Daily Dispatch, Volume 39, Number 39, 15 August 1870 — Page 2

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ATTGITST 15. 1870. MONDAY AI_U The ^'""''"(.Jomiiianoe of their party to ejAftWish They established parin the Sou they enfranchised all SJKS PUC^W ofthevhiu* n'lrtofrnn. h.-cmont. Their whole poli"vnCwa8 distrust and punishment of the white* ? petting and favoring th o blacks. ? For the' purpose of pushing this policy the Constitution was rashly and hurried v amended, laws harsh and 0l!cnsnC passed, and a sharp and suspicious mil tary government was kept over the so i whites. The worst construction was plat c upon every accident or personal collisionto injure the whites and excuse the arbitrarv govern ment kept over them, an u negro was taken under protection oh the ground that the intelligent and orderly people of the South would not be just to htm. lie was fed, clothed, and sheltered, while the whites were taunted by the accusation that their lawlessness and cruelty compelled the Government to take charge ot the negro, feed hira, garrison him, and vote him ! . . t Never was there a more fraudulent pretext, never a greater wrong inflicted upon the public character of a poople who, for their regard for law, and their fair and impartial administration of justice, has no superior on this earth. But such a deceitful policy, such wrong, could not triumph, and it now appears to its authors that they have failed. The Evening Journal of this city has become the object of extreme Radical malignity because it has exposed the bad e fleets of "this ultra-Radical policy, and separated from some of t he vilest emissaries. In its editorial of Friday that paper tells the truth in this manner : 44 The weakness of the Republican party in the South, as shown since it has been forced to rely upon its own resources, is due? first, to its poverty; secondly, to ittmpopularitv with the white race ; and thirdly, to the extreme measures insisted upon by the intolerant and prescripts e tanaticsor selfish and intriguing office-seekers, who have seized the leadership in most ot the States, and who have undertaken to enforce their most distasteful northern notions, and compel the people of the South to accept them, together with their unpopular apostles." The Journal declares that there are Jonahs in the Republican party of the South that would sink any ship, and inveighs against the longer pursuit of a system of proscription that has brought defeat upon the party. The New York Time?, commenting upon the recent views of the Journal , admits their correctness, and concurs in one point made by the Journal, most emphatically, as follows : " The majority in Congress have erred ? as the Radical* State Journal of Virginia has declared? in cultivating only the colored vote, and in alienating the resident white votes.*' And the Times calls on the leaders to reform things altogether. It concludes thus : u It is incumbent upon the Republican Committee so to shape the campaign at the South as to mitigate the odium which rash local legislation lias created, and to redeem the party from the discredit that is incurred when adventurers like Whittemore are accorded prominence in a State Convention. These things may not affect the result at the North. But they affect directly and unfavorably the prospect of the party in every southern State. The wisdom of reconstruction will best be vindicated by bring5?tr communities which :in- tVir* of it into harmony with the ideas on which that policy rests. * To render this possible. >Ir. Wilson and his fellow managers must exert their influence to restrain sectional hate and proscription, and to purge the Republican party of the taint derived from the blunders "and misconduct of southern Legislatures," Ihe never-failing device of hunting up the "scape-goat" is here repeated. The evil was in Congress and congressional selfishness. Had Congress thought more of the country than the Republican party? a mere war party, without any principles ? it might have restored union upon the liberal bat-is of trusting the people of the South and the equality of the Mates promptly and without delay. That would have healed dissensions, erased sectional issues, and reestablished peace and prosperity in the land. Southern people would have been at liberty to consult policy and sympathy in allying themselves with national politics, whereas they have, by pressure from without, under the stress of offensive imputations upon their honor in the very laws ot the land, and under the weight of disfranchisement and the heavy hand of Government oppression, been driven together, and per force, banded together, lor theirown defence and protection. AVise men would have foreseen the consequence, and avoided it. Bitter partisans, fattening on Government spoils, were blind, and were fixing their triggers only with the view of perpetuating their hold on the power and perquisites ol office. They suffered neither wisdom nor humanity to counsel them, but, like beasts of prey, seized their victims with violence and ferocity. And so it is no wonder one of the ablest Republicans papers in tin United States should now call upon the bepublican managers to " restrain sectional '? hate and proscription, and to purge the i4 Republican party of the taint derived tl from the blunders and misconduct of " southern -legislators." *

Georgia. The action of Georgia on the subject of j the fall elections in that State?that is, refusing to postpone the elections according to the Bmxocx platform? was very probably induced by the result of the elections in North Carolina. The joint resolution to postpone the elections had passed the Senate, and in the llouso parties were *o nearly divided that, upon the cj roll, it appeared th;;

resoluuu ,v. ? ? ~ _ ?) one vote ; but several m<m^|?4j/anged their votes, and the resolution was decidedly rejected. We KUHpec-t that the weak-kneed were buoyed up by the constancy of North Carolina. Georgia has suffered from her own blunder and flora the tyranny for which that blunder was' made the pretext. Yet, notwithstanding the bitter temper of Congress ' at the beginning of its session last winter towards her, she escaped wonderfully well. General Grant, indeed, urged Congress to impose the iron-clad oath upon her people because the majority in her Legislature hail expelled the negroes elected to that body. Congress was appeased by the restoration of the negroes and the expulsion of those white members not eligible uuder the fourteenth amendment (which greatly altered the political complexion of the body), and intimated the willingness of the Federal Government to jjJIow the Georgians to go ahead and elcct new officers in the fali without further requirements. But Bullock and his partisans wanted to hold on to oftlce, and favored postponing the State elections for two years, in which they were defeated. Thus far, then, things in the South move encouragingly, und we are much nearer peace and equality than at any former period since the war.

