Daily Dispatch, Volume 29, Number 216, 25 May 1866 — Page 4

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FRIDAY MAY l\ \m. LETTER FROM WASHINGTON Crorespondence of the Richmond Dispatch RECONSTRUCTION- SIR FREDERICK BRUCE HOPEFUL OF PEACE IN EUROPE Washington, May 23rd, 1866 The Senate commenced to-day with the constitutional amendment. Senator Howard defined the meaning of the committee's report. Amendments in great number were handed in. The indications now seem as if the third section will hare to be stricken out to insure its passage. This will be objected to very strenuously by Radicals of the Stevens stamp; but the growing disfavor which meets that clause will probably be the death of it. Sir Frederick Bruce was on the floor of the House to-day in conversation ?ith several of the nicmlter*. lie expresses ? l.ope uf a peaceful solution ?>i affairs in ; Europe. ar.d says t lie British Ministry will do nil they can to prevent war. Private advices receive*! here, however, from Paris, | by the steamer City of New York, whose dutes are two days in advance of the Cuba'*, which arrived yesterday, state that war 5$ inevitable, and that Napoleon is .....jL all he can t?? precipitate that stateof t affairs. Advices of a very encouraging eharacter have been received herefrom the west respecting the great reaetion now goinir on among the people, and radical poiitieians are beginning t?> be very uneasy at the i?.apc things are taking. Prominent eonlirvatives from Ohio are sanguine that lkrge majorities will be given in that State Jii tavor of the Administration candidates for Congress in the fall elections. Timox.

G COAL AND WOOD. heat reduction in tmi: PKICE OK Coal. ^"c bare reduced the price of our < PHQ.N1X KKU-a>II C??AL two dollar* per ton from tu<a 'lute. < ,'vul k> jit ??</? r oor?<\ K. J WHITE. Yard MUilh side ol (he IV?rk. I shall be pleased to supply my friend- mikI r It ?? public from thi? yard with ?%?;?! "upon which they can rely. jmySl? ts] I*. H. HOY. 1 >i:M ISKKTmN iV CKKW, drillers in 1 COAL a.\I> Wot >i?, office Seventeenth -trect, 1'nrr and Dock. !>? -t KKI> and WHITE A?(l \ NTH UAt ITK CoaL, for grate*. Move*. a 11 <1 foj: Jiv Cl.oVKK HILL Ll'Ml* am! AYEK .i ' < fc < OAi. . ?'AK !>m.J PINK WOOD. nth i l? t*. Vi:W JOAL AND WOOD YARD, -i> i oL .V E |; OP SEVENTH AM> ("AN A I yrr.KLTS -A.NTHUACITE and M 1 DLoTH I A N C?JaL and WOOD for sale hv HLfOI) & PENDLETON. N K -OM#r? pri-mptlv ft 1 !???! . de 11? ts E to ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. ? J. i IU'.Mr. littilder, Governor i , kiivI. oppo-lte Whig Building, l- prepared i.l ri ?ke contract* for h It kinds of |t(t JLIH NO, i to ixccu!'1 work in In* line in nil il- branches. ! promptly atten tod to. P >tKI> w B" \* ES for merchant* and other* m iE u ' . i ?! r . 1 at the shortest notice. Tut* i>c*t material* used in nil work, and the JdWrtl prices charged. my 16 ? 3m AVILuTm Vi >K HES, A KCH ITE< T aV:< BUILDER, cornel* ol Fourth and Cary : ?'! ?? t- Tue >ub-i r i l??- r having r. sinned tlf HI* I LI). ;M? in ail It* branches, otfer- hi* servic? to '.in friend* and 1 1? ?? public generally. as. ' ;rinr t' l in iliai .til work done by ii i m ~fi.-. 1 1* l?. of tic u<- t in. tier lal and workmanship. H:i vim: car- : i ? | on the bo?limN in Mil- cilr (orltrtniy jrrar* ?a t -Malic, he flutter* l? i in* ?? 1 1' that satisfaction w.ll be g?v.-n to nil t\ bo in. iv l?..~|. .w upon Ii i in ili^ir , inronnK - * WILLIAM EokBEs. ?p Jjtn "117 ALTER s. WEST, ARCH IT JUT a \l> BCiLDKR, i? |T. | "?r. d to furnish DKS I ? ? X s PLA N >. and IHCATluNMor build- ] in. k of ? vt-iy de-cription, and to superintend oi ; C .tract ?o IniM'i f tic ?aiiie, in any part of the Slate, if lesired " lite. No 1"> Main st.eet. (up flair-, ) Rich- ] in 'lid, Vn. Ii?h 2T ? ?'?n? I rlV) THE WOMEN OE TIIE SOl'Tli. J. Klchmond In begirt with an army of Conf? do Xu ? nead. Tnt b allow .*d pr>*cim Is ol our ivini i?*i 1 arc rendered -> 1 1 i 1 ninr?* sacred t>y t to ir /ii? v es-- to b-< conned ??v t n- of thou?niid* martyred If to- * , mound were bloody l?ali ie li'-ld-. ?'? ' lo r.were the MOft crowded h?"pitnl". 1 he <l?ii'i ot trtu aro blerpmn in llollywo?'d and Oakw N.1I alone? til'-' Mill n Of \ i ix i m a are lmri?-<l If iv. ? Tour loved and lo-t. bra cm and < htcaliou* M.i lit-, w h ia we, too, learned to love, n po-i .i l.- y -vli? with our* Thi> greater proporjtott <d .V''UI '" ~t Ri.i hrave-t TOtt Ii-- men, t heet^d by vour til - k ,d i>.ren.:ilfii-<i liy your prH\>r?. came I" \ ir- . a lia to batlie for our coiniiion call- . .'ia'.v. oL '? lu >e many of ilu m fell on i.:ttif*i.' i>tor died In our Ito-pitaN, the > utitii- ?d d'-e ?n- j ki-ndertd ! v the ? xpoBur? - of . rduoii- ciiiii|Miu ii?? , liieie i- ???? com try upon who*** roll ol li ? ? ' i | be inscribed tile nameHof the ? 'onf. d-r?!?- j dc?d. They died for and with ilndr can v. rtieir c-iurage and devotion obtalm dib | rt ? It - ot admiring nation- Hut it i- the rec>dheti> ii "I tii lr ?utli i hk". th< ir patienc?'. and th?dr unit iiely ?'id thit tu?-?t t< nd- rlv endear- tif ir iii-morv to ii?. |?yjni,'. tui y tell u- th" guanliaii.-hipof ib.-.r tr 'COs*. n i- a grateful servic**, dii'' alike to ilo-iu t h I to th*-tr fcui vi viiuc friend- Let u- keep^p-en rile tltrl ubove then heads and build monuments to ja irk for ^feneration* yet to come the place <d theii ii ?OCleiy ba? been formed In Ihecily of Rhh- t mond entitled '"The Memorial As??h '.atloii. lfi obU c'sof this Society aire to collect fitnda to he applied in enclosing, arranging, rettirfltiK. aiul othel wiae placing in older, the graves of the t on- ( l? i. ra*e uead imei red in the cemeteries ol llich- i jr.otid. ei' thai 'be name- of our lalleii soldiers mi^v b? I vrmaneuily ]>re-ri ved lroui oblivion, and th?-ir 1 kst u?uiu places saved from the uli^htest appearutcc ol nciiiccl or want of care. All per . us who make douatlon- for the pnrpo-e cf CK'tylo^ out the object* ol thi* Society are "ltlOli'.'d a$ itiembert of tne name. vVe would respectfully buk^^sI to the ladies ol th- south 10 form auxiliary societies, co-operating with us in carrying out the objret- above Mated. A& sOOu ts -ucb i-oetellea are formed, it Is hoped 'hi'tb-A Will correspond with thia Association LvU' r? m<v '? addressed and contributions sent to Mat VN ii.i.iAM H. Ma?;? a?i AXIS President All southern paper- are requested toii.-ert ?<n.l caii ion to Hl>ov? ?nv > ? French a i'RKNsiiaw, at th?*ir 4 EXTENSIVE Fl'RNlTl'KE WAKEkiH?M8, (r ok>t:h Mais ani? Ninth ?tkkkt-.i are now receiving a large and choice selection Ol riu?ani line U?'01?S, to which they invite the ntuutioii of purchasers. Included in the stock may be found _ VaKi.hK sl'ITS ot antxin" and modern designs, ROSE WOOD, Wa1.NCT. and MAHOUA.W. in PLOSH, BKOCATELLE, Ktl'S, and HAIHCUaMBLK SC ITS -ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY, and WALNl'T: some very elaborate in design, nup?rior in workmanship, "and elexant in finish. COTTAOK M'lTS in everv variety aiul style. LIURaKV and OFFICE fUKNITCRE in ?reat vaBeAm bAD9, WARDROBES. CABINETS WANHSTANDS, TAHI.ES, HALL SE'lS, ETEOKKS, A laih*? and varied a?aortment of CliAlKS, 3IATTKh>t<ES. bl'KlMQ BEDS, vVc.. Jic, In a'lditioii lo the above, can always he found a inr 'i* a I'd well-selected asaort ment of L'A KPETIN <?, Oll-CL"TH>, MATT1NU. WINDOW S|i A litis, ] P\i'IH HAN'oIN'oS. PRINTS f??r furniture covers, j anJ J UKNlSUlNti GOODS generally, ap 14? 