Daily Dispatch, Volume 30, Number 31, 7 August 1866 — Page 3

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TL'KSPAV AUGUST 7, 186C. fnrilirr liifereMIn* I>r(?%||?0r the !*>?? Orlrnii* Kloi. It* Aulhwra, and I (a Kc?hII** Fr?>m III' 8?>w Origan* IMrayntu*, 1? T!l?: OR MlIV "l" TI1K RIOT. U'c are ii?l<by a respectable gen- i ,tn. .1 disinterested and elevated spec, it, in?l?*od by inorc limn one, that j ! affair ?'H Monday began thus: A pro. :i "t armed negroes was coming up burgJy street, preceded by a band, and j An it jmssed Cnnal street, a ? v ? v nude some remark or cry at A negro from the procession tired *, I ? ?< missed. An aid of the Chief .vjv'.iceatid an eX.jK.diieman dashed in .the negro. There was some j :. sh*wn by the residue, incited r ..it horseback, to re.seue him, ". j:. jM>)ice appear* d in force and cheek- ; the < :T??ri then. T1.,- ;; >*essioii of negroes, w itii their . j- t: 1 ced*'<l toward the hall, the ! - u-uul, pressing along beside ! j .. When tliey were about entering it, I b<?y, appatently, or sonic otlier, a !i.a<le some taunting remark, when! g ? ? turned and tired with revolvers .: o! "?hot", not only at him, but at ''ct bee, who were trying to take him va.i*. Tlie tiring then became general, it and l?v the police, when the nc- ? -, who did not leave at the time, di*. ? ate.l within the building, and the po. then undertook t<> clear the street an<l h - p the -pare open in front <?t' tint build. ? c clear. If was not until they were i :.}>??!! heavily fi<?m fin" building that ? v . !?'<>:t was made to enter it. jtR. POsTIK. In company with Colonel DeWitt Clin-i-si-t.int adjutant on General Sheri--t iff, Recorder Ahem, and others, . \ ,-ited the riKun of Dr. A. I*. Dostie, at I! ?-1 Di< u. yesterday evening, for the . .? m' of hearing his dying declaration, ? t;physician in attendance has no : t,i- recovery. |j;s foiehead ami arms were badly M.l, apjarcntly from clubs or brick. , .1 other missiles thrown at him. He two slight wounds in tlui neck, evi- ? v r :iiete?l with a pen-knife, also one < !;? *t. The most serious wound i< . ,? w . h was iuilicted by a ball entering ? , di of his bark, and which is now .in i in the spine, paralyzing the lower ? At". ! ][. -ecined t<> be mtv rational, rccog- : til those who addressed him, and i ieiitly,bnt -till with great evidence . \ austion. igc lliestand was present, and inscrih. . . vsi.it he c*?neeived to he his -tateinent , ? ruing the ditlicultv at the Institute. I j>i it- being read to him, the Doctor ? ed to several parts of the statement. !'r. lh-tie not realizing a sense of ap- . ;ingdissolution, it was deemed unne. .try t<? take d??wti anything that pjc?t. h i to t?e a M dying declaration." U ? ie apparently lying in easy inditfer- ? ? . r unconsciousness, we were lot. . in,prosed by several remarks made ?; wounded man. lie inquired in re. t<> John llerulerson, Jr., and was tobl lh. ? ?? wa- deu<l. lie paused b?r a mo- : ? i ? t' ? ! remarked, 44 >V*11, it is a strange !??idefit We were born iij"?n the . i . ti . and embarked in the same gl<?-.t'l-f. J had reason to bo apprehen- *.. i. ir a bloody attack, but not he. Mr.iii.*. A i'. ntl-'inan standing by his bedside a-'...!: " Do you know mc, Doctor?" 44 Oh, the reply, 4' let the good work g.. ? ri ; t at's all." TI ? . \!y <' mpluint made by the wound. . I in in w.i-that of sulleritig from severe ? d i ti In cast. There is no possible ? i ? ? I :- ! ecu very. IXqt l>T. \ jtn -t was lu'M yesterday bv Coro- ? r 1 ml.-ry on the body of Captain Conr I.?.np. He came to his death l>y a -:.?!? received in the left side during the : i< istl it occurred at the Mechanics' In. , He also re* eived a wound in the i i.! i t! Ii\ a glancing shot frotn a pistol, ? ti. - was not serious. The verdict was, th i? ? came to his death from a wound ;i.:i:rted by some party unknown. Mr. (i. S w arbrick, grocer *>n Camp str*'*-!, *o known as a quiet aud peaceable citi.'?u, was paiuluUy but not seriously :iid? d in the neck yesterday by a stray . while pa-sing in the neighborhood of riot. Also .Mr. Kuleff, son of Georg*' l. - lf, merchant on Gravier street, lie !??? > i\ < il a ball in the b'g. ?. Henderson, Jr., died this morning : .in his injuries. Dr. Hire is the only remaining white i .1 considered as being in a critical eon?i.fioll. .Nine negroes were arrested on Victory e.r.-ct at 1l' o'clock at night, * barged with ?< ting at citizens passing in the street. Mat-vi!h*, colored, was looked uj? f?u???!.tiding ;? white man in the head with a ' ttle, and George II. Harrison, colored, 1 tout levt e, as a dangerous character. !1 had a stone in a handkerchief, in the ^..ij'o of a sluiig.shot. 1MMUN1T ION*. 1.. utiiiatit Jacobs states h*- has been iut "im >1 by a number of citizens that many - - in hi-district (the Third), occupied . in gio* contain a large amount of ammunition. Also, that at about half-past 11 ? t night a lot of negroes living on Victory "'.:<?< t shot at several citizens passing in sttvet. The negroes were arrested and b:? ? aght to the station. One negro, naino own, was shot through the body during t:.- atfrav. A pistol was found on his per- * .. lie was carried to the station, and ?! shortly afterwards. Large crowds of blacks and whites lin- - ? <1 during the w hole of yesterday inorno.g, with apparently a morbid curiosity, ?t . .d headquarters aud the station-house. N g ., wi.iaeii clustered around, doubtless J a-, vttain the condition of some colored ?o i'...Matter engaged in the light of yesb t lay. Many were there with coffee-pots ate I tray- tillrd with provisions tor those wh-.w. re locked nj>. Only the whites and v" i'ah d iiegr*K-s were released the night ? the ri..t by the military authorities. V gi . . who were engaged in the riot and w*re not Wounded remained until the next ' ? 'i niiig in the lock-up, when thev w ere released. Yesterday tin- bodies of twenty.seven :.gro* > were at the workhouse, and three at ti.r fir-t district station. 'ius ( ;csar arid Alfred Johnson, both 1. were arrested yesterday evening " ' t!iinl district as dangerous characr' J 'Lusoji had a double-barrelled shot- ? ?" '? a h d, and two powder-horns on his person. Ca-sar had a loaded ritle. Each 1; a ktiaj.sack containing wadding, buck*hot, etc.

