Daily Dispatch, Volume 39, Number 27, 1 August 1870 — Page 1

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N^TpfJfcI ^OWARPDT AELLTOQtT^" B * V 'XTAWAnLTMTADvIm^ Cash?. Th? i>AILV Hie- < ^ *45&hle to Uk ntb Hi ririm r.fc.. I T' ^1r.I"n? ? ? for carrier wcetijr. Mail*. n ?<?: i ^^rtTr?rr,od?li months ; 7*c. per into*. *rCH?t? per *qTbe bBISI-WKBKLY DIh. ,, num. or ft t. w for ?lx months. * rw *nnvm. . Thf W KICK LY DISPATCH*!* - IKM IUX( K "aal y IIUJINIA STATE ' INSURANCE COMPANY". OFFICE NO. 100* NORTH 8II)K MA IS between Tenth and Eleventh fit reef a, RICHMOND, VA. < ATITAL 8300,000. HulMlncw. inor^handlT r?n<1 fHmUuro. In the rltr or country, Insured acnlnst loss or ilamapre hy arc on tbo most term*. JOHN L. R ACON. President : WILLIAM If. CHRISTIAN. SvoreUry. au % ? Jm

N ATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, U. 8. A., offer great Inducements to persons desirous oflnFtirlnfr their tlvwi. The Company ha* a cash paidup capital of $i, (v>o,wo, with a larpe surplus. Have tssned since Align*!, ISiW, over 11,000 j>o!lctes. II otTcrs low rate? of premium. It furnishes larger Insurance than other companies for the simp money. It 1? a HUME COM t'A NY lu every i ITS POLICIES A RE NEGOTIABLE. ITS POLICIES ARE EXEMPT FROM ATTACHMENT. ITS POLICIES ARE NON-FORFEITING, therefore JN'sCRK YOUR LIFE without delay lo "THE COMPANY." Dr. U. A.Ciunsiuw, Medical Examiner. S. HARRIS, General A pent, !v r 1-3 in post-office Imx 33? /1AKOLIXA LIFE INSURANCE V ' c O Ml'AJfY OF MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. ASSETS &*26, 119.03. JEFFERSON DAVIS, PRESIDENT. W. J. U'lf'KS First Vlcp-Pre-ldtnt. J. r. I'F 1 HLL, Second Vice-President. W. F. RO^ LK, Secretary. .1. 11. EDMONDjsoN, General Agent. A ri*. ,V,TK rAii,T sfKRKvnKn vau k is . tHAN'T) "V A'-'-rOMOKS UP?U> BY .VONt\iMKVTO> '?? which amount will, at ' >pt l<?n of tin. l,''llcy-holder. he paid him In M-h on the surrena*, of !jJs policy, or loaned to Mm nt -I* per cent, Uiw*r?Nt P*v Ids future premiums tlir rehv conllntnu'ff W? policy in force for tiie full Mlil"Ulit. . I With sufficient capital for entire security, no life Insurance company offers superior advantages t ?? tl.? -CAROLINA. , ? ? A 11 Its pr<?ilt> are dlvh.?vl nmorg Its policy- ! ? Mcrr. in div Mend*. on th?- ^oiilrR'titl mi plnn. ?v. restrictions on travel v'i residence In the I nlt?d States, Canada, or Enro .*>'*? Ml policies non-forfeltahU- alii'1" sccond year. All losses paid promptly In ca?h. John s. ritESTo:*. GEN EltAL STATE AfiFAT VIRGINIA, MAIN STREET, RICHMOND. fiR'-t-class agents m !li he atipvlnu.il In ? verv county in il;e State. Li BER AL 'fFRMS, nv>l all applications, personally or l?y letter, promptly answered. ly lfl? 3m UKV.IAMIV fl. NASH, I HKM1Y K. KLI.YSOX President. I Vice-President. ( \FFK E OLD DOMINION \J I NSI'R ANCE COMPANY OF RICHMOND VA. So. 1116 Main street. TM? company Is now prepared to Issue all kinds <f Fl ii F. poi.H'IKS on the most favorable terms, mid (?. make the Uitial accommodations' foe ito customers. .1. B. M >ORE, Seer ^tary. I?I RKCTOltS : BENJAMIN II. NAsH, President of the Couipany : A. S. RUFoRI), President Danville Railroad Company ; .loJlN ASH KR, lat<- W. S. Donnan A Co.; Ti!? 'MAS l'< ?TT*. of A . V. Stokes A Co.; It. W. POWERS, merchant ; F. ii. ADDISON. of Allison A Addison : \\. I'll KRELL of/. VV. Plckrell & Co.J T MUM AS A. Hit4 S'htR. merchant; W. <i. PAINE, of Pain'* <t Co.; Kit A N Kl.l N ST K A i: NS, retired merchant ; J. .1 W AGGONER, ol Waggoner & Harvey; fl. GUY, attorne\ at !a*> ; W'li.M AM It. IS.\ \' S.'oi' \V K. Isaacs & Co.; <'. H. s.SJ VKER, -d 11)11. Iteii'J) Sklnker; ,i< ?}i N A? M.oAN. <?!' i . . Wortham .1 Co.; ANDREW' L.ELI I .TT. inerehaiit : JAMES W*. .ARCHER, of J. R. Anderson & 'I ifo.M AS HRAN C'L of Thoma? Rraneh A Co.; MAXWELL T. CLJ RKF, of Snf. .t Clarke; ii. K. ELLVSON. of Cowardln x EJIyson. 24 ? 2taw3m TTT I ixTu'S' AND ORPHANS' BENEFIT V f LIFE I N S I "R A V < * E COMPANY ? >F NEW YORK. F.LACKFORD * CLARK. GENERAL MANAGERS For SOUTHERN in PART ME \T, If A L T I MO R K, M D. IliD company, while Issuing nil approved and m!> -ivies of policies. Invites spee/al attention t-> i: - '' - v-tein of G ID ?CPI NG or T< >N'f ' N E DI VI10 D POLICIES, render! lip life in sun nee aval 1nf'Ie an investiiH'tif nneituallcd by Any other tompany. For agencies, apjdy to S. It. MOORi' General A^ent for thVs .uthslOe, v Richmond, v a. JO 2<? Itawly Mutual assurance society of VIRGINIA. CHARTERED 179-1. OKl-rCKCOKNEIUif TEXT!! AND BANK ST KKKTS, RICHMOND, VA. Tliii. old and well-known Virginia Itislltutlon insures Itiill'lhiK"" hv perpetual or annual pollcv. It has more than TEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS insured on property pledged to make (rood lofnea. Mor>- than TWO AVI) A QUARTER MIL LIONS OF DOLLARS have bceti pale* lu losses to the people of Vlrt'lnR:. I pwardsof TW O HUNDRED \NI> FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS (a large part of It lot i"' . ics during the war; have heeu palusluivthewar closed. The former four-H::hs system of Insurance hnn t-eea aholbhed, audotner important chanyen jnade lor the ;>ciiei!t of the assured. Losses t'ljultahlv adjusted and prompt) v paid. HERBERT A. CLAIRoRNE, Principal Agent. J. B. DANFORTH, Secretary. II. D. DANFOltTH, Assl'tant Secretary. Sami ulH. PuLLiAJd, Collector. my 7

