Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 238, 20 June 1866 — Page 1

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If HE DISPATCH. R !?V <\)\VARPIN * ELLYSON. '? T Ill.T P SPAT< H I* A in anharrl i* ? w ?> ('"vuMMoth^rarrUr ?r#?kl* V. * V- " * *<? for ?l* months ?gi" rh f,m ?h >rt*r |?#r1<>d. f A, u ^ #n 1 ? * ?h rior y i> WVfKl.V I?PAT('H *1 94 p#r an- ? _ ? f r - i m ? ? r ' h ? u< Ki \ l>l-r %T? H *l *S P^r annam. ?/?/? / i/iisirioiis Prisoner AT rOKTKl-SS MONROE. HOltl <?! ?IS ? T,?: 1 %x. II . < .??? rv>'0?ti ?'"???? Rlrhmonrt nnd II, r i 1 1 I *en* %?!??? I rnhlr Itlwrrla. ii, hi on Monimi-I'mldrnl John. i in' i ?i <oncllUiion ? %?.||||< rn > on - brl I t grrrntn ? Miotic, u ill J?? Sntnl Kii|iiTinHrv Iro"1 I ?Klnn?l- Sccmlon not 1 1 . i?<'ii Ki IIkIoii?i< hiirnrlrr of Nr. |l*?i? ,m \ has done the cause of" Int. e. and afforded the world a li:> narrative of President ? 3 i !?? . \\ >? make a few more , ?' ? ! is lv k relating more t<> Mr. I>\\is than his sutler- i : : fainnicnt <>t' our readl< und deeply interest. ; i i tieal good sense, i'.fl wisdom. First wt lay ?v\KK< v |ti 'I T RlcllMONli ? M S I > I < -\N \Kt?s III K ClTIZKNS. : !!. ? Called on Mr. Rivis. . a> he was well, I was about .: la\ 1"? ?r Kiehmond, to begone ? ek. ami would he happy to ???? tl messages he in i^rlit w ish :iit :i !?? in that city. Mr. l>avN < ail 1 1 1 ?? > 1 1 his former |?ast<?r. . M.nnigcrodc, rector of St. ? -ti "tin r It iends, giving tur ? I would be glad to receive I - ' i hi' ft> Hulk- 'tis iljffi i "tiling ? ii\ ]i t it* Itflssiblr, tor I ' t ? '?/?> <?/ th'iroim i I'll ftf: >m his misfortunes. [ : K; !.:i:oiid had l?een a very j y in the days gone by; hut 1 oars of military operations and 1 :? iT< I its appc.r aiu c must now j a It r ? <1 . " t >ii, the anxious mo- ! I have spent in that city !" exi Mr. I?a? !?>. '? < \ir? - that nont- can ? ! a\'?* * "t hecii to !i!l ?>it jotis ..j responsihilitv in revo. What hopes and tears, ' ? ? ( j.i < ' u itln t and lnurniurers | - . it!;in. though of tho latter I . ?; .:?araiiv*dy lew. Tnk'ui-j nil j i ? ?, </ flnir f>?oplf .st(X*{ I ? / I lull ?'? \r'ith 't '/' CO ti< 'II i / 111)1 )?? I'l'r If tnli > t '.??!, "I" <tll<l lift, llll'l { >f? ii'iij j' nhi f at His i ke the la>t sentence with ' ? thin hand^ clasped and 1 . in hi> ?'y,'s, though not n ove i . ! t was in such mo. - :.!< < ? though n? ?t handsome, standard, became . ? in' i?* in the delicate e\- ? :.h I tual power and t'er. . Jj. ? Calh d on >lr. I>avi?.for Niti'-e t< turning I'rom Kich- ? iuirt d about friends in Kich. .. with a smile, was he still re. . !'??, or whether it had been ? - :it t" fia>e hiv name from i :.i : } ' Assured him that I'd most >olicitoiis lor his, illy tilt' ladle*, who had t y w iie w itli attentions diu ' ; visit, as the only means ol : : Platitude tor any allevia. j - ? . :i w hicli my duty as liis . i Hit had imposed. Told ? ' . tin!) from the tire had been . i- -s than two years the city ? ? retrieved a prosperity not only .. .t surpassing any it hud yet j Oveilooking Kiehiiiond from the I < < ! : i ble s 11,11. the clamor of trowels ' liters everywhere resounded beie, and it seemed like an enormous : ? , su incessant was the industry. ,i'd that (Jeneral Terry, my old h r, had kiii I ly placed On otrri't'je . i> ? - n> ",?/ iii>]itis<il iluriii'j (fi e visit, ? 1 had vis;ted, w ith much interest, without sympathy, the beautiful Hollywood Cemetery, where K. H. Stuart and so many other t i oilkcrs ot the late southern lie in graves, not nameless in. j ;s yet with no enduring lnoiiu

1 . - laughed about his carriage, :..ut since some " Yankee " had ?. he would prefer my doing so During the war they had no ? j monuments to the illustrious . . ly time enough or means . ;e eareofthe wounded living. .*?? had been successful, the ? a new nation would have built . sith-unis and trophies to those ihrir lives in founding it; 1,1 lure of the cause this duty . gratitude must now devolve ass-M iations of patriotic grati- ? vmI Jackson ("Stonewall") ave some lively presentiment rtly before its occurrence, and : ii.it his only monument might hoisted over his grave until ? .is tile eause for which he fought ? 1 with victory and secure fr<un . SjKiaking <>f a message of conmd cheer the Kev. Dr. MinniF i sent him, Mr. Davis spoke in ? m.s of the learning, zeal, elo. K lity and Christian courage of ? i an. General Lee had occuin the same ehurch, and, unless t unavoidably in the public . one ot the most regular and v 'hints. General Lee was uiK ? of the greatest soldiers of : ! the very greatest of this or .tit rv ; but had he drawn his i b ral side, must have been curity, under our system, \ months of the war. No- ? ? !, shook the confidence of eompetent to form a just - superior qualifications for and his career bad nobly i the calm estimate of piofcs- ? ' ? rit. m: .' 5. ? Recurring to my RichM:. Davis made many minute ? lative to former friends, the ( ?minion of the trades-people in > prosperity ; the social relations, if i wi (1, between the o ? upying inhabitants. He sa'>l his . '? . ng done all their duty in the <w the two duties *>f forgetting pit paring to accept the fiuure. their gi? t truths in agricultural ? *? the difficulty of gettir^ 'i.als ? horse , it ':Ies, and oz*ii ; ? u s<? nearly *fpt aaay by tKc j 'I I i '/(. (. j (a, ripi/rt in lhf' p(k>! j t !aj ii" and ns conseque. ? es ' ??> < ? pted in <ood fait), and 1 ; i? The future is always un- j ? "utroi of resolute men ; ami with > and the influx of northern and capital? which must soon lie ' 1 by the pre.abundant natural in the south ? there could be no vs! y national prosperity should not -?<) leetablished within half a dozen (hut w, if the Federal OovernmetU ' "l'i w and jtuerowi course, dUnyimj Wion Hud divert imj the minds of the pw*