Planning for the Future There are to be great operations and extensive enterprise in and about this locality in a few years, and it will be well for our people if they school themselves into the habit of looking ahead and forecasting the situation, which will require many new arrangements and a considerable expansion of scope and verge for the actions and adventures of men. We invite the attention especlally of young men to this interesting subject. Already there is a considerable extension and growth of this city. There are men prone to look on the dark side who never see anything encouraging about them. But let any man of observant disposition and calm judgment take a review of Richmond and its surrounding territory, he will inevitably come to the conclusion that there has been a great improvement since the war. There are more well cultivated small farms, and the former ragged ends of streets are dressed up and show decidedly more clean liness and thrift. Now, if with all the depressing influences which have borne upon this city there has been increase and improvement, what may we not look for when the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad is finished, and our straight road to Lynchburg is in operation? There will be that kind of commerce and manufacturing enterprise that will require a great deal more of area, and much addition to the accommodation of maritime trade. Look at Richmond where she is seated upon the James river, which is her boundary. The centre of her business is upon the shore of that river, and is therefore deprived of its proper circumference. This is a great, inconvenience to the business of the city. That men, in their living and their coming and going should enjoy the greatest convenience in the pursuit of their avocations, they should have the advantage of communication in all directions from the centre of their occupation. Therefore Manchester ought to be not only included as a part of Richmond, but access to it ought to be free and unobstructed. The river should be spanned by at least two free bridges, and they should be traversed by street railroads, and should be lighted so as that they would be safe and refreshing promenades, and the social and business intercourse between the two sides of the river should be entirely intimate and active. What a field for operations and for speculation is presented in the fair landscape on the south side of James river. Throw it into Richmond, and a fresh and added energy will contribute to her prosperity, and increase the value of her property as well the extent of her business. In our maratime enterprises we want more accommodation. We want wharfage ; we want facilities for the delivery of railroad freights and for the transfer of through freights'. To afford these as they are demanded will require that our people and our public authorities shall take a liberal view of things and act promptly. These arc interesting topics. We invite the reader to think of them, and to ascend the most elevated of our hills occasionally, and therefrom take a view of the situation. It is intensely interesting. The active and sagacious mind can readily see how the grand scenes around him may be peopled with an enterprising population, and animated with the liveliest signs of thrift and industry. Nor will it fail to discover the means whereby this scene may be brought about. Certainly, the picture will never be filled out unless our people adopt the proper policy that is required. The limits of Richmond must be extended soon. The longer it is postponed the more difficult will be its accomplishment. We must look about at once to all these matters. We must begin soon to prepare for what is to come. The more the subject is: considered the belter it will be understood, and we earnestly urge it upon the attention of the citizens - especially upon the enterprising young men, merchants and others. Let us all elevate ourselves to the height of the argument of the next grand chapter in the history of Richmond. She has had her share of calamities ; it is time she had her day of prosperity, and it is near at hand.

Honor at West Point. The investigation into the complaints of the negro cadet at West Point resulted most ridiculously and damagiugly for the poor complainant. It was found that the negro was " untruthful." The court of inquiry recommended tbat the complainant and the white cadet of whom he complained should he court-martialed. Bui instead of approving this recommendation. Secretary of War Belkn:ap has ordered an absurd punishment, which is to reprimand both the cadets, w ith their two colors, and let them slide. "Untruthfulness," according to Swift, is the saying of " the thing which is not." Now, in old times, upon the conviction of a cadet of this sort of thing, he would have been expelled ; for a convicted liar in the army would have "been intolerable. But in these latter days we tind that the man convicted of lying uud the inau not so convicted are recom mended to the same ordeal, and the Secr etary of the Federal Cabinet, who is at the head of the War Department, modifies the proceeding by a *' reprimand" of 1)0 th the liar and the truthful man. What sort of esprit du corps is there likely to be in the army under such discipline as this? It is time, indeed, to blush for the country when, in the great school of honor and chivalry, where braves and patriots are educated, convicted liar9 :?re thought to be lit associates for the young men who are there imbibing the lessons that are intended to make them lit sruardians of the honor and glory of the nation? A mania of the day is the idea of levelling up inferior races to a level with our own. But this is levelling dcwnwaj^i

liADICALS AND faROES.? ' The election hus , jing beyond change? the nep^.)Ps will never vote with the .Republican party, iu a body, iti this State Hgain. Many

of them voted with the Democrats this time. The refusal of the white Radicals to support the negro Jim Harris for Congress in the fourth district, and the defeat of most of the other negro candidates in the State, has opened the eyes of the negroes to the fact that while the* carpet-baggers and native scalawags consider the negro a very sjood voter, they have no use for him as an office-holder. There will be a general hegira of carpet-baggers from the Suite in consequence of the result of the election just passed. Those who have not been obliged to ?o before now to avoid prosecution for their rascalities will leave now, except a few who hold otllce for terms not yet expired.? Raleigh, N. 6'., correspondence Neva i ork World. j A Lost Loki>. ? A question which for a loug time past has excited considerable interest and conjecture in English society is what has become of Lord Aberdeen ? This young nobleman, a young man of twentythree, left England about two years ago without giving any clue to his whereabouts, and has not communicated with either hU friends or his family since. Information has reached them, however, that he shipped as a common sailor on board a merchantman, bound, it is believed, lor this country, and it is further stated to have been ascertained that he has since passed the examination for his ship as mate. JNo satisfactory cause is assigned for his strange conduct. It is rumored that the Hon. Lyman Trumbull has been tendered tbe position of Secretory of State by Yf e6i$ent Grant,

WASHINGTON NEWS. Correspondence of the Richmond. DInp?tcb. Washing tox, August 12, 1870. The Democratic Committee Is hard at work here, with every hope for a very succes!?ful Issue to ft* labors. The reports ! which nrc received from Iodine Conserva- ? fives both North and South are eminently satisfactory, and point to the fact that the result which has just happened in North Carolina will be followed in similar Conservative triumphs in all sections during the coming election*. There is not even a rum^r now in Washington, which is very singular, as in ordinary news times one or tw o are constantly flyine around. There is a j^ood deal of speculation among the quid nuncs about the Departments and elsewhere touching the probabilities of an extra session of Congress, which somehow keeps in the public mind here ; but the general irnpres<don, and certainly the correct one, is that there will be no called session. By some it is thought that the President will return again, so as to hold a Cabinet session on the 15th instant ; but when he left Washington on his last departure he had not determined positively when he would return, and it may be" considered very probable that there will he no session on Tuesday next. Politicians generally, excepting those whose official duties keep them here, are giving Washington a very wide berth just now, and even all the prominent officials including those who were pulling at an extensive rate with an eye to the next Presidency, have left their headquarters, and are recuperating for their fall work. The Republican committee regret very much the dissensions in their party South. They had more hopes of carrying that section than any of the northern States, excepting those* hopelessly wedded to Radi'calism. ? Timon. The President on the Enforcement of Law. ? Washington , June 20, 1870. ? To General J. A. JJtx : Dear Sir,? Yours of the 1 1th instant, stating that the report had been circulated in Iowa that 1 had stated that I would not enforce the laws for the collection of the taxes to pay railroad bonds, if resisted bv the citizens, is received. It is hardly necessary for me to deny such a statement. I would hardly invite a community to resist laws which I am sworn to execute. T do, however, emphatically deny the report, and state lurther that if it becomes my duty to use force to execute the laws in 'lowaj or any other State, I shall do so without hesitation. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, it u n ,, . v-t

