Daily Dispatch, Volume 39, Number 23, 27 July 1870 — Page 1

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iWW * ? BY COWARDTN * KULY80N. CASWT? tHVARTABT.T TW ADV1SC*. rv DAILY DISPATCH I* dellvcredto nubecrl--i nt rirTS^x ckn'TS j?er week, payable to the .* ripr wekly. Mailed at t? per annnra; fox , months : vfc. per month ror a ohorter period* ' T*e HKMf-W ic fCKLY DISPATCH at per an- ,, v. nr I'.W lor sJx month*. YVRXKL.Y DISPATCH at *fr>eranDBm. M WMFU ItlMKTN. . ? \V SETxffiSSiiATi SPRINGS, > Al.LEGHANY COUNTY, VA., frORMKRl-Y KNOWN AS "P.ED SW*KT.M) nELTOIITFCr, Rk"^ORT Is daw ajvii for ?ucommodatlon <>f visitor*. A magnificent i ?( >I.-KATH? unsurpassed In the world ; a TA;,I MirrLIBP WITH KVKKV LUXURY, >1.. -KIT ST OK ACCOMMODATIONS, arv of- , h.s attraction? to visitors. The water is a powerful tonic. j r k kms : $3 per day; $13 per week; J83 per | I JoHmal copy. Jy 13? rw | i " HKDERICKSI1 ALL.? ' This well-known 1 place. sllu ate.! within half a mthi of Kredek - !i ? 1 1 depot, on the Chesapeake and Ohio rail- j ?.i, wh?-rc then- Is a telegraph and poet-office, Is 1 * open f <>r K<?*.ftl>KKS. Thin Is one of the ?i?- t an. I healthiest places between .Richmond , I the mountains. 1'ers -nsRvtnjr In, Richmond i wishing to place their families in the country ,. rc they can obtain GOOlvROAliDand have . ,,j?p>rTi nUy of vl*lt.!nc theni frequently and w Hi And this to be a vvry"destrahki place. , . . ..re two passenger trains ? onervlvht antlone . train -over this road, and freight train* with .V?rivcr cars attached. Tickets for three months obtained of the Chesapeake and Ohio Rall.,,1 Company for flS, entitling the ltolder to , v . 1 on the road to and from Richmond to this , a- as he p!o*s?v. i k k >i s : f-to per liiontb; children under twelve , a-- . i fuv h?'! colored servants, $15. White ?er- , . cannot betaken. .. v? Hi) S. W. 11 \ RRIS. : < ?( i;sT GROVE, 1 i GREENWOOD DEPOT, A Lit EM A RLE COUNTY, YA.. pen for visitors. Kor hr-n'thfulness, good . ?, i.u , X c.. it Is un?urpaxse<Hn the irxiiuitatn*. ! f >; vi s f i per day. *lf> per week . $3<i f>er month. . :. iii u:okr twelve years and servants, bstf i . i?c(*nct1ons for parties spending the sum[V 6? 3mJ A. K. S'AX<-KY,J?. W r aji.m snux ox, RATH COUN'TY. VA. I m? watering-place will t?e open on r. i of Juno for t! ?' reeoptlon of vlsltora. The .it- r\ J? Kr'n"' '',T,d iK-antltnl ? the climate dei. i i). sn!::i>rl<>u!.;, and highly Invigorating. r * .it? r- h-?\t' b?*en known an?U<'elehrated for !t curative vl.tues for nearly aceulory. ni : i'tr day, #2.75; wte'k, 417.30; month, ' ..ute bv r#Hroad to the Mlllboro' depotonthe . i Htid i dil.j railriiMtl, thenco by tita^e .,?> , ii inlii"? t-'> W^rrn Snrln?*s. clic;!ir.s contain I n/ full account or these .u-r-* ritt to W. II. MODANNALI), Afftut. -iuce tl.S Mtmniinct nient 1 liave m ?de arraneei.io nl'l In the management of the Warm iisjs this season. My connection with and nit fit oj th- Healing HprinffS for three snc?u- st-M.v??iir> will, I trust, be a Kunrintee to my . i.- or a c >r.ll(il and hoepitsble welcome. The iic cener.tllv a>e revues u;d to try once more '??i f:t\orUcol'J place. ? i . :n, JOHN L. EUBANK. \; A UIKTY Sl'ltlNGS will Uc oponert for \ tti<- r'ccj'tion of visitors on the K1KST OF j i, V. Tlirv lie II (teen mlle? west of Staunton, .i ?? '!v on the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad, the . ? stoppli)*.' at theiu. The mineral waters are ,.iv tine, eouiil: tint; of cli??l ybtate, nlum, alll.. ?! ?,?. ?ud s-ulpiuir. Mountain seutery jrrand. M i i <1 hIIu i uiuuscmctiU. Itatldng in healing ais-r t'rsUs. onemomli, <jUo; per week, ifl2: per #:*. Children under twelve vears and ser- . half price. I'. A M. ISI'RRIISB, i. j Proprietors. t iiKAT KKl>rC"l'l??X IN THE PRICE I OK ItOAltl) AT Trite S K K T H 1* K I N IS S , Vj'NIU'K < <?! STY. WEST VIRGINIA. : flP-i l- 1 t.'l It ' I ? 1 W AT r. R I N C. R KSORT , fa vi ?ra>>i* kii -v.n.ns the "ni,i? SWKBT," and famous i i tin woiMkr fill medicinal properties of Its wa- ;? i- and t.isiiloiiuhle patrons, will oj>eii for the . -on '-ii .i I ! s E I">! h. 1 1,. |.><'a' !?:i. i ooo feet above the fea levvl, with ?t mountain air and most ma^nltlcent scenery. .?Hit wsih two extensive baths, supplied ? P h mineral water lroui springs that rise In the (..tllis :il u i< nir" t iture of dejrrfes, renders the '?ill swe* t " the nio?t nt tractive lesort In the i i-it?-il .-tales. Il-'icls, eottafres, and hall-room :;iiim'uatei! !? > ^'.iS. \ -ult il.le li"\ery in conneetlon wlthtlioSprlugs. 'teli iTupli i*.'in?*ii'io|c;it|oii to ever 5 part or the wi-rM. lin.'iid, fl'.fu pel day; per month. ?loHN T. Wtl.SuN, 1i- -Cm M.-tna^er. MorNT.MX-TOl' HOUSE.? This wellkii">Mi pl :< e of sninme.r resort, sll imted In I kli. li ?i:ip,osi the 1*1 in Khl^e luonulaln. and ?l;i>lii i lie. mile Alt. .ii depot, on the ChesaI I .ik- and Ohio r tllroad, havinp been newly re ? : : ? ?! with entlri l> m w and ele^mt furniture, Is >. open forth, reception nl vbHnrs. lie:?!i u M' ?! > Ta 1 n -T. ?1* i?. always remarkit. iv cm. I. -.vitli fine fr.esti.ne nnit chalybeate ii. and inn.'iiilirent view. I he uudersliMicd having' leased the nhovepro|miI>. w|!| spare no palnb to make thUr K"e.sts ...iiii'ur tuhle. i. iii- ls win he e'tiivi ye?| t?? and from the depot fre of charge. Address il. ?i(MjHLOK .t CO., A ftot. depot, Ji 2 t??m < hesape?k? andOtdo Knllroad. r r 1 1 l-j NnvTivisiT 1 WHITE SULPHUR BPRINUS. UlLES COUN'J'Y, YA. ( : ! It. lar-l per day, f.o ; per week. fir. ; per month, ? . i litidrcu under ten years and servants, half pi Ice. 1 1 !- .li lU'lit t ill SUMMER RESORT will he open : i il-tors from .JULY 1st. Astagewlll leave the v Mii/oinerv While sulphur springs, on the Vlr- . ii) . and 'f'ciinw;.'cc railroad, every TUESDAY ?i S CI TRDA Y lor the New l:lver White, "in- who prefer water travel tt? the st iire, and ? v. i desire to ; lew i Ih? inatnlilcent scenery of | \ ? river, can take the cars to Central depot, ?>: the Virginia and Tennes.-ee railri.;il, ^ here :li> > ?lll tiud comfortable h-iiei U' couimoiiattoiis, I from whleh point a bout will leave f jr the Springs t very WkDnKSI >A Y. lie lnvl^oratlni; Htuiospinre, the enchanting ? > ;i ry, the d- llL-httul fare fur which the pla.'C Is . |. 'I (mu-lMliiK In part In EllESll KISil AN1? 