Daily Dispatch, Volume 37, Number 74, 22 September 1869 — Page 2

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WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 1869 Here is an explicit statement that the Enquirer "admits" that "we here, in Virginia, are under a promise to conciliate General Grant in return for his great favor in enabling us to get rid of the test-oath." We beg leave to say that, we " admit " no such thing. We never heard of such a promise until we saw it in the Dispatch. Nobody else ever heard of it.-- Enquirer. The words in italics in the above extract are taken from the Dispatch. The words in the Enquirer's editorial of Friday, which we interpreted to "admit" what we understood, are as follows: " We are aware that if General Grant has really-indicated such a preference [for General Williams for senator] the fact will have its weight in Virginia, for everybody wants all the influence he can give us, and there is a disposition in our people to thank hitn--some of them absolutely, others by comparison--for what he has done." If this " disposition " that it is here asserted exists among the people is of recent origin, and did not exist in the public mind at the time of the election, or before, or immediately afterwards, then we err only as to time. But if it was impianted , in the hearts of the people about the time that General Grant took steps to enable us to get rid of the test-oath, as may be reasonably inferred, and which, indeed, is the only reasonable inference,--for that is the real benefit which he has conferred upon us--then we claim that we are right, and that the Enquirer has admitted the existonce of the very disposition to do what we have asserted the people were inclined to do, and for the motive we ascribed to them. There is, of course, no use in disputing about mere terms. We have used the word " promise" with no purpose of conveying the idea that there was any understanding--any compact entered into between General Grant and the people of Virginia. That was impossible. The idea intended to be conveyed, was that under a sense of obligation to General Grant there was a general sentiment felt and expressed to seize an early opportunity to show to General Grant our appreciation of his favor, and the election of a senator--many said two--was generally indicated as a fit occasion. It was quite a common occurrence--the discussion of who the man or men should be, and how General Grant's preference was to be ascertained. The general feeling was a readiness to surrender the whole Congress to get the State. If the editor of the Enquirer never heard these things, or heard of them, then we have to say that we are greatly surprised to learn it; for we are sure that what we state here can be borne out by the testimony of thousands. The matter appeared often in the newspapers. We say that the sentiment was creditable to the people of Virginia. General Grant saved us from an awful fate. Had the constitution been submitted as a whole, it would have been adopted as sure as we live. A large body of white people were wearied out with delay and oppression--they wanted to get into the Union at once. They would have taken the constitution, iron-clad oath and all, rather than prolong their painful condition for six months. A large number of this class would have voted outright for it--a larger portion would have stayed at home. The constitution would have been adopted, and we would have been in a condition oi indescribable misery! All our people would have been disqualified--the Government would have been in the hands of incompetent and dishonest men. There would have been no faith in anything; no enterprise; no energy ; and despair and desolation would have brooded over the land. It is terrible now to contemplate the fearful evils we have escaped. And we have escaped than through General Grant. We assert it positively and emphatically; and it is honorable to the people of Virginia that there exists among them, as the Enquirer says, "A DISPOSITION TO THANK HIM."

A Little Fidgety. There arc some signs of fidgetiness that arc not consistent with the declarations and policy of the last six months. It is a temporary impulse of a few who. under the influence of encouraging circumstances, a little fresh air and mineral and other liquids, arc tired of policy, and dc3irc a little more freedom than we have recently enjoyed. It will be over in a few days. A run or two round the fields, and some kicking up of heels, will wind the colts, old and young, and we arc sure they will settle down to earnest practical work in harness. We are not out of the woods. There is much to be done. We must work on with tlie Fame team, along the .same road we have travelled for some months, or our joui ncy will be much prolonged. We must continue in that wise mood in which the Enquirer finds itself: "intensely practical.'' That will bring us out; and nothing else will. So don't break a trace or do anvthing else unbecoming and bothersome just now, but level doim at the work before us, determined to finish it completely before we do anything else. A Proviso-Such as it Is. Our contemporary General Kelley, of the Fredericksburg Herald, wants to catch a weazel asleep since he has returned from the White Sulphur. He proposes that a proviso be added to the fifteenth amendment, when adopted by the Legislature, declaring that it shall "be of binding effect from the date of Virginia's admission to representation in Congress." We have considered our friend in no way afflicted with superfluities. He is the last man we would have suspected of a work of supererogation ; yet he has given a rare sample here. Congress has declared that the adoption of the fifteenth amendment should be a condition precedent to our admission to representation; and it furthermore declares that until we are so admitted to representation, and the constitution approved, all that's done under the conatitution goes for naught, and the State must continue under the provisional government. So that our contemporary's proviso would be mere surplusage, and being so would be interpreted as a taunt, or treated with indifference, Congress having already made the condition. General Kelley does not like "to give it up so." The victor makes a condition, and the defeated, to share the honor of proposing conditions, offers precisely the same terms. A man has another down pummelling him, and says " I'll let you up if

you'll hollow 'nuff" ; and the bottom man replies " I'll hollow 'nuff if you'll let me up!" Tho Virginia Iron Interests. It is understood that the miners and manufacturers who hnvo recently purchased iron mines near Jackson's river, en the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad, arc disooscd to go to work at once. Mr. Samuel 0. Robinson, who has been assisting in naking sales as well as in facilitating the operations of the iron men, recently brought the subject of the fi eights on Iron before the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company, urging the importance to t he road of encouraging the production of iron, as that would probably, in a few years, afford, tbcm a tonnngo largely in excess of their entire tonnage at present. The company, at its last meeting, gave tlie President authority to reduce the freight on iron to two and a half cents per ton per mile, which is below the charge on the Pennsylvania roads. The companies design opening their mines at an early day, and to go on manufacturing iron with charcoal until the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad is finished, when they will have ample supplies of mineral coal, and will be able to make iron cheaper. It is calculated that the working of the mines prior to the construction of '.lie road will enable the owners to get the strata fairly exposed and in the best condition for successful operations, so'that the moment the road is running they will be ready to throw upon it an immense tonnage?a two-fold business in transporting coal and iron. When that day comes there will be great activity in Old Virginia. This city will be largely a beneficiary from these extensive operations. And we may begin to look forward to the day when they will take place is very near. The company which is about to take the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad in hand will " put it through as promptly is possible. " Two years," they say, will take the road to the Ohio. Three would be doing well*, but nobody will object to two! These events will stimulate mining enterprise in different parts of the State. Iron mines are innumerable in Virginia. Indeed,''she offers a field so rich, so vast, that it will readily give employment for all the capital that will come in for a longtime. There is a bright day near at hand for Virginia. Let us get over this reconstruction business at oucc. The State Fair. The executive committee of the State Agricultural Society are holding their session in this city to make final preparation for the fair. Finance especially engages their attention. It is a tough subject. We hope that their plans will be liberally seconded in this city. Baltimore lias given a thousand dollars to the Lynchburg Agricultural Fair. She will not probably extend her generosity in this direction. There is too much liberality and proper pride heroin solicit or need it, we are sure, even were it her interest to help us. Let us stand by the Society. This city will be rewarded most amply for doing so. Election or Senator-.?Yesterday's 1l7(h/had a very sensible article in favor of electing senators upon the meeting of the Legislature next month. The reasons for doing so increase in propriety and force the more we reflect upon them. We shall avoid a great deal of agitation, and probably much delay in reconstruction, by not putting the election of senators oil' until the representatives of Virginia arc admitted. Tho Petersburg Index is informed that the article to which it alludes escaped our attention. Send it to us.

