Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 244, 27 June 1866 — Page 4

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Richmond jglgpatrh. WEDNESDAY JUNE 27, \m. LETTER FROMW WASHINGTON Correspondence of the Richmond Dlnpntch THE PASSAGE OF THE TAX BILL ` ISM AND THK MEXICAN RKPt BL1C, ETC. Washixotox, June 2j. The Senate passed the tax bill at a late hour to-day, and it will now go to a committee of conference of the two Houses, who will very speedily arrange all differences and have it in readiness for the President's signature. The House will not agree to the two percent tax on cotton, and there will have to be a compromise. in this respect Thad. Stevens will assert his power. He as well as the majority of the members of the House, are entirely opposed to the tax being less than five percent, as was originally proposed; but the recommendations of the Senate Finance Committee must have the effect of reducing the higher tax. The general impression from the first has been that three per cent, will be the standard. The Senate lost no time whatever in getting the measure through that body. The calling of a National Union Conven- i tion by authority of the Executive i Committee of the Club whic'? supports i President Johnson's Administ Jon is of c< ur>e" distasteful to the radi< '-dement. ; As yon ar?> already aware, > of the ' .signers to the call are Sena . Doolittle and Cowan, who have beci ' uwavering supinators of the Administrr ;i*?n policy as | op}ntsed to the Destructive.*- Hut not only l fue the few Conservative Republicans in j this city io favor of such convention, to i meet in Philadelphia in August next, but ' others identified with the Democratic party, among whom are Senators Hen- j d rick*, of Indiana, and Nesmith, of Oregon. The object, in a word, is to enable all sections of the country to meet upon a broad national platform, and to inaugurate such measures as will restore all the States to their full rights and privileges under a common Constitution. The two topics, Fenianism and Mexican Republicanism, will hardly stand a show ; of much magnitude in Congress before the adjournment, owing to the brieftime which oil concede will now elapse before that j event. Stevens will probably endeavor to rush his views on the Monroe Doctrine to some conclusion, with what effect can better be determined when the Committee on To- 1 reign A flairs make their report, if they do j so. Feuianism, beyond inspiring a few speeches which have been promised, but j Lot yet forthcoming, TFill prove of little consideration. The weather to-day has been intensely j warm, and tin* summer is inaugurated in good earnest. As Congress can have but little over four months' vacation, the members are becoming very anxious to get away to the cooler shades of the North, i and about the 20th of July Washington will probably have relapsed into the summer dullness of ante-war times. Timov.

Mr. UaldwIu'H Statement Corroho* rated. Richmond, June 26, 1SG6. To the Editors of the Dispatch : After reading the litters ol the two distinguished Virginians, Botts and Baldwin, in relation to a conversation each of them had with the late President Lincoln, it has occurred to me that they are both correct in regard to their conversations with President Lincoln, and that he made a mistake in the person to whom he pledged himself to withdraw the troops from Fort Sumter. In March, 1M!1, while in the city ol Washington, I received a letter Irom the late Archbishop of Baltimore, enclosing one for Senator Douglas, from the Bishop of Chicago. 1 called on Senator Douglas at his residence, in company with a distinguished clergyman of Washington, and learned that he was confined to his chamber by sickness. J did not see him, but the eler- 1 f\ ruan went to his chamber and delivered tue letter to him. 1 was subsequently informed by the clergyman that Senator Douglas had been with President Lincoln until a late hour the night before, and that the war wonld be a vetted, because President Lincoln had promised him (Senator Douglas) to withdraw the troops irom both Pickens and Suiuter. About this time the Governors of the northern and western States arrived in Washington and prevented the President from ordering the evacuation of. Sumter. When Senator Douglas heard t't the change the President's view had undergoue, he called to see him, and i charged him with loving his party more thin he did his country. These facts made i mi impression upon my mind, because 1 ! wu-. then an officer in the United States Davy, and was greatly interested in the success of Senator Douglas's noble v Hurts to prevent civil war. Yours, E. B. Boctwell. i Hi. Jthn'M Day iu Danville. Daxvillk, June 2(1, 1K6G. To the ?>litors of the Richmond Dispatch : Yesterday the Danville Masons celebrated the anniversary of St. John the j Baptist. Everything passed otr most delightfully. The day was one of unclouded brightness, and most unmitigated hotness. Many of the craft were deterred by the ; beat and dust from joining the procession, but enough of them did assemble to swell the rauks to one hundred and tit ty. Among them was a gay and glittering array ol Knights Templar, splendidly mounted, ^viiose presence added very much to the interest of the occasion. Then followed on loot the Master Masons and Koyal Arch Masons; the speaker, lion. C. W. Bell, late ol Missouri ; and last, yet most vene-rable-looking of all, the Worshipful Master, Rev. G. W. Dame. The procession j moved to the Presbyterian Church, where, ?fter a prayer by the pastor, and some very ? fine singing by the choir, the audience , were regaled with a rich intellectual treat J by Colonel Bell. His speech was chaste j and eloquent throughout, and was well received by the audience, lie | spoke of the antiquity of the Order of Masonry, and the very great benefits 1 it confers, and the |>eeuliar beauty ami ! force with whieh it enjoined some duties. Answering some of the objections to the institution, he closed his speech most hand- ; homely. The choir again discoursed some excellent music. The procession returned to the Lodge, and was called from labor to refreshment. At night a brilliaut assemblage of the beauty and worth of the town gathered in the Masonic saloon, where, after some as flue music as I have heard iu a long time the audience was addressed by Major w! T. Sutherlin, why, in a short, handsome address, urged upon the craft the imjiortance of rigidly practicing the tenets of the Order, whieh are brotherly love, relief, aud truth, lie was followed by our young townsman, S. G. Wooding, &q., who, in terms euually well chosen and eloquent, commended the Masons to the favorable notice of the audieuce. The speaking being Quished, the audience promptly responded to u call to supper. It was spread in the Lodge -room, which wan brilliantly illuminated. If you had seen the tables crowded with good things, such as ham, shoat, lamb, chickens, and all sorts of substantial*, and then ice-cream, frozen orangeade, cakes, candies, nuts, and as a little girl said, "all de good sing?," you yould have thought there was " life in the old land yet." A in id the great variety in the tare, the sweet music, the bright Joyous fee**, Aud tbs eyes flashing Jovc.dart# ill j

around, your correspondent was dnm- j founded. And tho lovely hnlf of creation, ! surrounded seemingly by clouds of lace, and muslin, and Rome other things of lighter make still, which my ignorance of store goods prevents my naming, kept mo quiet. They danced all night. Bii.lkt. I M. John'* l)i*jr In Ynweeyvllle, fc'orlli Carolina. Yawftvillk, N.C., June 23, 1M>6. To the Editors of the Richmond Dispatch : To-day has ken a groat day with tho Masons in Yanoeyville, N. C. The Lodge in celebrating the great anniversary ol the Older, which this year falls on Sunday, thought it more appropriate to anticipate the time bv one day. (treat preparations had been made by tho hospitable citizens of Yanceyville for a grand time, and they knew what they were about. Forming the procession, the , Masons marched to a beautiful grove to i the music of tho old Twenty-fourth North ! Carolina regimental hand, where they were most cordially greeted by the Hon. John i Kerr, w ho, in his peculiarly felicitous man. ) ner, gave all a hearty welcome. Then he j introduced tho orator of the day, Rev. J. F. 15. Mays, a Baptist minister from South , Carolina, who f?>r an hour interested his audience with a most telling speech. After the speech, the ladies and the Masons were invited to dinner ? and such a din- , ner? everything to tempt the appetite, and ; in the greatest abundance. 1 suppose not les* than six or eight hundred persons dined with the Lodge. The crowd was estimated at from fifteen \ to twenty-live hundred persons. The whole affair was a decided success ? and when j next they have a speaking or give a din- j ner, may 1 he there. B. j Norfolk, Va., June '23, 18GG. j To the Editor* of the Richmond Dispatch: Gentlemen, ? I enclose you a communi- J cation, taken from your paper, headed " Difficulty at New Kent Courthouse," in 1 which voii state that F. G. Wilson is a re- j lation to L. T. Bowden, of Williamsburg. As there were but two Lemuel Bowdens who have lived in Williamsburg for tho j last forty years, to my knowledge, one of whom was my brother Lemuel .1. Bowden, deceased, and Lemuel G. Bowden, his son, i iniorm you that your statement to any relationship or connection between F. G. ' Wilson, or any other Wilson, and my late I brother L. J. Bowden, or any of the Bowden family, is incorrect. 1 request you to make the proper correction, and to request the papers which have copied to do likewise. Very respectfully, &c., Henry M. Bowden. A Terrific ltiillroail Accident? Frightful Collision iu a Tmiuel? Three Train* on Fire. There occurred on the 10th June, in a tunnel twenty miles from London, called , the Wehvyn tunnel, on tho Great North- j ern railway, a most extraordinary collision ! of three trains at once. It occurred in the i night, at thirty minutes past 12 o'clock. Fortunately tliev were all freight trains. '? It seems that a train passing through the; tunnel was stopped by the breaking down of the engine, and no one going out of the j tunnel to warn approaching trains, the next one came upon the disabled train, not being aware of its presence. The rear brakesman, whose duty it was to have given warning, was found dead iu the rear car, ; and may have been killed or disabled by , the sudden stopping of the train he was j upon. Tiie tirst train that struck that i w hich w as broken down had a large amount of oil and other combustible material, j This was >oou followed by the meat train, j bringing the dead meat for the Newgate j market. That also was run up in heaps and smashed. The fire of the trains in the ! frightful collisions had communicated with the wreck, and soon getting to the oil and j other intlamtu tbles, caused a roaring and explosive tire ol noises like firearms. The , 'J'iuo. s describes the lire as roaring like the mighty cataract of a river. The result i was that nothing could be done until the whole nia^s was burned. Only two men were killed.

