Daily Dispatch, Volume 30, Number 23, 28 July 1866 — Page 2

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Jttchmond gispatrh. SATURDAY JULY 28, 1866 The States and the People We rejoice especially in the prospect of the assembling of the Philadelphia Convention, because that body must take issue with Radicalism upon the great question ol the day, viz : The right of the southern States to equality with all the States under the Constitution, and the additional question which grows out of this : the rights of the people of the States as constituting the States. That Convention, to be against Radicalism, must assume, with Judge Curtis, that the States were entitled to their equal rights the moment the war was at an end ; and they must take the further position that the people of the States, being the bodies politic, must attain to their rights without distinction or restriction different from what may be imposed on the people of all the States. They must do all this, aud they must denounce test oaths as unconstitutional and tyrannical. Nothing short of this will separate them from Radicalism, with its odious doctrines and its oppressions. We have never doubted for a moment that the course of its proceedings would inevitably terminate in this broad and clearly-defined difference. The logic of events must lead them to this. If this be not the result, what is the use of a convention ? What is the use of disputing at all with Radicalism ? If the test oath be proper aud constitutional, why, in God's name, let the Radicals continue in power ? That is the very corner-stone of Radicalism. It is the barrier that excludes from office and power all but Radicals. It is the top root of Radicalism. The Convention must reject it,or they will be nothing more nor less than a Radical assemblage. We have no fear that the members ol the Philadelphia Convention will not put an impassable gulf between themselves and the Radical party. We have no fear that they will not decide that the moment the war ended the States were entitled to equality under the Cjnstitutioti, and that the people of the States were necessarily included, without distinction, in their full and unrestricted immunities and rights, equal with the people of all the States. No other doctrine is constitutional?no other policy of restoration is practicable. The punishments and disabilities of Radicalism are but prolonging the war, widening the scctioual breach, and rendering the disruption and ruin of the Republic inevitable.

The National Banks. The conduct of a few of the national batiks has occasioned some trouble ami annoyance for the whole family of institutions organized under the bank law of the United States. That law has terminated the existence of all State institu- j tions, ami forced the nation to the ad"p- j tion of these national batiks exclusively. ; The bunking; law, we believe, is as well ; guarded as laws controlling and governing j banks well can be. We certainly have en- j joyed in this country every sort of experi-! dice in maladministration and fraud in the operations ot banks,and with such experi-1 once before them, our statesmen ought to be able to frame iaws that will, so far as laws can do so, protect the public against imposition and fraud. As we said in an article some time since on this subject, everything depends, at last, upon faithful and vigilant officers. If the atlairs and daily operations ot a bank arc supervised by etlieient, intelligent, and upright officers all will go well; but without such just and loyal administration the worst evils ot banking may at any day fall upon a comiuuiiityas a natural consequence. The invitation to go into the business of banking under the national bank law is very strong. It permits of a very small minimum capital. And the last six years J * # j have been so favorable to the rapid accU- ( mutation of fortunes that it became an , easy matter for single individuals to go j into banking, each having his own bank. It was only necessary to distribute a few shares to the directors in order to go into operation. It might be asked why should a man with large capital devote it to banking, and subject it to the control of a board of directors who had very little interest in the bank be established ? Why, very plainly to get the benefit of the discounts upon de. j posits, which often multiply several times | the sum of the capital of the bank. This is j certainly reason enough. But there were I many unscrupulous speculators who went ' into the national banking business with j the expectation of using the capital and | deposits of their banks in their private I schemes and speculations. They had the j selection of their directors, and hoped to be left by them to manage matters their, own way, and use the funds ab they desired. It is in this way that frauds have, in a few instances, been committed, by which heavy losses have fallen upon the public. And these have occasioned, more or less, distrust for the time, and have inrluced the Federal Government still further totighteuthe restrictions upon the privi. leges of banking, with the view of still further protecting the public, and the Government itself, which is compcdled to be a large depositor. It is certainly an advantage growing out of the abuses we have seen if the law is j made more effectually to protect the public. But nevertheless, after all that the : law can do, we must rely mainly upon the integrity and capability of the man who j manage banks. It is these administrative j qualities alone that can afford tho surest j safeguard to the community. Certainly after what has happened there I should be an increased determination on j the part of bank officers?presidents, j cashiers, and directors?to adhere to rules ! and utterly rejected departures from the ( proper usages of legal banking. One vio. i lation but opens the door to others, and the danger is that before the door can be ; shut again it will be too late; a catastrophe ' **ay hare coma upon tha bank permitting these outlines that will break the bank it-1 self, Inflict serious injury upon the com- i mutiity, and blast the reputations of most ! of those that are concerned in its manage.' went. It is a matter of very great inqiort&ncc , just now for the national banks to keep within the boundaries of safe precedents and not to allow their means to get beyond their control. There must be a day not! very far off when the whole system will be ' subjected to the severest ordeal. Those that are not ready to meet It will, like the

house of the foolish mm tbit w ?""" UP?' the nnd. go down with ? cmsh. The . hanks that are In order will, onit m <'??- -rare, weather the storm, a' <1W "1C l,0",c ; bT remembered that hanks are | not aide to bout *ir and I,arbor when the storm is In sight. A hat k ,0- discount and depo.it re.,uire? jmU.1. I gather In Its means and place J I condttiou to meet an appri icn e * sion. Under the best management the | crises in money matters subject banks to severe trial#; but if these shall hardly be , Hiited, what shall become of those that j have not the benefit of such management ? It is a great public benefit to a coOuuu-1 nity to have the uid of well-managed banks | to facilitate the operations of commerce ' and to be entrusted as custodians of the capital employed in trade and the various occupations. The officers ot such institutions are indeed men sustaining very important relations to the community in which they hold their positions. No officer who rightly appreciates his responsibilities can dream of an act ot bad faith to that community, or one that may be detrimental to the interests of which, as an olliccrol a chartered moneyed institution, be has become the guardian. The Way into the Union. The Raleigh Standard notices the proceedings held by the people of Ashe county, in North Carolina, in which they denounce very indignantly the 44 test oath," and remarks: 44 These gentlemen profess to desire to return to the Union, but they iuteud to return to it in their own wa). And Mr. IIoi.dkn had his way also of returning to the Union ; and his way was hv San Salvador! ? Too Late.?The New York Republicans >eem to be willing that the South should he represented in the National Contention hy men whoeven fought in the field agaiiM the Union, but not that the Copperheads should appear there. A large majority of the delegates who will likely be at Philadelphia are not so strait-laced in their notions. The indications at present are that these mere pretenders to liberality of feeling towards the South will be themselves excluded. We are sure that if the southern delegates have to choose between their friends and their enemies, it will not take them long to decide. We are perfectly willing to unite with the Republicans who have broken with the Radicals, but not because they were so true to the Union during war. We are willing to let ?4 by-gones be by-goues '*; but not to strike hands with men whose ideas ore so narrow and contracted that they must be eternally talking about their loyalty during the war. The New York Times excuses the southern people because tbev went as their States went,but declares that the Copperheads were traitors both to their State and Federal governments. The Tinas may rest assured that we are not to be deceived by so specious a plea. W e commend to its attention the course of the President's organ. 44 What we need | most just now," says that journal, 44 is 144 moral and political courage, commonly 144 called backbone. We need, in the true !44 friends of the Constitution and the 1 44 Union, the courage to do right. Let its " dare to do right at this crisis, when it j ?* costs something to do so. There is no j ?? considerable merit in doing right when 44 public sentiment blows in that direr.(tj()n?when everybody around us whis. ti j?>rs the same sentiments and utters the j44 same opinions. It is when, as now, the j44 popular mind is temporarily becruzed, j44 and the voices around us are cxtravai44 gant, incoherent, and delirious,that moral 44 and political courage to stand by the }44 right is meritorious." If the Radicals are to be defeated, it is ! absolutely necessary that all men opposed to their dangerous doctrines nnd acts should agree upon a platform broad enough for all Conservatives to stand upon. Twaddle about 44loyalty" is out of place. All are loval who sustain the President. We did our neighbor of the Times no more than justice in assuming that he would set us right before his readers. New Southern Literary Paper.?We have received from Messrs. Cole & Turner 44 The Ladies* J/oiuc, u new literary weekly newspaper published in Atlanta, Ga. It is a remarkably neatly 'printed sheet, and is conducted with talent and good taste. It is edited by Thomas S. Powell ami Miss or Mrs. L. Virginia French. We trust it will meet with a liberal support from the Southern ! people.

