Daily Dispatch, Volume 30, Number 6, 7 July 1866 — Page 2

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Richmond Dispatch. SATURDAY JULY 7, 1866. Shall Underwood Try Mr. Davis? Of all the men that have ever lived upon the face of the earth, the Radicals in the present Congress seem to be the most unscrupulous in the prosecution of their purposes. It has for some time been apparent that Chief Justice Chase is as anxious to avoid sitting upon the trial of Mr. Davis as Underwood is to engage in that agreeable occupation. After endeavoring in every imaginable way to shirk his duty, and finding that the President is determined that he shall perform it, Mr. Chase has had the good fortune to secure the assistance of his party friends in Congress. We learn from the New York Herald that the House Judiciary Committee have decided by a vote of five to four to report a bill at the earliest practicable moment for the reorganization of the courts of the United States. The first section provides for the abolition of the Circuit Courts of the United States on September 1, 1866, and gives to the District Courts and District Judges original jurisdiction of all actions at law and suits in equity commenced on or after that date to the same extent in all respects as now possessed by the Circuit Courts and the Circuit Judges for said districts respectively. The second section provides for the removal of all actions and prosecutions from the Circuit to the District Courts. In other words, the second section provides that the trial of Mr.Davis may take place before Judge Underwood sitting alone ! As the law now stands, he cannot be tried in the absence of the Chief Justice, the District Court not having jurisdiction in treason cases. We shall await further developments in the matter with much interest.

" Murder as a Political Art." Under this caption the Cincinnati Gazette, a Radical sheet, publishes a long article designed to show that HARRISON, TAYLOR, and LINCOLN, were all murdered at the instigation of the politicians of the South, and that the same class made an unsuccessful attempt upon the life of Mr. BUCHANAN. We suppose there are old grannies in Cincinnati who will believe this story, and hold up their hands in holy horror at the supposed wickedness of our people. But that any man having three grains of common sense should believe it, is incredible. The editor of the Gazette is either a knave or a fanatical fool. Either he gives currency to this base slander for political purposes, well knowing it to be false in every particular, or else he is totally unfit for the position he holds. No one in the South will argue such a question. We feel nothing but pity for the folly which could credit such stories, and nothing but contempt for the vile slanderers who originnte them. The War in Europe-The Situation in Germany. The first movements have now been made in the war between Austria and her Germanic allies on the one side, and Prussia and Italy on the other; and hostilities may be said to have actually commenced. When the Prussian forces entered Holstein, compelling the Austrians to retreat before them, they consolidated Prussian power in the north. The Elbe Duchies were firmly bound to Austria ; Hamburg, Lubeck, and Bremen were isolated from any support of the confederation ; and the two Mecklenburgs were left no alternative but a close alliance or an actual incorporation with Prussia. In the west and south Prussia has acted with equal vigor, and with as great apparent success. As soon as the Diet voted the mobilization of the Federal army, Prussia made known her determination to consider all the States that vote in favor of that proposition as her enemies unless they would, without delay, declare a strict neutrality and refuse to arm. None of the Powers acceded to this peremptory demand, and on the 16th ultimo the Prussian army entered Hanover, Hesse, and Saxony. This was a most important and | politic step on the part of Prussia. Between the eastern section of Prussia and Westphalia and the Rhenish provinces, her western dependencies, lie the kingdom of Hanover and Electoral and Ducal Hesse, which stretch north and southf rom the North sea to near Frankfort-oun-the-Maine. The adhesion of these Powers to the Diet broke the continuity of the Prussian line, isolated her possessions on the Rhine, exposed her to attack from the armies of the Confederation on the lower Elbe, aud threatened to cut her off from Holstein, and thus nullify all the benefits she had obtained from its occupation. Prussia moved without giving the Diet time for resistance, and as a result of two days' campaign, has sole possession and control of Northern Germany from the Belgian to the Russian frontier, presenting un unbroken line to her adversaries as far south as her armies have advanced. While, then, the occupation of Hanover and the Hesses was essentially defensive in its character, the march on Dresden, the other great Prussian advance, is principally offensive. It is defensive so far as it prevents the Austrians from holding Dresden and Leipsic, and thence threatening Magdeburg and Berlin on the one side, aud Breslau aud Posen on the other; but it was doubtless chiefly intended to give a base from which to operate against the Austrian line from Karlsbad to Pardubitz, in Bohemia. The Austrian cantonments are said to extend along the Bohemian and Silesian frontier, reaching up to Cracow, on the southern frontier of Poland, the left. wing of General Benedek's army resting upon the Elbe. Should he be defeated in that position, his left might be driven in upon his center and right, and the whole shattered army be forced back into Moravia and Austrian Silesia, breaking his communication with Bavaria, and compelling him to leave an open road into the heart of Austria. A Prussian diversion in Silesia or Austrian Poland might also be at tempted, to prevent reinforcements being sent to the relief of Benedek's left, in Bohemia. The advantages of the Austrian position must not, however, be overlooked. From Coblentz, on the Rhine, through Saxony and Silesia to Oderberg, the Prussian line extends across the whole of Germany. The line would be an admirable one if it could be maintained, but it is indubitably too long for either offensive or defensive

purposes. A powerful Federal army around Frankfort already threatens the Prussian right, and the main Austrian army, massed in a comparatively amall area, can be readily directed en masse against any portion of the extended Prussian line. The Prussians cannot well advance unless they move their whole line, for they dare not uncover their flanks or give their enemies an opportunity, by a rapid flank movement, of endangering their communications and cutting them off from their supplies. A defeat to the Prussians, on their present line, would in all probability be decisive, as they would not be able to collect together a sufficient force to hold the victors in check, while of Austria it must be remembered that her history proves that although she may be defeated again and again, she never ceases to offer a stubborn and determined resistance. In one respect the policy of the Austrian commander is admirable. His movements and intentions are wrapt in entire secrecy, and his plans will only be known when they are carried into operation. The arrival of the next steamer will doubtless bring particulars of new movements, and perhaps of a general engagement ; and until then we can but speculate upon contingencies, and hope that whichever Power is in the right may for once be successful in war. A Word Well Put In. - the Senate, Thursday, while the bill for reannexing Alexandria to the District of Columbia was under consideration, Mr. Davis, of Kentucky, made a little speech. He said he was convinced that the State of West Virginia had no legal or constitutional existence, but as he thought the matter was one entirely for the courts, he should not vote to repeal the act admitting it as a State. Whereupon the bill was passed over for that day. This was a hard hit at Senator Wade, who had made an argument to prove that the retrocession of Alexandria to Virginia was an unconstitutional proceeding, but whose conscientious scruples had never been aroused by the palpably unconstitutional act recognizing West Virginia as a State. The First Convention.- The Winchester papers contain a call for a convention, to be held in the Alexandria district on the 27th of July, to appoint delegates to the Philadelphia Convention. The Petersburg papers are among the most highly valued on our list of exchanges when they reach us in time. A word, &c.