A XfH Asteroid DiNCovoretl at llamilIon ( uIIck*' Observatory. Hamilton College Observatory, ) Clinton, X. Y., June 21. j j Tolhe Editor of tin I'ticu Morning Herald : On the morning of the 15th instant a new stranger was discovered at this <>b. j servatory. The strong twilight ol' day. : break, however, and the then following j days of had weather, did not permit before last night to make sure of its motion and planetary nature. It is a new asteroid,! the eighty-seventh of the group, a little j brighter than stars of the twelfth magnitude, and was this morning in twenty j hours twenty-four minutes of right ascen- i sion, and seventeen degrees thirty minutes i of southern declination, with a slow mo- ] tion toward the west. Very respectfully yours, C. II. F. Peters. Virginia Post-Offices. ? Reopen Ha- 1 deiisville, Goochland county, and appoint Mrs. M. A. Evans as postmistress, vice K. j B. Hadcn. Koekville, Hanover county, change site to (Jeutreville, and appoint Josiah S. Leadbetter as postmaster, vice W. C. Shelton. ! Reestablish Berlin, Southampton county, ! and appoint William G. Stephenson as j postmaster. Offices Discontinued. ? Second Creek, | Greenbrier county. Papers should now go i to Lewisburg. White Sulphur Springs, I Greenbrier county. Papers should now be sent to Lewisburg. David B. Perker, special agent of the Post-Ottiee Department for Virginia, and . formerly in charge of the mail fur the Army of the Potomac, arrived in town yesterday. Mr. Perker has been in Virginia 1 since the tall of Richmond, engaged in reestablishing post-oiliees and mail routes, < and reports that his labors are almost com- j pleted, the main mail routes being again j open, and none but unimportant country ; towns uttsupplied with the former mail | facilities. He estimates that fully onehalf of the country ofliccs are filled by j postmistresses, owing to the inability of ; males to tuke the prescribed oath ol' office. ? Xutioml Republican, 26th. Bistior Magill in Pennsylvania. ? At Paschal ville, near Darby, the corner-stone of a new church was laid on Sunday last. After the laying, Right Rev. Dr. Magill, j Bishop of Richmond, Va., addressed the j people. He said that through religion men j attained salvation. It had been asserted ? that religion ought to be purely spiritual, God himself being a spirit. But man's na- ; ture could not be reached in this manner. Even his most abstract thoughts require j matter for their manifestation. God himself, when lie came to save mankind, did not appear as a spirit, but took a substance i and form like to ours. He appointed teachers and founded his Church. The Clujrch, like her Divine Si>ouhc, uses material forms, as in the administration of the Sacraments, and builds temples for her worshippers. | c ^ edifice would be more glorious than , Solomon s Temple in all its magnificence, ' inasmuch as upon its altar would be offered ? up an infinitely higher and holier sacrifice, j In concluding, I)r. Magill ?aid that when ! 1 ,n '"K y??th, fllty years ago, he rambled | over these very fields, Philadelphia had i but four Catholic churches ; now she had thirty-four, and others are to be built. In I this respect, what was said of Philadelphia could be said of every other city in the < l/'niou. ; At the election held in Norfolk ou Monj day, lion. J? hn Goode, Jr., was chosen a delegate to the General Assembly, and Mr. J, R, Ludlow, Mayor.

c DRY GOODS, SHOES, Jto, HI EA PT CUE A PE K ! CHEAPEST! JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS, AT THF CHEAP STORE OF RICHMOND, HOMI OP TBR CHEAPEST GOODS SEEN THIS SEASON. BEAUTIFUL EMBROIDERED HERNANIS at 35 cent*, worth 65 conts. BEAUTIFUL ORGAN DIE LAWNS at S3 cents, worth 50 cent*. Li.VEN CAMPRiC HANDKERCHIEFS at ?' cent", worth 35 cenU AXH MAM OTIIER NEW UOODS Jt'ST RECEIVED. CALt "OOM AND SECURE THE GREAT BARGAINS W. R. POLK, New No. 52? Broap stubet, cor.ver of Sixth. [ |e Tl'ST RECEIVED at No. 72 Main I ft ??free?. new No U.'tf, auother lot of MEN FRENCH C'Al F SfaWKD (. <>.NuRE>>>t GAlTERb ;tr 1 MIS>KS' KID HEEL SLIPPERS, which Will ha oold v. rv low. i?i ve ino a cull. ??? Jh V3 " II . M. GASTON. IMtE.SU ARRIVAL DRY GOODS, 4c., A T 1 MAT. HELLER 4 BROTHERS', JfORTHWRPT Cok.VKR SlXTH AND BROAD BTRRKTd. j A fine assortment of good*, embracing all the late styles of DRESS GOODS, FANCY NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, SILKS, MANTILLAS, and DOMESTIC GOODS. hare Jn*t been received. We Invite our frlonii* to call, as we are certain to please all who faror n* with their custom. my 5? ts MAY, HELLER 4 BROTHERS. T300TS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS, at LOW PRICES, at MAY. HELLER & BROTHERS', ! my 5? ts Broad and Sixth streets. CPKINU TRADE, ISM. O HALL 4 HUTCHISON, Importers and Jobbers of NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, and WHITE GOODS, (at the old stand of Thomas. Hughes Ji Caldwell,) No. 7 Peart, or ForRTERNTH rtrf.rt, between Main and Cary Richmond, Va. We are prepared with a large and elegant stock of GOODS for the spring trade, and respectfully ' Invite an examination by our friends ,md the trade generally. nih 5 FURNITURE, ETC. Rosewood, mahogany, and Walnut Chamber Suite*-, just finished ; the finest yet offered. FRENCH 4 CRENSIIaW, corner Ninth and Main street* (up stairs), my 26 I DinTng-room AMI HA in, SUITES i in Oak and Walnut, a great variety and very j handsome, at FRENCH A* CRENSHAW S, corner Ninth and Mum street* (up stairs). my I'd HABLISTON iV: BROTHER, FCRNJTL'KE DEALERS, would respectfully Inform their friends and former i>atrom> that they'have resumed business at th?- i r NEW SToRE, on Cary street, between Ninth and Tenth, where they will be htippv t?? see them, and will furnish anything in their line at reasonable prices. HABLISTON 4 BROTHER. Cary streets, my" between Ninth and Tenth. \\T E A RE CO N ST A N T L Y R IX ' E I VT? INO every description i>f Furniture, Carpeting*. Bedding, and Fuin.shing Goods, to which ? e invite the attention ?>t" purchasers. FRENCH \ CRENSHAW, comer Ninth and Main Streets (up stairs).

