Daily Dispatch, Volume 38, Number 104, 2 May 1870 — Page 3

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J&hmcttfii JpsjwMt, MONDAY MAY 2, 1870. WASHINGTON NEWS, More Bank Notks and Currency.? Washington. April 29.?One Rtep forward was taken in the Committee on Banking ami Currency to-day on the financial question. l>y a vote to report a bill to the House providing tor the issue of ninety-five millions of dollars of additional bank'notes and for the redemption of fortv millions of throe tier cent, certificates, winch are now held l.y the hanks as the lawful reserve. The remaining tifty millions or bank notes are to take the place of an equal amount of legaltenders, thus showing that the bill does not in effect increase the actual volume ofcurrencv?though a different construction is placed upon it by different members of the 1 louse. Some declare that it is an inflation, while others maintain that it is an actual contract ion. But whether a contraction or inflation, the amount either way does not appear to exceed ten millions of dollars. The bill, be?ides other important features, provides for a bond bearing four and a half per cent, interest, which the new banks are required to par for in gold or its equivalent. I he bill will probably be brought into the House on Tuesday next. By that time the new funding hill will be reported from the Wavs and Means Committee, and thus the newc?t phase of the financial situation will be before the House and the country. The latter committee hrul up that measure at their meeting to-day, but reached no conclusion. Notwithstanding all that has been published to the contrary, the fact appeared to-day that the committee have not voted on a single amendment to the Senate bill. Postage Stamps.?The two-cent and teucent postage stamps of the new issue res. tnMe each other very much, and the New Yoi k ('oynmrrcial says that one of the clerks < f the post-office in that city sold a sheet of ten-cent stamps for a sheet of two-cent ?.tamps, which was applied for. The purchaser give $2 to the clerk and received $10 worth of .stamps. Virginia Appointments.?I. Marion Hamilton, postmaster at Middleton, Frederick county, rice George W. Allen, resigned. Joel F. Cooley, postmaster at Uapp's Mills liockbridge county, vicc Joseph S. l.Yid, resigned. Henry Miller, postmaster at Gareysville, Prince" George's county, vice John Magee, resigned. VIRGINIA NEWS. Letter from Farmville. (YirrcsponUoucc of the Richmond tdspatch. Farmville, April 27, 1870. The telegraph communicates the sad tragedy in the Capitol building. One of the gentlemen reported to he among the dead (Mr. Burtiham, of New York,) was iii this town tui yesterday, and was returning to his home with a view of making arrangements to buv land in this vicinity. Senator Bland was a native of Farmville, and has resided in the town all his life. When we remember his antecedents and his limited opportunities of education, the -in-cess (.t self-reliant efforts to acquire knowledge reflects great credit on him. On public quc?tion< he exhibited a liberality of sentiment and an independence very well woithy of imitation ; and however devoid might'have been his political views, he had become statesman enough to know " that lie had a country to serve,as well as a partv to ohev." Had he lived and continued to study he would have had it in his power to exercise a controlling and salutary influence, especially with his own race. Withal, he was a man of integrity and of amiable and generous impulses. Our people had a just appreciation of his merits. It is understood that the Jtev. N. W. Wilson, of Farmville, goes to Dr. Jeter's church as pastor. Ilis church here loses, while the metropolitan pulpit gains, a very faithful and instructive preacher, whose sermons present truth with clearness and I??r nr. From Brunswick County. Correspondence of the itlcliinond Dispatch. At the April term of the Brunswick county court, Judge li. M. Mallory presided, and among other things made the following appointments of county officers : Kdward Ji. Turnbull, clerk ; Hobert B. Turnbull, sheriff: and I>. Meade Bernard, ,lr., Commonwealth's attorney. He also appointed 1 >. .1. Claiborne, Jr., B. Ashton j.ewis, and Wm. H. J?. Merritt, commissioners in chancery. li. B, Wilkes and Philip If. Pawlings qualified at the same terms to their commissions as commissioners of the revenue. The commissioners appointed for the purpose have divided Brunswick into three townships, called Mcherrin, Totaro, and lied Oak. Mcherrin comprises all that part of the county which is south of the Meherrin river," and has four voting-places?Sunny side. Gholsonville, Kelly's Store, and Dronigoole's Store. The Boydton and Petersburg plank-road is the dividing line between the other two townships. Totaro (an Indian name) is south ot the plank-road, and has three voting places? I.awreiu'eville, Sturgeonville, and Smoky Ordinary. lied Oak, on the "northwest thereof, haR also three voting places?Edmunds's Store, Trotter's Stoie. and Harper's Home. Uttlcberry Baugli, the oldest white male person in the eountv, and a most worthy citizen, (lepaitcd this life on the 18th of April, in the ninety-second year of his age.

For the Dispatch. Independent Order of Wood Tenipliirm. Fairfax Courthouse. Aj?ril 29. The Grand Lodge of Good Templars of Virginia closed its annual session to-day. The'following ollieers were elected for the ensuing year : B. W. Clark. G. W. C. T.; Mrs. Fannie Bowman, G. W. V. T.: G. B. Wibirt, G. W. Counsellor; S. B. Wioirt, G. W. secretary: E. K. Mason, G. "\\r. Treasurer ; Isaac" M. Foster, G. W. Chaplain ; George M. Thompson, G. W. M.; L. E. Dyer, G. AN'. Guard; G. Flasket, G. W. Sentinel; Roxev A. Bryce, G. W. D. M.; Bailey, Ci. \V. A. S."; Rev. L. M. Niekerson, R.W. G. 1.. Representative. Last night the hall was thrown open and the above officers of the Grand Lodge were publiclv installed by Job llawxhurst, F. G, W. ('. T.; after which interesting speeches were made bv several prominent advocates of the cause of temperance. Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad News. Every day brings people and the other necessary paraphernalia used in constructing a railroad. Work has now been regularly commenced on nearly every section from Guyandotte to Charleston. There are at present about 300 negroes engaged on different sections of the work, and we learn that they make excellent hands. Mr. John Hasson, the contractor for the masonry at Mud Bridge, below town, has been on hand for several days building shanties and getting ready for operations. Other contractors are busily employed in providing shanties preparatory to putting on a large force. - Cabell County Press. A Generous Lynchburoer.?Mr. Benjamin Hart, a prosperous merchant of New York city, when lirst informed of the great diwter at Richmond, telegraphed Governor Walker to draw on liim at sight for $1,000 for the relief of the families ot the victims of th*? accident. Mr. Hart, who made this liberal offer, is a Lynchburgerjiy birth, and a son of tbu late Michael Hart, at one time Mayor of this city, Mr. Hart was born in the building now oocupitfd by the lit publican office?perhaps in the very apartment in which these lines are written, Lynchburg Republican. A Virginia Invention.?Mr. James M. Rueker, of Bedford county, had on exhi* bltion in this city yesterday the model of a pneumatic pump, of his own design and construction, operating to raise ana throw water in large volume and to great distance, on the principle of atmospheric pressure. The mechanism seems ingenious and perfect, and the working ol the model is certainly smooth and satisfactory. Mr. Rueker, who has devoted years to the study of mechanics and natural philosophy, is confident of the success of his invention, and thinks that the principle on which it is based is capable of being applied to accomplish much greater results, which may Involve a thorough revolution of the industries and travel of the world.--Lynchburg Jit-publican,