The Press on the National Conventlon. From the New York News, July 5. The National Union Convention.We publish in another column the address of the Democratic members of Congress " to the people of the United States," endorsing the call for the assembling of a National Convention at Philadelphia on the 14th of August. The style and temper of this address are admirable. It ignores the divisions which have heretofore existed amongst thoso who are opposed to the destructive principles and measures of the Radicals, and prepares the way for the earnest and hearty cooperation of all those who desire the perpetuation of the Union and the well-being of the States and of the people of this great country. This is in the true Democratic spirit, and as such we accept it, and give our voice to the proposed movement. From the New York World, July 5. It is clear, therefore, despite the representations of the Times, that this is a movement which all conservative men may safely encourage. In the countenance given it by the signers of the Democratic Address we have a guarantee of its honesty and good faith - a needed assurance that it is not the trick of crafty Republicans to rejuvenate the Republican party : and promote its perpetuity. In no view, therefore, can its success be a detriment to the Union cause. If, as seems probable, it shall win sufficient popular favor to render it a valuable ally, the Democratic party will cordially greet it as a sister organization, and be ready to confer with it, in a liberal spirit, as to the best means of restoring the Union - the great paramount object common to both. From Forney's Chronicle, July 6. The coalition will not embrace the loyalists of the South. They are to become pariahs and outcasts under the President's policy, while the rebels, whose first choice for President would be Robert E. Lee, their second Jefferson Davis, and their third Andrew Johnson, are to he accepted by the "National Union Convention " coalition as the true representatives of the South. Richmond or Charleston would be a much better place to hold a Johnson convention than Philadelphia. Another Bureau Order. General Howard is out in another order. Of course he has heard of more "out-: rages" upon his colored brethren - this time in Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and " other late slave States." Why not name all of them ? He says: "This circular [in regard to freedmen's courts, we suppose,] has never been countermanded or modified, except with regard to the courts where the military tribunals have been suspended, or replaced by the civil and local courts in accordance with specific orders. And even in districts where this change has taken place, the officer or agent must still be the friend of the freedmen or refugee, to aid him in the prosecution of his case." But not of any white man. That would be against orders. State Confiscation Laws in West Virginia. - Judge Hall held a special term of the Circuit Court of Morgan county on the 3d of July to dispose of a large number of confiscation cases presented under the State laws of the 16th of November, 1863. The law involved in these cases had been elaborately argued at the May term last by Hon. Benjamin Stanton, of Ohio, for the State, and by the Hon. Charles J. Faulkner on behalf of the defendants. Mr. Faulkner took the ground that the State law was unconstitutional in assuming to punish offences solely coguizable in the courts of the United States, and besides, that the act was a war measure, incapable, by its own provisions, of being carried into execution in a period of peace. A consent order was entered, by which the cases were dismissed at the costs of the defendants. Fire In New York. - The Herald of yesterday says: "About three o'clock this morning a fire burst from the New Haven steamboat freight depot at Peck slip, and in a short time the whole of the buildings were in a sheet of flame. When we went to press they were nearly all consumed, and the shipping adjoining were in great danger. A man in Nottingham, N. H., has invented an alarm to be applied to banks, jails, and other places that ought to be made secure. The gratings and connections of the doors and windows are made hollow and filled with condensed air, which, by its escape on breaking or sawing the rod, must give the alarm without fail.

DIED. On Friday, the 6th instant, ANNA MARIA, infant child of John C. and Clara A. Shafer, aged fourteen months and two days. The funeral will take place from the residence of her father, in Sidney, THIS (SATURDAY) AFTERNOON at half past 5 o'clock. The friends of the family are invited to attend. On Thursday, 5th instant, at half-past 10 o'clock, P.M., DANIEL AUGUSTUS, aged eleven months, son of Edward and Hannah Ricketss. The friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funers THIS (SATURDAY) MORNING at 10 o'clock, on Oregon Hill. Baltimore and Norfolk papers please copy. In Baltmore, the 3d instant, ROBERT LECKIE, aged fifty-six years. THE MEMBERS OF LAFAYETTE ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER. No. 43. are requested to attend a called convocation of their Chapter on THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, July 7th, at the Masonic Hall on Marshall street, between Sixth and Seventh, for the purpose of appointing two additional members of the Executive Committee. By order of the M.E.H.P., A.F. CYKOSKI, Secretary. jy 7 - 1t* Masonic Notice. - The members of Loge Francaise, No. 53, A. F. M., are hereby summond to attend a called meeting of their Lodge on MONDAY , July 9th, at o'clock P. M. Important business. By order of the W. M. WILLIAM LOVENSTEIN, Secretary. July 7, A. L. 5866, A. D. 1866. jy 7 - 2t* THE MEMBERS OF DOVE LODGE, L No. 51, are summoned to attend a called meeting of their LODGE at the hall on Marshall street on THIS (Satnrday) EVENING at 7 o'clock punctually. By order of the W. M. AUG. ARSELL, Junior Secretary. jy 7 - 1t* RICHMOND TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, No. 90. - The regular monthly meeting of this Union will he held at the hall of the Independent order of Red Men, on Marshall street, between Sixth and Seventh, THIS (Saturday) EVENING at 8 o'clock jy 7 - 1t WILLIAM B. CARTER, Secretary. NOTICE. - A meeting of the Stockholders of the NEW MECHANICSVILLE TURNPIKE COMPANY will be held at the bank-ing-house of W. M. SUTTON & CO., on MONDAY , the 23d day of July, 1866. jy 7 - 2w WASHINGON COLLEGE, LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA. Faculty. General ROBERT E. LEE, President. CARTER J. HARRIS, Professor of Latin. JAMES J. WHITE, Professor of Greek. ED. S. JOYNES, A. M., Professor Modern Languages and English (To be appointed) Professor Moral Philosophy, A. L. NELSON, A. M., Professor of Mathematics. WILLIAM ALLAN, A. M., Professor Applied Mathematics. R. S. McCULLOH, A. M., Professor Natural Philosophy John L. Campbell, A.M., Professor Chemstry. JOHN W. BROCKENBROUGH, L. L. P., Professor Law. HARRY ESTILL, A. M., Assistant Prolessor Mathematics. C. POWELL GRADY. A. M., Assistant Professor Latin. (To be appointed) Assistant Professor Greek. A PREPARATORY COURSE has been instituted, in which students unprepared for the Regular Classes may receive instruction in necessary branches. The session begins SECOND THURSDAY (13th) of SEPTEMBER, and ends LAST THURSDAY in JUNE. Terms: Tuition and all other College fees.....