Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 204, 11 May 1866 — Page 3

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lint* to need one word of comment ; ' h i i'o of the colored soldier who fell , , vice of the South may rest assured , ,m?> >\ ill not bo forgot ton by those \\l!?iigh of a different color, wore ,,.mpanions.in-anns. ?ES or THK in I KS IN THK WAK. ??i'lo*i?ig is a list of tho members nines'' who died in service during ] ,?,* xx;?l : .... t',.,tain (?? .Jennings \\ iso, ? Frederick Carter, ( '??r|K ?i a I v.** oil, ]? v (w Jehn Cochrane, r v ,? W. T. I.ipsoomb, r v;?, J. I . C. William*, l< x .1. Howard Wellington, p \\ in. Diokerson, j. ,;ll0 ?\ Blackburn, p; v .i:, i In ry Place, ? ? William Kush, i> , . vtniur! II. la) l?>r, J.; ,.,t. N dliain <ircgg, ]v 4 , \\ .ni.nu Bennett, p. v II. Adler, j>, . to John lVnlson, p v.i to Ki.to I cxy, r John Kobinvon, 1': ;%.?!. J. H. Tax lor, J*': ;\ to J. Wcslcx Smith, I *, tloorv'e Taylor, j > :< \i thar Pabncx , p ;? J. *hua W ilkinson. (?N Tin: STKKKTS. , sv > - 1 1 tudx suspended on yes. , x the principal stores in . ; ? ? s? omed to bo a general 1 . .? \ ?to the day as iiineh as ? . i.it very oj the dead. There ?:! < a face, and grief in i -veil tho l?us\ merchant . t? widest feelings of our : stronger. perhaps, because , _? ? * rail) curbed and concealed .! i! i I >i;sth o! a iiieroant ile life. .? i t . . ? ? stores and residences bore or window, a portrait of io> ii. draped m crape hy the . <>i our ladies, and amongst ? ?lee? rated, we rcmciubcr to ia id ti <? following : J<hn W. Da vies, Hidgoml \ Kiley, Noah Walker \ Co., l.oeh Brothers, M tehi'll \ Ty h-r, W illiam Ira Smith, K. M. Kzekiel, A. II. Christian \ Co. ? ? ? t' ? prions walking hy uncovered ? U .is thcx passed the portrait of .'.i i k ??' >n . and t he " Blues " marched 1 a! >ng the street. We know not ' ti future max have in store for us, uitli trust in Providence and patience, ?i titude in ov.rM lxes, a happier future !!|oT < ' j list if \ the XV. IN s of C?* ?< 1 ill ' V s of fallen mail ! sr. ? One of the most interest. ! ' '!< liing incidents xve haxc ever ? ? . <" ? !;? rod during the ceremonies I "ii x . <t. nlax . ( ?ne of the la. |m i t ip;it< 1 took her servant (a along to earry her ha-sket of Icuxing home he exacted . pr-'ifl'se to let iiim have one of the ? m i k, a> he >aid, 44 a rebel sol. i >x< . N\ lion asked how he could grave, he replied that the i>i en "an ?>M acipuiintauee o| ?vlun lie uas buried, I was out i I . ! a): ox "ter. shell and .stuck ? ?? _'i.ivt , and could find it now." ? t si;jii( lent interest in the inati .s proi codings, and .is sooti ? 'i tin ;^l"U.'i I she SHXV hilll i>" pi t. and reverently unoovcr- > ,? i i;e l\!i< It by the sj,h' of the ? vrax e " and carefully placed the - ? . the mound ??f earth which mark

?\\ I'.m ! ;i: So* my. ? This ?? 'i t !.i-i night ;'t Virginia llall to ! in ;..n reported by tin- , ?t. . app- iuti d at the last meeting. il. iMri. li, President ; Albert 1 k. Sri Irtaiv. , ? ^ t i t ? ? t i ? . : i declares the object of ? s. :\ t<? l?o i.i encourage an?l facili- , < i : ' ? i iii i* m i iu rat i* iii int. ? tin- State of . '.?? j ?r? tret t lit' emigrants, and to 1 1 i* * in .1!! needful a<l\ ice and assist* ! \ it. 1 meeting of the Society is ln'i i annually, ami an executive j 1. !!!<?? is to earn out all tin* measures An adequate corps of of. j ? including an attorney, a surgeon, a ! on. and agents, is provided for. A i aire ut i> ? reside in Richmond, ! other agents are to lie appointin Mi. h cities in this country and ! iii.; <\ a> ma\ 1 ropiired. An intcl- > ?? committee is t?i obtain full infoi- ? >'i about the resources and wants of >:.it<\ i<?j tin benefit hotli of the cnii- .!> a 11 1 our own people. A relief com. ? will receive and take care of the .rants, provide them hoarding-places, ti.at the sick have proper medical at. ? mih" and nursing, and furnish all other ? Ml aid to them, Committees on tinancc ?n ? ? her *uhjt.*cts are provided for, and ? pi vi -ion i- made in the Const it utioti j * r 1 > out eili iently and speedily the' ? ? ' oli it 1 t <>i t lie Society. U ?? 1 ejard the organization of this Sot\ ;? move in the right direction and - ? .a- ot \.ist importance to the whole' 1 . The gentlemen, toy, who have in- ?! th. iusclves in it, arc of all others v-Tv jiersons to insure its success, meeting was still in session when we ? 11 o", 1 .1];, last night, and we shall turtiier details of its proceedings tol.a.rrow, Imthisi vmk.vi of a Lai?y o\ a Fai.sk! ( 1 . ? On Wednesday, a warrant was by Justice Thomas, of Henrico, for ? ?st of Mrs. Franck upon the oath 1 '?! ??!"! ii Ha vis, who charged that she ? ' !y and leloiiioUsly obtained from ' d A. Moise, Jr., a deed of sale for ! 1 property which they sold as eom- ' - rs in tb? suit of Stewart rs. Stew. - executors, etc. Constable Cole arit ?? lady, and she was kept in lien. .1 that night, and brought In? fore ts lVthcr 'bridge and Wade yesterMiing, who, having carefully in\es- ? -i the facts of tin* case, honorably ' '? d her, Justice Petherbridge re. 'k.i.i that lie could not see a particle o| i-'iiti to sustain the charges in the warrant. I n. 111 vi run PosT-Okfice. ? A light oe- ! i .a th* post.olhce last night, in 1 1. .in unknown young man and several : t '.? oilicc clerks were the parties en- . ned, and which resulted in some hard ? us on each sides and the stabbing of "ne of the clerks in th*- left arm. We do t know the 1 a use of the difficulty or the 1 mbatuDU. H i' n a w a v ? Lady Badly llntT. ? On " ? >iru s lay afternoon, as Mrs. William K. and two other ladies, in a carriage, ? : e passing along the upper end of Broad ? ct, tl.e horse attached to the carriage ' line frightened by the Whistle of a lon.otivc, and ran w ildly dow n Pine treet ' Clay, where .Mrs. Wade jumped from 4 carriage and broke her arm just he. the elbow. Drs. Davis and Snead ini- ? <1 lately came to her relief ?nd when we ?' '"id from her yesterday . 1 ?? was doing as ? ? .is could be expected, .soon after tin* dent the driver succeeded in stopping ? horse, and the other ladies, who kept ir seals, escaped 4 without injury. 1 1 ?s Ban k or Richmond. ? The Board is Bank yesterday elected Isaac Du- " "port, jr., President, and James Miller, ( hier. These are excellent appoint1 '? !it>, .,iid give great satisfaction to the ?vkholders. " Stki'uole/'' ? A letter from our fair < ^respondent, crowded out to-day, will ui4?ctu- to-morrow.

