Daily Dispatch, Volume 38, Number 111, 11 May 1870 — Page 1

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THE DISPATCH. BY COWARDIN <8c EULYSOK. CASH?INVARIABLY IN ADVANC*. Tlx- DAILY DISPATCH !? dellveredto snh'ecrlN)P< at KIKTKRX CKNTH per W1H?k, pa?*bl? to the carrier weekly. Mailed at #? per Annum; f) for *i * month*: 'Sc. per month for a shorter period. The SEMI-WEEKLY DISPATCH at )l p?r annum. or tl.W for als months. The WEE HLLY DISPATCH at *3 per annnm. ^1 PHT flOOflft. ^PECIAL INDUCEMENTS. 0 Wo have Just received tome very HANDSOME A\D DESIRABLE GOODS, ?inch ire offer at the VERY LOWEST PRICKS, ?nJ *?k a oftU from tttoM d??irlajj rood and r?Habit dry good*. p.*t;itfu! EMBROIDERED md STRIPED GKFKADI.VEa, HI.A?'K IRON BAREGES and GRENADINES, ft,A I X. STRIPED. and PI.AID POPLINS and l.KNDS; WHITE. III.AOS, and COLORED ALPACASMijxrlor manufacture: \e? style STRIPED, CHECKED, and PLAIN Mi.KS; ,i\(< t 'NKT 1.AWNH, all styles, best qualities ; . MIEXCII PlyUKS, prelty deigns for dresses; >W IS.\ NAINSOOK. CHKCKKI), and TUCKED MUSLINS; W HITE CAMBRICS, ORGANDIES, hRll.Ll ANTS, D1MITYS, At'.; RLEACHKD and It R O W N CO T TO NS, all w tdths and qualities; LINEN and COTTON SHEETING, HLI.olV-PASE LINENS and COTTONS, (,tl II.TS. TOWELS, NAPKINS, TABI.K I.I X ENS. 1 IN!'"\ DRILLS and Dl'CK, i l.oTIIS, CASSI.MERES, uPERA FLANNELS, GRENADINE, .MKKIXO and LACE SHAWLS, I V('K rOLLAKS and HANDKERCHIEFS, KID (iLoVES, I'A U Am?LS of al! styles; ( i: >- X C11 CORSETS, MI.K FANS, :,nil a full assortment In general, to <- invite attention. WILLIAM THALHIMER <S SONS, Broad-Street Dry Goods Emporium, my 4 corner Sixth aud Broad streets. /i \UI>(>/.(>, FUUUQUKEAN & CO., OPPOSITE POST-OFFICE, are now opening a large aud varied assortment of new and elegant JAPANESE SILKS, JAPANESE POPLINS, G REN A DINES, SI IT CLOTHS, and other DRESS GOi ?DS. ALSO. LACK POINTS (-some very small), PARASOL COVERS, LACE SETS, I.ACE H A N DK E RCHIEFS, LACE COLLARS, In endless variety, that cannot fall to please. All In want of DRV GOODS are advised to give u- a cull, as our prices are as low as the lowest, .nti? i <.nr nsfOi tinent varle<l and complete. aj. rj ( AUIiOZo, FolTRyLREAN Jt CO.

IJ .Wi: \nl- HEAKD TIIK NEWSt .loSEi'll STKAIJSK lias Just received a large stock of DUY GOODS, i hcaper tli in ever be tori- brought to Richmond. I?. ti riuliicil to k?*ep 1 Jh store now, u? tn ttie past, TIIK ( 1IK.M' STORE OK IlK'UMoNl*. ho offers tin* following goods : I'.I.AcK SILK at $1 worth $l.5o; BLACK Mt.K at tl.Su worth; I; I. \ < u mi.k ;it *2.75 selling everywhere for $:i; I; I. A? K 1IEAVV It El' at $2 cheap at $3.23; I- XT It A. HEAVY REP at $>2.75 considered low at "j-L IlrlSll I.INKS'. 'Ilit* best bargains tu I It IS11 LINEN?a good aitlcle at a7J, li, ?.*?, 7r>e., and higher?all t.f which have been rtducedto less than gold value. t:,.-t hi. \CK and COLORED KIOGLOVESat?l; Hi -t Wll \LEBJNE OORSKTS at 75c.; I, \ OIKS' H A N OK EROlilEFS at 10c. per dozen ; I I tut CALICO tw< Ive yards for +1; V A KD-W I OK. HKoWN and BLEACHED OOTTi nt I'-'Jc. ; l>< ?M KST1C GINGHAM ; IthO-TICK J N<i at f.'Jc. : I \ OIKS' and CHILDREN'S PARASOLS trotn Goe. upwai d; CAMI.KlC and CllKCK MUSLIN astim-l.-hliiL'lv low. LINKS TO'WKIS, TA11LK OA.MASK, LIN'EN FOR Sl'ITS, too cheap to tneirlon the price; In fact, all goods are mo1<> cheaper than elsewhere. All I a? k In a call from one and all, and you will l.e cons liiced that yon can SAVE KKOM TWP'N1 V-K1VK T< > K1KTY PER CENT, hy calling at .lOSF I'll STRA USE'S, No. 1533 Main ntreet, between Fifteenth and Seventeenth strertu, ?7 opposite Palmer's. ?U?ME AND I.OOK. AT till B K O A D S T HURT, 627. IIIieSH & GUGGENHEIMF.R'S second supply of SPUING ANO SUMMER OKY GOODS. UK ESS GOODS of every description, from 12jc. to any price; JAPANESE POPLINS at very low prices; <?ur stock of WHITE GOODS eannot he surpassol hy any house In Klclimoud for price cr 'juallty; WHITE, STKIPEI) and PL AID OKOANDIES ; MA KSKLLLES, all colors aud tigures; LINKS LAWNS at 25c., WHALEBONE COKSETSat 00c., W 11 IT E ami CHECKED MATTING, COATK'S coTT 80o. per dozeo. We would respectfully Invite ALL IN NEED OK DRY GOODS to call and set: if th / can do any better. HIKSH 4 UUGGENHEIMEK. W. P. K KAN', W. P. KKAX, ) ?J. P. ClIKNKltY, > K. P. GKKYTK1U) Salesmen. ftp 11 KIXTAlltAMm VI). 3 FOURTEENTH STREET. 1"tlILAOKLPH(A ALE ANO LAGERl$KKIt, FIVE CENTS A GLASS, tee-Cold, on draught twenty feet helow ground, at the PALACE, No. a Fourteenth htreet, near Main. Kami lies ->ut>plld with ALE or LAGER by the ?juart at 25 cents, or so cents per gallon. FIf EE LTJNPH every day from 11 till 2. mve-iw* yETELLE, NO. 1204.?The season for fl Spring diet lias fairly set In, and *11 the fretjb luxuries which come with It are at ZETELLE'8. With LAMB, VEAL. SPRING CHICKENS. PK AS, ASPARAGUS, TOMATOES, AND hTKA WBRKRIE8, with the other regular disbc?. ?i?i the excelleut eookluir, It sh^ll gobardlftbe iiiont fubtiill<?us guest is not heartilv eatlsfled. *l heii the HA R, with IU PURE LIQUOas, MINERAL WATERS, and the excellent beverage* prepared by the skilful bar-lueper, wind up ? iitertaininent, the style of wlilcli Is Inferior to none in this country. my 3