A Scurvy Thick.?The New hern (N. C.) Times quotes a part of a letter recently written l?y Judge llruiiES, of Iudiana, to prove that none but loyal men are ex. pected to be present at the Philadelphia Convention. As we have published the letter in full, our readers know that Judge llt'oiiKb denounced the Convention on the ground that although such was the inten. tion of some of the originators of the movement, the after developments had proved that the Convention would not he composed of loyal men only. The Tim's must be edited by a " smart Yankee." , Such tricks are not common among south, em men, nor considered very creditable to those who practice them. JfoKTii Carolina and the Jew?:.?The Board of Delegates ??f American Israelites, through Meyer S. Isaacs, secretary, has sent a circular to the friend" of religious liberty in North Carolina, calling attention to a provision of the new State Const it u-1 tion to be submitted for ratification on the first Thursday of August next. The sec-. tion is as follows: " No person w ho shall deny the being of j Almighty God, or the divine authority of both the Old and New Testament, or,who j shall hold religious opinions incompatible j with the freedom and safety of the State, shall be capable of holding any office or place of trust or profit in anv civil depart, ment of the State." Tba Israelite* say that if this is adopted North Carolina will be, and continue, as ah? is now, the only State in the Union that denies religious liberty to her citizens. The Dispatch called attention to this matter some weeks ago. But we think the j clause will be construed to exclude from office only those who deny the divine au. 1 thority of "both the Old and New Testa, j ments." The Jews do not deny the divine ' authority of both. CTARUO OP VERY SUPERIOR J KOCKLAMO LIMB in tb? dock for Mi* V . TALMBR, HARTSOOIC TcO., ly soqih FoQitsMikstrsii.

- DIED. On Frtd?r tl?? ,:,h ?"'tint, ' o'clock P. M , RIOMAKP H. KIMHROUOII, In the HeTklPysecond y?*r of hU?ge. Th? friend# and actjualnUnces of fhe family are Invito to attend lil" funeral from tin- Gra<-.i-*tr"e Bapt'?t church THIh (Salnrdayj EYLMNU at o'clock. On the 14th instant, In llciuico countv, KPMt'N I) CLIFFORD, infant *<>n of Edmund K.'and Eunice L. Lock wood, aged eighteen day*. In Surry ennntr, on th? 1Mb instant, at the r? *i? ?l? in n of bit ?on, K l> Phillip*, M r ISA At'1'lllLLIPS, In thfl eighty-eighth year of hi* age RcaelutinQt of .Vw Kent County Court on the l>cuili of John C. Appcrton, K*4|? In New Kent County Court, July 13th, 1*^. the following preamble and rcnolullou*. oScrod by T. Taylor, Eaq., wore adopted and ordered to be entered in the miuutea of the court: , Whereae thU court ha* learned with profound j aorrow und regret that since It* la*t term Job.* C i ArriRttO.*. forjnany year* u member of till* body, i ha* departed thl" lite ? therefore That In the death of the deteaaed the Countv of New Kent ha* lout a mod useful puhlii 1 servant, and society one of its brightest and purest | ornaiuenU. I That we tender to hi* widowed and orphaned j futuily our heartfvit sympathy nfrKfcondolence in I thi*. the tlrae of their great he reave men', i That the foregoing preunible and resolution-1? j spread upon the record* ?d thl* court, and th.it tin- , Clerk furnish a copy of the same to tin1 family of i the deceased, and to the Richmond W'hiy and /??'*? I pntvh each a copy f< i publication . an 1 | That as a turtio r testlm mial "t respect h>r the I memory of tb?* deceased, this court do now adjourn. Copy : Hat. P. Fiiiiiaita*. Clerk. LOST. STRAYED ANI) FOUND. IOST, on Mailt or Franklin streets," J SLEEVE BUTTON made of cairngorm** stone, set in gold. It I* highly prize | bv the owner. ami a liberal reward will be given it brought t-?theo|. ticn of Exchange Hotel. j>" T7IKTY DOLLARS REWARD.?St'?A len from tuv farm, in ll'-m ic" county, on Wednesday ni^lit, it LIuHT ' K L F I. jLaO C^ MAKE, blazed face, with s.vral white \ \ f J. spot* <*n hack caused by saddIand a natura pacer, about nine year* idd 1 will p:ythcai ? v* ! reward lor the arrest and convictioti ?d the thief, I or TWBNTY-FI Vh Pi?LLAi:> for the deliveiy of th? mare at my farn, < r t-? no- in K.ihij. >nd jy27-t* WILLIAM TAYLOR 1 m;n dollars reward.? Lost or picked from my pocket on last ! Friday, on the Grove road, a in-uiuin-*1/ed 1 in?rhle-i>'? rr<?m haimmhai. g i.d i 1 <;AsKI? llt'NTINti WATCH, with a heavy t CHAIN without a hook. The w.t'cli is a pa'en lev. r. No. 11.14", and w.is made by Jam-* John-on '.'5 Church street, Liverpool. The tinder will re t feive the shove reward by leaving it with W A SI'oTT. Proud street, butwe. ii Fourth and Fifth. <? I at this otti.e. jy 25?Iiv# FOR RENT. r()K RENT,tin* DWELLINO-HOUSE j on Franklin slr-et between I- fMi and i Mxth, No 5o* ; or will rent out THREE ! Roo.MK, all on the "aim* (For an I ronnei ' lng. with a basement ro> m if desir. I. For furtl particular*, inquire on the premises. jy 2? ?31 1/OR RENT, it vt*rv il<'*ir:?blc ami commodious DWEnl.iNG-H"C>r. in '?* | ?' Linden Row," on the corner of Kir-l aiul Franklin streets, with "t ilde and carriage-, I house attached. For term*, apply t<> S. J t?Ej THEKFOORD. corner of Franklin and Adam* street*, or to L HAKLES A RO.*>K. Twelfth -tie.-:, j near Franklin _ jy IX>R RENT, tin* FAROE LOT on tinea*t side of Seventh, b tw?*en Main end ( .<ry i htreets, iec'?*ntIv .ci'Ufie l lv M s r* Wot. , III ardsler \ Co .as ? In mix r yard. r w ilch ptir- ! pose it J* admirably well adapted. Possession i given 1-t Septeiiin.-r xt. M'plv i ? jy 37?3t HARRISON. CoDIHN \ AJPP! RSfiN FH)R RENT. ;i small 1 ?tit comfortable.* DWKLLINg-HoUSK, with KITCHEN I attached, in the neighborhood of tin' Fit-t Market To a jp?od t i . ? the rent will verv moderate. I'oss. --!?? . giv-n iniined m .) Applvto J. F KEKSKK. 