i Kxtrv Com* op To.T>aY'h Dippatch have boon put up in wrapper* for mailing, nt the suggestion of ladies of the Memorial Association, and persons desiring to wend them to their friends can obtain them at onr eonntei or of Colo & Turner, Whig Building. M worn Ciii rt, May 10 ? Mayor Mayo rRKamtMj. ? Thomas McDonald, assaulting and attempting to rob ( Near Newman. re. manded lor indietment, and in defanit of five hundred dollars security sent to jail, i AHeo Hargrove, assaulting Patrick (Jonnell, committed in <lcfanlt of one hundred dollars' security. Amanda Webster, colored, stealing goods and chattels of Elizabeth Carter, colored, sent on t?? the Grand Jury for indictment, and committed. Augustus Anderson, colored, assaulting and beating his wife, Kliza Anderson, and threatening to kill her, ictjuircd one hundred and fifty dollars security to keep the peace and be of good behavior, and in default of which he w.is scut to jail. William Kohiusoti, colored, playing cards in the mat kct, discharged. The-', with one or two cases of \i??l;iii tion of city ordinances not worth mentioning, concluded the docket o( to-day. llKMtno Cointy Cot itT. ? This Court i w.is net in session yesterday, tuning a?l- < jounud o\cr until this morning at II o'clock toallow the justices to attend, with their families, the celebration at Oak wood . Cemetery. Pkisoxvk krom Lot not'N. ? Mr. Sum- 1 ' tuerlield liolan, deputy .sheriff of Loudoun county, yesterday carried to the penitential > \una Harris, negro woman, eonvietcd ot' an attempt tolmru the residence of Mr. Kufus Smith, in Loudoun, on the Ttli of March. She and tour other negroes, Hubert Harris, Ferdinand Thornly, Bob Fletcher, and IVter Flanders, were con- j victcd at tin' April term of the Circuit Court and sentenced to the penitentiary for terms varying from three to seven j years, and the men were to have been brought down with the woman, but oil Monday night last effected an escape from jail, and are still at large, (inventor lVirpoint declines to offer a reward for their apprehension. | Tut Trotting Match at Jackson Park : yesterda\ attracted a large attendance of ! the lovers ot the sport, and the race ex- [ cited much interest. The match was for mile heats, best two in three, to harness, for two hundred and fifty dollars a side. I). Ward entered Turner's White Moun- ? tain," and 11. Gilliugham Lcdlcy's "Richmond." Time made. .'>.11, .'{.OS, and ,"> minutes. " White Mountain" won the race.

1 > j : a i ? Ini'wt Foim,. ? On yesterday, Officer Mahone discovered tin1 body of a dead infant in tin- gully north of Kcigh stre< t, between Scvetit h and Kiglith streets. It w in nun ti decomposed, and appeared t ? > have been buried mhiu1 time, and was wa^l.rd up by (In- heavy rains of the preceding iii.riit. |)r. Kittle, the city coroner, was notified, and promptly attended, l>ut did not deem it necessary to hold an in. quest. Then* was nothing about the body, J and no fact elicited i?y his investigation. which gave the slightest clue to the j guilty parties. H i ii mo\ i? S \ vinos Hank ani? Insi r v\? k ! CoMi'wv. -The 1 Sua rd o| Directors of this company met \csterday al'tcrnoon and Heeled John I>. Davis president and John F. C. Potts secretary. Mr. Davis was j formerly the president of the Traders" Hank, and Mr. Potts was for many years ' connected with the Exchange Bank of \ ir. ginia. No hettcr selections eottld have | been made ; and we feel confident that, under the management of thoe gentlemen and the excellent Hoard of Directors, the comuany will become one of our nio>t J popular and successful institutions. Sai.ks of Kkai. Estatk. ? The lots on ! Main strict next below the office of the Nat onal Express Company, hclonging to Hubbard, Gardner & Carlton, and qftcrcd .il auction yesterday l?y Messrs. (ioddin ?N Appcr>ou, were withdrawn. The highest hid for the first lot ? 22x1."m feet ? heing only four hundred and fifty dollars per front loot, was not deemed sufficient. T.ai?ii:s' Si im'kk. ? We are requested to say that a number of ladies propose giving a supper this afternoon at .*> o'clock, on the north side of Broad street, two doors from Fifth, the proceeds of which will be approprint ed to the purchase of artificial limbs for Confederate soldiers. That Ciioi.kka Fond opposite Nicholson .street, llockett.s, is not yet drained or tilled up. and on yesterday a huckman drove his hoi. si's into it, and jjot his hack stuck so deep in the mud and tilt 1 1 that lie had to leave il there and gel out with his horses as best he could. Who pays the damages t Anotiiki; Batcii. ? Sheriff Hicks, of Ni l- j son county, yesterday carried four prisoners to the penitentiary ? t lirec convicted of stealing hogs, and the other for robbing a smoke-house. S u a mm; Ci.otiiino. ? Officer Alley yesterday arrested Chapman Johnson, negro, for stealing a lot of clothing from Ahram Newlield, at City Point. The goods were recovered, and Chapman locked up for trial. Fioiitino in t ii k Fikst M viikkt Hoi sk. ? Alexander Holmes and Harriet Marx, negroes, were arrested by the police and locked up for fighting in the market-house yesterday. Masonic Notick. ? The stated monthly meeting of Koge Franyais No. 5.'5, will be held to-night at the usual hour. Thanks. ? We return thanks to Mr. Latham, National Express, for late papers. >1 A X ?11 KM K K A 1TA I UN. [From on r K?-j>??rtvr in that Town.] The spring term of the Circuit Court for I Chesterfield county commenced on Monday and closed its session on Wednesday. I Judge Chambers presided, and Colonel William Ambers acted as Commonwealth's attorney. Kobert Johnson, colored, for a brutal assault on his father, was sentenced to five years' confinement in the pcuiteutia ry. The case of William Johnson, colored, charged with stealing a mule, was postponed until tiie next term. A civil case of great interest, and involving some very important principles, was decided ? that of Thomas Gregory against the Richmond and Danville Kailroad Company ? an action for the hire of slaves for the first quarter of 1800. It appears that the company agreed to give Gregory eighteen hundred dollars in Confederate money for three slaves for the year 18t?3. The negroes became free in April, aud the owner was eutitled to four hundred and fifty dollars for the first quarter. The question was, what compensation should be allowed for their services up to that time. The jury having the case submitted to them, nave a verdict of one bundled and fifty dollars in the present currency for the plaintiff*. The company were willing to pay at the rate of one dollar in currency for forty dollars in Confederate money ; but the jury decided that they should pay a fair price for the hire of the slaves. This is the first case of like character decided in our county ;and, as a matter of precedent, it has excited unusual interest. Colonel William Ambers for plaint ill ? defendant hud no Counsel. We ure requested to state that tho riiilologians will meet to-night in the new room lately- fitted up for them at the BaptH Church ; and u* the exercises will be

