Daily Dispatch, Volume 38, Number 143, 16 June 1870 — Page 3

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1 ????????????? ??TUjNE I6j 1870. tklbgraphic news. ? oW York Mock ?nd IWonfy Mnrkcl, NMV V?>KK. Ik-Stock* rtcady. Money x ;ii s*\S jht cont. Sterling Kxchxiifro?Lonp, ,? vti.?rt. lli'J. (!oM> ^ 'nlletl Kt?to? Invmls, J' ' T,,nm.j?s?T? SCx-conpons, i new, <52. vu> ' 1 \ coupon*. w; ?< w, 70. Georgia 0'*, ; r*. NMv YonK. .'line 15-hrnu?<j.-Money easy. Merlin* iof*. (iott, UJMinat. Government* Southern Securities ponerilly steady, firm aixl 4|?l. t. V) iht,?Mon?*y roMthnu s easy .it '^5 on call ? ii sji* on prime discmil'. 'muket vtronc this sftomwn. au-l closcl steady and ,!.(?! .<ii H-'i- ?;<?ven?itcnls oIommI but :: >-?*!?, isw. l1"! : i**"- ,,5i ; U3? ? mj. i?> 41*-. T?nne<sie#*? active . ,l firmer ; old, i?; ?<?. <?}. Virginia ?"S (? ; ,KW:ina?'*, :*-J: levee*, M thw*l? ? *. >*b \.<rth Carolina fr'a, 4<; no* ?*. South Carolina *5: new. St. LATEST FROM WASHINGTON. ? . . .il uieprani^ lotlx1 l>Ssi>aioh. W >sh iNtJTON, .luno to, 1870. The San OointiiKo investigation. rise s nate select committee were in sos- ? :i until 11 oYloek last night. and 0X-r.-mncil Mr. Hmith, former commercial ? ill to San iKmnngo. whoso evidence v intended to corroborate the statements .m i. Inures made by lYrry against (leucral 5: 1 ,vk; but it is understood lie utterly tilod to make OUt a case. lie kilt-W no- ? - oflicialh. tuit merely w hat others had . .nut Perry told him. \ : .? mat* rial allegation made by Perry cn.-t Babcock and others has been sus- ; n lt?y evidence thus fur produced, wiiile ? contrary Babeock has not only re1 the charges, but shown that they u. .. without the shadow of foundationin i be committee to-day examined Mr. Fa- ? nwho has been more or less identitied r year- w it h atlairs in San Pomingo. and tii.ir \\ it Ii anything eonueeted with the tty. He exhibited official doeuiuents : m President IViez and other oflicials in ? i island show ing that General Babeock \ i.s on!) carrying out the instructions of ra-ident tlrant. The River and Harbor Bill The river and harbor appropriation bill just passed in the House, directs the Secretary of War to cause examinations or surveys, or both, to be made at the following points in Virginia: James river between Richmond and City Point, including Harrison's bar, below the Point; Appomattox river from Petersburg to its mouth; James River and Kanawha canal; and the Rappahamnock river below Fredericksburg. It also directs the same in North Carolina at Roanoke rive. The Senate will probably pass the river and the harbor bill as it comes from the House. The rorlcr-W'o?m?n The .ludiciary Committee to-day com- !!?? i)< < ' taking test ini ?nv in the Put Woods . a*? for assault upon llepre-entative Porter, i':? re an- fifteen witnesses summoned from Ki-hmiind, twelve of them at the instance ? : Porter. Mayor Ellysuu is here among ; In- wit Messes. The testimony taken to-day was that oJ 1' i ter and Humphreys, w hieh was similai ? ? that thev gave in Jiichmoud in the prom . Htioii against Pat Wootls. K?>?! 4 I<ui?i and Ills Warriors to liavc Horses. The President determined to-day to givi !;. il < loud and hi- warriors each a horse, - ? ? ?jtj ,-uul by Ked Cloud, but refused ;i ? vs da> - ago. lied Cloud laid great >tres.uI*oii lids rcijuest.and took the refusal sei ieii'Iy to heart, f??r he said ho would gu 1 me degraded in the eyes of his people il In Siad to ride upon ponies. He will now :?> home rejoicing. The Pie-ideut si'iit :i t< legr:un t<? him at New Vorl; to-day informing him that the horses would be furnished. TIm* Virtuous Whittoniore was on the lloor of the House to-day, but w;u? received very eohlly. and but \cry tew lut inlicis reeogtiued him. The probability i- he w ill not l?e allowed to take his .scat. The Currency Hill that pa.-sed the House to-day takes troll ih> circulation of New York, Boston, am r>:dtimorc. over niuc millions of dollars iriucipally from banks in Xewlorkaiu lioStoll. Atlorney-tieucralSIoar. It i- rumored to-night that Attorney <i? neral Hoar has resigned, and that Sena i'>r \\ illiatns, ol Oregon, i- to succeed him 1 here is. probably , no truth in the rumor W.w.lack. A l.itt'il Press tele*:r.iins.

Washington, Juiic 1"). ? lloutc. ? Tlie H ?> mid Means Committee reported a bill M ! eying coal from duty ; which was releri??t t?>theCommittee of the Whole, it ex- ? !iide- the coal traffic, both at home and 11? i??:;d, from all kind of taxation, whether i mil. -tamp, income, or tonnage, and makes -? ? I-mi -weep of revenue from the coal trade. I in hill, alter some discussion, was recommitted t<> the \V:us and Means Committee, He minority claiming that the hill is not in :?votdance'with the instructions ol the House, and insisting that had a l ull committee been present a different bill would have been reported. The currency bill was considered. It was the tir-t, seeond, tenth, and eleventh sections of the bill which were lost a few days -iin e ; an<l provides? M, for the issuing of niii< ty-live millions of national bank notes; ill, cancels forty-live and a half millions of three per cents, and thirty-nine and a half millions of greenbacks; .'So, takes twenty-ti\?million.-from the Mates having an exand distributes it West and South, t'Ut not until after the ninety-live millions j h:i\e been issued, 't he fourth section allow. a bank in a State haviitir an excess to t- move to a Mate in dclii-icticy,taking with it n> capital, circulation, ete. An amendment forhiddim: cancellation of greenbacks wadopted?7i! to *11. The hill linallv, after the rejection of many amendments, ji.ism'U?hs to .sj?ami goes to the Senate. The debate on foreign relations to-day \\a> exciting and more than heretofore animated, especiallx between Butler, of Mas- -" liu^tts, and Logan, the former opposing the declaration of belligerency and the latter advocating it. Mr. Bingham offered an amendment to "ne of the sections, which he desired to -ubmit a> a substitute. The previous question was .-econded, and ?i- that presented a new phase of the mati?i , biinging np the question as iiuiini-hcil Nu-inev. to-morrow, the Ho.ise adjourned alter a session of eight hours. No i.ne presumes to guess the result of 'lo-morrow's proceedings, both sides being \t ry strong in their respective positions. 'I he following is the text ol Bingham's compromise : ?? Hrwlrrtt, That the President is hereby authorized to protest against the barbarous in.mner in which the war in Cuba has been conduced; and if he shall deem it expe'li< nt to solicit the cooperation of other ?o\eminents in such a manner as he may deem necessary to secure from these eon. tending parties an observance ol the laws of war recognised by all civilized nations.'' Senate.?The Senate is considering the Mil granting lands to the Great Southern jailroad, ill Florida. The New York ship-owners protect against granting American registers to j foreign-built ships. Among the protestant* are Moses Taylor and Cornelius Van-; derbilt. The bill granting land to a Florida railroad was passed. A bill was introduced restraining the North i'acillc railroad from contracting obligations beyond $>0,000,000. The abolition of the franking privilege ^undiscussed until recess.