$100 All other expenses, including Board, Fuel, Lights, &c., need not exceed ............250 For further information or for Catalogue address the " Faculty of Washington College, Lexington Virginia." jy 7 - lawdsw4t. FIFTH QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF RICHMOND ON THE MORNING OF THE FIRST MONDAY IN JULY, 1866. MRAXA OK THP. BAXK ! .egai-tender notes, national currency, and cash items on liana $154,071 f?t ioin 73,700 <>2 22.*... 71 r.? 'remiumon coin 24,50*0.*. Inited States bonds witli United States Treasurer to secure circulation and deposits, mid on hand 291,"51 73 tate stocks and otlier securities 21,5?9 *0 >ue from national banks, on demand 111,931 42 )ue from bankers, on demand 9,449 JHt 131,2*4 32 (otes and bills 335,239 77 tverdraft* 22,44* so urniture and fixture* *,523 5f $1,080,398 25 i.ta lUT.iTi Capital stock paid in Juo.ono on Circulating notes 103,75o CO Deposits G'.'3,l03 33 Deposits due banks and bankers si,8*3 -.>3 074,9*t) 50 Profit and loss 3*,oxi 53 Premium on bonds l,5so lt> $1,0*0,398 I, 8. A. Glover, Cashier of the First National Bank of Richmond, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of mv knowledge and belief. 8. A. GLOVER, jy 7?3t Cashier. ;<i AM') AX Y, > #, 18i!6. J Okkici: Richmond, Fuki.kkk Ksnrao Potomac Kaii.koad Comkaj Richmond, J nly 0, OHALED PROPOSALS arc invited unn til the ISth instant for the furnishing and delivery of the following materials : 1 ,<Ki"9,eou HARD-BURNT BRICKS, for arching. barrels HYDRAULIC CRMKNT. 150,000 feet B. M. 1IBAKT-JMNE TIMBER, 10 to 12, and* to II; from 10 to 30 lengths to be cut to suit bills as hereafter given. 3,0eu WHITE OAK TIES, 10 face by 0 thickness, and 9 feet long. The materials are for the Richmond Railway Connection Company, and proposals are to be addressed to the Chief Engineer Richmond Railway Connection Company. Fur particular information apply at this omce. jy 7?M "VTOTICE OF DISSOLUTION.?The und LY1 mutual consent. J.1 partnershlj. heretofore existing between the undersigned under the stvleof WENDENBURO 4 LYBROi.'K, or otlierwise, i? this day dissolved by ROBERT WENDENBURO, to whom the goodwill and property of the late firm have been sold, will continue the business and liquidate all claims against said firm. ROBERT WENDENBURO, ALBERT LYBROCK. Richmond, June 27,1*86, jy 7?4t IARRETT WILLIAMS A CO, otter, r to close consignments, 600pounds No. 1 VIRGINIA BACON, 20 barrels SUPERIOR VIRGINIA FAMILY FLOUR, 1,000 bushels WHITE CORN, oustantlv for sale all the favorite brand* of CIlEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO, fecial attention given to the sale of LEAF TOBACCO, WHEAT, 4c. V 7?lw

JJEW FLOUR. m NEW FLOUR FOR SALE 15 V WARWICK k BARKSDALE, jy 7 Gall^goCorn Mills. TEN DOLLARS REWARD.?St'n.ved X or stolen from Henry Brill. Mechnn- ?fl icsville turnpike, near Howard's Grove, on Thursday night, a LA HUB Kt. 4fk' f \ HORSE, in one order, abottl eight yean old. His ri j.rlit shoulder was sore from a wart, and there is a white spot on his back occasioned by the rubbing of the saddle. The above reward "will be paid for his delivery to me or for any information bv which ho may he recovered. Jy 7?It* HENRY BRILL. /1 R E K N MOUNTAIN S, ALBE- ' I MAKLE?BOARD can be had for several families in this healthful locality, in a pleaseut family reside ice, e<|ui-distant from the railroad and canal a few miles. For terms, apply to Mrs. ANN E. COLES, Porter's Precinct, or in this city to 8AMUEL M. PRICE. Jy 7?St TYAVJD B. CLARK, (formerly with 1/M. Blair dt Co.) MERCHANDISE*BROKER, otiers his services iu the above capacity, trusting that a business acquaintance in this city of ten years will insure satisfaction to his patrons. All communications for the present will be received through post-office box 5t>2. References given when desired. jy 7?'tin Ft'ROLEUM OIL ? the best and most economical substitute for candles?for sale by A. H. ROBINS, on Second street, jy 7? It between Clay and Leigh. GRAIN BAGS.?Five thousand twobushel GRAIN BAGS oil consignment for sale low by (jy 7?6t] PAINE At CO. 1 \IS80LUTI0N ?-The firm of DUN1' LOP, MONCURE k CO. is dissolved by mutual consent, to take effect from the 1st instant? Henry W. Moncore's feeble health requiriug his withdrawal, devolves the settlement of the business on the remaining partners, who will use the name of the firm in liquidation only. Ifames dunlop, THOMAS W. McCANCE, for themselves and as attorneys for Henry W. Moncure. Richmond, July #, i?W. jy ??5t MILLING BUSINESS.?The subscribers will conduct the MILLING BUSINESS under the firm of DUNLOip k McCANCE. Office on Gary, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. 7 JAMBS DUNLOP, THOMAS W. McCANCE. Richmond, July fl, iwn. jy TUSSOLUTION OF COPARTNERXJ SHIP.-The concern of LIP8C0MB k JENKINS having been dissolved by mutual consent, I will sell the balance of the stock of goods on hand at cost for cash until Tuesday, the loth day of July, lkM. when the balance will be offered at auction at 10 o'clock, A. M., to close up the business. All persons having claims against tbe concern will present them to me for settlement; and all persons Indebted will make payment to me. . A,8??4 HOR8B. WAGON .and HARNESS will he 7y tS{ "*1*' WILLIAM JENKINS, j R?fg KL A N ET AND BALTIMORE 4;Ay^!E.?Seveuhondred barrels ROCKAiaND LIMB, put up iu superior casks and in BALTIMORE ALI M LIME, Just received and fot salt? by fjyqj LEE 4 PETTYJOHN

SPECIAL NOTICE. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. Richmong, July 4, 1866. There appears in the Richmond Examiner of today an exhibit of telegrams and communications from E. A. Pollard, over the signature of H. R. Pollard, which reads thus: A Card. - In explanation why my brother Mr. E. A. Pollard has not appeared here, and in justice to him, the following telegrams received from him are published at the advice and counsel of his friends : . Telegram No. 1. New York, June 17, 1866. H. R. Pollard, Examiner office, Richmond, Va.: The last pages of "Lost Cause" are passing through the press - requires my constant attention - impossible to leave. If James or any of his family want anything of me, they can find me at 654 Broadway. EDWARD A. POLLARD. Telegram No. 2. New York, June 28, 1866. H. Rives Pollard, Examiner: If James wants redress, it is his part to seek me. You can publish my telegraph communication and address: also last October letter inviting meeting in Baltimore. Can't leave my urgent business to hunt cowards: nevertheless, if he will insure satisfaction, I will be present where and when he may designate through his friend, which should be to equal convenience. E. A. POLLARD, 654 Broadway, N. Y. [This telegram was sent to Mr. Sam James on last Friday morning. ] Telegram No. 3. New York, July 3, 1866. H. R. Pollard: I have heard nothing of James. The whole thing is all farce and fiasco. E. A. POLLARD, No. 654 Broadway. In a private letter, received last evening, Mr. E. A. Pollard further writes: " As to avoiding any member of the James family, I have only to say that nearly EIGHT MONTHS ago, November 18th, 1865, I wrote as follows, from the city of New York, to James : ***** I do not wish to avoid any consequences or to escape any responsibility; and with this view I shall remain in Baltimore (at the house of Dr. _____ , corner of ___ and ___ streets) a sufficient number of days to learn and meet the issue, whatever it may be. " No