3m 1 I^AIR? MONUM ENTA L ClU'RCH. 1 The Jadies connected with tin- Monumental Church -ill hold a KAlR, commencing on MoN- )> A 1 , 14th instant, in the lar?e and elegant building immediately opposite the post -office. Let it be rcmeinbereu that tn? object of this fair is to raise tnett'i* to reprtlr and preserve a building and n>onuin> nt which contains the sacred dust of some ol Vlchmotn! s most honored sons and daughters. There will ben musical soiree each evening, in wii.-.U ;hc b?st musical talent of ibo city has volun-t-ere.t iuy 14 rrHE co-partnership heretofore J. exi-thiK between HKOADDUS & TALIAFERRO la iIk? day dis?olv?d by mutual consent. The baainrss carried ?fn by the above firm will continued by me. isTai K8, HAND-RAlLINUS, *C., lahricated at short uoiica. All orders left at my shop, on ? raukllii street, oj.j,,^,,^ Metronc Iltan jjnll will meet with prompt attentkou. ap 23 -is M. W UKOaDDPS. 1 Rocket t h krick wi^hks I CREW ft WATTS. PR??PRHToRS.-W? Mt. j>o?e prtparvl to deliver oik- hundred and seventy Jive thousand of th? beat hand-made K fcT Th Bl'i l.l'INli BRICKS In quautltie* wanted i,y i bulldi-r- a?d jobber*. Orders lett at the wttce o| C CKEW & SON, aoap manufactured, will be pro J) pt I y tilled. mv l"-?m SMITH FIELD R A CON. ?A lot ol beautiful 6JI1THFJELD BACON on bandand lor sale by 8TK\ ENS \ PEORAM, M?y I* Ull Broad ure. t. T^URNI8HIN<* GOODS*? Gentlemen's lTnden?hlns, Drswera, Socka, Su*pender?, 'lie-, Q ores. Ac., In great variety of styles and price*, at WfcKTfcNBAk'LK * WILLlAMb' '. tf, || 1<?* Main straet. CEMENT AND CALCINED i'LASTKK.?Tbr?e hundred barrels CI. MEM', pile hundred and flfty barrels K CALCINED I'LAsl LR, ?VpSST"-*' ?"?*!?? * I-8TTVJOH.1 BANNERS' OIL.? TANNERS' OIL 10t o! Ub/CHALKLEY ft CO., Thirtoenth, Bv 73 between Main and Cary streets. Iiot'R HL NDRED BUSHELS DRY h'.Vh VlVjS y* ft ^-.Thirteenth, my M be-ween Main and Cary atreete. TTMRKELLAS.? SILK, GINGHAM, \J and COTTON I'MBKELLAS in great w?urielyr e -e inaed from the uianufact urera for caah, and % j* ' ifuTUBAXU * WILL1AM9,

IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRIES. |H) HriLUKKS and cxVnthaiTJ.TOKS ? Wo are prepared to furnish you with IRON OK ATINOR, TORS? We are 1 K ? ? _ VAULT OOoks, VERANDAHS, . FENCING, anil every variety of FORGlNO FOR HOUKl WORK. NORTHERN PrrrKS. < all And *ee u* hfforw i ?>nir.?rl iii^ archer * o??odwin, Vulcan Iron Work*, n|> S ?m corner of Bynl and sixth atreet*. rPoli.\rco FACTORY MACHINERY. 1 SCKKW'S AND PKKSHKN, FLATTENING Ml 1.1.8. A<\, *??.. mMtic and r* i?mrc?1 in th<> in??*t thorough and workmanlike manner, ?n<l WARRANTED T < > U1VE SATISFACTION, at the Work* of TIIF. PNION M A N IH ACT U HI N 0 COM P A N T, l'AK\ ?1 HrCT, BKt OW FlFTKESTH ST*KBT, . whore Mr. JOHN HANCOCK, wh^ h".< been engaged expr?*?*ly for tlila work, trill be happv to *??>? hi* old friends nnd cu*tomer?, KinOtiK ifatf olde?f nod best TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS OF RICHMOND. mh 1? t* I > K A S S F O U N DHY.-I would I J Inform my old customer. and the public genera I ly Hint inv HKASS FOUNDRY I* ?k'4Hi in opera(ion, and that I am prepared to fill all order* in tny lhu? promptly and on favorable term*. The Foundry Is <?n ( ary street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth Mr>?ef*. Ja S2-t?? W. F. JINKINS._ T I>. BROWNE would respectfully ff ? announce that he ha* resumed business on B.mk street, near Ninth, and la prepared to make *> t repair IRON RAll.lNtiS, VERANDAHS, UKAT1 N(i VAl'l.T and CELLAR DOoRS. HINGES, * . II- will K l.PAl K and ITT IP PRINTING PRESSES and LIGHT MACHINERY of all kind* ?d dl t loi 1 1 hereto, ha vlng * upe rju > r f*c i ll t le *4 w ; 1 1 execute all order* for G( and in M OF EVERY r>Esi;WPtioXr?nd repair iron ill respect fully solicited. \R1NE IKON ANI) vr . , L BRASS FOUNDRY, rhe subscriber* hare associated thernselv.* togetner I. t the purpose of conducting th? t, 'k''\AND BRASS FOUNDRY BUSINESS H ni l If* hmnrhea They *?licit the patronage of tli? ir friends and the put.fic generally We ), .r.. procured IIoLI.OWWaRB from original pattern*, and as we intend to make that our prtneipal ohm He**, w.. ar? prepared to receive orders and fill them promptly, at Baltimore price*, d i y'"" " K ^ "Duet, below the York River <*AMI PAID FOR OLD IRON, BRASS and cop. . A LFRED S. LEB, . *? WILLIAM L. COX. DRUGS. MEDICINES, & ic. SI'mV,1 F,r F< >K 'BETTER. ? On r "8PE* \r..r?t !??!! "i'l- ,ilj' 1""' P"H,,'vely cure the worat ca*e.*..| 1 cii, r an<l lilnK Worm. Read the \lu :?,!nP C''rUti\M{' ,r"'" ,he I" 'I'" '?*r and well. tvar^housJT ' of Tobacco at Public RlrHMOXn, Va., April 12, 18C6, Me>"rs. M--a<|.- ^ Bak?r : (?entlemen,? 1 lake , Mir., in adding n,y testimony to vour ''M,? Hirf I f J ,'V'" "n" "nd 1 bad been afil c >dfi>r at v..v,u \, ;tm witli a verv ai'iTM v.tie.j and dj^fltiirinjr tetter on both of uivhand* .(?id land tried, in vain, many remedlea. One viti ? r \'!r . ',rt" ?'"t'rely and effrctnallv I'tr. .1 me. and my hands are now a* emooth anil fair as any ones. H. J. VAUGIIAN 'Hie Inspector at Public Warehou-e. 1 rice, fifty cent* a vial. Prepared only by MEADE & BaREk, a, 1 racttcal PiiHrmaceiiti*ts, a?' f3 corner Ninth and Franklin aireels. /iLEANSE THE DLOOI).? With cor- \ . "ii.t, disordered, or vitiated Blood von are 1,11 nv**'' It may burst out in pimiilea, or -ore., or in some active disease. ..r it may merely -11 depressed, a fnl good for'notliina;. i?^ fun!,!'"""'* vWK while your l.lo.-d ii, ." ,A^ KK.> SARSAPARIL1.A purge, out 0 se impurito-s and stimulates the organs .if life . i?o. Kjro,ls Hr,"1'n? r""t'^iiiK the health and ex?II i ik d *ease. Hence it rapidly cure* a variety ' c ifujilaifit* ? hu*h art' < }?v iMiimrify of th#* ST Srrofula or King ^ Kvil, Tumors, v, V I t'-.l'W'l'oi'N 1 "Hides Blotclo s, ft..i |M v SI -v * Hr??. Ro?e or Krvsinelas, Tetter or ? i*t li.aeiim. Seald li' .oi, Kim; Worm, Cancer or < .nicer..!!* Tumors, Sore Kves, Female Disease. \viii "S Irregularity, Suppres?ion, h; ' 1'a i I,1 ??' " S.vl'l''lis. or Venerial Vie "1 V L-..'" r,( '""plaints, and Heart Di-ea.es In A hR s .sAIisAPAKILLA. and f..r voui. tile bl ?VLr'^ K it cleanse* tti" h|..(?| mi.. I cur-s tli. se disorders t!ft-vet*rK Jh?, P?blic hare been misled r ,. - r v l1""' |;r, UMUl'nK toKive a.juart of L\. | V Hr* 'I'i'rifla tor one dolhir. Most ,.f th-se V'nr, ;r7i' ,fir'' ,'1- ??? >'i tl.e sick, for they not ,?,lv ? ?? .'..in ii de, ii any, 8ar*a|iarllla, but often I Ul.lfive prfip >rtieM u-lialever. lie lice, bitter ills:^VTTJr ll.,'V ">M ,,f "le various M. hi . W|l',ri \w,1,dl "1? market, .i "*ell lias become svnoiivmou? , '".V ' !"'at- StiI1 we call fill's com. ,.. """Morula, and Intend to simply such It . iy .1. . ii. ill |...cue the Ir. Ill llje load i.f ?;'?l<-l?> which iv.is ,,p;.? it. We think we have m.'t i I |!v ,I,'i'i,K " vir"" s "re in-. r, th/ "rdlnary run of i|,e disease, it iH . ,l"". We can only a.Mirf the sick h.? we of., r I ..in the h .J af|.?rative which we me w how i?. luce, and we have reason f.. be1. hy J. n the Ino.1 ? tl"? (nal j.iiiifi. r o| (he tilood \ e| ili.rt.vei. | |,v anyhoii' A \ KK'.n PHEKKY P'K( ToR.\/, i?.? u ni versa ilv i :;;;;:11;!'- ' ;;,rrfv ",h-r '???"?e.iy i.? th.. t "?{-.b-. '"M-. Inff.mn/a, Hoar-eiiep*, Cr..ut? r ?! i t" f <*' 'I'I'V" /'?"isumptiori, and f..| ilie r ii. I ..f ( oiisumpfive Patient, in advanced sine. * of the .1,.. ii, ., ,, j, he.e recount H ? v I- virtues. Phe world know* them 1 r-l"-re,lly J.C. AYERfcCO., .. I,, , Lowell, Massacliusett*. H(LLl" LAl,u 61 4CADEMY OF THE SISTERS OF f Al? "LV ?;!'lttl'.IN.|A '' '"";'Vr "K aUSTKHMrf : with lied ling, washing, mending, and .foci. r s fe -s, per annum $2u0 (,0 I II Hon, p.r :? ii ii ii in, m the regular and ordinarv course, range* from i.->? lo 4<1 00 , 'V r,:'1n" l'?Han, Spanish, and I.af:n, orvi extn. charges, p. r <juarter * o<i OniMr, com. per., iiart.r.... V, no ? j .