Daily Dispatch, Volume 30, Number 49, 28 August 1866 — Page 2

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Richmond gispatrh. Tl'KSDAY AUGUST 28, 1866. Virginia In teres ts-Our Trade. Frequently of late wc have called the j attention of the country trade to the advantages of sustaining the commerce of this city and of Virginia cities generally. "We have referred to the enterprise of our 1 merchants and their preparations to accommodate the country trade in a manner that will be satisfactory to country mer- j chants, naming a variety of branches in j which purchases could not be made at lower rates in the northern cities than in this. This we repeat w ith a perfect knowledge of its truth. When we consider the advantages that are to flow to tho country lYom building up large cities and an extensive commerce here in our State, we see that the country trade might make some sacrifice to promote that object. But when no sacrifice is demanded or needed, certainly there should bo no hesitation on the part of country merchants in bestowing their support upon our local commerce and the communities which conduct it. It is more than ever our interest and our duty to ourselves to foster our home trade and manufactories. When, as in former days, there were large estates cultivated by slaves, all producing staple articles for report, it was a matter of no very great importance to planters whether there were large communities near them employed in commerce and manufactures or not. Indeed, a large part of the agricultural community entertained a positive hostility to such assemblages of men us "sores upon the body-politic," and this sentiment found expression in the Legislature by acts unfavorable to their encouragement. Under the new dispensation resulting from the war, a very di lie rent state of things must take place. The whole system of cultivation must be changed. Tho j farmer must reduce the area of his tillage, and he must increase the variety of his I crops. To dispose of the larger part of these he must have large markets near him. where he can readily convert the produce of his labor into money, after paying small freights for short transportation. In this way the growing wealth of the cities will be thrown out rapidly upon the country, enriching its land aud beautifying its appearance. This mutual assistance of commerce and agriculture enhances the prosperity of both, improves the value of property in town and country, and is ever opening new means of investment to fanner and merchant, and new fields of enterprise tor both.

The cultivation of this relation is now ! indispensable to our prosperity and to the | increase of the wealth of the State. If the policy of sending all the prolits of; agriculture away to distant cities be pursued, Virginia will be cursed with poverty, as is Ireland by the blighting ctl'ects of absenteeism. We shall still behold the strange scene of teeming wealth in neighboring States, while she will be poor, and weak, and languishing, in spite of the unsurpassed resources with which nature has blessed her. Mr. Botts to " Dear Stofer." This letter we gave to the public as a bit of amusing light reading, exhibiting its author, in a jubilant humor, communicating his sentiments freely, and with his wonted egotism, to a secessionist friend. Then it was so " short "?a merit unusual with Mr. Botts?that we could not lesist the temptation to publish it. As some persons may be disposed to j consider it a little more seriously, we do-! vote a bit of comment to it. Mr. Borrs's assertion that the conservative Philadel- j phia platform is his is the coolest piece of assurance of the times. Let us see : Mr. Botts's platform says: 44 After the rebellion was put down the loyal men of the rebellious States had a i natural and inherent right to take control j of the government, to the exclusion of the \ disloyal men" [And the platform of the Alexandria Convention, over which he presided, placed the late slaves of the South as amongst these 44 loyal men," entitled to take part in the government !J The Philadelphia address says : 14 They [the southern States] are not thus in rebellion. They are one and all in an attitude of loyalty towards the Government." ? ? * 44" The duty of choosing representatives is imposed upon the people of each and every State alike, without distinction,or the authority to make distinctions among them for any reason or vpon any </rtntn<ls tehatevtr," This is directly in the teeth of Mr. Botts'h language, as above quoted, and also of his proposition that ('ongress should pass a law excluding from office, State or Federal, all men who, being over twenty - five years of ugo, voluntarily took pait in the rebellion. Mr. Botth's platform says : 44 All who took the oath of allegiance " to the Confederate Government 44 thereby alienated themselves from the [United States! Government, renounced their allegiance to the United States and their claims to its protection, and can become naturalized again only by the laic of naturalization or some netc laic." The Philadelphia address denounces the I above doctrine as follows: 44 The Congress in which only a part of j the States and of the people of the Union i are represented has asserted the right j thus to exclude the rest [the rebels] from j representation and from all share in ma-1 king their own law s or choosing their own rulers until they shall comply icith such con- j ditions and perform such acts as this Con- ; gress thus coinjtosed may itself prescribe." ' The Philadelphia Convention objects to a Congress 44 thus composed " of only ! 14 loyal " inon. Botts says it ought to be composed of no other. The Philadelphia Convention says Congress has no power to j impose conditions. Botts says it not only ! has the power, but ought to exercise it, I and should allow no man to hold office in any Matt [a worse doctriue than that of | the Radicals] who cannot take an iron-clad oath, nor one who was over twenty-five years old when he voluntarily engaged in rebellion. BoiTa'g platform declares that the Pre- j sldent's pardons are worthless. The Phila-1 delphia Convention was largely composed j ot pardoned men; and that body held that ? the President's pardous restored the citizen to all bis rigbta. Botts's platform says: 44 The attempts at reconstruction are a failure, and tbe shortest and tost, if not the only way to get tbcm in (of course, then, they are out] will be that such Statos as the law-making power [Congreas] do not rocognire as having been recon

