Daily Dispatch, Volume 39, Number 10, 12 July 1870 — Page 2

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TUESDAY JULY 12, 1S70. Adjournment of Congress. A very polite Frenchman applauded vehemently nt the close of an exceedingly tedious f>erformanee by a fair but wretched musician. 44 Why do you applaud ?" a#ked a bystander. 4<Mon Dieu ! because it is (i uled" We are in just the condition to appreciate, that Frenchman's act. Congress is atx)ut to adjourn, it really would not surprise us if Government bonds were to rise next Saturday and gold go down. So general is the impressfrin that Congress i> capable of doing almost any fooli>h act which might be proposed that the moneyed men of the country live in astate of constant apprehension during the sessions of that body. No one can point to any act or speech passed or delivered l?y any member of the dominant party which indicates a high order of statesmanship. fn reyard to many matterN of less .bn|>ortance. Congress shows more wisdom. IT is, in a word, what might be called a " Yankee " ( ongrcss. It esteems money more than principle ; and according* ly, notwithstanding the horror with which Wall street regards it, it manages financial questions better than it does quest ioninvolving the basis principles of the Government. All the newspapers in the country, or at least nine-tenths of the many we scp, demanded an alxolute repeal of the income fax, but their appeals were treated with contempt? a strong evidence that the members of Congress know the wishes of the voters in this resj>ect. and represent them, too, better than the tax-paying editors. Mr. Boutwbll's funding sclu'im- h;is also so far failed of passage? not that tlie debt ought not to be funded, hut because these shrewd money-loving congressmen know that it ought to Ik* funded, if at all, at four perl ciint., and that it would lie wiser to wait until the credit of the Government shall have so improved as to render funding at that low rate of interest as feasible as it is desirable. These are referred to as mere specimens of the acts of Congress involving no question of principle. Hut if we reveiw the journal of that body we shall find that no Congress has ever done more to bring Yepuhlican government into contempt, or to break down the harriers which the Constitution once interposed between civil liberty and unrestrained power, or to impel the Government onward in a track which must land it in despotism. The members seem to have no knowledge whatever of the Constitution itself, or of the nature of a free Government. They legislate as if Congress were as nearly omnipotent as the British Parliament. They legislate, but they do not deliberate. They are I not qualified tor the places they fill. They are the cankers of a long war, not yet eradicated. Faista ff's cankers of a long peace were harmless compared with them. We trust that we shall never look upon their like again.

Adjournment of the Legislature. Yhe Legislature has adjourned. It (lid a great deal of work. Wo have never known a more industrious legislative body. Indeed, we feel like saying that we have never, known one as industrious. Elected under ' extraordinary circumstances; surrounded ' by difficulties innumerable; compelled to put Into operation a Constitution which i> mt awkwardly and ambiguously worded that no one can say with certainty what main of it < provisions mean ; and almost all without experience in legislation ; J he members ; have done credit to themselves. All of their j acts have not pleased u<. we confess ; yet we cannot deny t?? them that praise to which liny are justly entitled. We hope that they will return next fall with lull purpose of mind to do still better. ' The King's Jester. In former (lav* every King kept about his court a fool, who was privileged because he was daft to say and do all manner of disagreeable things that were bv no means allowable in men of higher rank and more sense. .Massachusetts evidently keeps up this custom. Whilst I$utlek, and Wilson, and Moutwell, and nil the rest of her socalled statesmen, have to trim their sails t<> catch the popular breeze, and watch public opinion with a pilot's eye, Sumner says and does just what he pleases, lie seems to be regarded as a totally unaccountable being. "Wilson and Butler are forced by the pressure of public opinion to come out against the importation of coolies, whilst Si mnkk, represent u)g the same State t hey do, denounces the attempt to exclude the Chinese in unmeasured terms. The King's jester is now as ever a privileged character.

Wardwell Redivivus. A Cranston (It. i.) correspondent or the New York Tribune reports that Wardwfxi. is upturning tilings at the 44 State Farm" at that plait*, the new prison of which he lias lately been put in charge. 44 Hi* extraordi- '* nary moral power over uicn und women 44 imprisoned for their crimes is making it. sell "felt." No doubt of it. He made it felt here until he had to be removed. WakdWKi/L empannelled recently a jury ot six prisoners to try another who had escaped from the 44 State Farm." They sentenced him to coniiiieinent in the dungeon twelve hours without lbod or drink. Wahdwkm. replied .' 44 Your sentence shall be carried into effect. I thank you for this service." As they withdrew he heard one of them say to the others: "Good God! did you hear that, boys ? He thanks us !" A prisoner to whom Wakdwell had given a pass allowing him to be absent forty-eight hours, and who stayed seventy-two, fared better. Wakowkll gave him another pass, and said if he made such a 44 botch" as he did the first time he would give him a third and go with him. "Wonderful discipline ! But the strangest story of all, and the one relied upon to establish Wardwell's claims to immortality as a second Howard, is that one of five prisoners who were at work out of sight wanted to escape, and the other four wouldn't let him go. They said : "Captain Wardwell is our friend, and we will neither play him false ourselves nor j)ermit you to do it ; you must return with us." "We congratulate Rhode Island upon having acquired such a superintendent of convicts, and Virginia upon having got rid of him. Both seem to l>e pleased. The New York Tribune is full of pluck. It quotes what It terms a piece of 44 pungent southern literature" from the Dispatch as & means of infiueucipg the Radical members of Congress to allow the Chinese to he naturalized. The Tribune may find much good reading matter in our editorial columns ; and we doubt uot ?hat even congressmen might profitably peruse some of it. But that the tribune, or the Dispatch, or any other Journal that feels a deep concern for the consistency of tho Hepubliusn party, will he able to m:<ke these recalcitrant congressmen work kindly in the traces when it Is proposed to ailow Mongolians to migrate peacefully to Massachusetts, aud tbgre become citizens of these United PtftUsi, is what we don't b<j|i?ve. We feel jfrtv'vcd, mi jflfcpued of such a part/,