VIRGINIA NEWS. Corrosponileace of llie Ulchmoiul Dispatch. LETTER FROM ROANOKE. ISTKAWBFUKY BAPTIST ASSOCIATION? 1 STATE, DOMESTIC, AN J) FOREIGN" MISSION8? EDUCATION 1?< >A UD ? MINISTERIAL EDUCATION -SuLDIEES' OKPITANS? ABLE AND ELt QUENT ADDRESSES. _ Blue Rjdoe chcrch, ) Roanoke, Va.. August 11, 1870. $ "We sent you yesterday an account of the first day's "proceedings of the Strawberry Association. We give now only the salient points of the other two days. The subject of State and domestic missions was presented in a resolution by Rev. J. R. Harrison, and ablv and earnestly discussed by Rev. Dr. R. II. Bigbv, Professor C. L. Cocke, and Dr. J. L. M~. Curry. The State Mission Board operates* onlv in the limits of the State ; the Domestic Mission Board embraces the limits of the Confederate States, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri, and the Indian tribes of the West. It also proposes to do what it can for the freedmen. The importance of all these interests was clearly brought out and impressively enforced in the discussion. Kev. Dr. Ba?by, associate corresponding secretary of the General Association, made one of his characteristically aide and earnest speeches on " Systemat ic Beneficence.'' L)r. Bagby has been appointed to stir up the churches on this question, and is entering upon his duties with the zeal and efficiency which was expected of the man who had been pastor of Bruington church, King anil i^ueen, fur twenty-eight year.*, and who, during the war, commanded the corp3 which killed Dahlgren and captured his command. The interests of the Education Board, which sustains ministerial students at Richmond College and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, were fully considered. Dr. Curry made a clear statement of the objects, plans, and condition of the Board. During the past year they had had at the college thirty-three ministerial students. These had been sustained by the Board, who had managed their finances with such skill that they closed the year with a small balance in the treasury.* This is due not only to the energy of Dr. Burrows, the president, and Professor 11. If. Harris, the corresponding secretary of the Board, but idso to the messing system, by which all the necessary expenses of a ministerial student at Richmond College amounts to only $100 (which is paid by the Board), and of any other student to $11)0, which is, we believe, about half of the expense at most of the colleges. The Board are expecting to have under their care next session at least fifty ministerial students, and' Dr. Curry urged upon the delegates to make ample provision to sustain tnern. He wanted the churches to be very careful in recommending ministerial students to the Board, and to send none save those who have unquestioned piety, common sense, and some " aptness to teach." He spoke in the highest terms of the ministerial and other students who were at the college during the past year, and spoke most touchingiy of the influence such men will exert in the world. At the conclusion of Dr. Curry's address the delegates from each church represented pledged their churches to contribute to the Education Board during the vear in either money or provisions. It was suggested that provisions were as acceptable as money, !-ince they could lie used in the mess or sold in the Richmond market if not needed. In the same way a farmer or country merchant can send his son to Richmond College and pay for his tuition and board in tarm products, which he would scarcely miss. This peculiar featureof the college should be widely known. At 11 o'clock to-day Dr. Curry a'ddressed the Association on the general subject of Education. For one hour and a half lie held a crowded house, carrying them away with his able arguments, practical illustrations, and telling hits , or thrilliugjljg^i

with bis eloquence as lie sity of educt " " neces- _ of the country. h?i? milv hoard Dr. Curry in

The pulpit has any just idea of his power | 011 the platform, lie is very effective as a ' preacher, but irresistible as a platform speaker. The subject of Foreign Missions was presented in an excellent report written by ltev. T. C. Goggin. Rev. Dr. Poindexter made on this report one of the finest efforts we have ever heard from him. Conclusive in argument, striking lu illustration, and eloquent in appeal for money, prayer, and men to carry the gospel to the heathen, it made a profound Impression, and at times left few dry eyes iu the house. The inevitable Corresponding SecretaryRev, Dr. "William F. Broaddus? was, of course, on hand# pleading for his soldiers' orphans, and receiving what the people were willing to give for this noble object. [By the way, Dr. B. says that if friends of ! the cause will send him* contributions by mail to Fredericksburg they will be very acceptable.] other objects of interest usually considered at such meetings were duly introduced and discussed. Palestine, in Bedford county, was selected as the next place of I meeting, Rev. C . C. Bitting chosen to preach the introductory sermon, and Rev. J. R. Harrison appointed alternate. The rain every day seriously interferred with the preaching at the stand and marred the pleasure of Hie meeting, but the congregations were very larire, the hospitality of the people unbounded, and the occasion one of very decided interest and profit. Vutob. Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. Salt ScLFmnt Spkinos, ? August 11, 1870. ) j Fow resorts in the mountains of Virginia are 'more attractive to the visitor^ whether in search of health or pleasure, than the Sulphur. It* variecj spriugs-Hbree in

