNITURE, UMMM, BEDS, and TABLBWABE, tkeee SPRINGS dfer unsurpassed attractions to both the lavalld ui pleasure-eeeker. So expense or effort tee km spared by the proprietors to aike it m iim<mHIiU tnd pleasant u pomlble to all rlfiton. The HOT WAT BBS here hare haea wall Iraawa for more than half a eeatury to poaeeee, la a vwderful degree, tonie, alterative, detergent, a ad stimulating propertiea, and have beeaaM jaetly celebrated for the fare of Rheumatlsas, Qoat, Diseases of the Liver, 8kia, Bladder, and Womb j Paralysis, the result of Injury or aeiloae eintoe ; Contraction of Musclar aad Joints, DIarrhma, aad Dyspepsia, accompanied with eore Booth and tongue. New BATH-HOUSES hava been erected, a BAWD )T MUSIC engaged, and BILLIARD aad BOWLFNG SALOONS fitted op. The 8P LBN DID BALL-BOOM haa been thoroughly refitted. Honte from the north, rla Orange and Alexaa* Jrla railroad to Oordonarllle ; thence ate Vlrglnla Central railroad to MUlkoro* Depot ; theaee to Hot Springe dlreet, over tarn pike, (distance, twenty miles, ) by Trotter A Co.'a atage line. Route from the aonth, Ha Lynch k?rg or Bieh* mond, and Virginia Central railroad to MHlkoro' Depot. Tbhxs : S3 por day ; |M per week. A BAND OF MUSIC 1$ engaged for the aeaeoa. my 17? lm Bath alum springs.? Tht? highly improved aad keaatifal Waterlug-PTaea will be opened for the reception of visitors on tha 16th instant. It in altnated in Bulb county, Va.rit the eastern bane of the Warm Spriag Mean tela, oa the m?in road leading from Mil I boro' depot, oo the Virginia Central railroad, to t&e Warn, Hot, ami Healing Springs. It is tea miles f It ia tcu iiiiicv from Millboro1 depot, Ira the Warm, ten from the Hot, and thirteen from tha dealing Springs. Every effort wil promote t quests. A daily ? ? ? now on the rood from the depot to tha wateringplaces nbove-montloned. rati* or doabb : By the day 9* tt By the week If It Jo it? dfrc<w? JOSBPH BAXTBB, Proprietor. J JOCK BRIDGE ALUM SPRINGS, It VIBGINIA. These MINERAL WATERS hare an eetahllaked " " ih curative vlrtae In all the iseaae, and as helag an ASm. m : of Glandular reputation for very high curative virtue tn all t%a following classes of disease, and ae belag jjOLUTE SPBCl FIC in several of them. vT? Kr.KitDlTLi and all the forme .iiu insvasi hivhw ^ ? BLADDER, and PILES. In all anjemle eopdltlooe of the system and broken-down states of the eoo? *tltation, loss of appetite, and general aervaoa prostration, their powers and virtue as a restorative may be safely pronounced to bo WltHOOT A KNOWN RIVAL amongst the mineral wataai at th They are especially Indicated la the whole ekM of ailments peculiar tn the Female Conetltatlaa. This WATEK1NO PLACK ii i in the .same ?maW with the eelebrated " NATURAL BKtPSB W Virginia, and is one of that remarkable gnu ?# Mineral and Thermal Waters which hava glvoa celebrity to this mountainous reoiou. It wifl be open to the publle on JUNE lay. Tha proprietors will spare no reasonable effort lo hava ' h Vb ell j^-ROOM^lfl?* iifRUHTMLM11* ' and the BILLIARD and BOWLING SALOOIS IB- .- tored in complete order. . . _ Aceosa from the seaboard la by the Virginia Cear Iral railway (from the North, via Washfcftof cky and Orange and Aleaaadria railroad to PiiliM riiie : and from t^e South, ela Blehawod orUmfk- < arg,) to OoshenDepot, thence by stage ooiehee, over a rmooth road, eight mile* ap the Valley to the Springs. BATH OF BOABD : By the day Ky the month i.? fat day. The SPRINGS PAMPHLET, with aaatartfa aaft full description, sent by mall on aMiieAUoa Pracci ii, Lahd A C<v , Klchinond, or to the signed. FBAliX&4% The water is bottled, securely packod. aad oO nale at S12.60 per ease of one 4mm half- gaily jsslty of a visit to the Sprlags._ - i",o,mjiabs?*i!3S Fo#my 13 ? ta General Ageab.

WJMTKlTABBTECirTZfl^^^l ? AXUMCTUEBM ov pH3 ? FIRST PBIMIUM, GOLD MftAL, TrfTJ QBAHD, MU1BB A5D VPKI01T PIANOS. [ VkM I a?t rumanta h?Ting b?n MON lk? ftfc* Ik for thepaet thlrtjr ye are, Sure, ?poa tfctlr?s? Mil ciim alone, ?tfMM mi VifVMliW Fit* UUVEici that in ouonncee the* umqcaUW. TMl T <MU combine* great power, difrl? ? '???<??. ?Bi [! fln? timing quality, m v?U m mM ?f | ! Intonation aid bamoiUoaaMM U? entire ecale. Th?il .. TOUCH lapllaat and elaatie, aid leeatir*)? to? t*m M >tlffne*e found In to JWUI7 pUatM; vfcte* MM the performer to ao *4*117 ttw. la vn* W0UUUI8UT U?ey cannot b? excelled. TfclU aeOw 1* mb> ?traded vUb a Utl and iBlrtlfll ?? ffHT JMl therein that (iwUriw tA? iMl MMMM. S?m bat the *?* Maaooed afttaftoltoMilaMv oaaaflMttt*. aod tb*j will l^rl IfefcaN M|? of tie eoneert-Nwa ?r*h thai ?f *? MM M* an mMH imINM Ib Ifcatr aM*pi !? *< they are eonetmeud . ?? HOT POS A TB4A-OTT VOB ?W All oar Square PUuu* k?T1 <*r WW l^eoeii I Graiul Seal* and Ik* AftMGft Tfetklt*. . . . I awssarg ] I BW LUMBER T ! near tb^WM^aifSdto |4S fem? JrCo ^ ( T1>b^i