Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 233, 14 June 1866 — Page 2

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Vjll III >> al jfllA.AkAk.ifc.A^L. | JIKifflHHUl ^tSJlHWu* 'THURSDAY I JTO1 14, 18*6. The President "Counted Out" It is announced in the Washington Chronicle that the Radicals do not intend to ask the President to sign the new constitutional amendment. "It seems to be generally conceded," remarks that veracious jonrnal, " that the President's sanction to the measure is not requisite." And why not? The Constitution expressly declares that every bill and every resolution which requires the concurrence of the two Houses of Congress shall be presented to the President for his approval or disapproval. The argument that the same twothirds vote which originally passes a constitutional amendment can easily pass it over a veto, and therefore to ask the President's signature is an unnecessary and unmeaning ceremony, is not a good one. The President may present such objections to the measure as will induce some of the members to change their votes. The amendment abolishing, slavery was presented to snd signed by Mr. Lincoln. We are not surprised, however, to learn that the Radicals intend to carry on the Government without the aid of Mr. Johnson. He has been too lenient with them. When he vetoed the Freedmon's Bureau bill, they cowered before his power ; but when they saw that he did not follow up this veto by a change of his Cabinet and a dismissal of the subordinate officers who took ground against him openly, they felt that the Executive hand was not to be dreaded. We appreciate the peculiar circumstances which surround tho President ; yet we think that it is in a large degreo owing to his concessions to the Radicals that they are now so potent for evil. One side or the other, in these quarrels, is always sure to strike. If the Presideut had " put down his loot firmly," as Mr. Lincoln phrased it, his enemies would have borue themselves in a very different manner from that defiant one which marks their public conduct. As it is, they take pleasure in thwarting his will aud proscribing his friends. A remarkable instance of their truculence occurred in the Senate on Tuesday. A bill was up granting certain discretionary powers to Secretary McCulloch in regard to the pay of the clerks in his department, when Senators Wilson, Grimes, and others took occasion to declare that they would vote against it because Mr. McCulloch had, in his recent Washington speech, procaimed his cordial approbation of the President's policy. But for the support of the Democrats, the measure, which was passed by a very small majority, would have been defeated on this very ground. Yet the President is expected to remove none of the friends of these Radical Senators from ofiice. He may possibly be pursuing the wisest course, but it does not appear so to us. He certainly has nothing to lose by at once breaking with those who do not hesitate to avow themselves his opponents. They have made up their minds never to trust him again. There can bo no doubt on this point. And what he hopes to gain by attempting to conciliate men in whose principles and practices he is free to declare he has no confidence, we cannot imagine. Admission of Arkansas and Tennessee. We have repeatedly declared that the southern people should not manifest too much anxiety to secure representation in Congress. The prospect of the early admission of such men as Messrs. Maynard and Stocks, of Tennessee, has not by any means changed our opinion. These gentlemen are almost as bad as Tuad. Stevens. ? Before the recent election in West Yir- j ginia, they stumped that State in the in- j terest of the Radical party, and exerted j all their influence to secure the adoption of the constitutional amendment proscribing every man who had in any way manifested the least sympathy with the south. Forney's paper of yesterday informs us that Mr. Stevens is said to have i expressed himself to the effect that Ten- ! nessee 44 should be admitted "?what an insult such language would have been to a Congress of Websters and Ci.AYS?beforc the adjournment of the present Congress, ' " which will certainly be not later than the first of August." We suppose that the question may now be considered as settled. Thad's will is law ; and as that will indicates the admission of Arkansas and Tennessee during the present session, we may confidently expect to see 44 southern representatives" from those States cheek by jowl with the Radicals before the dog-days come. Well! So be it. We must even accept whatever is done, and pray for the time when a better Congress shall have charge of our destinies.

* Mr. Raymond. We would fain hope that Mr. Raymond, who is generally supposed to be a puppet iu the hands of Mr . Skw ard, la not moved about upou the political chessboard at the present time by the Auburn statesman. The antics of the automata upou the stage of an organ, grinder's instrument are not moro ludicrous than the somersaults which Mr. Raymond has recently made. As Mr. Lk Blond told him to his face in the House^ the other day, it is fair to infer that the 41 little villain" intends to vote for a measure wheuever he makes a speech against it. His latest hobby is a plan to reunite the Radicals and the President upon a platform of non-action. To prove that he is earnest in ] his desire to make up with Stkvenm, Ids ! paper denounce Horace Greeley because ' that consistent philanthropist is opposed to ? punishing Mr. Davw. Mr. Raymond's conduct has at last exhausted the paticnce ! of that aUid and stately journal, the JTational Intelligencer , and accordingly, in its issue of yesterday it indulges in some moat oauslic remarks upon that gentle. I man's tergiversations. If Raymond has not icracodile's hide, t fatso pointed arrow* must certainly penetrate deeply into hii flesh* We fir* A couple picked at random from (be JnUWgmcer'e quiver r JetUf Urom' Washington, signed R., which appeared k> the New York Time* of yesterday, baa created some speculation at to what B stands for. If tor renegade and recreant, then the word Raymond is j synonymous with both those terms. Their ( precise meaning, as set down by Webster, ! is?" ob# feitblest to principle." ** We turn over to tbe Radicals in the House ibis ineffkble political Judas, this mo# modern impersonation of ail political SSTA'SS; wwW?ptoM*lMI*? (MM m(?w

Mr. Dams? Official.? Here it \n at last. The National Republican of yesterday Rays : . r \ M Wo have the best of reasons for inert- " ing that the President docs not Intend to 44 interfere, either directly or indirectly, 44 in the case of Jkff. Davis, notwIthaUnd- " ing the .strennons efforts being made by 4< his counsel in his behalf for executive 44 interposition. The President considers 44 the caw entirely a judicial question, and 44 will in no event interfere with the course 44 of justice In the case of Davis." Wo are sorry to have to announce this decision on the part of Mr. Johnson. All speculation on this subject niav as well cease now. Arrest ok Captain Henry Lkk. ? We call attention to our Fredericksburg letter, giving an account of the arrest of Captain Hknry Lf.e. Setting History Right.? A letter in the New York Tribune , sent from this city, undertakes to give a correct history of the famous negotiations between Mr. Lincoln and Judge Campl>ell and others which took place just before General Lee's surrender. Here follows a specimen : 44 As it happened, the Legislature nut, talked treason, proposed to call a convention, and, in fine, were ready to enter on the largest liberty of reconstruction. At : this pas*, seeing that affairs wore more rotten than ripe, Sir. Lincoln revoked his let- ' ter uud annihilated the Legislature." We imagine that the members of the | Virginia Legislature will be rather astonnished at this statement, which shows that they did a number of acts of which they have uo knowledge whatever. As they never met under Mr. Lincoln's call, it is | hardly necessary to say that all this story I about 44 talking treason" is untrue.