The f&nate to-night discuRfied the franking privilege. There was no executive session to-day. Porter m Woodx, Washington, Juno 15.?The Judiciary Committee heard several witnesses in the caw of Porter w, Woods this morning. Porter t entitled that Woods met him in the street in Richmond while Porter was on his way to his house to proceed thence to Washington. Woods accosted him in a friendly manner, and asked hlin to drink. Porter refused, when Woods struck Porter, knocking him partially senseless. All this while Poller was absent from his se:it on leave of absence, and live days before his leave of absence from the House expired. Mr. Humphreys corroborated the statement of Porter, and said that he believed that \\ oods used brass knuckles. t ? J h? committee meets again at half-past i this evening. Second Dispatch* I be Judiciary Committee h;is postponed the further hearing of the Porter-Woods case. 1 he hearing is private. Only Woods's counsel (Johnson and Merrick) with one >\ itness at a time are admitted. It is understood that Ben. llutler, a member of the committee, conducts the . prosecution. Woods and Porter are also present. tirnnl'tt Cuban Jlwsnpo l>cnotiiice<l. Washington, June 10.?The Cuban dis. elusion last night was very violent. Several Republicans attacked President Grant's Cuban message. It was denounced as an improper interference with pending legislation. Various Items. Washington, June 15.?'The revenue receipts to-day were nearly ,'250,000. The freedmcn's corruption investigation closed to-dav. The committee will" care-, Cullv overhaul the evidence, which will probable take the balance of the session, t he case was closed with a long statement bv the chief functionary, Howard. * \dmiral Lee succeeds Poor in command of the North Atlantic squadron. Headquarters. Cuban waters. General Hanks yesterday intimated that Caleb Ctisliing wrote a part ot the President's Cuban message ; but is altogether mistaken, that gentleman having nothing whatever to do with it. No one outside ot the Executive IVpartuient had any knowledge of the message being prepared until t lii" document itselt was transmitted to ConL The president to-dav said that while the sympathized with the Cubans and all people struggling for independence lie would not be controlled bv his mere teelings or sympathies, but would, in dealing with foreign powers, respect treaties, and, as the Kxecutivc, faithfully carry out the lawsanu uphold and defend the Constitution. Foreign News. ENfll.ANP. London. June 1.*).?In the House of Commons last night Gladstone. in replying to a motion to revise the Bible, said the Governnient had carefully considered the question, and thought it hail better leave the subject to ecclesiastical authorities. The revision of the Bible was of dubious utility, tedious, and untimely. At length the motion was withdrawn, and soon alter the House adjourned. , .... ' Lonpon, June 15.?The members ot tlie Monarch Insurance Company, recently failed, have been committed to jail upon the charge of fraud. ... i In the House of Lords last night, Lord Granville moved to the second reading the Irish land bill. He said, refraining from partisan topics, he would simply^ deuiou>trate the necessity for this legislation. I he law as it stood was confessedly imtuitisfactorv. 'I he tenure ot land in Ireland was insecure, and abrupt evictions without | eoinpeiisation for improvements were common. Landlords had their grievances, too : rents were lower and their payment less certain in Ireland than in any other country in Europe, while the interest on bonds and mortgages was greater. He ret erred to the dilliculties landlords had witty their tenants, ami ?>ntru^t\s wliirh rr.^ultou, siiul anahzed the previous attempts at jegi>Uition on the subject. The linal settlement was now soiiuht for. tt had been unpossible hitherto, but now it is possible, lie proceeded to show that the tendency of the present scheme was to produce prosperity, order, and peace. .... Lord Richmond denied there was am necessitv for the bill, and read a number ot letters to prove that the landlords were all "?eiitlene.-s and consideration. Exceptions were possible, but loo few to warrant present legislation. After arguing othei obit elioiis the noble Lord said he should not oppose the measure for fear the move would toiiow its rejection, but he hoped certain amendments which he suggested would be *U Lord Russell advocated the passage of the bill without further amendments. Lord I HitVerin said large landlords defended the provisions as they stand, anu he deprecated any alterations. Lord Salisbury spoke against and Lord Kimbeilv for the bill. Lord Monck supported the measiiic in general, but took exception to some ot its detail*. . Without action the House adjourned. FKANCE. l?\nis, June '15.?A meeting of t he members of the Left Centre party in the Corps Le-'Watif called to take action on tlieM. (loThard railroad, alter an interchange ot views decided not to oppose its con>truction which is a joint undertaking ot I rusH il-uleii, Switzerland, and Bavaria, but to request the French Government also to take an interest in the railway. It is reported on good authont) that, the PrVucii ot Orleans has advanced 00,0001. to purchase the gallery of the Roman amphitheatre recently discovered in Kne in this eitv, which the Government had rt- ' U'fhJournal official contains t he following nominations : Wscou.it Gucroiimere Am- \ lnbassadoi" to Lisbon ; J. Beithen) -\ui bassador to Brussels ; l'revost 1 aradolAinbassadorat Washington ; Belleiiet scuctai) of the second class at. AN ashington. Bk ess els, June 15.*The political coinnlexion of the new Chambers is the same as that of the last, consequently a mimsteiial crisis ft expected.

From Nor ill Carolina. Raleigh, N. C., June 15.?Governor 11olden has issued orders to the different military divisions of I he State for the formation of*a regiment of .State trooj)s, in active service, to l?e made up of white volunteers if ihey ean he obtained ; if not, negroes will be enlisted. Jle also orders the immediate enrollment of the militia, with instructions to set apart a special number of men in each regiment to be used as a reserve. Violent Squall. Fortress Monroe, Ya., June 15.?A violent squall here struck some of the vessels lying at anchor in (Jreat Wycomico, about sixty miles up the bay, on Saturday evening last." Three schooners were capsized?one, the Viola, of Cristield. No lives were lost. Trees were uprooted, windows and doors blown out, and the crops for a space of about one mile in width greatly damaged. fvartliquake?Eruption of a Volcano. San Francisco, June lo.r-The Republic arrived from llong Kong on the 12th of May. Japan was visited by one of the severest earthquakes which has been felt >ince 'J'he reports brought are meagre. Several villages were destroyed. A volcano on the Island of Nephon, quiet for a century, is in violent eruption. From New Orleans. New Orleans, June 15.?Judge Dibble, who lost a leg at Port Hudson, on the Union side, expressed himself to-day strongly upon Judge; Bradley's decision in j he slaughter-house case, and threatens to employ the State against Federal force should argument show Bradley's decision without the sanction of law and his injunction unprecedented!)' issued. Two Ladlos Drowned. Philadelphia, June 15.?A boat was capsized ou the Schuylkill this morning and two ladies drowned. * Death**. Boston, June 16.?Hon. Thomas I>. Elliott is dead. Moses Wiugnte, of Haverhill, died to-day, aged one hundred years and eight months. I<ondok, June lo.?Kev. Thomas Lttby, mathematician, Trinity College, is dead.- <