one of the James family responded to the invitation of an interview. In the eight months subsequent, I have been in New York, Norfolk, Petersburg, and Richmond, without any of the Jameses having applied for an interview, by person or by letter. As to Sam James's cowardly fancy that I could not be found in New York, it is too ridiculous to notice. You can send him my address and telegrams, which are at his service. It would be useless for me to come to Richmond, where the police are on the alert for demonstrations. It could only make a harmless affair for James, and a bloodless scandal for myself. This explanation I shall consider for the present sufficient to give the lie, blunt and direct, to his vapours.'' With this I leave the public to judge who is "dodging" in the matter. H. RIVES POLLARD The quotation from the letter of E. A. Pollard to " James " (as above) was written to me, of which the following is a copy : New York, November 13, 1865. William James, Esq., Collector of Internal Revenue, Richmond, Va.: Sir, - I owe you a debt of candor. I have TRIED to do my duty to my wife; but I have been overpowered by my feelings for Mrs. ___, which being no longer able to suppress, disguise, or diminish, I am bound to acknowledge. Recollect that I have done her, too, a deep wrong, and stood between a reconciliation of her with her husband and children; and she has no protector, no family, no friends. Sir, I can no longer control the feelings which torture my heart, and, terrible as is the pain of seeking a divorce from my wife, it is best for her honor and happiness that the step on her part should be taken. I know you will break the news to her as kindly as possible ; the pain she may suffer is terrible agony to me - but better this than the unhappiness of a forced and ill-starred union. I am willing that all the penalty and shame of the step be concentrated on me. I do not wish to take it under any circumstances of concealment, or to avoid any consequences, or to escape any responsibility; and with this view I shall remain in Baltimore (at the house of Dr. Moore, corner of Hill and Hanover streets,) a sufficient number of days to learn and to meet the issue, whatever it may be. All efforts at reconciliation, or influences to that end, are now utterly in vain. It is impossible that I can ever live with my wife again. Respectfully, [Signed] EDWARD A. P'OLLARD. If Pollard construes the quotation from the above letter as a challenge to "James," as seems to be indicated, I, to whom that letter was addressed, aam the person challenged, and not my son Samuel R. James. This is an explanation, if one is necessary, "why" no one of the "James" family ever responded to the invitation of an interview ; of which the candid intelligence of the public will Judge. [Jy 7 - 1t*] WILLIAM JAMES. CARD OF THANKS. - Having nearly recovered from my late injuries received upon the Richmond and Danville railroad, 1 avail myself of the earliest opportunity, and have selected this medium, of returning my heartfelt thanks to the numerous friends who so cheerfully, generously, and nobly rendered me assistance during my affliction. To the superintendent and officers of the road who supplied me, not only with all the articles necessary for my comfort, but all the luxuries which the market afforded. To Doctors Ball, Newman, Hancock, Winston, Archer, and Pulliam, who were all attention. To the citizens around Coalfield (especially Messrs. Edward Cunliffe, Robert Marks, Barnes, and General R. L. Walker,) who did not stop to inquire who or what I was, but came promptly and cheerfully forward to relieve the sufferings of a fellow-being. To Mrs. Ball, Archer, Scott, Barnes, Taylor, and Brummall; Misses Ball, Powers, Porter, Cunliffe, Hancock, Brummall, and Hughes, who cheered me by their presence and lavished upon me the kindest and most constant attention, and who I feel are ministering angels to me under a kind Providence in my affliction. I feel at great loss for words to express the gratitude of my heart. In fact, words are inadquate; but I can assure you I sincerely appreciate the kindness; and while I may look upon it as one of the saddest events of my life, the recollection of the kind friends, who so nobly aided me will always be associated with the event, and will in a great measure alleviate the sadness. ISAAC OVERBEY, jy 7 - 1t Mossingford, Charlotte county, Va.

A HINT TO BOTH SEXES - HOW TO GAIN AND RETAIN AFFECTION. - It has frequently been suggested that PLANTATION BITTERS are, in another form, the " elixir of love'' of the ancient. That they do much to quiet "family jars" and reconcile fretful wives to cross husbands we verily believe. When domestic quiet is restored and connubial felicity reigns supreme, " How great the charm, how sweet the bliss That finds expression in a kiss." A free and proper use of PLANTATION BITTERS will inspire the souls of both sexes with pure and high-toned sentiments of affection and a capacity for rare and exquisite enjoyment in each other's society. Remember, there is no place like home, and no passion like love - and nothing to link the two together, and you to both, like the great family blessing, PLANTATION BITTERS, jy 7 NOTICE. - In Chesterfield County Court, May 11, 1866: Ordered, That R. L. Walker, William I. Clopton, and William B. Wooldridge be appointed to supeintend and conduct elections of company officers, in the districts heretofore established, In the One Hundred and Ninety-seventh regiment of Virginia militia, to proceed and report under an act of the General Assembly passed March 2, 1866. A copv?Teste : NATHAN H. CO'JBILL, Clerk. In Chesterfield County Clerk ? otflr?\ I, Nathan II. Cogbill, Clerk, do hereby make the following statement from the best information that I can get relative tothe line between the Twenty-third regiment and the One Hundred and Ninety-seventh regiment of Virginia militia, to wit: Beginning at Falling creek where it empties into James river, thence up said creek to Goode's Bridge road, thence up said road to James Gregory's, thence along and by Clay's meeting house across J?wift creek at Newby'a bridge, thence up said Newbridge road by second branch meeting-house, and across the Petersburg road to Newiung's creek, thence down said creek to Appomattox river, thence up the said river to Powhatan line, thence along said line to James river, thence down said James river to the beginning. Given under my hand this 23d day of June, IsM. NATHAN H. COUBILL, Clerk. In compliance with the above order, all persons living within the lines of the Mid One Hundred and Ninety ?seventh regiment of Virginia militia subject to militia duty, and not iucluded in the Manchester district of said regiment, are required to assemble in front of the store of the Midlothian Coal Mining Company at 12 o'clock M. on 8ATCRDaY, July 2L ls?, for the purposes indicated in the above oader. And all persons living in the Manchester district, and subject to mililTa duly, are required to assemble in front of tbe Town Hall of Manchester at 13 M. on FRIDAY, July 20, ism. BOl'.XDARIR* or TUB MAXCHESIER DISTRICT Of THE ? AID OXI HI'.*OREO a.ND BIRETT-MEVEXTII REit I X EXT. t Begiwuing at Powblte creek where it empties into James river, up the said creek to HollmanDu**Pi mill, thence along the road that leads from said mill to the Manchester turnpike, crossing said turnpike at the Warwick road, thence along said Warwick road by Brander's saw-mill to Falling creek where It crosee* the Richmond ami Petersburg turnpike, thence dowu said Falling creek to Jamei river, thence up said James river to tbe beginning. WILLIAM | (\nPTOJf,1 Commissioners, w B. WOOLDK1DUR, \ Jy A-tJlJ