j The Supreme Court of Alabama has decided that those sections of the stay law which postpone tho rendition of judgment twelve months are constitutional; while those preventing the collection of judgments rendered before the passage of the stay law are unconstitutional. ? A ew York Tribune. j The judges who made this decision are on the right track, but missed their quarry by a little slip. A stay law interfering with j deeds of trust, or any other instruments j (or contracts) which can be enforced with, j out the aid of the courts, is an unconstitu- ! tional one in that it impairs the obligation 1 of contracts; but a stay law which merely says that the Commonwealth's officers shall not enforce Mr. Smith's contracts is not liable to the same objection, unless indeed (a plausible plea ? but nothing more,) the 1 law providing for such aid be regarded as ; a part of the contract. I ? j A Good Retort.? The Richmond Chris. j tian Advocate, in reply to a northern Me- ! thodist paper which had found fault with the name assumed by the Methodists of the south, advises its northern contemporary to make the title of its church correspond with the facts of the case, and suggests as appropriate the name, " Methodist Political Episcopal Church." " Tacitus," in the Columbus (Georgia) Sun , says it was not, as is commonly supposed, Richard IIenky Lee that originated the phrase, " First iu war, first in peace, and lirst in the hearts of his countrymen," but Chief Justice Marshall, who used it in ] a resolution which he reported to the I House of Representative* just one week before Mr. Lee's speech was made. The result of the recent election iu Oregon, as published in the Dispatch yesterday, was evidently a mistake, so far as the complexion of the State Senate is con- 1 cerncd. Instead of being Union 14, Demo- 1 crats 18, it is Union 14, Democrats 8. The i blunder was no doubt made in telegraphing. Evidences of Disaffection in Richmond.? A Richmond correspondent of the New York Times , after writing the greater part of a long letter to prove that the negro is kindly treated in Virginia, winds up with the following slap at this city : " That there is some of all this [disaffection] left is more apparent in Richmond than anywhere else in the State, the people here indulging themselves in the unprofitable employment of cutting otf the nose to spite the face. Without capital themselves, these men do not want capital brought here because it will bring men with it, and they aro afraid of the 'little leaven that leaveneth the whole lump.' In this spirit, they endeavor to break down every enterprise run by northern capital. They will not patronize* the Ballard House because Mr. Maine and Colonel French, the proprietors, are northern men, and the latter gentleman is furthermore guilty of the crime of having been on Butler's statl' in New Orleans. Another instance was tho liepublic , which was warred upon because of the suspicion that it was backed by northern mouey." THE NUMBER AND THE PURPOSES OF THE RADICALS IN RICHMOND.-Greeley's Richmond correspondent, who may be presumed to know whereof he affirms, gives us the following information as to the numbers and designs of the Radicals in this city : "A census of the loyalists of Richmond would reckon not more than two hundred and fifty sincere and perfect friends of the Government among the natives. Fifty of them would dare to risk their lives for the the Union ; all would be ready to vote at a fair opportunity for negro suffrage, for no other reason than self-defence and the desire to establish a balance of power. Some of them approve the terms of " amnesty for suffrage ;" others can see no good in any event in giving the franchise to the bitter rebel. They regard the negro as a better citizen to all intents than the white rebel. They think that the black man has rights, certainly ; but their need to have him vote is still stronger than their sense of his right to it. They can see a hundred reasons why the Government should allow the freedmen to vote, which they cannot see in the cheap political license exercised now by the rebel who persecuted Unionists and trod on the flag. This sterling class, to which the two Underwoods belong, is of more value to us than ten times their number of the ill-reconstructed." UM^VKTOBT^t the mmiicip*] elec on In Occoquan, Va., on Monday the Union ticket was chosen by an overwhelm lug majority.? .Vattcmai Republican. Who would have thought it ? Another Blast from Botth.? The City Council committee of arrangements are engaged in perfecting a programme for the celebratlou of the approaching 4th of July. The JIou, John M, Botts, of Virginia, is to deliver an oration at Patterson's Park.? Battbnon Bun, 13th,

nBIWf^lWBWHM iw TIHU. mrr. ?!hi PlI*.? In ti l-ecent sermon, Mr. Beecter mm : $ " I , consider tik doctrhies brought forward In the Ilottw of KepreHentatives by Mr. fltevcns, though followed ita their en. tirety, thank God ! by very few, I think them to be the doctrines of Belial, leading them to destruction The north had a chance to show grace, awl love, and nwgnanimity. How 1 longed to nee it! Both Congress and the President .should have been pressed to Union. I had hoped to see the north showing her superiority in Christian nobleness and generous forgive, ness. But I have been disappointed. It j lias not been done. You can no more | change rebels to loyal men by casting them j out and turning them away, than you can convert the wicked by building up a wall of separation between them and the good ? shutting them out from the very influences that should be brought to bear upon them. ? If thine enemy hunger, feed him ; if he thirsts, give him drink ; for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head. Be not overcome of evil ; but overcome evil with g<?od.' There, go; vote that. You have been talking it long enough ; 4s^)t. You have been praying it long enough jtry it." VAi.LANnroiiAM. ? Mr. Valiandighnm, of Ohio, is well known to the people of Virginia as a wise, brave, and conservative politician, an able orator, and a Christian gen t le man . ? liichmond Dispa tch . The loyal people of Ohio differ with the Richmond people about this Copperhead, as they defeated him by nearly 100,000 majority. ? Baltimore American. | True enough. They are like the old woI man who "begged leave to differ with St. Paul." When they are more enlightened they will know better how to vote. The Lcesburg (Virginia) Washiiu/tonian says that the recent rains have improved the wheat prospects in that county, and given the corn afresh start. The lato General Scott was the subject of a good many, but not many good sermons last Sunday.

