Daily Dispatch, Volume 33, Number 99, 1 October 1867 — Page 1

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THE I)tspatch. by COWARDIN Sr. ELLYSON. 7HK DAiLT DISPATCH lr. delivered to tab* d! fivtkkr CRNTH per week, payable to the 4 errler weekly. 51 ailed At ** per annnm; f s.so for ,1 < month* : T5e. per month for a ehortor period. T*? SEMI-WSEKLY DISPATCH at per an* nnni. f'r for *1* month*, if-,# W8FKLT DISPATCH at ?5 perannnm. J

DAILY YOL. XXXIII. RICHMOND, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1, 1867. NO. 99. THE DISPATCH. TERMS OF ADVERTISING: CJLHH?IJTTAKIABLT IK ADTAKCK. Qn*eqn*r*, on* iMTtlon. ??.??* " '! Ona oqnar*, two lna*rtlon*.~. , :: On* square, three Insertion*..... J if One square, six lii*?rtlon* J JJ On* square, tw*lf* lnaertton* ?.. < ? *? On**qoar?, on* months. 1' ?J On* sqnar*, tvo nonthi....MU....^ w " On* square, thr*? month*..U H

Educational? Medical wllkoe of VIRGI-NIA-SESSION OF 18?7 'fix ?The In:rodnc- . torture will bo delivered on TDKSDaY. Oc-i-t at * o'clock P M.. in tho Chemical Hall, v o. cusn inon \ m. . t>rr>!"..tainn sn.l the nnh'.lf JfH rein?dlc*l prnfeMlnn and the public are rec .or Invited to attend c L. s. J-.YNKS, m p.. .sy.it Dean of tho Faculty. -atRS M. c. R TOE'S SELECT VI SCHOOL FOK YOUNG I,* Pins and CH1I,- ? i-\ No 5?# SeOORd, between Clay and Leigh ' instruction in Kngli?h. Latin, and Ma- ? i tf -.i ??? thorough. enabling her pnptifi to pra- , K.ortor and with tee* difficulty. Sp*rl*| :.?>? giv?-n to moral*, deportment, and *xerf ... in d'iightfal. shady, and grassy p?ayv on the premSfios, not ox poked to the dan- "... id vi?"'s of the s'reet ' ?> ? > kjratefnl for pant liberal encouragement, n?) . n 'he will still or. dear or to inertiby promoting oaleM good of her pupils. ?.moderate. se30_r,t ?a r U S I C CARP. ? Professor DE M i (KNiELla open lo engagements for Vocal ! ; >:? iiment.il Jro-trncllnn In Music, at the re- . .nee of the pupil or at the Academy of Mneic, r . ^ht. Fin no, Harp, Guitar, Organ, Flute. \ n, Violoncello, itc., vocal Instruction ami ,? ' f music. Consult/itlone may be made v! v, fl at ibo Academy of Music, or'at hie resic . torcer of Seventh and Marshall streets. ? situation accepted. ne 3??ot* p IAKP1NG and pay school at I ) AM'i.'A COURTID-USE -Ml.a IRVING and > .. y a>TEKs will open their school on the 15th i .1:1 K All the English branches will be ; ht Particular attention paid to French. j!^,, en the piano and guitar. The school will >,*? ;i; ite l. al.d will ckse July 15th. Vf:i> per half session, payable In advance: .-.*4. Krigli.'h ar il French tuition, $90 ; music use of piano, }5d. lie management of the household will be i the Immediate supervision of Mrs. Masters. . ; ?">?JllW'-'W i:i; Missies JbORBKS will roopen their SCHOOL tho FiEST OF OCTOBER, at r rcsi lence. on Grnco street. re 27?4t* ^clIOOL FOR YOUKG LADIES. 3'.x FRANKLIN ETI1EET. K;?s JE>SIE GORDON, assisted l>y Mr. Gkokqf. } ifK.RKii.i. and Mr. Ernest Pi. cm, will resnnte ? ,.i duties of her school ou the FiKtT DAY OF l?t TO! ?R. I'upiis of tlte Preparatory Department will rec ve tbseme attention as heretofore. Be 27?107 I > ICHMONP FEMALE INSTITUTE. I l New CIRCULARS of tho Klchntond Female .tit'ate With terms, tie., for the ensuing session o'.miwhat in od I fled from the last), can now be j ucd a', all tbebook^ore^^ wlIfgTWt so 75?1 w l^sidont^ 'PIIE MIS8FS GRATTAN will resume I the duties cf their school the FIRhT DAY OF (iCToHKR at their residence, on Main street between Second aid Third streets- se -5?dtd \TKS. BKTTffi CAUTHORN LUX- . 11 KOKP, a teacher of long experience and acwl Ig. J ability, hereby announces her willing- ? ? ps 1.1 admit abtitit a dozen girls, twelve years of and upward, into h^r school, which opens the KKST .MUADAV IN OCTUBSK. TKkMS I'.cr. SESSION OF NINE MONTHS : C ard, and tuition in English $1X0 Tuition in Kng.lsh 60 i ch add'tional latiguage 10 i'? ?t-? :ii< m box lso j residence, No. t'04 M street, r nn of J.eigh. se24-12t | > ICIIMf )N D GOLLE( i K?COM M ER- ! t CIaL COURSE.-To meet tho needs of such *. our students as desire, whilst prosecuting their 'her studies, t > prepare for business, the followr.,' course will be taught in connection with the ? chcol of mathematics : !. COMB! MR'XaL ARITHMETIC In all its i ranches, with the best and latest methods of cal- >? ulatlon in actnal nse among business men, and 11 tiding Instruction In all the forms and uses of a j?ine?KpapetK. and explanation ot stock'inota- ? v and, oneratlonH; of the cental and metric ?. Ills : rf legal-tender and limitation of acre; ; ( I agency, contracts, die. .. lP'(il\-fvLEI'ING ii. its various branches. Terms: For a student taking also the School of M theinatics, $6 per half session ; for others, the charge us for it separate school. Address ihe I'residont, box dt4, Klcbmond. s. '.i?'t)2 I ANE a MEADE'S SCHOOL. 1 i First street between Main end Franklin, '?eneral J .MKS II. LANE and -Mr. HOD1JAH 31K/.PL will open tlte first session of their school on ii,e '.'3d Septsmber next. wii!i? sj eel il attention will bo paid to Erglish, lLe pupils of this school will be thoroughly pre- ;.. r- I t't the University of Virginia or the Vlr* ? ? i Military !r stltnto. F r further i.uforiaatlon apply to either of the Principals, box 1?1>, Kichrnond, Va. Kri'HKKNCBB : Pr. F. II. Dearo, Dr. J. A. Cunningham, L. D. Cr* -liaw, Esq.. General H. A.Wise, General J. K. t derson, J. R. Hnjiuy, lisq . K. A. Lancaster, ?.i , t olonel W. Gilham, li. F. Williams, Kmi., ?. i m<.ml, Virginia > Dr. S. MaupiD, rrofsssor F. H sniiili, I"i< fessot M. Fcheleue Vere, University f Virginia ; General F. H. Smith, Colonel J. T. L. !' i 1 oiciiel T. H. Williamson, Virginia Mili- : siitnte ; Colonel a. T. Bledsoe, Baltimore, ad: Governor John J,etcher, Lexington, Virginia ; H.I' Lefunvre, Montgomery, Alabama; i. X. Harvte. Esq , Rev. P. F. Berkley, Amelia ; 51..3< rK. Douthat, Charles City. eo3?toll A?Ii ERICSSON'S SCHOOL FOR .'1 V-TN'G LA DIRS, CORNER CF GRACE AND I d'sliEE STREETS, lilOHMOxND, VA The Mb s?"ion <?{ this institution will commence on t:.- l-t i f October next. The scarcity of money has induced the Principal t . l, pt the following rates: s inti.ced English branches, IX cfRKENCT $50 Pr ttary studies 40 Ar.> ni and Modern Languages, each ?VUric, Drawing, &c., professor's fees. V aI Music, t'RKR OS" CHAK'iK. (i p rtunities will be afforded yor.;,g ruipf not aft-1 ling the school to join classes in Lauguagea, ;.'.ura'.u:-. Drawing, or Music. 3?lni* O. A. EK1CRSGN, Principal. I? KM A LE COLLEGI ATE TN STI1 Tl'T.1-;, 3('3 TWELFTH KTRKET, BETWEEN i;koaD and Marshall. b. I' P^K^\BM).SA.AMa^?,! Principals. Tho next annual session will begin on W WEDMsi>.\V the 25th of September, 1SC7. Able and 'sltbful teachers in all the departments. Special attention will be given to PRIMARY SCHOLARS. nxpei eos lor the year, payable half in adtc.ce: Momentary classes, |li); junior und Inter-i.-'into i i is".-s, $5u; sor.ior class, $C0; Latin, *? French, $25 : music on jiiano or guitar, $U5; D"o of puno for practice, $10 ; fuel, $3. Ample accommodations for boarding pupils. For circulars, apply at the bookstores or to the Friiiclp.il" se 2?lm southern female institute. The next .?.e*sion of this school will commence c the FIh.ST DAY OF OCTOBER, 18?7 The Principal will be assisted by Mr. Georcib F. MrsKR.i., known for years as one of the most soc-c.-stut teachers in Virginia; by Miss Mary B. li n, a graduate of Mr. John 'Hart's excellent ?ch ol at Charlottesville, ard for the pastseven j'U" an eminent teacher of music and the higher tram-bos of Knglish; by Miss Mao Lbs ; and in h-in-rich depirtment by Mr. C. F. Pakdioon. ? he very best teachers* of mnsfc have beense-C-Ti i tG'scial attention will be given to the .rstcry department. For terms and other int'.ruistii.n address - H -tOct7 D. LEE POWELL. A. M-.JjoxM^ ELLA SHELL WILL RE- - OPEN H ICR SCHOOL on the 1st of October ?? hor residence, No. ?2l Eighth street, north of A*- *; h. 7-rms for tiie se?sionof nine months: English, h .Music, f5u ; French, $10. Payable quatterly h iJvdace. se lu?tOctl THE NORWOOD SCHOOL, with a l full tor >rps of able and experienced instructors, aiuler still mors, favorable auspices than here'?(tore, win re-open on WEDNESDAY the25thof N;; - a ttHr. 1?67. The interest and advancement scholars shall receive the closest personal ???eatiou. Address WILLIAM D.CABELL, Principal. Norwood I'ost olilce, Nelson county, Va. sa .3?tOcl MISS PKORAM'S ENGLISH AND t \ Hl'-NCU L 'AKDJNG AND PaY SCHOOL /?' ;FND LADIES AND CHILDREN, lea AND how, FRANKLIN STREET.?The ."????'Mori ot ihls school will begin the l> a Y of oCT<-EER. pupils intending to, '-''At tiuio are requested to notify Miss PE- ? 3- once. Circulars msy be obtained of ?* ? ?:;! ? ' Messrs STEVENS & PEORAM and "-'ELhi. BItiUOOD. se 10?lm