RcdCIondfn New York. ' | New Yohk, June 15^-Kcd Cloud speaks to-morrow at tho Cooper Instltuie. The Quaker Commission promise Ked Cloud the seventeen horses which Secretary Cox re- j fused. Tlie Fonlnn Ilnl?l. Ottawa, Canada, June 15.?Hon. A. Campl>cH ^oes to England to lay the whole of the Fenian business before the Government. Financial and Commercial. Domestic Marlict*?[I?Y Telegraph]. Nr.W York. June 15.?Flour 5(fi)10c. better. Wheat 2^i3c. belter. Corn ltfj)2c. better, l'ork Arm; Mi-k*, $30.75. Lard quiet. h veiling. V-ollou dull and heavy; sales l,00n hahs ; mdandx, 21Ee; <>rleauH, 22Jc. Flour?'tate and Western, 10^20.*. better; Mate, $5.:?5(!(}$5 45 ; Sout crn firmer a1 $<> 5f(j>)$i0. Wheat iSHic. bett? r. Beef and l'ork steady. Lard tirmer; kettle, ISt&JlSjc. Whiskey steady at $1 or.J. lllce firm ; l nrollna, *<ft>#lc. Sturar tlrm arid quiet. C? ff?:e otib't and tlrm. MolasBei quiet. J>aval Slores dull. .\KW YORK. June 15? Evening.? Snpar firm nji?1 quiet; Muscovado, Pitffflfc ; fair to pood refining, ; No 12, Dutch standard. loic. Tallow steody at. 9|ff|Ri. Wool?Texas, 10lfa>25$e. for fine; business moderate. Hides - Dry Tex ts, 15?16e. 'for good; wet salted Texas, 9@lle., currency, for selected. Baltimore, June 15.?Flour--Howard-Strect suprrtlnc, $5tf/>$5.R0; Howard-Street r.iniily, $7(i^ ; Howard-Street ex:ra, $7^P$7 75. (Vjty Mills : Superfine, $5.25@$<1.25; extra, $6$>*7.?5; family, $7?i7$fl.50. Western : Mtperilne, $5fr?$5 37; extra, $5.tl2$(ftjt(t; family, $?.25<fi>$7. Wheat - Atrhlson, prhTn: to choice, $1 f>5(fr$1.05 ; pood to prime, *1.50. Western. $l.?5@tl.42. Bacon firm ?nd stea?iv ; rib hides. 17c.; clear rib sides, 174c.; hams, 22(?r)22Je. Lard quiet at 16Jib}l7lc. Virginia (Ps held at 51 bid; coupons, old, 70 asked. Baltimork, June 13?Flour very firm and strong for shipping orders; Howard-Street sit Perflre, $3ft$5.5o. Prime to choice red wheat, 55 @?5c.; western, 35@42c. Corn active; white, $1.20 fan.21 ; yellow, fl,lotfi)iil.ll. Oats and Kyc steatiy. 1'oik, $31. I?aeon fi:m'.r aud active. Whiskey dull at $l.04${)$l oij. Cincinnati, June 15?Flour and (Torn unchanged. Whiskey irregular at$l.02@$1.03. l*re?vlslons?So demand. Mess l'ork, $30.50. Bacon? Shoulders, injc.; clear sides, i7t ?. NORFOLK, June IS.?Cotton dull with a down-' warti tendency ; low middllncs, i?$<??2oe.; receipts, ?in bales; exports coast whe, 51 bales; stock, 1,732 bale?. Charleston June 15.-Co't^n more steady;! middlings, 2tpft'2ijc.; sales, 3>o bales; receipts, I 171 bales; exports cojs.wisc, 732 bales; stotk,| 6,833 bales. A n o t> ST A, CiA., June 15 ?Co' ton?Moderate de-' tnaud at lower rates ; sales, 311 bales; receipts, 1C7 bales; middlings, lHtf/}lPJe. Savannah, June l?.?Cotton quiet; middlings, 20je.; sab's, 11*0 bales : receipts, 351 bsles; exports to Great Britain, 4,140 bale? ; stork, 20,:08 hales. Mobile. June 15.- Cotton dull; middlings, 20c.; sales, 4<>o bales; receipts, C4 b.ibs: exports to lb) ton, 121 hales ; to New Orleans, 13 bales ; stcck, 33,372 bales. New Orleans. June 15?Cotton dull and nominal; middlings 2<ie sales. 2,73o b iles; receipts, 1.572 bales; exports to Vera Ciuz, 303 bales; stock, 00,702 bales. T new ORLEANS, June 15?Hour unchanged. Coin lower; mixed. $1.10; white, $1.13. oats lower ;tt CUaWic. Bran, $1.1". Hay lower; prime. 2.W-4c l'ork dull at $*0(re*30.25 llacon i dull at ,-i/xji-- ? - "?* - I.ard, 15J(f/J10ic _ SuGalveston, June 15.-Cotton oul<t and weak; Good ordinary, lsjc.: sab p. 300 l>.les; receipts, 123 li.iles ; exports coastwise, 724 bales ; stock, 19,2i>2 bales. Foreign Markets?.[By Telegraph]. Liverpool June is ?YestenDy evening sales only amoitu'ed t > 7 ouo bales. Manchester advice? ?re"lcss favorable, causing a dullness in the market. Cotton closed llat and irregular; Uplands,.| 1 J'l. HVERTtiol June 15- Evening.?Cotton dull; uplands, log.!.; sales, 10,000 hales *, for export and speculation. l,0t)0 bales. Corn, 31(ft)3fc. Flour, 23^20s. Pe l western heat, 0(aVs. -d. London. June 13 Evniny?American bonds easier at 90. Tall >\v, 4?@ 16s. 9d. Paris. June is?Hn?r?u opetieo ?lecll!iing; i em of. 7.ir ooc., and clt s ?d at 7ll".^i)74f. 2c. Frankpokt. June 15?BcipIs opened llrni but quiet at !>o$a J. ^ Havre. June 13 ?C> tton opened declining; on the spot. 121 J '.; afloat, 122f. 1 kstii. June 15.?The gralu crops In. Fasteru Europe promise f tvorabiy. PROPOSALS. City Engineer's office, ) June 13th, 1870. S \[<)TI CE.-Ti) ST( >N E V A V KK8,13 RI Civ I'AVEliS, >Tv?NKiMASO ? S, AM) KX?'Avat< ?KS?f'ealed proposals will he reeelveil in ibis oiib:e until 12 (."e! ? ck Vt. on MONDAY il'.e . 2ol'i day of.luif, 1^70 for stoi.e-paving, brickpaving, 1 yiug ll itrglng and curbing, and gr iding umigiavi'fiiitg street-*, for sic tciiu ol" one year rotti the 1-t divof July, ls7o. Forms of proposals c ui !>e had upon app'lca11..)) :.t thlsufllce. '1 lie C' mnii.te- <-n Strc?-ts reserve the rl^lr. to ici-.'cl anv or all bbl> oll'ered. CUAULES II. DIM MOCK, Je 14-t-l City Engineer. "VfOTICE.?Proposal^ for repairing the i.i coin t-hoiise ami j-il of Goochland county will be r< ceived by the iiudersigm <1 till t lie 2t?tli >.i June, l^?^. I'.irti it payments will be made (luring tlt-j progress oi the work, and the full amount will he paid a4 soon as tie work is completed and recei veil by the commissioners, l'lanw and speeilicatlons will be furnished on applicntb n to .Joint 1'lioiapson, Jr., Ksii., at the courthouse. J. B. BUD WELL. J. THOMPSON, JR., TIIOM\3 ?. 1'uWfLL, Coinaiissloncrs of county court. May 18, 1*70. Je 14 Ct