plr fro m lh<ir unsuccessful sacrifices, f> y out *#?</ mcmara'jhuj tit c sjtlendid mrard* of industry. Tin" following extract is alike remark - able for its truth and beauty: KKMAl.K LK(Tt HERS*? AND THK TRt'K MISSION OF WOMAN*. Mr. Pa via referred to some remark of J Miss Anna Dickinson, hostile to himself, which he had soen in the papers; also re. . calling that he had heard of the lady a honoring Fort M? ?nr< ??* with hei prcsc nee some six weeks before? he supposed to t 1 derive her inspiration from an actual view of his casemate, or possibly to catch a secret view of him through the admiring favor of (icncral Miles or some smitten officer. He hail noticed that Miss Dickinson had figured largely upon the lecturing stage, and had undeniable talent, but the talent rather of a Manad or Pythoness than most of the mild virgins who worshipped Vesta and kept the tires of faith and charity forever burning on her pure altar**. Woman's appearance in the political arena was a deplorable departure Irom the golden path which nature had marked ' out for her. The male animal was endowed with more than sufficient belligerent v for all purposes of healthy agitation ; and woman's part in the social economy, as site had been made beautiful and gentle, i should be to soothe asperities rather than I ! deepen and make more rough the cross- ! 1 trat ks ploughed in the road of life by the ? diverging passions and opinions ot men. It was a revolutionary age : transpositions ] i and novelties were the fancies of the day, ami w< >ina ii on the political rostrum was only an outcropping of the disorganized and disorganizing ideas now in control of the popular mind. The clamor of certain classes of women l'or admission to the pro- ! fissions and employments heretofore engrossed by men was another phase of the same malady. They demanded to be made , sell-supporting, forgetful that their most tender charm and safest armor lay in helplessness, W oman's office embraced all the i sweetest and holiest duties ot suffering humanity. ller true altar is the happy tire- , side, not the forum with its foul breath and distracting clamors. Physically unable to defend themselves from injury or insult, tln ir weakness is a claim which the man must be utterly bast* who disregards. The highest test of civilization is the deference paid to women. Thev are like the beau- j tiful vines of tho south, winding around the rugged forest trees and clothing them with beauty ; but let them attempt living apart from this support, and they will soon trail along the ground in muddy ami trample! impurity. While woman depends on man i<*r everything, man's love accepts, j and his generosity can never do enough to ' discharge the delicious and sacred obligations; but let woman enter into the ruder employments ot life as man's rival, and she passes herselt as a slave under those iin Korahlc laws ot tvadc which are without sex or sentiment. Perhaps in one branch of medicine there might appear a fitness in her claim to matriculation*, but even in that branch circumstances of sudden ditficultv and danger were of cvery-day occurrence, requiring the steadier nerves, cooler judgment, and quicker action of a medical man to deal with. It asked for ; his sublimest ideal of what women should !??? in time of war, he would point to the dear women of hi-* people as he had seen them during the recent struggle. The j Spartan mother sent forth her boy, bid- ; ding him return with honor, either carrying his shield or on it. '1 lie women ot the south sent forth their sons, directing them to return with victory; to return with wounds disabling them from t urther service, or never to return at all. All they had was thing into the contest ? beauty, grace, passion, ornament ; the exquisite frivolities so dear to the sex were cast aside ; their songs, if they had any heart to sing, were patriotic ; their trinkets were tlung into the public crucible ; the carpets from their floors were portioned out as blankets to tin* suffering soldiers of their cause; wo- 1 men bred to every refinement of luxury | wore homespuns made by their own hands; I when materials for an army balloon were I wanted, the richest silk dresses were sent I in, and there was only competition to i .secure their acceptance. As nurses of the ->ick, as encouragers and providers for the combatants, as angels of charity and mercy adopting a's their own all children made orphans in defence of their homes, as patient and beautif ul household deities, accepting every sacrifice with unconcern, and lightening the burdens of war by every art, blandishment, and labor proper to their sphere, the dear women of his pco

pie <U'm rved to take rank with the highest I heroines of the grandest days of the greatj est countries. Talking further upon wo. ; man, Mr. Davis stated his belief that when : women proved unfaithful to their marriage j vows it will in almost every instance be I found the husband's fault. Men throw j their wives, or allow them to be thrown, i into the companionship of male associates j whom they know to be dissolute; neglect them while the illicit lover pays every at - j tent ion, and then grow angry at the result i of their own criminal folly. It is either i this, or that the man has chosen, without I sutlicient inquiry, ;i woman whose unfitj ness for the relations of wife might have been readily ascertained. No woman will err if treated properly by a husband worthy of the name ; but she is the weaker vessel, and must be protected. PRESIDENT JOHNSON. As Mr. Davis was speaking of the Senate, asked him his opinion of President Johnson, to which for some moments he made no reply, apparently hesitating whether to speak on the subject or not. At length he said that of President Johnson he knew no more than the papers told everyone; but of Mr. Johnson, when in the Senate, he would as freely speak as of any other member. There were, of course, differences between them, more especially just previous to the retirement of the southern representatives from Congress. The position of Mr. Johnson with his associates of the south had never been pleasant, not from any fault or supercilliousness on their side, but solely due to the intense, almost