Daily Dispatch, Volume 39, Number 9, 11 July 1870 — Page 2

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MONDAY JULY 11, 1870. ' "The Crowning Infamy." Congress piles the pyramid of usurpation. It is guilty of such a succession of infamous acts, each worse than the last preceding one, that the caption which we have put to this article is nearly always "in order" and appropriate. These acts are done as speedily as if they were the Vermillion decrees of an emperor. In the House of Representatives on Friday a bill was reported by Mr. Bingham "to regulate the mode of determining the ratification of amendments to the Constitution" the rules were suspended, and the bill was passed under the lash. The Radical members of the House are not a whit better than so many automata, or slaves if you prefer the word. They have no wills of their own. They are mere tools in the hands of their leaders. A bill whose features are so outrageous that the mere proposition to enact them into a law ought to have called down upon its author the indignant denunciations of every friend of good government in the House, was passed without debate. The stupid simpletons always know what is expected of them when one of their leaders calls for the previous question or moves to suspend the rules. They incontinently become mere supple-jacks, moved hither and thither along a fixed line by the men who pull the strings. They know not, they care not, whether the bill proposed to be passed is right or wrong, constitutional or unconstitutional. All they know, or care to know, is that Bingham or Butler, or some other of the unprincipled politicians who now assume the role of statesmen, desires their votes in favor of a certain measure. They so give them ; and, like dogs that have pleased their masters, they manifest great satisfaction at the fact. The first section of Mr. Bingham's bill makes it the duty of the Governor of each State whose Legislature shall have ratified a proposed amendment to certify forthwith such ratification to the United States Secretary of State ! Think of that. The Federal Congress prescribing duties for the Governor of a State ! What would Madison, or Jefferson, or Hamilton, or Patrick Henry, have said if such a bill had been even so much as proposed in their day? In the better days of the republic its author would have been severely reprimanded if not ignominiously expelled from Congress. Congress has exactly as much right to pass such a law as we have to order the proprietors of the Richmond Whig to perform any menial service that we desire to have done. It has no more right to pass such a law than it has to require Judge Moncure to certify to that body all his opinions in the various cases that come before the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia. The act is one of gross usurpation, It should be treated with scorn and contempt by the Governor of every State in the Union. It is so clearly unconstitutional, so plain and unmistakable an infringement upon the rights of the State Governments, that it would unquestionably be pronounced null and void by any respectable judicial tribunal in the country. The other two sections of the bill are, if possible, more outrageous than the first. The second makes it unlawful after an amendment has once been ratified for any State officer to certify any repeal of such ratification ! Affirmative always negative never. Though an amendment fail for fifty years to be ratified by the requisite number of States, yet, if at the end of that time the requisite three-fourths be obtained, the States which first ratified shall not have the privilege of withdrawing their ratification ! Can usurpation further go ? And the third section proposes to fine and imprision any member of any State Legislature who shall even propose to repeal a ratification ! These asses in Congress passing a law to define the duties of members of the State Legislature ! But this is too much. It degenerates into a farce. We do not believe that such a bill can ever get through the Senate. If it does, we shall not waste any lamentations over its passage, but shall look upon it as another of those infamous acts which, though conceived in sin and born in iniquity, will have a tendency to educate the northern people in politics up to that high standard which obtains in the South. Of course this bill had its origin in a feeling of spitefulness towards Ohio and New York for having repealed their ratifications of the fifteenth amendment. There is no precedent for such a law ; no warrant for it in the Constitution ; and its enactment would be a gross violation of the spirit of that instrument. Yet this Radical House of Representatives, which can find no authority in the Constitution for excluding the Chinese from this country, did not hesitate to make a wrong precedent, trample upon the Constitution and upon the rights of the States, and pass a bill which ought to send its authors to the gallows, or at least to prison.

Re-organization of the Conservative Party. The Conservative members of the Legislature have acted wisely in determining to maintain and perfect the organization of the Conservative party. It may be true that there are only two great parties in this country- the Republican and the Democratic - and that we may not be able to create a now party which shall be coextensive with the Union ; but that is no reason why we should call ourselves " Democrats" or " Republicans." The Enquirer, which we had understood as favoring the merging of our organization in that of the national Democratic party, and as ridiculing the idea of having a " Conservative" party in Virginia, seems to be perfectly satisfied with the action of the members of the Legislature. It declares that " names are nothing more than indications of purpose and signs of union " ; and that the name of our party " has had its meaning fully interpreted by the declarations and the action of those who organized it." So that we are not to be troubled hereafter by any querulous complaints as to the name our party bears. For Whom was it Intended The House of Representatives has passed a bill which provides that the President may accept the resignation of any judge holding his office during good behavior who has served ten years, and is incapacitated by physical disability or other cause, and that the judge so resigning shall receive the same salary during his natural life as he was receiving at the time of his resignation. Undbbwood is one of these judges who is incapacitated by "other causes," and we would fain hope that he will be among the first to resign. Th* Necessary Warrant.? The Radicals whiningly declare that they cannot find any warrant in the Constitution for excluding the Chinese from this country. This plea, if true, would answer for Democrats ; but for the men who passed the reconstruction acts, the act to enforce the fifteenth amendment, and jferious other unconstitutional measures/ to set up such a

plea Is ridiculous, They have Btolcn many n sheep, but they cannot tolerate the idea of prigging a pin. To quiet the consciences of Ruch gentry and to compel them to "face the music. " of the popular clamor for a law against Chinese immigration, we quote from the Federal Constitution the first paragraph of the ninth section of article I. It is as follows : "The migration or importation of such persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year 1808, hut a tax or duty rtiav be imposed on such importation not exceeding ten dollars for eac.n person." So that as the year 1808 has passed Congress can prohibit even the migration hither of the Chinese. The Bphunoame treaty can easily lie abrogated. Tite Pat. Woods Case.? The Washington correspondent of the lialtimorc Gazette says : ?< j??t. Woods, who has just been condemned to imprisonment, in our jail on bread and water for the space of three months for defacing the face of an 4 honorable ' member of Congress, while the latter was in Richmond 4 on leave,' will likely become in our historico-legal annals as celebrated as I>red Scott, John Doe, or Richard K'owe. I learn that the Instant Congress shall adjourn his counsel will fue out a writ of habeas corpus ; t hat the Government upon its return (L mean the writs the 4 Covernment ' has already returned, and i riirht side up/) will resist the motion for his discharge, and tl;e 'case' will thence spread out into immeasurable dimensions. The whole matter touching the sacredness of the persons of our august honorables is, therefore, to undergo complete legal investigation, together with the knotty point how far they can properly sit in judgment upon offences against their own collective dignity and their individual personal honor." We could till our paper with articles from northern Republican journals condemning the action of Congress in this case. Our memory does not recall a single article on I the other side. !

