Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 245, 28 June 1866 — Page 2

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giftowmd Jispaftft. THURSDAY JUNK 28, 1866. Delegates to the Convention. We cannot too earnestly urge upon the people of the south the early appointment of delegates to the National Congress of Representatives from the States to be held in Philadelphia on the second Tuesday in August. This movement is fraught with more good for the south than any which has taken place since the war. Each district should select its most conservative, wise, and influential citizens. Men should go from the south conspicuous for their cool judgment and their strong minds. They will have most important duties to perform, in which all of the best qualities of statesmanship and genuine manhood will be requisite. To select such men thepeople should cast aside all party feeling, all personal predilections. They should make their choice simply upon the ground of qualification for the very high position of delegate to this great convention, unbiased by any other consideration whatever. Should the south present itself in Its true dignity and intelligence, in its true i character of loyalty to the Constitution ! and the institutions and rights under it, there cau be no doubt of the powerful moral etleci it will exert upon the nation. This can b4 easily done if the people but give their attention to the matter, and we cannot doubt that under the circumstances in which wo are placed, and with the important interests wo have now at stake, that with one heart and mind they will go to work at once to discharge their duties as citizens in the best possible manner. The Sea Island Lands. The telegraph yesterday morning announced the passage by the Senate of the Freed men's Bureau bill with amendments of some importance. These provided, among other things, that the South Carolina Sea Island lands occupied by the negroes under the order of General Siikrmas should be surrendered to their lawful owners on the 1st of January, 1^07; and in lieu of these lands, the negroes afore- I said might buy, in lots of twenty acres, at one dollar and a quarter per acre, the land acquired by Government under tax sales. This amendment, however, was further amended by i\ provision declaring that the bill should not confirm the tax titles acquired by the Government by the sale to the negroes, but should direct the examination of these titles. This is very well. The land in question i* perhaps the most productive on the continent ; i. f., it will net more money to the acre than any other land in the country. It is hard that the owners should lose it; for really their offence has been no greater than that of the whole nation. But it is a great folly to quarter the negroes on this immensely valuable land, which is not at ull suited for settlement in that manner. The result of it would be that the negroes would in a few years have sold out their laud to some wily persons, who would thus be put in possession of them at low rates, while the rightful owners may be suffering for the common necessaries of life. If the Federal Congress could l'orgcf fanaticism fur awhile, and look at the situation of a flairs and the welfare of the negro in a real, practical, and humane light, they would do things n great deal better, and leave much less to be undone. They may depend upon it they are accumulating a vast amouut of work that has to be overhauled and reformed altogether. A Radical Flake. ? A Texas newspaper, called Flake's (/<ih\*ton Bull*. tin, fctates that a Texan was lately arrested for iuduciug a United States soldier to desert. Fluke thus states this "rebel's" reason for his conduct : " Because 1 am a rebel, always will he, and I think it right to do all I cau to Weaken and demoralize the United States army.*' This is the best "Radical joke" of the season.

The Mad-Stone Again. ? The industrious Richmond correspondent of the New York Times has recently written a letter to that paper, giving some account of the wonderful performances of the mad-stone which figures in the papers periodically. We have seen two of these stones ? one a very dark and dingy purple, and the other a black ? resembling shoemaker's wax. They are porous and light. We never saw them applied ; but their efficacy is traditional. The stone to which the correspondent alludes is the Halifax Point' r (misprinted 4,Pouto") stone, called after Dr. Pointer, who first used ??r discovered it. The writer states that others, some dozen in number, have been recently dis. covered in Halifax, so closely resembling this one that it was determined to test them, and placed them in the hands of Dr. M., of Halifax, for that purpose. Soon alter wards a negro man in the vicinity was bitten by a copperhead snake, and one of these stones was applied to the wound. It extracted all the poison, and the man returned to his work in an hour, relieved from the elTects of the poison and from all pain! The stone extracts all sorts of poison? mad-dog, snake, spider, aud what not? so we have heard from boyhood, and so we are now told again. So we tell the reader as we have been told, and that's all we know ubout it. The Petersburg Express.? This excellent journal reappeared yesterday morning, as much like the old Ejyrexs as if it i had not been 44 through the tire." We 1 congratulate the proprietors upon their j enterprise aud activity in resuscitating : their paper. _ _______ Commencement at Princeton College. The preliminary commencement exercises at Princeton, K. J., began on Monday. In the evening there was a grand concert by Dod worth's Band. Tuesday at 11 o'clock A. M. an oration before the literary socie. ties by the Rev. Noah H. Schenck, D. D., of Baltimore; after which, the annual meeting of their alumni in the respective halls. At 2 o'clock P. M. the triennial reunion of the class of sixty. three iu the xnuieutn. At 3 o'clock au oration coin, memorative of the alumni fallen in the war was to be delivered by Rev. J. T. Durvea, of New York city. At 8 o'clock P. M. the junior orators spoke iu the First Church. On Wednesday (yesterday) comment exercises proper began. Tkara 1* quite a gold.minlng excitement In Georgia. Better still, the Xaooo cap), ara areata* crtfea miJla.

New BMfel* I The following new books havo been publinhed by Carlkton, of 413 Broadway* New York : Prison Life of Jefhrson Davis. By Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel J. ?*? ^ RAVES, MD- . u I So keen an interest had been excited I throughout the whole of the United States and Knrope by the sensational and contradictory report* occasionally published '? relation to the treatment of Mr. Davis at Fortress Monroe that a narrative of his j prison life by the surgeon who attended him from Mav to December, 1865, and who j was 14 willing* to be held responsible for his statement*," naturally obtained tVotn the first hour of its publication a large and well-deserved circulation. In less than ten davs the whole of the flrst edition was exhausted, and it is not yet possible to till all the orders that have been received. Dr. Craven's book will be read with pain and sorrow wherever there are found men magnanimous enough to pity a feeble j and defenceless captive. The particulars i of Mr. Davis's prison life are minute and ' particular, and the work should be in the ] hands of every southern man. It is an j u udying record of the sufferings ot Mr. Davis for a people whom be represented : during four year* of war, and a sad proof j (if how rarely are petty power and dominion found in connection with charity, generosity, and good feeling. Josh Billings. Hi, s Sayings ; itith Comic Illustrations. The writings of the well-known humoi rist "Josh Billings'* are now gathered together in a neat and convenient volume. Billinus lias been as fairly popular as j "Bill Arp" or the renowned "show, man," and any one who wishes to enjoy a hearty laugh cannot do better tlian to buy a copy of " Josh Billinus's" lucubrations, | A Life of James Stephens. Embracing an j account of tht Origin ami Progress of thr Fenian Brotherhood. Published by au- j j thority. This little work, which is far more im- , j partial in its tone than could well have i I been expected when the warmth of the j Hibernian temperament is considered, contains a fair and not over-colored description of the present unhappy condition of Ireland. There may be, it is true, a difference of opinion as to the cau.se of Ireland's unprogressive state, but of the fact itself there is, unfortunately, no doubt. The Fenian movement upon Canada has failed. Stephens censures its leaders, and they in turn censure Stephens, and at this time any facts connected with the Chief Organizer and the origin of the Brotherhood cannot fail to be generally interesting. The Mute Singer . -t Novel. By Anna Cora Rjtcuie (Mowatt). It is very much to be desired that more such books as " The Mute Singer " could be written, in order to supplant that unfortunate thirst for sensational romances . which threatens to destroy all pure and ! refined literary taste. The plot of Mr>. Ritchie's "novel is simple in the extreme. ; There are no striking, but unnatural scni sat ions; no impossibly virtuous or impious heroes or heroines; but the interest is sustained throughout by the sweet, chaste, and tender manner in which the simple story is told. As a literary work, "The Mute Singer" may not attain the highest position, but it possesses the great merit that it does not contain one word or expression that is in the slightest degree pernicious or objectionable. For sale by Bohn & Saroo. Four Years in the Saddle . By Colonel Harry Gilmor. New York: Harper & Brothers. The name of the gallant Colonel Gilmor is a household word in a great part ol Virginia, and the spirited narrative of his intrepid career as a Confederate cavalryman will be read with general interest. We are indebted to Mr. W. II. McLanahan, agent for Richmond and vicinity, for a copy. The book may be had at A. II. Christian & Co.'s. Mai'RY's Xkw Torpedo.? It is stated that Mr. Maury, the well-known American meteorologist, has just submitted to a ' commission in Paris, composed of naval officers and engineers, presided over by Admiral Bonez-Vellaumezy, a new torpedo of his own invention, which he offers to the French Government. The effect ol | this torpedo is described as being more certain and murderous than any hitherto j known in Europe, and it is supposed that s??iue agency far more powerful than gunpowder is used in its composition. Captain Maury, who has become a naturalized j Mexican since the defeat of the south, is about to be named to some high com- | mand in the Mexican navy. General ! Beauregard is here likewise, and is said ' to be desirous of establishing himself j wholly in Franco. Many of the old famii lies of the southern States have lately | passed through Paris, emigrating to \Vallachia, where land is to be had for nothing ^pd vegetable mould of primeval richness. Gbndoa (Jlubt's Paris Letter ,

A Remarkable Cake. ? Hydrophobia is usually interred to be communicated from the saliva secreted from the glands at the [ root of the teeth of a rabid dog. There was a young man at Monayunk who died on Sunday with very violent symptoms ol hydrophobia, who had been inoculated with the disease from the bite of a cat. lie was an apprentice to a blacksmith, whose shop is at Front and Morris streets. There was a cat in the shop when he went to open it some three weeks ago. The cat sprang at him and made her teeth meet in his leg. The wound healed, and the poor boy had almost forgotten the occurrence. On Saturday, at the fight of water, ho was seized with spasms, lie suffered unutter- 1 able agony until Sunday noon, when death i mercifully gave him a release. ? PhihvUl- J phia American. ^ A Sweeping Arrest in Covington, Ky. The Legislature of Kentucky at its last session enacted a law requiring all cott'ee- ; house keepers to give bonds in the county court of their respective counties in the sum of four hundred dollars not to sell liquor to minors or to keep a disorderly house. This law has not, it seems, been ! complied with by a single coffee-house keeper iu Covington, and the consequence is that every such person iu the city was indicted by the grand jury last Friday. A Washington dispatch in relation to the treedmen in Maryland says: Judge William 11. Tuck, at the May ! term ui thu, criminal court of Calvert, county, .sentenced five men to be sold into slavery for periods rawjim from six to einh. teen months.-? lialtinvore American. Why emphasize the statement. The constitutional amendment provides that slavery shall not exist in any of the United States except as a punishment for dime. , General Lee has written a letter to a friend iu Lebanon in which he uys he will ?pand the summer vacation from collegiate Ubon poar OrcLajd, Ky.

married, ,? .1 *At). iM?t*ntt by ?h" *? *? nirklnwm, W r WILLl 1 m " wK1 0 H T , of UxWton, Ya MOL' UARKKTi. of this ?lt y DIED, 4i hl? re?ld?nc*, on Wednesday, .Tunc S7th, 1**?, at So clock. I*. M., JOSEPH MlLl.HISEH, in the forty -fourth year of hi* age. Hi* funeral will take place FttlDA V MORN'INfl ?t half-past 1<* o'clock from hi* residence, cornel of Tanth and Marshall streets. The friend* and acquaintance* of thf family are respectfully Invited to attend. FOR RENT. Ii*OR RENT, the desirably-located RESIDENCE No 104 Franklin, between Fourth and Fifth street* It hat elubt fffTO room*, with fire-place", and three hutallcrjjyw rooms, double kitchen. Ac ; gns and water. To h mm ti* factorv tenant the rent will tie low. Apply to 1SBELL& DAMS. Jo 2^ ? St coruer Eighth and Main street*. IX)K RENT, the BUILDING now occupied as the Dispatch printing house. ImL on Governor street, one door from Mult) on UOTPrnnr nuovt, ??>.. Possession given in a few weeks? as soon a- J'.'lfl our new building on the corner of .Main and Twelfth streets is completed Apply at the Dispatch cotinttng-rooin. Jol!7? ta For RENT. ? Intending to remove oij. th?< l*t of .Inly to Fourteenth street. ^ - second door from < a" rv street, we trill rent ffllw the LAKOK WAKEH"t'SE now o< copied bv.l'Jllfl. u? on th<- dock? " Lihbv Buildings je '-'"-ts PaI.MKK. II A KT. so OK* Si CO. I J () K H E N T, tt BHICK 1IOISE on Union Mill, in the neighborhood of I ?r . Jmk j O. A. btrecker. ? The house contains tlve ffTTO | rooms, and has a kitchen attached. A Howe) ,'^ii garden. wine arbor*. shade trees and a well ofgooj water on the lot. Possession gi veil on tne Hrst of 1 July At ply to A. UHTERICII, at Mitchell ? j Tyler's, Slain street. ? 'w* T?OR RENT, the two wontlv-erertod F BRICK and FKAME BUILDING';} on a-J (.?race, between Henry and Smith street*. opposit e the residence of It. W. Green, Kx'i JiaA I They contain six lait,e and two small rooms each ; i witli kitchens and well of excellent water In the yard. These houses have never been occupied. ! and are really desirable houses for moderate-sized families. Terms low to good tenants. Applv to PETER TINbLEY, Ja M? it* corner of Clay and Adam* streets. FH)R HKNT, "CLIFTON HOUSE.7' This desirable hon*?), containing twenty- ^5^ eight results, has been put in good itp.iir, _ situated on Fourteenth street, adjoining tli' Jii.? Hallatd House, Possession given immediately . Apply to W. II. ALLISON, No. 1*1 Fifteenth street, between Main and Cary. je 16? eod2w* UOK RKNT~ BLACKSMITH and I WHEELWRIGHT SHOP, or. Fifth, h?. >cjj tween Marshall and CIhv streets, recently .. occupied by McFee i Si'egle ; au old -est a' -*Jj. blished stand. A Iso, the large FRAMED HOUSE near the cornet of Fifteenth and Dock streets. Apply to KAGLAND \ Co., je '.'3? 3t* Lumber Healers. Fifteenth street. _ 17 OR RENT.? The BFILDINO at pre1 A sent occupied by the United States Tele- 1 ? graph Company, on' Main, between Twelfth | ana Thirteenth' streets. Is for rent, and po*-_ 1 session given immediately. For terms, apply ou t premises to J. K. DoWELL, | Je i'3 ? 5t Superintendent. iron "rent, tiik very besirar BLE BK1CK DWELLING-HOUSE on the . corner of <? race and Twenty-eighth streets. ; Church Hill. The house has been recently JiJ repaired and repainted, and |l in thorough order It contain* ten rooms, with gas throughout th< ' house, and a well of very excellent water in tin yard. There is a ltrge g.?rd>n attached to the pre- ! iiiises. The kitchen, stable, coal-house, A;c., ar> j in good condition. Possession will be given 01 the 1st Julv next. For terms, \c., applv t<? THOMAS HAKDGKOVE, Main street, between Twenty-seventh je '-'3? lw* and Twenlv-eighth. I[H)R RENT, several lar?;e and plea sant ROOMS, suitable for lawyers or doc- jam tors' unices, over our store. Terms verv mode* ffr [ rate. WOODROOF BKOTHERS, ^ : je &? ts corner Fourth ami Franklin streets T) 00 MS FOR RENT, suititble tor i IV gentleman and wife orsingle geutlem. n. with or without board. Apply at No. til*, Eighth street, beyond Leigh. tny )n? ts |?0R RENT, One PLEASANT ROOM. J? suitable for a Gentleman'# Lodgingroom, or a Gentleman and Wife. Apply to ffv.M Mrs. H. B. IIOVAN, Seventeenth street, betweeu Venableand l'oplar. fp ^6? ts SHIPPING. IjK)R N E\V YORK.? A T L A N T I ( 1 coast mail s t e a m ship I C O M P A N Y ?The 11. w and ele-^ ' gatit side-wheel steamship ALhE-V^, | MAKLE. Captain II A. BcI'K.vr.I I will leave her wharf af Kocketts on FK1DAY j the 2l?th June, at 1 o'clock P. M. Passengers are requested to lie punctual to that hour. For freight or pacspge? having accommodations ! unsurpassed? apply to i SAMUEL AYEES & CO., I Je 2<? St t'ary and Virginia streets. ! i;oR B R E M E N. ? Tho lino l?:?rk i X MOZAUT, <'ap*ain Bai:ijkk. is now ready for cargo ;?t < ity Point, and will 1< -a d wic with'disi>atch. F?>r balance . 1' freight "I'l'1^ *Viiij to_ I Je -.--twl bCHAEK. K oil L til i\ To T70R NEW YORK.? TO SAIL FR1F DAY MoRN HI at ? o'clock. The uiagnifieent side-wheel ?^am->/il: |3PK -hip SARATOGA, Atiol t'H lv t \ ; T1 117 A? I comui.tndt r. tvili leave a- ,? b'>ve. Passengers desirinv; it can take their b rtlis Tliurs- ! dav night. Freiulit received all dav Thnrsdav. ! je a:'? '.'t GARRET'F. WATSON, Rocketts.