DBY GOODS. Duck wall & rouss, No.1013 main STREET.? Straw Good* of all kinds at less than wholesale prices ; BUck Crape Veils at $J ciiaap at ??; Dress Goods of all kind* at prices lo suit ati; beautiful Dress Goods at 12J and ltjc.; c*tnbrlc Edgfl and Intertlnffg; Har?ffn Shawls (white) at *3.60 worth f5: Curtain Lace at 37Jc. would be cheap at Boc. ; Plaid and Check Silks at ?1 worth $1.60; elegant Snfch and Narrow Ribbons at half price; Androscoggin Co-ton at lets than a ?billing: best Bleached ?nd Brown Cotton In the city at 12|c.: Clark's Machine Cotton; Coat's Cotton ; Spool Cotton (200 yards) ot 40c. per do ten ; Bath Towels; Towel# from 10 to 78c.; Japanea6 Switches, Chignons, and Chignon Pins: Pins, 5c.; Needles, Sc.; best British Hosiery at less than wholesale price*. . mi 10 T IIIRD ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. A GREAT CHANGE IN GOODS AM) l'KICEJ will readily be realized by calling at JULIUS SYCLE'S, 415 BROAD STREET. We are opening this day a large, well selected and varied assortment ??f FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS of all descriptions. FIGURED GRENADIN* S, In all color?; *J A1 * A. >JK SK POPLINS, plain, plaid, and striped; BAREGES, figured and striped: LENOS In all colors; WALKING SUITS GOODS; lifOZAMRlQUES, In varletv; ORGANDIES and LINEN LAWNS, BUFF and DRAB LINENS, ALPACAS, iu all shades, PIQUES, colored and white, Irou BAREOKS, umlGRENA I?INE<. HERNANAS. rtc. WHITE GOO OS. ORGANDIES, Swlsa. Nainsooks, plain, plaid, A striped. Jaconet and Cambric MUSLINS, TAKLKIaN, MARSEILLE* and HONEYCOMB QTlLT, TOWELING and TOWELS from 10c. to 35c, very large, IllrdV-eye DIAl'H K. N A PKINS, and DOYLES, L.C.'H ANDKFRCIIIKFSat 75c-per dozen. LaC-E HANDKERCHI EFSSOc , HEM-STITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS at Is., pure linen, LACE COLLARS of all descriptions, frotn 20c. up ward, MARSEILLE* TRIMMINGS in variety, DIM IT V and Swiss RUFFLINGS, :md a large line of EMBROIDERY. large assortment of LLAMA, LACE, and TlfltEAD POINTS : PARASOLS, a full line and very clieap ; NOTTINGHAM LACE, for curtalus, at 30c. per yard; BLaCK and COLORED SILKS at all prices : HOSIERY, CORSETS, ItlRBONS, and NOTIONS, lu endless variety : A full assortment of C * SSI Si E RES. DOESKINS, and MELTONS: LINENS, CuTTONADES, for men's and boys' weir ; LINEN BOSOMS, IRISH LINENS; GENT'S IIALK HO-?Eatall pricis; UNDERSHIRTS for ladles and gentlemen ; A full line ol' DOMESTIC GOODS al low prices ; all of which have been bought lathe last live days at the lowest prices. Call one and all and take your choice at JULIUS SI'CLE'S, 415 Broad street, between Fourth and Fifth. Closed on SATURDAYS. The following gentlemen will be pleased to see their friends : GKOltOK SWABACHfSB. Jonas WKINlirnO, J. T. TUUNKIt, R. S. SMITH Kit, WI I.LI AM D. POWKlt, my 2 B. C. Fl.ANNAOAN, I W. W. El.A NNACJ AN", President. I Sec'yaud Trea'r. 1870. ?>KIM.ofSTVLES 1Sm W O O L L E N S MAUK AT CHARLOTTESVILLE WOOLLEN MILLS. The attention of men-limits is called to these GOODS, and comparison with other fabrics Invited for STYLE, FINISH, INTRINSIC MERIT, AND ADAPTABILITY TO THE WANTS OF THE SOUTHERN TRADE. For samples ami price-list address II. C. MARCH ANT, mh 14?3m Charlottesville, Va. (LOTHINH w rOMKN'S RIGHTS ANt> GENTLEMEN'S CLOTIIINfl. T am In favor of givlntr the ladles al) the right* and privileges of calling and buying for their husbands, son*, brother?, or fathers, a NICE SUIT ofuiy NEW AND SEASONABLE SPRING CLOTHING. Call early. Buy often of SMITH THE CLOTHIER, my 10 13.8 Main street. Q L O T IT I N G ! FOR STYLISH CLOTHING, FOR SUPERIOR QUALITY CLOTHING, FOR DURABLE CLOTHING, FOR BEST ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHING, FOR GOOD LOW-PRICE CLOTHING, FOR POPULAR CLOTHING, FOR MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, EVERY ONE IN WANT OF CLOTHING, CALL ON BALDWIN THE CLoTlllKR, CORNER MAl N AND TENTII SI REETS. [ap 10]