structcd according to 1aw,thbul<i com. monced de woro, under such conditions Ah will enable 4hcm to qcl in At the earliest practicable moment." The Philadelphia platform aaysi "No State, or combination of State*, has the right to withdraw from the Union, or to exclude, through their action in Con. ijrrss or otherwise, any other State or States flrom the Union." In other words, thoy are in, and do not need to "?/ct in." The Philadelphia platform denies that Congress has anything to do with the question. Botth nays they must decide it. Botts says Congress must prescribe conditions. The Philadelphia Convention says Congress has no autftority to " make conditions " ; that Congress can. not exclude the southern people on any such pretext. The c< mpnrison tending in the same direction might be extended ; but tins wil do. And who believes from this that the Philadelphia platform is Mr. Botts's platform ? Of course no one but a dolt. Mr. Butts, upon the assumption that the platform is his, assumes that the southern men acting with the Conservatives ate a great deal of dirt; and the Enquirer avers that Mr. Butts's letter contains some "hard raps" on this matter of dirt-eating. Now we confess that had the South adopted a platform of Mr. Botts'h, it would have eaten dirt; nay, been submerged in mire; but as it has done nothing of the kind, his satires are pointless. The Enquirer may quote hiin, as he may, with equal point, quote the Enquirer; but those who occupy the conservative and true ground will only be guided on their way by these extreme lights on either baud. Were a ponderous and venerable hipI popotamus to riso out of the blackest oo/.e of the river Niger, and denounce with his well-known energy and force somebody, charging tluit somebody with having wallowed in mud and eaten dirt, we should expect to see in the person assailed a remarkably clean individual, with snow*, white shirt and rutilcs, and neat pin therein. The old Hip of the Niger considers none cleanly who are not lubricated with the richest ami most shiny ooze. Now, our friend Mr. Botts is manifestly offended in this manner. Having come up from the mire and ooze of Underwood's and Martin Lji'scomii's convention ut Alexandria, lie looks upon ail cleanly persons as having been in the mud! "Dear Stoker" lias communion with Mr. Bt TTS through his better part?his "bread and butter " part?his cordiality and hospitality at home ; and there is very good " bread and butter " at Auburn. If Stoker will only keep him to that, and his grasses, and cattle, and horses, on which he is always interesting, he w ill be i of great benefit to him. Beguile him thus, j and don't let him get 011 platforms and his j political manias. If Mr. Botts will only 1 be quiet with his friend at Auburn, that pleasant abode may boast of a "happy j family " resembling Barn em's ; but if he ! breaks out lie will, like the released nieni- ; hers of the showman's " happy family," < return to his unfortunate habits and impracticable schemes?doing no good, and much mischief. Stoker is a good fellow, and we know he'll do his best in his reI sponsible position. j

NEGROES TO BE ADMITTED INTO THE PHILADELPHA CONVENTION.- We have for some time thought that the negroes of the country ought to send delegates to the Radical Convention which is to he held in Philadelphia early in next month ; but having had no authoritative intimation that they would be admitted to seats, we refrained front advising the Richmond negroes to appoint representatives. We have now, however, the assurance of Horace Greeley that the Union party is " anxious that the loyal colored men should have a voice in its conventions." The last New York Tribune says: "Fred Douglass, it is reported, has been elected a delegate from Rochester to the Loyal Southerners' Convention in Philadelphia, which will make no objection to his color. Such recognition of the stake his race have in the country is in noble contrast with tho admission of the worst of rebels to the RaudalPCouvcntion. The Union party is perfectly willing?nay, anxious?that the loyal colored men should have a voice in its conventions." Benjamin Wardwell, J. F. Lewis, J. M. Botts, and other signers of the call, must not expect to be allowed to back out from the Convention because negroes are to be admitted. We admire Greeley's pluck and consistency. He is in earnest. He may be a fanatic, but he is not a knave. We sincerely desire to see the negroes put this convention of southern " loyalists," or " mean whites and sneaks," as the World calls them, to the test. We think their self-importance merits a similar repudiation to that of the address (ujuinxt tnhich the Dispatch rails so feebly.? It'ilminjtou Dispatch, Cur Wilmington confrere is muddy. What address have we railed against! The reader will smile to he informed that the above is an attempt to say that our selfimportance, as well as the Philadelphia address, ought to be " repudiated." But if further information be demanded?as, for instance, how or by whom these two tilings are to be "repudiated," or what will be the result of this Wilmington repudiation of our self-importance, then we shall beg leave to refer all anxious inquirers to that "extremely inconsequential journal" the Wilmington Dis. hatch. The Wilmington Dispatch calls ours " that extremely consequential journal the Richmond Dispatch." Wo can't return the compliment; for the Wilmington Din. ]>atch is an extremely inconsequential journal in Lord Chesterfield's sense of " not important." " Such shafts as the (Richmond) Dispatchhsa sent bringdown no game."?U7/inihfjton Dispatch. Next to none?only the Wilmington Dispatch. Immigration.?We invite atteution t General Richardson's card in reference t the subject of immigration. Children's Southern Relief Fair. Tho ladies of Baltimore, tireless in go works, have determined to do sometbii to ameliorate the condition of the childn of tho South who were orphaned by tl war, and by that orphanage letl destitu of those home-comforts which are so esse tial to them. The ladies will hold a fa and for the benefit of that fair a series tableaux. will bo given this evening the Front-street Theat^.?Dalttmor* 0 zette, 27th,

~. MAftfttEa On lha "lh InetanU Mr. WILLIAM P. RALLARD, of Richmond, V*.. to MIm UNA DILTM A88ET, ofr Dreadan Baxony, Germany. SPECIAL N0TICE8. MT RTOCK KALES.?Davkkcort A Co. propose at an early day to resume their AUCTION BALES OF STOCKS AND BONDS, and would beg leave to announce to their former patrons and the public generally that they will In a few days advertise their first sale, which will take place at the office of the Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company, In the pleasant and commodious rooms over the National Exchange Bank, No. 1104 Main street. Inlhe mean tloie they will he glad to enter for sale such STOCKS and BON D8 as may be handed in. Wo propose to sell STOCKS and BOND8 and Other SECURITIES of every description. Also, STERLING EXCHANGE and GOLD. * DAVENPORT A CO., Ru 2* et Stock Auctioneer*. if RIIIGOLENE. THE MEW LOCAL ANAESTHETIC.?1We hare Jnet to hand a supply of this valuable agent, and also a ?npj?ly-?f the INSTRUMENTS for applying It by Dr. Richardson's method. MEADE A BAKER. Pharmaceutists, Ninth and Franklin streets. ffif SPECIAL NOTICE.?Parties desiring to visit New York will have an opportunity afforded by the magnificent side-wheel steamship HATTKRA8, Captain Ai.kxaxdk*, which will leave h?r wharf at Rockett# THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON at 5 o'clock. TICKETS ONLY SEVEN DOLLARS AND A HALF, nienln and state-rooms Included. Excursion tickets issued, good for tho round trip, to return by either steamer. Freights either way lower than by any other line. Apply to SAMUEL AYRES A CO., Agents, an 2??M 1320 Cary street. VB' GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF CLOTHING. SHIPLEY, ROANE A CO., COBXhR POCBTKRXTH A.XO VRAXKM.X STRKBTS, (opposite Exchange anil Ballard Hotels,) RICHMOND, VA., are selling off their stock ol SUMMER CLOTHING at reduced prices to make room for FALL STOCK. They have also a splendid assortment of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS ou hand, all styles, which they are selling very low. Call and examine. au 24?lw MS" ANDERSON fctO.'S PHOTOGRAPHIC ART PALACE. 1311 Main, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. The largest and most complete establishment ol the kind in the South. An ARTIST'S STUDIO U connected with the ART PALACE, where Photograph* will he finished in any style desired by the most experienced artists, an 31?lw