1 iy 1?7?l: at the Collector's otiice, t nyHall. REN T, a IiWKI.l.INi; sttiiitl.l. J/ for a moderate-*i7e.I family iri'h -? r j vants' rooms on the premises,, < u I'm v street, between Fou*liee and Adatu-, T" a good tenant tlo- rent will he b-c p.-s, ?ion gii at once. Applvto J. 1\ KF.E-EH. at Collector ? ortire. jy vT?4t t ny Ha'I .TAOR RENT, I In* ri'PER PORTION r OF MY RESIDENT F, >iiO. v. rn< r-'m t j consisting of six or eight beautitul room , and usualaecommoda'ion-. Applvto UK. W Li I'LL\<A.VT*. jy 27?ts Governor street. 1 i?OR RENT, thill L\ROE, COMMO!X1 Diors and PLEASANTLY LOCATED DWELLING, (containing twelve r- on ?. i No Suit Main, between Third and Fourth m : ????*.-._ ? The liotise will he r-iite l f >r thr- e or for tw, month*, :t" m iv in preferred, and f?>r tlir.-.- monthwith Fl'KNlTCRL if d.-tr- 1 J'o.sse?;,.n given , 1st of August. I Iy 17?t* John X. GORDON & SON. | TV)lt RENT, TIIE DKSIRAM1.K A HOUSE now occupied by the subscriber, ?* -' j situao-d on t.race sii?et. t'etw. eu .Seventh , ar. I KLIith, Containing set -u r??? -i.i- L 1 iy l-i-ts J it WIN'sT".. I/OR RENT, tlio Inrjjo WARE- . HORSE in I.ihby Rnilding." t< *?? enpied by um. Possession given immediately, , with a large amount- t st. i.?e ,-ecuri 1, debirahle tenant. Apple to 1'ALmLK, HARTSOOK k CO., i Jy p-o* Fourteenth "treet. IX>R RENT, a Imntlrsonio 1 FRNISll ED HOUSE, No. la Sixth street, between Main and Franklin, with gas and wat r throughout the hotts.*. Apply t * HKNRY^, FiX AI.L. < ri the pr< mi.*6.*, or at hi* ottice tiext i ' custom-hou.se, and to DAJii'oN \ iD'uKK", jy ??ts 72* Mnin stre< t. I^OR RENT, CORNER o F F 1 C 1 abore Sherifi's ottice, Kiehujond House, en Governor street, at very low rent Also, . TWO Loin11NG -Rot iM*> on lie*>rabove ? als?? v? rv low rent. Applv at High Constable ? odivo. I JM ' IH)R RENT, tho JlUlLRlNti now occupied a* the Dispatch printing house, on Governor street, one ?lr.< r from Main. i Possession given in a few weeks?as soon asJUJ ; our new Imilding on the Corner tit Main and Twelfth streets is ct tuple ted. Apply at the Pisj patch counting-room. " Je27?ts Rooms for siiitj7iTiT" for h gentleman and wife or?ing'le gentlemen, with or without hoard. Apply at N't>. ol.?, i Eighth street, beyond Leigh. my !?'? ts

A 0>nrl. UK THR. Hd.tun or IIKAI.TIJ, ? lilCUMo.Mj, JlUV 117, lit'J. ) / Y have the gratification i f aniiO'incing lh:f the ! ditlou. Wh ibank the citucns for th-ir Kid i*< j I bringing about till* condition of tiling*. lint km , cholvr.Cis now dialing in some of tin* large ci i?? 1 at the North, and probably a* an <*pi leutic, or will become so, we would most re*pectful!> urt" Che citizens not to relax their efTon* in k>: pitn: rlo lr . residences and premise* in a cleanly condition, ' > and thoroughly liming and dl>- iilecting the same j wherever necessary. We would al-o sugge?t l" t ' them the Very xrcitt iinpiirtariC"' of ?b?t?iiiing In in ! ! all unripe fruits, wilted or decaying vegcUbn 3, ? ; menu or tish, unless perl- ctly pure an.) sound We would Mlggect to the colored population not I i to remain in crowded, close, or damp clUr* or \ houses, and to have their apartnieu s thoroughly ( cleansed and aired, and to u-e such disinfectant-( las chloride of liiu?. Ac . which can be pmcuted ' lrom any apothecary store at a small cost. We would again suggest tothe citizens the pro- . prietyof early ae?km< medical .< lvie? in all cases j of derangement of tlie l?"iRi-l?, ... we are (irmly ' convinced that hut little dependence ran he plac *1 I In the numerous quack nostrum- advert i?<d as spe- | cities or the cure of ibis disease Wi' would respectfully rcqu- ?>' the medical gentlernenof the citv to report to thi-orine any <? a so of isue cholera which may occur in tin ir practice j within the corporate limit's, and its result, 'lhist- , desirable, as we are determined, iii tli ? event of ! cholera appearinga?an epidemic in the city, loan- i mice the f <ct. and to present a daily bulletin of j the number of cases and its l.itativ. F. W" HANCOCK, Jy 2s?It President t'l the Hoard of Health i FKMK LUNCH.? r will serve up :it 11 b clock, A. M., TO-PAV, a very superior ? K EES TURTLE, at my old stand, south Franklin, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth tice:? jy It JOHN DAHNF-V FLOW'S, FLOWS, PLOWS.?No man can make a good crop with ? bad plow, it m useless to spend your money and lime on laud badly plowed. These being ascertained facta, I hare for many vsars endeavored to make and introduce a plow ni nearly perfect as is practicable. This 1 think has been "attained in tn.v PATENTED Mit'THKK! N PLOW, which is uow'in use by from three to lire thousand good farmers of tiiis Mat-, many of whom have voluntarily given testimony to tries,facts: That it is THE HE."5 T WORKING, EAS1K*T DRAFT, and KEPT IN REPAIR AT LES.s C??>T than any other plow they have ever used. The faoc, or turning p irt of the mould-board, ts detached and separate from the other parts of the plow, and can be replaced when worn as easily as the point, and at half the expense ot most other plow*. ; Every farmer should try one in commencing his summer fallow, aud (hen ho will be quite suie to use them in preference to others. I also keep a lull supply of PLOWS, and CAST- j ING8 for nearly every plow 1n use, all made ip my ? oasn foundry and ahopa, under my own personal ? Instructions. Every article WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION, or to be returned. Can you aek any- I thing fairer than this ? P. H. MTaHKE, No. lUu Main street, three doe,re above St. Charles Hotel, | jy i8?6t Richmond, Va , Black silk hosiery?a large assortment at old prices. Call early and bargains at EZKKlfiL'8 j Cheap Dry Gooda Store, Jy M 41 Main street. A NOTJ1EH LOT OF THOSE HKAUJ\ T1FUL WHITE GROUND OHKN A DINES at twenty-live cents per yard, luat received at &ZEK1EL 8 Cheap Store, Jy M 41 Matn Street riHKAP DRY GOODS at j V - JACOB EZEKIELfi, Jy** <1 Main atreat. <