of an unusually Interesting charactcr, the attendance of every mother's von of them is respectfully solicited. We have taken a peep at their new quarters, and pro. nounce them decidedly snug and cosy. Messrs. Blanton ?Si Kulmnk did the earpentors' work, and did it as they always do, very well. Auction Safes To-day. A Y. STOKES .V CO. sell this morning at 11 o'clock ? note tluit the hour Is 11, mid not 10, n* heretofore? one of the largest stocks of groceries which his been ollered In this market for many months. The kjm'ci:i1 attention of the trade is called to thin sale. GKl'JIHS & WILLIAMS sell this afternoon at .1 of lock, on the premisi's, a house and lot on Fifteenth street, between Poplar and Pine streets. Thi< property is occupied as a store and dwelling hy Mrs. Peoaom. PILKINTON, Pt'LLlAM \ CO. will sell at l-.' o'clock to-day, at the saw-mill of N. | W. Saflord, deceased, on the Courthouse road, near Gates's mill, in Chesierlleld county, rt valuable steam engine and sawmill, lumber, oxen, buggy, tie. Richmond Dispatch Friday, May 11th 1866 LATEST NEWES BY MAIL Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun. Washington, May 9. Preparations to Try Jeff. Davis- Tax on Cotton. &e. It is undoubtedly true that preparations are now being made for the trial of Jefferson Davis before the United States Circuit Court to be held at Norfolk. The Grand Jury, lately charged by Judge Underwood, the United States District Judge, will probably find a bill of indictment against Mr. Davis for treason. But notwithstanding this, Mr. Davis will not be brought to trial unless the President should issue a proclamation withdrawing martial law from Virginia. Chief Justice Chase will adhere to his often-expressed determination not to try a criminal cause in a State where martial law prevails. It appears probable that the House will concur with the Committee of the Whole in the clause of the Revenue bill taxing cotton live cents a pound. The fall of cotton will render the tax onerous and disproportioned to other taxes on productions. There is a spite against cotton-growers. John Randolph hated wool-growers, and said he would go a mile out of his way to "kick a sheep" ; and the feeling in Congress against cotton-growing is of the same character. The Reconstruction Committee concur with Mr. Stevens in the opinion that the constitutional amendment requires only the ratification of three-fourths of the States now represented in Congress ; that is, nineteen. These are the only States which are to be permitted to vote for Presidential electors. Thus, if the views of the Republican leaders be carried out, the next election will involve the country in as great a calamity as that from which it was supposed we had escaped. From I'ortrcMM Monroe. Fortkkss Monkok, May ?v. ? A military I commission has been convened, by order ot Lieutenant-General Grant, and is now in session at Norfolk, for the purpose of asccr- ; taining and investigating the causes which led to the riot in that city on the occasion of the recent colored procession in honor of the passage of the Civil Rights bill. A J number of witnesses have already been examined, and it is presumed the evidence will be quite lengthy. The commission will prosecute, without delay, its various examinations of wit- > ncsses. The proceedings will be conducted with closed doors, and the evidence will be submitted directly to Lieutenant-General Grant. Srrimnsagt' in llaltimoro. Baltimouk, May 9. ? The First regiment of colored troops returned home to.day, and made a handsome appearance. Whilst passing through a sect ion of the city, a eontliet occurred between some colored people following the soldiers and a number of i whites. Blows were exchanged and lire. ' arms are reported to have been used, and one or two parties slightly injured.

Depart u r?* lor Knrope. Xkw Oiu. k.\ns, May 'J. ? Generals Beauregard and Adams have gone to Kit rope to negotiate the Jackson Railroad bonds. President Johnson has modified their paroles so as to enable tliein to go and return. lEomieifle in Clarko County. Vn. BKltKY ViM.K, CLAjtKK Cot'XTY, Vam ) May IsCii. j On last Sunday morning our town was thrown into the wildest excitement by a report that Charles Patterson, a deserter I'roiti the Federal army, had been killed the night before by a blind man named Grif. Taylor, living in a remote part of, this county known as Aroba. This report proved to be true. A warrant lor the arrest of Taylor was issued. In the house were found Taylor, two sons, and two daughters. Taylor himself being very communicative, gave Constable Wyndham all the particulars of the ease, and made no ! resistance whatever. The man had beeu ! killed in the upper story or loft of the j house, and the party, on mounting the j stairs, found the lifeless body of Charles Patterson lying on the floor, with the head in tin' direction of the southeast gable-end window, and the feet under the bed that stood in the opposite corner. It was found that six separate and distinct stabs had been inflicted on the left breast, either being siitlic.icut to cause instant death, being in a radius of four inches of the heart. The weapon used was a pruuing-kuifc, and the gashes were of a most frightful cha- ! racter. The clothing was perfectly saturated, while the lloor was covered with blood. Patterson came to the house and asked permission to remain over night. Taylor consented, and a blanket was placed upon the lower floor in front of the lire. After j all the family had retired, an unusual noise was heard on the upper floor. Taylor hearing this noise, got up and felt around for Patterson, but found him gone; he then proceeded to make his way up stairs. On the upper floor he was seized by the throat ; whereupon a scuffle ensued, in which Taylor was being very much worsted, he being between seventy and eighty years old. ? Taylor, finding this to be the case, drew front his pocket a knife, and inflicted the fatal wounds. It appears that Patterson had gone to the upper Hoor for the purpose of taking unwarrantable liberties with the old man's daughters ; and had it not been for the timely assistance of the father, we would to-day have to chronicle another of those heinous crimes which have been committed by fiends in human shape. Taylor was brought to town and placed in jail. The coroner is holding an inquest on the body to-day. ? Corre&pondtnce Sun. Fire in Chicago. Chicago, May ? The buildings No. 2f>K, 2??0, and 2(52 south Water street were destroyed by fire last night. The principal losers arc : McCormick Callcnder, oils, paints, etc., $100,000; Samuel Xickcrson and Walter S. Gurnce, owners of the buildings, $70,000. Tito insurance will cover the losses. Shooting Affkay in Baltimore. ? On Wednesday, a fatal shooting affray occurred at the Baltimore Museum. Clinton Jantes entered the theatre, and John Price, an officer of the house, drew a navy revolver aud tired at James, missing him. Ho

then flred ft second shot, which took effect ill tho left side of J nines, which canned him to fall, nnd in doing ho a third nhot was fired, taking eflTect in the neck. Price wan at once arrested. The 1 ?n 1 1 is supposed to have penetrated tin* liver nnd lodged in the Kpinc, us James was apparently entirely paralyzed. The parties had, it is alleged, quarrelled during the day, hut had apparently become reconciled, and just previous to the shooting James entered the theatre, when the difficulty was, in some way, again brought up, and Price drew a pistol and tired, with the result above stated. A few minutes alter 12 o'clock he expired. James was twentysix years of age, a printer by profession, but had n<it worked at the business since he attained his majority. Price is well known in the community, having served a long imprisonment for killing Campbell some eighteen years ago. ? Sun, 10/A. lulled Stales District Court nt Norfolk. J. ('. l'wl<T)rooil, ]>r'si<Un>j. The court met at 10 o'clock. The application of J. fiillingham Foreman to be released from the jury was not sustained by the court. ... The grand jury appeared in court. F. Dceordv, a member of the body, asked that the District Attorney instruct the jury in regard to their duties and obligations. The District Attorney replied t<? the juryman, and stated that he would attend them in their roonl, and instruct them in regard to the law, especially in that required bv the operations of the Civil Nights bill, which would be the first case laid before them. The Court appointed I?. B. Foster, I'nited States Commissioner for the District of Virginia under the civil rights bill. On motion of L. II. Chandler, the Court ordered the oath prescribed t<? be administered t<? Charles II. Porter and Newton Foiirtelot, who qualified as practicing attorneys in the United States Courts of this District. Also, upon the same motion, Benjamin R. Foster, T. Hennessey, Wesley Willoughby, and Charles \Y. Buttz, were admitted to practice as attorneys and counsellors before this court. A large number of witnesses, principally officers in the late Confederate service, were summoned, and appeared before the grand jury. At mx o'clock the Court adjourned until 10 o'clock this morning. ? 0l<i Dominion.

