Daily Dispatch, Volume 39, Number 26, 30 July 1870 — Page 1

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'***?* ' ?' I'lH'1* ?"? "'????(III Iln fT %tA' HUf-' ',28?$! af. difiOT#ii3w?iSj$ -<*?S iSMalH?'* L ?" - - '? ' ~- ^ ?" ?? ~. T""?1 - ~~"n ? - ? ' ? - '" " ' ? ?; ?*?' "?". -'i?Mwr ? ? ?? ? MOHMGKDi' -TA..' 80, 1870 -^Li " -?-??? - ?- ??- ?- ?? - - w' * ,tv; m^s.; 5 fefr'ttiWjtflt "?' '4 ?iun& ??"

c I N?17 BANCS ^WFAKflKS. ' ational life insurance ^ COMPANY, tr. 8. A. , offer great Inducement! $ pewon* deairoun of infurlnit their Uvea. The Company has a c**h paidnp rupftAi or fx, ooo, ooo, with a large aurpln*. IIatg n.urd sluce Aivrnrt. !*?. <n*r U, ooo policies. H offers low rates of prvmlum. It furnishes uwer Insurance than other companies for the, t?nc rn.-noy. . It is a HOME COMPANY In every locality. ITS POUOTW8 AP.E NEGOTIABLE. ITS POLICIES ARK EXEMPT FROM ATTACHMENT. IT? POLICIES ARK NON-FORFEITING, therefore INSURE YOUR LIFE wlthoot delay In ??THE COMPANY ."i . ( . , Dr. O. A. Crenshaw, Medical Esamlnor. S. HARRIS, General Agent, jy ?i_ Sm post-office box ?> i \)|QliTNA LIF E INSURANCE COMPANY OF MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. ASSETS 3826,118.03. JEFFERSON DAtlS. PRESIDENT. W. J. wrCES. First Vice-President, j. T. PETTI Lu Second Vice-President. W. F. ROY LE. Secretary. J. II. EDMONDSON, General Agent. A DEFINITE CASH SURRENDER VALUE IS M ARAXTECD OX KM. POLICIES LAT'SKI> BY XONi .WMKNTOK PREMIUM, which amount Will, at I the option of the policy-holder, l>e paid him in 1 c jsh on the surrender of his policy, or loaned to him at six i>er cent. liiter^t lo pay Ids future premiums, thereby continuing his policy in force for the full amount. With sufficient capital for entire security, no life insurance company offers superior advantages to the CAROLINA. All Its profits are divided among its policyholders in dividends, on the contribution plan. No restrictions on travel or residence in the Cnlted States, Canada, or Europe. All policies non-forfeitable after second year. All losses paid promptly Jn cash. JOHN S. PRESTON. GENERAL STATE AGENT VIRGINIA, 1116 MAIN STREET, RICHMOND. FIRST-CLASS AGENTS wlil be appointed In every county In the State. LIBERAL TERMS, mid all applications, personally or by letter, promptly answered. 1y 10? 8m Mutual assurance society of VIRGINIA. CHARTERED 1794. CFFICE CORNER OK TENTH AND BANK STREETS, RICHMOND, VA. Tills old and well-known Virginia Institution injures Buildings by perpetual or annual policy. It ha# more than TBN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS* Insured ou property pledged to make good losses. More than TWO AND A QUARTER MIL LIONS OF DOLLARShave been paid In losses to the people of Virginia. Upwards of TWO HUNDRED A ND FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS (a large part of it for losses durlugthe war) have beenpaloslnce the war closed. The former four-fifths system of insurance baa !? < n abolished, and other Important changes made h-r the beuellt of the assured. Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid. HERBERT A. CLAIRORNE, Principal Agent. J. B. DANFORTH, Secretary. H. I>. Danforth, Assistant Secretary. samvelH. Pclliajh, Collector. my 7 Fire, marine, and inland in SUFANCK. SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. CAPITAL... *1,000,000 SURPLUS 1,017,869 81 CASH ASSETS (January 1, 1870) 2,017,808 81 II RANCH OFFICE, NO. 1014 MAIN STREET. - I We Issue POLICIES In the above flrst-class company on every description of REAL AND FKRSONAL PROPERTY for protection against lots or damage by FIRE. MARINE and INLAND ? RISKS taken to any point in the United States. I'"11oles on brick buildings issued for from one to five years. Rates as low as those of any other company tonally reliable. Applications solicited. fe 21 D. N. WALKER & CO.. Agents. rrifE MUTUAL -LIFE INSURANCE I COMPANY OF NEW YORK-ORG ANl/.Kl) IN 184U-THE LARGEST INSURA NCR COMPANY IN THE WORLD-CASH ASSETS o\ K't S-10,000, 000. -This Is an all-cach and j ?urtlu mutual company? no dividends to stockl, ??titers, which time anil experience has proven to t>e the only safeguard In life Insurance. Dividends payable at the end of the. first year tipon all policies, increasing annually through life, and exceeding those of any company in trie iC'irht, which can be used to decrease the preml- I uint or to purchase additional insurance, at the j ?.pllon of the policy-holder, regardless of the ' hm It h of the insured. Premiums payablo annually, semi-annually, or quarterly. JOHN II. CLAIBORNE, Agent. Or. ?f. R. McCaw, Medical Examiner. my 4

Q.UARDIAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF n?w YOKBU ORGANIZED J.N 1*W. ALL POLICIES N ON-FOKFKITABUt? bALST LOAN QIVEK. LAST CASH DIVIDEND, FIFTY PER CENT STATEMENT : rollc'.es in force fao.wi.ew A I'jt'te S,oe#,#W A nuual income , Losses paid ?os,ct* W. H. PECK HAM. President ; W. T. HOOKKlt, Vlcc-rresldeut; L. MCA OA M, Secretary and Actuary ; G. A. FUD1CKER, Superintendent. SECURITY, CHEAPNESS, LIBERA t.lTV, PROGRES3, and SUCCESS, mark and distinguish the management of this company. ISAAC HUTZLEK A CO., Ueneral Agents for Vlreinla and North Carolina. WILLI AH LOVENSTE1N. Agent for Richmond, Office, No. 802 Main street. Dr, J. 6. CABXLX* Medical Examiner, no N. WALKER & CO., ? FIRE. MARINE, AND INLAND INSURANCE AGENTS. OFFICE, No. if 14 MAIN STREET, under Messrs. R. H. Maury A Co* Buildings, merchandise, furniture, and person* property 01 all kinds, in the city and country, insured against loss or fdamage by Are at the lowest r?t? In companies of the hlgheBt standing. Tobacco In warehouses and marine and Inland risks taken at the lowest ratee. Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid. __ . my i JBOOKS AJTP STATIONERY. r^IIE STATE B./LNK OF VIRGINIA. CHECK HOOKS ON THE NEW STATE BANK OF VIRGINIA, Mso CHECK BOOKS on the other hanks of the oily, .1: NEGOTIABLE and PROMISSORY NOTES, ' BONDS, DRAFTS, BILLS OF EXCHANGE, , . BILLS OF LADING, AC., for sale bv WOODHOUSE A PARILAM, 37 ? Booksellers and Stationers. friIE BEST PLACE TO HAYE BLANK i BOOKS wade to order teat KEININGHAM'S j BOOK BLNDEKY, corner of Broad and Ninth i flrppts. WILING and BINDING of any description &t| 6bort notice. . ' " Jell