CA BIN ET F U KN ITU RE. FINE HOME MADE FURNITURE. I wish to inform my old customer> and tlit* public generally that 1 *nf ~~ have mi hand a good j? >?? ?rt'ii>?>iit of FINE FURNITURE. <>F MY oWN MAKE, which I will h?I1 ai> low h>> can be i?? !i t elsewhere, of ROjJEWo??D, MAIlOiJA.N V, and WaLNUT? the workmanship and polish of which cannot be surpassed by any. 1 Mm prepared to i*xec it.- all orders pr >mptly REPAIRING and BoXlNii ne.uiy and .-are*fuiiy done. I n in v lT N D K RT A K I X ( J DEPARTMENT may be found "ill kinds of ( '< >FFI X S , Im ?t It Wt ?? U? and M ETaL, with tiie finest handles* and trimmiuas. AN.?, AIR-TIGHT CASES, for transporting th> dead. 1 will give my personal attention to this branch of business at ail hours. II. A. ATKINSON, (of (he old Arm of Helving Atkinson.) Governor street, above Franklin, Richmond, Va. HpVS? ts Reck i vino anotii kr supply . of those beautiful Parlor Suites. Rosewood and Walnut in Br. ic ate lie and Plush? style.* <>? Queen Elizabeth, Louis XIV., Napoleon 111., and i other flue and choice patterns. FRENC II & CRENSHAW, corner Ninth and Main street* (up stairs). _nir2? J THE national express and A TRANSPORTATION'S COMPANY is now prepared to carry MONEY AND VALUABLE PACKAGES to and from .New York, St. Louis, and intermediate points, and an far south as Atlanta, Ga. In order j to afford the most ample security to shippers, it has effected AN INSURANCE OF FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS on the money chests of the company by each train, with several leading insurance companies, such as THE SUN, SECURITY, MANHATTAN, METRO-) POL1TAN. AND PHOENIX, whose aggregate cupital and upsets amount to FIFTEEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Ship?prs are thus insured against common car- j Tiers' risk, and a security is afforded never before offered by any express company. For this NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE Is MADE. THE NATIONAL EXPRESS AND TRANSPORT ATION COMPANY is now prepared to do business as CHEAPLY, EFFICIENTLY, AND SECURELY as can be done by any other company. J. E. JOHNSTON. President. B. F. Fickun, General Superintendent, my 21? eodt* HARVEYS a WILLI AMS/ConimU sinn Merchants, offer for sale at lowest price* MANUFACTURED TOCACCO, some splendid brands : VENaBLE's PINE-CUT TOBACCO, an article universally pleasing ; SMOKING* ToBACtJOS, in barrels, cheap; MACY'S ADAMANTINE C ANDLES, a full stoi k ; LICORICE ? G. hiii F , F. <i. C., K. K., and Stick ; SHOT, direc' from the manufacturers ; HBRRINu'S SAFfcS ? only Mch?>ond agency ; LlQUoRS? a full stock of Wntskv, Hiamly, Gin, Ac. HARVEYS k WILLIAMS W h i g copv . Je 21? 1 in VTO T ICE TO TAX-PA YEKS.-Iti ll compliance with an ordinance of the city of Richmond, I will m tt- nd at the Collector's offlce. City Hall, from ? A. M. to 6 P. M., from the 15th to the 30th of June inclusive, to receive from the TAX-PAYERS one-half orthe whole of the City Taxes charged to them, deducting therefrom teii per cent. JULIUS A. HOBSON, ie 1?1 in City Collector. I. B ? Fractional not** will not b?" received ex? cept when necessarv to makelhe requisite change, /e 1* J J. A. If CHOLERA t CHOLERA !? The AMERICAN DEODORISER is the greatest disinfectant and deodoriser of the age. For certificates of eminent physicians and chemists, see printed circulars. No'family should be without it. as it may prevent much sickness and death. Only cents a pack axe. For sale at wholesale and retail by STEVENS & PEGRAM, je 21? ts 611 Broad street Cocoa nuts! coct > a n uts ! ! S.iwo fresh CARTIIAUENA C'OCOANUTS, fresh BARA< OA COCOA NUTS, S,*>iw fresh KAN BLAS COCOA NUTS, Just received, for aale by _ . _ L0UI8 J. BOSSIEUX, my 34 No *0 Main street. T IME, CEMENT, AND PLASTER.? Ij We are agents '?rthe celebrated New York RonENDA I. K CEMENT and CALCINED PLASTER, also the BUCK HoL?ER LIMB, wheh we off-r to the trade at llie lowest market prices. I'lease give ua a call. BRlDOFORD Jh MYERS, Dock, between Fifteen. h and jny *1? lm Seventeenth streets. Straw "hatmT for men, hoys, AND CHILDREN, lust received. The latest ?yle? of STRAW HA+S. POWHATAN WEIS1GER, . , _ No. ?!? Main street, J* I Irtt toor kill w Ipouwooi Mewl.

IRON AND BRA88 FOUNDRrE8. QEMETERY ENCLOSURES. W? are prepared to erect CEME/TERY FENCES OF ANY DESIRED PATfERN. Those wlshln* to enclose their Iota will please call and examine our designs. ARCHER k GOODWIN, Je S Vulcan Iron Work*. T RON RAILING, VERANDAHS, I. Ac., of any required design. GRATING and SMITHh' WOKK ?.f every description for buildinK purposes, manufactured by JAMES D. BKUW.Nfc, Rank street, near Ninth. Particular attention paid to enclosing CEJI ETh* RY LOTS in the city or country. With an experience of fifteen yeurs !n the above builness Iri THIS CJTY, satisfaction will be guaranteed. Will also furnish and put opMO\AHLE AWNINOSof ornamental designs for WIND"W8 and STORE FRONTS. Specimens will be shown on application. Jw 8? ts TOBACCO factory machinery. 1 SCREWS AND PRESSES, FLATTENING MILLS, he., Sir., made and repaired In the most thorough and workmanlike manner, and WARRANTED T<? GIVE SATISFACTION, at the Works of the finion manufacturing company, Cart -<tkbkt, bki.ow Fiptkexth a r kkkt, where Mr. JOHN HANCOCK who has been engaged expressly for thifc work, will be happy to see his old friends and customers, among t lie oidmt and bent TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS OF K ICIi MO N D. ui h l-ts Bra s s ro u n d ii y . ? i would Inform my old cusioiners and the putilic generally tnjt my BRASS FolJN DUV is axa u? lu operation, aud thui I am pieparod to liU all orders in my lii.e promptly uud on favorable tuims. The Foundry 1* wii Cary hUuei, luiwuun FounadiUh and Fifteenth btieuU. Ja 2^-ts W. F. JIN K I NB. Marine iron and brass foundry. Tl. CI SUbdCj 11) jTJ U&V0 aooOt'ldted tilolUflelVes togather for the pjrpoee of conducting the lKi/N AND BliA.sK FOUNDRY BUSINESS in all it? They solicit th?# patronage of their frteiido and tbo public ketieiaily. We have pjotured HOLLOW W aRe from original patterns, and a? e intend to make that our principal business, we are prepared to receive orders, and (111 Ihem promptly, at Baltimore prices. Location on Lock siioet, Luluw tae York River CASH PAID ioR OLD IKON.BRASo and COPPER ALFRED S. LEK, deU-U WILLIAM L. CoX. COAL AND WOOD. Midlothian coal.? The Midlothian Company will bo prepared. after the 1st July, to commence the delivery o f LUMP COAL to consumers in the city at rates much below those of the past season. They will also deliver AVERAGE and SMITHS COAL at price* equally favor. ible, orders i.? ft at ? he office of the Company, on Main, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets at the store of .r.?HN A A I BERT BLAIR, or with Mr 4 B. LIPSCOMB, will he duly attended to. Je 21 ? ts JOHN ('. STAN a H P, Secretary. f 1 LOVER III LL LlTM pTaVERAOE, vV and FINE COAL ? Having purchased all the Co.