The Connecticut Senatorahip. New Haven, May 8.? The Senatorial contest is most .spirited. The friends of Tcrrv (Ferry .') and Buckingham each claim to have a majority of the Legislature in the aggregate, but it is doubtful if they can unite their forces so as to defeat Foster. The caucus is called for to-mor-row night. Tiik Washington Irving Again. ? ' The steamer Washington Irving arrived at New York on last Friday night about 10 o'clock. Captain Gluey urged his steamer on, and reached East Brooklyn, where a lauding was made the same night at 10 o'clock. Sergeant Wellcns reported the circumstances of the case to Major-Genera 1 Hooker, who sent a note to the Collector of the port, who took decided action in the matter, and immediately dispatched three policemen, who relieved tin* guard and took charge of the steamer. The guard were furnished with transportation i<i Fortress Monroe by General Hooker, which they have reached in safety, ? Xor - folk Viri/tnian 10//#, A Bill to Regulate Appointments to asm Removals from Office. ? In the Senate, <>n Wednesday, a bill was introduccd providing that none but Cabinet officers >hould be removed by the President without the consent of the Senate. As the bill stands but a slim chance of becoming a law, we shall not publish it for the present. Tin. Merchants National Bank. ? I hear in a reliable <|uarter that the liabilities of the Merchants National Bank are ;it least a million. It i- not supposed that much will accrue from Bayne'sassignment, as Baltimore creditors are preferred by him. There is probably nothing like eurrent funds here. ? ' 'w y]>ot><h'nc? Sun. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Congressional Proceedings. Washington, May 10.- Senate.- The Senate passed the House bill allowing ViceAdmiral Farragut to employ a secretary, with the rank and pay of a lieutenant. Also, passed House bill authorizing the coinage of five-cent pieces. The joint resolution relative to the adoption of means for preventing the introduction of cholera was discussed during the morning hour, after which the Post-Office Appropriation bill was considered, the question being on the amendment of Mr. Trumbull restricting the appointing power of the President. No vote was reached. House.- The House resumed the consideration of the report of the Committee of Reconstruction. Some of the Radicals had opposed the third section, disfranchising till 1867 all persons who had voluntarily adhered to the late insurrection, and if an opportunity had been afforded would have voted to strike it out, but Mr. Stevens rallied the Republican forces in a bitter speech against the leaders of secession, and thus united his forces in a solid body for the proposed amendment to the Constitution. The vote resulted - yeas, 128 ; nays, 37. Applause followed the announcement of the result from the radical element in the galleries and on the floor. The amendment now goes to the Senate for its action. The House adjourned till Monday. Tticjl'ciiiuiiH Capture a VwwpI. but Hewtore it to the Cup tain. New York, May 10. ? Captain McBlane, of the British schooner Wentworth, from Windsor to this port, reports that on the 2d instant bis vessel was seized oil Grand Menan by a party of sixty men, who said they were Fenians. They scuttled the fishing craft they were in alter taking "possession of the Wentworth. In four hours they landed at a place called "Brady's Mistake." They were orderly, doing no damage to the vessel or crew. After they left, Captain McBlane resumed command und proceeded on hi^ voyage. Confirmation ?t Mr.fSmj the. Washington, May 10.? The Senate, in executive session to-day, confirmed Henry A. Smythe as collector of customs for the port of New York. Muss acre of a OnrriMin in Arizona by Indian*. San Francisco, May t?. ? A special messenger arrived yesterday at Los Angelos, bringing dispatches from the commander of Fort Grant to General Mason, announcing that Furt Goodwiu, iu Arizona, had been taken by two thousand Indians, and the garrisuii, numbering one hundred and twenty-four men, massacred, with one exception. Th&fort was burned. The mau who escaped was out hunting, and witnessed the commotion from a distance, llo saw

the fort burning, and heard the fl^ng of gum (luring the fight, which lasted nearly an hour. It I* supposed the Indians gained admission to the fort under the protest of entering into a treaty of peace, which General Mason had instructed the commander to make. ^ ? From Arizona? Indian Outrage*? The JiPW Oold l> I ?TK illicit. San Francisco, May 8.? Ditelligenee has been received here that Brevet Major James F. Mullen and Acting Assistant Tappin, United States army, were fired upon hy Apaches at Cottonwood Springs, Arizona, March 22d. T>ie former was killed, the latter hadly wounded. The new gold diggings are paying nine dollars per pan, struck on Clemens's creek, near Big Bend mines. Hundreds of boats are going up the Colnt/ibia river, laden with miners and provisions. It is rumored that the United States soldiers at Fort Colville deserted, and have gone to the mines, taking their arms with them. (?eneral Ferry (not Terry) dominated for Senator. Nkw Haven, May 9. ? At the Republican caucus to-night seven informal ballots were taken for Senator. The last ballot stood : Foster, 65; Buckingham, 1; Ferry, 79. General Orris S. Kerry was then unanimously nominated. Arrival of the Napoleon? .Stephens said to be on Itoard. Nkw York, May 10. ? The steamer Napoleon, from Havre, has arrived. It is reported that Head-Centre Stephens is a passenger. Xew York .Market*. Nkw York, May 10. ? Flour declined 10 j nfi'iOc. Wheat declined 3c. Corn firm at 80^ S3. Beef steady. Pork tirni at $30.50 I | @$31. Lard heavy at 19&22 '4c. Whisky! dull. Cotton firm at 34 & 35c. ; sales by auction of 1,400 bales Orleans at 27l<j@32t<c. Sugar steady. Naval stores dull. Gold, i 129J8'. It;ilt iinorc Market*. Bai.timokk, May 10. ? Flour ?j uiet ? stock moderate. Wheat scarce ? prices nominal, j ; Corn firm and higher; white, 8G@87c. ; ? yellow, SO^Slc. Oats dull at 50? 53c. Provisions firm. Sugars dull. Coffee inactive, j Whisky firm.