Rights of Passengers - The decision made by Judge Giles in the United States District Court yesterday, in a test case, that the City Passenger Railway Company is not privileged to refuse accommodation on their lines to colored people paying the usual fare, is only in accordance with a general principle which has been determined by decisions heretofore given elsewhere. The companies, who are common carriers, it is conceded may regulate their business so that they equitably provide for their passengers the like accommodations, whether by separate-cars or portions of cars, similar for all classes of passengers. It is in this way that, for the better convenience of all. on ordinary railway trains, certain cars are assigned for ladies and their escorts, while others are for gentlemen. In compliance with the above decision notice is given by the Passenger Railway company that on and after Monday May 2d separate cars will be provided for the accommodation of colored persons on the different lines of the Baltimore City Passenger railway, and that such cars will be designated by the sign "Colored persons admitted into this car." -Baltimore Sun. A Catastrophe in England.?London, April 29.?An arch of the new Metropolitan railway nnder the northern end of Blackfriars bridge, gave way to-day. The men were at work in the tunnel at the time, and twelve were buried in the ruins. All of' I hem were taken out alive, but seven were badly if not fatally injured, and the others were slightly bruised. Two have since died in the hospital. Southern Property Sold for Taxes Dcring TnE War.?Memphis, April 28.? Collector Patterson has received instructions from the Secretary of the Treasury to take possession of alJ property sold here during the war for taxes and afterwards redelivered. Millions are involved in it. The indications are that a practicable route for the D:irien ship-canal will not be fouud. Chief Justice Chase denies that he contemplates atrip to Europe after the adjournment of the circuit court at Kichmoud. Three men, names unknown, were drowned yesterday in St. Louis by running a yawlboat under the wheel of a steamer and getting capsized. Surgeon George E. Cooper, of Fort Monroe, while driving out Latelv, was throwu from his carriage and painfully but not dangerously hurt. The London Standard publishes a letter from Louis Zimmer, general agent Union Land Company, setting forth the merits of lands in Virginia and North Carolina. On "Wednesday Mr. Ilarlan Miller, of Chester county, Pa., purchased 180 acres of the Lovet tract, near Purcellville, for_ ?146 per acre. Mr. James McPaniel paidS35.12.tf for lfKJ acres of the same tract.?Loudoun Republican. In Italeigh, N. C., on Thursday, a woman of bad character dressed in men's clothes, went to the house of Spencer Wood, and was shot aud killed. A dispatch savs she "went for the purpose of misI chief," but does not give her name or any I other particular. | With remarkable presence of mind, when General Corse felt himself deseeuding, he pulled his hat down over his eyes and ears and kept his hands clenched upon the brim of his lnit. lie lighted upon his feet, and was almost the first one to emerge from the rubbish. He only received some slight scratches on the head.?Alexandria Gazette.

CASH PAYMENTS ON LOTS IN THE TOWN OF WOODVILLE, neirthe Medianlcsvllle turnpike. FIFTY DOLlars l"or each lot, and only FIVE DOLLARS CASII; balance In monthly payments of TnREE DOLLARS until paid for. Offers a first-rate opportunity for every one to secure a building lot. Apply to T. n N E vV B URN, Real Estate A pent, ap 27" No. 1010 Main street. ~I7"IRG1NIA AND NORTH CAROLINA V Li^ND AGENCY. MtTHAlL & Va NO. llUMAIS STBEBTj.M? "?"tDrnd h GPNBUAL " tsiAia ~- nurchase aii'i sale on commission of A' XiivvTiAL PROPERTIES, MILLS, and MAMJVaCTCKINC SITES of every description. In the jiiont attractive and desirable sections of ^ irglnla and N?>rfh Carol in a, offer tbeir services to buvers ami sellers generally. They are forming most influential and popular northern connections, and win Publish local agencies at various points in each State. From their long experience and thoknowledge of their business, their extens?v?f aoouaintance and determination to leave nothing undone to attract attention to properties entrusted to thein, and pr mote the best interests of their customers, they feel authorized to solicit a fair share of public patronage. I All parties wl hlnK to purchase or sell can obtain reliable information by applying In person or by correspondence. e are now receiving applications for good and wen-loc^ted^neral properties. ' * Richmond. Va; WM. M. WITHERS, late of Caswell county, N. C. AI'KII. 1, 1870. ap 4-1 m JjANDS IN QUANTITIES. I faS, first-class estates, with splendid Improvements. and deslruW^ocjU.^ ^ DREWRY, ! ap 25?lm 1014 Main street. INSTITUTION, WITH INDEX, 15c.: ;?A?ehars Annotated Constitution of United suites* Lading Criminal Cases; Parsons on Notes and Ilills; Tiuruss on Bankruptcy; Rcdileld I on Carriers, Wills, and ou Railways; Daniel on Attachment; ITllllard on Injunction ; >e< gewlrk onDamages ; Taylor on Landlord and 1 en ant, vv..iur"s American Law; Wallace, volume i; ltrL^htiv's Diirett United States Laws; Abbott's and"Brightly's National Digests; Abbott's United States Practice, and on Corporations ; and other ??J. oli ? Books.nir, ami Bl.nk-iloo* Mgufafcurg^ COPYING-PRESSES, LETTER COPYING-BOOKS, t?^thw imr^rNu!utJcBkKol' BLANK BOOKSand r Booksellers and Stationers, _ 1205 Main street. Up fcA . _____ OTRAW GOODS! STRAW GOODS!! O We are now receiving by every steamer from New York aU w HATg FOR LADIES, MISSES AND GENTLEMEN, FOR 4jAl^Aj?HI0XABLE STYLES. A" D?VlPKGA^T STI K POPL1N8. VLAKK&kxVttisV COTTON. COATa* MACLALK Si MAunj c0TT0S. PLAIN ANU FANCY MATTING. RIBbOMS. ?RTRBON54 ' ' RIBBO.N~ RIBBONS ! 1 1 DUCKWALL & ROUSS, my a 1013 Main street, opposite post-office. R~ EFKIGERATORS! wateu:coolers:!zer CKEAM-KREEZERS, together with an entire stock or the 1 m provedCO Ok f A v ^ ^ RANGK6. and HOI SEKKEPING ARTICLE^. Call at CHARLES G. GREGORY S, my 2? lm No. 1417 Main street. Richmond, May 2, 1870. WE ARE PLEASED to see the name of Mr. SAMUEL C. GREENHOW suggested for the place of CITY TREASURER. AS ku old citizen ancHhlghly qualified business man, w" heartily recommend him to our fellow-citizens for that responsible office. t w? Seddon, & Co., Lancaster & Co., T^r Mon'acrue James Dunlop, w'HS SiW31"06, Grubbs^Wlllam^,' Peyton & cary, Goddin, S" *coP. T. Mooro. j0jm H.Tyler & Co., D. N. ^ fr'/'o. William B. Isaacs. Thom^ R- Frjce ? , rj,^ -^?ortijain & Co., lea ac Davenport, Jr., Williams & Co., J. A. Cowardln, *o. *?? John B. I,^viBijar?,am Palmer, Hartsook & Co., Woodhouse: A. 1 orliam, |^g'Wortliam & Co., 8. M. ljoseubaum, j0hn Enders, p.H.Starke, A. Y. Stokes & Co., SSTu cSlbA' L. H.Fr?J?t. my 2?^t - 7" ILL^TONES.-We arfi furnish J^e best <jnall F t conJ and MILL-STONES for grin^ng wnea B0LTfNGJESOPUS for grinding numbers. Also, CLOTHB An^r br^various c0UEEo for I ap23~4&9VflB)

TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. I *?rtc Stoek >nd Money Market. ^rjr'^ fOBlt, April JO?JVoon.?Stocks strong, Money eaay at 5@fc. Gold, lU|. Virginia ex-cou-Pom. <*H; new, ?oj. Georgia r?, 97; Mi bid. | Evening?The bank statement* are favorable. Money easy at 4@5 per cent. Gold, 115}. LATEST FROM WASHINGTON. Ppecial telegrams to the Dispatch. Washington, April 30,1870. ?1 (teens of Richmond Appointed to Office. Burn ham Ward well was to-day appointed tobacco inspector for the third Virginia district, comprising the city of Bichmond. This is a responsible and lucrative place, and the appointment has been made alter much deliberation by the Commissioner and Secretary of the Treasury to the person aving the best qualification and merit, in their opinion. S. Ferguson Beach, United States district attorney for the State of Virginia, has tenacred the resignation of his office to the President. It has not yet been accepted, but most probably will be, as the Attorney. General states that by direction of the President he tendered the appointment to exGovernor Wells, of Virginia ; and the day the Governor was so badly hurt he should ave received the letter containing the proposed appointment. Governor Wells has not yet sufficiently recovered to reply to the Attorney-General, but the latter said to-dav he was 0f opinion the Governor would accept the place. The Tax on I^ear Tobacco. Commissioner Delano has addressed a letter to the Collector of Beveuue at New Orleans in relation to the tax on leaf tobacco, from which the following extracts are made: 'A person or firm purchasing"leaf tobacco on his own account, and selling the same m this country, is liable to a special tax of $25, and to an additional tax ot $2 per ?1,000 on his sales in excess of $10,000. If the leaf tobacco purchased is shipped I to foreign countries, or consigned to commission merchants or agents in this country, and sold on occount* of the purchaser, in either case such purchaser is liable to pay a spccial tax of $25, but is not required to pay the tax on sales made for him by other parties?persons who purchase leaf tobacco on orders and ship the same to those ordering it, or to their consignees, for account of and at the risk of said parties. The purchasers having no ownership or interest in the tobacco further than their commissions are liable to pay special tax as commercial brokers, and not as dealers in leaf tobacco." Bailey the Defaulter. Supervisor Williams, acting third assistant commissftmer of internal revenue, has concluded the examination of the accounts of Bailey, the defaulting collector of the thirty-second New York revenue district, and to-day reported to the Commissioner that the defalcation amounts to $130,000. Bailey is not yet arrested, and his sureties were notified to-day of the amount of the defalcation, and it is thought the matter will be settled up by them without suit by the Government. Wallace. Associated Press telegrams. Congressional. Washington, April 30.?The Senate was not in session to-day. House.?The House adjourns from Thursday till Monday to put the hall in summer trim. Many private bills were passed. Senate bill extending the time for the completion of the first twenty-five miles of the Cairo and Fulton railroad was passed, and goes to the President. Mr. Schenck, bv unanimous consent, and after an explanation, introduced a joint resolution prepared by Mr. Clark, of Texa?, providing that all p'ersons duly elected to office in Texas shall have thirty davs from the 30th of April, 1870, within which to file the oath of office prescribed in the act of March 30th, 1870, It was passed. The House again, after sharp passes, voted against setting aside the tariff bill. Various Items. Washington, April 30?The House has voted to adjourn over from next Thursdav till the following Monday. The House is now engaged on private bills. Judge Chase starts for Virginia, aud Bradley for New Orleans, on Monday to open courts. The Supreme Court has adjourned to the last week in October. General Sherman states that Indian hostilities have not vet commenced in the Sioux countrv, but he is expecting dispatches to that effect. General Sheridan has gone to the front, and will communicate at once in detail the state of affairs. The revenue receipts to-dav amount to half a million. The Star says that the various contending parties in relation to the transcontinental railroad, several bills for which have been introduced in the House, are about harmonizing, it is said, and will probably agree upon one of the bills, and urge its favorable consideration bv the Pacific Railroad Committee. The bi'll upon which the compromise wfll be effected was prepared by Senator Howard.

Belief for Richmond Sufferers. New York, April 30.?A special meeting of the Chamber of Commerce has been called for Monday to take necessary steps towards raising a fuud for the ralief of the families of those who have suffered by the calamity in Richmond. Wall-Street, Humors. New York, April 30.?Wall street is filled with rumors relative to the Treasury policy for May. The general impression is that the sale3 of gold and purchases of bonds will be increased. The bank statement is favorable to a continued ease in money. Specie has increased $3,507,000. Circulation has decreased ?110.000. Gold steady at 14Jb@15* . Imports for the week in dry goods amount to $1,692,002. An Important Case. Cincinnati, April 30. -The case of Knox vs. Lee, for taxes, which was submitted upon Knox, and arguments by Judge Paschal for Knox, and Mr. Wells for Lee, was ordered to be reargued at the next term of the Supreme Court. The case involves two parties?one, the effect of a sale of property by the Confederate States under their sequestration laws against alien enemies ; the other upon an instruction of the judge upon the measure of damage. He said that in assessing damages the jury would recollect that whatever amount they might give in their verdict would be discharged by payment of such amount in legal-tender notes of the United States. It is said that the difficulty was upon this construction, and that the argument has been ordered because it opens up the whole question of the constitutionality of the legal-tender laws. The case will be argued by Judge Paschal against the instructions. A very important decision was delivered to-day to the effect that the property of a person who had taken the amnesty oath was not a legal prize. Several, millions of dollars are involved. Conviction and Sentence of an Express Bobber. Baltimore, April 30.?'Thomas Hoffman, who, with Edward Grier and Edward Deunis, robbed a messenger of the Harnden Express Company in this city last May, and who broke jau and was recaptured in Indiana, was convicted to-day, and sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary. National Medical Association. Cincinnati, April 30.?At the National Association of Medical Colleges to-day a resolution was adopted reiterating, in the strongest manner, its desire that the several medical colleges will, in thte changes from time to time made by them ill the currlculum of study, endeavor to! conform them to the general plan which Was recommended by the convention of 1867, and adopted in the same year by the American Medical Association.