I- i ;.uht Sheehan, of the fourth dist, >ays there is a house, corner of Ben. 1 ?! I Jackson streets, occupied by a r"i"re.l nan uatned Oliver, where there a h.t of guns and ammunition, and, !rf'-'n information received, thov iutend to U;v t.'iCm as early as possible. Two policemen of tbd second d.strict *,;re wounded day before yesterday. W. Theurd had tho tirst joint of the little fin?'r of the left hand shot off, and was also "?-t through the centre of the hand. G. H? Lai v.as shot in the left leg just above ankle. A negro man was brought to the third ?h*trirt station a' 6 o'clock yesterday eve-ku-g ".ill his back broken and otherwise seriuij.jy injured. His wounds were ? uuM-d by jumping off the IVntchartrain fail road train while at full speed. What induced him to make the desperate effort *?>> the tact that be hud drawn a razor ou officer Lucy, and was pursued by him.

Officer Bro<ik*i of th? third district, ?u run through Uic hand with a sword-cam* l?y a negro during 11?? lato riot. THE TRIE ORIGIN" OF TDK CONVRSTION PLOT, j There is not an honest or intelligent citiacu at ail acquainted with the charac- j tors und antecedents of the main instiga- 1 tors of tho revolutionary and incendiary plot winch produced the terrible scenes of i yesterday who does not know that the real and controlling motive of these reckless' and unprincipled men was to regain offices and patronage which they had lost since the close of the war, and by means of which thev had rained themselves from |?overty and obscurity to comparative wealth and partisan notoriety. It should not he imagined for a moment that they , were of the class of honest lunatics, sin. cere believers in any of the doctrines or ideas advocated by them; tliut they had j ever before manifested any honest sympa- ' thv or concern tor the freedmen. The few j in our city who have some claims to con- , "latency and sincerity in such ideas and feelings had no part in tins scheme. The leading actors were men who before the I war w ere of utter insignificance, and would | never have emerged therefrom in any j peaceful, respectable community. Many of them were renegades from the Confederate cause. During the excitement of the war they managed to get the most lucrative offices of the State and city, and the Convention of Im'.I was a prolific source of profit to them. The Sheriffalty of New Orleans, the State Auditors, the .Clerkof the Second District Court, (one of the most lucrative oilices in the State,) Public Printer, Kegister of Votes, etc., had all been appropriated by the parties, who, having been displaced from these oftiees on the retnm of peace,?displaced by their own Union friends,?immediately became very much dissatisfied w ith the progress of affairs, and have ever since kept up an incessant agitation about the violence of the rebels and the wrongs of the poor negro. The violence and wrongs which really troubled them were their exclusion from office and their return to their normal state of merited obscurity. This whole Convention revival scheme was got up by these men. It had not the support of five hundred white men in the city or State. Unfortunately, however, the glib and hypocritical demagogues sue. reeded in making a number of the poor, deluded, unsophisticated freedmen belicve that they were their friends, and that it was in their behalf and defence that this plot was conceived and was to he carried out.

('<>rre*|H>ndem-<- of the Unit I wore Sun. The New Orleans Massacre-The Truth Coming Out-Opinions of General Sheridan Washington, August 5. The Radical press lay much stress upon General Sheridan's last dispatches to General Grant, as settling the proposition that all the blame for the inauguration of the late riots at New Orleans rests upon Mayor Monroe and certain ex-rebels. I have been permitted to read the last dispatches from General Sheridan, and I am enabled to say that they do not establish any such proposition. General Sheridan gives a more extended account of what he believes to be the facts than he gave in his dispatch of the 1st instant, of which I sent you a copy. He does not in the late dispatches review nor scarcely refer to the conventioners and their conduct, but he gives a more detailed statement of the reported behavior of the police and Mayor Munroe, whom he styles "that bad man." and whose removal he recommends. But General Sheridan does not take back nor modify in the least his estimate of the character of the usurpers who provoked the disturbances, and who are responsible for the murders and bloodshed that took plare on the 30th of July. One thing comes out clearly in the dispatches received here by the President and General Grant, and that is, that whatever may be said of the conduct of those engaged in this deplorable occurrence, the " ex-rebels " were lighting to maintain the authority recognized by the Government and Congress. It should he borne in mind, however, that thus far we have received nothing but opinions from General Sheridan, formed upon hearsay testimony, not given under the solemnity of an oath. An official, and, it is hoped, an impartial investigation, is now going on, and in a fewdays we shall have the history of the whole affair in an authentic form. Charles O'Conor, counsel for Jell'. Davis, was here yesterday, and had a brief interview with the President last evening. What was the exact purpose of the interview has not transpired. i have authority for saying that as soon as the President is otlieially informed of the organization of the Throckmorton ud- ! ministration in Texas he will direct the same steps to he taken as were taken in the transfer of the provisional governments of the other States. A proclamation declaring that Texas has resumed her " practical relations" tothcl.'uion may he looked for on Tuesday or Wednesday next. Executive Nomination*?Opinion of tlie Attorney-General. Social tlifpatch totbe Evening Pot>t. Washington, August 3.?Attorney-Ge-neral Stanhery has given an opinion that j the nominations lor public offices rejected during the session of the Senate can be legally made by the President during the recess. Hence the wholesale removals at Philadelphia yesterday. i'eiiiifcylvniila Politic*. I'm lai>ki.1'1iia, August A.?The Press of to-day publishes a sarcastic letter from one William P. Johnston, spurning his nomination as collector of this port, and much abusing the President and his policy. The explanation is, that the commission to William P. Johnston, of Pittsburg, was misdirected, aud fell into the hands of a " radical" Union man of the same name i;- this city, who would not neglect the opportunity to express his views. .Mexican Advice*. San Pram isco, August 1.?The Imperial Consul of Mexico here has been officially informed that the Liberals assaulted the fortified garrison of Acapulco at the third line of defence on the morning of July! 22d, but were repulsed and pursued some distance, leaving the dead body of their commander in the hands of the Imperialists. Fire at Cincinnati. Cisi JSXATi, August 4.?The Franklin -otton mills, situated at the corner of rhird and Smith streets, were seriously laniaged by tire this morning. A large imoiint of cotton was consumed. The loss > estimated at about tweuty thousand dol- 1 C heer* for General Lee. IiOrisvjLLE, August 4.?At alargeDuvall (Conservative) meeting last night three cheers were heartily given for General Lee, after an cxtravagaut eulogiumon that olficer by one of the speakers. Tnr Potato Rot in Iowa.?The potato rot has made its appearance in Iowa. U|K>n close aud repeated examination, it has been ascertained that a small insect in the vine of the potato is the cause of the mischief. This insect is very diminutive iu size, and is generally found head downward. It is supposed to enter the top of the vine while it is tender and growing j rapidly, and works it way down into the potato while very small, thus depositing the germ of the disease, which developes itself as the potato enlarges aud matures. I A. A. Low, of the New York Journal of Commerce, heads the Brooklyn delegation to the Philadelphia Convention.

