Daily Dispatch, Volume 30, Number 2, 3 July 1866 — Page 2

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Richmond gispatch. TUKSOAY JULY 3, 186fi. A Compromise on Coal! Our northern friend* who are now legislating for themselves in Congress?protecting their manufactures and ?axing our cotton?trnve j?*t exhibited another specimen of their fairness and consideration tor tinSouth. The new Tariff Mil imposes a duty of one dollar and twenty-five cents per ton upon bituminous coal brought <ims tu ??.>., ?na only fifty cnnt'P" Ion upon th*t imported from Aoro T P peared so singular that eten - r* oxntSTtrxK. c.llcd ' anomaly?char.cteri7.inf; tlie r ~iand ' "an excellent tarifi for -Sew F.ngl.n^ Mr. Moorhkad, of Pennsylvania, that the fifty-cent lax on r coal was a comprom**, for the New England manufacturers. They got their coal from Nova Scotia, and he thought there ougnt to be this discnm nation in their favor. Now, the disinterestednes* of this Mr. Moorhead is found in the fact that his constituents are not at all concerned in the bituminous coal trade; the Pennsylvania interest is entirely in anthracite coal, and that coal is protected most gratuitously by a duty of one dollar and tfft v cents per ton, while there is no genuine anthracite coal in the world outside of four hundred and seventy square miles in the State of Pennsylvania! Pennsylvania could well afford to mate this " oompro. mis'." The fact is, this so-called 44 compromise " was made by one party only with Itself, and it is therefore a solecism so to ?tvie it, since a compromise implies an agreement between tico. The injustice of it was so patent that Mr. Kkllet, of Pennsylvania, one of the bitterest of Radicals, opposed it very earncstlv. 4 declared that he spoke 44 for those who 44 were voiceless in that bouse-the deluded 44 and poverty-stricken people of the in-; 44 surrertionarv district, which, it s iou < 44 be known, is the preeminent bituminous 44 coal district of our country. His Statt having no especial interest in the? matter ( be argued it, he said, 44 m beb?,f^tl c | 44 rich and wide bituminous coal-fields of 44 the South, and especially those of \ ir- j 44 ginia and North Carolina." Mr. Klllkt j then proceeded with his argument, m - which he contended that tl.e reduced tariff on Nova Scotia coal was not only to favor manufacturers, but citizens o. . ic United States who had purchased coal mines in Nova Scotia and were importing coal thence to the New England manutactories. lie inveighed against extending aiich a favor to persons who had gone out of the country to invest their money. They should invest their money at home. The opinion of his constituents was that Congress would 44 better promote the inte44 rests of our whole country by promoting j 44 those of Virginia and North Carolina I 44 than they would by legislating so as to I 44 advance "those of ? M American patriots | 44 w ho have invested their capital in Nova tt scotia or auv other foreign countrj . Mr. Kei ley ridiculed the discriinina-1 lion which taxed eoal from Great Britain j two-thirds more than that from Nova Sco- j tia, which was so near that the charge on , its transportation was merely nominal, lie : aaid this was reversing the former rule ot | the Government, which increased the duties as the distance of transportation was diminished?imposing, for instance, only half as much upon goods from cast ot the j Cape of Good Hopo as u^n those shipped j from this side of that cape. i The coal mines of North Carolina and Virginia were referred to with much earnestness bv Mr. Kkli.kt. They should bo fostered and developed .is tl.o true in*e of favoring New England, as that would j establish competition through our own mines, and thus check excessive charges for the N<wa Scotia coal. Moreover, it would increase the demand at home for the . fabrics of the New England manutactu-j

rors. In the course of his remarks, Mr. Kelley quoted from an essay in the Washington Chronicle on the subject. In this the writer contends that Virginia coal is equal to the coals of the British Provinces for all the purposes of the New England manufacturers, is not further from them, taking a general centre, than the Nova Scotia coal, and, like that, is close to tide-water. He considered Virginia as having been blinded by an infatuation which prevented the development of her mines; but condemns Congress for pursuing a policy likewise destructive to the Virginia colliers. By the reciprocity treaty with Great Britain the coal from Pietou and Sidney was admitted duty free; and this seriously injured Virginia. The writer says: "At one time Richmond enjoyed an export trade in coal, but since the reciprocity treaty it has vanished. Enterprise and capital have gone from Philadelphia, New York, and Boston to develop Acadian coalfields, while it is denied to Virginia- first, because Congress legislates against her and in favor of a foreign rival; and secondly, because her people are poor, impractical, and soured by poverty and distress." Mr. Kelley has certainly done no more than simple justice in exposing the injury which this feature of the Tax bill will do to the domestic interests of the United States. We apprehend, however, that his efforts will be of little force in the way of disturbing the " compromise" made by one side alfecting to represent both. It is backed by too much wealth, too much avarice, while the real sufferers by this selfish, nesa have no voice in Congress. > The French Canal Company?Northern Arrogance and Prejudice. On Thursday last some serious errors ! were committed by two Congressmen relative to the conqtaiiy incor|K?rated by the ! Virginia Legislature to finish the James j River and Kanawha canal Mr. Keli.ey, in a speech?meant to defend the Virginia coal interests, which kindness he could not do without balancing it with a specimen of malevolence?took occasion to at. tack this company,charging, w ithout foundation, that it was chartered while the rebel* of Virgiuia were Inviting Lolis Napoleon to direct interference in behalf of the Southern Confederacy, and that the person*?Dk Ballot dks Mimkkes BkoTHEJUt & Co., of France?chartered, although nominally in their own right, were really " recognized agents of the French Emperor," and that, through them, be had Urn graut " to extend the Kanawha canal " from the Jame* river through the inex. ** JuMMtibU bed* of iron, and canntl and

" bituminous coals,to thaObio rt*ifHe added," that the present unconstitutional " and rebel Legislature of Virginia are en- ?? deavoring to revive and axccuta the con- j ?? tract, and that West Virginia may have j " been hoodwinked Into the same thing." j He desired to induce " New England cn-1 " terpriso and capital to engage in the coal j ?? trade, and iron and steel manufacturing of ?? Virginia, so that Lotus Napoleon shall not | ?. have southern rebels to conspire with , " against our peace and prosperity ; but | "northern patriots to resist and balk his "machinations." The southern people havo | become so used to imputations of this sort that their equanimity is no longer dis- j turbed by them. But it is strange how a | gentleman who displays in his general re-1 marks a good degree of common sense ! should l?e led into such madness. The charter to Messrs. De Bellot is; one granting no extraordinary powers, and I onooutof which, were Napoleon* himself! tho corporator and entire owner of the canal, he could get no more than the protits upon its business. But nobody here dreams that he has any such relation to tho enterprise, in w*hole or even in i?art. The only earthly advantage that he or France ever could derive, or, we believe, expect to derive from this work is that through trade by steam lines between the Chesapeake hay and the ports ot France which French enterprise has for ten or twelve years sought to establish. This is but a privilege open to the world, and the enterprise to make it available one worthy the encouragement of an enlightened monarch. It is a kind of international commerce that all liberal nations foster as mutually beneficial. The views of Mr. Kei.let are but prejudice?they belong to the species of fanatical phantasmagoria which are haunting the minds of northern Congressmen and leading them into follies that arc inflicting deep injury upon the country, and fomenting rather than assuaging the sectional aversions of the i?eople. We were somewhat surprised to see that Mr. IIi'BBARH, Of West Virginia, committed a great blunder in trying to correct Mr. Kellky. He stated that the 14 con44 current legislation of West Virginia was 44 not with reference to the sale of the 44 James River and Kanawha canal to the 4t French linn named," but to an American company for 44 the completion of the Covington and Ohio railroad." Now, the concurrent legislation of West Virginia was given to both of these schemes; and she neither harms herself nor any other State in having iloue so. We only fear l lat the corporators of the canal want force and foundation. We never were overwhelmed with confidence in them, and would be glad to be enabled to suspect Lotus Napoleon of being concerned in this enterprise. But we can't. There is no earthly reason for such a suspicion. If we had the aid of his means or anybody's means upon the ordinary principles that control chartered investments, which in no way affect the eminent domain or the authority of this country, it would he a blessed thing for those interests which both Mr. Keli.et and Mr. Hi bbardclearly show the Federal Congress is neglecting! While Mr. Keli.et is throwing out his suspicions of this French company and the people of Virginia, the body of which he is a member passes a bill securing to Sir Morton Peto & Co., of London, privileges that give them the control of an entire line of railroad from the Atlantic to the Mississippi. After such liberality by Congress t<> a foreign company, how does Mr. Kei.let reconcile it to his sense of fairness and justice to make the mere matter of the incorporation of a company of French gentlemen the occasion for his wholesale imputations? Mr. Kelley is worse than absurd?he is prejudiced and malicious.

