Daily Dispatch, Volume 39, Number 39, 15 August 1870 — Page 1

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THE DISPATC TEKalB OF AUvKBSmS j cash? xmr?*iAm.T x* a&vatzcx. Ooe aiatte, MriSi RICHMOND, TA:. MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 15, 1870. VOL. XXXIX

I XSI'RAXfE COM PA MIX -? f It rUAL AJSSU K AXCE SOCIETY OK \[ VIRGINIA. CHARTERED 1T94. ( v t V. COKXKR OK TKXm AN1> BANK STRKKTS, RICHMOND. VA . s f.v Itnlldlnrt by perpetual or annua! policy. .<?. ?oultably adjusted at.d promptly U. C1.AIRORNK, Frio- tjxil' a<t?m.u JOHN ti, uANKukTH, SocreUtr. ?, h ^ l?. I'AN'fOBTH, A*#lm?nt secretary. ; . Kl. U. POLLIAM, Collector. P1RKCT0H8 : JAQUELIN P. T V.YLOR, Wli,i IAMC. ai.T.KN, JOHN C. HOB<ON, .TAMES DC VLO?\ Wil l. 1AM GW aY, t, > org? Davis sr., jamksh. o ?? \ n r. A I FRFDT. IT A U HIS, JOHSPCHfllUfc JoHN FRF.E'aND, (i akkkt k. wvtson, Wll.l 1AM II. H AX ALL, WII LI AM II. I'AjuMKR. nuS ti:K. MARINE, AN l> i.iFr txsitranck. l.FFICE NO. INHMAlS SriJ EEr. I I \1. REPRESENTED 850,000,000. ' : 1 A I . FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON. Es>TABI.ISlIEl> IS 3. H ock and surplus over SS.000.000 00 : .<?><?< 5n Culted States 017,975 >1 * s.-il wish Treasurer of Vlr:i .. nvlstercd bonds 50.000 00 v.: \\". CnowKLt^ Resident Manager: ?; It. St. John, Assistant Manager. .. * L DIRECTORS? NEW YORK : v. Archibald. H. 1?. M. Consul, chilrnnn : \ I w, o' A. A. I.'W & Brothers ; E. S. JnfY . S. .la Aft ay Jt Co.; Richard Trvlti. of j .-?llrvlnA Co.': DnvidSalomau ; J. lloor">n. - f .1. Kooriutn Johnston & Co ; . -mart, C"f.I. .t ?!. J*tu ?rt. i >mpany limits luself entirely to a FIRE ?^ES equitably adjusted ami PRCMPT- ; \II?. >lm ?'f this compuiy, extending over a ' i\t> seven > ears hivlii?l>ecii uniform- - ;t?*rous", Pas won for th* in a hijrh reput<.iv'!)'>ntth? world or careful management . n i:?l strensth. Th ?? i?a'ro:i ig of the !nl*SollMt?d, wlih sptel ?l attention eral r?te< of premium. John 11. ? LA t RORNF & CO., (?< r.eral Aguits <t:ite Virginia. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE ?MPA NY OF NK?V YORK? ORG AN1<1J- THK I ARC EST lisSlRANCF. V\Y IN THE WoKi D- Cash assets >10.000,000 This 1' an ail oarh ami .'?twit rtiinj'ftJiy?no ?livtrlcii'ls to stork- ? .-.bleu time .>mi"espcrtence 1 as proven to ?iii\ safceuiri :ti 11 'c lns'.runce. v ' rris payable at the enl of the. fir ft yr.(tr .1 ]>uli' li'-v In- reas'rg annutlly tbroiiuli ? excrt'ting thotf (/ any coo. pctn'j in the htch can bet ed to decrease the p emlrurch'i'e .?'! MM. >u*l insurance, at Oil* !' Hi p. ik v-l.oldi r rryurdlitw of th e '.h> ir^vrni. r. . i?itunis payable aiiini-i-ainimlly, ? i quarterly. m! ln\it<- the att nti.'n of ministers of nel t<- 1 1' liberal plan i'or Insurance on Mils comvanv. 11. CL \IKOUNE, Agent, i aw. Medic*! Examiner. auC J. K. Mt y i ilUlNIA STATE INSURANCE COMPANY. I'll- ICE NO. 100- NORTH SIDE MAIN m 1 -t\v<on Tenth ; nd Eleventh streets, 1 1 HMONP, VA. * apst \i iTT! sjo.^,ooo. l'.nMilI ii'-;, n ?*. r.-lin :*nd furn'ture. In t'ie ? powrttry. insure rt ayainst loss or damage by !. lie nif>-! IU>eral t> rms. JOHN I.. 11 '?On v. Pr?*?J'!cnt ; \\ "i L L I >1 I!. < illci^'l 1 \N, secretary. BU !-^in * N TATIOXAL 1.1 KK lNsrilAKCE r M?* ANY. V. ?. A ofli-r ;T lit l:.'l C(:!lt< !:tS *<? Ji : St 'US M'sil'i ?!' < < >t"i Ii.curluc i in i r 1 i . c . The Com pa .y hi ; a ? -sh pnltl* up < .ipir.ihv '. witi>.\ lar/c jurphH. 1 1 . \ J ?:???}?? .!!(??? - vt, l1" (>?? (. r 1 1, <???0 jiniir . ?. i: i rters low r tes of prcinh.ui. it furnish ;; '.u.-'-r iasurance tliau ??tl?cr roniji'iuie-; for tl;e - inn inoiuy. it I- a Ho>iE (X?M !'A N Y n- 1 vei y J.. - II v. n> PO.MOIKS APE NEonTIiin I". ii> !*?.; re::.- a jt r i x-.:. i t from AIT A (MM EAT ITS POLICIES ARE NON-FOKFI-'Tl v<i, tl?or?-i.,r- !S^L'i.'?-Y I"'*! J FE without delay lii -TH?: COMPANY.1" I>r. ? >. A. OUKXSH ?.\v, M' dl?-al Fxftiuinir. M. 11 AR ft! General - fzi-n'. 1 v v l _ Sai p st?< ?ilir'. b.>x n.f ( t A U0L1NA LIFE IK. SI* KANCE V C O M P A N Y or M EMPHJS, TENN ES.-EE. .v its rrrrrr s^,?iy.o:i. JEFFERSON D\VIS, PRESIDENT. i \V. ?. W.ICKS FiTst Vlce-Prpvi(.t?t. .1. "i . Til second Vie. -I'r. i<:ent. i v., K. If >V1.F. Secret ?rv. < J. H. Kl)il'iMbO>, General A^eut.

