Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 248, 2 July 1866 — Page 4

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Richmond gisptch. MONDAY JULY 2, 1866. LETTKK r?OM WAftHIXGTON. CorrMpoRdtnc* of lh? Richmond Dl*p?teh. ifwrvs on ttik Tariff question?omens of A STONG FOLITICAL WAR?SAXOCINK VIEW OF THE RADICALS?NO CHANCE FOR RKOON CI I.I AT ION?N RW MOVES TO BE MADE BY THE EXECrTlYE, ETC. Washing toN, June 30,1866. About the only question upon which there have been any wide differences of opinion among the Radicals this session is that of the tariff; get with all the disagreeing minds there can be no doubt of its passage. The radical western members are not pleased with it, and Thnd. Stevens has had his occasional sarcastic fling at the purport of the newly proposed measure ; but it is surmised thnt the wary ?Id politician gives it more support than he will let it appear on the outside. Very little progress has yet been made, and it will be considered next week both day and night, provided the evening sessions can be continued. All attempts heretofore to legislate at night have been failures. The hurry now, however, Is to get home, and upon that ground there may probably be a little bard work done. Every indication at present tends towards "the inauguration of a political war of great magnitude between the Conservatives and Radicals. The latter are well organized, and express themselves sanguine of success in the coming elections, though the admission is made that the utmost vigilance and industry is necessary. The Conservatives have a broad field, and under proper management must accomplish happy results; but partyism will avail no good. Such is the opinion of leading advocates of the restoration policy. Until Congress adjourns the strife will be comparatively quiet, for the members must be home to manipulate affairs in their several districts. It is now universally conceded that all hopes of a reconciliation between the President and his opponents must be abandoned. He will stand Arm in defence and advocacy of his oft-repeated convictions with regard to the proper line of policy to be pursued. It is certain that before very long there will be other evidences of his disposition not to allow his Administration to be thwarted in disposing of the great questions which are before it. The Negro Suffrage bill will bo called up again next week. It is the intention not to adjourn without passing the bill, though it will affect no other portion of the countrv than the District of Columbia. Timon. !

l.RTTRH rBO* PFT*'RSB| RW' Corw?poud?nce of the Kiclnu"B't pl-patch. rKTKKSUt KC., July 1, 186*'.. There was but little activity in the marla t ' urine the !?* week. Cotton remained unchanged till the close of the week, with vales at from 33 to 33 cents for poor and choice parcels, but declining yesterday under unfavorable advices to 3o cents tor riw quality. The receipts are now hinall, the old crop being nearly all in. It is believed that there is no better cotton market than Petersburg, it so g<*>d, from the fact that the quantity necessary for the supply of the cotton mills causes a nearer approximation to New York prices than in places where the local demand is not so gIThc breaks of tobacco during the week were one hundred and flftv-six hogsheads, with no improvement in condition and quality. For unsound descriptions, especially of low grades, the market was verv dull, with some further decline iu prices. All kinds, except bright mauutact tiring fillers, are very low. No sales ot fancy cured wrappers during the week. J glean from the Petersburg Price Vtirverv valuable commercial shoot, published every Saturday by T. Jefferson Clarke and extensively patronized by the merchants?that the receipts of cotton and tobacco per Southern railroad from August, j2 1863, to Juno 29, 1*66, w?ru I Cotton, 13,035 bales; tobacco, 6,264 hogs-, No new wheat has yot made its ance in market, but I understand someii. expected in a few days. It is I rango that tor early delivery the price ? range at u.H?ut three dollars and Ally c * cll cording t??all accounts, the crop below an average, but the quaht} ot tl e Krain i, very superior, 8ottat?e b ast congratulate the tarmcrs b prices. r?..HU?r lias now been in Our Mayor, Mr. C 11 . tricd ninety office one UH'^ d (wenty-uine civil cases, criminal casesand_t^ troasurv eighty and has paid! ^ c^ucr has showed dollars in flu ? ?ix?rfnrniirLir the dudollars in Hue ?, ? rformjrig the duItaSftWG? Uo'make. it Usbau tics of his oral -o vor the city to see O at ["I in ?" proper sanitary condition, ^ L? always attends to the- placing of Xuondnty. What with lu; fideiuv M ?? "tUcer, liix #ne capacity, ai,J republican manners, he bids lair to be Hit ??? imnular Mavor we have ever bad. most popuwr .w twentv-four 'During the 'month of June, twenty-four marriage licenses were issued by the clerk "ft licit outing? Coo r t. 1 The largest turn-out of the Masonic fraternity that has been witnessed for a long time was on yesterday afternoon, to render funeral honors to the memory ot Charles Stewart, of the Arm of Scott & Stewart, extensively known as the proprietor ot a clothing establishment in this city, Mr. Stewart was a native of Newark, N. J., but has been in business here for many years, llis remains were escorted by the Masons to the depot, from whence they were to tie conveyed to his native place for interment. Snow den. fin ml i?r ftcbool Pie?!*le at l>?nvllle. Danvii.li:, June 28,1866. To the Editors of the Richmond Dispatch: It does seem that everything of interest ... a k uhnrf tlTiif* Jl llUvO ovvlU w .C/ _ in Danville cornea at once. A short time ago and Dr. Atkinson lectured _on "MomanMr. Bryant on the " Devil; Colonel Farrar on "Johnny Reb."?a fine trio; then the Masons gave a grand blow-out; then Roanoke College Commencement Concert; to-day the pic-nic; and to-night Dr. Jones's address tiefore the young ladies or the college. Well, I expect it will be dry enough after this, even if w*e did have rain to-day. But I want to tell you about the picnic ; others mav tell you about the other things. In the tirst place, as 44 the parson " savs, the pic-nic was given by tbo Suuday schools of the place, and many a little boy and girl built largely on the fun it would give. Many a big btjy and young lady thought of the " soft" speeches they should i speak and hear. Some youthful Ciceros thought of the how to express themselves 44 in thoughts that speak and words that burn." But, lo and behold, when this day came, it came sulky, mad, raining, as if it k had uever done anything else?as if it had ft been hired to rain, with an internal revenue man to collect taxes of it every tiuio it stopped. I tell / you, the way the children were maty and their parents were glad was a caution. But it seemed wo had all forgotten that Mr T. D. Neal litd said wo must have a pic-nic, but he had not; for as, soon as be could, the town was made alive by ha?ks, omnibuses, wagons, sc., hurrying along with children, growu people, boxes of good things, and all that?hurry iug everything and everybody to the 1 led. inont depot. Rainy as it was, we started with botween three and four hundred persons on board; and we had a iirao?jowe