Hit hmu>'i>, June 27, 1*6'). r|M) MESSRS. (;. T. HARRISON. A General S M. Bnrton, C.ipt.iin Albert Lvbroi k, Gem-ralt'. F. Henningstn, ami ??t li ?tGeutleiueu,? Your call ii|>< >11 me to a!lo\r mv name ti> be us?d hi connection w ith the vacancv in the House ?'i* ndouatt'" has been received, ami I have bestowed ii j>i >11 it that consideration to which it ientitled l>v my appreciation of' the kimlmss of itterms, ami by* my respect lor the number and Influence of tji.f ji a iu>-- attached t? > it. Heretofore my inclinations have been against being a candidate, and I have im>re than once expressed my d* termination not to become such ; and, indeed, upon various occasions have intimated my preference for one ?>l those wliose names have been mentioned for the position ; l>ut inasmuch an he lias not announced himself, ami in view of the character of your call, I feel it tobe somewhat of a duty to surrender my disinclination to your wishes, aiid to submit i.jvm it toyourdisposal. 1 am no aspirant tor political promotion, no aih-pi in political contests ; hut 1 n il! not avoid tin difficulties of the one nor refuse t encounter the responsibilities of the other, if my fellow-citizens believe that my prest nee in the Mate Council will redound to the good of Richmond If elected, my sense of those difficulties and responsibilities i* too deep to permit um to regard success a? anything more or less than an occasion for earnest labor, and an opportunity for the exertion of every honest effort calculated* to advance the material and political condition of our peoide If not elected, defeat will be deprived of all its Mini;* when 1 recollect that I shall still enjoy the privilege of being a co-laborer with you for the restoration of Virginia's lost liberties ?nd the preservation ot h> r untarnished honor. In response, then, to your call, I place my services at your commtnd, and leave it loyoutoassign me liny position you deem proper in "the army that is now being marshaled i'or a civil conflict for oar rights, and for the last struggle for republican freedom, the issu* of which is to decide whether w? ?<re to wi-ai the badge* ot freemen oi to bear the shackles of servitude. If the objects of that conflict can be attained, I care not for the position 1 may occupy in the tight ; if the v? nrated brow of Virginia can be lifted from the dishonoring dust into which it has b?en cast ; if her rights can be regained, and all her Ancient Iran- ? chises acknowledged, the reward will more than ! remunerate all the labor that the best of us can ; perform. My chief hope is to s.?e the collection of stated- commonly called the Union invested with ; that equality and independence with which we , crowned our own Confederacy ; and when State i rights hare been attained and State equality se- j cured, I trust each will more harmoniously in its j sphere, and all be " as distinct as the billow*, yet ' one as the sea." But whe'her as constituent or representative, the past greatness a. id glory of the old l>omlniou shall be my only Inspiration, ami their recovery my tirst object. Very respectfully, Your obeilient servant, Jo 28 ? It _ J. HA KM EH ClLMEi>, Jr. I? R ESI I FAMI L Y UROCE R I ICS. ? S. j ? B DRINKARD Ai CO., corner of Main and | Second streets, have In store and keep constantly! on hand a well-selected assortment of SUGAR, j COFFEE, fine BLACK and GREEN TEAS, BACON, FLOUK, and other family groceries, which they j guarantee to sell upon as reasonable terms as any other establishment in the city. They respectfully 1 solicit a share of the public patronage. Fresh MOUNTAIN BUTTER always on hand. Also, CORN ,|<> ATS, and HAY. je2*-4? _ Off I ci or the City Es?oj?u:k, June C7, 18t5tf. j fFO BUILDERS.? Proposals will bo J. receircd at this office until U' o'clock, M , on TUFSBAY next. July 3, for building a FISH MAR-KET-HOUSE on the vacant space east of the Vege- ' table Market at Second Market. Plans and spec iticatlons of the work ran he sewn at this office, where all information in regard to the same can be obtained WASHINGTON GILL, 2*?td City Engineer. T/OR THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES. J; General THOMAS S. HAYMONP, so woll ; known as for many years an efficient member of the HOUSE OF DELEGATES, has been rocom- j mended as a suitable person to serve this city in the room of Mr. Grattak. It is undrstood that he will 1 accept the position if elected. Let the voters, then, j consider him as a candidate, and take care that j they secure his Invaluable services next winter. je IX? tde _ C11 1 ZEN . j i^ALF SKINS, CALF SKINS.? j V,' FRENCH, GERMAN, and AMERICAN CALF bKlNB for ul? UJ<} h chaI KLEV?co Illde and Leather Dealer*, Thirteenth street, J# 14 between Main and < ary . TIME! LIME!! ? One thousand two JLj hundred casks best Rockland Limeually ex- 1 Beted. Twenty hogshsad# Baltimore Alum Liuio , stcr*, for sale by LEU & PETTYJOHN, ! )? i7?\ ? Oil book. 1

c AMirBEMENTfc^ I KANT AND FAIR. THE LADIES OF TRINITY M F.THODIST CHURCH, C'lRfflE or TWK1TIITH Ai?t> BROAD *r? now bottling * PEAHT and fair to aid In finishing their church, and solicit th ? pa - tronage ?f their friends ?nd th?? public. OPEN EVERY NIGHT. A CONCERT NEARLY EVERY NIOIIT. Admission, twenty-live c?il*, and the ticket" good for the amount at any table. _ Je ?*? ts RI CHMOND OPERA HO USE. > ? Corner ol Mayo and Franklin street*. THIS THURSDAY EVENING, Jr*K 2*m. GREAT ATTRACTION-ENTIRE NEW COMPA-NY-BEHOLD THE ARRAY OF ARTISTS: Master HARRIS (only two yearn and seven months old), ?? De Little Nig, shure." La Petite AGNES, In her New Song* and Dance*. Miss MARY NEWTON, the Champion Jig Dancer. Mian 8ALL1E BENNER. the Daubing Dansouse. Miss MAL1NDA NAOLE, the Queen of Beauty. JOHNNY HARRIS. TIM MORRIS. CHARLEY WHITE. DEN. BUKKE. jo 2s-lt? 1 () N C 1- It T . A SACRED CONCERT WILL BE GIVEN AT |>g ST. JAMES CHURCH, bv the Scholars of the Sunday School, on THURSDAY EVENING, Jci*E28, lsdfl, at half-past s o'clock 1'. M. Admission, llity cents; children, twenty -five cent*. Tickets to be procured at the bookstores of Messrs. Christian A Co. and J. R. Keiningham, and at the drug stores uf M'-ssrs. J. Blair and J. B. Wood. No tickets will be sold at the door. je 27? 2t VTEW RICHMOND THEATRE. ONE WEEK, COMMENCING MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 25, H65. GRAND FAMILY MATINEE SATURDAY AT FOUR. P. M. The Manager would respectfully state that these celebrated Tableaux. illustrating the grandest subject that human luind can conceive, were designed uul executed by thft celebrated .John Martin, of London. For two hundred ami eighty night* St. Fames Hall, London, was thronvred by crowd.