General Assembly of Virginia. SENATE. Saturday, July 9, 1870. The Senate met at 10 o'clock? LieutenantGovernor Marye in the chair. BILLS TABLED. Senate hill to incorporate the Cattleman's Ferry and Jefferson Turnpike Company. Senate bill to provide fur the funding of the State debt and I he redemption thereof. Senate bill for the relief of George AVr. Marshall, late sheriff of Caroline. Senate hill recnacting the thirty-second section of the general election law, and repealing the act amendatory thereof. Senate bill repealing section 42, chapter 88, of the Code, concerning the inspection of flour. BILLS PASSED. Senate bill to authorize the appointment of commissions to report on the expediency of establishing a new lunatic asylum. Senate bill to incorporate St. John's Catholic College in Norfolk. House bill incorporating the Appomattox, Campbell and Pittsylvania Railroad Company. Senate" bill, with amendments, legalizing the toll-bridge built by William T. Hardy and Leslie Hardy across James riVer at Pattonsbiu*p, &c. House bill incorporating the Virginia and Maryland Kailroad Company. House bill for the relief of the sureties of lames C. Roberson, late sheriff of Page county. House bill amending the act incorporating the Real Estate Savings Bank of Lynchburff. "House bill for payment of rent of office, &e., to J. J. Palmer, late Superintendent of Public Printing. Senate bill to repeal chapter 87 of the Code, providing/or the st oring and sampling of leaf tobacco. : Senate bill lixing the fees of the clerks of county courts, fcc. REPORTS CONCURRED IN. Committee report on a resolution inquiring into the expediency of re-district-ing the State for the election of members of Congress. Legislation at this time deemed inexpedient. Committee report adverse to increasing compensation ol clerks, &c. nUSTINGS COURT OF RICHMOND. Mr. Courtney presented a bill to enlarge the jurisdiction of the Hustings Court of the city of Richmond and for other purposes;" which was read once and ordered to a second reading and referred. INSURANCE DErARTMENT. Senate bill to establish an Insurance Department was taken up, read the third time, and passed. JUDGE OK STAUNTON. House joint resolution postponing the election of the city Judge ol' Staunton until the 5th of October was agreed to. BILLS REJECTED. Senate bill autborizinijthe Hartford Steam Boiler Inspector and Insurance Company to do business in the State without making a deposit of securities. <fcc., was taken up. The question "being put on its engrossment and third reading, was determined in the affirmative, and the bill then rejected. MORE ABOUT ADJOURNMENT. Mi-. II erndon offered a joint resolution that when the General Assembly adjourn on Monday, 11th, it adjourn to meet on the tirst Monday in December next. Alter some discussion, the resolution was laid on the table? ayes, 22 ; noes, 9. BILL ADVANCED. Senate bill amending an act prescribing the mode of electing trustees for the town of Farmville, Are., was taken up aud ordered to its engrossment and third reading. BILL PRESENTED. By Mr. Teamoh.? A bill to provide a remedy for children improperly excluded from the public schools. RICHMOND AND PENINSULA RAILROAD. Senate bill amending the charter of the Richmond and Peninsula Railway Company was up, on motion of Mr. Smith, of New Kent, and passed. A number of bills from the House were read aud referred to appropriate committees, after which the Senate adjourned.

HOUSE OF DELEGATES. The Douse met at 10 o'clock. PLACED ON THE CALENDAR. Senate bill supplementary to the homestead law. Semite bill prescribing what counties and corporations shall compose the first judicial circuit. House bill in relation to the assessment and collection of the public revenue lor the year 1870. HOUSE BILLS PASSED. The private calendar rule having been suspended, the House took up its engrossed bills and passed the following : Bill for the relief of W. \V. Cosby, executor of R. Payne. Bill to amend the Code in relation to insane persons. Bill to amend the Code in regard to duelling. ' Bill for the relief of one who has bought or sold an olBee, or the deputation thereof, between the 2d of March, 1807, and 26th of January, 1870. For the relief of Joseph A. S. Barham, late sheriff of Surry county. For the relief of James C. Robertson, late sheriff of l'ag?? county, and his sureties. For the return of certain bonds to Joseph H. Anderson & Co., by the State Treasurer. Providing compensation for the clerk of the Hustings Court of liichmond, $1,500 per annum : live dollars for every felony case, one dollar for ever}' case of misdemeanor. RICHMOND CIRCUIT COURT-ROOM. Senate bill for the payment of rent of Richmond circuit court-room to Franklin Stearns. Failed for want of a constitutional majority. CRIMINAL JURIES. House bill amending the Code as to juries in criminal cases and change of venue, came up as unfinished business. After discussion, the bill was passed. PASSED BY. The road bill and the oyster tax bill were passed by. SENATE BILLS PASSED. Senate bill to amend and reiinaet section 58 of the election law. To amend the Code in relation to the or