\|K D. TURNER'S SELECT CLASshjai. and kngush school, main be?*K->* TillKl> and FOURTH STREETS.?Tbe V'^y-Ioartti session of this school will begin t:1,aY. >epteinber ^d. For tho session, $80. For farther park v?T?'..kte C'fculare at the bookstores, or apply :tf~r u KNEK, at his residence. Third street be?1 u,n and Franklin, or at his school-room. '? ?-t05 1 '-N'iVERHITY school, , 100 EIGHTH STREET, RICHMONP. K. Pa?"j ? M : A.J Principals. *s,Vk' Rasdoj.ph, Associate in English and ,. iathaujatlCS. i,,?6 oext session will begin on MONPAY, 28d e,*;*u>Ur, i?e7. ^anie as before. For information as to u *a' wR-books, prizes. Ac., apply for catalogue Messrs. HTKOTHEK Si PRICE, ^ ~ --1 . bor 514. K H L,E c T I C JN8TIT UTE FOR k?MPiL-VJ ''AOIKS-Mas. LET1TJA TYLBB ?:r-.C[, ? Principal, aided by a corps of able ln- ? , " third session will commence on ? September 17, U07 and close on U>e o.t, Ja/iuary, Istis The next session Will '<?? "" M(,N1>AY. February 3, and close Pofti *n Jane, 18W. he ' '^"'ars. etc., apply at the Instltnte, No. toov"1 ??n?uuent street, Baltimore, or at the '** ot Messrs, Waters, Kelly & Piet, and ^ * an U-liQ