5>ZEJ>, In Maryland, on S"ti:rdnv. September lSlh. MAR Y, voiingc-t daughter of the late Tarleton W. Pleasants, of Goochl mil, Ya. At Laurel Grove. Hanover comity, on tin* H:h instant, after a brief illness of a few days ofdipliUierla, EUGENIA FLORENCE. daughter ot Monroe Carter, aged lu years, 1 month and 11 days. " God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform."1 Lynchburg .Vetctr please copy. In this eitv, on the '.'1st instant, of dvscntorv, WILLIAM (lENDERSOX, only child of Carrie K. and Frederick J. Bullock, aged one nn nth and ? liirtcen days. Mis funeral will be preached at Ids father's residence. Laurel street, Oregon Hill, TIMS AFTERNOON at 4 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances ?f the family and those of his grandmother (Mrs. Mitchell) are respectfully invited to attend without further notice. * FOilt TOKAFOOMSTS. r I TOBACCONISTS ? T O T O B A C C O I MANUFACTURERS AND TOIJACCi >-BOX MAKERS.?Wc have now 011 hand machines of our own make to groove the 5>ox where the rcvenuo stamp is to he affixed, according to the new law. Trice, $15. ST,OAT A ALDINGTON, *c "2?3t 1415 Carv street near Fourteenth. (IKK KERY, Av. DUMMER TRADE.?In store and for sale U a large and well-assorted stock of S1LYEU-TLATKD, CHINA, GLASS, and E AKT1IE N W ARE, which I am offering as low as they can be obtained in New York, to which I would* respectfully .call the attention of the trade and public generally, pledging myself to sell as.low and give as pood n'rrieles for the money as any other establishment In I the State. Give me n ealfat 130? MAIN STREET. I jy 22 0. C. GARY. FRESH IMPORTATIONS.?KELLOGG x GIBSON are now receiving and opening, of their own importation, large additions to their STOCK, and are prepared to offer special Induce; ments to buyers. New and handsome patterns of Dinner, Tea. and Toilet Sets in rich, decorated gold band ; Tlaln White China and White Granite. Rich Fancy Goods Cut and Pressed Glassware in great variety : Flue Table Cutlery, of Joseph Rodgcrs and other celebrated makers; Plated leeTit chers Waiters Goblets Forks, Spoons, ??c.; Refrigerators, Water-Coolers. Castors. Lamps, Lookuig-Glasses, Block Tin and Japan Ware lu great varietv. Country merchants liotol-kecpers and housekeepers. will consult their interests bv calling on us. KELLOGG ,t GIBSON, Importers. Wholesale and Retail Dealers 1207 Maiu street, Richmond. Ya. Edward B. Taylor and It. C. Sutton, Jit. Salesmen. mv 1 ft OILS. OIL, OIL, OIL.?100 barrels l'ETROLIA OIL for sale. Warranted not to explode. Twenty percent, cheaper than i-t Baltimore. SO 20 1528 MAIN STREET. FSTROLIA OIL COMPANY?Office, 152s Main stkket, Richmond, Va.?The l'ETROLIA OIL is the safest cheapest, cleanest, and gives the hest light. Warrauted not to explode. Sold only In barrels. sc 20 SFEAl'IIi TOOLS AND PLATES. rt BELLENOT, DIE-SINKER AND \J, BRAND-CUTTER, 1I10 MAIN STREET? The new patent BRANDING-IRON, for marking hU kinds of wooden articles by heating it. Is perfectly adapted to branding barrels or any other article under the new law. Engravers' Stock Stencil Paste, Brushes, Indelible Ink, Steel Dies, Alphabets, Seal Presses, Brass and German Silver. Frames, Sttel Rings, Checks. Tags. Ac., wholesale and retail'. mhs VTOI ICE.?Citizens who have COBBLEa. a STONE CROSSINGS at the entrances to I heir carriage-houses, 6tables, and allevways, arc re'juirod to notify the City Engineer immediately if they desire to take up the same and lay down in its Moid OR \NITE BLOCKS, In accordance with thecItyordlnar.ee. If not done as soon as nractlcabh. by the owner of any such premises it will l?e done by'.he city, and the cost thereof added to the taxes of any such owner or owners. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this o til eo until the 25TH 1NST A NT, at 12 M? for building a STONE CULVERT in Bloody Run gully at Marshall street; also for a CULVERT in the gully on Fifth street beyond Baker street. Forms of Tropoauld can be hud on application at ti:!", OlAcc. JOHN 1>. CJiEXSHAW, Cltv Engineer, Ninth Month, I'LL w. ' se 22?id D1JSINESS CARDS PRINTED AT T fi E -O DISPATCH TRIN TLN G-H 0 U&E CllEiSP

MEETIJTGS. TIIE MEMBERS OF LOGE FRAN- fi ^ L CAISE. No. 53, arc requested to attend YY a called meeting at their Lodge-room. on/T> a called meeting at their Lodge-room. on; j Itroad between Ninth and Tenth streets. THIS I EVENING at 7 o'clock. Business : Amendments I to by-laws and the consideration of changing onr i day "of meeting. Every member should be present. Bv order of tlieW. M. PETERFIELD TRENT, se 22?It * Secretary. \TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 11 AN ELECTION will be beholden at the ofllre >f the Southern Mutual Insurance Company, In this city, on the 25lh Instant, between thehotirsof ! and a o'clock I'. M.. for the ptirposcof ELECTING OFFICERS and DIRECTORS to serve the ctistilog year, sett? td J. W. SEXSON, Secretary. AMUSEMENTS. f\S EXHIBITION. \J AT BIDGOOD'S, J i! 17 M A I N S T BEET. ELDER'S GREAT PAINTING. "THE BATTLE <>F THE CRATER." Tickets, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Season tickets. FIFTY CENTS. so2l-im Mr ETROFOLITAN HALL. FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY, MONDAY EVENING, September 23. 1?C0, first apnea ranee of BUCKLEY, MORRIS & UO.'S MIN.-TRF.ES. BURLESQUE OPERA TROUPE, and BRASS IS.V'D, who will appear eaeli evening In a rich and varied programme, compiled with much care from the Inexhaustible repertoire of this, the Excelsior Troupe of the World. EVERYTHING STRICTLY MORAL AND CHASTE. Even thing entirely new, (trill latit, and startling, without resort to vulgar attempts at wit. First appearance in Richmond of Mr. FRANK ?JELL, late of the San Francisco Minstrels, New York, justly acknowledged to he ttic most artistic 'lancer in iho profession, together with a FULL '?<>t:PS DM KTIHOPE?each a bright star in bis line. Doors open at <"?} : overt tire at 7J. Front seats reserved for ladies and their escorts. No Improper characters admitted. Polite and attentive ushers in attendance, who will pay particular attention to seating the ladies. .J. C. BROWN, ) A?rnt, F. T WESTON, S A*?nT4, If. C. CLIt'TOX, Treasurer. se 1J?S. M. Tit A- W GROCERIES. Ac. ?UGAR-CUBED BKKF TONGUES, ij HAMS. BREASTS, ami SHOULDERS; PURE VIRGINIA APPLE BRANDY, made In Rockbridge coiintv. Va.: lust received. WILLIAM It. TATUM, se 22 5i)o Broad street. 1 COUNTRY MERCHANTS. We would invite the attention of country merchants to our large stock of GROCERIES, which we can sell as low as they can be had la any northern market. We name 100 hogsheads BACON, 500 barrels REFINED SUGARS, all grades : 50 hogsheads RAW SUGARS, Hoi bags < oFFEE-Elo, LAGUAYRA, and JAVA : 1,000 sacks SALT?MARSHALL and WORT1IINGTON: 300 barrels SYRUPS and MOLASSES, loo kegs SODA, l,ono kegs NAILS. 5oo barrels FLOUR, all grades: 500 boxes ADAMANTINE CANDLES, 500 bags SHOT. HARVEYS A WILLIAMS, se 21?lm corner Carv and Thirteenth streets. T> EFINED SUGARS.?A, B, AND C aY SUGARS receiving and fur sale bv MASS IE A JI Alt YEA", po 21 Fourteenth street. T> U'I TK R AND C11 E E S E.?-?"> boxes ?) PRIME FACTORY CHEESE. 10 tubs sweet PENNSYLVANIA BUTTER, receiving and for sale by MASS IE & HARVEY, se 21* Fourteenth street. T ARD.?20 TUBS No. 1 LARD rcI J ceiving and for sale bv MXSSIE & HARVEY, sc 21 Fourteenth street. TTNCOLORED AT RLE BRANDY, I VIRGINIA CIDER VINEGAR. I'K KI.ING and PRESERVING .-PICES, oLIVE OIL (tin'best imported). LEA .'i PEERINS'S WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. I'D KLED OYSTERS. and another Invoice of the Slt'lLY LEMON SIB-JAR. at se 17 J. B. KIDD'S, 717 Broad street.