. ?eoni.W^ Animi April 80.?A motion to reconaider ? resolution passed yesterday seating members who were not elected under the reconstruction act was passed by a vote of 71 to 83. i ? More Colonists. 1 April 30-?The schooner Hattie Low mils this evening, carrying the detachment of colonists forHyde Park Colony, N. C. Foreign Hews. Paris, April 30.?A meeting at which accusation against the Emperor was proposed was dispersed by the authorities. The person who proposed the accusation was arthof At ^ve!^ meetings it was resolved ?2^0" 086 0 & tlie Republic vote The court will remain at St. Cloud during the vote. The clergy have been instructed by the church authorities to vote " Yes " ,?pril *re rife of a new plot discovered by the police aeaW ?he 5t?ie<and 5eJ?f Emp&orf K legedthat yesterday a deserter from the army, a non-commissioned officer, was arrested in the Hotel Bue Montmartre, who had in hi3 possession a letter from Gustavo Flourens, and a note containing instructions for hispart in the execution of the conspiracy. The Figaro says that part of the design of the plotters was to blow up the Palace of the Tueleries and of the Prefective of Police. f?P?inCK Ai,n,at,0Je Germidoff de San Donato, husband of MathiJde de Monfort, of the Impenal family of France, died to-day-aged sixty years, ' w^uty> It is reporte the French clei and votes for pli vernment. April 30.?The Times reviews and SiE?? uPon the atrocities of the Greek brigands and emphasises the call upon the eat Powers to intervene in the affairs of Greece to the end that similar outrages may be prevented in future. y firlhLtatur^ay R*>iew anticipates the en" wrforf i?n 0 American credit, only S?' regardless ?? the Supreme Court dev. n resumption of specie payments shall be an established fact. ^ments I P ARI8, April 30.?The Journal Official of to-day announces that the police have been for some time on the track of a plot aeainat the life of the Emperor. Yesterday morn- ; recently from England, was arrested de Moulins, whereby the plot is completely discovered. On the person of Beaver was found a large sum of monev a revolver, and a letter from London from' a man who was implicated in a similar plot in 1< ebruary last. This Beaver himself j ^aves no doubt of his intention to attempt an assassination of the Emperor. Last night others were arrested at the house of I thr3e' Jhe police seized a ?ge t quantity of powder and a number of exnli. sive bombs, together with directions ?0w to use them. This plot, the Journal intimates, has for its principal organizers manv members of the city, some of whom to*1 been already arrested. Two of the secretaries of the International Association of Workingmen were arrested this afternoon. The^ police found upon their persons a complete list of the adherents to the plot. The authorities are scouring the city for these persons. It is i now reported that Beaver was disguised as a soldier to prevent exciting suspicion. Great military and police preparations are now being made. The Archbishops of Tours, Nebers, and Montpelier, have advised an affirmative vote. The clergy of Lyons have received instructions of a similar character. .Notwithstanding the great excitement here, the Government does not prevent the holding of public meetings this afternoon. )v *th meetings, however, that are mare to foment excitement the authorities will interfere. The Committee of the Left has addressed a.nmnifest to the army approving of a negaMadru), April 30.?The telegram from New York yesterday announcing an unrbing of volunteers in Cuba is positivelv contradicted by the Government, which has received favorable news from Cuba direct. There is no longer any question of the resignation of Kegent Serrano. . Constantinople, April 30.-The Sultan, in addressing the Council, reviewed the events of last year, and promised to give every attention to reforms, development' education, trade, roads, and military and navy reorganization. ?i,Lo ?D0,?' wI?il^?~The morning edition of the Pall Mall Gazette has been discontinued.

Domestic Market.*? [By Telegraph]. New York* April 30?JVoon?Floor dull and declining. Pork quiet; mess, $23.50. Cotton dull and ceavy at 23J . Evening?Cotton moderately active, but heavy. Flour 5(g(i0c. lower. Corn drooping. Cincixxati, April 30?Corn dull, with better ipply. Bacon?Shoulders, 12Jc. Tobacco In lair demand. Baltimore, April 30.?Cotton unchanged: middlings, 23c. Virginia 6's, 56J bid, 56ft asked; I8661s, M bid, 06} asked. St. Loui8; April 30?Tobacco very firm. VF.W Ohlean-8, April 30 Cotton Irregular; middlings, 22@r4c.; &tock, 140,360 bales. Mobile, April 30.?Cotton he?vy; middlings. 21@21JO. Charleston, April 30._Cotton quiet; middlings, 22c. Savanxait, April JO.?Cotton in fair demand; lower grades, 2l@2ljc. Galveston*, April 30 Cotton Inactive and droopLug ; good ordinary, l8Jc. Foreign Market*?[By Telegraph]. Paris, April 30?Noon.? Bourse opened Arm. Kentes, 74f. 30^. ? Paris. April so.?Bourse closed quiet; rentes, lit. 27c. Losdos, April"30?Noon.?Consols, 84. United States bonds, ?9J. Liverpool, April 30?Noon.?Cotton quiet; uplands, liquid. Havre, April 30?Cotton quiet. JMPERIAL AND OOLONG TEAS for sale low to close consignment. ap 28?lw PALMEB, HARTSOOK &, CO. JjLUE HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA, PL ASTEB?One cargo (J50 tons) for sale, to arrive. PALMEB, HABTSOOK & CO., ap 28?lw Commission Merchants. JS^EW LUMBER BUSINESS. I am glad to Inform my old customers and the public generally that I nave resumed my LUMBER BUSINESS. Having Just located a MILL on tbe finest lumber-land I ever owned, I am now prepared to fUrnlsh all kinds of BUILDING LUMBER at the shortest notice. BRIDGE-BOILDEKS and persona ' wanting HEAVY HEABT LUMBEB would do well to call on me. 1 shall keep a (rood assortment of LUMBEB at each of my present Wood-yards?at Basin and Weldon railroad. T. L. H. YOUNG, ap 16?Im Petersburg. Vs. T_ O THE WORKING CLASS.?We are now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Business new, light, and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50c. to $5 per even In?, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls can earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their ad* dress, and test the business, we make this unparalleled offer : To all such as are not well satisfied we will send 81 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample which will do to commence work on, and a copy of The People's Literary Companion?one of the largest and befit family newspapers published?all sent free by mall. Header, if you want permanent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN A CO., mh 14-d.wft6w3ro Augusta. Me. PICTURES-AN ASSORTMENT OF S,ooo; BIBLES, the most approved, 11x13, Morocco gilt, with double gilt clasps, with family album and record: PHOTOGBAPH FRAMES sold very cheap ; CARPETS of all descriptions : FRAMES of au sizes made on tbe premises. Sold by payments of weekly installments as cheap as they can be purchased in the city for cash, or in New York or Philadelphia. WILLIAM DAFFBON, Wholesale and Ketall Picture Dealer, No. 8 Eighteenth street, ap Iff?coo3m* between Main and Franklin. WINDOW-SHADE DEPOT, 1535 MAIN STBET.-M. GOLDEN la selling?* his large stock of WINDOW-SHADES, TABLE OILCLOTHS, Ac., at gold prices. Golo, Velvet, and Crystal]zed Shades, with Fixtures to match; Marble. Mahoganv. Rosewood, and Figured Oilcloth, from one shilling per yard up. Black, en duck, for covering carriages, at less than New York prloea. Call and boy of M. GOLDEN, JUS Mm.in street, between Fifteenth and Seventeenth streets. apt ?m LEATHER, LEATHER, LEATHER. We have lost received a large stock of all kinds, and sre selling at New York prices. Call and examine oar stock. O. H. CHALKLEY * CO., ap so Thirteenth street.