The Declaration of Independence is at a discount. The " brotherhood of all mankind." is no longer the shibboleth of Rcpublgranisin. There are seventy-five Chinese at North Adams, and all Massachusetts has "erred and gone astray." And ConI gross ran do nothing without the aid of Massachusetts. Mrs. Lincoln.? Mr. Yates, who reprel sents Mr?. Lincoln's own Stale of Illinois. I said in the Senate Saturday, in discussing I he proposition to pension that lady, that i he did not care what others might say, he knew that Mrs. Lincoln and all her family sympathized with the rebellion throughout its existence, and he wouldn't vote a dollar for foreign show. Mr. Sai i.snruv, of Delaware, created great merriment by proposing I hat senators make up a purse for Mrs. Lincoln out of their own pockets, and said he would give as much as Sumner. John Chinaman.? A Washington correspondent. of the Baltimore Sun says that a majority in the Senate, where the servile labor bill is under discussion, are opposed to the Chinese importations. JTe adds that (j arret Davis denounces the Chinese as a race with a language without an alphabet, a religion without a God, and death without an immortality. The Income Tax. As both Houses of Congress have agreed upon it, the income tax hereafter is to be two and a half per cent, upon so much of every man's income as exceeds $2,000. There are not out of the fourteen thousand voters in Richmond three hundred who will have this tax to pay hereafter. ? ? 1 1 olden has declared martial law in Caswell county, N. C. One such villain as Holdkn suffices to keep an entire State always in hot water. General Ma honk writes to Colonel Flocrnoy that he does not look upon the hitter's railroad scheme as a rival.

General Assembly of Virginia. Monday, July 11, 18?0. SENATE. The Senate met sit 10 o'clock ? LieutenantGovernor Ma rye in the chair. It ILLS PASSED. House bill to amend and reeuact section 38, chapter 171, of the Code of IStiO. . Senate hill amending an act prescribing the mode of electing trustees for the town of Fariuville, Ac. CONCURRED IN. Senate hill, with House amendments, in relation to the establishment in the Kate or a branch asylum for disabled volunteer soldiers, ?&c? \va< taken iij? and the amendments concurred in. JOURN A I. OK TIIE'SENATE. Mr. Roller offered a resolution autliorixinir and requiring the Clerk to have hound the journals of the Senate from the :,tli or October. 1WW, to the ensuing recess of the General Assembly, with an index. Adopted. ACTS OF ASSEMBLY. Mr. ( 'ajipbei.Ii ottered a resolution, .which was agreed to, authorizing and requiring the keeper of the roll> to have the Constitution of Virginia published with the acts and resolutions of the present session of the General Assembly passed prior to its adjournment on the 11th instant. ADJOURNMENT. A joint resolution by Mr. ITerndon tl\at when the General Assembly adjourn to-day it do so sine die, and another by the same .fiitluinun that when it adjourn it do so to meet on the fourth Monday in November, were rejected. LI EUTEN A NT-G OV ER NOR M A n YE. Mr. Taylor, <?f Loudoun, ottered the following resolution 5 which, under a suspension oi the rules, was unanimously adopted: " lietolvcd. That we express the unanimous sentiment of the Senate when ue order it to be entered upon our recorus tnat Lieutenant-Governor Marye has demeaned himself in his eminent position as our presiding oiliccr as to merit our approval ; that he has discharged his duties ably, impartially, faithfully, and satisfactorily that no dissent or appeal has been taken lrom his ruling", and that he is entitled to, and is hereby tendered, our cordial thanks. laid on the table. House bill for the relief of W. W. Cosby, executor of It. Payne, was taken up, put upon its passage, and rejected for want of a constitutional majority. The vote was then reconsidered and the bill laid on the table. OFFICERS OF THE SENATE. Mr. Austin offered a resolution tendering the thanks of the Senate to Mr. Shelton C. Davis, clerk of the Senate, for the able, efficient, and impartial manner in which he has discharged his duties during the present ? The" resolution was amended so as to em-| brace "the other officers of the Senate, and then unauiraouslv adopted. 1|llt/> on motion of Mr. 1'endleton, the Senate took a recess until 11 X ? clock 1 ? HOUSE i'F DELEGATES. The Hou?e met at 9 o'clock. PLACED ON TDK CALENDAR OR PASSED. llouse bill for the relief of James C. Robertson, late slieritl of Page county, and his sureties. House bill providing compensation tor the clerk of the Hustings Court of Richmond. Semite bill to enlarge the jurisdiction of the Hustings Court of Richmond and for other purposes. senate l?ill to incorporate the M . J0I111 s Roman Catholic College, in Norfolk. Subsequently passed. , , , . Senate bill fixing the fees of the clerks ot the county courts and the corporation courts in chancery cases, Senate bill extending the time tor giving the notice of contest to the officers elect in Lei?h township, in the county ot Amelia. Subsequently taken up and passed. Senate bill to amend the charter of the Richmond and Peninsula Railroad Company. Subsequently taken up and passed. ADJOURNMENT 81NE DIE. Mr. S.MiTn Turner ottered a resolution adjourning nine die. Rejected. DANVILLE RAILROAD BILL. Senate bill authorizing the Board of rubHe Works to sell the State's interest in the Richmond and Danville railroad, and to | authorize the said road to buy the same, was taken up, A motion to reconsider the following amendment of Mr. Speaker Turner was carried : . . . T. ... ?? Rut the said Richmond and Danville Railroad Company shall not receive the benefits conferred by this act until said company, in general meeting of the stockholders thereof, shall agree that said company shall thereafter be subject to all the gener\l laws of this Commonwealth then existtoe w thereafter panaed by the General Assembly, in relation to railroad companies in this State," , , , .. The amendmont was defeated ?and the bill was passed. CRIMINAL JURY BILL. House engrossed bill to amend the Code In relation to juries in criminal cases and change of venue was passed. BENATE BILLS PAS8ED. Senate bill amending the charter of the city of Richmond. fo incorporate the Wytheville Savings To* incorporate the Soutliside Banking C To1 prescribe the duties aud fix the compensation of officers in cities and towns of over 5, 0(M) inhabitants. Providing for the payment ol the printing of records In the district courts of apI>0To provide for dividing the townships of the State in voting districts. Proscribing what counties and corporations shall compose the lirst judicial circuit. Bill supplementary to the homestead act. To onlarge the jurisdiction of the ilustingw Court or Richmond, Fixing the fees or the clerks of county and corporation courts in chancery cases. Senate hill amending the charter of * armYilte.

