Daily Dispatch, Volume 38, Number 110, 10 May 1870 — Page 1

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f'aE"'DISF^TUir CASH-INVARIABLY 1* ADVAXC*. Titt DAILY DISPATCH I* Oellreredto #atwer!? H,.r? *t riKT**w c*xts per wk, payable to the <-?rrlcT wecVlv. Mailed at $? per annum; fafor ?t i months: fte. per month for a *V?n*r period. The SEmZ-WEEKLY DISPATCH at & per tornm. or 5L5C for six month*. The WEEKLY DISPATCH at *> per atioam. 8PKOAL KOTWM. &T SPECIAL NOTICE.?We will fur?i.h PARTIES, FAIRS, STRAWBERRY F*STl A LS, PIC-NICS.and FA MIMES, with PURST jt*K-rREAM, in any Quantity and of every flavor, muJ on as reasonable terms as it e*n l>e sold when .,iirv and rtch. DELIVERED IN ANY PART oFTFIKCirYFRKE. ANDREW P1ZZINI A CO., my 7- rodiw #07 Broad street, &f- DISCIPLES' CHURCH (SYCAMORE). RLEVENTK STREET BETWEEN BROAD AND MARSHALL?Preaching on EVERY LORD'S IMY at II A. M. and 8 P. M. Ki<ler J. A. DEARBORN, pa*toT. Prayer meetinc on WEDNESDAY EVENINGS at 8 P.M. free. Parsonages 4(* Twelfth street. my 7 rjr LADIES' DIIESS GOODS.-Wc hare now In store JAPANESE POPLINS an<? SILKS, I I. A IN an<! FIGURED JAPANESE CLOTHS, I.FNOS MOZAMBIQUE. PLAIN and PRINTED FRENCH CAMBRICS, PLAIN and PRINTED LAWNS, . INGHAM", PIQUES, DRAB an l BUKF LINENS, ALPACAS, DELAINES, 1 RON GRENADINES, BAREGEH, LINfcN LAWNS; POPLINS, checked and striped; natnsook : MI LL and SWISS MUSLINS; FRENCH, ENGLISH, and AMERICAN CALICOS ; RK ILL! ANTS, MARSEILLES. A a, at LEVY BROTHERS', No. 1213 and 1215 Main street. marseilles TRIMMINGS at p., 25, 60, and 7 v.. Just one-half the regular prices. ap 20 |WHITE GOODS?WHITE GOODS. We ??ffcr a very large stock of INDIA-TWILL LONG CLOTH, BRILLIANTS. BISHOP and VICTORIA LAWNS, .! ACCON" V T an.l CAMBRIC MVS' INS; U 158. nain^ooK. ORGANDY, TARLATAN CHECKED and STRIPED MUSLINS; piques and MARSEILLES at lower prices than at nnv time since 1*512. LEVY BROTHERS', Nos. 1213 and 1215 Main street, rur stock of PARASOLS Is very complete; a large assortment of LACE PARASOL t OVERS at low prices. ap 38

;?3T LACES AND embroideries. VS i now offer a large stock of the new frtylo HUFFLE COLLARS, ?CUFFS. and CHEMISETTES; HAMBURG EDGINGS and INSERTINGS, Xi-w stylo LACE COLLARS. LACE sets of COLLARS and CUFFS, CLUX V EDGINGS and INSERTING?, V A LEXCIENN ES EDGINGS and IXSERTIXGS, Real THREAD BOBBIN* EDGING? andlNSERTINGS, OUIPURE and THREAD LACflS. at LEVY BROTHERS. 1213 i.nd 1215 Main street, ('urftock ol" HOSIERY I? complete. We offer ? criat burgnlns In GLOVES and STOOKi \ f ? S. ap 26 nrllama lace shawls and 1' \KA*OL ("OVERS?!ti these goods we have a M.v k that raimot be surpassed. I'rices Rrefully -?II.1-third le?? than the same quality goods were ... Id for lata year. LEVY BROTHERS, 1213 and 1215 Main street. I ..<>k ?( otir TABLE-CLOTHS and TABLE 1 i \1 N. Price lower than at any time since 177d. tJT TIK>SE FIIE N C H PERCALES, - ,? I'l'.INI ED CAMBRICS, at 20c. per yard would t'O < h ap 30c. These goods ?re not what i- iii!!nl ynT<t ioi(1r., hut actually measure It. Tnt'v ?rc drt-tdclly the host bargain offered In dry >ince the creation. LEVY BROTHERS. r.'13 and 1215 Main PtreeL '? !!< CI1V.T BRAID, ten yards lu a piece, 8c. Mpice : f 'lir for 25c. ap 20 ;3~ nottingham LACE CUli1 a I \s, purchased at a large bankrupt sa!c. Curtain1. as low as $5 a pet for two windows; better Myles from to $20. Also,. NOTTINGHAM ?. A< K at from 8o to .loc. per yard. A large assortment of WINDOW SHADES, 1'A M.?S and CORNICES for Curtains, at LEVY BROTHERS', 1213 and 1215 Main street. Fvery No. of COATS*S COTTON now In store, t'rlre, *Pc. per d >zun. ap26 PIQUES ! PIQUES!! PIQUES !!! ?":i! -t >ek of PIOl U S embraces nearly every style manufactured. We have also a large stock of I'lOl'K TRIMMINGS at abouf one-halflhe regulur prices LEVY BROTHERS, ap 20 1213 and 12''? Main street. riT READY-MADE LINEN SUITS !'">< LADIES.?We have uow In store a variety of BEADY-MADE LINEN and BISHOP LAWN st its. made up In the latest styles. Also, LADIES" GARMEN1S of every description at low juice*!. Thv 1idles who have charge of ibis stock will tike nnu-li pleasure In showing the above articles. LEVY BROTHERS, 1213 and 1215 Main street. We continue to sell the genuine A NDltOSCOG<.IN COTTOX at Is. per yard ap 20 BaT APRIL 20, 1ST0. DRV GOODS FOR THE MILLION AS WELL AS THE MILLIONAIRE I All of our goods are not bought at the New auctions, as no FI iST-CLASS STOCK can i t- fed from auction sales. Heavy arrivals by steamer and express of NEW uml ELEGANT GOODS, Just bought, not exojutivuly FOR CASH, but bought right and sold right. Handsome GRENADINES only $3 per dress : Elegant RLACK and COLORED SILKS very low j Elegant OllGANDrEB and JAPANESE POPLINS; ( HECKED JAPANESE SILKS and GRENADINES; vEA-^lDE and other POPLINS for walking dresses ; MozaMBIOUKS, endless assortment, 13f, 20, 25, 8(ic., Ac.; PIQUES, colored and white, lor ladles andchllPLAIN* BUFF and other LINENtj foreulis; < L??V1'>. COLLARS, CORSETS, RIBBONS, BLACK THREAD LACES, 4c.; Large assortment bes* PRINTS at 10,12, 15, aud l"Jc. A splendid line of Llama Lace and Thread '"olnts; Sha*ls In great variety: Hotsery, Socks, A'-.; a full assortment of French and American < i-Mnieres for men and boys: Irish Linens, Tow- ' lll!nr\ ic., at ante-bellumprices : Quilts, Skirts. I?lut'ii-HoMjiii Shirts; Gentlemen's, J,adles\ and < hlldren's Undershirts, &c., &c. T. It. PRICE & CO., ap 10 corner Main and Eleventh streets. GST LINEN SHEETINGS, PILLOW- < AM'. LINEN. Shirting Lluens, Linen Tor Drawers. Towels. Napklus, Doylies; Colored Damask for Tuble-Clodis; large-size Double Damask Table-Cloths; all at lower prices than ever at LEVY BROTHERS', 1213 and 1215 Main street. Look at our FREXCIl PERCALES or PRINTED <'AMBIifv\ warranted a fnll yard wide, at 2t>c. per yard would be cheap at 80c. ap 2? B3T JEWELRY, JEWELRY.?Our mo k of JET, GILT, and PLATED JEWELRY 1" complete. We call particular atteutlon to our <>'?LD-1'LATED JEWELRY. It Is made of the Km gold. rolled on to a hard metal. lu point of j workmanship and wear It Is equal to what Is sold !';r solid gold and much better lu many lnstauce&. It win sUnd acid, aud will not tarnish. LEVY BROTHERS, 1213 and 1215 Main street. ?HKETJXG one aud a hilf yards wide at 26c. Iki yard.the lowest price since IMS. ap26 83TTO PHYSICIANS. CHLOnAL-HYDRAT, chemically pure, made by F. Sobering, Berlin, )u*t Impoi ted and for tale by MEADF A BAKER, . Dispensing Pharmacist*, fit Main straet. tub Mr