N O T I C E . TO THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF RICHMOND. By the request of many friend* of freedom, JAMES STEPHEN'S, C. O. I. R., will deliver ANOTHER LECTURE THIS EVENING, JCNE II. at the METROPOLITAN HALL. Music lu attendance. Doors open at "i P. M. j? ll ? it* Ji I K S T G R A N I) P I C-N I C or THE MUSICAL MUTUAL PROTECTIVE UNION, AT C. SHAFER'S " ELBA PARK, ' AT Til K HEAD OF BROAD AND MARSHALL STREETS, | ON MONDAY, 1?TH OF JUNE, 1SC0, ro.MMEXCl.VO AT 0 O'CLOCK A. M. Wo beg leave to state that the SOCIETY has ' taken great pains to make this one ot the most GRAND AND PLEASING ENTERTAINMENTS OF THIS SEASON. There will he two GRAND ORCHESTRAS, which ' will number twenty. five nn>n each, playing alternately throuKhout the whole day, some of the most , rhoice airs and gora* from the opera* ; and every- J thing will be done to insure our friends and the 1 public generally a pleasant day's entertainment, i The whole to be under the direction of PROFESSOR J. A. ROSENBERGER, Musical Director at the Richmond Theatre. ^ Prof. L. C. Ai:miiri:< ht, Leader of Brass Band, i Prof. E. Loepm.ix, Leader of String Orchestra. An eflielent police force has been engaged to preserve order throughout the day. City omnibuses and streetcars will convey parties to and from the "PAKK" during the (fay. Admission for one gentleman and ladies, lift v cents. PROF. E. LOERMAN, PHILIP ROSENBERGER, JACOB BE1K, je 14 ? Jt Committee of Arrangements. TIT 1 1 ITK D R E S S SHI RTS. ? Y< >ur ? f especial attention is railed tnour large and well-assorted stock of WHITE SHIRTS, for dress purposes. This stock is gotten up especially for our retail custom, and persons desiring can rely upon getting an article as well made and as fashionably cut as if they were made to their especial order, and at less price. Our facilities in this branch are not excelled by any house south of the Potomac. Where preferred," we will take the measure and have them made up to the customer s cspecial direction. Also, can always be found on hand the NEGLIGE or TRAVELLING SHIRTS? woolen. Also, BOYS' WHITE SHIRTS, to fit boys from fourteen to eighteen years old. Flattering ourselves that you can be pleased, and | will find it to your economy, we ask your inspec- ! tlon before maVmg your purchases, to "this especial department of our large and varied assortment of GENTLEMEN'S AND HOYS' REaDV-MADE CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. WILLIAM IRA SMITH ti CO., je I t ? 3t No. 112 Main street. E. A. J. CLOPTOX. n. M. MILLER. Iji A. J. CLOPTON AND 1). M. MILj, LER have this day filtered into a copartnership under the style and firm of CLOPTON & MILLER, for the purpose of doing a REAL ES- ; TATE AND GENERAL AGENCY AND AUCTIONEERS1 BUSINESS. They will sell REAL ESTATE of every description in the city and adjoining counties'. From the extensive acquaintance o? each of us with the business community, and the long experience of our senior in the business in this city, we confidently solicit the patronage of our friends and others in the community. D. M. MILLER, from an experience of more than twentv years as Assessor, and a thorough acquaintance wi'th the real estate books ol the city, will give his special attention to any business or that kind which is entrusted to us. Having a tile of the Assessor's books for the last twenty- Ave years containing all the real estate of the citv, our facilities for traclug up titles are unequalled. CLOPTON & MILLER, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, Office, Twelfth, between Main and Franklin streets, je 14 ? ts Bargains in clothing.? we are now offering our entire stock or SUPERIOR QUALITY CLOTHING, embracing a great variety of the most desirable goods ainf fashionable styles of the season. Also,1 a superb stock ol GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, embracing Silk, Woolen, and Cotton Underwear, tine Linen Shirts, Collars, Ties, Handkerchiefs, . Gloves, Half-Hose,SnspenderH. Ac., at GREATLY RBDHCBD PRICES. We invite those in want to call and examine our i stock and prices, assuring them that r iu2 MAIN STREET is the place to SAVE THEIR MONEY, je M WERTKN RAKER &. WILLI AMS. THE GULDEN STATION EltY? containing 10 sheets EXTRA THICK NOTE PAPER. 10 .heets EXTRA THICK BILLET PAPER, 10 EXTRA THICK SATIN ENVELOPES. 10 EXTRA THICK WHITE NOTE ENVELOPES, 1 No. 2 RUBBER-HEAD PENCIL. 3 EXTRA FINE No. 303 STEEL PENS and HOLDER, and a handsome gift of 00LD-PLATED, IVORY, PEARL, or VULCANITE JEWELRY. Price for the whole, FIFTY CENTS. COLE ti TURNER. News Dealers, Stationers, Ate., Whig building, je 1*? lt? VTOTICE. ? Thy Tobacco. Commission Merchants arotftvpscffully informed that tbe i RENTING OF BOXES in llie new Exchange will . take place on SATURDAY, at o'clock A. M. A full attendance is requested. je 14 ? 3t HARVEYS A WILLIAMS. SECTIONS IN HOLLYWOOD. ? ttev- 1 kj eral SECTIONS located on Second or Chapel i Hill, eligibly situated, adjoining each other and 1 forming a square, will be sold together or singly cheap, for ca*h- Apply to GEORGE A. PEARCE, No. M Main street, je 14? 3t over Blunt k Mo?ely's drug store. For sale, SUPERIOR MEAL, FLOUR, PEACH-BLOW POTATOES. CORN, and MILL OFFAL, by PHILLIPS 4 WRIGHT, Grain and Corn Merchants, je 14? tR No. 11(4 Carv street. Auditor's Officr of Vikoixia,) Richmond, June 13, iw?. { ^OTICE LS HEREBY GIVEN that all Certificates of State Stock transfei red be-?rr.b-n- U y I#ti l*M> a,,J January, 1H87, will carry Interest from January 1st, tsso. uii t ip * WILLIAM F. TAYLOR. ** *?r-TugFrtJyl Auditor of Public Accounts. XWrEEN DOLLAK ?uIT8.-Ai7-WliUAH l&A I^ITH | 00,