CHARGES OP CORKt f'TION. Mr. Pookb renewed tfc * toi lowing resolution offered bv liim on Saturday : " }{c*ohftd, That coinruuee of three be appointed to inve.?-f?ffate cliarires or eorrui>i;on l;iid member of Mm General As-einMv, to report to tl?i? j.'ouse during j h r> next tftm of (Ins ^-hn; that said committee H,a" av einlde iipon the call of any on?* of it? members ; a?: I Niid commitfer; j- authorized to send ?<>r persons and papers." Tliis was laid upon the On motion of 31 r. < ochs-am;, the Speaker then vacated the ehair i>umI 11 yt o'clock r. m. CLOSTM. HKV> "tv The House reassembled il 11, '4 o'clock. The Chair announced t'. ii ? he Executive; having signed ail the bills.- ?? :<> him, there was no business hefo; t.l < Ii -ine. Mr. Jackson off<Teu : resolution express- ' ing approbation of the course of Mr. j Speaker Turner. The Speaker returned his thanks in an I appropriate manner. I Mr. McC'racken offered a resolution to j the clerks and officers of the House for their able and efficient services. In the course of his rem irks he said that many of the members would probably never meet again. Ii the history of Government he did not think that such a body as this had ever met. He would consequently subside. (in motion of Mr. (\\'iirane, the House then adjourned to partake of a bounteous feast tendered by Mi. McCaul^ who announced it as a temperance lecture.

Supplement to the Homestead Act. ? The following arc the j?; ovi.->ions of the act supplementary to the homestead law, passed tinafly on yesterday : ' " That in ease the pj. . ertyor estate of a householder or lic:ul of a family desired to he set apart or protected under the pro- . visions of an aet approved June 27th, lf>70, known as the homestead act. shall he situate in a eity or town having a corporation court, then the deed declaring the intention of the party to claim such exemption, or the writing* designating the personal property to T>e selected, or designating the property in which the proceeds of the sale of such "personally is reinvested, shall be recorded in the (feed-hook of the corporation court wherein other deeds are recorded. "2. All the powers and duties by the said act conferred on the judges of the county courts as to property lying in the several counties of the Commonwealth shall, as to persons and property within the jurisdiction of corporation courts, be conferred on the said corporation com ts and in the city of .Richmond, or the circuit court thereof." _ Jurisdiction of the Hustinos Court.? The following is the bill extending the jurisdiction of the Hustings Court of Kiehmond, passed yesterday: " He it enacted, etc.. That the Hustings Court of Kiehmond shall have jurisdiction of all such motions, actions, and other proceedings, as were heretofore cognizable by the Hustings Court of the cits' of Richmond held by the judge and said court held by the aldermen as have not been transferred to other tribunals by law, and shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the circuit court of said city ot actions of unlawful entry and detainer. "2. There shall be a term of the Hustings Court of the city ot Kiehmond for each month in the year except the month of August, commencing on the lirst Monday in the month and continuing so long as the business before the court may require. "JJ. .During the absence of the judge of the said Hustings Court, or of the judge of the Chancery Court of the city of Kiehmond, or the inability of either of said judges from any cause to hold a term of his court, or to sit" in any particular case, or to dipcharge any duty required by law, the said term may be held, or said* cause maybe tried, or the said duty may be performed, by any circuit judge) or "by either of the judges of said Hustings or of -aid Chancery Court : Provided, however, '5 hat no extra compensation shall be allowed. u 4. The said II listings Corrl of the city of Kiehmond, and the said < !.? .eery Court of the city of Richmond, ami rbc judges ol said court* respectively, sh;;i' ? c the same power as a circuit court <>r : ;uit judge to admit to bail, award bibi "ons, writs of habeas eorpvs. quo icarran ? . ? landamus, aud prohibition." ? ?? Vacancy in Township Offices. ? The following is the bill amending iie ">Sih section of the election law, passed Saturday : *' ? oS. Whenever a vacancy shall occur) in any county, corporation, or township ollice the same shall l?e Ji.ic.d l>v the judge of the county or corporation court of the county or "corporation in which such vacancy shall occur : Provided, however. That when a vacancy shall occur in the office of circuit court clerk \vheu the clerk of the eouuty'court is not clerk of the circuit court such vacancy shall be tilled by the judge of the court in which the vacancy occurs : And provided further , That when a vacancy occurs in tiie otlice of hustings court clerk, attorney for tie- commonwealth of a city or town, such vacancy shall be filled by the judge of the hustings court of the city or town iti which <uch vacancy occurs : And provided further , That when a vacancy occurs in the ollice of clerk of the chancery court of the cily of Richmond such vacancy shall be tilled by the judge thereof. And all officers so appointed to till vacancies shall continue to discharge the duties of their respective offices until their successors shall be eleete 1 :?t the next election after their appointment and shall have qualified." Citv Charter.? The amendments in the city charter proposed by the bill passed yesterday are of an unimportant nature except that the eouiicilnien are made elective every two years, and the eh >osing of police can lie done by a majority of the Board and not by a unanimous vote. MARRIED, At Heart Quake Mill, on the 28th of June, by the Rev. William Land, Mr. THOMAS REVERE and Miss FANNIE BARBOUR GAINES; all of King and Queen county, Va. No cards. Whig and Enquirer copy. DIED, In Philadelphia, at half-past 1 A. M. Sunday, July 10, 1870, Mrs. MARGARET C. WALSH, consort of the late Richard Walsh. Hur remain* will ?.rilvt; THIS ( Tuesday) MORNlMi at half- past > A.M. The inentU of her family and those of her father, Mr. Henry Miller, are respectfully requested to atteuu h? r funeral irom .St. I'eter's Cathedral, at S> A. M., ? hc.e a solemn requiuin mass will be cdcbraieo. * At her residence. on <Jarv street, yesterday, Mrs. SOPHIA MILTZ, in the thirtv-e:^h.h vear o? her a^e. The funeral will take place from her late residence at 9 o'clock THIS ??Jtf N L\ O.