rv TUESDAY MAY 10,1870. Ju" . THE CIRCULATION OP THE DISPATCH IS LARGER THAN THE COMBINED CIRCULATION OP ALL THE OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPERS OP THE CITY. r? ? ? "~~~ AUTIOS HALES THIS DAT. Oh all pxiblic or irrivate sal-es of Real Estate made between the of January and. the 1st of July the purchasers pay Uu taxes for the present year, btU on all safes- between the first day of July and the last day qf December the seller pays them. , GRUBBS & WILLIAMS will sell at 5 P. M. a tenement la -R&gland's Kow, on Jefferson between Marshall and Broad streets. COOK & LAUGHTON will sell at 10 A. M. an assortment of farnitnre, Ac. LEE A GODDIN will sell at G P. M. a lot of land, with improvements, on Randolph street, in Sidney. LOCAL MATTERS. Othsr Local Matters on 2d Page. Monthly Mjbbtino op thk Methodist Sunday-School 8 o c i ht y .?The regular monthly meeting of thia Society was held at Centenary church on Sunday afternoon at 3>i o'clock?Kicliord Irby, president, in the chair. The meeting was opened with flinging by Centenary school, reading Scripture and praver bv Kev. C. H. Hall. Jvate fribrell, of Centenary, recited in beautiful style a poem entitled" "The Dumb Child." . ... Arthur Weisiger and Florence O'Dell sang a beautiful duet. Two lady and two gentlemen teachers of I Centenary school sang a quartette in splendid style/entitled " Our Heavenly Home." A prize will be given to Lizzie Hobson, of Centenary school, for the largest amount raised to aid in educating a young minister at Kandolph Macon College. This school has agreed to be responsible for the support of a student studying tor the ministry at this college. - Kev. C. H. Hall, of Petersburg, addressed the meeting, taking the ground that the children of Methodist parents had been too much neglected. No department of the Church was of so much vital importance as Sunday schools. 3Iethodism had been too much wedded to the habit of going out in the wilderness of the world, leaving the children at home unattended to. It was the province of the Sunday school to educate the children of Methodist parents. The General Assembly of the entire Church, now in session, will have no greater work to occupy their attention than that of addressing themselves to systematic working ot this great instrumentality of the Church. The Sunday-School teacher i3 doing a work second "only to the pulpit. The Sunday school is doing also a great work for the country at large. The young of this generation "are nearly all passing through the Sunday school, and the result will be seen in the future of our common country. Kev.'George CWanderslice, of Charles City, followed in an address on the necessity of extending the scope of the Sunday schools. A great deal of destitution existed in the country near Richmond, and he urged the schools in this city to be more missionary in their operations. The President announced that the anniversary of the Broad street Sunday school would take place on Sunday afternoon next; also# sat the next meeting of the Society would be held at Broad-Street church on the second Sunday in June. The following is a summary of the per centage and attendance of scholars at the several schools for March and April: For March. For April. Ceutenary 67 5i> It road street 71 Gfl Trinity 7s ?3 Clav-tftreet "i> c<i Union Station ? 46 Orepon 72 60 bidncy ? CO The exercises were closed with some fine singing by the Sunday schools.