1?1KK, A1AKINE, AND INLAND IN Jj SUKANCE. SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY, OK NEW YORK. capital ?i.ooo.?oe SHkl'LC.S l,oi SI ? ASH ASSETS (January 1. 1570) 2,1?17,S08 8) It Ha SOU OFFICE, NO. 1014 MAIN PTKKET. We l-.sut POLICIES in the above ?rst-cla8? company ou every defer Iptlon of REAL AND PKIls, >\aL PROPERTY for protection apalnst l"Ps i?r ilamage by FliCE. MARINE andJNLAN l: KlvKs taken to any point In the United States. P<>l1??!r'i on brick buildings Issued for from ouo to Ave years. Kates low na those of any other company equally reliable. Applications solicited. 1 D. N. AYALKKR & CO.. Agents. THE .MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE I COMPANY OF NEW YORK? ORGANISM 1\ 1H.J2 ? Tl! K LARGEST INSURANCE ? "Ml'AVV IN THE WORLD-CASH ASSETS <>VKK $-10.000.000. ?This Is an all-cash and purely mutual company? no dividend* to stock* ?'?irr*. which time ami experience has proven to ?'?? the ouly b.tfcKuard lu life Insurance. 1'lvl limlfl payable at the end of the fimt year cpou ill policies, Increasing annually through life, and exceeding Home of any company in the i r rl-U which can Ixj used "to decrease the premiums or to purchase additional Insurance, ?t the * ? j?tl< xi of the policy-holder, regardltwe of the h* tilth ?f the insured. Premiums payable annually, scuil-auitua]ly, or quarterly. John H. CLAIBORNE, Agent. I'r. .1. B. McCaw, Medical Examiner. niyJ G UAKD1AN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or NEW YOKH. ORGANIZED IN 1SW. ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEITABLB, HALF LOAN GIVEN. LAST CASH DIVIDEND. FIFTY PER CENT. STATEMENT : Policies lu force f8o,??e,WI Asv-UJ 2,00?.?? Aunual Income..., l,00o,cw Losses paid M!,MI W. H. PECK HAM. President ; W. T. HOOKER, Vice- President; L. McADAM. Secretary and Actuary ; O A. FUDICKKK, Superintendent. HBCUKITY, CHKAI'NHJSH. LIBERALITY. PROGRESS, ami SUCCESS, mark and dlatlngulsh the management of thle company. I$A AC HlJT7,LER & CO., lieneral Agent* Tor Virginia and North Carolina. WILLIAM LOVKNSTF.IN. A Kent for Richmond, Office. No. W2 Main street. Dr. J. G. CABJCix. Medical Examiner. no D NT. WALKER & (X>., ? FIRE. MARINE, AND I NT. AND INSURANCE AGENTS, OFFICE, NO. 1014 MAIN STREET, under Messrs, R. H. Maury A Co, Buildings. merchandise, furniture, and persona property of all kinds, In the city and country, ln? tured against lose or (damage by fire at the lowest rates In companies of the highest standing:. Tobacco in warehouses and marine and Inland rlaks taken at the lowest rates. Lo?ite equitably adjusted and promptly paid. my 1 Fine table or palap oil ; su? Wl?e pily% OU, aad MoW? Olivo on. ?*. Ufa


DRY GOCDS. from now till seftember first wt shall continue to sell at GREATLY REDUCED TRICES to close ont SUMMER STOCK, and offer customers UNUSUAL BARGAINS, as we are determined not to be undersold. We still have a good assortment of DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, SHEETINGS, LINENS, TOWELS, TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, HOSIEIIY, GLOVES, RIBBONS, NOTIONS, CASSIMERES. SHIRT FRONTS, GAUZE SHIRTS, LACE SHAWLS, and everything generally kept In the dry goods line. A call Is solicited. Particular ntlcntlon paid to orders. WILLIAM THALHIMER & SONS, corner Sixth and Broad streets, BRO AD-STREET DRY GOODS EMPORIUM. Jy_2? Duckwall & ROUSS, NO. 1013 MAIN STREET. Just received l>yihe steamer Isnnc Bell a handRome shipment of BAROA l NS bought at half the usual prices, and will be sold accordingly. Good PRINTS at 6Jc. (fast colors) ; Pr. tty LA~VNSut 8c. ; BLACK ALPACA at 40c.? cheap at 50c. Our whole stock marked down to correspond with present New York market. Selllug our stock of Shoes at cost; Domestics at factory prices ; Trunks at factory prices ; 4-4 Matting at 25c. worth 40c. ; many Dress Goods at lesB than the cost of importation. jv 26 QREAT REDUCTION IS PRICES AT JULIUS SYCLKS'S, 603 Main street, second door below Ninth. He now offers his entire stock of SUMMER DRESS GOODS regardless of cost, as he is determined to reduce his tremendous stock ; so call earlv and procure some of those handsome F1GDRKO GRENAU1N KS from 20 to 30c. worth ss and 50c.; STRIPED and PLAIN* LENOSat 20c. worth 30c.; PLAIN* and PLAID MUZ AMR IQ (JES at 20c. worth 30c. ; FRENCH ORGANDIES at 30c. wurth40c.; PRINTED PP RCALES at ICjc.: MOURNING GOODS ? a specialty ; IRON GRENADINES? all grades and prices; BAREGES, TAM1SE CLO'lHS, BLACK ALPACAS? from 25 to 50.: Very good CRAPE COLLARS and CUFFS, CRAPE VEILS and MOURNING HANDKERCHIEFS? In variety; LAWNS at ICjc. worth 20c.; Oreat bargains Iji BLACK SILKS ; IRISH LINEN and LINEN SHEETINGS; HUCKABACK TOWELS at 12Jc. worth 20c.; PILL' jW-CA.SE d-INBN ; LANCASTER and MARSEILLES QUILTS? all sizes and prices; * WHITE and COLORED PIQUES from 30c. up; A full line of WHITE GOODS, TABLE DaM a SK, N AP K CNS, and DOY LIES ; LINEN aud COTTON DIAPER; FURNITURE DAMASK.