Educational. Boarding and day school. Mr*. T. T1NSLBY JOHNSON and DAUGHTKKS, Honthoa?t corner of Clay and Third street*, XO. *01. 80 23?UP MISS HARTLEY GRAHAM will re open h$r school on the Iht OF OCTOBKR. Who can be found at No. 202 west Grace street after 2tat of Heptember. he 21 ? tOl MISS STANARD WILL RE-OPEN her SCHOOL on the l*t of (October next, on Franklin street corner of JefferRon. Tuition In Knglish, *45 to *60; tn Latin and French, each. *20? *ti 2'.?tOetl MRS. M UN FORD'S ENGLISH AND . FRENCH SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES AN I) CHI I. D K E N?FODKTI1 AND CAKY STREETS.-The twelfth session of this school will begin on the 1st day of October. se lb?ln> Misses king's school fop. YOTINO LADIES.?The next session of this school will commence on tbe 1st of oCTOBEKand close on the t*t of July, 1*68. For further Information, apply at No. 1417 Broad street. ?e 2?lm ST. PENDLETON'S . ENGLISH. CLASSICAL, AND MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL, Fourth street between Main and Franklin. Next session from September 16th to July 1. TEACHERS : S. T. PENDLETON, Principal; A. D. CHE8TEKMAN. A. M., Assistant; and such other* a* may be necessary for the most thorough Instruction. Tkkv.s : *35 to *50 for preparatory department; *00 and *65 for two next classes, &c. au 13?2m RS. PELLETS SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, BROAD STREET BETWEEN TENTH AND ELEVENTH ?The twentyfonrth session will commence OCTOBER 1 and end JULY 1 HG8. Mrs. Pellet's system of Instruction is thorough, and the resnlt of an experience of a quartered a century. Young ladies desiring to pursue the study of history and literature after they bavo finished their educational course will be received, and certificates of their proficiency will be granted. , . , .. For further particulars, anply at her residence. au 2?-T&WttthSep&dtu5 ; \fiSS S. S. RICHARDSON will rtiVJL open her SCHOOL 1st October. 1867 on Cary street between Tbird and Fourih. I articu ar attention paid to Mathematics. Latin and Froncb tanght in the school. o?,? For fuither particular* Inquire at No. 30s Gary ' References?Fer. M. D. Hoge.p. lb, FejfWilliam Brown, D. !?., Colonel William P. Muaford, Peachy K. Grattan, Fsg. se !3-eod6w_ -jnNGLISH, CLASSICAL, AND MA_Tj THEMATICAL f>CHOOL.-Mr. Pettigrew having declined teaching I shall open ii MAWS bCIIOoL on the 1st of October in the school-room attached'to Sycamore church, formerly occupied by him. On and after the 16th of September I may be found at my tchool-rooin every day from 0 to 1o'clock. The patronage of his friends and the public is respectfully solicited 2 eod2m* \\ 1LI *T A M F. F QX? A. M. rro TEACHERS OF SEMINARIES JL AND SCHOOLS IN RICHMOND.-The undersigned oilers his services either as teacher in the rudiments and science of vocal music, or conductor of singing exercises to Sabbath or day schools. For teaching elementary principles and science of music two dollars per session of twenty lessons for each pupil. Length of time, one hour. For conducting singing exercises io/chools wnh nartial explanations of rudiments, *12j for whole session of school. Ttme?lo suit the requirements of elates. Either class to have a correct training of the voice in reference to articulation, accent, and expression. A practical experience and Intimate connection with the young for fifteen years Induces xue to hope that I can give satisfaction to both pupil and patron. It Is very ftnuifyiiig to one so fond of the science as mysel to see so much luterest manifested on the part of , school teachers, and 1 hope the importance will not be depreciated by my ollerlng to assist in its cultivation at the moderate rates which are in reach of all. As I can only attend to ten or twelve classes (and about half that number being alreauy engaged) it would be well for those desiring my services to apply at once, so that proper books mav be sclectid, and other arrangement* made to start with the opening of schools. A ddrcsH i?oatollice box 297. (se 7--eodll?tOc] W. L. COS.. THE TWELFTH SESSION OF MRS. 1 BENNETT'S SCHOOL Fu.K BOYS will commence on 1st October at the residence of Mr. A. L. Km-btt, on Grace street ??r5?Vrj1vKR's' near particular^ apply at Mr. J. H. (JA?Di>hK b, near Monumental church, Broad Htreot. ^ 0_eodtocti I~RICHMOND COLLEGE.?The next i session begins on the FIRST OF OCTOBER, ^instruction bv Text-BoolcP and Lectures. Diplomas granted in seven independent schools. EXPENSES OK A KEPI DENT BTUDENT. Matriculation and other fees, payable Octo- ^ ^ TuUton fees'' for three schools, the nsnal ^ ^ Boarding," payable in "three instalments 180 00 *265 00 By messing, for which facilities will be aftorded, he cost of board will be reduced fully <one-hail. Tuition fee* sre payable one-half October l, one- ' Fu^l? M^hts^ and washing will cost about *1.50 ier month. EXPENSES OF A STUDENT FRO* THE CITT. flatrlcillation fees for three schools..??????? **? ?? Payable : *45 October l; remainder February t?. For catalogue and further particulars, address ha Prenidom. Box 404, Kichmond. au 0?2tawtQl k ME LI A ACADEMY?A SELECT A SCHOOL?limited In number, P'^'aratoryt? be University of Virginia, opens FI Rfc>T MON da \ is OGTOBBR an.(J closes with an examination last Friday in July of each year. , Terms for session of ton months : Board anil tui?ion *300 ; payable *150 October 1st. *150 March 1st. For'circular, &c., address Mattoax post-olllce, WILLIAM H. HiKBIS-M. tnstruction on the piano.? 1 Mrs (J. K. UHAPIN continues to give Instruction on the PIANO at her residence on Ninth one K above Leigh street and is prepared torei.^.^'raovr1"'8 . sPEN HILL ACADEMY. A A CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL -*-*? 6CHOOL. ?Board and tnltion, per session (nine months), commencing October 1st, *200. KEMPER For circular, addresB C.J. tvami tit, Tolersville, Louisa county, Virginia, jy 23?atawtOl COYNER'S SPRINGS FEMALE INSTITUTE.?The third session of this school Snu LSemeSt o" tCe pupil; uhull MMi? I . closest personal atlontion. For further particulars, address the undersigned at Bonsack s post-olUce, Roanoke county, Viu^ WILLiAM H. FRY, jieS-lm Principal. J/j,]m?a.'loamiU. i rsncipai.. Pbofkbhob FEATHKRMAN, Modem Languages. The next session will begin on MONDAY, September 16th. 1*67, and J ane For information as to terms, course of study, &c., anplvto either principal. 1 -? [TSS TAZEWELL WILL OPEN Brrinm FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LBEKH onV FIRST WT of OCTOBER, ? ?'residence, No. HO Fifth street, between Grace l Franklin where circulars containing a more ailed account of this school can be obtained; o at the book store of Mr. YYoodhouse. >DT>im ? Ono-li&lf in &(lY&nc6? ..? n marv Department, per session nine months..*^ aior (Jlats. per session nine months Hor Class, per session nine months " tin and French Languages, each e 19?tin '

J^ICHMOND FEMALE INSTITUTE. THETWELTH SESSION BEGINS OCTOBEK 1st uuder most favorable auspices. TEACH EK8. Charles H. Winston, M. a., President Moral Science and English Literature. James Leioh Jones, M. A.?Mathematics, Latin, and Natural Sciences. Misb ACUC8TA Daniel, Presiding Teacher.? Higher English. M'llk M. C. Hartman (a native Parisian!.? French Governess. M leg J ennik W jo lbs worth English branches. MiseM. C. Lathrop.?Preparatory department. Miss Mary Koyall.?Preparatory department. Professor W. F. Uiiabac.?Vocal and Instrumental Music. MiesS C. Walthall Music and Vocalization. Instruction will also be provided in German and other languages, and in all the ornamental branches. Singing lessons to the whole school without charge. | Terms: English, $45,$60, and$72; Languages. $25*each; Music, $30 to$?<>; Fuel, &c., $1.60; Boai'd ! and Washing, $28S?payable each third In advance. While the Institute aims to furnish the very best facilities for the most liberal culture of young ladies, we think we may confidently assert that in no school is more attention given to the progress of the smaller pupils. For circulars or further information apply to CHAKLKS H. WINSTON. M. A., se 20?2w President. CJHOCKOE HILL ACADEMY.?The O third annual session of this institution, located at the corner of Seventh and Grace streets, will commence on MONDAY, September lfl'h, and close the last o/ June. The object of this school is to prepare boys for college or lit them for br " ? ness pursuits. The Principal has had eight vei | experience as an Instructor of youths. At ,ue close of the Hossion, prizes will be diatributea In the manner prescribed in circular, which can bo obtained at the bookstores or at the school-room aft?r 1st of September. Charges same as last session, and payable in advance : English branches and Mathematics per half session, fS2.?0: Greek and Modem Languages, each, fio: iattn, Iff. 8. T. BBaCH, , A3 M Principal. I