SALT3 ALT ! SALT I SALT! S DIRECT IMPORTATION. "WORTIUNGTON'S IMPROVED," FULL BL1CACUED, AND 1 >0 U li L K-STOVED FACTORY-FILLED SALT. 6,700 SACKS per ship Thomas Small. uov ovbkdub, and IIOUULY KXl'JCCTKD tt CI7 I'oiuU S. C. TARDY A CO., jy C Importers and W holesale Grocers. SEEDSMEN, rEOUISrS,^Lc. ELKKY PLANTS, FLAT DUTCH CABBAGE PLANTS, now ready at ALLAM A -I'MjNSON'S, je 30 ISafl Main stieeL rrUllNlP SEED. RUTA-BAGA 8EKD. New crop now ready of " W crwi) wmTB NORFOI K, WHITE GLOBE, RM> To I' STRAP JhAF, WHITE TOP STRAP LLAF, WHITE DUTCH, lKlKVIN'G'S RUT A-'^AGA, A >11 CROFT'S fV al'.DE, AMERICAN RU 1 A ? li A'.tA. SKKDS by mall. Address ALLAN < IOHNBON, 15.-i Main street. Post-ofll<*e box 4U. Je a gEED POTATOES. Just recti vwl per s' ^guier v" j.vrels GENUINE EARLY CO.. DiM h i OTATOE8. For s;ile by HULST ? KING, ap IV Vi2i Main street. pENUINE HAVANA (1U ARSjust re"U cfclved. Jy 9 CAttTEi: x CHBiSTIAN,

8 BTOfKCHS. AST IMPORTANT N 0 T I C E.? Our store, from iT;i> dvo, w bo clou' 1 at P. M. To accommodate our customers we ??rill op "n it ' A. M. Wi: tru-i tint cur frlen'!.- vj]l iln<! I: co: ivenlcutto -.Mi luring the twelve; Lonra tin -'T r*!ore will be opened. LI'VY BROTHER'S jy 11 1313 aud VJ1". Main street. EST DOWN WITH THE i IIJLNESE I Mil I (J ration. DOWN Wi rn CBINKSI-. MATTiVG. COVER 1 i FLOORS WITH IT AND '? 1 * ?? %?$ IT. GREAT KEii! " rION ?\ THE Ti: i 'F HATTING. Excellent 4-4 \. iTlTE WATTING a;. 25c. per yard, worth Mi]'!# I Extra heavy 4-4 WHITE MATTING at -nrth 40c. by tlie piece ; Extra quality 5-i WHITE MATTING at 3>. pgr yard, worth 50c.: Extra quality 6-4 WHITE MATTING at . per yard, worth 60c. ; RED-CHECK and FANCY MATTING, all widths, at reduced prices. These are closing prices, and arc decidedly lower than ever sold since the manufacture of Chinese Matting. LEVY BROTHERS, Nos. 1213 a-iu 1215 Malu street. Our store will hi; closed EVERY EVENING at M. Will open at OA. M. * jy 11 QfrT GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PUICE OF LaWNS 12}c. LXV'NS reduced to 10c. worth 15c. ; inje. LAWNS reduced to 12jc. worth 20c.; 20c. LAWNS reduced to l'Jjc. worth 25c. Now Is the time to purchase cheap and cool dresses of LEVY BROTHERS, Nos. 1213 and 1215 Main street. Don't forget that we close our store at 6 l'. M. In order to accommodate our customers we will open at 8 A.M. 11 Is r ONE HUM :1RED BRIDAL QUIlTS, large enough fth : ic largest bed, at $1.50 worth |2.50; extra heavy .> :d large BRIiJAL QUILTS at *2 wortll }?<."?: LANCASTER QUILTS at #2.50 and *3 : MAii stiLLES QUILTs at *3, (jo, <5, and upwards ; a Urge stock of CULORtD QUILTS a: very low prices at LEVY BROTHERS', Nos. 1213 and 1215 Main stieet. Rear It lit mind tlut ail of the le idiii^ dry goods stores close at e I*. M. po govern yourself accordingly. jy 11 flSf* IRON GRENADINES, all qualities, at red .iced prices ; > LPACAS, BOMBAZINE, TAMI9E, BARKGnS, TAMA Rl'INE, LAWNS and GINGHAMS; A full assortmeut of CrttSPE COLLARS, CRSPE VEILS, MOURNING HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, MITTS, and LACES, at LEVY BROTHERS', ! Nos. 1213 and 1215 M<tln street. Our store will be closed at 6 P. M, Will open at 6 A. M. , so purch ise your goods early In the morning, the moot pl-jisant time to do your shoptdng. jy 11