I have also a full line of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, such as LISLE and GAUZE SHIRTS ; LINEN HURTS? very cheap; COLLARS. HANDKERCHIEFS, II ALE-HOSE. T1 ES ami GLOVES, Go.?d LINEN DRILLING at 25c. and upwards ; SASH, NECK, andT&IMAlINGRlBBONS in variety ; SILK, "LISLE, RUCK, and KID GLOVES-all all sizes ; LACK COLLARS, RUFFLES, EMBROIDERIES, HOSIERY and NOTIONS of all kinds. Many oilier article? too numerous to mention. Call early and be convinced. The following gentlemen are with me, and would he pleased to sec- their friends : LEWIS W. BURWELL, JOHN J. TURNER, J. WEINBERG. GK(;K<i K 8WAIIACHEB. AVIbLlAM B. l'OWERS, R. S. SMITH ERS, C. J. McRAE. JULIUS SYCLE, jy is t>03 Main streetQARDOZO, FOURQUREAN & CO., 1000 MAIN STREET (opposite poet-offlce), have just received large additions to their stock of DRESS GOODS, bought at the very lowest prices at which the same value of goods have ever been sold. ELEGANT NECK AND SASH RIBBONS, In all widths and colors, IN GREAT VARIETY. fcrsons preparing to visit the Springs will find everything In the Dry Goods line they may desire, from the cheapest travelllng-drcaa to the most costly outfit. Jy 3 CARDOZO, FOURQUREAN & CO.


JiklnwrmT | MONDAY.. AUGUJT 1, 1S70. THE CIRCULATION OF THE DISPATCH IS LARGKR T1IA.V THE COMBINED CIRCULATION OF ALL THE OTHER DAILY i NEWKPAPJQliS OF THE CITY. How Kirk Rcftucdl fo Allow Write of Habeas Corpus to bo Served upon Him. From the Danville Timc3. On Tuesday last Colonel (George "Williamson, a citizen of Caswell, in company with Mr. E. M. Paco, of Danville, lelt Danville, having nineteen write of habeas corpus from the Supreme Court of North Carolina to serve on ColoneJ Kirk. Having remained that night al Vlolonel Williamson's, they made t iieir appearance at Yanceyville the next morning about 8 o'clock. Tliey asked permi ssion to see Colonel Kirk. The adjutant c^me out. inquiring their business and o*mes. Colonel Williamson replied, he 'jtesired to see Colonel Kirk to deliver so? jne documents. The adjutant having seen Colonel Kirk, informed them that he could not be seen in less than half an hour. They tfeon went over to Norfleet's store, remained a short time, and went hack. The adjutant told them if they had documents for the Cotancl, to seal them, and he would deliver them himself. Colonel Williamson replied, the documents were of such a nature as to require him to see Colorrcl Kirk personally. The adjutant theli went to Kirk's room, and remain**)# an hour Colonel Williamson -and Mr. Pace left. In the mean time they visited the camp of the U??ted States soldiers. When they returned 'On the street Colonel Williamson went to the court-house gate, when the Major came out. Colonel Williamson asked hto?>. how long it would be before he could get a hearing before Colonel Kirk. The Major went in, and on his return demanded to know their business. Colonel Williamson replied that he had writs of habeas corpus to serve on him. The Major, v.ftcr seeing Kirk, returned with the reply from him that he wished to have no comrounication or conversation vyitti midnigb'c assassins. Colonel Williamson rep'.ied that they were not midnight as'<a?sins, that he was a peaceable, law-abi'jLtig citizen of the county. . The Major turned his back, and they went across to Norfleet's store. During that time the drums beat and the soldiers eomnie* jced getting under arms. Messrs. "W illi? iwson and Pace moved to a large tree fr onting the court-house. Colonel Kirk .nadc his appearance at the window, standing by one of the prisoners. As soon as he saw him, Colonel Williamson started across the street with writs in his hand. Kirk drew back. Colonel Williamson then re- j turned to the tree, whereupon a company of soldiers marched out of t he gate towards them, came half-way, halted, about faced, and returned. Kirk* then appeared on the lower porch. Immediately six men and a noncommissioned oflicer armed, under charge of the Major, advanced on Colonel Williamson and Mr. Pace. Getting within five paces, they halted and remarked, 4< This caucusing must 1 be broken up. If you have homes so to them ; if you do riot 1 am ordered by Colonel Kirk to fire into you." Mr. Pace replied, " If caucusing is' what vou want to break up we will separate. Colonel! Williams on remarked that he was there upon a peaceful mission, armed as he was ! w' it'.y uuthority from the Chief Justice of th<> State, and that he did not intend to leave. The Major replied, u My orders are positive and you must leave." Seeing there was no possible chance to serve the writs without being shot, Colonel j Williamson and Mr. Pace left : and they deserve great credit for the faithful manner in which they discharged their whole duty.

The Rights of the Rebels- Consequences or Joining the Confederate Army. In the case of William H. Harper and Benjamin F. Bradley against David J. Ely and other's a very interesting decision was rendered by Judge Williams. The Court said that a person possessing the equity right of redemption cannot set up as an excuse for not having redeemed within the stipulated period, the fact that he resided in a southern State, and that communication with the north was cut off by a state of war ; if it appeared also that he went south voluntarily, and of his own tree will entered the southern service, and gave aid and comfort to the enemy. This decision will be regarded with considerable interest, for there is a large amount of property in this city, the title to which is contested on similar grounds. The property involved in the present suit is situated on Clark street between Harrison and Polk streets, having a frontage of 123 feet on each of the three streets. It extends in depth to Griswold street, and is now valued at from $100, 000 to $150,000. -Chicago Tribune, July 27. Toe Not tub Author or the Raven.? Mr. J. Shaver, of Burlington. N. J., writes as follows to a gentleman of New Orleans : " This place is just now atttracting a great deal of attention from antiquarians and litterateurs generally on account of a discovery lately made by me. I happened to notice in LitteVs Living Age, of January 8th last, page lOo, the following paragraph ; " 'It has just come to light that in an old barn in one of the villages of New Jersey is a valuable collection of books and manuscripts, formerly forming a part of the library of Mahlon Dickerson, an American statesman. They are all in possession of the rats, and of a man who will not let them be touched because of some family quarrel about property.' " Having often heard that such documents existed iu Burlington, and were in the hands of Mr. John T. Tompkins, I requested and obtaiued permission to examine them, and among them found and copied a portion of a letter from Edgar A. Poe to AI.r. Daniels, of Philadelphia, dated Richmond, September 20, 1840, in which an admission is made that will, to a certain extent, upset that person's claim to the authorship of the i Raven.' I could not make out all of the writing on account of its age and neglected condition, but what I could decipher was in these words : *(< Shortly before the death of our good friend, Samuel Fenwick, he sent to me from New York for publication a most beautiful and thrilling poem, which he called the ' Raven,' wishing me, before printing it, to 4 seo if it had merit,' and to make any alterations that might appear necessary. So perfect was it in ail its parts that the slightest improvement seemed to me impossible. But you know a person very often depreciates his own talents, and he even went so Cur as to suggest that iu this instance, or in any future pieces he might contribute, I should revise and print them in mv own name to insure their circulation. This proposal 1 rejected, of course, and one way or other delayed printing the * Raven ' until, as you know, it came out in the Review, and . It was published when I was, unfortunately, intoxicated ; and, not knowing what 1 did, I signed my name to it, and thus it went to the printer and was published. " < The sensation it produced made me dishonest enough to conceal the name of the real author, who had died, as you know, some time before it came out, and by that means I now enjoy all the credit and applause myself. 1 simply make this statement to you for the . I ehali probably go to ISew York to-morrow, but will be back by October 12, I think.' "