L*. DKKIMTE CASH St'Kr. KNTJF.K VAI.fK IS Gl O: ANT KF.l> ON* AM. POI.lt IKS l.AI'SEI) BY ""?ON*VA i ii-NTnK I'UK.Mlf.M, which amount will, at ti? ? i.f tile nolle y h -1 *er, be paid liiin in ri >11 tl e surrender oi his policy, or loaucdto :t ? : per cent Intprs-tto pay his future |?renf n, . lit. ? t ?jy cou'lm lntr i)i> pulley in force for ttf- if amount. i : f? ili- lent capital ?or (mire se.-urPy. no ? '.i! aiie?- compAuy oilers 3up< rlor adv int. if?:' t<i ?.<?? A III LISA. iA. ;>?- ??r?.Hia uro divided amo"fr Us policylii}! ? i in til vlden'l-, uii tire v lUiviuii n plan. r< Irictlona mi travel or retddeuce in the Uiiti ?! > :iie9, Canada or Europ". ^ ij hcles uon-t'orJ'ei' aide after second year. A I K'iscs paid promptly lnc^&h. JuH V 8. rRESTON. V F " A L .-TATE AGENT VIRGINIA, )ll.i MAIN* STREET, RICHMOND. MR T-CLA-S AGK /T3 r '? ( poln'- d in t-verv county in the State. LSI ii R \L? TiUMft, ? ' ? ! applications, ,periOlirtllV or bv let:er, 1 :< u: ; ? i> un>weu-4. 1y 10" 3m V i i : AM y) INLAND ixN JL SU^ANCE SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. (' * i''TAL >L "00,000 M r: !T.l S 1.017.36) 81 t'A-l! \SHETS (January 1, 1970) 2,017,88s 81 h " A N? II <>y n< k . vv?. 10*4 Ma I N STKKET. ue i'i/< 1?. I.Vn i:> the afiove iSrat-tlas? 1 1 - every <l erlpUon of tEAL AND *? '\AL i fC? ?* I; T \ lor protec t I'.-n aR'alust ?Umaje by h K K M \ v i N E und I V LAN . I ! i\- ij.*,, u t<> ,<u* i t i. be Uii't.-d Maws. ? " ? oab lck ouihlin^E issu.,d for trooi one to '! >? !t? law if Hi '.? : ? r a*.y oilier eo'-ipauy < rnivjle * n|?Mea'.!?n.'?3,,i)cited. i;. S WALK V.'.K .% CO.. Afte?'tS. 0 tIZv i'Dl AN W TJTU AL IX I lFiC INSURANCE COHPAST O? NEW YOKE, ORGANIZED IN 2-L.L POLICIES NON-EOKKKIT &I>L? fcLA laF iiUAK GIVKN, LAST C-?^H U1V1DENI)7 ?IFTY RttE CENT. STATEMENT : i'oliclts in force a 2,m.m A: u'otl 1;. -'>u;e l.OtX-, W? Loityti paid. w. if. I'ltCKHAM, l're3ident; ^'.T. HOOK Kit, Vicc-PresUtut ; !. Mc.'k HA M, Secretary \iid Actuury ; G k. KUI>"JK r.K. LiuperlQiecdtiilt, 'K'TICTV, CHEA l'r.:<S3. MRKEALITY, 1" " ? K i. and OOCEKS. mark ?mi dlstiiittic uia^aKt'Rit'r.t of tMs coir.phav* ISAAC liTJT/.LEh. A CO., Geaf rt,s ? genu 't *"r^liil.? ai?d Ncrib Cari.*llna. WILLI A '<2 LOVENSTEIN, A^ent lor Rlchmoud, OOce. No. Main street. CAltKi.L, M^'i'cal KxH iilner. uo 1 \ X- ?VALKEU 4r OO., A' * V I K, V A RI N E, AMI INLAND INXi;:iA vr.ff AGKNTS. 0?r!( V, r;0 1014 MAIN STREET; liader S5-;3t.r9. K. ti. V'ac-y a Co, tf;eri?,\andl?e. farnltcve^ au<l persona rrv! r?j . r - klaib, In the ;i?y ??t(j '????latry, )n? fji -I vy- t x ,jT (jUniu^e by iirt ui tLe. 1 -wtst ra-' c fi:; j>a?. its ar j,\,c s'a,ntltii(r. s < i,u. ? iu w4.re?;oui.f:3 4.nrl xaariue ar.d Inland rtsV> ? .k.;D tit. rates. IfOhaej fe.juitably adtu.'ite<i and promptly paid. mv 7 l UOFESSIOXAL I ARM. DR. oHIAKD, formerly of PiiiIb, now jut t>idect of the Allopathic ami Honiojopathlc CoU've New Orleans, wilt make Richmond hist Ibldemse for some mouths, in order to perfect hiiuKeli in the KuKlli-li language. He lias taken nu Oflit e at No. 217 G /VERNoR STREET, and ofl'erb hie it r vices to those who may be Buttering from 1>18K ASKS OF THE EYE, lha: iiaviog i>een hiu specialty, and in which he liat beea hlitidy aucce^aful, both in Rarin and In New Orltaut.. I ^/tiice hours lro? 10 A. M. to I P. M. _ I jy tt-lw*

INSURANCE COKiPAMES. W1IX ) W AND ORPHANS* BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. BLACKFORD A CLARK, GENERAL MANAGKR* FOR SOUTHERN DEPARTMENT, BALT1 MO It K, M D . This company, ?while Issuing all approved and *af?- Ktvli'H ol* policies, invites special attention to their system of ? K OUPI IS 0 orTON Ti N E D1VXD F. n I) POLICIES, ropderlngrllfelusuranpe available *8 an Investment unequalled by any other company. For*jr*ncie?, apply to J. B. MOORE," General Agent for the Soothslde. jo 2*- St4Wiy Richmond, Va. RKJOAMI^H. KASn, I HKNItY K. ELLYSON ITrMtdent I Vicc-President. FFICE QXJ) DOMINION I\srR\NCE COMPANY OF RICHMOND VA. NO. 1115 MllS ETKUST. O This eompsnv is now prepared to Issue all kinds or KIIiE POLICIES on tlui most favorable terns, and to make the usual accommodations for lis cust imers. J. B. MOORE, Secretary* J DIRECTORS : BENJAMIN K. NAbli, President of the Company ; a. s. BUFOHO, president Danville itailroaJ Company : JOILN ASi I K R~ late W. S. Donnan A Co.; THOMAS POT rs, of A. Y. Stokes ft Co.; E. W. I*( ;W P. lis, merchant ; P.. H. * ' i/ j'vX, of Allison & Addisi'ii ; Z, \V. P>CK^?LL, of Z. *V. PlekrcU & Co.; T H " MA 5 A . BR AND ViJL merchant ; W, PAlKiil. oi Pidue ft Co.; Y 'l NT Vs. I IS ST K A fciV S, retired merchant ; .1. J. WAGGONER, of Wacgouer & Harvey; JOHN H. GHY. attorney at law; WJ l/.l a V I?. ISAACS. oi W. Si. Isaacs ft Co.: O. T> SK7v K.Eft, of Hill, BentTy ftSk'nker; .K>vi v' \. S - a n. of C. T. Wortham ft Co.; ANDREW L. EL LETT, merchant JA.MEs W. AK^llKii, of J. It. Anderson ft C^.: Ill 1 M iSKH A NC1J or Thomas Branch & Co.; MASUKLi i!!,aLK1', Scott Jfc \ larkc; i>. K. KL? Y- >N, of Coward In ft EUysoii. Je 24 ? "tawuin "?>??<$?&> AKtt? C*?AIL. T. C. JONKS. Captain R. D. Ml SOU. JONES & MINOR, s..le a pent* CARBON HIM. f OFT COKE; v i.OVKK r.tLL iMiAL Dealers, and lie*ltrs in ANTHEAClTfc and all othet descriptions of I C ?Ai S ami vfOOD, Oflice : < enter FleVenih and Main streets under National B ink of Virginia. an 13 A NTflUACITE COAL.? I am receiving :i smplv of the celebrated FBaNKLIN, LeltBEI'kY. and " i.YKKN's VALLEY " RED AMI and tirst-cl <*s WHITE ASI1 ANTHRACITE C??ALS. which will be sold at LOWEST i:ATE.\ Iso. Ct MBERL.A vn COAL, for fUam and >in it hi' use. S. P. LjvTHRol", ui 1J Seventi enUi street at drawbridge. II. T. AXBEHSON, JOHN' J. KING. Anderson <fc KING, PKALEUS IN* WOOD A^D COAL, COlINKli liYKD AND SIXTH STKKETg. CIV'V R HILL < OAT , all grades; a NTIIi:AC;'fE CoaL. H A 1< l ? A M > v OF r COKE , OOv AND PibfiJ WOOD. Order? let*1, viih KINf-i & TODD, corner First and Bread stn ti? ; ? L. TODD, corner > xlli and Clay stnet- ; and R. A. E. DaILNIiY, 702 Br. ad strt ei, i.Ti*iuj>tly attended to. au i0? lw /^DAL, COKE, AM) WOOD. ALL SIZi S, all KINDS THAT ABE GOOD TO WaBM YOr OR TO <"!0!)1C Your FOOD; and we are in ?<. >elliii; mo d. lid * ZEAL & COTTItFI L, ati 5 torner N'inlh strict and i?arl i batik. / 10AL AND WOUD.? ANTHRACITE and CLOVER III . t. 1'< >AL of all kinds, and best quality ? ?Alvaod PINS WOOD. Those In want <> supplies for v. 'n er caa save money by ia]|ifig:it inete -nth ami Oary btrv-cis, <>r bavlnt or .ers at 7u8<:raee ttreet. \Ve guarantee to ui ve ?;?ir !at Hon and not t<? t>e mide-*i>o<d. an s CilAKLt S 11. PAGE & CO.