ci ALT ! SALT!! SALT!!! O DIRECT 1.M PORTATION. The ship "Joshua S..'* willi 5.222 sack- MAK--I! Al.'S I'M l'Oi: Y-FILLF.D SALT. will l?c ?I??e hi t ? cc!) the 2',||| anil 30!h < I' September. We oiler her cargo h>r sale, to arrive, from wharf at City Point, or Richmond Dock, at lowest market rates, sc 11?2 w LKK. SKI'DON & CO. 4 PRIME ARTICLE OF CIDER VINEGAR for pickling, with a foil assortmevt of SPICKS; l i copper-distilled WIIDKEY. MCXNI .SSVui I'.I! A NDV. a superior i.- \ MILV Fl. OUR, TOASTED O'rFEES, line 11 UK K.N and BLACK T! AS. for sale by {;KOItOK A. 111" N 1 )LEV. se ] 1 52? Broad street. Hekrings, "mackerel, SALMON TROUT. NORTH CAROLINA No. 1 CUT HERRING*. NOR'I 0 C \ROLl.NA No. 1 CROSS HERRING-'. wood's north Carolina xe. 1 Roi. HERRINGS. half barrels : No. I KASTKRN CUT IIKKRIMCS, whole am! half barrels : CHOICE No. 1 MACKEREL, harrels and kit-: CHOICE No. 2 MACK KKLL, barrels ami kit-; PRMIE No. 3 .MACK REEL. CHOICE No. 1 SALMON TROUT. For sale !>v scto _ ROBERT F. "WILLIAMS A CO. qMITUFJELD BACON?TEA. 1.700 pounds SMITHFILL!) BACON, ?*. chest? extra tincGREKN TEA, 2 einftts superior BLACK TEA. WI Li.1AAI C. DANDRIitCE & CO., ?ui 30 O-'T I'.road street. \riRCJNJA VINEGAR, &c.?WO gallons V pure CI O E P. V I N EG A R. All kinds of SPICKS for pieklimr. Families ran rely 011 our Vinegar to keep th- r piekles. au 30 WM. G. 1 'A NDRIDCiE S; CO. O ALT ! SALT!! SALT!!! DIRECT IMPORTATION TO RICHMOND. We are now prepared to offer to the trade, to arrive. at lowest rates, ami on accommodating: terms, the cargo of the bark Medusa, now fully due and hourly expected, consisting of 3. ?") 0 0 SACKS EVANS'S CELKEK AT F.I > CROAVN BRAND FACTORY-FILLED SALT, in full bleached sacks aud equal to Marshall's, au tt S. C. TARDY & CO. XpLOUR, FLOUR, &c. 25 barrels WAA'NF.SIP >RO* FA MI LA" FLOUR, so barrels SLATE HILL EXTRA FLOUR, uo barrels GLOBE MILLS S U 1' E It F 1 N E FLOUR, 25 barrels KNIGHT'S HEAVY SYRUP, "0 barrets GOLDEN SYRUP, 10 barrels SMART'S MOUNTAIN AVHISKF.Y, 10 barrels PETEIt HANGER'S KA'E WHISKEY. 100 barrels NEW EASTERN HERRINGS. Also, a large lot of assorted SPICES, ground ami crude, 011 consignment, aud for sale low to close. M IN OR & HAKT.M AN, tit the oh! stand of Bosher A Wooov, an 13 1528 Main street. "IXfJIAT THE LADIES SAY?That the M best TEA and ROASTED COFFEE they can liiui is at .1. II. ANTHONY'S Tea Store, Main and Eighth street-. Best Gunpowder. $2; Japanese, Oolong, and En dish Breakfast. ?1.30. Superior Roasted Coffee, AYine Crackers, Ginger Snaps, ami Spiced Jumbles : Honey Soap at 5o cents per dozen; good Green Tea, ?l.5o; Starch. Blueing, and Soap fur washing cloths ; Japanese Fans. au 13 XTEAV FL( >UR?NEW FLOUIL?200 biu> i.A re Is NEW VA LLEY FLOUR, choice brands, in store and for sale bv AN DREW J. GRAY A CO., au 7 No. 2 Pearl Block, Fourteenth street. Q.ROCERIES AND LIQUORS. i75 bags COFFF.E, all grades: 3 hogsheads choice V. P. SUGAR, 5 hogsheads PORTO RICO SUGAR, 30 harrels It B SUGAR, 50 barrels A and EXTRA C SUGAR, 25 barrels CRUSH ED SUGAR, lo hogsheads SIDES and S 11 0 U L D E R BACON, 50 barrels EAST PORT HERRINGS, 25 barrels GROSS HERRINGS, '.'0 barrels GOLDEN SYRUP, 30 barrels MERCHANTS' SYRUP. 3 tierces prime CAROLINA RICE, 100 barrels VALLEY FLOUR, :dl grades: 10 - sacks M A KSUAl-L'S LIVERPOOL SALT, 5 barrels *'Wilson's" fine RYE W1I1SK EY, PALE and DARK BRANDY, SHERRY aud PORT WINE, Ac., Ac., for sale low by jv 20 ANDREW J. GRAY A CO. LEIE. T I ME.?1,21)0 Barrels ROCKLAND ? j LIME daily expected; 100 barrels VIRGINIA LIME In store. * For sale by seU A.S.LEE. T^RESII ROCKLAND LIME.?1,000 bar.JL rels Just received. au lv A. S. LEE. T IME. LIME, LIME.?WI L S O N' S Ju S UP F. It 1 O it VIRGINIA LIME?FULL SUPPLY CONSTANTLY ON HAND.?Having erected at considerable cost the largest kiln in the United States, constructed on the most approved plau. WE INTEND TO UNDERSELL THE NORTHERN LIME, and we invite atteutiou to this VIRGINIA ENTERPRISE. The stone of which this lime is made is nearly pure, and the barrels are full slzrt. AGRICULTURAL LIME will he delivered at all points on Jantes i Ivor ami oij the canal, slaked or in quick state, h' the lowest rater. W. G. TURPIN A Co., Manufacturers, KoekvJIIc. Botetourt county. Va. Address olLLON & Hi.LETT. General Agents, lf.oa Dock street, jy 13?3m Richmond, Va EAY RUM SOAP?delightful for the toilet or bath?for sale by so 22 S. E. DOVE. T) HINTING TN COLORS DONE AT X Tlin. DISPATCH PRINTING-HOUSE.