morbidly sensitive pride of Mr. Johnson. Sitting with associates, many of whom he knew pretended to aristocracy, Mr. Johnson seemed to set up before his own mind, and to keep ever present with him, his democratic or plebeian origin as a bar to warm social relations. This pride- for it was the pride of having no pridehis associates long struggled to overcome, but without success. They respected Mr. Johnson's abilities, integrity, and greatly original force of character, but nothing could make him be or seem to wish to feel at home in their society. Some casual word dropped in debate, though uttered without a thought of his existence, would seen to wound him to the quick, and again he would shrink back into the selfimposed isolation of his earlier and humbler life, as if to gain strength from touching his mother earth. In a word, while other members of the Senate were democrats in theory or as their political faith, Mr. Johnson was a democrat of pride, conviction, and self-assertion- a man of the people, who not only desired no higher grade of classification, but could not be forced into its acceptance or retention when friendly efforts were made to that end. He was an immense worker and student, but always in the practicalities of

life, little in the graces of literature. His habits were marked by temperance, industry, courage, and unswerving perceverance ; also by inveterate prejudices or preconceptions on certain points, aud these no arguments could shake. His faith in the judgment of the people , was unlimited, and to their decisions he was always ready to submit. One of the people by birth," lie remained so by con- 1 viction, continually recurring to his origin, though he was by no means the only Senator of the south in like circumstances. ; Mr. Davis mentioned Aaron V*. Brown, of Mississippi, who had been Postmaster-Ge-neral under President Buchanan, and several others who were of like democratic 1 education with Mr. Johnson, but who ( seemed to forget, and in regard to whom it was forgotten by their associates, that they had ever held less social rank than that to which their talentsatid industry had hiised thetn. Mr. Johnson's character justice was an eminent feature, though not un- j coupled, as true justice rarely fails to be, . with kindliness and generosity. He was ! eminently faithful to his word, and pos- 1 j sensed a courage which took the form of I angry resistance if urged to do or not to do anything which might clash with his j ' convictions of duty. He was indifferent to j money, and careless of praiso or censure when satisfied of the necessity of any line I of action. But for his decided attitude | ajrainst secession he would probably have been given the place of Mr. Stephenson the Presidential ticket of the Confederacy. Mr. Stephens, indeed, held the same attitude up to the last moment ; but on the ? secession ot 1 1 i State hud two altcrnati\es of State or Federal "treason," as it was called, presented, and chose the latter. TIIK POLICY OF CONCILIATION'. In the better days of the Roman empire, j when its possessions increased, and con- ; i qucred countries came in a few years tobe j ! integral and even zealous members of the imperial system, it was the policy of con- i filiation, following that of military con- j quest, which achieved the desired results. Certain laws and restrictions of the Imperial Government were imposed ? so much annual tribute, so many legions to our 1 military levies, and obedience to all such laws of the central government as maybe , issued for your control. But within these , liucs, and with these points conceded, the empire strove in all minor and domestic matters to conform in so far as might Iks j possible to the former habits, customs, and law.s of the people absorbed, and the independent governments superseded. Even thfir peculiarities of morals, manners, and religious views were studied and respected when not conflicting with the necessities of the empire ; their leading men were j justly treated, and no efforts were spared to make the new order of things sit lightly at first, 'and even pleasantly in a few years, on the necks of the subjugated provinces. Generosity is the true policy, both of nations and individuals. "There is that makcth himself rich, yet hath nothing: there is that makcth himself poor, yet hath great riches." While my people are held as conquered subjects, they must Into you a continued source of expense and danger ? a country penned together with bayonets. Let the past he expunged, if you please; we have nothing to blush for in it, and nothing to regret but failure. The necessities of the northern treasury and public debt, Mr. Davis thought, "would, before long, compel us to do jus. tice to this section." SOl'THKRV XOX-BKLLIfiEKKXTS. Mr. Davis said the press of the south had enjoyed more liberty and given more trouble to its Government than that of the north. Properly conducted, its power was an important adjunct to the machinery ? ?i war ; but engineering it was a complex study, calling for special education iu its professor. The only men still remaining vindictively belligerent and anxious to perpetuate trouble in the south ? so far as he knew . and a> their words could reach him ? would be found in the small-fry of little | country editors, and certain classes of civilians who had been exempted from military service by special legislation, the purchase of substitutes, or the procurement ot details. It was the non-belligerents ol actual conflict who had always been and would remain most ferociously belligerent in speech and writing. Not having borne arms in the struggle, they might claim rej wards for their loyalty or neutrality in Federal patronage, or olliccs tobe tilled by popular vote ; and such claims would likely be allowed by our people, to the exclusion of those fearless and honest men who, having fought, failed, and accepted defeat, were now only anxious to erase all painful souvenirs and legacies of the unfortunate and unavailing strife.