This kind of stealing is worse than Butler's mode of getting spoons. Poe was a southern man, and so a Yankee must rob him of his laurels. JBut the vile attempt will fail, Poe's peculiarities are so marked that his poems can easily be identified. No one else could have written The Haven. Perhaps Mr. J. Shaver would favor us with some poems of Samuel Fen wick's which in- . dicates his ability to have composed The Raven* One of Holders detectives decoved Mr. 1 1 Gunn out of Danville into Jtforth jJaroiinu, to ordpr ?o him. ? ' : J

? AUCTION SALES THIS DAY. J. D. WHITEHEAD <fc CO. will sell at 10$ A. M. groceries, wines, liquors, etc. THOMAS W. KEESIE will sell at his saleroom at 10 A, M. a lot of pianos, tables, sideboards, wardrobes, chairs, sewing-machines, Iron safea, etc. THOMAS W. KFESEE will sell nt IS M. a medical library. GKUBB8 & WILLIAMS will sell at 5 P. M. a framed cottage residence on Moore street near Sprang Park. JAMES M. TAYLOR will sell at 12 M. a building lot on tbs west Bide of Fifteenth between Main and Cary street}. W. GODDLN will sell at 4 P. M. a tobacco factory at the northeast corner of Franklin and Nineteenth streets. JAMES M. W ATKINS, executor, will rent at |. auction for the year 1871, at<P. M., in Mati- ! Chester, two valuable James river farms.

LOCAL MATTERS* Persons leaving the city for the rammer can have the Dispatch mailed to their ad. dress by ordering the same at this officeTerms, sixty cents per month. | Weather Recoup.? Range of the thermometer at the Dispatch counting-room, Saturday, July 30, 18? 0 : 8 A. M. 1 12 M.1 8 P. M. I 0 P. M. 80 J 84 J SO I 85 An Olp Murder Coming to Light? On Saturday afternoon the police authorities of Richmond received a letter from a person in Georgia giving a full account of a mvs?ferious murder committed in this city during the war, with the names of the parties implicated, and proofs which, having been placed in the hands of the detectives, will probably lead to important arrests. Hustings Court ? Judqe A. B. Ouigon. ? Pleasant Carter alias James Washington (colored), charged with stealing some whiskey on the 23d of the present month from George I. Herring & Co., was found not guilty. Soiitence of three years in the penitentiary was passed on John Gerhiser, found guilty of the murder of Franklin B. Hovey. "William Anderson was found guilty, and put in jail for ten days, and ordered to pay the costs, for having stolen two mahogany chairs worth S10. Bill Bonaparte being called to answer for having, on the IGtli of May, falsely registered as voter, was recognized in ?300 for his appearance at the next term. George W. Richardson, tried for having, on the ?>th of July, stole one box of cigars from Mrs. E. A. Davis, was sent to jail for ten days, and condemned to pay the costs. Henry Richardson was tried lor stealing eight pounds of bacon, valued at ?3, from James Scott, and sent to jail for sixty days with labor in the chain-gang. Watscy Hughes alias Susan Botts, was tried for stealing ?o.50 from Griffin Peyton on the 24tii of July, and was found by the jury not guilty. . Henry Bell and Thomas Lacey were arraigned for stealing a basket of clothes worth $15 from some person unknown. Hell pleaded guilty and was sunt to jail for six months. Lacey was held for trial. The court adjourned until September.

Police Court, Saturday ? J. J. White, ] Policc Justice, presiding. ? The case against I Hiram W. Tyler for violating the ordinance prohibiting the burial of dead bodies at any place other than a burving-ground owned by the city, was dismissed. Mary Jane Pureell, an old offender, was up anuin for the 999th time for b?-ing drunk and disorderly in the street, and fined $1 for being drunk and required to give security in the sum of $50 for her good behavior. "William Ifenry Thomas (negro) was called to answer a charge of feloniously entering the house of Louis Staude in the night time, with an eye to plunder. Case continued until Tuesday morning. Hannah B. Dixon (colored), for unlawfully and maliciously prosecuting Julia Mitchell (colored), w:is acquitted of that j charge, but required to give security In $50 to keep the peace. Catharine Cumber and Tishy Brown (colored), for abusing and threatening Mollie Smith. Katy was discharged and Tishy fined. Mary Robinson (colored), charged with assaulting and beating the child of Adeline Blair (colored), was fined $2. Sally Johnson (colored, about as big as a three-^cent piece,) tor stealing $1.50 from Joseph JLevenberg, was discharged with an admonition. Sally Stewart (colored), charged with stealing a blanket from a dark-skinned sister, was discharged. Elia "Williams, for being disorderly and; using profane language on the street, was fined $2. Daniel "Williams (colored), charged with committing a nuisance on a vacant lot at the corner of Twenty-first and Cary* streets, was fined $1 . Billy Hayes and General Hayes, charged with creating a riot on Ninth street and assaulting a policeman. Billy was fined ?1 for throwing stones in the street contrary to the provisions of a city ordinance, and the General was sent on to answer an indictment for assault and battery. The Freyfogle Perjury Case.? In the Hustings Court on Saturday General Wise moved lor a new trial in the case of Jacob Freyfogle, convicted at the present term of this court of illegal registration. Freyfogle, it will be remembered, has served one term in the penitentiary for maliciously cutting and stabbing a small boy. He served some part of his tune and was discharged by the military Governor, General Terry. He was told that he had the right, inasmuch as lie was a pardoned man, to register. This was at the gubernatorial election. Believing his light established, he registered again at the late election, but he did not vote. He .was brought into court under challenge from that notorious vagabond Ben Scott. Geueral Wise, therefore, asked not only a new trial, but that a nolle prosequi be entered in liis case. It was granted. Republican Meeting in Hanover. ? About twenty-five Republicans gathered at Hanover Courthouse on Saturday to appoint delegates to the convention to " be held in this city. Lewis Lindsay, Joe Cox, Davenport, and Graves, were on hand, the former denouncing, as usual, all opponents of Porter. Before the appointment of delegates a resolution (twenty members voting) was adopted, requiring the delegates to the convention to vote for Porter under any and all circumstances. The meeting then elected two colored men, and Graves and Dr. Noble, delegates.