tg- R. "? MAURY * CO.,' BANKERS AND BROKERS, have removed tbeir efflce to tie hauklnf-house recently ?ccupied by the FARMERS NATIONAL HANK, No. NU Main street, Mrsl bouse below the post-oflice, RICHMOND, Va. [au 20?t?l VIRGINIA AGENiCY LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND OLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL, IN GOLD, OVER *ie,#v0,W>0. INVESTED IN UNITED STATES, OVER l.eoo.otfO. YEARLY REVENUE UPWARDS OF... O.Wo.OOu, STOCKHOLDERS PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL ENGAGEMENTS OF THE COMPANY. ALL CLAIMS PAID ON PROOF OF LOSS WITHOUT DEDUCTION FOR INTEREST. FIRE AND LIFE POLICIES Issued on most favorable term* In CURRENCY, (JOLD, Oil STERLING, end LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID AT THIS AGENCY. The great referee* of thle Cempany, and the high character of the Director.! In this cou nt r y, together with the UNBOUNDED?SECURITY 'TO POLICY-HOLDERS, and the Si 1 LRH'R A^AN TAGES effered, entitle it to the highest confidence 0fsU' DAVENPORT A CO., General Agents, offlce over National Exchange Bank. tuU-lm Main street. Richmond. UNION BANK OF RICHMOND, (SAVINGS INSTITUTION), OFFICE AT THB NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, 1509,000. THIS INSTITUTION ALLOWS SIX PER CENT. ON DEPOSITS. I. DAVENPORT, Ja.. President. JAMES MILLER, Cashier. D1BRCTORB. R. A. Paine, L. D. Crenshaw, W. R. Quarlee, Wm. H.Lyons, Jr., H. E. BlankenA. Bodeker, B. B. Welsigor, ship, W. A. Spott, Moses Bllyson, J. B. Winston, A. L. Ellett, Jas. W. Archer, A. A. IlntchlnR T Taylor, J. Rosenbaum, eon, W B. Binford, J. W. Hall, W. A. Jenklne, J. A. Belvtn, W. F. Gray, W. B. Tanner, T. U. Dudley, Alfred Moses, J. M. Nowlin. The security offered to depositors Is undoubted, and the institution should commend Itself to all classes. The attention of all in city and country is called to tble institution. Here they will find security, convenience, and profit. 8um? as small as five dollars may be deposited, and si* per cent. Interest received on same. Offlce hours frem ? A. M. to I P. M.; on Saturday from 9 A.M. to I P. M., and from 4 to ? P. M. Je 11?dAswts _ _ If .MALARIA EVERYWHERE. ? Rarely lias there been a season as fruitful as this of malarious disease*. Not only on tho prairies andjn the vallevs of the West; not merely in all the old haunte of Fever and Ague and Bilious Remittent Fever have these prostrating diseases been usually virulent; but they have extended to town* and cities never before Infested with them, and have even amended the mountains and attacked thousand* of people supposed to have been placed by the laws of Nature above their reach. Hence wo are compelled to admit that a fatal elemeut perrades the Universal Air this season, and should at once resort to the only approved preventive of If consequences, UOSTBTTElt'S STOMACH BlTTEIiS, a tonic so intent, an antiseptic so perfect, an altera^ live so Irresistible, and a stimulant so pure, that It enables the human system to resist andbadoall the predisposing causes of disease. With tho confidence that one clothed in incombustible garments might move among blaring buildings, the man who arms himself against malaria with this powerful deft noire medicine may walk a fever-scourged district fearless of if insalubrious atmosphere. The Intermittent* and remittents at present so general in all parts of the country may be but the forerunners of a deadlier scourge now on its way westward from the far east. Prepare the system with HOSTBTTKR'S BITTERS for a successful battle with the mephltic causes of all epidemics. Be wise In time. Sold everywhere. -yew York World, Sotcmhtr ?, 1??. an 19?eodSw rcTtect youk property AGAINST LIGHTNING. H \WLEY'8 PATENT LIGHTNING ROD, consisting of a combination of metals? IRON, ZINC, and COPPEK-scienttflcaUy arranged, iiKlNfi BUT HALF-INCH IN DIAMBTBK, AND DblLQUAL T(> A THRBE-1NCH BAR OF IKbN IN CONDUCTING CAPACITY, MAKING IT NEAT Fismi?1o*S5EmoSS lo IHK siALL RJgjSOW COJUKMUr This ROD is ?>nt,rel7 eo^nuous V&ThLI(HlTand decidedly the SAFEST and BEST LIGHTNING KOi> now before the American people, and so pronounced by the best science of this country. Persons wishing to purchase the above specified ROD, or the common IRON ROD, can be supplied at reasonable rates; and all work put uply me kept in repair free of charge If not Impaired by U siteIanldU?ounty rights for PATBNT ROD for sale. Address wlLLIAJf g MUN8()N, Agent, an tS?1m box 1W poet-offlce, Richmond,[_\A WMr S. MUNSON, COMMISSION \Y AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, M on the Baeln, between Ninth and *SZKSL AUo, Ajrtot forth* Mlo of HAWLBY ? PATIIT LIGHTNING ROD, the beet and safeet now in use. P

J^UOT!MENTR._ ?iONCERT IN GOOCHLAND.?There will be a CONCERT al Goochland Coarthouso on FBIDAr tho last day of August for the benefit of the Proteatant Episcopal Church In that neighborhood. 8everal young ladies of high inimical attainment* hare volunteered their service*. Apart from the meritorious object for which It la given, It will be every way worthy of patronage by the public. ati2??td? ^jRAND MOONLIGHT EXCURSION THE RICHMOND LI OUT INFAN-p tdi' ntf ru jm infonn their friends and the citizens of generally that, beiug desirous of purchasing a lot in Hollywood Cemetery for the burial of snch of their comrades as foil during the war, 'hev have secured the splendid steamer T. A. MORUAN, Captain J. II. FuKKM.t.v, and will make an EXCURSION to CITY POINT on TUESDAY iNEXT, 2Mb Instant, leaving tho wharf at Rockett* at 4 o'clock P. M., and return at 2 A. M. Our friends may rely ttpon tho pledge of the Company that this excursion shall ne the most select one that has taken piace here for years, as no pains will tie spared to snstain the reputation of the Old Company ; and no person will he allowed to purchase a ticket unless personally knowu to the members of the commltt-e. By resolution of the Company, tho bir will be closed, and no liquors allowed on the boat. An EXCELLENT COTILLON 13AND has been engaged. Ma.\AoERS?White Rosettes.?Cr.louel George Wythe Munfold. Colonel John M. Patton, Jr., Captain William \ . Eheppnrd, Captain William f,. Maule, Colonel Thomas 1'. August, Lientenant K. J. Levy, Private G. W. Eplw, Colonel Thomas B. Bigger, Captain George H. Tompkins, Captain Wlllktm H. Fry, Major-General Henry A. Wise, Hon. Joseph Mayo, burgeon C. W. 1'. Brock, Private 8. Bernheim, Private Thomas H. Blankenslilp. Committee<?k A kiuxu bursts.?Sergeant W. D. Snead, Ensign C II Epps. Sergeant Thomas B Hewitt, Private William B. Cox, Private F. W. (Jritttn. Committee op Iwvitatiox.?Captain Charles P. Bigger, Lieutenant George W. Jams, Sergeant U 111 lam H. Tyree. Tickets for a gentleman and lady, *.1 ; fur each additional Udy,ONE DOLLAR?REFRESHMENTS 1 ?1 ' - La I 1/ fc* 17 . Tickets can only be procured of the followingnamed members of the company. Robert J. McDowell, at L. B. Thomas's drug More, Broad, between Second and Third streets; f. w. Griflin, No. 12 west Grace street, above Foushee : M. Buxbaum, Broad, between Seventh and Eighth streets; E. E. Dej-riest, at Christian, Lea it Co.'h. No. 1424 Main street; K. J. Levy, of Levy Bros., Main street, near Seventeenth ; S. Bernheim. at Ezekiel's dry goods store, Main street, below Fifteenth. No tickets will he sold at the boat. an 22?fit