1 1 1 " "? ? ? der in which debts against decedents shall be paid. .. Senate bill to amend the Code in relation I to the payment of money and delivery oi j property in the hands of fiduciaries'. f Senate bill to amend the act defining the jurisdiction of the county and corporation courts in the Commonw ealth, and the times and places for holding1 the same. Bill to authorize the Governor to exchange the arm* of the State for Roberts's breech-loading guns. JURY BILL. Senate bill as to juries generally was dis- j cussed and finally passed by. 1 APPROPRIATION bill. The appropriation bill was taken np and passed. The following arc some of its provisions : For payment of expenses of members and officer of Legislature. $250,000 00 For civil * Ulcers of the Government... 100,000 00 To rti.fr". y criminal char/re*, expenses of Jtirlffs witnesses, guarding Jails, Ac.. 85,000 oo For support of convlcifi 34,ooo 00 Transporting of convicts to penitentiary .. 12,000 00 Salaries of superintendent, assistant keepers of penitentiary 0,000 00 Pay of interior guard of same 3,000 oo Pay of exterior guard of same 3,700 00 Ccntlnjrf'iit expenses of courts 45,000 00 Printing records of Court of Appeals.. 9,000 oo Military contingent fund 400 00 Virginia Military Institute In full of all appropriations for that Institution. ... 22,540 00 Western Lunatic Asylum and rimount received from patients' fund 00,000 00 Eastern l unatic Asylum and amount of patients' fund. .... 60.000 00 Maintenance of lunatics In Jai! 8,000 00 I>i-af, l.-umb, and Blind Asjlum. Staunton 35,000 00 Civil prosecution 3,oon 00 , Vaccine agent- 5(>o 00 Civil contingent fund 30,<x>o 00 Temporary clerks in Auditor's office and Capitol offices 15,980 00 Commissioners or revenue 41,0t>0 00 Contingent expenses Board of Public Works 150 00 University of Virginia 15,000 00 Registration of birth?, marriages, and rteati s : 2,500 00 ? Public printing 30,000 00 Payment of Interest due upon fcitate and guaranteed bonds, due to colleges, seminaries, and academics 12,800 55 Salary <>f messenger in Auditor's office. 800 00 Kxpe'neesof funding interest on public debt ."... 2,000 00 Penitentiary expenses 25, 000 co Repair of Govern' r's house 7,000 00 Pav of attornev s for prosecuting suit of Virginia v#. West Virginia in the matter of the counties ot Berkeley and Jefferson 23, 000 00 Oys er-fleet fuud 30, 000 00 Sanitary inspector 1,300 00 Payment of Sycamore church 15,000 00 T'auspor.atloii Oi colored paupers 600 00 Comm 1st loners to adjnst debt with W est Virginia 933 50 Richmond Medical College... 1500 00 Central ' unailc Asylum 45,0flfl 00 Pensioners 280 00 Amount is i,107,5?9 21 On motion of Mr. McCaull it was resolved to have an evening session, beginning at 8 o'c lock P. M. Adjourned. EVENING SESSION". Tlic TTouse met at S o'clock. House bill declaring New river, in the county of Wythe, a lawful fence from Andrew J. Fulton's ferry to the ferry of Samuel J. Williams. The Senate !>ill authorizing the Board of Public Works to sell the State's interest in the Danville Railread Company was taken up. Air. Speaker Turner oftered an amendment requiring that the company, before being allowed to enjov the privileges of this bill, to become amenable to all the general railroad laws of the State. Senate bill to allow the counties of Pittsylvania and Campbell, city of Lynchburg and town of Daville, to subscribe to the stock of incorporated companies. Passed. Senate bill in relation to the branch of the National Asylum for disabled volunteers, and ceding jurisdiction to the United States over a tract of land in Virginia not oxccediug 500 acres. Passed. A number of private bills were disposed of, and thejcalendar was pretty well cleared. Adjourned.

Alas for Old Virginia. Remarks of Mr. McKenzie in the House of Representatives on the contested election between Booker and Tucker : Mr. McKenzie : Mr. Speaker, the short time the House has to sit at this session admonishes me to be brief, as it ought to admonish the loner-winded gentlemen on tlii.s lloor to be brief in reference to this case of Mr. Booker. Now, so far as the question of the loyalty of Mr. Booker is concerned, it depends very much on how a man feels. If a man is honest and feels in his conscience that he is right, he need not care for the world, the llcsh, or the devil. Now, sir, I have no doubt? I never had any doubt? of the loyalty of Mr. Booker. I have known him long, and J never had any doubt about his loyalty, although I knew him to be a timid man." I did uot see the testimony until I saw it printed. If I had seen it i would have advised him as a prudent man, in view of all the circumstances, to apply to the House to relieve him from disabilities. But, sir, 1 kuow of my own knowledge, from the relations in which I stood to the late distinguished John Minor Botts, and from the correspondence which took place between Mr. Booker and Mr. Botts during the rebellion, that Booker was a loyal although a timid man. Perhaps he did not believe ? 1 do not know his religious sentiments, only he does not belong to the church I belong to (the Presbyterian), and perhaps he did not believe ? that whatever is to be must be. [Laughter.] All Jefferson Davis's forces would never have got me to swear allegiance to the rebel Government, if I had been hung for it. But, as regards Mr. Booker, here is a letter from Hon. Alexander Rives, one of the most loyal men in Virginia; also letters from (J.'Y. Thomas and R. M. Hughes; which I send to the desk to be read. [ I hese letters, testifiving to the " loyalty" and ''Republicanism ,} of Mr. Booker, were then read. Mr. C. Y. Thomas in his letter says that, " uuder distress and pressure during the war, Mr. Booker may, and doubtless did, say and do some things susceptible of an unfavorable construction, but which were well known and understood by the Union men."] Now, just let me say to the House and to you, Mr. Speaker, tliat John Minor Botts preserved every letter that he ever received up to the day of hi< death. "When he died a lot of old letters were burued, aud among others those of Mr. Booker. But a senator from Virginia (Mr. Lewis) saw the correspondence which was conducted between Mr. Booker and Mr. Botts during the time of the rebellion. Not before or after, Mr. Speaker, because in the South it was a great deal easier to be a Union man after the rebellion than during the time of it. None of your babies would do for that. [Laughter.] Well, all that correspondence ? and Senator Lewis has seen it? shows that the sentiments of Mr. Buoker during that time were loyal. I will do Mr. Booker the justice to say that he was a verv timid man, and I am very sorry that he had anythiugto do with sending supplies to the rebel troops out there. But, as I have said, he was a timid man, with a large family, and there was great allowance to be made for him. He would have done better to have acted in a way to show that he cared for no man ; still I have not the least doubt as to his loyalty. Thatis my view of the case, and 1 hope the House will admit this gentleman. I do not feel much sympathy with the gentlemen who have spoken on this subject on behalf of Vermont. It was long alter these events that Mr. Tucker left Vermont to crnne into the Commonwealth of Virginia, and he had no knowledge of what had been going on there. He came in after the war into 1-airfax county, and after that he emigrated into the county of Henry to run for Congress against this gentleman, believing that he could rely upon getting a large colored vote. I think the House should admit Mr. Booker. 1 have no doubt they ought to do it, and I hope they will.