FISAITUBE, AC. EAR WOOD & BITTER, opposite the post-offlce, Main street, Have now on hand and are constantly manufacturing the mo tit complete and varied assortment of CHAMBER FURNITURE, FA.KLOR FURNITURE, DINING-ROOM FURNITURE, and MATTRESSES. And we would inyltf all tn want of good, substantial articles in our line to examine oar stock. ; No establishment In the State can offer greater Inducements. We have Roods to suit all parties. Elegant sets of superior workmanship and fine fl? lulu and plain goods of every description ; and we will tell you a secret : we are still reducing our Trices, Call opposite the post-efflce, up stairs. my SO gPRLNG STOCK OF FURNITURE. a T A c Y 8 ire receiving an IMMENSE STOCK, bought at GOLD RATES, and are determined not to be j uudersold by any house in the country. Examine before you buy. mh IS ' AKD UIO MAIN STREET. T?OURTH OF JULY. 1870. I PIC-N1CH A?l? OTHER JOLLIFICATIONS. Our assortment of PROVISIONS is complete, comprising la part Sugar-Cured Hatnc and fehoulderi, Corned BoeAJBeef Tongues, Hog Tongues, Soused Feet, sftoked Beef. Pickles, < ?>ee*e. &c. Orders lelt wUk L. FOVi'&iiS, at i Uo Main street, after market hours, will beattended to. Wanted, to employ a Cooper who will '* willing to work or aseist me ; constant employment. x R. JAMES, Jy 8 tjyss it and is Jflrst Market. . ..

^tHa $ QooiMk ? mwwm" ^ ^ *?#??*-? ^ , j r ? ^THB WAR EXCITEMENT IN EUROPE ha* CAOi?d , ..' ,.'i;:'!'; AN ADVANCE IN PRICES OP 1 vx SOME GOODS, BtTT CUB " , " ? ?? ' i'.K SEMI-ANNUAL CLOSING 8 ALE has creatcd a GREAT DECLINE IN PRICKS f '< /? ? ? OP DRY GOODS. FROM NOW TILL SEPTEMBER FIRST we shall continue to sell at f GREATLY REDUCED PRICES T. ' J to close oot SUMMER 8T0CK, * and offer customers UNUSUAL BARGAINS, , . as we are determined not to be undersold. We ; 4 ? J V V? . ^ r) v . . ; - ? . still have a good assortment of DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, SHEETINGS, LINENS, TOWELS, TABLE CLOTHS. NAPKINS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, RIBBONS, ; NOTIONS, CASSIMERES, ? SHIRT FRONTS, GAUZE SHIUTS, LACE SHAWLS, and everything generally kept In the dry goods line. A call Is solicited. Particular attention paid to orders. WILLIAM THALHIMER & SONS, j corner BLxth and Broad streets, BROAD-STREET DRY GOODS EMPORIUM, jy ?

D UCKWALL & ROUSS, No. 1013 MAIN STREET. Just rceelved by the steamer Isaac Bell a handsome shipment or BARGAINS bought at half the usual prices, and will he sold accordingly. Good PRINTS at ojc. (fast colors) ; Pretty LAWNS at 8c. ; BLACK ALPACA at 40c.? cheap at Wc. Our whole stock marked down to correspond with present New York market. Selling our stock or Shoes at cost ; Domestics at factory prices ; Trunks at factory prlceB ; 4-4 Matting at 25c. worth 40c. ; many Press Goods at leas tlian the cost of importation. Jy 26 Q.REAT .REDUCTION IN" PRICES AT JULIUS SYCLES'S, 903 Main street, second door below Ninth. He now offers his entire stock of SUMMER DRESS GOODS regardless of cost, as he Is determined to reduce his tremendous stock ; so call parly andnrocure some of those haudsome FIGURED GRENADINES from 20 to 30c. worth 35 aud 50c. ; STRIPED and PLAIN LENOSat 20c. woith 30c.; PLAIN and PLAID MOZAMLBIQ UES at 20c. worth 30c ; FRENCH ORGANDIES at 30c. worth 40c.; PRINTED PERCALES at 16jc.: . MOURNING GOODS ? a specialty ; IRON GRENADINES? alfgTades aud prices : BAREGES, TAMI8E CLOTHS, BLACK kLPACAS? from 25 to 60.; Very good CRAPE COLLARS and CUFF8, CRAPE VEILS and MOURNING HANDKE KCHI F.FS ? In variety: LAWNS at icjc. worth 20c.; Great bargains In BLACK SILKS ; IRISH LlNEN abd LINEN SHEETINGS; nUCKABACK TOWELS at 12jc. worth 20c.; PILLOW-CASE L1NKN; LANCASTER and MARSEILLES QUILTS-all sizes and priced ; WHITE and COLORED [PIQUES from 30c. up ; A full line of WHITE GOODS, TABLE DAM ASK, NAPKINS, and DOYLIES ; LINEN and COTTON DIAPER; FUKJN1TUKK DAMASK. 1 ha>$ also a full line of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, such aa LISLE and GAUZE SHIRTS ; LINEN SHIRTS ? very cheap ; COLLARS. HANDKERCHIEFS, HALF-HOSE, TIES and GLOVES, GoodLINEN DRILLING at 25c. and upwards; ?ASH, NECK, and TRIMMING RIBBONS in variety ; SILK, LISLE, BUCK, and KID GLOVES-all all sizes ; LACE COLLARS, RUFFLES, EMBROIDERIES?, HOSIERY and NOTIONS of all kinds. Many other articles too numerous to mention. Call early and be convinced. Tiie following gentlemen arewlth me, and would be pleased to see their friends : < LEWIS W. BURWELL, JOHN J. TURNER, J. WEINBERG. GEORGE SWABACIIER, WILLIAM B. POWERS, R. S. SMITlIERS, C. J. MCRAE. JULIUS 8YCLE, Jy 18 _B03 Main street.