f 11. W ATKINS, No. 1111 Main street. . t i t (V i .i! ? ' i t .i <' *A !j, ;iJ1 trade-: ; Wiv? t'.fil'O "K COA.L, nil crude: ; MiM.uTllI \ C'OAL, ail grad ??; A - I'il.'A* 11 K C< lAE. all kinds uud sizes ; >? f r i'./K ? all Mze* : W. < ?; . p w. d aii J jilit and long. A ppre? -i:uinif ]<a -1 p;tr< naj*c. it i-s soFel'ed voio | j' r v.i !??:? supp U? . i'u, i Is at n lowest point, ami ?? til n ad-au'ee. an 8 | f AM now ready to supply the I I VM-V be-, t I IMP. IIAlv, and avkkaGsC < >.? Vf'i I ! 1 1, 1, aid WIN'! FRPOCK f'l ? A l.K :;t i tin* very low ^t lnuke'. rate-. Al>?, '? \T"I!A|?'I'K (.'??AI, ? >i every kind .'ii'l SOFT COlvE I | always . n . s?cl. !.? jre supply of the very lies' I S1CA!- ?> KIimvK !?! d I'lM.WuOK, sawed and in <aw>(l, No.v l> i lie t line io K' t y.?nr l'i:vl o r >l:e winter. R. <>. O-.RY, No. 1H I- ipli'.'n ptreet, !.e ir packet l-tudtnir. au 2- M W.t S'J'ii VTOTI? E Tu KAMI LI RS. ? ! am reeeivi r.^r fresh t'r.-m I hf mil es, superior S FT y. I'M!' ? . K i; , the cheapest ^n best fuel for rn k tu', irnn'lig. itc., rver us'ed. Also, No. 1 I! vRD C ?KE, suitable fur clos- 'stovis of all kinds, ?li!ch"will be sold very cheap ; CI,-. V;*. K ill! I. LI.1 Ml* and IIaIL C 'A', a* com;:jny prices; ANT'l ACITE, egsr and st. .us s'/.i-s: ENGINE mill sMiTIlv C<?A"j of }:ood qualky. uAi\ and I i^K W- ob. ve iik a cail, as lam ?.o- ? :u ;iu d i set! < V ap. i 'ill ft; s, Math and Cary streets and at Petersbui k depot. jy '.'(i-lin 1L IL COTTRltLL. I AMNOW DELI VERING CLOVER i | ? i ? ? L i?AL at the following reduccd rates : , ; Mi' Kc1' t.KATfc I URP'JaEfi, per load, $5 75 ?iAIL FOR GR A'l'E PURPOSE?, jer 1 >ad, 5 00 HA ? !> It CRATE AM) COOKING PURPOSES, per load . ... 4 oo 1 l iv. 'U liana aL;o some very (rood CLOVER i'l L i I'M:' cOAL for the low pru-e of JS.r.o per load delivered. ANT ! It .1 CUT. COAL. C>KE, OAK AND WUi>i), a: the lowest rale-1. je VI ?'Jin A. !<? V/OOV I)R;iV-E. ( LO\ Kit HILL COAL.? Iain nowprepared to fir nlsh all trader of CLi >VE it hjLL O - Ai, attli^ following rt duct d prices : LUMP, $5.7j per load d-di ered ; HAIL, *5; HARD, for el. her prates or cooking-stoves, w. Also. A KTHiAClTlc COAij oi bti;t quality : S FT COKE for cooking purposes; OAlv and Pi * E \vooL\ "CT. BT LIPSCOMB, je 20-3111 Seven tli anu livrd si reft-,. OCANAQUA COAL COMPANY. 1: -ving been made A.i .EN'T tortbe Above- nain'.d compt f t >-11 the . taio sout i *. f Al- xauuria. I ^Ul pr-pured to lurnish ihi.i COAL b\ tt-.ecanro on more t .vofAbht teims than can behiid In Phila(i ipid i. The coals ot ilie.^c mines are, classed amongst the best in Pennsylvania. I will also suppii families in small quantities. 200 tons WEOHGE'O CREEK CUMBERLAND C? ?aL lor sale. WIRT ROBERTS, je 13 corner Seventeenth and Dock streets. /CUMBERLAND COAL.-- Jus L received V a car it s freshlv milled " G* OltG r 'rf CR H - K CU*M?ti5K^A.Nl? 'C'?Ai.,M said to be the be. tin us foi -t' .in nu! smith puriiosea. Also, LUMP A NTH It V ' I ' for foundties EGG, S ?\?VK, dj.U t'llEs'J NU';' t'OAu for cooking pur p. nits. i.. i*. LATHKOPj ruv 0 Seventeenth street ai w-bridtre. CITY ORDI -V\ X CKS. AN ORDINANCE TU AM^Sr^SD J\ HK-ORD '* IN >E07T?? NS 3 AND 1 ( F CilA. TEU 10 OF THE CITY ORDInA) CBS c ?scfk vi vr, vagrant^, passed Stii cF august, 1-70. lit. it utduined b;/ the Council of the City of KMmionrt, l hat section.* 3 and 4 of chapter i9 of the eitv ordinances be ameudtd and re-ordained s > fcs to r?-ad a* follows : Skctiov 3. It shall be the dutv of the police of the cltv t ) an est ail persons having no cs'enslble means of support who shall have come to the citv within thi preceding six moudis, and all persons known as robbers, pi? kpockets, or professional thieves, aedtotake ttiem hetore the 1'olice Justice: and if t>e Police Justice sh >11 be satislled tb.it they are such persons as are herein described, he shall," in the case of person? other than robbers, pickpockets, or pro eseional thieves, commit I hem to jail until they can be tent back to ihe place from whence they came, if iheir former residence be aseertf. liied, r.nd if not, then to some plac? ont of ihe State : and In i lie case of rollers, pickpockets, or persons known as professional thieves, the Police Ju.'tlcc shall, If be be satisfied th*t they are such and have been in tae city more than six months, colu;d1i them to jtil In default of security for frood behavior for ate. in not exceeding twelve months. And If it appear that sueli persons have come to ihe city witlnn the preceding .'1 v months, the Police .lustlce may, in tils discretion, commit them to Jail iu de'ault of surety for Kood bthivior for a teiin not exceeding twelve months, or send them back to the place from win nee they came, it it can be ascertiined, and, if not, then to some place out of the State. Section 4. It vhe Police Justice can asceitain by whose steamboat or vessel, or by what railroad such persons were brought to the city, or near it, heihttll have them put on ihe carj of such railroad, or on such ste <ui boat or vessel, aud U shall ru.iu, \>r uii ou'.u ptv/iuw??? . .. be the duty of such railroad company, or the capta in or master of such steamboat or vessel, to thke b^ck such persons at their own expense, or the exreuse ot the persons themselves; and If such persons cannot be nut on eu< h cars or vessel, they shall be fcent outoi the Hate at the expense of the city. Published by order ?f the Council, au 11 Ct * E. C. HOWARD,- City Clerk. VTOTICE.?THE BOOKS OF SUBSCItIFTloN.to the capital stock of t>ie Bichmond ami Lynchburg Railroad Company (straight shoot) ?will be opened uud?r the supervision of cotninls-8loiH-e4 appoinn d for ?htt purpose, on i-nd alter j the 6th d%v of beiHorat^r, 1870, at- the loilowinif 1 liUcet : Richmond, at the banking house of w 11llam B. Isaacs & Co. ; Lvnchburg at Ihe olflce of Edward S. Brown Ksq. ; at the court-houses 01 the following-named counties? viz., Powliatwt, Cainl>erUnd. Bucklnvbaia, and Appomattox. Also, at the office of Colooe} William B? Wooldridge, Coalfield, Cbeijtertleld county, and at the Town Hall in the town of Manchester. u WILLIAM P. BtmWEL^, . o olfworpovtUWi AU i?Iotpo