8PJOIAL JiOTIOES. ,V XOAH WALKER k CO., CLOTHIERS, 111* MAIS STREET, RICHMOND, V*. In order to make room for f?H Mock, are closing out our spring end summer goods, comprising b good assortment of CL0TH1EU AMD FURNISHING GOODS, at reduced pOces. We call special attention to our SHIRT DEPARTMENT All grade* and style* ready made and made to order. NOAH WALKER Si CO. J _ _ mttiiimp SEED. * LARGE PURPLE-TOP YELLOW KUTA PAG A, LARGE NORFOLK. EARLY WHITE FLAT DUTCH, LARGE GLOBE, WHITE FLAT, (red-topped), for sale t.y WILLIAM H. SCOTT. Druggist. I orner Franklin and Seventeenth streets. IJyg'-'t] AS" LONDON HAIR COLOR AND RESTORER fur sale by WILLIAM H. SCOTT, Druggist, corner Fratikliri and Seventeenth streets. [ Jy 27?ts] If APICES FOR PICKLING for sale by WILLIAM II. SCOTT, Druggist. corner Franklin and Seventeenth street*, f jy 27?Is J UP THE DIVIDEND OF THE N1ETI AL LIKE INSURANCE COMPANY of New York to policy liolders last year was an average of sixty per cent, cash, or one hundred ainl twenty if paid with policy at death. The accumulation of tbiCompany is over SIXTEEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. O. F. BRESEE, jy 2*?Iw General Agent. AST TO THE CITIZENS OF RICHMOND.? In response to the inquiries which have been made of me, I beg leave respr-ctlully to say. thaif it bo the pleasure of the citizens of Richmond (? elect me to the Legislature to till the existing vacancy. I will serve them cheerfully and to the ties! of my ability. I a in Bens.hb> of my inadequacy to supply the place of Mr. Grattan, whoso resignation, in common with all who respect virtue and talent. I *ineerely regret. And it is due to candor that 1 should say I fear the partial favor of my friends who have called upon nm has led them to over-estimate my capacity to serve them. Public life is altogether n. w to me : neither my tastes nor my aspirationhare ever taken that direction. And 1 honestly rhitik that when the material interests of the city 111 I State lire SO deeply involved i'l legislation, th. people should select their most tried and oxp.-rl-nced citizens for the public service, and I shall ??! tdly give place to any one they may choose. Hut if those among whom I have lived from my birth, and to whom I am under so many ohliga iens, shall honor me with their choice, I will devote totlmir service with earnest zeal ail the energies I possess. WILLIAM W. URUMIV Je 2???ltde a?T paper-hangings. E Si T A If L I S II ED till. R EG .VAULT A CO. continue t" keep on hand a full assortment of GILT, GILT STAMPED, VELVET. SATIN, end PLAIN PAPER-HANGINGS ; DECORATIONS IN EVERY STYLE. ;is well as wo.,J iinit itiuns. Rooms, halU, and passages PAPERED at short notice and by experienced workmen, all under the immediate superintendence of Mr. JOHN F. RF.GNACLT. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, TABLE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES. CURTAIN GOODS. LACE CURTAINS, and eveiv article in the UPHOLSTERY line always on hand. UPHOLSTERY WoRK of every description "\eeuted at short notice. Jy H?3m Up RICHMOND SAVINGS RANK AND INSURANCE COMPANY. CHARTERED FEBRUARY 24, H6?J. Off 11 E C.IRSKH I' F Twi;|.FTH AND Mll.V ?rRKET?, Richmond, Va. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE AND SAVINGS BANK. Tnis Company i- prepared to make Fire and Marine Imur.iiice of all kind*. It will also receive money on deposit In th" Savings Department, ami allow -ix pei cent Interest thereon, whether of lar^e or miihII sum#?thus affording a tine opportunity for persons disposed to lay up money. .IoIIN II. DAVIS, President. JOHN F. C. POTTS, Secretary. The Hoard meet- f"i discount every WEDNESDAY at S ??'clock, P. M. Jy 14?to Uff" PRESBYTERIAN COMMITTEE OF PlIILICATION. RICHMOND. VA?Tho l?E1'oSlToRY is on the second floor of No. 1324 M ain -reef, where the PUBLICATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE and all the BOOKS in tha published catalogim are offered for sale. All ordei- should be addressed to Rev. E T. HA1RD, Secretary of Publication, jy ??*?d&sw*t H"X 42:?, Richmond, Va. UP M'llOOLS AND COLLEGES. THE DAILY DISPATCH PRINTING HOUSE ib prepared to furni-h, at short notice, CIRCULARS. REPORTS, CATALOGUES, TICKETS. and all kind* of SCHOOL BLANKS, at very low prices. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention.

DENTAL NOTICE.?NITROUS OXIDE OAK ?W. LEIGH BURT??N, Dentist, having h mipertor apparatus fur the manufacture of thin ga?, in prepare! to administer it as an annMh.-tic in th<- j EXTRACTION OF TEETH, thereby rendering the i operation absolutelj* painless. As it is highly important that the gas should h? 1 fresh and riir,'> loely notice should he given of a 1 desire to use it. otttceand residence northw? at corner of Seventh i an l Franklin street*. jy 2?lm# CdTPKISON LIFE OF JEFFERSON DAVIS. . FOUR YEARS IN THE SADDLE. Harry Utl- I ioor. POLLARD S HISTORY OF THE WAR. WOMEN "F THE SOUTH. SOUTH So>US. HILL ARP. For sale by , Je2?_ts COLE A TURNER. MT UNION HANK OF RICHMOND. (SAVINGS INSTITUTION), OFFICE AT THE NATIONAL BXCHA.NOK HANK KUHHCK'HRO CAPITAL, ff>\9eo. TniS INSTITUTION ALLOWS SIX PER CENT. ' ON DEPOSITS. I. DAVENPORT, Jn . PresMint. JAMES MILLER. Cnshler. pTur'Tor.". R. A. Paine, L. D. Crcr?haw, W. R. Win. II. Lyons, Jr., R. E. Bl&nhcn- | A. Bodeker, B. H. Wel-iaer, ehip, W. A. Sputt, Moses Ellyson, J. B. Winston, A. L. Ellett, J's. W. Archer, A. A. Htttchfn- ! R.T.Taylor, J. Kosenbmtni, .rm, W. E. Binford, J. W. flail, W. A. Jenkins, j J. A. Delvtn, W. P. Gray, W. F,. Tanner, T. U.Dudley, Alfred Moses, J. M. Nowltn. | The security offered to depositors is undoubted, : and the institution should coinuieud itself to all classes. The attention of all In city and Country is called to thia Institution. Here they will find security, convenience, and profit. Sums as small as five dollars may be deposited, ind six per cent, interest received on same. Otllee hours from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M : on Saturday from ? A M. to J P. M , aad from i to ? P. M. je 13?d As wis BILL ARP! ? BILL ARP!! ? I This Inimitable book la now ready, and every j person should hare a copy. To be had of COLE 4 TURNER, j 7?ts Whig Building. BOARDING.?A desirable front chamber and dressing room, with board, suitable f?r a nmall family. Also a few single gentlemen can he accommodated, with or without lodging. Inquire at No. 121 Fourth street, corner of Marshall. ? [JylV-ath E TUI M YSTEKIEUX at MEADE A BAKER'S Drug Store, !r * math tad FiaakUo Knits