? -V'*? fJPEOIAI* NUl 1CJB& utall over tifk world People of SK.NSK Alfl> JUDGEMENT fcavr lMri?d to aae PLANTATION BITTERS. Dy*p?iwta, with iti ?ymptowi, Headache, Haartburrt, Feverish Llpa, Bad Breath, Sallow Complexlon, he., can be cared by u?1ng PLA1ITATI0N BITTERS. Thin In tho moot auc?ee*ful tonic of tho age. Young, middle' aged, and old Are delighted with iW.eff.-ft*. . T The first tria' always haw a marked food effect. No change of diet la neceaaary while italng PLANTATION HITTERS. Eat all yon wUh of the best and moat nntricloua food. IU It in the greatest cure ever known for an overloaded and dlatreaaed stomach, which it relieves in a f.-w momenta. It ia manufactured from carefully-selected roots and herb*, and preserved In perfectly pure fit. Croix Rnm. Try one bottle of PLANTATION BITTERS, yc a offeror*, and our word for It you will find yonraelveafeelluK AS GOOD AS NEW. Je 14? It VJ~ A HOME REMEDY.? The great reputation achieved by BENNETT'S DlARRHOiA KILLER during the epidemic of 1M? in this city, should commend it to all who auffer from DIARRH(KA, CHOLERA MORBUS, and all diseaaea of the Bowela. A trial will convince the moat skeptical. 1'rice, FIFTV CENTS a bottle, je 14 80LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. W REMOVAL. STARKE it RVLAND, STATIONERS, having moved into their new store, No. 015 MAIN STREiiT, cull the attention of purchaaera to their stock of PAPERS, comprising Note, Letter, Cap, Bill Cap, Flat Cap, Demy, Medium, Polio Pout, Tracing, Tissue, Blotting, Drawing, Sermon, Logal, Wrapping, &c. BLANK BOOKS, anoh a* Day Booka, Journal*, Ledgers, Memorandum and i'asa Books, Record*, Time Booka, Bank Books, Receipt Booka, Scrap Booka. ENVELOPES in great variety. Also, 8LATES, COPY ROOKS. TWINES, INKS, INKSTANDS, SEALING WAX, CRAYONS; anch game* as CHESS, BACKGAMMON, DOMINOES, CROQUET, Sir. The ladies will find onr FANCY DEPARTMENT full and attractive. je to M 7" ALL MEDICINES ARE UNPALATABLE, and are only resorted to as remedies for aoraethiug worse. We have swallowed our share of physics for the reetitlcation of a very eccentric liver, and of all the prescriptions we jhave ever used that of Dk. "RENNOLDS'S PILLS/.' has been the surest, quickest, and most complete. Years ai;o we carried them as a " pocket companion *' in the west, and by their proper use escaped all the diseases incident to that new country anil resulting from a torpid liver. We used them in the Rocky Mountains, and are very contldent had wo remained in that remarkable climate, and occasionally taken one of RENNOLDS'S PILLS, we would have a good allowing to live forever, or until we had "dried up and blown oti."?Rock(nyhnm AVgi*ter. Je 7? lw K i-fT HILL ARP : BILL ARP! ! BILL ARP ! ! ! This inimitable book ia now ready, and every person should have a copy. To be had of COLE Si TURNER, Jo"? ts Whig Building. *3TA\DRE\V ANTONI. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CONFECTIONERY ANl> FRUITS, respectfully informs the citizens of Richmond that he has resumed business in his NEW IRON-FRONT BUILDING on Main street, opposite to the site of his old stand, adjoining the Exchange Bank. The store and saloons have been fitted up and furnished in a style which ho is confident will meet with the approval of the public. His facilities for manufacturing FANCY AND PLAIN CANDIES of the beat quality enable him to oiler inducement* to the trade which cannot be surpassed. A call from his former customers is respectfully solicited. A large ami choice assortment of FRENCH BONBONS, IMPORTED FRUITS, NUTS, CORDIALS, PRESERVES, PICKLES, SAUCES, Sir., will be always kept on hand. ICE 'BEAM of the most approved flavors served in the & iloan. l'artieo supplied with ICE CREAM and OKN'AM EN TA L CON FECTlON ER Y . The undersigned returns his thanks to the citizens of Richmond for the liberal patronage accorded to him for the last fifteen years, and will endeavor to merit a continuance of the same. jefl-lm ANDREW ANTONI. KHTSYRIPS FOR SODA WATER. CHOICE FRUIT AND CREAM SYRUPS furnished the trade at low rates by W. II. SCOTT, Druggist, je 4 corner Franklin and Seventeenth streets.

Iku" .SPECIAL NOTICE.? The undersigned, as oxecutor of the late 1\ K. White, takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and the public that he ha# Just returned from the North with a very select stock of BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, AND TRAVELLING BAGS. which he offers at the lowest cash prices at his new store. No. slfl Main street, two doors below the Spotswood Hotel. He begs leave to state for the benefit of the ladies that unusual care has been taken in the selection of all goods suitable for their use in his line. He has obtained the services of JOHN POE, Jr., well known in the business community, who will be pleased to see his friends at No. 810 Main street. W. F. WHITE, my ifti ? lm Executor of P. K. White. REMOVAL.? 0. II. CHALKLEY & CO., Leather Dealers, have removed to their NEW BUILDING, on THIRTEENTH STREET, between Main and Cary. my 15? ts KTiiUMiOOl) & ill LEV, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 121 MAIX STREET, keep constantly on hand a complete stock of SCHOOL AND COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS, CAP, LETTER, AND NOTE PAPERS, ENVELOPES, ( , BLANK BOOKS, SLATES, PENS AND INK, and other SCHOOL AND OFFICE STATIONERY ; all of which are offered at the LOWEST MARKET RATES. Country Merchants invited to examine our stock before purchasing. Orders promptly attended to. mh24 B. k R. Mr FOR GARDENERS AND FARMERS. FRESH AND RELIABLE GARDEN SEED, Just received and for sale by WILLIAM H. 8COTT, Druggist, corner of Franklin and Seventeenth streets, fe I ? ts CO- PA RT.> E K Sill P. The undersigned, of the firm of Kent, Paine k Co., have formed a co-partnership for the purpose of conducting a general AUCTION AND COMMISSION BDS1NES8, under the firm of PAINE k CO., and h ive taken the utore No. lo? Main street, next below Mitchell k Tyler, and will be pleaaed to receive consignment* from their friends and the pubUc. W. G. PAINE. Ja 19? ts R. A. PAINE. FINE TOBACCOS. ? The following sales were made by us this day at the NEW EXCHANGE: Raised by E. Ger&t, Halifax county, sold to R. A. Mills at *155 Raised by E. Oerat, Halifax county, sold to R. A. Mills at *125 Raised by E Gerst, Halifax county, sold to J. B. Rovster at *tf8. Raised by William Lindsey, sold to R. A. Mills at *15o. Raised by William Lindsey, sold to J. B. Royster at *14?. Raised br William Lindsey, sold to J. B. Royster at *lft. Raised bv William Lindsey, sold to R. W. Oliver at *lil Raised by William Lindsey, spld to Johnston, Cincinnati, at *15?. Raised by William Lindsey,. told to J. G. Dill at $118, One hogshead, raised by William Lindsey, sold to J. B. Koystorat (Ml Raised by G. W. G.,sold to R. A. Mills at *144. Raised bv G. W . G., sold to R. A Mills at *153. Raised by G. W. G., sold tfl J. B. Royster at *145. Raised by G. W. G., sold to R. W. Oliver at #151. Raised by G. W. G.. sold to R. A. Mills at *l?o So. One hojisnead, raised by D. W. Talley, sold to R. A. Mills at kit. Raised by B. M. H.,sold toR. A. Mills at *141. Je 14? It HARYKY8 It WILL LAMB. Harness leather, harness LEATHER, HARNESS LEATHER, for sale by O. H. CHALKLEY k CO., Hide and Leather Deal Mrs, Thirteenth street, Je 14 between Main and Cary. flALF SK I N S, CALF 8KINS.V/ FRENCH, GERMAN, and AMERICAN CALF SKINS for sale by 0. H. CHALKLEY k CO., Hide and Leather Dealerv, Thirteenth street, Je 14 between Main and Cary.

