Daily Dispatch, Volume 39, Number 50, 27 August 1870 — Page 1

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BY COWARDIN & KLLYSO& ~ ' CASH?IN VAXlABt.T XV XDVXftCM. t The DAILY DISPATCH t* delivered to snbecrt* . r*>n< *t viFTPWNrKvr^ per week, p*v*hie to the carrier w<yklv. M*!scd ?t U twr *n\mav*3 fo!r *lx Tr.oR.'hs ; 1'c. ret reorXh for * ehorver period. The SttMI-WrcfcSL.Y BISPATCP atOiper annum, or M.55 for el3c months. The WEEKLY DISPATCH at W; r?r unmim. WTEAlH EBV 1> H I L A I> E L PHI A, RICH - ? #****. I H">n AXD VORF -1 K Sv* \ \t.x?mriL SlflP MNK FOR H!11AO*Lr\UA*^o7A \\ }? >-K.? ! nttl fur h??r notice ?he p'-amerp \OlfF? 'I K . <*?*?? 1? PUATT. ;?nd J A MF.s s. OREF.V, <? pt In VaxCK. xvUi lo ve Ru-hmond eve-y Til RM> > and F'?Ha<'p1? ,nja ovt-rv Sf'T(-U-i \Y, .si ornat. >>. F retell', -or ill partsof lYrr ylcanl * and New Jtvsey ; Also for Norfolk, at moderate rau*. rns^aifO to Phtlade ?' ,^ia, Inctudln? meals and tuu-ivom. f*. \v. p'ortek, AKCOtitt 'jt'jhmond, No MS l>ock strut. ^ ii V.1A.M P. CLYI * * c. ., Ajrcnt* *t Ph 1 idclphla, O- afos, Nw. 12 South \\ h*rvop, and ,'v No. u North Wharves. jyviL-f link. &5S&7 J* A?$ RIVER STEAMBOAT COmFa.^ l. tn *;.d aier MO Day. .July isth. thl# ceinran\ will rvnil"ill\ I.t- E con?l*ttoff of toe f:.o aw i J--:a t I'nllcd S'ates mkll st atuers .JfTtfs M i V?>TEK, I VhlZK HAN VX, ?Cai>t <1: /. C. ( iKKOsn ; ! Cap* t? I.. W. HuiiNH ; ;? \Sr.i <? mpan ? *s v h ij f. at rocktUt. dallv (ex- (?<}?? >ui;dayf ! at 6 a. M for Norfolk, Portsni uth and all regular landings on .lames River. K?r?- to %?< r'-ik #2. Go. Km urMon ticket* to Norfolk and return 4.w. K\Ot'1ivr ?v Tit 'K.KTS down the rl ver.meetln/r the other steamer *no rrtnrnlneto Klchmond the same <l.iy (gOi-d >nl\ for tliethy). ls-ueiliit tl. Uheral arrangements made wl!h Sunday sc-h uls *nd <?t!ier excursion ;> rtles. rs couneet >t ^orrolk with flrst-elnss stciiwrs iur H^ltlinore and all points >Nortl?. \! . for *"rt Monroe, Cherrystone, Cobb's 1.-1 ? ii i J r., A r leave*- City Point for Peter^hwrj; on arri\al 1 'tvamer. Frelfht r? ee' ved dallv fr>r above named places at K h .A > VAU K so Wll AHFAOK <JIIAKGEJ>. Krt ijiht fvir ^av landings m'^t be prepaid. L. B. TaIUM. A. m.t, Jy I* Company's Whsrf. ,) OH.N W. W Y ATT, GKNKKAI/ SSir.'PlNG AS1) COMMISSI - K MERCJaM, Vo. * GOVKKNOK RTKKtT. fk:3kov'i>, Va., PoST-oyric* ^ox 13. run lsyxri-ool a sd . - QIJEEKSTOW. 7 ? M VN" LI> I OK MA 1 L S T f A MX! S s'w.l":y<i KEi-M S KW YORK KVKiiY SATUP.OAY, AK1) A LT> UN'ATK TUESDAYS. It AT KS OF rASrAGK. PtVHiblt in Gold Pdfj'ible in Currency. First cabin $<5| Mef-rasre $30 T ? Lo)i?iuu ^0; To London 35 '1<> t^arls f ' io Parts 30 t; k<-t- sf-ld U> ?aJ frotc Kueland. Irclar.vt, ?nd tin Ominwt,, at moderate ra'ies ?f'or fcrther Inl'ormsuon inn.v at tNj Oompaay'i .OdCfiS. ?TOiIN G. DAI<K, ^icont. 15 Kroaivav, N?-^ Vc*; or to JOHN W. W YATT, AKent, Ktchmond, Ya. FOR STEW" YORK. -**&% OLD DCMINION STEAMSHIP ^?inii'il^T OOMPAKY. The splt-ndlrt ncv. sWe-wln ??! s^m ships VAC BELL, fciAK 'Vi'JUA, N ? A G A I\ A, Ai KH> K A I K, and HA1"I '? 'iA j, leave Sen l'ork for Norfolk. CUv Polrt, And 'fttchmond, every TUKSI ? . Till RSDA nut'. ^a'PUkOA > at 3o'c -cl ? M- l.t:cvc- nl' hrjor or?rv TtTF.SUA. V, FKIl AY.and S' " "a Y , ai iilffb'tlae-Tb.-se nh!p5 'in / rt-jyncw, Theyn&Tr e5eprant sh] <vjes sad oU.iur,,omp. The fare, uoooromodati ti.,r:3, and attentlo'j, are nuarpusetL conr.ctv t;3 r.-uie wu\i i.ciamer3 for ali r- m in 1 ifv ropear ^''rts. ? ..r. >ee ?-Q' ete'd, wh<-?\ er-iered. AT A QUAE* T !? CKF. TKti CENT., at cSlcec of tbii r ? >'tV. l-'.>r farther Inforrr.'itlon aprlv t-? J Ull N \\ . \V Y -V'i T A cent, my S? No. 3 Oovr-nor rtr^-t.

! MLl? )KTA-NT TO WESTERN .ft SHIFPE%8. 1:if. POWHATAN STEAMBOAT COMPANY and t;;k i: A '.T'' *:<?!' K - V ? railroad ? m r an i"-s i " . i i 1 1 ijiN k 'i >j Tin: wh.-n iV r riiprrl">r 1 ui'uss shippers of TOC ?? Wlf^Ki.V, HACMN. CA 1> KS ??., ?row * . Hfcst at low rates, qnick time, aii'l less bundling tii?a any o her 'i ? ?\ ! ?vi-sti-rn }*???' ? ?astorn" ' ? >'? ?! *'r?.!j;ht ?!? ? i vv r? t ? j ml :e?ivc(t t'roiu ??n boArdtbeci r.- "f the Halt ; in r?* -.ii'1 ' ))'?. t'aiiroad Ci>n p.iiiv ,i Loi uM !'< inU 'hv'iic ir i'isfi-r by drays &nd'e*yosuri- to w < ather la ftaltitn irt. 'i'hr -Lvt. bills u; lmlitiir iiv^n on ..II shipments V> V"IM,IA.M I'. Bit KIT, WV *7 igeuf. CKOPOSALS, City Almsiioi'sk, ) RlCHMONP. A.UPUS* 27, 15*70 . > ?JEALT 1? PROPOSALS WILL HE IiE- < ' IV' UU'll 12 <> i'l <k *?'. 1 I'KSi A , AU- . >1 31'. in? !o I'lintl* liin/f I be < It v .Almshouse ? it:: uii pllt -i i r Jic qu-ricr tudlujr Novuiiibfci 3U, \ li c ?>"<!- 1<> be i!i livced ai City Alimhou-e, (? ec iiurire f r pa?k.tc" or dnyace, at r>uc".i tune* :?n-l in i ll < j ii ditit >? s :??? nmy'b** ruqulrwiupon or- ;? tr?-:u -iiiM-iiit' -ndciit, when approved by ? irr ?: < f ci.nmiitire-vtz., ?? ij??hi-i!s , oil UK P, ? ; lUIHi.H i . K ? V*-H 1IIHK,!> SIDES, :? " l% It I TK1M'??11N M' Ah, barrels LXTHa -L" I': If FINK FLOUW. ( Iwlvbin ml i it sue >i n), l. : / u <mI> S?lO C? >FFKK Uiceti), ? uou'iius JlKoVv \ " l'(j K, poiiuds a SUG IS R. I. 1 .? uU'i? HI.aCK I'EA, " ? " ouudu V{ 3 ( t i i ?)w iid ? 1? F ' ? '--'F"FI- li, <5 pujiid* IS \CK l* h 1'FKR, 'j.. J.. nV asIDS ? S 1?A, ? *0 I* lID ' i?" I". i- Ms.., I- IKI.-H POTATOES, ? Vmi. r. I.- IIK -KINGS, flsa. k SAL , .r- . ? i? i.- M t.A-SF-i, *f> . .til V N O A li'. 1 b \ \IIA.MAX I I NF CANDLES (short). ALSO, 50 totiS ?? FI? Asa ANTHRACITE COAL (ege ??> /??). A s ftl'i \ i vtiniate <>f (juantltlcs > bati d on pr< - ? .t n id < i oi nun tt's buy will be v .rkd a.- -lie . .i'ii o r to be pro\ hleu lot in-iy increase or dinilu>b I'roiif^ ?ls nmst be addressed to n drrsljnie'l. '-ii- ? ! r-? d " l'r i?i-:ili for m.pplles for City Alms?j i ." a?ifl inii.-t. wl;li sainpleo be left ai t"e o '- ?? of super luteiit'ciit ?. ity a lirubouse. with full - a t iin -.t of br'iii j and quality of artlcle3 which I'.'irmot lie sampled. The r.iininitt, e reserve the rl^'lp to reject, at t!i> ir optin!'. :,m or all proposal* ollered. WILLIAM .JENKINS, Ciiiinnan Ci mmlttet for Relief of the Foor. ?' ii i~? ;i.