< desirable H'EEINO-PLACI 1 Allow OPEN FOR tm RECEPTION OP VISITORS. Passengers leaving Balthnore, Richmond, or Petersburg by MORNING TRAINS arrive at: the Springs to tea. arrive ????> -vv..?- - .? TWO TRAINS PAaS DAILY, ? 'fF COMMUNICATION BY TELEGRAPH CMt and went, at the command of visitors. WILLIAM H. FRY, jy s?Jt Proprietor. Wf THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEW YORK ASSET8, OVER *lrt,ooo.ooo.?To meet the choice of each prevent or future members a* tuay prefer to hare the amount insured paid in instalments to their wldown or bcim rather than in one turn, this Company Is prepared to invert in its policies a clause agreeing that in lien of the payment of tho policy and profits in one nam, an equitable amount, to be deter* mined by the Company, may be paid annually or semi-annually for any specified number of years (?.ay from fire to twenty-lire years). Example.?Suppose a policy of ten thousand dollars, with additions amounting t< fire thousand dollars more, should become payable by reason of the death of the person insured, the Company, in lieu of the payment of fifteen thousand dollars in one sum, would ba able togire (assuming interest as realized In the past) an annuity for t>*n years of orer two thousand dollars per annum, or for twenty years an annuity of orer one thousand three hundced dollars per annum. This form of annuity will remove the anxiety which may exist in the minds of some policy-hold-ers lest the future provision they have made for their families should be ineffectual or transitory in its duration, either through unsafe investments, unwise expenditure, or other uncertainties incidental to contingent trusts. It is not only free from the ordinary dangers of investment, but its punctual and full pavraent is secured by the LARGE AND SOLID CASH RESOURCES and good faith <>f tills institution, which thus, to a certain extent, becomes the GUARDIAN or TRUSTEE of the survivors. Hence the provision may he considered, humanly speaking, beyond any adverse contingency. Ail such deferred payments or annuities will share equitably in the profits or dividends of the Company. This Company also issues SURVIVORSHIP ANNUITIES, which provide for survivors during the whole period of life, and DEFERRED ANNUITIES, by which Individuals may provide for themselves in advanced age. F. S. Wi.vstos, President. O. F. BRESEE, General Agent, Richmond, Va. jy ?-?t DENTAL NOTICE.?NITROUS OXIDE AS.?W LEIGH BURTON, Dkxtipt, having a perior apparatus for the manufacture of this gas, prepared to administer it as an Kinesthetic in the ^TRACTION OF TEETH, thereby rendering the .eration absolutely painless. As it is highly important that the gas should he esh and pure, timely notice should be given of a sire to use it. Office and residence northwest corner of Seventh id Franklin streets. jy 2?lm* %%-PRISON LIFE OF JEFFERSON DAVIS. FOUR YEARS IN THE SADDLE. Harry Gilnor. POLLARD S HISTORY OF THE WAR. WOMEN OF THE SOUTH. SOUTH SONGS. BILL ARP. For sale by je 29_t? COLE A TURNER. HTJ. B. WOOD, APOTHECARY AND DRUGGIST. PROPRIETOR OP Woods PHARMACY, corner Fifth and Marshall streets, Richmond, Va. FRESH AND RELIABLE MEDICINES FOR F A M I L Y USE, AXD PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED je 27?ts AT ALL HOURS. If- ESTABLISHED LOUIS J. BOSSIEUX, Manufacturer of DOUBLED-REFINED STEAM CANDIES, and Dealer in ?NFECTIONERY, FRUITS, PICKLES, CIGARS, Ac., Ac., gs to inform his old friends and customers that has resumed business at his old stand, No. su MAIN STREET, RICHMOND. Ie desires to return tbnnks for their past liberal tronag'j, and invites them to a renewal of their sines . connections, promising equitable dealing, s mc tto is quick sales and small profits, e 21?Irn

MT ICE-CREAM FOR PARTIES, FAIRS, PIC-5ICS,.*C. ANDREW A N T O NI respectfully announces that ha is prepared to furnish, at short notice, on very moderate terms, SUPERIOR ICE-CREAM of every desirable flavor, for balls, parties, fairs, excursions, or plc-nics. A call is resjKsctfully solicited. je 13?lm *?- CM ON BANK OF RICHMOND, (SAVINGS INSTITUTION), OFFICE AT TIIE NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, *300,000. THIS INSTITUTION ALLOWS SIX PER CENT. ON DEPOSITS. I. DAVENPORT, Jr., President. JAMES MILLER. Cashier. DIBROTORS. R. A. Paine, L. D. Crenshaw, W. R. Quarles, Win. II. Lyons, Jr., K. E. BlankenA. Bodeker, B. B. Weisiger, ship, W. A. Spott, Moses Ellyson, J. B. Winston, A. L. Ellett, Jas. W. Archer, A. A. Hutchin* R. T. Taylor, J. Rosenhaum, son, W. E. Blnford, J. W. Hall, W. A. Jenkins, J. A. Belvin, W. F. Gray, W. E. Tanner, T.U.Dudley,' Alfred Moses, J. M. Nowiin. The security offered to-depositors is undoubted, and the institution should commend itself to all classes. The attention of all in city and country is called to this institution. Here they will And security, convenience, and profit. Sums as small as Ave dollars tnay be deposited, and six per cent, interest received on same. Office hours from 0 A. M. to 3 P. M.; on Saturday from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M., and from 4 to ti P. M. je 13?d&.Hwlra MT BILL ARP! BILL ARP! ! BILL ARP! 1 ! This inimitable book is now ready, and every persou should have a copy. To be had of COLE A TURNER, je 7?t* Whiff Building. ?b? M HI PS for soda water. CHOICE FRUIT AND CREAM SYRUPS furnished the trade at low rates by W. H. SCOTT, Druggist, Je 4 corner Franklin and Seventeenth streets. pHEAP LIST.?Full yard-wide Unbleached Sheeting at 3t> cents ; French Wove Corsets at *l.5e ; Linen-Crash at 15 cents ; Worked Collars at 25 cents, 75 cents, and *1 ; Linen Shirt Bosoms at 40 cents ; Linen Handkerchiefs at *2 per doxen ; White Cotton Boee at 25 cents; Moiainbio ues and English Barege at 25 cents: Bleached and Unbteached Cottons At 15, 20, and 25 cents; Calicos at 10) and 20 cents, at LEVY BROTHERS, )? 8 15 Jlaln street. Black silk wrappings.?we now offer our stock of Black Silk barques, Basques, and Circulars at and below cost. We are determined to close out the stock on hand. We have also made a great reduction in the price of all kinds of Dress Goods. We also offer at very low pritea Black bilks, all widths. LEVY BROTHBRS, jy 8 13 Main street. w OOL.?The highest market prices paid for Washed and Unwashed Wool by CHARLES HOWARD, coraer Gary and Fifteenth streets, Je O 3m up stairs. H OU8E AND SIGN PAINTING. REMOVAL. L. L. MONTAGUE * 805 saw building, on TENTH ?**;? M*j?v?d to thairJMIHHHIlHHV STREET, between Main and C?ry, wEer* they will be pleased to receive orders from their friend* ?pleased to receive order* from their friends and Good work guaranteed. Terms moderate. _ JaU?ts L. L. MONTAGUE * 809. IOHN A ALBERT BLAIR, No. 1110 O Maim sTksbt, bbtwkkv Blivextm abd Twei.kth, drillers lu FINE GROCERIES, pay particular attention to their selections of OREEN and BLACK TEAM, and always keep on hand the most select parcels to be had in the country. Jy *?let COUGAR, SUGAR. ?Twenty barrel* O Pulverised,? barrel* Covering's Crushed,? barrels Extra C, 20 barrels Ysllow C, 8 hogsheads English Island, Is hogsheads Cuba, for sale by je S3 FRENCH A CRKNEHaW.