* tnxlon* to witness this extraordinary spectacle. During the two years it has been in America, if has everywhere created the utmost sensation. Recently at Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Chicago, Louisville, st Louis, Memphis, Vicksburg, Natcher. New Orleans, Mobile, Montgomery, ? "ol u in bus, M icon, Atlanta, Augusta, Savannah, Charleston, ic., the largest halls were tilled day and night. THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY EXHIBITION IN THE WORLD. Creating the most intense excitement wherever exhibited. the largest halls tilled day and night, and thousands often turned away unable to gain admittance. The great original Miltonian Tableaux of PARADISE LOST, from London, England, representing GREAT REBELLION IN HEAVEN. THE WAR OF THE ANGELS, THE FALL OF SATAN, and THE FALL OF MAN. as described by John Milton in his immortal Poem "f Paradl?e Lost, it being a complete illustration of this gteat poem from beginning to end, comprising sixty-three splendid Tableaux Scenes, carrying out Milton's idea of HEAVEN, HELL. CHAOS, the Creation and Paradise, will now be exhibited at the Theatre as exhibited in London for two hundred and eighty consecutive nights at St. James Hall to more than half a million of people, and as exhibited before her Majesty Queen Victoria and the entire Court at Buckingham Palace, upon which occasion her Majesty was pleased t<< bestow upon the proprietor a distinguished mark of hct- royal approbation by presenting him with a magnificent Diamond Ring. PRICE OF ADMISSION. Pre-s Circle and Parquette .5^ cents Family Circle and Gallery 23 cents Children 25 cents. Reserved Seats secured at the Richmond Musical Exchange, J. W. Davies sV Sons, without additional charge. Doors open at half-past 7 ; commence at quarterpast S. je 21? lw

LOST. STRAYED AND FOUND. STRAYED OR STOLEN, <)\ MoNday last, a ft o It u E L MAKE. <1 , with !?.'?? i <1 !?? marks ? >u hack, witlu ut shoes. I in J a slight scar on shoulder from :t mi j / V lar. A liberal reward will be given h-rh'-r recovery. Applv to BERNARD PHILLIPS jo H Sidney, ne.ir Hollywood Cemetery. ( 1AME TO MY HOUSE ABOUT THE V' tirstof April, h spoTTKD COW. ii r? ^ low order. The owner will come forwani. prove property, pay charges, and tit k? li< r hwhv, .?!*.?" t-li ?> "will l?e <i ? ;ilt^. ?r>-. with its the law directs. K. CilAKTbK. je 2s? Si* Oregon II ii s <TOLEN ? On tli<? n itrht of tlu? eit^h- ? V-nth of June, from the head of seventeenth street, u-ar the < entral railroad work-shop, a FIXE HAY HOKSE ; sh<>rtjQ2rX? brick; in good order; with small whit-' *i>. t on forehead; black in;iii?* and black tail : black feet, between eight and nine year* old ; hit* a few grey hairs on each side, under the saddle, and fs stamped R. I>. on the left shoulder. A REWARD 1 1 F TWENTY -FIVE DOLLAR?) will be paid for the r- turn of said horse, je 2'? U* C. CAREY. N'OTU'E.? Came to my farm, near i *4 nip Jackson, THREE SpoTTED COWS, one has a bell on, and blind fn fine eye. Th" owio-r will cotne forward <i 1 1 < 1 prove property, pay charges an >*cz?S Zj??? take them away, orthev will b- dealt with according to law. [ Je 3t?) WILLIAM WALL. vrOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN that ii application will be made for the renewal of a CERTIFICATE FOR TWO SHARES OF STOCK standing in our name in the Richmond and Liverpool l'ack?'tCompatiy. ELLETT & l'KEWRY. je 13? W law'.'m* N'( >TICE. ? Application will bo made to the Richmond, Fredericksburg, and Potomac Railroad Company for the rem wal of certificate* tor tlve shares of the stock of ?:tid com panv, issued in the name of J FAN ETTE MONTGOMERY, the said certificates having been lost, je 13? W2iu* MAKOAKETC- F1SI1ER. f OST "CERTIFICATES.? Notice is I J herebv given that Certificates of Stock in the capital of the VIRGINIA FIRE AND MARINE INStJRAN'CE COMPANY, issued in the names of the following parties, respectively, have been lost, and that application will be made to the Hoard o! Director* of said Company for new certificates, in lieu of the sauie, viz Shares. E. A. Triplett 23 Thomas 11. Wynne... 5>> Andrew Antoui 1"? A Converse Ro. 8. Pollard lo Asa Snyder 20 Jane F. Little ? K. B. Cringan M George W. iMMtvell.. ?o A. Morris 55 William Bell 5 Edward Mayo, hx'r..loo J, 1' Winston, Trustee 36 Lancaster & Co o Kent, Paine & Co J? Alexander Hill Shares. Old Dominion Ins. Co.lm> Giles Picoi 4" Kichard Whitfield. ..12" E o. Nolting C. W. Purcell, Trustee IS E. Miller 62 J. C. Page, Jr 5" 1. Jt G. II. Davenport. "1 Alfred T. Harris 40 F. H. Deane, Trustee 2o O. H. I'tialkley 1"" J. A. Walker.. l? Fannv T. Hill 50 H. L. Kent 10 Uichard Adam 4< i. Davenport, Jr 5 ' | All stockholders in the above Company who have failed to return tbeir certificate), Issued prior to 3d January last are requested to return them to this ottice as early its possible, or, in case they be lost, to report the fact. WILLIAM WILLIS, Jk , my '.'3? ItvrtmW 8ecretary. ? OST SCRIP. ? Notice is hereby given I J that application will be made t r the renewal of a certificate for one share of stock standing In the name of John Cunie. Jr., in the RICHMOND AND LIVERPOOL PACKET COMPANY, which was destroyed bv the tire of the .id April, lfl#5. FAN NIK CUKR1E, Administratrix. je M? lawTh'.'m* N'OTICE. ? Application will bo made for the renewal of CERTIFICATE for one Share of Stock in th? "Riehmond and Liverpool Packet Company," issued in my name, destroyed in the tire ot April ?d, 1-"!*, dale and number unknown. my '.'4 ? 2m lawTh A. MORR18. TfTATCH LOST. ? Lost, <>n yesterday, Tf on Brook turnpike, between for Stewart's gate and the Brook bridge, a GOLD WATCH and CHAIN. A liberal reward will be paid the tinder if delivered to H. s. Carter, of the tirm of Carter & Monteiro, No. *30 Main street. je 22? lw* Richmond, June 27, lMti. r^DITOR DISPATCH. ? Isee my name J appended to a call on J. H. Gilmer, Esq., to become a candidate for the Legislature. There if something wrong in this. A (lay or two since a gentleman called on me, and staled that he had a petition for the reduction of rents, as I understood Lim. which he would like me to sign. Being a victim to high renu, and very unwell at the time, 1 signed the document without reading. I disclaim all intention of having any knowledge of said call. Respectfully, &c.. jc 2d? It S. B. DRINKARD, L~X T E S T STYLES. - COLORED STRAW HATS? Eton, Derby, and Sailor styles? Just received. POWHATAN WEIRIGER, je 28 No. U15 Maiu street. I)ANAMA HATS. ? Just received, b beautiful assortment of I'ANAMAa ; also, a lot of extra WIDE DKlM PANAMAS Powhatan wringer, Jfl 28 No. slS Main street. STRAW HATS, STRAW HA'IXJust received, a large lot of MaCKaNAW and GERMAN BKAll) UATS.formfn and boys, from fifty cents up. POWHATAN WEI81GEK, Je No. feU Main street. Baltimore alum lime, in hogsheads ooGiUntly o& hand, for sale by ?y U u UiJi 4 pmi joint.