( 1 JIE^APEAKE AND 01IIU BAILV R'AU. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Proposal w in he rccelv* <1 until 12 M. 21st ?<*p- ; nitter :r < i,:irl* ht'?n, W. Va., and until 12 M. -Mli ptem e: in Richmond Va., for the conptruB- ? II > t >timi t ?.<? thorn-Mid linear feet of H A\ Ti:OS" PRMK*IN(* In ?pans r-'tnfrinff :ro*i" t ? i.r,? leeton the line of the ? bc-npe?kc inl ' t to I: . i ir ?- d between the liula of Kaiia/vh* Tid the lilo river. ? 10s win ? i r.* d-ed for oil or p?rt of the sbOTC. >l-eclti .-atiotis may be bad on application to AV . 1.1* '? If. :? i clpal .saistani englnter, ? h irleston, \V. Va. \ Ho, at tiie r - :ii' times and places, for the '.?tAI>r \ 1 1 >V, Ae.. of u section on .sew river, s' ?n nili> s ,'itiove 'ts mouth, including t ! r \ s ' ! J,?(K) >( et In length. Tin rlielit to lej ct anv "rail proposals 13 reH. j j. WHITCOMB, an I'T?jSc'.'C Chief Engineer. ' i rn k or City exgi.vkek, j Hl< iimosd, Va., Angutt 27. 1870. ) N'<? I M F'. ?Scaled proposals will bo l'C-<-el ?? 'I a t tils oflive nut 11 W hl)N ESitA V, Sbt " >t'<nt, at 12 M. tu furnish Hie elty mules and l. ix's with KEEI?, PR: "VENDER, Ac ? for tho t< rui <if tlire<- lis from St! tember 1, l*"o. The coinmltte- reservj ibe rl^h. u> reject any ;? 1 1 bid- utleti d Forms i-f proposals e <n be obtained by applying Mtbi-o!li e. CilARLE* 11. 1> MWM'K, an td City Engineer.

Okkm h Koakdok Education*,) H 1C11MOND, Va., A?i,U t t8. 1*70. ( TJIK HOARD or EDUCATIONS WILL I r*c l\. l'H< >I*i ?w s for lurnishiti/ <>?:? H r M .-It f. ] ? >. N ! I ^1C! I ! T Y TON > OF A > ''II ?A - ' ! i K CO/> I, be?t ri iiiiy white or r<.d sli si)\e 'i'l ? /h for iijo public schools In tins city ! i the ensuing winter. 'I'twv a .? > s.'Mcli )?roiM?KalH for seasoned I'T^-E W ?>Ol>, b^wcd and bplit, r>ulUble lor kindling purposes. 1 Ik-c ;?! ?n'l v.c?.)'l t... ?jo d-livercd ut sncli times place- Hf? tin: superintendent of Schools may ?lir-c.. \ p!>licatlo^h rr^eivt '1 until SEJ'TKMB'/.R 1ST. u.j fCi.% J . U . li I N FO II I Superintendent ' f -ehoolsand ?u 13 t el ^ecielaiyfKojrd of Education. JK4?K HA ILK. 1?0R BALE, THE ENTIRE COLT fern l "t'OMhT," l>ur years old, broke to lr<ru? f-a anO ^<ldle warranted ?juu'1 anil geut'e. IK- ab <vc colt 1m from ? apia n McM?1h?u*n b'iy initre Molll.; (well kuo?u in KlchwouU lu 1805 an j i - e - by Jjosv,. ir. l'Uuet. The ware's pedigree 1- t>.ukuo*n, but pronounc* d by judges t'j have >w ry appeal ance oi a tli >r- ugt bred. The < ?>lt li t- uever t?ceu used fur ttock purples. i'rlce, *i5). u. ("an be seen *>t Fredericksburg, V-?. /o-'reBs " C-OMET," u-iw *t* box '.'03, Fredericksburg, V%. I OHN KELLY, TWENTIETH STREET ?I BfcT W EEN MAIN A.SlJ CaKY. OfFJK.ES !? > i It S.sLK i.t <?l'EN B^EOUCH"", '1 ao Il<?u:-Er: and HARNESS, ')u- -MOKING TOBACCO CUTTING-MA-Cll 1 \ - . ii- LCM "I SO-MACHINE. ' .? -? \V K < K ?i .KSESTRKW.T WAGON, "? ' VV am! KK< ' ? s' I > I1A' A P. my W*(;()S", JJMtVFSS. Ac S. B ? *1.1 j);lV tin- hlgn?-t market pi Ifc for <.s KOs l' and . delivered at any oi tlx- (It pot* m the cUv. fcu ?--lw JOHN KEI?LY. |>ENT <fc LEA PARLOR MATCHES.? 1) WV nave received another lot oi these very Matched a. y. btokkb a cq. fcu 25? lw

books ASTI* wtatiostbbt, jgOOKS! BOOKS 1 BOOKS! CHEAT SOUTHERN BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT. THE NEW TIMOTHY. B?- W. TJ. Biker, fl.50. T11K GENRl. SHOWMAN. Being reminiscences of Arterous Ward. "5c. HENRIETTA TEMPLE, Y UNO DUKE, VENET1A. CONTARINI FLEMING. Disraeli's first works. 50c. e?cb. LOTH AIR. By Dlsratll. $1. PUT YOURSELF IN HIS PLACE. Charles last ami t.est.. 75c. MANaNDWIFh.. By Wllkie Collins. *1. BKKKZIE LANGTON. By author of Race for a v* Ho. 75c. A RACE FOR A WIFE. By Hawley ^mart. 73c. STERN NECESSITY. By F. W. Roblnsou. 50c. FBF.E RUSSIA. By D'xon. *2. ROB ROY ON THE JjRDAN. By J. Macgregor. $2. SO. MARRIED IN HASTE. Mrs. Stephens's last. ?ITS. LITTLE WOMEN. By Miss Alcott. *S. OLD-FASHION hD GIRL. By author of Little Women. $1.50. BEA R AN D F< 'It BEAR. By Oliver Optic. $1.25. HARD SCRABBLE. For boys. $1.26. GRACE AG.UILaK'S WORKS. Complete In t> vols. $10. MRS. LEA'S DOMESTIC COOKERY, fl.25. CHEAP ENGLISH EDITION OF POPULAR STANDARD WORKS. HOGARTH'S WORKS. Complete, glxty-two illustrations. $3. WYNDE RING JEW. Complete. $1. MYSTERIES OF PARIS. Complote. SHaKSPEARK. Dick s edition. Complete. 50c. liYR1. >N. Dick's edition. Complete. 40c. SCOTI". Lick's edition. Complete. 25c. BURNS. Dick's edition. Complete. 35c. GOLD^MI TH. Dick's edition. Complete. 40c. ARABIAN NIGHTS. 25c. DICK'S BRITISH DRAMA. 4 vols. 50c. each. SCOTTISH CHIEFS ; CHILDREN OF ABBY; ST. CLAIR OF THE ISLES; TUAODEUB OF WARSAW. 25c. each. jWAVEULY NOVELS. Complete in 25 vols. 2Rc. each. Cheap editions of DICKENS, BITLWER, MAR i ATT, THACKERAY, READE, and OttiCIS. All the popular NOVELS of the day always on | hand. I ALSO, HARPER'S, LESLIE'S, GODEY, PETEiiSON, DEV.OHEST, LONDON SOCIETY, GOOD WORDS, SUNDA Y MAGAZINE, GALAXY, PUTNAM, LIPP1NCOTT, BLACKWOOD,