DIED. In this city, the 9th orfJuly, at ten minutes to 6 o'clock, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. S. G. Flournoy, Mrs. ANN F. CHAPPELL, widow of the late Rev. James Chappell, of Amelia, in the eighty-fifth year of her age. Her remains will be carried to her old homestead, in Amelia, on Monday the llth instant, to be interred. * NOTICE.-Applieation will be made to X i to the Second Auditor for the renewal of the following STaTK BONDS, which have been lost: No. 2 ww, $i,ooo, 14th January, 1M5. act 18th March, 1850; No. 21)72, $2,609, 14th January, 18?5, act 1st March, 1M7 ; Issued to J. S. D. Cullen, trustee, Ac. jy ll?Mlm QOLE LEATHER AND CALFSKINS. k7 SOLK LtfA UfKH AN I) CALKShJNS. i arjre uudTresh stocks Jusi received and for sale very low. Call unt examine sam? O. H. CHai.K' F.Y ft CO., Jy 11? 2t Thirteenth -tre^t. GENUINE HAVANA CIGAiib just reU ccived. Jy ? CARTER & CHRISTIAN.

SFBCTAI HOT1CB8. IMPOBTANT NOTIC E.? Our store, from this date, will be closed at a P. M. To accommodatc our customers we will open at Oil. M. We trust that onr frlenda will find It convenient to call during the twelve hounr that our store will be opened. LEVY BROTHERS, Jy 11 1213 and 1*15 Main street. DOWN -WITH THE CHINESE IMMIGRATION. DOWN WITH CHINESE MATTING. COVES YOUR FLOORS WITH IT AND TRAMPLE ON IT. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OF MATTING. ' Excellent 4-1 WHITE MATTING at 25c. per yard, worth 35c. : Extra heavy 4-4 WHITE MATTING at 30c. worth 40c. by the piece ; Extraquallty 5-4 WniTE MATTING at 35c. per yard, worth 50c.: Extra quality 0-4 WHITE MATTING at 40c. per yard, worth 00c. ; RED-CHECK and FANCY MATTING, all widths, at reduced prices. These are closing prices, and are decidedly lower than ever sold since the manufacture of Chinese Matting. LEVY .BROTHERS, Nos. 1213 and 1215 Main street. Our store will be closed EVERY EVENING at fl P. M. Will open at o A. M. Jy 11

EST GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF L A.WNS. ? 12 jc. LAWNS reduced to 10c. worth 15c.; 16Jc. LAWNS reduced to 12Jc. worth 20c.; 20c. LAWNS reduced to lejc. worih 25c. Now is the time to purchase cheap and cool dressea of LEVY BROTii KRS, Nos. 1213 and 1215 Main street. Don't forget that we close our store at 6 P. M. In order to accommodate our customers we will open at 0 A. M. Jy 11 [EST ONE HUNDRED BRIDAL QU1LT.U, large enough for the largest bed, jit #1.60 worth $2.50 ; extra heavy and large BRIoAL QUILTS at *2 worth $3.50; LANCASTER QUILTS at $2.50 and $3 ; MARSEILLES QUILTS at fj3, $4, *5, and upwards; a large stock of COLORED QUILTS ai very low prices at LEVI' BROTHERS', Nos. 1213 and 1215 Main street. Bear It in mind that all of the leading dry goods stores close at e P. M. So govern yourself accordingly. Jy ll IRON GRENADINES, all qualities, at reduced prices ; ALPACAS, BOMBAZINE, TAMISS, B AR EG ( S, TA >IA RT1 N E, LAWNS and GINGHAMS; A full assortment 01 CrtLPK COLLARS, CREPE VEILS, MOURNING HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, MITTS, aud LACKS, at LEW BKOTHPRS', Nos. 1213 and 1215 Main street. Our store will be closed at 6 P. M. Will open at ? A. M., so purchase your goods early In the morning, the most pleasaut ilme to do your shopping. _Jy U agr HANDSOME STRIPED GINGHAMS ut 20c. would 1)3 cheap at 30c. ; PLAID MOZAMBIQUE^ at 20c. worth 30c. ; PLAIN and GRANITE LENOS at 20c. wor*h 30c.; STRIPED LENOS at 20 aud and 25c. woith 30 and 40c.; handsome WORKED ORGANDY at 50c. per yard worth 75c. ; all wool DELAINES at 3?c. per yard worth 50j. ; PRINTED PERCALES or CAMBRICS at lGjc. would be cheap at 20c. ; BLACK ALPACA at 25, 30, 35, 40, 50c., and up to tl.25 per yard. This assoitment emoracea all qualities of ALPACAS, and are very cheap goods. Eor cheap DRE.>S GoODS call at LEVY BROTHERS', 1213 aud 1215 Main street. Don't forget that the leading dry goods stores close at 6 P.M. Jy 11