?JARDOZO, FOURQUREAN & CO., 1000 MAIN STREET c ? I . (opposite post-ofllce), have just received large additions to their stock of DRESS GOODS, bought at the very lowest prices at which the 6arae value of goods have ever been sold. ELEGANT NECK AND SASH RIBBONS, in all widths and colors, i ? '' ?* IN GREAT VARIETY. Persons preparing to visit the Springs will find everything In the Dry Goods line they mfiy desire, from the cheapest travelling-dress >\ ? to the most costly outfit. Jy 2 CARDOZO, FOURQUREAN & CO. -

E I/L I N G OFF , kj i gElrLII r i AT COST i TO MAKE A CHANGE IN BUSINESS. ?r ' POPULAB BBOAD-STKEET DKY GOODS STOBE. IN ) ANTICIPATION OF MAKING : f m i XT ' CHANGE IN BUSINESS ... o .. ' &?:$?!!?*> *"??' /? WE SHALlL f ?: -,l* i t.r -J *> r ? : , u 4*U till ? VW : '? i OFFER OUB ENTIBE STOCK OF I ?:1U;S.'A i?e ?H V'"-"-.- , DRY GOODS Li ? .;J *?" ' " ; ,'iiA ??-. -? ??' "'1'.'. J AT COST, FOR CASH. . ? r " " i 51* BlRflH A GUGGENinsniEK, ^0; W. BROAX> STBEBT, ? ; ; ?' - : W v 3> " ? '< ?-?/*, T* ' ' ' " * '' ' J ?' v . -y -? ^ V 4'^. '

8ATUBDAY. . ..... .JULY 80, 1870. ________ >_ ;v THE CIRCULATION OP THE DlbPATCH rs, LARGE K THAN THE COMBINED CIBCtLATION OP ALL THE OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPERS OP THE 'CITY. LIST OF LE1TBU. REMAINING IN TR3C RICHMOND POSTOPFICE JTJLY 30. 1870. ^ , Persons calling for letters tn this list will please say Advertised. _ . _ " LADIES' LIST, ' ADey, 81 Allen. L .11. ' Antrim,- 8. 8. Ao demon, P. B?as, M. G. Biird, L. Baley. E . M. Bail, M. Bentley, A. P. 12) Beaumont, M. (5) Beverley. J. Boyle, M. Brae*. C. E. Branch, M. Bfooks, Ellen Bfooks. M. Back, Mrs. (4) .Christian, L. Clarke, B. Clalbourn, J. Cogswell, A. CartiB, 8. A. D^udrldge. L. Davis, J. w. Davlnport, P. Dieges, M. Edwards C. Evans, E. Evaus, Saily ExaM, P. E. ' Foreman, M. Franklin, Mrs. W. Frailler, Mrs. Freelani C. P. Ganratl, N. Gaekins, N. J. (2) Gary, C. W. - Gray, Julia Hallowell. J. C. Hamlin, R. Harrison, M. o. Hancock, M. Hamlet, M. B. Heath, J. Hill. 8. Hlnton, F. E. Hohson, L. Ho bson, M. Homes, L. Hackels, B. Hunter, J. Huffman. E. C. Hut*, E. M. Hunt. Ellen Ingalk, M. E. Jackson, J. A. (2) Jefferson, J?. Jobnson, M. B. Johnson, E. Johnson, A. Jone6, J. Kenneally.E. S. R. Klmbroush, R. King, A. V. Lauehton.E. B. Lindsay, A. B. Livingston. L. 9L.onfr,E. M. Mayo, L. Meade, J. E. Miller, J. Murdee, 8. ? Myers, H.'_ m Newman, E. W. Newson, M. Wlcolson, M. Nicholas, N, C. Norman, M. E. Old, F. Page. B. Parker, M. C. Pegram.M. Perkins, C. Phillips, O. B. Pizany, J. Pollard, M. F. Portue, O. Powers, J. Pucketi, M. F. Puryear, Sal lie Ranson, S. F. Rex. Kate Rlchells, L. Robinson, A. A Roach, W. Robinson, F. Rollln, Anna Roberson, A. Rucker, J. H. Saunty, M. Selden. M. A. Seeling, 8. C. blierwood, M. Slaughter, H. P. 8m 1th, M. L. 8mlth, O. (2) Smith, 8. O. Smith, N. P. B. Spencer, B. 8tringer, B. Stevenson, R. M. Stlth, N. Taylor, Ellen Taylor, W. 8. Tolerson. M. Trent, K. J. Tucker, S. E. Walker. J. Ware, t?. Watson, A. Whiting, Jano Williams, M. Wilson, E. (2) Wilson, N. ? Wilts. P. : Winn, M. L. Wilson, M. Winston E. Williams, W. Willis, B. Worrad, M. Yeager, M. S.

GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Anderson, G. Johnson, H. Angelo, Sig. Aahby, James Atkinson, Charles Atkins, Jot) Baughan, P. H. Bannast, P. Barker, George Barksdale it Co. Bartolomew, O. N. Baughan, F. H. Banter, K. X. Battle, Thomas E. Barker, G. Bagby, G. P. BaUey, J. E. Bell & Kced Bird, G. W. Blackburn, J. Bolting, W indliam Boggs, J. M. Branch, W. A. Brlants, J. 8. Brown, M. M. P. Brunton, R. A. Brown A. Burt, William P. Campbell, K. (col'd) Christian, It. Christian, J. H. Coles, R. Colmon, A. (col'd) Cook, Eider C?y, j. Coulen, B. Cook, P. Corker, H. T. Cosby. B. S. Cook, P. Cox, p. Crenshaw, J. H. Curlln. James Dandridge. Ben. (2) Davis, a. M. 1 Dawson, W. L. Davis, Prank Davis, Drake & Co. Datory, K. Dance, J. W. (col'd) Davis, Roper & Co. Derhart, J. C. Dickson, Joseph Dlacont. C. Dunn, N. H. Duke, T. H. Easly, T. S. Epps, Prank Evans, J. D. Parley, James C. Fields, Robert Forst'U H. Foisted, J. A. Poster, A. Gale, W., & Co. Garber, William Gliman, W. S. Gill more. J. Goddln, H. Gourd, R. Green, Mai ion Green, S. P. Griftin, Moore & Co. Guide, B. Harvey, M. Ifallock, D. B. Hardaway, W. (col'd) Harper, 11. P. Harden. H. M. Heath, R. Henry, Peter Henley, M. B. iiif&W."Ilolzback, R. Hockey, II. Hodgers, H. A. Holloman, E. B, Hones, Rev. Peter Ilopson, Rev. W. H. Hutblson. J. A. Hunt & Gee Ingalls, George K. (i) Jackson, T. B. James, John G. Jackson, 8. Jenkins, A. D. Jefferson, E. Johnson, B. Johnson & Co. Johnson, M. B. Johns, R. T.. John, Jones &, Co. Jones, Brown & Co. Jones, Pleasant Korr, W. C. Keyser, Joseph Knollenberg, George II. Langhorne, George W. Laird. MV . I.ce, R. E. Loyons . L? M. Lynn, F. Lynch, J. Mac by, G. MafleU, P. Madison, B. T. Muupln, R. W. (3) Mitchell & Benson Minn, G? G. Morris, G. Morton, A. P. Morgan, Rufus Montague, Air. McCance, 3. D. McCormack, M. McMurdo, J. R. Nelson, William Norton. J. H. O' Conn ell, J. B. Pace, R. * Painter, L. M. Parker, Joseph rarr, "William J. PcatrosB, R. O. Pembleton, Ned Perkins. O. H. Pence, b. Phillips, J. B.Pollard, R, J. Powers, P. H. Powell, H. Post, J. guickley, G. cnault, J. B. Richardson, J. Rldgway, R. Royatl, A. ^ Ro hereon, Alex., & Co. Rose, Joseph Robinson, C. Saunders, C. W. Saw, H. SchottcnfuIs,L. irclienc, B. Seabury, P. Shepherd, S. H. Shelton.s. M. Smiihson, J. H. M. Fmith, A. Smith, W. Smith, Jolm Snyoer, John Howell, B. D. Steers, Thomas (2) Stafford, C. H. Stout, J. Stration, H., 4 Co. Sutton, William L. Taylor, Charles Thompson, J. Thomas, W. A. Thompson, E. > Tiller, N. Tillman, L. D. Trice James Truman, W. D. Turner, T. Tyler, James Yadeu, C. B. Tenable, A. R. Viucent, G. C. ? Walker, J. Walsh, J. W. Wagner, C. Warden, M. J. Watson & Bowen 1 Weed, J. D. (2) Weedtn, Alex. Weaver, G. (2) Wehie, A. Wenholz, P. White, N. K. Williams, C. Wingfleld & Co. Williams, George Winn, J. D, Wlllesay, J. H. Woodson, O. 8. Young, G. W. INITIALS." W. H. 0. (3); Heal Estate Agents ; Nelle. , V YS86SLS* ." Hamilton Smiley, schooner T. C. Worell ; John Munsey, schooner Lucy Jones. . PACKAGE. . 5 : -:il ! % v. jr. C. NleholSJJ. J J . E. L. VAN LEW, Postmaster. ...

List of letters remaining in THE MANCHESTER POST-OFFICE JULY 30, 1870. Persons calling for letters in this List will pleas*) say "Advertised.** , ? . . _ ! LADIES' LIST. Berry, Mrs. S. A. Gary, Mrs. Jane E. Beckner, Bebccca Howard, Mrs. Kmma Brown, Catharine (co- Krennar, Mies Boae B. lored) McPball, Mrs. C. E. Clapton, Miss Kate Morris, Eliza E. Cheatham. Mrs. Anakie Morrlsett, Zipporah J. (colored; Blch, Miss Jennie B. Cherry, MJsa Nettle S. Smltn, MlssAUel Field, Miss M. (cord), GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Anderson, J. B. Leonard, Joseph Anderson 0. (colored), Miles, John F. Archer, Granlson Moody, Henry Brooks, Jain ee Minor, Captain (2) Burke, Thomas Mayour, Robert Bourne. Edwin Mosely, Jim (colored) Craig, Jas. D., agent, RoClo, Colonel F. G. Evans, William 8hipp, Kverett Franklin, B. (colored) Smith, Dr. H. Boy Gray, Peter Tolby, George Graham 4 Co., Edward Wertendyke, J. B. Ilolt, Alonzo J. H. CUNNINGHAM, P. M. I?1NE TABLE OR SALAD OIL; bu- . blime Olive Oil, and Mollet's Olive OIL Received and for sale by L. WAGNER, Jy 30? 2t? Draggis*. lVrACHINE OILS ; SPERM OIL ; Solar AyJL Oil ; Tanners1 oil ; Lard Oil ; Lubricating OH. Also. Baker's AA Castor OU ; East India Castor oil; Union Salad OU; Linseed Oil, &cn for sale at lowest market rales, by . sn L. WAGNER, Druggist. ; jy Sixth and Broad wee to. ? Spices and flavoring exTRACTS generally, -wholesale and retail, by jy 30- 2t? L. WAGM&R, Druyglst. T TONQUA BEANSj I WISH TO INFORM ALL WHOLESALE VIRGINIA that I have opened the ROPE FACTORY known as Simons'! ?factory, jBitttrted on' Tweto ty-elgfim BireetTxsween NandO. T will be Able-to furnish all qualities1 and sizes of ROPE* TWINE, PACKING^ HAi^ OORD, BED-CORD, PLOW aad TOW-klNES, CHALk and MASON LINES. , mi2t-?AW?m E.J.BROWN.. I A f i vV ?&-??? .n*. '4- '