WANTO^ . T~~ ANTED, two f It I 8H M Klfand three 8R0UHIIMES nil farm laborer*; a MAN, IIIM WIFE. ?nil ? H<?Y logo on a r?no ; two (food GoOKhT EMIGRANTS Imported from any nationality nt verv hurrate*. Wanted t<? BRNT A1 FARM iiol far front Blchmondon iharea. For' further particular*. nddre?* the h'M'TMKKN EMPLOYMENT AUKNCY Franklin *trvt, under Metropolitan Hall Pu*t-otilce box PJ, Richmond, Va D'Axi>aha2T * Lot*. Agent*. _ Jy ?<-H WANTED. 5,wo pound* Unwaehed Wool, l,ooo pound* Beeswax, 5iM) pound* Pink Koct, I.tW? bttsbel* White Beans. Aj'i?iy to D n CLARK. Merchandise Broker, Jy 27?1* _ No. 1317 Cary Mre*t. IITANTED, A SITUATION.?A Vir If ginia iudy. of ?ev*ral years' experience in teaching, desire* a SITUATION' In a private family or seminary?teaches the English braticii"Referenco given when rei|uired. Address Box it, Scott* ville, Va. jy 1!-?d\?tr.tt* Vi .r ANTED, A VOIJ NO LADY. Apply at the STAMPING DEPOT, No &)"! Broad street, Between Sixth and Seventh. jy 2d?2:* TIT A NTED, A MIDr)LK-A< JED WOf t MAN, white preferred, as a nurse; must come well recommended. Apply to P. M. LEA, Main street, between Adam* and Fouahev, north side. Jy 2??it WANTED, situations for COOKS, WASHERS and IRoNKR*. HOUSE OIRLS, F A P. M H A N D S , C AKPKN'TKKS, KAlLRoAl> HANDS, ?c., Ac. All persons in want of such will he supplied tmmediately by leaving their order* with the und-r-signed, on Seventh street, between Main and Franklin, two doors from Main Families or persona desiring to burn tin ir WASHING dojje, eith.-r by the month or day, can h;tv? it done in the mat- *r" mi nin-r hy applying ?>' tbifl utfcv. Also, FLUTING don? it" the -hortc* notice. (jy 24?t* J DKPKIE> I' A CO. V OT T~it ERA V sl: ]>r WANT to engage a SOUTHERN TOPNfl L\"Y wh? is competent to impart t<> students instruction in Landscape Drawing and foloring. Plain and Fancy sketches. Vocal and Instrumental Music. KeCoiu' nieiidaiion* exchanged. We can supply city and country order* with all kind* of LABOR, fOOK*. MUKSrS. HtH.sK SERVANTS, tind I-A KM HANI'S. We want a M A N t?> driv . ii *oap and greasecart. Wages, one dollar per day. Nt?TT A FRAY-ER. Franklin, between Eighth uud Ninth streets. Jy tit?ts Hides and tallow wanted. DRY H1DF.S. OKLEN HIDES, and SALTED HIDES. Al*n, TALLOW ; for which tin* Lightest cash price will be paid. II. t ilALKLEV A CO., Hide ami Leather Dealer*. Thirteenth street, becweeii Main and Cary. ap23-ta riASH PAID FOR RONES.?Wanted, Ks FIVE HUNDRED T"NS BOXES. Cash paid on delivery, my i_t* H. P. LATHRoP, Agent. MEETINGS. VJOTR'E. 'I'll" IDuti'l of Tnisli'ps nt .1 the town of Maticli"ster respectfully i. quest hat the freeholder* of the town will no'et at the 'own 11*11 on Augusts, at * o'clock, P M . for the tirpose of ins'.ruciing them in relation t>< borrow ng money for the improvement of the streets and mil.ting a market-house. Hv or.lei ot the Board. Jy*21?t 't K H. TAI.LKY, Secretary. i/TROINI A LAW IDKiKS. r WASHINGTON s REPORTS. 2 vols. CALL > REPORTS, ti v. I* II EN NINO \ MIX FORD'S REPORTS, 4 s. MI'NFuRD - KEPoRTs. t; vols i.ILM EK > REPORT^ 1 vol. RANDOLPH'S REPORTS, ?: vol*. LEIGH* KEPoRTs. IV v Is RolllNsoN s REPORTS, v vols. I. Il A II \N S RKI'oKTs, 1.*. I..; PATTON .v HEATH S RKPORFS, 2 Vol*. VIKi.INi A i AS i>. vols. ill NM.NO .v MUNKoKBS REPORT*. <tn-dens.-.t hv Minor, I vol. M M'TII KWs s MuKsT. - 1 4 REVISED ?'o|iE. P a l.oM.W s IMG K*T. t v. N I.OMaX o.N I \'K< l"l oRs v v..;Woolillol'.sR \ PMlllA.M, P. k?11- r- a 'el station, is, jy v"?1? llorernor street. r. it. kki i.ooo, ,r. \v -iihov, te of (i. .1 Suiuiier.V' o of Richmond ' EI.Lotii; a i; I I'.Si >N, ^ IMPORTERS. WHOI.K-ATP. A >' I ? ill; I'All lil'.tl I.K ? IX CHINA. OLAsS. AND EARTHEN WARE W-. ha\> now in store a v> ry l.arg. and compi.'te nek. which we i Iter low as they can be pur-ia-ed iii unv ,if i!i, northern citn?. sll.VLR Pf.ATI.D Hl.oi K IMS o d BRITANNIA 'ARK, KKFKDiEKA TO|>. W\TER CooLERs. H-nf Flit I T .f.\Rs. sT"'N K. W.\ RE ,vc . at inai.ti-ctur.-rs' price*. KLLLoo'i A OlIIStiN, jy ?.???Jin 1:07 .Main sir,-, t. \LD I'KIfES! oLD I'KK'ES!! / DliKss conDs at price*. I">M ESTD's ?' old prices. ('ANT ConDs an I a .1 oth r .T o] t piices, ; jy v* EZEKIEL'S. ?1 Main street. JEW "GALLKt ;<>;?? FLO UK. FAMILY. EXTRA. st'PLUFINE i Koi ...p. i.? Warwick a bark*dai.k. I iy ji?*>i ? ' Oalb goCorn .Mill*. / t HA1N IL\<?S.?Wo ImvoDo* s;iK? two | vJ thou- Mid f1 ve hundred DRAIN BAtiS, in ,oi,J i rd? i. A pi i?lv ?i our otiiv. .I.K ANDERSON A CO . iv 27?'it 1'redegar Work* j Til TO I* A ('('?? N I S T S.?Flavoring 1 prune*, nice, large ind pulpy; one pound i worth two of ihose n-uali; *? id for ilavoring ; lust li tViV? d and for s.i I.ons .1 i;o>s|Er\*. . jy V7 No. su Main *ire?-t. 01,1 \'FS, OLI \ I-:s.?Sjumisl) Olives in quart jar*, also in t wo ^allon k g* ; fre*h*i.ppi* (orMile low by LuUIS J. BDSslfiUX, jv 27 "hi No ??> M tin street. SAKD1NKN, SAKlilNKS.?One tlimtsand i.ox- s , bal*. s an i | .artt r-1 sar'litn s, b- s; 1 brand*, for sal- bv tit-c."' ' single le.v i,ar L"LIs .1 IJttsMEf'X, , jy 27 No. *" M.mii street. ! TINWARK, STOVES, 1PH>E AND FUKNISHINU HOODS, Pl'MPS, H KATES. AND FENDERS.