Tka B**k Tm. Wamiixotox, August 5.?The commit, dinner of internal revenue has writteu the following letter with respect to the tax on savings hanks : Treasury Daparthitnt, *'/ Internal Revenue, Washington, August 4, 18GC.? Sir,?Your letter of the J 1st ultimo is received. Section 9 of the net of the 13th ultimo provides that every national banking association, State bank or State bank- j iug association, shall pay a tax of ten per i cent, on the amouut of notes of any person, State bank or State haukiug association, used for circulation, and paid out by them alter the 1st day of August instant, j You inquire if savings hanks are subject J to the tax thus imposed. Is the association in question a tank or banking association ? If it is, I see no reason why the tax docs not lie. The purpose of the law, as evidenccd by the amount of tax, was unquestionably t he suppression of State bank circulation ; and as savings banks are not specially excluded, it is just, and in fact necessary, to presume that they are included among the banks liable to tax. banks are fully detine paragraph one of section seventy-nine of the law. It is there provided that every incorporated or other hank, and every person, tlrm or company having a place of business where credits are opened by the deposit or collection of money or currency, subject to he paid or remitted upon drai't, chock or > order, or where money is advanced or leaned on stocks, bonds, bullion, bills of exchange, or promissory notes, etc., shall . be regarded as a bank or as a banker. It was necessary, it seems, in the opin-1 ion of Congress, "that in the paragraph j here cited, savings hanks should be espe- j eially exempted by name, in order to re-! lieve then) of the special tax, which takes | the place of the license tax, but no ex-' eruption in their favor is made in the ninth section now in question. The general provision of that section therefore must fall upon all banks, whether of issue or savings. Very respectfully, E. A. Rollins, Commissioner. ToJohnW. Duffi?, Rochester, N. Y. m A Di'KL.?Lovk tiik Cai sk.?The Abbeville (S. C.) lianner of Wednesday lias an account of an atlair of honor that occurred at Moseley's ferry on Saturday morning last between a Captain Birch and a Mr. Knight, young lawyers from Elherton, Ga. i The distance was eight paces, and there was to he no proposition of adjustment previous to the third fire. At the second iire, however, Mr. Knight was shot through both thighs. The wound, though painful, is a flesh wound, and not regarded dangerous. As usual, the tight, we hear, was about a ladv. Ixiuctnknt of Fksiax Lkapkrs.?Accounts from St. Albans, Vt., state that the grand jury at Windsor had found indictments against General Sweeney, General Spear, and Colonel Mahun. Against Gene, ral Spear there are two indictments. Justice Nelson presided in the Circuit Court, and Chief Justice Chase was present for a short time during one day's session. Twins.?We understand that the esti- 1 niable wife of General John C. Breckinridge, at present temporarily residing in Canada, presented him a few days Mnce with twins.? Cincinnati Enquirer.

?HST IRItEM'O.VtlBLE MUMEKIIITERS.?One of the most serious annoyiuio-s which the proprietors of an article in unusual demand hive to encounter is the piratical imitation <-f it by parties equally unscrupulous and irresponsible. If an individual or a firm with im-in* engag--* in thin nefarious business, the dain ties awarded by a court of j unlit .? for the ofiunce are rnlh>ctahle, and it is some satisfaction to the party wronged that the wronger is made to stiller; but in most cases tbe jtirnt' n are >m u <?/ ntraw, who cauiiol respond in dollars to the law's award. HosTETTER'S STOMACH HITTERS being a T>ni<\ marketable ererywhere, and topresenting the value atllx. J to it as a?cttrately as a national bank hill represents the amount expressed on its face, has been extensively counterfeited and simulated. The proprietors have spent many thousand dollars in Uuutiuj u/> and hunting ilmtn irresponsible individuals and firms who have Riven their uiinds to this dirty work. These partiessome of tiiein, at lea?t? have a way or changing their base, though they never change their iimn. When an injunction is laid upon them la one part of the country they sometimes "vamoose'' to another, ami try the trick again. In some cases it is necessary to kill them two or three times over Perhaps the h?-st thing that can be done under these circumstances is to " lag mi in inmiinH" upon ail who the Hitters to buy only of dealers whom they can trust. Jn every city, town, and village of tli" I'tilted States an 1 British America this famous tonic, alterative, and protective medicine may be procured of reliable men cf business. ail 2?eisU'w DRY GOODS, SHOES. &c. \TK\V STOCK, ANI) VERY DESIKABI.E ? We are receiving bv steamers direct froiu Boston, purchased by otirSfll Mr. Pri.S'KY ill the last eight daV? oti the J very best terms, one hundred and fifty packages of BOOTS and MI??ES suitable for the Virginia and Worth Carolina trade, which we will sell at a very small advance. We intend to sell BOOTS and.SHOES as low, if not low. r than they ran be houu'ht in New York, Philadelphia, or Baltimore. All we ask from merchants and farmers is to call and see our stock. Among our assortment mav be found the following: MEN'S PKIMK laRge-sizkbai.Morals,6to i<?,*toi3, v ton, MEN'S BROUANS, ? toll, 4 to 13,!* to it; WOMEN'S BALMORALS, 3 to 7, 5 to ?; GENT'S FINE BKOOANS. all sizes; LADJKs FINK BOOTS, all (tulitlea; BoY'Sand CHILDREN 'SSHOES in great variety. Our store one of the finest and most convenient in the United States, on Main, corner of Thirteenth. au 4 PUTNEY Si WATTS. ^ fact worth knowing. IMPORTANT TO LADIES. The veiy finest .piality GENUINE FRENCH ORGANDIES, of the MOST DELICATE TEXTURE, and WARRANTED FAST COLORS, are imw SELLING AT LESS THAN ONE-HALF THE USUAL PRICE, AT EZEKIEL'S CHEAP STORE, No. 41 Main street. STORE CLOSED ON SATURDAYS. au: f\U, WHAT A CROWD! IS THE \ " exclamation of many that enter the store of LEVY BROTHERS; and they noon ascertain the cause of the crowd when thev see the bargains that are to be had. We give a few of theirpriees : iiood Irish Lnie.it at 75 cents, worth ft; Linen Crash Towelling at 15 cents, worth 20 cents ; FastUolored Lawns at 25 cents, worth 35 cents ; yardwide French Calico at 3o cents. French-Wove Corsets tall sizes) at + 1 5o Also at low price-., (iinghams. Shawls ; Black Silk Sac.jues. B?s>jues, and Circulars; Drillings, Cassimefes. Vesting*. Ac., Ac. Large-sized Dent's Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at 5u cents. LEVY BROTHERS, au 2?ts No. 15 Alain street. IANOS! P I A N O S ! I JOHN W. DAVIE8 A SONS. RICHMOND MUSICAL EXCHANGE, No. 1SS Mailt strict, ?ole agents for STIEFF'S PREMIUM PIANO-FORTES. These instrument* have been before the public FOR THE LAST THIRTY YEARS, iu competition with the beet makers of the country, and are now pronounced by ALL THE LEADING PROFESSORS AND AMATEURS tfle BEST PIANOS MANUFACTURED! There inetrumente have ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, and are WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS, with tbe privilege of exchange within twelve mouths if not entirely eatlefactory to the purchaser. We refer to the following persona, who have STIEFF 8 PIANOS now in uae : General R. E. Lis, Washington College, Lexington ; D. B. Path* A Bxo., Lynchburg; Rev. R E. Phillips, Virginia Female Institute; Ml*? Mart H ALU wis, Female School, and J.C. Cavkl. Deaf. Dumb avd Blind Institute, Staunton Professor E. A. AMHOLb, Richmond. A call from all lu want of SUPERIOR PIANOS l? solicited Terms liberal. ia 3--u HAKKE8S LKaTHKK, UAKNlvSS LEATHER We have in store a splendid lot of HAKNRK& LEATHER, which we am selling at reasonable rates. o. H. CHALRLEY A CO., Jy <1 Thirteenth street, between Main and Cary.