t>rovisions, on hand and cotox ftantl j receiving. Extra suqab-cttred HAMS, extra SUGAR-CUBED bhouldees, Extra SUGAR-CURED BREASTS, Extra FAMILY CORNED BEEP, Extra SMOKED BEET. Extta BUFFALO and BEEF T0NGUE8, e?rm fine LEAF LARD, SOUBED FEET, MESS PORE, and all kinds of provisions, at ? R. F. JAMES'S, ap ?--FA83m ll and 18 First Market. tf3.ROCERIES.--New stock of FAMILY vt GROCERIES just received, constating in part of 50 half barrels Wo. 1 NORTH carolina FAMILY ROE HERRINGS, 100 SUGAR-CURED HAMS. 20 bags LAGUAYRA COFFEE, strictly choice; Superior GREEN and BLACK TEAS, Superior JAPAN tea, CANNED TOMATOES, CANNED PKACHirS, SALAD OIL, ac., Ac.; to which we Invite the attention of families in want of choice groceries. WILLIAM G. DANDRIDGE A CO., ap>7 No. 827 Broad gw ^^rings, SALMON", &c. SO half-barrels WOOD'S ROE herrings, PICKLED SALMON and COD PISH. 100 bushels JERSEY MONITOR POTATOES: CANNEb PEACHES, TOMATOES, and CORN: CUCUMBER pickles. GEORGE A. HUNDLEY, ap 27 528 Broad street. T)RIME VIRGINIA HAMS, X shoulders and middlings, v.^ley FLOUR of all grade*. BLACK-EYED peas, for fallowing. . - CHARLES L. TODD. ap27 corner Sixth ami Clay street.*. SUGARS.?EXTRA c and b COFFEE o 8ugars for sale by ap 27 GORDON A cringan. T7ISH.?HALIFAX CUT AND SPLIT J? HERRINGS, NORTH carolina FAMILY ROE herrings, for sale by ap 27 GORDON A CRINGAN. COFFEE.?Prime RIO, OLD GOVERNment JAVA, and LAGUAYRA coffee for sale by ap 27 ? , GORDON A CRINGAN. kft HOGSHEADS PRIME SUGARS, uu 100 barrels REFINED SUGARS, 250 bags Coffee. 500 barrels SYRUPS, 100 hogsheads BACON, all kinds; 25 tierces WESTERN leaf lard, 50 chests TEA. 500 cases LICORICE, mass and stick. A. Y. STOKES A CO.. ap 25 Wholesale grocer?. pRIME SPRING BUTTER, PRIME SMOKED BEEF, PRIMK DAIRY cheese, PINE-APPLE and edam CHEESE, SUGAR-CURED hams and BREASTS, SYRUP, SUGAR, and MOLASSES (cheap), PATAPSCO FAMILY FLOUR, VALLEY FAMILY FLOUR, VALLEY" EXTRA FLOUR, Just received by ap 21 SHIELDS, STEVENS A CO. GROCERIES, GROCERIES. vjl 15 hogsheads BACON, sides and shoulders 8 hogsheads porto rico SUGARS, 40 barrels REFINED 8UGAP.S. .6 hogsheads english ISLAND and porto RICO MOLASSES, 50 barrels SYRUPS, common to best: 80 barrels CUT, EASTERN, and NORTH CAROLINA nOE herrings; 40 bags RIO, LAGUAYRA, and JAVA COFFEE; SOAP, CANDLES, LARD, HAMS, RICE, Ac. 00 barrels whiskey, all graded ; CHAMPAGNE, SHERRY, sg'uppernong, und oilier WINhS; BRANDY, GLN, RUM, ALK, PORTER, Ac. - chamberlayne A JONES, ap 19?2w 1318 Cary street. jpresh! FRESH!! FRESH!!! Just received, 1 100 half-barrels No. 1 GROSS HERRINGS, 60 barrels No. 1 CUT iierring8, 15 half-barrels No. 1 new NORTH carolina ROE HERRINGS, ap 18 waggoner A iiarvey.