SPECIAL NOTICES. _ usr SPECIAL NOTICE.?Wc respectfully Invite the attention of capitalists and others to onr s. lc of two very valuable farms In the counLy of Ilnnovcr, to take place on Thursday 2nd instant, at 12 o'clork M., at our tffllce, No. 1113 Main street. Also, to rental of farm near 14Old Church." For further particulars refer to auction column, se 22?2t LEE & GODDIN, Auctioneers. QJ37* GOODS FOR TIIE HE A SON AT LEVY B K V T il E It S We offer a large assortment of DRESS GOODS, such as ALPACAS, SERGES, MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, POPLINS, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, CALICOES, In endless variety; PLAIN AND PRINTED DELAINES, BOMBAZINES, Ac.; RED, WHITE, YELLOW, AND BLUE TWILLED AND TLAIN FLANNELS; OPERA FLANNELS, all shades; BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED CANTON FLANNELS, CLOTHS, C A SSI ME RES. NESTINGS, KENTUCKY JEANS, CHAR LOTTES VIL1. K C A SSI ME R E S, INFANTS' FROCK WAISTS, INFANTS' ROBES, WORKED BANDS, CAMBRIC EDGINGS AND INSEKTINGS, VALENCIENNES, GUII'l'RE. THREAD, and CLUNY EDGINGS ; CORDS AND TASSELS, GIMPS, FRINGES, BUTTONS, PIANO AND TABLE-COVERS, TABLE-CLOTHS, NAPKINS. DOYLIES,

TOWELS. AI.L KINDS OF GLOVES, STOCKINGS, AND SOCKS: JET CHAINS AND ?'KT JEWELRY, AT LEVY BROTHERS', e o Nos. 1313 and 1313 Main street. 3STCALL AT RRIGGS'.S OLD-ESTA-BL1SHKD RAKERY and get THE REST SODA CI? ACKERS, EXT If A BUTTER CRACKERS, No. 1 OYSTER CRACKERS, XX PIC-NIC CRACK K1 f S, GOOD WATER CRACKERS, XXX ARROW ROOT CRACKERS, FRKS1I ClfEAM CRACKERS, EXCELSIOR LEMON CRACKERS, PRIME SUGAR CRACK EES, LIGHTEST MUSHROON CRACKERS, SUPERIOR SUGAR CAKE, SUPERIOR MOLASSES CAKE, I X L LEMON SNAPS, FINE SPICE-NUT, DYSPEPTIC CRACKERS, Fresh every day at BKIGGS'S BAKER!, 707 Main .street. au ?* DST BACHELOR'S HAIR-DYE.?This splendid HAIR-DYE Is I he hest in the world?the only true and perfect dye; harmless, reliable. Instantaneous. No disappointment?no ridiculous tints; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Invigorates and leaves the lialr soft and beautiful black or brown. Sold by all druggists and perfumers, and properly applied at the Wig Factory 18 Bond street, New York. mh 20?codts FERTILIZERS. _ TONS PERUVIAN GUANO IN v w store and for sale by -e 10 ALLISON A ADDISON. 100 SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, Whann's O Raw-Bone Superphosphate, pure Flour of Raw Bone. We are agents for the above standard ' Fertilizers. Fall supply In .-tore and for sale by so 10 A I, LI SON A ADDISON. THE ALBEMARLE FERTILIZING L 31 ILLS. THOMAS J. KIRKPATRICK, Lvuehburg, C. II. IIOBSON, Lynchburg, have this day formed a co-partnership under the tirni nnine of KIRKPATRICK A CD.; W. H. PARISH, Superintendent; and have purchased the factory lately occupied by Scott A Nelins, 2005 Carv street, Richmond. "Va., Libhv Building, for the purpose of grinding PLASTER ANl) RAW BONES, anil take pleasure now in offering to the fanners and dealers a very superior article of RAW BONK DUST;free from any adulteration or acids, and warranted to contain as large a per cent, of ammonia as any hone dust can have. The plaster la of the best Blue Windsor, and ground with great care as to fineness. A liberal discount to the trade. All orders promptly attended to. Will pay in cash the highest market price for BONES. se3?lm L LOANS. CANS N E G 0T I A T E D ON CITY REAL ESTATE. E. B. NEWBURN, Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer, in the National Bank of Virginia building. [-,? 11?3i!l] CO.YFECriOXEKIES. ^ TMPOItTED CORDIALS. CURACOA, ABSINTHE. ANNISKTTE, PAR FA IT AMOUR, so 22 ANDREW PIZZINI A CO. T> 1CCADILLI, CHOW-CHOW? X Crosse A BlackwelPs?at se 22 ANDREW PIZZINI A CO.'S DEVILLED ENTREMETS, LEA &. PERKINS'S and LONG'S Worcestershire sauce. so22 ANDREW PIZZINI A CO. TUST RECEIVED AND IN STORE, O 10 boxes LEMONS, new crop : 5 barrels SOFT-SHELL ALMONDS, 5 barrels PALM NUTS, LOOO CARTHAGENA COOOANUTS. We are still manufacturing ICE-CREAM and CANDY and CAKES In every style. Our WORM CONFECTIONS have in many cases proved to l>e effective where all other remedies have failed. Call for Z1MMEK A CO.'S WORM CONFECTIONS. ZTMMER A CO., Wholesale, Confectioners, se 7 1343 Slain street. TUST RECEIVED. Twenty boxes choice LEMONS; 6 boxes ORANGES: 20 cases BRANDY PEACHES; 20 boxes RAISINS; 10 barrels assorted NUTS. For sale low by W. W. TR1BBETT, lllfl Main street. Salesmen : W. P. Waddy, L, Gbai>y, Jr. Jy 24 ,

jjBues, gEPicima, *e. T"~IJRF OIL.?One ounco equal to a pound of any healing remedy known. Warranted to heal any sore on man or be:..-t, or no pay. For Hale by [ro --J' 8. L. DQv L. i UM CLOTII. O I L E 1) 81 L K . dfce. For sale by li. WAGNER* Drupfflsti HQ 22 21* " cornor Sixth and Broad Ptrccts. rUJEFSEMAN'S PILLS, CLARKE'S \ ! FILLS. Ib'U's Spec We Fills. Rose's Pills, Loldv's Fills. Hooper's Fills, llalioway's Fills, and other Fills, for sale by ? . . si. 22 it* L. WAGNER, Druggist. rpiIE ORIGINAL CASTELLO CIGARS. fl. A line cigar, and very mild. A fresh supply again to hand. For sale bv I,. WAGNER, Druggist, se I'.'?It* corner Sixth and Broad streets. DWEET QUININE.?A further supply O Just received for sale by Pl'KCELL, LAUD k CO., Druggists. 1218 Main street. se 21 PURCELL, LAJDD & CO., Druggists, dealers In INDIGO. MADDER, and other DYES. WINDOW-GLASS, &c., offer a laree and well-selected stock, embracing the following. In [vrt. In quantities to suit purchasers : l.ooo pounds prime Indigo, warranted ; 2.ceo pounds host Dutch <1 older. 5 barrels Blue Vitriol. 15 bags I'.lack i'op|.er, lu<> k?'g.s 151 C'arli, Soda. l,ooo ounces Quinine, 12 haiTels Tanners' Oil. 3a boxes Castile Snap, Itarrels Lubricating Oil, 2 barrels Gum Camphor. 10 kegs assorted Emory, English: 2 eases Nutmegs. 