BARGAINS FOR APRIL. CHEVIOT FRENCH SACK SUIT. $25. MELTON FRENCH SACK SUIT, coal and vest, (19. MELTON WALKING SUIT, coat and vest, $20. CHEVIOT WALKING SUIT, $28. SCOTCH COATING WALKING SUIT,$30. DIAGONAL COATING WALKING SUIT, $32. FRENCH CREPE DRESS SUIT, coataud vest, $32* 1 FRENCH CREPE SACK SUITS, coat and vest, $28. FANCY CASSIMFRE PANTALOONS, $7 to $10. YOUTHS- FANCY CASSIMERE SUITS, $15, tit), and $17. HOYS' FANCY CASSIMERE SUITS, $11, $12. and $13. Also, a large assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS at very low prices. JOHN S. DEVLIN, l<?u7 Main street (opposite the post-oflice), ap 15?3m Richmond, Va. DISSOLUTIONS A PARTNERSHIPS. 7YSSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER-A_J SHIP "We have this day sold our entire Interest In the c ncernsof Hughes & Howe and II. C. Adams A Co. to Mr. W. It. ltOWE. who Is Ihe only party authorized to settle up the husluess of the old concern. J.W.HUGIIES, II. C. ADAMS. The underslifned respectfully announce that they will continue the FEED, GR??CERY, LIOL'OR, AS It COMMISSION BUSINESS at the old stand of H. C. Adams A Co. Thankful for tlie many favors heretofore bestowed upon the old arm, they, would ask for a continuance of the same. . my 10?lw W. R. ROWE A CO. Dissolution or co-partner. SHIP The concern of ANDREW J. GRAY <? CO. is this day dissolved by mutual consgut. ANDREW J. Git AY, April II, 1S70. SOMEliVILLE GRAY. I have this day sold out my Interest In the concern of Andrew'J. Gray A Co. to Mr. ANDREW J. GRAY, who is alone authorized to settle the business of the late ilrrn. April 11, 1*70. SOMERVILLE GRAY. Having purchased the interest of Mr. Somervllle Gray In the late firm of A. J. Gray A Coall persons having claims against the concern will present them to uie for settlement. All persons owtiiK the concern will make payment to me. I shall continue the business as heretofore conducted bv the old concern, and hope to have the patronage lately shown toward them and the late concern of Walfce X Gray. ANDREW J. GRAY. April 11, 1870. ap 12?1m FLOUR. SUPERIOR FAMILY FLOUR.-50 barrels WASKEY'S and GIBSON'S FAMILY FLOUR just received. _ap23_ A. S. LEE. JgRIDGEWATER FAMILY FLOUR. The undersigned is now manufacturing a CHOICE ARTICLE of his U N RIV A L L E D FA MILY FLOUR, superior to any he lias heretofore which has irlvcu such uulvcrsal satisfaction. Every barrel guaranteed to give entire satisfaction, or to be returned and money refunded. J. B. FICKLE**, JR.. ! Fredericksburg, Va. We have a full supply of this flour, and know It to be a Ural-rate No. 1 family flour. E. A S. WOBTHAM A CO.. mb 19 Agents.tor its sale. IMPORTED HAVANA CIGARSX Large lot superior CIGARS lust received at POWHATAN E. DUPUY'S ap 31 Apothecary, 427 Broud street,

Richmond jjhsptdt. WEDNESDAY MAY 11,1870/ THE CIRCULATION OP THE DISPATCH IS LARGER THAN THE COMBINED CIRCULATION OP ALL THE OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPERS OP THE CITY. AUCTION SALES THIS DAT. On all public or private saint of Real Estate made between the 1?? uf January ami the 1 fit of July the purchasers pay the. taxes for the, present year, but on all sales between the first day of July ami the last day of December the selltr pay8 them. LOCAL MATTERS. Otbnr Local Matters on 2d Pnjye. Register yourself and send your neighbors TO TI1E REGISTRATION POLLS. * City Officers.?We give below the substitute offered yesterday by Mr. Keiley to the bill for the government of cities and towns of 5,000 inhabitants and over : " lie tt enacted, &c., That in every city and town of this Commonwealth of more than 5,000 inhabitants, for which no special charier shall be granted by the present, Legislature prior to the 17th day of May, 1870, t here shall be elected by the qualified voters thereof on the fourth Thursday in Mav, 1870, the following officers, who slinll continue in ofiice until their successors are elected or appointed and qualified : " 1st. A Mayor. "2d. A Common Council, to consist of five members from each ward, and in towns and cities not divided into wards to consist of ten members. Said couneilmen in each ward to be chosen by the voters of their respective wards. "3d. A high constable in such cities as by existing law$ have such an officer. "4th. Three justices of the peace for each ward, and in cities and towns not divided into wards four justices. Said justices for each ward to be chosen by the voters of their respective wards. "5tli. All such ollieers as by existing charters or acts of incorporation of said cities or towns, or by general laws, are provided for the assessment, collection, safekeeping. and disbursement of the city or town taxes, whether said ollieers be elected or appointed. " oth. The officers enumerated in the 15th, lGth, 17th, 18th, and 19th sections of the sixth article of the Constitution. "Section 2. All other officers shall be appointed by the Common Councils of the respective cities and towns. tk Section 3. The said officers shall perform all the duties, have all the powers, be liable to all the penalties, and be required to give such security as may be prescribed by the existing charters, or acts of incorporation, or ordinances of the said several cities or towns, or by the general laws of the Commonwealth. They shall receive for their services such compensation as is now or may hereafter be prescribed by law, or in case of city or town officers as may be provided by* the Common Council of the several cities and towns respectively. " Section 4. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. '? Section 5. This act shall be in force from its passage.'' Last year's Registration is of no avail. Register again or your vote will re lost. Committee on Visitation and Relief.? General John E. Mulford, chairman of the Committee on Visitation smd Relief, requests us to sav that a meeting of the committee will be held at the Chamber of Commerce at G o'clock this afternoon. As matters of much importance will be brought before it, he requests that each member should be punctual in attendance. The committee consists of th? following gentlemen : General John E. Mulford, chairman. Marshall Hard.?II. llodeker and IT. Wallerstein. Jefferson Ward.?George W. Mayo and George Walt. Madison Ward.?William G. Paiue and William B. Isaacs. Monroe Ward.-?A. L. Ellelt and William T. Clark. Clay Ward.?George S. Palmer and P. II. Starke. Manchester.?William G. Taylor and John II. Hatcher.

remember that no matter how many TIMES YOU HAVE REGISTERED ALREADY YOU must Register again, or you cannot vote. Male Orphan Society?annual address.?The annual meeting oft his Society, postponed from the time required by the constitution in consequence of the calamity at the Capitol, will take place on Tuesday next at Dr. Read's church, corner of Fourth and Grace streets. The annual address will he delivered by Rev. Dr. Curry. The well-known eloquence and ability of l his gentleman needs no commendation from ik. The announcement that he will be the orator is sufficient to insure a crowded house. History of TnE Capitol Disaster.?Ellvson <fc Taylor, of this city, have just issued their promised pamphlet containing a full account of the late great calamity at the Capitol, with full and reliable lists of the killed and wounded, reports of meetings held after the sad event, interesting statements of survivors, and other matters of interest. The book will have a wide circulation, and will be read with avidity by people in all parts of the country. No Conservative who would vote at THE election FOR ClTY OFFICERS SHOULD fail to Register to-day. List of Unmailable Letters Remaining in the Richmond Post-Office May 11).? Mr. S. D. Hicks, H. Harris & Bros., Miss Ann M. Anderson, Miss Mary Carlisle, Richmond, Va. If you are not an Idiot, and have neither BEEN IN THE penitentiary NOR fought a Duel since July t>, 1SC9, you can and ought to Register. Hearing Registration Cases. ?Judge Guigon will hear and determine all registration cases at the City Hall between 10 and 11 A. M. each day during registration. It will save time if the registrars will follow the terms of the act and send in writing the reasons for granting or refusing the registration, and if the parties bring with them the witnesses to prove or disprove any controverted fact. A Word to Physicians.?The Board of Health have been much embarrassed by the. failure of the physicians of the city to comply with the ordinance prescribing particulars to be giveu in the certificates of death, as these certilicates arc sometimes required as evidence in court and are always filed with each week's report as vouchers. Blanks for the purpose can always be procured at the otfiee of the Board." The neglect of physicians to comply with the law is inexcusable. Nominations.-It is reported that the black, white, and gray Republicans of Manchester have compromised on a mixed ticket for town trustees, composed of Thomas Hewlett, B. T. Edwards, and Joseph Carter (colored): and C. Burnett, E. H. Foote. J. C. Wells, and G. T. Blanton (plain): also, that W. T. Martin, C. W. Burr, aud Ballard Edwards, have been nominated for magistrates. There are just enough white Republicans in the township to fill the offices, and no more recruits are needed. They are very select. They met at one place and the black Republicans at another. Several parties who were reported as having gone over have weakened and returned to the Conservative sheepfold. ? | ? Every young man who will be op 'age BEFORE THE 20TH OF APRIL HAS THE RIGHT TO BBUISTJBR.