1 \.ME all the t.eas >n ihrou^h). the line medlcliial hi "pertles of the water (t.elntf sliniUr to the GreenIrler White), the tlshln*', hunting, hoatliif;, Nittilnpr, and the moderate cha no for board, point It nut u> one of the moit desirable places in this t. uutry for a family to spend the summer. F r an v further information, apply to tlio proirlttors. WILLIAM f:G??LH'STON, New River Wbltoatnlphur Springs, Giles county, Y it. JOHN TYLEK, posuofflce box '.'31, Richmond, Va. 1" i-eo'l'.'m I>EDFOKD ALUM AND IODINE i> SPRINGS. 1 In se til'Rl N'Gb are now open for the reception ??! visitors. \ convrvance will run regularly to Forest !'? I"'i. on Virginia and Tennessee railroad, after tt,?- ";jth July. )y in? iw * ECllOt S, Proprietor. EDUCATION A 1^. TIIK HEBREW AND GERMAN LAN- ' GUAGES As 1 have recovered from my late ! ktiess. I shall continue to instruct, as liercto- : re. the 11K.BUKW AM) GERMAN LAN?>r.\GE8 privately aud in classes. I 'et sous who wish to make use of this opportuliy. particularly during the montlisof vacation, u 111 please call on me. M. J. MICHELB ACIIER, corner Flrt?t and Clay streets, Ivlfl-iS.M.&WSw f 0 U D O U N S C II O O L, Middlebnrg, I i Loudoun county, Va. V. DA15NEY, t'rlneil '!j Apply for circulars. Je Us ? eoc3ui ] > WMIOND FEMALE INSTITUTE l tiU Institution will re-open October 1st, 1870, wIUi a full Faculty, and with other arrangements ' "inplete. Special advantages and Inducements ?te i.tieicd to 1H)AK1?1NG 1'UI'ILS, who are inMt- .1 1,? correspond at once with the undersigned. ' iiciilars, <^c., sent on application. CHAHLESH. WINSTON, M. A., Jv li ? dlw'iEood3w President. I > A NDOLl'H MACON COLLEGE.? Fall I I st^-l u win <>pen on LAST THUKSOAY IN -?!. ? 't'KMKKR. and continue till LAST TI1 II RS-I-AY IN JUNE. ? or particulars, address Rev. Dr. DUNCAN, l'i' -d.lciit of the College, or 11. ESTILL, Secretary of Faculty. Jy?0_tlstOct Ashlamk Va.

1>LUE HI DOE SCHOOL. I) ALUEMAICLE COUNTY. VA. A. K. YAN'C'KY. Ju., Principal;) W. I.VI'HaM, .lit., > Instructors. II IU11 CUA1G, A. M., ) I In- iH-xl ses.-lon commences September 15, 1870, *???1 closr-a Jutn.lS, 1871. The Principal and his associates art" Kraduwtes '< >t? ctlvi ly (>i' tin* Vlr^lula University and of | ' .-mi bridge, England, audare tcachertiof large t4*" Hrlence. , i i.i!Ub : Tuition, board, fuel, lights, and washing. for entire session. $2So. UKftcntNCKH : Faculty of University of Vlr- > liil.t and former patrons of tin- school . Address A K. YANOKY, JR., Jy 1st - 'im Urtfinwoi d l>epot, V.t. lJOANOKE COLLEGE, located ut Sail' U'tU, Yu.t Will IIM'U 1U next m-hm1ou ou the in Of BKI'TRMoKlt. Kutlre expenses of a IKN" MONTHS' 8KSSION, Including board, tuition, tuid Incidt'itl'tlii, 9'iiu. Board In private I'lnUlcnatu .-majl advance. Lrtsefetlouary deducti"ii lor lndlgont students. li.quSreot" the I'rest?i nt. [Jy 18 ? lin] l>. K. LU l'TLK. i; IX iEIJILL S C 11 O 0 L. ? The MisseH ! I J It A NDOLI'H win rc-onen their SI m?:OL H?h YOIJNO LAI?J>8 ou the mu fcBPTF.MHfl!. 1870. For terras, apply for circular. Ad-'Ju-bB Mltft. T. J. 1(A NDoPH Jy 18? lm fchadwell, Albemarle county, Va. I WISH TO LN'FOJiM ALL WHOLEI MhK DKALKBrt OF VIRGINIA that I have the lt<?PE FaCTOKY known as Mmona's '?*?< lory^Uu&tedon Twenty-?lghth alreel hetweeu > N *nd O. 1 will lie a Me to lurnlshall uualltles V..J rUeitof HOPE, TW INK, PACKING, 8ASH- ' "ltl>, tfKD-?<)RD. PI,OW and ToW-UNES, ' II A l/U and MASON LlNKS. . my W-JMt, W?m IC. J. BUOWy. ttTATIO*iEfiY.--FBl) MWrtmant at au*Yw>? * H U8Kifa?tr*$

PBYCIOOPS. twckwall & koufb, U NO. 1013 MAIN STREET. ,Tu?t received by the atoamer Isaac Bell a handsome shipment or BABG A I N 8 bought at half the usual price*, and will be sold accordingly. Good PRINTS at ?Jc. (ffcat colors) ; Pretty LAWNSal He. ; BLACK ALPACA at 40c.? cheap at 80c. Onr -whole stock marked down to correspond with present New fork market. tolling our stock of Shoes at cost ; Domestics at factory prices ; Trunks at factory prices : 4-4 Matting at 25c. worth 4ffe : many Dress Goods at lesx than the cost of importation. jy 28 QREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT JULIUS SYCLES'S, WO Main street, second door below Ninth. He now offers his entire stock or SUMMER l>KKSH OOOOS rcg&jdloia of cost, as he is determliusl to ie<luc? lila trftnit<n<kmfl stock ; so call tarlyand procure some of those handsome FIGURED URENAL>LNESfrom 20 to *0c. worth #5 and Goc. ; STRIPED and PLAIN LENOSat20c.woith8?c.; PLAIN and PLAID MOZAMB1QUES at VOc. worth Soc ; FRENCH ORUANDIF.S at 30c. worth 40c.: ? PRINTED PERCALES at 16|c. : Mo I J R N I N i . G ( H)DS ? a siH-cl a Ity ; I Ro N G K K N A 1 >1 N EH? all grades and prices ; HAREUKS, TAMIRE CLOTHS, BLACK ALPACA S- f rom 25 to 60. : Very good CRAPE COLLARS and CUFFS, CRAPE VEILS and MOURNING HANDKERCHIEFS? In variety; LAWS at lsfc. worth 20e.; .->? (J real bargains In BLACK SILKS ; IRISH LINEN and LINEN SH KETINOS ; HUCKABACK TOW ELS at l2Jc. worth 20c.; PILLOW-CASE L1NKN; LANCASTER and MARSEILLES QUlLTB-all Rizes and prices ; WHITE and CuLORED 'PIQUES from 30c. up ; A full llr.e of WHITE GOODS. TABLE DAMASK, NAPKINS, and DOYLIES; LIN EN and COTTON DIAPER* FURNITURE DAMASK. 1 have also a full line or GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, such as LISLE and GAUZE SHIRTS; LINEN SHIRTS? very cheap ; COLLARS. HANDKERCHIEFS, HALK-nOSE, TIES and GLOVES, Good 1.1NEN DRILLING at 25c. an<j upwards ; SAM!, NECK, audTRIMMING RIBBONS In variety ; SILK, LISLE, BUCK, and KID GLOVES-al) allslr.es ; LACE COLLARS, RUFFLES, EMBROIDERIES, HOSIERY and NOTIONS of all kinds. Many other articles too numerous to mention. Call early and be convinced. The following gentlemen are with me, and would be pleased to ste their friends : LEWIS W. BURWELL, JOHN J. TURNER, J. WEINBERG, GEORGE SWA 11 A CHER, WILLIAM B. POWERS, K. S. SMITH ERS, C. J. McRAE. JULIUS SYCLE, jy 18 003 Main street. ^ RE AT RUSH I G Since the commencement of OUR SEMI-ANNUAL CLOSING SALE we have disposed of a number of DESIRABLE GOODS AT VERY LOW PRICKS. We have MARKED DOWN EVERYTHING in order to CLOSE OUT ALL SUMMER GOODS, preferring to give customers the benefit of buying dry goods BELOW THE REGULAR PRICE rather than carry the PHme over till the next season. Without enumerating articles, we will state that we have still A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT, and bhall continue the CLOSINO SALE for the remainder of the season. A CALL IS SOLICITED, AND WE INTEND TO SELL AS ADVERTISED. COUNTRY ORDERS FILLED CAREFULLY. WILLIAM THALHIMER A SONS, 601 Broad, corner Sixth street, Jy 1* Broad-Street Dry Goods Emporium.