WMHB. HorSB UlRL.tdfo In the count!* F~"k,in ?pwffiKr D'Aedahait A Lum. Ag?nta STORE ON rteenth atreeta. WANTED TO KENT A.J Thirteenth, bstw??u Main and Cary atreeus. J? u_Jt* J" T VTA NTEDTO HIRE. A (JOOD COOK. i T WA8HBR AND IRONER; also a YOUNG GIRL, to do hon<M?-work. Apply at the corner of Fifth und Canal atreefe. /AMES MITCHBL. Jn ?-Jt? VTOTT A FRAYSER JLl WANT FIFTY MEN. BINDEK8 AND SHOCKERS, FOR HARVESTING. ONE LIME-BURNER. Liberal wages paid. NOTT A FRAYSER, Frankliii street, between Eighth and Ninth. Je 11- ts Wanted, to purchase from three t?> tl ve hundred CEDAR POSTS, seven and a half feet long and fire to six Inchoa at small end, delivered at the City Alm?-honw. jn 1J ts A. D. XUKflBK. A N ENGLISH WOMAN DESIRES A iV SITUATION to take charge^ of young ch - dren. Sho can teach Music and English In all IU branches. Address Mrs. LAING, at Mtt. Littlepage's, Grace street, Richmond. Je 12? 3tTuTh&S* WANTED, SITUATION AS TEACHER The writer, who in an experienced TEACHER and a graduate of most of the schools of the A. M. course of the University of Virginia, desires to correspond with some genUeman possessing similar qualifications, with a view to establishing a classical school in some eligible locality : or he would accept a situation In a school already established. Parties interested please address ALUMNUS. care of Dr. John K. Woods, je 7? lmeod Ivy Depot, Albemarle,^. WANTED, WOOL, in large or .small lots, by jeg-lm HA RVEYS^ A WILLIAMS. WANTED, A GOOD COLORED FEM AI.E COOK, without incumbrance. JOHN N. UOKDOfi ASOJf, Je 4 Fourteenth street, near Exchange Hotel. WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED TT NURSERYMAN to take charge of, or ail interest in with the owner of, a farinTn North Carolina well adapted to and .located for a nursery and garden farm. Apply to l'ALMER, IIARTSOOK A CO., my 30 Libby buildings. w H ANTED, Mr. WILLIAM DANTT N 1ALS or Mr J. H. SHARP to call at the office of the Virginia Employment Agency, on Broad street, lour doors above Ninth, or address JAMES T. HENDERSON, my 19? ts Box 139, Richmond, \ a. /hash PAID FOR BONES.? Wanted. FIVE HUNDRED TONS BONES. Cash paid on delivery. ? my a ? tx 8. P. LATHROP, Agent. IDES j A ND T AL LO WW AN TED. DRY HIDES, GREEN HIDES, and SALTED HIDES. Also, TALLOW : for which the liigbtest cash price will be paid. O. H. CHALKLEY A CO.. Hide and Leather Dealers, Thirteenth street, between Main and Cary. ap23--ta LOST, STRAYED AND FOUND. t OST SCRIP. ? Notice is hereby given I J that application will be made for the renewal of a certificate for one share of stock standing In the name of John Currie, Jr. in the RICHMOND AND LIVERPOOL PACKET COMPANY, which was destroyed by the tiro of the 3d April, 184S. FANNIE CURRIE, Administratrix, je 14? lawTh2m* If ()~U N D ?A POCKET-BOOK, containing a snm of money, which the owner can get by applying to WILLIAM M. PA?E, No. nil north Fourth street, Navy Hill, and paying for this advertisement. je 13? 2t? N OTICE. ? Application will 1m? made for the renewal of CERTIFICATE for one Share of Stock in the "Richmond and Liverpool Packet Company," issued in my name, destroyed in the tiruot April 3d, lsttf; date and number unknown. my 24? 2m lawTh A. MORRIS. R ICIIMOND CLOTHING BAZAAR. 3, UNIVERSAL VERDICT OF THE CITIZENS OF RICHMOND has been most emphatically pronounced in otir favor, and we announce that we shall

commence, OS THURSDAY, JrHB Urn, MM, CLOSING OCT SALE of our PRE8ENT STOCK i of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, and FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, at prices very greatly reduced and much lower than the same classeB of goods can be bought on THIS SIDE OF THE ATLANTIC. We are advised of large shipment* of goods from the European market*, and must m:tko room at our large and elegant store for their reception and display, hence we are bulling REGARDLESS OF COST, assured that the homely adage is true, and that thn MM CLE SIXPENCE IS BETTER THAN THE SLOW SHILLING. ONE TH0U8AND of THOSE FAMOUS ALL-WOOL SUITS at ELEVEN DOLLARS must be aold in the next ten day* ; and we are determined that the name of LOEB BROTHERS dull be remembered in thin community as that of public benefactors and truly friends of the ECONOMICAL AND POOR. We deal not in IDLE WORDS, but ask yonr attention to THE 6ERIOU8 FACTS, :hat great bargains in CLOTHING may be relied upon by all who patronise the RICHMOND CI?OTHING BAZAAR. jell? at Ho. lit Malx it kmt. VEW arrival of summer GOODS AT THE PEOPLE'S 8TORB.-We are receiving this week large additions to our stock. Bk ached Cottons, Calicos, Dress Hoods in everr raritly. We are offering our splendid stock of Mantles, Basques, and Circuit* at less than Vork prices. Just received fibirred " M nslin, Bishop's. La wnt. Nainsook, vnd Dotted for making WhU^Bodi.s.^ successors to J* J** ?