Oak wood Sensorial Day. Again on yesterday did the fair and noble women of dear old ftichmond renew their annual manifestations of love and respect for the memory of the fallen heroes of the southern cause, and from the manner of this blessed observance on the fifth anniversary .since the hopes ot that cause were buried we may trust with pride that so long as human recollections can recall from the past even the transmitted narratives of the southern struggle will the fair hands of Virginia women scatter memorial wreaths orer the graves of the heroic defenders of principles, but dearer to memory because they were lost. As though to remind the fair commemorators of the solemn occasion for performing their touching and beautiful offices to the dead, the day was ushered In amidst clouds, and it waff near noon before old Sol lent them the genial influence of his bright warm ravs to their labors. Nothing daunted by this, however, many of the ladies repaired to Oakwood by 10 o'clock, and from that hour steadily during the dav their numbers increased. To accommodate the persons going out Messrs. Garber & Co. ran a line of omnibusses from St. John's church, the starting point for this city of the dead during the day. The scene at the cemetery was indeed a beautiful one. The numbers of beautiful ladies and the groups of cheerful, happy children wending their ways <rracefully among the craves, dropping as they went t along their little floral tributes upon each i one, and the charming additions of nature clothed in all the fresh beauty of spring, I were lit inspirations for the perpetuation ot the sacred memories of the dead heroes who sleep beneath the soil made sacred by the tread of so many fair ones in the perj formance of one of* the noblest duties of ! women. The number of flowers distributed was i large and of great variety. In fact, it is I contended that the number was larger than ever before distributed at Oakwood on a similar occasion. The number of visitors was also very large, and from 10 o'clock in the morning until sunset the grounds were well filled. Before leaving the grounds the Board of Directors of tbe Association adopted resolutions expressive of thanks to the reporters of the I)i$j)atch} and to Messrs. Garber Co. for the tender of omnibusses gratis for the use of the Board. Anniversary of the Death of " Stonewall Jackson."?Yesterday was the anniversary of the death of Stonewall Jackson, the great Christian soldier. The great popular heart, still overflowing with sorrow because of a recent calamity, will yet recall the sad, tearful military pageant which filled the streets on that*mournful occasion, when a whole city came forth to pay respect to the memory of the great soldier. Yesterday his tomb in the Valley of Virginia, 'neath "the shade of the trees," was visited by hundreds and garlanded with pure white flowers and immortelles. Years may pass away, yet in the recollection of this "people his "memory will be fresh and his deeds of valor cherished its sacred as bis life was irreproachable. Yesterday was also the anniversary of the wounding of Lieutenant-General J. E. B. Stuart, at Yellow Tavern, 111 the spring of 1SG4. He breathed his last on the 12th of .May, and was buried in Hollywood.

Horticultural and Pomological Society.?The regular monthly meeting of this Society was held at their rooms last evening. The propriety of having a strawberry least similar to the one of last year was discussed, ami, on motion, a committee of three was appointed to arrange for a strawberry exhibition. The chairman appointed the follow ing gentlemen : Messrs. William H. llaxnll, John Morton, and Captain (J. II. Dimmoelc. Thcfollowing premium and diploma lists were ordered : For the best quart of any collection of berries, $.>. For the second best, $:). For the third best, For the largest and best collcction of berries, $10. For the second best, diploma. The following schedule of qualities was adopted tor the committee to report upon : Best shipping berry. Best berry for home market. Best berry for family use. Best flavored berry.* Largest berry. Bot berry comprising all or the largest number of these qualities. The Committee of Examination and -Award will be hereafter announced. Mr. Joseph Keunie read a very full and interesting paper on the subject "of vegetables and how to grow them, including cabbages, tomatoes, and Irish potatoes. Dr. S. P. Moore read an essay on enemies *Df vegetation, specifying particularly (ireblight, slug-worm, &c. The subject of the "Treatment of Pot Plants" was chosen for discussion at the next meeting, and Mr. John Morton appointed essayist. Mayor's Court, Tuesday? Mayor Ellyson presiding.?The following cases were disposed of by his Honor : Delaware T. Banks (colored), charged with unlawfully assaultingandstriking Willie Williams on the head with an iron cane, was discharged. Sarah Gardner (colored), charged with unlawfully assaulting and striking with a brick Priscilla James (colored). Held to bail for twelve months to keep the peace. Kitty Anderson (colored), charged with unlawfully trespassing 011 the premises of W. II. Ages and using abusive language to his family. Continued until lttli. George Anderson (colored), charged with unlawfully threatening the life of "W. II. Ages. Continued until 11th. W. H. Ages, charged with unlawfully assaulting and beating Kitty Anderson. Continued until 11th. Celis II. Courtnev (colored), charged with attempting to swindle William Doran by means of the ball game, and also carrying a concealed weapon. Continued until 11th instant. Annie Johnson (colored), charged with unlawfully having in her possession one skirt the property of M. B. Oakley. Sent 011 to be indicted by the grand jury* Jim Crow (colored), charged with unlawfully assaulting, cutting, and wounding Robert Gordon with the intent to maim and kill. Continued until 13th instant. Benjamin Jacobs, charged with assaulting and beating John Smith." Dismissed. Grand Jury?Hustings Court.?The following bills on indictments for felony and misdemeanor were found yesterday : Henry Thomas alias David Robinson, for felony, not a true bill; Mahala Johnson, for felony, not a true bill: Harriet Hobson, for felony, not a true bill; Jim Johnson and Tom Briggs, for felonv, not a true bill; Thomas Howard and James Johnson, for felony, not a true bill: Thomas Lightfoot, for felony, a true bill; K. L. Bohaunon, for felonv, a true bill; Annie Johnson, for misdemeanor, a trne bill; Elam Washington. for misdemeanor, a true bill: Jessie Smith, for misdemeanor, a true bill; Ben. Watson, for misdemeanor, a true bill; Edmund Allen, for misdemeanor, a true bill; J. W. Kevs, for misdemeanor, a true bill; Buck Johnson, "William Henry Jackson, Henry Jones, James Brooks, Mary Devereux, misdemeanors, true bills. Jury adjourned to meet Friday at 12 o'clock. Conservative Meeting in Manchester. A meeting of the Conservative party of Manchester was held at the Town Hall Monday night?William G. Taylor, Esq., iu the chair. 'Messrs. Allen, Robinson, Blunt, and Gentry, were appointed challengers. There are three places lor registration in Manchester township?as follows: Town Hall, S. T. Hancock registrar; at T. B. Cersley's, W. T. Lithgow registrar; Hancock's Store, Junius Gregory registrar. We trust every Conservative man will consider fiimself a committeeman, and urge upon all his friends the imperative necessity of registration. Remember, no man who fails to register can vote, and that all previous registrations are noil and void. This is a kew registration, and ^yeby MAN WHO EXPECTS TO VOTE MU8T REGISTER,