QAIIDOZO, FOURQUREAN & CO., 1009 MAIN STREET (opposite post-ofllce), have just received large additions to their stock of J) RE SB GOODS, bought at the very I.OWE6T prices at which the same value of goods have ever l>ecn sold. El.EGA.NT NECK AND SASH RIBBONS, In all widths ami colors, IN GREAT VARIETY. Persons preparing to visit tho Springs will flild EVKRYTHrNG In the Dry Goods line they may desire, from the cheapest travelling-dress to tho most costly outfit. Jy 3 CARDOZO, FOURQUREAN & CO. gELLING OFF i AT COST j TO MAKE A CHANGE IN BUSINESS. POPULAR BKOAD-STREET DRY GOODS STORE. . IN j ANTICIPATION OF MAKING A CHANGE IN BUSLNEBS . WE SHALL ; of^er oub entire stock of DRY GOODS J : r r i * a ? ; ;- AT COST, FOR CASH. H1RSH * GUGGENHEIMER, ? U?0 i 887 BROAD STREET. T TT riBAIUAPPlUB YINBGAE tw? years Vi oldu4 BPICTCJ tor ' )f 9 Groeerj ap<J Liqno* Koro.

WEDNESDAY JULY 27, 1870. THE CIRCULATION OP THE DISPATCH 18 LARGER THAN TUK COMBINED CIJL COLATION OF ALL T11E OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPERS OP THE CITY. AUCTION NiLES TIIW DAY. . j I'AIWE A CO. will-sell at 10 A. M. dry goods, boots, shoes, matUajr, clothing, &c. ORUBIiS A WILLIAMS will sell at 6 P. M. a three-story dwelling on the north side of Qrace between Twenty-flrst and Twenty-second etreetd. LOCAL MATTERS. Tns Execution op Phillips.? The large edition of the Semi- Weekly Dispatch, Willi our graphic and thrilling account of this most remarkable case and its tragical denoument, having been exhausted, we will reJiublish it In full iu our weekly edition of Friday. For sale in the Dispatch countingroom, and l?v newsdealers generally; ? Trice, ready for mailing, five cents. Persons leaving the city for the Rummer c:m have the Dispatch mailed to their ad. dress by ordering the Same at this officeTerms, sixty cents per month. The Gennett Robbery? Arrest op a Thief and Recovery op Tart of the Goons. ? Yesterday morning a polored hoy named Lewis "Williams, representing himself as from Norfolk, went to tbe jewelry store of Mr. II. A. Pcarcs, on Maui street near the Old Market, and offered to sell for seventy-live cents a gold pen worth about six dofiars. Tho suspicious of Mr. Pearce were aroused by tho appearance of the boy no less than by the low price asked for the pen, and by observing upon it tho pricemark of Mr. Charles Gunnett, who Was robbed on Sunday night, lie accordingly detained the fellow until a policeman was sent for and arrived. He was then taken to the First Police Station, and being searched by Detectives Knox, O'Dwyer, and Wrenn, there was found concealed about his person six gold lockets, two finger rings, and six gold pen-holders and pens. He at first accounted for their being in hte possession by saying that ho had" gotten them from a man w-hom he didn't know, but finally the officers wormed out of him some information which led tliem to an exSloring expedition in the direction of the few York steamboat shed, Rockctts. Hero they found secreted about $205 worth of the jewelry and plate stolen from Mr. Gennett; and the articles being rally identified, were delivered to their owner. The boy taken in custody at Mr. Pearce's was brought before Police Justice White, and the case was continned until Friday next, the accused being committed to await the examination. Mr. Gennett is to be congratulated on tho early recover}' of so large a portion of the stolen goods. Bold Theft.? A thief entered tho residence of Mr. E. A. Smith, comer of Eighth and Leigh streets, on Monday night, and, while the family were at tea m the basement, stole a waiter, pitcher, and two goblets (all silver) from a table in the back parlor. Tho stolen property was valued at about ?50. Dangerously Stabiied.? Frank Hollo-w-ay. a convict at the penitent iary, who was stabbed by a fellow-convict named James Our ley, on Monday, is still in a precarious condition. Hustings Court ? Judge A. D. Ouigon pi-esiding.?h\ the case of the Commonwealth vs. Alba and Bettie D. Lafond, charged with a misdemeanor, tbe jury returned a verdict of not guilty. No other business of importance occupied tho attention of the court. Prisoners to be tried to-day : Spencer Taliaferro, Noah Coleman, John Faudree, Jarnos Washington. Polich Court, T u e b d a y? Joseph J. White , Police Justice, presiding. ? Natlum Warren and George W. lticliardson (colored boys), stealing a box of cigars. Caso continued until to-day. "William Burker, assaulting J. T. Cropper. Dismissed. William Whitlow, charged with stealing clothing in Petersburg, the property of Mrs. MeGre.f'ory. Sent to Petersburg. Francis Morris (colored), threatening to assault and beat "Washington Coutts. Fined two dollars. Alexander Lewis (colored), sleeping onSecond Market bench. Jim Hughes (white), assaulting his wife while drunk and disturbing the neighbors. Fined two dollars. Susan Botts (colored), stealing 95.50 from Griffin Peyton. Sent before the grand jury and admitted to bail in $o<)0. James Rush (colored), abusing Sarah Johnson and using indecent language. Fined two dollars. Archer Johnson (colored), stealing twen-tv-two cents from the person of Cornelius Jf. Robertson. Case continued to the 27th instant. Sunday School Courtesies.? The follow- j ing paper was read by the Superintendent of the Union Station Methodist Sunday School on last Sunday, Tt shows that a most desirable spirit exists between the schools of different denominations on Church Hill: I " Richmond, July 24, 1S70. " To the Officers and Teachers of Union Station Sunday School, Richmond , Va.: "Dear Friends,? We; the undersigned, were appointed a committee by the officers and teacliers of St. John's Protestant Episcopal Sunday School to express the deep sorrow of our school in the sad bereavement which Union Station Sunday School has been called upon to endure. " We are all one family ; wo are all colaborers in the same good cause, and wo feel your sorrow as we know you would ours under like circumstances. Wo bow our heads in humble submission to God's will, and, with our faces in the dust, say, 'It is the Lord's doing, and holy is Ilia name.' Tho sad lesson taught us on the 12th instant, when one of the ' lambs' of your school was called up to join tho great congregation of redeemed Sunday-school children, will have, we hope, a good effect on all our schools. It will teach us that ' in the midst of life we are in death.' " May the God of the widow bless the afflicted ones, and may tho Great Head of the Church so apply the Lite affliction to your school as to raise more stars for His crown. " We remain, dear brethren, your friends In the Sunday-school work. "Thomas Potts, "John R. Currib, " T. C. Brent, " Committee." A suitable response was sent by Union Station school to the above communication.