and all the magazines published iu this or any foreign country. Lt;i? iER, SATURDAY NIGIIT, KKW YORK WEEKLY, FIRESIDE COMPANION. \\ E sTERN WORLD, L- SLIE'S Pa I'EIJ. HARPER'S WEEKLY, CHI MS KY CORNER, EVE ? Y SATl'R i.'AY, BOY a' AND GIRLS' WEEKLY, LONDON MEWS, PUNCH, LONDON GRAPHIC, and all the papers-- domestic and foreign? always to be had at THE GREAT SOUTHERN NEWS DEPOT OF ELLYSON & TAYLOR, lllfl MAI.-; ST ItEKT, RICHMOND, VA. fau 27? lm] -JMIE " UNIVERSITY SERIES " OF SCHOOL BOOKS Is tbo only scries prepared hv eminent sou'heru educators and they arc the only books which arc wiih 'Ut offence to the feelings and thoughts of the so .the n people* ^ liile entirely unsectional t*n:l n n- partisan, ihey are specially adapted to the wants of southern teachers and parents, and are received with eiithusiAStic favor everywhere. The economy aud convenience o' a uniform St r lea oi Text-Uo'iks being now well understood, an 'J the UNIVERSITY SERIES being the only series which In authorship, contents, and plan, Is entirely acceptable to the southern people, It is rapidly bee. tiling the UNIFORM SERIES THROUGHOUT THE SOUTH, and teachers will find it greatly to their advantage to gjvt? trie volumes early examination. Their exclusive use by their children Is being demanded by parents everywhere, and desired by the best teachers. They are the freshest and b*st books now published -practical, progressive, anu up with the times. They arc beautifully illustrated, handsomely printed, and strongly bound. The - UNIVERSITY SERIES" comprises HOLMES'S READERS, SPELLER, GRAMMARS. 12 vols. VENABLE'S SERIES OF MATHEMATICS. ?? vo's. MAURY'S SERIES OF GEOGRAPHIES AND ASTRONOMY. 5 vols. DE VFRE'S FR I NCH SERIES. 4 vols. GILDERSLEEVE'S LATIN SERIES. Svols. LECONTE'S SCIENTIFIC SERIES. 3 vols. HO.' MP'S' S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. JOHNSTON'S ENGLISH CLASSICS. CARTER'S ELEMENTS OF GENERAL HISTORY. CROSBY'S BIBLE MANUAL. Ac. Send for circulars giving full particulars and d scrlptlons, which >ve shtll bo glad to mall to any address. We 6hall be fc ratified to re-el ve communications, catalogue?, circulars &c , from teachers and school officers everywhere. Prices low and terms liberal. Addrs ss UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING COMPANY, au 13 S4' 4 B'.nd street, New Yoik.

SCHOOL-BOOKS, SCHOOL STATIONOjc.KV. IaNUFOKT S. MUislC. &C. - W0ol?IIOUSK A I* \ KHaM are rend* to furnish i?CH<!OL-B- OKS of every dvseriptlon required for use lt> colleges, seminaries public ;.nd pilvxte schools, Professors .?nd teachers wlio desire to exam me > e\t Books with a view to <h agf or introduction /e cordial I'. Invited to thrir store for ibe purpose 'I hey have a. full sioek of eTAT1?JN r liY Mil table 'or the de?k andsehool-rooin. t ?trether with a g'sod supply of superior PianoFortes. OuiUr*, Mus c and Instruction Books. Orders addressed to tbem will be carefully and I promptly tilled. Oiscoun.to TEACH'UF. au24 W? 'OPHOITSE <t PAKHAM. I AW BOOKS BOUGHT AJS'D SOLD.? I J RANDOLPH & ENGLISH, 1318 Malu stre^f, <lT.ir hijrb pries lu cash or exchange for 4th <-raita:i; 8th Leigh; 4. 5 OCall; Wjthe, 1, 2 3, ?1; Itobliison's ."?ew t*rart\ce, Robinson's Forms; toatthews's Digest or Guide. A k-r?e stock <.r new and old Law and miscellaneous Books at low prices. au 18? d*w THE BfcST PLACE TO HAVE BLANK 1 B(>? .ICS made to order is at KEIMNGIiAM'8 BOOK Bl?> DKKY, corner of Broad and Ninth ?ft'fC U. RULING and BINDING of any description at short notice. Je 11 TO THE 3IERCHANTS AND OTHER JL BU'-IN KSB MEN OF RICHMOND : Tne editor and proprietor of the MECKLENBURG HERALD. puidithed at Boydton.tbe countv-seat I of that populous county In Kouthalde Virifioia, i M<-ck e/ib .tk, i?'?s leave to present (he clilms ofl hi" puutr as u.< advertising medium to the bu i- I jiess m n of klchmmio. The M< cklenbure Herald ha u ( li' ulat-oii lu the couity of Mecklenburg tliut no other periodical ever enioi ed, li you w ut ihe trade ol Mecklenburg advertise In tti?- Herald. We have made a specialty of our c int circulation. Besides this circulation we humane we <u?fce s.s many *etkiy visits lu other par .h ??f Vlrglnl* a id ivortn Caroliua as any other country paper. Mr. Vv. n wniTR, ut P. Weislger A Co Is ourasreutln Richmond. L. E. FINCH, au JS-eodlm Editor and Proprietor.