(B3" REDUCTION IS" THE PRICE, OF HUCKABACK TO WELDING.? HUCKABACK TOWELLING at lGjc. worth 20c.; HUCKABACK TOWELLKG at 25c. worth 35c. ; HUCKABACK TOWELLING at 40c. worth (Wc. ; HUCKABACK TO WILLS at 10, 12J. laj. 20, and 25c. apiece; extra heavy LINEN -SHEETING, will measure two and a half yards full, at ?)0c. worth $1.25.; PltiLuW-CAbE LINE>, foity inches wide, at 50c. woolu be cheap at 05c., at LEV* BROTHERS', 1213 and 1215 Main street. Five hundred dozen COaTS'S COTTON juit received. We can supply the trade " and the rest of mankind " with every No. Jy 11 AST LOOK AT OUR LINEN DUCK AND DRILLING at 25c. per yard worth 35c. LINEN COATING at 3cc. worth 50c. per yard. WllITE LINEN DRILLING at 5oc. per yard worth 73C. A larxe stock of FANCY DRILLINGS, CASSIMEKES, CLOTHS, VEST1NGS, and other goods suited for hoys' and men's wear, at LEVY BROTHERS', 1213 and 1215 Main street. We have a large stock of TABLE CLOTHS and NAPKINS. Jy 11 (P^Tf BUFF TARLETAN, to cover picture frames, gas fixtures, and luoklug-glasses, at 25c. per yard. PINK, BLUE and BUFF TARLATAN, at J0c. per yard. MOiQUlTO LACE and MOSQUITO NET, at LEVY BROTHERS1, 1213 and 1215 Main street. A large assortment ol PIQUES and LINENS for dresse?. jy 11 B3P iiLACK SILKS, liLACK SILKS.? We call particular attention to our stock of BLACK SILKS, which must be reduced. Our prices are fixed low. Don't fall to take a look before purchasing. A full assortment of DRESS GOODS FOR MOURNING, at LEVY BROTHERS', 1213 and 1215 Main street. PIQUES and LINENS for dresses, In great variety. Jy 11 TRUFFLE'S, RUFFLES, RUFFLRS.? All of the new-style RUFFLE COLLARS. RUFFLE by the yard. PIQUE TRIMMINGS, CROCHET EDGINGS, CASHES TRIMMINGS, C'Oli-uS and TASSELS, JEWELRY, SLIPPER PATTERNS, and lots of Yankee Notions, at LEVY BROTHERS', 1213 and 1215 M.vln street. FRENCH PIQUES and MARSEILLES and LINENS for dresses, for sale between the hours of 0 A . M. and 6 P. M. Jy n

flSTOUR DOLL All KID GLOVES can lie had In while, black, dark, and light color?. They arc the same quality gloves that we formerly sold at $1.25. We are the SOLE AGENTS for the celebrated JUGLA KIl> GLOVE i. Al9c, in store, a large assortment of SILK, LISLE THREAD, and LUCK GLOVES and GAUNTLETS. A full assortment of TWISTED SILK MITTS, with and without fingers, at LEVY BROTHERS', 121* and 1215 Main street. Remember the great redaction In the price of MATTING. No exotic fur bare floor*. jv 11 rir GENT'S INDIA GAUZE SHIRTS at Sdc. worth *1. GENT'S HEMMED LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS at i6c. worth GENT'S TIES, CRAVATS, HALF-IIOSE, SUHFENDERS, GLOVES, aud other lnrnlshlng goods, at low prices, nt LKW BROTHERS', 1213 and 121R Main street. Remember that we close onr store at t) P. M. We opeu at 6 A. M. Jy 11 asr FANS ! FANS I FANS!? A large variety of I'ALM-LEAF, SILK, LINEN, and JAPANESE FaNS at LEVY.BR OTHERS', 1211 and 1215 Main street. Every No. of COATS'S COTTON at euc. per dozen. The trade supplied. Jy 11 (&T INFANTS' KOBES, FROCK WAISTS, EMBROIDERED EDGINGS and INSEKTINGB, GARMENT DIMITY, CORDED NAINSOOK and CAMBRIC, CH ECKED and STRIPED N AINsOOK, CHECKED and STRIPED SWISS MUSLINS, TUCKED and PUFFED MUSLINS for waists, CAMBRIC, JACONET, '.SWISS, MULL, and NAINSOOK MUSLINS ; BISHOP LAWNS, and all other kinds of WHITE GOODS, at the ?lowest priced, at LEVY BROTHERS', 1213 and 1215 Main street. Look at the TUCKED SKIRTING at toe. pex yard. SKIRTING CAMBRIC 'i at 25 and 3 c. per yard. A largo stock of WORKED BA.NDS at. very low prices. Jy II

phytdque against uits M_. veraal prevalency of Blckn?Bs. The dnly 1 true safeguard Is that sure and reliable tonic and umgorator MTSHLEK'H HKRB BTTTWRS WhlOb la endorsed and recommended by the Medical i acuity. and by unnnlnbered thousands of persons in every clty.town, and village In the country, who have feite? Its remedial vtrtnes, and by 1^ aid preserved or recovered their health. It win purify the blood and Excretions, cure every form or indigestion, aud afford immediate relief In case* of pvsentery, colic, cholera, c hoi ern-morb us, ^ and cindred a/sessesi Provide yourself now against a lime of need* Delays are often dangerous. Jy 11?deodAwlw __ __ 53" BUILD UP THE SYSTEM.Strength evaporates fast at this se^on. This is especially the crt*e wilh all who live by the sweat of their brow. Frorti ?very pore of the sieve-like skin a moisture exudes which contains the elements of vitality. Thereby the blood is Impoverished, the nerves relaxed, the muscle* *eafcened,the digestion impaired, the bowels disturbed, and the animal spirits depressed. Ihe constant drain that produces these effects cannot be arrested, r>ccau8c it Is due to the heat of the atmosphere ; but the loss of the llfe-eu^talnlng elements can be supplied by extra invlgoration. Now, therefore. Is the time to resort to HosteTTKB'8 8tomach bitters, the most powerful and healthful of all vegelaWe tonics. Long experience has proved that nothing else will efficiently sustain and regulate the system, when wilting down under the double pressure of excessive heat and constant physical or menial la'oor. All persons who have been tempted to try 'he local ' ? tonics " (socalled) whl- hhave been started by sordid speculators In almost every town and village, with a view of "turning a penny1* by the cedulltv of the nnwary, know this to their cost. It is a wise maxim that says "Hold fast to that which is good." Of the forty millions of people in the United ftates, probably one- fifth have tested the restorative properties of Hostetter's Bitters and know it to be a specltlc for dyspepsia, biliousness, nervous weakness, general debility, constipation, fever and ague, and want of appetite ; that any of these should De persuaded to experiment with the Worthless nostrums recommended by unscrupulous and Ignorant emperlcs seems almost incredible. jy 11? deod&wlw 2S7* NOTICE.? The following stores on and after MONDAY the llth instant will be closed dally at 8 o'clock P. M. until the lat day of September. LEVY BROTHERS, JOHN N. WOODFIN, T. R. PRICE & CO., CARDOZO.'FOURQTJREAN' & CO., ARMISTEAD & BIBB. Jy8_lw