2 cases Mace. 15u mats Cassia, 20 barrels Slue, assorted qualities: l.ooo boxes WlndowSlass, French. All orders carefully packed and promptly forwarded. Our stock Is large and complete. The qualltv of all articles warranted. PUltCELL, LAIil) & CO., so la 1218 Main street, Richmond, Va. HOUSEKEEPER*. KAY'S COAGUT.INE will effectually mend all kinds of glassware, earthenware, veneer work, leathcrwork. ,tc. It ri -Mjheat and cold, lire, acid, or spirits; is cleanly and colorless, and sets at oner. For s do at MEADE & BAKER'S Drugstore, se 7 819 Main street. pAIlBOLIC SOAP will drive oil and ^?'exterminate all kinds of vermin on cattle, d' gs fowls, and about tins closets, pantrys, Ac., of dwellings, and speedily cure the mange or scratches on dogs and hogs. Sold at MEADE A BAKER'S Drugstore, SC 7 019 Main Streot. I 110BIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY J. BLAIR, Druggist, S2."? Broiul street. PURE COD-LIVER OIL.?.fi;-f received X a supply of the above, w hich we c .n recommend as being perfect I v pure and tweet; fully equal to am in the market. For sale bv ,J. BLAMt. D'rir.-gist. an 51 Croaii street. E. E- K SPECIFICS. It is unnecessary to make any comments on "KLIAS'S EFFECTUAL KHADICAToR," as the following certificate proves lis excellent qualities : '?Richmond, M iy 11. i-ep. '? .lfr. .7. Elian: ??Dear Sir.?This is to certify that I have used your 'Eradlcator * three times" In the course of a week, and conscientiously sa\ tint ! ha ve derived more relief from it than anything i have ever tried. I have been atllieted with rheumatism for fifteen years, and during that time have been unaldc t<> urcss without assistance. It has cost me two thousand dollars without receiving relief. Your 4 KradJcatnr' lias acted like a charm, and I sincerely hope you will succeed in establishing it all through the country, and heartily recommend it to all si filleted with rhemnatie diseases contracted from colds or other causes. "And believe me, v< ttrs. with gratitude. " C. C. HOPKINS. No. 12 Broad street.'' El.IAS'S EFFECTUAL ELIXIR guarantees Io cure Dysentery, Diarrh<ea. and all love! dls< 1dcr-. Read certificate to J. Ellas. Esq. : 44 Dear Sir,?I was-11 tiering witii lite dysenter y four weeks, and after taking one dose of your ?.Elixir" 1 was perfectly cured. I can only-a v it worked like a charm <11 inc. 1 recommend it highly to an}* one mi tier iug with any disorder of the bowels. ?? Yours truly. J. Okkenbai'M. *4 Richmond^ April 1?. is.;?." El.IAS'S EFFECTUAL KLIXER BITTERS, for Dyspepsia, Heartburn, and Genera! Debility. One bottle will prove It ? efficacy, ami us a ? tonic" ' defies competition. For sale at retail by principal drug ;i- f s ami irroeers, ami wholesale by Ute pro; riet u*. No. :?!: Si .th street, Richmond. Va. None genuine without the 1 imprinter's jih- to_ graph and signature. an ."l? rNovl T-RISIX, THE GREAT VEGETABLE BLuOD I'IfBIFIEK.

COMPOUND FLUID EXTRA? T OK Tin: 1 i; I a v K us i c n \. o i:: 01?. BLUE FLAG. The mod powerful.-ale, and r< lia!-!?' r< :??? D:t! agent <li ?cdvltciI for 1!!?'? healing if man. i i <? wntidcrrul properties nf the Iris Versicolor, hitherto unknown or dew-loped, liv?? been brought within the control of science, and is now taking if- si audits principal among the blessings efmcdicine. AS AN ALTERATIVE it acts diroctiv upon the blood, cleansing and purifying the \ ita'l current of nil the humors and I ;intwhich disease or malarious inthieiin - havcplan? d ?h re. ami eradic: ting and neutralizing tl;e 1 lie ft - of mercury or other poisons which tua> have !?-. en taken into the system. For this t ea -on it i. Infallible as a retncily for Scrofula, Eruptions of th< Skin. Insipient Coiisuinpllon. Dropsy, Are.. ami will cure the most virulent and obstinate can s of JMEUMATISM AND GOUT. It Is an unfailing preventive and mire for \ EURALGIA. SICK HEADACHE, aud NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, aud in DISEASES OF WOMEN" It hag no equal. Its action upon th" Liver and Kidneys is prompt, salutary, aud effective, ami li is this propci t v which renders It otic 01' the safest and most reliable DIURETIC REMEDIES known in the practice of medicine. Its excellent and skilful combination with other ingredients imparts to it TONIC QUALITIES of the highest order?not temporarily stimulating, but permanently Invigorating the digestive organs. and rendering it a most vuluahle curative agent in cases of DYSPEPSIA AND GENERAL DEBILITY. Bv taking IIJ1SIN the ldood. which permeates all the tissues, ami Is the life and tint l i: ion tln-i c-f. is puritied, rendering the whole system perfectly liealthv. RkmKM7iF.lt. ?Tills medicine is no offshoot ol quackery, but the regular formula of a distinguished l?ractitioner now a resident of iJaltimorc city, and so high does It stand in the favor and esteem of the iutcliigcnr and scientific that it has heen adopted by physicians in their practice, aud is daily being prescribed and recommended by the most eminent of the profession throughout "the country. Tim better it becomes known the more highly is it praised and the more extensively is li used. IRIS IN. FOB Aid. A OF Dk. JOHN W1I.KINS, Raltimoke, Md. [ jy 20?eou?nij STOVES AND TIXWAIEE. fi et till: best. FIRE-PLACE STOVE. CO It HEATING TWO AND THREE ROOMS. THE BEST STOVE OUT. The undersigned would respectfully refer lo the numerous citizens to whom lie has s<dd these stoves as to their economy, convenience, and cleanliness. JOHN BOWERS, Plumber and Gas-Fltter. and dealer In 1 in and Woodwaro. House-Furnishing Go<?ls. Ac.. IronFront Building, Governor street. so -1 QTOYES AKD TJNWARE.?Havingon hi hand a large assortment of the most approved COOKING and HEATING nTOVES, I am enabled to offer them to the public at greatly reduced prices for CASH. All NT* ?VES warranted to give satisfaction. Old STOVES taken in exchange or repaired. All needing a real good article of Move, adapted both for country and citv use, will cull on GEORGE KLEIN, nu 2s?eodlm* Oil Broad street. T ARGE STOCK OP COOKING AND 1 J HEATING STOVE!-'. ROOFING and TINNING atG20 Bread street. PLUMBING at M<)1TNT<"AS'I EE'S. 1IOUSE-FURN fSIIING GOODS and GAS-FIT-TING at 520 Broad street. SUNDRIES at MOUNTC.VSTLE'S. Mr. .foilAt TYKEE will be pleased to see his friends at our store. se 11 SEWIXO-JIACHIXES. nnilE IMPROVED SINGE li 1 FAMILY SEWING-MACHINE will HEM, FELL,BRAID. EMBROIDER, GATHER, TUCK, BIND. Sew with equal facility the LIGHTEST OR THE HEAVIEST FABRIC. IS SIMPLE, DURABLE, AND EASILY MANAGED. CALL AND SEE IT. NEEDLES, OIL SPOOL CoTTOX, LINEN, SILK, Arc., Ac., ALL OF THE BEST QUALITY, for nalc at ei3 Main* street, Richmond, va. C. SHAFFER. General agent for Virginia and North Carolina, ne A?lm OlAV'.AG-MACHINES OF ALL K!ND> O REPAIRED. The SLOAT ELLIPTIC SEWING MACHINES BOUGHT and SOLD. M e sell the onlv PROPER NEEDLES for the SLOAT ELLIPTIC MACIIINKS. SLOAT .t ADDTNGTON, Jy 24 1U5 Cary street, near Fourteenth,