SPECIAL NOTICES. MT T II E WOUNDED CONPEDPRAT* SOLDIER.? 5ow on exhibition at BIDQOOD * RILEY'S U'lOKSTOBB, 8 L P B R'8 SPLENDID PAINTING of "Th? Wounded ContoUrafe Soldier," which will be BAFFLED, and erery subscrt* b?r will receive a very handsome Photograph of the original. Price of subscription, t5, Jo 27? 2t +?TJ. B. WOOD, apothecary and DRU0GIST. proprietor OF WOOD'S PHARMACY, corner Fifth and Marshall street*, Richmond, Va. FRESH AND RELIABLE MEDICINES FOR FAMILY USE, AMD PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED je 27? ts AT ALL HOURS. MJ LADIES' OI.MHG'ROOMi AT WENDLINOER'S, No. ?18 Mil I!* HTHKET. DINING-R< >OMS hare been elegantly fitted np in the second story of my building for furnishing MEALS AT ALL HOURS for ladies accompanied by gentlemen. The attention of the ladies and gentlemen of Richmond is called to this notice, j and they are assured that no efforts will be spared | to merit their patronage. The best tho market affords can always be had. je 21? ts C. WENDLINGER. ??T ESTABLISHED 1945. LOUIS J. BOSSIEUX, Slanufacturor of DOUBLED- REFINED STEAM CANDIES, and Dealer in CONFECTIONERY. FRUITS, PICKLES, CIGARS, Jic., Ac., begs to inform his old friends and customers that , he has resumed business at his old stand, No. so MAIN STREET, RICHMOND. Ilf desires to return thanks tor their past liberal I patronage, and invites them to a renewal of their I business connections, promising equitable dealing, i His motto is quick sales and small profits. j- 21-lm tPET Ft KST-I'L *VS I'HOTOG IIAPHS are still j being made by LUMPKIN & CO., No. 737 Main j street, second door above Spotswood Hotel. j Price, per do*en, TWO DOLLARS. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. jy M? eodts HiT Il'E-CREAM for PARTIES, FAIRS, PIC.NICS,iAc. A N D R E W A N T O N I respectfully announces that he is prepared to furnish, at short notice, on very moderate terms, SUPERIOR ICE-CREAM ; of every desirable d.ivor, for balls, parties, fairs, excursions, or pic-nicu. A call is respeotfnlly solicited. je 15? lm *57 I N ION BANK OF RICHMOND, (S A V I NGS I NSTI TUTI ON ), ' OFFICE AT THE NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, 150ft, 000. THIS INSTITUTION ALLOWS SIX PER CENT. ON DEPOSITS. I. DAVENPORT, Jr., President. JAMES MILLER, Cashier. IW RECTORS. R. A. Paine, L. D. Crenshaw, W. R. Quarles, Wm. H. Lyons, Jr., R. E. BlankonA. Bodeker, B. B. Weisiger, ship, I W. A. Spotf, Moses Ellyson, J. B. Winston, j A. L. Ellett, Ji<s. W. Archer, A. A. IiutchinI R. T. Taylor, J. Rostnbaum, son, : W. E. Binford, J. W. Hall, W. A. Jenkins, j J. A. Helvin, W. F. Gray, W. E. Tanner, | T. U. Dudley, Alfred Mowes, J. M. Nowlin. The security offered t<< depositors is undoubted, ! and the institution should commend itself to all 1 classes. , The attention of all in city and country is called i to this institution. Here tln-y will find security, : convenience, and profit. Sums as small as five dollars may be deposited, and six per cent, inteJ re>t received on same. otflco hours from A. M. to 3 P. M.; on Saturday from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M., and from 4 to t> p. M. | Je 13? d&swlm

?2~ 151 IX ARI' ! HILL AR1M ! BILL ARP!! ! Tliin inimitable book is now ready, and every person should have a copy. To he had of COLE i TURNER, 1e 7 ? Whig Building. ?rA\UKE\V ASTOM, WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL DEALER IN C UN F ECT I ON ER Y AND FRUITS, respectfully Informs the citizens of Richmond that ho hat* resumed business in List NEW I RON- FRONT BUILDING on Main street, opposite to the site of hi* old stand, adjoining the Exchange Bank. The store and saloons have boon fitted up and furnished in a style which he is confident wiil meet with the approval of the public. His facilities for manufacturing FANCY AND PLAIN CANDIES of the best quality enable hint to otfer inducements to tho trade which cannot be surpassed. A call from hi# former customers is respectfully solicited. A large ai;d choice assortment "f FRENCH BONBONS, IMPORTED FRUITS, NUTS, CORDIALS, PRESERVES, PICKLES, SAUCES, Sic., will by always kept on hand. ICE CREAM of the most approved flavors served in the Saloan. Parties supplied with ICE CREAM and ORNAM EN T A L CON F ECT ION E R Y . The undersigned returns his thanks to the citizens of Richmond for the liberal patronage accorded to him for the last fifteen years, and will endeavor to merit a continuance of the same. Je6_lm ANDREW ANTON I. *HT SVK? T* Foil SODA WATER. CHOICE FRUIT AND CREAM SYRUPS furnished tho trade at low rates by W. II. SCOTT, Druggist, jo 1 corner Franklin and Seventeenth streets. ftS'FOK (iAKDFNERS A\D FARMERS FRESH AND RELIABLE OAR DEN SEED, juet received and for sale by WILLIAM U. SCOTT, Druggist, corner of Franklin and Seventeenth streets, fe 3? ts Richmond, Juno 27, ist5?. WILLIAM W. CHUMP, Esq.,? The If Governor having appointed the day for the election of a successor to Peachy R. (J rattan, Esq , we call upon you to announce yourself immediately a candidate for the place. There is a very general de?ire to secure vour services; and although you have heretofore been reluctant to otter tor * iic h positions, the peculiar circumstance* which surround us ought tc? constrain the sacrifice of your personal predilections and convenience f??r the public good The city has aught to claim this at your hando. and wo trust that you will at once avow your willingness to s rvo us in the Legislature. ' MANY VoTERS je 2s? It in the three wards. LMSIL? We have just received per J? schooner Magnolia 200 barrels prime ROUND HERRING, 20 0 half- barrels CUT 1IERKINO, loo half-barrels ROE CUT HERRING, 6o barrels .-PLIT HERR1N0, r.o half-bariels No. I CUT HERRING. which we otf" r for sale low from the wharf to close consignment. CHKlsTiAK, LEA Jt CO., 1424, late 6s Main street. A No, da ilv expected pT schooner E. W Pratt, ?ic barrels and half-barrels ASSORTED HERRINGS. _ 80 barrels M A C K ER EL. Je 2<-3t THE OLD ESTABLISHED STORE 1 OF LEVY BROTHERS, No. 15 Main street, is the plnre tn purchase your Dry Goods, especially when yon can do a* well, and in many in?tances better, "than at any other establishment In this city. The business of this house was established by their grandfather ( Abraham Lew I in the year 18e?, and have consequently passed through the war. Thetr reputation for fair dealing and selling cheap good* Is well established. je2* riHOLERA MORBUS, DIARRHCEA, Vy CHOLERA, AND ALL BOWEL COM PLAINTS. | Every one should have a bottle in the house in I case of emergency ; BENNETT S DIARRIKEA KILLER, BENNETT'S DlARRHffiA KiLLER, BENNETT'S DlAPRHQiA KILLER. Price, FIFTY CENTS a bottle. Sold by all druggists. je 2<? 0t Memorial work. ? a meeting win be held at the First Baptist Church (Broad *treet> on FRIDAY EVENING NEXT at ? o'clock to take into consideration the work to be done at oak wood Cemetery. Bv order of the Executive Committee je 2*? 2t WILLIAM W PARKER, Chairman. GiREAT REDUCTION IN THE f PRICE op BLACK hi LK 8 ACQUIS, SASQUE8, CIRCULARS, AND SHAWLS. -These ,'ociis mu*t be sold, a>>d we have fixed tne prices 1 ?o low that the closest buyera must admit they are oheap LEVY BR"THERS, Je vo 13 Main street. I'O FARMERS AND ALL OTHERS I INTERESTED.? All persons in the vicinity ol 'ticb uuiid having ('on federate soldiers burled on >r near their grounds wtll please report tb? same to Mrs. Dr Bolton, Corresponding Secretary of he Hollywood Memorial Amoctation, Richmond, lox So5, stating, as far as cau be done, name, regi< oieui aiid tiute of each soldier. A. M. BOLTOX, Je 20? 1? . Corresponding Secretary B )f. 4.