Robbery.? On Friday night, during the rain, some enterprising individual, by means of a bidder, entered the garret of Mr. James E. Bridges, corner of Third and Cary streets, and carried off a lot of bacon. The thief, who, from the nature of tbe exploit, is supposed to be a "Kiting Son of Ilam,'' was frightened off, leaving the ladder behind him. Any one who has lost a ladder may probably hnd it at Mr. Bridges. Fancy Ball at the Red Sweet.? There will be a grand fancy ball at the lied Sweet Springs on Thursday uight next. This is a delightful place, and can be easily approached. Passengers can leave here by the Chesapeake and Ohio train on Wednesday, in the morning or evening, and reach the springs in time for the baLL It will be a charming affair, and we trust many of our people will go up. Ball at the Healing.? A graud ball will be given at the Healing Springs, Bath county, on Wednesday next the &f instant. It will be one of the linest affairs of the kind i this season. Unbailable Letters Remaining in the Richmond Post-Ofpice August I.? Messrs. Powers & Welghtman, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Mr. Abram Rowell, Fredericksburg, Ya, Merchants and Planters Stembo at Compaijy.? -The gentlemep who went down the rivor the other (toy to boo what could be 4m tt? ymirn an4 tbo

of Norfolk in aid of the new line of steamers on the James, returned with high hopes of success in their enterprise. The impression prevails that investments in the stock of the Merchants and Planters Steamboat Company will be profitable, and those who could subscribed liberally. Virginia HorticitraIi and Pomolooical Socibty. ? The regular monthly meeting of this Society will be held at their rooms tomorrow afternoon at 5 ^ o'clock. The subject of holding an exhibition of melons and the fruits and vegetables of the season will be considered. These displays of the finer varieties of fruits and vegetables in their season should form a feature of the Society, as it will stimulate their production. Hobse-BonNets.? We spoke of these very useful articles on Saturday, and now learn that Mr. George S. Stokes, of this city, was the inventor of the bonnet. The article will prove of <rreat advantage to horses exposed to the heat of the sun on the streets or on the farm. Mr. Stokes will apply for a patent to the United States Government, and in a short time all our horses can enjoy a cool shade. Fancy bonnets for carriage, horses will add much to the appearance of a fine turn-out. . * -??.?- One of Cavby's Appointees at Home.? The Binghamton (N. Y.) Leader thus speaks of Mr. Freeman, who was by General Canby's appointment for a while judge of the circuit court of Henrico : "L. Tuck Freeman (we learn that ho prefers to be called "judge"), formerly of Deposit, more recently by some hocu3pocvs of congressional reconstruction appointed to a judgeship in "Old Viginnev," is back again. Guess it was a little too warm down there for such a carpet-bagger. Good for Virginia? bad for Deposit." A gentleman from Binghamton informs us that " Tuck" is highly indignant if anybody dares call Iiim anything else but " judge."

The Car Builders' Association.? We have received the first No. of a handsome new monthly called the National Car Builder , devoted to the interests of railway rolling stock. The No. before us contains the proceedings in full of the Master Car Builders' Association, which met in New York last month. At this meeting letters were read from W. G. Freeman and W. II. Chile3 in regard to the death of James R. Chiles, master car builder of the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad, and a tribute of respect to his memory was adopted. The next meeting of the* Association will be held in Richmond, Va.; and Messrs. Samuel Frost, of the Georgia railroad, and W. G. Freeman and AV. H. Chiles, of the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad, were appointed to make arrangements for the same. This meeting will be anticipated with much interest by the mechanics of Richmond. Valuahi-e Tobacco Factory, Ac., at Auction* ? The particular attention of tobacconists and oilers Is called to the sale of Mr. E. T, 1*11klnscn's valuable tobacco factory and fixtures, to take place this afternoon, tlie 1st of August, 1S70, at 4 o'clock P. M. This Is, without (foubt, one of the most complete establishments of the kind In this city. The sale will be conducted by Wellington Goddln, real estate agent and auctioneer, s.-e advertisement elsewhere, by W. \V. Crump, trustee. tjjdS. S?3 ACCIDENT INSURANCE is fast Incoming AS populirin this country as any branch of underwriting. and the small premium required to purchase tills Insurance is certainly a practical Investment. The Thavkllkk's Insurance Company, of Hartford. Conn., was the./?r#f, and is now the only, company in t tic United States writing these policies. They can be obtained by letter or application by addressing E. Courtney Jenkins, Stite agent, llio Main street, Klchmlnd, Va. Mit. George W. Paul, now with IJenry Metzger, requests us to state that he Is not the P<tul discharged from the police force for neglect of duty. . The celebrate! Pembroke i-blrismadeto order by E. B. Spexce A Son. Perfect fit guaranteed or no sale. Cull and leave your measures. Full stock of riAJy-iuade 6hlrts always on hmd. Call at 1300 Malu street for the largest stock of gentlemen's furnishing goods In the city. ?' HERE'S FUN AKTEMUS WAUD AND TIIR Shakers," put up In 44 Sandwiches, " at twentyfive ceuts each at kllyson A Taylor's popular news depot, 1110 Main street. War, War, War, War.? a fresh lot of Colton's maps of seat of war just received at Ellyhon & Taylor's cheap periodical depot, 1113 Main street. The Ma n who Melted in his Hoots? Peril ips the readers of the Richmond Diap'Uch may have noticed under lliu head of briefs upon the subject of warm weather an account of a man who intlte J In his boots, and the only thlnx left of him was a pair of boots full of grease, Ac. The circumstance connected with this is peculiarly sad. The morning of that day he went to the wood and coal depot of J. II. Woodcock, 811 Basin bank, and inquired the price of coal, and was given the following figures ; Clover Hill Lump, ?5.75; Clover 11111 Hall, ?5 ; Clover II111 Hard, for cooking purposes, ft. lie left the office and was heard to exclaim, "Oh, that I had money to lay In my winter supply!" Here bis troubles did not end; When he reached Main street he was seen watcliingalumpof ice, ami cautiously be went to the man in charge of It and asked the price. He was told three cents a pound. He then contrasted the difference between the price of Ice and coal, and. In language of sorrow, he said: 44 In one short hour, upon this spot I will expire, and leave no mark except a big grease spot." For further particulars Inquire of J. H. WOODCOCK, 811 Basin bank.