BcgbtraUoD In Richmond?Preclmcts and Flacca or Registration. The registrars for the various wards announce that the resristration of voters in this city prior to the municipal election, will commence at the several places announced below to-day (Tuesday), continuing until Tuesday the l?th, inclusive : MADISON WARD. Precinct No, 1.?North side of Leigh street to corporation limits, between Fourth and Twelfth streets. Registrar: William H. Pleasants. Place of registration : At City Spring Brewery, terminus of Eighth street. Precinct No. 2.?South side of Leish street to north side of Broad, and east side of Fourth to west side of Twelfth street. Registrar : W. W. Stover. Place of registration : Old Swan Tavern, Broad street between Eighth and Ninth. Precinct No. 3.?South side of Broad street, and to*north side of Main street between Fourth and Twelfth streets. Registrar : James L. Bray. Place of registration : 909 Bank street, between Ninth and Tenth. Precinct No. 4.?South side of Main to corporation limits, and between Fourth and Twelfth streets. Registrar: W. P. Gretter. Place of registration: King's dyeing establishment, 735 Main street. MONROE WARD. Precinct No. 1.?All south of Main street to the river. Registrar: F. Butler. Place of registration: Carpenter shop on Second street between Gary and Canal. Precinct No. 2.?All between Broad and Main streets. Registrar: R. M. Nimmo. Place of registration: Tinsley's carpenter shop, corner of Third and Grace streets. Prccinct No. 3.?All between Broad and Jackson streets. Registrar : D. B. Jones. Place of registration : Timlterlake's grocery. corner of Brook avenue and Adams street. Precinct No. 4.?All north of Jackson street. Registrar: J. B. White. Place of registration : Corbin's store, corner of Second and Duval streets.

CLAY WARD. Precinct No. 1.?All south of Broad street, including Belle Isle. Registrar: E. fiibbp. Place of registration : Tanner's hall, Main street, near old Fair Grounds. Precinct No. 2.?All north of Broad street. Registrar: James Tiraberlake. Place of registration : Corner of Henry and Broad streets. MARSHALL WARD. Precinct No. 1.?East of Twenty-fifth street to corporation line on east and'north of Broad street to corporation line on north. Registrar: D. C. Richardson. Place of registration: Springfield Hall, corner of Twenty-sixth and Mason streets. Precinct No. 2.?East of Twenty-fifth street to corporation line on east, south of Mason street to the river on the south. Registrar: J. J. Cannon. Place of registration : Haskius's building, ltocketts. JEFFERSON WARD,

Prccinct No. 1.?From the east side of | Twelfth street to Eighteenth street, from south Bide of Broad "to river. Registrar: Willium W. Wood. Place of registration: Old Market Hall. Precinct No. 2.?From the east side of ] Eighteenth to the west side of Twentyfifth, from the south side of Broad to the river. Registrar: William F. White. Place of registration: 2112 Main street. Precinct No. it From the east side of | Twelfth street to the west side of Eighteenth ; from the north side of Broad to the corporate limits. Registrar: William II. Paul. Place of registration: GIG Seventeenth street, above Venahle. Precinct No. 4.?From the east sidp of Eighteenth to the west side of Twenty-fifth ; from the north side of Broad to the corporate limits. Registrar : F. L. Moore. Place of registration : At the head of New street, store formerly occupied by J. S. Pollard as a grocery. Tiie Turf.?At the pic-nic given by Mr. William M. Ledley for the benefit of the sufferers by the late Capitol accident the following races took place : Firnt Race.?Running; one mile dash : P. Wolcott1s brown stallion 1 William Bass's "Lot Fly" 2 Time: 2.05. ? Second Race.?Pacing; mile heats, best two In throe, in harness : Wm. M Ledley'sg. h. "Grey Sam" 2 1 1 A.It. Bibcock's r.m. "Shoo EIv" 1 2 2 Time : 2.50-2.55?2.55 Third Race.?Trotting; mile heats, best two in three, in harness : Tinsloy's b. m. "Knt*?" .....1 1 'sb. m. "LlzzLe.Lce11 2 2 Time : 2,GO?2.51. Fourth Race.?Trotting; mile heats, best two In three. In harness : G. W. Maker's b.m. "Milkmaid" 1 1 W m. M. 1 edley's b. b. "Petersburg" 2 2 Wm. Wall's blk. Ii. u Log-Roller " 3 3 Time : 2.38?2.59.-3.57. Dwelling-House Robbed.?On Monday night the residence of Mr. Robert flill, on First street, corner of Cary, was entered and robbed of two trunks and other merchandise. The thieves made their escape with the plunder. Hustings Court, Tuesday?Judge Guigon presiding. ? Commonwealth cs. George Fisher, convicted of misdemeanor, lined *>5 and to pay the costs of prosecution. William Christian, convicted of misdemeanor, fined one cent and sent to jail for ten davs at labor. Rooms Chamber of commerce, ) Richmond, May lo, 1870. $ I beg leave to acknowledge the following additional sums received for the sufferers by the accident at the capitol: Lewis Webl>, Richmond, Va $ 50 00 W. B. Ilarren, Terre TIaute, Ind., through C. T. Worlham & Co 50 00 A. W. Nolting Sons 5 00 W. II. Gregg, Ohio, through General Borers 10 oo Rev. Hall Harrison, Concord, N. 11., through Dr. MinnUerode 5 00 J. V. If. Allen, Mayor of Augusta, Ga., through Mayor Ellyson 408 25 John Campbell, Philadelphia, through Thomas H. Wynne, Fsq 20 00 Additional contributions from Madison Ward, through R. IT. Maury &. Co 32C 00 Burke & Herbert, Alexandria, through Maury & Co 25 00 A. C. Bledsoe and L. A. Cutter, comnilitie, Louisa Courthouse 38 00 Contribution from cltlzeus of New Orleans through General Maury 239 00 Irbv, McDanlel Jk Co.. New Orleans, throhghJobn Enders, Esq 100 00 Maverick, Steplian & Co., New York, through A. S. Morton. F.fq 50 00 William V. McKean, Esq., Secretary Relief Association. Philadelphia 1,00J 00 W. A. Hadden, New York 50 00 Cash, through Lancaster, Brown & Co., New York 5 0? Security Insurance Company, New York, through I). N. Walker & Co.... 500 00 Additional collections from Monroe Ward ili^ouKh Colonel Archer Anderson and Alexander Cameron, Esq 00 00 Isaac Davenport, Jr.. Treasurer of Relief Fund Chamber of Commerce. A Perfect Ink.?Carter's Ink is warranted to flow as freely as any writing fluid in use ; to give as perfect a copy as any copying Int, and not to thicken or mould. Randolph & English, 1318 Main street, agents. White Turkish Plush Vests just received and for sale by E. B.. Spence & Son, merchant tailors, 1300 Main street. I am a candidate for the ortlce of Mayor of Richmond, and respectfully solicit the votes of my fellow-citizens. IL K. Ellyson. Stereoscopic views of the Capitol?scene of ihc late calamity?can be had ofSeldkn & Co., 618 Main street. We notice that E. B. Spence & Son have Just received anew lot of neck-ties, among which can be found a large assortment of the "Dauntles? Bows." Call at 1300 Main ttrect. and buy yonr clothing, shirts, and gentlemeu's furnishing goods. The scene of the Late Calamity photographed by Selden & Co.. bis Main street, who can furnish views Jn any quantity. New Novels?Woman'sBusiness; Baffiled, or Michael Brand's Wrong; tted as a Ro*o is' She; A Race for a Wife ; Itnle of the Monk; Mr-*. Gerald's Niece; and all other lato works at Ellyson A Taylor's, next to Dispatch office. Bear In mind that Mjshlbr's Herb Bitters Is skilfully compounded, free from injurious component parts, agreeable to the taste, and dee tractive to disease. If yoa detect any change from