\L i n the Clover Hill Company'* coal-yard in Manchester, we are prepared to furnish grate, engine, and shop COaL in large quantities and at reasonable rates. ANTHRACITE COAL and OAK anil PiNE WOOD ut low figure*. COTfkELL k PILCH ER, Basin Bank, between Eighth arAl Ninth streets. _Je H_ts_ f 1 R EAT R EDUCTIO N I X T I IK VT PRICE OF COAL. We have reduced the price of our celebrated PIKK.Nl X RED-AMI CoaL twodollars ]>er ton from this date. Cwil kriit uutltr ivvtr. R. J. W'tfTE. Yard south side of tin Dock. I shall be pleased to supply my friends and the public from this yard with Coal 'upon which they can rely. [my 21? ts] P. H. IIOY. P:MBERTON <fr CREW, "doners in COAL AND WOOD, office Seventeenth street, between Carv and Dock. Best RED arid WHITE ASH ANTHftAClTE COAL, for grates, stoves, and foundry use; CLOVER HILL LUMP and AVERAGE COAL : oaK and PINE WOOD, tnh 14_ts N'EW COAL AND WOOD YARD, CORNER OF SEVENTH AND CANAL STREETS. -ANTHRACITE and MIDLOTHIAN COAL and WOOD for sale by BLOOD & PENDLETON. N. B.? Orders promptly tilled. de 11? ts C DISSOLUTIONS. ^-PARTNERSHIP.? Tho OROCE\J RY BUSINESS conducted by JOHN BLAIR, (la'e of William M. Harrison A Co. I and the CoaL BUSINESS conducted by ALBEKT BLAIR are this dav united, and will be'earried on under the tirm of .fOH.V Si ALBERT BLAIR. We have taken the new store No. 1,110 Main street, between Eleventh and Twellth streets, a few doors below the National Exchange Bank, and will be pleast d to lurni*h our friends and the public Willi choice and well-selected articles of I'A* Mil. Y ORoCERIES. Thankful to our friends for former kindnesses, we hope to merit and receive a full portion of public favor J"HN BLAIR, my 2H? lni ALBEKT BI.Altt. rpHE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore I existing between BROADDUS Si TALIAFERRO U thio day uisBolved by mutual consent. The business carried on by the above firm will he continued by me. STAIKS, HAND-RAlLlNiiS, Ac., fabricated'at short notice. All orders left at my shop, on Franklin street, opposite Metropt litao Hall w ill meet with prompt attention. ap23_ts M. W. BROADDUS. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. 1^ J. CRl'MP, Builder, Governor I J? street, opposite Whig Bull J.ng. j>r?-piire.l t?> und-rt.tk' contracts for all kinds of BI'ILDl N?i, ind to execite work in his line in all its branches. JoBBINO promptly attended to. l'ACKl.Vij I'.i 'XES t'? ?r merchants and others manufactured at the shortest notice The best materials us? d in all w. rk, and the lowest prices charged. my Is'? Jm WILLIAM E< )RBES, ARCHITECT IT AND BUILDER, corner of Fourth and ('ary ??treets The sutiscriliei having resumed the 151' I LDING BUSINESS in all us branches, otfers his services to his friends and the public generally, as'Urlii# them that all work done by him shall be of the best material and workmanship Having carried on the business in this city tor twenty years successfull> , he flatters himseli that satisfaction will be given to all who may bestow upon him their patronage. WILLIAM FORBES. Hp vo_ dam II r ALTER S. WEST, ARCHITECT M AND BUILDER, is prepared to furnish DEMON'S. PLANS, and SPECIFICATIONS f. r buildings of every description, and to *u|?*rintend or contract to build the same, in any part <d the State, ! if desired. | OtSce, No. 139 Slain st.eet, (up stairs,) Richmond, Va. mh 27? ?m J \ISPATCH JOB PRINTING HOUSE. This establishment has been furnished with an ENTIRELY NEW OUTFIT OF STEAM PRESSES 1 and IMPROVED MACHINERY, and with every* ; thing in the TYPE DEPARTMENT that the best Founders could supply, and is now prepared toexe- | cute orders for every description of I PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING | For Merchants, Manufacturers. Mechanics, ; Auctioneers, Banks, Railroads, I Steamboats, Express Companies, Insurance Companies, I Hotels, Restaurants, Boarding* Houses. Theatres, Concert Halls, Clerks of Courts, Sheriffs, Constables, Lawyers,

Ooctors, Dentlet*, Colleges, ? t , School#, and for all other person*. corporations, and tiiHtltution*. We print Buttings Cards, ViHlting Cards, "At Home" Cards, Wedding Cards, Bail Cards, Show Cards. Admitxtion Cards, Election Cards, Time Tables, Way-Bills, Circular*, Checks, Notes, Drafts, Prices Current, Title Deeds, Trust Deed*, Leases, Receipts, Tax Bills, Licenses, Bunds, Bill-IIeads. Insurance Policies, Calendars, Notice*, Bills of Lading, Manifests, Bills of Fare, Concert Bills, Programmes, Theatre Bills, Show Bills, Posters, all sites ; Passenger Tickets, Shippers' Receipts, Steamers' Bills, Druggists' Labels, Tobacco Labels, Clothing Labels, Dray Tickets, Coal Tickets, Wood Tickets, Bread Tickets, Milk Ticket*, Reward Tickets. Election Tickets. Certificates of Stock, Renewal Certificates, Manufacturers' Labels. All work ordered will be done in the ."lost artistic manner, and at vkrt tow pkiceh. COI.oKEI) PRINTING <?F ALL KINDS, my I DKIvSS, SILK, AND CASS I M E RE HATS, the latest styles. Junt received. POWHATAN WK1SIGBR, No. SIS Main Mreet, Jet irst door below Spotawood Hnt?l. QH I N< ? LEM, SH I NO LKH.-Nfiventeeii thousand Shingles, heart and sap, expected daily, for Mle low at wharf, j/ II fittl CCH * CR8N8HAW,

HOTELR AND BOARDJNG-HOU8ES. { ^OUNTR Y BOAR The und^kml ed, occupying * large and airy ho*** fri a healthful neighborhood, five nrilos south of Louisa Court ho u se, would BOARD several families during the Hammer month*. Hp refers to Mow*. Tin play Johnson or J. II. Montague, Richmond. Address BBVERLT R Fox, Je 23? J t Louisa Courthouse. BOARDING. ? A few gentlemen ran be accommodate! with goouBOARP, on reasonable terms, oy ap; ,y:,ig to Mr*. DUESBBItKY, No. 7 IN Grace street. J" 2I? ,w BO A R I) I N G AN D L( >DGING.? A few ladies an I gentlemen can he accommodated with PLEASANT ROOMS and BOARD In a snail private family <>n the mo?.t nuonibk term*. Apply "it fourth afreet, N o. 817# between Broad ana Marshall. DAY Boa RDERS can also be accommodated, and two or threo UNFURNISHED ROOMS for rent. . Je 19? ts 0 .RANGE IIOLSE, 1 AT ORANGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD D EFOT, LYNCHBURG. VA., HOUSTON RUCKER. Propriktor. T!il? well-known and popular hotel, having been REFURNISHED AM? Kt FITTED IN i^IM'Klir ST Y L E, OF ? E RS S U P E H 10 R a CCOM M ODA T Io N s to Hi.- TRAVELLING PUBLIC. AS THIS HoUSE in the ONLT KBOBLAK and CONVENIENT HOTEL F? ?R MEALS UPON TH E CH ANG1NO of ? ARB, passengers will have TIIIKTV MINUTES for BREAKFAST and THIRTY .MINUTES for 8 IT* I'rK, and the PROPRIETOR ASSURES hiGUESTS that the FaRE shall not be SURPASSED, je !?? L1 EXINGTON HOTEL, MAIN STREET, LEXINGTON, V I R G I N I A . < Thi- well-known and established house has just been REPAINTED, REFl'RN IMIF.D, and REM >? DELLED in (!;?? beet ^ t v 1 ? ? , throughout, and i? now j open fur the reception of vi-itors and boarder*. ItH local. oil IHid close proxiuiiu to tlio BaTH I ALUM JloCKBRIDGE ALUM, R"CKBRIDGE i BATHS, Natural BRIDGE. Mild <>rb> r watering- j ? places, r?:.jeij it oue of the most pleasant, healthy, and delightf .1 summer resorts In the South. The TALLE wilt at all tin, ex tie abundantly bup* ! plied Wi.!i ereiy delicar y of the season. Kuggied, Hacks, Omnibuses, ai.d Saddle-horseb ! j constantly o: i Land for hire. Guest* will bo conveyed to a.iv point at the I shortest uo;:?e uii rea-oiiable terms. The pnij rietor will spare no jiaiiw or expense to j j render tit iiuute a com fort aide ana a^iee.ibie ; ome tosaoh us may give him a call. my H- . ... A WHITE, Proprietor. Mrs. u illiam i>. stuart, lulo . of i.. li^aond, ha* leased the sjmclous mansion in s, .j :ton formerly occupied by Mr. James Point*, a . i i J .e,.ared to receive a limited number 1 j of HOARi>il..o. The h- pie ?antly sitnated on an eminence [ in the en :j. n M;it of the town, and Command* a* ? tine view. l! has been thoroughly repaired and neatly fnrn! <hed, and Mk-> STuaRT will spare no : | pains to promote the comfort (>f her guebts.? Terms tu . 