M EDUCATION AIi. RS. PELLET'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. The next session will commence MONDAY, Octohor 'I. fie ln?W ftttOcM MRS. DR. 31UNFORD will resume the ditties of her school on the FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER, at her residence, No. 107 Cary street, between First and Second. Every effort will be made to promote the Interests of children entrusted to her. "C13?ltn MISS ST AX ART) WILL RE-OPEN her school on the 1ST OF OCTOHBKafc No. l' <i tint' e street, between Adams and Jefferson, so 8? 3w QUOCKOE H ILL ACADE3IY.?Tim liftli >7 ajiiuial session of this school for young men md hoys, corner of Seventh ami Grace street.', will comment MONDAY, September Sotli, ami close about the tli'h of June following, i ircularsat bookstores ;tud school-room. Charges same as heretofore, and payable strictly In advance. English and Mathematics, for each half session, *35.5o; Greek and Modern Languages, each, $10; Latin, $5. ?. T. BEACH, sol?tOctl Principal. T> ICTIMOND FEMALE IXSTiYtTe". CV TENTH. MARSHALL, AND CLA\ STREETS?The fourteenth annual session will begin OCTOBER 1, 18?9. By Important changes In flic faculty, by repalntIng and beautifying the bui'dings, by reducing the of hoard,"us wi'll as bv oth'cr'morc general means, we have sought to enlarge our educational facilities for the coming session. TEACHERS: CHARLES TI. "WINSTON, M. A.. Moral Si lence and English Literature; JOSEPH R. GARLTCK, A. M.. Mathematics, Latin, and Natural Sciences ; T. R. R NOl'LT, French; Rev. JivflN BLENVER. German: ? W. THILoW. Mrs. FANNIE 1'ITTMAN, and Madam RIJHL. Music: Miss AIOCSTA T. DANIEL, Higher English ; Miss U. C. LATH KOI* and Mis SUE C. HOOPER, Preparatory Department. Terms for tuition as heretofore. Apply for a catalogue, or correspond with CHARLES II. WINSTON. M. A., sc 7?1m President. MISS .JESSIE GORDON'S SCHOOL, 818 ERA No MX STREET. BETWEEN THIRD \Mi FOURTH Ml" C.< H; 1 >t >N,assisted bv Mr. MERRILL and Mr. PA KDIGON. will resume the bit !<?< of lt.-r pehool ..u the FIRST .MONDAY IN OCTOBER. '1he Prvparat-ry Department will .cecl-.u the ante attention as h-'retolore. so 3_iin J T GIY ES~ ME~PLEASURE TO AX- I I. SOUNCE that 1 have secured tlte services, as 'lie French Governess In my .cliool, of Madame ! It. ACELIE TOG NO, former! v principal of a popular school for young ladles in Charleston and Columbia, S. C. For the past two years Madame Tooso has been In Enrope. making an especial studv of the most improved methods of teaching the Modern Lanrimgcs* Her well-known qualifications and success as a ??ach'T win coiitriiuire much. I :un confident, to tlu; advancement of tnv pupils D. 1 KB POWELL. A. M.. Southern Female Institute, Richmond. Va. P? 3".v pTcHMOXD MALE ACADEMY, LV FRANKLIN STREET BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH. The next session of this School will commence 27th SEPTEMBER, P-i!'. Terms for scholastic vcar. "payable quarterly in advance : Primarv English $n>.ou Higher English 30.00 Higher Engli -h and Mathematics oe.OO \ncient Languages (each) 10.00 Modern Languages at Professor's rati s. Fuel 2.5i' Circulars at the bookstores. S. W. GooDSCN. D. S. DOCGF.TT, Jr... J ilnclpals. se 2?1 m MJ<< V. A. I.AWS WILL KE-OPEX i.?X IIER SCHOOL October 1st at317 sixth street, between Clay and Leigh. Apply till September 50th at ?ICO Grace street. SO I? 2awl50tlu< did* rJMIE MISSES (II? ATT AX WILL R RESUME THEIR SCHOOL Oil the FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER nil II? dlw\fc2t:nvtScn23AtdOctl |

r 4t>*,E'S SCHOOL. GRACE STREET iJ Hl.rw KK\ S!?:<???.VI) A.VU 'i'lj liiI).?Tin.' -e-*ion ?>! this school will commence011 the =*pterohcr audclose on ;ho ;r (h ol'Juno. ^ J onus | ? r half session : I'rhnarv English Higher English .. l.atiu ami (in ok. each . Froncii ' i'Tirvmi If - -on-, all It hp In "? o i:\ti; \ en \ in;ks. The Principal will he agisted by Professor T. Roger of I"arfs, ttud Mr. W ii.i i VSI \V. .MiTH.oi ilio I'ltioor i: V of Virginia a>:'J Raulolpn Macon College. I' or circul trs, apply at the bookstores or t<> GENfcRAl. JAMES II. I.AM", so ?mr Principal, box 1*0. i j 'IV./KWFLl/S SCHOOL FOR OjL _ ) LADIES A M) GIRLS. ?o. ?u Grace street i jet ween Seventh ash Kiciitji. . r,'I".1" rtlli ? ?'?b""i wilt commence on M;>nda* in i>< tdi:i:i: au.ioio-con in' la -t 'i i y of .JUUP. A commodious building lias been selected, affording fine, lofty apartment*. admirably suited or tiio purpo 'o. < :ir sulart containing terms and all J" can i.o obtained from ? k/ ;r '"'J* I'esidcnce, ami at the ?? "'. I' "I .ol'. 1".11 it <1 )l i]). SO I '.'111 \toung i. a n: i,\ - a i >!?: y v~<?f th e 8- \ Jsi'i ATP > V. .Sii?N J |; M a i:| a , on Grace atri" t h:-tv. ?'en Twenty-second and Tv.'ontv-llird streets,* . Richmond. Va. I V' ';s V.f ,llis 0.-ti!litS..T. will Ik- resumed on .10 HIM Mii.MlAV IX MiTTK.MlSKi:. For V" b-rm- ati-ncan lio made to tlie -i 1 I'.RIOIthSsol tbn Academy. an 30?tOctt ? I' E N i) L :: '1' o N \s ENGLISH. ? ? < G AtrsJGA I.. .\ X ! i MA TillM STK'Al SCHOOL. FOL'IlTtl STREET J'.GTU ! I N . AN,') I'o WlvI.IN?Session fr-in MON'- ? ).v :. j-1 iitoiiibcr :? fit, i-?:>. p, .| ,jv j ,;(1> I EAC'ttijtts.?s. T. I'KNl>l.ETON. I'riitclpa]; \. I), t IiJ.sTKI.'MAN", A. M.. Assistant; ami iic.i.i.li' i-s as i.i iy h- no?oo-'stry ; but ilie number si'lmlnrs v.*l!l Ik limited. ?" ay! ;i tan..-ii J a m the I'irst. Reader and propared tor the I Diversity, college, or business. terms eeis >i sio.v: First beginners, ftfO: ?'