-ii oil Harp, co.|? p, | <|Uaiter ^<5 00 ? !' v '"''i' ? ias. t,,.iK per ?iuarter...! id 50 ?' J ' ? ?.o<al. private |euso ,s pi r.|iiarfer ou hmhrontery. Drawing PaD, ting' iiiW^er and , d Fancy Work, also form extra charge*. hlZ!,l,VV rC\"r<l ,h? Mwth refer . r!i '? "Ix'I' W helaii s notice In the Frttiwin of th.. i'ufh Januarr. A tdre.s DlRKf'TRKSS OF THE ATaIIFW dp MOUNT DL CUANTAL. near Wheeling, VH [Extract of a letter from Bishop Whelan.] WmtKMitfl, January 6, i*?6. The verv remarkable and highly cultivated i ,1 v.'5!'' ,,v,t 'lie Musical Department of the Msiers in \\ heeling, unrivalled, probablv, in any institution tor female education in the country, led me, as a duty to the public, to encouraKe . "rection <.f buildings of .uch extent, and so locate. t. as to present to parents every possible inDiceinent to ivail theinselveu of the benefiu of the cl.ool rhe Sister* now occupy their new building- at Mount de ( hantal, an l will, in April he Z2r\frl 1,1 at?'0,?""jdation of two hundred ,. t- , . seuse of duty which led to the liupiox emeiit now suggest* the strong and decided recommendation which 1 hereby a.ldress to the pu blic through the Jh'rreitH ih'm Jmirniil ] truui it "ill be extensively circulated by the friend* of -ducat ion and the lover* ?d music, especially in the W esi and South. 1 have alluded only to the miislcal department us beyond competitfon. In other lesjK ct*, ] regJtrd the schoid ?s inferior to none f..?, , -.l* V- WHELAN, Bi.hop of Wheeling. M \KE YOUIl OWN SOAP BY S A VINO AND USING YOUR WASTE GREASE. bPy ONE BOX OF THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY'S SAPOJilFIEK, OR CONCENTRATED LVK. IT WILL MAKE TEN POUNDS OF EXCELLENT HARD SOAP, OR TWENTY-FIVE GALLONS OF THE VERY BEST SOFT SOAP, FOR ONLY ABOUT THIRTY -FIVE CENTS. Directions on each box. For sale at all Drug and Orocery store*, and in lot* at wholesale by WILLIAM M. ELL1C0TT k SONS, NO. 3 SPEAK'* WHiKf, mb 2? d?ui BALTIMORE, MO. Keep cool and buy one of THOSE CELEBRATED CHARCOAL WaTERL' Fks manufactured in this city by DAVID PAHU A SONS, and for sale at KELLOOO k GIB*o.N * t.hin* More and UREtiOKY BIMTHERS lurnlshWig Main afreet ; M. EVANS'S China . tore, ii^t Broad Mreij, near Fourth street, Jind at i'l!, 1 ir';'i 1 H^fenth fitreet. We warrant r Water-Cooler* to be had in this JlvV u r y- David parr et sons. JL H_ N" I Fifteenth fctreet ^ QL I V F>S, s\V EET 01 &c7 Superior M'ANISH ?>I.1VKS. iu ,.,??? Jllr. also In two.gkHon kmra - J?r ? CAPKK S t:APrC|NF?S. * ' 1 ANTON PRFKERVF.D OINOEK *! 1 1 "'.t''"1 J>*<lle?? the rvry best and purest article in market~-tor sale bv LOOIK .1 ROKS] KD X , my 21 _____ No. wjIIainatreet. 'rnrssEs, tkusses, or i-vorv v?. 1 riety, *i/e and patent : BANNINO'S celebrated BODY BRACE. ABDOMINAL Kl'PPt?KTBUS, ELASTIC KT'M KINGS. JiRI'OS, MEDICINES, Jto? A.:. We have on hand the largest atock of TRI'SSF.S in the city, and Invite all in want to give 11* a oall. WOODKOOF BROTHERS, my 8? la corner Fourth and Franklin street*. WHISKY.? JuHt received, u further ?upply of the celebrated XKIOLIK WHISKY mi PALMiH, uaht&qqk * CO.

FtJRNmJKE. ETC. H A HIJSToN A HKOTHEK, FURN1TURK T>K \ I.ERS. would retp?ctfiilly Inform their Irienda and lormet patron* that they have reanmed bu?tiie* ? ai th,.jr NK*V MTOKK. on C?ry street, between Ninth and Ttntli, vlittru they will 1>? hnppv to wee them, an ! will fnrniah Anything In their line at reasonable price#. IIARLISTOJC k BROTHER, Ctry atreota, my" |>)>lw??a Ninth and Tenth. CABINET FURNITURE* FIXE HOME MADE FURNITURE. 1 wi-h to inform my old omtomor* nod the public generally thai I have on hand a good assorttm nt of FINK FURNITURE, OK MV OWN MAKE, whirh I will hi* 1 1 a* low* hi ran be bought elaewuti1, of ROSEWOOD, M AHOOANV, and WALNUT? the workmanship iu?d polish of which can- l not be anrpa*ased by any. I urn prepared to execute *11 order* promptly. REPAIRING and BOXIN'O neatly and .-awuiiy done. Intnr UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT may be ! found h ' 1 kind* of COFFINS, both WunD and METAL, with the On oat liRndlea and trimmings. A l*o, A1 K-T1UUT CASES, tor transporting the dead. 1 will give my peMonal at'ention to thi* branch of bu*ine?* at all hour*. II. A. ATKINSON, ^ (of the old firm of Belvin A: Atkinson. 1 *"?* | Governor street, above Franklin, Richmond, Va. ap 25? t* DENTISTRY. T O 11 N M Alio X Y , DENTIST. fur ?/ many vear*ansocialed with Or. Jons C Watt. reapectfallv inform* hi- old patrona and all other* ) who may need his service* that lie has removed hiOFFICE from Fourth street, and can now be found at hi- RES1 DKN' K. <:'ih Main -tr. et, between Sixth and Seventh. Will practice bin profession in all ! it* branches. ARTIFICIAL TEF.TH Inserted on Vulcanite, Gold, and Silver. j Office open at ALT. HOURS. The highest price paid for OLD GOLD I'LATE. : ap'Jl ? y I) AVIS O N, , P . SURGEON DENTIST,^?*?* Office and residence on M ? in street, between Eleventh and Twelfth, jnst below the National Exchange Bank, where he i- belter prepared than ever to give hi* patron- the lull benetit of hi* profession. IL' will EXt'MANOE N EW TEETH on the Improv. d ha- ?? for OLD SETS OF GOLD. All work warranted for at least five years. Those requiring his service* need not neglect their teeth, as he will accommodate himself lo th?-ir circumstance* and the times. Patients from the country can board with him at his residence without charge while having work done. tub 24? (tu I \R. GEORGE B. STEEL, 1" DENTAL SURGEON. (f Office on Main, between Seventh 1 and Eighth street*. Richmond, Va. ARTIFICIAL TEETH inserted upon GOLD. SILVER. I'LATINA, and VULCANITE. Natural one* EXTRACTED, FILLED, and KEGI'LATED. Frac tn res of the Maxillary Bonea, t'left l'alate, and ail diseases of the mouth', attended lo promptly and in the most careful and thorough manner. de 1*? Orn Dental notice. John 0. WAYT, DENTIST, having recovered his health, has resumed tht practice ef Dentistry in Richmond, and respectfully offera his services to his old friends anu patien'ts, and all other* who may need thein. Office and residence No. -1j i'r.mklin -ire. t, two doors we-t of Ninth street. ja tf? 'Wii*

DRY GOODS. SHOES. &c. / 1 HAND OPENING OF NEW DRESS " I < . ? m > I > > . ? iu-' reel red from the auctions in New York I li a largest and !?!?? -t ? k <?! DKE>S (?0< \ i r v>t ? . M< / Hnbinu. s at l !ir?ccnt* ]?*t yard : English Barege>, satin ??tripe, at '.'5 per vard ; splendid new bar< Anulai-, flue Mozambique*, Pari* rlildi, Brocade Hernanis; a!?o, Black Bh Shaw]*., Bro< -s il?? Hernani Shawl*. beautiful rirh s?ty something ? entire It n.-w tall at nnw at LEVY BROTHERS, Xft. 15 Main ~t r?M-? . Successors to .1 A< "K A. LRVV. iny N TEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! .1 tint r? reived, a bemifnl stock of DRESS G < m ? J? s . X < ? T I < ? N < , & , < HEAfKK THAN EVKH, at THE ? *11 E Al* f*TOKE t?F RICHMOND corner of Hro til tii'l i x f 1 1 ? r HA.NU.SU.ML BAUL<-K SHAWLS .i?:\ V-* II K UN A.N A *11 \WL< only ktnrth <?". EN0L)>I1 HA REG E> --uly BLEACHED COTTON, UJ, 2e, and ? ? ? m n? BRoWN CnTTON, only IV ?.<?'?!? CALIChEs, r.'J. . call whi.v and m-;? ri;E bargains W. K. POLK, in y 1. new N<>. 5'Jfl l>r* <t Mr. el, comer of Sixth. THRESH ARRIVAL i> ?? D R V << " O l> - . ii.\, A T MA V. HELLER BROTHERS . Ni'Kiiiwk-t t "k.nkk mxtii am> BK"*r? *tkem*. A li if as*orliiieiit of good*, embracing Hi! the Lite <l|Vll>!> of DRESs GOODS, FANCY NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS. SILKS, MANTILLAS, and DOMESTIC GOODS, have Just been received. \V<; invito our friend* to call, as wo are certain to please all who favor with their custom. my r.