Five Dollars rsu cord for Oak Wood, delivered. W. S. PlLCHER, Elghlb street between Miln aud Cary. JJ Ladies desire what men admire, and this little thin# is beauty. What do we say Is beautiful ? A transparent complexion and a luxuriant head of hair. What will produce these ? Hagan's Magnolia Balm will make any lady of thirty appear but twenty, and Lyon's Kathaiuo-v will keep every hair in its place anl make it grow like the April grass. It prevents the hair from turning gray, eradicates dandruff, and Is the lincst hair dressing In the world, and at only half ordinary cost. If you want to get rid of sallowuess, pimples, ring-marks, moth-patches, etc., don't forget the Magnolia Balm, ladles. Stuaw Goods, Straw Goods? Gueat Babgains for Thirty Days.? My entire stock marked down, and many articles will be sold for half their value to make room for my fall stock. A. A. Allen, I3ic Main street. Frank Leslie's, Godey's, and Deraorest's fashion books for August, for sale at ELLYSON & Taylor's news depot, 1H8 Main street. "Remember" In your promenade of an evening the neat Ice-cream saloon at "Jackson's," corner Muin and Third streets. He also makes and delivers to families, plc-nlcs, fairs, &c., <ic., pure Ice-cream in any quanli'y and of any flavor desired. Old Paters, In packages of one hundred or more, for sale at the Disi)aXdi counting-room. AL ZLLYSOJi St. Co. will insert advertisements In the principal newspapers In Virginia, North CareUna, Tennessee, and the northern cities, at publishers1 rates, for cash. Apply at this office. _ lOST AXD FOOD. "VTOT ICE.? Application will be made to ?y the Second Auditor of Virginia for the renewal In the name of ELIZA C. THOMPSON of the following Virginia registered stock, which has been lost? viz., Certificate No. issued in her name for #?:o, under act of 22d of March, 1850? loans, Ac. *, Certificate No. 78, issued In her name for $100, underact of flth of April, ld3S>? City Point lullroad Company. jv 4? M3m* NOTICE.? Application will bo made to to the Second Auditor for the renewal of the following STATE BONDS, which have b*.en lost: No. 91,000, lJtrt January, ltW6, act l?h March, fcjSfl; No. 287i, $2,680, nth January, 1S85, act 1st March, 1M7 ; issued to J. a. D. Culleu, trustee, Ao. Jy n? Mam

HABIHE immiGESCS. MINIATURE^LLSLkNAC, AUGUST 1, 1870. Sou rises ....' 5.02 1 Moon sete. ?.?< tan seta. ............. 0.581 High tide . ,,. 7. go POET OF RICHMOND, JULT W, 1879, ABB IYXD. Steamer Saratoga, Coach, New York, merchandise and passengers, Jolra ?. Wyatt. steamer Joflu ayivester. Gifforo, Norfolk, merchandise and passengers, L. B. Tatum. SAILED. Steamer Saratoga, Couch, New York, mercliaijUlseand paKeengyrs, Jobn W. Wyatt. Steamer state of Maryland, Travers. Baltimore, passengers, W ..If. Brett. Jza Han cox, Burn?, Norfolk, mcrctaoffise and passengers/L. B. datura. ?? Rapp? c?le, JS'ew York via Chickahomlny, Curtis <t Parker. j Woolfordv Philadelphia -ei? * Parker. ^ jsrsussssp* ***?*?*> Dei. pf - MXMOEAKDA. nFvinin^v' Jttiy 80*S'^^rtTe<J? steamer State ?* Virginia, Freeman, Baltimore, merchandise 2 p^PSn^rs' *or* Slver Railroad Company, and silled on return. i jl Ac^uia ^OitBEK^ July so. ? Arrived, steamer New York, July 29 ? Cleared, schooner Frank Walter, Brewster, for Richmond. Boston, ?j uly 2# ? Cleared, bark J. Godfrey*, 1 Fears, for City Point, and scnooner Pinter, Smith, for Richmond. aOSETlXQS^ Office Mutual BEjram>i/airr Lifk) Association, > Richmond, August i, 1870. ) A GENERAL MEETING OF THE POLICY-HOLDERS OF THE MUTUAL BENEVOLENT LIFE ASSOCIATION will be held on MONDAY, August 8, 1870, at 12 o'clock M. at the office of tne Association, No. 1202 Main street, Kfchmond, Va. All policy-holders are earnes Jy requested to be , present 1 n person or by prc-xy. an l-ft. J. A. BKLVIN, President. OHFOLK AND GREAT WESTERN RAILROAD. N NOTICE FOR MEETINGS OF THE PEOPLE AND PIC-NICB. Colonel THOMAS S. FLOTJRNOY, President of the Company, General J. D. IMBuDEN, and others, will address the people upon the subject of subscriptions to the capital stock of the NORFOLK. AND GKEAT WESTERN RAILROAD! at the times and places meutloued below. Tba people are earnestly requested to turn out In full lorco. The ladles are especially invited to attend* The friends of the road arc requested to Ret up picnics. It will he a leisure time with the farmers* and the meetings will be made an occ&siou not ?only for advancing the Interests of the *reat enter..prize, but of the most pleasant recreation and enjoyment both to the young and old. Let all como out. The meetings and plc-nlcs will commence and proceed as follows : At WINDSOR, Isle of Wight, WEDNESDAY, August loth. At BLACK CREEK CHURCH, Southampton county. FRIDAY, August 12th. At 15 Alt s TAVERN, Southaroptou county, SATURDAY. August 13th. At PETE'S CHURCH, Southampton county, MONDAY, August 15th. At JONES A HOBSON'S MILL, Grcenesvllla county, \V KDN ESD A Y, August 17th. At COLON UL SPRaTLEV'S MILL, Brunswick county, FRIDAY, August 10th. ?At LA\V RENOEVILLls, Brunswick county, SATURDAY, August 20th. At MASONIC HALL, Mecklcnburg countyj MONDAY, August 22d. At ZION'S CHURCH, Mecklenburg comity, WEDNESDAY, August 2-1 th. At BOYDTON, Mecklenburg county, FRIDAY, Auiiutt 2Ctli. At FIMIESUS CHURCH, Mecklenburg county. SATURDAY, August ?7th. A' M USTER FIELD, Halifax county, MONDAY, Angu.it 2Uth. At LAUREL GROVE CHURCH. WENESDA Y, August 31st. Jy 26-131A