TheJToiitli of Mny in'FPHk'rlcksbnrif. [Corre"?poiiiVQiice of the Richmond Dispatch.] Fhkdkum kshlkc., May 10, 18G6. Thinking that it would he of interest to your readers to know what was done in j the different portions of the State on this day, which seems hy a general impulse to ; in* sot apart in commemoration ol tin; j ?l<>aths of Stonewall Jackson and the thouj sands of martyred heroes of the fallen I cause, I write hastily upon the subject j fro,n Fredericksburg. All honor is being | done to the hemic dead in this brave little place. All the places of business are closed, and the women, lleaven bless them! may be seen with their arms filled j with beautiful tlowers wending their way j towards the resting places of Confederate j dead. The school boys and girls went as j usual this morning to school, but were soon dismissed. They did not bound home, wards with the usual glee that attends a holiday, but with books in hand they pursued their wav in silence, showing that they lull} appreciated the .solemnity of the occasion. ? 1 passed this morning hy the house in which our 44 Stonewall " died. The silence which reigned around it was very impressive. The rose-bushes and bcautitul white snow-balls, of which there are quantities around the hou<c, were in full bloom, and seemed, in the wind, t<> bow their heads in respect t<? the memory of him who there | wave up hi* noble spirit to his God. >aMire's songsters, the beautiful birds, a one sang the requiem of the lamented liero vesterdav at the spot where he died, thi ladies of Fredericksburg hold a meeting at the Episcopal Church this alternoon tor the purpose of organizing a Memorial Association, and from the earnest manner in which thev entered into the commemoration to-da'v, the most gratifying results are anticipated. Tbaykllkb. KHIIMOMI MAltKETS. TuntspAV, May 10, 1*66. The following are the wholesale prices . i alcohol. -*5&*525 V gallon. . Bacon. -Sides, Ktfl-je. ; hums new, 2-@23?- ? old, 2o@21c. ; shoulders, old, 15@15Jc. ; new, 1j@ m. ? Virginia hog round, lT^l^c. Bctter.? Fair to prime, 40^l.'c. V &?? ,n market, pound rolls, retail, ?kii? Brandt. -French, *lo@*l3 I *rpl*. *3 50 ' Ph,la' delphia, *2.40tfi*2.75. Bkkswax. ? In fair demand at 3?t. ^ B. CoH'* Very little In the market. CoKS Meal. -Bolted, at *1 ; unbolted country^"chbbsT.'? Northern and Western, 23024c. J Eng-llchorrM.-??cW^-; La?uaym' 28?,Jc- ; ^Caxdlk*. -Adamantine, light weight 22c.; 1 Tall weight, 24@25c. ; tallow, l%?c.; paraflne, 3,c. Cider.? Apple, 33^?4oc. V gallon. CHKRKIE*.? Seeded, 25^30c. V lb. CoNCBXTRATKO Lyb.-*3 V iase of 4 dozen. COCHISKAL.? *1.40^*1.50 V &. CoTTojr.? ' There is hut little cotton fold In Rlc&* m, m(l. it may now be quoted nominally at 23? 23c. ; Virginia loose lots, 20jj22c. Cotto.x Cards. _*12@*15%1 doxen. Cottos Yarns.? From Mo. 8 to No. 11, t*.W , from No. 14 to No. 16, 1f3. Darns akiiDyi Stcfps? Alum, ?Jc.; copperas, 4c ; madder, Me.; indigo, *l.5o ; extract logwood, ig ? Mil*, carb. soda. Wc.; blue stone, He. i)av Goods.? There has been but little changc in dry good- within the last two or three weeks. Prints, satinet*, 35o^*l.lo . silks, *1.26^*3.23. Sheetings, ?"bleac!"^' @26c.; bleached, 12J?45e. ; bleached, >ew \ork mills 50c. Ginghams, 25?42jc.; stripes, 2,>fi 3.?c. ; cambrics, 16$**. ; cotton flannels, brown and bleached, 35@4?e. ; flannels, all wool, 40@42Jc. I Hoop skirts, y dozen, 15 springs, *0 ; 20 springs j *10 . 33 springs, *11. GO. Balmorals, ^ doxen, *24 &*?. E(i(?s.? 22c. ^ dozen. Feed.? Oats, 60@?3c. V bn-hel-rery scarce.i Shipstutf, from the mill, Wc. V bushel. Brownstnlf, J from the mill. 50c. * bushel. Wheat bran, 40c. I Corn bran, 3flc. FcRB.?Kttbbit skins, 2J cents apiece : red fox skins, ?2J<5"5c. apiece; grey fox, 50@60c.; inuskrat, 20c.; raccoon, 25c.; opossum,*?.; mink, dark brown, *2&*2.5o ; mink, light brown, *1 ; wild cat, 55c., house cat, 10c. ; otter, *3?*5_latter price for the 1 best ; beaver, 50c. ft>. Fertilizers. -Peruvian Guano, *90^*100 ^ ton, Pacific Guano, *70 f ton ; Patapsco Guano, *65 U ton ; Bone Duat, *53 ^ ton. F* i r? h - Herrings, Halifax, *4. 50^J*4. io ^ barrel , North Carolina, ** 50 barrel for No. 1 ; *10.60 * barrel for No. I cut, and *? ^ half- barrel for No 1 roe herring*. Mackerel, No. 1, ? in kits, ?2.50 ; No. 2, *1S6*M; No. 3, *15; ine.> shad, In kits, *3. FiAiSiED.-*i lO?*2.*0? bu.hel. Flocr -Market active, and prices have aavanced. Virginia family, (nominal.) UgV ? Virginia extra, *12@*? ; superCne, - Northern family. The Kich*12 ; Northern superfine *^' * ? Northern. mond inspection stands higher tnan iu ?? * *??*"!? i.'. . e ,r ^ an to*i2 doien ; mo.esam sila ! hauT *? V do^n ; dresa cassimere hau, *? V *0-"nDEs.-Ury, IOQKc i Hat.-*1.iM<1-15- fromstoro. ' Holland Gi*. mit*- ( iB0S ?English rellned iron, ?tc. * ll?. ; country hammered. 7c. ; Swedes, s?. f lb. ; Naylor'a cast steel, 23^ . Jo. f ft. ?twERoaKKK Oil.? retail, 7Vs. Labd.? Prime, 'A>&*lc. in kegs, and in ' ?!????; fwftlir. inltegi,

(!Linr.-41 V barrel. LcxnaK ? Yellow pine board*, fl3.So{3f 16 ; Jolat, *11^*30? *25 long length* ; ablnglw, l?&*14 f? thousand ; laths, $4 f thousand. Lou now I'd htkr ? ii.75 y doien for pint* ; quart*, *4 2547*4.50. Lbather.-SoIo leather, oak, 30@40c.; tole let- I ther, bemlork, 17035c. ; upper, 3u$i0c.; kip, V doien, *5of?**o; harneM, 30/?35c. ; calf akin*, French, *4oft*?5 ; domestic, #3u?*40; morocco, f Mftt42 ; rough skirting, Tlfitoc. IIoj.asses Common syrup, which la not ao good a* it* namo would Imply, 45$55c. ; genuine golden syrup, *l.lo@* l. to gallon ; Cuba and Muacovado molasses, <5e. ?Naii.*.? Old dominion, 7c. Ojuo*c.-j|f V barrel. i On# ? Linseed, 91.450*1.10 ; marhlne, *HJ*2.2S ; : ?P-rm, *2?^*j; tanners', *1.35^*1.50; aweet, | ?? to^*?.8o^ do*en ; castor, *3.40?*3.W<jp gallon ; > irKliila lubricating, *5c.#j*l. '"~I ri*h, *3/tf*4 V barrel. pRPPKa.-JT^Oc. I -*< 6*W*s? soy keg of 55 1*.; blasting ! powder, In like quantity, **^*?.5o. ; KA'?a.-5<gic. for cotton and linen. Ifo demand for woolen. i Ropk.? Manilla, bent, 23^'ijc j RioB.