-ta M A V , II ELI.ER & BROTH ERS. floors AND SHOES ** OF ALL KINDS, at LOW PRICES, at MAY, HELLER a BROTHERS', my 3 ? t- Broad and Sixth street*. m?RINO TRADE, ISGG, H A L L ii HUT C II I S O N , Importer* and Jobbers of NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, and WHITE GOODS, (al the old *tand of Thouia*, Hughe* & Caldwell,) No. 7 1'KAKt. OR Fora I'EKXTH stuff t , between Main ami Cary Richmond, Va. We are prepared with a large and elegant stock <>f GOODS for the spring ttade, and respectfully invite an examination by our friend* and the rra<t? ! generally. uih 5 BOOKS. STATIONERY. &c. /CASHIERS OE RANKS AND i V' other hu*iiiess institution* can liav? their A< - ' count Books, such a* Individual Ledgers, <?. io-ral Ledgers, Journals. Offering Book*, luscouiit L<?Ikers, Scratchers, Clierk Books, Blank Book*. &c., Ac., made at oar Book Blnderv ami Blank B<?(.k Manufactory in a* goo<l stj le and at a* low price* :*.? at Mimilar establishment* 'north. Also, f??r sale the ' hex| of STATION KKY for offlce u*e. WnoDHOIlst A PAKHA.M, Booksellers, Stationers, and dealers iu Piano-fortes, my 1* Governor street, near Main. DICKENS'S NEW BOOK. JOSEPH GRJMALDI. By Charles Dtck*i,s. 75c. GOLD BRICK By Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. *T. MARTIN EVK. Bv Mrs. Wood. *2. ALLWORTH ABBEY. * By Mr*. South worth. *2 ! FORTUNE SEEKERS. Bv Mrs. Souihworth. ? OUR MCTl'AL FRIEND.' By Dickens. Al. , M1LE1TK Bv Bulwer. *t. i TOiLKKS OF The SKA. Bv Victor Hiico 7f?r. ! RECOMMENDED TO M ER(. V. ?2. KKNNETT Bv Bayar.l Tavlor. **.88 I'N DER THE BAND. *1.73'. SON OF THE SOIL +1.75. LCTTKELL OF AKRAN. Bv Lev. r ?!. WIVES AND DAI'OHTERS. By Mrs. tia*ke||. ! fl.&u. For sale bv ) A. H. CHRISTIAN A CO., my 10 No. *11 Main street, opposite Spot*wo??d. rp<) SHOEMAKERS AND LEATHER , ? DEALERS. We will receive to-day HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER, FRENCH, GERMAN, and AMERICAN CALF SKINS. which we will sell In anv quantity at low prices. O. II CHALKLEY A CO., HIDE AND LEATHER DEALERS, THIKfKKMH KTKFBT, RETWKB.V Main i.S'li CaEV. my 7 VT" EW GOODS. ? Just received, a lnruo ll supply of beautiful WAITERS and TEA TRA\ ". of direct Importation, inset* or singly, at very low prices. J. W. SNELSON, Agent. comer opposite Ballard and my M Exchange Hotels, Richiuorid, Va. KI-: R ( > S E N E OIL! K E ROS K N I C OIL ? ? PL'RE KEROSENE OIL at SEVENTY - FIVE CENTS per gallon, forsnle by JOHN W. R1SON, Apothecary and Draxgist, ?h 1 Main mo! Third streets. MISS U I BBS WILL GIVE VOCAL AND INSTRI'MBNTAL LESSONS by H-p month or quarter. Six Doi.i.aaa t'KK Mt'STH. Ap?>ly at tM Arllnttoii House. at w ? CHERSE.? Fifteen ~boxe? GOSHEN , CHKKSK, on eouslvnment. for mI? bv M WaLlAil T.WSOACO, I

HOTELS AND BOARDING-HOU8ES. HRnROE L. PET r?>I* . WILLIAM JT. PKTTO.1. VIRGINIA HOTEL, f STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. UEOROE T# PEYTON A ro.. Proprietors 15. F WEBB, Superintendent. TliU commodious and popular Hotel i which has been closed for several year?? has remodelled, painted, ami papered, | In the he*t stvle, ami furnished with NEW AM) ELEGANT FURNITURK, I ami poNweswes tn> w o very modern improve ment for ih" omfort ?>f It 1? n?>w rt<>/>'itnl, and j kept In a My I* NOT SURPASSED BV ANY HOTEL IX THE STATE' It ii> pleasantly located In the I moat busine** portion of the town, one hundred ! yards from the railroad depot? not so near as to' cause the guest* to be annoyed by the runuing of I trains, nnd the noise and bustle at the depot. THE POST-OFFICE, ADAMS EXPRESS OFFICE. AND A FIXE BILLIARD SALOON are in this building ; a good Llrery Stable la also 1 connected with the Hotel. Stages on the rarious i line* will take passengers to this Hotel, and call for them when they wish to leave. 5 Omnibussos to and from the depot tree ! Having long experience ar> hotel-keepers, ilip proprietors trust, with moderate charges hnd libe* j ml policv. to maintain the favorable reputation of the OLD VIRGINIA HoTEL. GEORGE L PEYTON & CO., Proprietors. P. 8.? Ottlce of tho Valley Staije Line in this | Hotel. id y 15? ts | ORANGE HOUSE, AT ORANGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD DEPOT. LYNCHBURG, VA. HOUSTON RUCK tR. Proprietor. This celebrated Hotel having been KEFUR N IS 11 K D and REFITTED IN SUPERB STYLE offers .SUPERIOR accommodations to the travelling public. Traveller* going north and south will tina meals ready upon the arrival of trains, and sutll i ciont time allowed. The proprietor pledged him self that it- well-known tir-l-clas* reputation shall not bo surpassed in the Union. fe 19 ? ts OA KI)i>T< i. ? Mrs. DI'VAI L, Main.; between Sixth and Se/on!h fctiweU, lias some Tory coiiifurtablo uuoccuidqji r< .... for i.jarders and . .n. I iktt a f? w u;o. e Y BOARD-US. fe 13? In __ I K>A II DING.? Miss HIlHiOOD, south' X) side . M.i . . ?co I d< r ahove Seventh, can take a few more BOARDERS, with or without lod^'lli^. dn SO ? t# INSURANCE COMPANIES. ATIROJNIA S T A T I : I NS lT 1 1 A N ( 'E j ? COMPANY. CAPITAL, ?20H, Oefl JOHN L. BACOX, President. THOMAS \V. M'CAXCE, Vice-President. WILLIAM II. CHRISTIAN, Secretary. niitrcToKi Tboma* R. Pat. r, .1 ami> At. kkei> Jones, \Vj:i i ix.tToN Gonitis, Thomas W. M< '"a.v. e, \ John L. Bai o.v, Robert A. Lancaster BI'ILDIXGS. MERCHANDISE, FURNITURE, and PER^oX A L PROPERTY OF ALL KINDS, in the city or roiuitry, insured against los.? or damage by tile on the most liberal terms. Lo>?es equitably adjusted and promptly paid, ottlce, t?> M tin street, over Mitchell & Tyler's, Richmond, Va. ap-1? ts

Montague & wiiitai/L ? (Laie of the Merchants' Insurance Company of Richmond.) INSURE PROPERTY OF ALL KINDS IN THE MOST RELIABLE COMPANIES. They also etlect MARINE INSURANCE AND LIFE INSURANCE. Office, No. 2-11 Main street, Just below the Spotswood Hotel. de 11 ? ts BUSINESS CARDS. V. RARNES A- RROTlfKK, _ Nijilli I J. ?tr--.!. M:iin and C?rv, MANl'FA''Tt'KKHS iRo.N GRAT1NOS. VAl'LT D??ORS, yi;i;andaii>. railinus, *wni\<; cram k>, it'll ;il! kind* IKON HOUSE WORK. W.-rk promptly executed at r In- very 1>>w> *t ra'.- ord> rs ?<<>1 . my 7 ? 1 in "? TOHN I!. i'AI!V,i.l > KKA I. AUENT ?' VIRGINIA PENITENTIARY, I utDiKM iti. 0I.O''K. Tlitl. i i IM M AXf? < * .% *i \ RTRKKTS KtCHStuJW, VlRKIXI otr?r? f. .r ~;i I ?? WAGONS, CARTS, WIIEELBa RRoWS. SHOES. AXES, \r., manufactured ai r li ?? Penit- nti.uv i i i!i" vkky i?k<t tint. i- . l~ orders rc-i'ffliiiily solicited and promptly attend<'d fo. my 1 ? lm JOHN W. HI SON, ?" A I'oTIi EC A RY AND DRUGGIST, CORNER OF MAIN AND THIRD .STREETS, )ii?i 'it *|ore, and offer* low for c.<sh, DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICAL*. FANCY ARTICLES, .s<?APS, PERFl'MERY, Ac. mh 10 ? t* / tOAl II REPOSITORY, oNr.?:"**, V ' SiVh.MII. I.I.TWI K.\ CAKY a N D V*?? CANAL STREET"* ? We Ii tve on h?nd. "I ? ??? ? *'Wn manufacture, u I. nv *tock ot Carriages. Coaches Hretta, Buroiii-hrti, lincioik' Pliwtons Ko< kawHy*, Top and No-Top BiiKsjles. Jersey an i K\pr. ?- \V.i,'oiiH, single md Do itile Ha rues*. Couch >n<l Bug* ry Wtiijw. Coach Material, *c., and urn prepared t . wcnri- in :t woi ktnanlil.e manner repair* on i .trrin^f, Bujjifie*. tii . arid to build them to order. our Cari !?:.?? * b. in;; ot our own manufacture, \v>- ;ir.' onaM. d w *e!l ?? tli ? lowest price* :i nd uive 'he fullest Kuiintnt*N> of una Illy mid dnrabtlitv. A ? nil from our Iriend* md the' public r.-p-ctt'tiiv solicited. f mv lj JOHN .1 osIloRN A' <*o () FFl'TT A' MrANERNEY. 1) .1 hardware RAILROAD SUPPLIES. Also, HjLelitH for the sale of all kind* Ot MA< HI N El: Y . PELT INC., HOLTS. NUTS, PAINTS, < >!!