WKOCGUT-IKON I'lI'B, GALVANIZED IKON PIPE, LEAD PIPE, AT Mrii"|.h-A:.K I'R KKTAli GAS KIXTl'KEN IN (iKEAT VaKIETV, PLUMBING. DAS AND STEAM KITTING. All Wi>rk in <>ur line attended ;rt any part of the city <>r country. VALE, BOWERS A VALE. j Iron Block, Governor *tr?e?. f iy 2d?t*} "V" <) T I C K .--Tito valuable property ll (with the fishery attached? recently pur- < ha*<*,l by the t<> 17 ji '?! Mtm hft.'i fri'iu tie* ? -t.ite < f the I*''e Wllliim Walker will bo rented ?.n the jiremlxoa. ?t j ibltc auction, fortwrelve mouth*. t?> flu- h'gb' ut bidder, on llie 3U instant a: a o'clock. p m. By order of the Bonrd of TriH'^n. jy 21- l"t B. II. TALLRY, Secretary. 1.M)R SALE, a v-ry tin" YOl.'NG COW, with her JjEL'oNl) < ALF. Apply im to A. L SHEPHERD Si To . cr>r?<-r E!nv'.'lib. and ''anal street*, or C. C. EI.LETT, 1y 24?'s No. 3?>S Leigh street. 1 H(>KI<i:7 UCaKlCi:.?\\ o aroro- " J re'run; ?r?io rtet? titer, ??' fUbt'N (j. (J.. i I#c???* (< A r ., > All flrsl oualitv mas*. fi cn*eaX. X., S 1" ra*e? I'. A 8. Stick, warranted genuine. A'l dlr?ctly front the Importer*. Jy 24 iw _ HAkVEVS A WILLIAMS I ICO KICK TASTE. I J Uutn Arable, Tonqua iieans, Virgin Olive Oil, in tin can*, fur tobacco manufacturers, tltran on hand and for s^le low hv 'J. PIT FIELD GEOUt.E, . Importer and wholesale dealer, in Biair A Powers' warehouse.Cary SUe*t, below Fifteenth street, Richmond, Va. Jy 25? lin V^OTICE.?No power of attorney given Ai by ine to any p*r*on whatever, previous to thi* date, which Has not already been executed, will be recognized by m* . and 1 hereby retract all such, and pronounce them henceforta null and void. L BKEMOND July 25. litis jy 27?te Two htndreT) and eightyTHREE TONS ENGLISH COaL, per ship W. H. Eigelow, from Ltverpc?ol direct to James river, expected about middle ol August, for ?ale to arrive by f Jy 25?let) S__C_ TARDY A Co. PEACHEsjCAMATION C1IERRIKS, I PINE APPLES in one and two-pound cans? ?u'1 Jy 24 flit Broad street. GTKAW hats, straw HATS.? O Just received, a large lot of MAt KANAW and GERMAN HRA1D MATS for men and boys, from dfty ceuta up. poWllA'l AN WKlhlOlik. j/,* _No. SIS Main atreet. PANAMA HATS.?Ju?t rooaived, a beautiful assortment of PANAMAS; alao, a 101 or MU? Willi "ffAwSlrllf^BieiOKR. J? ?? No >U Main susef.

MEDICINES. ETC. jfc ; A or A I>E MAGNOLIA.?A toilet ?1<* light. Superior to any cologne ; u?e<i to bathe 'he face atid person; to render the skin soft and fr*-?h ; to allay Inflammation ; to perfume clothing for headache. Ac It la manufactured from the rich southern Magnolia, and U ohtalnlng a patronage ?juste unprecedented, li I* a favorite with actress"* and opera singers. It i* sold by all deal are, at one 1..liar, in large bottl"*, and by DEM AS BARNEs A CO., New York, Wholeaaie Agenta. 8AKATO0A SPRING WATER, sold by all druggists. "Jes' soF.xactly" !?Solon Shingle said: thev w. re there "every time." If lie fep " oivley" in the morning, he took Plantation Hitters : if he felt weary at night, he took Plantation Hitters ; if he lacked appetite, was weak, languid, or mentally oppressed, he took Plantation Bitters, and they never failed toset him on his pin* -?1'iare and flrru. y.-w persona want any better authority ; but as some in*}", just read the following : ??*?*! owe much to you; for J verily believe the Plantation Hitters Have saved my life. '? Kkv. W. H. WAGONER. 31.nliid. N\ T." * I have been a great sutferer from -lysj'cpsla. and had to ahandoti preach ng * e ? The Plantation Hitters have cured me " Rev. C'. A MILLWOOD, ?w York City." I had lost all appetite?w?? s?. ? . , . _ . *_r_ . ... ., 1.,.^ weak anil en. rvuted 1 c-ujld hardly waik, and had a perfect dread of society. ? ? * l"e i'lantatlon Bitter# have set me all right. .1 A31Ks"liEi MIN WA Vi 8"t."Loula. Mo." " ? ? ? The plantation Hitters have cured me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs, that distressed tne for years. They act like a Cliarin. ..... , ?. ?? "(J.C. MOORE, SM Broadway, N. \ Mrs o M MKVOK, manager of the I'liion H inschool for Soldiers' Children. says she " has given it to the weak and Invalid children under tier charge, with the newt happy and gratifying results " We have received over a hundred ream? <>f such certificate*, but no adv.-rtis.inent Is *<? ??tf-'Cttve a* w hat people themselves say of a good article Our fortune and our reputation" is at stake Th-original >|tiality and high character of tin*.goods will be sustained under every and all cir. cninstances. Th?*v have already obtained a -ale in every f..wn, village, parish, and hamlet, among civilire'l nations. Base imitators try to come a-n.-ar ntir name and stvle as they can ; and because a good article catiiiot fie sold as low as a pooi one, they tind s,.|nsupport from parties wh >do not carwhat they sell, tie on your guard, bee our private stamp over til* cork. P II. DRAKE A f ? . New York City SARATOGA SPRING WATER, sold by all druggists. OVER A MILLION DOLLARS SAVED ' Gentlemen,?"! had a negro man worth, v!io fool, cold from a had liurt iti the leg. and was I--. t rover a yar I had used everything I oiild hear of without beii.-ttt, until 1 tried tloi|exiiuti Miisfiins Liniment. It v?m etfViied a leriiiatietit cure ' J L. DOWNING Moi.goiiiery, Ala., June IT. Idv. " I '? !;?? l ie ?-ur? in recommending the M.-xltan Itistaug (Liniment as ;t valuable and Indiapensad- arlici.j lot >prains. Sores, Scratches, oi Gall" it lloises. Out iii.*n have used it for Burns, ?? | .... >,.res. Rheumatism. Ac , and all say U Its like magic." .1. W. IIKWITT. F< r*'man t.*r American. Wells, Fargo'*, and Harnuen's Express. " The -plain of my daughter's ankle, occasioned rhll>--k-tting la-t winter, was enliielv cured in ?tie we?-k aft.-r she < ouiincmed using your celeirated Mustang Liniment." ED. SEELLY ?~. Gloucester, Mass., August 1, 1**3 It is an admitte I fact that the Mexican Mu-'sng .itriueiit port-wins niore cures in a sbort.-r time, ?n iii.in and beast, than any article ever dts-ov-r*.d. Families, livery-men, atel planters lion!?! always have it <>n b'and. Quirk and sure, t certainly is. All genuine is wrapped In ste.-l-date engravings, hearing the signature of G W iVestl.ro. k. t ti-misr, and the j>ric<Ut Piilted ?'ate. -vtn.pof Dkma4 Hciinks A < <? over the top An ethut has I made to counterfeit it with a heap Mom--l>late label. L'">k . SARATOGA SPRING WATER, sold by all druggists.