No MATTER IF YOU have REGISTERED half A DOZEN TIMES YOU CANNOT vote UNLESS YOU REGISTER again. Oakwood Memorial Day?This is the day set apart by the ladies of Richmond for the decoration of the ten tliousaud graves of the Confederate dead whose bones are interred in Oakwood cemetery. We trust that the ladies from every part of the city will take part in the observance of the day, and that no graves in Oakwood will be neglected. There is always a crowd at Hollywood on the 3Uth ; let us not forget Oakwood on the 10th. Persons residing on Sliockoe Ilill can take the city railway cars and ride to the corner of Twenty-fifth and Main streets, and will then be within a few rods of the starting point of the line of omnlbusses , which will ruu all day trom St. John's church to the cemetery. Let all who take ! part in the ceremonies remember to bring such flowers as they may lie able to procure for the decoration of the graves. The rendezvous for those who wish to join the procession this morning will be, as usual. St. John's church. NO GOOD CITIZEN SHOULD NEGLECT THE DUTY 01' IMMEDIATE REGISTRATION. Registration in Marshall "Ward.?-The Council have changed the bounds of the registration precincts in Marshall Ward, making Broad instead of Main street the dividing line. All voters living in that Ward North of Broad street will registerat SpringHeld Halh corner of Twenty-sixth and M streets. Those living south of Broad will register at Haskins's building In Rocketts. Registration commences in every Ward in the city to-day. Successful Wrecking.?The parties engaged in wrecking at Drury's Bluff, (the Maryland Steamboat Company of Baltimore, George Dick, agent,) upon the steamer " Northampton," suuk in 1663, after much labor and expense, have succeeded iu mat king a successful lift, and are now hauling her in toward shallow water, preparatory i to relieving her from mud. The company propose to rebuild her and have her in running order some time during the summer. The work lias been prosecuted under the superintendence ol the agent, aided by Captain Abell. of Norfolk, anu Mr. Louis Doughty, of this city. Register to-day if yoc would vote at THE CITY election. List of L'nmailahle Letters Remaining in the Richmond Post-Office May 1U.? Mi ss Clara Anderson, Mr. Lewis L. Bryant, Governor G. C. Walker, Mr. John A. Sale, Richmond, Va.; Miss Eliza Washington, New York, N. Y.; Miss Isabella Geigen, New York ; John R. Price, Esq., Danville, Va.- Mrs. Jane Willis (colored), Alleghany { Springs, Va.; Mr. Jack Hardaway, Chula Depot, Va.; P.M., Powhatan Station, Va.; Mr. Thomas S. Allen, Cumberland, Md.; Corporal Reed, Company H, Seventeenth Infantry, U. S. A., Sioux Citv, Iowa; Mrs.; Marv Davenport. Chalkesville, Va.; Chas. Hancock, Bentlioglio P. 0., Vh.; Mr. Paul Beardsley?No address; Miss Fanny Smith (package), North Hampton, Mass.; Mrs. M. P. Neiswanger (package), May P. 0., Pa. RichmondLitebabySociety.?At a quarterly meeting of the Richmond Literary] and Debating Society, held on the 8th instant, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term of three months : J. Held, president; E. Millhiser, vice-presi-dent ; L. Proskauer, recording secretary; L. Jacobaon, corresponding secretary; Marx Gunst, treasurer. Every Conservative voter should register at once zp be desires a Conservative victory.

MEETING OF THE COUNCIL The regular ninthly meeting of the City Council was held in their, chamber yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Present: James A.' Scott, Esq., president; Messrs. J. J. English, William English, Bodeker. Ordway, Chcsterman, Higcins, "Wise, Montague, Strauss, Tanner, wV H. Scott, Brennan, Ainslio, Greaner, Bossieux, Faherty, Whitlock, Davis, Glasgow, and Jenkins. Proceedings of last meeting were read, approved, and signed by the President. A communication was received from his Excellency Gilbert C. Walker, and read to the Council, in behalf of the Supreme Court of Appeal", asking that the Council Chamber be granted for the use of that body lor holding their sessions until other preparations can be made for their accommodation. Granted. The bonds of the various city officers recently elected and appointed bv the Council were variously discussed and approved. Mr. John S. Wise (by leave) addressed the Council, and presented the petition of Captains Ganter, Woods, Parker, Putnam, Pemberton, Torgee, and , asking that they be paid for their services as officers of the poiice force from March 1st to May 1st; which petition, on motion, was referred to the Committee on Police. Mr. William English, chairman of the Committee on Light, reported that Mr. James M. Melton had been elected by the committee City Gas Inspector. Mr. Melton's bond was also approved. Mr. English presented a petition from various citizens of Monroe Ward asking to be allowed to erect frame kmemeuts, which was referred, lie also presented a communication from Dr. C. T. Mills, late sergeant of the city of Richmond. COMMITTEE BEPOBTS. The various reports from the standing committees were read. The report from the Committee on Streets generally was received. The report from the Finance Committee was passed by for the present, and made the special order for some future meeting of the Council. There was no special reports from the Committee on Light. The chairman, Mr. English, stated that the City Gas Works had been recently examined and found to be in perfect order throughout. .. There were no special reports from the Committees on Water, Fire Department, or Cemeteries. Mr. Higgins, from the Committee on Police. reported in relation to a resolution which was adopted some time since, authorizing the committee to fill a blanx in the resolution with an appropriate sum for the widow of the late Richard O'Bush, the special policeman who was killed while in the discharge of his duty as such, and recommended that $180 be given to her as such appropriation from the city. The report was adopted. There were no reports from the Committees on Health, Ordinances, First Market and.Second Market. BESOLUTIONS, BILLS, ETC. Mr. J.J.English presented the following, which was adopted : 44 Besolved, That the Committee on Accounts be and they are requested to audit the accounts of the recent Auditor and City Collector and report to the Council at its next meeting." Mr. Wise presented a bill from Dr. Peter Lyons for professional services and visit to a "prisoner in February last, which was referred. Mr. Tanner presented the petition of citizens of Monroe Ward in relation to street repairs, which was appropriately referred.