' i Aucnoy sius thm pay. JAME8 M. TAYLOR will sell it H P.M. a neat brick teaemaot in Ford1* row, la Sidney. COQK & LATJGHT02? wlllsell at ? A/M., *t the horse Jot, horses, mnlda, etc, L : J AME9 V. TAYLOR will sell at ?P. M. sereral a building lots In the plan of Belvldere. TH0MA8 W. KEESEE will sen at the bone lot , horses, moles, and baggies. 0 COOK 4t LAUGHTON will sell at the hone lot harness and saddle horses, moles, boggles, spring-wagons, etc. - LOCAL MATTERS, Wbatheb Recobp.? Range of the thermometer at the Dispatch counting-room, Friday, July 29, 1870 : . ..-8 A. M. I 12 M. I 8 P. M. {. 8 P. I?. ' .88 J 90 | 91 J ?- .,1.4 ? Persons leaving the city for the summer can have the Dispatch mailed to their ad. dress "by ordering the same at this officeTerms, sixty cents per month. Religious Services To-Mobbo"W.? We note the following special appointments: St. Paul's Episcopal Church . ? Administration of the Holy Communion, at 11 A. M. Orace-Strect Baptist*? Rev. J. B. Taylor, D.D., at 11 A.M., ' Second Baptist.? PTcaching by pastor at 11 A.M. Night service discontined until September 1st. JSl. Marh'o J?njl*oU ZuLha an. ? ricitclilxig. by the pastor at 11 A. M. No night service. St. John's German (Fifth street).? Services at half-past 10 A. 31. by Rev. Charles Scholz, with the right of confirmation and the Lord's Supper. - Nicholson-Street, ( Methodist ). ? Rev. Robert A. Armistead at U A. M. and 8 P. M. Oregon Hill (Methodist). ? Rev. J. E. Gates at 11 A.M. Sidney {Methodist).? To be supplied at 11 A. M. Sycamore (Disciples1), Church.? Rev. John A. Dearborn will preach at 11 A. M. and 8* P. M. . Violation op the Ordinance Concerning Gauging.? About a week ago Mr. J. R. Sedgwick was brought before the Police Court on the charge of violating a city ordinance by selling five barrels of liquor without submitting them to the City Gauger. He was fined $25 for this offence, or at the rate of $5 per barrel. Yesterday Mr. Sedgwick was again before the Police Justice, charged with^ selling twenty barrels without complying with the law. This being the second offence, Justice White imposed a fine of $200 upon him? thereby increasing the penalty to $10 per barrel. Liquor Dealers' Licenses. Dealers who have not yet obtained permission of the Hustings Court to sell liquor had better do so at once, as this is the last day of the session, and the court will not meet again until September. Those who fail to attend to the matter to-day will not be allowed to sell liquor until after the court meets again. Selling Goods by Sajltle.? John Harkness, representing the firm of Gautz & Co., of New York, was yesterday fined the minimum $50 for selling goods by sample without license, in violation of the city ordinance.

Before United States Commissioner Chahoon.? James M. Beadle and James T. Coldwell, having been examined on the charge of illicitly distilling from fruit, were sent on for indictment. "William H. "Wilkenug and Frank G. S wayne, of Alexandria, charged with at-' tempting to defraud the United States Government, waived an examination, and were also sent on for indictment. Hustings Court ? Judge A. B. Guigon presiding. ? J he following cases were before this tribunal yesterday ? James iienneoy (white), misdemeanor, recognized to appear on the first day of next term, and witnesses in the case advised of the fact. John Morris, stealing one bag of coal valued at one dollar, found guilty. Sentenced to ten days in jail and labor. 1 MoBes Monroe, charged with swearing falsely in the last election. Acquitted. Susan Carter, misdemeanor. Discharged. In the cases of "William N. Oakley alias Charles Harris, charged with misdemeanor, and Catharine Cootes, charged with misdemeanor, the juries failed to agree. Joshua Tyler, indicted for felony, was convicted of petty larceny, and sentenced to paj a fine of $10 and to be confined in the city jail for sixty days. Shepherd Cox was convicted of misdemeanor, and this being his second offence he was sentenced to one year's confinement in the penitentiary. The Knoxville Convention.? A called meeting of the directors and members of the Richmond Chamber of Commerce will be held on Tuesday evening next at 0 o'clock, In their rooms over the First National Bank, to make arrangements for representation at the Convention to be held at Knoxville,- Tennessee, on the IGth of next month. Movements op Mr. Davis.? Ex-President Davis, whose presence in Bichmond was chronicled in our issue of yesterday, left last evening for .the Greenbrier "White Sulphur Springs. Yesterday morning, in company with General Preston and General "Wise, he visited the bookstore of Mr. George L. Bidgood to see Valentine's bust of General Robert E. Lee. Mr. Davis seemed highly pleased with the work of our gifted friend, and expressed the hope that it would be perpetuated in marble. Rev. Dr. Curry.? This distinguished clergyman is announced to preach in Raleigh, N. C., to-morrow morning before the Young Men's Missionary Society of the Baptist Church. _ On Monday night he will lecture in the same city, by request, on collegiate education. [ Dr. Curry has also received and accepted an invitation, signed by the Mayor and twenty prominent citizens of Greensboro', to deliver an address in that place on " The Education Needed at the South," This address will be delivered on Tuesday next. He will then return to Richmond, and his next trip will be to Southwestern Virginia, wnere he will speak in behalf of Richmond College. , Personal.? Governor Walker will leave for the "White Sulphur this morning. . Odds and Ends.? The Knights of Pythias are steadily growing in numbers here. The fish in York river are said to be suffering greatly from the heat. It is proposed to restore the name of Camp Jackson or Jacksonville to Camp Grant. Ex-Governor "Wells is at Saratoga iuflimproved health. Query for the Sons of Temperance? ought a brother to be expelled who takes to kissengen? John Oliver is the Assistant United States marshal appointed for the special duty of collecting the social statistics of Richmond for the census of 1870. The weather was hot enough yesterday to quidate old debts. Tho extension of the Richmond and York River railroad from West Point to the Rappahannock river will soon be commenced. The street-sprinklers make so many waterhauls that we fear they don't pay welL , Hot "Weather Out West.? A private letter from a citizen of Nebraska to a friend fn this city, of date of July 20th, says: "Yesterday at 12 o'clock the mercury in the thermometer stood at 111 ; at 5 o'clock it wag 109." During last winter it touched bottom out there at 20? below zero. ' " ' geEWKNTODBOT OP PCSLIC SCHOOIJS.? present, Superintendent Binford ?0UI?d*at ^Mayor's office, City ^between the hours of O and 10 Good Appointment,? Ths Water Com$g?dVmmT. Etafi gB&gglE