gitlmtowt gisjjatdt. TUESDAY OCTOBER 1, 18G7. THE CIRCULATION OF THE "DISPATCH" IS LARGER THAN THE COMBINED CIRCULATION OF ALL THE CTIIER DAILY NEWSPAPERS OF THIS CITY. General Stone's Case. We give place to the letter of General Stone, who is now a citizen of Virginia, that our people may realize the malignity, wickedness, and diabolical hypocrisy of the Radical party, and to assist in acquainting posterity with the same facts. If, says the National Intelligencer, a list were to be made of citizens who were subjected to military imprisonment without cause, some of whom died, or whose healths were permanently impaired, it would be fearful to contemplate. The Boston Post, in giving place to the letter of General Stone, speaks as follows: The letter from General Charles P. Stone will escape no reader's careful perusal. No fuller commentary can be furnished on the malignant cowardice which was the inspiring motive in this remarkable case. Had it occurred in Italy the press of a "liberty-loving" party would have rung with terrillc denunciations of such llagrnnt, inhuman, and detesiible abuse of power. But occurring in this free country, and the sufferer being nothing more than a brave and self-sacrificing soldier of the Union, it challenges no response of sympathy or indignation from men whose patriotism is limited to factitious ambition, and v. hose sense of humanity is a mere breaking out on the lips. The part played by Mr. Sumner in this historic transaction no man will envy. It is written down past erasure. No pen may smooth away the horrid imputations which so plainly lie upon his conduct. It was a deed of mystery and silence, to be sure; but the fact that no words were used in the doing of it connects the doer and his action more closely than even an open proclamation could have done. There was the speech in the Senate, supporting the letters to subordinate officers ; here is the letter of General Stone?a bold, frank, soldierly letter?in response to that speech; and the shameful incarceration, into whose rayless gloom no light penetrated for a full year, and back to whose dead silence all uttered voices of appeal fell in cruel mockery, followed close after. There is no room for conjecture in a case of this kind. The deed and its author are coupled forever on the page of history. Let us hear 110 more from such tyrants as the authors ol this outrageous crime about Aiulersonville Pens and Libby Prisons, Dartmore Prison Ships, Marshalsea, the Black Hole, the horrors of the Middle Passage, or the Duke of Alva.' Death of a Great Pugilist.?The death of Izzv Lazarus is announced in the New York papers. He died at his eating and drinking house in that city on Thursday last. He was an Englishman, and hiul won, in his prime, groat distinction in the prize ring. He was fifty-five years old when he died. His weight in his fighting day was only 130 pounds. "When he died he weighed 800 pounds. Ilis great achievements wero in England. He whs the son of an Israelite, and living in Petticoat Lane, London, was called the "pet" of that street, from his pluck and skill in the art ol self-defence. His first great fight was with an Irishman named Flora McCarthy, in which, though powerfully punished, he triumphed after a fight of over an hour. This gave him great fame. He won afterwards several lights with very famous pugilists, and was beaten in two. He defeated Tom Mai.ev, and then had only one man between him and the championship?viz., Owen Swift. Alight between them was made up, and occurred in IS.17. It was one of the most stoutly contested that ever occurred in England?going through 103 rounds, and lasting nearly live hours. Every device and dodge known to the ring was resorted to to worry Izzv out, and at last his adversaries succeeded. He became disgusted from this unfairness, and retired from the life in the ring. He was one of the most distinguished of the profession. He came to this country in 1S53.' He lived first in New lorlc, then Buffalo, then New York again. He has followed the business of keeping a public house, which was a resort for the "fancy," who cultivated his acquairttance and consulted him about their matters. That distinguished gentleman Mr. Mokrissey, who, by a "great moral combination," has been sent to Congress from New York city, was a most intimate friend of LazaiH's. To bis latest days of locomotion Lazarus displayed deep interest in all "milling operations," and never failed to see a fight when within reach of linn.

A Cloud Specimen of the Kcductio ml Altsiirdum. From the Now York World. CONSEQ0KXCES OF FREE TRADE. That free trade is a disastrous policy, and [ cannot be otherwise, is proved by the miserable condition of the people of these United States under the Tnion which binds them to- ! getlier. If there were no Union, each State would be free to enact such laws as it might deem expedient for the protection of its own industry by laying a tariff on the products of every other State, precisely as the general Government now does with reference to the products of foreign countries. If there were no union, the New England and Eastern States could levy tariirs upon Western wheat, corn, beef, pork, and other staples, and by making the rates high enough, induce the resident farmers to produce these things at home, sustaining their own people, and not relying for these necessaries of life upon the pauper labor of the West. The western States, in their tu^n, could also levy tariffs upon Eastern cotton'and woollen cloth, boots, shoes, hats, tools, and yankee notions generally, and by making the rates high enough, promote the production of these things among themselves, and not rely upon the pauper labor of the East. The effect, also, would necessarily be a constant How of gold from every State to every other State, because every government that adequately protects its own labor against the labor of other countries is sure to have a How of gold into it. Another advantage resulting from there never having been a union of the States would have been the large number of custom-house officers and other olflcials (almost without number) who could have been furnished with offices upon fat salaries. These blessings, however, are all prevented by the National Government, which is clearly chargeable with the nnhappy and impoverishing consequences resulting from the free trade between the States. For one, 1 must ever protest, in the interest of humanity, against any further extension of our territory. So long as we can prevent a union with the British possessions on the north, so long each party can grow rich by enacting stringent tariff laws against the other, and by that other magical panacea, j "importinggold" from each other; but let j us once be united, and the people on both sides must inevitably be impoverished. In these changing times is it not possible to go back to true principles, and permit each State, each county, each town, to protect itself against the pauper labor of every other ? Perhaps Mr. Greeley or Mr. Carey can point the way. Protectionist. 1Sexo Purl-, September 9. Dissolution of partners hip. LBE & PECK.?We have this day dissolved the partnership heretofore existing between us In the commission business. Our books, papers, and accounts have been placed in the hands of General J. D. Imboden, as our attorney, to.collect immediately what is owing to ns, and apply it to the payment of the debts of the concern. Our said attorney is authorized to.use the firm's name in settling with debtors and creditors, and all settlements will be made with him. N. M. LEB, H. H. PECK. Bichmond, September 30, 1867. oc I?lot NOTICE.?All persons indebted to Lee & Peck are required to make immediate payment, or suits will be instituted for the recovery of the money they owe. All creditors of the concern are requested to furnish me at once a statement of their claims, as 1 shall distribute amongst the creditors pro rata instalments of twenty per cent, on their claims as fast as funds are realized for such dividends. I will be Id my office daily from 0 till 3 o'clock when not engaged In court. J. 1). IMBODEN, Attorney at Law, oc 1?lot corner Main and Thirteenth streets. HMO THE MERCHANTS OF RICHJL MOND.?Having sold out my Interest In the mercantile business at BentCreek.in Appomattox county. Va , to Mr. B. A. STEPHENS, formerly my agent, I give notice that from this date I have no interest In the business, and am responsible for no transactions of his hereafter. JAMBS L. STEPHENS. OCTQBIB1, WW, - . Ml-lt*