tw?tnd how their eyes flashed; some got I l??ktng Hkc tbey had been in Old Flu eating green 'simmons. Well, some were doing one thing, some another; but all doing something. We rattled along as merrily as a marriage bell. Arriving at the chosen spot, the com. mittee disembarked with the refreshments, while the rest continued their ride. In j about an hour tbey returned to find a most i plentiful repast spread, and lemonade 1 tiogting around promiscuously. All bands ! ate as heartily as they were hungry, and i they were very hungrv; after which, the singing was commenced, under the leader, i ship of Mr. W. T. Ege, of your city, an , accomplished vocalist. Then Captain i Berrvtnan Green, the Commonwealth's: Attornev of our town, gave us a neat and j chastely" elegant address, which elicited great applause, lie was followed by Messrs. M. Moore and Reeves?both con- \ tiected with the schools?who greatly I pleased the audience with short addresses.' The car whistle sounded for our de. j parture, and scrambling aboard, all re. j turned home highly delighted and feeling | very grateful to the very efficient com. mittee of arrangements for their untiring and highly successful efforts to make every, thing go pleasantly. Our trip home was as pleasant as any part of the performance. Some lovo quarrels were adjusted, some new vows ?uade ; and I think all felt that Sunday iclmol pic-nics are great things, with tho right sort of men to manage them. A. B.C. ttanrtiiy School C elebration at Farm* vllle. Faruville, June 30,1866. To the Editors of the Itichinond D'ispatch : I had the pleasure of attending a colebrat ion given to the Farmville Sunday School of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They met in the church, formed their pro. cession with their attendant marshals, each class having their appropriate badge, and marched to a most beautiful grove, as if erected by nature for such au occasion, where the committee had gracefully ar. ranged seats for the accommodation of the school and guests and after the order of tho day was announced, Colonel Burkley was introduced as the orator of tho oceaion. Ho entertained tho audience with an loqiient, chaste, and patriotic address on he subject of a religious traiuing of the outhfill mind. Captain Thomas Chandlier was then ailed for by the audience. He responded i an eloquent style, showing the great cnefits of early religious education, and ppealcd in a most pathetic manner t) the parents and friends of the school to ivc their aid and influence in the prose, ution of so great a cause. After the children enjoyed their plav nd ramble through the grove, they, with lie guests, were invited to the table, most umptuously spread by tho fair hand of oman, which always gives charms and legance to such an occasion, and after ijjftying themselves in their innocent inurements, they returned home with heerfitl and happy spirits. The day assed sweetly over our beads, made up of luoccnce and love. B. FOURTH NATIONAL PRIZE iONCERT will be held in Richmond. Va., ON FRIDAY, THE 37th JULY. F.NTY-THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNI'KED AND EIGHTY-EIGHT VALUABLB PRIZES. AMOUNTING TO NINETY THOUSAND DOLLARS, trill be presented loth? ticket-holders. WILL DONATE FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS To LADIES' MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. i HUNDRED THOUSAND TICKETS AT ONE DOLLAR EACH. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Gift 7-?0 Bond* $5,000 I Gift 7-30 Bonds 3.100 1 Gift 7-30 Bonds 1.W0 5 Grand Pianos, $7o0each 3,500 6 Grand Pianos, $500 each 3,500 J5 American Hunting-case Gold Watches, $200 6,1-00 So American Hunting-ess? Ladies' Gold Watches, $100 6,000 So Sewing Machines, $1<K> 5,000 60 sewing Machine*, $*o 4,000 W American Hunting-case Sllrer Watches $30 4,000 60 Americau Hunting-case Silver Watches $00 3,ooo 100 American Hunting-case Silver Watches $50 4,000 loo Silver Watches, $40 4,00? loo Silver Watches, $30 3tooo 300 Silver Watches, $35 5,000 6?> Gill* in Greenbacks, Jl" J'222 600 Gifts in Greenbacks, +5 3,500 2,000 Gifts in Greenbacks, $3.50 5,000 20,'K>0 Gifts in Greenbacks, $1 8<?,ooo Total 33,738 Priies, worth $00,000 MODE OF DISTRIBUTION, umhers from 1 to 100,000 will be placed In is ? * k_ .L? icel by ;t committee appointed by the ticket 1-iers, and a person, also selected ny the ticket* lders present, will do the drawing. "The person ldlng the ticket corresponding with the first mber drawn will be entitled to the First Prise five thousand dollars ; and so on until the iole number are disposed of. Each agent will be ?ni-he-l with a full list of the drawing as shod as an he published. .... will send to one address Fl\ E tickets for Ve :o; TEN tickets for $9 ; TWENTY for $17.50q IKTY for $26.85; FORTY lor $?5, end FIFTY $13.60. Ticket* for sale in this city by Bohn & Bardo, L. L. Smith, and Cole Si Turner. Address WALTERS A M'LANE, 1e 5?lui Lock Boi 54, Richmond, >a.

A TCI I JOB PRINTING HOUSE. jy SPATCII JOB PR Thin establishment has been famished with an , ENTIRELY NEW OUTFIT OF STEAM PRESSES i ! anil IMPROVED MACHINERY, and with wrythins in the TYPE DEPARTMENT that the beat i Founder* could supply, and in now prepared to oxej cute order* for every description of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING For Merchants, Manufacturers, Mechanics, Auctioneers, Banks, Railroads, Steamboats. Express Companies, Insurance Companies, Hotels, Restaurants, Boarding-Houses. Theatres, Concert Hails, Clerks of Courts, Sheriffs, Constables, Lawyers, Doctor, Dentists, Colleges, Schools, and for all bther persons, corporations, and instlta* tlons. We print Business Cards, Checke, Visiting Cards, Notes, "At Rome" Cards. Drafts, Wedding Cards; Prices Current, Ball Cards, Title Deeds, Show Cards. Trust Deeds, Admission Cards, Leases, Election Cards, Receipts, Time Tables, Tax Bills. Way-Bills, Licenses, Circulars, Bonds, Bill-Heads. Insurance Policies, Shippers' Receipts, Calendars, Steamers' Bills, Notices, Druggist*' Labels, Bills of Lading. Tubaceo Labels, Manifests, Clothing Labels, Bills of Fare, Dray Tickets, Concert Bills, Coal Tickets, Progrt wes, Wood Tickets, Theatre Bills, Bread Tickets, Show Bills, Milk Tickets, Posters, all sties; Reward Tickets. Passenger Ticket*, Election Tickets Certificates of Stock, Renewal Certificate*. Manufacturers' Labels. AH work ordered will be dons In the most artisti. mauncr, and at vs*y low prices. COLORED PRINTING OF ALL KIMM. my I KIAOB, 'WHIT* DAMAM,*8ROwN JAPAN] These Wraiths# are warranted of the beet Quality for durability, Polish, and body, and are unsur- ? passed. For sale in quantities to suit purchasers at manufacturers' rrieee. JeW PL'RCELL, LADD ft CO,. Druggists, corner Main and Thirteenth streets. WOOL. If peldf ?The hiffheet market prloee paid for Waahed ajd^Uns^hH^oolhy wnterCfiry?, jtfell 9f