' TELKGRAPinC NEWS. MORNING dispatches. From Europe, bat not LftUr-lnM* renting Drift 11* br?H|ht by thr Or*mnnUk , Nkw York, August The steamer Germauiarwith dates ot the 2ath, has ar- , rived. At&tria has accepted the prelum-, narics of pease admitted by Prussia. The , plenipotentiaries assembled at the Prussian < headquarters to negotiate an armistice. ? She has already admitted in principle the j peace preliminaries. The Prussian propo., sitions, which art approved i>v I ranee, are: j Austria to recognize the dissolution of the j German Bund and the organization of a j new confederation, from which Austria Is excluded. Austria agrees to this. The north German States to form a union under Prussian direction. The annexation of the Elbe Duchies to Prussia excepting Danish Schleswig. Part payment by Austria of the war expenses. Maintenance of Austria's integrity excepting Venetia. Prussia intends annexing a territory containing three million people. Mantcutt'el insists on the immediate payment of twenty-live millions of tlorins, threatening to deliver Frankfort up to pillage in the event of non-compliance. The Bourse and warehouses were closed. The Frankfort Chamber refuse to pay the twenty-five millions of tlorina, and prefer submitting to pillage. The^city has solicited the intervention of Napoleon and the English Cabinet. In the House of Commons on the 23d, Lord Stanley acknowledged to the fullest extent the friendly and honorable conduct of the United States during the Fenian raids, but declined giving an opinion regarding the submitting of the Alabama claims to arbitration, as the discussion of these claims has been closed soiue time ago, and had not been renewed since the present government came into office. Xnr York, July G.?Advices from the seat of war state that the Prussian troops have entered Mouuheim and Heidelberg. The Corruption niul Fraud <ona? in It tee. Washington, August 6.?The Joint Congressional Committee of Seven intend to commence work at the middle of this month. Among the first subjects which they will investigate is the corruption alleged in the disposal of confiscated and abandoned property in the South by Government agents. The Congressional Investigating Committee will hold its next session in New York for the purpose of investigating alleged frauds in the custom-house. The European Mstls for flie Moiitb. Nkw York, August G.?The mails by the Oermania and Baltic from Southampton will go south this afternoon. EVENING DISPATCH ES. Hv (he Atlantic Fable-Proceetlliigaof Parliament. The press are indebted to Mr. C. AN. Field for the annexed foreign dispatches: Lonoon, August 4.?The bill tor the renewal of the suspension of the writ ot hufmui Cfiyi* in Ireland was read a second time in the House of Commons last night. Mr. Gladstone, in a speech, supported the Government, and warmly praised the treatment accorded to the Fenians by the American Government. Mr. Magraw's resolutions against the hill were negatived by a Note of one hundred and five against thirty-one. The Fr^eh Ambassador to England lelt for Vichy last night, by command, to see the Emperor. _

( Iiolorn In \<>u Vork nml Itrooklyn. Nkw York, August .*>.?There were tweut y-livr cases of cholera and ten deaths in the city yesterday. The mortality of the week from cholera in the city and adjacent islands is nearly two hundred. In Brooklyn the epidemic is also severe. Thirty-eight new eases occurred in the penitentiary there on Friday, Measures are being taken to get the epidemic under control. A DefaultIntf Salesman. Nkw York, August ?The Wall-street salesman of the New York Steam Sugar Reliucry is said to be a defaulter to the amount of from eighty to one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. It is reported that he fled to California on Wednesday with fifty thousand dollars (but the officers of the company do not admit that it has lost anything, or that he took any money with him.) The New Bounty Aet. Washington, August fi.?It is a noticeable feature of the bounty bill passed at the last session of Congress that the aet does not apply to scaiuen. Tim Fourth Auditor is constantly in receipt of letters from sailors who have been in the service, requesting information as to whether the lawdoes not apply to them; but the answer is, that under this act nothing can be done towards equalizing their bounties. From Fort mi Frlnro. Boston, August f>.?A mercantile letter dated Port au Prince, July 1.1th, stnt?i that the recent ?insurrection at Gonnwns had been entirely suppressed by the Go. vernment, and the town given to the rccr*'. lar authorities. On General Khcrinnn'* Mnir. Washington, August fi.?BrigadierGeneral W. A. Nichols has been unsigned to duty as chief stafT to LicutronTHGeneral Sherman. NO-PARTNKRSH I P.?T. P. LARUS W A J J.tHERKi havtn: I <rrvor1 a fo-pirtrer-ibipunderthe Ann -Mid strleof I.AKUs ACIIKKKY, would lie* leave to Inform th? public Hint tie -v have bought onlthe bo-ines* heretofore conducted by Messrs. II. S. Thompson & Co., on liock etr?>r>t, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth, and are prepared t<> furnish be>t KEl> and WHITE ASH ANTHRACITE COAL, suitable for Krarea, stoves, and foundry use ; also be?t BITUMINOUS LUMl', AVERAGE, and SMITHS' COAL, always at lowest market rates: and would respectfully ask a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon the late firm of If. g. Thompson A Co. Mr. P. C. LAKUS, who occupied the same yard for nine years, i? with us, and would be #'*4 t<> see hie forun-r customers and the puhile generally. fly II?ta] LAKUS A CHERRY. Ba.*k or Savax.vab, I Savaxvau, Ga , Juiy 0, IsM. f A SSIGNEES' NOTICE?The underA signed having been appointed ASSIGNEES of this Bank for the purpoee_ of adjusting and liqui All perse dating its affairs, therefore all person* having claims against this corporation will present thsm, and all bill-holders or this Bank are reauired to present the same within six mouths from Uiis date. or they will lose the priority granted by statute; and those indebted will make immediate payment payment to II. bkigjum, GEoRGE W. bAYIS, Jy 10?tin Assignees. FSTKOLEUM LUBRICATING 01 u e<|uai to Sperm, at one dollar per gallon. Liberal discount to i he tiade. WILLIAM H. SCOTT, brwggist, corner of dranhlin and Seventeenth street*, an 1 Hay.-two hundred bales IIA T lit store /tor aale low by jy 10?(? leu A PETTYJOHN