By Iftqgflftn J?Ma, Jr., k Co., iAaetion??frind CdMliMton Merehanfa, K<W 4 Flftaenfll Hreet, b#tw Mti Main and Ciry. a I THUH8DAY HORNING, 14th Inatant, conMfcencIn* At 10 o'clock. we will * onr wore ?I?rgi? (ftrole* of OROCK&1KH, WIAIfi. LIQUORS, Ac., collating of BACON, M IIM'FJOY FLOUR, 08, 8YRUP, , VINEGAR, SODA, i PEPPER, ? RAI8INS. ' PICKLES, SMOKING TOBACCO, CRACKERS, CIGAR*, CLOTHES ?n<l DIN NEK BASKETS. AU". CHAMPAGNE, 8HERRY. PORT and CLlRET WINE8 ; WHISK YH, HI BRAND1E8. and many other goods. if I I.I. Ri addud: 6 barrel* LARD, 20 boxeaS"AP. lo barrels SMOKING TOBACCO. The naual credit of thirty and nitty day* will be given. S. JONES, Ja., A CO, je 14? It Auctioneers. By Regnanlt A Co., Main street, between Eighth and Ninth. CTOCK OF WINES, LIQUOR8, CIGARS, FIXTURES, COUNTERS, GOOD WILL, Ac., OF THE SALOON CORNER MAIN AND EIGHTH STREETS FOR SALE. At the request of the owner, we will offer for sale privately until the Nth OF JUNE the good will and fixtures, including COUNTERS, OYSTERBOX, MIRRORS, Ac., together with the entire stock of the choicest brands of WINES, LIQUORS, and CIGARS, of the saloon situated at the corner of Main and Eighth street*. This is one of the best locations in the city for conducting a lucrative business, it being Immediately opposite the Spotswood Hotel. It la seldom such an opportunity is offered. If not *old privately by the time above specified, it will be sold at public auction the following day, the 15th|instant. f Je ?*?<?] RF.GNAULT A CO. i QKAND CLOSING-OUT SALE. HIGHLY IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE TO THE MERCHANTS AND TRADERS OF THE SOUTH . In the unprecedented succetf of our enterprise in the Introduction into this city of an extensive IMPORTING HOUSE, we assnre our customer* we take great pleasure and pride ; and, finding onr business requirements j demanding more spare, we announce that previous i to our enlargement of our premises, contemplated ' at an early period, we shall offer to the WHOLESALE TRADE of the South the entire balance of onr new and ELEGANT SEASONABLE GOODS at greatly reduced price*, and at such figures a* I will present to purchasers an opportunity SELDOM, IF EVER, MET WITH, to obtain full lines of all classes and grades of goods at great bargains. It will be remembered we present only the most desirable goods iu original packages, and in no case the refuse of an illy-assorted and limited Jobber's stock; and now we present uncommon and GREAT INDUCEMENTS, since we must build a large addition toonrpremi- : ses in due time for the WHOLESALE TRADE OF THE SEASON approaching, which promise* to be large, and for j the prosecution of which our orders are already with the GREAT HOUSES O F EUROPEAN MANUFACTURERS, and our agents are making selections abroad, so that we may be in advance of all other* in the receipt and the ability to supply our friends and customers. J. STEENBOCK A CO., (late of San Antonio, Texas,) 149 and 141 Main street, Richmond, Virginia, je 12? 3t New No*. 1213 and 1215, Eagle Square. 'p HE TIME HAS COM E WHEN, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DEM AND8 of our increasing trade, it has become necessary ' to greatly ENLARGE OUR ELEGANT STORE; and to meet the wants of the people we shall EXTEND OUR RETAIL DEPARTMENT, adding a space of nearly an hundred feet In depth to our present quarters, which, despite their cominodioasnets, have become TOTALLY INADEQUATE for the proper prosecntion of onr trade. Thougfi we now offer oar IMMENSE STOCK oir ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS' WORTH OF FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS AXD NOTIONS, at unprecedented bargains, and really at ORIGINAL cost, j and in some instances at much LESS THAN IMPORTERS' PRICES.

To the Indies of Richmond we fee! we need not enter lino mi enumeration of our good*. They are familiar with the fact that we have very much THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY, embracing every variety of DRES8 GOODS, WHITE GOODS. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, I DOMESTIC G00D8, , GLOVI8, HOSIERY, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, A5l> A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF N0T10N8. And with the mere announcement that we MUST CLOSE OUT, REGARDLESS OF COST, to make way for the enlargement of oar store and extensive additions to our premise*. J. STEENBOCK & CO., Noe. 139 and 141 Main street, je 12? at N?w Noe. 121) and ISIS Eagle Square. TJNION BANK OP RICHMOND, (SAVINGS INSTITUTION), OFFICE AT THE NATIONAL BXCHANGB BANK. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, ?KO,OM. THIS INSTITUTION ALLOWS SIX PEK CENT. ON DEPOSITS. I. DAYBNPORT, Ju., President. JAMES MILLBR, Cashier. DIMCTOES. R. A. Paine, L. D. Crenshaw, W. R. Queries, Wm H. Lyons, Jr., R. E. Blankeu* A. Bodeker, B. B. Weisiger, skip. W. A. Kpott, Moses Eilyson, J. B. Winston, A. L. Ellett, J as W. Archer, A. A. HutchinR.T.Taylor, J. Roeenhaom, eon, W. K. Btnford, J. w!h?iT, W. V. Jenkins, J. A. Kelvin, W. F. Gray, W. R. Tanner, T. U. Dudley, Alfred Mosea, J. M Nowlin. The security offered to depositors ie uudoubud. and the institution should eomaeud itself to ell classes. The attention of all in city end country to culled to thto institution. Here they will find tecority, convenience, and profit. Sums as stuull as Ave dollars may be depoelted, and six per eeat. lute- 1 rest received on seme. oftee houv from ? A. M. to a P. M.; on 8ut?nUj i ftrom 9 A. M. to* P. M., and froiu4 to?P. ||7 l je !?? d&Jtwlm mens at No. 7t7 Main street, two doors i wood Hotel. uk ? TXOW'B THAT."? K?w ?tyl? HAT tt J?t rwrt w^w? M