Auction Sales This Day? COOK k LAUGHTON will offer at their Htoreroom. Thirteenth and Franklin street*, this morning at lO.o'cIcck, a large lot oi farnitnre, cooking and office stoves, kc. HARRISON, GODDIN & APPER80N will sell the brick tenement on the scathslae of Main between Sixteenth and Seventeenth street*, known as " Sadler's Eestanrant," at 1 o'clock P.M. Also, a lot on Fooshee alley between First street and Brook avenjie. at 4 o'clock P. M. JOSEPH B. YADEN, Deputy Sheriff, will sell at "Amph Hill," Chesterfield, at 11 o'clock A. M.t farming utensils, live stock, oats, &c. JAMES M.TAYLOR it SON will sell the threestory brick dwelling, with wing attached, on tlfo northeast corner of Main and First streets, at half-past 4 o'clock P. M. B. GATHRIGHT will sell at 1433 Main street, at 10 A.M., household furniture, bedding, clothing, dry goods, etc. LOCAL, MATTERS. A Sick Max Drowned.?The body of a ?white man was found floating in the dock at the foot of Eighteenth street on Saturday night. No inquest was held, but it was ascertained that the drowned man was named Lewis Evans. The deceased came to town on Saturday evening, and went to the house or his father, who resides on an alley on Third between Franklin and Grace streets. He was quite unwell, and evidently delirious. His father, fearing that his landlord would object to his entertaining him, says that he took him ont on the street early on Saturday night, supposing that he would go over to the house of his wife, in another part of the city. Nothing further was heard of the deceased until his body was found. Captain Anderson and others heard Lewis fall in the water, and attempted to save him from his watery grave, but when the body was recovered life was extinct. . , . ? Mr. Evans was a man of good character, and had many friends. The body was claimed and buried by the relatives of the deceased. The Tioer Amoxo the Colored Folks.?On Saturday last a colored man John lteed was arrested on the complaint of Men Scott, a prominent Radical darky, who charged Reed with attempting to pass upon him a counterfeit fifty-dollar treasury note The case was called yesterday, and Reed made a statement to the Mayor, which, if true, would lead to the belief that the "shoe is on the other foot." , , ? . Reed is from Washington, where ho learned to play at the aristocratic game of faro, although he never entered much into the "science" of the amusement. "V isitingKicnmond, he was induced to enter a gaming s. - loon, kept, as he says, over Brooks s stable, on Frankiin street. A white man and several negroes, including Ben Scott, wore engaged in a conflict with " the tiger " and Reed joined the party, finding himself in a martei jously short time the loser of fifteen or twenty dollars. He then drew out a fifty-dollar note, which he supposed to be genuine, and desirei that it should be changed. The banker sent a bystander out ostensibly for the purpose of changing it, but the prolonged absence of the messenger led Reed to suspect foul play. At length, when his patience was well nigh exhausted, a man entered the room, and, rapping on the table, adv,sed th company to scatter, telling Reed that he had better " skedaddle," as that note was probably a bad one. Going down stairs, the Washington darky found Ben Scott, who had hpori sent to cUanfcC the note, lotifing ?.it tlie foot of the Steps, and demanded to know why he did not come back with the money. Ben replied that it was a counterfeit note, and that he had left it in the ollice of the Exchange Hotel; whereupon Reed insisted upon looking it up. Upon inquiry, it was ascertained that no such note had been offered at that Counter nor to the clerk of the Ballard House. Reed then went to look for a policeman, in order to invade " the jungle," but before getting his warrant, was hiinself arrested on Scott. s cornplaint, and committed to the cage. He told the Mayor that he had never seen the note (a palpable counterfeit) exhibited 111 court until ihat moment. ' A witness fur the Commonwealth being unavoidably absent, the case wu~ continued, and will be heard to-day. Cruelty to Animals?*V\ illiam Ford, of Henrico county, was brought before the Mavor yesterday on a charge of unmercifully beating his mule. It was proved that the accused, being observed by Juslice Higgms, was ordered to desist; whereupon he made use of the most insulting and disrespectful language to the magistrate. On his arraignment, Ford plead ignorance of the law concerning cruelty to animals and of the position of Mr. Higgins, which he was informed was no palliation lor the offence. He was lined *U0 and required to give security to keep the peace. Perhaps ft is not generally known to the marketmen and others who are in the habit of indulging in the pastime of cruelly beating their mules and horses that the ollence is punishable by a line not exceeding Jiue huiuirta !/?u?r*. As the Mayor justly remarked to Mr. Ford, the city is not a proper place to break unruly animals. Ikon Thieves.?John Reardon was bronght before the Mayor yesterday, charged with having in his possession -loo i?ounds of iron stolen from Dr. J. L. Archer. l>r Archer identified the iron in question as his property, and Reardon claimed to have bought it from John Clark, George Dickinson, and Julius Carr, three negroes, who were brought into court at his suggestion, witnesses were introduced to prove that certain negroes were seen weighing iron on tlie premises of the accused ; but tlie evidence did not conclusively establish their identity with he bovs named above. Policeman Miouk testified that Reardon manifested no desire to evade the search-warrant, and did all in his power to assist in the arrest of the negroes. All the parties were sent to the Hustings Court for trial.

Military Personals.?General Schofleld has been qnite sick, but is now pronounced convalescent. Colonel J. A. Bates, who has recently returned l'roni Europe, and reached this city on Friday last, has been ordered to relieve Major J It. Stone, in charge of the Freedmen's Bureau at Petersburg, and will at once enter upon the discharge of his duties. Registration?Final Revisiox.?In compliance with the requirements of the supplemental reconstruction act, General Scholield has ordered that the books of registration be opened for dual revision on the sth instant, and for live days thereafter. A last opportunity will thus be afforded for our citizens to become qualified voters, and any names proven to have been illegally registered will at the same time be erased. Ei.ectiox of Officers?Sons op Temperance.?At the regular meeting of Stonewall Division, No. 34, held on Saturday last, the following otllcers were elected for the present quarter: R. B. Holstead, W. P.; M. P. Handy, "VV. A.; James E. Kiddiclc, R. S.; W. B. Kiddick, A. R. S.; George Baldwin, F. S.; "W. H. Pleasants, T.; Rev. P. B. Price, Chaplain; E. Pleasants, C.; F. L.- Rhodes, A. C.; George Watt, Jr., I. S.; G. W. Allen, (J. S. W. Hall Crew, P. W. P. Stonewall and Springfield Divisions propose to hold a union meeting for installation of officers on Thursday evening next at a place hereafter to be announced. Addresses will be delivered, and it will, doubtless, be an interesting occasion. Public I x s t a r. i. a t i o x.?The officers of Hutchison Division, Sons of Temperance, recently elected, will be publicly installed at the ball of the Division, over Bodeker's drugstore, this evenjng at S o'clock. Members are requested to assemble punctually at 7 o'clock, and Sons of Temperance generally are invited to attend. Public Installation op Officers.?There will be a public installation of officers of Marion Division, No. 5, Sons of Temperance, tonight, at Tanner's Hall, in Sidney ; on which occasion addresses will be delivered by prominent members of the Order. Tiie Virginia Central Raii.koad.?A new schedule is published this morning. Passenger trains leave Richmond at 7.15 A. 31., Staunton at 3.4$ P. 31., Covington at 3.40 A. 31. The passenger car heretofore attached to freight trains is discontinued. A Disorderly Fellow.?A drunken white man, named Gregory, yesterday went to the farm of Mr. Cbqse, in Chesterfidfcl county, and became so disorderly that the guard there arrested and brought him over to Captain Cook. After an investigation he was discharged. Ax Indecent Neuro.?Last evening, policemnn George F. Hicks arrested a negro named Philip Harris for exposing his person in the presence of ladies. When arrested, Philip 1 offered the most violent resistance, and w as i with much dilliculty carried to the Third sta-tion-house. He will have a hearing this morning. . . Turner sent us yesterday a Washington paper which the mall had foiled to bring,