State Licenses. Mr. John TV. Wright, who has been appointed collector of State taxes, notifies persons whose business requires a license from the State that the commissioners of revenue are now prepared to issue tho same. An advertisement published in another column gives the names of tho commissioners, and states where they may be found. Off the Track.? Two cars were thrown off the track of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac railroad on Broad street yesterday in shifting them into the depot to be unloaded. One of them contained horses, consigned to G. W. Winn & Co., Raleigh, N. v., but the animals were not much hurt. ? i - Personal.? The Governor and Mrs. Walker expect to leave Richmond this morning for tho Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs. . , Convict.? George Lucas (color not stated), of Alexandria, convicted of. sodomy, woe was received at the penitentiary yesterday,

Richmond and LyncXrtrarir Railroad? Meeting of the Corporators. A meeting of the corporators of the Richniond and Lynchburg Railroad Company was held at the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday. There were present Messrs. Franklin Stearns, Joseph R. Anderson, John F. Lay, William G. Paine, Lloyd J. Beall, J. T>. Harvey, II. C. Cabell, William P. Bimvell, George A. Baughman, W. A. Perkins, Thomas w. McCance, David J. Burr. Isaac Davenport, Jr., W. H. Perkins, and William M, Perking, j , On motion of :CoIonel Cabell, Judge John F- Lay, of Powhatan, was called to the chair, and Mr. William P. Burwell, of Richmond, appointed secretary. . Judge Lay, on taking the chair, explained the object of the meeting to be to devise such means as would best conduco t? the speediest construction of the proposed road. He had no doubt that the proposition met with the cordial sympathy or the people. Ho could safely assert tbat the construction of tho Richmond and Lynchburg railroad would redound to the benefit of the city of Richmond and Lynchburg, of the State, and of the couutry at large. He was certain of the heaity support of the noopie of the country, and there was nothing to do then but to organize thoroughly, and thereby facilitate the accomplishment of the proposed enterprise. ?< Communications wore read from William P?,7saacs, George D. Sauhdorg of Buckingham, and James Lyons, expressing regret at their inability to he present at the meeting* < m motion of General Anderson, a committee of five was appointed to prepare business, consisting of Colonel L. J. Beall, General J. R. Anderson, -Captain W.ii. Perkins, of Cumberland; David J. Burr' and C. If. C. Cabell* of Richmond. Colonel Beall ollfered a resolution providing for a conference with the authorities of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company with reference to the loan made by the city of Richmond to tbat company, ana upon other matters of mutual interest ; and another providing for the appointment of commissioners to open books of subscription to the capital stock of the Richmond and Lynchburg Railroad Company. Both resolutions were referred to the committee above named, which presently reported the following resolutibn : ' ' ' "Resolved, Tbat books of subscription tc the capital stock of the Richmond and Lynchburg Railroad Company, in conformity with the Code of Virginia" and the charter of the company, may be opened at the following places 011 the 5th day of Septeml>er, 1870, and under the. superintendence of the following named persons, or any one of them : "At Richmond, at the banking-house of William B. Isaacs,' under the superintendence of Thomas W. McCance, William B. Isaacs, Lloyd J. Beall, Franklin Stearns, and John D. Harvey. 4< At Lynchburg, at the office of Edward 8. Browu, under the superintendence of Robert L. Owen, J. R. McDaniel, B. II. Jfowlin, and Edward S. Brown. "At Powhatan Courthouse, under the superintendence of Judge Jolin F. Lay, Willis J. Dance, William Pope Dabney, and Daniel Ilatcher. " At Cumberland Courthouse, under tho superintendence of Francis D.Irving, John H. McKae, George Perkins, and Dr. C. R. Palmore. I "At Buckingham Courthouse, under the superintendence of Colonel E. W. Hubbard, William M. Perkins, Thomas L. Bondunmt, William M. Cabell, and Colonel P. A. Davis. " At Appomattox Courthouse, under the superintendence of Judge Lewis D. Isbeli, Wilson Jlix and Albei t Thornhill. " At Coalfield township, Chesterfield county, under the superintendence of James P. Archer, Colonel William Wooldridge and Walter Clarke. "At Manchester, under the superintendence of C. C. McKae, Captain William I. Clopton, and W. If. Brainier." The report was unanimously adopted. Some discussion followed as to the plan of subscriptions, and finally the subject was referred to the directory, when constituted. The corporators then adjourned to meet at such time as the Chairman may desig- 1 nate. MoitTUATiY IvEroRT.? The following Is the mortuary report for the week ending Saturday, July 23, 1870, compiled from sextons' returns received at the office of the Board of Health : Whole number of deaths in the city, 43; in addition, 2 still-bom were reported. Sex: Males, 22; lemales, 21. Color: White males, l(i ; white females, 12 ; colored males, (i : colored females, 9. Condition : Single, 26 ; married, S; widowers, 2; widows, 3; unkuown, -1. Nativity : United States, 40; Ireland, 1 ; Italy, 1 ; unknown, 1. Locality: City at large, 3; Marshall Ward, 10; Jefferson Ward, 15; Madison Ward, 3; Monroe Ward, 8 ; Clay Ward, 2 ; Almshouse, 2. Age : one day to thirty, 1 ; one month to six, 3 ; six mouths to twelve, 8 ; one year to three, 10 ; three years to five, 2 ; ten years to twenty, 2 ; twenty years to thirty, 2 ; thirty years to forty, 3; forty years to fifty, 2 ; fifty years to sixty, 2 ; seventy years to eighty, 3 ; eighty years to ninety," 2 ; one hundred years and upwards, 1 ; unknown, 2. By whom certified : Regular practitioners, 40 ; coroner, 1 ; Board of Health, 2. Causes of death : Apoplexy, 1 : cholera infantum, 10; consumption, 1 (white) ; diarrhoea (acute), 1 ; diarrliooa (chronic), 1 ; dropsy of the heart, 1 ; drowning, 1 ; execution, 1 ; heart disease, 1 ; inflammation of bowels, 1 ; inflammation of liver, 1 ; marasmus, 4 ; old age, 6 ; pneumonia, 1 ; pleurisy, 1 ; premature birth, 1 ; puerperal convulsions, l ; phlegmon, 1 ; scrofula, 1 (colored) ; tabes mesentorica, 2 ; teething, 1 : tumor, 1 ; typhoid fever, 1 ; unknown, 2.