FOR RENT. X^OR RENT, ON K-11A L V OF A*N ICE X' RESIDENCE, with the n.e <>f 1 AK,v": dflEL Apply on premlsen, No. Ji*1 west Marshall JETS street, or addn-M box 5i?4 Richmond H-JJii o flice. Referetires >? xch.i 11ged. a}Lf ? 17 OR RENT.?We olU'r lor rent the r SECOND. THIRD, and tot KTII STOHIES over the clothing store of H Let hj r. |;;;f on Fourteenth between Main and Can JJiL streets Each r>n>in is sixty-five lot utet y twentv-seven wide, with hoisting machine ini thbnihlmgund L-ootl entrnnre on They are suitable for any kind of wh desal j r ii.iM? sis thev are conveniently located between the principal hotels and depots, which make them very ^slrablO;^^^ * MILLER, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, a 61 " No 21 Twelfth street, nn .it between Main anil Franklin^ oom'Tor rent, on ninth XV street, beyond Leigh, mutable torn-en* tieinan era single lady, in ti genteel prtv.i fTu^-3?I,Plyt?_ Mus- .in.IA A. QOOTE* IiOR RENT, RESIDENCE CORNER ' CANAL AND SIXTH STREETS.?We offer for r.-nt the excellent residence '>c.it-d j...j an above, containing eleven ro.>in>, '?'?sides Mi l-ath-rooin and water-closet on third tloor, an I kitchen. The whole premises havu been put in thorough repair-with gas and wab r and gas fixture*. Poaaeseioh given k c<) ?>32 and s3t Main street, nit t? between Eighth and Nin|h*_ -iiOH RENT, PART OF A HOUSE X ou Marshall street (THREE ROOMS) To nn acceptable applicant the ren will b?JT3 low. Would prefer to nut to a .mill tamily ..uJ* or ainirle centleliien as lodging*. In |tnt DRINK A UP A HAWN, Crocr*. Htl'-f?-t* corner Fifth and Marshall streets. given tlte Ut September, hW. -j I TYLER, au 37?21 -- TiOR RENT.?Thw DWELLING on F itrace street, second d,!or(. u llaxall. und next doer to James Cask.?% Esq , J;;tg f"aaJ7n-?t?ArPly t0 WARWICK * BARKS DaTB* I^OIl KENT.?Hnvittu boon mjuirotl * tiv a recent ordinance of the Council to Nad remove within the corporate limits. 11 will rent tny RESIDENCE, on fclmwoud street, m Sidney, or will exchange residence with someo;uc living in th- city. The hot.-; ha. mx room, with all the necessary out-building*, and a well ? j water in the yard. Th?re are four acres of Ut attached .to the house, with an ?M'?r?K iH nd o three-quarter, of an acre, and a good .i?..rtiiuh. oi the finest fruit trees. 1 may l>e seen at the third 'JSsMw hUti?"' FLEMINC PHILLIPS^ BEAUTIFULRESIPENCE. <>N T1IE FAST SIDE OF FIFTH, _ BET WE EN uLAV AND LEI<'H STKEETS, F? ?K KEN ^ We offer for rent the excellent HE. IDLNOR-LJfc located as above (No. 511.) containing six ^arge room, two porches, closets, .tore-room, ba.hroom*'etc., be.ide.a kitchen with four roorntr rhe whole premises in good order, with gas and water, and handsome shade trees. . . lMueaeimi given immed ate y. Apply HARRISON, UuDDIN & Al 1 LUSv'N. a u t.*>?3t 170R RENT, ti TENEMENT with F seven rooms, including kitchen. Just Jg* repaired and painted, with water in the yard. To and nearly an acre of ground e m!?'m''" ?,-*4^iTT7 the eastern snburhs of I ul'1" "ill, 1 w< nty nttii street, one square north of \ enable *20 per month. Apply at ?he corner of Tuentyf??u 2T>?Sa&Tu*bl<J Mr"e,8t WILLIAM WALSH. Vvrvw uw\T AND POSSESSION I? ..'.meJUUlv, Ib'TOT rl'I'BK FLOORS of the handsome brick tenement j?jB and^TwHf^^'^tre^ta^over iho**?" ^o^Hu^f^r^ den KxpressCompan^ '^VekSON. an JS?3t TX)R RENT, TWO TENEMENTS in F the large lnmher-hous? between the jfaA (iallego mills and Messrs. Mart in* tardo-ffT? io"s, fronting the basin, and /.ext door to^JfiL Me.sm. Deane Al & SI ARKS DALE, an M?et# v GallegoCorn Mill*. i"?OR RENT, tlto FARMERS |NAr T10NA.1, i!ss-ki^?-H..esB e;r.IA y.?r.. Al-I'ly w ""J j*;V,'wsT i"b. ? President, au 1??ts ? ? urvT tluit lnrp* sind j?lt*as:intly- ^ located BRfcK RESIDENCE on the W ist side of Third street, between Byrd and |JjjW ^tassi??- r :ii?? Bssysst Ki's.or.?i"fh?? c1".,? rfimra M.lu reets. _ ? t^OR RENT, SEVERAL PLEASANT ' ROOMS to a amall family of good stand- ijA or The rent will '-e very moder?t?<. ];!;? i_t" T. K. BASS. Mo- 41001*7itwot. lift rioR RENT, th" HOUSE recently ooenpied by J H Winston, on Urace. be- " ten Seventh and Ligbth streets, contain- ? Tuvm*- ApI''y V. D. EACiio. toll" KENT, tho hir.po W A R E - 1 HorsE in Libby Buildings formerly ocpled by us. Posses?lon glre't immed atel , ffjW th a large amount of C.oragu secured, tJ aXitifc lirabletenaut. A?^ly ltoiiARTSOoK . fourteenth stroet. \ J w i t icn't' k ^ o11' K o h't n L (ikof'KUM MBH CLOTH ":"C (k? IE? .If ">'rVl'JOIEK wiot ? ITHO0T SKFERKKCE Til ??? :r?-w.wVis k ^ ready received for tlie coming fall ^ ?H_3t jaaou

VERY CHEAP GOODS.?WHITE, KKJ>, and YELLOW FLANNELS, all wool, at 40 cents ; Bleached Collars at is, 2o, 2J, and JO cents; French Wore Corsets, all sizes, at 41.50; i Linen Crash Towelling at 15 cents. Ladies' Linen Collars at 7S cents per dozen ; very fine Lawns at 35 cents, sold at the beginning of the season at J<4 ~ ,litio at lt>} aud 30 cents. A cents; handsome Calico at lt>) aud 30 cents, great reduction in all kinds of dress goods Buck Silk Sacques, Circulars, and Basques; Tablecloths, Napkins. Loylica. Sheetings, Pillow-case Cottons and Linens, Cloths. Casstmercs, Satinet. Jeans, Worked Bands, Infants' Kobe*. Infants' Frock Waists, Black and Colored Alpacas, Hosiery of every description. Black Silks, Embroidered Collars, Caff*; Edgings. Inserting*, Crochet Edgings and Inserting*, all kinds; Rattle and Frtfiiugs, and all other articles u?uully kept in a firstclass dry goods store. LEVY BROTHERS. an ts No. to Main street. Notice.?.stevens a peokam, COMMISSION MBRCHANTS. eii Bboad ntb*bt, are the wbolssale agam* for CUKAM BISCUIT, and will be glad to?mR?ly the trade, an 2s PERUVIAN (Tu A N O.?Fifty ton* No. 1 PERUVIAN OUANO for sale by CHARLES HOWARD, aa tl comer Cary and Fifteenth streets. T EMONS.?Fifty boxes LEMONS, re

LOST, STRAYED AND FOUND, TWO DOLLARS REWARD WILL 1 b* given for a MEMORANDUMI HOOK D?t by tlifl subscriber, If left at ths iHnjhttrU office, or at his "hop, cor-1 ner of Fousheo and Leigh atroeta. Ill?__ - contain" papers t?f no value to any on* but himself. _auJ"-ll* ofioROi; MINOR. TOST POCKET-BOOK.?Lost >'???<"??- J day morning, between Second and Canal "treet" und the New Market, all til | PoRT-MoNNAIE. covered with wlre.jL. and a "tnall ated chain attached. ??apposed to contain twenty-six dollar" and twenty-seven cent". The finder will receive a "iiital'le reward by leaving it at the iHnjxitrh nRlro. ail 23?2t* TAK EN T P IN MY CORN-FIELD 1 a BROWN MAKE MI I.K, in good condition. The owner ia requested to come forward arid claim the same, nay charges, and take heraway. ABRAHAM COOK, Twenty-seventh and Yenable streets. an 29-at? IJSTRAY COW.?A lnr^e ml and J white COW rarne to my house, in4 the county of Hanover, on Wednesday^ 22(1 instant- The owner will please come forward, prove property, pay charge"* (she having been regularly appraised!, and tuk< her away. (I. w. McALISTKR, au M?etal.H* near Meadow Bridge. f EN D()LLARSREWAHI).?StniVfd L or stolen from a vacant lot <>n? Franklin street, opposite the Old Fain Ground", on Friday the ?tth instant, a medium-sized RED COW, with liorns*:^ turned inward, without earmarks, with white on the inner aidps of her leg" and tip of tail. She was in fine order. ROBERT F. MOKKISS, an 2*?.It corner Franklin and Madison street". STRAYED OR STOLEN, from Clnirch I 7 Hill. on Sunday afternoon, a DARK BAY MARL MULE, about seven years oid, branded " 0 S" on the right shonld'r, and has a slight swelling on the right hock. Has on only one shoe, and that on the right hind foot. A reward of TWENTY -FIVE DOLLARS will be paid for hern-Inn. t<> in" at the First Police Station, or for information which will lead to her recovery, au 2S?at* JOSEPH B. MORRIS. rOST, Rome tlnys sinco, si COLD J Lot 'KET, in the form ?>f a Masonic Keystone, containing tiie liken""" of two little girl". Engraved on the liack of the Keystone are my initials. J. F. S. A reward of FIVE DOLLARS will tie paid. for the return of the same to FREDERICK RCHAFFKH, an 23?2t* Main and Seventeenth streets. I ASTRAY COW.?Camo to my house j on Monday last a medium-sized**-^-*** C'oW. She has a white face and belly,r?* 1 with white flank", and a white streak running down each hind leg to tl.ei hoof. One-half of bur tail lias been cut off. She is at this time giving tnilk. The owner will come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take her awav, or she wilt be d-ult with according to law. GEORGE RICHARDS, Meclianlcsvilie turnpike, 4 an 27?It* m-artlie toll-gate. rOST, iti or n 1 x a 111 t ho Snotswootl Hoi tel. a pair of MASSIVE i7<?LI? EYE-GLASSES, richly cliased?the glasses folding in the esse and opened with a spring. A liberal reward will b.? ?aid by leaving them At the desk of the Spnlsvvi ? t " del. nu 27?.11