US?" HANI>?'.)ME STRIPED (JINGII A MS at 20c. would be cheap at 30c. ; PLAID MOZAMBIQUE^ ai 20c. worth 3u.-. ; PLAIN and GRANITE l.ENOS at 20c. wor.h30c.; STHIi'KD LKNOS at 2u and and 25c. voith 30 and Wc. ; handsome WOitKED ORGAN D l* at 5<<\ per yard worth 73c. ; all wool OEjuAINlS at 32c. per yard worth 50.-.; PRINTED Pi. .-X'ALESj or CAMBRICS at lc?c. would be cheap H'c. ; BLACK ALPACA at 25, 30. 35. <l?f 51T., ..i. i up to <5l.U5 pgr yard. This assortment untjraci-; all qualities ol' ALIWCAS, and arc very c seap goods. For cheap DRE&S Gt" 'Ds call at LEVY BliOTLlEI 12iU and 1215 !;;? .n Sf.- . Don't forget that the leading dr.< ,??. . res close at 6 P. M. i> 11 QZeT REDUCTION IX THE iUiltii.OF IIUUKABACK TOVVEL JN'G.-li*J' KjJ'JLL'K TOWELLING a-. l?:?c. worth 20c. ; i C CKABACK TOW EI. LI ? G a: 2.V. worih35c. : t.< CiyA BACK TOWEj.LING at 40n. w: <H>i . ; HUCKABACK TOW.' i.Sa: 1(), 12 j, lCj ,ai>d25<\ apiece; extra he* *y LI.NilX S.'tEL' ><?, vill measure two -. x . half yurda f'iili, worth ?1.25. ; ri^ 'fV-CA.tx' .1 NE y .uches wide, at 5oc. would be ! ...p ;?! t>5e.. Lh I i?R? ; ;s\ l?i* ti.d 1215 . a.-, eet. Five hundred down fSV ?. il\ '? ,ra received. Wc can aup. rt..'' '?am' mankind" wlih evci7-'i . ,1y 11 ffljir LOOK A 'i Oi... !.? i u K AND DM L LING At fc'c. i LINEN COATING at 3* c.* r i. . , :? .aid, WHITE LI* EN* OULLLI.-,-. v. yard worth 75c. A large stock of FANCY C . .;;??> *? CASSIMEKES, CLO: VES?:>- . ... uaer goods suited for bc> -.ud men's weai LEW BRoT 1x13 ajiU 1213 Mui ' ?. We have a large St. ck of AULE cL'jiii :.ud NAI'KINS. -.1 QSTBUFr TAltLETAN, to eovr ture frames, gas fixtures, aud lookiiig-e'bi ,ts at 25 r, per yard. PINK, BLUE and BUFF TARLATAN, at 30c. per yard. MOSQUITO LACE and MOSQUITO NET, at LEVY BROTHERS', 1213 and 1215 Main street. A large assortment ol PIQUES and LiNeNS for dresbes. jy 11 tL?T BLACK .SILKS, BLACK SILKt.? We call particular attention to our stock of BLACK SILKS, which must be reduced, uur prices are lixed low. Don't lail to take a look beiore purchasing. A mil assortment of DKESS GOODS FOR MoUliiMlNG, at LEVY BKO rilEltS', 1213 and 1215 Main street. PIQUES and LINENS iur dresses, in great variety. Jy II

KjT ruffles, ruffles, rufFLJtS.? All of the new-style RUFFLE COLLARS. ROFFLE by the yard. PIQUE TRIMMINGS Cr 'fl V.T EDKIVGS, CACHES TRIMMINGS CV*. ... and TASsEt.S, JEWkLRY, SUPPER i'AT: ERNS. :?ud lots of Yankee Notions, at LEVY BROTH ERS', 1-13 and u-iC Mulu street. FRKNCII PIQUES aim MARSEILLES and LINENS for Ureases fur sale between the hours of ti A . M. and o 1*. M, Jy 11 . (B3T OUR DOLLAR KID GLOVES oun be had iu whlie, black, dark, autl light colors. They are the same <juaht> gloveatlnt wu formerly sold at $1.25. We are the BOLE AGENTS for the celebrated JUGLA KID GLOVES. Also, In store, a large assortment of SILK. LISL.E THREAD, and BUCK GLOVES and GAUNTLETS. ? A full assortment of TWISTED SILK MITTS, with and without Angers, at LEVY BROTHERS1, 1*213 and 1^13 M tin street. Renumber the great reduction lu the price of MATTI n < ?. No excuse for bare floors. jy 11 aar GENT'S INDIA GAUZE SHIRTS at 50c. worth tl. GENT'S HEMMED LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS at 2Gc. worth 36c. GENT'S TIES, CRAVATS, HALF-IIOSE, SUSPENDERS GLOVES, aud other funiishiug goods, at low prices, at LEVY BROTHERS', 1213 and 1215 Main street. Remember that we close our store at u P. M. We open at 6 A. M. j'- 11 2QT FANS ! FANS! FANS !? A large variety of PALM-LEAF, SLLK, LINEN", and JAPANESE FANS at LEVY_BROTIrr ??S\ 1213 and 1MB M- ' i ' f. Every No. of COA-TS'S COTTON 't ? per dozen. The trade supplied. 'y 11 (Ear INFANTS' ROJ3LS, FROCK WAlbTS EMBROIDERED EDGINGS and IN SITTINGS GARMENT DIMITY, CORDED NAlNbf" ?Kand CA .IBRIC, CHECK ED arid r T UIPEJ) N A N.MJOIf CHECKED and STKIPFJ) SV. -cS MU . INS, TUCKED a.id PUFFED MUSLINS for itsts, CAMBRIC, JAC?MK1\ ,.>S, V? LL, and NAINSOOK V-Tf !.:NS; BISHOP LAWNS, and all other klndj ' f \r 'If.; ?'.??/? ^ 'he lowest prices, at i. -? t Y BR< ! .u .tud V".' Main -h<vt. Look at the TUCKE?> *?KIKi ?NG u1. G- c. per yard. SKIRTING CA MUkIt s .;t ? rn** -?c. per yard. A. Urgft stock of WdUKJ2D HANDS at Yery low j>rlce?. ,ty 11

SPECIAL NOTICES. flQTO. BELL DYER, " THE WIDEAWAKE NEWS-DEALER, "'la still In the book, newspaper, periodical, and stationery business at (Smith's old stand) 805 Broad street, next to PlzzluPs confectionery, where lie would be pleased to nerve hlfl friends zud customers with a full enpply of *11 the late N8 WSPAPEItS, PERIODICALS, MAGAZINES, FASHION BOOKS, SONG BOOKS, etc.. etc. Also, a full assortment of WRITING-PA PER, ENVELOPES, etc. Parties desiring DAILY and WEEKLY PAPERS or MAGAZINES left at Mi?lr residence will please leave notice, and all orders will be [ promptly attended to free of kxtka charge. Subscriptions .taken for any paper or magazine at publishers prices. Jy 12? It* 500 PINE- APPLES. Receiving per steamer to-day FINE HUNDRED PINE-APPLES, suitable for preserving. ANDREW ANTONI, Confectioner, Main street. Jyi2 firTT NOTICE.? The following stores on and after MONDAY the 11th Instant will he closed dally at 6 o'clock P. M. until the 1st day of September. LEVY BROTHERS, JOHN N. WOODFIN, T. R. PRICE ft CO., CARDOZO, FOUR Q UREA N ft CO., ARMISTEAI) ft BIBB, JULIUS SYCLE. jy 8? lw UEHTJULY Cth, 1870. T. R. PRICE ft CO., comer Eleventh and Main, nearly opposite postoffice, are opening daily for the summer trade new unci choice STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, IRISH LINENS, LtNKN SHEETI STGS, TOWELLINGS, COTTON SHEETINGS, BLEACHED COTTONS, HUCKABACKS, Ac., BLACK IRON GRENADINES, BOMBAZINES, TAMESE, CRAPE VEILS and COLLAR8, HOSIERY, GAUZE VESTS, READY-MADE SHIRTS (warranted). PARASOLS, UMBRELLAS, SUN SHADES, ftc. A striking bargain Is offered In 5no to MO yards CHECKED ami STRIPED FRENCH and JAPANESE SILKS at less than Importers' costbeautiful goods for walkiDg suits or for sojourners at watering-places. New assortment PRINTS at to, 12?, 15c., Ac., Ac. Buyers either at retail or wholesale they Invite a call from, as upon their llrst floor will be exhibited duplicates of their elegant stock of DRESS GOODS, Ac., any of which will be cut at lowest jobbing rates, Jy 0 T. R. PRICE A CO.