ST0N E W A I.I. JACK SON . Of Stonewall Jackson, Mr. Davis spoke with the utmost tenderness and some toueh of reverential fee I i up, bearing witj ness to his earnest and pathetic piety, his . singleness of aim, his immense energy as an executive officer, and the loyalty of his nature, making obedience the first of all duties. " lie rose every morning at three," j said Mr. Davis, "performed his devotions for half an hour, and then went booming j along at the head of his command, which , cam? t?> be called 'Jackson's foot cavalry,' from the velocity of their move- ! ments. lie had the faculty, or rather gift, of exciting and holding the love and confidence of his men to ait unbounded degree, | even though the character of his campaigning imposed on them more hardships than on any other troops in the service. Good soldiers care not for their individual I sacrifices when adequate results can be I shown; and these General Jackson never i lacked. Hard fighting, hard marching, ! hard fare, the strictest discipline ? all these men will bear if visibly approaching I the goal of their hopes. They want to get j done with the war, back to their homes land families; and their instinct soon I teaches them which commander is pursu- | ing the right means to accomplish these results. Jackson was a singularly ungainly man on horseback, and had many peculiarities of temper, amounting to violent ! idiosyncrasies ; but everything in his na- , ture, though here and there uncouth, was , noble. Even in the heat of action, when j most exposed, he might be seen throwing I up his hands in prayer. For glory he lived long enough," continued Mr. Davis with I much emotion, "and if this result had to 1 come, it was the Divine mercy that removed him. He fell like the eagle, his ! own feather on the shaft that was dripping 1 with his life-blood. In his death the Conj federacy lost an eye and an arm, our only | consolation being that the final summons I could have reached no soldier more pre1 pared to accept it joyfully. Jackson was I not of a sanguine turn, always privately j anticipating the worst, that the better might be more welcome." naval supremacy. England's naval supremacy he considered lost by the invention of iron-clads, these converting the conditions of maritime warfare from a question of dexterity and personnel into one of machinery ; and in machinery the Americans could have no superiors, while in all other qualities they were at least the equals of the British. The science of naval gunnery had also been revolutionized,' the new principle being to concentrate into a single crushing shot the former scattered forces of a broadside. The problem of the ironclad was to attain the maximum of often.

Hive power while exposing the least possi. bit' and most strongly -armored objective points to the projectiles of the enemy; and in snob plans of onr iron-clads as be bad latelv seen, these desiderata seemled to have been very nearly attaiued. For crossing the ocean, however, and for cruising on peaceful stations, our vessels lay too low in the water either for safety ! from storms or the comfort and health of the crew and officers. II our present vesi sels had in them vast wells, which, when erupt v. would cause the hulls to float eight or ten feet above the water, and which, on being filled when going into action, would reduce thera to their present level, lie thought no grander instruments of belligerency could be imagined. Wooden bottoms, with armored sides and armored turrets, he could not but think would prove the best. The enormous weight supetjunposcd, coupled with the rollings of i lie fiHv, must soon chafe and wear away the rivets and plates of an iron bottom, no matter how carefully secured; while wooden bulls sat more easily on the water, land both avoided chafing, and obtained greater speed by their capacity ot yielding a little. Even the sea, in its laws, con. I eluded Mr. Davis, with a smile, teaches the policy of conciliation, of concession. SK< 'KSSION NOT TREASON. Mr. Davis said it was contrary to reason 1 and the law of nations to treat as a rebellion or lawless riot a movement which had been the deliberate action of an entire people through their duly organized State I governments* To talk of treason in the ease of the south was to oppose an arbitrary epithet against the authority of all writers on international law. Vattel deI duces from his study of all former precc- ! ?loiit ? and all subsequent international jurists have agreed with him ? that when a | nation separates into two parts, each ' claiming independence, and both or either setting up a new government, their quarrel, should it come to trial by arms or by diplomacy, shall be regarded and settled precisely as though it were a difference between two separate nations, which the divided sections, dt fncto,, have become. Each must observe the laws of war in the treatment of captives taken in battle, and such negotiations as may front time to time arise shall be conducted as between independent and sovereign Powers. Mere riots, or conspiracies for lawless objects, in which only limited fractions of a people are irregularly engaged, may be properly treated as treason, and punished as the public good may require ; but Edmund Burke had exhausted argument on the subject, in his memorable phrase, applied to the tirst American movement for independence, " 1 know Hot how an indictment against a whole people shall be framed." RELIGIOUS PHASE OF MU. DAVIS S < HAHA* 1 IK. There was no affectation of devout ness or asceticism in my patient; but every opportunity 1 had of seeing him convinced me more deeply of his sincere religious convictions, lie was fond of referring to passages of Scripture, comparing text w itli text, dwelling on the divine beauty ol the imagery and the wonderful adaptation ot the whole to every conceivable phase and stage of human life. Nothing that any man's individual experience, however strange, could bring home to him, but had been previously foretold and described, with its proper lesson or promise of hope, in the sacred volume. It was the only absolute wisdom reaching all varieties of existence, because comprehending the whole : and beside its inspired universal knowledge all the learning of humanity was but foolishness. The Psalms were his favorite portion of the W ord, and had always been. ! Evidence of their divine origin was inherent in their text. Only an intelligence that held the life-threads of the entire human family could have thus pealed tortli in a single cry every wish, joy, fear, exultation, hope, passion, and sorrow ol the human heart. There were moments, I while speaking on religious subjects, in i which Mr. Davis impressed me more than any professor of Christianity I had ever heard. There was a vital earnestness in his discourse; a clear, almost passionate grasp in bis faith ; and the thought would { frequently recur that a belief capable of I consoling such sorrows as his, possessed, and thereby evidenced, a reality, a sub. I stance, which no sophistry of the infidel could discredit. To this phase of the prisoner's character I have heretofore rather avoided calling attention for several reasons, prominent ol which, though an unworthy one. was this: My knowledge that many, if not a majority, of my readers would approach the character of Mr. Davis with a preconception of dislike and distrust, and a consequent fear that an earlier forcing on their attention of this phase of his character, before their opinion had been modified by such glimpses as are herein given, might only challenge a base and false imputation of hypocrisy against one than whom, in my judgment, no more devout exemplar of Christian faith, and its value asa consolation, now lives, whatever may have been his political crimes or errors.