?TUTOR* DAY. AaitioD<-?n, Hi Eleventh street*. lLVING four BrTY-IIOHT AMD Aj OTTiHTfiriCBM OFTEHT VALUABLE FAKM-I AND TIMBER LAND, LYING FOUR MILES ~ OF THK CITY, FOR SALI AT AUCTION ? SSSfi .S>- W?9 9*TKuS??' ?4owned br the helx* of the late Loft In N. Klleti. It Ilee about four miles went <>f the eltr, and uJotna the landa owned by Washington Crawford (fonaerhr Ambrose Hutchinson/, William Browning. T. 8. Dicket, A. L. Kllett. and P. D.IIIeks. There kfe FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY EIGHT AND A QUARTER ACRES, which will be laid off into nlnn tract*, rlr : The inanition and other building*, with eighty-seven acres, a due proportion being in wood*, fronting on the Deeprun turnpike and running hack to another road. Upon this tract there is a large ORCHARD, cm bracing a great variety of $hofce fruit, selected with care ; and It Bright be made a m'.y desirable farm or country-seat. The remainder is divided into eight tracts, ranging in *!*?? from thirty-four to forty-live acre*, all having good fronts on road* leaning Into the Westham plank road and the Deeprun turnpike, and affording the option to the purchaser of tfsing either of those popular tho rnuglifare* to the city, whiLt the Grove road, when extended, will pass through a considerable part of the properly. In tho opinion of the best judges, the*e eight lot* embrace the finest body of timbered and wood land now within a reasonable distance of the ciiy. the most of it being in original forest, which has not been at all pillaged. It is supposed that the lumber which can he obtained from the land will pay more than its cost. There are beautiful building sites on each lot; and as most of the land lies well for cultivation, it Is Very valuable for cottage sites and small farm*. The neighborhood i? on* of the most desirable In the vicinity of Richmond. Tkrm* : One-third cash, balance at six and twelve month* for negotiable notes, interest added, secured by a trust deed; or an arrangement may be made for much longer credit with parties desiring it. GRUBBS A WILLIAMS, |yf _ Auctioneers. By Grubb* A Williams, Auctioneers, Northwest corner of Bfain and Eleventh streets. Avery valuable residence AND BEAUTIFUL SQUARE, ON SOUTH SIDE Of GRADE STREET, EXTENDING FROM TWENTY-SECOND TO TWENTY-THIRD STREETS, FOR SALE AT AUCTION?On MONDAY, the l?th of July, at 5 o'clock, P. M., we will selt at auction, on the premises, tho late residence of XOFTIN N. BLLETT, deceased. It Is Mtuated upon the crown of the nil I, overlooking the city and *nrrounding country above and below, commanding a view of unequalled beauty. It is u most conveniently constructed dwelling, with about twelve rooms, with a large kitchen, smokehouse, stable, and all the usual conveniences of a private residence of the better cla**. Th* lot fronts on Grace street two hundred and sixty-four feet, extending from Twenty-second to Twentythird streets, and runs hack two hundred and thirty feet, affording a large yard and gtrden ; and is one of the moat beautiful Situations in the city ; convenient to the business portion of the city, anu yet very quiet and retired. It will be sold together or sub-divided to meet the view* of bidders. It to rarely that a property so desirable in itself and with so many advantages of situation i* offered to the public. Terms : At sale. GRUBBS A WILLIAMS, jy 7?td Auctioneers. Ry Christian, Lea A Co., Auctioneer*. No. 1424, late (M, Main street. WE WILL OFFER FOR SALE AT AUCTION ON MONDAY, July ?, l-;?, commencing at 1? o'clock A. M., a prime assortment o| GROCERIES, LIQUOR8, Ac., to which we invite the attention of dealer*, viz : 25 barrels BOURHON WHISKY, lb barrels OLD RYE WHISKY, 15 hogsheads PRIME GROCERY SUGARS, 20 bags RIO, JAVA, and LAGUAYRA COFFEE, 10 bags GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFER, 290 barrel* FI.OUR, assorted grades: 2oo barrel* CUT and SPLIT HERRINGS, 150 half barrels ROB and CUT HERRINGS, 75 barret* MACKEREL, 150 kit* mackerel; 5<> barrel* CHOICE SYRUP, 20 barrel- CRUSHED SUGAR, 10 barrel* POWDERED SUGAR, 20 kegs SODA, loo boxes SOAP and CANDLES, 20 firkin*COUNTRY LARD, 50 baskets and case* SUPERIOR CHAMPAGNE, assorted brand*; 100 case* CLARE!', 75 case* assorted WHISKIES and BRANDIES. CHRISTIAN. LEA A CO., jy 7 Auctioneers. Dy James M. Taylor, Auctioneer, Main street, opposite 8pot*wood Hotel. Household and kitchen furniture FOR SALE AT AUCTION?Will be *o|.t on MONDAY, the 9th of July, at the residence of Colonel Dibrell, after the sale of the hou*e at the corner of Fir*t and Mam street*, at 5 o'clock, 1\ M.,a lot of FURNITURE, embracing the following article* : PIANO, BEDS, BEDSTEADS, Ac. BUREAUS. DINING-TABLE, SIDEBOARD, SOFAS, CHAIRS, CARPETS, Ar. jy?i JAMES M. TAYLOR, Auctioneer. By Harrison, Goddin A Apperson, Banker*, Broker*, and Real E*tate Agents. I COMMISSION F1LS' SALE O F A Vj SMALL HOUSE AND LOT. ON THE WEST I SIDE OF VALLEY, BETWEEN BALDWIN AND STREETS?A* Commissioner* of the Host- I ( ings Court of the City of Richmond, pronounced on . the 23d of June, l*w, in the case of Black against , Black, Ac., we shall sell at public auction, on the i premises, on WEDNESDAY, the Uth July, l*o<J, at i i o'clock, P. M., tho HOUSE and LOT located a? above, consisting of a lot, with a framed dwelling thereon, near the grocery store of Mr. H. Metxger. Tekm* : One-third cash, balance at three and six | month* for negotiable notes, interest added, and ' title retaiued until ail tho purchase money is fully ? paid. ALEX AN DEU ?H RS A N DS, f Commissioner*. I jy ? J