DRUGS. MEPI0INE8, fto. f 100KE 8 8 YRt pg{RMACT fifth and Matshall streets. V... QUININE, QUININE.?One hundred ounce* fur itlo At nunc" WOOD S rilARMACT, j,i tft fifth and Marshall street*. OV,1 PIUM, FRESH TURKEY, for salo WOOD'S PHARMACY. J# l? Fiflh and Marshall streeta. COD. ^ The vJX. 8ULPHIS, CALCIS SULPHIS. The attention of the medical profession I* called to theiie new chemical agents, Loth of which are highly recommended in cM?iof YEASTY VOMITING. The former I* also need locally a* a wuth in that specie* of apthou* sore month which In attributed to a parasitic vegetable. ML/. DE A HAKKR, Apothecaries, jff t3 Ninth and Franklin street*. A FOR DIARRHOEA, CHOLERA MORBUS Ac Published and approved Formulae, not Quack Preparsfion*. HOPE'S CAMPHOR MIXTURE; I'ARKISH'S CAMPHOR MIXTURE; ALKALINE DlAKKHtKA REMEDY; SQUIBB 8 1)1 AKRHtKA MIXTURE; HAMLIN'S CHOLERA MIXTURES; BYANT'B CHOLERA REMEDY; ? CONCENTRATED ESSENCE Of THE TRUE JAM AICAHUNGER, Ac.; with full <^^ctloue for use. Prepared and sold bv MEADE A BAKER, Practical Pharmaceutist*. Ninth and Je 13 Franklin street*. LLEGHANY SPRING WATER, FROM THK ALLEGHANY SPRINGS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY, VA. Mora than forty years ago the water of these Springe had attracted attention, and had a j/cal reputation, which ha* been continued by time and enlarged by the extension of its use, which in a few years spread oxer the whole country, when, in 1H5J, thin health-giving fountain fell into the hands of an active and enterprising company. The water wrh bottled, and itu use was extending to every State in the Union, when the bottling wa? sub* pended by the late war. The present proprietors are happy to inform tho public that they are now enabled to present tho water again, carefully bottled, and as perfe ct as to quality as when taken fresh from the Spring. DYSPEPSIA, In all if* worst forms ; MORBID IRRITABILITY OF THE STOMACH, Ac.: OB.M'lNATE HABITUAL COSTIVENESS, SCROFULA and CUTANEOUS EXANTHEMATA, and other disease# of the skin; JAUNDICE ami AFFECTIONS OF THE LIVER GENERALLY ; DYSENTERY, DIARRIHKA. BILIARY CALOULI, SYMPATHETIC AFFECTION OF THE LUNGS and INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, have all yielded to the wonderful power of this water, and hundreds have testified to Its curative efficacy in the disease# here enumerated. A pamphlet containing letters fmm physicians and other highly respectable sources, giving remarkable case# "of cure, and citing wonderful Instances of restoration to health of persona well known throughout the State, can be had on application to the agent. ALLEGHANY WATER ia put ut> in quart bottles, nne dozen in a case, at ?? per dozen, and in half gallon bottlea at |l?per dozen. Orders, enclosing the money, will have prompt attention. Address PURCELL, LADD 4 CO., Druggists,; General Agents for the Proprietor. je ??1m MOYNER'S SULPHUR WATER, ly FROM COYNER'8 SPRING, BOTETOURT COUNTY. VIRGINIA. COYNER S SULPHUR WATER Is held in the ilghest repute by those who have had the opporuulty of testing its efficacy. The great powers of tliese waters have been learly establi-hed in a large number of cases. For oanv disease* thev are almost a specific, such as )YPPEF.SIA. all k'inds of CUTANK<?U8 DISEASES nd ERUPTION'S, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, PUYIC'AL DEBILITY, OBSTINATE DISEASES OF 'HE BOWELS attended with TORPIDITY OK ?HE LIVER, and BRoKEN-DOWN CONSTITU?IONS. A bottle of this water drank before breakfast will ? found of ^reat advantage to the general health, or, beside giving healthy action to the liver, It rill he found a mild, safe, and gentle aperient, trengthenlng the tone of the stomach and imroving the appetite. The proprietors have had this water securely boiled at thejSpring, and offer it with confidence to he public. Price, per case of two dozen quart bottles, f".50. irder* enclosing the amount will be promptly at?nded to. YURCELL, LADD & CO., Druggists, Je 8?lm General Agents, Richmond, \ a. EALING SPRINGS WATER, FROM THK HEALING SPRINGS, BATIl COUNTY, VIRGINIA. The proprietors of these highly celebrated rings have, in view of meeting the demand of ? public, had the water carefully bottled at the ring, as heretofore, in such manner as to pre>ve its virtues and characteristics as when used the fountain. ts properties are well known, and experience s proved its great value in the following dis?e*, which have been cured by its use : Scrofula, ysipelas, Torpidily of the Liver. Dyspepsia, Aphi or Thrush. Ozoer.a (an offensive discharge un the nostril), Intractable Diseases of the6kin, ralvsis, Bronchial Affections, Enlarged Proate Gland, Enlargement of the Spleen, Urinary posits, Irritability of the Bladder, Diseases of the aneys, Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, Rhenmam, Diseases of Females. Chronic ophthalmic Actions, whether dependent upon strumous or lerdyscrasia of the body, and in all degenerate d morbid conditions of trie Eye from neglected improper treatment. 'rice, TEN DOLLARS per case of one dozen lf-gallon bottles. Orders enclosing this amount II receive prompt attention. >EsCRJPTl VK PAMPHLETS, containing certlJtes of cures, and highly interesting letters from w?t respectable sources, and other information, i be had on application to S. A. PORTER, Ileall Springs, Batn county. Va., or to PURCELL, LADD 4 Co., Druggists, General Agents for the sale of the Water, i 7?ts YER'S SARSAPARII LA is a ooni centrated extract of (he choice root, so romied with other substance* of still greater alterau power as to afford an effectual antidote for dieee SAKSAPAK1LLA is reputed to cure. Such a iiedv is surely wanted by those who sutler from ItUSlOUS complaints, and that one which will onipllsh their cure must prove, as this has, of nense service to this large class of our afflicted ow-citizens. Ilow completely this compound I do it has been proven by experiment on many [be wnmt cases to be found in the following uplaints : rrofula. Scrofulous Swellings and Sores, Skin eases, Pimple1-, Pustules, Blotches, Eruptions, Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter or t Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, 4c. vphilis or Vencrial disease is expelled from the iein by the prolonged use of this KARSAl'A..LA, and the patient is left in comparative UU. male diseases are caused by Scrofula in the >d, and are often soon cured by this EXTRACT sarsaparilla. ? not discard this iavaluable medicine beeauae have been imposed upon by something preItng to be Sarsaparilla, while it was not. en yon have used AY'ER'S, then, and not till l, will you know the virtues of Sarsaparilla. minute particulars of the diseases it cures we r you to A YER'S American Almanac, which the at'below named will furnish gratis to all who for it. k'KR'S CATHARTIC PILLS, for the cure of :iveneas. Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, entenr, Foul Stomach. Headache. Piles, Kh*uism. Heartburn, arising from Disordered Stoh, Pain or Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, :nlency, Loss of Appetite, Liver Complaint, ?-t Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, and for a DinPill. iey are sugar-coated, so that the mot sensitive talte them pleasantly ; and they are the best rient in the world for ail the purposes of a ily physic. epared bv J. C. AYEK 4 CO., Lowell, Mass., sold bv dealers everywhere. * PURCELL, LADD 4 CO., Agents, corner of Main and Thirteenth streets, I?2m Richmond, Y a.