REPUBLICAN WARD MfETINGH. ORGANIZING FOR THE CAMPAIGN. Strange Proceedings. Pursuant to notices published yesterday, meetings of the Republicans of this city were heid in different wards last night, the proceedings of which will be found below. The object of the meetings, as stated in the call Signed "Many Republican Citizens'was to Effect a permanent organization of the Republican party In the different wards of the city: JEFFERSON ANT) FOURTH WARD3. Seventv-flve or one hundred persons were promptly in attendance at Old Market Hall, butit was evident that the work was not to he ocacefully accomplished. Few of the gentlemen who had beeh expected were there; several of the most radical men in the city were moving about among the colored men and conversing in low tones, and for some time no one could be induced to take the chair. A t length the meeting was called to order by Mr William A. Parsons. Colonel H. S. Mer3il" arose and stated that as few persons seemed to know the object of tho call, he wonld like some one of the Man) C'tidens who signed it to announce what was their design. No one replying, the Colonel, f?r the sake of doing the business in order, moied that Mr. Benjamin Bragg take the chair and Mr W. A. Parsons act as secretary. After some little misunderstanding as to who Mr. B. was, the motion was carried. The Chairman, taking his seat, stated th^t, being himself ignorant of the design ofthe gathering, he would thank some gentleman better informed to enlighten him. William R. Tall sprang to the floor, and in a very excited manner, and with a voice elevated* to its highest key, exclaimed " Mr. President ! " Mr. Tall had the floor. Mr. Tall: There are many Republicans present here to-night, and so far as I can see, not one of 'em knows anything about what the) have come for. Now, we want to know?these loyal men want to know?what did you call us here for ? What do yon propose to do ! Mr. President, I ask again, what is the obJGThe Chair stated that perhaps If the gentleman would yield the floor he might receive the desired information; but such did not seem to be the design of the anxious inquirer, as he continued to declaim and gesticulate, completely drowning the feeble voice of the meek-mannered chairman. He continued: "In the xWio S'dion this morning the loyal men are warned against these little meetings, these cliques, and these caucuses. \\ e ain t going to take the bait." [No, no ! from a score of colored citizens.] I move, therefore, as nobody knows the object of this moeting, that it now adjourn sine die. Mr Parsons, the secretary, lmmediatel) arose and desired to "explain"; but Mr. o. A. Broekmeyer vociferously demanded the question, and a perfect chorus of "Question, uuestion!" resounded through the hall. Tall: Mr. President, you just put that question, as yon have been told. Broekmeyer, excitedly, approaching the Chair, roared "Question ! " The colored citizens, crowding around, in deep bass, repeated the crv; and so great was the confusion that the Chairman's calls to order conld scarcely be heard at the reporters' table, only three or four feet distant. In spite of all, Mr. 1 arsons insisted upon his right to a word of explauaThe President: Gentlemen, if you think I came hore to preside over a parcel of jackimtn you are very much mistaken. Brockineyerc Don't make a mule of yourself, The President: I won't, sir. If tho motion to adjourn is not withdraw, I 11 put it. Tall: I don't withdrawn it. Put that quesUNothing else conld be done. The negroes, too well instructed by Hunnicutt and his minion Tall, would not be led by the "respectables" ; gallant Colonel Merrill looked on in silence ; Lien tenant Parsons yielded to the pressttre , Friend Gregory said never a word. Ihe Chairman at length, by a violent ellort, signified to the crowd that he was about to put the wished-for-question, and silence once wore ^IMequPStion was put, and a prolonged, emphatic, and stentorian aye was the response from a hundred pair of Radical lips. The meeting was adjourned, and with ?houts, clapping of hands, yells, hootings, I and peals of laughter, the audience rushed through the hall doors and down the stairway, leaving a small knot of the discomfited to " talk it over." . . , ? The meeting was called by the conservatue wing of the Republican party, and if their counsels had prevailed it would have been an orderly assemblage, hut the result was another triumph of the Hnnnieutt mob. MEETtN'i IN MADISON WARD. Pursuant to a public call, a meeting was held last night at the High School, Navy Hill, of the Republicans of Madison Ward tor party organization. .At the hour appointed, Rev. R?M Manlycalled the meeting to order; and on motion, Mr. II. G. Bond was appointed chairman, and John Oliver (colored) secretary, A committee of Rev. It. M. Manly, 11. L. Pelou/e, and Mathew Hopes (colored), was appointed to nominate a Ward Executive Committee. . , During the absence of the committee United States District Attorney Chandler was invited to address the meeting, but excused himself on account of indisposition. The committee to nominate an executive committee reported the following names, which were, on motion, confirmed?viz., Andrew Washburne, Fields Cook (colored), H. <r. Bond, J. W. Hunnicutt, Albert R. Brooks (colored), H. L. Wigand, G. S. Richards. Mr. Washburne offered the following resolution ; which was adopted: " Rtsolvtil, That a committee of nine be appointed to meet Republican committees troin other wards for the purpose of perfecting the organization of the Republican party in this UOn motion of H. L. Wigand, " Resolved, That vacancies occurring in tne executive committee bu filled by the remaining members." It was resolved that the above-named executive committee and A. Davidson and Joseph Cox (colored) compose the conference committee of nine. The meeting then adjourned.

MONROE AND FIFTH WARDS. About one hnndred white and colored persons assembled in Dill's bakery last night in response to a call of " Many Republican Citizens " for the Republicans of the above wards to meet to perfect a permanent organization. At S o'clock Captain Roach called the meeting to order, and, on motion of Joseph Cox, he was elected chairman. Captain Roach, on taking the chair, thanked the audience for the honor conferred upon him, and advised them to send two colored and three white men fo the Convention, and to be sure that they were of the right stripe. The speaker, after some further remarks, in which he said he was in favor of having 60,000 of those who favored the rebellion disfranchised, took his seat. The Chair announced that nominations for permanent vice-presidents were in order; whereupon Joseph Cox, Peter V. Randolph, and Nelson Hamilton were nominated. Joseph Cox, colored, was then elected. A number of persons were then nominated for secretary, and Munford Patterson elected. Mr. W. H. Hovey, Rev. Mr. Stockwell, Joseph E. Farrar, and Dr. W. Q,. Mansfield, were nominated for the position of second vice-president. Dr. Mansfield withdrew his name. Rev. Mr. Stockwell was then elected. Messrs. Hovey and Hennessy were nominated for the third vice-president. Mr. Hennessy withdrew his name and Mr. Hovey was elected. Captain Underhlll and Mr. Hamilton were nominated for assistant secretary. Mr. Hamilton withdrew his name, and Captain Underbill was elected. On motion, the Chair was requested to appoint an executive committee. Cornelius Harris, colored, moved that the committee should consist of tan persons, exclusiveof theolllcers just elected. Carried. Some discussion here ensued as to whether the meeting was of both the Monroe and Fifth Wards, or only tof the first named, during which Cornelius Harris said that as the Fifth Ward had not waked up to its interests, he hoped it would be included and some life infused into it. Mr. Morrissey asked the Chair who had made the call. The Chair said that it had only seen the call in the Di#p<ttch. Sterliug Harris, colored, said that he did not know who had called the meeting; but it looked very much like it had been called by persons who were ashamed to sign their names to it, fearing that they would be sneered at. The speaker pitied such, and did not think them worthy the name of men, or worthy to be members of the Grand Republican party. Cornelius Harris, colored, said that it made no difference who called the meeting. It had convened, and for his part he wanted it to be enjoyed, and the most made of it. Loud calls were made for those who called the meeting to make themselves known. No response. Mr. Morrissey stated that there were agents now in the city hiring a id sending off colored men to Washington and North Carolina to get thera out of the way, and thereby lessen the vote of the Republican party in this city; and he was sorry to state there were colored men acting m agents.