Religious Tests in North Carolina The following is one of the provisions of the new Constitution of North Carolina: "No person who shall deny the being of Almighty God, or the divine authority of both the Old and New Testaments, or who shall hold religious opinions incompatible with the freedom or safety of the State, shall be capable of holding any office or place of trust or profit in any civil department of the State." The Israelites do not deny the divine authoritv of "both" the Old and New Testaments, and consequently are not rendered ineligible to office according to our construction of the Constitution; but there will doubtless be two opinions on this point. The last clause, disqualifying persons who hold "religious opinions incompatible with the freedom or safety of the State," throws open the door to intolerable abuses. Any man may be excluded from oflice under that clause. What will not Congress Regclate ?? A bill has been reported in the House of Representatives for the establishment of a National Bureau of Insurance, which makes the Bureau Self-sustaining, while it offers security in the matter of insurance by requiring all companies who may act under the law to dejmsit United States bonds, the amount varying according to their capital stock. No party is permitted to transact fire, marine, and life insurance business at the same time. The object of the proposed legislation is said by its friends to be to give every company an opportunity to show its solvency, in order that the pub. lie may be guarded against fraud?the principle being similar to that now applied to the National Banking Association. The object is to moddle with everybody's business. Nothing will be left to tho States, which have been reduced to the dignity of municipal corporation*. Won't go to Radical Philadelfaia.? 44 There is no authority," says the organ, in capital letters, 44 for announcing that the 44 President and Cabinet will be present at 44'.ie celebration in Philadelphia on the "4th of July. The public-business will 44 not admit of their absence from tho seat 44 of government." A Hofefcl Sign.?There is a sly inti mation in the National Republican of yes terday that the bill to extend the Freed men's Bureau act twoycara will be vetoed That paj?er remarks very quietly: 44 The Radicals themselves predict rer confidently that it will meet the Presi deut's veto. Guilty conscience, Ac." Judge Cardozo, of New York, who has recently made himself famous by declaring the entire excise lairs unconstitutional and wholly void, is a Jew, and as inch has good reason to defend personal rights.

ItlMlMi Vlra A Mtk? DmI Do?k-F*fity Alter Ite VMT T?rli cwimb-Hmn. The National Republican of yesterday finishes Forney. Andrew Johnson is a dangerous man to pick a quarrel with. IIin organ partakes of his bellicose nature, and lets down upon Forney In the following refreshing stylo; At the very time that the pure-minded " Brook farm" socialist (Dana) was striving for the spoils, the immaculate Forney, the Secretary of the United States Senate, went to New York, and, as he says, moved by "an impulse he could not restrain," addressed Andrew Johnson as " My dear Mr. President," advising him to dispose of the custom-house "outside of all the politicians^ and asking him to confer it upon his (Forney'9) friend?"a Democrat!" We purposely leave out the name of the candidate mentioned in Forney's letter because he, perhaps, is not to blame for the shortcomings or long grasping of his pure-minded and highly patriotic friend Forney. The letter is now published because Forney has challenged it, and because it exhibits a specimen of suWipe impudence and unparalleled hypocrisy never before equalled anywhere, and never hereafter to be excelled. We submit the letter itself. Read it, and then read an "Occasional " letter printed daily from the same pen, and wonder at the infamy of the author: Nf.w TonK, January 2, 1866. My Dear Mr. President,?I have been in this "city for two days, and now write under an impulse which 1 canuot restrain, because I feel it to be for your own good and that of the country. I take it for granted you are resolved not to bo uumiudful of your own fame, and that you will not aliow your friends, who heartily sustain your policy, to feci that they are without Vour aid and encouragement. Whether you are a candidate for president or not, and if you are not, I shall be greatly surprised with the wonderful favor that has crowned your restoration policy, you should not allow the groat office go to inditferent men, or those clearly in the interests of your foes. I need not repeat to you that i am now, as ever, for twenty years shown in my writings, and since your great act of patriotism in 18G0 especially, your open and avowed friend. Where I am to-day my two newspapers both daily show to the world. Hence in what I now say I speak no .die words, but mean ail I say. The collector's office at New York city is a post that you should dispose of outside of all the politicians; not, I mean, to defy them, but to select your own man, who should he free only to help you and serve the Governmentone they could neither attack nor use. Such a man is * * * of this city. He was elected to Congress in * * * as a Democrat, but, like you, refused to follow the party into treason. He served a short time with gieat distinction, and resigned on account of ill health. He was a member of the Committee of Ways and Means, and won great applause. He is a very able man? educated to finance, intensely national, honest, and independent, and could furnish millions of security. He lias an organizing mind, and would make you a party or fight your battles single-handed, lie is an Andrew Johnson Democrat, in short. I write in the knowledge that he would accept, and that his appointment would ho hailed with joy by this whole community. Yours, truly, J. W, Forney. To the President, dr., dr. But if that is not enough, you shall have more, says the organ to Mr. Forney. Come up on the witness stand, sir:

1. Did you, or did you not, write to any person since the election of Lincoln and !' Johnson in substance that if Hamlin had 1 continued Vice-President you would have resigned, because he took your patronage away and gave it to Sergcant-at-Arms Brown ? 2. Did you, or did you not, sinco the election of Lincoln and Johnson, write any influential person congratulating him upon the prospect of the revival of the Democratic party, and urging the necessity of taking from the existing United States Senators, who were original Whigs awl fYeesoilers, the power they now possess / 3. Did you, or did you not, write to any distinguished official, then about to com e into power, pleading, if not 44 begging," with him to employ as his confidential 44 private secretary" a man of your selutiu7i ? 4. Did you, or did you not, write to any person after the election of Lincoln and Johnson fully endorsing Andrew Johnson as u Democrat, fully endorsing Andrew Johnson's restoration policy, and welcomii*g him, in substance, as the coming leader of a certain political party ? 6. Will you, or will you not, relieve the holders of any letters containing such assertions, or declarations, or sayings, from the obligations imposed upon them because such letters bear the words 44 private and confidential" ? The letters referred to above have no connection whatever with the impudent letter of Forney's w hich appears elsewhere in our columns to-day. Impudent, inconsistent, and hypocritical as the customhouse letter is, it is politeness compared with the epistles written by him shortly after the election of Lincoln and Johnson. The reader will understand that each question relates to a letter actually written by the vile reprobate Forney. As if this were not enough, the organ quotes from the National Intelligencer the following paragraph concerning Forney's son?44 a chip of the old block," evidently : Dismissed.?Captain Philip R. Forney,. Fourteenth United States infantry, (a son of | Colonel John W. Forney,) was recently tried by court-martial at San Francisco, California, and dismissed the service. The charges of which Captain Forney was found guilty were disol>edience of orders and conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentle, man. The sentence of the court has been confirmed by the commanding general. Who is He ??Forney's paper of yester. dfty says that a citizen of Richmond writes to Representative Driggs, of Michigan, under date of June 19th, as follows: 44 Yesterday, another murderer, Dick Turner, was turned loose from the long-to-be-remembered Libby prison, with his wicked hands all red with the blood of some of the best men of our nation." We are pained to learn that there is in Richmond any man who has the heart to write such a letter. Oh, Dei*!?The Washington Chronicle makes the following emphatic announce, mont: 14Tho accidental head of this Govern, ment has proclaimed his purpose that there shall be no ratification of the amendment of the National Constitution to establish guarantees and protection against a future rebellion; and to strengthen and secure himself lu this malignant purpose, he pur. poses to use the treasure of the people be is toiling to betray to force into the oa. tional councils the representatives of the worst men that have ever cursed modem civilization with their cruelties and in. gratitudes/' Hon. R. C. Grier, Justice of the Su. preme Court of the United States, was at. tacked at Williamsport, Pennsylvania, a few days ago, by paralysis, while in attendance upon the District Conrt of the United States in session there. The court was im. mediately adjourned. 'Goonral Fitzhugh Lee's little ^eecb at the I Diversity to copied by aU the papers. Forney iayt It to a "good thing/

I hArrjeD.I On ths morning ft the tTift Inztant, by Ridsr 0. | WAftaiLBi tn? iwldanenef Mrs. #?Upy. the SuK?&. S i ??lion county, va. ? DIED. OnthalOth Jnna, ROBERT LEE, ?vm of Gideon and Leonora W. Rag land, ag*d eighteen months and all days. Oone are thy beantlee, Robert, And atleneed ta thy mirth : And thy sweet form, with all IU lorellnaaa, Haa passed away from earth. In New Orleana.on theflth Instant, A. A. PR4RICK, aged flfty-flve yearn, a native of Virginia, and for the laat twenty-six years a resident ol thai elty. On Monday, July Id, at 7 o'clock, P. SC., E. M. Morgan, aged about dfty-four yeara. Hia funeral will take place TO-DAY (Tuesday) at balf-paat 4 o'clock from the Firat Presbyterian Church. ^SPECIAL NOTICES. aar DENTAL NOTKE.NITROI S OXIDE GAS.?W. LEIGH BURTON, Dxittibt, having a ?uperlor apparatua for the manufacture of this gas, la prepared to administer It as an anesthetic In the EXTRACTION OF TEETH, thereby rendering the operation absolutely painless. As It Is highly important that the gas should be '-e*b and pure, timely notice should be given of a desire to use it. Ofiiceand residence northwest corner of Seventh and Franklin streeta. jy I?lm* BW A CARD.?The prices of PHOTOGRAPHS at ANDERSON A CO.'S Art Palace are the same se other first-class galleries In the city. Aa many hare been misinformed in regard to the prlcee, we take this method of correction. ANDERSON A CO., Je 30?lw* No. 1111 Main street. WPRISON LIFE OF JEFFERSON DAVIS. FOUR YEARS ,'N THE SADDLE. Harry Oilmor. POLLARD'S niSTOBY OP THE WAR. WOMEN OP THE SOUTH. SOUTH SONUS. RILL ARP. For sale by Jo se-ta COLE & TURNER. ?T CHOLERA MORBUS, DIARRH4EA, CHOLERA, AND ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS? Every one should have a bottle in the house In case of emergency: BENNETT'S DIARRHEA KILLER, BENNETT'S DlARRHtEA KILLER, BENNETT'S DIARRHOEA KILLER. t'rice, FIFTY CENTS a buttle .Sold by all druggists. J? Jt?at mTJ. B. WOOD, APOTHECARY AND DRUGGIST. PXOPRIBTOE OF WOOD'S PHARMACY, comer Fifth and Marshall streets, Richmond, Va. FRESH AND RELIABLE MEDICINES POS FAMILY USE, AMP PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED Je 27?ts AT ALL HOURS. BW FIRST-CLASS PHOTOGRAPHS are still being made by LUMPKIN A CO., No. 737 Main ?treet, second door above Spotswood Hotel. Price, ptT dozen, TWO DOLLARS. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. Jy 1??eodts IT ESTABLISHED ISO. Lons j. BossiErx, Manufacturer of DOUBLED-REFINED STEAM CANDIES, and Dealer in CONFECTIONERY. FRUITS, PICKLES, CIGARS, 4c., 4c., begs to Inform hie old friends and customers that tie has resumed business at bis old stand, No. so MAIN STREET, RICHMOND. He desires to return thanks for their past liberal patronage, and Invitee them to a renewal of their business connections, promising equitable dealing. His motto in quick sales and small profits. Je 31?lm BW H E-CREAM FOR PARTIES. FAIRS, PIC-NICS.;4o. ANDREW ANTON! respectfully announces that he is prepared to furnish, st short notiee, on very moderate terms, SUPERIOR ICE-CREAM of every deslrablo favor, for balls, parties, fairs, excursions, or ple-nies. A call Is respectfully solicited. je 15-lm Sar UNION BANK OF RICHMOND, (SAVIN08 INSTITUTION), OPFICB AT THE NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, 1300,000. THIS INSTITUTION ALLOWS SIX PBK CENT ON DEPOSITS. I. DAVENPORT, Jr., President. JAMES MILLER, Cashier. niEECTokn. R. A. Paine, L. D. Crenshaw, W. R. Queries, Win. H. Lyons, Jr., R. E. BlankenA. Bodeker, B. B. Weisiger, ship, W. A. Spott, Moses Ellyson, J. B. Winston, A. L. Eliett, Jas. W. Archer, A. A. HutchinR.T.Taylor, J. Rosenbaum, ton, W. E. Blnford, J. W. Hall, W. A. Jenkins, J. A. Kelvin, W. F. Gray, W. E. Tanner, T. U.Dudley, Alfred Moses, J. M. Nowlin. The security offered to depositors Is undoubted, and the Institution should commend itself to all classes. The attention of ail In city and country is called to this institution. Here they will find security, convenience, and profit. Sums as small as five dollars may be deposited, and six per cent. Interest received on same. Offlce hours from * A. M. to 3 P. M ; on Saturday From I A. M. to 3 P. M., and from 4 to 6 P. M. Ja 13?dAswlm

ft** BILL ARP : BILL A UP ? ! BILL AKP ! ! Thl* Inimitable book 1* now ready, and every person should bare a copy. To be had of COLS A TURNER, |?7?1? WhIk Building. ?ar ANDREW ANTON I, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CONFECTIONERY AND FRUITS, respectfully Informs the citizens of Richmond that he has resumed business In his NEW IRON-FRONT BUILDING on Main street, opposite to the site of his old stand, adjoining the Exchange Bank. The store and saloons have been fitted rp and fnrnished in a style which he Is confident will m?et with the approval of the public. Ills facilities for manufacturing FANCY AND PLAIN CANDIES of the best quality enable him to offer Inducements to the trade which cannot be surpassed. A call from bis former customers is respectfully solicited. A large and choice assortment of FRENCH BONBONS, IMPORTED FRUITS, NUTS, CORDIALS, PRESERVES, PICKLES, SAUCES, Ac., will be always kept on hand. ICE CREAM of the most approved flavors served in the 6aloan. Parties supplied with ICE CREAM and ORNAMENTAL CONFECTIONERY. The undersigned returns bin thanks to the citizens of Richmond for the liberal patronage accorded to him for the last fifteen years, and will endeavor to merit a continuance of the same. Je t_lm ANDREW ANTONL ITSVIITS FOR ftODA WATER. CHOICE FRUIT AND CREAM SYKUP8 furnished the trade at low rates by W. H. SCOTT, Druggist, Je 4 eornsr Franklin and Seventeenth streets. Richmond savings bank and INSURANCE COMPANY, OPPICB C0K5M MAIS AMD TWItPTH STRUTS. Subscribers to STOCK In this company are notified that the second instalment ou their subscription it due and payable THIS DAY at the ofllce of the company. jy l?it JOHN F. C. POTTS, Secretary. Orrtci of William B. Isaacs k Co.,) Riobmord, July J, 1M?. i OUR OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED TO-MORROW, the 4th. Notes and drafts due on that day parties will please attend to TO-DAY. JZJtrl* PARTIES HAVING NOTES OR DRAFTS due at our oflee o* the 4th instant are notified to pay them TO-DAY, ?d Jy ??U LANCASTER k CO. ATTENTION, HOWITZERS! ?All A. members of the three HOWITZER COMPANIES are requested to aeeemble on Broad street, by St. John'* Cnurth, at a o'clock on the MORNING of the 4th. for the pnrpoee of proceeding to Oakwood Cemetery to unite in the memorial labors at that place. HENRY HUDNALL, Jy I?K Chairman. The following organizations will please meet at the eorner of Broad and Twenty-fifth atresia on the 4th instant, at ? A. ?eisoftheFifteenth Regiment Virginia i a* belong to m organixaiioa, and Par

AMITfKMEWm SAi'RED CONCERT.?Hfj rwiuetrt of tha parent! ?ni frlenda of tha Mholareof St. Jams* Sunday School, the Concert glr*n ao (he ?renin* of the IMh Jar* JEUiJ* reputed at St. J.DM "hurch on FRIDAY IVENINO, July C. INC, ?t half-put ? o'clock. Admlwln,,. FIFTY CENTS; children.TWENTY. FIVE CENTS. Tickets m*y be procared at the bookatnree of Me-ars. Bldxood k Riley, A. H. Chrmtlan 4 Co., and J. R. Kelningham. and at Wood'e Pharmacy, corner Fifth an i Marshall etreeta. No ticket* will be ?old at the door. Jy ??td r< RAND EXCURSION TO NORFOLK VJT AND F<>BTK8t?S M??NROR ON, THE FOURTH OF JULY.?The ?plendld steamer (iSORUKAKNA, , Captain D. J. UlLU. will lr.ar? her wharraTE ettaon WEDNESDAY MORNINO.Julr 4, at SIX o'clock, for an EXCURSION TO NORFOLK AND FORTRESS MONROE, and return on the 3th, lea?* In* Norfolk on that morntn* at 9 o'clock. Fare for the round trip, ONE DOLLAR. Ticketa for the Excursion to be procured at the Company'* offlre, at 8hlpley k Roane'c, corner of Franklin and Fourteenth street*. Jy i-it JOHN H FREEMAN. Agent TNXCUHSION?FOURTH OF JULY. XJ The faat and splendid steamer JOHN SYLVESTER, Captain Post, will make an EXCURSION down the Jamee rlrer below City Point JULY FOURTH, tearing Rockett* at 5 o'clock P. M. returning at 10 P. M. A Band of Music will be furnished for the ocraIon, and Refreshment* served on board. Fare : |1 ; children half-price. Ticket* on board. Jy*?Jt* C. I. TROWBRIDGE, Ag*ut. F EAST AND FAIR. THE LADIES OF TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH, COItNBR OF TWKNTISTH AND BROAD iTKHSTS, are now holding a FEAST AND FAIR to aid in finishing their church, and solicit thepatrotisge of their friends and the public. OPEN EVERY NIGHT. A CONCERT NEARLY EVERY NIGHT. Adtiilssioa, twenty-Are cents, and the tickets good for the amount at any table. Je t*?t* WANTS. NO T T <ft F R A Y S E K CAN SUPPLY VIRGINIA AliD NORTH CAROLINA SPRINGS OR FARMS with their help, such as Cooks or Walters for Si u..