rjniE CELEBRATED MOTHERS' BREAST CLOTHS arc a,(&ln offered to tha public, and are for sale by all druggists. Wholesale depot, BLUNT & MOSELEY, Druggists, 1124 Main street, Richmond, V*., je 4?In] Agents for the Manufacturer*. ? ^URGICAL INSTRUMENTS, POCKET CASES, MEDICAL SADDLE-BAGS, MEDICAL CHESTS, for sale by JOHN W. BISON, Je e Main and Third streets. Hardware, cutlery and MECHANICS' TOOLS.?The subscriber begs to annonnee to his former patrons and friends and the public generally that lie has resumed business at his old stand, No. 71 {now No. 143S Main street), where he is prepared to tnpply them with a new stock of AMERICAN, ENGLISH, and GERMAN HARDWARE GOOD8 of every variety, which will be offered at the lowest market rates. HOE A CO.'S CIRCULAR SAWS, GUM BELTING, PACKING, and HOSE, and OAK-TANNED LEATHER BELTING, for aale at manufacturers' pricea. Thankful to his many fr.ends for thslr favors in the past, he hope* to merit and secure the same in the future. CHARLES J. 8INTON, sign oi the Circular Saw, Je 4?3mdAsw No. 14aa Main atreet. ALFRED HUGHES, trouting dl?- ?.* In accordance with the HOMOEOPATHIC SYSTEM OP MEDICINE, has bis office and realdene# on the south side of Gaee atreet, second house above Fourth. Orrici Horns: Morning, from 8 to 10; noon, from 2 f 4; evening, from T to ? o'clock. Je <?am CTRAW HATS, STRAW HATS.? n Just received, ? large lot of MACKANAW and SSfXf T,b "rowtea VuZfiShf" Je II No. Ill Main street. T>ACON, BACON.?Two thousand J3 pounds 8mlthfield Hams, lo.ooo pounds Smithfield Hides, ? hogsheads Shoulders, for sale by Jell FRENCH k CRKN8HAW. CHINGLE8, 8HINGLES?Seventeen k? thousand Shingles, heart and sap, expeeted dally, for aale lowat wharf. ' ' FRENCH k CRENEHAW.

DRY GOODS. SHOES. *o1JKPOT BOOTS AND 8HOKS. HBLL1K * CO., IU Broad RTBiar, SBLL BOOTS, SE01S. TBUHKS, Ac . LOW IK THAN ANY OTHBK HOUS8 IK RICHMOND. SatUfeetion guartoteud. FRESH STOCK JUST RBCBIVSD Olve then aeall. [j? 29?lw] rpHE OLI>-^TABLISHED STORE 1 OF LEVY BROTHERS, No. 1? *W?jSJully the place to purchase your 2S!>? Instance* fifi. %".??? JS-.KJ'Jtfn Sr?WnW.i.r BR EAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF BLACK SII K JAC Q U,E^ U8QUE8, CIRCULARS, AND SHAWLS.-ine*# ;ood* mnit be ?old, and well,T? ?hey are o low that the cloeeet bBY7*VY BROTH BR& h,e?? ? LB> 15 Main etraet. "1HEAP! CHEAPER! CHEAPEST! U JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS, AT THE CHEAP faTORE OF RICHMOND, home of the CHEAPEST GOODS SEEN THIS SEASON. BEAUTIFUL EMBROIDERED IIERNANI8 ut 35 centa, worth 63 cent*. BEAUTIFUL ORGANDIE LAWNS At 35 cent*, worth 60 cent*. LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS at 25 canta, worth 35 cents. AND MANY OTHER NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED. CALL BOON AND SECURE TUB GREAT BARGAINS. W. B. POLK, Nfw No. 529 Broad btbikt, C0R5HR of Sixth. [J* 16?ta] JUST RECEIVED at No. 72 Main Htreet, new No. 1430, Another lot of MEN S FRENCH CALF SEWED CONGRESS GAITERS and MISSES" KID HEEL SLIPPERS, which will be .014 wry low. Oiw ?.?.?? m. OASTOif. S PRING TRADE, 1866. HALL A HUTCHISON, Importer* and Jobber* of S'OTIONS, FANCY GOOD8, and WHITE GOODS, (at the old stan.4 of Thomae. Hughe* k Caldwell,) No. 7 PlABL OR FOCRTBRRTB iTRERT, between Main and Car? Richmond, V?. We are prepared with a large and elegant atoek >f GOODS for the aprlng trade, and respectfully n?lte an examination by our friend* and the trade renerally. 9 READY-MADE CLOTHING, &c. BARGAINS IN CLOTHING.-We are now offering our entire atock of SUPERIOR QUALITY CLOTHING, embracing a great variety of the most desirable good* and fashionable styles of the season. Also, a superb atock of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING OOODS, emhraciug Silk, Woolen, and Cotton Underwear, line Linen Shirt*, Collar*, Tlea, Handkerchief*, Glove*, Half-Ho?e Suspender*. Ac., at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We invite tho*e In want to eall and examine our stock and price*, assuring them that 103 MAIN STREET lathe place to SAVE THEIR MONEY. Je 14 WERTENBAKER A WILLIAMS. PLOTHING AND GENT'S FURKJ NISHING GOODS AT ASTON1SH1NO LOW PRICKS The undersigned. wishing to reduee hi* >toek, I* aelllng good* lower than any other house n the city. Give him a call, and be eonvlnced. ISAAC GREBNTRBE, 111 Broad Htreet, formerly 117, Je 6?1m or next door to Piwlnr*. INSURANCE. yiRGINIA AGENCY OF TBI fUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. ACCUMULATION NOW OVER IH.OoO.OOO. The profltH from thla, a* well a* the premium* received yearly, NOW OVER *4,ooo,ooo, are divided annually among policy-holder*. Having complied with the law of the State requiring a deposit by foreign insurance companies with the Treasurer, application can be made to the undersigned at hie ottice, on Main street, first door ea*tofthe po*t-oftlce, or to Dr. J. B. Met.aw, Medioal Examiner; J. B. Macmurdo, Archibald Boiling, John M. Otey. E. U. Meade, or John T. Goddin, with O. r. oK?bb, Je 13?Ira General Agent.