Jf is h in-".! delightful Hair Dressing. ' B?!t ??r,t lie ite--< !irf and dandruff. lr keep- the lo-.i l r<"'l and clean If makes Hi*- hair rich, and gl?>?v ? lilt prevents hai r turning gray and failing off. It r- ~r ?r ??. hair ui "it | i?-n>ut'tiru>y hal l head* Tin- is just what i.vii '* Kathair-ui will d> It i- | j r> tty??. i? clitMti?durablt*. It is literally-<?hl hy tfi" car-load, atl yet if- h!m?>!-t incredible d**iii md i i- <1 tilv mcr? a-ing, until th* *e I* hardly s com try I r- that doe* not keep it, >>r a faintly that d**es i not use .t. E. TH'iM.VS LV'?X, Clienii-t, New York SARATOGA SPRING W.iTEK, K?11 hy all druggist*. Who would not he beautiful* Who would not | add to their tn-auty '! What give* that luarblo [??iritv Hiii littiutjiu appearance w-j observe up- n the stage at I .ii the city belle? It la m> longer n J <-e,-ret. Tliey u-e Hhk'hii'h Magnolia HhIiii Itcontinue I u-e remove- tan, freckles, pimples, and | r-ughnei.* from the face and hand-, arid leave* the complexion -uiooth, tiaiuiparent, blooming, an-i ravishing I'niike many cosmetics. it contain* no material injurious to the nkin. Any druggist will order tt for you, if not on hand, at 5u ct*. per bottle. W. E. liAGA.N. Troy, X. Y., Cbeiulat. DEM AS BARNES A CO., Wholesale Agent*, New York. SARATOGA SPRING WATER, Hold bv ail druggist*. Heiiaatreei's inimitable Hair Pol.-ring' i- rn-tn ?lye All In-tantHlieou- -lyes are roiupo?e.t of Ivn it i -niMtir, and inure or le** destroy the vitality and beauty of the h.nr ThU i- the original Hair i o ? irtring, and ha- been growing in lavor oyer twenty , year-. !? re-tor - gray hair to if# original color by gradual absorption, in a mo*t remarkable msnn r | If i- also a beautiful hair dressing. Sold in two sir* ?>?5v cent- and fl? by all dealer-. C. HttlMSTHBET, ChemlAt. SARATOGA SPRING WaTKK, -old by all Druggists. LTOs'h Ext ha't of l'i hk J?haua Qixoga .for ! Indigestion Xau-ea, Heartburn, sick Headache, Cholera Morbus, Flatulency, Ac., where a warmina stimulant I- required, ita careful preparation j and entire purity makes it a cheap aud reliable ar | tide for culinary purposes. Sold eyervwhere, at i 5ccent- per bottle. Ask lor "LyoxV Pure ExI tract. Take nootiier. SARATOGA SPRING WATER, ! ap 17?lyr sold by all druggist*. N TOTII'K TO BOND-HOLDERS OF road ? All persons holding bonda of the Rich1 tnond and Danrllle Railroad Company upon which there are arrearage* of interest are requested to come forward an-i fund audi arrearage* In bonds ! of the company bearing Interest from th? Brat day ef Mav, l?*3 yv'tf?eo-ilw J I). BLAIR. Auditar. ! ^UOAR-HOUSE SYKUP.?Jutt re- ! celved, a consignment of a most superior axtl- * cle, which will bo sold to dealers at the macular, tor t t rice PaLMEK, HARTSOOK CO . A gent kaia for Flckcn k WHiiaaa, ? jy 35 tugar Rsfloera HABANA CIGARS.?I have just rpreived direct from Hahana a lot of thoae ! splendid CABANA CIGARS, which 1 offer for sale. I O CRA.VZ, No. J Exchange Block, Fourteenth ?Uoet. JyH-W " HAY ! HAY ft HAY !!! ?T W O HUNDRED BALKS No. I TIMOTHY *AY for ?ale by FRENCH A CRENSHAW, Jy k t? corner N'nth and Main _ 1 X.)M ADKS A N D COS MKT ICS, the X most select ever imported, for sale at MEADK A BAKER S Drug Store, Jy >0 Ninth and Franklin elreeta. F>RT WINK FOR SALE HY THE pi pa PALMEK, HAgTEOOK * CO.. ty ptifm eaath Foments ?(*?#<

^AUCHpN 8ALE8-rFUTUR,K j>Ay Hy Jam** M Taylor, A*c(loti??r offlia oppose Kpr.uir.jo4 Hmj 1?IVK ACHKS <>F I.AN'h. <>\ \\y, 1 HI"N HILIr. 0.\KMILIE4?T"7 kH H\l n FoK HALF. AT Al'LTP'N -Will bow l DAY til* ?l?t day of Ji.ly.r.'i u. j i nil. , , o'clock P M , Hi* above ?--?? r.?>?-4 l.r- ^ ry of iij.? lot* contain* |..ur r--*, ?i..f .... ... tt ? onrln-ur* "f Mr. J>*?;.U P. o*r.u *? ; 1.1* '1 *i.l 1* highly lit.j>r ? ; J lot contain* abont one a< T-<1 ? t ... of th* ?ncl?or- ?f M<- M"n Ia'v.y ? w.?.| .,m Robert Styll, both of *.. ? a. > . * ? . , CUltl vatlot Term* M?>!?. kv.*u *' J A M ? M T. y JrJ"-u By OrubU & Wiiii.,#., AtJI j 2forthw^?t C'TD'-r of M* ? . .; i. ?, HANDSOME LOT, THIR'I V | FRONT BY "VK If"v' ? in peep. with km am. kk" e ??? * . i. > K?HiMS,<?N MXTH >TitEbT, .v F?'K HALE AT a ' 1 T1'' -\V. . ?>n the I r-trti*"*, ? T'*L*PA'i ' o'clock, p M . Mi" IP .|*k .? ? | above dear-rib- i. ? of Philip VVrtj(ht, bvi In: .v.. p-ry. Irtac u ? of th* city TIm SM AM, , f"?r of ft,a I.' ?T. . ? 1 1 ? b* Mini for .i kitchen when th? > bulM on th" lot Tk.hm.*: A:?.w-. K"f;i:? ? \v Jy 2* " , By Harr . . ,^ \ Bank-", Ur * u, , I : i ? Heat'Tin* i. ui-su?. r in r T".V WiTH V i I.Y ? * ATTA' HEP. K??U - A l .-. \l .. - i. P*i<in*ikl <if lllM U'l.li.UT ni rennet! oj the w mow will sell at aucti? on 'u. t th? J"th Jnlv. 1"". r ? ful KKsI PK.S< K !? ca'e.l .?? i,l??il bv th" Itf" lli i ry JI\l.j Mr*". M.tr-h.i'; I . , contain* twi-nty lot", at 1 ?? ?14# by *tr -tof thirty f**t front, will ?? - ? nearly n?- w. cm." >.* - * r|..v*ly view of Ki< m . ?? kitchen cMitaln* tw.. r. - - t. la a well of ev..-l ecl of Ii Hit .if 1 ? in. v.,., r mtrably .ila[ ?- ( i . . . r 1 TERM* ? 1 ? ? - ? month* t-ir n--.- -... i. ? l, t t?t?*t -t rare! bv a tri;*t <|. 1 II Aill.<?' >IMO' A API Jy 2s t EDUCATION A I. MKhH'AI. ft. 1.1.1:?. i: . til.MA. AT KM IM. N a; ?Tlo- AXNI ii. ? ? will coiiiriO'tir ? i i. th?? tinne until I-* . f .'.J > four*" will .i.