I 1ST OF ADVERTISED LETTERS IN THE KICHMOND POBTO* rICE AUGUST 27. 1870. I crsons calling for letters In this liat will please say Advertised. LADIES' LIST. AIvIh, C. V. Allen, N. Anderson, K. Atki*son, M. Atklssoii, R. (3) Bafisett, P. Banks, N. Ba?l?y, E. w. Btneh im. M. P. Blskett, S. Bowling, J. Bowman, A. Bollen, \nn BolMn. E. Broaddup, E. Brooks, E. Br i singer, P. Butler, AT. A. Bur h, F. F. Bnr-e, M. A. Carter. ? C amemn, C. fur , C. Ca ter. II. Clark'*, V. P. Cl'irk, M. F. Clifford, M. K. (Malott, C. Corbln- M. Cook. E. M". Corker, M. A. Coleman, F. Coilin, a. E. Cooper, E. Cohti. S. (2) Colmary, t,. Crump. A. Crenshaw, J. Crea, Cum n, M. Danni, 8. ? favle, A. M. Dews. M. Donley, A. Dorotiiy. V. Uodson, F. V. Drake, J. Diamond. M. A. Kllett, T. Eilett, L. L. Estes, A. P. Evernv, 8. Fergerson, M. E. Fisher. L. Finney, B. Frzgerald, L. Gentry, Marv Glttor'd, H. L. Glbnon, M. Goetze, H. Gou*h, L. Green, 8. A. Grefn, M. A. Gwathmey, A. Harris, J. Hurls, F. Harris, B. HanklnB, J. H t^klus. M. A. 11-ath, P. Henry, S. I. Hill 8. Hillyard, E. G. Holmes, A. E. Hougcn, M. Howard, C. V. GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Anderson, H. Johnson, George W. Homes, Huffman. 8. E. '' Jenk'ns, K. M. Johnson; A. < Johnson, JR. T. Jnneg, H. Jones, WKenady, C. P. Kelly, b\. Kilgour, H. F. (2) King, A. F. Lavrranco. G. I-ncy M E. Langon. M. Lewis, F. Lipscomb, IT. C. Lnmsden, M. L. Mar.'h, K. M. Minnus, F. Minor, i?. Morris, 8. J. Morris. R. Morton, R. Molloy, 8. A. McGee, L. M- Gee. N. JV>cN.*nn E. CKetff A. Oliver, M. Oast on, Jane Overby, A. Orerf>y, M. C. Owens, A. G. Parker, F. Parker, 8. I'eijjht iun, N. Phillips. R. Phelps, A. J. (2) Pleasants, K. Porter, O. C. Rawlings. M. Ranals. P. Read, R. A. Robinson. K. Ro) ch M.C. Rohiuson, B. Shelton, C. Shine, B. I. Shell, M. Sherer, C. ShHls, M. Smith. N. Taylor, L. Tfmberlaze, M. W. Turner, E. Tyler. A. A. Tyler. E. Vaughan, J. Vauchan, 8. A. Vaughaf. 8. Vereer, M. E. Washington, M. Warren, N. .? . Walter, T. Waorty, v. (a) "Vv hltmann, E. W hite, V. Whitman, H. (2) Wheeler, M. G. Willis, s. p. Willi tins, P. Wooters, R. Wood, J. Wooaard, D. Wren, E. J. Anthony, Andrew Andrews, Cliarles Arnold. A. Bauehan , F. H. Bngby, Henry Barnwald, M. <fcD. Baughmau , W. H. Baker, O. H .ker, M. D. Bcitslv, >1. Bird. "A. Blariklnshlp, W. L. Bottled, '? . Brook*, R. J. Brown, J. Ward Bright ? Co. Burnett. W. P. B .rcb, M. 8. Kiuk> r W. C. Burke, W. R. Oaromell, K. C*rt-r. C. Calling. ? eorgeE. C -Bkie, J. W. C sk e, J. L. Carter, D. Cshkif, J. Oli imiicriavne. J. L. Chappell, J T. Clane, A.J. Cooke. J. E. Cone, G-. W. C'trh'H, 8. S. < onnell. J C. Cowiet, J. B. C"bcn. 8. M. * ro? k A Hume Crawford, C. Crouch, E. Crawley, J. B. Crenshaw, E, L. Oush'aan, G. C. Day, C. *>'. Dttnizo'- & Co. Danrill ? ? Donln^, J. Dorsev, W. F. Dove & Inaaci !)? nn & (,'rrlck Elliot, >?". P. Ep.tes 8. Flt-jerald, Frauk Fnher, J. Fisher, O. I- lemlng, J. W. Flemings, M. ? lournoy. S. L. "^ortuny, J. Johnson & Co. Johnson, C. L. Johnson, L. Jones. A. L. Jones, II. Joaefl, A. 8., Jr. Kev, B. M. Kendler, J. W. Kerr, J. Kimbrouch, H. B. Larmg, GLaniord, E. L. Leidy, George W. Lewis, Peter May, M. Me\er. Jobu Mit'cbell. A. Miller, M. K. MooOy. J. E. Morri?ett, R. C. Vole, f. McCalTery, II. MeGuln. P. McM -inure, J. O'Dty, D. Parnll, S. A. Pendleton, J. T. Plnn, J. Powell, W. T. Potter, M. N. Poniroy&co. (3) ' Brl chard. R. S. Qullilus, W. W. Ran' nlnh, P. FhtclilTe, J. Ranso >. W. H. Randolph Peyton Reynolds, W. I eed. E. W . Reilv. W. B. Rh-des C. (2) Rice. W. C. Richards, J. J. Roblmon, 8.Roach, R J. Royull, A. Roborts, D. B. Jtobertson, Albert Roy, R. Sadler. L. A. Kims, J. Sizer, W. II. Snodirraso, C. E. rtaarn, B. F. Sutpln. J. Talman, .1. Tab, J. D. Thorn, J. Foiilket,' W. W., & Co. Thompson, C. 8. I4>\ J- lrC> , A? Tlmbcrlake, D. A. Toombs J. Trlbble, R. Franklin, T. H Friedman, B. Frirl. James Gardner. R. E. Gaur, A., & Co. Gale, G. G. Gown, N. W. GriiHn, E. Grin feJ. J. Garrett. B H. Harrle*. 8- F. Hart, J. L. Harris. N. Hart. J. Hcith, ft. 8. ilenrv. P. M. llenrl. E. Hill. J. Hickman, D. Higcins, H. L. Ho unes, A. Hog;.n,\V. Ilerntlon. Z. B. (11) Ilumos, P. Iluuiev. fl. K. Hunter, Henry Hurnley, J. Jack-oii, S. Trice, J. T urner. 8. 8. Tyler, J. M. I pdlre, P. V-nnmman, T. B. VandtrBllce, G. C. Vlnable, R. Watson, R. W alker, R. 8. Walker, J. 8. Walk.tr, T. J. Weft & son West, A. J. Weiseger, H. E. White, W. S. Williams. G. P. Wilson, N. Witter & Co. Wlli:amp, J. Williams, L. Woodward. J. H. Wright, John Wren, G. K. Wynu, W. G. INITIALS. Tobacconist (4) : City ^exton ; Telegram ; Virginian ; National Publishing Company. VESSELS. J.B.Foster, Bchooner Sarah Elizi ; John M. ClieercB, schooner Sophia; John Dickinson, Aleaton ; Shcppird Haley. Ronoc.*ous; John T. I ela. Morning Llcht ; J. B.- McLeod, Premier; G. G. Shannon, Maitha Coll'ns; Captain Sparrow, rhlegcr ; Peter Smith, Waso. E. L. VAN LEW, Postmaster.

r 1ST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN lj THE MANCHESTER POST-OFFICE AL'GUbT 27, ls7u. Persons Cilllnjr for letters iu this list will pleas* say "Advertised.1' LADIES' LIST. Anderson, Miss Katie Hendlckson, Mrs. J. B. Blunt Miss A. E. Lufsey, Mrs. Robert Hush, Miss Christina Logan, Mary Conlev, Miss i.ottle E. Merrltn, Mrs. Caroline Fields. Mis. M. (cl'd) Turner, Mrs. Annie E. Hartwell, Mrs. L. V. GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Atkinson, Enoch Hatcher, John H. Bartlett, James Johnson, R. (cl'd) Ba-.ghan. J. F. Montgomery. 1>. tC. Berber, John lllt hell, George T. Charlton, John McKae, C. C. attorney Clopten, Will ?.m L at- at law: torn* y at l<tw ; McRaf, A. 9. P.*Yrni>ori, J. (cl'd) Taylor. G. A. "W. Greene, La wson "Wall* ce, Thomas H, Hart, Jaines Vvatklns, Benjamin. INITIALS. Equinox House. J. H. CUNNINGHAM, P.M.

IMPORTED BAY IiUM, FRESH VAXMLL-- B>:AN, on. LEMON, OIL WWTS. RGB t! F.N. WHITE GINGEK, NUTMEGS. MA'JE, MUSTARD SEEL), and Sl'ICEd generally, wholesale or retail, by L. WAGNFR, Druggist, aa 27? 2t? Sixth and Broad streets. OHf! ?8,000 TO LOAN.? For ^)t/?UUvloi!n, from $5,000 to f8,ot>o on city or subuman teal estate. "Will divide it Into parcels or lend all in one sum. Good commiTciil payer will be considered. Apply to \V. B. ROBIN'S, au 27--2t N'. 1QQ2 Main street. O^n BOXES WINDOW-GLASS (assorted sires), PLTTY, LIN SEED OIL, Lewl.'s and otber brandB of WHITE LEAD, 8PIKIT* 1 UBPc-NTlNE. VARNISHES. PAINT andVARNISa-BKUSHK S, &c. L WAUWltB, Druggist, aa 27 2t* SLxtb and Broad strcetf. WHITEWASH-BRUfcHEH. ?Y au 27 -2t* . L. WaGNKR, Druggist. TIT AN1LLA INDIGO. v JLVX L. WAGNER, Drugget, aa 28?21.* Sixth and Broad streets. \TOTICE.-THE BOOKS OF SUBSCRIP--L^i TJ.ON to tbe capital stock of the Richmond and Lynchburg Railroad Company (straight shoot) win be opened under tbe supervision of commissioners appointed for th it purpose, on and after the 6th day of September, 1870, *t the ;foj lowing placed : Richmond, at the banking house of William B. Isaacs & Go. ; Lynchburg, at tbe office of Edward S. Brown Esq. ; at the court-houses of the following-named counties? viz , Powhatan, Cumberland. Bucklnahaui, and Appomattox. AI?o, at the office of Colonel. William B. Weoldrldge,-. Conltlcld, Chesterfield county, ftijd at the Tow*. Hall in ths town of M in cheater. < WILLIAM P. BUKWELL, Secretary of AlcetLng oX Incorporators, au 2-tBepO ? T ?