VIRGINIA STATE INSURANCE ? COMPANY. CAPITAL, flOO.OW. JOHN L. BACON, President. THOMAS W. McCANCE. Vice-President. WILLIAM H. CHRISTIAN, Secretary. DItlOTOM. Thomab K. I'aici, Jamba Ai.vbbd Joxsa, WrlmjfuTox Ooddiit, Thomah W. McCabcs, Jon* L. Bacob, Bobbbt A. Lakcahtkk. BUILDING8, MERCHAN1ISE, FURNITURE, and PERSONAL PROPERTY OF ALL KINDS, in the city or coautry, inuured egslnot loss or damage by Are on the moat liberal terma. Lowes equitably adjusted and promptly paid. Offlce, lo* Main street, orer Mitchell A Tyler's, Richmond, Va. apll?ta VffONTAGUE A WHITALL INA (Late of the Merchants' Insurance Company of Richmond,) ; INSURE PROPERTY 07 ALL KIND8 IN THE MOST RELIABLB COMPANIES. They also effect MARINE INSURANCE AND LI7E INSURANCE. Oflce, No. Ml Main street, just below the Spotswood Hotel. de 11?ta rrHE NATIONAL EXPRESS AND A TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. (Oppicb on Mai* btbbst, bbtwbbb Txibtbbbtb ABD PortTBBBTI BTBBBTB, RlCIMOBD, VA.,) are now prepared to forward CURRENCY, COIN, VALUABLES. AND FREIGHT, TO POINTS NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, AND WEST. The tariff of charges la baaed upon fair business principles, without being oppressive to the public. GOODS SHIPPED FROM THE NORTH by ateamshlps, and marked to the care of the Natlonal Express and Transportation Company .will be promptly forwarded to deetlnatlon FREE OF CHARGE FOR COMMISSION OR DRAYAGE. Goods called for without ctvrrgt, and promptly forwarded. All desired information In regard to the extent of the lines operated by thla company famished at any ef the agencies on application. J. K. JOHNSTON, Precldcnt. B. F. Ficklib, General Superintendent. BhiUs gRICKS! BRICKS!* BRICKS!!! We are now burning, and In a few days will open, one of the beet hllns of STOCK, FATING, and COMMON BRICKS which has been offered for sale thla season. These BRICKS will be cold on very reasonable terms by Applying at our yard, on Twenty-fourth, between Main and Cery streets. ietU-te TURNER A PLEASANTS. 5or sale, " * 5PP|RI0*MEALt PLOUR, PEACH-BLOW POTATOES. CORN, and MILL OFFAL j>y PHILLIP8 aVrIGHT, .. . Grain and Commission Msrehanls, u-<* No. lloi Gary street. rarnt

SladdI^Wfl!&.!^?VK ?=: of tta? ?yrtem ?nd broken general narrow ?tltution, lo?? ,?' *??~ ?nd virtue as a reetoraproetrajlon, their po ^ ^ WITHOUT A WlWKSSWmM,ni" 01 I'b'SWAfBBINO V.L^^AL,*BRUKll''"??> wHh. '?? Cnd u one of'that remarkable group ol ffffiSfcK* Thermal Waters which bar. glren proprfitor?wlWre no readable effort to hare the plaw cj'jnfortaWykep^ ? d wltb music ; BOWlfSo fiALOONS reI and """g^^tJ^hf^a^Vc^onlorLynch?tile ; and from the Houtn.ria Bicn co?ch?,,( Valley tc the Sprlnga. UT|| ov BOABD . ^ I By the day '.7.7.. i.oo per day. By the month ?" cpRiNGS PAMPHLET, with analyala and "W?E A KaNUOLPM., ,Tb1^%^tT r.V."'1,Vg\ta 535,2 my IS?U , Gener^AgenU^ BATH ALUM SPRINGS.?This highli ii r.^ed and beautiful Waterlug-Place . lT . ."''. '.i r.rtiirt retention of TUiturson the Jul bL'Kd'fJrfhe reception of risitore on the s h inetJ t It 1? "Ituated in Bath countv, \ a., at hi eastern Li.se of the Warm Spring Mountain, ne ea i.miinir from Millburf mtlfemui'! aid leallng from Mfllbor^ depot, ou he Virginia Central railroad, to the Wurni, Hot, Lnit "BteuUl1i^Tom Mlllhoro; depot, Ave from he Warm, ten from the Hot, and thirteen f?ora the promote the HLAITH A; I COACHES U SSSttL-Kal from the depot to the wateringi>lacet> above-mentioned. batbb OK BO1E0: ^ Hvthe day V.'.V. IS OC BJe Sldicdw^'' JOSEPH'BAXTBkV Proprietor. IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRIES. emetery enclosures. ? c We are prepared to erect CEMBTERY FENCES OF ANY DESIRED PATTERN. Thnee wishing to encloee their lota will pleaae all and examine our designs. ARCHBR fc GOODWIN, Vulcan Iron Worka. J* a RON RAILING, yE^ANDAHSj urposes, manufactured by JAMfcb V. auk street, near Ninth. . j? CBMBTEPar'icular attention paid to enclosing ,Y LOTS in the city I^Veara In the above With exigence of saUsfactlou will be guarded*" Will also furnish ,*nf ^f0?PwiNDt>W8 -m byt?r n application. ?. ?- - r0B^Sw'sCJn D Vhts's"" -or.. aide ana \ manlike manner, and v WARRANTED TO GIV E bATlbFACTION, TBF. ON,ON MlNt?,NO/.0?PANT, Oa*t aiakBT, BBI.OW Fiktbbstb aiaa??, where rr.rf* ho has been^nga^^x^^ssl^or ttla^rork^wlll 8BKKHffi?t3K ? ? - . , tTaSS FOUNDRY. ? I would R A!,o .. ... ,v,a .mhlle irene*''"h'SKiS terms. The Found7 enth streets. w y jinkINS. ]a 33?ts ' ARINE IRON ANDbra8S poUNDRY. *e subscribers hare 1*' %f.N ^raTssVo^URY^BC^ licit thepatronagi IfkV'st 1**' a? #r? t_ all Its branches. The t K A>3 ruui' t/1? ? .1 sa They solicit the patronage of eir friends and the puboriginal a;? tr.w:rP7.pS.""" ??swj !>?-?. ?ASH PAID FOR OLD ,??'L\d,f?" ii'il-U WILLIAM L. COE. FURNITURE. ETC. wvWOOD MAHOGANY, AND Walnut (MiamherSuUes, " 1 >cornerrNlnth and Main street# (up stairs), r 28 [NING-ROOM AND HALL SUITES \ nfl anA Walnut a great yariety and yery ;:,m.f:,F?Nui'i Vs^6"1,r h and Main streets (upstairs)^ n*/ _

Habliston a brother, FURNITURE DEALERS, would respectfully Inform their friends and former S&tron* that tb*y hare resumed business at their EW STORE, on Cary street, between Ninth and Tenth, where they will be happy to see them, and I will furnhh anything in their lineal reaeonable prices. HABLISTON A BROTHER, Cary streets, I between Ninth and Tenth. mv 8 w K ARE CONSTANTLY RECEIVING every description of Furniture, Carpeting*, Bedding, a'nd Furnishing Goods, to which we attention of purchaser*. FRENCH k CRENSHAW, invite the attention of purchaser*. FRENCH kC corner Ninth and Main streets (up stair*). tny i? CABINET FURNITURE. FINE HOME-MADE FURNITURE. I wish to inform my old enstomera and the public generally that I bare on hand a jco<>d ai*aort!n*nt of F1NB FURNITURE, OF MY OWN MAKE, which I will sell as low as can be bought else* whereof ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY, and V.'AL.VUTJfce workmanship and polish of which ean* not he surpasssed by any. I am prepared to execute all orders promptly. REPAIRING and BOXING neatly and carefully done. * In my UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT maybe found all kinds of COFFINS, both WOOD and MBTAL, with the finest handles and trimmings. Also, AIR-TIGHT CASES, for transporting the dead. I will give my personal attention to this branch of business at all hours. H. A. ATKINSON, (of the old firm of Belvin k Atkinson,) Governor street, above Franklin, Richmond, >a. ap fit?to Receiving another supply of those beautiful Parlor Suites, Rosewood and Walnut, in Brocatelle and Flush?styles of Queen Elizabeth, Louis XIV., Napaleon III.,and other flne and choice patterns. FRENCH k CRENSHAW, corner Ninth and Malnetreeu (up stairs). myS8 w M. KNABE A CO.,, NAvrrACTraiae ov FIRST PREMIUM, GOLD MEDAL,1 GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. These Instruments having been before the public for the past thirty years, have, upon their