1 r+f m S* WOhH-ru-l'UltE D ijjf 1 T By <ihrii|h? k WllUim^Atclv.n m, "" % t Koirlfi tre?t earner of Main and Eleventh TRWfir^B- nALt OF TIIK My CHAJCIC8VIUK ! THKaPlKB AT Al'CTloj ' By virtn??f of trust fiwn the **rhVli? vfHe Tnfnplke Cjrtnpafty to the *tib?<Tib?rIl Trd**". If" \'W' ?Od rtrcori^ *i i Henrico Connly Court ftfflff, b?int thereto r?nnJ? . ?,i by ib* cridftoW Mcurwt, I w?Ti??n*t ?r}.7[' chiMa;of (be said lrf?''P?n>, coimiMifw ,, High* ?**?% and PmiNwln and (J, f' niki R?>?d. th^Ximtf. B?ildW*,and I m pro Ui.rewth. vtZl hTC power*, PilfHegea. Worka, and tram-bines it ? , manner ?p? jitenanUherMo. <8, B^ACKINO, CANDLE* v u .ch PEAKS. C lT R R A N Ts . ( ?isfV^ i a great variety of ?th<-r ??><?<!?. Tkrbs: Holflctentln cash tod<-frarH attending (he execution < f the ?rn? i . nay the Uf lita secured th?r?l.y (aajoun... * "> four hundred dollar*), and tb? ?,"?!!?* ? equal losUlmonu, At nfi?. two 41l<t .> ' " ,ri thr?. | bond*. wllh approval security, hn*r*PtLXlkr*> Ut aecured by adee^Ctruaiupi.u th* s.r. , to b? aold. P. W flKT-nli ?ln? j (Jarim* k WiLLI-lMs, Anrtion^r* ' By A. T. IWlw>i Co., Abettor,** - | i^ROCERY SALFU-We win *1, ! WR&$^ssjras? ?t. -6 half barrel* rebelled Muscovado mc,? ? ?"0 I arr<- is Superfine ami Extru H.Ofu CO barrd* Wfceatland Extia FLOI'h ' 5 bag* RICE, 2 <? s.icks " Marshall's " SALT, So k-gs S. C. SODA, 6o b^xea THBK.sE, M b >xe? TALLOW CANDLES, is c.*?es CON DENIED MILK, 13 h iles COTTON YARN8, ?'n to 1? - -<t. 4J h.irn lH WHISKY, (ten barrels kQf, ' brand ;> u 50 cue* OLIVE OIL, M Imxiw 8;>AP, 1J barrels OLIVE OIL. :i b;imln BROWN SCGATJ, l(io bam- la Halifax HEKKINOK, 2,0o.? pound* lioUSK hHoEh, 21 K-uf PIOKLESj In prints ofd. r. OKEhN TEAS, CAK')N I, Fr?-?jch i WlS'ES. with a i(i ^ We rvipp<-if?tlly iiirit* the attcntioirof th. -r.u i to thi* atlincti *alt>. T??rnih : Thirty day?? ior approved n* . : | paper. |> u] A. Y. bTOKF> & cn ' By labell h D&vU, Heal Estate Ak^Q'" and Auctioneer*, corntr Eighth and Main I1 1 TAT BEAUTIFULLY - HX'ATKD . AN I) DESiKABLE Sl'BCKHAN FA KM Wj'vT OF ANJ> ^ E A R TO THE KESIDKNI'K ?>!' Vi THANIHL F BOWE, E-dj, A.ND Hi? ?NTI.N .'i \ THE NokTH SIDE OP LEIOH STREET Amy TENDED, FOR SAl.K AT AUCTION w ? *??11 at a K'li(m?n TUESDA Y. the l^th <tav . i j . l?o?J nn ;K.' prejQJlaes, at 5 o'clock, P. M , tlut ? tifuliy-liicat?d and df-iraM>? 8l'Bl*RBAS P.\KM al)i>v,4-ii.iiii*'d, containing TWENTY AN1> A II u> ACRR8. The iiuprovfiui-nU c<>n?l?t of a j colt'Ui vpt<li!<MiCA. eonMlnlnx nine room-. ? , j in a Oi-itutiful oak xrove, m.-w barn, ri <)je-h< iH?i, c>w nnedr, an excellent ? <? with a tine fiond rnnvenlent thereto, and ? mrcewaxy <>ut-h<>Uhea. The land is hi.l v proved, mibttutttilr encloac-d wiih j arnl wliit^ onk plank, ami admirably a>t.ij ? the culture of ?he iMual crops and vexeubw, ?u of which have been needed, and are ii"* ?.) i ? finely. This place, with a little care an hit;- . tion.'tnav be ua?te one of the tnont desirable r?i. denc?s i i tho vicinity of Richmond. Immediately att?-r the above mile, will !>??? i two very line Ml'LES, two line COWS, < j BUUUY HOK88, CiKTS, BDG0Y, and IIAKNUS and all 1ABM1N0 IMI'LEMENT-S < n the .4 ! farm. Tkkxh kou xhf. Farm : One-third ca-h, b uic nix, twelve, 1. 1 ui eighteen month-, iu notes, iiiter-st added, and secured by i 1 ; ? trust. For the personal property, sixty <1h\ ~ . ? ;. ? for approved negotiable notes, interest .i ; I. jell ISBELL k DAVI8, Anctlnneew. : By Isbell & Darin, R?f.l Estate Ag< nt? and Auctioneer*, <i'?'mer'of Eighth and Main stre- :-. is?n, ht auction, upon the premises, * i M., tliat pttntrallr-located 1 II KEE-s f??K\ HKK K TENEMENT on the west of Soventh, betw n < ?ry and ('anal street#, containing about nin- !? with gim thnmphoot, and a brick kite hen ar r| water in.the y?rd. Thi-? building, with h rery lit. tie expeitst?, iui^ht be changed into .? :> ?-\r ; busin-sn' housfi and fHtnllv n ?i-l iici-. Tht fronu 'Hi let'., and runs back l-'i I" to an all- v t-ri f?-. ? wld? Tkkms; One-fhIM ca*-!) : balance at six *: I twelve n.^ntiis !? r negotiable notes, w.ih iiii-t. -? added, a,?d aecurttd by a trust I. je II ? 3' ' ISBELL A DAVIS, Am tint!* .'r?. By A. Y. stokes \ Auction* 4 UCTION SALeI? Wo will, on FlilDA i, th^ 15th install*, ciiipm riciiv at 1< o'i I'm k, ?? 11 a very large ami valuable a---< r'n nt of OROCSKIEH. consisting, in p.ir'. ?>! ' h head* of SU<iA.{, 800 barrels of FL'M'R. '? '? t - < t COFFEE. l?? barrels HALIFAX IIERK1N0?. i , 3tr. ParHcolani in future adrertiaemcnt je 12 A. Y. STOKES i ? <?.