number? are remedial for all phase# of disease, and its natural beauties are unsurpassed. The company here ia both agreeable and elegant, and yet free from the restraints of the tyrant fashion. "Virginia, South Carolina, Alabama. Kentucky, Maryland, and Illinois, besides other States, are represented, and it is expected that large accea. ' sions to our present company will shortly ? be made. j The lawn and bail-room are daily and ! nightly enlivened with a corps of accom-i plisberi musicians, which contribute un- ] toid delights to the gay and festive. But we come now to speak of that which ' more than aught el*e makes a sojourn at! the .Salt Sulphur a chief delight ? our hosts ; indeed, thev are a host within themselves, i Colonel Charlie and his brother spare no pains or expense in the entertainment of their guests. The table Is supplied with all the delicacies- of the mountains ? venison, squirrels, Monroe mutton, and milk and honey, such as might be termed nectar for the gods. No inconsiderable inducement to this inviting field of pleasure and health, to the impoverished people of the South, is the moderate charge of board ? forty dollars per month for families. Come, ye seekers of pleasure and health, and partake with us, and your hospitable welcome will only be exceeded by the benefits which mineral water, mountain air, cheerful company, and delicious fare secuie to the visitor at the Old Salt, Yours forever. As Old Virginian. P. S.? The horses are being now saddled to carry a party of us to the mountain farm of our iriend Thomas Branch, Esq., of the city of Richmond, where, by special request, we go to dine to-day. It is a pleasant ride over the mountain of about three miles. Conservative Meeting in Louisa.? At a public meeting held at Louisa Courthouse last Monday, the following were appointed delegates to a congressional convention to be held in Alexandria in September : Green Spring Township.? J. H. Wool folk, George W. May, llemy J. Wale, Thomas S. Watson, and Henry Taylor. Louisa Courthouse Township. ? George J. Sumner, Frank V. Winston, J. C. Cammack, Charles S. Jones, and M. M. Anderson. Cuckoo Toirnship. ? Abner Harris C. J. Kemper, John W. Davis, Henry D. Gardner, and William M. Ambler. Jackson's Township..? M. G. Anderson, M. A. Hope, WilliamS. Fowler, H. F. Dade, and L. it. Swift. The meeting then adjourned. [X. B. ? Our country friends must not expect us to copy reports of public meetings from other papers. It is contrary to an inflexible rule.]

Continued Lawlessness in Alamance.? Wo learn that about daylight a few mornings since the mail train on the North Carolina railroad was required by an armed , band of Kirks men to stop at Graham sta- 1 tion, And that this band, numbering about twelve men, leaped on board with seven i citizens of Alamance, whom they had seized as prisoners, yelling and cursing the prison- 1 ers and pointing pistols at their persons with threats of instant death, &c., and in this way took them to the company shops. The leaders in the crowd and most boisterous in their threats were three negroes, who appeared to take great deliirht in the scene of barbarity. The defenceless vie- 1 tims appeared lo have been taken from their j beds in the night, and not to have been al- : lowed to dress comfortably, and hardly de- j cently. How long are these outrages arid oppressions to continue ? ? lialeigh Sentinel. j TnE Atrocities in China? Sympathy with France.? San lYancisco, August 12. The Pacific Mail Steamship Company's steamship Japan arrived to-day, bringing j dates from Ilong Kong to July 12 and Yokohama to July 22. Foreigners in China and Japan are tilled with horror at the atrocities committed at Tientsin, and call loudly for vengeance. The United States steamer Ash uelot left Jlong Koijg July 11 for Tientsin, and the Monocacy would sail for the same destination in cas'e further assistance is needed. An enthusiastic meeting of French citizens was held in this city last evening, at. which measures were taken to form a battalion of Frenchmen, and obtain transportation for it to France. Democratic News. ? Washington, August 12.? The advices received by the Democratic Executive Committee from Pennsylvania and Ohio state that at the October elections in those States there is no reason to doubt that there will be large gains of Democratic congressmen. Alabama, it is believed, will go Democratic, and elect all the congressmen on the Conservative ticket but one. Diamond L'obbkry in Cleveland. ? Cleveland, August 12.? About noon to-day two men entered Crittenden's jewelry store, and one of them expressed a desire to look at some silverware. While thus engaged the other crawled under the counter and abstracted diamonds and other jewelry valued at about $.'1,000. They both escaped. Justifiable Homicide. ? New York, August 12.? The coroner's jury to-day rendered a verdict justifying Rodney W*. Duke, a Long Island railroad employ^, tor firing a shot which mortally wounded John Smith, a river thief, while in the act of robbing the company's depot at Hunter's Point. A Measure of Finance. ? New York, August 12.? One of the largest city banks has, in view of the coming redistribution of national currency, sold a considerable portion of its circulation for five per ceut. premium, i Ice in New York.? New York , August 12.? The price of ice has advanced to twenty dollars per ton, thirty-three per cent., and sales le'ss than twenty-five cents' wortn forbidden to families. Foley's Statue oe Stonewall Jackson. London, August 12.? Foley's model for a statute of Stonewall Jackson is ready for the foundry. _ _ Judge liond reached Parkersburg last Tuesday, and immediately took his seat upon the bench. This is the first appointment Judge B. has filled. That North Carolina soldier who tells of so many Confederate prisoners being still confined on the Dry Tortugas island is a hard case, we fear. The story goes the rounds, however, TT it N^'tc true.

There in great complaint in Washington imong mechanics and laborers of the great idling ofTin building enterprise this season compared with any one of the past ten years. Mechanics outside of Government employ are therefore seeking in the >outh and West that employment for their skill I which cannot be obtained at home. The most horrible domestic tragedy that we have recorded yet, even in such a plentiful season of domestic infelicities, occurred yesterday in Brooklyn. A man named tovett threw a large cheese knife at his wife, and missing her, it pierced the; heart of their little son, onlv eleven months old, killing him instantly. ? New York Herald. VIED. At the residence of hts father, corner of Twen- 1 t y second amlBriad streets, JOSEPH PARKINbu si.a of Andrew J. and Nannie C. Andrews. Raleigh, N. C., papers ple-use copy. * Suddenly, of congestive chill, at his residence, "Sycamore Vltw,1' Norfolk county. Va., on the 11th of .august, 1870, Capuln l?jSN N18 SIMMONS, in tue eighty-eight year of hla age. * AT COST.? As I intend to change my business by the 1st of September, I wjU rell my entire strck AT COST. consisting of WOODWABE, Pa NCY WOODS, TO VIuUNS, ACCORuaONS; also, SHOW-CASES *nd COUNTERS. JOHN HARROLD, au 15- 3t ' ill Broad street. npHE PEEL-RETURN OP DR. .JL itrancers. and others, who have awaited Ms io-.uiu ... observe he is ready to relieve, as usually,! ?lnl<*s and scientifically, every species of COB !i UNIONS, BAD NAILS, .Ac. Office, Nineteenth street near Main. ? an IS- St* Book an? job printing neatly EX?CUT?X> AT THIS Of* ICC. ? . ^ , k-.. . . \ ? ?&? ? x ' . j