rOSfUfEBCTAI* Richmond, Angust 6,1866. A alight decline in United States five- ( twenties in London lias stiffened gold a, little. It opened at the New York gold txiard this morning at 147 t^f and closed at U7\4HS. The following are the quotations in this markets Gold, 14GHJ148. Silver, 136^138. Stocks.?Virginia Registered, new 38 k,, old 41; Virginia Coupons, 5f?; Richmond j City, 82 ; Virginia and Tennessee Railroad,; GOVirginia Central Railroad, 65 ; Ilichraoud and Danville Railroad, 70; OraDge and Alexandria Railroad, 02hj; North Carolina, new 62, old 84. There is no change in the monev maiket. At the North the supply of money ! is abundant, and rates of interest very low.; During the seven months extending Iroru January I to July 1 the dry goods entered i at the port of New York were valued at ) ?80,442,325, against $31,850,3119 for the same poriod in 1865, and $53,122,729 in the first seven months of 1864. Of this there was thrown on the market in 1866, $? 7,034,027 ; in 1865, 336,130,718 ; and in 1864, 347,217,547. These are values in gold, exclusive of freight and charges. In the face ot these heavy and continued importations, the great New York market has been exceedingly dull frequently during the year. There is no other way of accounting tor the absorption of this increased foreign supply save that it has been taken by the South, which was left almost naked by the war. The cholera is likely to make the tall season of New York more dull than it would have been could the epidemic have been avoided. ^ * The statement of the public debt dated the 1st of August shows that the total delit is $2,770,416,608, while the amount in the Treasury is $137,317,332; the amount of the debt over and above the cash in the Treasury being 82,633,099,276. A decrease of $29,562,844 in the total debt is shown by | the statement since the last statement made on the 1st of June. Treasurer Spinner holds in trust for na-! tional banks United States securities for | the following amounts: As security tor. circulation, $329,100,700; as security for Government deposits, $38,340,500. Total, $367,441,200. National hunk currency to the amount of 3767,700 was issued by the Acting Comptroller of the Currency during the ; week, making the total amount of this currency issued up to date 82^6,'s94,??4o. i The Commissioner of Internal Revenue , has just issued a circular establishing new regulations f?>r the collection of the tax on tobacco, snuff, &c., in accordance with the j new law, approved July 13, 1866. A circular lias also been i>sned concerning tin special taxes under the new law. Contracts for supplying a limited quan- j titv of Hour (2,300 barrels) for army use were closed in Washington last week at $13.95 per barrel lbr No. 1, and $12.n? h?r No. 2. Khl'it):I "K TlIK TOltACio MtKKKT. Ton A'CO Kx< IIANiiK, I Richmond, \ a., August 6, 1>m?. \ Break full to-day ; slight improvement in prices. Below we give the transactions: j Kilty-four hogsheads, six tierces, and six- , teen boxes opened; seventy-two ottered at auction, bids rejected on three, sixty-nine sold as follows: Six hogsheads low lugs, funked, at from 83.40 to $4.10; eight hogs, heads cumiuou working and shipping log*, from $5 to $6; nine hogsheads good work- j ing and shipping lugs, from $6.25 to $9; j eight hogsheads common working and shipping leaf, from $10 to $11; six hogs- j heads medium working and shipping leaf, from $13 to $14 ; five hogsheads medium manufacturing, from $15 to $17..><); two . hogsheads pud manufacturing, $20 ; four j hogsheads tine to extra manufacturing, two at $28.50, two at $30.50; two hogsheads '; common fancy at $10; three tierces medium to good manufacturing, one at $16.50, j ..no at $20.50, one at $26 ; three boxes medium manufacturing, two at 313.50, one at $17.50; seven boxes tine to extra manufacturing, front $22.50to $42.50; live boxes 1 medium fancy wrapper, two at $51, one at, $61, two at $80; one box fine fancy wrapper at $162. A few hogsheads changed hands on private terms.

RICHMOND market*. Monday, A (IK ix^t o, l*-*?. Tin- following Hr?* the wholesale quotations : Al t?uHiil..-'tJittS -5 gallon. Ale.?.Scotch, best brands, pints, $3 %? dozen. WACOM.?Sides, clear, 22<i22)c.; bone, 21)c>& Kc.; hams, new, 22$f,23c.; shoulders, l>ic.; Virginia hog round, 2v3$21c. Bins.?Beit two-bushel, 55c. Bkamdt.?French, $10(?$13; apple, $:.5t); Philadelphia. ?3 4i>fc$2.75. Ukkswax.?Nominal at 38e. %t lb. Br rTKs Fair to prime, 25$?3ic. y ft. Corn.?Supply good, and prices have declined. We quote it now, in fair demand, at $l$i$1.05. Corn Meai..?Bolted, $1.15; unbolted countryground meal, $1.05. Chbksr.?Northern aud Western, 184J22c. ; English dairy, Wipse. Coekee.?Kio, I'c.QVc.) Laguayra, 3>g33e.; Javk, 4&@51c. Camolks.?Adamantine, light weight, 2J@*J<c.; full weight, 24?2?c.; tallow, ie^ 17c.; pjraflne, J7e. Cin?R.?Apple, 35$(40e. %1 gallon. Cotton.?There is but little cotton told In Richmond ; Virginia loose lots, 2?$g3uc. CoTrnsi Carps.?$12&$ 15 dozen. Cotton Yarns?CorsTKr.?From N'o. i to No. 12, *?.VJ3$2.S1; Manchester No. 8 to No. 14, |3. C'NrrNTRAtrn Ltk?$3 $1 dozen hv the case. CoentNEAI..?'f?fft2.25 y ft. PrT floor".? Prints, lifi22c.; satinets, 33c.{? ?1.12 ; p"Vs, *1 ?*. Sheetings, unbleached, i:? "He ; blenched, l'-'$$t45c.; bleached, New York r*".'", rnc. (lim;hsrr?, ?**j4?Je.; stripes, 23f?33c. ; cam?'r!es, lifi JRc. ; t'snton flannels, brown snd Mee.rhed, ?c<?r|c. ; flannels, all wool, 4o^42J? If nop skirts, 15 springs, $7.81; 20 springs, ?!0; J3 sprlmjs, *11 '1. Thfese are not first quality skirts, ralmors's, '?Kl dozen, $3s&$42. l'.nna and Drr St?te* ?Alum, ?$c.; copperas, 4e.; madder, He.; Indigo,fi.eu; extract logwood, P.jsitp. enrb rods, ll|c.; blue stone, l?c. E'mv?IffflBe. dorm. Fr.ora.?Tb" mrlrct i? dull. Some sale* of Vir-g'-'is family, new, Inrc been reported at $18 by retail Extra superfine, which the millers warrant a? go-sl as family, retails at $15 ; a few lots of Virginia superfine have been sold at $13. There is no flour selling st wholesale now, and we could only give nominal quotations. Fekd.?Oats, floe. V bushel for new, and 45^j,50c. for old?supply good, hhlpstulf, from the mill, 75c. bushel. Brownstufl, from the mill, We. bushel. Sborte, 4"e. Wheat bran, 30c. Fertilizers.?Peruvian Guano, $l'ii ^ ton ; Pacific Guauo, $70 f) tou ; Patapaco Guano, $85 fl ton ; Bone Oust, $i?^ ton. Flax Seed ?$2 ?"??$:.95 V bushel Fisa.?Herrings, Halifax, $4 so^fs V barrel; North Carolina, $3 $1 barrel for No. I, $7 %1 barrel for No. 2, and $7 y half-barrel for No. 1 roe herrings. Mackerel, No. 1, $is@$20; in kits, $17$; No. 1. $16.50$|f 18 ; No. S, $15. Mess shad, lu kits, f? Fbatuf.bs ? 6o$JMe lb. Ginseng.?Vary little coming In; brings Hats ?Wool, $? to $16 %t dozen, according to quality; fur, $1? to $35 V dozen ; moleskin silk hats, $66$p$72 %t dozen ; dress caasimeru hats, $40 $) dozen. Hints.?Dry, li>$j2oc. ; salted, IIat.?$1.10. from store. lao*?English refined iron, ?4;?ie ft; country hammered, 7(j)7$c.; Swedes, ?c. 'ft ft.; Naylur'a east steel. MgMc. %) ft. Kekoseni Oil.?tie. '$t gallon; retail, 75c.