-loJ^ltJc. Kye.? 95c.^*l ~f{ bu-Wiei. K AC K GmaKR S5@30c. Kr*.? *3.5o@*0 %'l gallon. Sfuar.? Brown, U(?13c. ; extra " C" and ?? B", ; j l5J#gl?c. ; crushed and pulverized, 17c. ; cut loaf, Hr ; maple, 12Jc. I 8alt.? Liverpool, *3.25 sack; for fine ground alum, #2. 25^, * 2. 50. 8oap ? Common, *^?c.; best washing soap, 15c.; [ toilet, 25c., and fancy prices. Soda ? Hi Carb., luc.; Sal., 5tf?5Jc. Kpihits Ti hpk.nti.nk.? ?l.oStg-isi.lo. Shot.? 92.75 bag of 25 ft*. ; Seeds ? Clov-jr, *? ; dull. Timothy, |4. Tah ? *3 50 barrel. Tbas.? Black, 75c li*1.25? the last a prime article ; imperial, *1.75@*2 ; gnnpowder, *2f?*2.25. Tobacco.? The tobacco market still continues 1 dull, and prices do not change. Yellow leaf in in good demand, and prices rule high ; ordinary leaf i is in large stock and prices favor buyers. We quote common lugs, *-?l<$5J ; good lugs, 1 good weights, *7(^*9 ; sound sweet lugs, good I weights, *lu(?*12 ; bright lugs, In demand at [good prices; common leaf, *lo?4*U; good j leaf, +15.@?2? ; fine shipping, *2o<$*25 ; line I manufacturing, *25^*30. Manufactured T>tbti*co : j The market for manufactured tobacco is pretty I much on a par with the leaf tobacco market. For several weeks there has not been any change in ; our quotations. At present the stock is very light, ! and there is but little demand for it. We quote fancy brands, old (tax paid), very best and tine, at from 90c. to *1.25 ^ lb.; new (In bond) very line fancy, 50c. ft>$l ft. ; medium old pounds (tax paid), 23@40c. ; sweet old half pounds (tax paid), 40@30c. ; sweet old tens (tax paid), 25@4oc.; low grade, unsound, lo@20c. ^pft. Old tax free are j gradually becoming scarce and are in good de- | mand, though prices are low. The sales at the Tobacco Exchange yesterday will give a correct view of the market for leaf tobacco. There were fifty-four hogsheads, one box, and fifteen tierces offered. Bids on five hogsheads rejected, and the others sold as follows per hundred pounds : 1 box, "jwW ; 2 tierces, $53 ; 1 tierce, *19 ; 5 tierces, *7? ; 4 tierces, <<42 ; 3 tierces, ?2H ; 49 hogsheads at *!).75, ?5, *13.75, $5.30, $17, *1#, +7.75, *7.25, 4 13.25, *H, *17, *U, *1 1.25, *17, *10.75, *11.25, *10, *11.50, *9.50, *5.110, *9.50, *9.12, *11.50, *14.50, *13.25, *14, *14.25, *7.5i?, *11, *>l, *5.10, I *14.75, *10.75, *?<, *15.50, *5.35, *5.20, *11.75, *14, 1 *?-'0.50, *5.30, *3.90, *19, *H, *7, *14. 5o, *17, *4, *4.5o, *20.60. Vixeuar.? Cider, 45c.; manufactured, 40c. Wheat.? From *2^*2.2-). Very little coming In I th ? market. Wool..? Unwashed, 25@30c.; washed, 35c. Very little demand. Wi.vu.? Port, common, *2.50@*3. Whisky.? Common, *2.1<vg*2.25 ; pure Kye, , *3.50@*1.50. Fine brands higher. CATTLE. In the cattle market, beef is scarce and in de1 mand at from Sc.(?loc., gro^s. Sheep are also in demand, averaging tt^tfe., gross, 1 for shed sheep. There are no wool sheep in the I market. Beef retails at 15^$30c. ft. Mutton retails at I 15^?25c. ft . ^ ^

\<'\v OrlcniiH Cotton. Kii^iir, aiul JIo? Iummc* Market. .May ft, IMMI. Cotton.? We have again to notice a <lnll and rather unsettled market, with only a limited supply ottering ;? t the ruling rates, : and tin; demand routined to a few buyer.*, who are unwilling to advance even a fraction over their limits to till their orders. The sales to-day were consequently confined to 1,200 hales, taken by seven brokers at irregular and generally easier prices. With the remark that it is ditlicult to buy ; low middling and middling at the inside figures, unless for Liverpool classification, ; we now quote as follows: Ordinary, 27 <fy\ 2Se.; good ordinary, 30631c.; low mid- 1 dling, 32^31c.; middling, 35<?3<>c. The! sales for the past three days sum up 3,100 bales, making a total for the week of 5,900. The receipt* proper for the week (excluding the arrivals from Mobile, Florida, and t Texas, which arc embraced in their respee. tive statements,) comprise 10, sm bales, against 10,303 la>t week, showing an increase of .59 1 bales. The week's exports embrace s,s?;2 hales, 8,007 of which were to foreign ports, and only 255 coastwise. St at n ami of Cotton. H.u.ph. Stock on hand September I, HAS c3,2W Keci"iwd to day 1,999 Received previoualy 6"i?,554? 6ao,s:?3 773,; W.' Cleared to-day ('feared previously (t(,!iil? 6ln,!i4 Stock oil band 157,34* j Hwjnr and Molasses. ? Only ten hogsheads sugar and two barrels molasses have been received from the coast since yesterday. The market is well supplied with both the foreign and domestic production, j but is very dull and depressed. There were sales to-day, however, of six hogsheads good fair Louisiana sugar at 13l,jc., and sixty hogsheads fully fair taken for" up the river at about 14,' .?c. V ?'. A lot of fifty hogsheads Porto Hico sold on private terms. Of molasses, a cargo of one hundred and twenty hogsheads and some tierces, in bond, sold on private terms. In addition to the above, the principal sales of the week were confined to twelve hogsheads fully fair Louisiana sugar at lo^c., and forty-five hogsheads on private terms. A cargo of two hundred hogsheads Porto Kicosold in lot* at '.jc. y fr>. Louisiana sugar has been retailing at 769c. i for inferior, 10gl2c. for common to good , common, IS^GI-PjC. for fair to fully fair, lOCilj'-jC. for prime, and 15^|6l6c. for i choice ; and Cuba sugar 12,o@1234c. ^ ft for No. 12, 133^@14c. for No. 14, and 15c. for No. 15. Of molasses there have been only retail sales of Cuba at 43645c. V gallon. It is quoted by the cargo at 42@45c. The last sales of Louisiana molasses were at 456 50c. V gallon. The receipts of the domestic production for the week comprise three hundred and sixty-seven hogsheads sugar, one hundred and seventy. two barrels molasses. Cleared, forty-six hogsheads sugar, one hundred and fourteen barrels molasses. The foreign imports comprise one hundred and twenty-nine barrels, seven thousand four hundred and eighty-one boxes sugar, three hundred and four hogsheads, one hundred and thirty - four tierces, and one hundred and seventyfour barrels molasses. ? Picayune. MARINE INTOLLIQENCE. MINIATURE ALMANAC.? Mat II, MW. Knn ri??? ....5.0* i Moon rl#??, A. M.. .3.00 k5.,"u m..i.