^9, or Farm Hands for their Farms. WE WANT A DAIRY MAID, GERMAN NURSE, LIME-BURNERS. Hare on hand COOKS, NURSES, FARM HANDS, and LABORERS. NOTT k FRAYSER, Franklin, between Eighth and Ninth streets Jy'? WANTED, a WAITER, by a restauTT rant; THREE GERMANS and a WOMAN, TWO IRISHMEN, ONE E sULISHMAN. to work on a farm : ONE FEMALE COOK, (white,) and HOUSE GIRLS. Wanted, to sell PURE MILK at ten eentsaquart, which will be sent to the residences of the customer*. For further particulars call or address the SOUTHERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, Franklin street, under Metropolitan HalL Po?t-offlce box II, Richmond, Va. D'Asdahait k Link, Agents. Jy ??It Hides and tallow wanted. DRY HIDES, GREEN HIDES, and SALTED HIDES. Also, TALLOW : for which the hightestcash price will be paid. o, jj. CHALKLEY 4 Co., Hide and Leather Dealers, Thirteenth street, between Main and_Cary. ap 8A-ts VIRGINIALADY, who has had sereral rear* experience in teaching English, (including trie higher branches.) French, music, and the rudiments of Latin, desires a SITUATION in a family or seminary. A location conrenient to Richmond preferred. Best reft-reneea given and required. Address H. M. C., box U>, Kanawha Courthouse, West Va. Je 17?ltd&sw*

WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED! NURSERYMAN to take char#* of, or an interest in with the owner of, a famTn North Caro- j Una well adapted to and .located for a nursery and garden farm. Apply to PALMER, riARTSOOK A CO., I _my 10 Lib by building*. W"anted, Mr. WILLIAM~DANNIALS or Mr J. H. SHARP to eall at the office of the Virginia Employment Agency, on Broad street, four door* above Ninth, or address JAMES T HEN PERSON, my 19?t* Bo* 1J9, Richmond, \ a. riASII PAID FOR BONES.?Wanted, FIVE HUNDRED TONS BONES. Cash paid on delivery, my H?t* S. P. LATHROP, Agent. WANTEBTwoOL, in large or "hiuhII lots, by J* 6?Ira HARVEY8 A WILLIAMS. LOST. STRAYED AND FOUND. IOST, on the 4th, between Duval and J Marshall streets, a f'AMEO BREASTPIN. Tbe finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at No. 310 Fourth street or at the Disv-Urh offlre. iy 3??t Five dollars reward for LOST C<>W Left rnv house onVMhjair^ Thurviay, the 21st June, on?- PALE REPsWtMMjfl C'oW (giving about twogallons uiilkper \ Jay), With sharp born*, and I thiiik?Hfls3Bmi without any white except her bag ; had a mark on one side, made bv the horn of another eow. * WILLIAM O. DANDK1DGK, Jy I?2t* corner Clay and Ninth streets. SHIPPING. FOR BALTIMORE. SAVANNAH, AND BOSTON. -POWHATAN wanwi W.-T c * v ii< t at COMPANY. ??' -fmrftS I * and BOSTON .?POW HAIab Up am lit) at COMPANY. ? SEMIlore every WEI Captain RoaaaT The steamer FBTBK?rius?, k* a m ra vkr-, Will leave here at ? o cioca, J\-,\? vJn A v the 4th Instant. . ... ,AVKR", Will leave nero -v - ? . EDN KSDA Y. the 4th Instant. Freight received MONDAY and up to 60'elock, M., TUESDAY. This steamer has splendid saloons, state-rooms, d pas*enger accommodations, faesage, meals included, <9. For freight or passage apply to DAVID A WILLIAM CURRII. office at Charles T. Wortham A Co.'s, |y 2?It Fifteenth street. 70R NEW YORK.?A T L A N T I C * COAST MAIL STEAMSHIP ?MPANY ?The new and elegant de-wheel steamship HATTKKA8. iwis Parrish commander, willBjIHMin ave her wharf at Kocketts on TUESDAY, Id ily, at ? o'clock, P. M. For freight or passage?accommodations unsarAssed?apply to SAMUEL AY RES A CO.. jy j_lt Cary and Virginia streets. [7OR NEW YORK.?ATLANTIC r COAST MAIL STEAMSHIP OMPASY .?The new and ele-^>2E?R ant elde-wheel steamship HATTE-wj IAS, Lewi* Paaaisii commander,? rill leave her wharf at Rocketu on be 3d July, at I o'clock A. M. Passengers are requested to be punctual to that :onr. For freight or passage? having accommodations insurpassed?apply to V SAMUEL AYRES A CO., Je J0_ Jt Cary and Virginia streeta. FOR ~BR E MEN. ? Tho tine bark MOZART, Captain Raitjbr, is now +>.. ready for cargo at City Point, and will load^ with dispatch. For balance of freight apply* 10 [ Je 2*?lw] 6CHAER, KOHLER A FOR RENT. Beautiful' furnished residence, ON THE CORNER OF LEIGH ^ AND EIUHTH STREETS, FOR RENT.-iff) We offer for rent the very large and attrac-AJR live RESIDENCE located as above, now occupied by Miss Agnes Nicolson. It contains twelve rooms, and is partially furnished. It is very conveniently arranged for a first-class dwelling. Possession given 1st of August next. Apply to JyJ?Jt HARRISON, OODDIN A APPKR.HON FOR RENT, and possession given im mediately, the large BRICK TENS- A^ "street, between Mine- fBji A" raeuiaietj, m-7 - MENT on Franklin street, between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets, now in the oc-J?J& cupancy of P Levy. The house contains ssven rooms, with brick kitchen in the yard. (In and water on the premises. Apply to Jy J?Jt HARRISON. GADD1N A APPER8QN. | For rent, a comfortablyfurnished ROOM, which, to a relit- Agl bio tenant, will be rented moderately. Also ffllW for rents good PIANO. Apply on the south side of Grace streot, the third door above Eighth. FOR RENT, the BUILDING now ocoupled as the Diepateh printing house, km* on Governor street, one door from Main. fJW? Possession given in a few weeks?as soon asJjJR our new building on tbe eomer of Main and Twelfth streets is completed. Apply at the Dispatch counting-room. je 17?ta FOR RENT.?Intending to remove on the 1st of July to Fourteenth street, k/A second door from Cary street, we will rent ff?!R the LARGE WAREHOUSE now occupied by Ami us on the doek?1" Llbhy Buildings. je JJ?is PALMER, UAFtTSOOK A CO. FOR RENT, several large and pleasant ROOMS, suitable for lawyer* or doc- An* tors'offices, over our store. Terms very mode- flJ?R rate. WOODROOF BROTHERS, jjjJL ja??to eoruer Fourth and Franklin streets. "ROOMS FOR RENT, suitable for a XV gentleman and wife or single fentleuea, laa with or without board. Apply at Mo. ill, Eighth street, beyond Leigh. my 10?ta AsJM T?OR RENT, One PLEASANT ROOM, X? soluble for a Geatleman's Lodging- AA room, or a Gentleman and Wife. Apply to pW Mn.H. B. iU>Y AN. iilft Seventeenth street, between Venable and PofUr. fe M?to JOHN A ALBERT BLAIR, No. 1110 tl Mai* btekit, fitwm* It*v**ra a*s " ? t.' Fin I Q ROC 1X11