COMMUNICATIONS. The President laid before the Council a communication from the secretary of the Hollywood Memorial Association, asking that ordinances be passed by the Council for the better preservation of the shrubbery, &c., in Hollywood. Referred. Also several communications in relation to culverts, all of which were appropriately referred. Also the report of thf Board of Trustees of the Lancastrian School. The school during the past year had 480 scholars?302 females and 18o" males, and were taught at a cost of $2,9(10. The trustees in their repefrt asked that an appropriation of that amount be granted for carrying on the school during the present ye'ar. The report was referred to a special committee of the Council, consisting of Messrs. Glasgow, J. J. English, and Ordway. The Board of Trustee* is as follows : Samuel Putney, John Dove, John C. Williams, 1'. II. Starke, Ilenry Wall, William 11. Gwathmey, William II. Crew, William H. Pleasants, and II. Wallcrstein. The President also laid before the Council a communication from the President of the Richmond and Danville railroad in relation to a horse car railroad between the depots of the Danville and York River railroads. Referred to Commissioners of Streets generally. RESIGNED. The President laid before the Council the resignation of Mr. William Davis, a member from Monroe Ward, which was read and accepted. PORT WARDENS. The Council next proceeded to the election of port wardens. The following gentlemen were chosen : Messrs. Currie, Curtis, Allen, and Riddick. THE JUDICIARY. On motion ot Mr. Wise, the Council reconsidered chapter 7 of the proposed charter which refers to the judiciary. A resolution was then presented by Mr. Wise, asking the judges of the various courts of the citv to revise the aforesaid chapter, and report to the Council for its recommendation to the Geuerai Assembly, a proper and appropriate plan for the judiciary. Agreed to. RECONSIDERATION OF THE CHARTER. Mr. Glasgow moved to reconsider the new charter as amended by the Council at a former meeting, in order to propose other amendments. Agreed to. Mr. Wise then moved that a committee of seven be appointed to consider the remaining chapters of the charter. The chair appointed the following gentlemen as the committee : Messrs. Wise, Strauss, Brannan, Bossieux, Whitlock, Glasgow, Jenkins, and Ordway. On motion, the Council adjourned. Mayor's Court, Monday?Mayor Ellyson presiding.?The following cases were disposed of this morning : Richard L. Bohanuon, charged with breaking into the house of Judge W. W. Crump and stealing a box valued at ?8, was sent on to the grand jury for indictment this morning. Norman Jones (colored), charged with assaulting Julia Jackson. Bailed for twelve months for his good behavior. Henry Jackson (colored), charged with stealing a piece of calico containing fortyeiffht yards, was sent on to the grand jury. Major Williams (colored), charged with obtaining ?5 from 3Iajor Claiborne (colored), by false pretences, was dismissed. Fanny Simmons (colored), charged with assaulting and throwing an axe at Stephen Pleasants, with intent to maim and disfigure him, was fined $5. Mary Jane De Vaughan alias Fanny Page colored), charged with stealing $25 worth of personal property from 3Iollie Dennison, was sent on to the grand jurv. Charlotte Gray (colored), * charged with stealing $25 worth of silverware from M. B. Oakly (colored), was sent on to the grand jury. Stenhen Pleasants (colored), charged with jissaultingand beating Fannv Simmons, was fined ?5. Annie Carter, charged with unlawfully keeping and detaining a trunk and clothing, the property of Laura Washington (colored), was dismissed. Township Nominations in Hexrico County.?The following persons were unanimously nominated by the Conservative meeting for Fairfield township held on Friday the 6th instant: For supervisor, J. O. Austin; township clerk, Joseph C. Redwood; assessor, Hugh A. Watt; collector, William Christian; commissioner of roads, Henry Voejgler; overseer of the poor, P. C. Larus; justices of the peace, James W. Lewellen, T. W- Hoenicer, L. S. Courtney ; constables,LemuelQuarles,JamesD. Vftugfean, Ri Stewart.

C'oNTRrnuTioHg fob the RmEF op the suffering.?We announce the following adtitional contributions for the sufferers by ihe Capitol disaster: .JiooiM Chamber of Commerce, ) - KlCHMOJTD, May 0, 1870. ) I bee leave to acknowledge the receipt of :hc following additional contributions to the relief fund?viz.: P. P. Pendleton, chairman Relief Corainlttec, Baltimore, through Mayor EUyson ffl.au oo Por.h American Life Insurance Company, New York, th-ough Dr. Withers, ajrent, at Richmond ......U..... 500 po W. S. Lincoln, Esq., Washington, It. C,, ttaroagh Mayor tfllyson 50 oo Collections Baptist Church. Williamsburg. Va 10 00 \tlnnttR Fire insurance Company. New York, through Messrs. D. N. Walker & Co., npents, Richmond 250 00 Lees A Waller, New York 250 00 A.cker, Mcrrall A Condit, tnrough Lees A Waller. .New York 230 oo Haveland A Co., New York 50 oo -I. Chainplin Harrison, New Jrork 00 00 H.Chaplns' Son, Pine Meadow, Connecticut, through Simpson A Brother ; 25 oo Hash 30 00 James W. Shleidd, treasurer Presbyterian chnrch, Chrlstiansbnrg, through W. B. )saiCS A Co 32 15 Collec lon in Staunton, Va.. throuph W. Fheffev, Esq., through W. B. Isaacs Co /. 303 00 Rev. K. II. Holland, collections Lutheran church, Salem, Va 24 00 Charles Bruce. Esq., Halifax, through Messrs. Lee, Seddoa A Co 100 00 W. H. Keleffelln & Co., New York, through John Purcell A Co 100 00 Ivrecer A Thomas, Abingdon, Virginia, through George Graham, tlsq., House of Delegates ?????? 10 00 J. N. camdcu & Co., Parkfrsburg, West Va., through Purcctl Ladd A Co 100 00 Her." Dr; A. Wade. Charles City comity, through F. G. Uuffln, Esq 2 oo Woodward, Brother A Co., Philadelphia, through u. L. Brown 73 00 William Slater, Richinor.d *. 5 oo Isaac Davenpoht, Jr.. Treasurer of Relief Fund Chamber of Commerce. Mr. P. P. Tendleton, chairman and secretary of the committee of the citizens ofBalmore, sends first instalment, through Mayor Ellyson, of ?0,343, Richmond, Va., May 9, 1870. II. K. Ellyson, Esq., Mayor, <bc.: Dear Sir,?I have the pleasure of handing you the enclosed communication from the president of the North Amerieau Life Insurance Company of New York. Very truly yours, William M. Withers, Gen'l Agent Virginia and North Carolina. " New York, May 7, 1870. " To his Honor the Mayor of the city of Bichmond: " Sir,?Enclosed please find our company check for ?500 in aid of the sufferers and their families by the late accident at the Capitol in your city, which please accept with our sympathy." "This will be handed to you by our agent, Dr. "William M. Withers, of your city. " Very respectfully, your olredient servant, N. D. Morgan, President." TV. S. Lincoln, "Washington, D. C., through Mayor Ellyson, $50. Collection taken up in the Baptist church, Williamsburg, through Mayor Ellyson, $10. Episcopal Sunday-School Celebration. The annual celebration of the Henrico Episcopal Sunday-School Union was held on Sunday afternoon in St. James's church. The Sunday schools of St. John's Monumental, St. James's, St. Paul's Grace, St. represented. overflowing with the children, teachers, and visitors. The clergy was represented by Revs. William Norwood, Joshua Pcterkin, Charles Minnigerode, Henry Wall, P. M. Baker, T. G. Dasliiell, aiul Rev. M. Poller, of Charleston, South Carolina, who has recently returned from , the North, and is at present visiting the city. The exercises of the evening were conducted by Rev. T. G. Dasliiell. of St. Mark's church; after which the children were .'iddressed by Rev. l?rs. Norwood, Minnigerode, Porter, and Mr. William D. Gibson, the superintendent of Grace church. The music, which was under the efficient management of Mr. Edward If. Chamberlayne, was excellent, and the rendition ol the 33d hymn from the Mission PrayerBook, "Glorvto God in'the Highest,'' by the entire audience, was particularly fine. Before the benediction, which was pronounced by Rev. Dr. Norwood, a collection was taken up by the Manchester Memorial School, which has recently been established.