SATUBDAY AUGUST 27, 1870. THE CIRCULATION OP THE DI-PATCH IS LARGKR THAN THE COMBINED CIRCULATION OF ALL THE OTHER-' DAILY NEWSPAPERS OF THE CITY. j A Ghost Story? Sue Mnndy and His Plum torn Bride Kevlsit the Glimpses of the Moon. A recent number of the Louisville Cou* rier- Journal lias the following : Many of onr readers remember the daring exploits of Jerome Clark, alias Sue Middy, the notorious guerrilla and robber during the war, and his subsequent execution in this city by the military authorities. The story of his life and crimes lias been revived in a very singular manner. For some weeks past the people living near Eighteenth and Broadway, the place of his execution, have been startled by strange sighs and sounds. The ghost of Sue Muhdy has been seen flitting across the commons in the vicinity of the fatal tree, at all hours of the night . Sometimes alone, with hie hands pinioned behind him and the fatal cap drawn over his eyes ; again, dangling in the air, with a rope around his neck, struggling as if in the agonies of death. At other times he was accompanied by the girl who bo fondly and truly loved him, all steeped in crime as he was, and to wbom he wrote so affectionately with his manacled hands a few hours before hiH death. Many of the people were skeptical 011 the sulyect, and attempted to solve the mystery. The 6trange couple were seen by hundreds of people, but always, when closely approached, mysteriously disappeared?vanished into thin air. Every attempt to solve the mystery only tended to deepen it, and many of the people of the vicinity finally believed that the objects that they saw were Sue Mundy and his phantom bride. The ghosts got to be a real terror, and the nervous maidens and children were afraid to venture out after dark. The ghosts finally got to be such an annoyance tnat the police were appealed to, and on Sunday night last Lieutenant John Shelly was informed that the ghosts wrere in full view. He went to the spot sure enough, and saw the tall form of a man with a female, all dressed in white, hanging on his arm, walking slowly in the direction of the fatal tree, and finally take a seat. He went up to them rapidly, when the female in white suddenly disappeared, or at least seemed to do so. The Lieutenant hastened on and seized hold of the man, and the ghost story was at an end. The man was real flesh and blood, and the female in white had not disappeared. She had only thrown a long black cloak over her white dress, thus concealing her from view except upon a close inspection. They were a couple of lovers, who, for lack of a better place, had chosen the fatal tree as a trysting-placc, knowing its history. As there* is no law prohibiting courting, the Lieutenant released them and explained the matter to the terrified people. A Heroic "Woman? She Plunges into the Water and Rescues a Man from Drowning ? Other Acts of Self-Denial.? The Boston Herald says : "On Sunday a party from Cbarlestown, consisting of Mr. Thomas McLaughlin, the oarsman, his wife, and Mrs. H. E. Trimble, wife of Captain John Trimble, were spending the afternoon at Hull, when the former procured a small boat and took the ladies out lor a pull round the bay. They hud been out but a short time whon Mr. McLaughlin complained of a bad feeling in the head, and requested the ladies, who were both accustomed to boat-sailing, to take the oars, which they did, sculling the boat for a considerable distance, 31 r. .McLaughlin in the meantime sitting in the stern. In a few moments he swooned and fell backwards into the water, which at that point was some forty fathoms deep. "Mrs. Trimble immediately jumped to his rescue, and as he came to the surface threw him an oar, which lie was unable to notice, as he presented a livid appearance, and was apparently in a drowning condition. Discovering his helpless state, and appreciating the importance of quick work, Mrs. Trimble, who had a slight knowledge of the art of swimming, sprang from the boat into the water, a distance of some six or seven feet, and succeeded in clasping Mr. McLaughlin around the body with her left arm, keeping him and herself at the surface about eight or ten minutes, and until the arrival ot a boat containing two soldiers from Fort "Warren, who took the drowning man into their boat, the heroic lady refusing to be taken in until after he was secured. "Mrs. Trimble is the wife of Captain John Trimble, of the brig Timothy Fields, now 011 a passage from Washington, D. C., to this city, and the above is not the first instance of her coolness and bravery. She has been her husband's companion on his voyages for twenty-one years, and on one occasion last spring, while off .Nassau, N. P., the vessel they were in (the schooner Emily Willard) became disabled, and her husband being confined to his cabin by sickness, she took charge of the vessel, and though the crew mutinied, she kept them in subjection and brought the vessel safely into port. The particulars of this affair were published at the time, and it will be remembered Mrs. Trimble received a medal for her bravery 011 the occasion. In her efforts to save Mr. McLaughlin, Mrs. irimble so strTuned the muscles of her left hand that yesterday it was very badlyfiswollen, and she was otherwise phvsically prostrated."

Switches. ? The Springfield (Mass.) Republican says : "The recent revelations about 'jute the dark, fibrous bark, wherewith women endeavor cheaply, to counterfeit the luxuriant heads of hair denied them by nature? have been regarded, no doubt, as merely sensational, or perhaps the product of some misogynic imaginanation. But the doubters have no chance. The disgusting little borers that fill the fibres of the jute plant, whether used in massive chignons or long bunches, are causing a lively and by no means pleasing excitement in various quarters. Finding their way to the heads of their harborers, they burrow there until the scalp is raw, and in some cases affect the whole nervous system and craze the brain. In this city several women lie in danger of death from this loathsome insect ; one of these dwells on the 1J ill, another on D wight street, and the disease in its lesser form is quite frequent. Without any hair-splitting, the moral seems to be that ' honesty is the best policy' in personal adornment as in business, and jute chignons must take their place with the poisonous dyes and lotions of the quacks as among the implements of fashionable suicide." A Rich Hoax.? Somebody in Detroit recently perpetrated a gigantic hoax. All sorts of people were invited to meet the writers at a certain restaurant at certain times of the day. For two full hours the place designated was crowded, pilly boys with canes and dollar diamond breastpins, villains with b|g whiskers and " loud " clothes who ought to be in State prison, courtesans in bionde wigs and lily-white who ought to be? respectable, persons of both sexes who ought to be out of good society, and a lew who tliink they have a claim to remain in it, came to that restaurant during the afternoon to sit and wonder why he or she did not come. After awhile the hoax was discovered, and there was a general stampede, and a liberal use of inelegant expletives. Nilmson. ? This Is the manner in which the Swedish prima donna herself spells her name ? Nillsson. The natural termination in Swedish would be sen, but the lady is supposed to know how to spell her own name. ? To what extremities the confirmed punster is sometimes driven may be seen by the following : Consider the house a structure ; consider the house a shelter ; consider the house ? home : and then, oh I then, consider the flousatonlc I ' *'?? It ^ . i