the natural functions of your system, no matter how trivial or where located, or If disease has al ready entrenched itself, the really true and reliable remedy in either case is Mjshlek'h Hbbb Bitters. This assertion is based upon what we know it will do in relieving, curing, and warding off disease. For want of space we cannot detail the diversified nses of this Bitters, bnt its general effects open the human system are to purify the blood and secretions, correct morbid changes in the blood, equalize its circulation, enrlph its constituents and regulate Its supply; It Imparts vitality and elasticity to every organ: overcomes all functional derangements; assists In the process of digestion; creates a heahhy appetite i prevents and cures mtsasmatlc and intermittent fever?, dyspepsia, liver complaint, nervous headache, kidney affections, and revives the physical energies by infusing new life and power Into the system. For the fullest measure, cheapest and wry best coke, anthracite and bituminous coal; kindling, sawed, and long oak and pine wood, go to Mr. J. B. Watkixs's, llll Main street, nearly opposite this office. M. Ellysox & CO. will insert advertisements la the principal newspapersin Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and the northern cities," at publishers1 rates, for cash. Apply at this oficet WABISE raTTE^6FJ[CE, MINIATURE ALMANAC, MAY 1L, 1870. Sunrises 5.on | Moon sets.... 2.S1 Han seta 6.57] High tide........... 1.13 POUT OF RICHMOND, May 10, 1870. ARRIVED. Steamer John Sylvester, Gifford, Norfolk, merchandise and passengers, L B. Tatum. Steamer Norfolk, Philadelphia, merchandise and passengers, W. D. Porter. 8AILEI>. Steamer Isaac Bell, Bourne, New York, merchandise and passengers, W. C. Dunliam Jfc Co. Schooner E. P. Douglas. Kills, l'crryvlllc, Mil., via Osborne's, Curtis & Parker. MEMORANDA. West Point, May 10 Arrived, steamer State of Virginia. Freeman, Baltimore, merchandise and passengers, York River Railroad Compmy, and sailed <>n return. New yohk, May 9.?In port, schooner W. N. Gfsner, Egbert, loading for Richmond. Baltimore, May 9.?Cleared, brig Selma, Tlapenny. for Richmond. Hoston. May 7?In port, schooner Lucy D., lllggins, loading for lilcnmond. BY TKLEGHAP1I. New York, May to ?Arrived, steamships Arl ' zona, Cromwell, and Scotia. ! ?

HHippim FOR NEW york.?The Old Dominion Stcaraship^o.'s ele/ant. side-wheel steamship ALBEMARLE, Captain Ulackwood, will leave b*r wharf at Rocfcetttjon FRIDAY, May 13tli, at 2 o'clock P. M. Freljibc received until 1 o'clocK"!'. M. Fare, ?12; steerage, ?0 ; round-trip tickets. $20. Kor freight or pa:isage, apply at OFFICE OF COMPANY, corner Eleventh and Main streets. nty 11?3t FOIt PHILADELPHIA.?' steamer N O It F O L K, Capt:ilnS^^s> Platt, now lying at her wharf on the Dock,wtil receive freight for the above port till THull!1DAY the 12th lustaut at 12 o'clock. ?Freight taken for Norfolk at moderate rates. Passage to Philadelphia, Including meals and stateroom, $i. W. P. PORTER, Agent, my 11?21 otllce No. 2425 Dock street. J?OU FREIGHT OR CHARTER^ X lirlg II. POUTER, one hundred and< eighteen tons (113) cipaclty?1,350 barrels.* Apply to PALMER, HARTSOOK & CO. aj> iO >TOTICE TO SHIPPERS.? J.1 The boats of the JAMES RI VER AND KANAWHA CANAL OOMl'AflY will leave the dock as usual promptly at 12 M. on TUESDAYS. THURSDAYS, and SATURDAY?. Freight sud tolls on (roods for Lynchburg and beyoijd collected on delivery, or prepaid, at t!t? option of the shipper. Every facility possible will lit afforded consignees, but no obligation Is assatned to deliver down freight elsewhere than at inv office on the Dock without upecla? agreement. Way freight will not be delivered till charges ai* paid. Uoato locked aud lnsnrert, de 11 EDWA (ID DILLON, Agent. FOB SALK. Horses for sale.?just nr-? rived at LIPSCOMBK'H stable, on. Second street between Marshall and Clay, a lot oi prime YOUNTG RIDIN O and DRIVING HOK8FS; among thein Is a pair of MATCHED HORSE-'. Those in want of good stock are Invited to call at once and examine them. my in iw For sale, a superior, DRAUGHT HORSE, for wagon or. dray. Apply to LEE ?fc GODDlw, my 10?2t 1113 Main street. ne copper still and worm (complete), iso-gallon holler: One COPrltE STILL and WJRM (complete), 120-gallon boiler. Forsale by my 10 ? WAGGONER & HAltYEY. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.?The undersigned, administrator of Thomas S. Baldwin, deceased, offers for sale a Iar?e and newlyselected stock of READY-MADE CLUTHINU, the FIXTURES of an elegant and commodious store, together with an UNEXPIB1CD LEASE thereori having about elghieen li.onths to run. The lease Is considered a most favorable one, and the stand Is unsurpassed by any in Richmond. To parties wishing to engage in a well-establish-ed and growing business a rare opportunity is now offered. IMMEDIATE PROPOSALS arc solicited, as a si?le will be made at an early day. Terms : Will be made easy to a satisfactory purchaser. in the mean while the goods will be RETAILED AT COST. JOHN C. SHAFEIL Administrator, my 0?2w ' Post-offlce box 124. ~ OR SALE privately, a STEAM- _ BOILER, new, fcorn thirty to forty-horse-power, nine miles above Fredericksburg, Va.; also, a (ioLD MACHINE, on the California pbtn, lor getting out gold ; all the fixtures complete. Terms reasonable. Apply to BENJAMIN SMITH, Spotsylvania county, Va.f or to J. B. SEN Kit, my 4 -Wlm Fredericksburg, Va. TOIIN KELLY, Twentieth street between f) Main and Cary. offers for sale a large number of one, two, and four-lior?"e W AdONS. A lao, a ilrst-class OPEN BAROUCHE, newly fitted im. Can be seen at the establishment of J. M. ROWE, Eighteenth street between Main and Franklin. Any or the above articles will b? sold on long and easy terms, [my 3?lm] J UN KELLY. For sale, steam-engine and BOILER, seven-horse power, in per.'ect running order. Applvto ? _ W. G. DANDRIDGE & CO., ap 9 ?27 Broad street. F