Lamp.?Prime, 24?2?c. In kegs, and ttQUc. In LlATMB.?Aolft leather, oak, ?HJ43c.; aol# leather, hemlock, l??4?c.; npper, ?04lc.; kip, * deien, $*3ft$M; harness, sa^Me.; calf aklna. Kreneh, $400$?; domestic, $*>?$40 ; mor?*a<, fj?($#44; rough skirting, 23(fJlc. Li?b.-$i.7??$3 V barrel. LrMBBB.?White piue, one*lneb, $2*(j#,0 V th??a?and ; one and a half to three-iucb, f from 'he yards. Yellow pine hoards, $14f}$H ; Jolat, fMtffl*?$31 fur long lengths ; shingles, $1($$U V thonxand ; laths, split, $3 ; sawed, $4 V thonsand, and dnli. Loxdox Potma. -$?.tS V ?*<>*?" tor pints; quart*, $4.71. MoLassRs.?Conuu<>n ayrap, which Is not so g'-od as its nauie would imply, *54$30C. ; genoiue golden syrup, E'c ($$1 V gallon; (Jibe snd Mas* cofttJa tauluksos, Wc (J"0c. 5ail? ?Old Dominion, In store, "c. Oils? Llnsaed, $2?$2.10; machine, $t@#2.2S; ?perm, $3'<tf2.2S ; tanners', $1.25f(fl.50; sweet,$" V duzen ; hsst salad, *11; castor, *3.40($$3.W f gallon; Virginia Inbricating, ?c ($$ 1. O.sioaa ?jMV barrel. Pkppkh.?h>c. Raus.?6c. for cotton and llueu. Ns dsinand for woolen. Ron.?Manilla, best, 'HQUt. Rick.?ll^lljc. Ktk.?In demand at *1.33 ft bushel. Racb Gi.vokr ? :s@ji>c. Kra Soa kngland, J.Ti ; Santa Crui, ' $l.5<>($$4 %t gallon. Soda.?Sal., H$3|c.; Bl. carbonate, l'^ttUe. Sai.t.?Liverpool, eo y sack ; for tins j ground alum, $3.50. Market flrta for all descriptions of salt. 8f.sacA Root.?50c. I Soap.?Common, tyfe'Jc.; best washing, lo(* | 15c., toilet, 35c.. and fancy prices. Spirits TraPKSTiRB.?"S^sOc. Shot.?$3 V bag of 35 B.s. Kcoar?Brown, 12Jt$I4c ; extra "C" and " B", ' l8@t?Jc.; cmahed and palveriied, l?iji?frc; cnt J loaf, 19c. ; maple, 13)c. I Tab.?9H?f*.6o IP barrel. Tbab.?Black, 75c.($$1.45?the last a prime artl-| cle ; Imperial, $1.75($$2 ; gunpowder, $l.75($$2.25. i Virkoae.?Cider, 50c.; manufactured, 40c. Whrat.?Wheat is In good demand at $2.70ft, $3.so; red. $3 ??($$?.70 for choice, y hnsbei; ' lower grades range from $2 23 npwards. Wikk.?Port, common, $2.S0(?%J. Wmihkt.-Common, $2($>$2.25; pare Rye, $3.50 ($$4.50. Fine brands higher. Wool..?Unwashed, 'C(j30c.; washed, 4<($50e. In good demand. CATTLE MARKET. The supply of Catti.k is at present limited, hut i price-hare not varied much from last quotation-. We quote Bkkk at4(/ 7c ; some as high a? -c. Mt'TTo.v is in demand at $5gross. Veai., V hea.I, $5i?$f 12. Bpkp retails in market at lSJ'flCOc. , Mvtios at !2f?l*c. Markets by TeleKraph. NEW YORK MARKETS, MONDAY. New York, August 6.?Forenoon.?G<?M, 1473,j. Sterling quiet ; sight, Cotton t ?1#11 and (leclinitig ; uplands, 3G: Orleans,1 37. New York, August G.? Afternoon.? j L'nitetl States cottpous, 'G'2, 108%; *4?r?, | 10(1%; Treasuries, 104 %; Gold, 147%. Cotton dull and easier; uplands, 3f>4? ' 3.">t.jc, Flour drooping. Wheat dull; in-j t'erior, 2&3c. lower, l'ork heavy at $31.f>0. j Lard quiet but lirtn. Sugar heavy; Mus-1 covado, lOi'.dllc. Collee quiet. Naval stores steady. Turpentine, 71ft7Ge. kai.itmork markets. Baltimore, August G. ? Flour steady.; Wheat active and lirtn. White corn lirtn ; j yellow dull. Oats heavy. Provisions quiet. | Sugar dull; refining grades, 10 ?.,($) le. I Collet; lirtn; Kio, lo'jftlDh.e., gold.? Whisk v stead v. * * t ?