AUCTION SUi?8 THIS DAY. TH0MA8 W. KEESEE wUl sell at 10 A.BL, at the horse-lot, spring-wagon, horses, mules, etC. FRANCIS T. ISBELI/wIll sell at the store No. 415 on the east side of Sixth street, between Marshall and Clay, groceries, counters, shelving. and the key and good-wlllof the house. A. W. ROSEN& will sell attheBtoreon First between Broad and Grace streets, lately occupied by J. S. Scott, Jr., aa a confectionery, sundries*' f ? " <? bii.K W". GODDIN will sell at 5 P. M. a framed tenement, No. 1510, on the north side of Broad street near to Jail alley. He will also sell tenement No. 1518 in the same vicinity. Also, tenement No. 1520, adjoining the above. LOCAL MATTERS. Persons leaving, the city for the summer can have the Dispatch mailed to their address by ordering the same at this office. Terms, sixty cents per month. "Weather Record.? Range of the thermometer at the Dispatch counting-room Friday, August 26, lw70 : 0 A- M. I 12 M. | 3 P. M. I 6 P. MT. 85 I . r. 86 | 80 I 85 Religious Services To-Morrow. ? We note the following special appointments : Union Station Methodist Church. ? Rev. B. F. Woodward at 11 A. M. Revival services at 8 A. M. Nicholson-Street Methodist.? Rev. G. W. Petherbridge at 11 A. 31. : to be supplied at 8 P.M. Oregon Hill Methodist ? Rev. R. A. Armistead at 11 A. M. Sidney Methodist. ? Rev. J. E. Gates at 11 A. M. : Rev. R. A. Armistead at 8 P. M. fflrst Presbyterian.? Rev. E. T. Baird, D. D., at 11 A. JUL. and 8X P. M. Third Presbyterian.? Services by the pastor at 11 A. M. and 8. P. M. Belvidere Baptist.? Ray. Mr. Pearson at 11A.M. St. Mark's Lutheran.? Uev . John Blenner will preach in German at this church (Mayo street) at 11 A. M. Open Air Meeting. ? Rev.' J. A. Proctor will preach at Heckler's Grove, on Twentyfifth street, at 4 o'clock P. 31. Fulton Baptist. -Rev. J. M. Butler at 11 A. 31. Committed for Trial.? Mr. J. 31. Ladd, who is charged with killing Isaac P. 3Iayo, had a hearing before Justices Guy and Fussier, of Ilenrieo, yesterday, and was hilly committed for trial. "We are informed that he will be brought before Judge Wellford on a writ of habeas corpus this morning at 11 o'clock, when a motion for his admission to bail will be made. Burglary.? Staude's saloon, on Broad street nearly opposite . the theatre, was entered by burglars through the rear door yesterday morning between 3 and 4 o'clock. The articles stolen were a silver watch, a Derringer pistol, nine boxes of sardines, two boxes of cigars, a bottle ol cordial, and four dollars and a half in currency. No arrests have yet been made. Deserting Seamen.? Two negro sailors, named William Allen and Franl: Osborne, arrested by Detective Rogers on Thursday evening, were brought before the police court yesterday on the chaige of being deserters from the brig Charlotte. The testimony of the captain ot the vessel showed that the prisoners had shipped with him in New York for an eight-months' voyage to Europe via Richmond, and that upon their arrival at this port they had deserted. Captain West produced the hrig's shipping papers in corroboration of this statement. Justice "White decided to commit the deserters until the brig is ready for sea, when they will be turned over to" the captain. Police. Court, Thursday? 'Justice J. J. White presiding. ? Hen ry Carr was charged with being engaged in an affray at the C ity Spring Park on the 18th instant, and assaulting and beating William C. Slater, and Cor being a vagrant. The two last charges were dismissed, and on the first charge he was required to give security for hi* good behavior. Richard Chiles and Jim Holmes (colored), up on the charge of being vagrants and common thieves, were sent to jail in default of $300 security for their good behavior. 31ary Sullivan (white) and Martha Jane Bell (colored), charged with abusing and threatening each other, were sent to jail in default ot security for their good behavior. Fanny Hill (colored), for beating and abusing her sister Jane, was fined ?2. Kobert Jeflress alias Jeff. Davis (colored), drunk and disorderly, was rcpremanded and discharged. Peter Pollock Fagan (colored), charged with unlawfully breaking into the room of 3iary Preston and beating William Wright, was fined $1. A. Goodman was fined $1 for an assault on Austin Giles (colored). William J. Davis (vagrant) was put under bonds to keep the peace.

Train Behind Time.? The mail train on the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad due here yesterday afternoon was detained for a short time owing to a land-slide o n the track at a point between Covington and Alleghany stations. No damage was sustained by the passengers, and the cars also were uninjured. Colored Men as Juroors. The Petersburg Index states that at the September term of the Hustings Court of that city there will be witnessed " something never before seen in this community or in the State- viz., colored jureis." This is a mistake. Those who have attended the United States Courts in Richmond have seen colored men in the jury box frequently during the past three years, and they have also sat on grand and petit juries of the State courts in several of the southside counties during the last days of General Canby's government. Some of the best and most influential citizens of Richmoud have been on a grand jury of Judge Underwood's court with colored men. Personal.? Hon. Hugh L. Bond, of Maryland, the recently apj?ointed judge of the United States circuit court for this district, was in IMchmond yesterday in consultation with District Attorney Wells. He lett for Baltimore last evening by the Richmond and York River line. Manchester Items.? Accident.? k son of Mr. Samuel Craig on yesterday fell from the Petersburg "bridge. He was taken home, and is now doing as well as could be expected. His escape from death was very remarkable. The Concert.? The concert of the rosebuds was a grand success, the large au- 1 dience being delighted. The concert will be repeated. Sent On.? The case of Johnson and the Commonwealth vs. Jetfkins, involving a number of delicate points, and which "created such a flutter among the negroes of this place, has been sent on to the grand jury. David Epps, who was concerned in the same difficulty, was houorably acquitted. The case embraced crim. con., larceny, assault and battery, harboring, and almost every other known one in the criminal calendar. Election of Fire Warden.? James M. Moody, Esq., has been elected second warden Manchester Fire Department, and Wilber K. Weisiger secretary of the Alerts. These are excellent appointments, both gentlemen being zealous firemen, ana representatives of a class that have contributed much to the prosperity of the Alerts. Unbailable Letters Remaining in* the Richmond Post-Ofbficjg August 27.? M. L. Amos, Dover Mines, Va. : Lucy Bates, Williamsburg, Va.r H. C. Hodges, Philadelphia, Pa. ;G. C. Shield, City tA. P. Taylor, Citv; W. Woodward, Lynchburg, Va. ; R. A. VV .j City, QoitEN on he "Weeklies. -Fields, Osgood A ! Co., having made arrangements with the best illustrate i paper In the world {The London Graphic} by. ( which they are enabled to ject:lv< the &une plates the GraphU use 1? advance of publication In Kn?- ???? : "i ? ? ;

land, may well be called the Queen of the Weeklie;. For sale wholesale and retail at Ellyson & Taylor's Great News Emporium* lllfl Main street. ?? - The great perfctioh to which photography his been brooeht can be more easily understood by a viiit to that celebrated establishment the "Lee GallrrY.*4 The reasonable prices charged Is truly astonishing. Having removed to No. 1 Governor street, Ixmsden is prepared to repair line watches la best manner at lowest rates. Spectacles a speciality. , Cheap Coal ? You can buy of W. 8. Pilchek, EiRtfc street between Main and Caryt Hall Coal f >r grates of first quality and at lowest rates. Wintarpock and Clover HU1 Coal always on band. Saturday is a good day to supply your wants for Sunday's wear. E. 1). Spenck & Sox, at laoo Main street, have always on. hand a splendid assortment of gentlemen's furnishing eoods, which they are selling at the very lowest living prices. Every Saturday this week contxins a cartoon with five or six scenes of the present war. Call at Ellyson & Taylor's, ins M*in street, and see thataud all the other nice things they have for sale. Messrs. W atkins & Krother have on band a large lot of seasoned oak and forest pine, sawed and split? said to bo the best ever seen In the city? at greatly reduced prices. South side of the basin between Tenth and Eleventh streets. EllySON & Taylor have just received another lot of those $3 Hogarths. Thsy are so cheap all' should have a copy. War! War: War!-Ellyson & Taylor, with a view to supply the public with maps of the present war, have now on hand " Colton'a Seat of War," "Lloyd's Military Map of War," "Watson's Military Mip of Europe." ,kBird's-Eye View of the Rhine and Seat of War." Price, 60c. each. Call soon, before they are all gone. . - " Gone to Sea," by J. W. Watson. See Saturday Sight , Just received and for sale by Ellyson A Taylon, llio Main Btreet, where all the popular booksr papers, and magazines, of the day are always to be found. The cost is small for a general accident policy. issued by the Travellers Insurance Company* of Hartford, Conn., E. COURTNEY JENKINS, State agent, lllfl Main street, Richmond, Va. Old Papers, in packages of one hundred or more, for sale at the Dispatch counting-room. M. Ellyson & CO. will insert advertisements in the principal newspapers In Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and the northern cities, at publishers' rites. for czsh. AppJv at this office.