sgBcm. aowm a 83T SPECIAL NOTICE^AttentiOB iu specially asked to Commissioner J. 8. WI*?'s ?ale of two granite-front STOBRS on Sfroad street between Second and Third, No?. 209 and 21tt THIS DAY at 5 o'clock P. M. Particulars in Richmond Enqulrgr. HILL & GODDIN, an 15 -It Auctioneers. ~ OSTNOW IS THE TIME TO PROCURE BARGAINS IN DBY f4<?Ol>??? AVAIL Y<>UK-, SELVBS OF THE OPPORTUNITY-CLOSING our Balk at A. GOLI>B*CK'-s_f**?ng determined not to carrv over my stock from one se?oon to another, ? sb ?lt for th?- next fourteen days, fell the remainder or my splendid stock of *um- 1 mer G >ods at and below cost, after which time they will be closed on* at auction In order t > make room for a larire and complete assortment of fall and winter eoods. I have Just opemd 5,000 yards of yard-wlds bleached cotton which I am selling at the vcy low price of lojc. Calicoes fast color , for''*. 10. and 12jc. Linen towels, 10c. Linen h *ndkercnicfj, 5c. Black sllk?, from $i.?S np. These goods ere very low. Also. Irish linens, shirt fronts, flannels, cambrics, Swiss and other white goods ; ltdle:\ gent's, and children's hosiery; and every other stvle and quality or goods to be fmnrf in any first-class dry goods establishment, which we are offerl-g at prices which cannot fail to please. Rememoer the place, and give me a call before purchasing elscwht-re. A. ttOLDBACK, 007 Broad street, an 13 ? between ?lxth and Kevenih. ? B^BUY YOUR DRESS GOODS I BUY YOOR DRESS GOODS! NOW IS THE TIMK I PRICES LOWER THAN EVER! LOOK AT THE GRENADINES? fifteen yards for $1.25; fifteen yards for $1.50; better styles at 12 jc. and 15c. per yard ; SILK FIGURED GRENADINES at 20c. ; DELAINE3 at 163c. worth 25c. ; LAWNS at 10, 12J, and lCjc., worth 15, 20, and 25c.; LENOS at 163c. worth 23c. ; LENOS at 20c. worth 30c. ; Handsome SILK GRENADINES at about onehftl r their regular value; IRON GRENADINES at reduced prices; FRENCH-PRINTED PARCAL10S at 163c. per yard worth 25c. ; Real SCOTCH GINGAMS at lcjc. worth 30c. ; CALICOES at 8$, 1C, and 12Jc. per yard; LINENS for suits ; And a fyll assortment of WHITE GOODS at very low prices; at LEVY BROTHERS', 1213 and 1215 Alain street. UNBLEACHED KNITTING COTTON only flOc. per pound ; COTTON YARNS, all Nos., at $1.30 per bale of five pounds ; an 11 !

READ THE LIST OF BARGAINS ! Twelve yards of LINEN CRASH for $1 worth $1.50; Twelve yards of LINEN HUCKABACK for *2 worth $3; BROWN LINEN TABLE-CLOTHS, two yards long, for $1 worth $1.50; BRIDAL or HONEY-COMB QUILTS, lar?e I enough for t lie largest beds, at $l 50 worth | $'-.50 ; 1 SPOOL COTTON, full 200 yards on a spool, at 50c. [ per dozen ; CROCHET EDGINGS, twelve yards In apiece, | for 15c., worth 5c. per yard ; ! GARTERS at 10c. a pair worth 20c. ; CASHK'S COVENTRY" RUFFLE at 40c. apiece worth 75c. ; Handsome RIBBONS for the neck at 50e. per yard worth 75c. ; Pure LINEN SHIRT-BOSOMS at 25c. worth 40c. ; ' Excellent IRISH LINEN at 35c. per yard worth I 45c. ; PILLOW-CASE LINEN, superior quality, ferty Inches wide, at 50c. worth 75c. ; LINEN SHEETING, full two and a half yards wide, at 90c. worth $L25; WHITE FLANNEL, all pure wool, at 25c. per yard ; HEAVY LINEN DRILLING at 20c. and 25c. per yard worth 30c. and 35c. ; HUNDREDS OF OTHER ARTICLES at very low prices ; at LEVY BROTHERS*, 1213 and 1215 Muln street. Now Is the time to purchase 8-4, 9-4. and U'-i COTTON SHEETING at reduced prices, ail 11 Qgg* GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OP COTTON SHEETINGS! A full assortment of 8-1, w?1, and 10-4 BLEACHED and UNBLEACHED SHEETINGS. ALSO, ? PILLOW-CASE COTTON ; FULL YARD-WIDE BLEACHED COTTON at lojc ; The best 12jc. BLEACHED COTTON that we have yet offered ; The genuine ANDROSCOGGIN COTTON at 103c. ; FULL YARD-WIDE UNBLEACHED COTTON at 12 jc. ; BED-'1 1CKS at reduced prices ; COTTON JSANS, DENIMS, and DOMESTIC GINGHAMS, at very low prices ; at LEVI* BROTH Eli 8', 1213 and 1215 Mnln street. UNBLEACHED KNITTING COTTON only 60c. per pound ; COTTON YARNS, all Nos., at $1.30 per bale of live pounds. . au 11 AST MATTING ! MATTING ! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES 1 4-1 WHITE MATTING at 25c. worth 35c. ; 4-4 WHITE MATTING at 30c. worth 40r. ; 5-1 WHITE MATTING at 35c. worth 50c. ; 6-4 WHITE MATTING at 40c. worth 60c. ; at LEVY BROTHERS', 1213 acd 1*215 Main street. FULL- WIDTH BLEACHED SHEETING at 35c. per yard. au 11 BOf SPECIAL NOTICE. In order to make room for FALL SUPPLIES I will sell from now until the 1st of September my entire stock of FRESH, FASHIONABLE, AND DESIRABLE GOODS