??!? a Class beginning l.atln ; i-'f ??' ' ! i - iKgnining Cri-sar: *7i> for Latin. Moolir-i. At?pay:. Me on r.rtcriv in advance. Rut it any time the ITIm ipai mav think proper he if -topp!".'SC,U,,;,r' being ma !e to time Tim Principal ha ? written an Arithmetic, which ho tl.inks will hoof groat value In leaching that o T. FKNDI.K'IO.V. an " . in i'rlncipal. fiOUTIIERN FEMALE INSTITUTE N''- ?' '? ? ^' E fSTRKKT. IlftTLMoM" VA. liu sixteenth annual session of this sehonl com* inoiu'o.: ou the I'lilaT iloNlJAV IN ut T'i?15Kl{ I hlrtocii woIi-f|uaIIt|i il and or perionccl teacher* o bi'i-ii. mplow .l. Among thorn a I'rom h ladv. win" ? i!l ro-i'h' in ihe Institiito, and will stu-ik l-renoh h ildtiially with the bo trdors. Attention i- I all' '1 to tl.o ooiner-atlon cla-.so- in French, *cri ring today pupil.; an extra r< cltatioii without ? xtra charye. .Madanio It. \ctl.tK TOO N't? lormcrly of Chatle-tui and Columbia, ^.'c* breach Governed. ' I iic tiiili'iiu;', ore?ted for .? olio-1| purposes, conl a. n> forty ?five "ins. < haiuhor; novci have more ill.hi two oeciiuant$. For eatnjn^ue. eontalnlnc ? i ins, course ot studies, and li-t of patron- ad,,ro^ , 1'. LKK l'oW'KLL, A. >1. ?^ _ I'o-I Otllec box IC'iI .MON D COL LEGE. I ul\u xlYi-u V ,!'u '"dilution Win open Ot IIJRKR 1ST and close JCI. V 1st. . h" ''our.-o ot study is distributed among seven independent sehm Is, divided Into clasJi ? and ot.1 nils as to accoinniod lie students of different ?rraii. - ..j a .vanceinont and socare tooaeb thorougli in-tructn.il .u tho lecturo-roi.ui. . EX PEN' S J>\ tl'oi't,"1 !S'-booirf (the usual number) and R-.ard in )U'of"ssors" or ?'t!i?r private fa mi lies at Pt'r quarter (three months); in messing clubs, iboiit *9 per month. 1'or catalogue and detailed information, address ih ITRYKAR. ( liairZiian of thf* Kacultv, fv ?s_VVt?tO?fl~0^Ce t>UX 13' t<-',lIU0I1*L Va. Mcouike's school, FRANKLIN ANT) ADAMS STREETS. TKACIIKRS : .7. P. McGCIRK, Jr., Dr. J. M G -M< GLTRf:, T. It. It.VoULT (Modern ' ' Languages). TP?T?^ v"'''?' begin on MONDAY, Sf*pOur now sciiour.-TIOGSK, located as above, is in a retire airy, and pk-asant .-ituatl. n, and oilers .?<??? it 11 -i r ad'. aniatfi'S. 1 Eit...s jicr jjttai tcr, pavable in advance : 1'repar:u -ry class, AI5 : Kuirlisn with sclontliic branches regular .?oiir.se), ^-17.fjj Ancient I.anguages (one ??r ?""b;. : Alodorn Languages, each. *3.73. I i tardier iutormatiou procure circulars at the ' 121 lr"'" illl; b-achors. an to?eodfw DOCK HILL COLLEGE, ELL1C0TT CITY, MD. Tbis institution, comlucted by tlie H rot hers of t.ic i hrf tj.u? j. Incorporated, and empower,.,; to confer ail academical honors. I u.,V.>lt":,b <1 Upon a rising ground, In one of the io ltiiic.-t uj'i uio.si pictnrosipie portions of the ' iUH.l.>v.i.t,'ln :i !'"W minutes' walk of the Elllcott (. ity LallroaU station. TERMS: Hoard, Wasliing, and Tuition, *'?t?; Entrance loo. -SO ; ITiyidciau's too, Mrn.i- and Drawing ex r '? f , RKO. BETTKLIX. an ol-.wAco.Dw President. E>ICHARD G. WHAUTOX's EN(i rTisir" I < I.ASSIGAL, AN'D Si ATIIEMATIf'41' M IfOOi, ?'j'ho Third Annual Session of this :;C5??.,^'U1 commence on tlm FIRST DAY of DC- , . lS!}0' 'i1 m> rwldence. No. 11 west Grace street, between 1 oushec and Adams streets. au 3P?aodlm r. WHAKTOX. .MtPDLEPLnCG, Lot.'DoUN COPNTY, Vjk., ) T OUDOUN SCHOOL. Julyl5?1W9' ( .cssinu oV tbliBCL\WA?vlCAND - >i - > lot"Vmu!l:u n kxr!vL w1U 01>onoutbe 16T V long sojourn in l'arls enublas tin- Principal to promise unusual advantages to pupils desirous ol lo'.julring a thorough kr. 'wi . -:i?i conct nroJiuuciatlou of the French lany iagg. i f f.r :1' Ll'.ge mou ilnv, In what L called.tho Piedmont region oi Virginia. Ti't IV111. I..r< the clinoite and the A-f "emeut ot the ef-clety In -v., fav' -u tn rh Sf.oi- a:. wkJ| ;i:MS : l or r,esi'*' n 0! ??<! a half mouths, Circulars sent on application. jy ie~eodtWSo

CTFCATIOTfAL _ _ Tf RS. McDOWELlf will resume lYlherdutlM as TEACHER OF VOCAL MUSIC on the FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBF.R ?? her residence, BOS M tin street- se 22?lw* A NYOXE WHO WISHES* TO "jj.v. J\ GAGE for the ensuing session a GOOD DI8. (TPJ.INAR1AN and EXPERIENCED TEACfL ER, well qualified to Five Instruction In English French, and Music, will please address without delay, stating terms, number ?"d a se 22?3t* Richmond, \;a. MI.SvS PEG RAM having determined to discontinue her school In the city of Richmond. Miss PEEBLES arid Mrs. GAUNETT, who h tvo been teachers In her school for a number of vnars. desire to Inform Its patrons and their friends that they will continue to teach the ensuing ses-ion. beginning on the FIRST MOXDA V IX OCTOBER NEXT. As soon as they can make tin* necessary arrangements, ?ecurc competent assistants, Ac., which will he In a few davs, the public will be duly notified. They take pleasure In referring all persons Interested in flic matter to Ml-s Pegram and the Itcv. Dr. Mlnnigerode. so 21?2t MISS ~?. G. HALTBUR TON WILL resume the duties of her SCHOOL on the FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER at her residence, No. 202 Main street. sc 21?rt* T^XGLISHTcLASSICAL, and MATITElj MATICAL SCHOOL, in snrlngdeld Twenty-sixth between >1 and X streets. Commencing MONO A Y, September 2oth, and closing 2 >fh June following. For terms, &c.. see circulars at the bookstore*. sc 20?it* R. M. TUCKER. T?EMALE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE X1 303 TWELFTH STREET. Th'-next session will begin on WEDNESDAY the 22d of September. For terms, sec catalogue, ?>r apply to the Principals. T.. S. ET)WARI>S, A. M. re 17?2w E. E. PAKIIAM. A. M. T7NC1LISII, CLASSICAL, AND MAJCiTHKMATrfAL SCHOf >L.-The next . p.n of tnv SCHOOL will begin on the 27TH OF SEPTEMBER. and continue for nine months. For terms, Ac., see circulars at the bookstores, or address WILLIAM F. FOX, A.M., se I t?2w Box S91, MRS. BASKERVILL will resume the duties of her SCHOOL FOR VOTING LADIES ANI) CHILDREN OCTOBER 4, R ?. \'?. 