AUOTIOW SALES-TUBS DAT. By flarapton Jonet, Jr., A Co., Auction**? and Commission Merchants, No. 4 Fifteenth street, between Main and Cary. WE WILL SELL" AT OUR StORE i on THURSDAY MOWING, nth Infant, 1 coinui?nclug at 10 o'clock, a larg? assortment of OKOCEK1BS, LIQUORS. W1NE?" Ac., cousUtin* la part of " SUGARS, COFFKE8, , FLOUR. HERRINGS, C'HKKSK j BY RUP and MOLASSES, SOAPS, VINEGAR, 800 A, PEPPER, MUSTARD, PICK L EH. SMOKING TOBACCO. CIGARS. BROOMS, BUCKETS, WHISKIES. BR AND! EH. WINES, and many other goods. Tlx- usual credit of thirty and sixty day* will ??.? given. 8. JON Kb, Ja . & Co., je 24 It Auctioneer*. Will bo added : 20 box** CANDLES, 20 boxes I N PIGO, 5<> pairs C<>TTON CARPS, je 2S S. JONES, Jjt, H CO_ By Isbell ii Davis, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneer*, comer of Eighth and Main streets. A BUSINESS STAND, STOCK OF /\ GROCERIES, AM) FIXTURES. CORNER OF T II I KTEk N T H (OR OOVERNORt A.M> RoSS STREETS, AT AUCTION -Will be sold uikjii the premises on THURSDAY, the 2sth day of June, IrfW. ;?t lu o'clock A. M., that NEAT FRAMED TENEMENT, on leaded ground, located a#above; now occupied as a r-tail grocery, and th i STOCK OF GROCERIES AND FIXTURES, consisting ol the usual assortment. Terms: At sale. ISBELL & DAVIS, Je 25 Auctioneer*. I By Jam^H M. Taylor, Auctioneer. Main street, opposite Spotswood Hotel. Brick dwelling-house and LoT, ON ST JOHN'S STREET. IN DUVAL'S ADDITION. Fok SAI.E AT AUCTION.? Will be bold on THURSDAY, the 2*th of June, on the premises, at ij o'clock. P M.,the desirable dwelling on St John's street, In Duval's addition, at present occupied by Mr. John F. Erhard. The house has four rooms ; kitchen, smoke-house, large stable. 4c.. with a well of ^ater In the yard; a'l in good order. There is a large lot attached, well enclosed. Tkr.ms : One-third cash, the balance at four, ei^ht ami twelve months for negotiable note*, in1 terest added. JAMES M. T AY bolt. I Je 23 A uctioneer. By Harrison, Goddin & Apperson, Bankers, Brokers, and Iieal E.-tato Agents. COMMISSIONERS7 SALE OF VERY : \J VALUABLE REAL E>TATE IN THE <'ITY OF RICHMOND, on MAIN, TENTH, CARY. CANAL, AND FOUSHEK STREETS.? By virtue or a decree >>( tiie ( : rc ui r Court of the ( iiy of Kichmond, pronounced on the 8th June, 1"':?, in the case of N?>tt against Bargamin, &c., the undersigned, who were , thereby appointed Commissioners, will proceed to sell at public auction, on the premises, on THURSDAY, toe 2sth June, 1?6S, at one o'clock P. M., the following valuable real rotate belonging to the estate of the late Anthony Bargamin, viz: The valuable LOT on the south side of Main, between Ninth and Tenth streets, fronting about twenty feet, running back about forty -Hve feet to an allev, adjoining the jewellery store of Messrs. Nowlan & Co. ; al-o, the LoT on the we*t side of Tenth, between Main and Cary street*, fronting twenty-eight feet. running back a l?? >?i t eighty-four f^.-t . Atter which, on the same day, on the premises, at live o'clis k P. M.,the large "and very desirable UKH K DWELLING, at the southwest corner of Cary and : Foushee streets, which was formerly occupied by the decedent a* a residence. The LoT has a front "f one hundred and three feet, and a depth of one ; hundred and fifty-live feet, to an alley to be herea'ter opened. Also, the HALF ACRE LOT in rear of the above, fronting on the north side of Canal street one hundred and thirty-three feet, running i back one h'Hidred and fifty-live leet to said alley. ' This Lot will bo sub-divided so a? to suit the views ' of bidders. The foregoing real estate, for the rnost part, Is 1 ju>tlv regarded as amongst the nnmt valuable now | ontlie market, and should attract the attention of capitalists and others. Terms : One-fourth ca?h, balance at six, twelve , and eighteen months, for negotiable notes, interest , added, and title retained till all th- purchase money i- paid, and a conveyance ordered by the court ? j The taxes and insurance for this year to be paid I bv the purchaser. RO. R HOWISON.) J. S. CAnKIE, > Commissioners. EATON NANCE, > Sale to be conducted bv HAKRIbON, GODDIN i APPERSON, lo 15_?awtds Auctioneers.

By Harrison, Goddln St Apperson, Bankers, Broker*. and Real Estate Agent*. VERY BEAUTIFUL AND ELKV t.ANTLY -FINISHED BRICK TENEMENT, AT THE S<>!/THWE>T CORNER <>F <iRA<'E A ND FIRST STREETS, F<>u SALE AT AUCTION -Will be sold at auction, on t !i ?? premises, on THURSDAY, the 2*th June. 1 at 0 o'clock, 1'. M , that beautiful RESIDENCE located a^ above now in j the occupancy of Mr. W. Pickrell, wbosi I tenancy will expire oil the iib September next. It 1 contains eleven rooms, besides closets: and has amt'lv servants' rooms, and excellent brick stable and t arii&ge-bouse. The dwelling was, built about -even y? ars ago, and finished in i handsome style, with marine mantels on three floors. It has' vas, water, and all the modern im- I provements, Mich as hot and cold water bath-room : also, iron veiandsli in front. TtuMs : i ?iif-third cash ; balance at four, eight, and tnvlve months for negotiable notes, interest added, secured bv a trust d?*? ?! HAHKlS>ON, GODDiN it Al'l'ERSON. je 25? td* Auctioneer*. By W. B. Robins, Auctioneer. 4 T TIIE REQUEST OF THE TRUS- | l\ TEE IN A CERTAIN PEED OF TRUST. I shall, on the premises, at 5 o'clock. I'. M., on THURSDAY, June 2\ 1*46, if fair; if not. on the : next fair dav, offer lor sale at auction that very valuable I,oT <>F GROUND lying at the southwest ' corner of Fourteenth and Ross streets, fronting . twenty-seren feet on Ross street, and running hack :i bout one hundred and twenty-four feet along the line of Fourteenth street. This is a valuable and , central Lot, and ?hould attract special attention. Terms and provisions at sale. ; je 27 W. B. ROBINS, Auctioneer. WANTS. \\r ANTED, ORDERS, ORDERS, OHIT DERS, for importing WHITE LABOR, WHITE LABOR, WHITE LABOR, which will he furnished at the moat reasonable and ???jmtable prices. For further particulars call or address the SOUTHERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, Franklin street, under Metropolitan Hall. I'orit-otHce box t'J, Richmond, Va. D'A.mmbazt St Lim, Aleuts. je2i_ A VIRGINIA LADY,': who has had i\ several vears experience in teaching English, (including the higher branches,) French, music, and the rudiments of Latin, desires a SITUATION in a family or seminary a location convenient to Richmond preferred. "Best reference* given and required. Address II. M. C., box W2, Kanawha Court bouse, West Va. je 27? itdisw* "ANTED, ~TO RENT A PIANO, bv the vear or for six months It will he Ad- 1 ? 