/?, kr. No. 33 l> HERMAN STREET, NEW Y " K K . H. Sr. (Ooiti.K "i j r i r, John M< Axkhshy, .Ik., la to of Richmond, V?. late of Montgomery, Ala. ap 12 ? 3m T. \VI LlilA MS, COMMISSION MERCHANT and OENhRAL AGENT for the -a h* of MANUFACTURED AND LEAF ToBACCO, A S l? COUNTRY PRODUCE GENERALLY. Office for the present near Shocko?j Warehouse,) Rli IIMo.NIi, Ya. All busine** promptly done on commi?ion. h f ? 26? ts Oil N DOOLEY, H AT MANl'I'ACrw TURER AND DEALER. UNDER THE M'oTSWi m ? D HOTEL, KH'IIMoN D. YA . i- now in receipt ! of a full stock ..nd assortment of IIAT* of ;t 1 1 grades of quality, and all the shapes and styles now m use. The attention <>t his old customers and the public is earnest lv called to this stock nf cods. Merchants and den lers are assured in no house in the Northern markets tan they find goods at low?-r price*, nor a better selection. He i* confident that an examination i.* allth.it in necessary to insure sa les. mil 27 f 1 EOR<*E A. AINSLIE, MANUFACTURER A.vn DEALER IN CARRIAGES, TFXTH sTKr'ET, BETWBE5 MAIN ANO CaHT, has now on hand a choice selection of RIDING ; YEHICLES "f the most approved styles, consist- . ing, in part, of CALECHES, COACHES. BAROUCHES, SIX-SEAT KOCKAWAYS, PHOTONS, COUPES, and LIGHT KOCKAWAYS and BUGGIES of ail kinds, to which the attention of those in want of Mich articles in invited. mh 13? ta JOHN W. CARDWELL. ? f AMl'Et, FKERDLET. / 1AK1)\VKLL iV FRKEDLKY, Mannfacturers of AGRICPLTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY, are prepared to manufacture all articles In their line in the bet*t manner. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED To ON | THE MOsT REASONABLE TERMS at the AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKS, mh 3? ts comer Ninth and Cary streets. r L I N N E M A~N, D Y E It AND | 1 J? SCOURER, south side of Marshall street, between FiDh and Six'h, is prepared to do ail kinds of DYEING, CLEANING and SCOURING, in all its brunches, at short notice. Give me a call and examine for yourself. Thankful for past favors, I respectfully ask a continuance o| the same. J H 12? flu L. LINNEMAN. OM. MARSHALL, _ . *1? . HALL k HUTCHISON, Importer? and Jobbetavf NOTIONS AND WHITE GOODS. No. " Fourteenth street, below Main. Richmond, V*. ja 3 ? ta >PYPE FOUNDRY.? Th? DISPATCH 1 lh print e.| on TYPE MADE AT THE RICHMOND TYPE FOUNDRY. Every article requisite for a Printing office at Northern prices. U. L. PELOUZE ft CO., ? p 17? >m Plrhtnond. V * HAY. ? Four hiinilrori antl forty-one tiHles prime TlUoTHY HAY, on consijfnnieiit per sf)uM>ner Annie Borland, expected dally, for sale on arrival by mv is WILT I AM T. KINO & CO. rilHOMAS J. EVANS, ATTORNEY 1 AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER IN CHANCE ' RY, practices In the Court* of th? City of Rich I tttoml aud the County ol Henrico. Office un Frank III), second d<e>r from Sixth street. ja 1J? ?? NK HUNDRED DARRELS VIR ?owl?WB?nu. [A uj m-dTTi * oiMoi? 0

railroads. HI' K*HCH< ? - I- . ItfKH K RlCHSoRP, FRKIiKRI' KRHCK") axo Potowa?* Raii.road Compact. > RlcHMU5f>, May 2J, 1"M. ) XTOTirE.? On Jin<l Hftcr FRIDAY, 25th Instant, th? fr?ight Trains nn thi? road will he run twice ft week between Richmond an<! Fredericksburg, on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS, and once a week, on FRIDAYS, to Aqnia creek. SAM PEL KI'TH, my 21 Superintendent Transportation. /1RKAT SHORT ROUTK TO THF \J north, bast, and west. via the RICHMOND. FREDERICKSBURG AND poTOMAf RAILROAD, CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIL TWICE DAILY. -ELEGANT SLEfcl'INU CARSON ALL NIGHT TIM INS? The only rsllmad route Issuing THROUGH TICKETS and THROUGH BAGGAGE CHECKS from Richmond to the cltle* North, East, and Went. Trains on this road are now rnn as follows : The DAY THROUGH MAIL TRAIN leave* Richmond dailv (Sundays excepted) at 3 A. M., arriving In Washington at 3.2o I'. M., connecting with th* EARLY AFTERNOON EXPRESS TRAINS forth* NORTH, EAST, and WEST. The NIGHT THROUGH MAIL TRAIN, vrifh SPLENDID SLEEPING t'A KS attached, leive,. Richmond daily at * P. M., arriving in Washington *t S A. M., connecting with the EARLY MoRNING TRAINS for the .NORTH. EAST, and WEST THROUGH TICKETS and THROUGH BAGGAGE CHECKS to Alexandria. Wellington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and ail the principal cities in the We*t. For further information and throngh ticket* apply at the otlice of the company, corner Broad and Eighth streets, Shockoe Hill J. B. GENTRY, General Ticket Agent. Samtet, Rrrn, Superintendent. my It Richmond avi> Damvim.f Raii.ro an RrcH.Mo.vn, .May 2, vrOTK'E TO TRAVELLERS.?' The I.! public are hereby informed that the different railroads on tiie line from Richmond to the Snath, via Danville, Va.: Greensboro", Salisbury, Charlotte, Hir., N. Chester, Winrisboro', Columbia, Charleston, Greenville, jtc., S. C.; Augusta, Sarsmnah, Macon, Columbus, Athens, Atlanta, Sc., Oa.: Montgomery, Sehna, Mobile, \c.. Ala.; NewOrleans, La., Ac", ure now completed, thus giving to the traveller the shortest ami most direct route to the various points Month. The route paimea through .. salubrious and healthy country. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN leaves Richmond daily, Sundays excepted, at 7.4? A. M. Arrivesat Danville at 4.50 P. M. Arrives at Greensboro' at -? . So P. M. Leaves Gre. n -boro" daily, Saturdays excepted, at p. M Leave* Danville .laily'at .*>.45 A. M. Arrives at Richmond at a.t.'i P. M. Trains connect at Burkeville with trains on the South -tide nilr-id tor FARMVILLE, LYNCHBI'RG, BRISTOL, KNoXVILLE, DALToN, CHATTANOOGA, MEMPH is. Ac. THOMAS DODAMEAD, my 2? ta Superintendent. S?3P A? I HO INI A I'KNT 1 1 A I i RAI LROAI >. V The following regular trains will be run on this road on and after MONDAY, February 15 : A MAIL TRAIN DAILY (except on Sundays), between Richmond and Staunton, leaving Richmond at 7.45 A M. and Staunton at * A. M. A NIGHT MAILTRA1N between Richmond and Gordonsville, seven times a week, leaving Richmond at 7.15 P. 31. and Gordonsville at 12.30 A . M . This train make* close connections with trains on the "ranxe ai d Alexandria Railroad, and avoids the delays at Gordonsville cm the former ni^ht schedule. By this train passengers for the Southwest will not "be delayed in Lvnchhurg. A Till- WEEKLY MAIL TRAIN, leaving Staunton at 7 A. M. for the West, on Tuesdays, Thursday.- and Saturdays. THE. MAIL TRAIN leaving Richmond connect with trains ?>n the ORANGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD. The DAY .MAIL TRAIN connect with STAGE COACHES at Staunton, Lexington, Winchester, Ac. The train We .t of S'twnfon connects with ST \G L' COACHES ft r Rockbr.dge Baths, Rockbridge Aium, Warm, Hot and Healing Springs, and the White Sulphur and l.ewisburg. A FREIGHT TRAIN between Richmond and Staunton connects with Freight Trains on Orange snd Alexandria railroad for Lynchburg and Alexandria . FKEIGHTwill he -ent to any point on the Orange md Alexandria railroad without change of cars. Goods purchased in Northern cities can be sent direct to any station on this road where the company ha- .'ii agent by consigning them to SI EI* II fc N IIT*NTKR. Gtiieral Freight Agent, Richmond. The charge for the transit through Richmond. induiliiiL' wharfage, dravage, storage and commix -iops, v ill not exceed ten cents per one hundred pounds, and on heavy articles will be much less. Freights will b< collected at destlna* tion. Thrnngh tickets can bo purchased at this office to Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxvili*, Cliattancn^a and Dalton. Fare to Lynchburg reduced to ?4. Tii kets it"' Lexingt -n, Va , at $11. Freight office at Ru bicon i closed at .1 P M. H. D. WHITl oMBk d.? II? Is General Snperintemlent.