s UM31EK OPENING. Mus. GKEGG, at the old-established. MILLINERY stand of the late Mrs. Barton, would b?* pIoa?"?l to k* the ladles of Richmond on THURSDA Vtlic L'th Instant. my 11?2t MILLINERY.?We are now opening a new and most desirable stock of \ MILLLNKHV, consisting of CRAI'EH,? SILKS, RIBBONS, FRENCH and AMhRICAN FLOWERS, bTRAW GOODS, 1c. our assortment Is large and varies], and contains all that Is novel and choice in the market. We are confldent that we can now show the cheapest and best-selected stock In the city. We respectfully solicit a call. All orders promptly attended to. M. "WALTON A CO., 400 Broad street, corner of Fourth, ap 14?eodlrn PROPOSALS. City Engiveeb's Office, > Richmond, May 10, one. { Proposals will be received at tbe office of the City Engineer for CARTS, to be employed in cleaning the streets of the city, until SATURDAY, Mill instant, at 12 o'clock M. Tcnns of proposals can be obtained at this office upon application. CIIAULE3.il. DIMMOCK, my 11?4t City Englueer. R II. WIIITLOCK'S ? IJOX FACTORY AND PLANING MILL, Eighteenth and Cakv stkeets, RICHMOND, VA. BOXES AND FRUIT-CRATES MADE TO ORDER. I am making this week qaite a number of STRAWBERRY CRATES, aud will be receiving durlug the w?;ek about 7,000 of the prettiest STRAWBERRY QUART-WA8KET8 ever offered in Richmond. These are all sold. SEND IS YOUR ORDERS AT ONCE. The PLANING MILL DEPARTMENT wiU be properly attended to. I have a man who;e duty Is to look after this and keen tin: lota .of various par* lies heparate and dry. 1 hav<j kept from twewt* to thirty hinds constantly employed nearly ail the past wluterand to tbe present lime. . I will be adding daring the year continually NEW MACHINERY. Am thankful to my old patrons for th?tr trade, and respectfully solicit a continuance from them ; and a trial from others. Very respectfully. j my ll?oodl5t H> WlilTLOCK# j a z nnn To loan on improved ! S)b.UUU CITY REAL ESTATE.?.4 gentleman ?!? will return homo to-<lay ha* tho roregnin* sum to be loaned on city Improved real estate or ample value* at 13 per cent, lor one or two year*, Apply at my office by lo o'clock ibis monlSft '' ' i * W. GODDIN, Seal Katato Auctioneer, my il-St

TERMS OF ADVEETISIK0: \, cask?nrrlBiABx/r nf advavcm. Onesquare, one insertion .....?...?# ? ? One square, two Insertion* * 2 One square, three Insertions M. One bqtulr^ ?fx t&*ert!oa* One square, twelre Insertions.**. .*.<.***. ?*?* ? *? One square,one niontli....?.?..??.2JJ One square, two months.., *?? One square, three mounts ..w..? M CANDIDATES FOB OFFICE. F)R COLLECTORA-I a candidate for the office of < OP CITY TAXES. Should It betiie my fellow-citimis or tltoae wbmn 8 to represent them In (he Council to the position (harig? had many real as deputy); I can safely assure them of tw qUtt ful mschargo of the duties of the offlce. _. _ my 11?Iw JOHN WE RESPECTFULLY ABTOOTCE VY, W.B. GfilFFIK as a caaOAUe #OB TH3 CWY^COITNCIL from Madison TT&r^? TO THE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF 1 RICHMOND.?Lrespeciftally so self a candidate for the office of WEALTH'S ATTORNEY for the <J mond. An impressioB prevails that theoffise of Attorney I held under the City Charier, and from which I was expelled by military power, Mil continue under U>e present Con?titutlon?- That Is * mistake. This Constitution provides that there shall be foraeltr "one Commonwealth** Attorney ;?? and for that office 1 askyour support. , myio-st* B. T. PANEfcL. | TO THE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF X RICHMOND? I respectfully ennoii??o urt self as a candidate for the offiee of CLERK QT THE HUSTINGS COUBT of the city Of Bleb* mond, subjeet to the nomination of the Oenservative p?rty. -? v? t,? */???.- my 10-Qt ANDREW JINKlSa TO THE VOTERS OP THE CUT OF X RICHMOND.?r reepectftillY announce my self a candidate for BfcRGKABT OF TB?4BTY OF RICHMOND, subject to the Conservative nomination. my 10?lw P. T. MOORE. FOR CITY ATTORNEY.?I rapeetfully announce myself as a candidate for (he offlee of CITY ATTORNEY my 10? ? JOHN JOHW, JR. TO THE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF RICHMOND I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for the office of CITYxRSASURER, subject to the Conservative nomination. my 6?lw? .ROBERT B. MUM FORD. I AM A CANDIDATE FOR THE ? OFFICE OF MAYOR OF RICHMOND, and re?pectrully solicit the votes of mr fellow-cltl-z0b8. [my 7?<t] g. &.ELLY8QN. FOR CITY" COLLECTOR.?We are antliorl/cd to announce Dr. W. V. RICHARD. SON a candidate for CITY COLLEOTOB* soblect to th6 nomination. my *?1W TO THE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF X RICHMOND.?I respectfully announce myself a cnudi Jato for the office now held brine as CHAMBERLAIN or CITY TREASURER, *nd solicit your votes at the comin? election. my 2-lct E. W. TOMPKINS.