At the conclusion of Mr. Morrissey s remarks the Chairman annonnced the following as the executive committee: J. E. Farrar (colored), C. L. Harris (colored), Washman, P. Greene (colored). J. Morrissey, W. ti. Mansfield, Peter V. Randolph (colored), Joseph M. Humphries, B. Boyd (colored), and John A. Fitchett. Washman. Mansfield, Randolph, and Humphries positively refused to serve, and the following were appointed to fill the vacancies : Rev. S. Jones (colored), John Freeman (colored), Hennessy, and T. Smith. Cornelius Harris then arose, and started to make an explanation of the charge of not beiug a Republican, and receiving a bribe of $100, on which charge he was examined, and then ejected fromthe position of secretaryship of I the Colored Political Aid Society, when he was interrputed by cries of "Hush," "Go on," "Stop your gab," &c. He then flew from the track on which he started, and commenced a harangue about confiscation and equal rights. . Joseph Cox, after Harris concluded his remarks, moved that the meeting appoint ten delegates to attend the mass convention to be held in the African church on the 14th of this month. After mnch discussion it was decided that [ the delegates should not be elected at this, but at a meeting to be held on Tuesday night next at S o'clock. The meeting then adjourned. Radicai, Gathering on the Socare?Hexxicctt a.vd Congressman Shanks.?About 500 colored men and women assembled on the Square yesterday afternoon in response to the announcement that a member of Congress would address the citizens of Richmond at that time and place. After a brief introductory speech from a Dr. Sterling, the Hon. Mr. Shanks spoke for a few moments from the portico, but only to excuse himself and to promise a speech to-morrow afternoon. The ubiquitous Mr. Hunnicutt then occupied the staud, and as some of his statements and vv ords of advice were rather remarkable, we devote a few paragraphs to a brief resume of the speech: He particularly advised the colored men of Richmond to beware of the "second issue" fli?v?A.0hn those who have.come in at the fictioo m hour to partake of the "loaves and fishes. He charged them also to beware of I men from the Zorth, even of those who had fought in the late war on the side of the Union and now showed the white feather of conservatism. These two classes are the worst enemies of the African race in Virginia. The outspoken rebel Is much more to be respected than these copperheads. Beware especially, said ho, of these policy co-operation men, who only wish once more to enslave you. He would speak a word about the proposed convention and the course which his hearers should pursue. Don't vote for any man who does not come out fairly and squarely in favor of the platform of the 19th of April. Don't vote for any man who does not come out in a crtrtl for that platform. Any man who hesitates to swallow this pill is not a Republican. Nome, too, will say they are in favor of suffrage. Don't be misled by this cnair. The colored man does not want impartial suffrage, for it may throw the government ol the Mate into the hands of a landed aristocracy. ISo man shall come into the proposed convention who is not an advocate of manhood suffrage. No other term will do. Again, in regard to free schools, it is not sufficient that a man shall declare himself for them but he must bo willing to sustain measures for their support. And how is this to bo done? By taxing the property in the State. liy taking the tax from a mans head and putting it on his land, his horses, and 5"*0*?- J? this nin?y 11 r'ch man will tindoubted ly object; but we will Insist upon it It Hunnicutt goes into that Convention?as ne will, if he feels inclined?ho will carry his point, though it tukes three months, or six months, or he will break the whole (hino an If he does not go, ho will decline a nomination liimse?f th? most r:u,'L'u' mtin who presents llie work to be done by the Convention is no slight one, whatever milk-and-water men say to the contrary. Most of Virginia's Code must hniiifa ? aUti .thu. remal?tl*r of it must be boiled over; and the work will occupy some th? i ? 'Df'nia will not be in the Union by ?maj,b? "oi u'u?! Conclusion, ho said that if tho newConstii ?? ;ld?l)ted he intends to canvass the whob. State at any cost and at any personal risk in the interests of the Republican party "nd t?. defend himself from the charges of whipping his wife, bucking and gagging his a yS-x gini'i papers'811 lght aSai,lst him by \rirOongressman Shanks visits Richmond to nimmasj. for .tori? in regard u,Xu?a ? Relb 1,1,? prisonWs at lobby Prison and Belle Isle. He is a member of a emigressional committee appointed to procure material for a campaign document on this subject. Ree to rot's Meetings.?We hear that the seriesuf meetings commenced atSyoumore church some two weeks since con tinue The interests augmenting. Nightly congregations fill the building to repletion, who listen to the expoundings ot tho eloquent and erudite pastor?Rev Dr. Hopsou?with the closest and most undivided attention. Up to the present i me over thirty persons have been added to the Church by submitting to the solemn ordinance of baptism?embracing both sexes, and numbering among them the llowor and prornise of the rising generation. A series of meetings are also progressing at SSf,elMr>n ch"rdl' K K l>- P:l8tVr' ^ we announced in our J?sue of V riday last. These meetings are lnrtlie^least*" and lhe interest does not flag At the Union Hill (M. E.) Station, Rev. P A. 1 eterson, the good work is progressing gloriously. Mr. I eterson has been much aided n the pulpit and at the penitential seats by the Rev. Leonidas Rosser, D. D., one of the State zwllous and ylotl"?nt revivalists in the Trinity Methodist church commenced a series of meetings last night. It is stated that a series of meetings are about to be commenced at the Clav-*tre?t tor. This is a growing, flourishing church, and has a wide field for usefulness before it in the western portion of the city. <;^\n1ileur ,lw? is tllw int?ntion of the Second Baptist church to hold several religious meetings at an early day. The particular time for them to commence will probably noJtinn n?1h y aKre"d UIKjn beforu lbe latter portion of tht; present week. It is encouraging to every Christian reader s*",0' 118 wiide"extende(l effort now being made in our city to promote the cause of i Christ and uphold the Banner of the Cross.

Matoh'3 Court?Monday ? Mayor Mayo pRE3|Di.v(?. ? The case of William Loose, charged with threatening to shoot Mrs. Lydia O'Donnell, was first called. Loose was fined ?10 and required to give security in the sum of ?150 for good behavior. Joseph F. Tyler, arraigned upon a charge of receiving a coat, valued at ?a, knowing the same to have been stolen, was discharged with a caution against buying goods at a price evidently much less than their value. Edward Ford, charged with the larceny of the same coat, was discharged after establishing the tact that he came honestly by it. Harriet Johnson, colored, charged with stealing a cloak and two dresses from a merchant, was discharged. Mollie Vaughan, upon the same charge, was sent on for indictment. Lettuce Turner, colored woman, charged with stealing certain articles of wearing apparel from Charles Butts, was remanded for trial. Frank Hancock, black boy, was brought up to explain some disorderly behavior on Saturday uight and for resisting a policeman In the discharge of his duty. Frank had said on the occasion referred to that "he didn't care a for old Joe Mayo and his policemen; he wanted his rights." Sobered by two nights and a day in the cage, he plead intoxication as an excuse for his bad behavior, but was committed in default of security. Frank Johnson, colored, arraigned for assaulting 4.mnhda Hrown, a woman with Whom he had been living as husband, was discharged. Thomas Roberts, colored, brought tip.to answer the charge of stealing a cow valued at seventy-five dollars from Mr. J. B. Young, was remanded for examination. John Grlllin, for receiving the same cow, knowing it to have been stolen, was also sent on. Bail was refused in both cases. Thurston Burress, charged with assaulting and beating a colored man named Peter Campbell, was next called. As Peter charged Burruss with bribing or otherwise suborning a colored woman who appeared In his defence, the Mayor gave him until to-day to establish the charge. Alice Hardgrovo was arraigned for the fortieth lime for being drunk and disorderly. She was dismissed under a promise to go to Petersburg, r(ever to return. Chased into a Culvert.?At about 7 o'clock on Saturday night policeman Beggerley observed a negro man near the corner of Seventeenth and Venable streets furiously beating a colored woman, who was calling lustily for help. The officer immediately hastened to the spot, and the man, starting olf at once, was chased to the creek, when he jumped over and made his escape by entering a culvert. It was ascertained that the belllgorent darky had ?also threatened to cut the throat of an un? offending freedman, His name was not discovered,