Agfy Orrn k Vi K'.i m i Cm i kai ( Kill K"Al> CoMI'AS V. > Rh hmo.ni>, Miuch 31, ) t rxTifj rriiTiiKK xotkh, onl V TIIKKB tKKHJHT TKAIN* p r we. k will be run ?'ii the VIRGINIA CENTRAL RAILROAD, having Ki< iim * i> on Sunday, Tuesday. hi.i1 TliamTity ?v<>iiin^H, and arriving in Richmond oil Suii>i.t\ .'U'. Jii - t;<> .ii ! Thursday morning-. H I? WHITcoMB, aji 9 General Superintendent. STEAMERS. 1X)R NKW YORK.? ATLAX I1 T ; ' ' MAIL STKAMMUI' COMPANY.- The spun iid n< w f i<|. ?? ? htel ct? aii)-hi; HATTEKAS, L: 'V Pakkipii c??iii m:? rid' r, Al.BEM.\KLK, A i:..rH\K commander, .? .tve Richmond ?-v.-rv Tl'KSIU V niid SATURDAY ; leave .Vcif Y' rkev- rv WEDNESDAY and sATl'RDA Y. TheseSllil'S . r- entirely new, and wore built expr? ?->? I v- for th? route. Tli -v liave splendid SALOONS ami STATEROoMs. and the FARE, ACt'O^t ?ioi>ATlOXS and ATTENTION ar.' unsurpassed. Passage, meal*, and etute-room* included, FIFTEEN DOLLAR.v Good* shipped by t hit* Line are landed regularly at New York, on the Company's covered pi?r, within forty-eight hours. Shippers "are invited to notice tliat the great damage and Io^b t? v handling, and exposure t r? ? in fre< j r?-shippiiig, a? on other lines, i- avoided by this ronte. Freights lor points beyond New Y"rk wlllbeforw.irded with dispatch, ?nd no tha rge made except actual expenses incurred. These -tup* discharge cargo in New York at pier No. .M North riv-r, and ilie Company's steamer# for Wilmington, North ? arollna ; Charleston, Savannah, Mobile and New Orleans, leave from tbe sarue pier. Good* for these joints can be transfern d without expense or exposure. Insurance i-* very low by these ?1j i p?, and the economy tn time. Insurance, and condition in which goods are delivered, make* this the cheapest route from Virginia. Insurance effected at lowest rates, when ord' red. AGENTS: LIVINGSTON. Fox & CO., 141 liroadway. New York. SAMUEL A YRES & Co Kichmond, Virginia. CALDWELL i DUNN, City Point and Petersburg T H. WEBB. Norfolk, Virginia. For freight or pa?s tire, apply to SAMUEL AYIiES k CO., Agents, ottlce corner of ( .srv and Virginia streets oppo* site the Tobacco Exchange. de 21? ts .v.- ov TIIK NATIONAL express and *? TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, (Office ox Main stkket, tiKrwEE.v Thiktekxtb AND Fot'RTEBNTH STKKET*, RtrHMOXf', \*A.,) are now prepared to forward CURRENCY, COIN, VALUABLES, AND FREIGHT, TO POINTS NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, AND WEST. The tariff of charges Is based upon fair business principles, without being oppressive to the public. GOODS SHIPPED FROM THE NORTH by steamships, and marked to the care of the National Express and Transportation Cempany, will be promptly forwarded to destination FREE OF CHARGE FOR COMMISSION OR DRAY AGE. Goods called for lOiCtimU chtrge, aiid promptly forwarded. All desired Information In regard to the extent of the lines operated by this company furnished at any of the agencies on application. J. E. JOIINSToN, President. B. F. First.!*, General superintendent, in h 29? Im T^LATTENING MILLS, ? TOBACCO CUTTERS, TOBACCO PRESSES, and all kinds of FACTORY FIXTURES, I made aud repaired by CAR DWELL k FREEDf.KY, Successor* to Johv W. CltnwiLL k Co., Agricultural Implement Works, uih 5?Jm N lnth and Cary streets. SUPERIOR VARNISHES? FITRN I i* TURE, Coach, Japan, Da mar, < .trriace, Black, .ill i f the l..--t nualitv, warranted?for ?*le :?t manufacturers' price*. PI'RCELL, LA Dl> k CO., hiv It eovner Thirteenth and Main street*. CH'K AND MOSKLLI-] WINKS.-A large |.<t of my own importation junt landing and for sale bv OsCaH CRANZ, No. Bxclrnge Hlock, my VI ? at Fourteenth street. II I >A 1 NTS, PA IXTS.? WHITE LEAD. I Linseed Oil, Brushes, Painters' Colors, dry and in oil, for sale t.y PUKCELL, Li DD k CO., my it corner Main and Thirteenth street*. rpiNE Minns and collars.1 We take pleasure in directing attention to our ?lock of line Shirts and Collars as being of the best luality, and warranted to lit and wear well. aplf WKKTKNHAKKK 4 WILLIAMS. MALT.? Two hundrod buwhelK PRIM E barley malt, on consignment, for sale By ?X 1 fcOUAif T. Ki>0 4 CO,

VIRGINIA SPRINGS. THE HOT SPRINGS, BATII COUNTY, VIRGINIA. TEMPEBATrtE, FROM ??I1TY TO OHK Hf!?nRKI? A5D ?tX DKOREES, FAHRENHEIT. TARDY, WILLIAMS 4 CO., Proprietors Will be open fur the reception of visitor* Jl'NE 1st, 1*W. All the building* having been repaired, painted, and fitted out with NEW FURNITURE, LINEN, BEDS, ami TA BLfcWAKE. these SPRINGS offer unsurpassed attractions to both the Invalid and pleasure-seeker. No expense or effort ha* been spaied by the proprietor-! to make It n* comfortable and pleasant as possible to a I visitors. The HOT WATERS here hat* been well known for more than half a century to posses*, In a wonderful degree, tonic, alterative, detergent, and *tlmulatlng properties, and have become lu*tiy celebrated f<?r the cure of Kheumatlsm, Gout, Diseases of the Liver. Skm, Bladder, and Womb ; Paralysis, the result of Injury or serious effusion ; Contraction of Muscles and Joints, Diarrhoea, and Dyspepsia, accompanied %vlth soro month and tongne. New BATH-HOUSES have been erected, a BAND OF Ml'SIC engaged, and BILLIARD and BOWLING SALOONS fitted up. The SPLENDID BALL-ROOM ha* been thoroughly refitted. Route from the north, trta Orange and Alexandria railroad to Gordonsvllie; thence cf" \ irtfinla Central railroad to Millboro' Depot : thence to Hot Springs direct, over turnpike, (distance, twenty mile-,) by Trotter & Co.'* stage line. Knute from the miiiIi, v(" Lynchburg or KichDtond, and Virginia Central railroad to Millboro' Depot. Terms : $3 per day ; per week. A BAND OF MUSIC is engaged for the season, my 17? 1 in Healing springs. bath rorx-TY.-Thi* celebrated W. AT fc RiS'? * "LA < [: will be opened to visitors on the FIKbT ??r J i fc "l* civen the undersigned great pleasure to inform the public that, with liberal expenditure* by the proprietors, the attraction* for the himiihh y1""1! will be such a* to gratify both the invalid and tin -e in search of pleasure. The principal building*' are extensive and -')'>? stantial, ami, with beautiful cottage*, wil. turni*h Coiiifortnble accommodations for three hundred ri-ltor* Thev lnve all been painted, and put in thorough repair, and the Bedding and I 'iruiture in ?iverv depart ment is new . The medicinal virtue*..!' the waters are *<> tfenerally and favorably known that it would be*up"r? tiuous to enter int>> .in elaborate statement On that -til. ? ? c t : th"lr eilicaey i* attested by number* who I) ve found relief at" th'- I. untain of health trom k. .me of the m<"t .li*tre*?ing maladies to which the banian family ' - subject K -r a detailed and particular account or th?- properties of the water* apd th. ir effects, reference !- made t.< a pamphlet to he had on ajmlicatlon In ner-.-n or bv !? iter t?? 31. --r*. PURt'ELL. LADD -V ro., Kicbiiiotid. who will always have a supply ot the water for sale. , - ... , tJomplete arrant-merits have be'-n m ?d- for i.-.t and fold. Spool an' Shower Bath*, and i Hath- ; sti.<l in addition to the mineral waters, an abundant fttipply 4'f the purest freestone water ha* li. -mi brought tVoin a sping hi the mountain*, a mil.- distant, and at an e'-vafon or a thpu-'iud f? ? t. Kvi-rv ailvantaifr Iisw t.ikwi ??! Cli?* Low of water to arrange for the comfort of visitor*. Th. - - Springs ar?? delightfully s'tliafed in l?-?tli county, surrounded I > th" most h. autitul and j .ctnresque scenery, and present alt? yetfier attraction* at lea-t equal toai.y place in the mountain* of Virgin le. occupying a central position in the L'roniiof mineral springs lor w hah tlu- portion oj Vllxnii t -? i i-tlv re lei r.it> d. . . . Three miles ir.>m Ho- Hot .-prlngs, ei--h? from the Wa riu, tiii rteen from the B.r'i Alum, and twenty- .?< hr fr> in t!s <? Hoe\bri?!ge Alum, they are ot easy at". -* l.v the. Centra I railroad and it?- Connecti- ii* i ? Millboio' d. j ? ?? . a ltd thence l>v stia'"* over a tine turn nike road twenty-thre. mlies to thebprtngs. ra? n ?? on the route uv the Bath Alum, the Warm, ? and the Hot Springs,' and crossing the Warm Spring mountain. Ev. ry part o| ttii* route .- cont ei;||..l with ii'-torital im-id'-rits of ureat nit. r--t. i, ii.i the iccnery i- of unsurpassed beauty aiio grand-'ur. . . , . lt 1 \ iijiv-i.i.iii, expei i> nteil m the U*e mil el* fects ot the water-, wilt r-*ld- at the *pnm;*. By the t*t of June there will be a daily mail alid a daily lite of -ta:;e* ! r ? ? . . i MHII-or.. the ' 'The* price of hoard will he three dollar* per day : children an I servant* in pr?ip.?rthu?. A deduction (.-ii pel c. II'. made oil ail l> u- l-T thirty or . \ ? i . . . ? The Agent will *naie i:< p.isns 'o r> iid. r Mo* piate , .in t trr .i.ie ..n I - ? "'if l.orne, and ni?v. rn him*e|f, from hi* Ioii^- experience and the a-.-vantages ol III'.' place, tli.it h" ^ : al !.!?? to -' \ e -:t t i- c! ? '11 . S A. I TLIk. Ajjent. Dl V 13? -W

u >?>(*KTII?I1M il*: A I, I'M Sl'KIXr.S, VIRGINIA. Til. s.- MINERAL WATERS har- an established r put.ith ii f"i v.?rj I'm 'iv.' virtu in Mil the following d is** of d-ea-e, and a- beini; an A IIfOLl" T II SI'LHEN in - *. ? r.i I of iln in viz seijorn.A, ami rill i!ii-4f?irwM of Glandalar j Mvelliiii.- and (,'utim ???tis Eruptive IM-emn', Erysi-p.-las, T. rt?r, Ac.; MIHoXIC l>IAliRFl?KA and HVSKNTERV. PY-l'Jil'-l A. BRONCHITIS,) HRoXIC TllRl'SH, affection of th- KIDNEYS and BLADDER, and lMLE*5. In all ana mlc condition* of the system and bt k-n-ilown siat< ?? of the constitution, lo?< oi app? tit>', and tiem*ral ne?\?ui? prostration, their | ? wer* and virtue as n re?tonit i v? ? may be safely prom unrtd t" lw W1TU0C 1 A KNOWN RIVAL aifionti-l the mineral u*?f< r? i>f the WORLD. They are . specially indicated in th?? whole cla** ci' ailment* peculiar to t h ?? F' male Constitution This WATERING J'LACE i- in tlu* sanu* county witli the c. I?.l?rat>'d ?? NATURAL BRIDGE" of Virginia, and in on.- of that remarkable RT?np of Mineral and Tlieruia I WitUi> which have given celebrity to this mountainous region. It will be open to the public on JF'NE 1-T. The j roprietorH will spare no r^asnuubl* effort to ba\e the place comfortably kept. The lIALL RonM will be supplied with mu?ic , and the BILLURDand BOWLING NAU)o.VS restored to colilpl) to ortl?T. Acce-s front the seaboard i? by the Virginia ' entral railway fr.nn the North, tin Washington city ami Or ui*. ? and AU-xaiuliia railroad !?> Gordon*vi il?? ; and from the South, Tin Rirhtnon 1 or Lynch burg. to <_Jo?hen Dej . t, ih< nc.' by stage coaches, over a s|??Mith r. a -I , ??Lht tu.ie* up the \ a 1 1? y to tli>* Spring. U ATM Ok Ho (Kti . ! By the day f I By the month 3."<? per dar. The SPRING^ PAMPHLET, with aiutlyM* ar d tull description, sent by mail on application :?? Prg< bLL, L.w?t> Si Co., Richmond, or to the und'-r-j MKne.i. KRAZIER Sl RANDOLPH. Proprietor. Th?* water Is bottled, *?*c urely packed, and on sal.- at *12 5o per cas.? of one dozen half-gallon bottle* by Pt RCfct t , L i Co., Richmond ; A B Ri < Kf.K, Lynchburg : C?i.kkj.* & Ronoias, Haiti more ; He<<e*in -v Co., New York, and other le i J Ing druggist*. A single box has often saved th- ? necessity of a visit t*? the Springs A literal discount nude to tLe Trade by PUR? ELL. LADD Si CO., my 15? 1? General Agents HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. House and sign paintn<;.The tin.lt-r?lKii<'d ?r? prepare, 1 to for and execute all ord?-n? tor PAlNTINO intrusted to their car??, with neatness and dispatch, guaranteeing the best material and vrorktnaiistup. MUNS noatly, promptly, and cheaply 1. ISAAC KCHRlVEK & CO Shop 5$< Main street, between Seventh aud Eikb'h ? treete. tub Housk and sign fainting, removal. L. L. MONTAOUK A SOM r?Mu*?v?*d to their new boUdtng, on TKSfTFI TKEKT, between Main and Cary, wner?t titer ? ill be pieaaod to receive orders from their friend* aud th? public ift net ally for HOlFkK, 810.V aud OKftAMmTAL PAINTISO In every atyU0o<?d Work guaranteed Term# tnod?rat?. jft H-U * U, L, MOJfTAOUi * IU?