TO THE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF RICHMOND.?I respectfully announce myself a candidate for tile office of COLLECTOR . OF THE CITY OF RICHMOND, and a*Jr the rotes or tbe citizens at the electJ.xi on the fourth Thursday in May next, subject to a nomination ? by the Conservative party. ap 27-tMyH DANIEL K. WEIBIQFR. HPO THE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF A RICHMOND?I respectfully announce my-st-lf as a candidate for tho office of cITY TREASURER, suhjcct to the < onservatlve nomination. ap 27?t!2M SAMUEL V. ORE EN HOW. ^O THE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF X RICHMOND.?I respectfully announce mvself & candidate for tlie office of CITY 8ERGEANT, subject to a nomination by the Conservative party. ap 26-tMa 12 TnOM*3 P. DUPLET. TO THE VoJERS OF THE CITY OF RICHMOND.?I respectfully announce myself a candidate for tho office of CLERK OF THE CHANCERY COURT of the city of Richmond, subject to ? nomination by the Conrervatlve parly. Having already been appointed by the Judge clerk of said court until an election 1i lield, the duties of my office require my constant attention, so that I am unable to call on my fellow-cltlsens In person. O THE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF X RICHMOND : I resuectfully announce rnysHfa cmulid.ite Tor the office of 8BROKA.NT tf^R THE CITY, subject to a nomination by the Conservative party. ap28?t!2My ROBERT HOWARD. ap 23?3w N. M. LEE

BOOKS AMD STATIONERY. VTEW BOOKS ll AT GEORGE L. BIDGO)D'9 1217 Main street. "THE "WOMAN OP BUSINESS." 76c. " BAFFLED; OR, MICIIAiSL BRAND'S WRONG." .lUiia GoddanL 76c. "A KA.CE FOR A WIFE." 60c. "SKELETON TOUItS THROUGH ENGLAND. ftl. "SCOTLAND, IRELAND.** &C..4C. "THE HOUSEHOLD -TREASURY." Designed for Boarding-Houses, Kostaurauts, etc. #2. ?'TlIE LIFE OF BISMARCK." $a. ??MODERN BRITISH ESSAYIST." (Carlyle.) A new edition. $2. ^ "BAItNES'S OBSTETRIC OPERATION?." $?1.50. my ll-Tt N~ ETV L A.W.?R AN DOLPH & ENGLISH. 13ft MAIN 8TREET, Lave resetted vol. S Wallace's Report#, Shurrwoo<Ta Ethlca and Letters, Morse on Banking, Hedflold's American Railway Cases, Powell's Analytls of American Law, and m?ny other new works. Their stock of Standard Law and Miscellaneous Book*, new and old, Is l.trge. All kluds of old hooka bought for cash or taken In i-xchaugo. tnyfl-d&w riUSfllNGS & BAILEY, \J ROOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 2ti2 BALTIMORE 6TRK1CT, BALTMSORB, Mt?. The largest and best assorted stock in Uie City of SCHOOL, LAW. MEDICAL, > DENTAL, CLASSICAL, aad MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. _____ i GENERAL BANK and COUNTING-HOUSE STATIONERY or all kinds. BLANK-BOOKS made to order In any styleof binding and ruling. mb t?eodim f^oPY ING-PRESSES, * / . LETTER COPYING-BOOKS, COPYING-INK, BLOTTING-PAPER, OIL-PAPER, DAM PENIMG-B RUSHES, together with u full?tot-kof BLANK BOOKS and oilier STATIONERY for the offiee and countingroom. WOODHOUSE ? PARHAM, Booksellers and Stat loner*, ap 21 1205 Main street, 1HTEBSA1 BEYESCE. . . UyiTSD STATES INTBUXAL RlVXXtnt,) COLLECTOR'S OMPICE, THUU> Dl6TM VA?, KICIIWOVD, May a, X870. > Having received pbom the ASSESSOR the LISTS OF ANNUAL TAXES for this District, I hereby give notice to all persons condnetlngamurine*-la the city of Klchmond and county of Henrleo, for vtiieh' a KlcTimond and county of Henrleo, for wfeteh'a special tax Is required, that payment moat be made on or before the UTH DAY of MAY, 1870, at my office, at the custom-hooae, in thecity of Richmond. After thai date all persona liable to the special tax, and/who hare not paid the tame,, will be dealt with according to law. B BURGESS. Collector Third District of Virginia. my 3?8t . ? . United states Wtebwai Bxyshxtz. > Collectob's OvricK, Third Di?t., Ta. V Richmond, May 3, int. ) HAVING RECE1YED THE LISINOF ANNUAL TAXEdforthls District, Iberoby clve notice that ih? payment of the uxon Incomes, Watches. Plate, Ac., due by residents o! the city or Richmond and connty of Henries must be made at my office, at the Cuatom-House. iu the city of Richmond, on or before tbeStlfH DAY OK may, 1S70. Tlie full penalty of the law will be Imposed on all who hare failed to pay at tlut date. R. BURGKSS, ?' my 3?let Collector Third District* Virginia. HI^HE BOArFoF HEALTH RE5PECTX fully call the attention of the Pbyatelaaa of the city to that portion of the ordinance concern*.: lug interments which p describee the particulars to be fflren by tbem In the certificate* of death. As these certificate are sometlmee required, as evidence in court, and are always Sled with each week's report as vouchers, it is necessary that all the blanks therein should be accurately fitled, written legibly, and in Ink Blank tsrtiiwlw sen always be procured at the office of any member of the Board. B. G. CABELLT my U-# ' President Board of HaaMa. Ul IVIWUUiVU'4 us mw - - -r? ~ BERRY basket, whleh la the ctoaape* and moht beautiful basket ever offered to the Purchasers will And it to their Interest to ?ul and examine these baskets before ?tSamples51ma*y SSSS^^SSi JohjjBOsr?g, under St. Charles kit E. W. jfc w. <1. Gates', corner ~ teonth streets. WMMuunw. corner Dock and T went y-irst street#. my 4-1 w NOTICE^rTO MY FRIENDS AND TH* PUBLIC _LARGS-J thallOfrsa TO-DAY the Gymnasium heI feel that X cm give saUstaction to all wiiAiLy give me their patronage. my fc-ist ^ILLlAK If. BUTHKBLAHD. JR. MOUNTCASTLB, - larket aa to aoraoinay, ate. , > m ?S$SSe?t nS45ty W *** I CFPIOB WITH WlLLlAK WALJ^ffl I No. lau ComxamtJ??eferi^M^^^^H VlSlTTSa I V ourAxea I * : .