Odds and Ends.- Porter will stump the district as a candidate for Congress. Mr. A. Moise, Jr., was robbed of a tendollar note on Monday night. The Central Executive Committee of the Conservative . party held a meeting last night. The new town officers of Manchester will probably qualify to-day before Judge Cox. Gas-lamps are being placed in the vicinity of Richmond College, where they have long been needed. There will be no session of the Hustings Court in August. Colonel William James (formerly collector of customs) and Martin Meredith Lipscomb are candidates for Congress in opposition to Porter. Eatables will be supplied free of charge at the pic-nic of the Grace-Street Baptist Sunday school to-morrow. The ball at the "White Sulphur Springs to-morrow night will l>e largely attended by Richmond beaux and belles. Church Meeting.? The ministers' and deacons' meeting of the upper part of the Dover Baptist Association will be held at Mount Horeb church, Caroline county, on Saturday morning next at 11 o'clock. Query fob House Builders. ? If a person starU from Rocketts with a common street wagon full of liquid plaster, aud spills it along the streets at tbe rate of ten bushels per square, how much will be left in the vehicle when it reaches Ninth street? Sons op Tkmfebanue.? A new division of the Sons of Temperance, under the title of " Harmony Division," will be instituted this evening at 8 o'clock over Charles Kolbe's confectionary store, on Broad street between Sixth and Seventh. Members of the Order are invited to attend. Sales op Real Estate.? Messrs. Lee & Goddiu, auctioneers, during the past few days, have made the following sales ; 1 Brick storehouse, on leasehold, on Cary street between Thirteenth and Virginia, $605. i Brick houso aud lot in Sidney, on Main street, with half-acre lot, $2,350. j Four-story building, 13 ^ feet front, on Main between Ninth and Tenth, north side, for |8,000. : Ten acres land In Chesterfield county, six miles from Richmond, $220. List or Unbailable Letters Remaining in the Richmond Post-Opficjb July 28.? Misa Kate Harrifou, lUcfcmopa ; Mrs. P,

M. Fore, Keysvilie, Va.; A. n. Wright, Old Point Comfort: Mrs. Sarah Courtney, Greenwood, Va. ; Dr. George Terrill, Newport, B. I. ? ? ? ? ? Communicated. Monroe Bqsare ? To b? Misapplied? To tue City Council. Tt Is a duty which every tax-payer and resident in Clay Ward owes to himself and the whole city to use every legitimate influence at his command to prevent the contemplated move to convert Monroe Square into a floral garden, where a public and private sale of flowers will be had, to the mockery and shame of the city of Richmond. No such sacrilege 6hould be allowed. * The city and the citizens are poor enough, it is true ; but neither are-so poor as to seel: a revenue from the desecration of Monroe Square. Any attempt by your honorable body to pervert the proper uses of this square from their legitimate objects will bo a palpable violation of your trusts and a deliberate disregard of the feelings, wishes, and settled views of the people of Richmond, and a great outrage upon the feelings of the taxpayers and residents of Clay Ward. Monroe Squire should be l>eantified and left for the free use of the people, and not converted into a source of private gain to anv florist. If need be, the residents of Clay Ward will speak out, and in tones which will command the respcct of the Council, and awaken the liveliest interest of her members of your honorable body. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Clay Wajid. Balttmobe Bee b I? Arrlvetl, late yesterday afternoon, a r ft esu sdjtly of Baltimobk Bkeb, at Sciiott'8 Mouticello IloteL, Broad street. r ? ( ; t . Levy BBOTHEBS.?Some people are so Incredulous as to suppose fliat the low prices at which Dry Goods of all kinds are advertised at Levy Bbothebs is merely done to attract a crowd to their store, and then be charged a heavy per cent, more than advertised rates. Reader, if you have formed such an erroneous Idea, we ask you In behalf of Levy Bbothebs to dismiss It ai once. We speak knowingly when we say that the advertised prices of goods which are #lven in Levy Bbothebs' column in the Register are the same prices at which the same goods are Bold at thjlr store? no deviation whatever. If you send to Levy Bbothebs for gooda yon need have no fear of receiving an inferior artlclo at a big price. They are men of honest principles and the best business qualities, and are conducting a business which haa been established over llf$y years. We can truly say that It is to the Interna of every purchaser of Dry Uoods to give this lirm a trial, and thoy will not regret It. Remember, that Nos. 1213 and 1215 Main street, Richmond, Virginia, Is the place for bargains. Read advertising column, and look In our next Issue for further particulars ? Scutt smile Register, Jtdy 23d, 1870. Stbaw Goods, Stbaw Goods. -G beat BabOA1NS FOB Thibty Days ? My entire btock maiked down, and many articles will be sold for half their value to make room for my fall stock. A. A. Allen*, 1310 Main strict. For coal and coke and cooking wood go to Mr. J.B. W atkins, liti Main street, nearly opposite this office, as the quality and low prices canubt well be equalled. The Prince William Tie and Imperial Scarf at E. B. Spknce A Son's, 1300 Main street. For all kinds of gentlemen's notion goods call at E. 11. S pence & Son's. To prevent sunstroke get one of those light Umbrellas which E. B. M'ENCE & SON keep. No one was ever known to Lave sunstroke muter an umbrella. Fbank Leslie's, Godey's, and Demorest'n fwhion books for August, for sale at fc'LLYSON & Tayloh'S news depot, 1110 Main street. Ladies desire what men admire, and this little thing Is beauty. What do we say is beautiful V A transparent complexion and a luxuriant head of