'rate. STACMu.v, May 21, 1^65. mv2!>? lm Hoarding.? Mrs, duvall, Main, betwi u sixth and Seventh streets, has some verv com! liable unoccupied rooms f..r boarders andean take a few more DAY BOARDERS. f? 13? ts Hoarding.? mish hidgood, south side .Main street, second door ab >ve Seventh, can take a few more BOARDERS, with or without lo'liflnt;. rfe30? ts R BOOKS, STATIONERY. &c. rsSELI/S ROOK STORE, ? % HOdKs AND STATIONERY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. No. - MAIN &TREET. between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets. Always on band a tine selection ot BLANK and SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY ai.'l FA N' Y t.oous. NEW HOOKS and MUSIC ordered. je r.'-lni M. D. RUSSELL. BLANK ROOKS AND STATIONERY ?The subscribers invite the attention of merchants, banker*, an I others, to their stock of , BLANK BooRs, embracing Ledgers, Journals, Day Books. Cash Books, I n voice Books, Bill Books, Check Book", Bank Boobs, Memorandum Boi>ks, Ac , Ac., of every size and styleof binding usually required, and at very moderate prices. Having a complete Bonk Bindery and Blank Book Manufactory. partie* who desire it can select the paper from their stock and have books m ole up to any pattern and In as good style a- the best stationery establishments north. Also, for *aie, a complete stock ot nuperior STATIONERY, suitable for oilice or private use. WoODHoi'sE Jt PaRIIaM. Bookseller" and stationer", Governor .reet. nICKENS'S NEW ROOK. JOSEPH GKIMALDI. By Charles Dickens, j GOLD BRICK. BvMrs Ann S.Stephens. *2. ST MARTIN EVE. By Mrs Wood. A LLWoRTH ABBEY. Bv Mrs. southworth. *2. FORTUNE SEEKERS. By Mr-. Southworth. ! OUR MUTUAL FRIEND. By Dickens, ft. MILETUS Bv Bulwer. ft." Toi LERS OF THE SEA. Bv Victor Hugo. 75c. recommended to meruy. r-' KENNETT Bv Bavard Tavlor f2.25. UNDER Til F. HAND. *1.75*. SON OK THE Soil. *1.75 I.UTTRELL oF ARRAN By Lever *1. WIVES AND DAUGHTERS. By Mrs. Gaskell. *1.50, For sale bv A. n christian a CO., mv 1? No. sm Main street, opposite Spofswood. DENTISTRY. f O II N M A H O N V , DENTIST, lor ? ? many verir* associated with It. John W.w r, respectfully informs li!? old patrons and all others who may need Ins services that he has removed h: oFFH K from Fourth >rre.-t, and can now be found at his RESIDENCE. <25 Main street, between sixth and .Seventh. Will practice his profession in all its branches. ARTIFICIAL TEETH inserted on Vulcanite, Gold, and Silver Office open at ALL HOURS. The highest price paid for oLD GOLD PLATE, ap '-I 1 ? I) A V ISO N , . SURUF.ON dentist,' ottice and residence on Main -tre.-t, between Eleventh and Twelfth, just below the National Exchange Bank, where he i- better prepared than ever to civ.- tu- pa'r..n- the full benefit of his profession He will EXOHANOE N EW TEETH < n Hiimproved t.;t>e fur oJ.D SETS OF GOLD. All work warranted f> r at least tiv- years. Tho-e re.iuirin^ hi- services need not neglect their teeth, as tie will tccomiiiodute himself to tlieir circumstances and the time*. Patients from the country can board with h tn at his residence without charge while having work done. inh2"t? ?in

OENTAL NOTICE. JOHN G. WATT, DENTIST. | having recovered his health, has resumed the i>racttc?- of Dentistry in Richmond, and respectfully offers his service* to bis old friends and patients, and all others who uiav need them. office and residence No. ?l5 Franklin sirecf, two door* went of Ninth street. jatJ?tftii* BUSINESS CARDS. SiOAClI REPOSITORY, ON cA | \.v SKVfcMII, HETWEEN C'ARY AN 1) ctv ? 1 CAN A I. STREETS. ? \V<> have on hand, <i ?'<n '-wii i manufacture, a lar^re stork of Carriages, Coaches l Bretfs, Barouches. Doctor*' Pti.-etons, Rockaways, Top and .No- Top Butf^i--s. Jersey and Express Wa- ( koh>. single and Double Harness, Coach and Bug ! tiy wiitps. Coach Material, Ac., and are prepared I to execute in a workmanlike manner repaint on I <'arriaL'?--', Buggies, Ac., and to huild them t?> ?>r- { der. Our ? 'arriages being of our hitii manufacture, we are enabled to sell at the lowest prices and give tli?> f u I left guarantee of quality and durability. A i call from our friends and the' public respectfully I solicited. fmy lj J??HN J. OSBORN X CO DT. WILLIAMS, . COJIMISSION MERCHANT and GENERAL AGENT for the sale of MANUFACTURED AND LEAF TOBACCO, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE GENERALLY, (Office for the present near Shockoe Warehouse,) Richmond, Va. All business promptly done on commission. Hp 2<1? tS O FFUTT A M cA N E K N E Y. HARDWARE RAILROAD supplies. Also, agent* for the sale of all kinds of MACHINERY. BELTING, BOLTS. NUTS, Paints. ? . OILS, Ac. No. 39 BF.EKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. H. St Groruk om*rr, John M< Awfrxbt, Jr., late of Richmond, Va. late of Montgomery, Ala. ap 12? 3m ,i OIIN IX MILKY, HAT MANUKACTI'RRR AND DEALER. UNDER THE SPOTSWOOD HOTEL, RICH MoM), V A ., U now in receipt of a full stock and assortment of HATS of all ^rade* of 'juality, and all ttiA shapes and style* now in use. The attention of his old customers and the public is earnestly called to thin stock of good*. Merchants anu dealer* are assured in no bouse in the Northern market* can they find good* at lower prices, nor a better selection. He is confident that (<n examination Is all that in necessary to insure sales. mil 27 JOHN W. rARPWBLL. (MMt'Rl. KKKKD1.KY. pARDWELI, A FREEDLEY, ^ Manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY, are prepared to manufacture all article# in their line in the bent manner. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS at ?he AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKS, mh 3? ts corner Ninth and Carv streets. T L I N NEMA N, D Y E K A N I) I J* SCOURER, south side of Marshall street, be- ! tween Kifth and Sixth, is prepared to do all kinds i of DYEING, CLEANING and SCOURING in all its ! branches, at short notice. Give me a call and examine for yourself. Thankful for past favors, I respectfully ask a continuance of the name. ja 12? dm L. LIN NEMAN. T EATHEK, Jj LEATHER, OAK AND HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER, j FRENCH, GERMAN, and AMERICAN CALF SKINS, UPPEK, HARNESS, and BRIDLE LEATHER, for sale at reasonable rates by O. H. t HaLKLEY U CO., Hide and Leather Dealers, Thirteenth street, Del ween Main and Cary. JeJ-U RfX'K LAN I) L1M E.? Eleven hundred barrels dally exyecteJ. for Mle by ?yU-u ^ LAB k F ITT I JOHN,