It MEDICINi.8. KNNULDSS CELEBRATED VFROIXU HEPATIC AND rUROATIVE, TILL THJX PILL HAS HT< ?Oil THK TE8T '?F AMPLE EXPEKI EN'JB, AND In WARRANTED TO OI VE ENTIRE SATISFACTION A few word* to tho*e who an ?keTt!|c?l r r, judlcei toward* rnedieine* of thi*rla?? 't lit* I'll I it lint III'* Invention of * a-iark or mpfxti.r, but originated with Pr T. Reni.nl t, ?* Staunton, Va., * ho *t'?i a regular Kraiua'e j,r,.i practltiom r of medicine. an.] *t<n>d in the Jir?' f Uld of hi* profeaaion. He devot? J -'?m? ytrmof patient Inr".!^ ,,, the i>li4rijM'-.Miti?-i?l combination and ther.,| . , , j action of thi* till; b'it lon? befor. , ??, (which oerurred about two year* ago,) thev n,,r* thrill reitJU d the tnost nanguine exp'''ar .or,,,r himaeif and tho-o action^ whom h** pr?< ti< ru. It 1* not 'ho object of the proprMofi ot Ihl* pin . *om*f <'?( whom are regular grada tte?, and havt>"*n practicing medicine for aome yeara? to pjini upon th" p'-opte a renedy in which they h*r? r con fid; nee ; nut, on ih?* contrary, they fan, wuh -tnceri'y .? ii?l the utmost ?*? n? I: ?l"- rir ?, rsromtt). n ! Uii.'ni? -t icir confidence Icing bnwii u|?>n many y;'ur- ?? X|??-rl*;?ir*? and trial, in talcing and pr?>crf bing M ??in. a? w?i| H? the teattuiony of many of !f,? bom rHiuhk tititena, irhoM ikombwiuIiii Hi appreciation of tbev can be teen at tb? end ..f n,.. pamphlet FA<"TS POR THE PEOPLE. This jdl I i* a certain, *afe, and ?>llic:.*nt rem. Jv, adapjeil t?; all at,"--. <on?titntioti*, and cllm.i'* r.. .j requiring H iv ?j ??rial avoidance of exp?>-ur- < r ab--lineticu more than cornrm n >. ii? u riM except In derangement* of ihe li*?-r not t<> n-i? grea*y fmid, fur llif obiiom rea?,n that ila m-c ration ("uil'' i* neco-nry toanreat d.?-r.e f..r ih?* prop t d'<,'e*tion of fatty auhatance*. it contain* no ingredient tliHt if tn any w.i/ injunou* m l - any circumstance*, and lla efficacy i? not icip.i;r<-d bv'lonk' K n?f. DI.RANU EMENTS OF THE MVF.K It i? ?>arnp?fly recniiuended forth" r?*iu?f ? f d* ranK*?inenU o| thu liv. r, auch ??. jaund.c.-, |. a cient ?*? crctlon of bile, torpor of the l.v. r, ?>pfid;?li v in j ? r? m* "f a hi?ioii? t??mp? i uu. -i.t, and a. I condition* ordinarily calb d Bil* > i .<. I?IUl>TI ^ E oKOANS. !i i.? ;?l-o admirably adapted to derangcm* ?? , i the d igcHtl V4 orjjaii'. ?ucf? a> dy?p??p!?ia, I. i -? m.icil. ? | ? 1 1 1 ( li K "I" food, lo*i? <1 ,i; ?p.'t:'.-, ; :.;? *t on, ?>!??* beadachp, Ac |i la an Indiap ital fact, that deratig<*iii?nt or th<* digeitivH oru^i.- ? , mi :( ii r ?? the lar^eal c'a^e of tnaiadie* which ?? tli? huni.tn ia?-e, and that k-ri-at ?roiirr-, A? tchoN r.i. wbl>di now thr-'at^na to tnrad? an<l <1 ? popul.it>' our couutiy, m?iii? iiot an I iuo-f in tofif *iy '?? altack th< dig?"??ive i.r. iiis , ?o, if tin are found in an unhealthy condition, how muiii more fktal mn*l U?e vpldeiuli prove. Tbw pi . H tfeaiid elllcieiit in retuo\ing con.'?iipa,ioii. wh'<-h l? Kither th?* ?*au*e or corn>* <|ii?-nc>- of almost cvi-ij ?li-ea-'' ; and therefore it- r?Mi?fi? a par?iiio .:*' conMiilei.ition, without which no other tr. .iliin n' pcrirniin nt or - :i t > ?? t iclory. An. tln-r cla-a of to which it i?? .\.o ' v ml it ed I- I ?<<! *' ijint "u , a rifting from <j> n? ? i > /. ? >f Ity, loe* of b?n? in the bowew, Inpalrnd nervi enei ;y, hyi?r.?-rical condition*, kedenlary ha.'.it-, |i ft in confidently prencrlbed for all >,? . ? ...? ilium*' a, which a re" invariably either can- 1 i . , or Hi* ni'clvi ? occ t?ion, (!oii-tip.ition In all c.iM"i of lliMiiorrhoid" ( !???!, wh^th^r blind ? r li!e?dins(, in fi i:t :t ? and prolap-n-oi the bow** - ii can lm u*?-d wiili in*.' fir?;ai?-t c< uil* >r t and ?iii ce**. In tt.o*?> apparent aWVctiou# of tlo' attended with ji tin lu the back and loin*, m-aiitv and hiuli-colon d ur.il>-, deposit* in t J? ?? uriu?. '??.inn. j'.uii in the bladder, rectum, Ac., it i- empl' v. i with iiiitii' diaU.* r> lief. in K!> niiKi/ism, and ill h> flti urn <t . ?/.!?- ? :i?v, ?'icll ii* A'< lii/fl"", /iili'iiiM v. iii " i'*r- , vVe ? ili< il are ailllo-t IllVal l.llilv ? i * ? w it!. Ctniatipatlon, tlii* Pill la highly Im iujt> >it. ? d in iif. U'cal con eMmiix, e.|iiaiuin?' tio' < .l> . lion, < ? iT 'cti ng the ?e< ret i on-, Ac in A- iiriiljm it :?? invtluable. Thou>;h ? n< voii-d. en-.-, vet i? is almo.it alway- prece. i -i ! .. aec.> i paniel "witli, derangeiiiMiit of the Liv>i < l |)ige-tive org in-, and cannot be ?ucceMtfnlly oi | ? rmate-: ??fly ctir*''! without the reatoraiion ot ; ii .ilila i'u ni won* ot tiiete organ- In lin<-, it -ov.'i'i I ; ii remedy for the r> -toration of t > ? ? ti ? ? ? function* 1 1 neatly all the Secretory and Kx f tor\ or.ran- of the "btaly, whether their d?-i.n. ? me'nt ??xi?t* :i* tin cau*e or ettecl "f otln-r ?ti-ea I';,,, j,,*,. for a ii .oi tilt l- one Pill, and, wh* u ? venieni, iu?t before retiring at night, and iep. . tt.e i'.'IIou 1114 ninht. or oftener u r-nuired. I n child flv- y. 11 ? o! . one fourth of a pill. T veari o|d. ? iie-'i ilf. Ill violent ca ? ??, filth ? . ? I i. ill - I 1 >1 IC, ob-lll . ? t ? " I ? 'U-llj'U tioll, JkC . . t WO ?dl 1 . ; l.e f .. |; n b ,* an :? 'I ii It . W.M. REXN<?l.l?s .s 1 .? STAt siojf, Janttaiy l? 1/ W ilt 'nut It' 1 n-'f'l", '*/, until. I ' Pear Sir, ?The tin l-r-igned, eitv.-n- of A i. :i 1 1 comity. Va.j dttin to exniea* |? you their deej ?. in?e of tl?e In? -u-taiiied f?y il:?* |m i ?de . lion o! s ii?? Mate ill the death of voni In fi. i.i'r Tn 1 M m ro Keiiiiohi*. who r^?!d?,', in ?<ui no 1-' i : llii! || ? V e |?, and who-e j^r* af -kill ??< a I'll) -ill !,:i I : i veil hint an acknowledged eminence among tbe i>rof< Mil nal tueu <?; lhn country . Tio ? I, rated " Retinoid* Pill," nniv"r*ally r. . ui.i 'l a 4 Invaluable on aicount "f it- won>|. ' 1 en 1 Hive prop! ?"'leu, waa the re^ultol that wi? -kill and learning which dlntingainhed bim, - I winch iiii* I'M.d- -iv- 1 him *0 j<i"rt! .? pulditi lo-n toi It l- ni-'Kt imp' ?riant, in our j 1 t^nn n*. r til'- : rr.it r- luediai .i^-'llf "It'-lli i not l>e |i'-t ' ? World. Wh tre infotined that aotne year??inr. r brother ftirniidii'd you v ith lb* reciiM, i< 1 1 1 family and neigh borhood, an ! that thi* i* h# ?lily copv of aaid recipe which i? now aval 1 ?? W. tan. lore, 11 the nam ot huiuai \ . 