The Conservative Nominating Convention- The nominating convention of the Conservative party, consisting of fifteen delegates from each Ward, will meet at the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce at 8 o'clock this evening. The duties of this convention will be to nominate two candidates for each of the following offices: Mayor, sergeant, city treasurer, Commonwealth's attorney, commissioner of the revenue, and clerks of the hustings, probate, and circuit courts. The nominations made will be submitted to a primary election to be held on such day as the convention may determine. Grand Jury of the Hustings Court.? The following true bills were found on indictments for felony and misdemeanor : Misdemeanor.?Alilton Carpenter, James Brooks (eight cases), "William Christian, Pat Haley, Daniel Parker, W. K. Nash, James Mcintosh, "William Kose. Felony.?James Thomas, Herman Bose, and Henry King alias Johnson. Jury meets to-day at 11 o'clock. "Ignorance of the Law Excuses no Man."?On and after the 11th of May, as it will be seen from Collector Burgess's"notice of "Internal Bevenue," every one caught doing business without a special license will be subject to heavy penalties and imprisonment. It is useless tor any one to try to escape the revenue law6. You should report yourself and save yourself from the penalties of the law. As to the income tax, the collector has been kind enough, on account of the great calamity to extend the time to the 20th for payment. Every one now doing business without a license lays his 6tock liable to a seizure at any moment. "We give you the facts as we have them. Sualified.?George E. Atkinson, Esq., ge of the county court of Isle of Wight, and John W. Ashby, Esq., Judge of the county courts of Warren and Page, qualified yesterday before John S. Kady, Esq., Notary Pubhc for this city, and willassume duties at once. Qualification of City Officers.?The following city officers qualified on yesterday : Samuel T. Ellis, clerk First Market; John Ivuowles, superintendent Gas Works; Jamc3 L. Davis, superintendent Water Works ; L. Bossieux, city auditor. Meeting of the Virginia Horticultural and Pomological Society.?The regular monthly meeting of this Society will be held at their rooms this evening at o o'clock. A full attendance is requested, as arrangements are to be made for a strawberry exnibitlon, and also for other fruits as they ripen. Hustings Court, Monday?Judge G-uinon presiding.?The following business was disposed of: James Anderson, indicted for misdemeanor, plead guilty, and was sent to jail for 30 davs, at labor. Several foreigners received their naturalization papers. The following cases are set for trial in this court to-day : Commonwealth rs. James Brooks, on eight indictments for misdemeanor. Commonwealth vs. James Mcintosh, misdemeanor. The court meets at 11 o'clock. Court of Appeals.?1The Council Chamber of the Citv of Eichmond having been tendered to tfie Co art of Appeals for their sessions until other and appropriate arrangements can be made, the court will meet this morning at 12 ?'clock in their chamber in the City Hall. Barkis not Willing.?Several of the persons announced in the papers as officers of the 4< Virginia State Woman Suffrage Association" were not present at the meeting, and were not consenting to the use of their names, and do not wise to have others assume to know and define their position for thetu.

Registration In Richmond?Product# - and Places of Beelstrattoa. The registrars for the various wards announce that the registration of voters in this city prior to the municipal election, will commence at the several places announced below to-day (Tuesday), continuing until Tuesday the 17th, inclusive : MADISON WARD. Precinct No. 1.?North side of Leigh street to corporation limits, between Fourth and Twelfth streets. Registrar: William H. Pleasants. Place of registration: At City Spring Brewery, terminus of Eighth street. Precinct No. 2.?South side of Lefeh street to north side of Broad, and east side of Fourth to west side of Twelfth street. Registrar : W. W. Stover. Place of registration : Old Swan Tavern, Broad street Detween Eighth and Ninth. Precinct No. 3.?South side of Broad street, and to north side of Main street between Fourth and Twelfth streets. Registrar : James L. Brav. Place of registration : 909 Bank street, between Ninth and Tenth. Precinct No. 4.?South side of Main to corporation limits, and between Fourth ana Twelfth streets. Registrar: "VV. P. Gretter. Place of registration: icing's dyeing establishment, 735 Main street. MONROE WARD. Precinct No. 1.?All south of Main street to the river. Registrar: F. Butler. Place of registration: Carpenter shop on Second street between Cary and Canal. Precinct No. 2.?All between Broad and Main streets. Registrar: R. M. Nimrao. Place of registration: Tinsley's carpenter shop, corner of Third and Grace streets. Precinct No. 3.?All between Broad and Jackson streets. Registrar : D. B. Jones. Place of registration : Timberlake's grocery, eorner of Bro^fc avenue and Adams street. ? ? Precinct No. 4.?All north of Jackson street. Registrar: J. B. White. Place of registration: Corbin's store, corner of Second and Duval streets.* clay ward. Precinct No. 1.?All south of Broad street, including Hello Isle. Registrar: P. E. Gibbs. Place of registration: Tanner's hall, Main street, near old Fair Grounds. Precinct No. 2.?All north of .Broad street. Registrar: James Timberlake. Place of registration: Corner of Henry and Broad streets. MARSHALL WARD. Precinct No. 1.?East of Twenty-fifth street to corporation line on east and north of Broad street to corporation line on north. Registrar: D. C. Richardson. Place of registration: Springfield Hall, corner of Twenty-sixth and Mason streets. Precinct No. 2.?East of Twenty-fifth street to corporation line on east, south of Mason street to.the river on the south. Registrar: J. J. Cannon. Place of registration: Haskins's building, Rocketts. JEFFERSON WARD, Precinct No. 1.?From the east side of Twelfth street to Eighteenth street, from south side of Broad to river. Registrar: William W. Wood. Place of registration: Old Market Hall. Precinct No. 2.?From the east side of Eighteenth to the west side of Tweutyfifth, from the south side of Broad to the river. Registrar: William F. White. Place of registration: 2112 Main street. Precinct No. 3.?From the east side of Twelfth street to the west side of Eighteenth ; from the north side of Broad to the corporate limits. Registrar: William H. Paul. Place ot registration: GIG Seventeenth street above Venable. Precinct No. 4.?From the cast side of Eighteenth to the west side of Twenty-fifth ; from the noith side .of Broad to the corporate limits. Registrar : F. L. Moore. Place of registration : At the head of New street, store formerly occupied by J. S. Pollard as a grocery.