Choice sugar-cured hams, FINE TEAS, FRESH CRACKERS, niBBERT'S LONDON PORTER, SF.A-MOSS FAR1NE, PRIME BUTTER, for sale by WILLIAM II. TATUM, ap 18 606 Broad street. Butter i butter i i 2,000 pounds Dcst No. 1 BUTTER, 1,000 pounds No. 1LAKD, 500 pounds PEACHES, 500 pounds PEARS, 200 pounds CHERRIES, CO Darrein FL.OUR. Low price at retail* H. A. DAYTON. Tenth street ap 14?2w between Main and Cary. SALT, SALT, SALT.?2,000 sacks "Deaklna," LOCO sacks "Evans," Liverpool double-bleached factory-filled FINE SALT, lully equal to uny In market, for sule low to close consignment by ap 12 ROBERT F. WILLIAMS & CO. K HOGSHEADS CLEAR-RIB sides, fj 5 hogsheads SHOULDERS, 5 boxes SUGAR-CURED BREASTS, arriving and for sale by CHARLES F. TAYLOR, ap 5 No. 8 Fifteenth street. OK bags RIO coffee, /CO 25 bajes LAGUAYBA COFFEE, 10 pockets OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFEE, in store and for sale by CHARLES F. TAYLOR, ap S No. 8 Fifteenth street. In store and for sale by CHARLES F. TAYLOR, ap 5 No. C Fifteenth street. CANDLES.?R. G. mitchell & CO.'S HYDRAULIC PRESSED, and EMERY A SONS'CANDLES. For sale by fe26 E. & S. WORTH AM & CO. COyFECTlONEBIES. T EMONS AND oranges.?Fresh LEI A MONS and ORANGES Just received on consignment. For sale by ap 30 ROBERT F. WILLIAMS & CO. glCILY LEMON-SUGAR, made from lemons from the groves of Sicily; a cheap substitute for lemons in making lemonade, temperance drinks, fancy bar drinks, &c., Ac. It is particularly recommended for TRAVELLERS, SOLDIERS, PIC-NICS, &c. It does not spoil, is always ready for use, is healthy, and was used during the war in many hospitals by the surgeons. For sale by ap 11 ANDREW P1ZZINI & CO. Q ZIMMER'S CONFECTIONERY. 100 half barrels VINEGAR PICKLES, 100 boxes ORANGES and LEMONS, NEW LAYER RAISINS, TURKISH FIGS, in drums and half-pound boxes; PRUNELLA, in one-pound boxes, of a very delicious flavor. My own manufactured CANDIES I sell as low as any bouse in our city. Also, CAKE8 and CRACKERS by the barrel at the very lowest rates. ZIMMER'S WORM CONFECTIONS are the best in the city. ZIMMER'S BUTTER-SCOTCH and SOLFERINO CANDIES are a sore remedy for coughs and sore throats. C. ZIMMER, ap 7 1543 Main street. VIRGINIA.?At Rules held in the clerk's office of Louisa circuit court, on Monday the 4th day of April, 1870 : Mary Ann Melton Plaintiff, against William J. Carpenter (trustee), James C. Carpenter and Emily his wife, John Patton and Lucy Ann his wife, Jullna Damroo, Jesse W. Melton, James H. Melton, Wilson N. Melton, John T. Melton, Richard H. Melton, Elisha Melton .William H. Melton, James M. Melton, E. T. Hughes and Nannie B. his wife, Hattle W. Perkins, Lewis, Henry and Louisa C. Perkins, Mrs. Janetta Ogg, and Mrs. Ann Turner, Defendants. TS CHAJ7CKBT. The object of the above suit is to procure the sale of a tract or land on Hickory creek, in Louisa county, Va.. containing nearly soo acres ; a portion of whlclLt'Stimated at about *00 acres, was conveyed by William L. M, Melton to William J. Carpenter, in trust for the benefit of said Melton and wife and their children, and of the re? sldue of which the said Melton died seized ana posseeased : and the disposition and division of the procteai of sale among the parties entitled thereto under said deed o< trust or otherwise. And affidavit having been filed with the papers of this suit that James C. Carpenter and Emily his wire, John Patton and Lucy Ann his wife, Jullna Damron, Richard H. Melton, Elisha Melton, and James M. Melton, are non-residents or the State of Virginia, on motion of the plalntlC by her attorney, it is ordered that the said last-named defendants do appear here within one month after due publication of this order, and do what is necessary to protect their interests in this suit; and that a copy of this order be published once a week for four successive weeks ux the Richmond I)hpatch., a newspaper published in the city of Richmond, and that another copy thereof be posted at the front door of the court-house of this county on the first day of the next county court. A copy?Teste: ? ? m JESSE J. PORTER, D. C. y. V. WDTSTOK, p? q. ap 7?Th4w T) BID'S OYSTER, PISH, II AND GAME DEPOT. (Established 1854. \ There can always be found the best of other river OYSTERS, with a large supply of ail kinds of FRESH Fish, arriving daily. Having an interest in several fisheries, I am certain of these qualities. Orders promptly attended to. Depot, Sixth street near Clay. mh 10?lra ROBERT RE ID.

IMBUKAWOT OOHM1EH. - rjlHE VIRGINIA HOM& INSURANCE ? COMPANY TAKES FIBE AND MARINE BISKS, and employ* wets hers for binsert' benefit. CHASTZBSZ) 18M. CAPITAL 3300,000. Office, lfli Main street. 1>. J. HABTSOOK, President. David J. Btjes, Secretary. " B. C. WnxBsr, Jr., Assistant Secretary. ap I?4m BENJAMTN n. wash, ( HK.TRY K. ILLTSOX President. I Vice-President. ri^FICE OLD DOMINION U INSURANT COMPANY OF RICHMOND, VA. NO. 1111 MlIK STBIITi Tills company h now prepared to tone all kinds or VIBE POLICIES on the most favorable terms, and to make the usual accommodations for Its customers. J. B. MOORE, mh 21??m Secretary. DIBBCTORS: BENJAMIN H. NASH, President of the Company: A. S. BUFOBD, President Danville Railroad Company; JOHN A8HER, late W. 8. Donnan ft Co.; THOMAS POTTS, of A. Y. Stoke* ft Co. B. W. POWERS, merchant; E. B. ADDISON, of Allison ft Addison: Z. W. PICKRELL, of Z. W. PlckreU 4 Co.; THOMA8 A. BRANDKR, merchant; W. G. PAINE, of Paine ft Co.; FRANKLIN STEARNS, retired merchant; J. J. WAGGONER, of Waggoner <t Harvey; JOHN H. GUY, attorney at faw: ' WILLI AMBI3AACS. of W.K. Isaacs ft Co.; C. R. 8KINXER, of H11L Bently ft Sklnker; JOHN A. SLOAN, of cTt. Wo*<Aaam ft Co.; ANDREW L. ELLETT, merchant; JAMES W. ARCHER, of J. R. Anderson ft TkOMAS BRANCH, of Thomas Branch ft Co.; MAXWELL T. CLARKE, of Scott & Clarke; H. K. ELLYSON, of Cowardln ft Eltyson. "MUTUAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF 1TJL VIRGINIA. CHARTERED 1794. Office corker of Tenth attd b astk streets, RICHMOND, VA. This old and well-known Virginia Institution Insures Buildings by perpetusl or annnal policy. It has more than TEN MILLION8 OP DOLLARS insured on property pledged to make good losses. More than TWO AND A QUARTER MILLIONS OF DOLLARS have been paid In losses to the people of Virginia. Upwards of TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS (a large part of It for losses during the war) have been paid since the war closed. The former four-fifths system of Insurance has been abolished, and other Important changes made for the benefit of the assured. Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid. HERBERT A. CLAIBORNE, Principal A gent. J. B. DANFORTH, Secretary. H. D. Dajtforth, Assistant Secretary. Samuel H. Pclliam. Collector. fe 1?Sm Q.UARDIAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COKPAKli * 07 NEW YORE. ORGANIZED IN IBM. ALL POLICIES NONFORFEITABLE, HALF LOAN GIVEN, LAST CASH DIVIDEND, FIFTY PEE CENT, STATEMENT: Policies in force 93Q,0M,MI Asset* x, ooo, oe? Annual income 1,00*, K# Losses paid...., MC.0M W. H. PECKHAM, President; W. T. HOOKER, Vice-President; L. McADAM, Secretary and Actuary; G. A. FUDICKER, Superintendent. SECURITY, CHEAPNESS, LIBEBALIT* PROGRESS, and SUCCESS, mark and dlstln gulsh the management of this company. ISAAC HUTZLKR ft CO., Several Agents for Virginia and North Carolina WILLIAM LOVEN8TEIN, Agent for Richmond, Office, No. 90S Main street. Dr. J. G. Cabell, Medical Examiner, nol'

T7IRE, MARINE, AND INLAND IN I? 8URANCE. 8ECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YOKE. v CAPITAL...,., $1,000,000 5URPLUS 1, on. 889 81 CASH ASSETS (January 1, 1870) 3,017,889 81 BRANCH OFFICE, NO. 1014 MAIN STREET. We Issne POLICIES In the above flrst-clase company on every description of REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY for protection against loss or damage by EIRE. M ARISE and INLAND RISKS taken to any point In the United States. Policies on brick buildings Issued for from one to Ave years. . Kates as low as those of any other company equally reliable. Applications solicited. Te 21 D. N. WALKER & CO., Agenta. Life, fire, and marine insurance. CAPITAL REPRESENTED, OVER $27,000,00C The undersigned respectfully solicit the patron, age of those wanting INSURANCE, offering them the following first-class reliable companies : KNICKERBOCKER LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. A asets January 1st, 1870 ??.$7.500,000 Annual Income 4.000,000 Policies issued on all approved plans, with ANNUAL DIVIDENDS. ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEIT ABLE. The Knickerbocker treated its southern policyholders after the war with the greatest liberality, and is therefore entitled to the patronage of oar people. NOBTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. Invested funds (gold),. 914,865,234 >9 equal to $20,000,000 In United states currency.. Funds invested in United States 778,878 69 Deposited with Treasurer of Virginia, SO,000 00 In old registered bonds. PETERSBURG 8AVTNGS AND INSURANCB COMPANY. OF PETERSBURG, VA. D'ARCY PAUL, President; SAMUEL 8. PAUL, Secretary. AS06t8 ?0} 090 All ioases" LIBERALLY"ABjUOTEi> A&D PROMPTLY PAID. GOOD LIFE AGENTS WANTED everywhere in the State, who will be liberally dealt with. TflOMAS M. ALFRIEND A SON. Agents, fe 5?3m office No. 903 Main street. D N. WALKER & CO., , FIRE, MARINE. AND INLAND INSURANCE AGENTS OFFICE, NO. 1014 MAIN STREET, under Messrs. R. H. Maury & Go. Buildings, merchandise, furniture, and personal property or all kinds, in the city and country, Insured against loss or :damage by lire at the lowest rates In companies of the highest standing. Tobacco in warehouses and marine and Inland risks taken at the lowest rates. Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid. my 1 VIRGINIA.?At a Supreme Court of Appeals held at the Capitol, In the city of Richmond, on Wednesday the 13th day of April, A. D. 1470: It is ordered that Rule II., adopted June 25th, 1980, and Rules XII. and XllL, adopted October i860, be rescinded, and and that the following Rule be adopted in lieu thereof, and published for the information of the bar and the public. 41A clear and concise statement of the points Intended to be insisted on by each party to an appeal, writ of error, or supersedeas, ana the authorities in support thcieof, signed by his counsel, and printed or plainly written, shall be delivered to each of the judges of Lhe court time enough before toe hearing for his consideration: and no error other than such as Bhall be pointed out and insisted on In such statement, on the part of the j plaintiff or appeUant, shill (without leave of the court) be admitted as a ground for argu- | menton the hearing of the cause. 'No cause shall t?ej>roceeded In without such statement. But a party who has prepared and filed a statement may insist on a hearing when the cause Is regularly called although no statement shall'have been made on tho part of bis adversary. 1 he plalnilfi or appellant may adopt the pe.ltlon at his statement. If no statement be filed by either part\ when a cause 13 called. It shall stand continueduntil the next term- At the close of the argument, each counsel shall furnish to each judge a list of any authorities referred to by such counsel In his argument, and not cited In hts statement, ahowing the point* to which they apply." A Copy?Test: ap 15-F4W H. A. CURTIS. C. C. T\UPONT'S POWDER. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. We would respectfully call your attentlonto our stock of duponVs Well-known blast. ING AND MINING POWDER. We have a lar?% and full supply ol all kinds, and will nirnish It lu any quantity and at the very lowest rates. We are the agents for the manufacturers.. Also, on band a large supply or SAFETY-FCSE, NAYLOB'S BE8T CAST-STEEL of all sizes; and. IRON of every slxe of rounds, fiats, and u>hA8. WORTTTAM & CO. JgATHING SPONGES. BATHING AND CARRIAGE SPONGES i 6f superior quality, for eaie by PURCELL, LADD 4 Ctt, Druggists, ap SI corner Main and Thirteenth streets. \TOTICE.-I bare the celebrated CF-! MSNT PAINT for stopping inks in old rooft. Any person having a leaky toff can have itstoppedby calling on JOHN BOWERS, Successor to Yaia, Bowes* St Y*l?, Iron Block, Governor street, Btrihaoart, ye. fa 7-4m ?* ? - - ?