??? ?? " ; ? 1 . ? ' MONDAY". .AUGUST 15, 1870. THE CIRCULATION OP THE DI PATCH la LARGER THAN THE COMBINED CULATIoW OP ALT, TH12 OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPERS OF THE CITY. I The JTatban Murder- A Bldleulous Episode. From the New York Times, Aofrust 11, It will be remembered that in the Rogercase, eighteen months evlagainst whom there was n?t a tittle otcvj See, were arrested for suspected coinpliclty in the assassination, and it has now been proved that the Nathan case is not to dose without similar exhibition ofstnpiditv on the part of the police. An arrest has at last been made in the affair, but its .only effect has l>een to relieve a woeful tragedy bv a farcical interlude. Very many people in (his city know Thomas Dunphy, a law-, ver 'it No. -1 Warren rtreet, called among bis host of friends Tom Dunphy, and greeted as a "hale fellow well met ? under almost anv circumstances. Duophj nas Seved the notoriety of being arrested as thp murderer of Benjamin Nathan. On Tne^dav evcniDg he was visiting soroo HcqSaTnSucS in Brooklyn, and singularly enough he seems to.hnve been known in the house as Mr. Gilbert. [He lived with a Mrs. Gilbert as her husband.] lhereason for this singular misconception on the part of persons with whom he was on call in0, J,.; ;L, not appear, but whatever may have been the cause, tfic fact added greatly to poor Tom's subsequent cmbamiSHmonU. Naturally enough, the convention turned to the Nathan murder, and Dtinpliy, who had read up the thSetlTo his legal acumen m dealing with the tacts to such alarming purpose that he soon convinced at least one of his hearers that such m acquaintance with the manner and put - lio^e ol the crime could be shown by no lierson but the unknown criminal himself. 1 earned and eloquent Tom Dunphy ^owed precisely how the murderer got into the house, and stated with marvellous mmiUeess everv act of the assassin, secured his retreat, be popped the do it the front door and pa^ed out into the lonely street. All tills the unfortunate Dunpliv, for the sake of i>i oci-o-ne" and dramatic effect, had related in t he iir?t person. A horritied young w oman, who in the next room overheard it all, and with blood curdled by lS(V i 1 "tl- ' u\Vn i i of the assassin who could thu? dilate up n his horrible deed, siipped oiit nj -, street to call the police. Oflicei 31m pn> . of the Fourth Precinct, was soon lound, and to him she made the startling announcement that she not only knew who murdered Mr. Nathan, but knew w he ro lie wa> at that moment; lie was a vil^nn nam^ (lilbert and was then m the house. Mm uhv was nothing loth to earn the grea. re{vardVawaSg the capturerof the assassin, and the voting woman piloting hitn on ^ the wav. lie marched into the room I and dumbfounded poor Dunpb} by sei/ii^ m bv the coat collar as Gilboit, ]V" niuiderer of Mr. Nathan. Dunphy tried? tough, hut seeing tluit tlie olhccr was in earnest he endeavored to explain, savin" bis name was Dunphy, and that lit was tellineof what lie had read inthenewjnapers. l>ut the othcer declaicd tlu? w.t ??too thin," and in spite of the prayers and ctrii 'trles of his prisoner carried lnni otl to police headquarters, and into of Chief of Police ( ampbeli. lb.it tuiu. tionarv listened to the story of the voting woman and the explanation ot ? and was then positively certain that he had in bis hands the great criminal ?>t the . The ' prisoner had two names, which w is in itself a suspicious nrctim-taiici . but he had also confessed In- crime, am. ? d a hang-dog look that continued if storv! Thcrelorc he held on .with determined grip to the desperate y. lani. m spite of protestations, and 1 1? ,ii m orison trom a o rlptk in tut auu noon until a little after midnight, lorwarded him tier officer Murphv, to Superintendent Jourdaii. to be dealt 'with according to law. Mu rph v went tirst to the Central 1 olicc i i. ? ?' No. 300 Mulberry street, but Ttiurdaii had loiiir been gone, and Murph\, Awaiting a long time, finally, at i o'clock in the morning, collared bore him off to the residence ol ?v,|i,(-.lin" t mle t Jourdati, at No. 1U8 Prmee I. vet He rang the bell, but there was no response. Holding the now ternhed and exhausted Dunphy, whose only crime was his power as a narrator, resolutely, with one In lid tiie determined Murphv jerked violently at the bell, until he pulled oil the handle." Then he fell to kicking, and soon broke out a pannel of the door. A head was then thrust out ot an upper vvindow, and a frightened lady asked what was wanted. It appeared that nearly all of his note bad been heard, but it was such a dreadful din that the inmates supposed it was a party of drunkeu ruffians who wanted to get some one out on bail, and > iipei i lnteudent Jourdan not having yet icUnnimI home, his lamilv weie afiaid to make any response. So much of this explanation being given to Murphy as.snf; ficed to make him understand that the ? u perintendent was not at home, that lniletnti'iible otlicer returned with his tropin to the Central police building, where lie waited patientlv, with Dunphy, constant lyin hand, until Jourdan went to his ollue at 9 o'clock in the morning. A few w oi us w c i e then sufficient to ring down the curtain on a farce which Dunphy had ^gnady huled to eniov ; aud that gentleman bemgat la^t discharged, went his way, vowing that he will never again tell a story as well as he can.

TnE Erie Railroad War Over. Commodore Vanderbilt, representing the Hudson River and Central railroads; Jay Gould, on behalf of Erie ; and the representatives of the Pennsylvania Central railway, met in Saratoga on Wednesday, and, it is understood, made an amicable settlement of their recent quarrels, and effected a satisfactory arrangement for the future in regard to their competing business. It is asserted by the Erie managers that the new arrangement will give a fair share of business to each line, and neither will have any advantage over the other. The interests of the three roads, they say, will be blended to the same effect as if one directorship controlled them all. The following dispatch to the New York Herald gives some additional particulars : "Long Branch , August 11.- Jay Gould, immediately on arrival here to-night, having consulted with Fisk on the wav, telegraphed several hundred words to William II. Vanderbilt. This, he tells me, was the clinching nail to the new arrangement between Central and Erie. It is a revolutionary railway movement, affecting every railroad interest in the country, inasmuch as the new agreement is a consolidation of all interests in any way affecting the two roads. The $5,000,000 suit is amicably adjusted. Alter sending his lengthy dispatch to Vanderbilt, Gould telegraphed the following significant dispatch to Scott, vice-president of the Pennsylvania Central ; " I have arranged a consolidation with the New York Central, which, of course, requires the acquiescence of all competing lines. When can you come to New York ? " Jay Gould.' " In explanation of this Mr. Gould says that formerly there was a consolidation of a few distinct interests, as live stock, & c., while the new consolidation affects every dollar of interest in the two roads. Jay Gould having been invited to Saratoga by parties interested In the Central, compels us to believe that the Central, and not the Erie, management made concessions. THE board of MANAGERS EOF JL The :?iALfc oui'HaN s^oiic ry wis?to ItMPLOY A GKMTUSMAX AM) I, AI>Y AS fcs U 1*K UX N Tl'-N D Kif T ANl> MATRON (a man ami wile without children preferred) to tak* ciiarjf*) of ihdr asylum Jo >hu city. '? lv pay is literal, Applications, "with recommendation, may bcleft with the Secretary, or Mr. WILLIAM H. J'LluASAN'Jl'tt, at the Msixitch oftke. CHAULEb a. WILLIAMS, au IS? lw* Bocretury. ALL VARIETIES OF SPONGESfor] ileaehy L. WaGHE?, I uuU-Ji* Druggist,