AtJCTIOJI SAIXB-TH? DAT. >7 BaifhM, QoMto * Appersoo, Ittkan, Iwliii, ul teal EetaW Afents. f?gCF,LLENT BIUCK TENEMENT. JOj O* CAKT ST KBIT. 19V SIDNEY. BETWEEN CUlKftr AND CULvEBT STREETS, AND TRAM CD TENEMENT, ON CUMBERLAND STREET. FOR SALE AT AUCTION,-Will be told M Auction, on 11# premta-a, on TuBkMAl .the M Jul*, l?ee, At 11; clock T. M , ttrt #*t*l!#n* BRK'K TKNKMH.it loratvd u above. now In the occupancy of Mra Tnler. It contains four rooaw, be ?idee good kitchen, and I* located nearly opposite to Mr. B. W. Tears Westbam Ho***. Alio, the FKaMKD TENEMENT on the north ?id# of CutnberNnd street now occupied by Harrison Brook# at ?Izteen dollar* per month. Tikis: One-third cash: balance at four and eight month# for negotiable notes, Interact added, secured by a trust deed. HARRISON, QODDIN A APPERSON. Je M Auctioneer# By Harrison, Ooddln A Apperaon, Bankers, Brokers, and Rsal Estate Agent*. S ale at auction of the K-I VALUABLE HOTEL AND FARM AT MILFORD, ON THE RICHMOND Afl> FREDERICKSBPRO RAILROAD, FORTY MILB8 NORTH OF RICHMOND.?Will be sold at auction, on tbe pret rpriDDfi a V *l?*1.1 r\f Tnlw MM it lb niLIlAVil A/.? T? Ilk DM evtu ? W nuvsivu, we* ?? y* ' mines, on TUESDAY, the 3d of Jul/.}**, At l? o'clock, A. M., the foregoing VALUABLE PROPERTY, containing bjr actualsurvey ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-THRI DKEDAND TWB.TI J ? l riRKE ACRES, of which one hundred acres lies on the west side of the railroad, and twenty-three acres on the east side thereof. Tbe land is of fin* quality, on which there is an excellent ORCHARD of apples an.l peaches. The HOTEL is a large building, situated on the railroad. Six passenger (rains stop dsilr at tbe door, thus affording great advantages to'the HOTEL, as it allows time Tor the passengers to take their meals. There is an excellent store attached to the HOTEL, now doing a good'buainess ; besides which there are two other excellent buildings ; also, school-house, blacksmith's shop, wheelright's shop, telegraph office, etc. To a person disposed to embark in a profitable bnsiness, this property offer? peculiar advantage*. If dea red, it will be divided so as to suit bidders. Tikis : One-fourth cash, balance at four, eight and twelvo months for negotiable notes, Interest added, secured by a trust deed. HARRISON, G0DD1N A APPERSON, JeJl?3s rt<H Auctioneers. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. B EAUTIFUL LOT, ON THE NORTH ^ SIDE OF GRACE, BETWEEN FOU- ^ HEK AND ADAM8 STREETS, FOR SALB. V* offer for sale that beautiful LOT locstedJiJL a above, adjoining the residence of Mr. Benjamin utlon, fronting thirty-twe feet, running back one undred and fifty-five feet to an alley. Terms resunable. Apply to jy ?-?t HARRISON, QODDIN A APPERSON. rkNE OF THE MOST VALUABLE ij VACANT LOTS IN THE CITY, AT THE CORIBR OF BROAD AND CAPITOL AND TENTH ITREBTS, FOR SALE.?We are authorised to offer or sale the vacant lot located as above, which is indoubtedly oue of the most desirable in the city >f Richmond. It fronts fifty-four feet on Broad md Capitol streets respectively, and about one lundreu and thlrt*?six feet ou Tenth street. It rill be sold a* k whole pr divided into four or six ots, a plat of which may be seen at our office. As ? ? ? ? III V. I. ?..k., . tils'verj"vafnabie property will be in market for a ?w days only, those desiring to I ?w . i treat for It will do ,,U,0*PVAT?0!clfopB? * APPBRSOS. jy J?TuTbAKts W E, THE UNDERSIGNED, DRY ? GOODS DEALERS of the city of Richmond, reby covenant and agree to close our respective aces of business at SIX (0) O'CLOCK, P. M., >m this date until the 15th day of August, 14M. BKF.KDEN A FOX. THOMAS R. PRICE A CO., THOMAS 1). QUARLES, ROUbS A CO., J. H. CONNELL, ISAAC ZEIMEK, [Signed] A. HIRSU A CO., J W. FEI'E.N, COURTNKF A SON, MITTELD'?RFFER A CO., GEORGE MrALPIN A CO., MITTELDORFFER A CO., W. R POLK. ROIISAM DBT (JOOD*, I0TI0X, AID WHITKUOP&S ?orsis VALENT'NB A FRANKLIN, S. M. A M. KOSENBAUM. BURRES8, POWERS A YaNCBY, HALL A HUTCHE80N. \j 3?It W. O^FERGUSON A C0._ \ H, HO W C H E A P!?L E V Y / BROTHERS are selling heavy Unbleached dton, full yard wide, at 2t> cent*: Pillow-case dton, one and a quarter yards wide, at ?o cents : cached Cottons at 15, Jo, JS, and Jo cents ; Calico* l?f and Jo cents , Moiamhiques and English Bag? at 35 cent* ; Lawns at 35, 30, and 35 cents ; pure nen Handkerchiefs at $3 nerdoien; handsome , ubroidered Linen Sets, Collars and Cuffs, at 91 j id II 35, worth double the money; Nansook Musi, full one and a quarter yards wide, at So cents . hite Brilliants at 55 cents; Linen Crash at 15 i nts ; White Cotton Hose at 25 cents ; Lir.en Shirt j ?soma at 40 cents; All-Wool White Flannel at I cents ; Hoop Skirts at 91, 91.23, and f I So ; good ? ark Silk at 91.50, ft 75, and $3 , Hemstitched ' indkerehiefs at So and "5 cent*, worth 75 cents I id 91 ; Veil Barege st 5<? cents; French Wove ; irsets at 91.35 ; l'alm-leaf Fan* at 5 cents; p<?r- ; med Fans at 25 cents, and all other articles at t ry low prices. LEVY BROTHERS, ? I?ts No. 15 Main street. ONSIG N M E NTS. 1,000 sacks LIVERPOOL FINE and COARSE SALT, ?oo barrels SUPERFINE, EXTRA and FAMILY FLOUR, 40 barrels C and EXTRA C SUGARS. 10 barrels CHOICE SY'RUPS, 5 hogsheads PRIME BAt'oN SIDES, 10 pockets and bags PRIME JAVA COPFBK 10 half 'chests CHOICE OOLONG and GREEN TEAS, 10 bags PRIME RICE. _ 35 boxes SUPBRFINE YELLOW SOAP, 5o barrels WHITE BEANS, ?ale by ELLKTT A ROYSTBR. ? It corner Seventh and Cary streets. AKE NOTICE YE CITIZENS OF Manchester, Chesterfield, and the surroundcountry, that BURNETT A MORRISSETT, Hull street, opposite Town Hall, Manchester, Va , e Just received and have for sale fifty barrels AM1LY, EXTRA, AND SUPERFINE FLuUK. Also, a large assortment of FFEE, SUGAR. BACON. LARD, BUTTER, WINES, LIQUORS, a variety of every article usually found In a cI&a* e?tablinhinent. if Richmond, Va.9Ju1j l, hm. ' IS EARNESTLY REQUESTED bat all the surviving msmbcrs of Company A, isntb Virginia Infantry, will assemble at the ouic Hall on Twenty-fifth street. Church Hill, MORROW (Wednesday) MORNING, July4, at dock, to repair to Oakwood Cemetery to assist lacing the head-boards above tbe graves of ? who were once our comrades, and to attend her matters of interest to the company. A full punctual attendance is desired, ir former captains, and alt others who feel lotted in behalf of our fallen martyr* to the lo*t ie, are requeated to be preaent. Jy 3?It