>> POUT 0>" KiCliMoND, May 10. a*xivij>. Stealer M. Marin, Haiuea, Norfolk, via Citv point, United mail, merchandise and pa??e".ger?. (to Petersburg;, Haaklru A Bridaford. ? ecuooner Joseph and t ranklin, Haultliu, Now Vork, hay. (ill bal^), W T. Ktiix k Co. bl?op Monarch, Duney, Norfolk, flth to E. O. Jamen k Co., and shingles to Wilnonft Glazebrook. NAIMtD. SteanxT John Sylvester, Pout, Norfolk, Tin City Point, United States mail, merchandise and passengers, Nasklns A Brtdgrord. Scbnoner Mary A. Merrill, N??w Bedford, merchandise, Ward'well, K ok urn & Crowe U. XIXOftAMAm. Lumber-loaded schooner ashore ott' White 8hoaU ; could not make her out ? Kti >rted fcy Stunner M. .ilnrtin. SAVANNAH, May 4. , AkKlVKD A?D I'XLOAlMStt. Schooner K. H. Shannon, MarU, fcUchiuond. NEW YORK, Mat I, CHijlW. Schooner Aunio Boland, Hall, Klchiooud. AMIVW. 1 mam**

LOST, 9TOAY*Dj41CD IOST, on tho 4th d?y of April, b*City Hall. the LIFE INSURANCE liain i. Warwick. for the beneit of Corbfa W?fwirk, iwu?d b7 v Av irtiVini?r will b? imUCompany of R?w Y(*?- MBa ^ (hi Uf ???? bly rewarded by n#*t doofto of Lron* A *,nth r^' ay 11? ? the Monumental H-Hel. . fOUNI). ? WATCH s^CHAIW. ?id paying for thU adv?rtT?e?e**. ^ office. CiAIJTfON. ? All perrons are cautioned / from receiving or ne gotiatingaCHECK drawn on the Planter* Nalion?> Bank for on* hundred and forty dollar* a nd twenty -dx cent*, dated May 10, h?, tiv iMip-.iy & McKinney in favor of Thotaae 1). Wuarle* <>r hearer, said ClIECK having been lost ?iid payment stopped. myll? tt I MOIIT HUNDRED AND THIH- ^ J TEEN I'ALE H TIMOTHY HAY, landing from mhooner Joievh ind Franklin, foot of Twenty* flrnt street, In Dock, for sale by luy M WILLIAM T. KINO k \ CO._ I > A INTN, P ATNTS.? WHITE LEAD. I Linseed oil, Broahee, Painters' Color*, dry and In oil. for hale t>y PURCELL, LADD k CO., my 11 __ corner Main and Thirteenth street* 0ALAD OIL.? IS A LAD OIL, of best i ' quality, lu bottle* and flask*, for aale by I'URCELL, LADD A CO., iny It corner Thirteenth and Main etreet*. fJIlEAT DISTRIBUTION BT THB EUREKA GIFT ASSOCIATION, K-TABLISHID 1*41, BROADWAY. NEW YORK. G'?LI> HHaCRL'ETH,' (ORaL FLORENTINE, MORA lb' J KT, L A VA J| and Cameo ladies' sets* GOLD PENH WITH GOLD ANDKILVER EXTENSION HOLDERS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, SETS 6p STDD8 VEST AND NECK CHAINS, GOLD RINGS, 4c.. valued At ONE MILLION DOLLARS. ?' DISTRIBUTION U made In the following manner : CERTI FICATES naming each article and ita VALUE ant ulaoed in SEALED ENVELOPES, which arn well mixed. One of thene envelope*, containing 'he CKRTIPICaTE or ORDER for aom* Hrticle, will be delivered at our ofltce, or Kent by mail to any addre**, without regard to choice, on receipt or TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. On receiving the CERTIFICATE, the purchaser will nee what article it DRAWS, and ita value, and can then *end ONE DOLLAR and receive the article named, or can choose ANY OTHER on* article on our list ot the same value. Purchaser* ot ourSEALED EN VBLOPER may, In this rniii'iier.nbfHin hii article WORTH FRoM ONI TO FIVb HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR ONE DOLLAR. which they need not pay until It la known what U drawn, Hnd it* value. Entire satisfaction guaranteed In all caaes. THE EUREKA OIFT ASSOCIATION would c ill attention to the fact of it* being the orl? ginaland largest GIFT ASSOCIATION in Fhe country. W ?t are therefore enabled to send FINER GOODS, and give better chance* to obtain the MORE VALUABLE PRIZES, than any other establixhraent of the kind. The business continues to he cond ict-d in a fair and honorable manner. and a large md greatly increasing trade Is proof that ottr pat i <>n* appreciate this method of obtftiulDf rich ami elegant good*. During tiie past year this Association ha? tent ft verv lar^e number of valuable prizes to all parte of the country. Those who patroniie u? will receive the fall value t f their money, a* no article on our li?i I* worth lex* than One Dollar, retail, and there are no blank*. Parties dealing with n* may depend on having prompt return*, and the article drawn will be Immediately bent to any address by return mall or ?ja>re*? The following parties have recently drawn va^rable priz.es from the Eureka Association, and have kindly allowed the u*e of their names. Many other n tuK'? miyht be published, were we permitled : Andr-w Wilson, Cuxtom-Houxe, Philadelphia, Penn., oil Painting, value, ? loo ; James Hargraves, sal Broad war, New York, Oil Painting, value, $loo; K F. Jonos, Barrett. Marshall county, Kan* *hh, Melodeon, value, two: Patrick J Hyrnee, VS'aterl'iirv. (It.. Gold Watch, value, #12i ; J, P. "?!iaw, "U hn?l Twenty-fourth street. New York, Piano, value, ; Mr*. C. J. Nevis, Elmira, N. Y.t Piano, value, *3>K? ; Misa Lucy Janeway, Elmira, N. Y., Cluster Diamond Ring, value, $200; Mr*. K. Pentiover, City Hotel, Naxhvllle. Tenn., Moloi?on, va'ue, iliS; Oscar M. Allen, Company B, On- Uundred and Forty-second Regiment I ndlati i Volunteer*, Nashville, Tennessee, Watch, value, ?#? ; Rowlands. Patterson, Com* pany D, Tenth Iowa Veteran Volunteers, Oil Paint* tug. v<?lu?, tlov; Mrs. Abl>ey J. Parson*, Spring* field, Vasi., Melodeon, value, $150 ? James L. Dex* ter, Cl'y Survevor, Syracuse, N. Y.,Gold Watch, value, ?l.r'<?; Mrs. James Ely, 177 Wooster street, corner Bleecker, New York, Oil Painting, value, *loo; Mr*>. J.C. Cole*. Grand Rapids, Michigan, Silver Castor, value, %-w ; Dr. J. R. Sinclair, No. 4 Main street, 1'tica, N. Y., Framed Engraving, value. ; Hon. Luther Detmold, Washington, 0. C.j Oil PiiintiriKi value, illoe. Letters from various parties throughout the country, *i kriowle.tging the receipt of very valuable xi'ft*. may be wen on tile at our office. To KB SOLD FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH. H'our l to Value, ami not to b? Paid /or Until vott Kntito tch'U you will Rtcelv ?.