Huntings Court yesterday JudST 3 ui iron announced bis purpose & electton to fiB the vacancies declared bv his decision In the recent contested election case. The announcement was accompanied by the following statement of the views of the Court : /" By the provision of the general electton law, as it Was originally passed, the duty was imposed upon the judees ofthe county and corporation courts of issuing writs of electioirin cases of vacancy, and the judges were required to appoint the time at which such election should be held. The law also provided:' The officers appointed to fill vacancies shall continue to discharge the duties of their respective offices untu their successors can be elected and qualified. ''If the law so stood at this tune I should at once have ordered an election to fill the vattmdes I declared* Bat the Legislature, just before adjournment, amended this law,' requiring appointees to vacancies to discharge the duties of their offices until their successors shall be elected at the next election after their appointment, and also requiring the judges in cases of vacancy to issue writs of election to'tfll them, so that the same may be filled at the next election after such vacancy may occur. " There are two regular or general eleo tions provided for by the general election i law ? one in May and one in November of each year. It is plain that the Legislature intended by this amendment that in cases of Tocoucy tlic clectiori for such vacancies should take place at the first of these regular elections after such vacancy. The reason is obvious. , "The number of offices to be filled by election in each county and city is large ? numbering some fifty or sixty. Vacancies will necessarily be of frequent occurrence, and if in each case of vacancy there is to be a new registration and a special election, there will be no end to the expense, inconvenience. and annoyance of such a system. Under tois amendment of the law, which seems to me a wise one, I shall order writs of election to fill these vacancies on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November next, and will proceed to nil the vacancies." We have obtained the subjoined attested copy of the act amendatory of the general election law, to which Judge Guigon refers in the above opinion. It has not been hitherto published : "An Act to amend and reenact section fiftyeight of the act entitled an act to provide for a general election. Approved May 11, 1870. ' " " Be it enacted by the General Assembly . That section fifty-eight of the act entitled an act to provide for a general election, approved May eleventh, eighteen hundred and eeventy, be amended and resnacted so as to read as follows : '* Section 58. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in any county, corporation, or township office, the same shall be filled by the judge of the county or corporation court of the county or corporation in which such vacancy shall occur : Provided, however , That when a vacancy shall occur in the office of the circuit court clerk, when the clerk of the county court is not cierk of the circuit court, such vacancy shall be filled by the judjze of the court in which the vacancy occurs : And provided, further, That when a vacancy occurs in the office of Hustings Court clerk, attorney for the commonwealth of a city or town, such vacancy shall be filled by the judge of the Hustings Court of the city or town in which such vacancy occurs : And provided, further , That when a vacancy occurs in the office of the clerk of chancery court of the cit? of Richmond such vacancies shall be filled by the judge thereof. And all officers so appointed to fill vacancies shall continue to discharge the duties of their respective offices until their successors shall be elected at the next election after their appointment, and shall have the county or corporation courts ol the couuties or corporations in which such vac'iUicies occur ; so that tho same may be filled at the next election after any such vacancy may occur. " This act shall be in force from its passage. u Approved July 11, 1870. J. Bell Bigger, " Clerk of Houso of Delegates and Keeper of tho Rolls of Virginia."

Hobse Bonnets.? "We are glad to see that some of our more considerate teamsters are using a very humane contrivance in the shape of a bonnet to keep off the effects of the sun from their horses. It is an admirable invention, and with the addition of a wet sponge may save the lives of many of these useful animals. Unmailable Letters Remaining in the Richmond Post-Office July 30. ? H. M. Smith, Esq., Richmond ; ilr. "Walter Bowls, Thompson's Cross Roads : Captain R. W. Adams, Fredericksburg, Va. Periodicals and Novels.? Elly son & Taylor, I11G Main streetj have on hand all the literary and pictorial weeklies and monthlies, Azptetorfs Summer Pictorial, and the latest novels. We are indebted to thdm for favors in their line. Manchester News.? Literary Society .? I There will be a joint meeting ot the Man- 1 Chester Philologians and the Literary Asso- 1 ciation on to-night at 8 o'clock. Interesting addresses may be expected, and business of great importance will be considered. Assault.? Joseph "White, for assaulting and robbing Willie Jordan, was sent on for further trial. Bail refused. A Failure.? The attempt to have a meeting of the white Republicans of Manchester on Thursday night was a grand fizzle. We have two Republican parties over here ? white and black ? the races having not as yet learned to mingle. The principles of the parties are, however, the same. I Communicated. Monroe Square. Tour correspondent "Clay Ward" seems to delight in creating wina-mills that he may attack them. His first communication presented a view of Monroe Square as a f conservatory,7' his second as a " floral [garden." Strange transformations, truly, but fortunately the creatures of imagination only. [ It is well that the subject should be understood, that whatever action the Council may see fit to take shall be properly criticised. This square having been improved, it is necessary that, like all other public grounds and braidings, it should have proper care to preserve and maintain it. The sole question is the best and most economical method of doing so. Two methods have been presented dv the action of the Council. A keeper or the grounds, who shall Erune the trees, cut the grass, trim the edges, keep the gravel walks in order, and have a constant supervision oyer the whole. To pay such a keeper, provide occasional additional labor, purchase fertilizers, plant new trees and shrubbery, would require an annual expenditure of at least eight hundred dollars. This is one method before the Council? the annual appropriation of one thousand dollars for the purpose. The other method? one which is common elsewhere? is to set apart a small plot of ground and build a green-house. Any florist will gladly contract with the city for the privilege of occupying such a greenhouse, to keep it open to the public as a place of resort, aud to maintain the whole square In a constantly perfect order. Such a green-house -would cost about $3,000, the annua! interest on which would be 9180. This plan would render the square doubly attractive, and insure skflfnl care of its trees , aj*d . shrabbery. It remains for the Council to decide between the two methods, and we have no doubt thev will do w^u^^xa^notwithstanding the fears of . , The great increase in taxable value of real estate in the neighborhood of Monroe Square having demonstrated the wisdom of such improvements, we trust the Council may do something on Madison and Marshall Squares, At leaat, let them plant trees