WANTS. WANTHD, V r R (i INI A RK< iist 1 TERED STOCK, old ami new ; for which the highest tiiHrk?t rates will b? paid. FOB SALE. RICHMOND CITY BONDS. WM. B. ISAACS 3t CO., Banker*, an 2*?It comer Fourteenth ami Main sirrets. WT A N TK I), Olio P ROFKSSt) R OF M Uff SIC f<>r a female Institute. We hare TEACHERS for all branches on hand, ami supply them free of charge to tho e tup toy ? r*. TEACHERS wanting SITUATION* will do well to send in tin ir applications, with references, to this office. For further particulars address tho SOUTHERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Franklin street, nnder Metropolitan Ilall, Post-office box 11, Richmond, \;i. D'Axdaiiazy ft Link, Agents. an it'?It YtT A N T K I). THREE THOUSAND ft bushels FLAXSEED ; und will pay the higheat market price, an 27?ts HILL A FOTEAT. N "OTT A* 1' RAYS ICR WA XT T<? SUP- _ . PLY citizens and the country with city and country recommended COoKS an f HoC>E .SERVANTS. Can fumi-h RAILROAD HAND , FARM HANDS, and LABORERS. orders solicited and promptly alien l?d to from citv or country. Written contracts furnished, and pan lea bound, to comply. TWo FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. Apply to NOTT & FRAVSKR. Frimkliii, between Eighth and Ninth streets, an '.'I?ts I1TANTKI), AN EXl'ERI ENCE1J! IT TKacUKR, a single man, to take charge of i six scholars in ruy family. A graduate of the University pretVrn "l. H< fcrenee* required. Board, washing,"and lights furnished. Address me at New s fVrrv, Halifax, Va .stating terms, au it?ts " STERLING K. EDMUNDS. WA NT ED, a situation for a COMPETENT DRUGGIST of eight years experience, with good city references; al><>, situationf. r COOKS. WASHERS and IRoNERS, IloOK GIRLS, FARM HANDS. ic? ic. All persona in want of such will be supplied immediately by leaving their orders with the undersigned. on Seventh street, between Main and Franklin, two doors from Main. We ah?> have on hand a No. I DINING-ROOM SERVANT and I'oRTKK tor a store?comes well ^commended. [iy24?ts) DEl'KlKsT A Co. JALB(>TT A BROT 11ER, MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES, SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, HYDRAULIC PRESSES, are again In business, corner Cary and SevanteenUi streets, and. are prepared t*? furtii-li IIH'KS'S PATENT ENGINE, the greatest min; now out. Also, our improved ' 'SCFLLATI NG EN - ?i J NE, something very simple ; and any other kind of KNOINK required. All persons wishing to buy will do well to call and see them before purchasing elsewhere, au 2*?ts REORGA NIZ A T I O N OF TJIE NINETEENTH REGIMENT VIRGINIA MI-LITIA.-NOTICE? By authority, we are directed to reorganize this regiment, and to assemble the men for the purpose of enrolment and electing company officer*. This regiment embraces all persons between eighteen and forty-five years of age residing In the city of Richmond west of Tenth Street. The boundaries of the company districts are as , follows: | First Company.?North of Broad and west < f ( Brook avenue. | Second Company ?North of Broad between Brook avenue and Second street. ! 'Ihird Company.?North of Broad between Second and Fourth streets. Fourth Company?North of Broad between Fourth and Seventh streets. Fifth Company?North of Broad between Seventh and Tenth streets. sixth Company?South of Broad and west of Fir-t street Seventh Company?South of Broad between Fir-t and Third street-. Eighth Company?South of Broad between Third and Sixth streets." Ninth Company?South of Broad between .*>ixth and Eighth streets. Tenth Company.?South of Broad between Eighth and Tenth streets. The men In the several company districts will assemble at the following times and places : First Company?At the corner of i i iy street and Brook avenue, 2i/th of August, 1"?M, at J o'clock P. M Second Company?At the corner of Clay and Adams streets, 28th of August, 1*M, at " n clock P. M Third Company?At tho corner of Clay and * IC", at I o clock Fourth streets, Sotii of August, HW P. M Fourth Company?At the corner of Clay and Sixth streets, 30th of August, HCd, at 1 o'clock P. M Fifth Company.?At the corner of Clay and Ninth streets, 3tst of August, 1?60, at 4 o'clock P. M. Sixth Company?At the corner of Main and Foitshee streets, 3l*t of August, 1-S8, at 1 o'clock P. M. Seventh Compauy ?At the corner ol < ary and Third streets, lat ??f September, 1^'W, at I o clock P. M Eighth Company?At the corner of Main and Fifth streets, 1st of September, 1AM, at? o'clock P. M. Ninth Company?At the corner of Cary and Seventh am eta, ail of September, 1-tfC, at l o'clock P. M. Tenth Ceknpany?At the corner of Carv and Ninth street-, Jd of September, l?'iO, at " o clock *1 i II I 11 PIUTI". *U "I J'A* "*?" ? P M. VVYATT M. ELLIOTT.) ? iNS, > Com THoMAS J. EVAN'S, ^Conductors. A DOLPUUS MORRIS, ) ? u i-?1:' fj^UE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL.?The next session of this school will begin MONDAY, September 17th, and close 30th June, 1<?>7. The school ha* been transferred to the new, large, and cointn?*liou? school building, erected for the purpose, ou Eighth, between Grace and Irnnalin street*. The course of teaching la intended, as heretofore, to prepare boys, from ten years ami upwards, sines* life for business life or for college. Mr. Simo'Htx teaches Mathematics, the Natural Science*, ami Book-keeping. Mr. Phice teaches tho Ancient Languages, together with German, French, and Italian, for wnich he ha? been prepared by long training m Europe. In the Junior English Ctasien, the principals will be aided by skilful assistants Tskms ; The same as heretofore : For Mathematics and English I 72 Each language, additional U For circulars, Ac., address box *11 Richmond post-office. JOHN M. STROTIIER. M A., ) University of Virginia, I urincin.., THOM AS R. PRICE, Jk., M. A., '4 r,nt,r?" University or Virginia, J an 2?? dtOeU ^HE TREASURER OF HOLLYL WOOD MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION acknow- - - - - ' " i the last meetthe following Mrs. L wood MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION aclcr Jges the receipt of donations since the last n g of the Board of Managers frvin the folloi rsona : John McKeage. Clarkavlhe, Tenn. ; : 1 .. a _ Ifi . i . VI ? D.ii.h Win.r \utir \ ? rde, Missouri; Mr* Ralph King, New iork; rs. W N. Habersham, Savannah. Mrs. J. D. illock Liverpool; ladles of Northaiiipioii counVa.. proceeds of tableaux, tlM. Their exawt la especially commended 0> our y Treaanrer Hollywood Meaaorlal Association, in 2*?U UfiAR.?'Ten bogtthtMul* CUBA SU.trinuas. ?Sa Fourteenth atr??ef, near Exchange Hotel. >EAS.?Fino HUN POWDER unrt BLACK TEAK fur aala by GORDON * CRINUAN. u St Fourteanth street, near Exchange Hotel.