STEAMER a New york and nicff- ^ Mown BTXAMSHir LIU V THROUGH TO BOSTON. ~6t*am?r* \ TON, Captain Chi> hkster, and VALLEY CITY, i Captain Sn tdrr, comprising this Line, will leave ? New York every SATURDAY, and Richmond every ' FRIDAY, alternately. J They hav? formed a through connection vr'.tli the Metropolitan Steamship Line for Boston, ami are prepared to sign bill* of Lading through at moderate rat???. Freight received dally. Passage to Now York. Including rn^als and staleroom, *1?. W P. PORTER. Ag-nt, )y office No. 2,425. on ihe [*,< k. THE old LINK RBSUMES^fMi 1 ITS POSITION AGAIN. i THE NEW YORK AND VIRGINIA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. THE PIONEER LINE ESTABLISHED IN 1151. The two new and magnificent side-wheel steamships. NIAGARA CAPTAI!* COUCH, AXD SARATOGA C> iptai* KINO, are on the route again between NEW YOKK, NoRFoLK, CITY P'M.VT, and RICHMOND. In point of strength. si>eed, and finish, these ] steamships are uneq nailed. They are in charge of experienced and gentlemanly commanders. | The Pur??ersar? Me-sr*. Wili.iam O. and J. M. Smith, native* ot thin city, and well known to thin community. These (?team-hips will leave Richmond every TUESDA V and Kit I DAY, and will leave New York everv TUESDAY and SATURDAY, arriving and departing from the Lcm.am & Watso.v wharf, j R< ckf't.H. The hour of departure from here tan b? ascertained at my office, or by consulting t fi< ? daily papers of the city the days preceding the day* of departure. Tickets and berths secured either on hoard or at mv olllce. Fas-age, Including meals and state-room, only ?1.1. The patrons of this line who may desire to insure, can elluct it at the v-tv ii we-t rates. Je 4 ? tn GARRET F. WATSON, Rocketts. OL D OOMINIO X A N I> NORTH STATE STEAMSHIP M N E m n FROM RICH Mfi.VH, PETERSBURG, AND NOKh'?LK, TO NEW YOKK.? On th* SECOND OF, JUNE and EVERY SATURDAY thereafter one of the steamers < f this line will leave New York for Norfolk, Petersburg, and Richmond, arriving in j Richmond on Monday morning, and will leave Ki -htuond on FRIDAYS, touching at < lty Point i and Norfolk for New York. j Merchants and others wishing to ship by Oiis 8r-t cla-- PASSENGER AND FkFIGHT LINE op STEAM ERS will plea-.' be particular iti requesting their friends In New York to ship the'r good- by thfs line, a- it has been gotten ut? especially for the benefit of the Virginia and North C irolina trade. Passengers and freight taken at fair rates. For further informat'on, apply to BRIDOFORD S: MYERS, i Agents. Richmond, or W. F. CARTER, City Point and Petersburg. C. H. PEARSON, General Agent,^ my 31? 1m lrt4 Maiden Lane, N. Y. j i?ORN E W Y< > I I K . - A T LA r TIC MAIL STEAMSHIP Co.MPA ZmJkAO* NY.? The splendid new side-wheel steauistj|| HATTERAS. Lkmtih Pakkish commander, ALBEMARLE, A Bofa.sK coniuiander, leave Richmond everv MONDAY and SATURDAY; leave New York everv WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. These SHIPS are entirely new, and were built ( exi>re-*lv for the route. They bave splendid SALOONS and STATEROOMS, and the FARE, ACCOMMODATIONS and ATTENTION are unsurpassed. Passage meals, and state-rooms Included, FIFTEEN DOLLARS. r.r..* i" ik.7. Goods shipped by this Line are landed regularly New York, on the Company's covered pier, within forty-eight hours. Shippers "are invited to notice that the great damage and loss by handling, and exposure from frequent re-shipping, as on other lines, is avoided by this route, j Freights for points beyond New York will be forwarded with dispatch, and no charge made except actual expense* incurred. These ships discharge cargo In New York at plot No. 3* North riv.-r, an 1 the Company's steamers for Wilmington, North Carolina ; Charleston, Savannah, Mobile and New Orleans, leave from the same pier. Goods for these points can be trans, ferred without expense or exposure. Insurance is very low by these ships, and the | economy in time insurance, and condition in i whti b goods tr*i delivered, makes fins the cheapest route from Virginia. Insurance effected at lowest rates, when ordered. AGENTS: LIVINGSTON. FOX 4 CO., 141 Broadway, New York. SAMUEL AYKE8 A CO.. Richmond, Virginia, CALDWELL & DUNN, City Point and Petersburg. T. H. WEBB, Norfolk. Virginia. For freight or pa--:tve, ?;'piv to S A M U EL a Y RE*. x CO. , Agents. Office corner of (" try and Virginia streets, opposite the Tobacco Exchange. de 'Ji? t* V INSURANCE, rill* i INI A AGENCY OF THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY oF NEW YORK. ACCUMULATION NOW OVER *1*5,000,000. The profits from this, .is well as the premiums re ceived v.-arly, N<?W OVER ti, are divided annually among policy-holders. Having complied with the Is w of the State reqnlring a deposit by foreign insurance companies with the Treasurer. "application can be made to the uii der-igned at hi- office on Main .-ti tir-t door east of the po-t otll< . r |>r .1 B. McCaw, M-di ial Examiner; J. B. Macmurdo, Archibald Bolliiu, John M Otey. E. 1>. Meade, or John T. <io.l dm. with O. F. BRESEE, je 13 ? 1 rn General Agent. r I KG I N I A S T A T K I Nhl* K A NCK COMPANY. \ CAPITAL, f200,000. JOHN L. BACON, President. THOMAS W. McCa.VCE. Vice-President. WILLIAM H. CHRISTIAN, Secretary. DIKECTOBB. Thomas R. Pkicr, Jambs At.fhfp Jonm, j Wki.i i.vhto.v Goddix, Thomas W. McCaxcb, John L. Bacon, Robert A. Laxcahtkh. [ BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, FURNITURE, ^nd PERSONAL PROPERTY OF ALL KINDS, in j the city or country, insured against loss or damage I by tire on the most liberal terms. Loxses equitably adjusted and promptly paid. Office. leS Main atreet, over Mitchell & Tyler's, j Richmond, Va. ap2l? is \f ONTAGUE A Will TALL (Late of the Merchants' Insurance Comp*") of Richmond,) INSURE PROPERTY o F ALL KINDS IN THt M?)ST RELIABLE COMPANIES. They also etfect MARINE INSURANCE AND LIFE INSURANCE. { Office, No. 231 Main street, Just below the Spotwood Hotel. de 11? ts I

KICKS! I'.KH'KS ! ! HKICKS ? ft H We are now burning, and in .1 f>*w Jay? wl open, or 1 of t h?? I' ?t kiln* <?! STO? 'K, PA VINO, a nd COMMON HKK Ks which has beenotfered for * ale thin *1 am>ij. The** BRICKS will bi> K??ltl o?j very reasonable terin- 1 >? . applying at our yard, on Twenty-fourth, between j Main Miid t'aiy r-tr?-?*fi*. jev'l-t* TURNER & PLEASANTS j OUFkRIOR VAHXISH US. ? COACH ' BODY, Ff'RNITURK, BLA'"K JAPAN, <'AK KlAiiK, WHITE 1) AM A R, BROWN JaPAN. 1 Thene Varnt?hei> nr.* warranted ??f t h?- betrt quali'y j for durability, t>o|i?h, and bo?ly, m :>?! are utiMir- ] pa?>ei. For kh lo in quantltiea'to ?.utt purcha?er? . ??t manufacturer* ' nruv? Pl'RCKLL, I.Al>D .v ?*<?,. DriiKsU'a. je 21 ci rner Main and Thirteenth afreet*. "I/O it sale, r SUPERIOR MEAL, FLOUR, l'EA< H-BLOW POTATOES, CORN, and Ml 1.1. OFFAL, bv PHILLIPS A WftlOIIT. Grain tnd Comn>!?*ion Merchant*, i Je 14 ? f? No 1196 Cary ntreet N'EW ? A largo and well-f? J lected Ht>>?-k of WHITE OKA.VITB ? 1 FRENCH CHINA DINNER and TEA &ETS ju*? , being opened at the china ?torv of J O. 8NKLSON, Ak'*nt. corner opposite Ballard and Exchange HoloU. Je II riiyPE FOUNDRY.? Tb? DISPATCH 1 i? printed on TYl'K MA !> r? AT Til!. R;< II- 1 MONl> TYPE FOUNDRY. Every Article mquuiu ' for 4 Printing Otllce ?tN<mheniprlc??. H. L. PfcLOl'ZB ? CO., ap IT_lm Richmond, % t, u XTOW'S THAT."? Now style LI IT XJi Ju?t ro 'elved. POWHATAN WKISIGRR, No. <15 Main otreet, 2 flr*t door bell. W Spouwod Hotel. Harness leathkk, hahm.ss LEATHER, IIaKXEm- LEATHER, for by O. H. < llAl.KI.EY k CO., Hide and Leather Dealers, Thirteenth alreet. 'H between M.iin tu 1 t'*rv HKKKINOS FIKK HtOOFSAll>S ail fo'iiale by the manufacturer*' at 011 la, je d- liu HABVKYH | WILLIAM* S^NVKKr OIL ? SWKKT ON.., prune quality tn can* a* imported for tobacco ui.inu- j f?cturer?, for ?ale by PUKCELl, LA DO Si C<>., DruggtaU. ? M corner Main ami Thir???o" '< -if ??? nKA N (i KS AN l> LEMONS.?OIU. * / hundred box?a freah M Ehhl.N A ORAN0K8 and Ltau.lHiw, mj W #?.