mrmjkMMMSL eOBSGBOBOOSBMP Steamer STATE Of MARYLAND, CapUla C. o'otoekf.M., and on THUMDAYat 4o'clock Freight received everyday iszoojfc Sunday. STare, 94. Round trip, #7; steals and state room extra. aba Powhatan Steamboat Company b?T1?4 made a permanent lease of their present wharf from the owners of the wharf, have determined to charge no wharfasre on any freight in tbc future, either firom Baltimore or Blchmond. my 8 tlARVEYS A WILLIAMS, Agents. TJOB NORFOLK, I MOUTH, AND ALL REG LANDINGS ON TIES JAMES and elemnt UNITED STATES VOHH 8TLTIS ? t Captain Z. C. Gnrronc, leave* her wharf atRocketts ftrthe amtmumm placet on M^A^WEDNESDAYB, and FBI DAYS, at SIX O'CLOCK A. Mh aadretarnsoa Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday*. Passengers arrive In Norfolk In time to cob* sect with steamers for Baltimore and point* <jorth. Trains leave City Point for Petersburg on an la ?al of steamer. Pare to Norfolk, ? lfEfflffi Fix received Tbeedays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from U M. to H P.M., for Norfolk, Portsmouth, Boston, Baltimore, and principal landings on Chesapeake bay, and all repilar landtags on Junes river, at reasonable rates, NO WHARFAGE CHARGED. Freights for way-landing* must_bepre-paltt' Apply to L. B. TATUK, AgenV. se ai t Office. steamers' wurfi Philadelphia, rich-. MOND AND NORFOLK 8TEA SHIP LLNE?FOB PHILADELPI A WE EK.-Steamers NORFOLK. J. W. EVERKAN, and J. 8. GREEN, composing this line, will leave Richmond every MONDAY and THURSDAY, and Philadelphia every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, alternately, at it o'clock M. Freight received every day (Sundays except* ed> at the Company's freight-house on the Dock. Freights taken for Norfolk at moderate rates. Passage to Philadelphia, Including meals and :t*teroom,S8. W. P. PORTER, Agent at Richmond Offlce No. USb Dock street. ? WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. Agents at Philadelphia, Offices No. CI Sooth wharves, ft it and Bo. M North wharves. WTI.LTAM C. DUNHAM A CO., GENERAL SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, COBNLB Mam AND ELSTIHTH 9TB)SY& iRicLuajHD, Va. P^eT-Omc* Box M. TOR NE W YORK. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The splendid new side-wheel steamships ISAAC SELL, SARATOGA, ' NIAGARA, ALB7KARLE. and HATTER A 8, leave New York t< t ^orfoltClty Point, and Richmond, every TUT POAY, TtTLTBSD AY, and SATURDAY at Jo'clrck >. h. Leave Blchmond every TUESDAY, FBIDAY, and SUNDAY, at high tide. These ships are entirely new. They have elef ant mloons .and staterooms. The fare, accommt da* (lions, and attention, are unsurpassed. Close connections made wua steamers for all jouthcrn and European ports. . . Insurance effected, when ordered AT A QUARCEROFONE PEB CENT., at the offices of tfelf >0IDp3DT* N. L. Mocbjudy, President, W Greenwich treeS^IJJAMO. DUNHAM * CO., Agent*. corner Main adD Eleventh streets*

FOB LIVERPOOL AND QUTBENSTOWN.tijg? LNfclAN LINE 01* MAIL 8TEAMEE&533HTO from NEW york every SATURDAY, AND ALTERNATE TUESDAYS. 3 ATX 9 OF PAS SAO IBT THB BATUBDAT 8TEAXEB J First Cabin, Payable in Gold, Liverpool or Queenstown...., ....|1M N Steerage, Payablt in Currency. Liverpool or Queenstown ?e????ee*e????????eee |?M PASSAGE BT TUESDAY 8TXAMXB VIA HAL IT AX : Liverpool or Queenstown (gold) ? so 00 Halifax (gold) 30 M 3t. John's, N. F., by branch steamer (gold).. 40 M Steerage, Payable in Currency. Liverpool or Queenstown. ??..! 10 oe mnw?M?>HIIWM I M, M ?0 St. John's, N. V., by branch steamer... to to Tickets sold to and from England, Ireland, and he Continent, at moderate rates. For further information anolr at the Company*! jfflcea. john 6. DALE. Agent, 15 Broadway, Mow York; or to WILLIAM C. DUNHAM A C0? Agent*. NATIONAL line. Bteamers weekly to LIVERPOOL, Ailing at QUEENSTOWN, leaving iler 47 North river every Saturday : France, queen, Helvetia. DENMARK, erin. PENNSYLVANIA, ENGLAND, VIRGINIA, LOUISIANA. Cabin passage, I loo and 97S, currency. Steerage passage, $30, currency. Steerage tickets from Liverpool or Queenstown, 137, in currency. Steerage passage from Antwerp, Hamburg, Roterdam, and Havre, (45, in currency. For further particulars, apply at (he offices of ?bo company, M Broadway, F. W. J. Hcrbt, Manager, or to WILLIAM C. DUNHAM k CO., Agents. STEAM TO GLASGOW AND LONDONDERRY. THE ANCHOR line. Favorite Clyde-built passenger steamers are In;ended to sail EVERY SATURDAY from pier No. 20. North river, at 13o'clock M. 4ATE8 OF PASSAGE, PAYABLE IK CURRENCY J Cabins to Liverpool, Glasgow, or Derry, 9*0 and flfil . Excursion tickets, good for twelve months, tiec. Steerage to Glasgow or Derry, $30; intermedial*. Prepaid certificates from these ports, fi7. Passengers booked to and from Hamburg, Havre, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Ac., at very low rates. Drafts issued payable at any bank in Great Bri* tain. For further information apply at the company's offices, No. 8 Bowling Green, New York, to H*wOEBSON BBOTUEBS, Or to WILLIAM C. DUNHAM A CO, Agents. tu 88 ruBsimE,*#. gPRING STOCK OP FURNITURE. " S T A C Y 8 are receiving an IMMENSE STOCK, bought at | GOLD BATES, and are determined not to be undersold by any house in the country. Examine before you buy. mh 15 1309 AIO> 1110 MAIN STREET. URN ITU RE AND MATTRESS WAREROOMS.?Up stairs, opposite the post-office, Main street, you will find In two of chose Iron-front buildings the largest and most varied assortment of PABLOR, CHAMBER, and DINING-ROOM FURNITURE in the State, of every variety of style and finish. Also, Mattresses and Spring Beds made to order In any style de sired. Our stbek of Chamber Furniture being very Urge, complete suits can be purchased at our establishment from $te to faoo. We have reduced the prices of all our goods, and we are now selling about as low as we did fifteen years ago. We invite all in want of good, substantial Furniture to examine our assortment before buying. We have goods to snlt all parties ..the rieh or the poor. - HARWOOD A BITTER, opposite the pofe-ofltoe. Main street, de 10 Richmond, Va. PBmwng. J 8. MICHARD, DENTIST.? ? having returned to Richmond, offers1 his professional services to his old friends, patrons. and to the public generally. All work done in the best and most expeditious manner. Office and residence, No. 733 north Main street, ? ap. 37? TO HAVE TEETH EXTRACTA ED WITHOUT PAIN. TEKTH^BH? FILLED In the best manner, or artificial ones inserted upon gold or vulcanite, at tow rates* go to the long-established dental rooms of GEORGE B. STEEL, 733 atreet, ap 33 five doors above Spota wood Hotel. TAYLOR BROTHERS, DENTISTS, 1112 1 MAIN STREET, (over Trlbbett's confectionery,) extract teeth without pain v Insert teeth as low as 91$, and don't charge for extracting. Sensitive teeth filled without pain. Any tooth filled with gold, and warranted far life, at TAYLOR BROTHERS', 1113 Main street, Richmond, va. N. B.?Instructions in any branch of dentistry given to the profession on reasonable terns. ap 14 REMOVAL. DR. JUD. B. WOOD, DENTIST, has removed to No. If NINTH STREET, In rear of Wood ? Son's drag store. Op m] or Ior *?*<? tOT ?)rom X WXMYY to 'oldgJld'SEra*boo*ht or exchanged at their ?arMfc'tMtweea jlxth and Seventh streets. ap 4?3o HE. C. X. KLOEBKR, jM SUBQBQBDBJHU? I^ITIFICIAL TEETH $38 to M*. PURS NITROUS OXIDE OAS EVERY DAT, IbSNTAL ROOMS ttt laboratory, 909 BROAD fSj/Sggffi ft 4 1 ? ? * "? 1 '??? 1 ipufiy 1 a>?n m?. ? mi..,, in ^ PARTIES HAVING DESIRABLE t -T FARMS whtchtlwywishtodtspoee of ato-ce e^cJau^for^New^ork city ?9? 'Sotiw^alaSriu