KSDA Y. the 2*th August. HM, at half-put 4 t, P. M.. If fair, if not, th? flmt fair day Iter, the following real e*ut* belonging to ate of the late Maria Barker and of her deAUCTION aAIXg-THIS DAY. By Harrison. Goddin k Appcr??n, Auctioneer*, bankers, brokers, and Beal Estate Agents. riOMMTSSrONF.US7KALE OP VERY Vj valuable real estate in the city or RICHMOND AND IN THE TOWN OF SIDNEY, A DJ AC EST TO SAID CITY.?By Tirtne of a decree of the Circuit Court of the city of Richmond pro nouriced on the 3d July, t*s?, In the case of Andec--on and ats. against Anderson, Ac., the undersigned, who were thereby appointed entnmWsioners, or any of theiu, will proceed to sell at public auction, ott the premises, in the order advertised, on TUESDAY, the JWth Angast. 1*<W, at half-past4 o'clock, I* " 1# ? "*? " * " " thereafter, the estate ceased son, the late Richard C. Barker, viz : That large and excellent BRICK TENEMENT lyingand being In said city on the north side of f ranklin, between Fifth and Sixth streets, adjoining the re. stdence of Colonel Thomas J. Evans, fronting thirty-two a re I a half feet, running back one hundred and fifty feet to an alley. After which, say at S o'clock, P. M., will he sold the large and well-built BRICK TOBACCO FACTORY, and large LoT attached. situated on the east side of Seventh, between Cary and Canal streets, and now in the occupany of Mr. John J Oabom as a coach repository. The lot fronts on., hundred and twenty feet, runs back one hundred and thirty feet to an alley. This property will he sub-divided according to A plattobe exhibited at tho sale. After which, say t. o'clock, I'. M., In the town of Sidney, tiearlv opposite the residence ot .Mr. John C Sbafer, wifl he sold THREE LOTS In the plan of Sidney, viz : No*. II ami 12, fronting together eighty feet on the north side of Federal street, be* rwe.-ii Poplar and Clarke streets, running hack one hundred and ninety-nine feet to a wide alley. Al-o, Jot No. 14, fronting forty feet on the old Scuffletown roaJ, between Cherry and Culvert streets, running hack of irregular depth to an alley. Tpkms: t>tie-foartta cash: balance at six, ivv dve, and eighteen months for negotiable note*, interest added, and title retained till all the parch n*,- money is paid and a conveyance ordered by the court. ANDREW JOHNSTON,1 W. K WINN, ( JOHN O. STKGER, } Commissioners. wai.ter Harrison, | JOHN G. WILLIAMS, J nu H?eodtd* By C. C. llanes&Co., Auctioneers, Seventh street, between Broad and Marshall. WE WILL SKlXAT OUR STORE 11 on TUESDAY MORNING, August 2<, H??, commencing at to o'clock, BEDSTEADS, FEATHER BEDS, MATTRESSES, BD REAUS, CHAIRS, WASHSTANDS, TABLES, COOKING STOVES, DRV GOODS. BooTS and SHOES. ALSO, ONE HORSE, SPRING WAGON, and H.\RNR*S. ^ 0. C. HANKS k CO. B I'artiea desiring to contribute to this-ale will [please t-end in their good* by v o'clock Tuesday morning. (;tu2o?tdsj C. (J H. A CO. Bv Grnbb* .V William*, Auctioneer*, j Northwest corner of Main and Eleventh street* VALUABLE STOKE AND DWKLLV ING, ON THE SORT If SIDE oF FRANKLIN sTKKKT, BETWEEN THIRTEENTH AND FOURTKKNTH, OPPOSITE METROPOLITAN HALL, , for SALE AT A POTION .?on TUESDAY. Mh of 1 August, at 3 o'clock, P M . we will sell at auction, I upon the promise, the NEW BRICK TENEMENT ; located .ts above, and occupied by X. liouniuetiot. j l? hn* a basement with two room* and a coal vault j "u the main Hour it is divided into two neat and ' i iettv store-, and above there are four very comlettable room*. The premise* are supplied with gas and water, and are thoroughly drained. The tot fronts 21 feet ami run* back vu feet to an alley 16 fei t wide. This la a very good location for buslties*, ami the property oiler* a good investment. Tkkm* Ma le known at the sale. GKPBBS 4 WILLIAMS, j bii23 Auctioneers. By James M. Taylor, Auctioneer, oflico opposite Spotswood Hotel. l.W'ECUTORS SALE OF A HOL'.SE Ig IND L"T. AND FIVE V At'A N'T L'?TS, t>.N jAf'K^av STREET. AT AUCTH>N -Will be sold on TUESDAY the 2*thdavof August, on the nreI"iocs, ;,t i u'clo. k P. M., the TWO-STORY BRICK aril FRAMED RPII.DINC on the north side of Jack*' n ?treet a; present occupied by Mi** Marietta Run h. The house contain* mx room*, and the lot front* forty-five feet on Jackson street, and run* back to Duval street. After which, will be sold five VACANT L"TS : three at the norlheiu>t corner ?.f Ja< kson and Adams streets, and two on (he east side of Adam*, between Jackson and Duval street*. Ti.km*. oue thir l cash ; balance four and eight months. JAMES M. TAYLOR, an 23?5t Auctioneer.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. By ilairison, Goddtn & Appersuu, Bankers, Broker*, and Real K-tafe A^Tifi Most valuable vacant lot, FRONTING ON BROAD, CaPITOL. AND TENTH -STREETS. I OR SALE -Thi* L"T. th* site ? ?I tlio Into Winder building, irontiiiiC U/ry-I?>nr leet i'ii Broad and Capitol street* respectively, and liii.inf hundr-' i arid forty feet on T.rit'li street, 1-undoubtedly one of tin* most eligible in t lie city lor'private ?-i public building*. Facing cm c.tpind street, the public square, and the Washington Hi"iiii!fH-nt, it i* capabl" of containing two <>r three private dwelling* on tbi* front, and also, 1,icing on Uro ol street, two or three store-bouses might be located on that fron^, with an alley thr< 'igii :h ? centre. The advantage* of it* central and attractive location also admirably adapt it to the purposes of a church, public hall, or hotel. It i* post.it.ie one of the adjoining lot* might also be purchased. Aptdv to llAKRl'SON, GODDIX k APPER80N. au 2"?3t By Harrison, (Joddin it Apportion, Hankers, broker*, and Real Estate Agent*. VERY BEAUTIFUL BRTCK AND T MASTIC F A MIL V RESIDENCE, <>.V THE SulTTll WE>T CORN EK <?F EIGHTH AND LEIGH -TKI.ETN, ol'|'(>.>lTE THE DWELLINGS <>F Ma. Tllo.MAS W. M< ''AXCE AND Maj..k WILLIAM ALLEN, FOR SALE PHI VaTKLY.?Mr. J. II WatU in*, oxp. cling in a short time to remove to another r>?nl? ncc in the cltv. authorize* us to ????II privately the one occupied bv bitn at pre*, nt. located a* auove. The lot trout* t weutv-toiir feet on Leigh *lr. -t, running back about <>ue hundred and twenty-five fe.-t to a wide paved alley. The | iiiproveioetit*, which are nearly new arid in per- ] fr. t order. (oi|.j?t* of a very beautiful THREE- J STORV MRD'h" TEN EM EN'T, handsomely fared ' with mastic, and ornamented with iron railings, balcony, and iron window-cap*, containing ten ! roiiiiis. beside* closet*, bath-room*, Ac.' all -up- i plied with gas and water. There |* also a wing or Lack building, connected by a rear potico, wuh a j private stairway entering tbi* and the main build- ' ing, containing two chamber*, with tire-place*, two servants' room; kitchen with range complete, and hot And cold water, and a laundry. There I* on the premise* an excellent brick stable and Carriage-iioiise, witn feed-room above. The neighborhood j* unsurpassed, and the location !!!,,*? elevated Slid attractive, being surrounded by several large gardens. A residence no desirable 1 in ail respect* i* r.ir.