MAMMB IMTEUIGESl'K, MINIATURE ALMANAC, AUGUST 27, 1870,.. . 3un rises ....... 5 29! Moon 3et6 7.30 ftm seta 0.31 J High water 4.52 PORT OF RICHMOND, AUGUST 20, 1870. . ARRIVED. Steamer Eliza Haucox, Bums, Norfolk, merchandise ana passengers, L. B. Tatum. Steamer State of Maryland, Travers, Baltimore, merchandise und passengers, W. P. Brett. Schooner Foaming Sea, Wroten, Alexandria, coal, S. H. Hawes. SAILED. Steamer John Sylvester. Gilford, Norfolk, merchandise and passengers, L. B. Tatum Steamer Niagara, Blackwood. New York, merchandise and passengers, Old Dominion Steamship Company. ?'ch 'oner Ocean Bird. Marsh, Newport, Del., via Pccn-burg, eraln, Curtis & Parker. Schooner G. P. Wright, Cropper, .New Fork, grain, Curtis & Parker. S '.hoouer Beading Railroad No. 40. Davis, Phi-lad-lj ha, granite, Klchmond Granite Companv. Sch oner Judgj Hopkins, oallaglier, James river, light. MEMORANDA. West point, August 26.? Arrived, 6teamer ?dmlr.tl, Keybold, Baltimore, merchandise and passengers, iork River iiallroad Compmy, and saih-d on return. ACQUIA Creek, Augu?t 20.? Arrived, steamer Geoige.nna, Freeman. Baltimore, merchandise ai d passengers, Richmond, Fredericksburg aud t'otonirtc ttallroad, and shlled on return. Phil a deli* 11 1 a, August 25.--CleaieJ, schooner Koanoke. Bum-tt, for Kichmond. FOlt NEW YORK.? The Old/ Dominion Steamship Company's* elegant side-wheel steamship sARaTooa, Captuin COUCII, will leave her wbart at ltocketts on SUnDaY. August 28, at 4 o'clock P. M. Freight received until SATURDAY NIGHT. Fare, *12; steerage, HO ; round -trip tickets, $20. For freight or passage apnly to JOHN W. WYATT, Agent, au 27? It ' No. 3 Governor street. EOR BALTIMORE.? SteamerA?S2L, , STATE I'F MovYLAnD leave her wharf SATURDAY, August *7, ttc . o'clock P. M. Freight received up to 3j o'clock P. AC For freleht or passage, apply to au ?0 2t ' W ILL. 1AM P. BRETT, Agent. ,<*XOTiCE TO ^MLPi'EKS.? .L" Xh?; hoata of the JAMES RI /KB AND KANAWHA CANAL, COMPANY will leave the dock as usual promptly at 13 M- on rUfcJSDAL'3, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS. Freight and tolls on goods for Lynchburg and aeyonq collected on delivery, or prepaid, at tut jption oi'the3hipper. Every facility possible will St afforded consignees, nut no obligation Li assumed to deliver down freight elsewhere than at a / oillce on tne Dock without special agreement. vV ay freight will not d# delivered till charges an paid. JSoata locked and Insured. de 11 EDWARD DILLON, Ageat, MEET15I6S. VT OTICE.? There will be ft meeting of the 11 COLORED CONSERVATIVE CLLif of this city held on TUESDAY EVENING, August 30, 1870, at 8 j o'clock. The Clnb wlU meet at No. 208 Marihalt sireet, near Second. AH members are requested to attend, as business of Importance wl!I be transacted. By order of the President, Johx COOLEY. an 27? td? F. C. COLES, Secretary. Richmond and Danville Railroad Co.,) Richmond. June 2a, 1870. j AT a MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIIi?CT?!RS of this company, held THIS j DaY. the President reported the actor the General Assembly of Virginia, approved JulylL, 1870, dl- I reetinjf tu<- Board of Public Wx>rk/3 to sell to this company the stock of the State In this company, aud uuthouzlnir the companv to bny the same. Whereupon li was resolved that a general meeting of the Stockholders of this company be called to mtet at the Exchange Hotel, in the city of Richmond, on the 3ist day of August, 1870, at I 12 M.. for the purpose of considering the acceptance of said <tct. J. L>. BLAIR, Secretary. The book lor transferring stock will be closed on ihe 15th of August until after the meeting of stockholders. J. D. BLAIR, Auditor. FORM OF" PROXY. Richmond and Danville railroad Co. Know all Men by these Presents : That , the undersigned, do herebv constitute and appoint attorney tor and In Dame to vote on all questions that may be brought before the meeting of the Stockholders of the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company to be celd at - ? on the day or , or at anv adjourned meeting thereof, hereby ratifying all the acts of . 8*ia attorney lu the premises, fully as Lf were present and voting in person . In testimony * hereof have hereunto affixed band this day of jy ?3? d&swtd \rORFOLK AND GREAT WESTERN i> RAILROAD.

NOTICE FOE MEETINGS OF THE PEOPLE AND PIC-NIC*. Colonel THOMAS S. FoOURNOY, President of the Company, General J. D. IMBuJDEN, and others, will address the people upon the subject of subscriptions to the capital s.ock of the NORFOLK. A.ND GKEAT WESTERN RAILROAD at the tunes and places mentioned below. The people are earnestly requested to turn out In full rorcc. The ladles are especially invited to attend. TUe friends of the rdad are requested to (ret up picnics. It will be a leisure time with the farmer?, ind the meetings will be made an occasion not only for advancing the Interests of the srre*t cnterprize, but of the most pleasant recreation and enloy ment both to the young and old. Let all come out. The meetings and plc-nlcs will commence and proceed a*. follows : At M.ASON f.C HALL, Mccklenburg county, MON 1/ a V, Augus: 22d. At ZION'fcS CHUK'.'H, Mecklenburg county, WEDNESDAY, August 21tb. At BOY0ION, Mecklenburg county, FRIDAY, An^uit 3?th. , At KPHE8US CHURCH, Mecklenburg county, SATUHDAY, August >7th- . .,.tf At M OHTERFIKLD, Halifax equnty, MONDifTLAfiU?ELthGROrE CUUBCEL WENE8DAT, Auguat Wat. , ft BMtolt ?sSfc"-lpUon ,? Jtte ^QMANUHlNSU?i5oEUCUBPAMy 5ft |> inmtdon MONDAY, 2?th J^ep ember, 1B70, at the olSor Edward Cohen, at the aoutoweat corner of Wain and Fourteenth siroet?, Richmond, Ya. w ? ,to SSEI^bABD-vKB, au ga-mth?QP Chairman. FICKLlNtt SPIOJES for sale by _ 8 PyWKATA* ?. own* ..j