AUCTlQg sm? Tins PAY. CCrtK '& LAT7GIIT0N will scil at 10 A. M., at the i evidence corner of Twenty-seventh and G. ace streets, a fir.e acooitmcnt of household furniture, Ac. LICK & QOT>DTS -will sell at Goochland Court- . house a nil ruber of valuable ti Acts of land. R1CH ARD30K & CO. will sell at 12 M., at Goochland Conrtlouse, eorne valuable re il estate and farming implements. THOMAS W. KtESEi will sell at 10 A. M. fur- [ ulture, Ac. J.D. ?WT1ITFHFAO & CO. will sell at 10 A.M. groceries, liquors. Ac. IX)CAL MATTERS. Per30>ts leaving the city for the snmmer can have the Dispatch mailed to their address by ordering the saire at this office. Terms, sixty cents per month. Arrest of Ex-Atto rney-G ener a l Bowden.? News was received here on Saturday of the arrest at Charleston, S. C., of Thos. R. Bowden, late Attorney-General of Virginia (by military appointment), on a requisition tooted by Governor Walker, of Virginia, to Governor Scott, of South Carolina, and served bv Detective William F. Knox. Mr. Bowden has been indicted by the grand jury of the Hustings Court for conspiring with George Chahoon and others "to cheat and defraud the State of Virginia." The Indictment gr owswrnf of tlft- fafnous Haunsteiu forgery case, which is to come up for, trial in September. Bowden will be brought at once to Richmond. Dangerously Hurt.? On Friday afternoon, at Watson's bedstead factory, Ttockctts, Mr. Thomas X. Goodman, an employ^ of the establishment, was sharpening a bit on an emory grindstone. The stone bursted while rapidly revolving, and the fragments scatiered in every direction. One piece struck Mr. Goodman on the bead, just over the eye, inflicting a dangerous wound. Tie was at once taken to bis residence on Union Hill, and his wounds were properly dressed by Drs. Dickie and Ross. ( >n Saturday night the wounded man was considered in a critical condition. Encroachments Upon TnE Streets. ? On the loth of January last an ordinance was passed by the City Council which provides that whenever, in the newly-annexed portion oi the city, "nouses or porches which have been erected prior to the date of annexation, project over and encroach upon the public street a distance not exceeding three feet, the sutne may be allowed to continue until January 1, 1875 ; provided, however, that nil fences within said district shall be put upon the proper street line whenever I heir owners shall be notified by the City Engineer so to do. The duty imposed upon the Engineer is performed by an advertisement published this morning. Persons are notified that unless their fences are put in proper position the ordinance will lie rigidly enforced. Violations of Internal Revenue Laws. On Saturday the ease of George 1'. Perry, charged with illicit tlisti Ilimr, was called before United States Commissioner Chahoon, but several witnesses being absent was continued until the M of September. J. B. (Jraves, charged with doing business as a retail liquor dealer without license, was discharged. The ea>e of the : 'nited States vs. flic same for failure to erase stamps on whiskey barrels was continued until August 19th". Police Court? Justice While presiding. Moses Moonshine was charged with stealing a gold watch of the value of ?(io and one silver one worth $2-1. The evidence being in<uflicient, he was allowed to go out into the liirhl of dav. J. Rosendiu*r juiul one dol'-ir foi* blackguarding Maria liobson. Frances Brown (colored), charged with being drunk and disorderly, was fined $2. When called upon to settle she was exceedingly impertinent, and in consequence, was sent to J he Valley fur live days in order to cool otr. Thornton Carter planked up -Bl to pay for too many drinks in which he had indulged. Major Tracey, who was charged with selling a cow under false pretences to Elizabeth Johnson, was allowed to depart in peace. There being no evidence to prove that Albert Johnson (colored) stole a cow of the value ol $7"? from Robert Inge, he was honorably discharged. James I '. Robinson had a double-barrelled gun which was thought to be the property of some other person. For want of proof the charge hung lire, and the prisoner was discharged. Richard Harris and William Smith (colored lads) were charged with throwing stones at the house of Turner Frayser. Dick was lined and Uill discharged. Philip Lee, a wandering refugee from Prince George county jail, was sent down to await being called for. Michael Sliortel, for playing clerk of the market and attempting to extort money from one John Brown (colored). Mike not being able to collect Brown's tax for selling in the market, confiscated a quart of butterbeans. Michael intended this as a practical joke. The charge against him was dism^scd, but the little bit of fun stood him in the sum of $1.10 costs. Emclinc Coleman (colored) was pulled up for creating a disturbance in the house of sister Betsy Thomas and assaulting her. Emma putin an appearance yesterday to answer a similar complaint. She was discharged with the understanding that she should go to jail next time. Mary Daugherty abused Mrs. Kelley, and Mrs. lielley dittoed Mrs. Daugherty. Mr. Kelley swore that he was afraid of Mrs. Daugherty, and Mrs. Daugherty swore that she was afraid of Mr. Kelley. The Justice thought these family jars not exactly the thing for preserving the peace, and bound the parties over and lined the two women $2.50 each.

The Xew M.\le Orphan Asylum.? The trustees of the Male Orphan Society have recently purchased one of the lar^e barracks at llir-i" fjlTP Tfttil? J,"i1nV>n as Camp Grant), with tour acres of land aitacneu.arr!? intend to lit it up as an asylum. The house will be remodelled and put in thorough repair, the grounds enclosed, and it is expected that the new asylum will be ready lor occupation about the 1st of October. The trustees advertise to-day for a superintendent and matron, and persons properly qualified lor these positions may expect a good home and liberal salary. Harvie bids fair to be one of our most thriving suburbs. It is a pretty village, in a healthful location, near the Hollywood terminus of the city railway, and already has a population respectable in numbers as well as in other respects. The Sugar Refinery. ? We are informed that the Virginia State Sugar Refinery will recommence operations iu a few days. Every arrangement, we understand, necessary to the vigorous working of the estal>lishinent has been made. It is an important branch of manufacture to this city, and it will be gratifying to the trade to learn that it is about to be renewed. The Penalty of Not Joining a Society.? Saturday morning Henry Jones, a colored man, living in Kelly's alley, betweeu Jefferson ana Madison streets, died of acute pneumonia. Although there were four negro men in the house, the wife of the deceased could not induce either of them to assist her in shrouding the corpse. Nor was she able to prevail upon any of her colored male neighbors to do the work. Finally some women took compassion upon her and performed the duty. The secret of this neglect may probably he found in the fact that the dead negro did not belong to any " society," and was not, therefore, considered entitled to Christian rites. - Personal.? Ex-Governor Wells has returned from spending a summer in Saratoga, N. Y. . Unmatlabus Letters Remaining in the Richmond Post-Officb August 13.? John C. Kelley, Richmond ; Mrs, B. C. Hoye, Staunton, Va.