-ly in market. Apply to HARKitt"#, CODDJN 4 APPEKSON, an 23_eodH By Harrison, Ooddili 4 Appanon, Banker*, Broker*, and Real Estate Agent*. VERY VALUABLE MARKET AND > dairy Farm of eighty-three and a I aLI? A< RES, near BLaKEY SMILE, I'NKMILK EAST <?F 111' IIMONB, FOR SALE?We offer fr ? tlf a hiom valuable mid i?ro?lnctiv Fa KM fl'oivr, EIGHTY-TIIKEE AND A llAl.r A' RE>. it trout* on th* York River railro.nl and on the ?? Blak?;y Mill road,"* with Gillie's cre.-k running through if. It is very fertile, and i? ;oliiiira''!y adapted for a dairy farm or market gar- , den. The improvement* consist of an excellent ! ?i well ing containing .*even rooms, largo barn, Ma I'le, 1 itchen, Ac.?all in good order. I'm " reasonable and terms accommodating. Apply to II VKRISON, OODDIN k APPEKSOS. *u 3*_,;,i,i3f 1A A 11M l-'( >14 S A LK.?A V A LI * A RLE 1 FARM, call'-il MARSFfELD, containing "NE THoUsAND THREE Ill'NDRKD AND THIRTY THREE ACRES, in Mu*?ex county, on tin- Norfolk and I'eter-burg railroad?eighteen mile* below I*. ;? r-burg, three miles above Wavcrly station on s i 1 road, and lately owned by John J. Collier of Peter-burg. TtBM* J nil, and possesion given I<t January. l-tiT. Apply to _au 2S?4t H w. TYLER. l/OH SALE, .1 liOl SE tin MarHhali I street, three doors above Monroe, with ten room*, gas and water, stable and carriage-house ; lot sixty-live feet Irotil by on* hundred and fifty feet deep , own -d bv ,Mrs M Garcln. AI?o, a FARM of FOUR HUNDRED AND NINP.. TEEN ACRES, in Powhatan county, one mile above the court-house, six miles from Jefferson, at ?I twelve mlies from Powhatan station, convenient t<> ehurcbcMof all denomination*, good build-iu-,s. horse*, mule*, cuttle, sheep, Ac., ic., owned hy Mr*. M. Garcin. Applv to CHARLEh T. WORTIJAM 4 <<>.. Fifteenth ?:reet, between Main and Cary. Richmond, V.i. an 2* ? tw j IANi.) FOR SALE.-?'Two hundred and I Jcighty-s.-ven acresof most EXCELLENT WOOD ' LAND, in the county of (ioochUml, lying trninedl- 1 ately on the River road, thirty-two" mile* above the city, and three-quarter* of a mile Iroui Cedar Point, on the James River canal. One-half Is cl< an d, the balance is ui oak -original growth; and piue. A bargain can be Lai uy addressing " E., Dirpofct (iHce. an 24 1AAKMS FOR SALE.?I bavo for sale X sev. rai FARMS oil the lower James river, and one in Mathews connty, on (ho North rlv?r, which will be sold low. Applyto J. D. HARVEY, au if?2w Commercial Block, Richmond Yi. VIRGINIA. ? GLOUCESTE K Col'NTV, TO WIT.-At rulci held In the Clerk'* office of the Circuit Court of Gloucester county, at the court-hou*e, on the first Monday in august, Iv.*1 being the ?lh day of the month ; Thorns* J. Hughes Complainant, Against Caleb Malt by, Henry Holt, Ella Holt, Charles Holt, children of Daniel Holt, deceased : Allen Horsey and Anne K , hi* wife, benjamin $. Unit, and Wyndhiuu Kemp Defendant*, IS t HASrKKV. The object of this suit is to obtain a title for the plaintiff to a tract of land altuat-d on York river, in Gloucester munhr, Ya , heretofore purchased by tb* plaintiff, under a decree of the Circuit Court of the *aid couuty tu the cuusu lately depending therein In the name and style of Maitby against Holt ami others, the paper* and record of whleh causa have been dea rvyed ; and it appearing by affidavit made ami filed that ail of the above-named defendant* except Wyudham Keinpare not residents of this Mats, llii ordered that the said defendant* do appear within ope month after due publication of tale order, and d? what Is necessary to protect thai* Interests lu this suit. au ?-Tt?<irA ?<>Wr~T#!(oUN B. CART, C. C.

AUCTION SAUCS-FUTURE DAY. Bjr Kuoult t Co., iactloaein, M*inatro*t, between Eighth and Ninth. VEXT REGULAR SALE, WEDNES. OAV MORgINO, ?th InaUnt, at which tl?* will be offered it taction an elegant variety rg ROSEWOOD, WALNUT AM) MAHoganv FURNITURE, BEDS, MATTRESSES, and MERCHANDISE generally 1'ersons desiring to CuotrlbuU to (hia *a;? ? pteiuns ?lo to by TUESDAY EVENING, in ord.,., have the articles enumerate I In the * Iw?-i-n? of We.lnee.lay. KBONAI'LT St CO nu 2-?It Anctloneara, tr By Gruhba h William*, Auctioneers, Northwest corner of Main and E.er?i.th atr?*t? SlMAIX RRTCK~TEN KM I' \t ,.v 0 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET. NEARLY ','P SITE LKIMf-nTKEKT ? It: U? II. AND Vv ?? i L<?T ADJOINING. FOR SU.E AT \Vt ; v , Wv will sell at auction, on tl.e \v ,7 NESDAY the J*h of AngiiM. at ha" paVr ?. P. >f . the sj| ALL BRICK TEN'KM K.\ T btr.?? 7 * ahwedewribed.i!,,! VAfANThoTadjoin, ? j . howe haa thru? mom*, and a ?m*!i kitchen lot front* S? left, and run* bark 1X2 |. -t to an . Alter which,we will se|j a l.oTouTwn tr f street, near the ?!>???> t< r11.. |; ? r. I M feel on the eaat line of Twt>fitf. f . - ning back 122 feet to an i,..v ,, una,,n I wide. i Tkku*. At sale. GRCBBS & WJLIlAVfS .8I,M An. rrRl,'MTEE'S SALE OF FIVE III \ 1 DKEI) AND TWENTY HVJi v ^ VALUABLE I.AND.?By v.r; ? f a l-. ; ? executed by William C. Taltey, and r<r. ,'i,. the t'oanty Court of .New Kent Voar.tr, I ,|,A ?' ' tin' 21th day o| 'inter next oi. ti,* ]f | (if fair; if not, on the first i.i . !?;.? ! offer for -ale at public aurtin' it ? if land <>n which shD! Tallev now re?t D-. i? ?vj county, containing 1 1VK HI'NDRED AS l> r wr TY-K1VK At Ut> more or |e?s, uul. - ?!.. . courthouse of said county, ? n th? r ing to the city of Richmond. In a h'gh provemeiit, thoroughly marled and clover. : ?? , adapted hi the growth of corn, wheat, and ha* on It a good orchard of ael-rt tr ? I . j location for a store Two hundred and i' r of the laud are cleared, the residue in wm?|? nio.tly of tir*t-c!?s? t ?rd wo.al, within a f? v u , of I'auuntkey river, navigable for liot-rUn . ?els. The buildings are good at. t euff.. need repairing, having been Injured dui ? * th* late war. 1bkm4 Cash a* to one-fourth of the r>urcb??* money ; the realdoe iti two equal annua no tit., with interest from th* day of m . i personal security, and fb* title retained nt.';, it,, whole of the purchase money shall bare ic;i paid 1 will also offer for ?ale at tlo same tit- < the same terms, one.half of a WATER Mll.l., w ithin a few iuile? "f ?atd 1st I an'.''