RKntI(iEKAT<MtS,dc. rA\ SEASON.?KEF It I U Eli ATOKS 1. WATKlt-CudLJiUS, I ?K-I'l I CHKKS, l\\ TKNT FKKKZKKs, KiU'1T-JAICS. patuut NA Tl ?NAL COFFEE-POTS, SILVER-LIGHT 15U RN KKS, Ac., lor wile low by Kfc.Li.UUG & GIBSON, _in^23_lm 1W7 Main stre. t. KEEP COOL.?Shite-lined liEFIiUJE RAT.'RS, ic.-: - PITCF.'KUS, WATMt COOLKKo, Ac. KELLOGG a GIBSON, my 25?liu 1207 Main street. TCE-W AT E li.?ROSE iV DAY'S J1031E J. MADK w ATtlt-OOOLKKS, th? l?-st in u.*e, lor sale t>y KKLLOUG GIBSON, iv y 25?lm 1V07 Main stre? t. (J UIAiiCOAL WATEK-COOLEHS. 1 >A VIL> PARR it SONS, at No. 8 Fourteenth stive!-, are manufacturing tiHr improve.] CHARCOAL WATKi'-Ci ?< >LER. and lh;*y will keep ihe Mime fpiaiitity ol' ice lunger than uuy oilier cooler i.> !lie m ?ilu t. '?'hey also manufacture the best STUN WAV A If K In the United Slates, and are selling at less price th m the northern polt'-rs. Kneoiiragc h- ine manufactories. my 18?lm K KSTA T BASTS. p LAM-CII 0 W 1)E It LUXCJI THIS \j MOHNING from 11 o'clock to 1 o'clock J'. M.. Ill the HALF-ANO-ltA^F SALOON, No. 15 Governor street. My"old friends and customers are particularly invited. J f IN MAVXKATTSEN. .la 10 It* No. 15 Govarnor street. ^ETELLE, NO. 1204.?The season for jtj Spring diet lias fairly set In, and ?1I tfce fresh luxuries which come with it -ire at ZKTELLK'S. Wlh LA MR, VEAL, SI'It I NO CHICKENS, I'ft AS, ASPA K AG PS, TOMATOF.S, AND STRAWUKli R1ES, with the other regular dishes, and the excellent ei okno*, It shall ?ro hard If iho most fastidious guest is not heart d? satisfied. 'l'h"n the KA'IL with its PUKK LIQUORS, MLvKKAli WATKKS. and the excellent leverages prepared hy the skilful har-kreper, wind up an entertainment, the style of which Is inferior to none In '.hts country. uiy 2 KEi:iMNE.V, FLORISTS^ Arc. NM u r N IP SEED.. UUTA.lt AG A SEED. 2^ew crop now ready of WHITE NORFOLK, WHITE GLOBE, 11M? TOP STRAP LEAF, WHITE TOP STRAP LEAP", WHITE DUTCH, IKIKVING'S RUTA-BAGA, ASIICROFT'S SWEEDE, AMERICAN RUTA-BAUA. SEEDS by mull. Address ALLAN a JOHNSON, 1500 Main street. Pofrt-ofllce box 4fi. je P gEED POTATOES. Just, received per steamer 25 barrels GENUINE KARLV GOOOIil 11 POTATOES. For sale by l'ULST ? KING, ap is U22 Main street. G jFEBTlUZEES. ^ IJANO I GUANO ! GUANO ! loo fns No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, in store a ni to arrive, for s-?le. hv my 8 ROBERT F. WILLIAMS a CO. VOA r K? HI? > VUS FN. PINK APPLES! 11NE APPLES ! BAN AN \S! l>?W0KKRIEb! PIZZINI has alw<?y-< on hands FRUITS of the season. ANDREW PIZZIM ?* CO., je 16 807 Broad street. *4|^UY from F11MMJ LASS HOUSES." The Finance Committee of the City Council considered PIZZINl'S the only tirst-class establishment in Its line in the city, and tixed them accordluuly. Make your purchases, therefore, at PIZZINl a CO.'S First-class Confectionery, 807 Broad street, je 10 OOL AND FLAXSEED purcliased at highest market rates hy CHARLES HOWARD. Jc 1-ecdlOt 111? Cary street. W

Tarther Exlracta from John Sfltchol'n X*aU*OM-naI.? Sicomond, February 1, 1SG4. ! No more destitute refugees ever eamo to Richmond, even in these days of rcfugeeing.than my wife and two little girl*, after the burning of all the cargo of that ill-omened ship the A esta. After having honed to supP, - , ? Confederacy (their own snare of the Confederacy) for three or four years, thev were cast upon its shore, and on the most desolate shore In the world, at mil",night, and saw the vessel which contained their stores, and even their trunks of clothing, burnt to the water's edge. Three gentlemen on board, two ol them being Confederate oracers and one an Englishman. *vere verv kind and-attentivc to the unprotected ones', and staved by them until at last, through much discomfort and by a swamp road, they brought them safe into Wilmington! lrom whence the telegraph brought me the lu st news of their arrival on this side of the Atlantic. They came on l?y railroad and were hospitably received at first in a friend's house until I should be able to make more permanent arrangements. In the mean tiine I have undertaken the task of writing the leading articles for Mr. Daniel s Examiner. This journal is not favorable to the President and Administration ; and I confess that since I have come to net a full view of the inside (the wrong side) of tiie Confederacy my own enthusiasm for Mr. Davis and his counsellors has sensibly diminished. With a just and noble cause to inspire them, and a brave and generous people under their guidance, these folks prove themselves sadly below their high vocation. Mr. Davis is certainly above all corruption, or connivance at corruption, yet there is grievous corruption in almost every department of Government. I he President's inveterate likings and disliking* also arc creating more and more jealousy and mischief in the armv. In truth, the late partial disasters, or at least lailure, of our usual brilliant success?at Gettysburg and at Vicksburg?make every one more apt to lind fault. Our troops are now but poorly Clad, and the value ot Confederate paper money has so much depreciated that t hey can scarcely be said to get Pay at all. yo it has become inore and more difficult to keep them together, and the country is full of straggler.*?that is, desert?wandering towards their homes. Our railroads are wearing out fast, and \>e cannot provide means of renewing the one-quarter of them. In short, the resources of the South are a measurable quantity?and we can see to the end of them, and the speedy end-while the resources of the enemy are truely immeasurable. AV orst of all, the enemy has learned both to light and to ride. There is now in the northern army a really serviceable, wellmounted and trained force of cavalry, while our horse-i egiments have scarcely improved since the Hull Hun battle. Therefore there is amongst our common soldiers a certain discouragement which at times amounts to disaffection, especially when they hud some favorite general (Johnston or Beauregard) kept down by the President and incompetent men holding posts of the greatest moment, iiut, as I said, the greatest weakness of our cause lies in that one consideration?that the great mas-, of the people do not lind themselves so deeply intcrested in t he success ot the Confederacy as to make them endure for an indclinitely longer time, perhaps years to come, the hardship and the hunger, and the marching in bad shoes or no shoes, and the picketguard on frosty nights. They say to one another indeed that they mu>t not be beaten, that it will never do to give the thing up ; but they do not alwavs mean it now when they say it. Still there is everywhere a show of the highest confidence; and it is real confidence, too ; of which the best proof is, that both private persons and public companies invest their money in Confederate securities; although the wisest, both Jews and Gentiles, buy laud, which, strange to say, many proprietors are willing to sell for our" rosccolored treasury bills. We are lodged in a house upon Fifth street, and my wile is surprised to lind that the people are by no means starving; that we can go to the market and purchase excellent meat, fish, vegetables, even game and oysters, if we only have enough of that same rosy money. Wine, indeed, i-: rare, though 1 know some I'ichiuond citizens who still have their cellars stored, and, in fact, certain of theui do still import wine from Europe, smuggling out Cotton through the blockade to pay its juice; for wine undcundc must be had. Indeed, the Catholic clergy must have a little for their sacrament; and my worthy friend Father 'feeling uses the fc'cuppcrnong of North Carolina, a pure wine, and quite palatable. The same Father 'feeling having lately received two dozen of Scuppernougasa present, invited a few friends to dine with him ; and those friends drank up almost the whole of the good man's sacramental wine. As to the other usual and needful supplies of a household, there is no difficulty, no scarcity at all. You eau always buy one egg for one dollar; and if you have plenty of the rose-tinted dollars you may have canvas-back ducks and chainpage. But these luxui irs, I must confess, arc enjoyed chielly by the happy fraternity of gamblers, who own or rent the finest buildings on Maiu street, and give suppers ! of the gods. March 1.?We hear of the appointment of Grant as Commander-in-Chief. 1 am not sure that 1 know much about this Grant; a rather bad tanner, 1 believe. Yet, perhaps, a better tanner than engineer; for lie has been trying to dictate a course to the Mississippi by which the river might be cut oil' from Vicksburg, or Vicksburg from the river. 1 am not very sure whether this Grant, or some other fool, was the originator of the Vicksburg canal. Grant, one of the captors of Vicksburg, has been made commander-in-chief of the northern forces. They say he is a blockhead j but if he is only resolute enough to sacrifice his men. without the least scruple and without the least result, knowing lie can rcplacc his losses, and that we can never replace ours, blockhead as he is, lie must beat us in the long run.