AMUSEMENTS. SWEKT CllAL'i BEATK SPRINGS, ) ai.lkohk.ny County, Va. j PIIE FIRST URAND FANCY AND MASQUERADE BALL AT TI1E SWEET CHALYBEATE SPRINGS will take place on Thursday, August 4, i87o. MANAGERS : General J03EPH E. JOHNSTON, Georgia. PARKER CAMPBELL, Virginia. LLOYI> W. WILLIAMS, Maryland. J. ADAIR PLEASANTS, Virginia. F. B. CLARKE, Jr., Alabama. G. W. WILLIAMS. Louisiana. ? I {. L. WHITKFORD, Maryland. K. HOUGH. Jr., Maryland. NAT. TYLER. Murvland. PHILIP DARBY. Mtryland. G. DoDONALD. M. D., Virginia. JEROME CLAUTON, Alabama, II. P. BROWN, Virginia. J. P. COWARDIN, Virginia. General GEORGE E. PICKETT, Virginia. I M. 11. CLARKE, Virginia. > THOMAS KINNIREY, an 1 ? 2t Proprietor. EICTRSIOm /TraND PIC'-NIC EXCURSION \jr of ST. JOHN'S GERMAN AND ENGLISH SABBATn SCHOOL, , TO TAYLORSVILLE, ON TUESDAY NEXT, AUGUST 2, 1870. 4| Round trip, for a gentleman 75c; I Round trip, for a lady 50c.. | A BAND OF MUSIC will be In attendance. Refreshments furnished at city prices. | Tickets to be hid at C. BKR( iHEIMER'S, Sixth I street. opposite the New Market; of F. W. KOSS* I at H. Bodeker & Brother's. No. 1536 Main street ; or at the depot. Train leaves corner of Eighth and Broad streets j at 7fr o'clock punctually. jy 30 Richmond, Frederickbburq and Potomac) Railroad company, RICHMOND, June 29, 1870. Excursion season of i87u to NIAGARA FALLS, SARATOGA SPRINGS, NEWPORT, and LAKE GEORGE. Tickets to the above-named resort* offered at low rau.9. Apply at tbe office of the company, corner of Broad and Eighth streets. J. B. GENTRY, Jy l?lm General Ticket Ajjent. I TO TAX-PAYERS. Collector's Office,) Richmond, July ssth, mo. j ?VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL JLl from whom CITY TAXES ARE DUE that I; hball be at my office dally from 9 o'clock A. M. to? 2 o'clock P. M. for the poxpose of receiving tho same. W. B. DAVIDSON, jy 23? lw City Collector. ,

f7ETELLE, No. 120-1, in con?j ductlua: the summer campaign :>f the Commissary Department, and will flght It ?>ut on this line. His Immediate means of active subsistence are drawn from the four quarters of the globe, including land and sea, while hla reserves are inexhaustible. REASONABLE DIN4 NEKS, REFRESHING ICES, RESTORATIVE DRINKS OF THE MOST ARTFUL COMBINATIONS AND THE VERY BEST LIQUORS, always supplied promptly. The VEGETABLES and MEATS of the season, also FISH. CRABS, TURTLES, &c., served in all forms with the most experienced skill. Vive commit mire 1 He has banished want and installed luxury. Je 31 ? ICE-CREAM. SODA-WATER. <te. TCE < CREAM! ICe'cBEAM I ? ; JL AT C. ZIMMER'B CONFECTIONERY. The undersigned is now prepared to mannfac? ture and furnish at short notice his celebrated I ICE CREAM, so well known to the trade. Hotels. Saloons, Restaurants, and Kestaur&nta, Private Parties, Plc-NIes, and Fairs, will be aap plied at wholesale prices. Delivered to all parts of the city free of charge. I hare also fitted up an ELEGANT ICi? CUEAM SALOON, where I am always ready to serve ladles and gentlemen with the mostdellclou* refreshment that can be found iu the city. C. ZIMMER, mv 21? Sm No. 1541 Main street. N OTICE TO CIGAR MANUFACTURERS, C. BELLENOT, BRAND-CUTTER AND DIE-SINKER, 1410 MAIN STREET, invites all cigar manufacturers to call and see ht? NEW PATENT BRANDING IRON. i , He is also agent for the State of Virginia for the aale of HILL'S CANCELLING MACHINE; adopted by Government, jy *s J JfcTOttBlSS'S SYRUP, ,tt/r W4'7 84?vavi ? vittuxti

? tERMS OF ADVERTBBDjO : | BfSf. <JBAM*mA*tAMb% WWWOtCJ^ One square, on?ln*e^a^..?...??.~~?"?fii One rioaurt , two ln5?rtlona.....?<' On* asm am. thrM lnscrtiOlia? ?. B8I08 j* 1 ? 999 \B9SB0a One ?q**m twelj One square, one J foMsq5rafta5i5^a??T?5?!7ff ? ..??**?V,*? H 2 One square, two n?o?h ?... ? ? ? **??????? '? ' "2 IT One square, three Freight received *np to, M ojctogk^fr 34. For Foster For new yobk.? n?e w&omi Dominion elegant side-wheel steimahlp VSAX CBEEETC^ tarn m.AioejffAjT, on TTCEHD A Y, A uguat f, received nntll MondtynJgnfc. , |6| round-trip tlckaGs, 99^rStelgh t <w pwi??e, ?W>lT .t? J0H3r w ^HTATT, AfrMfc' aa 1? 2t No-* Governor atrce*. ^