?iswids R. T. I.A< Y.Tr -v. By James M. Taylor, Ancttoneer, oftlce opposite the Spotswood Hotel. High meadow"for rent at AUCTION.?Will be route 1 out, on tfi? ;r-. mises, ofi THURSDAY tiro J'dlr day ?' \ Dee, for one year (rout the ftrs.t day of tanucy IS87, the valuabia farm in th? couniy of H.-? r i., on.* and a half rntlea east of Richmond, ui Nine-wile road, known as HIGH MEAD \V There ate al'otif two hondrcd and fifty n r . f land, wiih a gtiod brick dwelling sr I t1 ?? ? ?? it out-huildinga uecoeaarr on euch aianu. h - rated iu a gcsnl netgub' rhood, and o uv i?r?l healthy. Tlie rent or will have t'o* privilege of ? . ? ? k- ?> , usual f.rll crops, and hare full |h.??cs?!ou ? n u.? tlr?t day of Jattu.iry. l?o; JAMES M. TAYL"U. au K?tda _ ____ Auction. By Harrison, Ooddlu A Apperaon, Bankers, Brok.-rs, and Real t-lale AgentTMfE REAUTII-tTTcOTTAGK I'AHM L CALLED THE "t!Rt'VE," "N THE ?;i;o\K ROAD, TWO MILES WEST "K RICHMOND. foR SALE AT AUCTION.?We will e?li at am ! the premisee. on THURSDAY the 3"th "f An. lit?,al 5 o'clock, P. M .tliat lovely u 'tj called the " GR'tvE," located ae above, i i pied bv Colonel John K. Johnson, conlalf in ?t i TWENTY At itE> of very liigtily intptov. i ... The Intproveuiente are ol itie i.est kit.. ? of a most beautiful COTT At IK RES1 DFNt'r talning about ten to twelve rooms. ...i - finished, with marble mantels in n I i; rooms, and havitur water-ci<?"te an l . ? y linprovemenle. There aro ample r. . Uiodatioiis, and a Ian.* new b irn and ?'.% . a water in it. and handsome cottages I. r the .-r detier. In front ol the r-'si b-nce th> o- .-a ; * fill grove of oak trees. The s t l. n i- a- ? fruit trees, shrubbery, Ac , an : the wh< !?? i r-: - ? well suited to the genteel accomtModa i ?T .t;?rg ? family. Taking Intocoi.nlderati. n thabea tbv b ? the property, and its fine w? tl water. . - tractions its a suburt?ati residence. i'? i -i 1 ? increase iu value by reason of bein,' .: < i road, there sr.- f.'W pr.tee#around Rlt hiu?i l ahah p.s-scss ho many advantages. lVmo.o. s.. i. a few days. Turns ?)ne-f..nrth casli; Intlanre at ? ? ' > and three years for negotiable to > u terest .tits aamu iaj.tl.iv ha.f yearly 1 .? a trust d|jAjlRjgojjt (joI)DIN A Al'PF.K-'N, R? jt ^ Auction, rfriU'STEE'S SALE UF A IIOI'SK 1 and lot in danville, va -bv ra deed of trust of the Danville Mann'... i ' , Company, dated th* L'.th day of M <> Ust, aud rcorded tn the Hastings Court of Dan* Hie, tL' dcrsigned trustee will sell at pi !.|.? no t highest bidder, on SATURDAY the '.vth uy f September imxt, at 4 o'clock, i' M ' n ' ? p'-uti.-es, th* house and lot on Cati?l street. Dsn, adjoining the dwelling of Dr. B B l. .c ? ' ing on Canal street ?lx poles and twelve i running back to Upper street, with the ??! ti< i ? on latter atreet, containing one acre, t :? ri?? Tlie improvements aro a two-story fcnuie i?',- stious.', wiih a kitchen, meat bOu*?, Ac A credit f"r rait of the purchase nv in v * ? ? e Allowed if deaircd Kurtlier t rms ai * ? ? IIAIiRlacN RtlBLRTso.N, an 20?lta '? "!T. l!y Harrison, Goddin St Appersoa, Baiik-rs, Brokers, and Rekl Estat* &*???? -'*? TRUSTEE'S SALE OF NEAT HIUCK 1 TENEMENT, UN THK WEST nIDE ' I I BETWEEN BYKD AND AR? II bTRKEj." trustee in a r.'rt.tm deed of trust fr< m Mi i L. Whiting, dated 22.1 April, 1*81. duly r- < ? i t-i i'; Richmond Dusting* Court, ' shall, hy ? ? parlies, proceed to sell at pub. C a'ut: premises, on TUESDAY. September 4, I- ' ?. jm*t 4 o'clock, I' M., one inoMyof th"ii. ?t i ? 1 - TENEMENT located as above, now in Hie . m pancy of said WhlUtig, Containing four "j kitchen, closets. 4c , and supplied w/!. . - w ,ter. The lot has a front of anoat ihtr v t ? ? ? i a depth of one hundred ami twenty fct t??a wide ill y. . , Ttuus Liberal, and nudo known at tin t'^ur t sale. W. G. DaNDKIDGE. Tr . - I*. S.?Th* other tuoiety will be ? id a' lb-' s?t"# time, so mat the purchaser w Hi get tl.* ?t au 21 H . i, A A

SHIPPING. FMj'k J3ALTIMOKH, SAVANNAH, AND BOSTON.-PoWI!ATANciaW| . . STEAMBOAT COMPANY - hKM I -;LL JLf^KfcKLY LISK -L<mtih ??? ?>?? * 1 rt'ITIIfltBi si'ery WEDNF.SDA V and SI' .\ DA V ?rTo^iirr mor??rery WEDNESDAY a-.d SaTUKDA) The nl'itni'T PKTKKtSBI'KO, Captain K? Tkatkkh, will |*av? li.ri at 4 o't.-xk, A * . W EDNh.SDAY H??* Satli irivaut. Freight received MONDAY and up to ??/?!< <b P. M. TI'ESDAY. This steamer lias ?pl**n<ll*i saloons, state-rioB*, and passenger accommodations. Parage, meals included, 4r>. For freight or passage *pplv to 1?AVID A WlL'l.lAM CUI'.RIE, ? Wee at Charlea T. W?rtham A < ?? 's. A't *' ?^t ^ Fifteenth ?ife?t NKW VOKK.?A T I, A N T I? 1 rmST MAID STEAMSHIP " I'm, L'/MPaN Y.?Tt?e n> w and splendid.e-"4j-side-wheel >teau;*hip II A l l tliA.>, S. Ai rx axr>rit commander, ??:' ?a? ~n |i?a?e her wharf at Rocket is ?'U TUnbDA i , A n - t?th, at i ?>'cl?<k, P. M P*rs*u>(*r? will pie*** be punctual :? *i-*t Fare, state r?n>m and nn-ats inc ?!'. fS Dnl.LAKS AN D A 1IA1.K; steerage, 1 J. I" I.AKS. For freight or passage-. accoioniodat.onr, J> . unsurpassed-apply ;?> UAMUFI, AYKI> A VO . au 17? M No. lJttvCa/y street T \R. H. V. BICK NELLS DY8EN 1 f TKKY SYKUP-rxcell.M for eh U ?' J teething, aud aa? soothing syrup is uuequa ? I ? is purely vegetable, and couta.n* no on.? ? . a , ? aroinatfc, and so pleasant I. tbstutsu > rcs.'lf like it. Sold by JOHN W. RleOX, corner of Mal.i and Tltird strr- ? I a>i ji--t? jlitbao!"!, ^ 11ST RECEIVED, ONE HlNI'Kl-'' ? I pound, in PKKSULI'HATBmiDA, ? HI. OOI.lt, HK"MIPK and D>D|DK ? a DM v |;k<'.MIDK PoTaRS, a voihI a?s"rfiueiii cf da CHEMICALS, at WOOD n I'll \liMA< 1 aaXS corner of Fifth <nd Marsha I> A TAPS CO UUANO. /KLL> (?ROUND BONK, /.ELL'S RAW D' N I'll AT K, /.ELLS Pfinsi'ff aTK oFI.lME.nkl thy tlio tori) F??R FKKTI I.IXI.HO. fertile hv PALMER. HAKTM'oK A ? an J* Fourteenth ?U'<.t MOLASSES.?E NO LTsi 1 IS LAN " and CUBA MoLAsShS. bl'UAK Hoists' i RLP, m barrels, lor ?ale by goBDOJf A f KIND tX | auif Fourteenth street, near Kxcl.ar .* ID '? IMFTY BAKKKLS VIRGINIA N^u FLOUR <?n consixuuieat and for low,., ?lc. >rmv|,( 4 ,.k?K1, au v> *o Itroaxl - ABU8BXD PWUTVIAN I.IAN V./ OLD DOMINION FERTILIZER, prepaid (; >? I" |*AMILY PUlvin? Our 1-A-MlO FLOUR l? now ready for de! r. r?, I actual siperlpieut, Is yroreu to be reat.y ? i"" Subscrtbrra and olbsts who dreirw to r-:'" will please call. , iuR.U HAXALL. CKKNMIAW A' NK W KAMI L Y PU>UK.barrels lUXALL'rl NEW FAR1U ? which we warrant as stilctiy choice, '? r by (aas| FRENCH a ?'KE>>HAw OYS* STRAW ANI? SOFT RAW B at reduced 1 m<! j?#WUaTa:< wEIFMi';K. )t It sii Msin 1J1CKLES, ;mlRcU ?ud plain itdsiT," |U l"4'5