(fc^JULY Gth, 1870. T. R. PRICE & CO., corner Eleventh and Main, nearly opposite post* office, are opening dally for the summer trade new und choice STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, IRISH LINENS, LIKEN SHEETIVGS, TOWELLINGS, COTTON SHEETINGS, BLEACHED COTTON, HUCKABACKS, <Sc., BLACK IRON GRENADINES, BOMBAZINES, TAMESE, CRAPE VEILS and COLLARS, * HOSIERY, GAUZE VESTS, READY-MADE SHtRTS (warranted), PARASOLS, UMBRELLAS, SUN SHADES, Ac. A striking bargain Is offered in 500 to ?oo yards CHECKED and STRIPED FRENCH and JAPANESE SILKS at less than Importers' cost? beautiful goods for walking suits or for sojourners at watering-places. Sew assortment PRINTS at 10. 12|, 15c., &c., Ac. Buyers either at retail or wholesale they Invite a call from, as upon their llrst floor will be exhibited duplicates of their elegant stock of DRESS GOODS, 4c., any of which will be cut at lowest jobbing rates. jy6 T. R. PRICE & CO. IB5T MOSQUITO NETTING. A FULL SUPPLY JUST OPENED BY USall widths, qualities, and prices, JyC T. R. PRICE & CO. ? ?3T SPECIAL NOTICE.? We desire to attract the notice of our friends and the public to the fact that we give careful and strict attention to RENTING OUT HOUSES and LANDS, and thtt with faithfulness and Integrity we attend to COLLECTING RENTS. I*. C. GODWIN,} HILL & G0DDIV> jyg_eod3t No. 1203 Main street. ?

gr^r BATCHELOR'S HAIR D Y E This splendid HAIR DTK Is the be?t in the world ; the only true and perfect dye; harmless, reliable, Instantaneous ; no disappointment ; no rldJculous lints ; remedies the ill eflfects of bad dyes ; invigorates and leaves the hair soft and beautiful black orbroion. Sold by all dru<cists and perfumers, and properly applied at BATCHELOR'S WIG FACTORY, No. 18 Bond street, New lork. Je 2 ? eodlyr 3ST " PRO BONO I'UBLICO." On h?nd, and conatanfly receiving from the northern markets, one of the most complete and best-? elected stocks of DRY GO.-DS to be found in the city, embracing every style and variety of DRE.'S GOODS, CASSIMERES, LINENS. I-OMErTICS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTION'S, &C. The3e goods were b -ught at the lowest market rates, and are being sold at prices which defy competition. Our IK r.-II LINEN'S are 25 per cent, cheaper than can be fonnd else* here, w e are the sole agents for Richmond and vicinity of Roberts's celebrated PARABOLA. NEEDLES, formerly sold by William N. Bell & Co. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we pledge ourselves to give satlsiactlon to all iu want of CHEAP DRY GOODS. Remember the place. A. GOLDBACK. 607 Broad street, between Sixth and Seventh. Jy ?* ? fiSf DISCIPLES' CHURCH (SYCAMORE), ELEVENTH STREET BETWEEN BROAD AND MARSHALL.? Preaching on EVERY LORD'S DAY at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Elder J. A. DEARBORN, pastor. Prayer meeting on WEDNESDAY EVENINGS at 8 P. M. Seats free. Parsonage, 408 Twelfth street. my 7 USTHAYING OBTAINED THE ENTIRE INTEREST OF JAMES E. BUliRFSS AND JOSEPH G. WILLIAMS In the late concern of B DURESS, WILLIAMS & CO., I beg leave to call the attention of my friends to my very LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OK D R Y GOOD S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. In order to supply the demands of my immense retail trade I am compelled to buy In very large quantities, and consequently can give merchants CHOICE SELECTIONS, "WITH LIBERAL MARGIN FOR PROFITS. My stock is replenished by TRI-WEFKLY ARRIVALS OF FRESH GOODS, is kept at all times FULL. AND COMPLETE, Is always FULLY ADEQUATE TO THE "WANTS OF THE TRADE. THE QUALITY OF MY GOODS IS SUPERIOR, and my PRICES AS LOW AS SIMILAR GOODS CAN BE BOUGHT ANYWHERE. I Invito an exatnl nation by all In want of FlltoT- CLASS GOODS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. JOHN N. WOODFIN, 1117 Main street, between Eleventh and Twelfth. The following gentlemen can be found with me, who will be pleaseu to see their friends : JOSEPH G. WILLIAMS, THOMAS D. 0UARLE3, KI/W1N A. WINN, W. L. JENNINGS, F. V. SUTTON, JR., U. It. MORTON, A. M. WOODFIN, Je 23 WILLIAM R. McCAW.

AST ICE-CREAM, ICE-C liEAM.? My saloon Is now supplied with superior CREAM. ANDREW ANTONI, Confectioner, Jy 4 below the post-office. ^LL KINDS OF STAMPS AND SEALS MADE AND SOLD BY C. BELLENOT, BRAND-CUTTER AND DIE-bXNKER, 1410 MAIN STREET, Je 27 RICHMOND, VA. XTOT1CE.? AH creditors claiming under jLI the deed of trust made by J. L. Crawley, and CrawieyA M*Jor, or haljUax county, are required u. nreseut their claims to na ou or wjfore the 15th of July next. In order that the .'nnds In li4i?U may bii properly divide No claim will be all .wed to .laUlclputu iu die i'uuds not presented by that <ime. W. N. UcVUuH, O. E. WElslGKR, Je :o? 3awl5Jy . Trustees.