March.?Spring is opening; the days are waxin" longer; the ground is growing dryer. War weather is coming once more. Roads invite the wheels of artillery and commissary wagons; warbling birds on every spray practice the notes of the battlebugle, and all nature calls aloud to man, that if he has got anything particular to do in the way of fanning or lighting, now is his time. We in the Confederacy are expecting nothing less than another grand advance of the Yankee forces across the Rapidan and Rappahannock, "on to Richmond," but combined, this time, with a contemporaneous advance of the northern army of the West by way of Chattanooga and Atlanta. This investment of Richmond is going to lie on a gigantic scale indeed. May 15.?Our Ambulance Committee is out and on duty; aud there is sore need of all they can do. Here, at a place called Giuney's station, upon the Richmond and Fredericksburg railroad, we have our tents, our kitchen, and our doleful furniture of stretchers and splints. Grant crossed the iRapidan on one of the lirst days of May. On the 5th and Gth was fought the confused aud hideous battle named " Of the Wilderness." Our ambulance people were! then encamped jit Orange Courthouse, and j had heavy duty enough, when oue evening three thousand Yankee prisoners were marched into the village r>nd quartered in the church-yard. Two general ollieers were with them; and it appeared that the whole party had been captured by a dashing flank movement of Gordon with his Georgia brigude. The names of these Generals are Seymour and Shaler; the lirst being the same who lately led the negro troops in Florida, and who was so soundly thrashed by Finegan : a very vain and empty-looking person. The other, General whaler, has more the air and demeanor of what we call a irentleinan. But before dismissing these two commanders I must mention one incident which illustrates the very careless and free-and-easy stvle of our Confederate administration/ as' well military as civil. When these prisoners were moved on the next day towards Richmond, and had got as tar as Gordousville, this same Seymour, observing that there was a considerable crowd, white and black, on the platform, some to stare at the prisoners, but most to sell hard boiled eg^s, sweet potatoes, and roast chicken?this General Seymour, 1 say, was actually [>eni]itted by the laughing and grinning guard to step out upon the platform and address his "fellow-citi-zens" upon the folly of this war, and the certainty that they would be vanquished at last. I know not how the trtlicor in command of the guard reconciled it to bis sense of duty to suffer so absurd a display, but 1 suppose he only laugbed?everybody was in good humor?and a nejrro sold General Seymour two cygs at a dollar a piece.

BAJNK tVTATKMXSI T3EP0KT OF TBE~C()St)moK OF JLVTMK NATIONAL BANK OP VIRGHMA, AT R!OnU??ND. IN THK hTATE OK VIRGINIA. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JU^NE 0TU, i870 : Tt I? CAtTttPV 18 ? Loans and discounts $323 750 74 Overdraft* 18,017 ca United States bonds to sccure circulation 200,000 00 Due from redeem Uij? and re9er>e agents 15,427 51 Die from other national h inks it 2*0 5*5 i ne from other hank* and banker?.... 838 40 tlanklug-lwnrc find ll a Lures 4<? ooo oo Current expenses 5,7*8 02 Taxes paid 2 002 25 Cash Items (including stamps) oio C5 Checks on oti?er banks .. 31,155 71 Bill* of oilier national bmks 1,075 00 Fractional currency (Including nickels) 1.935 55 Colli 5.308 03 Le^al-tender notes 54,110 oo $715,150 00 LIABILITIES. Capital s'ock paid In $230 ooo oo j surplus fund ll,ono CO Discount and imereat 20 38t oi Exchanjjes 2,358 <u Profit and loss 4 081 40 National bank circulation outstanding 1*0,ooo 00 Individual deposits 200 467 3" Due to ualional hanks 8,033 13 Due to other banks aud bankers 23,230 35 $715,453 00 T. J K. Morton, Ca' liler of the National Bank of Virginia, at Hichmond, do most solemnly swear tli it the s?ln>v?r statement is true, to tlie b? st.of my knowledge ami belief. J. B.MuRTON, Ca.'h'er. Subscribed aud sworn to before me this 15th d y of June 1S70. O. S. MOKTON, Notary Public. Attest: W. K. WATTS. PEYTON "WIS?, F. O. NOLTING. Je 10?It Directors.

Report of the condition of THE I'LANTEltS NATIONALfBANK OF KICHMoND AT THK CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON T11K 9TII DaY OK JUNK. 187a : KKSOUKCEH. I Loans and iliscounts ?159 ill 21 Overdrafts 3. tr?i> 4t United States bonds t? secure circulailon iso.ooooo Oilier stocks, bonds, and mortgages.... 9 820 00 Lue from redetinlng and reserve agents 20,378 OS One from other national hanks is s.*9 ?c One from othvr hanks aud hanker* 7,G3l 44 Banking-house 30,345 ?3 ? ther real e>tat<- 1 mi 37 Furiiiturcand flxtures 1,725 to Current expenses o, in* 91 Tax-spaid v,-474 49 Premiums 30 79 CI.ecks on oilier batiks (exchange) 23 215 77 Kills ol"other national hanks 3,021 00 Fractl .nal currency (Including tickets) .joo 21 Coin 4,71171 Legal-tender notes 32,oou 00 *7*1 888 36 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid lu #200,000 00 Uls< ount 17,51132 I'rolltatid loss C3! lo Circulation outstanding i"J7,p?m? 00 Individual deposits 318,010 00 Dividends imp<Hi 51.; 00 i-lieto national hanks 13 00S 11 Due to oilier funks and hankers 15.2?i so Sotes aud bills rediscouuted..^ 57,31000 *78L888 30 I, John C. D.ivis. Cashier of the l'lanters National Hank of Ulclimond, do solemnly swear that the a'ove statement Is Lrue, to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN C. DAVIS, Cashier. St alt <<f Virginia, County of Henrico: SiiliM'rihc<i aud sworn to he for'- me tills 15th day of J uue, 1~*70. ED WAltD J. ?V A KK EN, Notary Public. Correct?attest: CHARLES K. WUITLOCK, N. M. WILSON, JOHN K. ClllLDUEV, Je 10?.T, Dlrcc'ors. R~EP011T OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIltST NATIONAL IIANK OK KK'IfrtoM). AT ItlClLUON l>, IS THK STATE ? F VlItol*IA, AT CJL.OSE OF BUSINESS OTli JUNE. 187o : RESOCnCKS. l.oans and discounts $7*9,128 87 Overdraft* L7?l 41 Unl e l Stite5 nouns to* secure circulation 491,500 ro United St <tes bonds to secure deposits. lou,ooo 00 Other ftneks. bonds, and niort^apcs.... 5.000 no Due from r' deeming and teserve assets, 24,078 92 Due Iroin other national banks 60,7?fi 02 Due from o.her banks and bankers 9,853 72 Hai>kltig-hou?e 35,090 00 Current expenses 12 345 33 faxes piiii C-n 00 Premiums 10,825 9? i'a?h tt- m* (cbekson ciiv banks) 34,?7l 34 Bills of other nitlonal banks 15.210 00 i Fractl. nal currency b,1?3 9i< Specie 20.405 c7 Legal teuoe- n.lei 106,120 00 11,726.710 03 LI.VCILITli:?, Capital stock paid in *323,300 00 Surplus f.ini 13 COO 00 Discount and iiiu rest 16,075 80 Exchange 4.273 87 Profit and lo?.fl 3*3 22 National hank circulation 443.410 00 liivi 'ecd unpaid _1.14> 00 itlilividu ?' deposits 570,&19 5C United States deposiis 62,300 81 LiciMsiis of United States illsburslm; olHeurs 49,203 92 Dus* to national hink-s 22 093 20 I ;uv toolji i* banks Mid bankers 11 ,*<55 50 Notet and f ills rcdlscountacl 13',832 77 Hills payable 22,000 00 *1,720.710 PS State, of Virginia?Count;i of Jlnirico: 1 S. 1$. Miiith, Cashier oc the Hrst National Hank ot Richmond. d > solemnly swear that the above stat- incut Is true to th?' best, or mv knowledge ami belief. S It. SMI TH. Ca*hlcr. Subscribed and sworn to before me tills 14th da) ot June, BK t'""CC,-A"Cj^ISIl-imCF.IX, UlCli AKD L. HKuWN, J. 11. BLAIIJ, j ]5_3t Directors. ICE-t itKA n. SOI>A-WATEK. Ac. TCE-CKE AM ! , , 3 ICK-CllEAM . You can get I'lKZIM'S bklily-lKvori.il CUKAMS ao cheap .is you can buy ere wbe e. ANUitEW l'lZ/ilM & CO. je 1?