3t \\ kept in tune, and the best care taken of it dress box 134. city post-otfice. Je 27 AY ANTE I).? NOTT A FRAYSER I have on Laud COOKS, NURSES, and HOUSE SERVANTS. Pardon desiring to procure LABOR of any kind, can be supplied at our office, FRANKLIN STREET, between Eighth and Ninth. J?2<? ts WANTED, SITUATION AS TT TEACHER ? The writer, who is an experienced TEACHER and a graduate ot most of the schools of the A. M. course of the University of Virginia, desire* to correspond with some gentle- ; man possessing similar qualifications, with a view to establishing a classical school in some eligible locality , or he would accept a situation in a schoofalready established. Parties interested please address ALUMNU8, care of Dr. John K. Wood*, je 7? lmeod Ivy Depot, Albemarle, \ a. Y DI S A B LED CONF E D El RATESOL- /\ DIER, who has filed during the past year with much satisfaction to his employer the poei- ' tion of book-keeper and cashier In "a large comin. rciai bouse in a southern city, being quick nt figures and excelling In writing, offers his service* to any business house in this city in need of a faithful and confidential clerk, Tne best of city references and further narticn lara will be obtalne-l by addressing BUOK-h EEi'EB, Viapatrh ortlte, Richmond, Va. je 22? lw* WANTED, WOOL, in large or small I IT lots, by je 9?1 in HARVKYS k WILLIAMS. WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED T T NURSERY MAN to take charge of. or an interest in with the owner of. a farmin North Carolina well adapted to and ^located lor a nursery and garden farm. Applv to PALMER, HARTSOOK a CO., my 30 Lib by buildings. WANTED, Mr. WILLIAM DANNlALS or Mr J H. SHARP to call at the of. lice of theVlrglnla Employment Agency, on Broad street, four doors above Ninth, or address ' JAMES HENDERSON uiy 19? u Box 13*. Richmond, \ a. CASH PAID FOR BONES.? Wanted, FIVE HUNDRED TONS BON Kb. Cosh paid on delivery . my ?? u' 8. P. LATHROP, Agent. H~ IDES~TnD TALLOW WANTED. ' DRV HIDES. GREEN HIDES, and HALTED HIDES. Also. TALI.OW ; for which the hlghtest cash price will be paid. O H CHAlKLEY k CO., Hide and Leather Dealers. Tbirteeuth street, between Main and Cary. aptl-ts FL( )U R, FLO U R Fiftv barrels 1 Welch's Family, loo h?rr-l* Ex ra. for sale by . FRENCH k CREN.sHaW i SUGAR, SUGAR.? Twenty bar rein Pulverited, barrel* Lowing' ? Crushed, *5 barrel* F*iraC, to boxreia Yellow C, I h?%'?bead? W?i. 10 i

*TKmON BAt^sIrCTTOKDAT5 ??..rrr..vs?K=:C "ALE At AUCTIoS iwV.Vn S , fol '*?? Pr,ID'"?*. on MoNDAr ?hl ,V ar0ct^o,?. ' >n fh I' Sf , THREK MAVTlvrr J?,'JrV at * thirty f. ?t ?'*rli, oq the north .! ??&. L"? of and rnnnirg bark about on. hand?.',* .5r to an all*v, HUd ad ioi riH th ? ?.!,. 4"4 tenf.J B'KICT Th*?* are v?rv pretty .of iwj?r.,vln# ,mrt of the city. 7 ' *n<1 "? In ?o J. 0?8ifrt * fitUM .? By Hrubbe * William., A actionem. * ~ .VOTh.,.1 0( M.ln .?.| ?;wu C O.S.S' MS,",* ?'? *A r.K or ON THE M fcC If AN USV rifr t rL^ B,'E LAND MILES FUOM THE CITY AT a/v tK v,KE' Tw'i cation of h decree of tiitf'irrnn i ' ? K^j$^5?sk".WE* TRAt.T i i F La.VO ,,f ??', i k*?a* ho?ir, th* Scberm?rhorn died ^,Zl),i ,he jate Kxm<^e of MfcL;iiiicitri]|? i'; lh" "?* 'Me yondth^N.n-JtV.VnTi^h * "h':rt ?"?taw* b,? onida* K'.HK?r Hfi.t'otlitlrv^ ,*"'i of U. ? u ffl ci en l po rtl o if' *1 w , m ^ ^ -ES ' "! wh,ch M?*r?. ? a buil-lin^, one of wbTcl. clA'"1 lb*r* *r* ??"*} dwHiinj. it win r^vr^r"'*1 EH ? may be deemed b,?.t at ihX&Znfkl? Th h i? a beautiful TRACT OF I *v n should attract the atteutiou of Li', t! 1 ?t such property. peraoiu ****-.1, Tkkms : One-tbird ca*h : balance ?? twelve montha f?r fiei;?tiaf>U " r *,J. added. the till., to be tallied V, the c V'' "> the notes are paid. 'C'-irt oiitji eaton .vance. c,,w? AWimuks a act or ..... 'f By Harrison, tioddin n Apj.enwj, ~~~ ? Bankers, Brokers, and Keal Lsu-.c 4 VE R V V A TATA BLK H K A f. ]-\r v T t* on CA RYSTRERT, BETWEEN SEV t'v , , ' '? AND KHiHTfcKNTH ST K V. ( s ; < -.V V A l i 'v V,11 T W KEN CHRISTIAN A Ml k!Cli\ki? stp! l2Eon cai:?:i\(.t<>>, hetwee.v I'l Vi ^ ANI) MKCHA.MCSVII.LB TI'rVi'jkk ? nfv' SO M K cottage i: es i d e x cy \ ??, ? T, } N ' AKD'S OROYE. AX I) IIEAI'TIFI:r L?.T \ EA<T SIDE <>F Va f.I.EV, IJETW* 'V T?, ^tTH5 AND KICHAKD !-TiiEET> ink s\i r li V,-S Twx.-vrm '''J the 5 I. Jm'v t' "? THL'k'imv' >?,??', ' f??mmericln? at * ?? ?? ' Li'ii r!' i"'"i ,ruly ?H'uabl? t- .1 nam> iy Lot? Xtiiibrrt j and ti t- ?, u Jny 1 ,lfy-iW'? f?et on fb- ?oiitli nid<- <>' I r'r' bj-twe^ri >^v. ntH?i,th atui Eiabt? -nth , ' iiinK wkori. bnndr^J f--t to athmv-f . ? . On ibe^ Ion there ar>* wra! fraia^l .... . .J -?Pted by .Mr. Lobiuieyi-r and otb"r? ai i \ f The location of rh^se lot*, within on* h<;n.?r..i feet of the Dock, render them of p. cni.tr n < . commercial parses. After which, ?? clock. 1\ M , th* 'He two n,>w fnm? with kitrh^riH att;i< Yi^<]9 c?u th*? ^ j. ,t i *r* rirn;t<iri *fr.-?-t, occupied r<"?p.'ctlv. |y i',- f'. Norwood and Louivi At>per-..?. ?Mcb .it *f.. ? .'.h r^i.tal of tw.-nty dollar*. Each imrm.. ?.? , . four ^fod rooms. '| /. ?? lots barf a froiii ? f ti .?t., two and a half f?et, and a depth of on* l ?? i and oixty-fivd feet. After which. ?ay at * o'clock, 1' M . that ) nr >? Home ( ottHK1' Hf*idence, on Ma ldux I) ,, ? i "X Howard * (J rove and th?* rt->id?*nce of i t m l land an I other-, and now occupied b v Mr v ,> McSweenev at the annual rental of Oir^.. , 't'r, . dollars. Tb>? <1 w-diioV contain- **iv' ht r . i ha* r. < .-nth been painted and oth< rw In front ami rear it i}? w.-ll nbaded t . i. . . j.' ^ tree*, and there u ?ti.\ched to it iuor Mmi !?'. ?. rof fine uurden lan I. ;ib? n tire.Jai l h.-a.-lr. ?. cation of this i>rop. ni hbonld attract inof pcr?on* feflclujt a countrv retr? it, in fi;!' \ ? and ? itbin fifteen minute* walk of tt - i Market. Immediately after which, *4y at o'clock. I' M that beautiful lot, letter "11."" on the ??.!