tuiil Invite an examination of the same by all In want of REAL BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS. All goods strictly adapted to SUMMER WEAR will he closed out reganllesa of COST. JOHN N. WOODFIN, No. 1117 Main street. I take pleasure In announcing that Mr. Jakes E. Bubtses8 Is again with me, and I unite with him In extending a cordial invitation to his numerous friends to continue the patronage hitherto so generously accorded him. JOHN N. W03DFIN, au 0? lra 1117 Main street. BERLIN, Jlliy 30, 1870. 2ST LATEST DISPATCH FROM BI?MakCK? <urderlnff G U L. D B A C K, No. eo" Hroad street, to put hie D^Y GO^I>8 down LOWER TttAN iTVER, In order to muko room for his FALL STOCK : which order b? reluctantly complies with, as he nas always sold his goods lower than the lowest ; but being a subiect of Prussia, ha obeys the mindate, and la now offering bis well-selected stork of SUMMER DRY GOODS, embracing every gtvle and V4rl*ty of &TAPLB and FANCY DRY GOOrS to tie found in any flrot-ejass establishment, at prb-es which defy competition. Call and be convin ed tor yourselves that the cheapest store to bn found In the city Is GOLDBAOK'M. I baye rcctl red today more of thos? astonlshlngly-chcap Linen H?ndkerchlefs at 5c., Linen Towels at Wc., and other goods proportionally low. I aat agent for ROBERTS'S CLXEBKAT rD PARABOLA N h.KDLES, formerly kept by William N. Beil & Co. Remember the place, A. GOLDBaCK'*, No. ?07 Broad street, au 1 between Sixth and Seventh. FBXHTK DA THJr

ii ? ? ta^ ? r AUGUST 2, 1B70.-T.R. PEICE & CO* have Just opened Superior 11*4 LIKX5 SHEETINGS, IRISH LINENS (All rare linen and best makes), BLEACHED and BBOTTJf COTTON, C TTuN SHEETINGS, PILLO W COTTON, FLACK and COLORED LAWNS, CORSE TS, all grades. MOURNING GOODS : BLACK. TAMESE, BLACK BOMBAZINES, IRON GRENADINES, CHALLIKS, BLACK CRAi'E CELLARS, BLACK and W HIT A PRINTS, Ac., Jc. NEW FANCY PRINTS constintly arriving. ? SPECIAL. DRESS GOODS now on hand, such as FANCY SILKS, JAPANESE SILKS, COLORED MOHAIR!?, MOZAMBIQUES, POPLINS, LENOS, CJLOtiED GRENADINES, sold off without regard to cost. Buyers at retail or wholesale arc Invited to call. The ELEGANT AND SPACIOUS ROOM over their store recently occupied by the Row York Meamshlp Companv Is cffered for rent. Its location for any kind of bnslupss Is unefjualled In the clty--Jnst where all be?t city and country tr#de la centreing. An OFFICE In bas<ment also for rent. T. R. PRIOR & Co., 1101, corner Main and Eleventh street*, an 2 nearly opposite po&t office. 83T* SHERRY KINA. WE INVITE THB ATTENTION OF PHYSICIANS TO THIS ELEGANT AND EFFICIENT TONIC. It Is preparer! In Paris, and has the sanction of and Is prescribed by the most eminent European physicians In diseases of the digestive orjjaus, and for persons recovering from severe fevers, chills, Ac. MEADE & BAKER, au 3 Pharmacists, 919 Main street. HOT ICE-CREAM ! My SALOON lo now supplied with PURE CREAM. Orders must be sent DAY BEFORE to be supplied. ANDREW ANTON'I, Confectioner, Jy 22 Main street below post-office. 3ET DISCIPLES' CHURCH (SYCAMORE), ELEVENTH STREET BETWEEN BROAD AND MARSHALL Preaching on EVERY LORD'S Da Y at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Elder J. A. DEARBOKN, pastor. Prayer meeting on WEDNESDAY EVENINGS at 8 P. M. Seats fres. Parsonage, 408 Twelfth street. my 7 DRY GOODS.

PHE OPPORTUNITY AT HAND! GREAT BARGAINS IV DRY GOODS cau be secured at present by purchasing at the BROA D- STREET DRY GOODS ;EMPORIUM, where the SEMI-ANNUAL CLOSING SALE stlft continues ; for all SUMMER GOODS will be sold REGARDLK8S OF COST rather than carry thim over till unxt year. We solicit a call from the city and country trade, assuring all of the advantage of buying at GREATLY REDUCED I BICES. A fair variety of DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, CASSIAIhRES, L I IN" ENS, HEET1 N'GS, COTTONS, QUILTS, TOWELS, TA.BLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, HANDKERCHIEFS, LACKS, EMBROIDERIES, SHAWLS, GLOVES, HO SI ERY, PARASOLS, UMBRELLAS, GAUZE SHIRTS, Ac., Ac. Be sure and remember the pi ice. WILLIAM THALH1MKR & SON'S, corner Sixth and Broad streets, au 15? eod Richmond, Va. PUCKWALL& ROUSS, No. 1013 MAIN STREET. DRY GOODS AT NEW YORK PRICES. Here are a few of our bargains : Stamped and Worked Band*, 20 25, and 30c. : Cambric Edging and Inserting, 5,10, 15. and 55c.; Swiss Edging and Inserting*, 8, lo, and 25c. ; elegant Lace and Needle Worked Collars. 15 to 75c. ; Linen Handkerchief'!, 8, in, 15. and '-'St;. ; Needle Worked Handkerchiefs, 15, 25, and 40c. ; llemstltche 1 Handkerchiefs, 15, 2o, and 25c.; Colored Silk Velvet Rlbbou. 5, lo, 20, aud 25c. ; Blick do., 15, 18, 20, 25, and 30c. per piece : Colored Silk Fringes, s, H, 15, anJ 25c. per yard ; Colored Silk Gimps (all style?),5, 10. 15, and 2uc. Der yard; Pique Trimmings. 15. 55, and 40c. per piece ; Cotton and Linen Trimmings, 5, 10, and l?Jc. per piece ; Handsome Silk Trimmings, So to 75c. per piece ; Rich SiUCLaces, 1C?, 25, and 50c. per yaid ; h'uncy Satin Trimming, 50, 75c., and $1 per piece ; Ekgant plain and Komaii Sash Klbr>ons; best Balbrlggui Ho se 75, *5c.. and $1 ; Ladles' Kid Gloves, 40. 50, and 75c. ; lull assortment of Brown and Bleached Domestics; yard-wide Brown and Bleached Cotton at lQ'z. au 13