By Grubbs A Williams, Auctioneers, Northwest comer of Main and Eleventh streets. HP II R E E HANDSOME LOTS, ON AT A rent IN.-We will sell at auction, on tin .en, on TUESDAY. July X?, K'einUes, on TUESDAY, July 1", at 5 o'clock, I' ., a BEAUTIFUL L<?T on the west line ol 1 Twenty-fourth street, between Jv and L streets, fronting forty-three feet by one hundred and ! twenty-two feet to an alley. After which will he Isold a LOT on Twenty-fifth street fronting twen-ty-five feet and running back one hundred and twenty-five feet. Also, a LoT In rear of the ?hurcn, tlfy by sixty-tire feet. These LOTS are it-dta well suiteaMor (he erection of small tenements. Tekxs : At sale. GRUBBS A WILLIAMS, jy s Auctioneers. By Cronley & Morris, Wilmington, X. C. G OOD WILL AND FIXTURES OP THK MERCHANTS EXCHANGE HOTEL, Wilmington, X. C'., FOR SALE AT AUCTION. WILKES MORRIS, ACCTIOXMH. By CRONLY A MORRIS. On TUESDAY, July loth, 1???, at lOo'cloek, A. M., we will sell upon the premises the goodwill I and entire furniture and alt the fixtures of and I belonging to the MERCHANTS EXCHANGE IIOI TEL of this city. j This HOTEL is situated upon the north side of Market, between Front and 8econd streets. Is furnished throughout In superior style, can accommo date twenty permanent and fifty day boarders, ha* i been and is now well sustained, and offers great Inducements to any person wishing to engage In the business. The premises can he examined at any time prior to day of sale. je J9?td By Harrison, Goddtn A Apperaon, Bankers, Brokers, and Real Estate Agent*. F ARM OF ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-ONE ACRES, CALLED CHJSWICK, IN HENRICO COUNTY. SEVEN MILES WEST <>F RICHMOND, INCLUDING CROPS, HORSES, MULES, WAGONS, CART, Ac., FOR SALE AT AUCTION.?At the request of Mr. Jacob Cohn we shall sel I at auction, on the premises, on WEDNESDAY, the 25th day of July, l?<w, at U o'clock, A. M., (if fair ; if not, the first fair day thereafter), the beautiful FARM on whtch he now resides, called "Chiswick," and formerly owned by Key. George C. Exall. It lies on the Three-chopped road, seven miles west of Richmond, adjoining the lands of B. W. Green and others, and contains one hundred and thirty-one acres, of which about seventy acres are cleared, balanco in wiatds. The improvement* couaist of an EXCELLENT DWELLING and alt other buildings, including a tine ice-house, with three ponds near by, and an UKCllAKD OF ONE THOUSAND CHOICE FRUIT TREES. PosiM-HMlon given In a few day*. After the sale of the land, all of the CROPS OF CORN, OATS, SEED WHEAT, will be sold : aUo, 2 COWS. 5 HORSES, 12 MULES. A parcel of HOGS, 4 WAGON8 and HARNESS, 3 CARTS and HARXjXS. 1 AMBULANCE aod UKNRSS, 1 CARRIAGE and Hf KXB8S. au the farming mplements, Ac Should the Farm not be so. d, it will be rented out for one year; and whether sold or ranted, all of the personal effect* will positively be sold. Titan* : For the land, ono-thfrd cash, balance at one and two years for bonds bearing interest, se BtHMM * Forth cured by a trust deed. For the personal effects, all sums under thirty dot lent, cash ; over that amount, rour months credit for approved, endorsed, negotiable paper. 'HARBISON, GODDIN A APPEREON, jy 4?lawtd# Auctioneers. REAL E8TATE FOR BALK, ANE OF THK MOST VALUABLE \ / VACANT LOTS IN THE CITY, AT THE CORNER OF BR<>AD AND CAPITOL AND T1XTH 8THBBT8, FOR SALE?We are authorised to offer for eele the vacant lot located as above, which la lundpubtedly on# of the moat desirable in the dig Jy 2-TuTI

^JCno* JIAUMHIHI8 DAT. By RagnacUMCo., Auctioneer* lUlnatfwi, between Eighth an4 Xiotb pURNITURE AT AUCTION. Wc will Mil by Auction at our tint* THIS (laterday) MORF1NO, at !? o'clock, an excellent aec,*. ment of FURNITURE, Re , embracing In pan WALNUT JEN NT LIND BBDSTEAD8 arul wardrobes, WALNUT and MAHOGANY CABINETS and SIDEBOARDS. WALNUT (Imitation) C'lTTAOE hET and WAsMKT A tDK MAHOGANY EXTENSION and BREAKFAST TA BKB8 COTTAGE BEDSTEADS, SOFA, CHAIRS, OAK BOOK-CASE, HAIR and SHUCK MATTRESSES, FEATHER PILLOWS and BOLSTERS. COOKING STOVE, ROCKING-CHAIRS, rane-seat and ba< k. ?0 do,an STRAW BROOMS, CROCKERY WARE, Ac. jy 7?It UBGNAULT A CO., Annl-n^r, ) WANTS. WA N T R DPeraom defliriiur rliango their CO<>K8, WASHERS. IRovg t.? FT change theirCO<>K8, WASHERS. IRonkw NURSES, Cll AM BBRM A1DS, HOUSE and IMF IF, ROOM SERVANTS, can be au?" ' - ' ?? Franklin street, Llw>-tn e! iL y c*l i, ? FAki Ha'lfna0'1 i*,T*n ,rt ??Sr5 *"?k *ARM Hands or LAHOREKH ?f an7klnd Ujf WANTK1). TWO HOOD c?m,ksone WHITE NURSE, *he rauM h ire rh. v.nl beat recommendation, to go In the t.Mintn THREE GERMANS and a WOMAN al*n, TVtr.i IRISHMEN to work on a farm. W.?nte,|. t??,( Pl'RB MILK at ten cent* a quart. For further par. ticular* tal I or add re** the SOUTHERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, Franklin afreet, nnder Metropolitan Il?n. Poet-offiee box I#, Richmond, v, D'Afpara/t A Limk, Agent* jjr T_ii WANTED, at CLEARANCE I/jcR No. t, J.ime* Rlrer and Kanawha canal, ^ ASSISTANT LOCK-KEKPKK. (fond referent * repaired. Apply to JOHN N. HOPKINS, Clearance office, L'>ck No. I jy ? 2t* three mileajibore Richmond. NOTT a FRAYSER CAN SUPPLY VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA SPRINGS OR FARMS with their help, Cook* or Walter* for Spring*, or Farm Hand* a DA for their Farm*. We want a DAIRY MAID. ?,KK MAN NURSE, LIME-BURNERS. Hare on hand COOKS, NURSES, FARM HANDS, and LABORERS. Nt?TT A FRAYSER, Franklin, between Eighth and Ninth streets JT?-? WANTED, SITUATION AS TRACKER The writer, who i* an *xy-. rieneed TEACHER and a graduate of m<?totth* school* of the A. M. course of the University <>( Virginia, desire* to correspond with NM gentle, man possessing similar qua il tlcatlnn*, with a ?>w to establishing a cta-sica! school In ?ont* eligthj* locality; or he would accept a situation in a ??ch<?ofalready established. Parties interested please addre** ALUMNUS, care of Dr. John R. Wood*, jo 7?Intend Ivy Depot, Albemarle, \* UIDKS AND TALLOW WANTED. DRY HIDES, GREEN HIDES, and SALTED HIDES. Also, TALLOW : for Which the (lightest r,<?.!> I rk* will be paid. 0. H. CHALKLEY At o . Hide and Leather Dealers, Thirteenth street, b?. -ween Main and Cary. ap W -t. ,ASII PAID FOR BON IX?Wanted, J FIVE HUNDRED T0N8 BONE8. Caah paid c hi delivery, my M?.tn 8. P. LATHROP, Ajctnt WANTED, WOOL, in large or suiall FT lota, by je 8?ltu HARVBY8 k WILLIAMS. SHIPPING. i,foR PHILADELPHIA .?To sui I at 7 o'clock THIS EVENING, July 7. "** \iNCEii, ( he tine FUAMCfii. Uptin Edward L. Hainkh, will revive freight up fo * P. M., Htid leaver ,.bo... , co _ jv 7 It No. 1<I* Main street. 70 R BALTIMORE. SAVANNAH, : AND BOSTON -l'GWIIATANmw^. ,, rciuKoiT rmil'iNY lil'll I i >? Iri 1 r KA M BOA T " C? IJti'A N Y - BKM I - EEKLY LINE.?Leave* KirInnond. rery WEDNESDAY and SUN DA YLeaves haiti. ore every WEDNESDAY and KATU It DA V . The steamer STATE OF MARYLAND, Captain Ui'.ua* Thavkks, will leave here sU.NDAI.mh s'ant.atc o'clock A. M. Freight received TO-DAY (Friday) and up to d clock P. M. SATURDAY. This steamer has splendid saloons, state-room*, id passenger accommodations. Passage, meals included, ??!. For freight or passage apply to DAVID A WILLIAM CUKKIE. office at Cbarlea T. Wortham & Co s. jy 0?2t Fifteenth street.