-l? Ti-r. 1 '? " The organization ? f 'lithe in- iti* ? f .iit-'r i* -. tion at Hotrar I * ??r- v- H hundred ..nd 0' y l- i* Jn vt-w of ih- |-r- ? ? ' - v ? South, the Faculty ! .v.- '? rrea.?e of on.'-thir-l r.'? ? ? hv the North-' a ? ? tnav h- nnahle to i- ? -. . v?sfI he Allowed I . ? I ?? f,o,or* fee* i I-; approved CUV ? i I. r* -r Yin: M rrv. . ? . .. fe**i r*. *1"5 : P- .n* i (irailiiHth-n, tid Forfurth.'i 11< itu.t' lnt'lt". it-i lr ?** jy Jj?lin ^ ? I i ( M ?I. IN ^ I i?N i. i . I .-ej't-lllli-l 17 at. 1 I - TI.K v a r O lilt I. \ ENOI.ISII LATIN. t.llEEK. ?u i M \ 1 I 1 A i li trii'- - I 1 e ,1 ? 11 a r u ... Sell""! rooln ? h.?*"lu? where I ntav I ? v 1 i '? p M Number of | . - Jv I?- I-III t.lvilp.r, .1 B()AKhlN<i ANI? MA Y F??K Y?M'.N<I ' ^ Pi F" M ? M'KOtH. V* ll l"? I' | ? -? I neat. Further t-la l? will n veriU-meritn. ' .ti ...?' ? > lo Jin* .1 W P I.tn :-'i U v } r< or through l" -\ I.- I.., i Jy IT-eodl* ^ciKioi, i <>i{ IP'Y^. ?-??( nr.v t o|:NF,i: FIFTH AN" ' ;r Th? IIlu|er*tUfl*''t | tin* city, -i p. PA V, S pt. nil.ei : a Miwter of Ait* having been In-tr k *tituli"ii, and I, oim 11 < !|t|*e l? A Mill. -? I. rereity, h?? feel* ? iiitM-d i *triir*i..n it. th- !?? -*??- I'lrcihirp, wnil icru i-t r. lit'l. l.e .l.-l. I.I'W If.i' ! K-ferell' e i* nvit. 1 I of wh -III th"? at t I -' *rli.-ol the |ut? i I. Ii?>? k , ll.* v i.eoi. ? .M I- ? loj.e;.|| pt in _ r-:. I ; N !'? t-rkln. H-'tt W> Hok'n, l>r K w II " .1-1 H K li P. - lie, Pr. ?i I i fax . i.H"llt\ of file I'lliv-T- "

a Sl'KN MILL A? 'A|?KM i /\ OH'.NTY, \ a . I "' II \ VIRGINIA LM UAL K VI ' Mi ll of tin* IliMi! ?! first "F "< r?/i;i.i: ,\ f \ i I J une following I* toMltbthh it school that - ?) tit i>- ?? Hlid to the iltfillllliieli! ' ' ? ? 1 ' spared. Tfo emir i | .111J ? xtei\.|. i 1 I > ? end Hi- !>? ( utrn-i ? . ;? i Mi|i?-rvi?|i.n . i tti- l*i in tti?? i)?-|i.ii.went U 1 KIS, an A M of llo '*ri. i ) Term* j'fr !>???. 'i, . Ill 111TAlire, .U; 1 I I . ?rr. in currenc> n ' ; r value. late l'r> I? ' ? r f M Antrotx !;? . Hi Addr.-*-, T"li t-vi:'. 1. Rl ? ftKKv' 1 - I'm l,rof?*?-i?r? Ni>N'>i. 1.1 i ?' lege, Va.: l*?. f r T'iiIvit* fy J ' . I'r ; I'reMil-fi! H-iioit.v c, ? v . t'liloli 1 heolo? Ira I *>? (.tin ? v I h"V K. 1, ?"??II iimIi, A it" i K'-r J li 1'itrrli .. ? r C c lav. A i ? ? LuiiIm ; II i>. A II II Mil.if win. btaunn n, Va l?r 1* .. ? Kmit, Win..tin t'v.rton. It. L 1 i i'iinty, \ a. . K' ger M irtin. l( l|i>ii ? W K'Ou'li, n.tilin.i-r.* oriiooii ON CIU RI II III! E J PJ.EASASTN * 11 l on Grace ciri-i t, "ii M??N I>A \ t Tin- iimixI t.raiu he# of KJiiildMI. ami .MI'SH . w ,11 t i puplla will lie liiulieil, ; '? iheir rhlMr? n -Ii'.ui S >55 v <? llOAXOKK ki:m all 1\ !>\N V1LLK. v \ The iji \t f t.ri'. 1! ?????? ? * ineiicv* sBPTfcMHKR r ?!? . J tini', 1*07. The following churg< - :ti- ! #<.>*?u>n : ,4... For tuitlod W n lvaiK ? F* F-r tuitlmi In pi nmrv i . For tuition in Am-n-ni una .v irtill F>t tuition In M i?ir ...... For tuition in ".I I'.tii'* For tuition 111 1'r.f.v ?? For !.-?? of Piano 1 r j r For Incidental Exp' it" . .. For Hon r I Payiin n't r> tuiii 1. !. : ' at [tu'litU- of ? I irt ttUen t/vr IK ? otherwise a^r- I 11; < : for absence, exre| lit. .1 A deduction of ti I' y 1 ? 1 of daughters ? 1 1.! r . t ti irgen tnail'i from tiiu? ?' ? ; rii?b lighr# *1 l(.vie.? W ' ' ' dollar and fifty cei t n i.akf. jy J3_2in H. W KUMiV. [YOLLINS INSTIT! ! ! I 1 < li A Ul.i > ' ' Ml-" MA I.I. \ HK'IW V i; y I THIN IX.Vfl ri'TK in .11 i 'V t . leatm of llinlruil 11 Ml .In' v.t cietic* an 1 litem in- 1 . f high k*r 11- I'li't- r , , , 1e country. It wi.i r,ei to r ?.?-i r l* nor relax it- ene?<i. ?, 1 ? itcmaae It# eUn i-n, v in 1 III.lie In the i III J ? riant fb . 1 > acuity conautn < t f. .1 ^ !? rninii r ..f .Mo- . Iden otAcern in the l>i ru -- .? 1 '? The next neoMori vril ? ml continue ik.x m >r?". f ?ad atop at Salem. riimi foit nvr v M' * loanl ainl titiflou m all It er.. . ? . lunic, Wflll u?e < t i i-tl 1:1 .? l.ighfa and waah n< extra wn towel* Paymer.'* in en ay of entrance and half on t.', hone who enter for ten im ?! ?> I entrance arid halt on the i*t ? For further |?artu ulai? "| j > ut at Botetourt Snriuga, !?? >;? ?? v jy it?Ut TN1VICRSI I'Y OF vl,:,i!\SA-; / next aesaloii will be* ? .,. > ? OCTOBEK, l??d, oil cud f? ?? XI??? tl "X* llTVK lie? J JITH OF JliMK, \*47. ProteMor of Latin ?nd * * ' , 1 k I'roieaaor 01 i.ai,,. ^ w will ha Appointed on the 1MI t m?i ? organiiatiou ?t a.. ? ; . n?Academic. Law, an t Mt . ? ? ? -U . Mp - . - ? _ a ye ? u?AriuctwiA, a/w eetahiUhed 014 (he ?aui" ?. . e the war. he entire e*poux? ? of the Ac*t- ' cluilteof text t 1 f, Aaiouut to three hundred 1 * rrency per afaaion of n!t.e n. " ? dent, (o three hundred and ? 1 i of the Radical atudfut, to t.i iety-flve dollar* orcaulogucgtfing details. T f 1 ?: ' x Hon, address S M>(r i<?1? t'hairman i f 0ANOKK I'OI.LIML, > \ i ! M > Th? neat annual ?e?- , 1 1 I op?u on the l?l of oi.f i L): . v> ulty 0/ arion iio'fi'Muri, . .1 (ilt I'LTl'Kl. and AliMAo Ma?foa Aat.y aasaiox or n\ a ao?raate is ex 1 ranaiataeit?*?? ? rdlng, #1 per w??k Hon ... ui rent and tnctd ?? lal?. ihtug, fuel and Lghta itltlon, room rent, and inci.,-. oia.?, k ' rthe term, parable iu ad* im ,? >r further inform it On, Hiiiulte >f the V tJ-dAawSu * i? r 1