T-">" . 1 UK1*'-'1 this aotosm? they will be growlngwfaile the farther improvements are betoff considered* Oksci. ? ":'r >!f J The Man who Mmltkd isr HIS Bc<?s~-Eer-hapa the readers of the Kiclunond ZHtpatch may have noticed under the head of brieft upon the subject of warm weather an account of a man who melted In his boots, and the only thins left of kka was a pair of boot* full of grease, Ac. The circumstance connected with this Is peculiarly satJ< The mornlngofthagdayhe wentto the wood and coal depot of J. H. WOODCOCK, 811 Basin bank, and inquired iho price of coal, $nd w m given flgure8 : C1??* HU1 Lumpk ^VS ; Clover HW Han, $5 ; Clover Hill Hard; for cocking purposes, $4. He left the office and was fceaird to exclalm, "Oh, that I had money to lay In my whiterfiuppiy i " Here his trouble? did nat?nL ^VTicn. be reached ? r oWUCk ho was seen watch- 1 i - r ?_..uv Ice* 8ml cautiously he went to the 1 man In charge of It and aaked the price. He was told three cents a pound. He then contrasted the difference between the prico'of Ice and coal, and, I In language of sorrow, he naia : 44 In. one short hour, upon this spot I will expire, and leave no mSrk except a big grease spot." For further particulars inquire of J. H. WOODCOCK, 811 Basin bank. Judge Guioon's Decision- What the People Thinkof rr ? The decision of Judge Guigon yesterday took the people by surprise. The latter part of the opinion, however, In which all his appointees to office are directed to repair to E. B. Bpknce Jt Co.'S, No. 1300 Main street, and procur* an oulflt, met with ?en<?ral approbation. Touching Scene? A* Empress at a Bailway station.? The most touching Incident of the Emperor Napoleon's departure from Paris was the handing to him through the car window by the Empress of a card of E. B. Spence & Co.,clothiers, No. 1300 Main street. The New Candidate foe Mayor will net, u is stated, be able to take his seat unless dressed as prescribed In the city charter in a complete outfit from E. B. Spencb & Co., clothiers, No. lJOO. Main street. ? ? Five Dollars per cord for Oak wood, delivered. , ,'j W. 8. PlLCHEH, Eighth street between Main and Cary.^

Ladies desire what men admire, and this little thin* is Iteauty. Wlut do we say Is beautiful ? A transparent complexion and a luxuriant head of hair. What will produce these ? HAG AH' 8 Magnolia Balm win make any lady of thirty appear but twenty, and Lyon'8 Kathaihok will keep every hair in its place anl make it grow like the April grass. It prevent* the hair from turning griy, eradicates dandruff, and 1<3 the finest hair dressing in the world, and at only half ordinary cost. If you want to get rid of eallowneBS^ pimples, ring-marks, moth-patches, etc., don't forget the Magnolia Balm, ladies. , : - "> ? 1 ?? ? ii Straw Goods, Straw Goods?Great Bahgains FOR TniBTT Dats.? My entire stock marked down, and many articles will be sold for half their value to make room for my fallstock. . A. A. Allen, 1316 Main street*, ? Frank Leslie's, Godey's, and Demorest's fashion books for August, for sale at FllTSON & Taylor's news depot, 11M Main street. ??Remember" In your promenade of an evening the neat ice-cream saloon at " JACKSOM's," comer Main andThird streets. He also makes and delivers to families, pic-nics, fairs, &c., Ac., pure ice-cream in auy quantity and of any flavor desired. Old Papers, in packages of one hundred or more, for sale at the Dispatch counting-room. M. Elltson & Co. will Insert advertisements in the principal newspapers In Virginia, North Care* Una, Tennessee, and the nor.hern cities, at publishers' rates, for cash. Apply at thlfl office*

SABINE ISTELLIGESCR Vets:::.::::. 8 ? Sun set3 7.01 1 High tide... 2.03 POET OP BICHMOND, JULY 26, 1870. ?RBI VXD. Steamer Eliza Hancox, Burns, Norfolk, merchandise and passengers, L. B. Tatum. Steamer State of Maryland, Travers. Baltimore, merchandise and passengers, W. 1*. Brett. Schooner Uriah and Tabltha, Gibson, Albany, j lumber. C. E. Whltlock. Schooner Butterfly, Ml tc Hell, Havre de Grace, coal. S. H. Hawes. Schooner Sunnyside, Parsons, New York, coal, S. If. Hawe^. Schooner North Carolina, Morgan, Havre de Grace, coal, S. P. Latbrop. ? | !.= ??;* BAILED. . 'flfl Steamer -Niagara, Blackwood, New York, merchandise and passengers, Old Dominion Steamship Company. ?? , steamer John. Sylvester, Glfford, Norfolk, merchandise and passengers, L. B. Tatum. ?!?' MIHOKANDA. West Point, July Arrived, steamer Admiral, Key bold, Baltimore, merchandise, and passenger^ York River Railroad Company, and sailed on return. ; ?/ Acqfia Creek, Jaly 2#.? Arrived, steamer Georgeana, Freeman, Baltimore, merchandise and passengers, Kiehmojid. Fredericksburg, and Potomac raliroad, and sailed on return. BY TELEGRAPH. New York, July 2D.-. Steamer Vigo, hence for Savannah, his been towed back with a broken shaft. Arrived, steamer Australia. jBOSEOTCH*. "VTOEFOLK AND GREAT WESTERN" I\ RAILROAD. NOTICE FOB MEETINGS OF THE PEOPLE AND PIC-NICB. Colonel THOMAS S. FLOUBNOY, President of the Company, General jJ. D. IUBuOKN, and others, will address the people upon the subject of. subscriptions to the capital stock Of the NOBFOjUK AND GREAT WE8TEBN RAILROAD at the times and places mentioned below. Tim | people are earnestly requested to turn out in full force. The ladies are especially Invited to attend. The friends of the road are requested to get up picnics. It will bo a leisnrc time with the farmers, and the meetings will he made an occasion not only for advancing the interests of the great enterIirize, but of the most pleasant recreation and enoyment both to the young and old. Let alt come out. - j . . ? r' : . The meetings and plc-nlcs will commence and proceed as follows : At WINDSOB, Isle of Wight, WEDNESDAY { August 10th.'". ttlr.v: . 'vr fitttZ&Sn At BLACK CHEEK CHUBCH, Southampton county. FBIDAY, August 12th. > At BARt* TAVERw. Southampton county, SA.TURDAY, Augusts Uth. ; I At PETE'S CHUBCH, Southampton county, MONDAY, August 15th. At VViiVi* ifaaj a xkAiwai o >? fo* 'county, 8 aT ?MA 0?^ AL^f* Mecklenburg county, MA? t* ZI01& HURC H, Mecklenburg county, ^^^BOYDTC^.^MedtkSburg county, FBIDAY, I Aiuru&t 26tb. . - At KPILE8TJS CHUBCH, Mocklenbura county, , "AT^DSTKliFl^I), 71 Halifax county, MONDAtY' L AfrREL^GBO v ? CHUBCH. WINES- 1 DAY, August 31st. jy W?ttlA LOfP AND fOCSD. spot in the forehead, and white tall, and sharp, long horns. A liberal reward will be given on her delivery. -ROBERT A. MAYO. *jj 2?? 2t j STRAYED from my lot, Main be-j tween First and Second streets, alawi red and white COW, with large horns cot otf at ends, and ears marked. I will give a suitable reward for her, or lnforaiatlon leading to her recovery. ' ? -? Jy 28-2t? ? > SAMUEL D. HICKS. LOST, a medium-sized LIGHT rggS BED COW. Had a hole In left car,??EL and bole, slit, and cttp In right ear; also, three' wrinkles on horns; between live and six years old. A liberal reward will be paid for any reliable information concerning her. She left my house on Sunday, July Mttllm J Oils BA2F00T. jyM-st Pine street, Oregon , CTBAYBD OR BTOLBar, ?3 my residence, W Broad w ' ? ' '^'1^ ?>. 4/!C last Sunday DOG. p jy ti ?Jtftgfr Mr ^ iOYAlL. \ jgB HHHI 181116^ - X*!D- '| fhall be afcarjr office dill y from ? o'eloca A. *? s^oiSifi^k for u? j^watBigaeg une. . -.it ? i ?i ** SuJ'JSiSfc ell '%i ' '