FOR RENT. tj*OR RENT, A DWELLING-Hol'SK, situated on the Miuih *ld<> of Franklin etreet. between Sixth and Seventh, No. ?2I, containingtwelve romn*, with all the mo-, dern improvements and ample accommodation* for*ervantn. Alan, a STABLE and CAKKlA'ibHOt'SK. It haa recently been occupied by Mr* Dr. C. B. liibMTii. I'umhmIoii given immediately. , to WILLIAM C. ALLEN No W. ?Sta corner Sixth and Franklin *tr<*ef< OR RENT, nit OFFICE, rornor of Thirteenth ami Main *ireet*( suitable xi F for a lawyer or doctor. Apply to E. B. Sf'KNfE, Ag. nf jy 7?1ft No. 13<w Main ?tr?-et. I,1 OR RENT, the lar^o FRONT <>KFICBover K. W. Power* a drug ?t>'re, now occupied by Mr. Na*n. The BiiM'K STABLE in rear of Dr. Ma horiey's, on Main, between Sixth and Seventh ?tr?? ONE-HALF of a DWELLING on Leigh *treet. Also, several DESIRABLE KooMS. GEORGE K. BAGBY, Real F.?tate Agent ami Collector, Main, between Seventh and Eighth street-. jy fl_3t? JiM)R RENT, it iiHiiilsomo FURNIMIED H0U8B, No. 13 Sixth blreet, between mk Main and Franklin, with gas and water ffw throughout the house. Apply to HENKY?'.^R EX ALL. on the premise* or at hi* office next t" custom-house, and to BARTON k ROGERS, jy d_ta 72* Main at met. FOR RENT, corner office above Sheriff's office, Richmond House, on Governor street, at very low rent. A No, fw TWtJ LODGING-RooMs on floor above?ahntj^JJk very low lent. Apply at liigh Constable'* office. Jy* FOR RENT, tho BUILDING now <Hcupied a? the Dispatch printing house, on (iovernor street, one door from Main Possession given In a few week*?at aoon .t-^ our new building on the corner of Main am Twelfth streets I* completed. Apply st the l>i* patch counting-room. Je 27-t? IJOR RENT, sovornl litr^o and j?I?.t ?ant KOOMS, unliable fur lawyers or doc- mh tors'office*, over our store. Term* verv moderate. WoopROoF HRoTH LRn, je d_t* corner Fourth and Franklin ?tre. i* ROOMS FOR RENT, suitable for u gentleman and wife or single gent lew- n, A^ with or without board. Apply at No. ?1>, Eighth street, beyond Leigh. u*y lu?la FOR RENT, One PLEASANT ROOM, suitable for a Gentleman's Lodgingroom, or a Oantleuau and Wife. Apply to f-jw Mrs. H. B. HoVAN. jjJL Seventeenth street, between Veuable ami 1'op.ai ft t?-_ts 1>RICF-S REDUCED.?On unci alto X THIS DAY iny price* will be reduced a? fellows : SUA VINA ii* II AlR-CL'TTINO ? SHAMPOOING ?????? :5cM BKOW.Y, corner Eighth and Broad street*. Jy ?? Iw under office K . F. A P. K. K. t oilfWIKlcHSoKI) Bxi-aUPUBRT, N" 3.1 Kicuuoxd, July J. I**. ' /ORDERS No. l.-r-Sir Knight*,-- X, \ / Assemble at the ?tore of Messrs. KEt?- /U\ NAULT A CO ..oil Main aireet, uedf Nimb.'? a on SATURDAY, 7th Instant, at 13o'clock, M - the transaction of Important business. By older M. B., E. 11 Una. U. C. WILLIAM L- MAI Li.. Captain-Genera Jamus E. Ripdicic, Recorder. _ ).v *?:i TO FARMERS AND ALL OTHERS 1 INTERESTED All person, in the ticumy J Kiebmond having Confederate soldiers buried'?? or nesr their grounds will plea** ivport Ins **?? U> Mrs. Dr. Bolton, Corresponding ***?* ... the Hoilyw.iod Memorial Association, Box #05. staling, as far aa can be done, name, reg uisut.aud Stale ot each soldier.^ ^ |)oLT?>N, je 20?ta Corresponding Secretary H- M A _ 1X)R SALE, A STYLISH YOUM* : HOBSM, Ave years old ; works tW*^ double and single harness, aud goes ws.t /TtV '"dtcs.* j.)h? ?. d??p"? f\RANGES AND MSMONS-?On" *myH. ^ No. <*Maln street. r A TEST STYLKS. ? COLORK Ld 8 T K A w IIATf?Xtou, ihrby, and ball ? iTi!( WSIS10,K Je 23 Mo- 111 Maluku***-. JOUDaIjLT^ PEPSIN.?a frvnh 3 supply at ^ wooD'g PH A RM At V BUffiA F LO U R .?Fitly b*rM* * Walsh's Family. Iw* berrela Extra, for Welsh a ramtiy. rRfcN(.H k ck^xHaW kkkInu'h kikk-pkook ha km w?.. MREiar