1*HE MONSTER TURTLE I will be served op fr<>m 11 to J o'clock TO-DAY at iMACPHERHONS NEW RESTAURANT, on Twelfth atr*el, nnr Main, In rear of the American Telegraph office. Kpicure* and all othera fond of nice thing* are invited to partake of a VKBB LUNCH TO-DAY. The Monster Turtle will .be (erred up with other appetizing viand*. j? A-lt IMPORTANT NOTICE.?Our Mr. Whutkvbak kk having determined to reeume business at Charlottesville thie fall, we will proceed to wind up oar basin*** in this city ae early ai practicable, we therefor* offer our etoek of FIN V. CLOTHING, GENTLEMAN'S FURNISHING GOODS.TRUNKS, Ac.. Ac , embracing a variety of Freeh and Faahionahle Good*, purchased under moet favorable circumataucee, AT COST FOR CASH. All pereona Indebted to us will pleaae call and ?aula their account*, and if any on* ha* a claim upou un w? ahail be obliged by an earlv presentstion of U. WBKTLNBAKKU A WILLIAMS. jy? N EW AND OLD FIRMS WHO CONteznrdate opening aew eett of ACCOUNT BOOKS tnte July can Be furnished frem our stock on hand, or have made to order complete seta or ?ingle books, ruled and bound to any pattern deal red. Alao, all klnda of STATIONERY neeeaaary for the office or counting-room. WOOuHOUSE A PPRHAM, Bookaellera and Stationer*, jy ? Oovernor etreet. A BEAUTIFUL. NEARLY" NEW LEATHER TOP-BUOGY AND SINGLE AND DOUBLB HARNESS FOR SALE -This Buggy wae recently purchased In New York ; has been littla used : is very light: of the latest style (square box body), and is in flne order. Also, a light ?Ingle BUGGY HARNESS and a act of DOUBLB HARNESS for buggy or light ca^rri^ige^^A^l^ to naar corner Ninth and Main streets. Jy k?Tu.WAFJt* JfOR THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES. J. HARMES GILMER, Jl. Jy THE RICHMOND TRUNK FACX TORY, No tlge Main, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, at Powell k Co.'a auction store, JAMBA kNoTTB. proprietor, makes all atylas of flna and common TRUNKS, to be told at tiu low set prtaee. TRUNKS RKPAIRED la tb# beet manner, and sever* mad* at abort notice. JU=?1 CEED POTATOES.?Filly harrolabdffit O quality SEED POTATOES, aultable forplaatiof unit! the 1Mb inataat, for eala low to close cooalgnacn'.. [Jy a?atj B. WARDWILL. EGEMAN S PURE COD-UVER OIL J sal received at ' WOOD'B PHARMACT. 9 eg; OIL l-te pOLORL ESS TINCTURE OF PHARMACT. SOUDAULT'B PEPSIN.?A trmh K1"1 WOOD'S P HA EM ACT. fURBAPARllIA, AVER'S

auction BAua^ruTim^^ \ By PIHbetew, P?ttUm*Co., a??r.ot -COR SALE AT "AUCTION.-W<? Win Jl; tell M public auction on FhlDAY, 6- ?. d?f?fJaly.H? o'clock. P.M . no.rtb.^nn, *\ of the Ruhmond and Petersburg Ra'lr ad bri... ! Urge LOT of LUMBER RkiDck Tlkj/SCAFFOLDING. Re .and t,\t* * ?v?nnn. HKtD'iK Tl*S.'? BcXfFOLUINQ.Rc .nod okl FKaM it Mu.sTf Th*t1?b?r comprise* twenty f .?r ..lff*r*nt \.tM various eiiee andJnnda, ?uttabl* for hu m . - various sues and kind*. aoitablV f,k?a ' 4 ' ;*h*r pun***. Mm ,4 u u Viiti p^JMt:? wtt'*? * pine ?nd oaE. !,%" Tina* : At ?m? IpA-tdc PI?'?T0*. pcllia* k CO *uctlonr?;, By Herri on, Uoddin A Apper. n ?nnkcrc. Brokers, sua r??i Estate a*. Excellent hkick stork and DWELLING, AND FRAMED TKNkME.1T V THE REAR. ON THE SOUTHWEST CukSkK < F iCLAY AND EIGHTEENTH STREET", FORk^c ; AT AUCTION ?Will bo sold St nacllon, < ?. -t. I prsmlsss, on THURSDAY, the 5th July, 1m 1 half-put ? o'clock. P M , the excellent BRtr g STORE snd DWELLI.INO located ?? am.** m i in the occupancy of Mr. Martin Manning j. t(4i ! recently been fitted up sa s grocery .tors, . regarded as an excellent busiuea* ?taml. Also, the new FRAME DWELLING In th< .4 >?? ?" * - 1 *nd fronting on Eighteenth street.* "* '' * r*4r. I . X s a a : One-third cash, balance at t . tight months for negotiable note., inter..-,? kri wcured bv a trust d*ed. ft ARRISON:"60DDIN A APPBRfit'N Jfl Ancu<.ftacrt By Harrison, QoMtn A At>person Bankers, Brokers, and Kaal E.ta;? Agents Lot letter 44 g." in baker*, i ADDITION, on ST PETER ST KELT. 1 .* SALE at AUCVlON.?Will be sold at ?uct, fhtprtiuHes.on FRIDAY, the . *tb July, ... half-past'o'clock, P M .that beautiful L"T !?*, mdaa above, fronting seventy f?et or. the ? ?? -, of Kt Paler street, running back atwut .at I .i. dred and seventy-three faei to Clay street T"k"'iuRKlhON. OODDIN A APPRRSON. __ Auctioneer* By Harrison, Uoddin A Apptrsou, Bankers, Broker*, and Real Estate Ag> r VERY BEAUTIFUL IIALK-ACRp LOT, ON THE SOUTH RlbKufr ? |.u m TWEKN THIRD AND FOURTH, his, p i aIVTT/i* Wilt I..? -..1,4 u..<.s?A? 4 ATCTIOJI -Will h# ?<>!<1 lie auction, <>n th* r ?' tuisea, on FRIDAY, the *th July, He*. ;.t? c P. M., that beautiful L<'T located na ab< **. trigone hundred and thirtv f.-et, running > ,v 4 hundred and fifty feet t-> an alley, whn h lf "* quired, will be divided Into four iota of >i t|, ? each thlrtv-two and a half by onthundrH at t... feet to said alley. This l?