Registration* in Madison Ward.?At a meeting held yesterday afternoon the Conservative Executive Committee for Madison Ward perfected various arrangements for the carrying on of the enduing campaign. The following challengers were appointed, and are expected to be 011 duty this morning at sunrise : First precinct (City Spring brewerv), Sampson Jones, Jr., and I{. Fox; second (old Swan tavern), William T. Allen and J. II. Peeor; third (909 Bank street). Chas. II. Page and R. T. Daniel, Jr.; fourth (735 Main street), J. T. Ferriter and A. J. Langliorne. The Executive Committee will meet at the office of Green & Allen, corner of Seventh and Grace streets, this morning at 9 o'clock. The committee is composed of the following persons : James N. Dunlop, Albert Ordway, C. W. P. Brock, John A. Sloan, M. Mitteldorfer, Charles W. Allen, Charles Euker. William If. Jovnes, P. J. Wright, J. M. Stevens, M. P. Handy. Young Men's Social Circle.?At a lirst regular meeting of the Young Men's Social Circle, held May 8th, 1870, the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing term of three months: Morris A. Lunge, president; Myers Cohen, vice-pre-sident ; Jacob Hirshb'erg, secretary; Louis Levy, treasurer. Board of Directors : M. A. Lunge, M. Cohen, J. Hirshberg, P.Kraker, and L. Proskauer. City Conservative Central Committee. This committee, composed of live delegates from each Ward of the city, will meet at the office of J. H. Montague, comer Twelfth and Main streets at 10 o'clock this morning. A full attendance is desired. u It is stated upon the authority of a minister of the Gospel that the trustees of Sycamore church were offering their building at ?12,000 before the late accident. Now they ask Slo.OOO, and reserve the right to use it on Sabbaths for eighteen months." Correspondent Petersburg Index, May 7. We are authorized by the trustees and officers of Sycamore church to say there is not one word of truth in the above statement that they ew offered their building at $12,000. ^ A Card This evening's papers publish the following order from the Judge of the United States District Court: " That the said Ruthcrglen be committed immediately into the custody of the United States Marshal, to be held until he shall make a full and a itlsfactory return to the said Higby of all bankrupt cases in his hands, anil of all moneys held by him." I had been relying upon the following order of Judge Underwood, issued at Alexandria on the d ite stated on its face : " In the Dintrict Court of the United States for the District of Virginia, in the matter of Andrew Rutheryl&n: 4,It is ordered tuat the coniidcratlon and adjustment of the accounts of the said Andrew Rutherglen be postponed until the Judge of this conrt returns to Richmond. The Judge himself will examine and pass upon them, (Signed) "John C. Undjskwood, "District Judge. 44Alexandria, April 7, 1870." On Frldiy morning last I waited upon Judge Underwood in his chumber, who then informed me that the Chief Justice had Imposed so many duties upon him that he could not take up any of my matters then, but would notify me when be would do so. The public may imagine my surprise at the above order. I have to state that without beiug consulted I was placed in charge of 633 liankrui t estates, and am prepared, so soon as my accounts are adjusted, to pay every ceut thit I am due any estate. ANDBKW Kutu?BGL?N. May 9, I87e. Wood'6 Soda Fountain?Wood & 80N6 opened their soda fountain yesterday with a liberal dispensation of that cooling beverage ?4 which exhUate'/h but do not muchly Intoxlcateth." TJjcy ha \e the finest and handsomest fountain that ever was seen In Richmond, and famish delicious soda. We notice that E. B. Spence & Son have just received anew lot of neck-ties, among which can be found a large assortment of the 41 Dauntless Bows.11 Call at isoo Main street, and buy your clothing, shirts, and gentlemen's furnishing goods. ? ? ? ? M. JkLLTSOU <fc CO. will luser; advertisements In the principal newspapers in Vlrginla, North Carolina, Tenuesaee, and ttw northern cities, at jiufclishsrs' rates, foe c^ah. Apply at tills ,

A Perfect Irk.?Carter's Ink Is warranted to flow as freely as any writing fluid in use; to g ive as perfect a copy as any copying Ink, and not to thicken or mould. Randolph ? English, 1318 Miln street, agents. 3White Turkish Thtsn Vests JuM received and for sale by E. B. Spence ? Sox, merchant tailors, 13J0 Main street. * I am a candidate for the office of Mayor of Bichmond, and respectfully solicit the vote* of my fellow-citizens. H. K. Elltsox. Stereoscopic views of ihs Capitol?scene of the late calamity-can fce had of Selder & Co., MS Main street. The Scene of the Late Calamity photograpbel by Selden & Co., 818 Main street, who can l'ornlsh vlew3 in any quantity. New Novels?Woman's Business ; Bafflied, or Michael Brand's Wron?; Ked as a Bore Is She; ABace for a Wife; Rule of the Monk; Mrs. Gerald's Niece; and nil other late works at Ellyson & Taylor's, next to Dispatch We arc pleased to learn that the old and wellknown Arm of W. D. Blaib ? Co., corner Ninth and Main, are selling with so much reputation their "B Select" whiskey. They sell this brand at 9?.50 per gallon, and its quality Is uncommonly fine and pure. The ladies' Porosis Clur, of New York, recently changed their discussions from woman's suffrage to hair preparations and pimple banishers. They declared that where natnrc bad not endowed them with beaoty, it w*f? their right?yea, tbelr duty?to 3eck it where they could. So they all voted that Magnolia Balm overcame sallowness, rough skin, and ring-marks, and gave to the eomplcxlon a most distingue (Soroslan) and mar-ble-like appearance (dangerous to men, no doubt); and that Lyon's Kathalron made the hair grow thick, soft, and awful pretty, and, moreover, prevented It from turning gray. If the proprietors of these articles did not send the sisters an invoice they are not smart. Fob tiik fullest measure, cheapest and very best coke, anthracite and bituminous coal; kindling, sawed, and long oak and pine wood, go to Mr. J.' B. W atkins's, llll Main street, nearly opposite this office. FOE NEW YORK.?The 01d^jM?|L Dominion Steamship Co.'s elezaut2EMfimR side-wheel steamship ISAAC BELL, Captain Bourne, will leave her wharf at Rocaetta on TUESDAY, May 10, at 12 o'clock M. Freight received until 11 o'clock A. M. Fare 412; steerage, $0 ; ronnd-trlp tickets. $20. For fTeUnt or passage, apply'at OFFICE OF COMPANY, corner Eleventh and Main streets. my 9?St For freight or charter, brig II. PORTER, one hundred- andAJ533 eighteen tons (118) capacity?L.350 barrels. .TittST Apply to PALMER, HARTSOOK Sc. CO. ap 10 Notice to shippers.? The Doats of the .TAM^S FT BBBHBBb VER AND KANAWHA CANAL OOBU'ANl will leave the do<*k as usual promptly at IS M. 01 TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS. and SATURDAYS. Freight and tolls ou goods for Lynchburg ant beyond collected on delivery, or prepaid, at tb< option of the shipper. Every facility possible wll] be afforded consignees, but no obligation is ass'im.'.d to deliver down freight elsewhere than a) tnv office on the Dock without special agreement. Way freight will not be delivered till charges rrt paid. Bonis loeked and Insured* dell EDWARD DILLON, Agent.