excellence alone, attained an nrrcxcxAssn raaixivxxci that pronounces them unequalled. Their TONE combines great power, richness, sweetness, and fine singing qatllty, as wsll as great parity of Intonation sad harmonioasness throughout ths entire seals. Their ? TOUCH la pliant and elastic, and Is entirely free from the stiffness found In so many pianos, which causes ths performer to so easily tire. In WORKMANSHIP they cannot be excelled. Their eetlon Is constructed with a care and attention to Avery part therein that characterise* the finest mechanism. None but the best seasoned material Is need In their manufacture, and they will accept the hard asagea of the eoncert*room with that ef thb parlor upon an equality?unaffected In their melody; in fhet, they are eonr Vructed " NOT FOR A TEAR-BUT FOR *VRR." All oar Square Pianos have our new Improved Grand Seal* and the Agraffe Treble. Every Ptano fully warranted for FIVI TEARS. VAREROOM8: MS WIST BALTOIORB STRUT, ap IT?Sm BALTIMORE. HOCOANUTSt COOOANUT8! ! U ?,see fresh CARTHfGENA COCfUJIUTS, '0' "" "lOOI, t. IOM1IVZ. my M No. M Main street. DALTIMORE ALUM LIME, In bog*

RAILROADS. VIRGINIA CENTRAL AAILROAP. V 8 (J MM BR SCHEDULE?The THROUOB PASSENGER TRAIN on and alter SATURDAY. Jane II, will leave Richmond (Sundays ?seeped) at 1 :*> A. M.t And arrive at Jackson's Blvsr at 7.fo P M THROUGH TICKETS told via Trotter ffi?Co.'s Stage Line for Harrisonburg, Winchester, and ! other points on Valley Tnrnplke : also, to Strl- ; hlli.g's Springs. Rockbridge and Bath Alum, Warm. Hot, Healing and White 8o1phar Springe, land by Herman k Co. 'e stage Line to Lexinston, ; Natural Bridge, and Rockbridge Baths ; alio, via Virginia a> d Tennessee railroad for Nashville, Memphis, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, and Orange and Alexandria road to Lynchburg and other Important points in the southwest. The Trams make CLOSE CONNECTIONS with Trains on ' range and Alexandria railroad north and south, a;. I through them with the Virginia and Tennessee r wlroad. The NIGHT TRAIN Is discontinued for the present. An ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will he ibn between Staunton and Richmond on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and SATURDAYS, leaving Staunton at 2.10 A. M.. arriving in Richmond at 10.J0 A. M. Leave Richmond name days at S. 15 P. M., and arrive at Stanriton at 11.20 P. M. PRKIOHT TRAIN on TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY at 5.So A. M. H D. WHITCOMR. Je IS General Superintendent. KlCHMO.11) AMD DAMVIM.X_KAlt.HOai>, j Richmond, May 3, MM. CHANGE OP SCHEDULE.?On and after SUNDAY, June loth, TRAINS will run as follnwe: MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN leaves Richmond dally at 4.50 A. M. Arrive* at Danville at 3.SC P. M. Arrives at Greensboro' at 7 P. M. Leaves Greensboro' dally at 4.30 A. M. Leaves Danville dally at 7.10 A. M. Arrives at Richmond at 5 P. M. NOTICE TO TRAVELLERS.?The Public are hereby informed that the different railroads on the line from Richmond to the south, via Danville. Vs.; Greensboro'. Salisbury, Charlotte, Re., C.: Chester, Winnsboro', Columbia, CharlesI N. C.t ,y lirm-i , ? iiiiibuiiju , uviuiuui.i v. mm. ... - ton, Greenville, Ac., 8. C.; Augusta, Savannah, j Macon, Columbus, Athens. Atlanta, Ac., Ga.; i l Montgomery, helms, Mobile, Ac., Ala.; New i Orleans, La., Ac., are now completed, thus giving , to the traveller the shortest ana most direct route ; to the various points south. The routs pasaes j ! through a salubrious and healthy country. 1 Trains connect at Burkeville with trains on the Southslde railroad for FARMV1LLK, LYNCHBURG, B R I 8 T O L, KNOXVILLE, DALT0N, , CHATTANOOGA, MBMPHI8, Ac. 1 THOMAS DODAMBAD, | je 9?ts Superintendent. r?REAT SHORT ROUTE TO THE \JT NORTH, BA8T, AND WEST. VIA THE! RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBURG AND POTOMAC RAILROAD. CARRYING THB UNITED 8TATE8 , MAIL TWICE DAILY?ELEGANT 8LEBPING JAR80N ALL NIGHT TRAINS?The only railroad ! ?oote IssulngTHROUGH TICKETS and THROUGH j 3AGGAGE CHECKS from Richmond to the cities forth, East, and West. Trains on this road are now rnn as rollows : The ' >AY THROUGH MAIL TRAIN leaves Richmond ! lally (Sundays excepted) at9.11 A. M., arriving In ' Vashlngton at 1.34 P. connecting with the I iARLY AFTKRNOOiV EXPRESS TRAINS for the EARLY AFTERNOON EXPRESS TRAINS for the NORTH. EAST, and WB8T. The jflOHT THROUGH MAIL TRAIN, with SPLENDID SLEEPING CAR8 attached, leaves Richmond dally at 4 P. M., arriving In Washing; *4. W A.'*/ connecting w 1th the EARLY MORNING TRAINS for the NORTH, EAST, and W FST THROUGH TICKETS and THROUGH BAOOAGE [7HECK8 to Alexandria, Washington, Baltimore, I'hlladelphia, New York, Boston, and all the prln;lt>al cities In the West. For further Information and through tickets ipply at the offlce of the company, corner Broad ind Eighth streets, Shockoe Hill. __ J. B. GENTRY, GeneralTieket Agent. Balirii. Rcth, Superintendent. my 1? STEAMERS. VUEW YORK AND RICHIN MOND STBAMSHIP L1NW THROUGH TO BOSTON?Steamers WasTTI^G TON, Captain Chiohrstke, and VALLbY CITY', Captain s.itdee. comprising this Line, will leave New Y'jrk every SATURDAY, and Richmond every I FRIDAY, alternately Thev have formed a through connection with the Metropolitan Steamship Line ' Metropolitan Steamship Line for Boston, and are prepared to sign Bills of Lading through at moderate rates. Freight received dally. Passage to New York, including meals and stateroom, ?10. W. P. PORTER, Agent, l?_Jm Office No. 3435. on the Dock. THE OLD LINE RESUMES ? ITS POSITION AGAIN. THE NEW YORK AND VIRGINIA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. THE PIONEER LINE. ESTABLISHED IN 1411. The two new and magnificent elde-wheel r: >am?hlpH, NIAGARA Captaim COUCH, AMD SARATOGA Captatm KING, are ou the route again between NEW YORK, NORFOLK. CITY POINT, and RICHMOND. In point of strength, speed, and finish,, these *t*am.?hip.i are unequalled. They are in ctnrrge nf experienced and gentlemanly commanders. The Pursers are Messrs. Wim.i am O andJ.M. Smith, natives ot this city, and well known to this community. These steamships will leave Richmond every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, and will l-ave New York every TUESDAY and SATURDAY, arriving and departing from the Lvm.am k Wat?<<s w'ntrf, Rocketts. The hour of departure from here can ve ascertained at my office, or by consulting the daily papers of the city the days preceding the daye of departure. Tickets and berths secured either on board or at my office. Passage, incliding meals and state-room, only 819. The patrons of this line who may desire to Insure, can effect It at the very low- st rates. Je 4?ts GARRET F. WATSON, KoeketU._