asr mosquito netting. A FULL SUPPLY JUST OPENED BY USall widths. qualities, and prices. Jy 9 T. R. PRICE A CO. AST " PRO BONO PUBLICO." On hand, and constantly receiving from the northern markets, one of the most complete and best-f elected stock* of D It V HiK'DS to lie found In the cltv. einhr.idnjr every style and variety of l>RE!rS GOODS, CASSIMEKES, LINKNS, DOME-TICS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, Ac. . These goods were b ?ught at the lowest market ra'.cs, aou are being sold at prices which defy competition, Our IHI^H LINENS are as per cent, cheaper than can ho found else* here. \\ e are the 6ole agents for Richmond and vicinity of Roberts's celebrated PARABoLa NEEDLES, formerly sold by William N. Hell A Co. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we pledge ourselves to give satisfaction to all In want ol CHEAP DRY GOODS. Remember the place. A. GOLDBACK. 807 Broad street, between Slxlhand Seventh. Jy . " AST DISCIPLES' CHURCH (SYCAMORE), ELEVENTH STREET BETWEEN BROAD AND MARSHALL.? Preaching on EVERY LORD'S DAY at 11 A. At, and 1 P. M. Elder J. A. DEARUGRN, pastor. Prayer meeting ou WEDNESDAY EVENINGS al 3 P. M. Seats frfH\ Parsonage, 403 Twelfth street. iuy 7 ^HAVING OBTAINED THE ENTIRE INTEREST OF JAMES E. BURRVSS AND JOSEPH G. WILLIAMS in the late concern of HtTUItKSS, WILLIAMS & CO., I beg leave to call the attention of my friends to my very LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF DRY G O O 1) S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. In order to supply the demands of my immense retail trade I am compelled to buy in very large quantities, and consequently can give merchants CHOICE SELECTIONS, WITIX LIBERAL MARGIN FOR PROFITS. My stock Is replenished by TRI-WEEKLY ARRIVALS OF FRESH GOODS, is kept at all times FULL AND COMPLETE, is always FULLY ADEQUATE TO THE WANTS OF THE TRADE. THE QUALITY OF MY GOODS IS SUPERIOR, and mv PRICES AS LOW* AS SIMILAR GOODS CAN BE BOUGHT ANYWHERE. I Invite an examination r?y all In want of FIRST-CLASS GOuDS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. JOHN N. WOODFIN, 1117 Main otn-et, between Eleventh and Twelfth. The following gentleman can be found with me, who will be pleased to see their friends : JOSEPH G. WILLIAMS, THOMAS D. QUARLE3, EDWIN A. WINN, W. U.JEN SINGS, F. V. SUTTON, Jr., C. R. MORTON. A. M. WOuDFIN, jo 23 WILLIAM R. MCCAW.

< LOTII INK. N OTICE EXTRA. TO ALL IN WANT OF CLOTHING. Having purchased ilie entire STOCK OF FIXTURES, GOOD-WILL, AC., of the late TIIOMAS S. BALDWIN, CORNER MAIN AND TENTH STREETS, for the purpose of CONSOLIDATING THE TWO BUSINESSES under one roof for the coining FALL BUSINESS, ami in order to do so it la important for me to close out tills entire stock previous to the 1st of I September next, 1?70; and In order to accom> pllsh my purposes this entire stock NOW REMAINING will be offered AT COST, and many parts of It at greatly less than cost of manufacture. It is useless to enumerate the articles in stock, ?which is yet complete In SIZES, QUALITY, AND KINDS. I mean all I say here, and If you will be convinced call aud PRICE THE GOODS and satisfy yourselves. WILLIAM IRA SMITH, AT BALDWIN'S OLD STAND, CORNER MAIN AND TENTH STREETS. N. B..-My business at my OLD STAND, 1308 Main street, will be until further notice continued as heretolore in the regular way. Je 28? steod WILLIAM IRA SMITH. rjiOO MUCH CLOTHING AND TOO LITTLE MONEY. My stock Is too large, and must be reduced In order to turn it into money ; and from this time I shall offer my entire stock at such prices tor cash as will please all, und Rive them a NICE SUIT for a little sum at the old-established house of WILLIAM IRA SMITH, Je II 1308 Main street. GRAIN BA?8, Ae. Bags, bagsT 25,000 UNION A SEAMLESS, direct jfrom the factory. Parties wanting will save money by calling on as. Je t?-3m HARVEYS & WILLIAMS.

DRY GOODS. jQOITT MISS IT, EXTKA BARGAINS! SEMI-ANNUAL CLOSING SALE. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. ALL GOODS MARKED DOWN. W? ofler aped il Imlncement?, fx-li.jr determined to close out everything In orCer to reduce stock. A beautiful aud complete variety of DRES3 GOODS, WHITE GOODS, COTTONS and LINENS, CLOTHS and CASSIMERE3, GRENADINE and LACE SHAWLS, PARASOLS and UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY aud GLOVES, TABLE-CLOTHS and NAPKINS, TOWELS and <^Un/rs, EMBROIDERIES and LACE COLLARS ; :?nd lots of other articles. Call aud llll your memorandums. WILLIAM TIIALIIIMER A SONS, C01 Broad, corner Sixth street, jy 11 " Broad-Street Dry Goods Emporium." OK TIIE LARGE AND ELEGANT STORE, No. 003 Main street, between Ninth and Tenth etreets, by JULIUS SYCLE, formerly occupied by William N. Bell A Co.