311 Grace street. BC 3?eodl2t* TVyTISS s. S. RICHARDSON WILL R& ->i OPEN h'r SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND ? .IRLSon the FIRST MONDAY IX OCTOBER, 1889, at No. 300 Main street. Be2?lm T)LUE RIDGE HIGH SCHOOlT" JL> GREENWOOD DEPOT, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA. A. K. YANCEY, JR., University of Virginia; f'ASKIE HARRISON, Rugby anu Cambridge, England : Principals. The next session of this school will commence :eptcmhcr IS, 10C9, and close 23th of June following. The locality is most beautiful and healthy, iml the social and religions advantages are unsurnasscd in the State. It Ins lu en for years well known as the scat of most p polar ami successful .'?liooN, conducted at different times by the late I ir. Ressner Harrison ami others. The Principals are determined to keep the school fully tip to the high grade of scholarship maintained by the eminent teachers who gave it such reputation in former years. The course of initruction embraces the* following departments: \NCIKNT LANGUAGES? and LITERATURE, MODERN LANGUAGES ami I I I ERATURK, MATHEMATICS (pun- and applied). NATURAL and MORAL SCIENCES. The school being designed to give hoys a thorough and complete preparation for the University of Virginia, the mode of instruction and the text-hooks are. as f ir as practicable, those of tint i list it ut iott. The principals?having ex tensive experience as educators ot youth, and being "confidently commended to piddle favor" by profe? ;ors at tlie University ot Virginia am! other*-'?arc encouraged to hope l'or a continuance of success tti their efforts to advance the cause of higher education in the State. Terms: Tuition, hoard, fuel, light", and washing. $230 for tin; entire se-- Ion. No e:.tra 'barges, t 'Irculnrs sent on application. se 11 -! t M US. SUSAN REED will resume her SCHOOL on the FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER NEXT, OKNER TWENTY-EIGHTH AND BROAD . STREETS. an 27?eodf.'t* iTES. 0. POYTHHESS will re-open her SCHOOL on MONDAY TI1K 2JTM OF SEPTEMBER, AT IFER RESIDENCE, OKNER OF FRANKLIN AND TWENTYSEVENTH STREETS, [ail 27? llCt*] RANDOLPH MACON COLLEGE, LV AT ASHLAND. beautiful site, on Richmond. Fredericksburg, ml Potomac railroad, sixteen mil' north of Rl.-li-tond. Six trains t?? College daily. Telegraph nice on tin* spot. Course of study complete, 'barges moderate, Session opens LAST IIURSDAV in Sej.'fPtnber. l'or particulars adri ss R.-v Dr. DUNCAN. President, or Profe-sor [. ESTILE. Secretary of Faculty, jy deodA\vt( let 1 * iriGJJ SCHOOL AT (LUST Ell ?L SPRINGS Rev. .i. B. SHEARER. A. 31., f Uuive1>itv of Virginia, Principal and Proprlr--r. P. H. CARPENTER, As- l-t.'tii.?Tlie mat -slou?of forty weeks?will begin September 1st, 5ti0. Terms: $2?o for all elrirges except light" and .wels?one-half in adva me and flu- rem limier at lie middle of the session. Contingent fee, i". end for a catalogue to Black Walnut port-office, ialifax county. Va. ati23?tin PIEDMONT FEMALE INSTITUTE, S CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA.?Mrs. if. K. IKAOK. Principal?begin ? on tln-2t>t SEI"! I AtiEIt and cuds on the 25th JUNE following. Prizes ml eertiticat'") of prollcieney and graduatilon will e hereafter herb>wed <01 those who deserve them a the various classes. These rewards will he acessible to kvkuy PRi'lL. as they will he glveu ro ,Lb WHO KKACll A CERTAIN' STANDARD OP K.\'Eld.KNcE. Thus a new stimulus to diligence ami oe.d conduct will be added, while no feeling of ivalrvwiii be excited. For further particulars, pplytothe principal. an 11 JCIHiDL ON ( II! s:< II HILL.?3I1LS. ^ E.J. PLEASANTS will resume the <iutles of <r school (Broad ami Twentv?fxtli streets, on Imreli HI!!.)on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1-r. an 19?td

WIVES AVI) LHirons. ILLIA3I WALLACE SONS, T WHOLESALE DEALERS IN' LIQUORS, ami proprietors of the celebrated "MOUNTAIN DEW," have in store and in bond a large assortment of VIRGINIA MOUNTAIN WHISKEYS, much of which has been held for upwards of TWO YE APS. They are the sole agents and contractors for many tine brands, as KXtil.KMAN," "J. G. LEECH," "BYEKLY," *? FIltE!JAUGII." "OEM OF THE VALLEY," "0. A. WHITE," Ac., AC.' Tlicy deal largely in APPLE F.KAN DIES and have always on sale fine native stocks. The reputation for line lljuors their house has enjoyed for upwards of FIFTY YEARS should guarantee HdelUy In tilling orders. Their "MoUA'TAIN DEW" Is known from Canada to Florida and from Cuba to California. It is a f.bvorlte wherever brought into com petition witji the best distillations of the North, South, and. "West. ge 20?3m C U31ME R 1)E A N W JII SKEY. Another supply of till i SUPERIOR WHISKEY Just received and for sale low by SHEILDS, STEVENS A CO., so 13 603 Broad street. 40 5 DARK ELS PURE RYE WHISKEY, ?-?3 barrels S. N.Pike's Magnolia Whiskey, lo barrels Sotttftside live Whiskey, to barrels JJrandy and" Gin, 1 quarter cask otard't pure French Brandy, o <iuarter ea>ks pure Port W inc. 3 <)uartercasks Coseu's pure Sherrv Wine, in store for sale by JOHN M. HIGGINS, ?ua> 1610 Franklin gtract flLLIAM EUKER's" BOTTLING ESTARLISHM KNT, 9 10 M A I N S T R E E T. Just received from the Importers a large supply of GINXKSS'S DUBLIN STOUT. In pints ar.d quarts, and YOUNGER'S SCOTCH ALE, which is otlered to families anil consumers at most reasonable rates. Also LAGER, PORTER, and ALE, from the celebrated James lUvcr Steam Brewerj', furnished to families, and delivered free ol' charge at the shortest notice. A good supply of RHINE WINE. CLARETS, and SCUl'PFRNONCt of llio be?t vintage. The bar Is supplied with e\erv variety of WINES and LIQUORS, and RICHMOND and CINCINNATI LAGEv etc. * FINE SUMMER DllINK.?ZKTELLE _ lias a tine CLARET at the low r:l.e of *i.W per gallon and rift> cents per bot'lo. By the barrel at lower rates. j>' 3?ts E lirMOLSTERESS^PA PRK-IIV CSERJ? JOHN F. BEGNADLT, PAPER-HANGER AND UPHOLSTERER. win to pleased to execute any orders in the above line Lft at Messrs. PuWiiatam WKlklOEU * Co.'S, No. 1201, corner Main and Tweltthsheets, or at Ids leaner, WJ, corner Main and Fourth streets. lie can make It to the inter?'* of person* warning anything in bis Hue ll they will call Uelore purchasing elsewhere. ?e l-fru*