MACM. 50 Elegant Ro?owood Planoa, w->rth from $250 00 to MO M So Melodenn*, Koeewood Cases . 125 Oo to 225 M loo F l r ? oil Painting* 15 oo to loo M 100 ?{(.,.! Hunting-ca*6 Watches. 75 00 to 1(0 0# 15o Diamond Kings W uO to JW M 250 l,jt.liea' (...Id Watches 80 00 to 85 M 45o Silver Witthti 55 00 to 50 0# 200 Kill* Ste?*l Engraving*, fram'd 11 oo to It M loo Mnsio Boxes 13 00 to 45 0# 100 Silver Revolving I'atcnt Castors 15 00 to 40 M loo Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets 15 00 to MOO 5w SoH Silver Ten and Table Spoon* 15 00 to MM 2,500 Vest and Neck Chain* 6 M to MM 2,5oo I.a lies' Silver Portemonaies. ? 00 to 15 M 3,ooo silver Butter Knives I oo to 1 M 2,ooo pars Earrings (new style*). . 1 M to CM #3,ooo (?< id Ptiiicllaand Tooth-picks S 00 to ? M 3,ooo Onyx ami Am?thy*t Brooches 4 oo to 10 M 3.000 Lava am! Florentine Brooches 4 M to CM 1.001 Masonle Fins 4 M to ? M 2,ooo Fine (Jul ! Watch Keys 3 M to I M S.ooo Children's Armlet* 1 SO to I M 2,5oo *eU of B.wom Studs 1 M to I M 12,5oo Kn imellt-d Sleeve Buttons... I *. ;j 10 M o.ooo I'll. in Gold and Chawed Kings 1 M to I M 5,ooo Stone Set and Soil Kings 3 M to MM 5,ooo Lorketrt, all nisei* 3 00 to IN lo,ooo net ? of Ladles' Jewelry I N to MM 4,ooo W.itch < harma (each) 3 00 to I M 5,00o Gold Petm, ail ver ex. csoes. . . 4 00 to CM 5,oo.i Oeut'a Br.*ai?t and Scarf Pins. I M to MM t,00?) La lies' New Style Belt Buck* I. s 4 M to CM Chatelaine and Guard Chains ? 00 to MM l.oot' G< Id Thimbles 7 M to M M 2,00V tieia Lad. en' Jet and (Jold 10 00 to MM lo.noo ({..Id Cro*sea 1 M to IN a, 00'' Oval Band Bracelets I N to MM 4.000 Chased Bracelets 5 M to MM 2,ooo Ball EarIrop?, all colors 3 00 to I M 5, '0o Fine Ciold Pens J 00 to IM 2,yio N . w Style Jet and Gold Eardrop* S M to 7 M 2,500 N. w Style Long Crystal Ear?lropa 4 M to f M 2,003 (jolu Pens * 00 to CM A'HANCETO OBTAIN ANT OF THE A BO VI ARTICLES FOK OXB DOLLAR BY PU KCHA8ING A SEALED ENVELOPE FOR TWENTY-FITS CENTS. , Five Sealed Envelopes will be sent forfl.M; Eleven for #2. ??0 ; Thirty for $5.00: Sixty-five for *10, o0: One Hundred for $15. 0#. AGENTS WA.N'TF.D evekvwiibke. O'.r pitrona are deal red to send United States money when convenient. Long letters are onneceMary. Order* for SEALED ENYELOPE8 most in every eas> be accompanied by the Cass, with the names of I he person .tending, and town, county, and State Rial uly written. Letters should be addreeeed to le Managers, as follow* r GOODWIN, HUNT ? CO., Box 5,704 Poet-oBce, Now York. to tt?dAawIm* F~ LANET~ VIRGINIA'S UNRIVALLED HACK IIOKSE.-ThU renowned KACEK and STAI.LIoN will make hi* aeamii: of 1?M at Duttield, the farm of Tli. in a ? Doswell, In the county of Hanover, twaa-ty-four miles above Richmond, commencing March lit and ending July I3th. at dfty dollars the season, and two dollars to the groom. In eofitiiftertttion of th? fcsrcltjF of with the view of increaalns: the raining of blooded ato' k, the aeason i* reduced to this sam. hiiecial attention will be given to the ear* and management of mare; aent to him, but in no event wi'lh.' responaible for accidents. They shall 99 re<! with grain at fifty cent* per diem. All charge must be paid before the maree an Uk,>i'a",af?OMAS & THOMAS W. DOS WELL. lip 27? TuJiF4W* nPHB INSURANCE AND SAVINGS I ( oMPAN Y ??F VI KOJN I Awllli^lvj ??? sy on DEPOSIT and GRANT f.>t, entitling the holder to l_ on i he face of the certifeato. ? ?itice on Main street, near Thirteenth. D J HARTSOOK, President. DAVID J. BURR, Secretary. B C. WHEHKY.Ja , AaskUnt Secretary . my 5 ? 2w / 1ALDKH & HALL, MACHINISTS I. ' AM) BLACKSMITHS, 8HOP ON CART AMD FOURTH STREETS.? The andersifMd return thanks to their friende who, etnee theevaeaatto* of Richmond, have enabled them to < neia. and Inform the publis U" ' kinds of WROUGHT-IROBf m and1 CELL AH DOORS, iWJfJ CLOTH If reqaired. WAU. i any aoft of MJLL WORI, aha.'M of pablio favor, wef rr v? 'nable priee. fe 27? dsswSm National Etnui and |>Y DIRECTION OF ,!j . !? r., tjondbd WARKMMW-W# */?