One case 4-4 extra quality BLEACHED COTTON at I2jc.; Two cases VAST-COLORED au<l EXCELLENT QUALITY PRINTS at 10c.; Fifty dozen HUCKABACK TOWELS at 10, 20, an<l 25c.; LADIFS' HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS at $>2 per dozen- -pure linen ; PLAIN LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS at 85c. per dozen, worth Jsl.25 ; SUMMER DRESS GOODS to bo closcd out at ami below cost ; LLAMA LACE POINT, BAREGE, ami GRENADINE SHAWLS to be closed out regardless of cost ; DROWN LINEN DRILLING at 23 and 30c. worth 33 and 4Qo. ; CASSI MERES, T WEEDS, COTTON A DE. Ac.. In variety an<l at greatly reduced prices ; Full line of SWISS MUSLIN, NAINSOOK, plain, striped, and checked ; JACONET and SOFT-FINISH CAMBRIC, IRISH LINEN, 10-4 SHH ETING and PILLOW-CASE LINENS, NOTTINGHAM I. ACES, real and Imitation ; THREAD and V A L E N C I K N E L A C ES. Don't forget our GOOD FLANNEL at 26c ; MOURNING GOODS in variety, sold cheaper than lu any other ftore ; HOSIERY, GLOVES, GENT'S FURNISHING GOOD*, EMBROIDERIES, and many more articles too numerous to mention. Don1 1 forget our cheap HANDKERCHIEFS and TOWELS. Call and convince yourself that lam prepared to offer greater inducements than ever. Prices guaranteed as advertised. Don't forget JULIUS SYCLE, 003 Main street between Ninth and Tenth. Jy 9 CLOSED SATURDAY. DUCKWAMi & ROUSS, 1013 MAIN STREET. .1 til v 5, !H7u. PANI.MN NEW YORK DKY GOODS MARKt.T! DRESS GOODS sold for le?s than cost of Importation. These are llio goods t<> buy. We are receiving them three time* a week. RIBBONS! RIBBONS! AH kind* and l?est (lUtllty. A full assortment of PIQUE aud other TRIMMING*". n. at i.j m A.TTINO in tho city at 30c. DOMESTICS of all kinds. GOOD SHOES for lanies and misses at $1 a pair. STRAW GOODS of all kinds. FRENCH ELOWtfKS, Ac. Jy 5

?1ARDl>Z0, POUllQUllEAN & CO., 1009 MAIN STKEKT (opposite post-ofllce), have juot received large additions to their stock o/ I>RKSS (iOOUS, bought at the very lowest prices at whlcli the same value of goods have ever been sold. ELEGANT NECK AND SASH RIBHONS, In all widths and colors, IN GREAT VARIETY. Persons preparing to visit tho Spring* will And everything lu the Dry Goods Hue they may desire, from the cheapest travelling-dress to the most costly outilt. Jy 2 CARDOZO, FOURQUREAN A CO.

H . FIHXITIKE, Ac. A R WOOD & BITTER, opposite the post-oillce, Mala street, Have now on hand and are constantly manufacturing the most complete and varied assortment of CHAMBER FUBNITIJRE, I'aKMH! FURNITURE. DINI NO- ROOM FURNITURE, and MATTREsSES. And we would In viU* all in want of ttood, substantlal article In our line to examine our stock. No establishment in the State can u!T?r groater Inducements. We have goods t?> suit all parties. Elegant sets of superior workmaushlp and tine tin L^i and plain goods of every deHcrlptlon ; and we will tell you a secret : we are still reducing our prices. Call opposite the post-office, up stairs. my 30 stock' of furniture. gPRING 8 T A C T S are receiving an IMMENSE STOCK, bought at GOLD RATES, and are determined not to be undersold by any house lu the country. Examine before you buy. mh 15 1308 ANT) 1310 MAIN STREET.

PROPOSALS. IJNIV KHS'ITY OP VlKOINlA, ) OFKJCK OF PltOCTOH AND SUl'KKINTJKXDKXT,} July 9th, H7o. ) PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED X at this office until 1st day of August for tho delivery ut th<; University swlich of SEVEN HUNDRKD (700) TONS BKST ANTHRACITE Ct'AL? vis., 300 ions red ash for gratia ; Mo Cons wlrtte itak for stoves ; and CO tons small egg or nut coul for Morning Glory ato r<?. Delivery to commence In September and extend through the fall. Ton of 2,249 pouadJ, and payments made by railroad wulghm. 6. PflYTON? Jy 11? lw Proctor and Superintendent. cbn'tbal i.uNATic Asylum, > Richmond, Va., July eth, l*7o. J Proposals will be received at my office up to WEDNESDAY tin? 13th Instant for contract to supplythla Asylum with 140 CORDS SEASONED PlN'E WOoD (merchantable), to he delivered In the Asylum In quantities to be designated by the Steward. By order of Executive Committee. Jy 7? td PANIKU STEPHENS, Steward. Enqinbxk'8 Office, j RicnuoND and Danvillk Raiukoad. > July S, 1870. J Notice to CONTRACTORS.-Pro-posals will be reeetved at this office until the 16th day of Augnat next for the GRADING, MASONRY, AND TRESTLE-WORK, OF ABOUT TWKNTY-KIVE MILES OF ROAD-an extension ot the York River railroad cast from West Point. For Information in regard to the character of I tlus work and tcrma, apply to the uuderslmed. The right 1b reserved to rvsi^et any or all bid*. T. M. R. TALCOTT, Chief Engineer York River Railroad, Jy 8-Ulw,&nawtAul5tli