hair. What will produce these '( TTaoan'S Magnolia Balm will make any lady of thirty appear but twenty, and Lyon's Kathatbon will keep every hair in Its place an 1 make It grow like the April grass. It prevents the hair from turning gray, eradicates dandruff, and is the finest hair dressing In the world, and at only half ordinary cost. If you want to get rid of 6alIowness, pimples, ring-marks, moth-patchus, etc., don't forgot the Magnolia Ualm, ladles. "Remember" In your promenade or an evening the neat Ice-cream saloon at "Jackson's," corner Main and Third streets. He also makes and delivers to families, plc-nlcs, fairs, Ac., Ac., pure Ice-cream lu any quantity aud of any flavor desired. Old Papebs, In packages or one hundred or more, for sale at the Dispatch counting-room. M. Kllyson A CO. will insert advertisements in the principal newspapers in Virginia, North Caro. llna, Tennessee, and the northern cities, at publishers' rales, for cash. Apply at this olSce*

MAKINE INTCIiUUENCE. MINIATURE ALMANAC, JULY 27, 1879. Sunrises..,, 4.5HI Mood rises 3.50 Sun sets 7.021 High tide 3.27 POBT OF RICHMOND, JULY 26, 1870. ABBIVBD. Steamer John Sylvester, Glfford, Norfolk, merchandise and ixtnserurers, L. B. Tatum. Scboouer Elite, Wool ford, Philadelphia, railroad Iron, Richmond and Danville railroad. Schooner A. Al. ? dw.?rds, lteuson, Phllailelpldtt, merchandise, capitlu. SAILED. Steamer Isaac N. Bell, Bonnie, New York, merchandise and passengers John W. VVyutt. Steamer Eliza llancox, Burns. Norfolk, merchandise and passengers, L. 11. Tatum. MKMOBANDA. Wkst Point, Jnly 20.? Arrived, steamer Plate of Virginia, Freeman, Baltimore, merchandise and passengers, i'ork River Railroad Company, and silted on return. Acquia Ckbjsk, Juhr 28 ? Arrived, steamer Ironsides, Baltimore, merchandise aud passeugers, Richmond. Fredericksburg, and Potomac railroad, and sailed on return. BY TELKGBAI'lI. LoNPONDCnuY, July 26 ? steamer Peruvian, from y uebec for Liverpool, arrived yesterday. HEETISON. N Norfolk anb great western RAILROAD. NOTICE FOB MEKTINGS OF THE PEOPLE AND PIC-NICS. Colonel THOMAS S.FLOUBNOY, President! of the Company, General J. D. IMBuDEN, and others, will address the people upon the subject of subscriptions to the capital s.oek ol the NOR- i FUL.lt AND GBJSAT WESTERN RAILROA D at the times and places mentioned below. The, people are earnestly requested to turn out In full force. The ladles are especially Invited to attend. The friends of tl?e road are requested to get up pic- ' nies. It will be a leisure time with the farmers, j and the meetlugs will be made an occasion not only for advauclng the Interests of the *rre.*tenter}>rlze, but of the most pleas-int recreaMon and enoyment both to the young and old. Let all come out. , The meetings and plc-nlcs wUl commence and proceed as follows : At WINDSOB, Isle or Wight, WEDNESDAY, Aujruatloth. At BLACK CREEK CHURCH, Southampton ; county, FRIDAY, August 12th. At BARN TAVEK v, Southampton couuty, SATURDAY, August 13tlL At PETE'S CHUBCII, Southampton county, MONDAY, August 15th. At JONES Jb HOBSON'S MILL, Greentsvllle couuty, WEDNESDAY, August 17th. At COl.ONUL SPRaTLEV'S MILL, Brunswick county, FKIDAY, August 18th. At LAWBKNCEViLlE, Brunswick connty, SATURDAY, August 20th. At MASONIC HALL, Mecklenburg county, MONDAY. Angus:. t2d. [ At ZION'S CHURCH, Meckltmbarg county, | WED N ESD A Y, August 2-U.Il At BOYDTON, Mecklenburg county, F BID AY, i August 'J a tii. ? . . ; At EPHESU9 CHURCH, Mecklenburg county, SATURDAY, A nguat 27th. I j At MUSTER FIELD, Halifax county, MONI>AY, August 23th. ' At LAUREL GBOVE CHURCH, WENESi DAY, August 316t jj A. SASONIC NOTICE.-Brethren of SOCIAL LODGE, No. d. are notified to meet at tbelr Lodge-room as I o'clock TO-DAY to pay the laat tribute of renpeet to Brother Madison Jainc*. Brethren In^ood standing are mjue*U}d u> attend. sjn-ll* Bwr^Ury. ?OR HORSES.? The KNICKERBOCKV ER HOOF OINTMENT, Use greatest re?e<tr for all diseases of the hoof, it eJfocU cures wnen all other remedies faU. U la used by alt street railway companies In the northern etttem .Sold ii I- WAQNEB, , j Drsfgiit, AsatftorPwprfcfcwv

fPHEKE WILL BE A GRAND TOURNAMENT AND BALL !*j * v- at th*! ^ ^OC^BBXDGB BATHS, . FRIDAY. JULY 20, 1370, TO WHICH THE PUBLIC ABE INVITED. "??xru jM- ? ? ROUND-TRIP TICKETS (good for ten daysK j 911.20. 1 Board reduced for ths occasion to $15 per week. Reduced permanently to 960 per month ; $2.50 per day * So extra charpe for bathing la one of tbe finest 1 balhs in the country. 1 , M 4 3 PHIL.- P. BROWN, Jy 28? 3t .. Proprietor. Q.RAND MASQUERADE AND PANCT DRESS BALL. A GRAND MASQUERADE AND FANCY DRESS BALL will. kbe given at .the MONT-j GOMERY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS on THURSDAY EVENING, 23th Instant There will be a first:class Costuuier on the| ground. There will be a GRAND TOURNAMENT at] the MONTGOMERY WHITE ou THURSDAY, 4th of August. Sjue horses can bo procured on: the premises. Jy 23-.lt WILSON A LORENTZ. E^BSIORS^ T> fC-NIC? THURSDAY, .JULY 2StU.? JL The undersigned committee (for want of opportunity to <lo so heretofore} hereby notify tne officers. teachers, and scholars of GRACESTREET UAl'TIST; SUNDAY-SCHOOL that they will be supplied with EATABLES free of chursre through the committee. Parents -will see that the scholars are well informed as to this matter. The school will meet at G A. M. The eteamer Will leave at 6 A. Al. The committee will have sole charge of tickets. F.. B. Lovinyr, ? Aire. E. W. Carter. B. Cottrell. Mrs. J. K. Prlchard, B. A. Jacob, Mrs. J. B. Je'cr, B. F. Jones, Miss AL B. PUcher, M Peter Burke, Miss K. E. King. W. R. Hali, Alias J. U. Ballon. Jy 27? It W. S. PIuClIBU, Chairman. Richmond, fkedebicksburg and Potomac) - ? RAILROAD COMPANY, > Richmond, Juno 20, 1870. 