RAILROADS. VIRGINIA CKNTRAL KAIIjROAT) bl'MMRR "CIIRDULF. -The T H K O r (ju PASSRNOBR THAIS o,i *n I af'er BATPRDAT JiinelU, will le???- Richmond (Huridav* ext?WH, at 7 30 A. M , and striv* at Jackson'* filter at 7 *i r. m THROUGH TICKRTK ?o!d *</? Trotter % Co \ Line f*-r M <rri*onhnr?, Winchester, ?rii other point* on Valley Turnpike : i1m>. ?..??. Iiling - *prirK?, Ko'kbri'^'j atl Hath A nn,, Warm, Hot, llealt'K *"'? WMte Sulphur Sj-rin*. an I bv lUnnnii A Co.'* "tag* Line to Lexington! Natur.il Brt U'j *>d Rockbrld*. Hath* . *Uo, Vlrxini* a d T- nnwicf railroad for Na-hril.., Memphis, Atlanta. Montgomery. Mobile, N?-?r . r' louiio. -ti' l "range *'? I Alexandria road fol.ynrh. burg ?%pd other import Hit point* in th* ?. u'h*. ?? The Train* in*k? ' t.o>E ? o.V N E< 'I l"N > *:<v, Traini on Orang* and Alexandria railroad north m l r.,utb, and through them with th? Virgii.;* *u4 Tennessee railroad. TL?; SIGHT TKAlN is Juicontlbuai for th<? pr?"am ACCOMMODATION TRAIN w U t.? rnn b?. ?*m(i Staunton and Richmond <?n MoNl'AY*' WfcDNKHDA YH. and SATURDA YS. leering ion at 2. Jo A M . arriving in Richmond .*? 1 ? i. \ M Leave Richmond same day* at 3 ISP. M ,*r.i arrive at S a inton at 11. V I' M. KKH'.Hr 'II'. A IN on m.*DAY, THURSDAY al.d SATURDAY at 5.3'> A. M. . ? H D WHITroMB. }.> l r. General Pnp*ritit?rMt?>nt. ?*1 issriie^. Kn aaoiiu a?r> liAsvit.t k Haii K"?n, , Richmond, M-tyi, l"i< { /~1IIANGE OF S('IU;i)ULK.-0n an< Vy .ifter SUNDAY, June loth, TRAINS w.ii r and ^u.ivni,4U?g **W, I w, follow* : MAIL AND PASSENOER TRAIN i?4T? p.fw. niond daily at 6 30 A . M. Arrive- at l)<; vji,* j ',. P. M Arrive at Greenaboru at 7 p. if Leave* OrfeiuilW)' dally at a M /-I-** Danville dally at 7.5.* A. M. Arr.ve? 4[ Richmond ".NiiT! < K TO TRAVELLERS ?Tha p.)t , r hcri'bjr i i formed that tb? >t i:- r r,,4... th?- line from RlchmdBdto th- * , villi", Va ; Gr??enalK>Po', Halubonr.t A(. N. C.J C.MHter, Wlnnaboro', < < hmt 4( Charlwiton, Or^nTlIlrt, Ac., S. C.; Atutwta, Savumah M.icon, f'olunihuii, Athena. Atitnta, 4r , < . t" ' Montgomery, Selma, Mobil#, A<- . \ , x <>rl. '?i-. 4*' . ar? now comph't l, t!. v ? to the traveller tn? ahorteat ana ri?o*>t ?l tn-ct to th?? virions p?ilnta aouth T ii-? r- ut# ;*Ar, thr >ii({h a aalnhriou-. arid healthy coantry. Trails connect at Huric?'cili^ U itn train* on th? Kouthaide railroad for FARMVILLE. LYSfw Bt'K(J, It R I >T ?? L, KN?>X V1LLK, DALToX CHATTA^UOUA, MEMPHIS, 4< . THOMAS DODAMRAD. J.> 9_t.? Kup?*rint^n>l<>i.; / 1 KKAT SHORT ROLTK To TUP \ f north, east, and u'im. vn TUC RICHMOND, FREDERH K>l?rK(i \.n'I) I, RAILROAD, <' \URYINO THE I'NlTKh sT.'tK M AIL TWICE IMII.Y -EI.EOANT SI E' I'i \ i A KS < > v A LI. N I < < HT r i: \ I .N - -Th- or, : v r 4 ? ' . i r> iif lining THROUGH TICKETS ti, I T H K' i !f kaggagk Checks from bichuioud {.. ?[,, c) >t North, E;!*t. aiid Went. Tnttna on thi? roai nre now run a? f- iir w. DAY TIIROI'OH MAIL TRAIN l-<iv., ?. .? t . dally (Snndaya .'XC?>pt>jd) at *.l< A. M . ^rr v n.' :i. WaNnlntrtetn at 3 tS P. M . r u EARLY AFTERNOON EXPRESS TRAIN'S f r ?, N"RTI) , EAST, and \N*E>T. Th?? NIUIIT THROPGII MAIL TRAIN w-h SPLENDID SLEEPING CARS Richmond dally at < P. M., arrlvtnj f. \v.. .? t<.ti ai 4.W A. M , coniiKtintc w -h il- MklY MORNING TRAINS for the North, t.\?T v'i VV EST THRoUGIT TICKETS and TIin<?r<;ii i>a'K;\ CHECKS to Alexandria. Wa-hinjjtor., I : . ? , r. PulUd^lphla, New York, Bonton, and tl.* pi .' c'j- tl citlo- In the Weet. Por further information arid throtiith 'U;.. ai.ply ;i r the office of the company, c> n.- r I: ?i. 1 Eighth Mfreeta. shockf>? Hill. J. It. GENTRY, General Ticket Awr.t. V * mtrt. Rrvrr, Hnperlntendent. r!UIi: NATIONAL EXl'RKSN A.\[i * TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, l* *FFH'R ON Mai* BTRFET. HKTWKKV T HIKrFg.?TR ASD ForarBBSTH p t r r r r a , RK HMnjrt, Yi ,| arn now prepared to forward CURRENCY, COI.V, VALUABLES, AND FIlEfiflT, To POINTS NORTH, SOUTH, EAST AND WL?T The tantf of charge* la ba*ed nf>on fair bn*In?M prlnclplea, without belr>{ oppre??iva to the public. MOODS SHIPPED FROM THE Nop.TH by Mteaiuahlp*. and marked to the car* of the Nt* Monal Expre?a and Tranaportatlon Company will be promptly forwarded to dentinal I 'n FREE OK CHARGE FOR COMMISSION OR DRAYAGE. Goo Ik called for without ch-iry>, and irotnptly T'-rw,! riled. All denirel li.forma'ion in regard to the ?f tho lines operated by th!* company furt.>!i?4 at <iiy of the amount", on application. J. E. JOHNSTON, Prei?ld> nt. B. F. FlcKf.tw. G Mieral Snperintendent. nth 'if? r? rPOTHK OF FICKRS AXDSOMUKIW 1 in Tin; late comfrder \te vkmy ESPECIALLY TO THE CHAPLAINS, INP ! ? rHESI'RGi-;??NS AND MATRONS IN M?'-Pi T At - ?in' of tli. nio?t liitere^tinK f.?at ir-* of rh^ '? CMiifederat*' army w?? th>? reli^loii> f-.