T>BY COOPS. -pXCUBSIONl EXCURSION ! J P. 8TIUIWS DKT GOODS HOUSE. NO. 14H MAIN hTKKKT, ' FKKK OK CHAKGK. I I have Just received another U> t or CJIJEAP I SATINS. aM chides Tor t; Imnlng ; I1L.ACK a.ii'1 COLOR?!) telLKn at 6o<:. jw-r I rard than ran t>? liouyht anywhere In th?' rhy SASH HI MB ON ? or every color at low price* ' IRISH LINENS at ".So, and 7>.. and ll-v-ry cheap ; I'AKASOLS. to Ikj closed out at cost, price, from 75o. up war?l ; POSGFF, PAHASOLS at $1 : 'I ho ?H'?t KIDS In the city at worth f 1.50; W H ITK PIQUH at 2 fte. and upward ; SWIhS MIJSiJN at 15c. and upward ; WHITE CAMBBIC at 1?<*. and upward ; LACK COLLARS from 10c. upward; arid (Jlill.DKEN'b ll'>SK very low; ' and many other articles too numerous to mention. ! (jail at once and secure ?<>me of Use BAHGAIN^ that are ^clnjr sold at 1411 Main street, two door* from Fourteenth itreer. ' jy i P. STRAUSE. A ^ent. s EL LING OFF AT COST TO MAKE A CHANGE IN BUSINESS. POPULAR BROAD-STREET DUV GOODS STORE. IN ANTICIPATION OF MAKING

A CHANGE IN BU8INES* WE SHALL OFFER OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF DRV GOODS AT COST, FOR CASH. lllRSII A GUGGENIIEIMER, 1c 30 fli7 BROAD STREET. WAT?II1?8, JEWELRY, Ac. ^?ALTHAM "WATCHES. The extensive use of these WATCHES for tli*? last fifteen years by railway conductors, en*!neers, ami expressmen, the most exacting <'f watch-wearers. has thoroughly demonstrated tin* strength, 'steadiness, durability, and accuracy, ? r THE WALTHAM WATCH. To satisfy that clafi3 In all these respects I- to decide the <iucstlou as to the real value of the*: time- keepers. More thin 450,000 of these WATCHES are now speaking for themselves In the pockets ?>!' the people? a proof aud a guarantee of their supt-ri* orlty over all others. The superior organization and groat extent ol the Company's Works at Waltham enable th> in t.i produce watches at a price which renders ciiUM**tltlon futile, and those who buy anyotbfr watch merely pay from twenty-live to fifty percent, more for their watches than Is necessary. We are now selling WALTHAM WATCH M at less prices In greenbacks than the gold priced tnfine the war . There Is no other manufacture.' id any kind lu the United States of which this can l e said. These tline-pfeces combine every lmprow-m.-nt that a long experience has proved of real pram* cal use. Having had the refusal nearly every Invention lu watch-maklug originating In tliti oouutry or In Europe, only those were dually | adopted wnVh ?<???*?? testing by the most skllM artisans In our works, anil loi?t< %.???, o? n*, of [ the public, demonstrated U> be essential tocornwl and enduring thue-keeplng. Among the many Improvements we wouM par* tlcularlze : The Invention aud use of a centre-plnlon of jx? sullar construction, to prevent damage to the train by the breakage of main springs, Is orlnluil with the American Watch Company, who, laving had the refusal of all other contrivance#, adopted Fogg's Patent Pinion as being the k-t and faultless. Hardened and tempered halr-sprlngs, now universally admitted by watchmakers to be tlic licit, are used In all grades of Waltham Watches. All Waltham Watches have dust-proof capi, protecting the movement from dust and lessening the necessity of the frequent cleaning necesury In other watches. Our new patent STEM-WINDER, or KEYLESS WATCH, la already a decided succeajaul a great Improvement on any stem- winding watch in the American market, aud by far the cheapest watch of tt? quality now offered to the public. To those living In portions of the United States where watchmakers do not abound, watches with tl* above-mentioned Improvements, which tendpo Inaure accuracy, cleanliness, durability, and convenience, must prove Invaluable. Every watch G UAR A NTE KD by the Company. To prevent Imposition, buyers should see ttot every watcb should bear either of the following trade-marks : American Watch Co ........Waltham, Mass. ; Ainn. Watch Co Waltham, Mas*. ; American Watch Co., Crvscentst., Walthim. Maw. ; Applcton, Tracy A Co Waltham, Mass.; Waltham Watch Co Waltham. Maw. I L\ S.Bartlett Waltham, Maw.; Wm. Ellery Waltham, Maw,; Home Watch Co Boston, Mas*. For sale at retail by all respectable dealers. A descriptive circular, giving much useful Information, sent to any address on application. No watchcs retailed by the company. Address BOBBINS A APPLKTON, General Agents, 183 Broadway, New York. Ask to see the FULL-PLATE WATCH bearlng the tradu-mark "American Watch Company," Crescent street, Waltham, Massachusetts." It Is by far the best full-plate watcb made In the Uulted State*, aud surpasses anything heretofore in ado In this country for railway englueers, conductors, Ac.

ap jo? d eod? w eovr 3m DEHTISTKI. JUD.B. WOOD, DDS.. PRAC-?S TITIONKK OK DENfflSTKY LnQSHW ALL ITM VAKIOUS HKANc HKS. The Milul'ti extraction qf teeth la a xruat point jcaliietl I" *J?"' tal surgery* A full supply of tfUUR MTKOlJ* OXIOfc OAS alwiiya ou hand. All work icumaht*ed to *lve entire ttatlofactlou. Terius motltr* v. Office, Ninth ?*.ree tin rear of Wood ? Soiw' d /??k fctore. J> 3 Dk. C. E. KLOEBEB, DKNTIST, 902 BROAD OTRKKT. J)' > Geoiige b. steel, dentlst. tarn. TJa MAIN HTKKKr. WW EXTRAtJTtf TJSKTU WITHOUT 1'AIN, . aud perform h alt other DKitTAL OPERATION*) lu a ?alUfartory mauuer. r. 8. Am I am frequently absent during the summer mouth* my patients in the country and tb^j* lutenuinx to le* v? the city would do well to comm?.olo*Ui with me tp xlvsnr*. <> tt. B. y? Dk. qeouge f. keesee, i>EN-*aa TINT, (fiv?* special atteutlou Jo the^znHr preservation of the natural teeth, both by tilliurf and the correction of irregularities oi tbeuiuc. AhTlKlOIaL TEETH at moderate prlee* leetu extracted by the aid of pure nltroiM oxide K?> when desired. Office, coruer of Hroadaud MlcUeuth streets. Residence lu rear. Je >*? !?? XT AIB.-800 bpjtbeta