AzvmnBmai odJm^arvAsiAJSLT: & azyxmca Bare, one infleriloE.<~..*?. 4 ruu>e, two InserttOM........ suns. thx?e itivertioaa.??. ,?.. *+******?<* mere, tlx ln*CTtlojg..v.???? un, two month*..,. m i h? hi im i jjg a*re, tfcree &X? JOHN'S Bound trip, tQrtT&dj. ; :?. ?.,./) ftd'i Sa | A BAND OF MUSIC I Refreshments faraial Tickets to be b<Ml*i( struct opposite t&ejfr at H. Bod?ker * B*o? or ?tt? depot, -r Train leaver corner c stT^o^ciocfe ponetoiH A 803^ . < ? a ? 'fi5v . v ? nJ| tings <>^*02* ?

pissoiOTidjra '* '*1 c^rtaeBWp _L7 heretofore existing1 uAdfer the ettle and. firm, , of BRANCBLB CU BRANT WM<a?0?WdTafyS?1 P J>A h't Jerto II s 1 1 x v In ar claims a pai nst the J af & flrra ' will present them, .for fettlemtn t, and all per#ona v indebted Will pleaae make immediate P?yg?nWa, , Either party is authorized to sign in liquidation.^' ? ' i ."r V>:> . v.?,! .? /? nesa formerly conducted under the style ana Ann of BRAN CH A CURRAKT, I shall continue the same at the old stand. " I return thanks to oar Mends and the public ft* octaUyfor tbelr llKenl the old firm, and respectfu the a ? me for the new one. jy-29? lw ' , . . e. ctrBB XT OTICE.? The undersigned haw; ll DAT formed a co-oartnewhlp, under name and style of Rn^*?TJ.T<W poso.of carrying on a GKNERAljCOMiliy^It>W?-, r, GKAWART AND PEED BCBINEBS, at Nb. 1N?, Basin banlc. . }?-; H m>fi? * J ?" [Signed] B. A. HIL1 LUCUMOIO), July 21th, l?70.f w'. M."?TATOK. ? . Jy?7-*lw jlSSOLUTION OPCO-PABT NEKstyle dl? " * [Signed] ROBERT^. WILLIAMS, J LLOYD J. BEAliL. RlCHHOKD, VA., JuIy^ltfO. . . .; \TOTICE.? The undersigned will contfarie il the WHOLESALE GROCERY AND COM- - MISSION BUSINESS at the old stand aa heretofore, in the name and style of BOBajfrT F. W1L- ? LIAMS Sc. CO., on his own account. . , The same strict attention to buslaoM and to all eonalgsments -will be given aa heretofore. Mr. John m. Royal I, will continue with the JBOBERTF. PSOPOSAL9, CEALED PEOPO&ALS WILL BE O CE1VED until the 8th daj-of Angustfo erection of the Academy of Maalt oif\ J street, of the city of Petersburg. Bidrjffl received for the whole or anr part of the c* brunches of the work. Bond and.Meuntj faithful performance or the contract! quired. The s committee resenreatbe nn off*' til H' rejecting any bids they may see proper. PlWM and specifications can w) aeen atlheomeeor 0; H. Cuthbert. The architect will be bk the <Jlty oa ff" *"h cb W. Spra*Sf?S^S)i * ?< ?f:?. K. : , ? Jy 90-4! ; Building OottMlttW. <j Ovri?B OF ClTT EHOIHB1K, i VaiCBOUUl/lUfCiVUVmi'SViauu^ B ATii-TUSS, Ac., lor the city Alme-bo^e.^ ? I Specifications and the nccestsary local tttiWn*-! wmm&szz. Committee for Belief, of the Pwf|V VjlJThe committee reserves the ri^ dC rekfcuW; ftBT or all MODOs&hr* ' w >.'>**& U? w JyBUtf - 3 cwt? ivw ? TO COKTHACTOfiS^-Tlio CB088-TIE8. Ac. t of the second ihe. Chatham Wwwm Hayirood, v wiU^be refunded to penaa^yWStag^^m^ tld* : ... 1 , 1 , ; jr v,i r ir AfiHIN K- 8BP0P. ' -'i ttiky-n T^ACHINK^^BPOF. ir rff? ?'?;jst6AT;* ? CWR^m.' , B ICJI* o gp. nrauft PAIRING 8TEAK-EXG1 city and country; TOBAC< k OL mmB ;S^9l MAKE for STKAMr?HG?M|^H icockH, Oil aud ^1 WW METIiOPOLITAN WOBK3, COR27EE SZY3NTH AR1> <5AB A3C SW^BSfc' } wissr^S wt