The Lono-Haibed, Poibonous Caterpillar. ? The attention of our citizens is called to the fuct that a venomous caterpillar, infesting trees and vines, has made its appearance in our . city, whose bite is attended with the most painful and dangerous effects. The animal presents a unique appearance. It has an oblong, triangular body, which is often entirely concealed by a dense covering: of lone, light brown hair. This hair is so fine in its texture, and so dense, that it has the silky appearance of the humming-bird's feathers. It grows over the whole body, except the abdomen and face, but it is sb long that the animal can at will lap it over those regionsso closely as to hide them completely. At its lower extremity this long hair forms a tail-like appendage. The animal varies in size, being of minute dimensions at first, but when attaining its usual growth measuring an inch and a quarter long by a half-inch in diameter through the middle, its hairy coat included. The bite of this caterpillar is followed by the most violent and excruciating auony, which appears in a few minutes after its reception. The pain passes, as described by the patient, from the site of the injury to the regiou of the heart, and thence radiates over the whole system. It attacks the patient in violent paroxysms, during which it is so intense that he struggles and writhes in the most agonizing manner, and seems to be partially delirious. The pulse and temperature of the skin arc not materially altered. .. In the case of Mrs. Ware, on Marshall street, lately bitten by this venomous insect, the pain continued violently for nine hours, resisting the free employment of brandy, ammonia, etc., but finally yielded to the' introduction of a third of a grain of sulphate of morphine, in solutiou, beneath the skin. In twelve minutes after this hypodermic injection was practiced, the patient fell asleep and slept calmly for several hours ; but feeling some, pain in the night, the hydrate ot chloral was administered with the most salutary effects. She is now convalescent. One of the physicians in attendance on the case, but who conceals his name to avoid notoriety, lias furnished these details for the benefit of the public and his profession. It is his opinion that the bite of.this insect, in the case of young children, would produce convulsions, and perhaps death. Specimens of this caterpillar can be seen at our office. Transfers of Real Estate in Richmond FROM THE 1st TO THE 13TH OF AUGUST, HOTH Inclusive.? Samuel Powers toZ.S. Ilord, lot fronting 01 feet on south side of Venable street, 161 feet deep, for $3,000. Andrew L. Ellett to Henry James, lot fronting 40 feet on north side of 1'. road street west of C'arrington street, by 150 feet deep, for $200. U.S. Taylor to William S. Garrett, lot fronting 10 feet 2 inches on the west line of Cherry street by 0-1 feet deep, with small brick tenement thereon, for ?575. W. C. Knight to R. L. Brown, lot fronting (16 feet on Grace street, near Adams streets, by 150 feet deep, for 91,000. James L. Taliaferro to Ilenry Motzger, lot fronting 40 feet on south line of ("'lay street between Twenty-eighth and Twentyninth streets, on Church Hill, by 155 feet deep, for ?70. B. IT. Nash, trustee, to Piedmont and Life Insurance Company, lot fronting 60 feet on Grace street between Twenty-first and Twenty-second streets, by 105 feet 'deep, for ?0,250. J. A. Richardson, trustee, to J. M. Talbott, lot fronting 55 feet on east Hue of Tw enty-lifth street by 120 feet deep, with frame dwelling thereon, for $2,515. W. W. Crump, trustee for i". T. l'ilkinton, to M. E. McDowell, lot fronting 130 feet, on north side of Nineteenth street bv 130 feet deep, with briek tobacco factor}*, machinery, tools, fixtures, &e., thereon, for j ?19,000. Patrick McNamara to Hibernia Building Fund Company, lot No. 10, fronting 22 feet on north side of Rockets street, and No. 13, fronting 38 feet on south side of Poplar street, for ?1,000. A. L. Ellett to T. D. Quarles and others, trustees, lot fronting 77 feet on south >ide of Grace street near Seventh by 121 feet deep, with- improvements thereon, for $13,500. . David Crowe to Maurice Clagclt, lot fronting 28 feet on north line of Ninth street north of Leigh, bv 120 feet deep, for $300. I>. S. Wool d ridge to Lucy Mosby, lot fronting 21 feet on north side of Witsler st reet, by 140 feet deep, for $100. John Wickhain to IMedniont and Arlington Life Insurance Company, lot fronting 30 feet on Main street, next to customhouse, by 80 leet deep, with buildings and improvements thereon, for ?32,500.

German Mass Meeting. ? The will 1?e another mass meeting of the German citizens of Richmond at Sohott's Montice]lo J fall to-night for tlie purpose of taking such action as may be necessary to carry out the resolutions in regard to the European war, ado]?tcd at the meeting last week. It is expected that the meeting will be large and enthusiastic. The Germans ot f.iehmond propose to show ot henvise than by mere words their love for the Fatherland, and their sympathy for those who tight its battles. Ball at Amelia Springs. ? A .errand ball is to be given at this popular and most accessible of watering-places on next Thursday evening. The managers are: Jiutye F. ft. Farrar, A. C. Tucker, Kichard Wood, and Dr. Charles R. Irving, of Amelia; Colonel Wm. C. Jettress, Nottoway ; Judge A. D. Dickinson, Prince Edward ; Judge Johu F. Lay, Nottoway; Nat. 3Iattliews, Lunenburg; John Palmore, Cumberland; Edgar D. Taylor, ftichinond. We notice the names of E. A. Ennis, Polk Miller, A. "W". Garber, James D. Crump, L. L. Bass, and Ira W. Blount, of Richmond, oil the committee of invitation. General Accident policies, for nuy term, from one month to a lifetime, Insuring against death or dlMib'ing injury by uccidtntx of all kind--, are Issued by the Traveller's Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn. Apply to ?, Courtney Jen kins, fctate Agent, uillce ino Main street, Richmond, Va. Portrau oi- c arg ? see ih it this portrait, in til ' ii ' city papers, Is meeting such rapid sale. V<. on!?>? ted to mention It bearb the iuiprlut of the '* X?EE " Gallxbt. There seems to uk some i>olt.t as to wi'te'lier the i'jince imperial is In London or M^tz ,)!I^ there is no doubt about where the great Virgin*'* clothiers are? tliey ure at 1300 Main street. For ah* kinds of gentlemen's furnishing goods call on ?. , B. fcl'ENCE & 5on. Money to lend at 8. a. WrNs-rocK's To an* Office ? I will lend money, in sums to suit all , parties, 011 diamonds, watches, jewelrj', and silverware. All business transactions strictly confidential. Oflice closed ou Saturdays. S. A. WlNSTOCK, No. 17 Fourteenth between Main and Franklin streets. ? Removal.? .Messrs. Jones & Minor have removed their oflice from Sixth and Canal to the: corner of Eleventh and Main street*, under the' National Bank of Virginia, where they win be pleased to receive orders for all descriptions of ? fuel. _ appleton's Ra.il way Guide foji August i at JRllyson & Taylor's poptuar iujws depot, 1118 Main street. Price, twenty-live cei its. "Remember " in yonr promenade of an evR~ nlng the neat ice-creum saloon, at ?' JaC'KSON'J.'* comer Mein and Third street*. He also mskes and delivers t?i> fainill V, pJe-nics* fairs, 4c.. Ac., pure ice-cro- mi in any qu^ntl'y and of any flivor desired. Old Papeks, ia pa<jkai?,-s of one hu odred or more, lor sale at the Diitpa tch countinj?-r? >oiu. KLLTSON (* CO. will UifltW Advertise .eut3iiJ the prSncipHl new3pao3rf jD Virginia. North Carolina, Tennessee, and th# northern cities, at P?& < ) a ft cirs ' raiod. foroaab,. &ppiv this oinr*.