Mm.? Kiebt to bk Tried To-DAT.-Mrs. Ann A?rby, who n-nd killed her husband in the Second market-house in November 1S65, will be tried to-day before Judge Bnrnh&m It will be remembered that Mrs. Kirby plead, insanity as the cause of the murder, and on that ground was sent to the Western Lunatic Asylum. She remained there about fifteen months, and was sent back here for trial, having, in the opinionof the superintendent, fully recovered. She was placed iiuhe jail, but the death of the lamented Judge Lyons preventing a trial, was by order of General Schofleld bailed to appear at the first term of the Judge's court of this city. We learn that since her release on hail she has been spending most of her time in Petersburg. Election op OfPicBRS.?"At a regular meeting of Shockoe Hill Division, No. 54, Sons of Temperance, the following officers were elected for the ensuing qnarter: S. Edward Bates, W. P.; J. Bernard Davis, W. A.; Peterfield Trent, R. S.; J. Edwin Walter. A. R. S.; C. Winder Fellows, F. S.; W. J. Glenn, T.; C. W. Macfarlane, Chaplain ; C. L. Snead. C.; L. Martin, A. C.j Edgar Weymouth, I. S.; B. S. Walthall, O. S.; Alexander McWilliam, P. W. P. More Tobacco Seized.?In the Dispatch of yesterday we mentioned that one thousand boxes of manufactured tobacco had been seized on Saturday by the revenue officers at a point about two miles below the city. On yesterday the same officers seized from the same party of" blockiuie-rnnners," at the lower part of Henrico, live hundred pounds of tobacco which belonged to the lot above mentioned, but which was carried off when the first seizure was made. The Matcii Game op Billiards Last Night?E. Brian Victorious.?Last night a large number of persons assembled in the bil-liard-room of the Ballard Hotel to witness the friendly match game of billiards, five hundred points caroms, between Mr. Ed. Brian, champion billiard-player of the State, and Mr. W. Levy. After an exciting contest, one hour and fifty minutes, the game was closed, and Mr. Brian declared the victor. The following is the score of the game: Brian, 500; Levy, 431. Brian's average, ; Levy's average, 654. Judge Btrnham's Court.?The following business was transacted iu this court yesterday : Moses Branch, indicted for felony, was arraigned and found guilty. The jury ascertained his term of confinement in the penitentiary at one year. David Goode, indicted for feloniously receiving stolen goods, was put ou trial. Th-' evidence was heard and the argument commenced, but it being late In tho day, the jury was adjourned until this morning. A nolle, prosequi was entered in tho case of Margaret Hin ton. A Court-room Cleared.?The Old Market Hall, In which the Mayor's Court is now held, as has been frequently noted, Uso constructed as to render the hearing of witnesses a matter of impossibility unless profound quiet is observed. Tho large crowd of negro men and women daily in attendance as spectators cannot be made to understand the fact, and employ their time in loud conversation and giggling, much to the annoyance of court, bar, and reporters. Yesterday, after repeatedly commanding order, his Honor caused two noisy wenches to be brought within the bar, and seated them on the prisoners' bepch. Tho confusion stiil continuing, the polifcejproceeded to clear the room of all spectators, and tho black cloud vanished through the doors on Main street with great scraping and stamping* of brogaus on the uncarpeted lloor. A Vetera* of the Revolution.?A terrapin was found in Chesterfield county a few days ago, with the Inscription " 1775?W. W." upon his shell. After submitting to a rigid inspection from his finder, the venerable animal walked away with the slow step of age, tho spectators perfectly satisfied of the genuineness of the date. Personal.?Mr. Randolph Rogers, scnlptor, arrived in the city yesterday from Now York. The Ladies' Favorite Dressmaker, Mrs. H. A. Staiars, having removed to No. 8 Fourth street, corner of Main, near residence of C. W. Purcell, would be glad to Hee her customers. Latest sty les dress patterns Just received. No. 9t corner of Main and Fourth streets. TuTh&SJt* Marine Intelligence. MINIATURE ALMANAC?October 1, Z8S7. Hun rlsos 8.10 i Moon rises 8 21 Sun Mats S so | High tide 0.67 PORT OF RICHMOND, Skptbmbhr 3<L arrived. Steamer Elllo Ivnight, Travers, Baltimore, merchandise and passengers, D. A W. t'urrle. Steamer Saratoga, King, New York, merchandise and passengers, 8. Ayres k Co. Schooner Virginia Dare, , New York, merchandise, to captain. HAILED. Steamer Hatteras, Couch, New York, merchandise and passengers, N. Ayres & Co. Steamer Ellie Knight, Travers, Baltimore, merchandise and passengers, D. k w. Currie. Steamer John Sylvester, Gilford, Norfolk, merchandise and passengers. L. B. Tatum. * Steamer Alexandria, Piatt, Philadelphia, merchandise and passengers, W. P. Porter. Books9 Stationery, &c. jyjEDICAL AND LAW TEXTBooKS Stndonts of medicine and students of law can obtain of the subscribers all the TEXT-BOOKS used In the several law and medical schools In Virginia, and at as low prices as can be had anywhere. They have many Second-hand Books, In fair condition, which will be sold at reduced prices. WOODHODSB k PARHAM, oo l 1205 Main street. SCHOOL BOOKS, CHEAP.?RANDOLPH 4 ENGLISH, 1320 Main Btroet. have a large stock of SECOND-HAND SCHOOL 1300K8 for sale at about half price, and an assortment of NEW SCHOOL BOOKS of the latest edition*. OLD BOOKS bought or taken in exchange for others. se 30

Abetter paper than the LEDGER.?The NEW YORK WEEKLY, No. 47, with the continuation of the great romance of NICK WHIFFLES, now ready. tJnppIied at TEN CENTS for single copies, or THIRTY CENTS a month in advance, and delivered in any part of the city by the old Richmond News Agent. LBWiS L. SMITH, ho 24 805 Broad street, next to Flzzlnl's. A/fUHLBACH'8 NEW NOVEL! 1VX THE DAUGHTER OF AN BMFRB68, Bound. 41. Paper, #1.60. For sale at SMITH'S Book Store and News Agency, se 28 *05 Broad street. YOU CAN GET FASHION BOOKS FOE OCTOBER at the News Depot. se 18 __ TURNER, No. 20 Thirteenth street. J WALL TURNER, NEWS AND ? BOOK AGENT, has Just received a large and select stock of NOVELS, the best assortment to be found In the city. Also, LETTER, CAP, and NOTE FAPER, Just received, very low. Every* thing in the News line can be furnished at this established News Depot. TURNER, se 13?-lm News Dealer, Ac. JQESTINY; OR, LIFE A3 IT IS. BY BOSALIB MILLER MURPHY. A new work by a young southern author. A tale of domestic life. Light, airy, and written in that graceful style which evinces the rare power of portraylDg real life in penographlc sketches. Replete with sweet womanly sentiment of love, endurance, and devotion?graphic delineations of scenes and characters. Just such a hook as every one will read with delight. For sale by A. H. CHRI8TIAN A CO., se U t No. 814 Main street. IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES. JL MOUNTCaSTLK'8 STORB AND TIN ? DEPOT, No. 510 Baoad btbxit.?We. have Just received a large lot of the latest improved 8TOVB8, which makes our assortment of Parlor, Cooking, aud !___ Office Stoves the, best In the city. rar-H^^w lor btoves from $? to $*o ; CooWng Stoves, co?T Slete, 100 to 430 ; very large sizes, ?oft'*, toves warranted as represented. <pin.roof* Plumbing, (in. HUIog. Sl?m WpJ* ss-sf &z!2sxkszr sissss-. George btarrett. Broad street. oc I?*m * ? 1 ? ?' ^PEcTaL NOTICK.-I have this day S^old my entire interest in the concern of Moir * VnLle at Dublin, Va.. tbe co-partnership expiring by limitation on the WU> 6epUjui^?r.^|??^ Rocky Mount, Va., August li, 1W7. ? 14?eodiw t?OR SALE.?A strong city, made TOP _r BUGGY, in excellent condition and but little ?" "? HfltttSflitiflKS auv , - comer Twenty-fourth and Ytnahie