CONFECTIONERS. DSODINI it CO., ? Manufacturers and Dealers in FRENCH AMI AMERICAN CONFECTIONS, FKUITS, NL'TS, &r., No. 803 Maix street, Si'otswood Hotel Block, Richmond. Families and others supplied with the best rjuality ICE CREAM. ORANGE and LEMON ICE, by the 'iuart or gallon. ICE-COLD SODA WATER, in the purest and best fountains. PARTIES, RALLS, and PICNICS snpplied with everything in their lino at the lowest rates. FRESH FRUITS in aeason always on hand, my 21? lin i^OCOANUTS ! COCOA NUTS ! ! YJ 1,000 fresh CARTHAGEN A COCOAS UT8, 3,o(Xi fresh BARACOA COCOANCTS, 3,oO<? fresh SAN BLAS COCOANUTS, just received, for sale hv " LOUIS J. BOSSIEUX, my 31) No. Main street. O RANGES AND LEMONS.? One hundred boxes fresh MESSINA ORANGES and LEMONS (late importation), just received, for sale by LOI'IS J. BOSSIEUX, my 30 No. R0 Main street. H A K D W A It E , CUTLERY AND MECHANICS' TOOLS.? The subscriber begs to announce to his former patrons and friends and the public generally that he has resumed business at his old stand, No. 71 (now No. IMS Main street), where he is prepared to supply them with a new stock of AMERICAN, ENGLISH, and GERMAN HARDWARE Gool)8 of every variety, which will be offered at the lowest market rates. HOE & Co.'S CIRCULAR SAWS, GUM BELTING. PACKING, and HOSE, and oak-tanned Leather Belting, for sale at manufacturers' prices. Thankful to his many friends for their favors in the past, he hopes to merit and secure the same in the future. CHARLES J 81NTON, sign ot the Circular Saw, je4? 3md4sw No. 1435 Main street. L~eather, ~ LEATHER, OAK AND HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER, FRENCH, GERMAN, and AMERICAN CALF SKINS, UPPER, HARNESS, and BRIDLE LEATHER, for sale at reasonable rates by O. H. CHALKLEY 4 CO., Hide and Leather Dealers, Thirteenth street, between Main and Cary. je 7? ts KEKOS E N E OIL! KEROSENE OIL ' ? FUKK KEROSENE OIL at SEVENTYFIVE CENTS per gallon, for salt by JOHN W. RISON, Apothecary and Druggist, lnh 1 Main and Third stret?U^ TYPE FOUNDRY.? The DISPATCH X Is printed on TYPE MADE AT THB RICHMOND TYPE FOUNDRY. Bvery article requlettl for a Printing Office at Northern prices. H. L. PBEOUEE & CO., hp 17? In * ' Blehmopd, Vft.

WEDNESDAY JUNE 20, 1866. j Auction Sales To-day* JAMES M TAYLOR will sell on the pre- j mlses, at 5 o'clock, P. M., two vacant lota, J Nos. 15 and 16, in Judah's plan, fronting j two hundred and fifty-four feet on Third ftrwt, find running back about one hundred and fifty feet. Also, vacant lot No. 17, in the same plan, fronting on Catherine street one hundred and twenty-?ix feet. REGNAtJLT 4 (!(>. will sell at their salesroom, Main, between Eighth and Ninth streets, a nice assortment of furniture and miscellaneous goods. PILK1NTON, PULLIAM 4 CO. willsellon the premises, immediately after the sale of ! the Walker property, four beautiful building lots iti Marx's addition to Manchester, | known as Nos. 52, 5fc, 57, 58. C. (' IIANES & CO. will sell at 1<> o'clock, i on Seventh, between Broad and Marshall j streets, a large lot of ready-made clothing j and miscellaneous goods. ISREI-.L & DAVIS will sell at 5 o'clock, upon 1 | the premises, four neat framed tenement* J on the east side of the Virginia Central railroad, or Concord street. LOCAL MATTERS. TIIF. DISPATCH O.V THE RAILROADS ? Mewm. I Cols .V Turner deliver tlm Diijtntrh every morning I on all the railroad cars leaving Richmond J ami as they are also "'lr authorized agents to receive subscriptions to the .SV m i - Weekly and Wetkty DinP'ltfh, our friend* along the railroad routes can avail themselves of the messengers of these enterprising news dealers In forwarding their orders. I Mayor's Conn, Ttksdav Morn* int. ? Ma tor Mayo prksiiwxo.? Robert Daniel, New York negro, assaulting and beating Mervin, was committed in default of surety for his future good behavior. IVtcr McCabe, for disorderly conduct in the street, was required to give surety for his future good behavior. James Fry, negro, arraigned for selling j liquor on Sunday, was fined teu dollars. Maggie Johnston, charged with stealing a lot of clothing from Mrs. Robert B.Smith, was sent on. The case of Pat Woods, charged with striking a negro boy, was continued from Monday. The evidence went to prove that Pat had ordered the boy that was struck, together with a party of other little negro boys, from the front of Mr. John Dooley's hat store. Upon their refusing to go, and continuing in their annoyance, he chased them away with a whip, lb* struck at them, and the most luckless one hap. pened to catch the lick in the face. Recorder Regnault appeared and testified again as to the annoyance caused the merchants living in the Spotswood square by these boys. His Honor, after calling in all the bootblacks loafing about the courtroom, and warning them that if they continued these annoyances he would have them arrested, discharged Pat. Runaway. ? Yesterday afternoon, as a negro boy was driving a mule cart down Main street, the bridle slipped off the mule's head near the corner of Seventh 'street. "Mulev," finding himself unrestrained, darted off down the street at full speed. In a little while the whole street was cleared, and the headlong animal eonj tinned unchecked in his wild career. As he neared Carter \ Monteiro's store he started to p> towards the sidewalk, but | the little iron negro boy was at his post, and prevented 1 irther damage. As soon as he spied the little black with outstretched hand, he shied off, and turned coni- . pletelv around. Before he could get a | fresh start he was caught and bridled. Painful A?tm>knt. ? At about 0 o'clock 1 on yesterday morning a man named Southall lost his footing in the third story of the store being built for Mr. Watkins, on Main, between Eleventh and Twelfth ! streets, and fell to the