rtUMAEABIC, GUM TR A J AC AN JP U (flakek CaKDa3 loN SEKuB, prime MILL A BKA.NS, OIL LK MO ?. SPiOjcB , <* C., P* aaielow bv 't,. WAGNKK, Dra?{W*t , ? ? au 13- a* corp er Sixth and Broa4 sire#*# if

imwB iHmiisCTcg. M1NTATUEE ALMANAC, AUGUST IS, 1871. 3cn rise? ........ 5 l?J Moon rise#. t.wl jun sets ... q.44> High tide.. 7.07 1 PORT OF BICBMOND, AUGUST 14, 1I7H . t ? ABETTER. . fteamcr John Sylvester. Gilford, Norfolk) merchandise and passengers, L. B. Tatmn. fct amer Saratoga, .Conch. New York, merchants e and passengers, John W. Wyats. BAtLKD. ^ | Steamer Saratoga, (Joncb. New York, meroh&a* dise and pa?s?cger8, ?fohn W. Wy*tt. Steimer Elite Knight, Travis', BWttmore, merchandise and passengers, John W. Wyatt. Ste?int-r El 7.a Haacox, Barns, Norfolk, merchandise and paspenrrs, L; B. Tsfum. Schooner Hardscrabble, Fule*. New York, gratis Canis A Parker. Schooner k> x*nna,* Franks, Baltimore, rnerclioudlse, Curtis & P&iker. Schooner, Adamantine, Wise, Baltimore. Schooners Frank Walters. Brewster, and James Jones, Jones, Athene, N. Y., via Chicahomlny, railroad ties, Curtis a: Parker. Schooner L. P. Pharo, Anderson. New York. via lower James river, wood, Carrie 4 Co. MSM'VUAXDA. WEST Point, August 13 Arrived, steamer s. ta'e of Virginia, Frecmin, Baltimore, merchandise and passengers, York River Railroad Company, and sailed on return. Acquia Cheek, Augmt H.?Arrived, steamer Irontldes, Mayo. Baltimore, merchandise and passengers, Richmond. Fredericksburg and Fotonnc rfallroad, and sailed on retarn. amixiiB, XT OTICE. ? A regular meeting of the OLD JLl DOMINION BUlLDlNG AS-iOCIATlOV wtlltifce place TJBIS (Monday) EYEMMG at 8 o'clock; Sharif will Ixt oilerea lor redemption. Members desiring money should not fall to attend. By order of the Board. W. LOVENSTEIN, an 15 Secretary. Richmond and Panvillk railboad co.,{ Richmond. Jui>e20, 1870. f ATA MEETING OF THE BOARD OF IX DIRECTORS of ihls company, held THIS D.vl, the President reported the actof the Gf neral Assembly of Virginia, approved July 11. 1370, direct ng th? Board of Public Works to sell ro ilil3 company the stock of the State la this compauy, and aut hollaing the companv to buv the same. Wh-yreapon H w as resolved that a general meeting of the Stockholders of this company be calhd ?o nuptattiic Exchange Hotel, in the city of Richmond, on the Slat day or August, 1870, at i 12 M.. for ihe purpose of considering the acceptance of said act. J. 1). BLAIB, Secretary. Th- book lor transferring stock will be closed ! on the 15th of August until after the meeting <>/ stockholders. J. D. BLAlit, Auditor. FORM OF PROXY. Richmond and Daxvili.e railroad Co. Know all J fen by these Presents : That ,the undersigned, do hereby constitute and appoint attorney for and in name to vote on all questions that may I?r brought before the meeting of the Stockholders of the Richmond and Danville Railroa-l Company to be tetd at ? on the day i>r , or at any adjourned meeting Lhereof, hereby ratifying all the acts of . sti<i attorney In the premises, fully as if were present and voting m person; in testimony v.hcfeof ? : ? have hereunto affixed hand this day of ? ? . Jy I'll? d&.-nvtd "VT OK FOLK AN 1") GREAT WESTERN 11 kail road. NOTICE FOE MEETINGS OF THE PEOPLE AND PIC-NICH. Colonel THOMAS S. Ft.OURNOY, President of the Company, General J. D. 1MU?;DEN, and oti.cri, *vill addresj the people upon the subject of subscrtrtious to the c<p!ial s ock of the .NORF't.lv AND GllEAT WESTERN RAILROAO at the times and places mentioned below. The people are earnestly requested lo turn out in full tor< e. The ladles are especially Invltid to attend. The friend* of the roadare requested to get up plciili s. It will be a leisure ilm<; with the farmers. .<?vl the meetings will be made an occasion not ?oil v fur advancing U.e Interests of the ^rent enterprize, h' tof the most plc:ts-Jiit recreation andenl>*? in cut both to tlie young and old. Let all come out. Hie meetings and plc-nlcs will commence and pr coed a< t'oiiov s r <U Wl^DSoli, Isle of Wlfeht, WEDNESDAY, Au. UEt loth. ,;t HI ACK CHEEK CHURCH, Southampton county. I" HI L)A V; August 12tli. At BAR* TAVERN, Southampton county, SATURDAY, August 13th. At PETE'S CHURCH, Southampton county, MONDAY, August 15th. At JON KS & HOlt.-ON'S MILL, Grcenovllle county. \\ HDNKc DAY, August 17tn. \t COLON r L SPRaTLHIY'S MILL. IJruasrri' K ?<u?T, PltiPAT. AUgUSt l?tfl. ;-t i AWRENCEVII.LE, Brunswick county, SATURDNY, August '-'oth. At MASOjNIC II \LL, Mecklenburg county, MO\TP '? Y, Augus. 22d. At ZION'S OHUR-' II. Mecklenburg county, WED'- KjjDAY, A IK' ust 24 1.1 i. AtBOYDTON, Mecklenburg cr.unty, FRIDAY, Auii'ii-t 26th. At r PIIKSU3 CHURCH, Mecklenburg county, SATURDAY, August f-7th. A' >1 1'STKRFIELD, Halifax county, MOND.? Y, August u'Oth. "At l.Ao'lfKL GROVE CHURCH. WEVFSDAY, A ugu-t 31*t. jy 20? 131 A

AMUSEMENTS. pTSTriYKLY ON if WEEK ! G BAN D PANORAMA AND rrrv vtasmao^hiat. sketches will be exhibited at No. 71S Main street (opposite lirigss's llakerv), commencing Mu.nDAV AUGTT.T I5T 1 1 1370, 8J o'clock P. M., comprising the most wonderful views of artistic talent, &<?.. , ever witnessed. AUMissroK, is cciita ; children, to cents. Tickets for sale at the bookstore of Messrs. STA1UE & RYLAND, 915 Main street, and at the doer. ? au 15 ? lt? G RAND ILLUMINATION OF TIIF CAVE OJT TIIE FOUNTAINS, AUGUSTA COUNTY, VA. On TUESDAY, Ancust 16th. this GREAT CAVE, situated seventeen miles from Staontoa, will be open to visitors, and brilliantly illuminated with calcium lights. A fine brass band will be in attendance. Persons going from Richmond will go to Staunton (>v the Chesapeake and Obio railroad, and go i thence by st?ees to the CAVE. Tickets for sale at ELLYHON & TAYLOR'S, Richmond ; HUNTER & COWAN'S, Staunton ; and at the CAVK. au 13- 3t CADEJM.Y OF MUSIC. BALTiMuRK K K T KR P RISE. Baltimore Introducing first class talent to their I hichmoiidfxiendd. G. VACRMAN & CO... Proprietors Successful managers of the Ne*r American Theatre, Baltimore, the beautiful PuclOc Garden, will optn the ACADEMY OF MUSIC positively ou MONDAY NIGHT, Septembers, 1870, with a FIRST-CLASS E N t'ERTAINMEN T of Ladies and Gentlemen, at cheap , and reduced prices : TEN CENT S. FIFT&S.S CENTS, AND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. r.ook cut for their great tliree-sheet posters with nainci of company. au 8 ? tod2w

EXCTBSIOWS. ?QAILY EXCURSIONS. JAMES RIVER STEAMBOAT COMPaN*. The steamers of tbls line, JOHNf SYLVESTER, Captain Z. C Giffohd; Caps&in J. W. Burns ; MAMJAILT^^RSloys (ynudays excepted) doxvn ttierlvtJfWWiflfiji?^ .??to A. M.. c-ji ne<:tlng wltU atfcainer frotu^^Blja (half way), and returning to Richmond in tltX^ lornoon of same day. TITEtfE EXCURSION TRIPS are the cheapest and most pleasant now offered the nubile TlCK.fc.TS FOR ROCTN'D TRIP ({food only for datvhoJd). ONE uOLLAH. 'I a'u 1? ira L>. B. TAT CM, Ageut. iuruj?? ? AsBurauce Society, streetsail 15-? ^77-^fFcE.-- Application will be made to Of mo foilowln* VlrglnU registered stock, which b^rtlflciwtNo.i e,287, issued In her name for l#co, road company. ,