SPECIAL NOTICES. IfcT PAPER-HANGING*. C 8 T A It L I S II K U 18 17 REGNATTI.T 4 Co. continue fw keep on hand a full Aft*nrtineiir of GILT, GILT STAMPED, VELVET, SATIN, and PLAIN PAPER-HANGINGS; DECORATIONS IN EVERY STYLE. *?? well as wood imitation*. Rooms, hall*, and parage* PAPERED at abort indire and by experienced workmen, all under the immediate superintendence of Mr. JOHX F KEGNAtTLT. Fl.ooR OIL CLOTHS, TABLE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN GOODS. LACE CCKTaINS, and every aoDl" In the UPHOLSTERY line always on hand. UPHoLSTERY W<?UK of every description executed at *hort notice. jy H_3ui tTTI IlXII' SEED. LARGE PURPLE TOP YELLOW Rl'TA BAOA, LARGE NORFOLK, EARLY WHITE FLAT DITCH, LARGE GLOBE, WHITE FLAT, (red-topped), for hv WILLIAM If. SCOTT, Dru'ggi.t, corner Franklin and Seventeenth street*. I j.v 27-ta] frST M'ICES FOIl PICKLING for sale hv LI AM H. * ikiin and S< f Jy 2:?1*| WILLIAM H. 8C(?TT, Druggist, corner Franklin and Seventeenth stre- ia. WT KI( IOIOM) SWINGS BANK AND insurance company. CHARTERED FEBRUARY 24, I-?e. Orrit h <oftsr.it or Twelfth asp Main sTkkki **, Kk hmond, Va. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE AND SAVINGS BANK. Thi* Company i* prepared to make Fire and Mariue Insurance of all kinds. It will alao receive money oil deposit in the Saving* Department, and allow nix per cent. lulere*t thereon, whether of large or small etiius?thus affording a flue opportunity for persons disponed to lay up money. JOHN B. DAVIS, President. JOHN F. C. P0TT8, Secretary. The Board meets for discount every WEDNESDAY at 5 o'clock, P. M Jy 14? ta 9W JOHN W. LEE A SON, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS, rOKNKK ElOHTIIAHU GHArK arHXRTe. WALLS AND CEILINGS WHITENED OR COLORED. Will undertake order* In the country. Having had a long experience in the bti*ine?*, they engage to give xatisfaction. GEORGE W. LEE, jy 31?lm JOHN W. LEE. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. THE DAILY DISTATCII PRINTING HOUSE Is prepg^d to furnish, at ?hort notice, CIRCULARS, REPORTS, CATALOGUE*. TICKETS, And All kinds of ?* SCHOOL BLANKS, at very low price*. Order* by mail will receive prompt attention. ?^PRISON LIFE OF JEFFERSON DAVIS. FOUR YEARS IN THE SADDLE. Harry 011oor. POLLARD S HISTORY OF THE WAR. WOMEN OF THE SOUTH. SOUTH SONGS. BILL AKP. Fot *Ale by Je W-u COLE 4 TURNER. IT BILL ARP ! BILL ARP! f BILL ASP!! ! Tht* Inimitable book I* now ready, and every p*r*on ihoald have a copy. To be had of COLE A TURNER. Whig Building. (3 ALT,, SALT, N.\ LT.?Four thousand 4 'sacks Liv<rpoo| FINE SALT dally expected, for .ale to arrive by is. c. TARDY 4 CO. au *? lot CT It A W -H A TS AT HKDUCFD I T PRICES iu order toinake rotnu for full Mock. POWHATAN WEiSlGKK, Jy B _____ *U Main at reel. rKMONH AN l> O HA N CJKN. ~Tw eiTtyJflve bo *?? prune SICILY LEMONS, leoboxee SWEET OKANUE*, Juet received by tteamar. for eale by [au t] LOUIS J. pOKSIEUk

TOUC AlTOttAJL f TMVEBSITY OF VIB?INIAJ--Tbi V' next session will begin on tha HBBT DAJ 'MJH&'Wj, ?"d end on thf TWMMTTNINTH oy Jl*NB, 1-91. A Professor of Latin and a aecond Prot***ot Law will b* appointed on the 15th of A?|f?a?, ot *lJ to" daparf em* of laatrua* ?ion?Academic, Law, and MeVttcal-wltl ba fallf "n same enlarged baala aa b?rore the war. ** th* Academic student. exclusive or text hooka, clothing. and pocket money. amonrt' to three h-.ndred ami sixtydollars la .urrency par session of nirta months : of the Law atu^ht. fo three hundred and sixtyAve dollars, and of tlia Medical student, to three hundred and nin-'tjr-fira dollar* Forcatalogue giving details, or for special In/or* inatlnn. address ? Mii'lM.I, jy l??la Oj airman of the Faculty. tlMSHINOTON Vol LEGE. W LiXINOTO!*, VIRGINIA. . ParctTT. General ROBERT B. LEE. President. CARTER J. HARRIS. Profeaaor of Latin. JaMKB J. WHITE. Professor of Greek. ED. 8. JOYNES. A. M., Profeaaor Modern Lan> To^^pp^iled^Profaaar-r Moral Pblloaophr. A L. NELSON, A. M.. Profeso r..f Mathematics. WILLIAM ALLAN, A. M., Prui'earor Applied Ma* (hematics. _ .. , w . , . R. R. M. CCLLOH, A. M., Professor Natural PLl* .roliT'WAMPBELL. A. M . Profeeanr Chemistry. JOHN W. BROCKENBROUUH, L. L. !>., Professor Law. . ? , w llAKKV BSTII.L, A. M.. Assistant Profeaaor Mat h'-tnatics. _ ?V Powell ORAl?Y. A. M. Assistant Profeaaor Latin. (To be appointed) Assistant Profeaaor Ureek. A I'KKPAK tToRT COURSE baa been ln*ti?Bted. in which KTrnrxT* unprepared for the Ranrt.AB J i-aa-iK* tiiey receive instruction In necessary branches. The.e.*|,.n begin* SECOND THURSDAY l!?th) of SM'TKMHEU.and end a LAST THURSDAY l" J L M Li rrx*?: Tuition and all other Collage fee. $1M All other expense*. including Board, Fuel, Lights, Ac., need rod exce l IB For further information or for Uatalngne addrea the ?? Fatuity of Washington College, Lexington Virginia." _Jy lawdawW Halifax school. JOHN H. POWELL. Principal. ALEXANDER F MATHEWS, M A . University of Virginia, Associate. The ninth evasion of thl* School, located m Hallfax county. Va., will commence SEPTEMBER IS, l*se, and end June 2>th, 1*?7. The aeaaion will conslat of two terms of tlte month* each, wliti a short holiday at Christmaa Thia School ta deaigned to give a thorough preparation for the I'nirrnltjrof Virginia and other t ollege#, and ?<ao to lit for cm* merclai banking --nd other business those who, from time lost be the war or other cauaea, do uot w'sh to go through a collegiate course. Tkkms : Board and tuition?exclusive of llghta. washing, and towels?per aeaaion, fltw, one-half payable at the beginning of each term. For further particulars, circulars can be obtained bv addressing J"IIN II. POWELL. Halifax Courthouse, \ a. Rkfekxxi Kh ; Professors University of Virginia; Rev. W. W. Wllllsnia, Georgetown. D. C ; Rev. H. A. Wis*. fiArri?orihurg; Rev. Edmund Withers, Lancaster; Rev John Grammar, Mesara. James K Kasley, J. B. btorall, John R. kdiuunda, William H. t'lark, Colonel K Barksdale C. S. Carrington, Halifax : Judge Wlliiaru J. Robertson, late of Court of Appeals; Major B. P. >'?* land, Hon. J. K Tucker, Mlddleburg; Hon A. H. H. Stuart. Staunton ; Messrs. William P. (Brother, I). Lee Powell, Richmond . Hun. W. R. Staples, Montgomery; Hon. A. T. f'up?rion, Union; Mr. Edward Tayloe, King George ; Hon. Samuel Price, Letvishurg, West Va. : Messrs. R. W. N. N'oland, Franklin Minor, Albemarle; Judge William Leigh, Mecklenburg; Judge II. H. Marshall, Charlotte ; Rev. George W. Dame, Dahville ; 8 H Taylor, Alexandria, and others, whose nuiuea will be found In tlie circular. Jy 21?<l2awAsw4w UOANOKK rOLIrKGK, SALEM, VA. The next annual aeaaion of thla Institution will open on the 1st of 8EPTKM HKR with a full Faculty of seven professors, including chair of AGRICULTURE ?nd MINING. tkxxs?for n.ti v axsatox ok rirr moxths, fataHI.K IN I NI I XD STATKA Ct'REKNl T .* Boarding, tJ.W per week. f5a ? Tuition 21 Ris.ni rent and incidentals ? M Washing, fuel, and lights 12 Tuition, room rent, and Incidentals, board half the term, payable In advance. For further information, inquire of the President, jy U_dAswDw? D V. BITTLE. VIRGINIA SPRINGS.