*!?? . , / Valley, between ?'hri-tlari ami l;i<b.ird - r . fronting forty-four feet, running back on? bu: ir i and *ixty-live feet. Tkhm? : One-fourth ca*h. balance at fonr, ft^h; and twelve month*, tor negotiable note*, j .? added, secured bv t tril?t deed. HARRISON, UODDIN 4 APPFRd \ Je 33? td* Auction*" r?. hy Harri*ou, Uoddln Si Apper>on, Bankera, Urokur*, and Real Letat ? A^-ntn. .... AT AUCTION' op TIfK ? ' tALUAHLE lD'TEf. AND \T M | F"RD. OX THE KM IIMoNJi AND FKKD'i- i"< '. v BL'Ro RAILROAD. Forty MILKS .\'i-fi'il ') F RD HM??ND -Will be *oid :,t an. tio,,. , , iin-'"*, on 1LESDA\, the a.i ..t .luiv. <??? ut-un v-' A M '. t: VAM'Aill.E l i;i? it.M i. C'.ntatriMi? bv actual ?.en < v i ? \ i- i , i \ DREDAXD TVVLXn'-THkEL .O K>>.* i .h <?n<* hundred acres lie* ? n tti,? w. -t ?j . i .. , ? ? railroad, tin] tw?nry-thr> e acn -on the-.|i.r- .. tli'-r'-'.f The land' i* of fln>. iii,.i ?? ,, w. i, there i* an excellent ORCflAKi> ? i peaclie*. f'lie HoTEL laa lar^'e bn i !.! . i. _ ' - r ?? j on th- railroad. Six . r , . .. . ,. "V* *ftordniK Kreat a-h u t.^,- t. IIOTI.L, a* it allow* tttD" for die |>m?? t th'-ir m-al*. There i* an xcelb .? f ?.i t I to ih HOTEL, now doing ? g I bu*in?*** ? ? which there are t\ro . rh> r ? \< ?-li< I ? Abo, ech'-oi .honse, blark*mlth'? shop, wL.-tl' ri^'ht * chop, telegraph olfi. e, etc. To a pi r?o|i d'*J>i??ed t i embark iri ;? ; r> ' 1 baaiiie*n, thia prop, rty otler> pecul: r ? iv.ti . If den red, It will b" divide 1 ?o to - i i.;. Ti.k One-fourth i i-h, b.Jane- Mt t. (ir. . . ? and twelv- month* for negotiable no;,-. ,iV : ? added, *ec ired by a tru?tdeed. Harrison, uoddin & appfksox Je i'J? 2awtd? Aucfi..ii. er< fly (irttbhtt a William*. Aucttone. r*-, Northwest corner of Main and Eleventh street* fPHf STKE.S' SALK OF A BHI? K JL HOl>E AM) Lor, ??X IIUYAL sTKfctT, N EAIl BROOK AVENUE ?In ex-c ulioii Ot t .|* . i < f trust from Wtiliam Hi 1 1 and .Matil la. hi* w.f*. and Henry Tiiompi>oii, to the subicribrr* astn... tee*, dated 13th June, lv;?, and tu orded in Ri.hmond llu*tin^.* Court office, we will *. I at *tn ti. n. upon the : r> tnls< *. on SATURDAY, Junes ti a clock, P. M., if fair, if not, th-n on the xt f ? r day ther ?ft?r. the property coi*ir?-ved bv M.i deed being LOT No. .'4. in Mai.?lialf Ma- i". it . plan, situated on Duval street, near l>r??"* ?x-. n ?i - . fronting twenty-eight feet, and upon whuh 1. 1* a bink dw*!liui; Ti km* L.ve hundred dollars in ca*h. b uxret at four and ei_'h' month* f-.r nes-..ti,.i ;. i,. |. v*;-h interest added ; credit pa\ merits to i e cure-l by a Je* I of tru*t on ti e propi rty . Taxe? b r I* ?-.-/be paid by the purchaser. A. R. HOLLIDAY. t - SAMUEL T.BAYLY. (Tru^"' uai'BBM Si Wii.i.um*, Auctioneers. je2> Immediately alt?rtbe ab oJ? *.ti.- ?. v it ha'^. past '- o'cl.a k. p. M , two FRAME TEXEMIMS on Duval *rr.'et, with a lot fronting forty -nmfeet, and -itu.it" I near Brook avviiuc. 1 KHMS : At ?ale. ,, ORUBBS Si WII.LlAM?. J** Auctioneers. LJA I H Vi

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE If< >11 JSALK.? 'i lit- un<ltrsi>ri)?-<l. in;? n l- . In# todmcontiime hono k* epi' k, h;* j restiii residence, ?? Mrtj rKBELL", f.>r ?mIThere ar?- fourteen mitw of land, all ? n? !<<??' J. Th> 'ituatlon i* a lmittril t*? be out* "f the ni ??t ?!? ninthly in the vicinity of Richmond. ?"* ?K balf * mi 1m below the southeastern limit* ? t J l? ? ? r.y. ? n Fulton Ht-i^'httf, commanding * viyw of at IrJi Uiil>'? lit* Mi'i down the river. T!i? tlwrlliiitf honse contains ten room*, conveniently arranged ami elegantly Dni-lied It ? kitchen Isouo of the best, and connected with the hou-i* by h covered way. Tliero'iire all th h ii?iihI ont-hou*e?, lncln>Ii:i?' a litrfj*- stable, Itnrri, iiuii carriage-hou***. Ai?.'h . 'i - houx" in oiitj of the iincst < 'A K and MM K"KV OK"VES in the country. To be appreciated, tLe place luu-t on seen. F<>r further particular* apuly on tin- premise*, r at t tin otfite ?>f Samuel Ayr. ft Ji ? o., No Uiio, t<rner i try aud Virginia itrveti. j?. i?_2.iw.w SAMUEL AYRFS. fPIIE FOURTH NATIONAL 1'KIZK 1 CONCERT will b<? h?ld In Kirhniond, Vs., ON FRIDAY, THE 37th JULY, ?? TWENTY -THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED ANI> EIO HTY-KKSHT V A I.I ABLE 1'KlZt.s. A MoUNTINO TO.MNE1 V THOUSAND DOLLARS. will he presented to the ticket- bold. r? we will donate five hundked i?? ?; r. ai:s TO 1.ADIE.V MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION ONE HUNDKED THOUSAND TICKETS AT ONE DOLLAR BACH. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 (lilt 7-io Bonds 1 tint 7-30 1 (Jilt 7-J0 15. nd? 5 (irattd Pianos, $7' o each 5 (irand Plmnw, |W4 rarh .... ' X5 American 11 unting -ca?e Ould Watch"*, f.'i60 American Hunting-case Ladies' (Jo! I VVatche*, fl'tv 50 SewriKf,' Machines, tl>w 50 St f mi! Machines, ?*>? *.'A ' jO American HuMing-casti Silver Watch >jwo 50 American Hunting -cxse Silver Watch** t" > 100 Atiit-rican lluutii>K'-ca?e Sil wr Watches *30 J.J ?) ) j 5,-X'i I. 4,?* jti> J 4. v 1"0 SiiT.tr Watches, $40. ., .... i ? 1??0 Silver Watches, ?*>... J a* 2?'0 Silver Watches, #15. . . 5 J 5--J Oifls In (ireeiihacks, ? ' 5v<l (iiftH iii ' ? r.'nn bar ks *5 S.WO ^'.h* r?** I" Ojwenback.. i-'.iv.. V>* jo.uuo Gifts in Greenbacks, ft - . ? Tot*l 21,711 Prixei, worth.- W** MODE OF DISTKIBUTIi'N. N ambers from I to loo.ooo will b* p!?cod In * wlmel by a c.>tnmU(eo appointed bv th? tlckstuoidcrs. and a person, also selected by th? bolder* preaetit, will do the drawu^, 1'he per- 'ii holding the ticket corres{M>ndin* with tlie f r>; number drawr. will be entitled to the F:r?t 1'rue of five thouMiid dollar*; and so on until bo whole number are di"p<M>ed ? (. Eachftgent will b?? furnished with a full list of the drawing ?* ?>? n t? it can be published. We will aei.d to one addres* FIVE tickets (of *4 6t>; TEN ink** lor . TWENTY t TJIIKTY for FOKTY for %*i. ai.d FlFTi (oiiuij. KELlAllLE AGENTS WANTED in eveiv CI ?* Slid town in lite United Mat.-*, to wUvxu UlthAt Dl'CEMbJlTS AUK OFFEkED Tickets for saltt in Mils city by ii<>hu A Sard.*, L. L Smith, and tJolo Js Turuxr. Ad ir.* Walters a mcLai*b, Jut? lui Lock B??x 44. KlihiU"H?l. ^ * V>ACON, BACON.? Two thuusttna J ) pounds Siallhfleld Usns, 10.0W poui.d* Mui.fi