V" ' s ? / J f . i' SEMIANNUAL CLOSING SALE. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. . ALL GOOD8 MARKED DOWN. We offer flpecl il Inducements, being determined to close out everything In order to reduce stock. A he&ntifal and complete variety of DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOCDS, COTTONS and LINENS, CLOTHS and CASSIMERES, GRENADINE and LACE SHAWLS, PARASOLS and UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY and GLOVES, TABLE-CLOTHS and NAPKINS, TOWELS and QUILTS, EMBROIDERIES and LACE COLLARS ; and lots of other articles. Call and fill your memorandums. WILLIAM TnALHIMER & SONS, Ml Broad, corner Sixth street, jy 11 " Broad-Street Dry Goods Emporium."

T> E-OPENING JLV OK THE LARGE AND ELEGANT STORE, No. 903 Main street, between Ninth and Tenth streets, by JULIUS SYCLE, formerly occupied by William N. Bell & Co. One case 4-4 extra quality BLEACHED COTTON at 12 Jc.; Two cases FAST-COLORED and EXCELLENT QUALITY PRINTS at 10c.; Fifty dozen HUCKABACK TOWELS at 10, 20, and 25c.; LADIES' HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS at $2 per dozen- -pure linen ; PLAIN LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS at 85c. per dozen, worth $1.25; SUMMER DRESS GOODS to be closed out at and below cost ; LLAMA LACE POINT, BAREGE, and GRENADINE SHAWLS to be closed out regardless of cost ; BROWN LINEN DRILLING at 25 and 30c. worth 35 and 40c.; CASSI MERES, TWEEDS, COTTONADE, &c.. In variety and at greatly reduced prices ; Full line of SWISS MUSLIN, NAINSOOK, plain, striped, and checked; JACONET an<i SOFT-FINISH CAMBRIC, IRISH LINEN, 10-4 SHN ETING and PILLOW-CASK LINENS, NOTTINGHAM LACES, real and Imitation ; THREAD and VALENCIENE LACES. Don't forget our OOOD FLANNEL at 25c.; MOURNING GOODS in variety, sold cheaper than lu any other store ; HOSIERY, ttLOVES, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, ! EMBROIDERIES, and many more articles too numerous to mention. Don't forget our chcap HANDKERCHIEFS and TOWELS. Call and convince yourself that I am prepared to offer greater Inducements than ever. Prices guaranteed as advertised. Don't forget JULIUS SYCLE, 903 Main street between Ninth and Tenth. 1 v 0 CLOSED S ATU RDAY.

Duck wall <t rouss, 1013 main STREET. .July 5, 137?. PANIC IN > KW YORK OK Y GOODS MARKET! DRESS GOODS sold for less than cost of importation. These are the good* to buy. We are receiving them three times a week. RIBBONS! RIBBONS! All kinds and iiest quality. A full assortment of PIQUE and other TRIMMINGS. . Best 4-4 MATTING in the city at 30c. J>OMESTIUSof all kinds. GOi.l) SIIoEb for laoies aud misse3 at $1 a pair. STHAW GOODS of nl I kinds. FRENCH FLOW KltS, Ac. Jy s qARDOZO, FOURQUREAN & CO., 1009 MAIN STREET (opposite post-offlce), have just received large addition to their stock of DRESS GOODS, bought at the very lowest prices at which the same value of goods have ever been sold. ELEGANT NECK AND SASH RIBBONS, in all widths and colors, IN GREAT VARIETY. Persons preparing to visit the Springs will find eveHytiiing In the Dry Goods line they may desire, from the cheapest travelling-dress to the most costly outfit. I Jy 2 CARDOZO, FOURQU11EAN & CO. FFRMTrilRE, Ac. HARWOOD & RITTER, opposite the post-office. Main street, Have now on band and are constantly manufacturing the most complete and varied assortment of CHAMBER FURNITURE, PARLOR FURNITURE, DINING-ROOM FURNITURE, and MATTRESSES. And we would invite all in want of uoo(l, substantial articles in our line to examine our stock. No establishment In the State can otfer greater Inducements. We have goods to suit all parties. Klejrant seta of superior workmanship and line finish, and plain goods of every description ; and we will tell you a secret : we are still reducing our prices. Call opposite the post-offlce, up stairs, my 3? gPRING STOCK OF FURNITURE. s T A c Y s are receiving an IMMENSE STOCK, bought at GOLD RATES, and are determined not to be undersold by any house In the country. Examine before you buy. mh 15 1308 AND 1310 MAIN STREET.

JUST PUBLISHED. A BOOK FOR THE SEASON. THE VIRGINIA TOURIST. A HANDBOOK OF THE SPRINGS AND MOUNTAINS OF VIRGINIA, CONTAINING an exposition of the fields for the tonrlst In Virginia, natural beauties and wonders of the State ; also, accounts of Its mineral sprlu/rs, and a medical guide to the use of tho waters, etc., ttc. BY E. A. POLLARD, ACTHOB OF 44 TILS L08T CAUSE," ETC., ETC. Illustrated with a map and numerous engraving* from actual sketches. ISmo. Toned paper. Extra cloth. 93.50. For sale by all .booksellers, or will be sent free of j charge, on receipt of price, by J. B. LIPPINCOTT A CO., Publishers, 715 and 717 Market street, Jy ll-eodtt Philadelphia. H AROGKOVE'S CELEBRATED ul b. au'ld or CUEWl^G ToBACtNS ui-jju-luckure J by TU.)A1A?J. HUilKiUOVE succea*or to Thom^a and S^m^JH^rdgrove - via., S. C. TaUX)V ?* CO., Se vvcu^onth?t^t. jyl-tJyH head cf the Dock.