AT OTICE.? Application wiT be made to XI to the K-cond a udftor for the renewal of the following STATE BONDS, which h*w> teen && 3g^ J*o^. IMS, ?* MuHKfc ?W January, ISO. ut iMiirch, 1WJ ; lwucd to J. {#. D, Cufteu, trustee. I Jy U? M*ru I mmrngsmm A? OU8* ?. K*79* A I B 500 busnels Fi^STKRKES

F9S? tain BtAXKxXsrrl Ctu ou TUKSttAte, Freight received oniu f p. s*at?lp Ue3uiM> ?g: paasage appiv to. Jy^ifeS ,S3? JOHN Jfl ?? M 15? 21 ? ? ' ^ T?OK BALTIMORE.-?*. 1? PETERSBURG will leave __ wharf MOM DAT, August istb, at io* Freight received up to u o'clock P. M. tteigi* or passage, applyS 5' T* For antf-lt . W. P. BRETT. A?*nt. T70R LIT ERP QOL.? The British ?k+ J? bark B'jSjC BREA, rata Al, aaront? ^ ? IH ?WiUVIW -ISl? SEDDON CO. t.u e ? ivr XTOTICB TO SBTPPE] Xl The bcata of the IAMBS VFR AND KANAWHA 0 i will leave the dock u nsnal TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS.". Freight and tolls on roods for Lj beyond collected on delivery, or ? option of the shipper. Every ? be afforded consignee*, bat no ol earned to deliver dovrn firelght eh my office on theDocfc npecialagreemen:. w *7 freight will not be delivered till charges art paid. Boats locked and Insured, da H EDWARD PILLOW. Ami. " fOK SA1A Ttev are just from the country, and are sult?ble for farm or oiher purposes. liml i Apply to N. C. LIPSCOMBF, au 12? lw Marshall and Second street*. JOHN KELLY, TWENTIETH STBEET BETWEEN MAIN AND CA3JY, OFFERS FOB SALE ? one OPEN BAROUCHE, Two BOKSES and HARNES8, One KMOKING TOBACCO CUTTING-MA.-CH1NK. One LUMPING-MACHINE, One NEW FolfR-BOHSE STREET WAGON, N*W and SECOND-HAND CaRTS, ARMY WAGONS, HARNESS. Ac. " N. B ? l will pay the highest market price for R ? GS, BONKS, and sUALaC, delivered at any ol the depots In the city. au slim JOHN KELLY. "\yfULES, MULES, MULES^ ItX have nine GOOD MULES for sale. OB4WJKS* 5KS, Ac.

UGAR for preserving, ) SPICKS for pick lin tr, VINEGAR forpickling. OJbD APPLE BRANDY for wwehe*, ; SfEARS'S FKUlT-PRESERVING SOLUTION, for gale by WILLIAM H. TATUM, '? SflC Broad street. (UGARS-CUBA, PORTO RICO, AND ' DkMARARA? for sale by GORDON 4 CRINGAN, m 10 Pearl Bloc la >EFINED SUGARS? all ffrade?-for V sale by GORDON & CltlNGAN, iuio Pearl Block. COFFEE-RIO, LAGUAYRA, AND J OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA-foraale by in 10 GOKDON ACRINGAN. TEW FLOUR.? We nre now prepared to i offer to the trade the superior brands of Mandator Mills FLOOR. Tuese mills have Just en thoroughly repaired with new machinery, a., and we invite those in wantof regular brands d CIIOICE FLOUR of uniform character to H and examine our stock. ROGERS A CO.. hi 1? lm Agon's Manchester Mills. 1IDER VINEGAR, a prime article; J PICKLING SPICES. . iul GEORGE A. HUNDLEY. TTARREN'S PINEAPPLE AND OL1 rY DOMINION SUGAR-CURED HAMS; It EASTS and LARD; SALMON; OE, CUT, and GROS? HERRINGS. an 1 GEORGE A. HUNDLEY. T7E ARE RECEIVING CONSTANTLY LY FRESH FAMILY GROOERIKS AND IC-NACKS, stilted to the most fistldlcus. raon* lhe great assortment [OILY LEMON SUGAR. :h? only substitute for lemonade, and much Ui&a trouble than the mode of me king with lemons ; K inest TEAS ; Pure WINES and LIQUORS. Ots ARBT couetantly BARRELS " A" SUGAR. jv 21 A. Y. STOKES A 00. BARRELS NEW MACKEREL. jy 21 A.M. STOKHS A CO. [VIRGINIA CIDER VINEGAR.-800 Y gall ns PURE CIl?i:it VINEGAR. WILLIAM G. DANDRrDGE A CO., jy 20 827 Broad Btreet. ^ PICES FOR PICKLING. J CORIANDER SEEO, CARAWAY SEED. WIHTE and Bi AcK MUSTARD 8EFD, LONG and BLACK PEPPER, MACE, CLOVES. SPICE. GIVGEIt, CELKr-Y, NUTMEGS, TURMER1CK, CINNAMON, &c. ALSO, STONE JARS on liauo. WILLIAM G. DANDRTDGE A CO., jy 20 827 Hrnad street. ERRINGS, HERRINGS.? 200 barrels new No; 1 Newfoundland Herrings ; 200halr-an-els new No. I Newfoundland Herrings ; for ale in store and to arrive by Jy 8 ROBERT F. WILLIAMS & CO. -)K HALF-BARRELS NEW FAMILY CO MACKEREL, 25 half-burrels new EASTERN HERRINGS, 50 barrels No. 1 new NORTH CAROLINA HERRINGS. jyjia WAGGONER A HARVEY. I H BARRELS REFINED SUGARS, JKJ loo bags prime Kio COFFEE. 50 bags LAGUAYRA COFFEE. jy 16 WAGGONER A HARVEY. A GREAT REDUCTION IN THE tL PRICE OF GOOD TEA, ROASTED OOFEE. and SUGAR, at J. H. ANTHONY'S TEA TORE, 732 Main street, three doors atove the potswood Hotel, on the opposite side. BeatGunovvder, *1.88; second qutfity. $L75. Rest Black Dlong, $1; Japan and English Breakfast. ?1.S3; oung Hyson and Imperial, #L60. Best Java loasied Coflee, 40c. ; Lagutyra, 35c. ; best Rio, )c. Wblie Coffee Sugar, lie. ; Cut-Loaf, Iflc. Jy u Lf ACKEREL, MACREREL^-No. 1, >1 rso, 2. and No. a MACKEREL, just received a store for sale by a, jy 8 ROBERT FTWILMAMK * CO. Q I C H, B RI G H T, SUGAR-HOU8E tisYHUP in hogsheads for sale at refiner's irlcejby the q'iantlt?.^gB^ hARTSOQK ACQ. fiO 00 25 FIVE-GALLON KEGS GOLDEN DRIPS, 10 barrels GOLDEN DRIPS. 25 barrels i>0 UT H W A RKS YBUP ? 50 barrels KNIGHT'S SYBUP? ^ inrtoreand for G(K)incR JbHARVKY^ H?W1A fTAVINO BEEN APPglNWa) itROWNI and myself under the style of QKOilflK ISSiSSJ^ their accounts one else Is authorized to eoXU-M tor kaJ>WAY. 'PROVED SINGER Jr'ol^^iS AGENTS WA^ALVi^ . . * ? til Slain street. s HOTELS AMD ]^AKDIN&HO?SrS. MRS. VAN DE VENTER can'accomiui date FIVE or fclX BOA RDER* with or withoat LODGING at reasonable prices at TwenvJHh and Broad streets. . ?o \fETEOPOLITAN HOTEL, iYJL MlSW YOSLX. REDUCTION IN HOTEL FBICES. On and after JULY 15th, 1&70, the price of board will beeper day. ' - jy 14? lm SIMEON LKLAND * CO* OT. PAUL'S CHURCH HGJOL O MOND, VA?T> o sltust&ttf Cf MATROJ