basement, a distance of about twenty-five feet, fracturing the upper third of his left thigh and bruising himself internally. l>rs. White, Cabell, and Hancock were called in, and the ' injured man was removed to his home, where he is now being attended by Drs. J. G. Cabell and F. W. Hancock, of Thirteenth street. Southall was not engaged , on the building, but had been called in by ] one of the workmen. He has a large I family, who are nearly all sick, and is in very necessitous circumstances. At a late hour Ia>t night the patient was progressing as favorably as could be expected. Mi lk-stkalino. ? A fine mule, the property of the American Telegraph Company, was stolen on Monday, and information was at once given to the city ami county police. One of the county constables heard of the theft, and on yesterday arrested a man named Alfred T. L'nderdunk near Coalfield, about fifteen miles from this city, with the stolen mule in his possession. The prisoner was examined by Justice Wade, j and sent on for trial.

Dick Turner's Kfi.kase. ? In our notice of Dick Turner's release yesterday we fell into an unintentional error, which did in* : justice to General Terry. We mentioned that lie ha?l returned the first order tor his release hack to Washington because not made out in strict conformity with " red tape." We since learn that there was some great informality about the papers, and that General Terry, in returning them, wrote a letterstrongly urging Dick Turner's release. Falling iv ok a Chimney.? Yesterday morning an old chimney of the building that is being torn down on the corner of j Grace and Fourth streets, to give way for Dr. Head's Church, fell in, and came very i near catching two negro men who were standing underneath. RonnKnv of Cloth ixu. ? 1 Three or four days ago a trunk of valuable clothing was stolen from Mr. Poindexter, of Henrico, ami on yesterday a negro woman named Lowry Wat kins was arrested , charged with being the thief. She was examined on 1 yesterday by Justice Wade, and the case , continued till to-day. Henrico Items? Before Justice Wade. The case of Thomas Gorman, charged with assault and battery upon Mary Dowerty, i was continued until to-day. I Cornelius, a negro, charged with stealing a twenty-dollar gold piece from Lewis Jackson, was examined by Justice Petherj bridge and sent on. | Arrest of a Deserter.? Ed ward F. Collins, charged with stealing clothing, I was examined on yesterday by Justice Wade. He was found to be a deserter from the Eleventh United States Infantry, and was sent out to the camp of that regiment and turned over to the military authorities. Constable Tally, who made the arrest, received thirty dollars for his trou- ' ble. CoBflK'H Brioadk. ? A meeting of the 1 surviving members of this brigade will be ) held at the City llall at half-past 8 o'clock to-night. Corse's Brigade.?' The members of Corse's old brigade will meet at the City Hall to-night at half-past 8 o'clock.

Thk SrrAMORBSrxnAY School Pic-Nic. i This Sunday school assembled yesterday ! morning at the .school -room, ami marched to the foot of Sixth street, where two boats, already nearly tilled with passengers, were found in waiting. The larder was well supplied with "good things" ; and on the trip there was an abundance of good singing. Upon their arrival at the strip of land between the canal and James river, the committee, which hail preceded them some three hours, welcomed the excursionists to a beautiful grove, where tables and seats had been placed, and a stand for the speakers erected. The speaker engaged for the occasion, who was formerly a scholar in the school and a resident of this city, was unavoidably prevented from being present. The exercises were opened with prayer ; after w hich the scholars sang several beautiful and appropriate songs. At their conclusion the party were entertained for a I few moments by the He v. Dr. W. II. Hop. j son, Evangelist of the Church, who pro- , tested against his remarks being styled a "speech." He said he was not accustomed to pic-nics, and indeed did not know what the word " pic-nic " meant, or what others meant by it, proceeding, however, to give ? an amusing definition of his own, saying that the children understood it to mean j | good " picking" for all those who were in j i the " nick " of time. After giving the j assemblage some sound and wholesome i advise, he concluded by saying that he had ' come for " recreation " and not for | , "speechifying." The day was spent in amusements of j various kinds ? balls, swings, graces, and , 1 boating on the canal. The refreshments were good and abundant, though a much | 1 larger number of persons were present | than had been expected. Great pleasure 1 was given by the excellent manner in which ducts, quartettes, &c., were sung by the infant class. At sunset the whole party returned to their homes, delighted with i their excursion. - A Fepkrai. Soi.dikk in Tkoi iu.k. ? At i a late hour on Monday night a man in ' Federal uniform went into a drug store on ! Main street and asked for medical assist- ! ance. His face was daubed with blood, i his nose was flattened, and the side of his ' I head was badly cut. He was a pitiable ' object in appearance, and was so weakened by loss of blood that he was scarcely able to stand. The soldier stated that he was walking along the street, saying nothing to nobody, when a big black nigger came up and struck him on the head with an iron i bar, running away like tiro after the lick was struck. l'pon examination it was found that his wounds were too serious for superficial treatment, and he was sent to a surgeon, by whom his wounds were dressed. The name of the soldier is withheld for the present. Desecration of the Graves in the Cemeteries ok Ki< hmoxd. ? Attention has already been