?? <NIS OF ADVEP/r{h>W: *??**?* ? Besqt r, one in9*rtloi>..?.. ? 11 _ 8 B<rt> ?., two ioserttone.... .... ?He i, three insertions.^. ...... ........ 1W sqo* 't, twelve laamioni^..??~^?Z. 5* . vw^W ?qfr- :e. one month......... *"-? *??* Oneaqt? tv, two month* Ont- bqiisu-o, Mirws ? on ? ":vr/;"/ i) ' 'j-!'1 '* . ~ ? - - -* ' ?* - -J? '"*?#: ?y. , w.j'jM ' ^ ? }' AMitaESdariil, :_?. ??* {jRAND AN S1VER8AKY FEAST AND PIC-NIC ?Lj .' 'wwr; rwci ?. SCH ILLEU LODGE, N<X 1?, I. O. 0. F.. '., .->< MONDAY, August ma, . :? x^Vfp^Q. H ( -Mjt p& "jj'j HATTOjBFj^ ADMISSION ?0B GENTLEMEN. F IF TY cents, ladies and childbed fbeeI^J All members of our sister Lodges, I. 0. 0. F.: - of Sycamore Tribe, No M, I. O. R. M. ; Liberal HhId, No. 1, V. A. O. D.,.- and German Benevn. : ; lent Society, are respectfully invited and requested to meet at 13 o^cioclc M. at their respective kalis to join tie procession. '' ' - CHB. UNKFL, C?J?"S15,iOE. ; ' ' LW188T^to ba m^M=? ' ? i GBBKXBBIBB WH3XB SCJLPHUB aXHEtQH. t . UaX GBKEXBaiKB C0U>TY, W. Va/, AngUSt ?. J rVBm THIRD OP- THE 8ERIE8 0F> A GRAND FANCY AND MasQUEBADE >iy : Balls Win take place on WEDNESDAY tbe..,. aist of August," i?7o. a costumer. with ?n elegaofr ' ' ?' wardrobe, has been engaged for tbe occasion, aad . it every arrangement made to -insure a grand sue- . , cess. . [ai: 36? t3l Au] PEYTO>S A CO. - Metropolitan JXJL THE A TBE COMIQUJB*/' ??? ?*' .WILL OPEN -w, fob lnc season ,x. 5 ?7n" MONDAY EVBNL86, AUGUST ?, > v 1 REPAINTED, PAPKRED, AND ^ HAN DSOM *.LY DECORATED, ' "WITH A : ' ?: FIRST-CLASS VARIETY COMPANY, composed of tbe . t BEST ARTISTS BEFORE THE PUBLIC* ){, A Grand Ballet Tronpef imd; -.1/ . tfi'j&ivti A Grand Burlesque Troupe ! , , . A Dramatic Troupe ! *' >? ??'?'1 A Pantomime Troupe! ? ?#?- : > A Minstrel Troupe I u a Comic and Sentimental VocaUsts I ? .< (v Gymnasts and Acrobats 1 Tbe Largest, tlie Moat Takntt-d Troupe of Artists, Mf'.-. < Ever Appearing in this City ! . Cluiti.' : Fnll particulars in next Monday's papers. au*4-tS?. <>. EXCURSIONS. JJAILY EXCURSIONS. feS$kj JAMES RIVRR STEAMBOAT COMPANY? The steamers of this line, JOHN SYLVE.-TER, Captain Z. C GlFFOnDJ ELIZA HANCOX, Captain J. W*.. BURNS ; MAKE DAILY EXCURSIONS . ; (Sundays excepted) down tbe river, leaving wharf at OA. M., connecting with steamer from Norfolk (hair way), and returning to Rlcbmond m the afternoon of same day. a; ';?> THESE EXCURSION TRIPS are the cheapest and most pleasant now offered the public TICKETS FOR ROUND TRIP (good only for daysold), ONE uOLLAR. au4-lm L. B. TATUM, Agent* tlKOi'KKJilM, dae, , ' WE ARE JUST RECEIVING 200 b^rreh N014TH CAROLINA CUT HERRINGS, 200 half barrel* FAMILY ROE HERRINGS, 50 barrels MACKERF L. ~Sne. 2 and 3. an 27? -lw HARVKYS & WILLIAMS. , / JUST RECEIVED.! " FKE>H CK^AM CRACKERS, . ? FRttSII LEMON CRACKERS. FRESH PIC-SIC CRACKERS. PKlCES REDUCED. Pure CIDER VINEGAR, A full line of SPLCh y. Pure AtM'LE BRANDY, ? All gradisof KL< 'UR at very reduced prices; s gar-cured iumb, SPGAR-CORED BRt A>TS. FREfcll BUTTER constantly receiving at SHIELDS'* CARV'S, au 28 tio$ Broid street. TTIRGINIA HAMS AND PINEAPPLE T CHEAbE. au 22 WILLIAM G. DANnRIDGE A C&.^ Fresh green and black tea. Fresh ALMON D ??. PEC \N NU'l S, nAlslNS, ,r and PRESERVE GINGER. WILLIAM G. DANDRIDGr, ft, CO., au 2S . 827 road street. /I OF FEES, COFFEES.? Ryo, Lagnayra, KJ and Java Coffees, from fair t u choice quality, just received and for sale by *u S2 ROBERT F. WII J/l AM ?> A CO. BACON, BACON.? 25 hogHbeada Rib Sides, CleirRlo hides, and Shoulder Bacon : 10 boxes Breast Bacon just received in store a^d for siJe by an 22 ROBERT F. WILLIAMS A CO. QUGARS, SUGARS.? 20 bos?head? choice kJ Porto Rico Sugars Just received in store and for sale by au 11 ROBERT F. WILLIAMS* CO. RICE, RICE.? 20 bags prime Ricc just received in store and for sale by an 22 ItOBERT F. WlIil.IAMS St, CO. C'lDER VINEGAR, live gallons for $3 ; ?*11 the PIcKLlNG SPICES, WHITE A I'PLE BRANDY for fruits, SPEARS' S FRUlT-PRESfcRVING SOLUTION. SMoKKD BEEF, BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, LONDON CRACKERS, Ac. au 13 J. B. Ki l?D. 717 Broad street. SUGAR for preserving, SPICES for pickling; VINEGAR for pickling. ^ SPEARS'S FRUiT-PRESERVING SOLUTION, for sale by WILLIAM H. TATUM. an 12 500 Broad street. CUGARS-CUBA, PORTO RICO, AND k? DKMARARA? for sale by GORDON 4 CRINGAN. au 10 Pearl Block. "DEFINED SUGARS ? all grades ? for Jti sale by GORDON & CRINGAN, an 10 Pearl Block. /-Toffee? rio, laguayra, and OLD GOVERNMENT jAVA-forsale by au 10 GORDON & CRINGAN. VTEVV FLOUR.? We are now prepared to X l offer to the trade the superior brands of Manchester. Mills FLOUR. Toeee mills haw Ju*t been thoroughly rspalred with new machinery, etc., and we invite those in want of regular brands and CHOICE FLOUR of uniform character to call and examine our stock. BOGEBS & CO.. au l? lm Agents Manchester Mills. CIDER VLNEGAR, a prime aitlclo; PICKLING SPICES, i au 1 GEOBGE A. HUNDLEY. ui

WAR REN'S PINEAPPLE AND OLD VY DOMINION bUGAR-CURED HAMS; BREASTS and L A RD ; SALM? >N ; HOE, cur, and GROSS HKRRING3. au l GEORGE A. HUWDLF.Y. TTERRINGS, HERRINGS.? 200 barrel* g~l Bew No. 1 Newfoundland Herrings ; awjjai/-. barrels new Ho. 1 Newfoundland Herrings ; for sale In store and to arrive by jy 8 ROBERT F. WILLIAMS A CO* qk HALF-BARRELS NEW FAMILY *i half-barreU^wLE ASTERN HERRINGS, 50 barrels No. 1 new NORTH CAROLINA ? HERRINGS. jy is WAGGONER A HARVEY. A GREAT REDUCTION DT THE A. PRICE OF GOOD TKA, R< 'ABTED CO?FEE; and STJGAR^at J. H. ANTHONY'S TEA STO&E, 73-J Main street, three doors above the Spotawood Hotel, on tae oppwltealde. BeetGanoowder. second <iu*l"7i 1 *JL'75* [-?*- Oolonjr, $1; Japan and ItagMsh Young Hyson and Imperial. $1.60. Best ?w> Roasted Coflne, 4oc. ; La*u*yr*. afic* ; best Rio, 3oc. White Coffee Bo^ar, 14c. ; Cut Loaf, l?c. Jy 11 \TACKEREL, MACKEREL? Xo. 1, JjI No. a, and No. t MACKEREL just receive inyore for g w|ltt|A|n ACqf - qc FIVE-GALLON KEGS GOLDEJT 10 bArrela S SSS KNIGH-TS iiVRUP, * festoraapdibr ??l?&G<K)yKB A HAgVET. JB?CT?T. JUD. ? WOOD, having turscd to Um city, cvq be round at ^ on Ninth street D38 oiflee^on Ninth street i th^aiiVoVmtkous oxi'v bers of ihed ntai or aedical A!L13?. ,ionery?) extract Ktb^ro&^P^ S^Ciln?I SnftUve* jS^iUeJ^ U""b illefl wlt&jrold, aad *U<*U Kl-'hraond, Na, u, w lustres Ufro* to any ofjtlUlUy <lven h> tlw proft.ss'oa