?1ARD0Z0, FOURQUREAN & CO., 1000 MAIN BTBEET (opposite post-office), have just received large additions to their I stock of DJ2ES3 GOOD8, ^^^i^^ie^e^^o^ST^prlcos at which the a?me value of goods have ever bevn soidI~*

ELEGANT NECK AND BASH RIBBONS, In h 11 wMtlia ami colors, 1 M GREAT VARIETY. Per&oud preparing lo visit the Springs will And kvxbythixg in the Dry Goods line they may desire, from the clieapest travelling-dress to the most costly outfit. Jya CARDOZO, FOURQUREAN A CO. FLOCK. JJOLLADY AND CHARLOTTESVILLE MILLING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY CELEBRATED 41 FAMILY" FLOUR, with other grades ? new and old? for sale by an 13 PALMER, HARTSOOK A CO. CLOTHUiti. If ORE TRUTH THAN POETRY? la Mrh? fact that the NICEST, CHEAPEST. Bfe^T CLOTHING can 1* bad of the und-ral?rwj| tniin olscwlwfe amoaif whicu can be found alt ktnda or MEN'S SUIfB and tfcowanda of other NOVELTIF.S of the season. la fac$, Instead of j ??*,. BAUG^SBffl&fouo<l?gMITH,lii . MB Mala street. ^HEaFlUMBEB---SILLS, 0x8, 16 to 22 Vj feet; JOISTS, M to M feet, 4x6, lim SCANTLING, M ta U*J UW ? seasoned WHVrc OAK P* *A N K ; P A in* 08, gaudkn kails, *<v. aula? 31* Tenth street and Bj

.JUL ? The undersigned Ukc rrcit ploxiurc In u?t f to the public lu genera!, anil paiticulariy tb*|r,1. gular patrona, that, owing lo some oafortj?*0 eventa, th"y will not make the change In biuiC(.s1 anticipated, and will, on tire FIRST OF SEPTEMBER, OPEN A LARGER AND MOSE ATTRACTIVE STOCK OK FALL DRY GOODS THAN EVER BEFORE. In the mean time, will offer the following Gx*l? at and below cost : A BEAUTIFUL LIKE OF DRESS GOOD?, consisting of BLACK EMBROIDERED HERNANIFS u,; GRENADINES, STRIPED *nd FIGURED BERAGES, Handsome PLAIN, FIGURED, and PLAID JAPANESE POPLINS and SILKS; MOZAMBIQUE^, all styles and qualltlcj-some elegant dgurec ; PIQUES. JACONETS, and LAWN ROBE*. Also have on hand a large assortment of No. TIONS, such as . HOSIERY, GLOVES, CORSETS, HANDKERCHIEFS, Ac. Are receiving daily NEW CALICOES, BLEACHED and BROWN CALICOES. All they ask Is a call before purchasing elsewhere. H1RSH & GUGGKN'HEIMEU, 527 BROAD STREET. Salesmen : W. C. Kkax, J. H. CIIKNKRY, F. GRKTTEK. an 13 Q.KEAT REDUCTION IN TRICKS AT JULIUS S YCL ES'S, 903 Main street, second door below Ninth. He now offers his entire stock of SUMMER DRESS GOODS regardless of cost, as he la determined to reduce his tremendous stock; so call narlv aud procure some of those handsome FIGURE D U KEN AuIN ES from 20 to aoc. wor:1i 36 and 50c.; STRIPED and PLAIN* LENOSat 20c. worth 30.-.; PLAIN' and PLA1IJ MuZAMBIQlJhS at Sw. worth 3oc ; FRENCH ORGANDIES at 80c. worth JOj. ; PRINTED I'? RfAuES at Iflje.: MOURNING GOODS?a specialty : IRON GRKNAD1 N EH? all grides ami prire - ; BAREGES, T4MISK CLOTHS, BLA( K ALPACAS- from 23 to 50 : Very good CRAPE COLLARS and CUFF14, CRAPE VEILS and MOURNING HANDKKRCHI* FS? In variety; LAWNS at l?3c. worth 20c.; Great bargains In BLACK SILKS ; IRISH LINEN and LJNEN MIKKTINCS; HUCKABACK TOWELS at l'.'Jc. w<*h 2oc.; PILL' ?W-CAStt 1 INKS ; LANCASTER and MARSEILLES QUILTS? all sIzcb and prices : WHITE and Ci LORED PIQUES from 30c. ? ?. A fall line of WHITE GOODS, TABLE D.\MASK, NAPKINS, and DOYLIES; LIN EN ai. d COTTO N DIAPER ; FURNITURE DAMASK.