3 Excursion season of isiotoi NIAGARA FALLS, SARATOGA SPRINGS, NEWPORT, aud I-AKE GEORGE. Tickets to the above-named' resorts offered at: low rated. Apply at the office of the company, cor- 1 iter of Broad and Eighth Streets. J. B. GENTRY, Jy 1? lm General Ticket. Agent. LOST A1VD FOUND. T OST, BETWEEN TIIE HOURS OF 12 j _IJ ami 1 o'clock on Tuesday the 2flih of July, somewhere between Alien1 a hat stnru on Alain street, and the old Market, a GolD-KRINGED BRKASTPIN. The flnaer will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at Gibbs's photograph gallery. Jy 27? It* L OST, on Saturday morning, J. J July 23d, between my house, .Ninth street between Clay and Leigh, or in ibe market on frixth street, a pair ol large GOM) Kt'F,CTAOfjKS, in an old and worn case. The tinder will be suitably rewarded hv returning them to me, or by leaving them at the bi?patch office. Jy 25-31* JOHN H. jTdwakds. 8HIPP1A6. e For r h 1 l ad elp h i a.The steamer NORFOLK, Captain J I'Latt, will receive freight for the above port I fill THURSDAY the 28th Instant, at 12 o'clock. Freight taken for Norfolk at moderate rates. Passage to Philadelphia. Including meals and I Stateroom, $8. %V. P- POBTER, Agent, jy 27? 2t No. 2423 Dock street. 1 OR* iiKW Y( >K K TheOld^fi^ Dominion Steamship Comnaiiy1s.^a4kA? elegant side-wheel steamship NIAGARA, G'aptaiu BLACKWOOD, Will leave her wharf at Kocitetts on Fit I DAY, July2iH.li, at 4 o'eluck P. AL Freight received until 3 P. M. Fare, $12; sleerge, *0; round-trip tickets, $20. For freight or passage, apply to JOHN W. WYATT, Agent, jy 27 -3t No. 3 Governor street. 17 OR BALTIMORE. ? Steamer . 7 J'KTKKSBURG will leave wharf THURSDAY, July 28th, at 6 o'clock a. ca. Freight received- up to 7 J o'clock P. AL WEDN E>DAY . For freight or passage apply to Jy 2tl W. P. BRETT, Agent. N OT1CE TOSHUTEUS.The boats of the JAMES RI VER AND KANAWHA CANAL CO will leave the dock as usual promptly at 13 AL o* TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS. Freight and tolls 011 goods for Lynchburg aud j beyond collected on delivery, or prepaid, at tbe option orthe shipper. Every facility possible will | bv. altorded consignee*, but no obligation is assumed to deliver down freight elsewhere than at my oihoe on the Dock without special agreement. Way freight will not be delivered till charges art paid. Boats locked and insured. de U EDWARD DILLON, Agent.

P18WOI,IJTIOy? & PA RTTBTE USHIPfl. NOTICE.? The undersigned have THIS DAT formed a co-partnership, under the name and style of HILL <ft STATON. for the purpose of carrying on a GKNK UAL COMMISSION, GRANARY AND FEED BUSINESS, at No. lioi Basin hank. [Signed] R? A. HILL. [Signed] W. M. STATON. KICilMoyD, July 25th, 1370. jy 27? lw Dissolution of co-partner-flJII* ? The co-partnership hitherto existing between the undersigned, In the name and style of W. G. TIIKPIN ?fc CO., was dissolved by mutual I consent on the 1st Instant. The name of the firm will be used only In settlement. The debts of W. ft. TURPI N A CO. will l>e assumed and settl'-d by the Arm of DILLON A Kl?LKTT, who will carry ou the business lately.conducted by us. W. G. TURPI N, EDWARD DILLON, THOMAS ELLETT. Richmond, July 20th, 1B70. ' Jy21-lw IniE CONCERN OF PLEASANTS & | . C". havniK been dissolved tiy mutual con- j sent, G. T. l'w# AB/?NT.S, of the Jute firm, has made business arrangements with Messrs. A. Y. Stokes A Co. , Grocers and General Commission Merchants, which conniption will enable him to continue the business lately done by them, aud' to solicit with renewed conlldence the patronage so | liberally extended the late concern of PLEA- 1 SANTSftCO. ? Special attention paid to the sale of FLOUR,; GRAIN, TOBACCO, and all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Consignments solicited, and prompt returns made In all cases. ? Jy 21? lw T\ISSOLUTION OF C O-P A R T N E Ii1J SHI P.?1 The co-partnership heretofore er istlne between the undersigned In the name aud style- of ROBERT P. WILuXAMd A CO. Is tbls , d.iy dissolved by mutual consent. Either partner will use the name of the tinn in liquidation. [Signed] ItOBKRT P.WILLIAMS, LLOYD J. BEALL. Ricilmoitd, Va., July l, 1870. NOTICE.? The undersigned will continue the WHOLESALE GitOCERY AND COMMISSION BUSINESS at the old stand as heretofore. In the name and style of ftOBK&T P. WILLIAMS <fc CO.. on his own account. The same strict attention to business and to all consignments will be given as heretofore. Mr. John M. Koyall will continue with the undesigned. Jy 1? lm ROBERT F. WILLIAMS. dTATE LICENSES.- All persons whose business requires a license from the State are hereby uotlfled that we will be at the following places on the 27th, 28th, 29th, and 30th of Jnly, for the purpose of lAsalug the same : FIRST DISTRICT, E. B. BOUTWELL, at No. lttt Main street, next door to Lvne & Brother : SECOND DISTRICT, -C. C. JOHNSON, at sheriff a ofllrc. No. 1115 Main street: THIRD DISTRICT, GEORGE W. DJ7ESBKRRY, No. a Broad street, Felix Matthews'* ft tore. Persous falllnK to obtain their licenses are liable to a double tax. Tlie law will be strictly enforced. E. B. BOUTWELL, Commissioner Rerenne Flirt District. C. C. JOHNSON, Commissioner Revenue Second District. GEORGE. W. DUESBERRY, Commissioner Revenue Third District. A collector will be at cacirof the above-mentlon-ed places on the days named to receive the Urease taxea assessed. JOHN W. WRIGHT,.; Jy 27 ? at ' - 1 Collector of State Taxes. ^ nnn AND 35,000, ? or $10, 000, to loan for Ave years at 9 percent., socurtd on real estate. The T*hole or part of a1 dertraMo BUSINESS OFFICE FOR BENT. Apply to Jy gg-3t J. &APPE BSON, Agent. TEjlOB TOBACCOMISTS.? A ftao article of i:S ELEGANT awl' new assortment of A line TOILET and PUFF BOX EK "I N FAN ?fe* B i. USHES, TOALKT and F^^nMlOODS *?ne-rjytt-3l? Ortiggfat?gl**a??dBgo?d wwlt vsshbb w