racuBsioiu EXCUHSiojrii tO ; ' P. STBAUBE'S DUY GOODS HOUSE, NO. 1411 MAIS' 8THEET, FKEE or CHABGE. I bavv"1 received another Jot of CHEAP P?r -yard than c'*2 1,6 bo?*&t toy where la the euj ; 848H BIMBOJRfc ?{ ^ery color at low price* ? IEI8H LINENS C* n* *?? ?*<* 75?-i *b4 ?*-?%** PakaboLs. to bo doS** oat ?* cort prfe* f?** PONGf"E*ThASOLS at |1 ; The best XIDC In the city at ? ?&, wortti |L? ; _? >n?.n{ ? W H1X & 1>/LJU ?W4V I MU ? f LACE COLL A KSi from toe. upward ; LA OIKS' and CHlLDltEN'S HOSE Tory low ~ and man? other wMclw too nomeroaa to mentToo* CaJI at once and secure some oftbe BABGA ENS that are beiuK *otd at 1411 Main street, two door* from Fourteenth street* jy i P> STBAU3S, Agent. S ELLING OFF AT COST TO MAKE A CHANGE IN BUSINESS^ POPULAB BBOAD-STBEET DBY GOODS STORE. IN ANTICIPATION OP MAKING CHANGE IN BUSINESS WE SHALL OFFEB OUB ENTIBE STOC.j? OF DBY GOODS AT COST, FOB CASH. IllBSII & GUGGENHEIMEB, la 30 627 BBOAD STBEET.

CLOTHING. N OTICB EXTRA.! DETERMINED TO CLOSE OUT. TILE EN TIKE STOCK OF CLOTHING OF THE LATE THOMAS 8. BALDWIN, which I purchased hist month, must be sold out. Having determined to consolidate the two businesses under one roof, this entire stock will closed out by SEPTEMBER 1, 1870, AT COST, and many poods below cost in New York. Tbo stock yet on band is complete in SIZES, QUALITY, AND KINDS, and I am in earnest when I say they will positively be sold. WM. I HA SMITH, AT BALDWIN'S OLD STAND. CORNER TENTH AND MAIN STREETS. N. B.-My business at my old stand, 130? Malu street, will be unill fuitber notice continued <u heretofore In the regular way. Je 29? fod8t W M. IRA SMITH. rpOO MUCH CLOTHING AND TOO I.ITTLE MONKY. My stock Is too largo, and must be reduced In order to turn it into money ; and from this time I shall offer my entire stock at such price* fircash as will plea?e all. and jrlve tbem a NICE SUIT for a little sum at the old-established house of WILLIAM IRA SMITH, Je 11 1308 Main street.

STEAMERS. JAMES RIVER STEAMBOAT/ ?' MPANY.-FOK NORFOLK,^, PORTSMOUTH, AND ALl. aaOVLaH ha4v 1NGS0N THE JAMES RIVEB.? The fast aud and elegant U. S. MAIL itezmar JOHN SYLVESTER, Captain Z. C. Glffobd. leaves company's wharf at Roeketta for the abovenam. d pla^s on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FK:DAF8, at SIX O'CLOCK A. M., and return* on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Passengers arrive In Norfolk in time to cod* aect with steamers for Baltimore and points North. Train leavti City Point for Petersburg on arr1yal of sreamer. FARE TO NORFOLK t3.50. FREIGHT R-celyed Tuesdays, Thursday*, and Saturday*, from HM. to ?J P.M., forNorlolk. Portamoulb, Boston, Baltimore, and principal landing on Chesapeake bay, and all regular landings on Jam s river, at reasonable rates. NO WHARFAGE CHARGED. Freights for way-landings must be pre-paid," Apply to L. B. TATUM, Agent se 11 Office, Company's wharf. JOHN W. WYATT. GENERAL SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 3 Governor street, Richmond, Va. Post-Office box u. FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEEN3TOWN. LNMANL1NE OF MAIL STKA24EBS,'3aL_FROM NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY, AND ALTERNATE TUESDAYS. BATES OK PASSAGE. Payable in Gold. Payable in Currency. First cabin ?..f78| Steerage ?*> To London 80 To London.. -5 To Paris 90 1 To Paris ? Tickets sold to and from England, Ireland, and the Continent, at moderate rates. For further Information auolv at the Company1* officer. JOHN G. DALE, Agent. 15 Broadway, New York; or to . JOHN W. WYATT, Agent, Richmond, Va. FOR NEW YORK. L OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP fittfc COMPANY. The splendid new slile-wht*! steamships 18AAC BELL, SARATOGA, NIAGARA, ALBKMARLE. and HATTER AS. leave New York for Norfolk, City Point, and Richmond, every TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY at a o'clock P. M. Leave Richmond every TUESDAY, FRIDAY, and SONDAY, at high tide. These ships are entirely new. They have elegant saloons and staterooms. The fare, accommoda* tlona, and attention, are unsurpassed. Close connection made with steamers for all southern and European ports. Insurance effected, wben ordered, AT A QUARTER OF ONE I'ER CENT., at the office* of thli com pan v. For further Information apply to JOHN W. WYATT. Agent, my 56 No. a Governor tutri.

JMPORTANT TO WESTJEBty SdlPPEBS. THE POWHATAN STEAMBOAT COMPANY AND TILE BALTIMORE AND OHIO KAILKOAD COMPANY'S TROUGH LINE TO THE WEST offer superior Inducement* to ?blppert of TOBACCO, WHISKEY, BACON, CANDLES Ac., to and from the West at low ratea, quick time , and lew handl In. if than any other Hue. All western and eastern- bound freight delivered to and received from on board tbe car* of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company at Loco^t Point, aavlng transfer by dray* and e*po*ure to weather In Baltimore. Through bill* of lading given on all uhlnnteitM bv \\ ILLLAM P. BRETT. AjtenL^ A W E E KV-^amew N O R / O L K . J. eVEBMAN, ?nd|1.8. GBKEN, Hue. will leave Richmond every 1WNDA\^_ s,^???s?sS SSffito WteHoV kZm* VfmoSri* WJJ Pa to Philadelphia, tedudtwr^me^ w ? xcu'. at Uichu??> 'dt Office no. *4rt Dock utreet. Officer No. is SMthwhax**. ?n<t No. 14 North wbarvo*.