1 CE CREAM ! ICE CREAM! AT C. ZIMMER'S CONFECTIONERY. The uinh*r?jgn,*d i.i now prepared t:> manufacture nu?! i'nrnit.li at sliort notice his celebrated SCE CKEAM, so well known to the trade. Hot-'Is, Saloon*. Restaurants, and Restaurants, I'rlvate i'ait.les, l'lc-NIce, and Fairs, will be supplied at wholesale prices. Delivered to all parts of tlx; city free of charge. J hue also fitted up an ELEGANT 10 K CREAM SALOON*, where I am always ready to s;rve ladles and ^ciiilemcn w iHi the most delicious refreshment that cau be l'ound in th,; cltv. C. ZlVfMER, my 21-3in XV>. liU3 Main ;trcet. ORDERS FOR ICE CREAM CAN BE lef' at he followlug places : Air. R. WERNK S Confectionery, on Twentyfifth street near Broad, who has also littcd up a neat Ice-Cream Saloon, to accommodate l^oles and gentlemen. Mr. U. SHOEN, corncrof Eleventh and Main streets, who. by the way, als ; keeps the best Soda Water and the finest Cigars in the city. orders left wl?h i Ither of the above lirms will lie attended to * itli the f-ame promptness as If ordered direct frum my sture. my 21 C. ZIMStKR. N? {FOLK AND GREAT WESTERN RA1L KOAD?NOTICE.?Colonel TflOM AS FLOUKNOY, President of the road; General J. S>. IMilODKN, and Rev. B.A. DAVIS, will address the people at th- times ;yid places named lu this notice, and will present the claims of the orlolk and Great Western Railroad undthc Land, Loan and Trust Company to the prompt and liberal patronage of the people. The lad es are part.cularly Invited and urged Co attend, their inttu ? enee Is always for good, and their countenance particularly beneficial Ixrforwarding the great enterpt Isns ol the country. FRIDAY, 10'hof June, at Stony Mills, Plttsylvtnia county, Va. SATURDAY* llthof June, at Cascade, Pittsylvania coun.y, V:*. . , . MONDAY, 13th of June, at Iris burg, Henry county, Va. TUESDAY 14.h of June, at Henry Courthouse, Va. WEDNESDAY, lStb of June, at Campbell's Mill, Vs. THURSDAY, 16th of June, at Penn'a Store, Va. FRIDAY, 17th of June, at Patrick Courthouse, V.u SATURDAY, lelh of June, at Thomas Laui^lO^f I >A-Otli of June, at Mount Airy, N. C. TUKSDVY, ilst of June, at Hay Slack, Surry count*, S. C. _ THURSDAY, 23d of June, atJTapcy Gap, Carroll county, Va. SA'l UKDAY, :5thof June, at Hillsville, Carroll ??MO$l>AY, 27th of June, at Old Town, Grayson C?TUtSi)AV,2ith of June, at Trap Hill, Surry county, Va. ... ... WEDNESDAY, 29th ot June, at Independence, ^'thu'rVhA Yt 30th of June, at Mouth of Wilson, Grayson, V?. . . _ , MONDAY, I'll of July,at Thomas's factory, Sinvlh e.n.utv, Va. TllKSDAi, &t? of July, at Mation, Smyth * WeI>>KSPAY, ?th "f July, at Glade Spring, Wad -lngt >n coun.y, Va. THURSDAY, 7th of July, at Abingdon, % a. FRIDAY. Hthot July, at Bristol, Va. te 3?tJ\8 DM IN1STR ATOR'.S NOTICE .-All persons having claims against the estate of THOMAS H. UALDWJN, dcccase t, will prwscnt hem in due form, and those Indebted to said Cat late arc requested to make payment to the undersl'iied as earlv as practicable. sign en a. ^ HflAFEK, Administrator, mv 2a_30t Richmond v*TT AUDG ROVE'S CELEBRATED li brands of CHEW! SG TOBACCO, m?.nnfaoured by THOMAS J. HAiiDGKO^ L suc^easor to Thorn r and SWAN, lor sale by W'ALKKJt & SAUNDEnS, Je 11?ltn No. 1516 Maui street.

ICTSIIRAyCB cy ?PAKrrE& riAItOLlSA LIFE INSURANCE Ky c o m v a n y OF MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. ASSETS ...,8836,m03. JEFFEKSON DAVl*, PRESIDENT. W. J. WICKS, First Vfce-Presldenf. J. T. PKTTlLb, ?econd Vlcs-Presldent. W. F. RoYLE. Secretary. J. H. EDMvNDSON, General Agent. A DEFINITE CASH SURRENDER VALCE 18 GUARANTEED ON ALL POLICIES LAPSED BY NONPAYMENT OF PnBMIUM, which amount will, at th ? option of the policy-holder, be paid him in cash on tbe surrender or his policy, or loaned to Mm atelx per cent Interest to pay his future premium0, thereby continuing his policy In force for the full amount. With sufli -lent capital for entire security, no It re Insurance company offers superior advent.'ges to the CAROLINA. All lt? prctlts are divided among Its policyholders in dividends, on the contribution plan. >o restrictions on travel or residence In the United Spates, Canada, or Europe. All policies uon-forfeltable after second year. All losses paid promptly In cash. JOHN I.. PRESTON, GF.NEPAL STATE AGENT VIRGINIA, % EXCHANGE HOTEL, RICHMOND. FIBST-CLA88~ AGENTS will be appointed In every county In the State. LlRKHAb TERMS, and all applications, personally or by let'er, promptly answered. . ic 16?im

/CONTINENTAL (FIItE) INSURANCE V./ CO 31 <'AN* OF NEW YORK. PARTICIPATION : CAVITAL *500,000 CO SUIlPbUS (1st JaniMMT, 1370) 1,830.1H 50 TUTAL CASH ASSETS 2,33?,L>2 50 The system pursued by this Company Is designed <o promote the security ol its customers mi her ihan jrlve a large profit to its stockholders, and allows the insured to participate In the profits of ihc business without incurring any liability wbate ;er. GIBSON & ROSE, General Agents. Richmond Office, 1113 Main street. LOCAL AGENTS: THOMAS S. ARM1STEAD, office 1113 Mai ? street, Klchmond, Va.; Colonel M. S. LAMJUVKNE, cilice Lynchburg, Va.; S. R. B ?BUM, office Norfolk. Va.; STEl'HK.N RlCfTHKRS, ufllcc lVter?burg, Va,; BENT It COFFOBTII, office Winchester, Va.; A. II. BolTS. office Fredericks I>unr, Va.; W. l>. RICK,office Fanmillc, Va.; \V. II. TAM>, office Stauutoii. Va.; .1. W. GODWIN, office Charlottesville, Va. ; WISE & CO., office Alexandria, Va. Jc4-lm