SBWMO OY ADVERTWINO ; *? I j 'jl >k u>vuot. ^?SSfcrrrn^:|S *4 ^?ATIOHAL LIFE IStoEAHCB^'. '.' * :-''i'f :. * ' company, 1? jl aJ *.rapt capital or *t,o*>,o?,-wi?r? ? Issaed since August, B?, over U*SSlpo*Sei??r^ It offers low rates of premium, it faraUh*a latter Insurance than other companies for tUtfc same money. It la a IIOME COKl'A.VYin ?vrr loqaHtyi - ITS POLICIES AS* NEGOTIABLE. ITS r its policies ah* xox-roxhimm, therefore INS URE YOtJS LTFBl wttikoftt feUy tt ! "TH8 OOMEUnr."> r i ,: Dr. O. A. Cbbjw^w, Medical Examiner. S. HARRIS. General Agent, ' ?jygi-ftn '???""?? '^yoeUomc^lS/xm (1AROLINA JLIFJB INSURANCE - ?r? . ) , .OOM^AKT or ?. r Jj'.c-iu' ? , j MEMPHIS, TEHNKSBia&i .. assets viUsmiE ": . .w. ..iJMWM* I JEtFEBSON DAVIS, ra?SnJ*H*:'* "J*** W. P. ROYJi1^8eciiiS*ry. >;,!( ,,1 I -jr. H. EDMONDSON, General Jij&k A DKFiXIT* CASH 8UBKZKDXB YALOS tft GUABAirrMD 0?r AIL POLICIES LAI?8*D BY WOKFAYmtNT op pbebdk, which amount 1\*UL at the option, or the policy-bolder, be paid htm in cash on the surrender of his policy,' or looted'^ him atalx perccnt. tntewiAto pay 10^ Art^re pr him at air per cent, Interest to? ratumk, thereby continuing his l the ftm amount. ' '<??? . ; With sufficient capital jfor eatl*e seenrtttr, no llffe Insurance compaayoffers superior advantage* ' to the CAROLINA. . fi i*'l ;>t! o . All its profits are , divided, among Its policyholders (n dividend*,' on the cofltrlbntton plan. No restrictions on traveler reeldeaoaintke United States, Canada, or .Europe. . . . ? All policies non-forfeitable aiwr aecottd year.- ? All losses paid promptly in casfr n.yAr^htjfflwn john .r * fENmSXHAM^^EBI0ri^"^ " i ! ' ' FIR8T-CLASS . .a, and all applications, personally fa by letter. r.^innfW micwnrfld: . (1 /( !Wflis9m : prpuiptly auflwored; .*< tplfft* w MUTUAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY OP ^ ciuS?^OmCBCOBXiB^frS^SBljW'STllBIWS, :Tj ,W -nfi aiOHMOND. VA.J h ly.'iUHbf This old and well?known Virginia institution in- a LARS Insured on property pledged to nUkegood^ losses. . ? T . , . . More than TWO AND A/ QUAR14H11 Iffi* .' LIONS OF DOLLARS have been paid in losses to - tie people of Ylrglara. U pwards of TWO HUNDRED AND # lFfWEN ? THOUSAND DOLLARS (a large nart oflt for ,, losses during the War) have been palu s thee the war * cldsed. ..".if,; ; i.i'.n (Hi) cp ' r.'jMi ha-,'. The former four-fifths system of insurance has been abolished, and other Important change* tnMe for the benefit or the assured*.. j-'viliu Los903 equitably adjusted and promptly paid. hkrbbtkt a-claii^r5^)7/ <; 3. B. DAKFORT^t^maryf1* ? H. D. Dakfobtu, Assistant Secretary. . , ? j.,. Samuel 11. Pulliam, Collector. . ? n?y7 jjUBE, MABIxVE,^ A5JD INLA^P BECURITY^SU^^Myi^;.^ C ATITAL ... . SURPLUS 1,017, 86tf 81 CASH ASSETB (Jawiaryi, ,ui*).?.v.tut,MflMi SI " BKANCH OFVICB, NO, 10M MAIJC ^CBBBT;,' J, Wc Issue POLICIES In the 'ahove^flntt-ClAM-company on' every deeerlpaoo, of REAL AND PEKSONAL PROPERTY for protection against loss or damage by PIRE. MARINE And INLAND RISKS taken to any .point in the United States. I - Policies on brick buildings Issued {or from one, to five years. um> . Kates as low as those of any other company 1 equally reliable. Applications solicited. Ve 21 I>. N. WALKER A CO., Agents. >

rpHE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE L COMPANY or NKW YORK-jORfiAN- : IZED IN IS454? THE LARGEST INSURANCE 00 HP ANY IN THE WORLD? 0 ASK ASSETS OYER *40,000,000,-^1* ,ta ? m j, AOjMMh JUHt purely mutual company? no dividends to etocJtholder *, which time and pi inrfen WMifiroyeo to be" the only safeguard in life Insurance. . Dividends puyablc at the end qfthejtrnt jftar upon all policies, Increasing aunaaUy JUraagh. life, nud exceeding those qf any company <? the . io arid, which can bensed to decreaactbe preml- ? urns or to purchase ad<UUonal lnjuraac?, at the j option of the policy-holder, regardless qf the health of the iruntred, Premiums payable ana u- "?? Agent. Dr. J. B. McOaw, Medical Examiner, ray 4 ... 1 > 1 1 ' " x Q.UAEDIAN MUTUAL ' life inhcbance oomunr OF MMW YCCTBL ' M& 'Mi organized in MMt",'*'; ;; ? 1 all policies Noirly oef eitab^ HALF LOAM GIVE*. uAST CASH DIYIDINpT FOTfT FIB CE*?t ' STATEMENT: Policies In ft>we Agsets... Annual Income................. T7..? S%S3$" LOffHis paldi.itM.... iwjJNlIK ?? W. BL PECKHAM. President ; E. T. HOOKER, Vice-President; Mc A D AM, Secretary and Actuary ; ?K A. PUDICKER, Haperin&endenb /- SECURITY, CHEAPNESS, LIBERALITY, . -I UKf/lVtViMl ' aim. mm Affwat for Biehuif-nd, |>r. J. fr. CAmrLL, toerv? ,^nogt' IS N. WALKER A 00., 1/. EIRE, MARINTjV AND INLAND 4' J INSUBANCE AGENTSo 1 OFFICE, NO. 1014 MAIN bTREET, > under Messrs. R. BL Maury A Co? ?> vi ? . Bnl!d!ngs. merchandise, furniture, and persona' properly of all kinds, ln wexlty and suml against low or (damage by lire attbt lowest rates in companleaof the hlgt>ett standing. ? f /f Tobaeoo lu warehouse? and marine a?d Jnfrfrd . > risk* taken at the lowest rates. .. , . Losses equitably adjusted and promptly ptf&j ? ? ..-i ? ? ?yy ? ? ' ?' MACMPTKBT. *?. ' '? ? jjjrACHlkiB SHOP Wonxft awd Ovyica : MM aw? US* CAfcY i ^""?S8SB?SHHPM?'"! ?? R1CUH0XD, ? X BOLIVIA* ijgpSfilnds of "?HAS? WoBK MAKE for STEAM* ENG :b. oil and tallow-ca HSAFTINO, SELF-FEE sortm?ntof soch aril?h*a^an? ? an tttd mills. f ouw> a Aomu ? jew LmaadW4Cnyatt*X. i.T^JETROPOIIT AN WORKS, r> CORNER SEVENTH AND CANAL STREETS. STATION A BY and PORTABLE VNUNES bar? obist, and Blaster mills** -i *w ? ENGINES acd SAW-M1LLH at llM always on band. . , <? ?? old engines, &?., repaired and sold on eo^uslS* dion or eschaiJKedil&r m' All otter rfyair* . promptly and satUfaciorlly dou^w k^n.l for deseiipilvooljroalarsw^ >> *?> > de?4 WILLIAM K. TANK^A _ i? ;;t O CONTRACTOHa--T!ie GRADING, ' CROHS-TIJGS, AC,, of Uxt sefoati ?ectto? oT iiewaatiSTJ su ? m CONWAY, 0? ?to?WPQT