KDUCA nOJfAL. ROANOKE COLLEGE^ J D. DREHER. COLUMBIA, S. C. kgent for KOA NOKE COLL EG ir. ills object Is to travel through the southern Stated In order to advertlse the College, and bring its claims and superior advantages beiorc the southern public. Nearly all ih>'southern States have representatives at tne College. College has evidence of its merits in the large aumber ol'students from Virginia In attendance upon Its exercises, It has never b? fore made any ixtraefforts to advertise itself in the South. Recommend Faculty, curriculum, location, Ac., &c. Expeuses quite moderate. students arc publishing Microcosm of College, which will be first of its kind in the South. For further particulars, address the President, RfcV. 1). F. BUTTLE, I). D,. Salem, Va., or the travelling apent at my 2 Colnmbia, S. C. LOST ASP rOPMP. Application will be made for there-Issue of VIRGINIA STATE REGISTERED BONJ) No. 373 for *2,000, Issued 17th April, 1863, to D. P. LEWIS, It having been lost. my lt>?Tu3m Lost, during the fall of the floor of the Supreme Court, a large size Smith & Wesson's PISTOL, scratched on the left side of the handle. Also, a CANE that ha* my initials. The finder will please leave them at this office and oblige my 10-It* ? W. WALLACE ROWE. riH) THE WORKING CLA8S.?We are _l now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home the whole of the time or for tho spare moments. Business new, light, and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50.-. to <j?5 per evening, and a proportional sum hy devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls can earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address. and tent the business, we make this unparalleled offer : To all such as are not well satisfled we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample which will do to coinmcuce work on, and a cony of The People''a Literary Companion?one of the largest and beet family newspapers published?all sent free by mill. Reader, if you want permanent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN A CO., mh l4-d,w&3w3n) Augusta, Me. ToaCTATOqjM. LOTUS BALM (Hair Dressing). This most fragrant and agreeable lotion has wou fcr itself great popularity. Formate b^^t my 4 Franklin street, corner Fourt'h. Heliotrope, mellissine, and VIOLKT POMADES, for sale by T. II. HAZARD, my 4 Franklin street, corner Fourth. Cashmere BOUQUET SOAP just received and for sale by POWHATAN E. DUPUY, ap 21 So. 427 Broad street. SUPERIOR LOT OF HAIR BRUSHES 0 AND COMBS Just received and for sale low by POWHATAN E. D&PUY, Apothecary, Broad street ap21 between Fourth and Fifth streets. rjiOlLET and FAMILY SOAPS. 25 boxes COLGATE'S TOILET SOAPS, 60 boxes COLGATE'S FAMILY SOAPS, at reduced prices. mh U WILLIAM G. DANDRIDGE & CO.

jyjURRAY & LAN MAN'S FLORIDA WATER, the moet celebrated ami rcozl delightful of ail PERFU2IES; for USE OIT THE HANDKERCHIEF, AT TUB TOILET, fad IN TH? BATH. FOR HALE BY ALL DRUUGIST8 AND PERFUMERS. Ja 12?cocUm FIOPH. SUPERIOR FAMILY FLOirR.-CO O barrels WA8KE Y'S and GIBSON'S FAMILY FLOUB Just received. ap S3 A. S. LEE. gRIDGEWATER FAMILY FLOUB. The undersigned Is now mannfactnrln* a CHOICE ARTICLE of hla UNRIVALLED FAMILY FLOUR, superior to any he baa hervSofore made, which nas given such universal satisfaction. Every barrel guarantied to flvo entire ssilst'actlun, or to be returned and money refunded. J. B. FICKLKJfc, JB? Fredericksburg, Va. We have a full sapplrof this floor, and few wit 10 b01 "nUnU S'IW&ET?HAM * CO.. mb 19 Agents for its sale. T\E. H. D. TALIAFKBKO respeatfnllf .U offers his PROFESSIONAL SEKVI0E8 to the citizens of Richmond. OSce and residence at Mr. Itobert A. Mayo's, 110 Seventh street, betvrqcn Franklin and Grace streets. to 3?am T1T22DDINQ CARDS PEIHTJBGD AT

TERMS OF few square, mJ|8MWW?ih?i?m??4<?""^. toe aquae* two insertionM....... tiiiKxnn ?S' toe square, three tasertloiai^*....#. hie tqwref ? to? square, twelve Insertion.?. <??? * 2 toe wjnare. one month.**'* !! m toe square, twmouthff.... V J toesquare,threemonth*....-v.....r,u.i SBO< rKRTIIIZfXS. ? 4 ntJAWO ! GUAKO! GUANO I ' ? ?r ? ?? ?. < ..??? 100 tone No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, I*'Hop? ad to errlve, for sale by . ^*>b_ *E '- ray g ROBERT F. WILLIAMS* CO* ?., ? ? QEALEBS AND CONSUMERS W FERTILIZERS ? " f>K - i-ijt ' '' J eeeiving a circular from the maaaAotacfis ^ , whann?s .u.-vhs- -J RAW bonk 8UPEBPHOSPHATB, containing an &rt!cio In relation to the ' J"". POWHATAN > ? SAW BONE 6UPKRPH08PHATS J manufactured In RICHMOND, .i-j,. . .- should send and get the circular of .. DOWNWARD, anderson * OO.f <^/ ?. -jtfii'ii} ft. ?? No. im Gary street, Richmond* -/ ' : on tain tag a reply from John WhAhn, Ihelr Su- . perlntendont. : . aplf / JOBACCO FERTILIZERS. " ' . L .} 7;. We o3or to planters a preparation for ' TOBACCO I 5 ?'.>! . which contains all the nsceseary lngredlotfi fbr nakuig the crop heavy and good, and At the tnwf . ;tme enable it to stand a severe droejrht. This fertilizer baa been tried on TOBACCO|A*<] thoFn who have used it are highly pleased with results, <?? ? Planters will find it to their Interest to use Una ? TOBVCCO FERTILIZER prepared by us. WALLEGO FERTILIZING company, . , corner Twelfth and Gary streets; - Richmond* Va*- ?? Mr. JOHN WIN GO, of AraeUa eoanty. - wife tested our TOBACCO FERTILIZER last ypur, gives the following certificate : " AMittia CouKTaotrM, April 14,1 "Injustice to the Gallego Fertilizing Company, I wUl state that 1 used ow pounds of your frmnser last year on tobacco ou one acre of wn land; sowed it on thehen-nest grass onthe .J une and planted the tobacco on the nth. -r. bacco grew off slowly, but continued through the entire drought, which lasted ul S5th of September, and when I cut fhetotnu found It fully equal to that raised on rich with the same amount of bought fcrttilxrr* sides farm-pen and stable manure.' Iaqwcdthe land in Woodfln wheat (which is a late kind of wheat) on the 33d October, and It Is looking and bids fair to make a fine crop. . /?? ? "Very respectfully, apis?im ? - "JoffrxWnroo.^ " PACIFIC GUANO.?We have a good supply of this GUANO on hand, and areprepared to fill orders. LIBERAL TERMS TO THE TRADK. {ap 141 A. Y. STOKES A 00? WHANN'8 RAW-BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE, now in the twelfth year of Ite successful use, is recommended with confidence as the very best we are acqnainted with. It Is made from '?! ?_nj .-i' RAW-BONE, GUANO. SULPHURHJ ACID, POTASH, AND 8GDAr *?' T all subjected to t Vimlcal analysis before being purchased, and dissolved by the most approved chemical processor. It is warranted free from adulteration, itnd tlio standard of quality is guar* aateed. allison 4 ADDISON. General Agents for the Manufacturers. Richmond, Yo. Circulars containing full Information mailed to *11 applicants. . . ? apt

SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO^VTJtw w O raarkab!e value of this GUANO ia no* eo well mown and appreciated that it scatcelv needs jiriher commendation from us. Wo Will only say hat the quality or the Guano now In market la iven better than that heretofore sold by na for tbe sompany. ? -.i,, . Orders and communications ire solicited, and ?vlll reccive prompt aud careful attention. Our Guano Circular, containing certllloatoi and farther Information, mailed to allappllcjnts. ALLISON A AUDItiOXf - *P5 Agents for the Company. I?LOUIl OF RAW BOHE^TIw Vftlua <rf. A bones as a fertilizer has long been known, und they are by m*or const Oereo tbe b#?t" Ind" cheapest COMMERCIAL FERTILIZES. Tbe difficulty heretofore has been to get them ground flnelj enough for Immediate action and free from adulteration. In this article we offer PURE UN* BURNT BONE REDUOED TO THR FINENESS OF FLOUR, and will glvo a money-guar-an tee of its absolute purity. ALLKON A ADDISON, ' aP 5 Manufacturer's Agents., HE SOUTHERN FERTILIZING COMPANY, Officjc, cobweb Gaby and Viselrru bts.,1 RlCHUO^D, VA, . J Are prepared to fill orders for their TOBACCO FERTILIZER ? v. , AM) .* . OLD DOMINION FERTILIZES, "?: S.5JlP?ri?X,Prt:Parat,on for corn, oats, Ac. . The TOBACCO FERTILIZER has been tesfed so often beside Peruvian Guano and other leading fartiu- ? zers on tobacco, and with such uniformly calls* factory result*, that tbe company feel JustlBed br offering It as tbe best fertilizer for this crop now . T always on hand. * Special preparations maJlo at short notice*' Circulars forwarded to any address. W. GILHAM, mh21?tJel President.,} j A GRICULTURAL SALT^-1,900 sacks XX. AGRICULTURAL SALT of auperiorfl&al"!: lty, to which tbe attention of commission mer-. chants and planters is specially Invited. Tfeia salt Is the cheapest, and perhaps the mosVpem*- ; / nent, fertilizer on the mailcet. For sale by ~' " apl 8. C. TABDYt Oft'V OAUGH'S IMPROVED RAW-B0K8 ' X) PHOSPHATE, unsurpassed for raislnr /JJOBACCO, CORN, and aB CEREAL and GRABS CROPS, and for enriching worn-out land; to far > cent, cheaper than Peruvian Guano. Its analysist, v 4-76 per cent, ammonia; U per cent, bone phosphate of lime; 13-05 per cenUof which it sofa Me. It has been in use for over fifteen years, and ltd reputation is unsurpassed. It has been recently ? is asked. Planters can purchase on four and six ?? months1 time with approved city acceptances. Orders tilled at lowest manufacturer's rates by. , .. . o , LBE? SEDDON A CO.. % Sole Agents for Richmond. Va. AttBICUX/rUBAX mVUEBBBKn. > > TI CLEANEB *1 * ?:ft * 1 awarded first premium at Virginia State Jfalr. . a GENERAL FOUNDRY and MACHINE W02UT ' done by r<- ~ mh 14?Jm J. W. CAKDWELL AgO^ 1511 Gary riORK PLANTERS, with and Wttboak l ^ GUANO ATTACHMENT. We have placed a new and superior Guano At* , tachment on our COBN-PLANTEBS this jtn __ Price, (30. Manufactured by ? n <>? J. W. CARD WELL k CO., Urn mh I4_>m jju Cary strait. ? ACHINE SHOP, ?'9 ?iff M ? WOBKS AND OFKICXI 141ft Cx&T 67JUCXT,' KBA?, h F0CBTE5XTB, RlCUXOND, VA. ,. ALL KINDS OF NEW WORK: REPAIBINCh ' STEAM-ENGINES and BOILEBHln eity an* .. country; TOBACCO WORK of all ktnd?1tta3fl and repaired with all kinds of steam-fittlngs for btme; PLATFORM and other SOALtS ADJUSTED and REPAIRED. Exclusivessteata forJUDSON'S PATENT STFAM-ENGlSE GOVERNOR, SBLDEN'S PATENT STEAM-EN-GINE PACKIJ "* ny's STE gauges arc warranted for a year. to be tbe best gauge now la wt* la price tbn auy other make, i above arUcks always oa hand. *? *!?* Tttmm HOLLAND'S PATENT SELF CUPfor shaXUog and all kinds of iriociyper cent, of aud beat thing cow OH*. OEOL ? . mylg * A.=Jjfeli&ffk J|BTBOPOLITAN WORKS, CORNER SEVENTH AND C bTATTONAKY" and FOBTABL* EW^OfM and SAW-MILLS J ^ BARK. GRISTjwdPLA^^MILMI? always oa hand. . ? <? ?#<? w - Oldeogii ston or exc UBiiii riHILDKEH'S CA1 AND BEAUTIFUL DFbI< FINISH, and oisupwtlM ?uwk #h,IS ^ BtCHMOVfc MAN UFA' No. mFiftii street. Call asd tftkealn ?pis .... ? I t or torn -