FOR NEW YORK.-ATLAN-^flgt, TIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPA-SAMib NY.?The splendid new side-wheel Mteamitnlp HaTTEHAS, Lewis Pakeihh commander, ALBEMARLE, A. Boraxi commander, leave Klehniond every MONDAY and SATURDAY; leave New York every WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. These 8HIP8 are entirely new, and were built ezprexely for the route. They nave splendtd 8ALOON8 and 8TATEROOM8, and the FARE, ACCOMMODATIONS and ATTBNTION are unsurpassed. Passage, meals, and state-rooms Included, FIFTEEN DOLLARS. ? , , , Goods shipped by this Line are landed regularly at New York, on the Company's eovered pier, within fortv-elght hours. Shippers are Invited to notice that the great damage and loss by handling, and exposure from frequent re-shlpptng, as on ether lines, la avoided bvthis route. Freights for points beyond New York will be forwarded with dispatch, and no charge made ezeept actual expenses incurred. These ships discharge cargo In New York at pier No. M North river, and the Company'# steamers for Wilmington, North Carolina ; Charleston, Savannah. Mobile and New Orleans, leave from the same pier. Goods for these points can be transferred without expense or exposure. Insurance Is very low by these shlpe, and the economy In time. Insurance, and condition In whleh goods are delivered, makes this the cheapest route from Virginia. Insurance efected at ioweatratee. when ordered. AGENTS: LIVINGSTON. FOX A CO., 141 Broadway, New York. SAMUEL AYRBS ft CO., Richmond. Virginia. CALDWELL ft DUNN, City Point and Petersburg. T. H. WEBB, Norfolk, Virginia. For freight or passage, apply to SAMUEL AYRbS A CO., Agents. OBee corner of Carj and Virginia streets. opposite the Tobacco Exchange. de II?ts I A N O 8 I PIANOS!! JOHN W. DA VIES ft 8058. RICHMOND MUSICAL IXCHAXOI. Ho. ltt Maik stbsit, sole agents for STUFF'S PREMIUM PIANO-FORTES. Tkeee Instruments have been before the public FOR THE LAST THIRTY YEARS, In competition with the beet makers of the country, and are now pronounced by ALL THE LEADING PROFESSORS AND AMATEURS the BEST PIANOS MANUFACTURED I These Instruments have ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. and are WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS, with the privilege of exchange within twelve months If not entirely satisfactory to the purchaser. Wa refer to the following persons, who have STIEFF'S PIANOS now in use: General R. E. Lai, Washington College, Lexington { D. B. Paris A Rao., Lynchburg; lev. S. E. Piilmps, Virginia Female Institute; Mist Must Buldwix. Female School, and J.C. CaviL, Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institute, Staunton Professor E. A. Axbold, Richmond. A call from aU In want of SUPERIOR PI AXOC Is solicited. Termc liberal. tal?te H( OUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. REMOVAL. L. L. MONTAGU! ft SON have removed to their new betiding, on TENTH STREET, between Main and Cary, where they will be pleased to receive orders fromtheir friends and lbs public generally for HOUSE, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL Painting In every Style. Good work guaranteed. Tense moderate. JaM-ts L. L. MONTAGUE ft SON. r) FARMERS AND ALL OTHERS INTERESTED?All pereona In the vicinity of Richmond having Confederate soldiers buried oe or near their grounds will plsaee report the same to Mrs. Dr. Bolton, Corresponding Secretary of the Hollywood Memorial Association, Richmond. Box M, stating, as far as ran be done, name, regiment, and State of eaeh soldier A. .M. BOLTON, Je IB?ts Corresponding Secretary H. M. A. I8KY. WHISKY.?We wculd ?the attention of the trade lo ea/ ssoek ft rXv^uSiSd barrels*vuffwmgradta

E _ HEDICINE8. ENNOLDS'8 ~ celebrated virginta HEPATIC AND PURGATIVE pfLL. THIS PILL HAR 8TO<?o TFIR TPST <w *u... EXPERIENCE. AND Is WaRka GIVE ENTIRE SATI8FACT10N UT? A few words to those who are ik?*iu.i . . of Ibis efi,4 Pr,< This Pill Is riot the Invention of 4 >ia?-w ??,. i SS?V!?r?AI >rx-?' srffitefr"''"- ??" -1lis devoted some years of patient lnre.tt,.,> the pharmaceutic ?1 combination and th?r*t iT Action of this pill; bat Ion* (which ^curre/.boat two ye.?rsago , (ban reallred the moat aamnilii*ZrJL..** "" r" b 1 "u? wh"m h" p*^*Tu*1 soma b?ea ] apon confidence;. _ sincerity and the ntiniit theta?their confidence being based uw,tl u '*'* ^parie n c e and trial. In taking and pr?*I/ blng them, as well as tLe testimony of many of the a,mr r*li,abl* ?*itlf.,ris, whose resoam-ndatu n j!! pamphlet can b? #Mn *l th* -l f till Thi. Bin ????* THE PW>PLE. This pill is a certain, safe, and efficient r?ri. adapted to all ages constltntlona, and cllmat-, J,I requiring any special avoidance of ? 1 stinence more than common sense would dt( . * ' except In derangement, of thw Uf<.r ? ?? ??, greasy food, for the obvious reason that its \L* lion (bile) is necessary to a great d??re-f,T,T* proper digestion of fatty substance, ft c. nfa.r! no Ingredient that is In any w?v InlurS / any circumstances, and Its efflcacy :.Jnot by long keepina. ' l ir " T>EKANGEMENTS f?P TUB-LIVER It Is earnestly recommended for th? relief m a. rangements or the llrer, such a? Jauud.ce ,i , clent secretion of bile, torpor of the'hv** especially In persons of a bilious temperaa-si' and all conditions ordinarily called bill ,u* DIGESTIVE ORGANS. It is also admirably adapted to derangem?rr* . f the digestive organs, such as dyspepsia,Jr Diacb, Spitting Up food, loss or appetite i?|t,f-i digestion, sick headache, Ac. It is an indlsputab , fact, tbat derangement of the digestive organ, r, ... stitute the largest class of maladie.- which ail . , the hnman race, and that great scourge, a-ui # cholera, which now threatens fo Invade at.d j.. populate our country, seems tlrst and m ?t intensely to attack the digestive organs ; so, if the? are found in an unhealthy condition, h<>w modi more fatal must the epidemic prove. Tin, p.., , safe and efficient In removing constipa'h.n. which is either the cause or consequence of alni<?t vverv disease ; and therefore Its relief U a paramour* consideration, without which no other treatm-nt permanent or satisfactory. Another class of diseases to which It is-vsctlv salted is flonttijnUion, arising fr<?m general if',J. ity, loas of tone In the bowels, impaired n-r*. u* energy, hysterical conditions, sedentary habit* Ac. It is confidently prescribed for alt vrr..^ ilwis't, which are invariably either caurej | T or themselves occasion, Constipation. In all cases of Hemorrhoids (pilesi, whether blind or bleeding, In fistulas and prolapsus ,,f bowels, it can be used with the grea'?*st c? mf ? and success. In those apparent aflTectlons of the kidmyt tended with pain in the back and loins, scanty and high-colored urine, deposit* in the urine, burning pain In the bladder, rectum, Ac., It Is empU>v*l with Immediate relief. In Rheumotitrm, Gout, and all inflammatory di*. eases, such M Erysipelas, Bilious Ferer, St ar la Fever. Ac., which are almost Invariably attended with Constipatiou, this Pill la highly ben'rfl, *<?