1 , i on ' ?? ni.ik" a pi. I<l ieatioii of it to tbe w?>i 1. \? . ? ir -I '(confident you will not object '?> do 11 j ? I II have 11 in jii'ii jh? -fion We are/'-viih mucn !? *1 V our trieud" and <?(>? it , nt ?erv . > ??., Hugh W lib -ifey, l hoiua* > U ? , I l.oma- .1 . Al Ichie, 1' A . Mi 1 **e||, lil.tihel.i l- W A ! iair. |; b. Poniuhe, M. i? , Rev. |{ Ii I'l. . !li| <i M I'ochiHM, sr., M ii ili rutin. J i . III. ( l.lWIord, Ii. v .1. Ill l? I .1 V . . W . II. Ourb' i, .1. M Woodward, II M. pell. E Price. W A. Ilnrke. A I lijiic r. *? II. I.u*iibiitight Wil. H.i II Peyton, i' K .M'con, W 1 fe-kiiilite, Ii II. I'i 1 k. E.lwin M. T.iV l?>r. .lohii B. Watt.-, Wiilimu .1 l> OH, W II Tarn?. William liM-ri.-". iv Ji. llorfe, Re V. Leo. ii. la} i-r The toi|o;rii .4 1* ai extrnct of a !? tier fr.>? . I>r r T Mribltin,', t'i di?tingui?hed - u-.-i !h' We?t?-rii Lunatic A*ylum, at ?;aui?ton. to Mi K< ninddh ? An hi 1 h in, bit Member nf my prof* m/iii, . . ' r f'i'l'ii t I 1 Ih' rrt ri/"*/" 1 '? . / i '-;i ' f / 'iiiiif in ih rn/i"?t Unit hint On '* nin ?'?- Qy othtra, ?' 'III'' lrill Jllll'lixh 1! I'' th* k''ll I'l ? Although I liHve not hud occa-i"', to n?. 1 which v.1- iv p.. par d by the late I'i Ii" t ? . I .11. 1 - it iKtied f "tn what I have lo ard iV.un m m u hohaV'- 11-. 1 hem, thatt'iej are m vain medicine, and therefore cordially unite i 1 't. ? I m t>t f? r the publication of the r? ci; e. At KX.tXio all II -M v January *, I '<W. M.nuuon, \ .1 I' it KM. iii' H HaLI., Lori-? ''ofNTV. V* .1 January lJ, l*"". ? (.'? nt i.'iiieii,? Voiir v< ry kind coiumunn itbu ? ihr !h ? ft! " pr - n* month i* received. I thank } I 'uliy :"or tin hu" c-teem and apprei utn ;l ceased brother, Ur. T. Rennoldn.ofbtaii' ion, .t- x b yniciati. I atu fnt to state that it would give we i>ati?faet ion t?< b.-Miow upon tbe p. ? j ?? : iln1 uiitrv at le.int, without reiiiunerai . n - ?? ? l? n- ht a* tin- redpe for the Kennold* M< -}??!.? !*: II-. which irn acknowledged to be I v v. 1 ? rid m my ? -1 In- r- . ? lu tact, Ii W4* my original int? ntion t publieh It so the world gratuitoniiiy, i>'if*ii u I r.tki into roi.?id.'rMfou t^nt fh>* nit. ?,ir h'* i> 't me and toy family, cooaiating of m,. a f? and three young children, In acoBtparatirely destitute c- n* ? :ion and b.'nide helm; far ad v.im ? ' n> . . I ? thai it i* a duty 1 owe to ?yxelt and fa will 1 1 k tioi pecuniarV benefit from tin- r- < i| I h 1 1 ? me future 11 ay to be able to h.'?to\t .<* a - I> on every on* . 1 -hail take *tepn \er v *oori to h iv. t'i ? : i .j iiul t< ture I on a in r\'?- %c.tl.-. mi l ti ? -j-- . lir* l ie influence of yoi;r reroiiuii'-ndtiiouA 1 l i' iitol the pill, lobe mkiii aMr i>> pj*. .- ti I IC leach of I'li-rv one 1 bene pill- eallllot Ii- - ( - chetp a* pill" geiier.ttly are, on accou it > iii.* copt of th'i material of which tli'i i ade ; but ivlien you fake into copj- ide rat :??!! ' ' ? ne i* h do*?*. and their crlaiu ai. t etl cf .al ' on, I do not think you \iill ???.||R|j, r th m c - ;> My brother kold them readily at fifty cenr- pr 'lo/e|i. I am, gentlemen, v??rv r?>pi ctfullv v . ir-, WILLIAM hfENN'>U>S. I certify thai my*elf and family Inv I ? u ? habit of uning lir. T. Rfiur'Hi'i llei'ativ Pi I ?' ? a long time, and have never had any ?? . 1- ? ? v. n to tnr any other, for the? bar* ant for 1 *?' 1 all toe pttrpoaee ot a halij pill I < ild ? ^r--. it de.il n their favor, but take t' '? r ? ' that what I ha.e -aid will Induce i -'.rr- t tr. them : and, it *0, th.'ir exit-rience, 1 h*v will accord with mine A J (iAitiitK Sr.\t a row, January 5, li'ihi. Dr T K' nnolda having l.e.-n tnv f.tin ly phT?' dan up to the time of hi* death, which occirt s ahoiit two yi ara a^o, I have had fr??4Ueni < t tiinltle* to expert* nee and w i!n?-.-A the . tf.-i ? > Hepatic Pill ; and I do not h-'*itate to i.fat.-t( I "lie\e tliey are the l/e?t lliedlclio- of the K ... . ha* r \ er b '*e|| uaed lu thU "ection of counti v V i .- klibon u?e them, and thinka- much of tl. ? 1 do Wil LI A M J. i? i?r.: ; At I.feia Col'MT, Va. Stats ro> , Va., January tI take great piea*ute tn atatli tc that I b ?v.*i . 1 lu t fi *' lu'iit of u^iiig I'r. T R.-utioliI- - II Pill* in tny family for *onie y.-ar-, and ?. ? I ? theui in e^ery re?|K-ct ?upern?r to any m- ?! 1 the I. in > I . i iiave bct-ti eux>?.ed f??r me t the Iron l^i*in? **, wnicli ren?ler?*d it n??. --i'v r,> have many peinon? lu tny einplojr. I h*?? i?ed Iheae piii- aiuoi 4 them with "uc W. a Bl'KhB. 1 harebr certify (hat I have u*ed I'r i. ?? Hepatic Pill" for aiMeral year*, both t- 1 my- 1 iu my f*inlly, and tooeldar theoi a iii<'>t > .< ra' ineuictue, auch a* #very tamuy onali: * 'I' '* Mippiied wiiii. lihiuk them greatly puf 1 .? 11 \ other pill I liave e*er tii.d January ith, l*?*'. Ttl??MA!> J Pern 1 * troubled with T"t| 1 1 Liver, t on-'ipa tlou, &e , ib'aer?e to autter if ?hcy ? .1 ??. :n Kenuolda'a UeBftic Pills lle?ber?ot u.y faally liave he -n gr? atlv benrtlted !?* t ,, !r u".' . .. . CiEoR^A U. i'bi TU>. i 11 \at orir.*v 11 it, Va. STAOTO*. Vi . January to. 1 her? bv e -rtlfy that I have u?ed .f-r a iii.tui' t <?! veara t)r 'Keiiiioiili. % He pa .c IMi. '* Hi. put' He thai t have d- nv-d im ie ??? ? ? " theui than fr?-m any pill I have e*cr u-?d in< action i? uilld a 11. 1 ijulte elhi i?lit JoH> K. S> nairr I h reby certlfvfhat I have aaed, bj4h f.a m' I,,. 1 1* and 111 rnv taiuiiy , Pr ! Kcunoid* " d Jl c Pi Ha and truly aa\ their action t? u???re .-iii u-i ? Mid ami.. factory than any medicine I bar*. ' V.-i U?ed. ami I uio?t eaineat.y rntoHiuu-ud tb tl * family keep and u?e ihefii The?e I til- !??? grille" \othlna >? elaiiae t for Ihem m? re than ?tn * .|e-er? a. baaJ aaia < " *' ; ^ Stauulou, > a To l?e ha t of all drugijlata a id dealer* to m?;dl cine e*ery where. P\iMCKLb| LADU At'lV, pru* it i>v>?iii a v.\< rhineviith atre#w/ lidMwna, Vt.