called in the columns of this paper to the manner in which the graves at Hollywood, Shockoe, and Oakwood bu-rying-grounds are constantly stripped of tlie flowers and evergreens with which they have been adorned. Again and .again have flowers been placed in private lots only , to be torn up arid stolen within a week from the day upon which they were planted, and yet no steps have been taken to ; remedy the evil of which our citizens so i justly complain. It may not be practicable to pre\ent worthless white people and pilfering negroes from climbing over fences and walls, and it may not be possible, without an expensive system of police, to exclude all persons but those who enter through the regular gates; but a plan may i be adopted which will to a great extent 1 save our cemeteries from desecration and I make him who robs the dead liable to summary detection and punishment. In the cities of the north it is customary to admit into a cemetery no person who is ; not provided with a regular ticket of entrance. These tickets are given to all owners of cemetery lots, and in any other i cases where the privilege is sure not to be abused. This system should be adopted here. A ticket can be issued to every lotj owner to admit himself and family ? and j other citizens of good standing should be , allowed the same privilege upon payment of a small fee. This plan will make the flower-stealers more cautious, because every visitor will be known to the gatekeeper; and it will at the same time prevent our beautiful cemetery of Holly wood from being converted on Sunday afternoon j into a scene more like a huge pic-nic or i beer-garden than the last home of our dead. It is to be presumed that the Hollywood Cemetery Company will be willing to adopt the plan proposed, and we urge upon the Council the importance of issuing at | once orders to the same effect with regard to those cemeteries over which they have control. The question is one in which nearly every person in this community has ! a deep interest, and we hope that promptj ness of action in preserving our graves ; from sacilegious hands will prove that the I Council is still willing to redress grievi ances.and that a privatejcorporation is not

I doaf to the remonstrances of those wtio afford it support. National Bank of Virginia.? Abner F. ? Harvey, Esq., of the firm of Ilarveys & j Williams, was on yesterday elected Presij dent of the National Bunk of Virginia, in place of Mr. S. T. Suit, resigned. The ? Directors could not have made a better selection, or one which will give greater satI isfaction to the stockholders and customers of the bank than Mr. Harvey, who is known in our community and throughout the State as an able financier and a true Virginia gentleman. With Mr. Harvey as president, Mr. J. B. Morton as cashier, and the other courteous and accommodating gentlemen connected with this bank, it will continue to receive, as it well deserves, a large share of the public favor. Tiik Tableaux of tub Oakwood Mkmo. rial Association. ? In one of our city contemporaries on yesterday the following statement appears in relation to the tableaux to be presented at the Theatre on Thursday and Friday by the ladies of this Association: 4' Mr. Dutield, the lessee and manager, gives the use of the edifice free of charge." As we are informed, this statement is in error, the managers of the Association being charged forty dollars for each night upon which the Theatre is used for public representations. No comment will here be necessary. Any actual outlay for gas or other purposes should be paid ; but few men would desire to make money ; out of an association for honoring the Con- ! federate dead and preserving their graves i from oblivion. The friends of the fallen I soldier will always be remembered, and those who are opposed to him in death will ! not soon be forgotten. Thanks.-? To Mr. X G. Smythe, National Express, and to the Potomac mail agent, lor late Baltimore and Washington papers; also to the Adams Express Company and Major G. A. Schwartzman, National Ex1 press. Hollywood Memorial Association.? The following ladies of Baltimoro have been unanimously elected honorary member* of this a*sociation : Mrs. William Brown tod and Mrs. Andrew Keid. I. 0. 0. F.? Powhatan Lodge, No, U, I. 0. 0. F., meet* Odd Fellow*' my 8 o'clock to-night,

THE DISPATCH. TERMS OF ADVERTISING | On* eqaAr*, twelve Insertion*'"..'.'...!..,. J?. IW . On# #f|niir*f one tn<.nth IIH a/i *t ? m tarsi nu.nlki Maxonu' OrywYM El*<tkd.? At the regular meeting, last night, of Richmond Randolph Lodge, No. 19, th?; following oflfl. cers were elected to serve for the enduing year: Julius A. Hobson, Master; J. R, Dowel 1, S. W. ; Norton Savage, J. W.; John Lester, Secretary ; Andrew Johnston, Treasurer; W. Hall Crew, S. D.; George Bell, J. I Thomas Angel, S. and T.; Rev. John E. Edwards, Chaplain. The Oak woo i) Memorial Tableaix.? The entertainment to be given at the theatre to-morrow and Friday evenings for the Oak wood Memorial Association promise to be among the most brilliant of the sea. son. Each night there will be produced tableaux and charades, and upon Friday night the farce of "Perfections " will be played. The most extensive arrangements as to costumes and scenery are being made, and those who intend going may anticipate a charming evening. The ladies connected with the entertainment desire us to return their thanks to Mr. Partington and Mr. Andrew Pizzini for refreshments sent them on Monday during rehearsals. Fair at Springfield Hall.? The fair to obtain funds for repairing this hall, used by the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance, was opened on last night with great success. There are six large tables, all presided over by charming and attrac. tive ladies; and besides the customary