/. r-. during local congestions, equafiiing the circulation, correcting the secretions, Ac. In Eturalgia It la Invaluable. Though a nervous disease, yet it Is almost always pr-ce led bv.. r accompanied 'with, derangement'or the Liver and Digestive organs, and cannot be snifex,fully or j r. nanently cured without the restoration of tb* healthy ranctlona of these organs. In tine it w * sovereign remedy for the restoration of the health* functions of nearly all the Secretory and Exers tory organs of the body, whether their Jero,,-.. ment exists as the cause or efiect of other dlaeuw. The dose for an adult is one Pill, and. when c i.. venlent, Just before retiring at night, and repetft*d the following night, or oftener tf required. ) r a child five years old, one-fourth of a pill T.-n vears old, one-half. In violent cases, su< h *? Hi. Iious Colic, obstinate Constipation, Ac , two should be taken by an adult. 7 WM. BRNNOLD8 A CO. 6T*r?tog, January ?, IMS. Mr. William Rrnn>>l<tt, I*>ui$a cotnUg, V,i.: Dear Sir,?'The undersigned, cittzens of Augucta county, Va.. desire to express to y?>u their deep sense of the loss sustained f?y the people of tb s tion of tlie Mate in the death of your brother, I'r Taliaferro Rennolds, who resided in our mhw ( many years, and whose great skill as a physician had given in in an acknowledged eminence *h ? the profeasional tu?n of the country. The csl? brated " Kennolds Pill," so universally r.-i g nued as invaluable on account of its won-l-r'nl curative properties, was the result of that sclent lie skill and learning which distinguished hsm I which has rendered him so great a public tor. It is most important, in our judgment, that this great remedial agent should not be lost to ths world. We are Informed that some years si nee y( jr brother furnished yoi with the recipe, for u?s in your family and neigh' or hood, and that tbi? is (lis only copy of said recipe which Is now available We therefore, in the name of humanity, at p-al t. you to make a publication of It to the world, which we feel confident you will not object to do If y. ? still have ft in your possession. We are, with mach respect, Your friends and obedlont servants. Hugh W. Kheffey, Thomas A. HM-os, Thomas J. Mlcbie, !'? A. Ilei-k. ll, John Echols, W.Allan, H. B. Donagftfl, M. D , Re*. K l/. Phillips, 0. M. Cochran, Sr., M. ?1. Hartnau. Henj. Crawford, Ke?. John B. Davis, W. H. Oarber, J.N.Woodward, II. M.Bell, (J.E.Price, W. A. Burke, A. J. (iarbor. S. H. Lusbbaugh, William H Peyton, C K. Mason, W. C. Eskridge, II. II. Peck, Edw'n M. Taylor. John B. Watts, Willt im J. D. Bell, W. 11. Tarns, William U. bterrett, P. B. Huge, Rev. (ieo. 0. Taylor The following Is An extract of a letter from Dr F T btribilng, the distinguished su[>erinteud*at of the Western Lunatic Asylum, at btauntou, to Mr Kennolds: " At an humble member of my profeem >n, it a > \ friend to the afflicted ereryirh're, / reepeiifully unite in the reijumt that hat been vault byulhtrt, that you will publith U to the world.'* Although I hsve not had occasion to use the nil * which were prepared by the late Ur Kennolds, 1 ain satisfied from what 1 have heard front genu* men who have used then, that they are a valusMs medicine, and therefore cordially unite in the r? uuest for the publication of the recipe. Alixaxpkb H. 11. brr.tRT, January <, HM. btauntou, Va.

Fbidhbm'K Hii.i., Lories Coc.utt, Va ,i January lu, 1MI. ( Oentlenien,?Yonrvery kind communication < r ih* ith of the present month in received ?1 thank ?? a kindly for the high esteem and appreciation ?.f uijr deceased brother, Ur.T. Retinoid*, of Suum-M. a* a physician. I am free to state that it would m* ^reat satisfaction to bestow upou the people "f th.? country at least, without remum-ration, ?o gre?t ? benefit as the recipe for the Kennold* lfesp?t:c Fills, which are acknowledged to lie byy-u at.l many others. In fact, It was my original intention to publish it to the world Kratuftously, tut when 1 take Into consideration that the late w.,r h?? Isf' tue and ray family, consisting of my wife and thf* young children, in a comparatively destitute condition, and beside being far advanced in life, I fed that it is & duty I owe to inyseif and faiuny to r-?p some pecuniary benefit froin this recipe I hope at some .future day to be able to bestow it a* ? gift on every on*. I shell take step* rery soon to have the pills manufactured on a large scale, and ho pe, through the tuduence of your recommendations and in? merit of the pill, to be soon able to place thmi In th* reach of ever? on*. The** pills cann--: be sold as cheap aa pills generally are, on account of th* erw' of the material of which th?v srt made; but when yon take into consideration th s: one is a dose, and their certain and edectusl sction, I do not think you will consider rb-iu c shy brother aold them readily at fifty cent* yt dosen. 1 am, gentlemen, eei^ry^tful^y>up|. I certify that myaelf and family have been '-i the habit of using l)r. T. Rennolds'a Hepatic Fill* for a long time, and have never had any occasion ?v*a to try any other, for they have uniformly - all tn* purposes of a family pill. I could * great deal in thetr favor, but take It f r granted that what I have aaid will induce oiucr* to try them ; and, tf so, thetr experience, llhav* n<< will aecord with mine. A. J. OAlibkK. bTAPBToB, January S, IMC. Dr. T. Ken no Ida having been my fara.iy r&r'; elan up to the time of his death, winch occurred about two years ago, I have bad frequent ru- rtunitlea to experience and witness the efiect* <d ?)? Hepatic Pill ; and 1 do not hesitate to #tsi? pat J believe they are the best medicine of tbe kind has ever been used In this section of countrv *? neighbors use them, and think as much of tbcrs ?? I do. WILLIAM J D. bbLL ArorsTA CorxTT, Va. SrAmrox, Va., Janas7?, I take great pleasure in stating that I ha*" ><*** in the habit of using Dr. T. Kennoldt * Hspat.c Fills lu toy family for aooie years, anJ t< ? them In every respect superior to any n:-1 ? the kind. I nave been engaged for soro* tto* " the iron business, which rendered It n? cessery ? have many persotu in my employ. I have us-.i theee pills among them with great used, and I moat earnestly recommend th?t c*c?T family keep and asa th?on. Tbsse I ills nj??gripe. Nothing U claimed for them more than ta?f deserve. Bbvaamis CaAwroar, gtauaton, ? s. I hereby certify that I have used Dr R'nn:\; |'! Hepatic PtUe foe several year*, both for in my family, and consider thetn a ???t a lno medicine, such aa every family ?Hi*ht to v supplied with, lihlahthciu greatly piefrwwe.^&sS.*ir ??nTusi. j. trAruTox, Va.. January !?.' 1 hereby e*rttfy that I bave us?hi for a uuisi?? years Dr. KennoMa's Heretic Pill, ,nd '*' lt r, w the pubUs that rha-e derived wore ^ theta thau from any pill 1 have ever u?rd "? action U mild and quite tMoat.^ K ,rt. . Peieon* troubled with Torrid Uwh Hon, he., deeerve to sufbr If they ?'fl BeneoMs'a Hepatic PHU. Members of my k?n b?n,?.uj ClAhLOTTSeVtLLB, VA. Prke,FIFTT CINTipir"bo*. . To he had of ell druggists and dealers lfl etne er