Hv lir ilt-M .v Wllllnuifl, A nctf? >ri?*??r Northwest corner of Main and Eleventh ?tr.-rt-. r* o m m r s s r o~x" i: iv s sa le < ?r V/ KBVBNT\ ACRES OF VALUABLE I.AM' ON Til K MECMA.NWnVILLK TURNPIKE. TWO MILES FitOM THE CITY. AT AUCTION -Ino. - cation of ? dec iv * "f the Circuit <'"urt >?( ihty of Henrico entered M17 1, IM*, in the < - Scberiiierhorn, 41c., r *. Auslinand ale . the umlertugncU, a comrni loner appointed for the inir: will sell auct'on. upon the Premises on Tin'!;'" DA V. July 5. at S o'clock. 1*. M.,if lair, if not, ? it the next fair day thereafter, at the same Irur, the TRACT OF L/MD of which th? late I.m it Schermeiborn di*td seized. lying on the ? >?t of Mt-chanicsvilie turnpi k<- a short distance beyond the nil-gate, and adjoining lh?j land of Lonidas Roster and other*. There h r>; SEN KNTY ACRES, of which tlin* i? a auRlclent pottioii In wood* ; and then* are s. vc:al hnildinip, one of which can be converted into* dwelling. It will b?j aold ii- a whole, < r li\i 1- I, at* niav b*- deemed liful a' the tini* of ?;?!?* Tlili I- a beautiful TRACT of LAND, and it should a: tract '.he attention of persons >e?kin<; such proj orty. Tkrms One-third cash : balance at *!x and twelve month* fi r negotiable note*, with interest added, 111 * title to be routined by the couit until the note* a re pa:d. ?EATON NANCE, Commit' 'iier. Gltrnjirf & William*, Auctioneer*. je 5? td-> T M?E FOURTH NATIONAL F1UZE CONCERT will be held In Richmond, Va , ? ON FRIDAY, THB 27th JULY, 1??. TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND HOHTY-EIOHT VALUABLE PRIZES. MOUNTING To NINETY THOUSAND DOLLARS. will be presented to the ticket -ho Idem. WB WILL DONATE FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS TO LADIES'; MEMORIAL AbSOCIATION. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND TICKETS AT ONE DOLLAR EACH. LIST OF PRIZES. I Gift? SO Bond* fS.O'X) I Girt '<-30 Bonds 1 I Gift : 30 Bend* l,?n? 0 Gramt Pun*, *7?t?each J.' " 5 Grand Piano*. *ioo each V,. ?) 25 American ]lunting-ca*e Gold Watches, *-<w. 5,'D 50 American Hunting-case Ladies' Gold WTltclU*, frioo 6 6?> Sowing Machine*, *lov S,iv> 5>) Sewing Mac nine*, **? 1,090 5') American H anting -ca*? Silver Watche* +?? . .. 1,00# Co American Hunting-case Silver Watches T 1,000 ? I0<I Aon rican Hauling -cave Sliver Watcbe* ir-0 !,??.) 100 Silver W*tch?.*, *40 l.^w loo Silver Watches, *30 J,v*v? 20' ? Silver Watches, *25 3>"? soo GiflKin Greenbacks, *to 5,?oo 600 Giftn in Greenbacks, *5 V** 2,ooo i,tft* in Grv. nback*. *2.50 5.?"0 20,000 Gifts in Greenback*, *1 2<j."v?> Total.. 5J.7W Prize*, worth MODE OF DIST&IiiUTION. Num tiers from i t?? loo.ww will ba placed i" * wheul by it committee appointed by the ticketholder*, and * pennon. aUo iwlf>cted by th?< ti'k"tholders present, will do the drawing. "Tb<* p?- ? " holding th?* tickrt c^rreaponding with the f."' numhwr drawn will be entitled to the Fir^i Pr t* of 8 ve ihout&nd dollar*; and oo on until '>>i* wl)ol? uuinl erare dUuoei*! ? f. Eavh agent w: I ' furniiihed with a full list of the drawiug a? m*'"'" it can be imblUhed. We will send to one addres* FIVE tic k*- 1 ?? f"' ?l 50; TEN ticket* for *i? . TWENTY fi r *'?' * . THIRTY fur *{?.?; FORTY for and tlt H for *43 9f. RKLIaBI.8 AGENTS WANTED in everv ctty and town in the United Statea t?? whom GlJtAT INDUCEMENTS ARE OFFERED. TlckHa foraala in this city by Bohn k Sardc, L. L. Smith, and Cole 4 Turner Addreia WALTERS A Mt'LANB, Je 5? lm Lock Box M. Richmond, \ a. _ THE m kmbers~of oc )M PA n Y 1 5, 1 FOURTH VIRGINIA CAVALRY, are requested to luact at the ator? of the Midlothian t orn* pauy, Chesterfield, at lo o'clock. A M , * LDN I ? DAY, l>th Juno, for the purpoae of fomlw* an aaiiocialioa aaxlJiary to tho Ladiea' tbeat?i Geld Maniorlal Aaaoctation. J*r~ - FH THE HOUSE OF DELWiATKS. General THOMAS S. HAYMOND, .?-wail known a* f*.r many veara an ?(Bclent mimher f the HOUSE OF UltGaTlS, .b**" mended a? a aaltat-l* p?rM>n toarrve thu ;****' Llf 11 room of Mr GaaTraM. It i* uodntnod that he wi 1 accent thei-oaitlon tf 1 tCt consider him aa a candidate, and u^* they arc me hi* InvaJuable aarvice# Qeajw Inter. J?0-4de 1U1HKK HUN DHEI) BARRELS OF ROSENDaLK CRMiNT, s.MO barr-la ItOCKLA* D LIMI, in aWe and to Rockland uME.-rEiewn hundred I^airjla dally ffejjfrtjoH||. TOCASK8 JEFFREYS A BAW'ti ^ jfU im Mt# ^ CWIWV.