show of faucy articles, there are in the | fair-rooms an excellent lemonade fountain and an extraordinary 44 fish" phenomenon, which must be seen to be understood. The fair will be opened at 4 o'clock on every afternoon, and will be continued for a | week or ten days. Ravsome's Concrete Stone. ? The patent right for the exclusive manufacture of this stone in Virginia is to be sold at Bar. ton & Rogers's oflice on Thursday. Here i is a tine opportunity for a good investment and for the organization of a company that will pay large dividends to its sharehold. . ers. After a series of experiments, cover, ing a period of more than twenty years, Mr. Ransome has been enabled to produce a stone rivalling in every respect the best natural sandstones now in use, and appa. ; rently superior to nearly all in its great power to resist the extremes of heat and I cold. It combines durability and cheap, ness, and in England, where it was tirst introduced, it is coming into general use. Strong testimonials have l>een given in favor of the 44 Ransome Concrete Stone" by Dr. Frank land, one of the committee of the board of works appointed by Parliament ; John Fowler, engineer of the Westminster bridge, and other eminent builders and civil engineers of England, and many scientific gentlemen of the United States. Specimens of this stone may be seen at Messrs. Barton i Rogers's office. MA.M'HKiTEK AFFAIRS. From our K?'p<>rU*r in that Town. Oir Towx.? From being a place of no note, Manchester has lately assumed a po. ! sition of some little magnitude among the I towns of our old mother State. In addi. | tion to the woolen and cotton factories, ! paper and corn mills, tobacco factories 1 and foundries, we have a stone-vard, iron foundry, and any number of carpenter, blacksmith and shoeshops, and stores of every conceivable kind. What we need sadly is a market-house, free schools, and sonic system of relief for the really destitute and needy. Our citizens pay poor rates, but we have yet to learn of any of our poor receiving any benefits thereof. Work is scarce, money is hard to get, and yet wc trust that none of us will look on calmly and see our lei low-creatures perish without raising a hand for their assistance. Those who give to the poor lend to the Lord ; and as Dean Swift once said, 44 If # you like the security, down with the dust." We advise our people to be confident and hopeful, for we cannot believe but that a better and brighter time is in store for us, as it is always darkest just before day. Lamem' Memorial Meeting. ? This meeting was so thinly attended on Monday that it was deemed advisable to postpone any further action until a future meeting, which was appointed at the Baptist Church on Thursday evening, June 21st, at 6 o'clock, at which time we cordially invite the attendance of all onr lady friends who feel an interest in the dead of the 44 lost cause," and who have a regard for its maimed and wounded who ar?5 living. Surely there are but few who cannot atford to spare an hour or so for the objects for which this Association was formed. It is proper that the ladies should come out in strong force, for no cause having for its object the amelioration of the condition of the human race, and no labor of love or charity, was ever successful without their aid aud cooperation. One squire, three insertions! On* ef|u*re, six Insertions... On# erjnsre, on* Insertion , . On* square, two Insertions, On* sqnar*. two BtonUte. . On* *qu *r*, tbr** month*

Attention.? An adjourned meeting of the Manchester Memorial Association (male) will be held at the Town Hall on Thursday night at 8 o'clock. The attempt to organize the volunteers was a failure, only about two dozen persons being present?the Elliott Grays, the crack compuny of the town, being represented by lour members, while it has about one hundred and twenty-five names on its roll. Wo do trust there will be a good meeting, and if the old volunteers are not willing to assist in paying respect to the graves of their dead comrades, let the citizens turn out and mound the graves, and then let the ladies decorate them. In a little while the summer will be gone ; so if there is anything to be done, it is mete that it should be done quickly. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MI.NUTUHB AL*A5AC-Jrx? SO. Sun rtaea 4.421 Moon set* 1J.0* bun ?eu 7.1*1 High tide lv.u l'ORT OK K1CHMOND, Jem If, 1IM. 4KIITID. Steamer W'a?hio<<ton, Cbicheater. New York, merchandise and W. P. Portar. Steamer Whirlwind. Yargo, New York, marchtuduo and pa??eu#er?. bndtfford k Myer*. Steamer 0?orK?JMnna, Hill, .Norfolk. marcbrn^taa and p????ntf? r?, Jobu H. freeman. Steamer M. Martin. Haines, Norfolk, Mtthtadi?e and paaxMitgrn. Haaklna k B rid* ford. Scb.H.ner EUiab^tb Waahbarn, Jester, Norfolk, iron. J. K. Anderson k Co. Schooner W c. Bartlatt, Thornton, Ea*Um Shorn. Krain. McKowan k Cutis. hebooner Jauiei Kent, Crawford. Norfolk, iroo, Joaenh K. Auderxou k Co. Schooner A. T. Cohen, Williams, Boston, ?erchaudUo to capuln. SAIL CO. Steamer Niagara, Couch, New York, merchan* dia? and pa??eng?re, 0. P. Wataon. SteauMr J?ku HylvaateA Poet, Norfolk, mutiuadla? and passengers, Hasktns k ftridgford. sc sooner Little iioek, McNealy, rklladelpkis. lumber, MeKowi?u * CnrtU. ?SLOW. Steamer Alexandria, AUei* Pblla4eljbta, is ??- ported below, and expected up early tfeU tWth ? MSXOBASOCJI. Livmpooi, Jane Arrlrad. Brtllak Mffaf Queen Vic tort*, C? rj, CUy Point, va A N ADJOURNED MEETING OF the office of Char la* T. Wortkaini Oe.i o? TBOIUDAY, the JUt instant, at ll/eloek. M A full ma?(iuf is very important, and atnekkolden who caiuiot att. nd will pleaea call at, the ok** of It. U. """ $tZ?l? ' pow" *.rTSSwM, Jo isJxi AftlnjiCSaU^r. VTOTU E. ? RICHMOND AND PEI\ NINSULA KA1LN0AD COMPANY. looks* juj ts^d U? Qi