Hi:ai/thitl attractions of TilK WASHINGTON SPRINGS. VA. ".XL RARE ITKM > >F THE PK"GREM> OF THE PRESENT CENTURY Pk. E. J. GOODWIN'S EUTKOPIIIC. POR M KOFI*Li, CHRO.Nd RHEUMATISM AND T SYPHILIS. Th>* ifi**bt which afflict the human race nmde t<> yield satisfactorily mid i?*p. riMfi.'iiiiv to the in<'?h"d and uhmiij, hii >? x i"*iit"n of which m.iy bti had l?y reading * conci-* statement of uc(?, in mtmphlet form, which I h*v? thought h.r some tltuo Worthy to he noted l.y tha public generally. ' Tint tale ..f "this short treaili... 1s ?' The Special TreHiiiieiit of SyphUU, Chronic Rheumatism, ?,.d ScroluU, by Dr. L J. (loodwin, of the Wa-hDig. ton Spring*." * I hereby most respectfully and linne?tly solicit a careful notice of thi* pamphlet hv the claw*of *uf. "ring humanity to which it particularly refera and an attentive reading of it* " .Supplement." mi J the authenticity; of it- intelligent and professional endorsement. I ho "\tgruble Eutroplilc," which rgures a? the most prominent feature m the namphlet con-titntfHi. in the judgment of discriminating pii}sfcian* and other* distinguished for lutein, geiice an l a hi<h appreciation of truth and merit. '"" important addition" r?. t),e rom-dle* now known as the most efficient in the treatment of (beaa disease*. My ?uccesa In managing these diseases, now eon. ceded to excel any attending the general plans ? f iroHn",V'",.,iU du" l7 f,'"l,|ation of the Kutrophic upon the theory which I devl*. d upon early pat ho* logical view* taken of these miladies The latency of it* efficacy makes it eminently deserving *,.|ace among the most reputed standard remedlea or medical record ; arid I would most conscientl. oi|s|y claim at the hands of honorable and intelli. gent physician* a fair and Impartial trial of it* therapeut cal value a? applied by me in the control of (ilnt'AArB. I can, on short notice, furnish phvsiclana located In towns arid cities from fifty to., rie Lund red bottle* of the Kutrophic at a cost of threo dollars per hottie. containing thirty ounces. l. '"tig-established mineral resource* of tha Washington hpring*, formerly known a* Leech'a, affording the bej .juahtie* of gu|phur. Alum, ( halybeate. and Magnesia, the most romarkabl* and valuable collection of medicinal water* known to the m< am tain* of \ trginia. cannot be otherwise than attrartlvH tolrralkl* of both ?u(Torihd from debilities, diseases of the urinary organ* uterine disorders, skin diseases, disease* of (he liver and digestive function*, and all affection* benefited by a relaxation from domestic habit* and pursuits, accompanied by a few weeks' sojourn at Springs retreat a* that of the Washington Persons visiting the Kprlng* for their mineral advantage* will l?e charged two dollar* per day and twelve dollar* per week board Person* visiting the Spring* far medical advic* and treatment will be charged five dollar* per week, at specie rates, for board. ^ Passengers reach the hpring* by the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, stopping at Glade hpring W?4Nhfrifc'tori countj r j No charge for medical *?rvlce* unless *at!sf*ts tlon Is given. The afflicted mav rl.lt us with the assurance that their sojourn shall besucce-ded by a happv return T" hof, tee tiuee no nertl atul tc<>ul I n.,( hunmf,uo the entering. g. J. GOODWIN^ r J'r" VEGETABLE ECTKUPHIC and the PAMPHLET can be obtained of J. H. WOOD. Druggist northeast corner of Marshall and Fittb street,' Richmond, agent for this city, and from druggist* generally In all partaof Virginia. rob <)&*?w2t4w0B) JJWK BUI DCJ B A BUM S I'HIS US, Theae MINERAL WaTERK have an Mtabllthed reputation for very high curative virtue In all th* L' , lli'.1.1' *nJ ? being an ABSOLI TK SPECIFIC In several of them, vfi : ROFULA, and all the fortus of Glandular hwellings and t.utaneou* Eruptive Disease, Ery?lpelas Tetter. Ac.: CHRONIC p/a KKIIo! a and N?r ^T.TSrifiUY?PKHSU'BKo*Vl H,T,b'.<;Hi<0Jf/C THRUSH, affection of the KIDNEY* and BLADDER, and PILES. In all anarmic condition* of the system and broken -down state# of the constitution, loss of appetite, and general nervous prostration, their powers and virtue ?? * restorative may be safely pronounced to be WITHOOT A KNOWN RIVAL amongst the mineral waters of the WORLD. They are eep w lally indicated in the what* cla** of ailment*peculiar to the Female Constitution This W A TK R1NG PLAf K la In the same countv with the celebrated "NATURAL BRIDGE" of Virginia, and is on* of that remarkable group of Mineral and Thermal Water* which have given celebrity to this mountainoue region. it will be open to the public on JUNE l*r Tha proprietor* will spare no reasonable effort to have theplacN comfortably kept. ' BALL-ROOM will be supplied with ami? ? and the ill I.LI A RD and BoWLlN'U hAL0O\s ra* ?torad to Complete order. "tWJi Access from the seaboard la by the Virginia Cantra railway (from the North, tor WashingtonVi?. toL-r*ntf # * Alexandria railroad to tfordona ville , aud frotn the booth, tfa Richmond or Lvuch burg,) to Goshen Depcg. I h e nea bystag sc.^h .a. the gprlng*^1 r0#<1' "Uht milt' W Bytheday....^".0.' By the month .Y.Y.7.Y.7.7. ?.e* per da?. rmThi* RPK,!(08 PAMPHLET, with anslr.t. aad PraauL IadS'mc'11 JVii ?t? ?PPlUatlo? to , 5 1 ? Co.. Kicbuoud, or to the ander ?gu*d. FkA2IAR A kANIK?U?H. Proprietor*. *???/ '? 'ccorely packed, and oa k^oi ?? o P*' c.?5* half galloa boulee by PrtciLL, Lapp A Co. Rich mood ; A. R. Kccxxa Lynchburg , Colrma* A Roooaa*. Haitimora ; H rug ax A Co., New York, and other leadIn* druggists. A singla has ha* of!*a aavad the necessity of a visit to the hpring* A liberal discount mads to the Trad* by 1I_IS PC*C*LL. LADD i CO ' Uanarai Ageou F;?s;r NA'no.NAL BANK. UNITED STAT Eh ANDNTaTE D*Pt??lTOKT, No. 1317 Maiv sriKsr, orb uooa iiori TaiaTaxarg araear. Eight and Time Bills issued on Raring Brother* A to., London, bterllng and United Mates and Stata Block* bought and eold. I. A. GLOVER, f'aakler w. R Qrablb*. Vice-president and Teller. J? It_l? /XKANVLATKI) citkatkd KALI : Ijr oa, KPFKKVEPCkiNT CITRATE OR HirTavV an phide au i r in. KPFKMVEECfciNT CITRATE "F P?WAFh' KnglVah article, much used a* a coullag dlato ?"tl f.v*r^ eotjd Ho.,*, foftaleal