1 have alsoafull Hue of 0 *NT'S KtTONlHIlM; G' >ODS, such an LIHLJS and 0 A UZE SHi'C I'S; LINEN MIIKTS? very eh ap; COLLARS, HANDk ERCHIXFS, HALF-H<?SE. TIES and GLOVES, Good LINEN DRII.LTNG at 23e. and upward* . SASH, NECK, and TRIMMING RIBBON Mn vt. rlety ; HIT. K, LISLE, BUCK, and KID GLOYKS-all all o!r - ; LACK COLLARS, BUFFLES, em broideries, HOSIERY and NO HONS of nil kinds. Many other articles loo numerous t > mention, ('all early and be convinced. Th?- following gentlemen are with me, and w..nM be pleased to s?.e their fri* nds : J.EWIS W. BURWF.LL, .TOH*. J. TURNER, J. WEINBERG. OE'iRHE SW ABACHEB, Wli LI AM B. POWERS, B. S. SMITH BBS, C. J. MCBAE. JULIUS 8YCLF. Jy is ' oca Main street. siuinuR RKMmrs. hWHKT C 1 1 A I. Y 1 1 K A T E SpRtN?;>.) Alleghany county. Va.. > Allgtisti'.' 1-7 .) fl^HFSE SPRINGS, so lnn^ and favoraJL blv known for their mealclnal virtues mid luxurious bath*. were opened for the reception <>f visitors about the 1st of June. The proprietor has spared no effort tofurtlli everv convenience and comfort of a flrst.-m.-H establishment at the very* lowest hates. The success of his experiment h is been so marked that It has led to a general reduction of prices at Ue principal springs In the mountain* of Virginia. Resolved to keep the leid in tie movement wlil. li he Inaugurated. the undersigned now announces to . he public that while there shall be no at*ate> nnntofhls attention io the comfort and ml ? >'? inent of his guests, the charges at the Springs from and after August 15th shall be as foilowj : Board per day, $2 : beard per month. *50. THOMAS K INN I BEY, au 12? 6t Proprietor. Greenbrier White Sulphur Spring.-,) Ghebnurier county, w. Va. I pREAT REDUCTION IN BOARI).- * ~J In order to ext? nd the season through tl-e fall months, *e will KEiM'C'K < H> It CH.AbGES i and after the loth of August to the following rub i, viz.. Per day $ 3 o<> Per week 20 w Per month so oo PEYTONS 4 CO. THE SFCOND GBAN1) FANCY AND l MASOUERADK BALL will corre rff at the I ''White" on THUBsOAY the 11 h of August. ; Moxley, the celebrated OOSTLMKB, will be hero j with a splendid wardrobe. Bound Trip Tickets, good for THIRTY days, v 111 ' be issued as folhws? vlx. : 1 Richmond to Whit* Sulpftur and return $1S w Junction to White Sulpnur ?nd r? turu tit w GordonsvlIIe to white sulphur and return... 10 "<> Charlottesville to White Sulphur and reiurn ? w Staunton to W hlte Sulphur and return C oo JAMES F. NETHEKLAND. General Ticket Aircnt, Chesapeake and C'hlo Railroad. Excursion Tickets to the White Sulphur Sprlugi can be procured In Baltimore, Washington, an l Alexmdrla. au 4-1 t

UCL'ST GROVE, ? I ORVKNWOOD DirOT, I AIBKMARLE COUNTY, Va.. i open ior visitors. >or h'/a thfulness. /rood ! ?g, Ac., a is un-'urtmsed in the mountafnr. j KKM8 : H | >er day, $10 per week. s^no mont'i. E Idren ua<lt-r twelve years aud servant*, htif < ce. deductions for parties trending the sum* fl r. Q&-3m] A. K. YANCEY. JR. I "ARIETY SPRINGS will be opened for t the reception of visitors on the t'IRST OF [' LY. They lie fifteen miles west of Htauntou, B i?ilJirf^?^f!.r('T)<;sai>raKV'J(,lJ!orai!rov<l,?.h^ ars stopping at them. Tne :nin?l JY '.'vw rs&v 'ery tine, consisting of chiljht&U', slum, a'.llealinir, *?nd sulphur. Mountain siunery grand." rtusif and other amusements. Bathing in healing vat^r gratia. TtKMS : < 'ne month. <M0 ; per week, til: p r lay i*. Children under twelve years And ? rfJxtB. half price. I'. & M. Bl'littUSS, 1e l3_2:n Proprietor^. REAT REDUCTION IN TIIK PRU'K OF BOARD AT THK 8 .V K, V. T SPRINGSMONROE COUNTY. WKST VIRGINIA . . This d- lhrht'ul WATKki SG RfcSORT, fav rahly known as the 44 Oi.D SWEET," and tatuuu. for the wonderful medicinal profH-Kies of Its voters aodfa.H? ionahl? patrons, will opeu for tl? eeuson on JU?< E I5th. The location, 2 oofl f.et above the sea l.v< 1. v. it: cool mountain air and most magutlii-vul sceoerv together with two extensive batlis, snpj.il * with mineral water from sprite that rUe in if baths at a tcmueratnre of 7# decrees, render* tl* ?4Old Swef t " the mo*t attractive resort in tr.< United totates. Hotels, cottages, and ball-room Illuminated by gat. A suitable livery in connection with the Sprlr.j:" Telegraph communication to every part oi l; world. Board, IS. 50 per day ; $?o jn-r month. JOHN T. WILSON, Je 83? 2m Manager. Mountain-top house.-?* wtiiknown place of summer resort, situ ; tod J Rocktish Gap. on the Blue Ridge mountain a - within one mile of Alton depot, en th<* Ch.-v peake and Ohio railroad, b*vtug been newly if fitted with cntinlyiitw and elegant fUrnilurc, - now open for the reception ot vnitors. The air at Mou .*? T<* i s -TOI is always renw*ably cooL with flue fnextone and cha;>t>e.?'.<i water, and m>j?ni&cexit view. The undersigned having leased the above p:o* perty, will epare no p*hii to make tluir Control tab!?u Gueitd will be conveyed to and from the free of cliarge. Addrv?? B. H. GOODLOE * CO., ! Aftuu depot, Je&-?m Chesapeake and Oblo UallroaX T? liJET ARTICjUtaa. ^ I TTSE DUPUY'S UELIOTROPITPOVVU DSU for the toilet and numry. It U c?>e* posed of pure stare b Haeljr powdered and delicately perfumed with heliotrope. Conuins mineral, and warranted not to injure the iuom delicate akin. I'rLoe.gfie. Yor sale only by FOWHATAU fe. DJJtVT* AooicWry. irt * 43tl Btoad strwt