-iM , ;-r vadmy it. <hic of the most lni|-4>rtant and ini< ii x < h tpt-'i- in the h Story of the !<?'? 'v.ir, w - ti a 1 1 Lr* wi itlen, will tie a de^crtj t ? n ?>i r 1? ?? f hp'Ti i and r>-liv;ioii? character wlm-li .!?>' n.M ill t inlcit ? of their alvrnMnaeof duty, ?i : iacri(lcei> made to it It i? Important thai th *- r< ci ,d* aho'ild made while the ?urv,v< r* -t' -till alirn, and while the event- ir-- i'i -'t mind An 1 it eapeelally Important r?Mt tfi-T -non Id he pre.-erved because of the ef!?'it* rn ? |. ? ? . . v . r ih-'ir cause and rlo'ir memory with ? ' ? ?> w.. mw. it to our gallant dead Co preeerve tb?-l? charact. rand their dee.N untarnUh-d. The bible Society ol Virginia pr- p - ? I he ?!: Ii po?!torv of the?ie fact* till such film i? they tr y >e needed by tb? fntare blatorian. Thejr tak ulice b?vau'?e there i? no other ***o. : ?t i ? !. ?!! lias offered to do it. and because tnnc!i ? I tl> - r ? ^titi - ditere>i was manifeHied in the disti:bu';"u of he Word of Mod by title Society . The IJ. ard ?,f Mana^'Ta of tfirt IJili'e <..ch'v Virginia therefore request all who have any nl i illation on thl> su??|. ct. and e?p?>cially i ! el.... and ?nr?.- u,. and matron* In ho?|';ui-. t ?? down itu ui"diate|y any facta or event* wh:ch >? <r illustrate 'he r.-liiii' >u- and moral condition I :!. ? -'?Idier- of the late Confederate army, and t " ? ? nilt if to I! chrnond a- s|M>edily as |>. r. . Mr E IS ISbNTLEV, Corresponding S-ireUr> \n? ? bible Soei ty . Will the "paper* and periodical- thr i-h- i: *h ? southern Mates please to publish the at v.t.

J) FroNSTRlXTlON. cheap d> ?? ? i?s dear an i? u?? tunoop* r 1 1 k \ r Ev<ry merchant can 1 1 chc.ip ?;? <1? rh?M[i, b ? ? ' 1 lid i (food SHOES a.VH BOOT* CHEAP ? >>ii mint r ill i-n jri.M'S BK * l{, St>. 3J M m> uritKfT, n?*xt to J K/i'kU'l x dry ?t<>rw 1 1? - r?- y ? :? fln-1 tli?- Im-m eliy-tu*'-!.* M KM '8 BOOT*. *!!? *. mHMlTEKS: I- \ I ? J mi. I MSSES Ml??l * l.'orij-tio/i- ; HOVs' V ? ? I * I US'. hii.1 ''Hlll-iif ?* "it ?!?.*. .11 ?tyit ? :irnl hII price*. '"Illl.!1: r * MIOKS, from twenty -fl ve cenu ui>, at iJ M < J ? l>?dA?nrgUirlin JULIUS BEAK UAItn W V K E. < T I LKHV AMI ME? HAND'S rooi.s ?The mil ?. r:l>. r I toHtinoume to li'i former i><tiron? m d fr: t :? J .ii" |. ill.!. i k- in rally that h? ha? r?*-?nni- ' - ?? it hi* ?>! ( ?uiul, No. 74 (Mow N<> Uw' ij tin ?'f" ? . where h?.< i* i>n. pared t?? ?ui?i<Iy ib^n. ? * * v >t. . I{ of A M F.K1CA N , ENGLISH, <*? 4 et A 1: DW A KK (i(iol)!i of ??r.'rr variety, wb.il. be "tl. r? 1 Ht the low?*i?t in ti k>'t H"K & ' S i iK(Ti..?K ?A?>. ?il M BELTING, PaCKIN'O mi I 11"*' ?? 1 oaK-TaNNED LEATHEK btLTlN'j. f..rs;ili'ut manufacturer*' |>r !?-???> That klni to hi* many fr.eiul* f<> r Ih-lr fir rHk* J' t-t. lie boiKo to iii ? r 1 1 hii. I ?r< iw- ! !i* ??? ' 'lit" future. CHAKLKXJ -I.MO.V sign ol ttu' Circui ir * <* Jh l-."!:u.lihW No. U35 Main nH. ALFICKh HlXiHKS, treat in - ?' ? in iti ? ? Til. wire Willi tii?- II ? ?.v|ih"l *1 SYSTEM OV MEDICINE, In- bUofllr* il'-nce oil the *"iitli *ide of i>lre?-!. "? 1 ' liott?e it In i vn Fourth. > 'm< .. II. >i k? M.-riiiiiK. from ?> to I ' ' ? - tw I . r renin#, fr.im 7 to '> o'cii* k UOl'SIi AND SIGN PA1.NTIX0' K E M o V A L . L L MO.NTAGUK A So.V h.tVM t* uioTed to thuir new bullUui>c. TKNtn kTKEET. iMtviM Kiln ind Ctry, wh>'r< ) w |j.? I'irarf] to r"ftve ?>rd?T? from ;h> .r lr ' '**' 1 t if | -lit lie Kenernlly for ilOl'SE, "l'.?N ??' i t,;k* .M K.NTAL I'AIN TIN'! in evrrv ?tvl?? 0oo.| *ork KUaraiit?*?-d. Term* L L. MONTAGUE A s N IT I K< J I N f A 8TATK I n - 1 K v ^ ? i" f COM I' AN Y ? OFFICE N<? M \ ! X f TK KK t 1 b<* ottii e of this r<'Ut|MiiiV !ia* I . . r ? ' bu ldinj^ rvcciitly erv. Vt ?Kith*"- '??!?* J*" 1 Main, betw?eit Ninth it n<i Tentti ?'re. ? JOHN I. HA< ' 'N, I r? *? h " W * It C RbIi>ti i > , See ret a ry 'IMlo.MAS J. EVANS. AlTOKNKY I AT LAW AND COMMISSION K.'i IN * H * V ' ? UY, |>r tciieen la th^ ( ? >urt? of the ' ; * ? ? K ,# utond miiJ th^County of Hcnrieo OBC#*"1 " Hu, ?tN-?>nd J.Hir froiu Sixth *U?"t. TWO lirNhHUD BAKKKl-S IV'KlL Land HISKINOE, U b*rr? * w ' KLOrt.f, i'i<) k't* NEW MACKKKbl . ' ; KAN'CV PICKLE*. I'*? BAKI.M " l , b?rre|i> 1KI*H P??fATo?s, ??> t-nr. - ?' ' IH'L\ T I. 'ME. B \Co.\, Bl'tT'EK. h *c ? ? 'iic>> niitDWiol to? ??I* Ey ...v.* ?. i.i j, rs W 1 1 . 1 I AM T MV. ^ \\'Jl-lv\. WHISKY. W.' ^ ff ... tii?< attention of the tr?d v\ HI^K1K>, %% hlth r?* l\?r oiif ^ low poce*. Five hunilre i batrei* ???t*?u* Ol) I Hid C*ll Hlld M ?? tll'Mtl Je 2t? liu HAKVEYH M WII LM*? W^HUl^Thf hljihtst nutrk? t l-n ?- 1 f |>?lJ lor W*?hed Hlid I'll ? ?*">*?*' V ' jV ' CMAKLEh H??W AED, coruer C?ry *nJ Fifteenth ?i?- > ?. jett-im _ ?. r oX