LUi 1FE AND ACCIDENT INSUHANCE. y TRAVELLERS' INSURANCE COMTANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN. CASH ASSETS SI,350,000 The oldest and onlv ACCIDENT COMPANY U^ulntr yearly policks. Has paid over ONE MILLION DOLLARS IN LOSSES for death or injury by accident. LIFE and ENDOWMENT POLICIES of all popular forms issued on theLoW HATE CASH No medical examination required for accident policies. E. .OUKT N EY J EN KINS, Goner.'1 Agent for Virginia. Olllce, Montague's Insurance Rooms, Ilia Main street, Richmond. Applications for local agencies to be addreiwed us above. 1?Mt 1KG1NIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY INVITES FIltE AND MARINE RISKS. ASSETS EMPLOY ED HERE FOR INSURER'S BENEFIT. DIRECTORS.?W. 1?. Isaacs, W. G. Paine, A. V. stokes, George S. Palmer, S. C. Tardy, 1 arker Campbell. C. T. Woriham, John Enders, E. S. Tun in, Z. \V. rictrell, A. F. Harvey, ;uid I*. \V. l'rul''"" 1). J. HA ItTSOOK, President. DAVID J. nunn, Secretary. H. 0? WHKiiKY, Jr., Assistant Secretary. Qltice- 1214 Main street. my 11?tl.Jy Mutual assurance society of VIRGINIA. CHART EKED 1T9-I. OFFICE C'ORNEIt OF TENTH AND BANK STRKETS, RICHMOND, VA. This old and well-known Virginia Institution Insures Buildings bv perpetual or annual policy. It has more than Te.N MILLIONS OF DOLLARS insured on property pledged to make good '"More than TWO AND A QUARTER MIL LIONS oE DOLLARS have been paid in losses to UU mva nls of VvK "il UN I )RED A N D FI FT EE N THOUSAND DOLLARS (a large part ot it for. losses daring the war) have been paid since the war C!The former four-fifths system of insurance hat bten abolished, and other Important changes made f,.r ih?'Jtiu tU ? t IheasKiircHt. 1 o-scs equitably adjusted and promptly p.ild. 11ERIIHUT A. CLA1KOUNE, Principal Agent. J. R. DAN FORTH, Secretary. 11.1>. Danfortii, Assistant Secretary. SAM1 Kt, II. I'UI.1.1 am, Collector. my 7 MARINE. AND INLAND IN ?? SURANCE. SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY, Otf NEW YORK. PA PIT \Tj fl, 000,000 SlIRPtilS.'.'.'..",V.. 1,017.SCO HI CkSK ASSETS (January 1, 1?70) 2,017,8?Si? SI BRANCH OF KICK, NO. 10M MAIN STREET. We i>. tie POLICIES in the above lirst-clasa company on everv description of KKAj AJilJ 1-r.-'>o\AL P Rv)P FRTY for protection against |.i<3or damage by FIRE. MARINEandlSLANi' RISKS taken to any point In the United State:1. Policies on brick buildings issued xor from one to five years. Kates as low es those of any other company equally reliable. Applications solicited. Ye 21 i>. N. AV'ALKER <fe CO.. Agents. THE mutual life insurance 1 COMPANY OF NEW YORK?ORGAN1ZRD IN l^-TII K LARGEST INSt:UA NCK COMPANY* IN T1IE WORLD?CASH ASSETS OVE't $40,000,000.?This Is an aII-cash and yiiivli/ viutval comtt'iny?bo dividend# to stockholder*, * hich time inul experience lias proven to I be ihe onlv safeguard In IL'e Insurance. Kivllencls pavablc at the >.nd of the .first year upon ail policies, increasing annually through life, and eict-tdiny those of any coiitjiony in the world, v.hich can be used to decrease the premium* or to purchase hd'iiUonsil Insurance, at the ?i.tion of til.; pollev-holder, rrrjardltsx of the hniUh of the itwured. Premiums payable anuu.ilj, ?nu.^1M,ully:NOr|.l??rt?rlfci!N?, ^ L)r. J. It. Met'AW. Medical Examiner. my 1 BENJAMIN tt. NASII, | 11ENRY K. EI.LYSQN President. I Vice-1 resident. OFFICE old DOMINION INSURANCE COMPANY | OF RICHMOND VA. NO. 1H5 MAIN STREET. Thlscompanv is now prepared to Issue all kind: of FIRE POLICIES on the most lavoruble terms, and to make the usual accommodationsifor? Itai cu* Umb'n'-?m '' ' Secretary. IQD-I?>.T1 DIHECTOP.S: BENJAMIN H. NASII, President of the CoinP A? S. BUFORD, President Danville Railroad ' JoilN1 aSHER, late W. S. Donnan A Co.; THOMAS POTTS, of A . Y. Stokes & Co., R. W. POWERS, merchant K. B. ADDISON, of Allison & Addison , /. W. P1CKRELL, of Z. W. Pickrell <t CO., THOMAS A. BBANDKRj merchant; W. G. PAINE. of Paine A Co.;, , ,. FRANKLIN STEARNS. retired merchant, J. J. WAGGONER, of Waggoner A Harvej ; JOHN H. GUY. attorney at taw: WILLIAM II. ISAACS, of W. 11. Isaacs A Co.. C. K. SKIMKER, of Hill, BcnUy A Skinker; JOHN A. SLOAN, of O. T. Wortliain A Co.; ANDREW L. EL LETT, merchant; JAMES W. ARCHER, of J. R. Anderson A C".; THOMAS URANCH, of Thomas Branch4 Co. MAXWELL T. CLARKE, of Scott A Clarke; II, K. Kt.LYSON. of Cowanltn & Ellvson.

Q.UAIiDlA*l MUTUAL LIFE I2TSU.KA.NCE COMFAST OF NEW YORK, OKUANIZKD JLN JS#9. ALL. FOLICTES NUX-FQRyKITAKLK. HALF LOAN UIVKH. UA3T CASH UIYIDKXUT FIFTY TJSB CEN2 STATEMENT: P'jUcIca in fores AMetS 7,090,0* &nnnal incc>in?.,.,? x,om,m> Lkw^co paid 640,(4 W. Jtf. PJCCS.11 AM. President; W. T. iSOOKER, Vice-President; L. McADAM, Secretary ?n<1 Actuary; O. A FUOICKER, Superintendent, SECURITY, CHEAPNESS, LIBERA LIT) i'iiLM jRKSH. and SUCCESS, mark and cLietlagulsh tue management of UiM company. ISAAC IIUTZLER A CO., General Aleuts for Virsrlnla and North Orolinat WILLIAM LOVENSTEIN. Agent for Richmond, OScc. No. Mt Mala street, l>r. J. u. Oakxlu. Medical Examiner. no* P JS. WALKER & CO., , FJBK, MAUINE. AND INLAND INSURANCE AUK NTS. OFFICE, NO. J014 MAIN STREET, under Messrs. K. H. Siaitry A Co, ISuUtilnOT, cicrehaaX'sc. friri-tture, and persons ptopcity ot all klnda, in thfc city and country, tn* gu^td gainst lose or id^m^t by art: at the toweat ra->f tn companies of the bight at standing. 'iobacco in warehouse* and marine and Iniaac risks uken at the lowest r-?Uv.. Losses equitably aijuited <mcJ promptly paid. my 7 JQOOLEY'S BAKING POWDER. GEORGE BAUGH MAN A SON, Wholesale AgeuU, mYli-^di.v. 13!0 Vain fltmft. Richmond. Va A in.?ZCC bull's ^LAHTKKEKi HAIR for 6*1? hy U U bST & & ISO. oa w *?? **ls