\rOTICE T08HIPje?B%^ Hie boata of lh* , ?r ? YER AND KANAWHA. C ANA will leave the dock as TUESDAYS, TH Freight and fol flamed to deliver doiro f?L-. my offlcc on the Dock without si War freight will not be PBoata locked ?ad ln??ped. _ ^&JS2 deU gpWABO MMipfft Aj&s* \r o t i c e to j^onmsrarFOB IN 8ALE, 1 PROFILING or OTAgPeNlNO; MACHINE, as good a* new. Also. I UPRIGHT STEAM-ENGINE, CYLINDER. ayeiach dlaaaeter and twelve loch stroke, in Brst-m* working \ t viT^nnuon kiiu.jir. orter. Also, 1 blX-HOttSB POUE BOILBIL ' H. C ALDER, Machlneut, mt^TKX, oppa.?t.Bo?g^*K,^n, TUST RECEIVED, forty A No, li tl MULKS, from Kentucky. Vot Bale at Virginia Stable*. ' TA?.w<!?r jy so? at J? C. JOHNSON.. DISSOLUTIONS & PABtJfHBSHIPS. T\ I S S O L U TION^-Tbe w-partaerefalp XJ heretofore existing under the style and Arm of BRANCH A CCRRaNT was dissolved July ?d by mntual consent. All persons having claims Against the said firm will present tbera for settlement, and all pewons indebted will pleas? make immediate payment. Either party Is authorized to sign in liquidation. I. cbiffi2?KiJ!a : Haying purchased the. INTEREST OF V. M. K. BRANCH in the business formerly contacted under the style and firm of BBANCli A CURRANT, I shall continue tho same at the old stand. I return thanks to our friend* and the public generally for their liberal patronage bestowed upon the old firm, and respectfully ask a continuance 6f tnc sumo for the new one. _ Jy 29? Iw " H. CURRANT. VTOTICE.? From and after tUlis .date I lY have admitted my son, H, WIBT ltfATTH Eft'8, as a partner with me for the purpose of conducting the GROCERY AND COMMISSION business at my old stand, No. 8 Brbad street. FELIX MATTHEWS. The undersigned hiving formed W Co*ftartoefshlp under the firm and slylu.orFKLlA MAT* THEWS Jt SON, for the pfirpoW <)f conducting the GROCERY AND COMMISSION business kl No. 8 Broad street, we hope by strict attention to business to m*rlt a liberal shareof the publlcpaironaKe- Consignments of all kind of. country produce especially solicited, promising quick sales and prompt returns* . ? : j : i . FELIX MATTHEWS, A SON. Jy 2i> ? 2taw3w? ..... "VTOTICE.? The undertri^ned Wve^HlS i-i DAY formed a co-partnershfp, "raifcr'tne name and style of HILL A STATOf ? forth# jHttpose of carrylugon aGKNERAL COMMloSluN, GRANARY AND FEED BUSINESS, at No. llM Basin bank. , - rsi?oie?n R. A. HILL, [Signed] W. M. ST A TOW. RICH MONT), July 25th, 1870. jj 31? iw TYISSOLUTION OF C O-P A B T JS EKJL / SHIP.? The co-partnersliiD heretofore ejtistincr between the nnderslgnea in the name and stylo of ROBERT F. WILLIAMS A CO* Is Wtfs d iy dissolved by intitnal consent. Either p&rtn^r will use the name of the Arm la liquidation, i [Signed] KOBKBT F. WILLIAMS, LLOYD J. BEALL. Richmond, Va., July 1, 1870. :?? MM.: ',*i "VT OTTCE.? The undersigned wiD contintle ?1 the WHOLESALE GROCERY AND COMMISSION BUSINESS at the old stand as heretofore, In the name and style of ROBBaT P. WILLIAMS & CO., on his own account. The same strict attention to business and to all consignments will be given as heretofore. Mf. Jo us 1L Royal i. will continue with the umierslgned. Jy l-lm ROBERT F. WILLIAMS.

^ PROPOSAM. " SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECBIVKD until the 8th dav of August for the srcctlon of the Academy of Maslc, on Bink struct, of the city of Petersburg. iiicLs will bo received for the whole or any part of the different branches of the work- Bond and security for the lalthfut performance of the contracts will be required. The committee reserves the privilege of rejecting any bids they may see proper. Plans wd specifications cun be seen at the ofllce of C? If. Cuthbert. The architect win be In the city on Tuesday next, with whom parties can consult. O. W. tPlCKB (chairman), F.K.DAVIS, a. A. PLUMBER. Jy 30? 8 1 Building Committee. EHGIKMB'S OmCE,) tAILROAD, July 6, 1870. VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.? Proll posals will be received at this office until the 15th day of August nest for the GRADING, MASONRY, AND TRESTL E-WOBK, OF ABOUT TWENTY-FIVE MILES OP ROAD ? P.n extension of tlie York Klver railroad east from West Point. For Information In regard to the character Of the work and terms, apply to the undcralgnoL The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. T. M. B. TALCOTT, ' Chief Engineer York Klver Railroad. Jy e? diw&2tawtAul5th ? OFFISE Of'OlTT EWOrNBBB, ) RICHMOND. VA.. July 28, 1870. j ?PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED A AT THIS OFFICE UNTIL MONDAY ... .. of Richmond and Danyillh Railroad^ ^ bUrUB OUU UtUTCU WUIIWVIVU*^ it BATH-TUBS, Ac., tor tbe city Almshouse. . . Specifications and the necessary local Information can be secured by applying to Captain C. P. BIUG&U, Superintendent Alms-house. Proposals to be addressed to the Chairman of the Committee for Relief of the Poor. Tbe committee reserves the right of rejecting any or all proposals. CHARLES H. DI&IMOCK, , jy 28 ? it ; City Engineer. TO CONTRACTORS. ? Tho GRADING, CROS8-TIE8, Ac., of the second section of the Chatham railroad, between Haywood, N. Cm and the Western rallrosd, is cow ready fpr lettin*. t - '?"> t Please apply to me at Haywood, N. C* Railroad fares betrweeu Weldon and Haywood will be refunded to persona visiting sue on this business. C. O. SAN FORD, Jy 32? 7w Chief Engineer. BACHISEBY, r jyjACHINK SHOP* * 8L0AT Sb ADDINGTON, MACHINISTS, WOBSS AKD OVYiac; ua AND 14U CABY STBXXT. BITWMJT FOTJRTBKNTll AKD FlFTXEMTH STBKETS. JJ " RICUMOXD, TUOISIi. ALL KINDS OF NEW WORK MADE ; REP AIRING STEAM-ENGINES and BOILERS in city and country; TOBACCO WORK of all kinds made and repaired } TOBACCO FLAT-TENTNG-MILL8 made and repaired in JOHN HANCOCK'S SUPERIOR MANNER; PLATFORM and all other kinds of 8CALES REPAIRED and ADJUSTED. A6EKTS tor th? m*or JCDSOH'S PATENT STEAM-ENGINE GOVERNOR, SELDBN'S PATENT STEAM-EN" GINE PACKING, Utica Company# STEAM- ^ mp*? warranted by o$ for MAft.fi I or cocks, oil and tallow-cup., SHAFTING. 8ELF-FEEI5ERS, STEAM-WHIS-TLES. WATER-GAUGES, GLOBE-VALVES, BOILER-FLIJE CLEANERS, and a graeral assortment of such articles as are used by all running steam-engines and saw-mills. SLOAT A ADDINGTON, Je 15 1422 and 1 m Cary street METROPOLITAN WORKS, CORNER SEVENTH AND CANAL STREETS. STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES and SAW-MILLS: t&fOlr j..n> loSSbwfwfe^G^^^c/OTINt^y IRGN m#TT r. afeA&IIICL Ac. BOILERS, FORGINWS. vacriij^wB v. ? or BRASS; MILL GEARING. &. ENGINES and SAW-MILLS of varloM ilxea always on hand. Ola engines, Ac., repaired and sold on ooaznls?lon or exchanged lor new. All otter repair* promptly and satisfactorily done. Send for descrljotlre circulars. dc24 WILLIAM E. TAlfNEB * CO. WATCHES, JgWELBY, ** ~ _ C1TYLI8H NEW PATTT5RN6 OF m O DIAMONDS, PEARLS, and PENDAtfTSs?ts of PIN* *nd DROPS: , DIAMOND, OPAL, RUBY'. and P'ABL ENGAGEMENT, and PLAIN GOLD WEDDrN G RINGS : ^ Beautiful NEW NECK CHAINS, MEDAU0N8. / (HARMS. TtU)'i,t*lc aovellli* lu sli.'VKR, AftltAl tttl flruwur