>t t? in a ?.rv i,, r, neighborhood, and la one of the hand*, >"mest '! tlyr. Tikms : Ona-f-'urth cash, balance at fanr ? hand twtlee months for negotiable notes im?r.. added,seturtJ b? i Iritht . HAKEI80II. UODUIV k APPERSnjf. Jfl Ancti<>n-ers By Harrleon, Goddin A Apperson, Auctl... e.rBanker*, Brokers, and Real Estate AgeuU. Three small framed dwki r - JL INOS.ON THE EAST LINK <>P fWK\TV SIXTH, BETWEEN TLAY AND LEI'il! >TKEiT? CHURCH HILL, FOR SALE AT AUCTION -w , be told at auction, on the premises, on FKID tY, July*, ISM, at I o'clock. P. M .TftKEE SMALL FRAMED TENEMENTS located a* aboee, on* ci which was recently r-ccot'l'-d by Mr Garlnter Barker, one now occupied Dy Mrs. Crabbtn. and other by?. These tenements are well s ? for small families, and now command f ur run. Taa.ua : Made known at the hour of ??> HARRISON, UODDIN k APPKhMJl, Jy 2 Auction**!* By A. Y. Stoke* k Co., Auctioneers. T ARGE AND ATT11 ACTIVE AIT. TION SALE.-We will Mil on FRIDAY, th. *th instant, a very larpe and desirable tine of 0K->-CERIKS, eonsistlng In part of Tl barrel* BROWN SUGAR. 90 hogsheads BROWN SUGAR. 30 barrels SYRUPS, 400 barrels SUPERFINE, EXTRA, *t,< RICHMONO FAMILY FLOUR, with other g.H)de. Particulars In future advertisement Jy 1 A Y. STORES A CO, By Cronley k Morris, Wilmington, N ('. tOOD WILL AND FIXTURES J or THK MERCHANTS EXCHANOE IIOTF.L, Wilmington, N. FOR SALE AT AUCTION WILKES MORRIS, ArcriogBHa. By CRONLY k MORRIS On TUESDAY, July 10th, II**, at too clock. A ., we will sell upon the premise* 'b-< s od w ,i id entire furniture and all the fixture* of an! donging to the MERCHANTS EXCHANGE II". riL of this city. Thta HOTEL la situated upon the n' rth-. i* f arket, between Front and Second street*. !?? ,'rt she 1 throughout In superior style, can accoimn ite twenty permanent and fifty lay boarders, hai fen and le now well suMtained, ami ??tfe?,e gre* ?iucementa tuniy pi-re-it Wishing to *!!>.<** In ? buelness. The prHmi*>es can be ex unit.el si jy ttine prioj^to day of sab- je ;*?? I By Grubba k Williams, Auctlone-r*. Northwest corner of Main and Eleventh sir????*

flOMMISRION E K*S S.\LK <>Y t SEVENTY ACRES OK VAM'aHI.K LAJiD, ON THE M EC H A NICS VI I.I, E TlllNI'lK V.. 1V* I MILB8 FROM THE CITY. AT ACCTH'N - h, x. cution of a decree of the Circuit Court < f the ' n. ty of Henrico entered Mae 2, l?M, in (tie cv< ? Schertoerhorti, etc., re. Austin and si* th* u> J?r atuned. a coruuiiKsioior appointed for in- i will nell at auction, upon Hie preruUe*, on Tilt h* HAY, July #, at 5 o clock, j*. M.. :f fair, if n< the neit fair day thereafter, at the ?4ii e b nr. it ? TRACT OK LAND of which the late Lgu. r.t Sch'-rtnerhorn died seiied. lying on ti e n-' ? I* of Mecbanicsvilla turnpike a abort distant yond the toll-gate, and adjoining the lauj of Leonids* Roseer and other* There are SEVENTY ACRES, of which there l? * sufficient portion in woods ; and there are s-vral | buildings, one of which can be converted it '- a dwelling It will be sold a* a whole, or divided, as may be deemed heat at the tluie of ?;,!m This is a beautiful TRACT OK LAN1>, and it should attract the attention of pernios ?e??ii.g ?uch property. Tkkm#: One-third ca*h : balance at six *nJ twelee months for negotiable notes, with h/-r?'. added, the title to be retained by the court until the notes are paid. EATON NANCB, Commissioner Gursm k Wit i.iamh, Auctioneer* Je S?td? By Harrison, Goddin A Apper*. a, Bankers, Brokers, and Real Estate Ag? nts VERY VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. ont'ARYfcTRKKT.BKTWfcEN SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH STREETS . ON VALLEY. Hh TWBEN t IlKlsTlAN AND KIQlAKH sTREkfv ON CARRINGTON, BETWEEN VALLEY sTHhhf AND MKCHANICSVILI.B TI'RNi'lKK . Ha Mb SOME COTTAGE RESIDENCE. NEAR T<> H"W ARD'S GROVE, AND BEAUTIH'L |.??T ?>.\ THE EAST SIDE OF VALLEY, BETWEEN CHRISTUM AND RICHARD STREETS, P??K SALE AT Aft TION?Will be sold at auction, on Hi* prett. see, in the order advertised, on THUKM'AT. the 6tb July. X>*M, commencing at 4 o'ci-^k, ., the following truly valuable _ namely: Lots Number* 9 and II, *?ib Homing twenty-two feet on the south *t<ie ? f C?rv, between Seventeenth and Ktghte.-nth stners. running hack one hundred feet to a thirtv b* t stie*' On these lots there are several frame 1 tenement*, oecupled by Mr. Lohlineyer and other* a: fair rente. The loeatlonof these lots, within one hmdr?i feet of the Doek, reader them of peculiar v*Ij? f t commercial purpoae*. After which, say ?t J o'clock, P. M., thoee two new frame der-Ji r?. with kitchens attached, on the (<>uui ?iJ? <>M ?rrington street, occupied respectively by K?rn ? Norwood and Louisa Apperaon. each at the rn-TS'b v rental of twenty dollars Each tenement <? r ?? ? four good rooms. The loin have a front ? f th:r ?- two and a half feet, and a depth of one ban fre 1 and sizty-flve feet. After which, say at ? o'eloek, P M., ?hs*. t*'1 mme Cot use Residence, on Maddux ll.II. ing Howard's Grove and the residence of t>r H l/tland and others, and now occupied by Mr R.thsei McSweeney at toe annual rental <-f three bsodn dollars. The dwelling contains eight r04 *' ' has recently been painted and otherwi** r*i??" ' ? ' ? ? It is ? I-*-*-. ten tana. The retired ana ue? is property should attract the st ent. teeVing a country retreat, in fa?'' ' , i fifteen tuinutee walk of *?" In front and rear it is well aha led by t*i 1* c * trees, and there is attached to It more than sti ?? '? of fine garden land. The retired and fce?:'fc* ?' cation of this r of persons seei ana within fifteen minutes Market. . ? ? Immediately after which, say at Ho'cl ek ' , , that beautiful lot, letter " U,'' on the *?st? -' Valley, between Christian and Richard ?"?*''r fronting forty-foar feet, running back one nunar?s and sizty-flve feet. . Tssus : One-fourth cash, balance at four. * ? and twelve months, for negotiable no<??. inier" added, secured by a trust deed. HARRISON, GODDIN k APPIR4"'*-JeM-ti# Aoctieoevr* THE SECOND COMPANY " HOW1 ITZER ASSOCIATION " will meet at TUST RECEIVED. ? U 100 barrel# LATHROP MILL* FLOt R. M hales TIMOTHY HAT. ? cub uoiKtyu Llgflop )f t?u Eighteenth street. >opth side ?>f t'<x? T OAr, Latent cut i'(!AKh?^j '??&">? 'Ktgw&tny* * ? Wl A c?iut? h re JrOSEPH J. PLEASAN'l'S, u?BV-TOg at this oMee win be penipiiy ettendedto-^jy;? \K7HEEL8 AND AXU?--^r "J; fJBRRINO'S FIRK-PRW*'EAr?2.