OBTAKT KOTJtt*B. KSbs? AND ITS LOWgjj POTOMAC KOT7TJE. Ka?t?m/^1? TTTESDAV NEXT, June 711jl the fJ S". excepted) at p i sweets (fw&dsy* reaching p<>TOMACf nTiinft,wltil 4,1 traina ft?2?*SSS!& wit0?" ss?ss^??a BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, nJ'J^rS13 contracted for at rates u low m h* Isslsfs&S' the cW2?cKKrfe^$ ? offlcc of 11 y' conjerof Broad ?nd Eighth streets. kd. t it aa-?---Asa?at Je f-lm MlEK8' s?Brt.KnS Cr&i*>P?AKE. fSD OHIO KAIL, -jj"R^ * N,wl 11 "in dally between Richmond liiT Gor(Jonsvl,1,?r an1''! "?hi&ffl,w^Ytive arrive at Richmond at 4*0 p. jj miklnir<-h!^! fe"5Si connects with stages as follows: ? At b.aiintou with stages fur Lcxlncton 26miiM ? ntizw*** 51 AnA^te^llfb: miles. P1"^^ 13 miled 5ari(1 Weyer's Care, 17 Natural Hrldge, 35 mll/s. lnVnVn.-l'w0' w,ih sfa?1'8 r,,r Alum Spring, 10 miles; Warm Springs, 15 miles: Hot Snrl?~H. 20 miles; and HcatUur SpBiga, 23 milci? 20 At Covington with eta^s to Healing SDrimrs 13KUis?; "\u" ??^pr'?Ks, 18 miles.* PU KS' At Allegheny with stages to Ked Sweet Snrlmr* Atwi.?tadsVi hsPr,"*?t10 miles. '? At \\ b te Sulphur ?springs with stages for Salt 2? mS S9*, *1 ;, UJue Sulphur Springs, 2flmiles, Redeitlphur Springs, 41 miles- Lewlsl burg. 9 miles; and Charleitou, 109 miles.' iriV^nn L ?t^p^fit,'K?rfi.Uinc at Oordonsvllle and sup at Covington. GoIdk Esst, breakfast at Goshen ami dine at Gordonsville. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN will mn between Richmond and Washington nlshtly without change 01 cars. Leave llichmoud at 8:i5 P.M. and arrive at Washington 5:35 A. M ? A *m" nSLMniMi arr!VC at BiChmond at 3:20 be attached to .1-1, train. ?nd wH be^J hrouih between Richmond and Baltimore without SSS and SouSwestf18 d 10 811 poluta North- Wuot? mv 11 JAMES F. NETHERLAND, m> 27 General Ticket Agent. R 1?ft?OJ5!.1> A-ND DAN V1LJUE KAILiaSwiow^; TWAINS on this road will be run t. ' . 1 1 T ** 1 ",u'o ??!? 1 '<1(1 Y 11IC UtlllT (PX* A^D VYT^l^q 6.L F* JUItuUGil MAIL p m ."1 ^avea Richmond daily at 6:1# P.M.; leaves Danville ('.illvat l:? P. iL- ? H treena'^oro5 dailv at,4:15 A. AI. * arrive* Go'.NO NOETir?i. w'hburg and D^nvUl??Das? ?^raJ*^T D*a ? t^'.y Sundays^ at dav^'at^i^' p* vlirkeVre (?w],tyHnn. I III, }'U I P; M'L iirrIv? at Kichmond iially The Lynchl^fg"and I)anvnTu^i'asfici 1 ser Train at ?uJk?vJ?c with the trains on the oOtiMis.de road for Petersbnrg, Norfolk, Lynohhur^, and all stations cn the tautiwldeand VlrSlH'f Te"'P'?e? railroad,, Brlatol. Knox- ^ i <'.il 1 n^thatlaP00KIt' Nialivllltf, .viemphls, andall Important points South an-l ^outfcv/est. The through Mall and Express connects it Greens joroJ with the trains 011 tlx* North'Jarollr.a road ior Charlotte, Columbia, Augusta, bavanualL Macon, Mobile. Mon'.gojnery, ?fce., ?tc.: aud at Richmond with the Kichmond, ?redcrlclwburg and I ot.?mac, Che&ajieake and Ohio, and Kichmond and } urk Hiver railroa'ls. RKr-nvivr ^J"11 CHJLLJCd'S 1'ATENT r.hCLlNING CHAIHS on the through express tr,4in' THOMAS DODAMKAD, iny " Superintendent. RlCUilOJHi) / vr? l KTKHSHUUO tt. K. CO., I KTCIIMOXD, April 23. 1870 f EtB THAI AS UVilK THIS ROAD run as follows : Leave Richmond at 3:15 A. M. and 2:50P. M. Leave Petersburg at 10 A. M. and 7:05 P. M. rrelght and Accommodation train, with Dassenger car attaclied, will leave Richmond dally at 8 A. M.,and Petersburg dally at 6^0 A. M. (Sundays exceptcdi. v 1 he 3:45 A. M. train will not leave Rlchmonl on I*. I ,A 5,n<? I'M train will not leave l etershurgonSUNDAY S. Pasbeugersfor Norfolk will t.ike the 2:50 P. M. triln, running through daily. Baggage checked through. The pa<j<jenger coach attached to the coal train ? r"n on MONDAYb, WEDNBSDAYS, and 1? i: 11 .'A 1 o. Leave Clover 1(111 at 7 A. M., connecting at Chebter with the aceou-inodatlou train. Pasiengers returning will take the 2:50 P. SI., train coaueetiu? at Chester v.lth tin: coal train. THOMAS II. WYNNE, an 23 Mupcrintt'jidt'nt.

rwo FAST DAILY LINES (SUNDAY 1 P. M. EXCEPTED) TOTHE NORTH. EAST. AND WEST, OVER THE FAVORITE ROUTE VIA AOUIA CRKfcK-TtfK SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE.?Tbe THROUGH TRAINS over this ronte are now run from the depot corner of Byrd and Eighth streets at 11.15 A. M.|and 8.30 P. M. (Sunday at 11.15 A. !W. only). msfclrjr close and reliable connections with THE WASHINGTON AND NEW YOKE FAST LINES and wltb tralna rorTHE GREAT NORTHWEST. Tars rittcd up with SPLENDID RECLINING CHAIRS, for which no charge in made. The elegant and commodious sL-amers on the I'o'ujaar. river stop at Alexandria each way. The ACCOMMODATION TRAIN between Richmond a;;d Aajuta creek leaves thfi depot corner oJ Broad and Eighth streets dally (Sundays tTCipt-d)at IP. 31.,and arrlyesin Richmond at 1.4i A.. M. Through tickets to ail principal points North and West, For further Information and for through tickets North spp'y *t the offlcccorntr Broad andEUhtti itrtcta, and for through tickets to all points North *nd West apply at the ticket office corner Bjrd *nd Eighth streets, ? '*;'* i'J no 15 J. B. CP.NTRY. Geafral Ticket Agent. Richmond and yobk biyek RAIJ.ROAD LINE-VOR BALTIMORE, THE SOUTH. AND NORTHWEST?CHANG? ;)P SCHEDULE!- DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAYS).?,vu and after THURSDAY. April 2*tli, the PASSENGER SCHEDULE will be rtm is follows : Passengers Wf Baltimore aud point* North will Uk? the passenger train from the depot of the Richmond and York River Railroad at ?ttebmond DAILY (exceptSundays)at 3:15 I*. M., "or West Point, wh?re they take the fast and elegant steamers STATE OF VIRGINIA, Captain 8. W. Fbbkm/H, or ADMIRAL, Captain Pinup Rkyboud,?both of which have b<en ncaly fitted out wtth splendid accommodations for paA.engera- reaching Baltimore the following morning la time to cvuauct with the trains for Philadelphia, New Ycrk.sjid the West. Returning, tlvc boats leave pier No. 5, Lighk-Street wharves, just below Pratt street, Ba'llmore, DAILY (except Sundays) at i o'clock P. M*, i ?HISJt/ngcrs arriving In Richmond at A? M. the following day, In t?me'to connect with the jxpress train on toe Richmond and Danville railroad for Danville and all points on that road; 32*2?,Salisbury, Charlotte, Ac., N. C.J v aart ail points South. I i i^mi ? TRAIN leaves Richmond dally Xf ???? - f^gHSSiJS.JSBfv 3mx3-iatcn<*?pt-AUBI?;PLT|JBAi,^jgl?IRM1.? xftL REAPERS.?\VTe have in atorc two BUCKEYE KKAPKHS aad oWifrror^ MICK REAPER that will be sold for regular price. We havo also for sale the New YORK KK SELF-RAKING RJ5APKK, ?&h awirded thw first premium at lbs field trial at Wcstover imt year. J. W. CARDWKLL * CO.. Je? MilC*ry street, Harvest implements, grain 4 RADI US, GRASS SCYTHES AND SNATUfcf*. HORSE AND IIAND-KAKEH, ! <?LKA NERS, WHEAT FANS, AND CiOKRMILLS?A luIUupplyof the above standard IKPLEME VTt> of the mo?t approved patterns, to which we invite tin; attention of farmers and others. ALLISON & ADDISON. J* ? USX ary street, Richmond, Va. ICE. ICE! ICE!?We are prepared to ftuuixb ICE iu large or small quantities. Special ftten'lou patdL' packing for country one. Ore era solicited aud promptly attended to* A. T. BURR St CO., Ice-House on the dock, my tl?lm near Seventeenth sliteL 1IUNE SMOKING and CHEWING ; roBACCO.- Gulden Star aud VirgiulaQwwu ??coklog robacco j Cloth of Gold, imp?w, w"* s""? c-o.. my if tnsmateau